General Properties of ANS Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Reflexes • autonomic nervous system (ANS) – a motor nervous system that controls glands, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle • Maintains homeostasis • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) – general properties – anatomy • Autonomic Effects on Target Organs • Central Control of Autonomic Function • Primary organs of the ANS • viscera of thoracic and abdominal cavities • some structures of the body wall – cutaneous blood vessels – sweat glands – piloerector muscles • carries out actions involuntarily – no intent/awareness • visceral effectors do not depend on the ANS to function 15-1 15-2 Divisions of ANS Divisions of ANS • sympathetic division (Fight or Flight) – prepares body for physical activity – exercise, trauma, arousal, competition, anger, or fear • increases heart rate, BP, airflow, blood glucose levels, etc. • reduces blood flow to the skin and digestive tract parasympathetic division (Rest and digest) – calms many body functions reducing energy expenditure and assists in bodily maintenance • digestion and waste elimination autonomic tone - balance of the two systems according to the body’s changing needs – parasympathetic tone • maintains smooth muscle tone in intestines • holds resting heart rate down to about 70 – 80 beats per minute – sympathetic tone • keeps most blood vessels partially constricted and maintains blood pressure 15-3 15-4 Somatic versus Autonomic Pathways Neural Pathways Somatic efferent innervation • ANS has components in both the central and peripheral nervous systems – nuclei in the hypothalamus and other brainstem regions – motor neurons in the spinal cord and peripheral ganglia – nerve fibers that travel through the cranial and spinal nerves ACh Myelinated fiber Somatic effectors (skeletal muscles) Autonomic efferent innervation ACh Myelinated preganglionic fiber ACh or NE Unmyelinated postganglionic fiber Visceral effectors (cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, glands) Autonomic ganglion Preganglionic cell bodies in grey matter 15-5 15-6 1 Sympathetic Nervous System • Aka thoracolumbar division (T1 – L2) • relatively short preganglionic and long postganglionic fibers • preganglionic cell bodies in lateral horns and nearby regions of the gray matter of spinal cord – Sympathetic Nervous System lead to sympathetic chain of ganglia (paravertebral ganglia) – each paravertebral ganglion is connected to a spinal nerve by two branches – communicating rami (rami communicants) – preganglionic fibers are small myelinated fibers that travel form spinal nerve to the ganglion via white communicating ramus (myelinated) – postganglionic fibers leave the ganglion by via gray communicating ramus (unmyelinated) • – forms a bridge back to the spinal nerve postganglionic fibers extend to target organ 15-7 15-8 Preganglionic Pathways Sympathetic Chain Ganglia 3 pathways of preganglionic neurons entering sympathetic chain Soma of preganglionic neuron To iris, salivary glands, lungs, heart, thoracic blood vessels, esophagus Sympathetic nerve 2 Spinal nerve Somatic motor fiber Preganglionic sympathetic fiber Postganglionic sympathetic fiber To somatic effector (skeletal muscle) To sweat glands, piloerector muscles, and blood vessels of skin and skeletal muscles 1 Soma of somatic motor neuron 3 White ramus Gray ramus Splanchnic nerve Preganglionic neuron Postganglionic neuron Somatic neuron 3 pathways of leaving sympathetic chain No.s 1, 2, & 3 Communicating rami Collateral ganglion Soma of postganglionic neuron Postganglionic sympathetic fibers Sympathetic trunk To liver, spleen, adrenal glands, stomach, intestines, kidneys, urinary bladder, reproductive organs Sympathetic ganglion 2 15-10 Other ganglia of Sympathetic Nervous System • • Efferent Pathways of sympathetic division collateral ganglia (prevertebral ganglia) Some preganglionic fibers pass thru sympathetic chain - form splancic nerves - synapse in collateral (prevertebral ganglia) Eye Pons Salivary glands Preganglionic neurons Postganglionic neurons Heart Cardiac and pulmonary plexuses Regions of spinal cord Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral – three major collateral ganglia in this plexus • • – Liver and gallbladder Stomach Superior mesenteric ganglion celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric postganglionic fibers accompany these arteries and their branches to their target organs Spleen Pancreas Postganglionic fibers to skin, blood vessels, adipose tissue solar plexus – collective name for the celiac and superior mesenteric ganglia • Lung Celiac ganglion contribute to a network called the abdominal aortic plexus Inferior mesenteric ganglion Small intestine Large intestine nerves radiate from ganglia like rays of the sun Rectum Sympathetic chain ganglia Adrenal medulla Kidney 15-11 Ovary Penis Uterus Scrotum Bladder 2 Ganglia and Abdominal Aortic Plexus Summary of Sympathetic Innervation • effectors in body wall are innervated by sympathetic fibers in spinal nerves Diaphragm Esophagus Adrenal medulla Adrenal cortex (b) Celiac ganglia • effectors in head and thoracic cavity are innervated by fibers in sympathetic nerves Adrenal gland Celiac trunk Superior mesenteric ganglion Renal plexus First lumbar sympathetic ganglion Superior mesenteric artery Kidney Inferior mesenteric artery Aortic plexus • effectors in abdominal cavity are innervated by sympathetic fibers in splanchnic nerves Inferior mesenteric ganglion Aorta Figure 15.6 Pelvic sympathetic chain 15-13 (a) 15-14 Adrenal Glands Parasympathetic Division • parasympathetic division (aka craniosacral division) • two glands with different functions • origin of long preganglionic neurons – adrenal cortex (outer layer) • secretes steroid hormones – adrenal medulla (inner core) • essentially a sympathetic ganglion – stimulated by preganglionic sympathetic neurons that terminate on these cells • secretes a mixture of hormones into bloodstream – catecholamines - 85% epinephrine (adrenaline) and 15% norepinephrine (noradrenaline) » also function as neurotransmitters – midbrain, pons, and medulla (III, VII, IX, X) – sacral spinal cord segments S2-S4 • terminal ganglia in or near target organs – long preganglionic, short postganglionic fibers • sympathoadrenal system is adrenal medulla and sympathetic nervous system 15-15 Parasympathetic Cranial Nerves • Preganglionic neurons Pterygopalatine ganglion Oculomotor n. (CN III) Facial n. (CN VII) Submandibular ganglion Submandibular salivary gland • Heart Cardiac plexus Lumbar Sacral Facial n. (CN VII) Facial nerve (VII) – tear, nasal and salivary glands Pulmonary plexus Esophageal plexus Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) – parotid salivary gland • Lung Celiac ganglion Stomach Liver and gallbladder Abdominal aortic plexus Spleen Pancreas Pelvic splanchnic nerves Kidney and ureter Transverse colon Descending colon Inferior hypogastric plexus Small intestine Rectum • Vagus nerve (X) – viscera as far as proximal half of colon – cardiac, pulmonary, and esophageal plexus form pelvic splanchnic nerves that lead to the inferior hypogastric plexus most form pelvic nerves to their terminal ganglion on the target organs – distal half of colon, rectum, urinary bladder, and reproductive organs Lacrimal gland Eye Submandibular ganglion Submandibular salivary gland Otic ganglion Parotid salivary gland Vagus n. (CN X) Heart Cardiac plexus Regions of spinal cord Cervical Pulmonary plexus Esophageal plexus Lung Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Celiac ganglion Stomach Liver and gallbladder Abdominal aortic plexus Spleen Pancreas Pelvic splanchnic nerves Kidney and ureter Transverse colon Descending colon Inferior hypogastric plexus Small intestine Rectum Pelvic nerves Penis Uterus Postganglionic neurons Ciliary ganglion Glossopharyngeal n. (CN IX) Pelvic nerves Ovary Preganglionic neurons Pterygopalatine ganglion Oculomotor n. (CN III) Parotid salivary gland Glossopharynge al n. (CN IX) Vagus n. (CN X) Thoracic • Lacrimal gland Eye Efferent Pathways • Postganglionic neurons Ciliary ganglion Otic ganglion Regions of spinal cord Cervical Oculomotor nerve (III) – narrows pupil and focuses lens 15-16 Bladder Scrotum 15-17 Penis Ovary Uterus Bladder Scrotum 3 Enteric Nervous System Neurotransmitters and Receptors • enteric nervous system – nervous system of the digestive tract • how can different autonomic neurons have different effects? constricting some vessels but dilating others – does not arise from the brainstem or spinal cord – innervates smooth muscle and glands – effects determined by types of neurotransmitters released and types of receptors found on target cells • semiautonomous • 2 fundamental reasons: • has its own reflex arcs – sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers secrete different neurotransmitters • regulates motility of esophagus, stomach, and intestines and secretion of digestive enzymes and acid – target cells respond to the same neurotransmitter differently depending upon the type of receptor they have for it • normal digestive function also requires regulation by sympathetic and parasympathetic systems • all autonomic fibers secrete either acetylcholine or norepinephrine • there are 2 classes of receptors for each of these neurotransmitters 15-19 Acetylcholine (ACh) • ACh is secreted by all preganglionic neurons in both divisions and the postganglionic parasympathetic neurons – cholinergic fibers – any receptor that binds it is called cholinergic receptor • 2 types of cholinergic receptors – muscarinic receptors • all cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and gland cells have muscarinic receptors • excitatory or inhibitory due to subclasses of muscarinic receptors – nicotinic receptors • on all ANS postganglionic neurons, and at neuromuscular junctions of skeletal muscle • excitatory when ACh binding occurs 15-21 15-20 Norepinephrine (NE) • NE is secreted by nearly all sympathetic postganglionic neurons – called adrenergic fibers – receptors for it called adrenergic receptors • alpha-adrenergic receptors – usually excitatory – 2 subclasses use different second messengers (α1 & α2) • beta-adrenergic receptors – usually inhibitory – 2 subclasses with different effects, but both act through cAMP as a second messenger (β1 & β2) Neurotransmitters and Receptors Overview (a) Parasympathetic fiber • Nicotinic receptor autonomic effects on glandular secretion are often an indirect result of their effect on blood vessels ACh Target cell – vasodilation – increased blood flow – increased secretion – vasoconstriction – decreased blood flow – decreased secretion • ACh Preganglionic neuron sympathetic effects tend to last longer than parasympathetic effects ACh Target cell Preganglionic neuron Postganglionic neuron many substances released as neurotransmitters that modulate ACh and NE function NE Adrenergic receptor (c) Sympathetic cholinergic fiber – sympathetic fibers also secrete enkephalin, substance P, neuropeptide Y, somatostatin, neurotensin, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone – parasympathetic fibers stimulate endothelial cells to release the gas, nitric oxide – causes vasodilation by inhibiting smooth muscle tone • function is crucial to penile erection - means of action of Viagra Muscarinic receptor Nicotinic receptor – ACh released by parasympathetics is broken down quickly at synapse – NE by sympathetics is reabsorbed by nerve, diffuses to adjacent tissues, and much passes into bloodstream • Postganglionic neuron (b) Sympathetic adrenergic fiber 15-23 Nicotinic receptor ACh Target cell Preganglionic neuron Postganglionic neuron ACh Muscarinic receptor Figure 15.8 15-24 4 Dual Innervation Dual Innervation • dual innervation - most viscera receive nerve fibers from both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions – antagonistic effect – oppose each other – cooperative effects – two divisions act on different effectors to produce a unified overall effect • both divisions do not normally innervate an organ equally • digestion, heart rate • antagonistic effects - oppose each other – exerted through dual innervation of same effector cells • heart rate decreases (parasympathetic) • heart rate increases (sympathetic) – exerted because each division innervates different cells • (sympathetic) dilates pupil • (parasympathetic) constricts pupil 15-25 15-26 Dual Innervation of the Iris Dual Innervation Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Brain Parasympathetic fibers of oculomotor nerve (III) Superior cervical ganglion • cooperative effects - when two divisions act on different effectors to produce a unified effect Sympathetic fibers Ciliary ganglion – parasympathetics increase salivary serous cell secretion Spinal cord Cholinergic stimulation of pupillary constrictor Iris Adrenergic stimulation of pupillary dilator – sympathetics increase salivary mucous cell secretion Pupil Sympathetic (adrenergic) effect Parasympathetic (cholinergic) effect Figure 15.9 Pupil dilated Pupil constricted 15-27 Without Dual Innervation • • • • Sympathetic and Vasomotor Tone some effectors receive only sympathetic fibers – adrenal medulla, arrector pili muscles, sweat glands and many blood vessels Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Artery sympathetic division prioritizes blood vessels to skeletal muscles and heart in times of emergency control of blood pressure and routes of blood flow sympathetic vasomotor tone - a baseline firing frequency of sympathetics • • • • keeps vessels in state of partial constriction increase in firing frequency - vasoconstriction decrease in firing frequency - vasodilation can shift blood flow from one organ to another as needed 1 Sympathetic nerve fiber 1 Strong sympathetic tone 2 2 Smooth muscle contraction 3 Vasomotor tone 3 Vasoconstriction (a) Vasoconstriction blood vessels to skin vasoconstrict to minimize bleeding if injury occurs during stress or exercise sympathetic division acting alone can exert opposite effects on the target organ through control of blood vessels – during stress • blood vessels to muscles and heart dilate • blood vessels to skin constrict 15-28 15-29 1 1 Weaker sympathetic tone 2 3 2 Smooth muscle relaxation 3 Vasodilation (b) Vasodilation 15-30 5 Control of Autonomic Function Visceral Reflexes • ANS regulated by several levels of CNS – cerebral cortex has an influence – anger, fear, anxiety • • powerful emotions influence the ANS because of the connections between our limbic system and the hypothalamus – hypothalamus - major visceral motor control center • nuclei for primitive functions – hunger, thirst, sex • – midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata contain: visceral reflexes - unconscious, automatic, stereotyped responses to stimulation involving visceral receptors and effectors and somewhat slower responses visceral reflex arc – • nuclei for cardiac and vasomotor control, salivation, swallowing, sweating, bladder control, and pupillary changes – – – – – spinal cord reflexes • defecation and micturition reflexes are integrated in spinal cord • we control these functions because of our control over skeletal muscle sphincters… • 15-31 receptors – nerve endings that detect stretch, tissue damage, blood chemicals, body temperature, and other internal stimuli afferent neurons – leading to the CNS interneurons – in the CNS efferent neurons – carry motor signals away from the CNS effectors – that make adjustments ANS modifies effector activity 15-32 Visceral Reflex to High BP 2 Glossopharyngeal nerve transmits signals to medulla oblongata 3 Vagus nerve transmits inhibitory signals to cardiac pacemaker 1 Baroreceptors sense increased blood pressure Common carotid artery Terminal ganglion 4 Heart rate decreases 6