LAMAR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 3325 Westheimer Rd. ∙ Houston, Texas 77098-1099

3325 Westheimer Rd. ∙ Houston, Texas 77098-1099
(713) 522-5960 ∙ Fax (713) 535-3769
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What do I do when I arrive at school on the first day?
Find the grade level Advocacy lists posted near the entrances of the school. Identify which Advocacy is
yours and then proceed to that classroom when the bell rings.
Q. When do I get my schedule?
You will receive your schedule in your Advocacy class on the first day of school.
Q. What lunch do I go to?
Your lunch period is determined by your 3rd and 7th period classes. Your 3rd and 7th period teachers will
inform you of your lunch period on the first day of school.
Q. How do I get bus transportation?
Most students will receive letters directly from HISD Transportation informing them of bus routes,
locations, and times. If a student does not receive this information, he/she should call Lamar (713-5225960) and ask for Ms. Chavez (ext. 324).
Q. If I am more than five minutes late to class, how do I get a permit to enter class?
Go to your family office and get a pass. If you do not have a written excuse from your parent you may be
assigned detention.
Q. How do I check in when returning after an absence?
Go to your family office immediately upon your return to school with a note from your parent or guardian.
You may enter the building at 8:00 to go to your family office. You must sign in and then give your note to
the clerk. She will give you an absent note receipt. You must put your name and the date of your absence
on the note. This is your receipt for the absence note. If you do not follow this procedure, you may be in
danger of losing class credit for the absence. This receipt is not verification that the absence is excused;
only that a note was turned in to the Family office.
Q. How do I check out if I have to leave school early for a medical appointment?
Turn in a signed note from your parent / guardian to the Family office secretary when you arrive in the
morning. Be sure that your note contains a parent or guardian telephone number, and/or the name and
telephone number of the attending physician or dentist.After verifying, you will be issued a permit, from
the Family office, to be released from your class at the appropriate time.
Before leaving campus you must:
show your permit in the attendance office and
parent or guardian must sign you out.
Q. How do I request a schedule change?
Schedule change forms may be picked up in the library on Wednesday, August 25, 2015 before school,
during passing periods, and after school. They must be signed by a guardian and returned before or after
school and during passing periods by 4pm Thursday, August 27, 2015 to their advisor’s office or the
library. Schedule change forms will not be accepted after Thursday, August 27, 2015.
Q. How do I check out textbooks?
Take a copy of your schedule to the textbook room before or after school or during your lunch.