Research Associate I
Justice Policy Center
Office: 202.261.5802
Twitter: @bryceepeterson
Bryce Peterson, PhD, is a Research Associate in Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center. He is the Principal
Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator of several projects funded by the National Institute of Justice, the
National Institute of Corrections, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance. These projects focus on minimizing
the amount of misconduct and contraband in correctional facilities, evaluating the effectiveness of video
analytics and body camera technologies in a range of criminal justice settings, and identifying practices that
improve the lives of incarcerated parents and their children. He has also served as project manager and
analyst of several other projects focusing on prisoner reentry, correctional policies, federal justice statistics,
community supervision, and law enforcement. He conducts both quantitative and qualitative research and
Prior to the Urban Institute, Bryce was the project manager of the Correctional Incident Database, a
Pinkerton Graduate Research Fellow at the Research and Evaluation Center in New York City, and a
Lecturer at John Jay College, where he taught Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Statistics. He has used his
training in quantitative methods and data analysis to write about and present on several criminal justice
issues, such as correctional issues and policies, technological applications to criminal justice settings, inmate
misbehavior, cross-national comparative analysis of crime, and juvenile delinquency. His work has appears
in peer reviewed journals, such as The Prison Journal and Crime and Delinquency, and he has provided expert
commentary to several news outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, BuzzFeed, Al Jazeera
America Cable News, Vox, Vice, and CityLab (the Atlantic).
John Jay College of Criminal Justice/The Graduate Center, City University of New York
PhD, Criminal Justice
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of new York
MA, Criminal Justice
California State University, Long Beach
BS, Criminal Justice (Magna cum Laude)
2100 M Street NW
Washington DC 20037
Research Associate II, the Urban Institute
Research Associate I, the Urban Institute
Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator of: (1) Mitigating the Impact of Parental
Incarceration on Children: Promising Practices from Arrest through Pre-Adjudication; (2)
Optimizing Video Analytics in a Correction Setting; (3) Evaluating the Use and Impact of Video
Analytics to Enhance Law Enforcement Surveillance Systems; (4) Research on
Contraband and Interdiction Modalities Used in Correctional Facilities; and (5) Milwaukee Police
Department Body Cameras Evaluation. Also, project manager of the Federal Justice Statistics
Analytic Resource Center; project manager of a three-year random assignment evaluation of
an aggression-management program for incarcerated youth; project manager/lead analyst
of the Prison Population Forecaster; and researcher and analyst for several other projects,
such as the evaluation of Safer Return,, the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, and the crossagency, cross-jurisdiction analysis of metropolitan crimes project.
Reviews Editor, the Security Journal
Solicit, edit, and review book reviews for the Security Journal, a ranking journal in the field of
Criminal Justice and Security.
Project Manager, Correctional Incident Database
Managed a team of undergraduate and graduate research assistants; collected data on
escapes, collective violence, homicides, and violent hate crimes in correctional systems;
created research protocols; presented findings at national conferences; and produced
grant proposals, manuscripts, and presentations.
Graduate Research Fellow, Pinkerton Foundation/Research and Evaluation Center, John
Jay College of Criminal Justice
Team leader for Good Shepherd Services; worked with a multi-disciplinary team of
researchers and partnered with community-based youth justice organizations in New York
City providing services for adjudicated and non-adjudicated juveniles; interviewed and
collected information from administrators and frontline staff to build the analytic capacity
of participating agencies; researched relevant topics and assisted agencies with the
creation of evaluation strategies.
Consultant/Contractor, Prisoner Reentry Institute, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Interviewed individuals living in Three-Quarter Houses (TQH) in New York City, as part of
an effort by the Prisoner Reentry Institute to produce research on TQH and policy
advocacy for TQH tenants.
Adjunct Lecturer, John Jay Collect of Criminal Justice
2100 M Street NW
Washington DC 20037
Taught criminal justice, criminology, and statistics courses in the following departments:
Mathematics & Computer Science; Sociology; Law, Police Science, & Criminal Justice
Teaching Assistant, John Jay Collect of Criminal Justice
Assisted professors with grading and class lectures for introductory criminal justice,
statistics, and math courses.
Research Assistant, Supervisor Candace McCoy
Conducted research on various legal and criminal justice issues
Research Assistant, the Prisoner Reentry Institute
Partnered with reentry organizations throughout New York City to conduct research on
what works in prisoner reentry; compiled information on organizations that offer
educational and reentry services to the formerly incarcerated; created training materials
for practitioners involved in reentry
National Institute of Justice, Optimizing Video Analytics in a Correction Setting, Principal Investigator (with
Nancy La Vigne), 2016-2018, $599,742
National Institute of Justice, Evaluating the Use and Impact of Video Analytics to Enhance Law Enforcement
Surveillance Systems, Co-Principal Investigator (with Daniel Lawrence, Nancy Law Vigne), 2016-2018,
National Institute of Justice, Research on Contraband and Interdiction Modalities Used in Correctional Facilities,
Principal Investigator (with KiDeuk Kim), 2016-2018, $499,999
Bureau of Justice Assistance, Milwaukee Police Department Body Cameras Evaluation, Principal Investigator
(with Nancy La Vigne), 2015-2017, $399,746 (total award=$624,206)
National Institute of Corrections, Mitigating the Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children: Promising
Practices from Arrest through Pre-Adjudication, Co-Principal Investigator (with Jocelyn Fontaine), 2013-2015,
National Institute of Justice, Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Medium- and High-Risk Juvenile Offenders:
A Statewide Randomized Controlled Trial in Virginia, Project Manager (with KiDeuk Kim, Principal
Investigator), 2015-2017, $569,702
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Federal Justice Statistics Analytic Resource Center, Project Manager (with KiDeuk
Kim, and William Adams, Principal Investigators), 2013-2017, $999,892
Academy of Critical Incident Analysis, Correctional Incident Database of Collective Violence, Homicides, Hate
2100 M Street NW
Washington DC 20037
Crimes and Escapes, Project Manager (with Jeff Mellow, Joshua Freilich, & Steven Chermak, Principal
Investigators), 2010-2012, $30,000
PSC-CUNY University Committee on research, Escapes from Custody and Violence: Do the Courts Have it
Wrong?, Project Manager (with Jeff Mellow, Principal Investigators), 2012-2013, $11,998
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
B.E. Peterson, Fera, A.F., & Mellow, J. Escapes from Correctional Custody: A New Examination of
an Old Phenomenon. The Prison Journal.
Cubellis, M., B.E. Peterson, A. M. Henninger, and Lee, D. Childhood Sexual Abuse and Antisocial
Traits and Behaviors: A Gendered Examination of the Factors Associated with Perpetration of
Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
B.E. Peterson, D. Lee, M. Cubellis, and A.M. Henninger. Social Bonds, Juvenile Delinquency, and
Korean Adolescents: A Longitudinal Analysis of Hirschi's Social Control Theory, Crime and
Delinquency. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0011128714542505
B.E. Peterson. Newsworthiness of Prison Escapes: Content Analysis of Factors Influencing Print
Media Coverage, 2006-2010. American International Journal of Social Science, 3(1), 174-187.
Mellow, M., B.E. Peterson, and Kim, M. Learning from Failure: An Analysis of Findings Letters in Jail
CRIPA Cases (Under Review)
B.E. Peterson, Tiry, E., Kim, K., and La Vigne, N. Exploring the Relationship between Residential
Mobility and Recidivism for Individuals under Community Supervision (Under Review).
King, R., B.E. Peterson, Elderbroom, B., Pelletier, E. Reducing Mass Incarceration Requires FarReaching Reforms (The Prison Population Forecaster). Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
B.E. Peterson, Fontaine, J., Kurs, E., Cramer, L. Children of Incarcerated Parents Framework
Document: Promising Practices, Challenges, and Recommendations for the Field. Washington, DC:
The Urban Institute.
Cramer, L., B.E. Peterson, Kurs, E., Fontaine, J. Toolkit for Developing Family Impact Statements:
Children of Incarcerated Parents Project. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
B.E. Peterson, Cramer, L., Kurs, E., Fontaine, J. Toolkit for Developing Family-Focused Jail
Programs: Children of Incarcerated Parents Project. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
2100 M Street NW
Washington DC 20037
Kurs, E., B.E. Peterson, Cramer, L., Fontaine, J. Toolkit for Developing Parental Arrest Policies:
Children of Incarcerated Parents Project. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
Fontaine, J., Taxy, S., B.E. Peterson, Breaux, J., and Rossman, S.B. Safer Return Demonstration:
Impact Findings from the Research-Based Community Reentry Initiative. Washington, DC: The
Urban Institute.
Kim, K., & B.E. Peterson. Aging Behind Bars: Trends and Implications of Graying Prisoners in the
Federal Prison System. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
La Vigne, N., Bieler, S., Cramer, L., Ho, H., Kotonias, C., Mayer, D., McClure, D., Pacifici, L., Parks, E.;
B.E. Peterson, Samuels, J. Justice Reinvestment Initiative State Assessment Report. The Bureau of
Justice Assistance.
La Vigne, N., Samuels, J., Bieler, S., Mayer, D., Pacifici, L., Cramer, L., B.E. Peterson, Kotonias, C.,
McClure, D., Ho, H. The Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Experiences from the States. The Bureau of
Justice Assistance.
Peterson, B.E. The SPEP Guidebook. New York: Research and Evaluation Center, John Jay College of
Criminal Justice
Peterson, B.E., Cubellis, M., & Henninger, A.M. Pinkerton Fellowship Initiative: A report for Good
Shepherd Services. New York: Research and Evaluation Center, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Cubellis, M., Henninger, A.M., & Peterson, B.E. Pinkerton Fellowship Initiative: A report for Hour
Children. New York: Research and Evaluation Center, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Henninger, A.M., Cubellis, M., Delgado, S.A., Fletcher, L., Peterson, B.E., Pipitone, J., & Ramdath, C.
Pinkerton Fellowship Initiative: A report for Abraham House. New York: Research and Evaluation
Center, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Book Chapters
B.E. Peterson & Mellow, J. Escapes from Prison. In K. Kerley (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Corrections
B.E. Peterson, Importation Model. In K. Kerley (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Corrections
B.E. Peterson, Deprivation Model. In K. Kerley (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Corrections
B.E. Peterson, Furlough. In J.S. Albanese (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Cubellis, M. & B.E. Peterson, Bails Bondsmen. In J.S. Albanese (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Criminology
and Criminal Justice. Wiley-Blackwell
2100 M Street NW
Washington DC 20037
Works in Progress
Peterson, B.E. and M. Cubellis. Factors Associated with Jail Misconduct: An Application of Correctional Theory.
(Manuscript in Progress)
Lee, D., B.E. Peterson, and M. Cubellis. Social Control, Strain, and Social Learning: Pathways to Delinquency
among Korean Adolescents. (Manuscript in Progress)
Henninger, A.M., B.E. Peterson, M. Cubellis, and D. Lee. Effects of Citizenship Status on Intimate Partner Violence
Among Chinese Immigrants. (Manuscript in Progress)
Cubellis, M., B.E. Peterson, and D. Lee. Sex Offender Registration and Recidivism: A Meta-Analysis (Manuscript in
B.E. Peterson, Still, W., & Crawford, G. Children of Incarcerated Parents: Family Impact Statements.
Paper presented at the American Probation and Parole Association’s Winter Training Institute,
Atlanta, GA.
B.E. Peterson, Fontaine, J., Cramer, C., Kurs, E., & Crawford, G. Promising and Innovative Practices for
Children with Parents Involved in the Early Stages of the Justice System. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC.
Harvell, S., B.E. Peterson, Kim, K., & Tiry, E. Aggression Replacement Training (ART) for Medium- and
High-Risk Juvenile Offenders. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, Washington, DC.
Kim, K, B.E. Peterson, &. Tiry, E. An Empirical Analysis on a Burden of Supervision Requirements and the
Effectiveness of Intensive Community Supervision. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC.
Bieler, S., B.E. Peterson, & Kim, K. Public Interest in Sex Offenders. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL.
B.E. Peterson, Kim, K., & Mallik-Kane, K. When Do Mental Health Courts Work and For Whom They
Work Better?: Lessons From a Matched Case-Control Evaluation of the Brooklyn Mental Health Court.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Mellow, J., Kim, M., & B.E. Peterson. An Analysis of Finding Letters in Jail CRIPA Cases: 1997-2014.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
2100 M Street NW
Washington DC 20037
Kim, K., & B.E. Peterson. The Processing Time of Criminal Cases in the Federal Justice System. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Tiry, E., B.E. Peterson, & Kim, K. Moderating Effects of Neighborhood Context on Recidivism:
Implications for Research and Practice. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Fera, A.G., B.E. Peterson, & Mellow, J. Facility and Inmate Characteristics Associated with the Type of
Escape from Correctional Custody. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Pipitone, J.M., Fletcher, L.T., B.E. Peterson, & Pelletier, E. Evidence Generation: Evidence-Based
Collaboration with Youth Justice Agencies in New York. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Academy of Criminal Justice Science, Philadelphia, A.
Kim, K. & B.E. Peterson. A Longitudinal Analysis on Changing Demographics and Crime. Paper
presented at the Applied Demography Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Ferraresso, R., Lee, D., & B.E. Peterson. Cyber-Delinquency among Korean Adolescents: A Test of
General Strain Theory. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
B.E. Peterson, Feram A.G., Mellow, J. A Survival Analysis of Time-to-Recapture for Escaped Inmates.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
B.E. Peterson. The Standardized Evaluation Protocol (SPEP): A tool for the Graduate Research Fellow.
Presented at “Graduate Research Fellowship Year One Summary Workshop” New York, NY.
B.E. Peterson. Costs and Characteristics of Escapes from Custody: Information for State and Federal
Policy Makers. Poster presentation to the New York State Legislature at Boosting the Power of
SUNY and CUNY: A Celebration of Graduate Research, Albany, NY.
B.E Peterson, Lee, D., Cubellis, M., & Henninger, A.M., Social Bonds, Juvenile Delinquency, and Korean
Adolescents: A longitudinal Analysis of Hirschi’s Social Control Theory. Paper presented to the Annual
Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, TX.
Henninger, A.M., Cubellis, M., B.E Peterson, & Lee, D. Effects of Citizenship Status on Intimate Partner
Violence among Chinese Immigrants. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, TX.
Cubellis, M., Henninger, A.M., Lee, D., & B.E Peterson. The Effect of Gender and Childhood Sexual
Abuse on Intimate Partner Perpetration: A Cross-National Comparison. Paper presented to the Annual
Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, TX.
Peterson, B.E. Family Centered Treatment: A Promising Practice. Presented at “What is the Evidence
for Evidence-Based Practice?” New York, NY.
2100 M Street NW
Washington DC 20037
B.E. Peterson, Fera, A.F., & Mellow, J. Escapes from Custody and Violence: A Critical Analysis. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Cubellis, M.A., & B.E. Peterson. An Analysis of the Factors Associated with Jail Misconduct: An
Application of Correctional Theory. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Ferraresso, R., B.E. Peterson, & D. Lee. Social Capital and Corruption: An Examination into the
Intervening Role of Rule of Law. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Lee, D., B.E. Peterson, & J. Song. Social Bond, Peer Influence, and Delinquency: An Empirical Test of
Social Bond Theory among Korean Adolescents. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C.
Fera, A.G., D.L. Stageman, J. Mellow, A. Coleman, & B.E. Peterson. An Analysis of the Public Risks and
Costs Associated with Escapes from Correctional Custody. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C.
2015 Outstanding Dissertation Award, PhD Program in Criminal Justice, John Jay College
Arthur & Elaine Niederhoffer Memorial Fellowship Award for excellence and creativity in
scholarship and research, John Jay College
Research/Travel Award, Accepted to Present Research to the New York State
Doctoral Student Travel Grant, John Jay College, CUNY
Pinkerton Fellowship, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Enhanced Chancellor’s Fellowship, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Magna Cum Laude, President’s List, Golden Key Honor Society, National Society of
Collegiate Scholars, Phi Eta Sigma/Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society, California
State University Long Beach
Criminology (SOC 203), John Jay College
Principles of Methods and Statistics (STA 250), John Jay College
Introduction to Criminal Justice (CRJ 101), John Jay College
2100 M Street NW
Washington DC 20037
Wall Street Journal; Reuters; BuzzFeed; Al Jazeera America; VICE; Vox; Governing
Magazine; CityLab (the Atlantic); Associated Press, Illinois; National Journal; Utica
Observer-Dispatch; Dallas Morning News; United Press International; The Record, North
Jersey; Diverse: Issues in Higher Education;
Wisconsin Public Radio; CKNW Radio, Spice Radio (Vancouver)
Al Jazeera America news; RT America news; CTV News
Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Quantitative Criminology; Journal of Research in Crime and
Delinquency; Security Journal
Member, Recruitment Committee, Justice Policy Center, the Urban Institute
Member, Teaching and Professional Development Committee, Criminal Justice Doctoral
Students Association, John Jay College
2012- 2013
Graduate Council Student Representative of the Criminal Justice Doctoral Program,
Graduate Center
2012- 2013
Member, Graduate Teaching Fellow/Graduate Adjunct Initiative, John Jay College
Member, American Society of Criminology
Member, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Stata, SPSS, Mplus, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis, HLM, NVivo, Microsoft Office
2100 M Street NW
Washington DC 20037