USDA WEEKLY NATIONAL LAMB MARKET SUMMARY Livestock, Meat, Wool, Pelt, & International Markets Friday, January 8, 2016 NATIONAL SHEEP SUMMARY Feeder Lambs: San Angelo: Medium and Large 1-2: 65 lbs 226.00; 70-80 lbs 180.00-192.00; 80-90 lbs 184.00188.00; 90-95 lbs 160.00-170.00. Virginia: no test. Ft. Collins: 135 lbs 140.00; 143 lbs 130.00; 160-165 lbs 115.00-122.50. So Dakota: 45-50 lbs 230.00-235.00; 50-60 lbs 201.00-220.00; 66 lbs 195.00; 70-80 lbs 171.00-204.00; 80-90 lbs 160.00-186.00; 90-105 lbs 147.00-160.00; 110-115 lbs 130.50-148.00; 120130 lbs 127.00-127.50; 134 lbs 124.00. San Angelo: yearling hair ewes 180.00 per head. So Dakota: bred solid mouth 140.00-172.50 per head, few 215.00 per head; bred aged 105.00-120.00 per head. Missouri: bred hair ewes 130.00-145.00 per head; ewes and lambs 67.50-87.50 per head. Weekly Trends: Compared to last week heavy slaughter lambs were 5.00-8.00 lower; light slaughter lambs were steady to 30.00 higher. Slaughter ewes were steady to 20.00 higher. No comparison on feeder lambs. At San Angelo, TX 1501 head sold in a one day sale. Equity Electronic Auction sold 258 slaughter lambs in Nebraska. In direct trading no comparison on slaughter ewes and feeder lambs. 4900 head of negotiated sales of slaughter lambs were 4.008.00 lower. 8600 head of formula sales under 65 lbs had no recent comparison; 65-85 lbs were 2.00-4.00 lower; 85-95 lbs were 8.00-10.00 higher and over 95 lbs were not tested. 3,453 carcasses sold with 45 lbs and down 1.74 higher; 45-55 lbs 7.54 lower; 55-65 lbs 4.40 lower and 65 lbs and up 2.47-3.14 lower. All sheep sold per hundred weight (CWT) unless otherwise specified. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3 90-160 lbs: San Angelo: shorn and wooled 120-150 lbs 130.00-150.00, few 160.00. VA: wooled 80-110 lbs 149.00-212.50. PA: shorn and wooled 110-130 lbs 190.00-212.00; 130-150 lbs 165.00-185.00; 150-200 lbs 170.00-182.00. Ft.Collins, CO: no test. South Dakota: shorn and wooled 115-130 lbs 123.00-137.00; 130-150 lbs 123.50-132.00; 150-155 lbs 123.00-123.50. Equity Elec: hair lambs 125 lbs 132.25. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 1: San Angelo: 40-60 lbs 258.00-270.00; 60-70 lbs 238.00-254.00, few 268.00-272.00; 70-80 lbs 226.00-238.00, few 250.00; 8090 lbs 208.00-216.00, few 228.00; 90 lbs 200.00. Pennsylvania: 70-80 lbs 270.00-285.00; 80-90 lbs 250.00-252.00; 90110 lbs 207.00-225.00. Ft. Collins: 60-70 lbs 215.00-220.00; 70-80 lbs 210.00; 90-110 lbs 185.00-205.00. Missouri: 45-65 lbs 255.00-285.00, few 297.50-307.50. South Dakota: 86 lbs 190.00; 90-100 lbs 177.50-179.00. Direct Trading: (lambs fob with 3-4 percent shrink or equivalent) 4900: Slaughter Lambs shorn and wooled 133-165 lbs 120.00156.16 (wtd avg 135.97). TX: 8000: Feeder Lambs 120 lbs feedlot lambs 125.00. CA: 6000: Feeder Lambs 100-110 lbs old crop 125.00. NM: 5000: Feeder Lambs 105-115 lbs old crop 125.00. ID: 600: Slaughter Ewes Utility and Good 1-3 45.00-50.00; Utility 1-2 35.00 Slaughter Ewes: San Angelo: Good 2-3 (fleshy) 70.00-82.00; Utility and Good 1-3 (medium flesh) 84.00-95.00, high-yielding 98.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 70.00-72.00; Cull and Utility 1-2 (very thin) no test; Cull 1 (extremely thin) 50.00. Pennsylvania: Good 2-3 (fleshy) 70.00-135.00; Utility 1-2 90.00-100.00. Ft. Collins: Good 3-5 (very fleshy) 80.00-82.50; Good 2-3 (fleshy) 87.50-92.50; Utility 1-2 (thin) 60.00-64.00; Cull 1 (extremely thin) no test. Billings, MT: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy) no test; Utility 1-2 (thin) no test; Cull 1 no test. So Dakota: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 72.0086.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy) 73.00-86.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 62.50-75.00; Cull 1 50.0083.00. Missouri: Good 2-3 87.50-112.50. Virginia: Good 2-4 84.00-119.00. Kalona: Good 2-3 no test; Utility and Good 1-3 no test; Utility 1-2 no test; Cull 1 no test. VOL. 23 No. 01 HIGHLIGHTS Weighted Avg Prices (Simple Avg noted *) SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice & Prime 2-3 Shorn & Wooled (130 - 180 pounds) Latest Last Wk San Angelo, TX 137.48 N/Q 168.21 Worthing-Sioux Falls,SD 125.94 132.97 145.11 Ft Collins, CO N/Q NATIONAL DAILY LAMB CARCASS Last Yr N/Q N/Q SLAUGHTER EWES Negotiated sales for delivery within 14 calendar days, FOB Plant basis. Compared to last week: Carcasses were mostly lower: Carcasses 45 lbs and under were 1.74 higher; 45-55# were 7.54 lower; 55-65# were 4.40 lower; 65 lbs and heavier carcasses were 2.47 to 3.14 lower. DAILY CHOICE AND PRIME, YG 1-4 Weight 45-DN 45-55# 55-65# 65-75# 75-85# 85-UP *Price *Price *Price *Price *Price *Price * SAT-FRI Weight 45-DN 45-55# 55-65# 65-75# 75-85# 85-UP Head not not not not not not Head reported reported reported reported reported reported CHOICE AND PRIME, YG due due due due due due to to to to to to 1-4 Head 104 118 498 990 882 861 Last Wk Last Yr San Angelo, TX 74.25 576 Wt Avg confidentiality* confidentiality* confidentiality* confidentiality* confidentiality* confidentiality* Head Good 2-3 & Good 3-4 Latest N/Q 97.12 St. Onge, Newell, SD 73.49 N/Q N/Q Ft. Collins, CO * 90.00 N/Q 70.00* Billings, MT 3,453 N/Q Wt Avg 485.85 398.97 345.22 312.19 299.96 286.89 N/Q N/Q FEEDER LAMBS Medium-Large 1-2 (90-110 pounds) Latest Last Wk Last Yr San Angelo, TX *For more information, please visit* 168.28 N/Q 175.60 St. Onge, Newell, SD H USDA NATIONAL LAMB ESTIMATED GRADING PERCENT Week Ending 12/26/2015: Actual FIS Sheep Slaughter 34,375 head. 32,142 Lambs, 93.5% of total sheep slaughtered. 19,550 graded, 60.82% of total lambs slaughtered. -----------------------------------------------------------------------GRADE BREAKDOWN Yield Grade (May include hindsaddles) Quality 1 2 3 4 5 Total Prime 0.09% 0.71% 2.44% 1.81% 0.80% 5.85% Choice 3.83% 24.59% 40.18% 19.40% 6.15% 94.15% Total % 3.92% 25.29% 42.62% 21.21% 6.95% 148.14 N/Q N/Q Ft. Collins, CO N/Q N/Q 165.00 CARCASS LAMB FOB PLANT *SAT-FRI* WT AVGS Last Week 45#-Dn 45-55# 55-65# 65-75# 75-85# 85#-Up 45#-Dn 45-55# 55-65# 65-75# 75-85# 85#-Up 484.11 406.51 349.62 315.33 302.43 290.03 Last Year 438.63 391.41 358.40 341.10 329.99 320.36 Latest 485.85 398.97 345.22 312.19 299.96 286.89 NATIONAL BOXED LAMB CUTS FOB Plant basis negotiated sales for delivery within 0-21 day period, fresh and frozen carlot volume, including sales since last report, U.S. dollars per 100 pounds. Current Volume Fresh Cuts 994,524 pounds Frozen Cuts 105,876 pounds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Items with no entries indicate non-reportable trades.* FRESH CHOICE & PRIME CUTS # Of Total Weighted Change from IMPS Sub-Primal Trades Pound Average Prior Days --------------------------------------------------------------------------------203 Bracelet 3 1,055 $405.45 0.00 204 Rack, 8-Rib, light 6 888 $763.44 (2.97) 204 Rack, 8-Rib, medium 100 17,040 $727.17 (2.13) 204 Rack, 8-Rib, heavy 5 362 $833.78 204A Rack, chined 30 6,657 $867.72 (11.17) 204B Rack, roast-ready 16 2,525 $967.98 6.10 204C Rack, roast-ready, frenched 132 22,570 $1,344.53 36.57 204D Rack, roast-ready, special 5 474 $1,677.48 (35.62) 206 Shoulders 102 62,465 $284.84 5.63 207 Shoulders, square-cut 232 109,870 $295.98 2.48 208 Shoulders, square-cut, bnls 35 10,258 $556.92 (8.01) 209 Breast 156 47,627 $213.65 0.22 Breast, bulk 8 13,574 $140.88 0.00 209A Ribs, Breast bones off 15 1,311 $536.99 18.35 210 Foreshank 180 23,824 $388.21 3.83 230 Hindsaddle 3 457 $458.03 231 Loins 20 1,954 $445.49 13.15 232 Loins, trimmed 4x4 83 16,585 $528.97 0.90 232 Loins, trimmed 2x2 35 3,747 $658.85 (11.19) 232 Loins, trimmed 1x1 91 15,270 $736.94 7.38 232 Loins, trimmed 0x0 27 3,741 $841.64 (3.11) 232C Loin, boneless, tied 10 592 $1,637.51 83.46 232E Flank, untrimmed 34 44,211 $72.79 0.27 233 Legs 88 18,114 $349.75 2.21 233A Leg, trotter-off 163 40,322 $356.17 1.74 233C Leg, trotter-off, partial bnl 29 5,632 $483.15 4.60 233E Leg, steamship 11 1,335 $454.72 0.63 233F Hindshank 105 21,730 $390.86 11.45 234 Leg, Boneless, Tied 121 35,893 $521.93 1.53 234A Leg, shank off, bnls 33 5,923 $597.00 (15.96) 234E Leg, inside, boneless 66 11,161 $724.38 1.24 234G Sirloin, boneless 14 891 $692.83 3.33 235 Back 4 516 $548.50 0.91 236 Back, trimmed 8 100 $747.05 1.96 238 Trimmings 23 1,572 $483.44 (28.33) 239 Special trimmings 12 680 $523.00 (15.08) 246 Tenderloin 3 26 $1,386.15 295 Lamb for stewing 48 6,436 $602.80 (1.76) 296 Ground lamb 82 17,017 $548.45 (0.48) Necks 35 13,562 $144.62 8.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------FROZEN CHOICE & PRIME CUTS # Of Total Weighted Change from IMPS Sub-Primal Trades Pound Average Prior Days --------------------------------------------------------------------------------204 Rack, 8-Rib, medium 3 5,157 $488.53 208 Shoulders, square-cut, bnls 3 699 $515.75 209 Breast 20 10,364 $185.25 11.16 210 Foreshank 40 4,200 $416.78 1.34 232 Loins, trimmed 1x1 4 8,931 $494.64 232E Flank, untrimmed 7 6,284 $103.18 5.44 233A Leg, trotter-off 4 5,574 $307.39 234 Leg, Boneless, Tied 6 906 $581.50 21.98 234E Leg, inside, boneless 12 815 $858.67 5.08 239 Special trimmings 4 1,480 $411.15 12.17 295 Lamb for stewing 24 4,340 $657.92 (5.82) 296 Ground lamb 50 10,169 $569.54 9.23 Necks 15 4,060 $151.77 5.10 ACTUAL SLAUGHTER UNDER FEDERAL INSPECTION NATIONAL WEEKLY COMPREHENSIVE LAMB CARCASS H Combined Negotiated, Formula and Forward Contract sales for delivery within 14 calendar days, FOB Plant basis. For W/E 12/26/2015 *Items with no entries indicate non-reportable trades.* CHOICE AND PRIME, YG 1-4 Weight Head 45-DN 142 45-55# 152 55-65# 755 65-75# 1,689 75-85# 1,422 85-UP 1,281 Head CHOICE AND PRIME, YG 5 Weight Head 45-DN 45-55# 55-65# 65-75# 75-85# 85-UP Head CERTIFIED FRESH AMERICAN LAMB Weight Head Head UNGRADED Weight 45-DN 45-55# 55-65# 65-75# 75-85# 85-UP Head Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 5,441 Wt Avg 451.90 390.03 343.94 313.52 300.94 288.27 Total 236 Wt Avg Lambs & Yearlings 93.5% Mature Sheep 6.5% RED MEAT PRODUCTION (Estimated, except *Actual*) Production Mil.Lbs. 09-Jan-2016 02-Jan-2016 Change *10-Jan-2015* Change 2016 YTD: *2015 YTD:* Change 26-Dec-2015 Wt Avg Head 69 66 81 64 17 17 314 Wt Avg 366.25 365.98 327.25 320.03 259.00 259.00 *For more information, please visit* USDA ESTIMATED NATIONAL LAMB CARCASS CUTOUT Based on 5-Day Rolling weighted average FOB plant prices collected under Mandatory Price Reporting and industry yields. CUTS FOB PRICE CHANGE %CARCASS LBS FORESADDLE 204 RACK, 8-RIB MEDIUM 727.17 -2.13 11.00% 7.15 209 BREAST ** 195.38 4.14 8.32% 5.41 207 SHOULDERS, SQ-CUT 295.98 2.48 23.65% 15.37 210 FORESHANK 388.21 3.83 3.97% 2.58 NECK ** 146.27 7.68 2.22% 1.44 HINDSADDLE 232 LOINS, TRIMMED 4X4 528.97 0.90 11.04% 7.18 232E FLANK UNTRIMMED ** 76.57 1.64 3.61% 2.35 233A LEG, TROTTER OFF 356.17 1.74 31.93% 20.75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------GROSS CARCASS VALUE: 359.79 1.73 95.74% 62.23 FORESADDLE VALUE HINDSADDLE VALUE 9,990 9,739 8,707 5,856 83 -----34,375 376.13 375.45 2.07 1.53 49.16% 46.58% 31.95 30.28 Carcass value less process/packaging per cwt cost of $33.75 NET CARCASS VALUE 326.04 1.73 * Shrink and trim of 2.77 lb's not reflected in cutout value * Based on Actual Federally Inspected Slaughter Carcass Weight of 65.00 lbs. for W/E 12/26/2015 , -3.00lbs lighter than last week. **Includes Fresh and Frozen Product 2.5 2.2 13.6% 2.5 0.0% 2.5 3.0 -17.0% 2.2 Average Live Weights 09-Jan-2016 02-Jan-2016 *10-Jan-2015* 26-Dec-2015 134 136 141 131 Dressed 09-Jan-2016 02-Jan-2016 *10-Jan-2015* 26-Dec-2015 67 68 71 65 Slaughter 09-Jan-2016 02-Jan-2016 Change *10-Jan-2015* Change 2016 YTD: *2015 YTD: Change 38,000 32,000 18.8% 35,000 8.6% 31,000 43,000 -27.5% LAMB AND MUTTON IMPORTS US FEDERALLY INSPECTED SLAUGHTER BY REGION S F R d r o 1 ----1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 U - t e e a d g n e i a a n / - Week --------: :-------: Tot : 2/ ---------------rd l s 1 0 ----------------.S. 2/ : 3 ----------------- (D) 1/ 2/ 0 4 2 1 5 0 0 5 4 0 4 - Ending 12/26/2015 -----------------------Sheep -----------------------al Mature Lambs & Sheep Yearlings -----------------------1,000 head .6 0.6 .3 0.5 3.8 .0 0.1 1.8 .3 0.2 1.2 .9 0.8 5.1 .6 0.1 0.5 .2 0.2 .0 0.3 14.7 .1 0.2 3.9 .5 0.5 -----------------------.4 2.2 32.1 ------------------------ For Reporting Period: Boneless Trimmings Lamb Australia Canada Chile Iceland New Zealand Total Mutton Australia New Zealand Total Fresh Cuts Frozen Cuts %Change -9.3% -9.8% -6.7% 0.1% EXPORTS 01/07/16 CURRENT WEEK-T-D CURRENT Y-T-D PREVIOUS Y-T-D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H US TO MEXICO WEEKLY LIVESTOCK EXPORT SUMMARY THU 01/06/2016 Slaughter Lambs Ewes Breeding Males Breeding Females Total Current Week 01/02/2016 Previous Week 12/26/2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 332 0 0 332 Primals & Subprimals Weekly Total Year-toDate Total 19 51 993 130 1,194 20 18 69 194 1,877 110 240 322 1,515 1,194 0 0 0 322 1,515 25 343 16 358 12 64 12 64 444 16 460 444 16 460 25 WEEKLY VOLUME Texas to Mexico Daily Livestock Exports Slaughter Lambs Ewes Breeding Males Breeding Females Total Sheep Edible Offals AUS = Australian NZ = New Zealand Negotiated Sales 0-21 days: *** Current Report Unavailable *** Week Ago Year Ago YTD YTD 12/12/15 12/20/14 2015 2014 42,645 49,157 2,398,656 2,644,315 3,863 3,860 179,379 198,781 4,726 6,020 158,387 169,799 431,113 428,645 19,387,750 19,364,679 FRI, 01/08/2016 Cuts Week 01 FOB cold storage; negotiated sales for delivery within 0-21 days and for delivery 22/Up days; fresh and frozen carlot volume; U.S. dollars per 100 pounds. *Items with no entries indicate non- reportable trades* CANADIAN FEDERALLY INSPECTED SLAUGHTER Cattle: Calves: Sheep: Hogs: Carcasses Metric Tons NATIONAL WEEKLY LAMB CARCASS AND LAMB CUTS - IMPORTED Represents zero. Withheld to avoid disclosing individual operations. States included in regions are as follows 1- CT, ME, NH, VT, MA & RI; 2- NY & NJ; 3- DE-MD, PA, WV & VA; 4- AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC & TN; 5- IL, IN, MI, MN, OH & WI; 6- AR, LA, NM, OK & TX; 7- IA, KS, MO & NE; 8- CO, MT, ND, SD, UT & WY; 9- AZ, CA, HI & NV; 10- AK, ID, OR & WA. Totals may not add due to rounding. A region may not be published due to confidentiality, but is included in totals. Current 12/19/15 0 0 0 0 12/27/15 to 01/02/16 Current Y-T-D Previous Y-T-D* PERCENT CHANGE 0 7,833 0 0 7,833 0 24,545 0 0 24,545 -68.09% = = 1,050,164 Pounds 1,280,674 Pounds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEGOTIATED SALES, FRESH # of Total Weighted Sub-Primal Trades Pounds Price Range Average -------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS AUS Rack, FR, Cap-off, 20-24 oz Rack, FR, Cap-off, 24-28 oz Rack, FR, Cap-off, 28 oz/up Shoulder, Square-cut Foreshank, VP Shortloin, 1-Rib, 1x1 Shortloin, 1-Rib, 0x0 Leg, semi bnls 25 33 36 28 14 20 19 13 13,159 12,863 53,940 182,051 9,718 111,639 128,914 20,517 648.00 740.00 887.00 163.00 239.00 361.00 407.00 337.00 997.00 1,024.00 1,057.00 282.00 387.00 577.00 589.00 423.00 860.26 929.72 934.92 215.08 351.55 429.54 538.38 388.51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEGOTIATED SALES, FROZEN # of Total Weighted Sub-Primal Trades Pounds Price Range Average -------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUS Rack, FR, Cap-off, 20-24 oz AUS Rack, FR, Cap-off, 24-28 oz AUS Rack, FR, Cap-off, 28 oz/up AUS Shoulder, Square-cut AUS Shoulder, Square-cut, bnls AUS Foreshank, LP AUS Leg, Long AUS Hindshank, LP AUS Hindshank, VP AUS Leg, bnls NZ Rack, FR, Cap-off, 12 oz/dn NZ Rack, FR, Cap-off, 12-16 oz NZ Rack, FR, Cap-off, 16-20 oz NZ Rack, FR, Cap-off, 20 oz/up 26 43 15 50 18 43 64 9 16 43 6 106 87 17 33,754 89,943 16,367 62,731 51,238 41,499 138,741 6,651 82,307 67,523 1,533 49,526 47,998 12,205 644.00 643.00 640.00 174.00 259.00 193.00 247.00 290.00 190.00 336.00 681.00 640.00 679.00 617.00 985.00 985.00 1,093.00 309.00 320.00 360.00 383.00 319.00 351.00 400.00 822.00 905.00 865.00 865.00 699.20 679.05 742.47 213.16 270.18 215.05 334.83 305.20 206.46 350.43 768.58 751.23 756.57 676.22 Regional Weekly Summaries NATIONAL WOOL REVIEW MOUNTAIN AREAS AND WESTERN UNITED STATES DIRECT SHEEP Receipts: 11,600 Last Week: 0 Last Year: 0 Compared to last week: There have been no recent trades to compare over the last several weeks. This week there 11,600 head of confirmed trades. The feeder lambs are all old crop pasture lambs that were traded and retained in their current locations on pasture. There are growing concerns that weights will continue to rise as a lot of lambs will reach their market ready weight in the feedlots and harvest facilities will struggle to run enough lambs through. The lack of demand and a strong U.S. dollar are currently major concerns, as orders remained slow during some of the peak times for lamb orders and packers continue to decrease bids. SOUTH CENTRAL DIRECT SHEEP No recent comparison. The lambs are all feedlot lambs traded and retained in their current feedlot locations. TX: 8000: Medium and Large 1-2 120 lbs old crop 125.00. Slaughter Lambs: TX: None. Slaughter Ewes: TX: None. Replacement Ewes: TX: None. Domestic wool trading on a clean basis was at a standstill this week. There were no confirmed trades. Some spring shearing is starting to take place, and most of the wool will be marketed later in the spring. Currently there is resistance due to the strong U.S. dollar, though prices remained relatively steady over the fall and winter months. Domestic clean wool and confirmed trades are reported on a weighted average basis. Prices reflect trades FOB warehouse in original bag or square pack, bellies out, some graded, and 76 mm or longer. No allowance made for coring, freight or handling fees at the warehouse level to reflect net grower prices (*) indicates new prices this week. (NA) represents microns not normally available in this region. Wools shorter than 75 mm typically discounted .10-.20 clean. Classed and skirted wools usually trade at a .10-.20 premium to original bag prices. NATIONAL WEEKLY LAMB REPORT Receipts: This Period Week to Date Last Week Total Last Year Total Negotiated 4,894 4,894 3,116 4,860 Formula 8,079 8,079 6,381 9,012 Comments: Compared to last week, negotiated sales of slaughter lambs were mostly 4.00 to 8.00 lower on comparable sales. Formula sales of slaughter lambs under 65 lbs no recent price comparison; 65-85 lbs were 2.00 to 4.00 lower; 85-95 lbs were 8.00 to 10.00 higher; over 95 lbs No test. NEGOTIATED PURCHASES Slaughter Lambs: Live Basis - Choice and Prime Head Weight Wtd Avg Wtd Avg Count Range Weight Dr Pct 4894 under 170 lbs 148.10 51.00 over 170 lbs Price Range 120.00-156.16 - Wtd Avg Price 135.97 FORMULA PURCHASES Slaughter Lambs: Carcass Basis - Choice and Prime Head Weight Wtd Avg Wtd Avg Count Range Weight Dr Pct 122 under 55 lbs 40.20 45.80 436 55-65 lbs 61.40 47.30 2061 65-75 lbs 70.30 49.70 3974 75-85 lbs 80.60 50.80 1486 85-95 lbs 87.80 51.50 over 95 lbs Price Range 300.00-340.00 280.00-300.00 279.94-304.88 273.50-300.18 281.50-295.46 - Wtd Avg Price 329.43 284.04 293.41 289.73 291.28 Micron 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30-34 US Grades 80s 70-80s 64-70s 64s 62s 60-62s 60s 58s 56-58s 54-56s 54s 50-54s 44-50s Fleece States None None None None None None None None None None None None None Territory States None None None None None None None None None None None None None Texas and New Mexico None None None None None None None None None None NA NA NA Domestic wool trading on a greasy basis was at a standstill this week. were no confirmed trades. All trades reported on a weighted average. Domestic wool tags are delivered to buyer and reported on a greasy basis: Number 1 tags Number 2 tags Number 3 tags .60-.70 .50-.60 .40-.50 NATIONAL WEEKLY SLAUGHTER SHEEP REVIEW *** Australia will be starting a three week winter recess next week. Formula Prices established for previously slaughtered lambs.(carcass basis) Domestic Weighted Average Weight: 77.7 lbs Weighted Average Net Price: 291.25 Wtd Average Dressing Percent: 50.4 The next available data from Australia will be January 15, 2016. ***. WEEKLY LAMB PELTS PRICE REPORT - FOB Major Production Points Per Piece Price Pelt activity this week compared to last report: being steady to 0.25 higher. Pelt prices were mostly steady, with Unshorns PELT TYPES: PACKER, SEED FREE, MOSTLY GOOD DENSITY WOOL SHORN Price Range UNSHORN Price Range ---------------------------------------------------------SHORN PELTS | UNSHORN PELTS (Wools) (Previously Shorn) | (Never Shorn) (suitable to tan, wool on) | Fall Clips: 2.75-5.00 | No. 1: 0.50-1.50 | Pullers: (2.25)-(1.25) No. 2: (0.50)-0.00 | (suitable to tan, wool on) | Springers: 6.00-11.00 No. 3 & 4: (2.00)-(1.50) | Mostly: 7.50-10.00 Imperial's 5.00-7.00 | Pickling skins(2.25)-(1.25) | ---------------------------------------------------------Livestock Mandatory Reporting on Negotiated, Formula and Contract trades Monday January 04, 2016 through Friday January 08, 2016 showed 13,545 pelts consisting of 75.2% wooled, 10.7% Fall Shorn No. 1, and 14.1% No. 2-4. There Weekly Choice & Prime 55-65# Carcass Market News Sources Weekly Choice & Prime 65-75# Carcass 385 350 Price Per CWT Price Per CWT 365 345 330 For additional information, contact these Livestock and Grain Market News locations 310 325 Des Moines, IA William Worlie 515-284-4460 290 305 J F M A M J 2016 J A S O 2015 N J D M A M J J 2016 5 Yr Avg Weekly Choice & Prime 85#'s Up Carcass 330 F A S O 2015 N D 5 Yr Avg St Joseph, MO Brittany Koop 816-676-7000 Greeley, CO Randy Hammerstrom 970-353-9750 Weekly Ungraded 65-75# Carcass 365 New Holland, PA Levi Geyer 717-354-2391 Price Per CWT Price Per CWT 340 310 290 San Angelo, TX Rebecca Sauder 915-653-1778 315 Sioux Falls, SD Justin Lumpkin 605-338-4061 290 USDA AMS 270 J F M A 2016 M J J A 2015 S O N 5 Yr Avg D 265 J F M A 2016 M J J A 2015 S O N 5 Yr Avg D Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News Portal