February 10, 2014 FROM THE PRINCIPAL CALENDAR Feb. 10-13: Jump Rope for Heart (in gym classes) Wednesday, Feb. 12: "Dine to Donate" at Frankie's Thursday, Feb. 13: 7:25 am: Student Council Meeting Last day to submit "Jump Rope for Heart" donation envelopes 1:30 pm: Valentine Parties Friday, Feb. 14: NO SCHOOL (staff work day) Monday, Feb. 17: NO SCHOOL (Presidents' Day) "Dine to Donate" at Max & Erma's Tuesday, Feb. 18: Market Day orders due at marketday.com Mr. Hodge's Message Drop Off & Pick Up Thank you for being patient with our new drop off and pick up procedures. After one week, I think things are going smoothly. Please remember to have your children exit and enter on the curb side. You do not need to get out of your car as children should be able to buckle themselves. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns. Family Game Night Family Game Night is Friday, February 28, 6:30-8:00 pm. The Bassett staff is planning a great night of fun, food and more for your family to enjoy! The brochure was sent home last week or you can download it here. Please try to RSVP by February 21 so we can get an idea of the number of people coming. Admission is $10 for a family up to 6 ($1 more for each additional family member) and will be collected at the event (you do not need to send in money with your RSVP form). All proceeds benefit Autism Speaks. Dine to Donate: There is a "Dine to Donate" opportunity in support of Family Game Night this Wednesday, February 12, at Frankie's Italian Cuisine (Westlake and North Olmsted locations). The flyer was sent home or you can download it here. Valentine Parties Thursday, Feb. 20 1:00 pm: 1st Grade music program Valentine Parties are Thursday, February 13 at 1:30 pm. Bassett PTA is providing food for the parties and the food selections are as follows: Skinny Pop Popcorn. Click here for the ingredient list. Pepperidge Farms Giant Chocolate Goldfish Grahams. Click here for the ingredient list. 6:00 pm: Founders Day celebration at Avon Oaks Gifted Referral Period Saturday, Feb. 22: 9:30-10:15 am: Market Day order pick-up Monday, Feb. 24: Last day to submit Gifted Referral packet Completed Gifted Referral packets are due at the Bassett office by Monday, February 24. Click here for more information and here for the packet. Mr. Hodge hodge@wlake.org Wednesday, Feb. 26: Staff Appreciation Lunch FROM THE PTA PRESIDENT Friday, Feb. 28: 6:30-8:00 pm: Family Game Night Founders Day QUICK LINKS Bassett/District "Save the Dates" Bassett Elementary Bassett PTA Important Dates Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures & Traffic Flow Map Lauren Backus's Message On Thursday, February 20, the Westlake Council of PTAs will celebrate Founders Day. This evening is set aside to recognize and honor the many people who contribute to making a difference for our students and schools in Westlake. We are excited to find out the Bassett recipient of the PTA Achievement Award! Click here for the Founders Day invitation and reservation form. Please join us in recognizing the 2014 Founders Day award recipients! If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl McBride at cherylmcbride815@yahoo.com or Megan Moutoux at mmoutoux9271@wowway.com. Family Game Night Founders Day Gifted Referral Information & Gifted Referral Forms International Baccalaureate Candidacy Congratulations Reflections participants! The Reflections Awards Ceremony occurred on Sunday and the following Bassett students were recognized: Laurien Palmer, Megan Orr, Grace Neubeck, Andrew Orr, Emma Sanchez, Kaitlyn Paulson, Anna Orr, Aya Alramahi, Basheer Alramahi, and Erin Kennedy. Their artistry was phenomenal! Look for more details in next week's Blast. Lauren Backus Kindergarten Registration for 2014-15 Lunch Menus & EZ Pay Market Day Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA) Dates Project Link Winter Enrichment Programs Rebates Westlake City Schools Westlake City Schools' Calendar for 2013-14 Westlake City Schools' Calendar for 2014-15 Westlake City Schools' Interactive Calendar laurenbackus@hotmail.com STAFF APPRECIATION LUNCHEON February 26 Bassett PTA is planning a Staff Appreciation Luncheon for our dedicated staff that will be held Wednesday, February 26. Our theme is "Countdown to Spring" and boy are we ready!! 4th grade parents: If you would like to donate a baked good for the lunch, please contact Kim Corrado at kimsono@ameritech.net . K-3 parents: Please consider making a small donation toward the purchase of the lunch. Please send in your donation by February 18 in an envelope labeled, "PTA Lunch." Please also include the name of your child's teacher. Thank you so much for your continued support. If you have any questions, please contact Robyn Connor at 440-250-0695 or kconnor1@roadrunner.com JUMP ROPE FOR HEART This week! SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING Please visit the Second Language Learning website to find out more about what our kids are learning in French class. Please contact Miss Lawrence at lawrencea@wlake.org if you have questions. BLASTS ARE ONLINE You can access Bassett Blasts from the Bassett School homepage. Look for the "Weekly Blasts" link on the green sidebar. This Blast will be posted later today. Our annual "Jump Rope for Heart" event is going on this week during gym classes. The American Heart Association sponsors this event, and Bassett students have raised tens of thousands of dollars over the years to fund cardiovascular research and educational programs in Ohio and across the Nation. Each family with students in Grades 1 - 4 recently received a donation envelope. Donations are optional and all students will participate in this event regardless of whether they chose to make a donation. Thanks to everyone who has already submitted a donation envelope. Donation envelopes are due by Thursday, February 13. Please note that donations can also be made online at www.heart.org/jump. Simply access the website and follow the parent directions to register your child on the Bassett school team webpage. Thank you for your continued support of this event. Please contact me if you have any questions. Mr. O'Doherty Physical Education Teacher odohertys@wlake.org REBATES CONTEST Going on now! It is time for our annual Winter Rebates Contest! Deadline extended due to cold & snowy conditions! From now until February 21, submit all of your Box Tops, Labels for Education, and Tyson A+ labels. There will be winners from K-2nd grade and 3rd-4th grade, and also for the class room that submits the highest total. These little pieces of paper really do add up to $ for our school. Click here for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Johnson at maimers410@yahoo.com. MARKET DAY The next order deadline is Tuesday, February 18 at 11:00 pm. Place your order at marketday.com. Pick-up is Saturday, February 22, 9:30-10:15 am. We look forward to seeing you there! Don't forget - for every order you make, your family will be entered to win a Kindle Fire or an Amazon Gift Card! If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Kim at jessicastraka@aol.com or Jennifer Moore at jmoore13@roadrunner.com. JIM "BASKETBALL" JONES An assembly to remember! Mr. Jim "Basketball" Jones delighted students last week with a great assembly, "Three Points for Life", which focused on making good choices, respecting others, being responsible and being safe. He was able to impart these important messages in a spirited, fun way through basketball antics. Thank you to Mrs. Schillinger, Mr. Hodge and especially Mr. Jones for a terrific time! Fawn Carson and Christine Brown Artist in Residence Committee DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS March 14, 6:00 pm, WHS It's Westlake High School seniors vs. Westlake City Schools staff in this very special basketball game presented by Westlake Council of PTAs. Mr. Hodge will represent Bassett as a player and coach! Doors open at 6:00 pm; game time is 7:00 pm. Bring the whole family for this fun-filled event! In addition to the game, there will be raffle drawings (including one for a $1000 cash prize), silent auction, children's activities, concessions and more. "Dollars for Scholars" benefits the Westlake Council of PTAs scholarship fund for graduating seniors. Game tickets and raffle tickets are on sale now! Click here for more information. DEMON GREEN BASH WHS Stadium Improvement Fundraiser March 1 Help support the Westlake Athletic Development Foundation (WADF) in its campaign to raise the funds needed to install an artificial playing surface at Westlake High School stadium. Click here for more information. HEALTH & SAFETY Compression-Only CPR Classes The Westlake Firefighters Union will be instructing Compression-Only CPR classes at the Westlake Recreation Center. Click here for more information. INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE UPDATE Bassett Elementary is currently recognized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) as an IB Candidate School for the Primary Years Programme (PYP). Bassett is pursuing authorization as an IB World School in the 2014-15 school year. IB World Schools are schools that share a common philosophy--a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education. The new issue of Bassett's quarterly IB Newsletter is available for download here. More information, including an archive of previous newsletters, is available on the IB website. If you have any questions, please contact Bassett's IB Coordinator, Deb Wadden, at waddend@wlake.org. SAVE THE DATES! Mark your calendar for these winter 2014 events coming up at Bassett and in the district. Dine to Donate (in support of Bassett Family Game Night) Dine to Donate (in support of Bassett Family Game Night) Founders Day Celebration Bassett Family Game Night Demon Green Bash Big Kid Resale Dollars for Scholars Basketball Game Green and White Revue February 12 All day Frankie's February 17 All day Max & Erma's February 20 6:00 pm Avon Oaks February 28 6:30-8:00 pm Bassett March 1 7:00 pm St. Clarence March 8 8:00 am-noon WHS March 14 6:00 pm WHS March 15 & 16 WHS Performing Arts Center Flyer Flyer More information More information More information More information Seller Registration More information Important Dates More information This information is available for download here. Bassett Elementary School A Community of 21st Century Learners Caring ♦ Open-minded ♦ Principled Communicator ♦ Risk-taker ♦ Inquirer ♦ Thinker Reflective ♦ Balanced ♦ Knowledgeable