o ~()hrp fnr -r- .jf () «: ;yo «: 0,."..' A scalar is a quantity which has only size or magnitude. A vector is a quantity with both magnitude and direction. Two vectors are equal if they have the same magnitude direction. and VECTORS IN GEOMETRIC FORM Given two vectors v and w, to find v + w we first start by drawing v, and then from the end of v we draw w. The vector v + w starts at the beginning of v and ends at the end of w. To find v - w we find v + (-w). We start by drawing v, then from the end of v we draw =w. '.I.I:~.'~ \-+--' ~~ ~Vl ~V~~4--h-+~n='--rrr i ' ~---+--- ~I t __ The zero vector 0, is a vector of length O. It is the only vector with no direction. In the diagram alongside, a+b=c or a +b - c = O. VECTORS IN COMPONENT FORM The basic unit vectors with magnitude 1 are: in 2-D: i = (~) in 3-D: i = (~). j The zero vector 0 is (~) and j = = (~) (!). and k in 2-D and = (~)- (~) in 3-D. The general 2-D vector v = ( ~~) = VIi + V2j The general 3-D vector v = (~:) VIi + V2j + v3k. = In examinations, scalars are written in italics, for example and vectors are written in bold type, for example a. On paper you should write vector a as a:. should understand the following for vectors in component The scalar or dot product v• w • vector equality • vector addition • a+b=b+a (a+b)+c=a+(b+c) • • a+O=O+a=a a + (-a) = (-a) vector subtraction • If v • • • if k if k > 0, < 0, ka and a have the same direction • • if k = 0, ka • the distance between two points in space is the magnitude of the vector which joins them • I ka' • k(a+b)=ka+kb 1 = VV12 + V22 + V32 the magnitude of vector v, ,k v and w = (::) then + V2W2 + V3W3. VIWI • v e w = 0 • v = kw • 'v. {=} v is perpendicular to w v is parallel to w {=} w ] = [v 'I w] v is parallel to w {=} If v • w > If v • w <0 0 then () is acute. then () is obtuse. w LIMES 11 a , The vector equation of a line is r = a + tb where a is the position vector of any point on the line, b is a vector parallel to the line, and t E JR. POSITIOM VECTORS IM 2·D The position vector of A(x, y) oA is or a = (~) For example, if an object has initial position vector a and moves with constant velocity b, its position at time t is given by r = a + tb for t ~ O. (x, y, z) or + yj. xi where () is the angle between the vectors. point is given by cos () = IVy ~ :,. 0 • = = (~:) e The angle () between vectors v and w emanating from the same ka and a have opposite directions 1 w 1 cos For non-zero vectors v and w: + a = 0 a - b = a + (-b) = 1 v 11 v ew = by a scalar k to produce vector ka which is multiplication parallel to a = of two vectors The position vector of B relative to A is --+ --+ --+ = OB - OA Given A(XI' YI) AB _' vector • the length of • th e idooi point llll . POSITIOM = If r = (~). b - a. and B(x2, AB 0 a = (~~). and b = ( :: ). //( 1: the parametric form for the equation of a line is x = Xo + tl, Y = Yo + tm, Y2): is AB = V(X2 - XI)2 fAB--+'IS (XI+X2 Yl+Y2) --2-' --2- + (Y2 - YI)Z z I ) = Zo + tn. (Xo, Yo, zo) . The acute angle () between two lines is given by cos () = VECTORS IM 3-D The position vector of A(x, oA Y, z) is I,:~:,1 where a and b are the direction vectors of the lines. or a = (~) or + yj + zk. xi Lines are: --+ • • the length of AB is AB h = idnoi V~(X-2---X"""'1)"""2-+-('--y-z---Y-I-:-;) t e nu point 0 fAB' IS 2'+----'( z-Z---Z"""'l )"2 (XI+XZ YI+Y2 --2--' --2-' ZI+Z2) --2- PROPERTIES OF VECTORS --+ D. A, B, and Care collinear parallel • coincident • intersecting if you can solve them simultaneously a unique common point that fits both equations • skew if they are not parallel and do not have a point of intersection; there are no solutions when the equations are solved simultaneously. . if their direction vectors are parallel: a = • kb if they are parallel and have a common point to find The shortest distance from point A to a line with direction vector --+ if AB = kBC for some scalar k. ---> b occurs at the point P on the line such that AP is perpendicular to b. Two vectors a and b are parallel if a = kb for some constant #0. The unit vector in the direction of a is r;T1 a. A vector b of length k in the same direction as a is b = r;Tk a. A vector b of length k which is parallel to a could be k = a. ±r;T III Mathematics SL - Exam Preparation & Pradice Guide (3rd edition) SKILL BUILDER QUESTIONS (NO CALCULATORS) BD in terms a Write the diagonals AC and -+ y b Calculate the vector dot product and b. of a and b. -+ AC e BD in terms of a -+ e Show that if ABCD i a rhombus then AC is perpendicular -+ Q(2,3) to BD. P( -4,1) q 7 Find t if (~) \!) Consider the points ~----------~~------------~x a Write down the vectors p and q. b The point R is defined by the vector coordinates of R. e p + q. Find the a --> OA and b A(l, and 3) ~------~~--~-----.x -+ Find the two points on (OM) which are 2VlO units from M. Consider vectors a = 3i - 6j and b = -+ ® Find the length of: -+ ii AB. Find the values of rand Line L1 passes through the point (-5, and is parallel to (~). e Find the measure of OAB. a Write a vector equation for the line. b Hence find the area of triangle OAB. s. -2) d +L Find the point on the line with x-coordinate e The line L2 is perpendicular = ( 7i + 2j. C(5, 22) can be located using the vector OC = ra + sb. A(3, -1) a Find AB. a Suppose M. -+ Consider the position vector -1). B(5, -+ OB, and let M be the midpoint of AB. e Write a vector equation for the line passing through 0 and Y The point 3 vectors. b Hence find the coordinates of M. 9 iOA are perpendicular ----t d b = (t~54) a Write OM in terms of a and b. Classify quadrilateral OPRQ. B( -1,7) = and to L1, and passes through (4, 5). ~2 ). Write a vector equation for the line L2. ii Find the point of intersection of L1 and L2. a Write a in terms of the base vectors i, j, and k. b iii Hence find the shortest distance from (4, 5) to the line L1. Find the magnitude of a. e Write down a unit vector in the opposite direction to a. " Find the value(s) of a parallel k for which b (~) and 11 (:k) are: perpendicular. b § B(-1,2) The line in a makes = 1 + kt, y = i + 3j. an angle of @ Triangle -+ a Find BC. ------? OA Find the coordinates of D. = -i ( - 2, -1) with the line 2 - t, t E JR. 13k2 Show that k satisfies the equation - 12k - 3 = O. ABC is defined by the following information: --+ -2i + 4j, ~ = AB e OA ---t 0, = CA -6i + 2j, -+ e Find the angle between the diagonals [AC] and [BD]. and CB is parallel to j. Hence classify quadrilateral ABCD. a Find the coordinates of: i A B 6 = Find the cosine of the angle between v and w. x d 5i - 2j and w a Find the vector equation of the line through which is parallel to the vector 3i + j. b b = a Find scalars rand s such that r(v - w) = (r+s)i - 20j. __---,D 5 Vectors v and w are given by v ii C iii B -> a b Find the point P on [BC] such that AP is perpendicular to -+ BC. A e C b Parallelogram -+ and AD Mathematics D ABCD is formed by vectors -+ AB = -+ DC = a, b. SL - Exam Preparation & Practice Guide (3rd edition) Suppose a -+ = BC = e Hence find the area of triangle ABC. El m [m+n[ = 3i + j + 2k and n b = -2i + 5j - 4k. Find: men e the vector equation of the line passing through (1, -1, 2) which is parallel to m. -=-mdt given that (~~) tors. (J ) and 7 are perpendicular 21 Suppose a = (~), b (i = 8 b is perpendicular to c - 2a. 1), c = (T)' and Find the value of k. lite vector equations for these lines: @A a parallel to (~) is (-1,2,1) a Write a vector equation for the line (AB) in the form r = a + tb, t E R and passing through the point (5, 0, -2) b parallel to 2i - 3j (-2,5,4) + 4k and B is (0, 1,3). b Find the angle between (AB) and the line L given by and passing through the point c perpendicular to the X 0 Z plane and passing through the point (2, -4, 1). Find the parametric equations of these lines: (i3) a passing through (5, -1, 2) and parallel to b passing through (0, 2, -6) c passing through (2, 5, 1) and (8, 6, 2). SKILL BUILDER QUESTIONS (CALCULATORS) and parallel to 2i - 3j Consider the points A(2, 10), B( -2, 2), Suppose M is the midpoint of [BC). Find: +k --+ ----t a AC bAM and C(16, 6). c the size of angle BAC. + 5j, 2 For p = 4i - 9j and q = -12i alql find: bpeq c the angle between p and q a Find x such that a - 4x = d 2b. a unit vector parallel to q. y 3 b Find constants p and q if (!3) . Q(4,10) is parallel to a. • R(10, 6) c Find the possible values of k if perpendicular ( to b. ~~o ) IS k+ 10 '-~B-------------------------~X . a Line Ll passes through A(l, -1,2) P(6, -4) and B(5, -1, -1). Write a vector equation for the line. a Show that ii Find a point on L, which is 20 units from A. m b C( 4, 1, - ¥) c Show that 0, M, and R are collinear. and is parallel to o to L2. i State the y-coordinate ine Ll passes through (6, 17) and is parallel to -i - 2j. Line L2 passes through (0, 5) and (4, 2). c L, meets L2 at the point P. a Write a vector equation for L, in the form of P. b ii Find the coordinates of P. Find the shortest distance from C to the line L1. -I2b. Given a e b < 0, what conclusion can you draw about the angle between a and b? b a Locate the train at time t = O. a = ( ~) and b = (~) Consider vectors a = (Y) and b = ( ~1 ). i Find a e b. ii Hence find the angle between How long does it take for the train to reach B? c Suppose + sb. i Find a direction vector for L2. ii Hence write a vector equation for L2. After t minutes, the train is at point P with position vector b rr = a c Find the acute angle between the lines L, and L2. A mountain railway runs straight up a mountainside with the aid of a cable. The train begins at point A with position vector a, and ends at point B with position vector b. (l--I2)a+ quadrilateral b Find the midpoint M of [PQ]. Write a vector equation for the line. p= Hence classify d Find a vector equation for the line (OR). ii Show that Ll is perpendicular d ---> OP. OPRQ. At what point does Ll meet the YOZ plane? Line L2 passes through -3i + 2j - 4k. ----t QR these degrees, correct to one decimal place. where the units are kilometres. Find the distance between A and B. ii Find the average speed of the train, giving your answer exactly. m m vectors III Find the area of the triangle defined by a and b. Mathematics SL - Exam Preparation & Pradice Guide (3rd edition) In triangle ABC, M is the midpoint of [AB] and N is the midpoint of [AC]. A N b e Show that the shortest distance 3y'33 . from M to (KL) is --u- units. ---+ Suppose Write parametric equations for the line passing through K and L. AM = a and -+ AN=b. B<------------>.C E)Lines L a Write in terms of a and b: AB i AC ii iii MN I BC iv b Explain why the line segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is always parallel to the third side and half its length. 7 Quadrilateral ABCD has vertices C(1l,5), and D( -1,2). ---+ Find the acute angle between the diagonals AC and BD. (!) A boat moves in a straight line defined by the parametric equations x = 3 + t and y = 4t - 3, where t is the time in seconds, t;;, 0, and x and y are measured in metres. a the initial position of the boat Find: b the position of the boat after 3 seconds e the velocity vector of the boat d the speed of the boat. 0suppose i represents a 1 km displacement . represents a 1 km displacement due north. located at the point (0, 10). A ship is moving with parametric equations x = 3 - 2t, Y = where t is the number of hours after 8:30 am. due east and j A lighthouse IS in a straight line 3t + 1, t > 0, a What was the position of the ship at 8:30 am? b Find the ship's: ii speed. i velocity vector e Find the distance between the ship and the lighthouse at 10:30 am. d Find the time when the ship is directly lighthouse. west of the e At what time (to the nearest minute) is the ship closest to the lighthouse? -, Write vector equations in the form r = a + tb to dei le the position at time t for these remote controlled toy rac. ng cars. All distances are in metres and time is in seconds Car A is initially at y'i3 I ms- (9, -3), in the direction -2i and is travelling t + 3j. ii Car B is initially at (-1, 4), and travels at a constant velocity for 3 seconds to (5, 7). b Show that the paths of the cars intersect at (3, 6). e Will the cars collide? Explain your answer. " For the points ·find: ---+ a AB A(2, 0, 5), B(-3, ---+ 1,7), and C(4, -2;9), e the size of BAC. b AC 12 A(2, -5, 3), B(7, -3, -1), are vertices of a quadrilateral. Ct l, 3, 0), and D(-4,1,4) a Prove that ABCD is a parallelogram. b Find the size of the smaller angles of the parallelogram. ®consider the points M(3, -2, 5). K(4, -2, 7), L(6, 1, -1), and a Find the measure of KLM. Mathematics SL - Exam Preparation & Practice Guide (3rd edition) : ~3 (~) E are defined by: ( i1) +t L2: x = 5 - r, y = -4 L3: x = 5 - 38, y = 5 a Show that L1;,' b Show that L; and them. A(2, 10), B(12, 8), ---+ L1, L2, and .. L J ( ;~) + 2r, + 48, Z Z = 1+r = 1 + 28 L2. .ersect, and find the angle between