Fernanda Renteria Lab 08 2. What did you learn about CSS Selectors?

Fernanda Renteria
Lab 08
2. What did you learn about CSS Selectors?
The selector tells the web browser which HTML element we wish to style.
3. Do you think it’s easy to link a CSS file to an HTML page? Can you think of any benefits a CSS file could
provide you if you were building a site that’ll contain a lot of pages?
I think it is simple to link the CSS file to an HTML page. The CSS file will give, in a more organized
way, the preferable style the web page needs. Even with it having a lot of pages.
4. What did you learn about CSS class selectors? CSS ID selectors? CSS Descendent selectors?
CSS Descendent selectors are used to make something specific (like a paragraph in a Div “intro”)
differently than the rest. CSS ID Selectors are assigned to elements when they are unique one a page.
This is important because two elements can’t have the same ID. Class Selectors are similar to ID
Selectors. The biggest difference between the two is that a certain ID should only be assigned to one
element, while one can assign the same class to as many elements as one wants.
6. How much looks familiar? How much looks new to you? Can you figure out how the pieces that are
unfamiliar to you work?
The HTML page looks more familiar to me than the CSS file. In the HTML I see the basic plus a
few div with different IDs. If I change the codes a little and see how it affects the page in Firefox I can
deduce how it works.