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History and Women, Culture and Faith
Selected Writings of Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
Volume 5, Unbought Grace:
An Elizabeth Fox Genovese Reader
Edited by Rebecca Fox and Robert L. Paquette
History and Women, Culture and Faith is a five-volume collection of eighty essays and
journal articles spanning the extraordinary intellectual career of Elizabeth Fox-Genovese (1941–2007). A working scholar for more than three decades, Fox-Genovese made
significant contributions to European and Southern American history and became
one of the most provocative scholars and educators of her time as she evolved intellectually from a Marxist to a feminist to a pro-life Roman Catholic. This multivolume
collection celebrates the scope of her scholarship and invites a fresh assessment of her
legacy and influence.
Concluding this multivolume series of Fox-Genovese’s fugitive works, Unbought
Grace: An Elizabeth Fox-Genovese Reader draws on earlier volumes in the series to provide an overview of fundamental intellectual concerns that shaped her writings. Divided into two parts—sixteen essays written by Fox-Genovese and ten remembrances of
her life—the contents of this volume demonstrate her remarkable range of subjects,
methods, and audiences as she examined both historical and contemporary issues.
The volume at the same time reflects persistent issues and themes running through
Fox-Genovese’s work, and her life journey from Marxism and feminism to Roman Catholicism. As her perspectives evolved, Fox-Genovese reexamined and refined previous
arguments about many of these issues and themes: power imbalances for marginalized populations, the rise of bourgeois hegemony, Lockean individualism and liberalism, feminism, religion, and a moral economy.
Remembrances of Fox-Genovese, written by colleagues and former students,
conclude the book. Providing insight into her personal and professional relationships,
these remarkable accounts allow the reader to understand better the woman behind
the nuanced and thought-provoking essays.
Rebecca Fox, chief of staff to the president at the University of Miami, holds
a Ph.D. in history from Bryn Mawr College. Fox is Elizabeth Fox-Genovese’s
Robert L. Paquette is cofounder of the
Alexander Hamilton Institute for the
Study of Western Civilization in Clinton,
New York, the author of Sugar Is Made
with Blood (winner of the Elsa Goveia
Prize for the best book in Caribbean
history), and coeditor of The Oxford
Handbook of Slavery in the Americas.
June 2012, 336 pages, 1 illus.
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