Directions and Parking Information for the Wolstein Center March 2015 Westlake High School Senior Newsletter PLEASE KEEP FOR REFERENCE Parking for Disabled During Wolstein events, parkers with state issued disabled logo license plates, placards, or hangtags, are directed to park in the access drive on the north side of the Wolstein Center. The drive is accessed from Prospect Avenue. This area has 26 parking spaces. Getting to the Wolstein Center Directions from the West. Follow I-90 east to the East 22nd Street exit (#173B). Turn left onto East 24th Street; drive several blocks to Euclid Ave. Directions from the South. Follow I-71 north to the East 22nd Street exit (#172B). Turn left onto East 22nd Street; drive several blocks to Euclid Ave. All your Graduation Answers Enclosed! CSU Parking Services Parking The South Garage, operated by CSU Parking Services, offers new, clean, safe, state of the art parking for up to 623 vehicles. The garage is located on East 21st Street between Carnegie and Prospect. Special event parking rates will be posted. The South Garage will be the place to park when visiting the Wolstein Center. SENIOR EVENTS SCHEDULE—2015 CLASS OF 2015 Prom / After Prom Information Local Scholarship Night Senior Final Exam Schedule Baccalaureate / Commencement Caps & Gowns, School Fees Underage Info WESTLAKE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 15 PARENTS WHO HOST... ...LOSE THE MOST Underage Drinking Laws - What parents should know: As a parent, you cannot give alcohol to your teen’s friends under the age of 21, under any circumstance, even in your own home, even with their parent’s permission. You cannot knowingly allow a person under 21, other than your own child, to remain in your home or on your property while consuming or possessing alcohol. If you break the law: You can face a maximum sentence of six months in jail and/or a $1000.00 fine. Others can sue you if you give alcohol to anyone under 21 and they, in turn, hurt someone, hurt themselves or damage property. Officers can take any alcohol, money or property used in committing the offense. Things you can do as a parent: CLASS OF 2015 Refuse to supply alcohol to anyone under 21. Be at home when your teen has a party. Make sure that alcohol is not brought into your home or property by your teen’s friends. Talk to other parents about not providing alcohol at other events your child will be attending. Create alcohol-free opportunities and activities in your home so teens feel welcome. Report underage drinking to local law enforcement. FACT SHEET It is illegal to host or allow teen drinking parties in your home. It is unhealthy for anyone under age 21 to drink. It is unsafe and illegal for teens to drink and drive. Parents can be prosecuted under the law. Everything associated with a violation, such as personal property, can be confiscated. S E NI O R NEW S LE T T E R PAGE 14 COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY DATE: Saturday, June 6, 2015 TIME: 10:00 a.m. FOR WHOM: All students wishing and qualified to participate in Commencement, their families and guests (Tickets required). PLACE: Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University 2000 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio INSTRUCTIONS Arrive at WHS gym by 8:00 a.m. It is recommended that you carry your gown. Students will be bused to Cleveland State University. Students not riding the bus will not be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremonies. DRESS: CAPS & GOWNS Dress appropriately for the occasion. See guidelines on page 13. NO jeans, shorts, sweats, tennis shoes, etc. Valuables cannot be secured and should not be brought to the ceremony. TICKETS Students will receive 10 tickets for commencement at the Senior Practice on June 5th. It is the responsibility of the student to distribute his/her graduation tickets to family members. The school will not provide tickets to anyone other than the graduate or parents. FINAL NOTE Commencement is an important occasion for family and friends, but more importantly, it is a celebration of your accomplishments. You have made academic and personal accomplishments. We are proud of the person that you have become. It is our expectation to celebrate you with the dignity that you and the occasion deserve. Expectations of Commencement are that it is drug and alcohol free, that reactions consist of appropriate methods of celebration, and that all participants conduct themselves with the proper decorum. We would like the class of 2015 to end their year with dignity and pride. We will do everything we can to make that happen. We also ask family members and guests to refrain from inappropriate behavior or loud noises. We feel each graduate’s family has the right to proudly hear their son/daughter's name announced without interruptions. Your cooperation is most appreciated. PAGE 3 S E N I O R N EW S L ET T ER TABLE OF CONTENTS Event Dates Schedule ................................................. 5 Prom ............................................................................ 6 After Prom ................................................................... 7 Announcement, Cap & Gown, Fees ............................. 8 Senior Scholarship Night ............................................. 8 Final Seniors Exam Schedule ...................................... 9 Guidance ................................................................... 10 Baccalaureate ............................................................ 10 Commencement Practice ........................................... 11 Commencement Procedures .................................... 12 Commencement Dress Guidelines............................. 13 Commencement Ceremony ....................................... 14 A Word of Advice for Parents ..................................... 15 PAGE 13 Dear Parents, Guardians and Graduating Seniors: Congratulations from the staff of Westlake High School. During the past four years, this class has achieved outstanding success in both the academic and extracurricular school settings. The Main Office & Guidance staff thoroughly enjoyed working with you and being part of your high school experience. The parental and community support and cooperation has been greatly appreciated. THE GRAD How to be a picture perfect graduate. Keep your tassel on the Right side! Graduation is a major event for seniors and their families. We want this to be a ceremony of which we all can be proud. Each senior has been given information that discusses the importance of the commencement ceremony and the behavior that is expected of all participants. Enclosed please find important information, which will be discussed with your senior that should also assist with questions you have. Also, please feel free to call the Main Office at (440) 835-6352. The senior final exams will be given on Tuesday, June 2, Wednesday, June 3 and Thursday, June 4, 2015. The 2015 Commencement Ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Wolstein Center Cleveland State University. Appropriate dress for Girls Dresses or Dress Pants The Senior Breakfast and Commencement Rehearsal will be held on Friday, June 5, 2015 at Westlake High School. We look forward to seeing all of you at Commencement on June 6, 2015. Sincerely, -Westlake High School Faculty, Staff and Administration Dress Shoes or Sandals Appropriate dress for Boys Dress Shirt & Tie Dark Dress Pants Dark Dress Shoes NO RECREATIONAL APPAREL No jeans, shorts, cut-offs, sweats, t-shirts, sports jerseys, tank tops, capri pants, tennis shoes, flip flops, etc. Students with inappropriate dress or whose name is not on the final graduation list will not be allowed to participate in Commencement. PAGE 12 S E NI O R NEW S LE T T E R PAGE 5 WESTLAKE HIGH SCHOOL 2015 COMMENCEMENT SENIOR EVENTS SCHEDULE 2015 The 2015 Commencement Ceremony will be held Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Wolstein Center Cleveland State University. Seniors have been briefed as to the procedure of the ceremony and expected behavior. The Class of 2015 is asking all parents, relatives and friends attending the ceremony to respect the dignity of graduation and to act accordingly. Also, we ask that everyone attending remain seated for the entire ceremony. We feel if these guidelines are followed, the ceremony will be more enjoyable and meaningful for everyone. March 30……..Senior Class Meeting in the PAC COMMENCEMENT PROCEDURES May 16 …….. WHS Prom Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 6-11 p.m. On Saturday morning, graduates are to meet in the main gym of WHS at 8:00 a.m. Find your row and check in with the assigned teacher. Please be on time and follow directions. Students must meet at WHS as directed. Students may not meet at the Wolstein Center. Students not in attendance at WHS will be removed from the line of march. Caps & gowns should be carried. Students will be transported to the Wolstein Center by WHS buses. Students will be released to their parents at the end of the ceremony. Row captains will lead graduates to their bus. At the ceremony a picture will be taken as each graduate receives his/her diploma and flowers will be given out by their counselor. Please allow each graduate’s name to be heard. There is plenty of time for celebration at the conclusion of the ceremony. PLEASE REMAIN IN YOUR SEAT UNTIL ALL DIPLOMAS ARE GIVEN OUT. At the conclusion of the ceremony, diploma packets containing your actual diploma will be given out in a designated area. Please be advised that diplomas cannot be replaced. It is important that you keep your diploma in a safe place. COMMENCEMENT PARTICIPATION Attendance at Commencement is voluntary. Should you decide not to attend, please contact the main office by Thursday, June 4, at 11:00 a.m. April 20th ..…. Prom and after prom ticket sales during May 1st lunch periods. No tickets sold at the door. No refunds. May 4-15 ……..AP Testing May 16-17 ...... After Prom WHS 11:30p.m. —2:30a.m. May 20 ……..Senior Scholarship Night, 7:00 p.m. PAC. Seniors and parents will be notified in advance. May 25 ……..Memorial Day—No School May 27 .……. Sr. Honors Assembly 1:00 p.m. PAC May 31………..Baccalaureate 2:00 p.m. PAC June 2, 3, 4…..Senior Exams/Locker Cleanout June 5 ........... Seniors Commencement Practice ......... 8:00-9:00 a.m. Breakfast ......... 9:00-? Walk Through Practice June 6 .......... Commencement, Wolstein Center CSU 10:00 a.m. O n S E NI O R NEW S LE T T E R PAGE 6 PAGE 11 PROM DATE: Saturday, May 16, 2015 TIME: Arrival 6:30-7:00 p.m. Dinner served at 7:15 p.m. Crowning of King and Queen at 9:30 p.m. Students may not leave until 11:00 p.m. PLACE: Rock & Roll Hall of Fame DATE: Friday, June 5, 2015 TIME: 8:00-9:00 a.m. Breakfast 9:00-? Walk Through Practice PLACE: WHS FOR WHOM: MANDATORY for all graduates! FOR WHOM: Westlake High School Seniors and their guests. Guest forms MUST be submitted when the ticket is purchased. COST: $55 per person. Please keep in mind that No Refunds will be given under any circumstance. TICKETS: PICTURES: Tickets will be sold April 20th through May 1st ONLY, in the rotunda during lunch periods. Advanced sales only. No tickets sold at the door. There will be NO Professional Photography available however; 1 photo booth will be on site to be used for pictures at no additional cost. Students must attend this rehearsal to be eligible for participation in the June 6th Commencement ceremony. It is imperative that participants be present and on time! Breakfast will be served before practice at 8:00 a.m. Graduation tickets and directions available after practice. We regret being so emphatic about the importance of rehearsal, but experience has shown that if people are absent or react in an unplanned manner, the error may become compounded to the point of serious confusion and disruption. The Prom is a school-sponsored event and all standard school rules of conduct apply. Smoking is not permitted. This regulation applies to all WHS students and their dates. Persons suspected of drug/alcohol consumption will be denied entrance to the Prom, be subject to code of conduct consequences, and there will be no refund of ticket costs. We feel we owe the graduates and their families the smoothest and most dignified Commencement possible. We also feel that the Commencement ceremony is important, as it is the culminating school related experience of a twelve-year school career. PLEASE NOTE: Once students enter the Prom they will not be For those students who do not participate in the Commencement ceremony, diplomas may be picked up at the principal’s office after 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. allowed to leave and return. All items such as purses, cameras, etc., should be taken in at the beginning of the evening. You will not be allowed to go to your car to retrieve any of these items. WHS CONTACT: Mrs. Hasenohrl at Again, we must advise that any form of inappropriate or disruptive behavior may cause the offender to be removed from the practice and be excluded from participation in the Commencement ceremony. All school rules and regulations are in effect throughout this entire day. PAGE 10 PAGE 7 GUIDANCE AFTER PROM As soon as you’ve determined the college you’ll attend… DATE: May 16-17, 2015 TIME: 11:30 p.m. --2:30 a.m. PLACE: WHS GUEST: Guest Forms must be submitted with payment for All colleges and universities will require that you send a copy of your FINAL transcript before you are admitted next fall. A final transcript is a record of ALL EIGHT semesters of your high school career and cannot be sent until after you graduate. Counselors will go into English classes and students will indicate where transcript is to be sent. It is frustrating for everyone when you receive a letter the day you arrive on campus and are told you have outstanding obligations. Please take care of this one. You will not be a college student until you officially graduate from high school and the proof of that is your final transcript. The NCAA also needs a final transcript as proof of graduation and completion of all classes. BACCALAUREATE Baccalaureate is a non-denominational ceremony held for the graduation class. It is a long- standing European graduation custom. Baccalaureate is sponsored and organized by local ministerial services and the class of 2015 parents. DATE: Sunday, May 31, 2015 TIME: 2:00 p.m. PLACE: Westlake High School- Performing Arts Center FOR WHOM: Members of the senior class and their families who wish to participate. This celebration is not mandatory. DRESS: Appropriate dress any guest who is not a Westlake High student. COST: $45 per ticket, Students’ whose family made their donation prior to April 20th, will receive one free ticket. A full listing of students will be on hand when tickets are sold. TICKETS: Tickets will be sold during lunch periods, April 20th through May 1st. Cash or check will be accepted. If paying by check, separate checks are needed for Prom and After Prom. Prom made payable to Board of Education, After Prom made payable to Class of 2015 Parents Group. CONTACT: Chris Sutcliffe 440-570-3370 or Lisa Murthy 216-544-6614 S E NI O R NEW S LE T T E R PAGE 8 S E NI O R NEW S LE T T E R PAGE 9 GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS FINAL SENIOR EXAM SCHEDULE Questions please call Herff-Jones at 330-678-8138. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday June 2, 3, 4 CAPS AND GOWNS All students wishing to participate in the Commencement ceremony should have ordered a cap & gown. Gowns from older siblings may not be used as the colors and fabrics have changed. Caps & gowns available May 20th during lunch periods. Questions please call the Main Office at (440) 835-6352. Senior exam schedule as follows: * Make-up exams are at the end of each exam day. All exams must be completed by Thursday, June 5th at 3:00 p.m., or the student will be given an incomplete and pulled from the Commencement Line of March. All Exams will be given in the auxiliary gym unless otherwise specified by teacher. Time Tuesday 6/2 SCHOOL FEES 7:55—9:30 a.m. Period 7/8 or 8/9 Please be aware that all student fees, books, library fines, athletic equipment, elevator keys and any other financial and/or material obligations must be resolved prior to Friday, May 29th or the student will not be included the Commencement Line of March. Text books must be turned in on the day of exam. Lost or damaged book fines must be resolved by June 5th at 3:00 p.m. Diplomas will not be presented and transcripts will not be released until all school obligations/fees are paid. If you have any questions, contact the Main Office at (440) 835-6352. 9:40— 11:15 a.m. Period 2 11:25 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Period 10 Time Wednesday 6/3 7:55-9:30 a.m. Period 3/4 or 4/5 9:40—11:15 a.m. Period 1 11:25 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Make-up Time Thursday 6/4 7:55—9:30 a.m. Period 5/6 or 6/7 SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP NIGHT DATE: TIME: PLACE: FOR WHOM: Wednesday, May 20, 2014 7:00 p.m. Performing Arts Center Seniors and their parents may attend. Award recipients will be notified in advance. 9:40—11:15 a.m. 11:25 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Period 11 Make-up