An Informal Image in Different Voices Abie Troen ’14 Voice (noun) Expression; utterance, a medium or agency of expression, the right or opportunity to express a choice or opinion. (J7KHÀOPPDGHIRU.(1$69,7JDYH voice to the dreams, designs and realities of the street vendor union of Kenya) Voice (noun)1 The distinctive style or manner of expression of an author or of a character LQDERRNRUÀOP(J7KH.(1$69,7 ,QWKHFLW\RI1DLURELLQDQLQGXVWULDO EXLOGLQJLQDQRLV\FURZGHGURRPZLWK FDUGERDUGZDOOV6DPXHO0EXUXZULWHV GRZQDQGWKHQÀOHVDZD\WKHVWRULHVRI thousands of street vendors who sell IUXLWVDQGYHJHWDEOHVVHFRQGKDQGVKRHV and clothes in the Kenyan capital. In the VHZHUVRI1DNXUX&KDUOHV0ZDQJLDQG the members of the Manyani Football team are picking plastics to sell in bulk in order to earn a living and empower themselves. ,QWKHKHDUWRI.LVXPX7RQ\.ZDWFKHW carefully notes the sales of the different traders in a chart in his big black notebook. The activities I will be writing about have KDSSHQHGDUHKDSSHQLQJDQGZLOOFRQWLQXH to happen long after this is written; the H[SHULHQFHVLPSUHVVLRQVDQGUHÁHFWLRQV, am writing about concern a limited period EHWZHHQ-XQHDQG$XJXVWZKLOH, ZDVÀOPLQJLQ.HQ\D%XWP\VWRU\WRR continues to evolve. $VDÀOPVWXGHQWZKRVWXGLHVWKHDUW RIVWRU\WHOOLQJ,OHDUQHGDORWIURP KENASVIT!s work and their process of creating a narrative. KENASVIT!s main JRDOLVDGYRFDF\²WDNLQJWKHOLYHV FKDOOHQJHVDQGVWUXJJOHVRIVWUHHWYHQGRUV RUJDQL]LQJWKHPLQWRRQHFROOHFWLYH QDUUDWLYHFHQWHUHGXSRQRQHFRQÁLFWLQ order to promote their causes in one voice. The union leaders who met and befriended PHOHGPHWKURXJKWKHFKDRWLFVWUHHWV pointing out what they saw as important and what they wanted me to see. A mound RIZDVWHGHFRUDWHGE\FRORUIXOSODVWLFEDJV and rotting vegetables; the city county jail surrounded by a high fence and barbed wire; the small halls where members would PHHW²IUDJPHQWVRIOLIHWKDWWRJHWKHU FUHDWHWKHQDUUDWLYHDUFRI.(1$69,7WKH QDUUDWLYHDUFRIP\ÀOP,Q.(1$69,7ҋV ZRUNDVLQP\ZRUNVRPHLPDJHVDUHLQ VKDUSIRFXVZKLOHRWKHUVUHPDLQRXWVLGH the frame. ÀOPҋVQDUUDWLYHYRLFHFKDQJHGFRQVWDQWO\ between the voices of the characters and WKHYRLFHRIWKHÀOPPDNHUHDFKDOVRDQ author) 'XULQJP\WZRPRQWKLQWHUQVKLSZLWKWKH Kenyan Alliance of Street Vendors and ,QIRUPDO7UDGHUV.(1$69,7,REVHUYHG WKHZRUOGRI.HQ\DQVWUHHWYHQGRUV OLVWHQHGFDUHIXOO\WRWKHLUZRUGVDQGIURP those words I tried to distill a story. I tried WRÀJXUHRXWKRZWRGRFXPHQWOLIHLQD coherent way and to make compelling video clips that they could use to promote their cause. 40 | Parallel Paths: Journeys, Explorations and Reflections KENASVIT!s story is a powerful one. ,WLVWKHXQLRQRIWKHLQIRUPDOVHFWRUZKLFK includes roughly 10 percent of Kenya!s population. Although the union has only DIHZWKRXVDQGDFWLYHPHPEHUVWKHVH members represent three to four million informal traders. They are the voice that speaks with the authorities to insist that WKHYHQGRUVEHUHFRJQL]HGDQGWKHLUULJKWV protected by the government.2 The union was created in 1999 in the aftermath of serious clashes between street vendors and the city councils. The city councils were intent on changing the image of Kenya!s cities. They QHHGHGFOHDQVWUHHWVWDOOEXLOGLQJV and prosperous corporate businesses to project an image of progress and development. They were determined to rid the cities of the thousands of street vendors who congregated in makeshift PDUNHWV6HOOLQJIUXLWVDQGYHJHWDEOHV secondhand shoes and clothing and blocking the sidewalks where they KDZNHGWKHLUZDUHVWKH\ZHUHKHOG responsible for creating congestion and ÀOWKDQGYLHZHGDVDPDMRULPSHGLPHQW WRSURJUHVV$VDUHVXOWWKHFLW\FRXQFLOV WULHGWRRXWODZVWUHHWYHQGLQJDQGXVHG brutal violence against anyone who broke WKHODZDOWKRXJKWKH\GLGQRWKHVLWDWHWR accept bribes from those who could afford to pay rather than be arrested for vending. 7KLVVLWXDWLRQZDVWKHVWDWXVTXRZLWK millions of Kenyans working on the streets LQIHDURIORVLQJWKHLUOLYHOLKRRGDQG desperate to evade the local authorities. 7KURXJKRXWWKLVSHULRGWKHYHQGRUV were also quietly taking action. In .HQ\DҋVPDMRUFLWLHVLQFOXGLQJ1DLUREL 1DNXUXDQG.LVXPXWUDGHUVIRUPHG VPDOOJUDVVURRWVRUJDQL]DWLRQVWRDVVLVW one another. These groups operated on a small scale. Members helped each other evade the authorities and raise the PRQH\WRSD\ÀQHVDQGEULEHVRUUHSODFH FRQÀVFDWHGPHUFKDQGLVH%XWWKH\VWLOO lacked the ability to negotiate with the authorities. $VLJQLÀFDQWEUHDNWKURXJKRFFXUUHGZLWK a 1999 research project conducted by 3URIHVVRU:LQQLH0LWXOODKRI1DLUREL 8QLYHUVLW\3URIHVVRU0LWXOODKVHWRXW WRVWXG\WKHFKDOOHQJHVYHQGRUVIDFHG and to search for possible solutions to WKHLUFRQÁLFWVZLWKWKHORFDODXWKRULWLHV She concluded that their situation was exacerbated by the fact that the street WUDGHUVZHUHQRWRUJDQL]HGDQGODFNHG representation. Mitullah believed that if the WUDGHUVXQLWHGLQDQRUJDQL]DWLRQWKDWZRXOG speak for them and negotiate their rights ZLWKWKHFLW\FRXQFLOVWKH\PLJKWUHVROYH WKHFRQÁLFWDQGLPSURYHWKHLUFRQGLWLRQV She began by connecting the different grassroots groups she encountered in HDFKFLW\DQGWKHQFRQQHFWHGWKHYHQGRUV from the different cities. She tried to implement the structure of trade unions to unite vendors from the grassroots to the urban to the national level.3 6L[WHHQ\HDUVODWHUDJUHHPHQWVKDYH been signed between KENASVIT and local DXWKRULWLHVLQ1DNXUXDQGIRUPDOPDUNHWV have been set up for the street vendors in .LVXPX'XHWR.(1$69,7ҋVOREE\LQJWKH national government has even passed a bill UHFRJQL]LQJWKHVHVPDOOEXVLQHVVHVDVSDUW RIWKHHFRQRPLFV\VWHPSURWHFWLQJWKHP and giving them rights. But there is still much work to be done; the agreements are fragile and are not yet fully implemented. In 1DLURELQRDJUHHPHQWKDVEHHQUHDFKHG and the city council is relentless. City askaris VROGLHUVLQSODLQFORWKHVDUHRXW LQIRUFHRQWKHVWUHHWVÀQLQJDUUHVWLQJ demanding bribes and otherwise harassing The union leaders who met and befriended me led me through the chaotic streets, pointing out what they saw as important and what they wanted me to see. . . . In KENASVIT’s work as in my work, some images are in sharp focus, while others remain outside the frame. International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life | 41 Balancing each of these realities – what I saw with my eyes, what I was shown, and what I knew I was supposed to see – was not always easy, especially as a privileged outsider, deep in a foreign country for the first time. the street vendors more brutally than anywhere else in an effort to protect the image of progress in Kenya!s capital. In order to advocate for street vendors and informal traders KENASVIT needed a clear VWRU\ZLWKDPDLQFKDOOHQJHSURSRVHG UHVROXWLRQDQGPHVVDJH.(1$69,7ҋV story was repeated to me countless times E\GR]HQVRIPHPEHUVLQWKHGLIIHUHQW FLWLHVZKRH[SUHVVHGWKHGHVLUHDJDLQDQG DJDLQWRVSHDNZLWK´RQHYRLFHµ:KHQ, EHJDQDVNLQJ´What are the things that voice wishes to say?” the story became complicated. ,QWKHVPDOORIÀFHLQ1DLURELZKHUHKH FROOHFWVWKHYHQGRUVҋVWRULHV6DPXHO Mburu hopes KENASVIT will bring about better relations with the urban authorities. &KDUOHV0ZDQJLFKDLUPDQRIWKH0DQ\DQL )RRWEDOO&OXELQ1DNXUXLVGHWHUPLQHGWR empower the youth of his neighborhood. ,Q.LVXPXҋVÀVKPDUNHWVRQWKHVKRUHVRI /DNH9LFWRULDXQLRQOHDGHU7RQ\.ZDWFKHW dreams of making KENASVIT the largest trade union in Kenya. KENASVIT is FRPSULVHGRIWKRXVDQGVRILQGLYLGXDOV each one carrying a different perspective DQGSHUVRQDOQDUUDWLYH6RSDUDGR[LFDOO\ while KENASVIT strives to speak as one YRLFHDWWKHVDPHWLPHLWLVVSHDNLQJZLWK thousands of different voices. 2IWKHVHWKRXVDQGVRIYRLFHV,GHFLGHGWR ÀOPVHYHQEHORQJLQJWRXQLTXHLQGLYLGXDOV who told stories that were very distinct and SHUVRQDOEXWDWWKHVDPHWLPHVKHGOLJKW RQWKHEURDGHUSLFWXUH$V,ÀOPHGHDFK member I was made aware of a different SHUVSHFWLYHWKHGLIIHUHQWZD\VWRWHOO SHUVRQDOVWRULHVP\UROHLQWHOOLQJWKRVH VWRULHVWKURXJKÀOPDQGXQGHUO\LQJLWDOO my own story. I had to balance and frame through the camera three different kinds RIUHDOLWLHV7KHÀUVWUHDOLW\LVWKHYLVXDO record created the moment I aimed the camera to capture life in the congested streets of the Kenyan cities. The second E\DVLQJOHÁLFNHULQJÁRUHVFHQWOLJKW7KLV FRQÀQHGSULYDWHVSDFHLVWKHSURXGFHQWHU and the gathering point of the leaders RI1DLURELҋVLQIRUPDOWUDGHUVDQGLWLV GHFRUDWHGZLWKGR]HQVRIVWLFNHUVSRVWHUV SKRWRVOHDÁHWVDQGFDOHQGDUVFHOHEUDWLQJ the informal sector!s struggle. reality is that which each individual wished WRVKRZRUWHOODERXWDVWKH\GLUHFWHG me to notice and focus on their personal stories. And the third reality is the one that LI,IUDPHGLWFRUUHFWO\ZRXOGVHUYHWKHEHVW interests of the Union. Balancing each of WKHVHUHDOLWLHV²ZKDW,VDZZLWKP\H\HV ZKDW,ZDVVKRZQDQGZKDW,NQHZ,ZDV VXSSRVHGWRVHH²ZDVQRWDOZD\VHDV\ HVSHFLDOO\DVDSULYLOHJHGRXWVLGHUGHHSLQ DIRUHLJQFRXQWU\IRUWKHÀUVWWLPH DQGWXUQHGLWRQ7KH1LNRQUHÁH[ZDVOHVV REWUXVLYHWKDQPRVWYLGHRFDPHUDVDQG allowed people to act relatively freely and openly even with it turned on. I hoped that having the camera present and recording from this initial stage in our relationship would allow Samuel to begin to feel FRPIRUWDEOHEHLQJÀOPHG$VLWWXUQHG RXWWKHFDPHUDGLGQRWPDNH6DPXHO XQFRPIRUWDEOH,QIDFWLWKDGWKHRSSRVLWH effect. Three encounters with three of the .(1$69,7PHPEHUV,ÀOPHGLQ.HQ\D OHIWVLJQLÀFDQWLPSUHVVLRQVRQPHKHOSHG develop my understanding of the nature of P\SURMHFWDQGUDLVHGVHULRXVTXHVWLRQV DERXWWKHSURFHVVRIÀOPPDNLQJ$V, recorded the voices of Samuel Mburu in 1DLUREL&KDUOHV0ZDQJLLQ1DNXUXDQG 7RQ\.ZDWFKHWLQ.LVXPX,OHDUQHGDERXW WKHSURFHVVE\ZKLFKVWRULHVDUHWROGERWK behind and in front of the camera. 6DPXHOVWUDLJKWHQHGKLVEDFNSODFHGKLV KDQGVRQWKHWDEOHVPLOHGEURDGO\DQG looked directly into the lens: Mid-June. First Week in Kenya Nairobi Informal Sector Confederation, Nairobi The Nairobi Informal Sector Confederation 1,6&2)KDVDVPDOOZLQGRZOHVVRIÀFH situated in the working class section of Nairobi!s Central Business District. The cardboard wall lets in sound from all the RWKHURIÀFHVLQWKHEXLOGLQJ7KHURRPLVOLW 42 | Parallel Paths: Journeys, Explorations and Reflections 6DPXHO0EXUX1,6&2)ҋVVHFUHWDU\VDW DFURVVIURPPHEHKLQGDVPDOOGHVN+H ZDVP\ÀUVWIULHQGLQ.HQ\D+HZHOFRPHG PHWR1DLURELWRRNPHLQPDGHPHIHHO FRPIRUWDEOHDQGSURYLGHGPHZLWKP\ÀUVW insights into the way the Union operated. I directed one of my two cameras at Samuel ´)LIWHHQ\HDUVIURPQRZ,DPVRHDJHUWR EHDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOMRXUQDOLVWEHFDXVH, FDQVHHWKDW,DPLQWHUHVWHGWRÀQGLQJDQG digging deeper to the root cause of every story. So I hope and pray to my God that P\GUHDPZLOOFRPHWUXH«µ Samuel is 34 years old. He sells women!s clothes in a tiny room off a street in central Nairobi. Despite the fact that he HDUQVDPHDJHUOLYLQJKHYROXQWHHUV long hours as the secretary of NISCOF. His role involves making his way through WKHFURZGHGVWUHHWVPHHWLQJZLWKXQLRQ PHPEHUVQRWLI\LQJWKHPRIPHVVDJHV KDQGHGGRZQIURPWKHQDWLRQDOXQLRQDQG inviting them to educational workshops and rallies. He is responsible for writing HYHU\WKLQJGRZQHYHU\WKLQJIURPPHHWLQJV to casual conversations with the traders on the city streets. Samuel records their GUHDPVKRSHVFRPSODLQWVDQGGHVLJQV LQKLVQRWHERRNDQGODWHUÀOHVWKHPLQ FDELQHWVLQWKHRIÀFH$QGDVKHVDLG Samuel dreams of being a journalist. ´+HUHҋV'DYLGҋVFRUQHUµ²VHOOLQJFRUQRQ the sidewalk with his granddaughter. ´«7RGD\ZHVKDOOXQGHUJRDQLQWHUYLHZ with the members of NISCOF in their working sites. Among the questions we VKDOODVNLVWKHIROORZLQJ²KRZORQJ has he or she been working as a street vendor? What is the relationship with the local government? If there are challenges WKH\DUHJRLQJWKURXJK²ZHVKDOOFDSWXUH them in the interview... Each interview should take between 10 to 15 minutes depending on the different issues the GLIIHUHQWWUDGHUVGHDOZLWK«&ORWKHV YHQGRUVVKRHVKLQHUVVHUYLFHSURYLGHUV YHJHWDEOHYHQGRUVERRNVHOOHUV²ZH ZLOOLQWHUYLHZWKHPDOO²DQGFRQFOXGHE\ asking them where they want to be... \HDU>V@IURPQRZµ $WRQHSRLQWDIWHUVHYHUDOKRXUVRIÀOPLQJ LQWHUYLHZV6DPXHOEHFNRQHG ´&RPHKHUHµ$PRXQGRIZDVWH decorated by colorful plastic bags and URWWLQJYHJHWDEOHV5LVLQJDERYHLW LURQLFDOO\ZDVDKXJHSLQNVLJQDGYHUWLVLQJ ODXQGU\GHWHUJHQW´-XVWORRNDWLW)LOWK HYHU\ZKHUH:HSD\WKHFLW\FRXQFLO WD[HVVKLOOLQJV²DQGIRUZKDW"µ He straightened up like a news anchor. ´2QFHPRUH,DP6DPXHO0EXUX7KDQN \RX*RGEOHVVµ ´<HV0HKROGLQJWKHFDPHUD/LNHD MRXUQDOLVWµ 0DUFKLQJWKURXJKWKHVWUHHWVZLWKP\ VPDOODQGODUJHFDPHUDVZHGUHZD great deal of attention. But as soon as the RQORRNHUVUHDOL]HGWKDW6DPXHODQG,ZHUH HQJURVVHGLQRXURZQFRQYHUVDWLRQWKDW KHDQG,ZHUHZRUNLQJWRJHWKHU²DVWXGHQW DQGDVWUHHWYHQGRUDFWLQJDVMRXUQDOLVWV² they left us alone. Filming with Samuel allowed me to observe how this grassroots NGO RSHUDWHVDQGKRZLWWULHVWRGRVRPHWKLQJ QHDUO\LPSRVVLEOH²XQLWHLQIRUPDOWUDGHUV Samuel knew members! spots and corners throughout the city: ´+HUHҋV*UDFHҋVVSRWµ²VHOOLQJORFNVRQD cement step near a bus stop. As I looked through my reflex camera at Samuel holding 3DWLHQWO\KHTXHVWLRQHGDQGOLVWHQHGWR GR]HQVRIVWUHHWYHQGRUVWKDWGD\,ZDV RQHVWHSEDFNÀOPLQJWKHLQWHUYLHZHHV both of us behind the camera. the large camera, the filth underneath and the giant While I set up the tripod to capture the LPDJH6DPXHOSDXVHGDQGPDGHD request. ´&DQ\RXWDNHP\SLFWXUH"µ ,ZDVVXUSULVHG´+HUH"µ $V,ORRNHGWKURXJKP\UHÁH[FDPHUDDW 6DPXHOKROGLQJWKHODUJHFDPHUDWKHÀOWK XQGHUQHDWKDQGWKHJLDQWSRVWHUDERYH, UHDOL]HGWKDW,KDGPDGHDVHULRXVPLVWDNH LQWKHZD\,ZDVÀOPLQJWKDWGD\6DPXHO shouldn!t be with me behind the camera. He should be in front of it. Not only should KHEHIUDPLQJWKHVWRU\KHshould be the story. He should be framing his own story. ´+ROGRQ,ZDQWRQHSLFWXUHZLWK\RXµ, VDLGSUHVVHGWKHWLPHUDQGUDQWREHLQWKH frame myself. That night I returned to edit. Although I had slept very little over the previous GD\V,NHSWP\VHOIDZDNHDQGEHJDQ the long process of reviewing the PRPHQWVVKRWKRXUVHDUOLHU,ZDVÀOOHG ZLWKDGPLUDWLRQIRU6DPXHOҋVZRUNDQG poster above, I realized that I had made a serious mistake in the way I was filming that day. LPDJLQHGWKHÀOP,KDGFRPHWR.HQ\DWR produce would feature him as the main SURWDJRQLVWRIWKHVWRU\OHDGLQJYLHZHUV into the world of Nairobi!s street vendors. 7KHÀOPZRXOGIRFXVRQKLPHPSRZHULQJ VWUHHWYHQGRUVDQGWKURXJKWKHXQLRQ transforming the lives of members of the informal sector. I was inspired by the IDFWWKDWKHYROXQWHHUHGWRGRWKLVZRUN WKDWKHZDVQRWSDLGWREHDOHDGHUDQG DFWXDOO\VDFULÀFHGKLVHDUQLQJVIRUWKH WLPHKHVSHQWRUJDQL]LQJ6HHLQJKLPDW work gave me strength to put in extremely long hours and sleep little with the hope WKDW,ҋGPDNHWKHEHVWÀOPSRVVLEOH,IKH was putting in such great efforts to make DGLIIHUHQFHLQWKHFRPPXQLW\ZKRZDV I to let go? NISCOF and KENASVIT!s FDXVHZDVVRZRUWK\WKHLUGHWHUPLQDWLRQ VRJUHDW²P\HIIRUWVZHUHVPDOOLQ comparison to their trials and tribulations. As passionate as he was about creating DFLYLFYRLFHWRJLYHVWUHHWYHQGRUVD FOHDUDQGSRZHUIXOVD\RYHUWKHLUGHVWLQ\ VRZDV,GHWHUPLQHGWRÀQGP\RZQ cinematic voice that would powerfully tell the Union!s story. His endless ambition fueled my endless ambition. ´:KHUHGR\RXVHH\RXUVHOILQ\HDUV"µ I heard Samuel!s voice emanating from the editing software. The responses YDULHGRQO\VOLJKWO\2QHDIWHUDQRWKHUWKH traders answered that they!d like to open International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life | 43 a small grocery shop. A trouser shop. A shoe shining shop. And they spoke about opening such shops as something far DZD\DOPRVWXQDWWDLQDEOH 0D\EHLWZDVWKHODWHKRXUDQGPD\EH WKHUHSHWLWLRQDJDLQDQGDJDLQDQGDJDLQ ²WKHVDPHWRQHVRIYRLFHPDQQHULVPV gestures that I saw when the vendors spoke with hope about opening a small EXVLQHVV²EXWZKHQ,JRWWRYLHZLQJ Samuel I broke down and could not watch any more of the footage. “I am so eager to be an international MRXUQDOLVW«µ Watching Samuel made me feel how FRPSOLFDWHGWKHUHODWLRQVKLSZDV²,ZDV EHKLQGWKHFDPHUDZKLOHKHZDVLQIURQW of it. I suddenly felt the difference between KLVDELOLW\DVDQLQVLGHU´WRGLJGHHSHUµ LQVLGHKLVFRPPXQLW\WRSURGXFHDVWRU\ while I would always be an outsider. At WKHVDPHWLPH,ZRXOGUHPDLQWKHPDQ EHKLQGWKHFDPHUDWHOOLQJKLVVWRU\7KH odd presence of the camera in this world just hit me in the stomach and I felt it very powerfully. 2IWKDWGD\VSHQWZLWK6DPXHOWKHUHDUH two still images that stand out the most. They both express Samuel!s role and mine. ,QWKHÀUVWLPDJHVHHSDJH6DPXHO is standing on top of a heap of garbage in 1DLUREL,QWKHVHFRQGLPDJHVHHEHORZ Samuel is interviewing a shoeshiner in WKHPDUNHW,QWKHÀUVWSLFWXUH,DPLQWKH IUDPHKROGLQJWKHFDPHUDUHVSRQVLEOHIRU WHOOLQJ6DPXHOҋVVWRU\ZKLOHLQWKHVHFRQG SLFWXUH,DPXQVHHQDQGLWLV6DPXHOZKR is conducting an interview to be captured RQÀOP6DPXHOLVXVLQJP\FDPHUDDQG it has become a marker of his status. He has gained a voice through my camera and through my voice. 7KLVGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHÀUVWDQG VHFRQGSLFWXUHUHPDLQHGZLWKPHWKDWQLJKW and the questions in voice and storyteller IROORZHGPHLQWRWKHQH[WFLW\,ZRUNHGLQ Nakuru. Who is telling the story? Can I really tell someone else!s story for them? Mid-July. Fourth Week in Kenya Kingdom Seekers Evangelical Church Studio, Nakuru Charles Mwangi was nervous. So was I. But while I hid my apprehension behind a Samuel Mburu conducting an interview, Muthurwa Market, Nairobi, June 2013. 44 | Parallel Paths: Journeys, Explorations and Reflections PDVNRISURIHVVLRQDOLVP&KDUOHVVKDUHG his feelings. I tried to make him feel FRPIRUWDEOHWRJLYHKLPDVHQVHRIVDIHW\ LQIURQWRIP\FDPHUDDQGDVNHGKLPDV KHVDWKXQFKHGRQWKHLQWHUYLHZHHFKDLUWR speak his mind. ´7KLVLVKDUG«7KHFDPHUDDW\RXUIDFH² so you think "What!s behind the camera? What!s the reaction?!... At the beginning I had an idea of what I can say but when I VWDUWHGWDONLQJ,ZHQWÁDW«$P,VWUDLJKWWR WKHSRLQW"2UDP,MXVWXWWHULQJZRUGV"µ Charles was far from just uttering words. He was speaking eloquently and with great passion. But the story he was trying to tell ZDVFRPSOH[DQGKHZDVDQ[LRXVDVZDV ,WKDWKHZRXOGJHWLWULJKW7KLVXQLTXH recording session was taking place in the Kingdom Seekers Evangelical Church RI1DNXUXҋVVWXGLRDSURIHVVLRQDOVWXGLR ZHKDGIRXQGZKLFKXSXQWLOWKDWGD\ KDGEHHQUHVHUYHGIRUÀOPLQJHYDQJHOLFDO ministers preaching the word of the Lord. Today marked the end of a long and VWUHQXRXVSURFHVVRIÀOPLQJWKHÀQDOVWHS in my attempt to make a promotional video for KENASVIT that focused on Charles! \RXWKIRRWEDOOFOXEWKH0DQ\DQL)RRWEDOO Club. ,KDGPHW&KDUOHVWKUHHZHHNVHDUOLHU ULJKWDIWHUOHDYLQJ6DPXHO0EXUX1,6&2) and Nairobi. I had been in Nakuru barely KRXUVDQGZDVEHLQJJLYHQDVSHHG\ tour of all of KENASVIT!s work in the city. That same morning I was introduced to a group of widows who hawk goods at WKHEXVVWDWLRQDFROOHFWLYHRIGLVDEOHG street vendors who sell cigarettes in the FLW\ҋVSDUNVDQGDQRUJDQL]DWLRQRIVLQJOH mothers who knit woolen sweaters they sell together on Nakuru!s streets. Each of WKHVHJURXSVZDQWHGPHWRÀOPWKHPDV SDUWRIP\ZRUNSURPRWLQJWKH8QLRQDQG HDFKRIWKHPKDGD´JRRGµVWRU\%XWZKHQ ,PHW&KDUOHVWKHFKDULVPDWLF\HDUROG team chairman of the Manyani Football &OXEWHDP,NQHZ,KDGIRXQGthe story. A story Charles was very eager to share with the camera and me; a story I was DPELWLRXVHQRXJKWRWU\WRFDSWXUHRQÀOP and tell. Charles Mwangi lives in the Manyani QHLJKERUKRRGRQHRIWKHSRRUHVWVHFWLRQV of Nakuru. Historically many of its youth have been involved in drug dealing and crime. When a wave of violence spread through Kenya following the 2007 presidential elections Manyani was a KRWVSRWDQGWKHFRPPXQLW\VXIIHUHG PDQ\FDVXDOWLHVHVSHFLDOO\DPRQJLWV youth. In a desire to heal the wounds and WRRUJDQL]HHGXFDWHDQGHPSRZHUWKH \RXWKWKHFRPPXQLW\OHDGHUVFUHDWHG a football club. After the community contributed and collected small donations they hired a coach and built a small shack where the club could meet. But the funds WKH\FROOHFWHGGLGQҋWFRYHUH[SHQVHV &KDUOHVH[SODLQHGVRLQRUGHUWRVXVWDLQ themselves the players began waste picking. Working with the youth twice a ZHHNPHPEHUVRIWKHFRPPXQLW\ZHQWWR the local dump and sewage area to collect SODVWLFVDQGPHWDOVZKLFKWKH\VRUWHG stored and later sold in bulk. KENASVIT provided sessions to teach club members DERXWWKHKD]DUGVRIZDVWHSLFNLQJDQG how to protect themselves in the city!s dumps. The Union!s support was not ÀQDQFLDOEXWUDWKHUHGXFDWLRQDO6RZKLOH the club received professional training that KHOSHGWKHPZLWKZDVWHSLFNLQJWKH\ZHUH in desperate need of a sponsor who would support them. 7KHRSSRUWXQLW\WRÀOP&KDUOHVDQGKLV WHDPZDVD´ZLQZLQµVLWXDWLRQIRUPH UHSUHVHQWLQJ.(1$69,7DQGIRU&KDUOHV UHSUHVHQWLQJWKHWHDP,ZRXOGÀOPWKH club!s story and create a video KENASVIT could use to showcase its work with youth. 7KHWHDPFRXOGXVHWKHÀOPWRSXEOLFL]HLWV work and connect with potential donors. Charles Mwangi, Kingdom Seekers Evangelical Church Recording Studio, Nakuru, July 2013. %XWWKLVVXSHUÀFLDOO\VLPSOH´ZLQZLQµ entailed a complex dynamic. In order for HLWKHUSDUW\WR´ZLQµ,KDGWRFDSWXUHQRW RQO\LPDJHVRIHPSRZHUPHQWEXWDOVR images of poverty and lack. Both Charles and I were aware of this. He mentioned more than once that the youth playing football did not have shoes. And so the FDPHUDIROORZHGWLOWLQJDQGSDQQLQJLQ VHDUFKRIWKHPXGG\VKRHOHVVIHHWWKDW ZHUHFKDVLQJWKHEDOO+HWRRNPHWRÀOP where the club stored the piles of waste WKHPHPEHUVKDGSLFNHGDQGHPSKDVL]HG WKHLUGHVLUHWRÀQGRWKHUPHDQVRI VXVWDLQLQJWKHWHDPVWDWLQJGLUHFWO\WKDW LIRQO\WKH\KDGGRQRUVWKH\FRXOGGR VRPXFKPRUH,ÀOPHGWKHWDOOKHDSVRI plastic collected from the dump and tried WRPDNHWKHPORRNDVDHVWKHWLFDOO\ÀOWK\DV possible. We were both supporting and using each other. The camera’s powerful presence cut between us: Abie, the privileged outsider photographer, and Charles, the “unprivileged” storyteller. But at the same time, it united us in our effort to find images that we both knew would tell the story and bring donations. We were both supporting and using each other. The camera!s powerful presence FXWEHWZHHQXV$ELHWKHSULYLOHJHG RXWVLGHUSKRWRJUDSKHUDQG&KDUOHVWKH ´XQSULYLOHJHGµVWRU\WHOOHU%XWDWWKHVDPH International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life | 45 WLPHLWXQLWHGXVLQRXUHIIRUWWRÀQGLPDJHV that we both knew would tell the story and bring donations. $IWHUWZRZHHNVRIÀOPLQJ,OHIW1DNXUX DQGUHWXUQHGWR1DLURELZKHUH,VKXW myself in and began editing the footage I had accumulated. Looking at the clips on the editing timeline I felt excited. A QDUUDWLYHDUFZDVGHYHORSLQJEHJLQQLQJ ZLWKSRYHUW\WULDOVDQGWULEXODWLRQVDQG concluding with empowerment and hopes for a better future for the youth and the community. The joint effort and days of ÀOPLQJWKDW&KDUOHVDQG,KDGLQYHVWHG would surely produce successful results. At that point I let Charles understand that the ÀOPLQJZDVRYHUDQGKHVKRXOGZDLWIRUPH WRÀQDOL]HWKHHGLWLQJ,GLGQRW\HWNQRZZH ZRXOGKDYHDFUXFLDOÀQDOHQFRXQWHUDWWKH Evangelical Church Studio. When I began writing and then testing a WKLUGSHUVRQYRLFHRYHUIRUWKHFOLS,UHDOL]HG P\$PHULFDQRXWVLGHUYRLFHFRXOGQRWDQG SUREDEO\VKRXOGQRWQDUUDWHWKH0DQ\DQL WHDPҋVVWRU\:RUGVOLNH´SRYHUW\µDQG ´HPSRZHUPHQWµVRXQGHGKROORZHYHQ SDWURQL]LQJWKH\IXQGDPHQWDOO\ODFNHGWKH meaning they had when it was Charles saying them. Who was I to be the narrator? ,WVWUXFNPHWKDWZKLOH,KDGKDGXSWLOOQRZ DQGZRXOGKDYHLQWKHIXWXUHFRQWURORI WKHYLVXDOV²IURPWKHÀUVWGD\RIÀOPLQJ WLOOWKHODVWGD\RIWKHHGLWLQJ²,FRXOG have Charles take charge of the sound. In Nairobi I had nearly missed providing Samuel with the center stage in front of the camera. Now I wanted to give Charles Mwangi the recording microphone and let him narrate his story. I called Charles from Nairobi and told him ,ZDQWHGKLPWRQDUUDWH3UHSDUHGZLWKD text I had written and with a short demo FOLS,UHWXUQHGWR1DNXUX9LHZLQJWKH FOLS&KDUOHVVDZGLIIHUHQWÁDZVLQWKH story I had written and edited and pointed out which parts he thought needed to EHEHWWHUHPSKDVL]HGDQGZKLFKSDUWV needed to be cut down. But viewing the demo clip Charles also saw that he was WKHSURWDJRQLVWRIWKHYLGHRDQGWKDWLQKLV voice he would shape and narrate his own story. Members of the Manyani Football Club waste picking in the sewage trenches in the neighborhood, Nakuru, 2013. Back at the Evangelical Church studio I ZDWFKHG&KDUOHVVLWWLQJQHUYRXVO\OLJKWV shining on his face. I was conscious of trying to edit myself out and put Charles center stage. ´,WҋV«WKHLPSDFW$P,WDONLQJZRUGVRQO\ RULVWKHUHDSRLQW"µ+HORRNHGPHLQ WKHH\HVDQGVDLG´,ZDVUHDGLQJ\RXU IDFH«$QGWKHQ²\RXUUHDFWLRQ²\RXU PRYHPHQW«´ 0HPEHUVRIWKH0DQ\DQL)RRWEDOO&OXERQWKHSOD\LQJÀHOGZLWK&KDUOHVRQWKHULJKW1DNXUX July 2013. 46 | Parallel Paths: Journeys, Explorations and Reflections Could I really edit myself out of the story? Even if I could edit out the privileged voice RIDQDUUDWRUFRXOG,HGLWRXWWKHSULYLOHJHG audience? Or was the privileged audience precisely who we were both targeting? Were they the real people behind the camera? +HFRQWLQXHG´,GRSXEOLFVSHDNLQJ² and in public speaking what you tell the DXGLHQFHPDWWHUVDORWVRWKLV²WKHUHDUHD lot of questions you ask yourself. First you DYRLGUHSHWLWLRQ6HFRQGRIDOO²\RXZDQW to gather all the points to the people who are listening to you. ´<RXDVN\RXUVHOIµ²KHSDXVHG²´DP, FRQYH\LQJWKHSRLQWWRWKHDXGLHQFH"6R² LQWKLVFDVHWKHDXGLHQFHLV²DFDPHUDµ Late July. Fifth Week in Kenya Central Business District, Kisumu :HZHUHVLWWLQJLQDVPDOOSDUNLQ.LVXPX .HQ\DҋVWKLUGODUJHVWFLW\ZKHUHVWUHHW vendors had gathered. These were men DQGZRPHQLQIRUPDOWUDGHUVIURPWKH central business district who sold their wares on the streets. For roughly an hour HDFKRIWKHPLQWXUQKDGJRWWHQXS DGGUHVVHGWKHJURXSVSRNHQORXGO\DQG stated their case. Some of the traders! IDFHVH[SUHVVHGGLVFRPIRUWDQJHU disappointment; others excitement. They were discussing a new market being built in the city through KENASVIT!s advocacy and funded by donations from the European Union. The market was meant to be a catalyst for progress and DEOHVVLQJIRUWKHFRPPXQLW\SURYLGLQJ a stable indoor workplace with facilities for the traders. Yet many saw it as a curse. The new market had space for RQO\DIHZKXQGUHGWUDGHUVDQGFRXOG not accommodate the thousands of street vendors working in the central business district. Once the construction was completed all traders would be relocated by the city council. Those transferred to WKHQHZPDUNHWZRXOGEHQHÀWIURPDQ immediate improvement in quality of life; thousands of others would be pushed to WKHRXWVNLUWVRIWKHFLW\DPRYHWKDWZKLOH allowing the formal businesses to grow as part of Kisumu!s new urban development SODQZRXOGGLPLQLVKVHYHUHO\WKH livelihoods of the excluded vendors. Directly across from me in the circle sat the man who held the key to this FRPSOH[VLWXDWLRQDQGZKRKDGJUHDW power over the destiny of the traders at WKHPHHWLQJ7RQ\.ZDWFKHFKDLUPDQRI Kisumu Informal Trader Economic Support .,7(6WKHORFDOXUEDQDOOLDQFHDIÀOLDWHG WRWKHQDWLRQDOXQLRQ.(1$69,7ZDVWDOO DQGEURDGZLWKDJUDYHH[SUHVVLRQ 7KLVEHFDPHHYLGHQWGXULQJWKHÀOPLQJ SURFHVV:KHUHRQWKHÀUVWGD\RXWLQ .LVXPXKHSRUWUD\HGP\LQWHUQVKLSWRWKH VWUHHWYHQGRUVDVÀOPLQJDGRFXPHQWDU\ DERXWWKHQDWLRQDOXQLRQE\WKHVHFRQG day I was making a documentary about .,7(6DQGE\WKHWKLUGGD\7RQ\ZDV telling the street vendors that I was making DÀOPDERXWhim. A month before the dramatic Kisumu PHHWLQJZKHQ,ZDVÀOPLQJ6DPXHOLQ 1DLUREL,ZDVVKRZQWKHVWUXJJOHVRI union members and led to understand why WKH\FUXFLDOO\QHHGHG´DYRLFHµWKDWZRXOG 8QWLO,DUULYHGLQ.LVXPX,ZDV SDVVLRQDWHO\ÀOPLQJVWRULHVDERXWODFNRI IDFLOLWLHVDQGSRRUZRUNVLWHVDQGWKHQ GRFXPHQWLQJHGXFDWLRQDOWUDLQLQJVHVVLRQV grassroots community work and union address urban authorities. Samuel had gone out to the streets with me and asked the vendors what their needs were. He was there to represent them; their hopes and aspirations became his. Samuel ZDVWKHUHWRKHOSEULQJFKDQJHDQGVDZ himself as a tool for implementing that change. rallies that KENASVIT leaders provided. I had been documenting the story the union wanted to voice to the world. It was DVLPSOHVWRU\ZLWKDFOHDUEHJLQQLQJ PLGGOHDQGHQGDERXWJRRGJX\VDQG WKHLUJRYHUQPHQWDQWDJRQLVWV%XWÀOPLQJ LQ.LVXPXDQGPHHWLQJ7RQ\SURYLGHG P\ÀUVWJOLPSVHRIWKHFRPSOH[UHDOLWLHV created by union leadership. I followed him as he argued with street vendors about WKHQHZPDUNHWÀOPHGKLPUHYLHZLQJWKH ZRUNGRQHDWWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQVLWHDQG GRFXPHQWHGKLPDWKLVRZQZRUNVLWH where he sold bags in the central part of the city. Tony seemed to be a different kind of leader and was dealing with a very GLIIHUHQWVLWXDWLRQ,Q.LVXPXWKH JRYHUQPHQWKDGDOUHDG\UHFRJQL]HGWKH informal sector and was building them a market. Here the traders had DYRLFH2QO\ LWVHHPHGWRPHWKLVYRLFHZDV7RQ\ҋV More than once Tony would point to his fellow street vendors and say: “I am a VRXUFHRILQVSLUDWLRQWRWKHPµRU´,DP OLNHDPRWKHUDQGIDWKHUWRWKHPµVPLOLQJ SURXGO\EHDPLQJDWKLVXQLRQPHPEHUV $WÀUVW,ZDVSXWRIIE\KLVSDWHUQDOLVWLF DWWLWXGHDQGIRXQGLWDUURJDQWHYHQ disturbing. After a while I began to get XVHGWRLWWDNLQJDOHVVMXGJPHQWDODQG more observational stance. Watching Tony interacting with the street vendors revealed an intriguing attribute of his leadership. His desire to lead did not stem solely from a passion to make a difference; it seemed to arise from a love of leadership for the sake of leadership. 7KHUHZHUHWZRFRQFHSWVKHZRXOGXVH both with me and with the street vendors. 7KHÀUVWZDV´RQHYRLFH”²DSKUDVHXVHG repeatedly by KENASVIT members I had met in Nairobi and in Nakuru. Hearing this SKUDVHLQKLVYRLFH,VHQVHGWKHLURQ\WKDW indeed Kisumu was speaking with one YRLFHEXWWKHYRLFHVHHPHGWREHTony!s. The second concept was one I had not KHDUGEHIRUH7RQ\VSRNHRIGUHDPLQJ and voiced his dream to make KITES and KENASVIT the strongest union in Kenya. If the other KENASVIT leaders were LQQRYDWRUVFUHDWLQJSODQVDQGGHVLJQV Tony was a leader working from a dream. It dawned on me that his personal motivations and his love of leadership International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life | 47 could be or could later become a serious shortcoming in the work he was engaged in. But at the same time they could be precisely the force that enabled him to reach for a dream on such a large scale. If the other KENASVIT leaders were innovators creating plans and designs, Tony was a leader working from a dream. I invited myself to sleep over at Tony!s home so I could document a full “day in the OLIHµ,WZDVDQHIIRUWWRSXVKP\RZQOLPLWV DQGE\FURVVLQJWKHWKUHVKROGRIKLVKRPH to penetrate Tony!s mind and represent his dream to the fullest extent. We were sitting at the table in our pajamas KDYLQJDODWHQLJKWPHDOSUHSDULQJDQG planning for the following day!s busy ÀOPLQJ It dawned on me that his personal motivations and his love of leadership could be or could later become a serious shortcoming in the work he was engaged in. But at the same time they could be precisely the force that enabled him to reach for a dream on such a large scale. ´<RXNQRZ$ELHµKHFRQÀGHG´P\GUHDP IRU.(1$69,7P\EHORYHGQDWLRQDO DOOLDQFHLVWRVHHLQWRLWDQGZRUNLQWR LWWRPDNHRQHRIWKHELJJHVWXQLRQVIRU the people of the informal economy in RXUEHORYHG.HQ\DQFRXQWU\«7KDWLVP\ GUHDP«µ Suddenly Tony!s pajama shirt came into sharp focus. It was imprinted with two LPPHGLDWHO\UHFRJQL]DEOHIDFHV ´,ҋPVRUU\²,MXVWKDYHWREULQJWKHFDPHUD ,MXVWQRWLFHGVRPHWKLQJµ ´:KDWKDYH\RXQRWLFHG"µ ´<RXUVKLUWµ ´0\VKLUW"µ ´2K\HVµ ´7KLVLVP\KHURµ 48 | Parallel Paths: Journeys, Explorations and Reflections ´,FDQVHH,FDQVHHµ,JRWXSEURXJKW over the camera and focused it on his chest. ´7KLV7VKLUW<RXFDQVHHKHUH0DUWLQ /XWKHU.LQJ-UDQG%DUDFN2EDPD7KH UHDGLQJVKHUH\RXFDQVHHLW"µ Tony stood up and stretched his shirt so that the words printed under the faces were in the camera!s focus. “!He had a dream"”KHUHDGDQGH[SODLQHG ´WKDWLV0DUWLQ/XWKHU.LQJ²DQGҊnow his dream came trueҋ6RLQWKH8QLWHG 6WDWHV0DUWLQ/XWKHUGUHDPHGWKDWRQH GD\WKHSHRSOHRI$PHULFDZLOOUHFRJQL]H and appreciate and maybe even vote IRUDQ$IULFDQ$PHULFDQOLNHKLPRUIURP DQ\RWKHUPLQRULW\µ+HFRQWLQXHGSURXGO\ ´$QGVRZKHQ%DUDFN2EDPDZDVYRWHG as the 44th3UHVLGHQWRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV of America that dream became true. And WRVRPHRQHOLNHPH%DUDFN2EDPDLV RXUVRQDQG.LVXPXLVKLVKRPHFLW\µ+H VPLOHG´6RLWVLJQLÀHVWKHERQGLQJRIRXU GUHDPV«µ The determination of the leaders in Nairobi and Nakuru to advocate for the traders DQGEHWKHLUYRLFHLQVSLUHGPHWRÀQGP\ cinematic voice and at the same time to question my role behind the camera. But it was Tony!s personal dream that made me UHÁHFWRQP\RZQGUHDPVDVDÀOPPDNHU $VP\UHODWLRQVKLSZLWK7RQ\GHYHORSHG I gradually became aware that I too was ZRUNLQJIURPDGUHDPDQGOLNH7RQ\, ZDVQҋWRQO\WU\LQJWRPDNHDGLIIHUHQFH I was also hoping to leave a personal imprint. I was discovering my own dreams E\ÀOPLQJWKHLUV Early November. Three Months Since Kenya Media Lab, Brandeis University “…Am I conveying the point to the audience? So – in this case the audience is – a camera.” 7KHGLIÀFXOWHYHQSDLQIXOSDUWDERXWHGLWLQJ ÀOPLVDOVRWKHPRVWJUDWLI\LQJSDUW,UHOLYH PRPHQWVPLQXWHVHYHQKRXUVFDSWXUHG E\WKHFDPHUDYLHZLQJWKHPDJDLQDQG again and again until I have rethought them and can distill from them a story. ´«LWVLJQLÀHVWKHERQGLQJRIRXU dreams….” Editing is about making decisions: what WRFXWRXWDQGZKDWWROHDYHLQ,KDYHWR decide what the story will be. I determine who the audience will think is telling the VWRU\DQGKRZWKHVWRU\ZLOOEHKHDUG “…I am so eager to be an international journalist…” Since leaving Kenya and returning to %UDQGHLV,KDYHEHHQJRLQJWKURXJK two separate processes. I have been editing the footage from Kenya to create the promotional videos for KENASVIT: 6DPXHO7RQ\DQG&KDUOHVHDFKWHOOVKLV own story in a manner that I hope will interest viewers and potential donors. Viewers are not meant to feel my presence LQDQ\RIWKHÀOPVRUKHDUP\YRLFH speaking. “…We need to speak with one voice…” It is their voices that speak. But alongside WKLVSURFHVVRIHGLWLQJ,KDYHEHHQZULWLQJ WKLV6RUHQVHQHVVD\+HUH,UHOLYHLQ detail the experiences from behind the VFHQHVDQGP\YRLFH²DQGZLWKLWWKH DUWLÀFHRIÀOPDQGWKHFRPSOH[LWLHVRI FUHDWLQJDVHQVHRIUHDOLW\DQGWUXWK²DUH foregrounded. “… We must have one voice!...” My experience in Kenya was WUDQVIRUPDWLYH9LHZLQJWKHIRRWDJHQRZ as I edit the KENASVIT clips and write WKH6RUHQVHQHVVD\VLVDYHU\GLIIHUHQW H[SHULHQFHWKDQÀOPLQJDQGUHFRUGLQJLQ Kenya. I weigh the enormous potential and limitations of the camera with me behind it. Editing through their recorded voices and LPDJHV,UHDOL]HKRZPXFK,KDYH\HWWR learn about achieving the delicate balance UHTXLUHGWRWHOORWKHUSHRSOHҋVVWRULHV necessarily touched but uncontaminated by my own. Notes 1. Free Online Dictionary. Last PRGLÀHG1RYHPEHUKWWSZZZ ,QWHUYLHZZLWK3URIHVVRU:LQQLH 0LWXOODK,QVWLWXWHRI'HYHORSPHQW6WXGLHV 8QLYHUVLW\RI1DLUREL-XO\ 3. Ibid. International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life | 49