Actualité scientifique H*(/5"(3*$5/-#$ N° 466 October 2014 G*"%.,().)$*(/5"I3*. Peru: towards better forecasting !"#$%&#'(%!)'*(%# (© INSU / H. Barrois) The measuring instrument OCARINA during the oceanographic campaign AMOP. !"#$"%&'()$*+,)$-."/&#$.&/$0+1/$"+$"0/$,.&2/#"$3#0$#"+*4#$(5$"0/$-+&,)6$"0/$7%1'+,)"$ Current system, which runs along the Peruvian and Chilean coasts, boasts exceptional '(+,+2(*.,$8&+)%*"(9(":$"0.54#$"+$.$9/&:$(5"/5#/$*+.#".,$%8-/,,(52$80/5+1/5+5$;$.#*/5"#$ +<$)//8$5%"&(/5"=&(*0$-."/&#>$?0.54#$"+$0(20=&/#+,%"(+5$1+)/,#$+<$"0/$+*/.5(*$*(&*%,."(+5$ .5)$-."/&$+@:2/5$*+5"/5"A$!BC$&/#/.&*0/&#$.5)$"0/(&$8.&"5/&#$0.9/$5+-$D%.5"(3/)$ "0(#$/*+#:#"/1E#$#/5#("(9(":$"+$9.&(+%#$)(#"%&'.5*/#$(5$"0/$/D%."+&(.,$F.*(3*>$?0(#$-+&4$ should eventually enable a regional modelling platform to be set up integrating the oceanic, biogeochemical and atmospheric components of the Peru-Chile upwelling. Good to know ?0/$%8-/,,(52#$.&/$*.%#/)$':$"0/$-(5)#$"0."$8%#0$"0/$#%&<.*/$-."/&#$'.*4$"+-.&)#$"0/$+8/5$#/.>$G,+52$"0/$*+.#"A$"0(#$ movement causes the deep, cold, nutrient-rich waters to rise up. Oxygen minimum zones are zones with a reduced oxygen content located at the eastern margins of the tropical oceans, at a depth of 50 to 1000 metres. Underlying the oxygenated surface waters, they currently cover almost 10% of the surface area of the world’s ocean. CONTACTS 9#<!>?!@8/(,#A!,(#=7.,47.,("'!=#4&(#(B)74!' To better understand how these 1/*0.5(#1#$ (5"/&.*"$ .5)$ (5X%/5*/$ "0/$ upwelling process and therefore the biological productivity of the Humboldt system, the IRD and its Peruvian partners, the IGP and the IMARPE, have been *+5)%*"(52$1+)/,,(52$-+&4$#(5*/$"0/$SMMM#>$$ An initial high-resolution study shows that off Peru the ocean layer called «oxygen minimum» where life is limited is sensitive to the intensity of the seasonal current from the equator that brings water containing little oxygen to the coastal ecosystem. Thus, this current called «secondary Tsuchiya jet» indirectly impacts from the equator the 3#0/&:$ &/#+%&*/#$ .,+52$ "0/$ F/&%9(.5$ .5)$ Chilean coasts. C)'"7*(# 4(=;('74)'(# *!,4'!<<(-# 68# *!7%47<#>.,-%# A second modelling study provides information that gives a better understanding of the biological response in Peru’s upwelling to disturbances that occur in the /D%."+&(.,$F.*(3*>$!5$8.&"(*%,.&A$("$#0+-#$"0."$ it is the action of coastal winds that regulates surface temperature variations off Peru, on timescales of around two months. Contrary to what researchers previously believed, at these frequencies, the equatorial ocean waves called Kelvin that spread from west "+$ /.#"$ .*&+##$ "0/$ -0+,/$ +<$ "0/$ F.*(3*$ ocean, have little effects on the surface. They do, however, spread along the coast at around 50 metres deep, modifying the vertical thermal structure along the way and thus modulating the mechanical action of the winds that generate the upwelling process in the Peruvian open sea. G,,$"0(#$1+)/,,(52$-+&4A$*+1'(5/)$-("0 in situ measurements (oceanographic campaigns recently carried out as part of the AMOP project) help improve our understanding of the interactions between biogeochemistry, atmospheric circulation and oceanic circulation. They should lead to a dynamic modelling platform being set up for the /*+#:#"/1A$ (5"/2&."(52$ 4/:$ 8.&.1/"/&#$ which are oxygen, wind patterns and Kelvin -.9/#A$ .,,+-(52$ 8+"/5"(.,$ *0.52/#$ (5$ 3#0$ #"+*4#$"+$'/$8&/)(*"/)A$8.&"(*%,.&,:$.5*0+9:$ #"+*4#> Coordination Gaëlle Courcoux Information and Culture Department ?/,6$JKK$LMNO$PQ$PP$PO$PM R.@6$JKK$LMNO$PQ$PP$PS$ST 3*0/#.*"%U(&)><& Partners Institut de Géophysique du Pérou (IGP), Institut des mers du Pérou (IMARPE), GEOMAR Helmholtz Y/5"&/$<+&$Z*/.5$B/#/.&*0$[(/,$(5$\/&1.5:>$]+&4$ funded by EurOcean, ESA, CNES and IRD. References MONTES I., DEWITTE BORIS, GUTKNECHT E., PAULMIER AURÉLIEN, DADOU I., OSCHLIES A., GARÇON VÉRONIQUE. High-resolution modeling of the Eastern Tropical F.*(3*$ +@:2/5$ 1(5(1%1$ ^+5/6$ H/5#("(9(":$ "+$ "0/$ tropical oceanic circulation, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, QQPA$)+(6QM>QMMS_SMQO`YMMPTaT> Media Contact Cristelle DUOS ?/,6$JKK$LMNO$PQ$PP$PO$TV 8&/##/U(&)><& ILLIG SERENA, DEWITTE BORIS, GOUBANOVA K., CAMBON G., BOUCHAREL J., MONETTI F., ROMERO C., PURCA S., FLORES R. (2014), Forcing mechanisms of intraseasonal SST 9.&(.'(,(":$+<<$*/5"&.,$F/&%$(5$SMMM;SMMTA$J. Geophys. Res. OceansA$QQPA$)+(6QM>QMMS_SMQK`YMMPVVP> Contacts +,-./!0#+12#3&!4!#5.6'7'8 D!'.%#2(>.44(0#+12#'(%(7'*&(' ?>$JKK$LMNa$bQ$KK$KM$Ma '+&(#>)/-(""/U(&)><& Daina Rechner C('(,7#+<<./0#+12#'(%(7'*&(' #/&/5.>(,,(2U(&)><&$ (5)(2+U(&)><& UMR Laboratoire d’études en géophysique et océanographie spatiales - LEGOS (IRD / CNES _$YcBH$_$d5(9/&#("e$F.%,$H.'."(/&$=$?+%,+%#/$KN ?/,6$JKK$LMNO$PQ$PP$PO$TQ F0+"+#$6$--->(5)(2+>(&)><& +:!,,(#E!,4(%0#+F3#'(%(7'*&(' (1+5"/#U(28>2+'>8/$ LMI Dynamiques du système du courant de Humboldt - DISCOH (IRD / IMARPE) H%'#*&('/$"+$"0/$#*(/5"(<(*$5/-#$+<$"0/$!BC6$<(*0/#.*"%U(&)><& 44 boulevard de Dunkerque, CS 90009 13572 Marseille Cedex 02 France © IRD/DIC, Juillet 2014 - Conception et réalisation graphique : L. CORSINI 9#:('8#%;(*.7<#(*!%8%4(= The Humboldt Current provides Peru and Chile with waters containing the largest 3#0$#"+*4#$+5$"0/$8,.5/">$?0(#$/*+#:#"/1A$ which alone provides 5 to 10% of the world’s catches, owes its exceptional productivity to the nutrients provided by upwellings of deep, cold, nutrient-rich water along the coasts. But this phenomenon, called «upwelling» has a very variable intensity due to the variability of the currents in the F.*(3*$ W.#(5A$ "+$ -0(*0$ +"0/&$ +*/.5$ .5)$ climate forcing mechanisms are added.