Campus Turnaround Plan

Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
Date of Board
Consecutive School Years Rated Academically Unacceptable/Improvement Required:
Grades Served:
6, 7, 8
3rd Year IR
Professionals Responsible for Campus Turnaround Plan Development:
Steven Stapleton
Rebecca Brown
Judy Koch
Erica Deakins
Susanna Medina, Nanette Zertuche
Joe Guzman
Community Member
Lakeysha Boleware, Sarah Solorio
Turnaround Plan Attestation Statements
By checking the box, we attest assistance was requested from parents and community members in developing the campus
turnaround plan, per Texas Education Code (TEC) 39.107(a-2)(2). In addition, the request and input have been recorded and are
available upon request.
By checking the box, we attest the campus site-based decision making committee (if applicable), parents, teachers, and
community members had an opportunity to review the plan before it was submitted for approval to the board of trustees, per TEC
39.107(b). The comments must be submitted in the ISAM portal.
By checking the box, the superintendent and board of trustees attest this plan provides clear focus and urgency to effectively
move the turnaround initiative(s) forward. The district confirms its commitment to support the school in the successful
implementation of this plan.
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
Historical Narrative (Optional Response)
Include a historical narrative that succinctly describes the history of the campus that has led to under performance.
Limit the narrative to big picture issues and the challenges of the campus. Do not exceed 3000 characters.
The current principal of McReynolds Middle School was hired in August 2016, a week before the teachers returned to work. Every member of the administrative
team is new to the campus and excluding the principal, new to campus administration. Furthermore, 60% of the staff has less than five years of teaching
experience. McReynolds Middle School has had five principals in the past five years, with one principal lasting only three months in the Fall of 2010. This inner-city
school just east of downtown Houston serves approximately 600 students from two cultural strongholds, Denver Harbor, a Hispanic neighborhood, and the Historic
5th Ward, a predominantly African American community. The student body is 84% Hispanic and 16% African American.
While we have worked diligently during the 2015-2016 school year to put systems and procedures in place which are the foundation for sustainable academic and
cultural success, there remain areas which are not yet as developed or consistently implemented. We have identified these areas, and with continued efforts,
teacher practice in the classroom, mindset towards transformation, and best practices will improve at a rate that will lead the campus out of Improvement
Required. One of the areas we will focus on is continuing to provide professional development, support with PLC planning and implementation, with a much
greater focus on putting in place the structures and framework necessary for teachers to believe that there has been a paradigm shift made on the campus
regarding instructional decision making. With a history of revolving administrators, the decisions regarding instruction have historically come from the top down.
No leader has been here long enough to lead the development of a common vision of excellence or to build strong teacher leaders, who are an integral part of
developing such a vision. For example, the department heads have lead more by "title" than "function". We are now able, prepared, and focused on moving
towards a system that utilizes the knowledge and talent of our teachers in order for us to be academically successful and strategically fill gaps in order to ensure
alignment to the vision and to build teacher capacity.
Needs Summary and Turnaround Plan
Systemic Root Cause: Describe the systemic root cause that has led to low student performance.
In 9 month’s time, we are not yet completely rebranded nor has a culture and climate been cultivated with systems that foster the development of teacher
capacity and leadership. Administrators have shouldered the responsibilities of facilitating PLCs, guiding instructional discussions, and making instructional
decisions We have not yet made the paradigm shift to working as a team, instead we have utilized strategic top-down management. McReynolds Middle School
has a lack of a school-wide systematic approach in building teacher leaders on campus, including a lack of sound pedagogical practice, implementation of research
based professional learning, and a growth mindset philosophy that guides all teaching and learning.
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Turnaround Initiative: Describe your systemic approach for
turning around the campus.
McReynolds’ Turnaround Plan will focus on the development and
implementation of effective, research based professional development to build
capacity in the Teacher Leaders. We will invest in developing teacher leaders
who will form the middle layer of instructional planning and decision making
on the campus. This position is currently listed as Department Head, and we
are in the process of redefining the role and responsibilities to better reflect
the needs of our campus. The professional development plan will include a
monitoring system and plan for accountability for ensuring effective
pedagogical practices in each classroom. This plan will include ongoing campus
training for both teacher leaders and teachers that will lead to the
development of a common language and vision of effective classroom
practices. McReynolds’ growth mindset approach is to develop the potential
of all teachers through a structure that supports their learning, organizes our
departments around academic goals, and includes all campus staff in working
together as a team in sub-groups to improve student outcomes by ensuring
robust access and opportunity to targeting learning at high levels.
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
Impacted Critical Success Factors (CSFs):
CSF 1 - Academic Performance (Curriculum & Instruction)
CSF 2 - Quality Data to Drive Instruction
CSF 3 - Leadership Effectiveness
CSF 4 - Increased Learning Time
CSF 5 - Family/Community Engagement
CSF 6 - School Climate
CSF 7 - Teacher Quality
Outcome: Describe how the turnaround initiative will resolve the identified systemic root cause.
Building a culture of shared planning and decision making that is founded on structures supporting teacher leadership will develop a shared ownership and
understanding of student and campus needs and will lead to teachers taking pride in their delivery of research based pedagogical practices and results-driven
work. The result will be improved teacher practice and student outcomes and ultimately the campus exiting the IR status within two years.
Processes/Procedures: What processes, procedures, and policies are needed to ensure that the turnaround initiative will be
implemented effectively?
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
Process and procedures necessary to accomplish this Turnaround Plan include:
• Develop a leadership structure for the campus that includes administrators, teacher leaders, and student support specialists, all of whom will work collaboratively
to support planning, instruction, and student needs/interventions. We will fill these positions from among our current staff members and will not necessitate
additional staffing .
• McReynolds’ leadership team, including newly assigned Teacher Leaders, will develop a Campus Professional Development and Monitoring Plan that will be
communicated to all campus staff at the beginning of the school year. The dissemination of this plan will ensure a clearer understanding of what is expected of
campus administration, Teacher Leaders, and teachers.
• Develop a coaching model that revolves around Teacher Leaders facilitating team meetings where teachers present lessons and receive both warm and cool
feedback from other teachers.
• Develop a master schedule that will allow for both grade level and content area team planning during the school day.
• Develop a professional development calendar based on the needs of the campus, administrators, teacher leaders, teachers and students. This calendar will be
developed initially for the 2016 - 2017 school year based on 2016 student and teacher performance data and campus needs. This calendar will be reviewed and
revised based on current student and staff performance data at the end of the first semester.
• Develop a plan for cultivating a growth mindset among teachers through the use of lesson plan protocols, PLC protocols, classroom goals, and the use of student
data trackers. Teachers will also receive campus based professional development which promotes a growth mindset in teachers and students.
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Name:
Campus Number:
Communications: How will you communicate a shared and clear vision for the turnaround initiative that results in a collaborative effort
toward student success?
MCREYNOLDS SCHOOL VISION IS “Expect achievement by providing a quality education and life changing experiences in a positive and safe learning environment.”
As part of that vision, our campus developed our beliefs about students, parents, teachers, and community. One of our beliefs is “that teachers are valued
practitioners who are committed professionals driven by student success and the desire to produce globally successful citizens.” Together, our vision and our belief
form the basis of our Turnaround Initiative in providing the best planning and instruction possible. We will develop a plan of action for communicating our vision
throughout the school year in the following ways:
• Include in all PLC agendas a progress monitor tool for reflecting on the progress towards achieving our vision and our status with the turnaround initiative as
illustrated in our student progress data on a weekly basis;
• Keep the vision visible for all our stakeholders by posting it in all high traffic areas, in all classrooms, and around the campus;
• Post our turnaround plan on our website with ongoing opportunities for parents and the community to provide input for how we can improve instruction and
learning on our campus;
• Ensure two-way communication with all stakeholders by including teachers, students, parents and community members in quarterly meetings in which they are
updated on our turnaround plan progress and give them the opportunity during these meetings to provide feedback. Some of these communication strategies
include parent/community meetings, staff meetings, Site-Based Decision Making Committee, student advisory committees, newsletters, and postings on our
website. The Turnaround Plan will be posted on our website continuously throughout the school year, along with a vehicle for all stakeholders to provide feedback
at any time on turnaround progress;
• Develop internal processes for communicating PLC planning outcomes to all administrators for follow-up in monitoring classroom instruction. This will be done
through weekly Instructional Leadership Team meetings, consisting of the principal, assistant principals, and teacher leaders by communicating key performance
indicators that should be observed and monitored in classrooms.
HISD will assist us in achieving our vision and reaching the goals of our Turnaround Plan by:
• Assist in recruiting, developing, and retaining highly qualified and effective teachers and staff;
• Identify demonstration schools which serve as models in best practices in systems that support the improvement of school culture, family and community
engagement, and instructional practice;
• Provide instructional coaches from HISD’s Curriculum and Development Department to provide subject-specific on-the-job coaching and campus-specific
professional development for teachers aligned to the needs of the individual teacher and our campus;
• Establish partnerships with local colleges and universities in which potential teachers have access to our campus through classroom visits, presentations, and
professional development workshops focused on relevant context for work on our campus.
• A transformation support team, comprised of members from HISD’s Professional Development, School Leadership, Curriculum and Development, and the Schools
Office Departments, has been created. This newly formed team will provide specialized support for turnaround campuses, during Turnaround Plan implementation
Organizational Structure: How will you eliminate barriers to improvement, redefine staff roles and responsibilities as necessary, and
empower staff to be responsive in support of the turnaround initiative?
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
The organizational structure at McReynolds will not undergo an overhaul, but will include redefined roles.
1. The role of the principal will include monitoring the completion of the specific actions outlined in the Turnaround Plan by implementing measures for supporting
and holding key personnel accountable.
2. The Administration will ensure a strategic schedule is created to allow all content areas to have a PLC, and for each grade level team to meet each week. This will
ensure that PD is not only given, but internalized and implemented with fidelity. We will also ensure that weekly conversations are taking place to address students
of concern. We will develop a daily schedule which will allow time during the school day for Teacher Leaders to plan PLCs, conduct PLCs, and observe as well as
coach teachers in instructional delivery.
3. The Administration will create a Professional Development Plan that will outline and track the learning opportunities teachers take advantage of, how new
learning will be implemented and coaching, reflections, and feedback about the execution of implementation.
4. The TDS will design personalized learning experiences for our content areas and individual teachers and meet weekly with the Administration to ensure
alignment with the Professional Development Plan and to ensure that TDS are monitoring the effective implementation of the new learning. The administration will
capitalize on the TDS to support teachers with this implementation.
5. District provided professional development aligned to the goals of the campus Turnaround Plan will be included in the campus Professional Development Plan.
5. The Administration will provide opportunities for teachers to receive personalized learning by allowing them to set professional development goals that are
aligned to self-identified areas for improvement, attend external learning opportunities, and collaborate with leaders to find avenues for professional growth that
are aligned to the campus Turnaround Plan. This in depth personalized learning plan will be a collaborative effort teachers, Teacher Leaders, and the
6. The School Transformation Office will provide a School Support Officer who will meet with the principal and other campus leaders weekly to monitor programs
and performance, as well as to review progress and campus needs. He/She will assist the campus in securing the District-provided professional development
needed by the campus.
Capacity and Resources: Describe the staff that are required to implement the plan. (Specify any new full time employees as a result of
the initiative. Describe how personnel resources are different from the previous school year.)
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
The staff required to implement the plan include:
• Principal – Position already in current budget – Principal will monitor implementation of the turnaround plan and monitoring to ensure that all components of the
Turnaround Plan and the subsequent Targeted Improvement Plan. (The Targeted Improvement Plan is the vehicle through which this Turnaround Plan will be
• Administrators including Principal and Assistant Principals to monitor the roles of the Teacher Leaders and to follow-up PLC planning and professional
development implementation in the classroom and to monitor the activities of the Student Support Specialists in order to ensure that all student needs are met;
• Teacher Leaders - To be identified among our current staff; their role will be to lead the PLCs in data analysis and planning of instruction and to be the lead in
team building in their content areas and grade levels. These will be teachers identified from among our current staff who serve as the leads in identifying and
meeting with students and their parents (lead team meetings) regarding individual student needs.
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
How will you allocate campus and district funds for this initiative?
Professional Development
Supplies and Materials
Other Operating Cost
Capital Outlay
0 No new budgeted positions
$60,000 This will be used to pay for professional development for teacher leaders, teachers, student support
specialists and campus leaders for the next two years.
$20,000 This will be used to pay for instructional supplies and materials needed to support the Turnaround
initiative, including materials needed for a dedicated PLC/data room.
$4,000 Lead Teacher Stipends
Systemic Root Cause: Describe the systemic root cause that has led to low student performance.
<Enter Text>
Turnaround Initiative: Describe your systemic approach for
turning around the campus.
<Enter Text>
Impacted Critical Success Factors (CSFs):
CSF 1 - Academic Performance (Curriculum & Instruction)
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
CSF 2 - Quality Data to Drive Instruction
CSF 3 - Leadership Effectiveness
CSF 4 - Increased Learning Time
CSF 5 - Family/Community Engagement
CSF 6 - School Climate
CSF 7 - Teacher Quality
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
Outcome: Describe how the turnaround initiative will resolve the identified systemic root cause.
<Enter Text>
Processes/Procedures: What processes, procedures, and policies are needed to ensure that the turnaround initiative will be
implemented effectively?
<Enter Text>
Communications: How will you communicate a shared and clear vision for the turnaround initiative that results in a collaborative effort
toward student success?
<Enter Text>
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
Organizational Structure: How will you eliminate barriers to improvement, redefine staff roles and responsibilities as necessary, and
empower staff to be responsive in support of the turnaround initiative?
<Enter Text>
Capacity and Resources: Describe the staff that are required to implement the plan. (Specify any new full time employees as a result of
the initiative. Describe how personnel resources are different from the previous school year.)
<Enter Text>
How will you allocate campus and district funds for this initiative?
Professional Development
Supplies and Materials
Other Operating Cost
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Capital Outlay
Number (CDN):
Campus Number: