You should be able to: • understand the basic informal principles of limits and convergence • find the derivative of a polynomial function from first principles • use a rule to differentiate algebraic functions containing sums and differences of kx", nEQ • differentiate the functions sinx, cosx, tanx, Inx and eX • the gradient function can be used to find the gradient of the tangent to the curve at a point and hence the gradient of the curve at that poi nt. Example Let r'(x) = r -;2X2 - l. (a) Find/'(x). Apt/j'iAtJ tlu- fDwu = 3x we,~I'(x) • find the second derivative of a function • interpret the derivative as the gradient function • interpret the derivative as a rate of change. You should know: • the notation f'(x) or ~~ is used to denote the first derivative of a function. The second derivative is denoted d2 by f"(x) or d; • derivatives of d • dx kx" = - 4x. (b) Find the gradient of the curve ofJ(x) at the point (2, -1). We-a;re-MWto fou£tlu-Jr~t x = 2, tluvt is,1'(2). f'(2) = 3(2j - 4(2) oftlu-CM;Y~~ =4 Tkuefor~ tlu-Jrttdie,/1;tof tlu- CM;Y~(a;fUlkeece: tluJr~t oftlu-ta;fVje-M) a;t x = 2 if 4. Be prepared nkx" - 1 d . • dxsmx = d • dxcoSX . = -smx d nde:for deriAra;tivu of fDLyfWmAAM, 2 • Work carefully when finding the derivative from first principles as it is easy to get lost in the algebra. cosx 1 • -d tanx = -2X cos x d 1 d • -Inx=-and-e=e dx x dx • Write polynomial functions in an appropriate form before attempting to find the derivative. For example, the function f(x) = 6-07" should be expressed asf(x) = 6X2/3 fi rst. You should be able to: • use the derivative to find the equation of a tangent or a (b) The equation of the tangent to the graph off at x = p is y = 7x - 9. normal to a graph • (i) Find the value of p. use the equation of a tangent or a normal to a point on a 7Ive-jY~toftke,tM'l/j'*tfUu,u graph to find the coordinates of that point. h4n 7. S~f'(x) =.0 we: 6x - S = .0 ,0 x = 2 You should know: • HMt-atke,ll"~offu (ii) Find the value of k. touches the curve at that point but does not cross it • the tangent to the graph of f at the point where Tofoul the. Il"fN{uof k, toe. m;u,d font fod tke, vorrufoH.A:U1tJY-Il"P,;{uOft-tke.jYfNt!v off whe« x u 2. Ar tke,fO*t fNUOlie« Oft-tke,tfNltJe,ft-~~t rMufou tke. UjUAA/#Oft-. Hence, x = 0 has equation y - f(o) = f'(o) (x - 0) • the normal to a curve is the line perpendicular to the y= tangent at a point on the curve • 2. the tangent to a curve at a point is the straight line that the normal to the curve at x = 0 has gradient - =s f'~r COMUjlUft-tty,tke,fO*t (2, s) lce« Oft-tke,jyap4off rubrtH~t~ *to tke,OYiJ~fIMfdWft- Example Consider the functionf(x) = 3.x2 - 5x + k. = 6x So, 5 = 3(2j - 5(2) + k (a) Write downf'(x). j'(x) 7(2) - 9 k=3 - S Be prepared • Be prepared to work backwards-that is, find the coordinates of a point on a graph if you know the gradient of the tangent or normal to that point. (b) y You should be able to: • use the product rule to differentiate functions of the form y = uv where u and v are both functions of x • use the quotient rule to differentiate functions of the form u y=-y • use the chain rule to differentiate composite functions of the form y = g(f(x)). = xtanx TkefVl/MtWIt'f if the.p-rodf,U,t0/ tw-o?MtWM X (uU£ ttv~X. It if ~tpfVl/lto fuu£t~ de.rtv-tvtw-e, ~k tkese. jVl/l1NtwMftrst- ikee: slNbstttM~ vorre-vtly tMo tke.jornuvltv jor t~p-rodud rule. 0/ d d -x=1~-t~x=-do: dx 0/ 1 volx- SlNbstttMiAtj, You should know: • if y = uv, and if both u and v are differentiable functions ~xttv~X dx =x~t~x d»: =_x_+t~x volx of x, then dy dx = +ttv~X~x dx dv du u dx + v dx (c ) y=- lnx x • if y 7hM 1ustw~if MkUtj 1tUf{-uM o/tw-oFtWM = ~v then dy _ dx - du v--udx dv tofuu£t~ww-a,tw-e, o/t~ tvfUix. we-lawurtktvt ~X ~ l~x =.1 ~tktvt~ X = 1. dx X d»: SuJJstttVl/tiAtjtMo t~1tUf{-tmt rule, w-e-ktvn dx v2 • it is useful to think of the chain rule as the "outside-inside" rule. First, differentiate the "outside" function, evaluate it at the "inside" function, then multiply the result by the derivative of the "inside" function. That is, if y = g(f(x)), then ~~ = g'(f(x)) x tU :!:t _ d x-~x-~x-x dx dx - d dx X2 x.1-~x f' (x). X Example Differentiate each of the following with respect to x. (a) y = sin3x Be prepared 7hM if tvvol11.f'OsttejVl/l1Ntw~~ f~x~3x. AptJlfUtj t~~r~ ~ dx f~3x = cos (sx) x~ dx s» Uf' 0/ tke.jVl/l1NtwM w-e-~ • The key to successful differentiation which rule to apply. is in recognizing • The phrase "rate of change" suggests that you need to find a derivative. = 3vos3x • You may need to use a combination of rules when finding the derivative of a function. l1h You should be able to: • use derivatives to analyse the shape and key features of a graph, including points of inflexion, maxima and minima and concavity • the graph of f is concave downwards in an interval if the tangent lines drawn at every point in the interval are decreasing in gradient (Figure 2). Consequently, if f'(x) is decreasing, then f"(x) < 0 for every x in that interval • interpret and analyse the relationships between the graphs of i.t' and t: You should know: The following graphs can be used to help you interpret the statements below. {(x) = X4_ 4x3 +5 x • the graph of fis increasing on an interval if f'(x) > 0 and decreasing if f'(x) < 0 for every x in the interval • f"(x) is the rate of change of f'(x) in the same way that f'(x) is the-rate of change of f(x) • if at x == c, f'(c) = 0 • the graph of f has a minimum value if f' changes from negative to positive at c • the graph of f has a maximum value if f' changes from positive to negative at c • the graph of f has no extreme values if t' has the same sign on both sides of c • the graph of f is concave upwards in an interval if the tangent lines drawn at every point in the interval are increasing in gradient (Figure 1). Consequently, if f'(x) is increasing, then f"(x) > 0 for every x in that interval Figure 2 The graph of y = -x' is concave downwards • a point of inflexion occurs when a graph changes from concave downwards to concave upwards or from concave upwards to concave downwards. At these points, f"(x) = o. Example The graph of a function g is given in the diagram below. y c o E L-~--~------~--~----~--------------~x a b c d e The gradient function g'(x) has its maximum value at point B and its minimum value at point D. The tangent is horizontal at points C and E. y 10 -4 4 (a) Complete the table below, by stating whether the first derivative g' is positive or negative, and whether the second derivative g" is positive or negative. Interval a<x<b Figure 1 The graph of y = X2 is concave upwards e<x<f g' g" .. Itl/t~if/;tMv-aJIAI< X < b, t~jrap4ofj is iAtNreMUtj, so j' is POfUWe.-.TMjrap40fj is aMOVb~urw-IAlYM, so / is aMOPOfUWe.-, jrap4is u)~MW1U/!MM, so/ (x) < 0, a.+t.AiMfOif/;t E, /(x) = 0 tU?t is aMOIAlfOif/;tof i#jtexWtl/. H~ tke. poif/;t C is t~Only poif/;t wfu,y~j'(x) = 0 M/At/(x) < o. Itl/t~?MMlTd~< X < t t~jrap4ofj is dwreM?tI/j, so j' is ~MWe.-. TMjrap40f j is Vb~MunU/!MM if/; tlU? ?tl/tMIT1AI0 so/ U1!Mth~MWe.-. W~IAIY~ told tlrAt ike.jr~t juAtvtWtl/ IrAf IAI~U#(; ITa£u,e,Mt~poif/;t DJ solex) = o. Also, M DJ t~jrap4 ofj(X) to dwreMUtj so tlrAt j'(x) < o. H~ t~fo?M fMisjiM bd'f~ of t~j~ ceiteei«; D (b) Complete the table below by noting the points on the graph described by the following conditions. Be prepared Conditions ° g'(x) = 0, g"(x) < g'(x) < 0, g"(x) =0 Point • If there is a point of inflexion, then 1"(x) = O. But the converse is not necessarily true. Knowing1"(x) = 0 does not guarantee a point of inflexion. = j'(x) = O~IAIMr?Z()tl/tdtMtj~tf..iAu,otl/t~jrap4 ofj. 'l'ItM occars Mt~fOif/;tf C a.+t.AiE.HoWWUj M C the: • For a point of inflexion to exist at x c, you must show not only that 1"(c) = 0 but also that the sign of 1" changes on either side of c. J 119 You should be able to: • find the maximum or minimum value of a function • use the first or second derivative to justify whether a function has a local maximum or a local minimum We-jWst rued tofoHA,t/.;f(, MM;!lNftNt?Of1, to I114NX?I*?Ze-. AD = BC = x, tke« DC = 60 - zx. Af ABeD U a" rutP.n!J~ t~MM;juMtWf1,VMf.,be-exfYegedtU If fAte, ut A(x) • apply the concept of maximum and minimum to problems for which there is an optimal solution. = • a function has a maximum value at x = cif f'(c) = 0 and f'(x) changes from positive to negative on either side of c • a function has a minimum value at x = cif f'(c) = 0 and f'(x) changes from negative to positive on either side of c • the second derivative can also be used to justify a maximum or a minimum value. If f'(c) = 0 and J"(c) < 0, then f has a local maximum at x = c. If f'(c) = 0 and J"(c) > 0, then f has a local minimum at x = c • the derivative can be used in applications where maximum and minimum values are required. These are called optimization problems. Examples include maximizing profit or volume and minimizing costs or surface area. Example The following diagram shows a rectangular area ABeD enclosed on three sides by 60 m of fencing, and on the fourth by a wall AB. = x(60 - zx) = 60x - 2X2. 1 TofoItdit~ oalae: x tMt I114NX~ZM tIU. juMtWf1" sM A'(x) = 0 ~ sow-efor x. You should know: • to find the maximum or minimum value of a function, set f'(x) 0 solacion. A'(x) = 60 - 4x = 0, sox = 15 TojMtify tIU. rwdt fAte,I*Mf Mw-slvow-tMt x = 15 fYo~ a" I114NX~1NI* oalue; elvoos~ tnltNe-sdose- P';HA, to t~Ufr115, fAte,foItditMt A'(x) > o. elvoos~ osdae« dos~~to A'(x) < o. tlr.u?JM 11~ sutMt fAte, '/"1u,refore;t~MM;ju&tWf1,A(X) U1Ue-MUto t~ufr1 x = 15 P.;HA,de-vre-MU to ike: r?J~ so a" I114NX~ I*Mt oWUA'~X = 15. S~ x rqU'Me-f1,tst~ width" AD 1t~ rutp.;l1ij~ t~ t~Me-P.;U I114NX~zed~t~ width"u 151*. CiDe soiutiof// AltlvolNjh"fAte,VMf.,Me-M;DetU DINY fY~y tDoljDrSD~ tIU. fYDb~ fAte,~ stiUfoItdit~MM;juMtWf1,A(x) tU MOlfe,~dtw slvow-tMt t~jrtJ..f41 A ~ P.; I114NX~lUU/ fD~t or stMe- th"M t~ I114NX~1NI* vrdu,e., mU OWUA'~f1,A'(x) = o. ~ aoc to dra"w-t~ jrtJ..f41 M~YOINY 1 A(x) ~ foItdi ike. WC4tWf1, tke. I114NX~1NI* fD~t. Texas Instruments Casio DL-------------------------~C Find the width AD of the rectangle that gives it the maximum area and justify your answer. Be prepared • Setting the derivative equal to zero does not guarantee that a function will have a maximum or minimum value. You should be able to: Example • understand that integration is the reverse of the process of differentiation Iff'(x) • integrate algebraic functions containing sums and differences of kx", n e. (jJ) • integrate the functions sinx, cosx, ~ and x e, and = -2, findf(x). = cosx, andf(~) We,a,ye,3~ M'r> UfUA<tio~iAwo~ tVde,yWa"t~ I'(x) = cosx, MtJ.,tVbolMUiMy condaio«; = -2. We-a,ye,Mladto fof1A;tVFtio"'j{x). So, f(~) f(x) = J VOfXttX = sle»: + C composites of these functions with the linear function Su.bfttt~tiAtj tke,bo~ry ax+ b • integrate f'(x) to find a function f(x) and use a given point (called a boundary condition) to find the constant term. f(~) = f?",~+ c = twefore-c -2, vonA.itio", tojUdC, so (.{J'e,/uvv-e, 1 + C = -2, = -3 tVf1A;j(x) = 5~X - 3 You should know: • the basic integration rules are obtained by simply looking at integration as the "reverse process" of differentiation Be prepared • Write a function in an appropriate form before trying to 3 x"+1 • J kx" dx = k n + 1 + C, n -cosx + Jsinxdx = JCOSXdX = sinx + C ;t find the integral. For example, Jx ; -1 3 dx is best written J (x + 3[2) dx using the laws of exponents and is then easily integrated as ± 3x- + C. as C X2 - 1 • Include the constant of integration C when integrating to find a function f(x)· J ~dx = Inx Jedx= e+ +C C • the solution to an equation that contains a derivative such as f'(x) = 3x 2 or ~~ = sin (2x - 1) is a function of the form y = f(x)+C. A boundary condition can then be substituted to find a specific value of C. 121 You should be able to: - y 1 • evaluate a definite integral A • write and evaluate an expression to find the area under a curve • find the area between two curves • use a GDCto evaluate definite integrals and areas. -1 (a) Write down an expression for the area of A. You should know: • to evaluate a definite integral, use the following rule: ff(X) dx = F(b) - F(a), where F is the anti-derivative of f(x) 'flu, y~io~ UUlA'WA UM VD~teiy aboo» t4 X-PvXU fr0UfJX = to x = 27C. 'fIu,yefoy~ t4delv~ite,iM~ytd 3; 1 2" VDf • the properties of the definite integral are best explained using an example. Suppose that I:f(X) dx 1 6f(x)dx = -3 and 2 = 5, x d« YqwU~tf t4M~of A. 37</2 (b) Calculate the area of A. 1 AiUUyttud 2g(x)dx = 7 then ~ fottdion- • ff(x) dx = - ff(x) dx = -(-3) = 3 IM~YM~ t4 exfWM!io~ ~A Mt,d,m~ tke: Y~fOY ~ PvtUfurkte,~t~Ya4 unfuwe, • I>(X) dx = i:f(x) dx +ff(x) dx = 5 + (-3) 1 2" cos x d« =2 = [,i~XJ::/2 3,,/2 = f~27C • I:[3f(x) + 2g(x)]dx = 3 i:f(x)dx =0 =1 = 3(5) + 2(7) = 29 • if a function is continuous and positive on an interval a :s; x s b, then the area under the curve is given by the definite integral ff(x)dX • if a function lies below the x-axis on an interval a :s; x s b, a tf(X) dx or a if(x)dx • the area between two curvesf(x) f ,UtJ!!2 +2 J)(x)dx then the area under the curve is given by - - (-1) 4DCso(.,u,tion- EMe,y~ tlu,exfWM!io~fr()UfJ~ /uvv-e-; Texas Instruments fnlnt(cos(X),X,3 (Pv)~to the. ate, un Casio f(cos X,3n.;.2,2n) :rr/2,2Jt) and g(x) is given by [j(x) - g(x)]dx where f(x) > g(x) on an interval a :s; x s b. The lower and upper limits of integration a and bare often but not always the x-coordinates where the two graphs intersect. Texas Instruments Casio Example The following diagram shows part of the graph of y = cosx for 0 s x s 21t. Regions A and B are shaded. 122 \, L\)(,.lER=q. 1123 f~;';= 1 / .. UPf'Et,=6.2831 - ~ =-~--~~ Area and the d;fi.;it;in!~gralj(conthiue(l) -.::::--~.-:'.... -~;;.. (ii) Hence, find the total area of the shaded ·)1 C c) C G'l~en th at sm . 41t = -13 2 fin d th e area 0f 3 region B. "R.~io~8 lies bdourt~ x-axic. We-a.nMWfor ike. tdfat Me-atso we-rUfuMe-tke. Me-atof r~io~ 8 to be-tofUWe-. 1ItM ce« h~v-eJ-by fwit~ t~Umktf on.ou« k~te4"/3 1 1 Uvt~rat. So) cos x dx rqwe-rmts t~Me-atof r~io~ 8. 3,,/2 cos x dx 4"13 J3"/2 r.' 4n 3 ,3n] - SIA1r2 {3 = - - - (-1) 2 = "Wfxdx + 2 3"12 by 14"/3cos x d« 3,,/2 = 1+ 1--{3 2 {3 'lMqDC mAJ' be-tUUM t~(b) tofo~t~e-tdf~4 tMXut Me-atofl.13. ::;:;LflAtX r, 1 u t~3Wut, 2 37[/2 = lf~ The. tdftda.nat ::;:;2-- 4,,/3 Are-atof 8 = regions. Be prepared • Use more than one expression to find the area under a curve that lies partially above and below the x-axis. • Enter the expression for area into your GDCcorrectly. • Indicate the required area on a sketch. {3 1-2 • Find a limit of integration if you are given the area. 123 You should be able to: Texas Instruments • calculate the volume of a solid of revolution formed when a region under a graph is rotated 3600 or 2n radians around the x-axis F·1.;.t1 F'l,)t;:: F'1(,t;: ",\' 1 El,::····,,.. "''''-1 ') +~/ ( 2X-i) '._., " - " ....1-.'2= ···.v 3: = • use the integral features of your GDCto calculate the volume. ···.\l~= ....V~= :rrfnlnt(V1 z, i'~' 1,1 .5) • 1(14.76538 .•••1•••16= You should know: • when you fully rotate the area beneath the curve around the x-axis, a solid of positive volume is formed Casio :rrJ'( "'1z , 1 , 1.5) 104.76538 • to find the volume of this solid, use the formula V= f nl dx, where a and b are the x-intercepts of the function. 1ft,e,yefore-,V ~ Example Consider the functionf(x) =e 2x - 1 + 2x 5_ l ' x '* ~. The region between the curve and the x-axis between x = 1 and x = 1.5 is rotated through 360 about the x-axis. Let V be the volume formed. SiJlt;{;~M a;/l'a;tuoj 105 correct to three. fojU.iYM. Be prepared . 0 (a) Write down an expression to represent V. • Don't forget to square the function when entering the data into the GDC. Ufi1tj tu forUf.,~ for oolaece, t-n kaoe: V = n fS(e-2X - 1 + Y • Find an intercept/limit 2x ~ 1 d»: (b) Hence, write down the value of V. 1ft,e,umu4fAlftdtuUf., "toricedoton" f~jMts t~t t-nM bu,t yMur a;(jDC. Fj;yst ence« tu fU.if1Ntwl/;mto tu UJU.!a;tWI/; editor. Thee: 1Me- tu mt~yalfe-a;tU.iYe- to ()bt~ tke: correct snstoe« Mf 1Me- MI;MfA.lLytkal anwOM~ • First set up an expression that represents the volume even if the question does not ask for it. if a volume is given. You should be able to: Example • obtain the velocity and acceleration functions, v(t) and ott), from the displacement function s(t) A car starts moving from a fixed point A. Its velocity v metres per second after t seconds is given by v = 4t + S - Se-I. Let d be the displacement from A when t= 4. • obtain the velocity and the displacement functions from the acceleration function • interpret the area under a velocity-time travelled. graph as distance You should know: • displacement measures the change of position of an object as a function of time • velocity is the derivative of the displacement function, that is, v(t) = ~~ • acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time or the second derivative of position, that is dv d2s ott) = dt = dt2 • if v(t) = 0, the object is not moving and has reached its maximum or minimum height or distance • if ott) = 0, the object's velocity is constant and the object may have reached its maximum or minimum velocity • jO(t)dt = v(t) + C and jv(t)dt = s(t) + C (a) Write down an integral that represents d. 1Iu- tniAJaty ~tiDlt; if fOfUiAJ-e, MU£ UtNreMiAtj over tu ford 4 fW(HtM. 'flU" C4Vpt, be, de,te,y~iAud by t(){)i<-i>1tj at P.!jrP.f# of o-orrwoj~z-iAtj t~ tU t increase«, so doe« /J: H~ tu Mea" tMUI..e¥tu caroe. if Ufu,a,tto tu dUftMMIUMfr0~A. 1Iu-reforf0 d = 1(4t + 5 - s~-t)dt (b) Find the value of d. AH/alfttuda..-ptwotJU:Jt, IM~ratiAtj, we-/uw-e, d = [2t + st + 5~-tl; 2 = (32 + 20 + S~-1) - (5) = 47 + S~-4 aoc, UsiAtj tu~t~ra.l.fu,ftVtiDpt,~jr~ 14W~ we-luvv-e-: • if the graph of v(t) is continuous and positive on an interval 0 :s;t s; b, then the area under the curve is given by the definite integral fV(t)dt and represents the distance Texas Instruments Casio ----_. travelled by an object during that interval of time. lO(·.IEB=D U~~ER=q fdx=Q1. D9151B 19 9. [Maximum mark: 14J Let !(x)=e2xcosx, (a) ~w ~!/(X) -1S:xS:2. = e2X(2cosx-sinx). [3 marksJ Let the line L be the normal to the curve of ! at x = 0 . equation of L. (b) ~he [5 marks] The graph of ! and the line L intersect at the point (0, 1) and at a second point P. (c) (i) @hex-coordinate (ii) Gi~the ofP. area of the region enclosed by the graph of ! and the line L. [6 marksJ [Taken from paper 2, November 2008J (a) f(x) is the product of two functions so use the product (c) Using your GDCyou can find the x-coordinate of the rule. Also remember the chain rule when differentiating intersection of two functions. Make sure you write down eZx• This is a "show that" question so be very clear in your the equation used to find this value, not just an answer wording. with no working. (b) Th'e derivative function gives the gradient of a tangent at any x-value Texas Instruments for which it exists. You can find this gradient in the GDC, or you can usej'(O) as the derivative normal is given in part (a). Remember that L is to the curve. Plot1 Plot::: Plot::: 'Y1e~A(2X)cos(X) ....•.•.• z El-.5>:;+ 1. ···.Vs= •••• 1',.1 Lt = ....1.•.1&= Texas Instruments Casio l('1_e/'(2~~~ ~-.- -, t('1i Casio \ It ~ :'::0 d!,.-'dx=:::.I)(lo)(I(I(I::: \ ~~·.... d:~:2 \':1 \ Func "IGr'':'F'h 1Se"'"(2:X:) cos \ I, :,:::.-c...-'-..~~ " ,i. Ir,t.;;n,,·:tiMI \ :l=1.!=Ii11:::B't ~'=.;:19't~:!=B::: ..",., -» /.'.'~.---'\"" __ ~-l~- = --•.... ..•.•.•...•. ,...-..... : '1- >~ [-J '1'2=-.5:0;+11 '1'3: [-J '1'4: [-J '1'5: [-J 't'6: [-J IImI•• ElllU IDI Once you have the limits of integration, you should write a correct integral expression for the area between curves that involves the subtraction of integrals. Then use your GDCto calculate the area. Don't forget to write your answer to three significant figures! • Derivative interpreted as gradient function • Finding equations of tangents and norma Is • Derivative of eX and cosx Texas Instruments fnlnt.(V1-V2, >(, 0, 1. 5613) 3. 275222E.58 Casio • The chain rule for composite functions 1(~1-~2,0,1.5613) 3.275222658 • • The product rule • Areas between curves • Solutions of equations graphically (a) /(x) J:. = &''' cor x, -1 sx s2 /,(x) = 2&''' (s-sin.x) "1----: = 2&'''(cor (b) ~~'----' i sin.x) x - = &'''(2 cor A1 A1 MO x - sin.x) AG = 1 A1 oJ/(x) .'. tohen:x » .'. /'(0) =&,(O)(2corO-rUf,0) M1 = 1(2 - 0) /,(0) A1 = 2 IWYuwJ, L = .l: = 1x 111/ 2 /(0) then. lx + c- = = + c..1----..., AO 1 1 2 1(0)+c..=1 2 J c..=1 AO 121 /(x) = e- j'(x) = 2e- 2x cos x 2x • (cos x) + e-2x (- siscx) M1 A1 A1 = e-2x (2 cos x - sin.x) (b) ne.T""!JmC = t(O) (2 CbS 0 - f~01 AG M1 .I = 1(2 - 0) = 2 A1 1 = =z::". =-2 ~NOYma.£ 1 A1 T""!JmC L....-:---t y y =/(0) = ~X = t(O) CbS 0 = 1 (OJ 1) A1 +b 1 = (- ~) (0) + b =:> b = 1 A1 (e) m P(1.56, 0.219) Area- = '.56 1 (e-2x cos x)clx - o 4.23 - 0.952 = 3.28 . ; N1 1,·56 (- !.X + Ok 0 M1 A2 2 A1 , . I1 .. .,' I • 129