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New in paperback
The South’s New Politics
Realignment and Dealignment
Edited by Robert H. Swansbrough and David M. Brodsky
The South’s New Politics: Realignment and Dealignment examines the important issue
of whether the once solid Democratic South is becoming a Republican heartland.
President Ronald Reagan’s 1980 and 1984 victories in the region raised GOP hopes
of a southern voter realignment to the Republican party. Other observers argue that
southerners are moving away from both the Democratic and Republican parties, as
more and more people call themselves Independents or split their ballots to vote for
candidates from both parties.
Twelve chapters focus on individual southern states, examining election results,
statewide surveys and public office holding trends. The book assesses the Reagan
administration’s success in attracting the more conservative southern voter to the
Republican party in the Sunbelt South, Rim South, and Deep South States.
In particular the book looks at the political movements of Southern whites, blacks,
and young voters through the 1986 election. The authors describe the rich diversity
of southern politics, pointing to substantial Republican gains in some states, continued Democratic dominance in others and a movement away from both parties in still
other southern states. The South’s New Politics emphasizes that neither Democratic nor
Republican strategists can take the volatile southern voter for granted.
Available, 336 pages
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