Electricity Unit Project Topic: Sources of Electrical Energy Task: You must demonstrate your knowledge of ENERGY SOURCES. Your group will choose one source of energy to research and you will create an interactive method of presentation AND provide a handout for your classmates. Presentation: An appropriate method of presenting your topic to the class. Choices may include, but are not limited to: Skit, Video, Bristol Board (science fair type presentation), PowerPoint/prezi, website etc. Have your method approved by your teacher prior to beginning your research All group members must be active participants in both the research and the presentation of your topic Your presentation must be appealing to the audience – would you want to sit through your presentation? Don’t just read off of a sheet of paper. Your presentation should be no more than 6 minutes in length. All group members must be prepared to answer questions from their classmates and teacher. Possible Topics: Hydro Solar Fuel Cells Wind Geothermal Tidal Nuclear Fossil Fuels Biomass What NEEDS to be included in presentation: (but again is not limited to) 1) Title of energy source (include at least one picture) a. How does the source generate electricity? b. Written explanation (logical, easy to understand, complete in YOUR own words) c. Diagrams (at least 2) that help explain how your source generates electricity. 2) Applications of your energy source. a. Where is it used? (at least 3) 3) Cost Efficiency a. Is the source cheap/expensive? 4) Environmental Effects a. Such as – pollution, disposal, manufacturing, health risks, etc. 5) Bibliography a. Books, internet, magazines, etc. What 1) 2) 3) 4) needs to be included on handout: How does the source generate electricity? Where is it used? Cost Efficiency? Environmental Effects Your handout should be simple and straight forward and should be NO longer than half a page. Evaluation: Refer to the attached rubric for assessment. Please note, rubric, handout and a hard copy printout of your presentation ie. Printed PowerPoint slides, typed skit, etc MUST be handed in to teacher on day of presentation. Rubric for Electricity Presentation Category Content Accuracy Content Interest Handout Format Presentation Techniques Comprehension References & Hard Copy Cooperative Work & Work Ethic 4 The author has made an exceptional attempt to make the content of this presentation interesting to the people for whom it is intended. 3 Application Almost all the information provided by the student in the presentation is accurate and almost all of the requirements of the assignment have been met. The presentation has a clearly stated purpose and theme, but may have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it. The author has tried to make the content of this presentation interesting to the people for whom it is intended. The student has included ALL of the requirements for the handout plus making it organized and easy to read. The student has included most of the requirements for the handout plus making it organized. The visuals are exceptionally attractive. Materials are remarkably organized and relevant. Communication The visuals are attractive. Materials are organized and relevant. All information provided by the student in the presentation is accurate and all the requirements of the assignment have been met. The presentation has a well-stated clear purpose and theme that is carried out throughout the show. Student consistently made eye contact with the audience, spoke clearly and loudly throughout presentation. Student has a thorough understanding of the topic and is able to effectively convey it to the audience. Student confidently and accurately responds to questions. Hard copy submitted with multiple references in proper format Partners show respect for one another’s ideas, divide the work fairly, and show a commitment to quality work and support for each other. Student sometimes made eye contact with the audience, spoke clearly and loudly through most parts of the presentation. Student has a good understanding of the topic and is able to convey it to the audience. Students clearly answers questions with some confidence. Hard copy submitted with multiple references not in proper format Partners show respect for one another’s ideas and divide the work fairly. There is commitment by some members toward quality work and support of one another. 2 1 Almost all of the information provided by the student in the presentation is accurate and some of the requirements have been met. There are several inaccuracies in the content provided by the students OR few to none of the requirements were met. The purpose and theme of the presentation is somewhat vague or muddy. The presentation lacks a purpose and theme. The author has put lots of information in the presentation but there is little evidence that the person tried to present the information in an interesting way. The student has included only one or two of the requirements for the handout, is not organized. The author has provided only the minimum amount of information and has not transformed the information to make it more interesting to the audience The student has not included the requirements for the handout or has not submitted one. The visuals are somewhat attractive. Materials are not well organized and lack relevance. Student rarely made eye contact with the audience, did not speak clearly and loudly throughout presentation. Student has a basic understanding of the topic and is somewhat able to convey it to the audience. Student answers questions with limited confidence. Hard copy submitted with few references The visuals detract from the presentation. Materials are unorganized and irrelevant. Student never made eye contact with the audience and was barely audible throughout the presentation. Student does not have a good understanding of the topic nor do they convey it well to the audience. Student is unable to answer questions. Partners show respect for one another’s ideas and divide the work fairly. There is little evidence of a commitment toward quality work in the group. Partners argue or are disrespectful of other’s ideas and input. Criticism is not constructive nor is support offered. The work is mostly done by one or two people. No hard copy; no references Name: _______________________ Topic: _______________________ Group Members: _______________________________________________________ Total: Application: _______ /16 Communication: _______ /20