ST. DAVID OF WALES JANUARY 2012 Principal B. Gillis Secretary D. Gibson Trustee Peter Ferreira (416) 805-7110 Peter Superintendent C. Saytar 905.890.1221 Wishing everyone in our community every happiness for 2012! Prayer for the New Year PARISH St. Martin of Tours 1290 McBride Lane Mississauga, ON L5C 1M8 905.279-5742 SCHOOL HOURS Grades 1-8 8:45 -11:45 12:45-3:15 Grades JK-SK 8:45-11:15 or 12:45-3:15 St. David of Wales 4200 Beacon Lane Mississauga, ON L5M 2N6 905.848-4200 WebSite http:// DWALE Give us the kindness to hear with compassion, To offer support, loving comfort and care. Give us the courage to do what is needed, The wisdom to choose what is right and most fair. Give us the vision to see what is possible. Give us the faith that we will pave the way For a present that’ s hopeful, A future that’ s peaceful. Give us the hearing to bring joy to each day. Amen FAMILY ADVENT MASS On Wednesday, December 7, 2011 parents/guardians and family gathered at St. Martin of Tours Parish for our Family Advent Mass. The students from JK—Gr.8 brought forth the joy of the Christmas season and allowed us to reflect as a community on this most blessed season. Special thank you to all of the staff who worked tirelessly, planning and preparing for the Mass. It truly was spectacular! A special thank you to the community for being so generous in donating to our Angel and Mitten Tree as well as many boxes of food items, mittens, scarves and hats. Our Community Outreach truly demonstrated the spirit of giving. God Bless. Thank you to the many parents/guardians that came by to wish us a Merry Christmas. Your kind words, cards and gifts were greatly appreciated. STUDENT COUNCIL SAFETY AT ST. DAVID OF WALES Student Council has been very busy this year. During the month of December, Council members helped organize and collect non-perishable food for families in our community. They also designed the Angel Tree tags and helped organize and promote the Angel Tree gift giving. Thank you to everyone who contributed. It was a huge success. The selling of Christmas Cookie-grams was also successful. We are hoping our Valentine’s Cookie-grams are also a big hit with the students. Student Council is looking forward to organizing Spirit days this coming year. P. Gallant, Student Council Advisor While outside during recess students sometimes find themselves engaging in inappropriate activities that involve rough play. Pushing, shoving, tackling, play fighting and wrestling are all unacceptable activities that compromise student safety. Please reinforce with your children the inherent dangers of rough play, even when the intent is fun REPORT CARD AND INTERVIEWS The Term 1 report card will be going home on Tuesday, January 31, 2012. Interviews will take place on the evening of Thursday, February 2 and during the P.D. Day on Friday, February 3. It is our hope to see all parents/guardians during this interview cycle. Confirmation of the interview time will be sent home with the report card. Criminal Reference Check In compliance with Ministry directives, a Criminal Reference Check is required if you wish to volunteer your services in the school, transport students and assist on trips. Copies of the Criminal Reference forms are available in the office. An annual declaration is required for all valid Criminal Reference Checks that are on file in the school office. ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK Please be aware that there are several pupils in our school with a severe lifethreatening food allergy (anaphylaxis) to peanuts and nuts. This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to certain and can result in death within minutes. Although this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, please send foods with your child to school that are free from peanuts or nut products. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. It is important that students come to school on time on a daily basis. Yard supervision begins at 8:30 a.m. and the bell rings at 8:45 a.m. Students who are late for school need to get a late slip from the office. All visitors/parents/guardians in the school must report to the office and sign in. We ask that all volunteers and visitors to the school wear a visitor/volunteer sticker so they can easily be identified by staff and students. Please inform the school office if your address or phone numbers have changed. It is important that we always have an up to date list of all emergency phone numbers in the event we need to contact you. Also, it is greatly appreciated if you could place a call to the school (905) 848-4200 press #1 to inform us that your son/daughter will be absent or late. Cold and Flu Season Please use discretion in keeping your children home to recover if they are ill. A child who is coughing, wheezing, etc. is not in a state to learn and will only infect others. If a student is sent to school, it is assumed that they will participate in all aspects of the school day, including outdoor recess. We do not provide individual indoor supervision. We also remind parents to dress students for our weather conditions. We will be having outdoor recess, weather permitting, as much as possible. At all times, we follow the Board guidelines for inclement weather. The students enjoy going out, especially if they have their snowsuits, boots, hats and mittens. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Our future meeting dates for the remainder of this year are scheduled for Tuesday, April 3, and Tuesday, June 5. All are welcome to attend. We thank our very hard working Council Members for their on-going work and support for our children! FRENCH IMMERSION INFORMATION MEETING Senior Kindergarten parents/guardians, who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for September , 2012 are invited to attend an information meeting at: PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF JK/ SK STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Grade 4 parents/ guardians who wish to enroll their child in the Gr. 5 Extended French Program for September, 2012 are invited to attend an information meeting at St. Philip School, 345 Fairview Road West, on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. On Tuesday, January 17, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s Special Education and Support Services Department will host a Kindergarten entry planning information session. This meeting is for parents and guardians of children with special needs which affect their learning, such as vision, hearing, physical, developmental or autism, who are entering Junior, Senior or Full-Day Kindergarten in September, 2012. The meeting will be held at the Catholic Education Centre from 7:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m. For more information about this session, call (905) 890-0708 ext. 24011. WHAT: Kindergarten Entry Planning for Children with Special Needs—Parent Information Night. KINDERGARTENN REGISTRATION FOR 2012-13 WHEN: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 7:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m. WHERE: Catholic Education Centre Room 301 (Third Floor) 40 Matheson Blvd., West (Hurontatio & Matheson) St. Margaret of Scotland Elementary School 2266 Council Ring Road (905) 820-5115 on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. EXTENDED FRENCH INFORMATION NIGHT JK/SK registrations will be held on Monday, February 6, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. (Snow date is Tuesday February 7, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.). Registration will also take place all day Wednesday, February 8, to Friday, February 10, from 9:00—11:00 a.m. and 1:00—3:00 p.m. Children must be 4 years old by December 31, 2012 to register for Junior Kindergarten. Children must be 5 years old by December 31, 2012 to register for Senior Kindergarten. The parent/ guardian should bring the following documentation when registering their child: Proof of age of the child (birth certificate or passport) Original Catholic Baptismal Certificate of the Roman Rite for both the parent and the child Updated immunization records Proof of Residence / home address (utility bill) Proof of Canadian citizenship or of Landed Immigrant status For more information, please contact the school office. WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN NIGHT Welcome to Kindergarten Night will be held on Thursday, May 10, @ 6:30 p.m. All new Junior Kindergarten students and parents/guardians are invited to attend. More information will follow in the Junior Kindergarten Registration Package. STUDENT INFORMATION It is most important that we have up-to-date records of your address, phone numbers, and emergency contacts in the event that the school must contact you regarding your child. If there have been any changes, please ensure that we have your most current information. CASUAL FRIDAYS You may observe that the staff dress in a casual manner on Fridays. Staff have made donations to United Way of Peel and ShareLife to dress down on Fridays. P.A DAY A reminder that there will be no school on Monday, January 16, 2012. It is a Development Professional Activity Day. Teachers are involved in Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress. MEDICATION A reminder that students are not allowed to bring any medication to school. This includes prescription and non-prescription medication. As per Board protocol, all medication must be stored in the office, accompanied by appropriate paperwork and doctor signature. Please note that this includes Advil, cough medication, etc. We thank you for your co-operation in this matter. As always, we care about the safety of all our students. DPCDSB Community Programs from Adult and Continuing Education Winter 2012 DPCDSB Adult and Continuing Education program flyers arrived at your doorstep the week of Janu-ary 2, 2012. You are invited to join in these exciting community programs. The following are a sample of some of the programs offered: Computer ABC’s Day Program, Car Maintenance for Women, Secondary Night School Credit, French as a Second Language, Adult Coop and Credit, General Interest Programs, International Languages, Eng-lish as a Second Language, Citizenship and ESL Classes, Health and Fitness and much, much more! Register now for lifelong learning opportunities! Call 905-891-9263 or SCHOOL NEWS Mr. Lagac will be on Leave from January 9—June 29, inclusive. We welcome Mrs. De Luca to our staff, as she will replace Mr. Lagac during his leave. DATES TO REMEMBER Tuesday, January 10—Pizza Day Wednesday, January 11 9:00 Virtues Assembly Monday, January 16 — P.A. Day Report Card Writing Day for Teachers January 17—Pizza Day Saturday, January 21 5:00 Rite of Enrolment for First Communion Sunday, January 22 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Rite of Enrolment of First Communion Monday, January 23 Rosary Apostolates Wednesday, January 25 7:00 Mississauga South School Council Chairs Meeting @ St. Valentine School Friday, January 27 Family Movie Night (more info to follow) Saturday, January 21 5:00 Rite of Enrolment for First Communion Sunday, January 22 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Rite of Enrolment of First Communion Saturday, January 28 5:00 Rite of Enrolment for First Communion Sunday, January 20 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Rite of Enrolment of First Communion Tuesday, January 31 Report Cards go home Wednesday, February 1 1:00 Virtue Assembly Thursday, February 2 Interview Evening Friday, February 3 P.A. Day Monday, February 6—Friday, February 10 JK Registration Friday, February 10 1:00 Movie Buy Out (Junior Division) Monday, February 13—Rosary Apostolates Friday, February 17 1:00 Movie Buy Out (Intermediate Division) Monday, February 20—Family Day (no school for students) Wednesday , February 22—Ash Wednesday Wednesday, February 29—Leap Day Monday, March 5 9:00 Virtues Assembly Tuesday, March 6—Pizza Day 10:00 Lent/Easter Mass Monday, March 12—Friday, March 16 - March Break Monday, March 19—Rosary Apostolates Thursday, March 22 Grade 8 & Senior Kindergarten Graduation Photos Sunday, April 1 to Saturday, April 7 Holy Week Monday, April 2 1:00 Virtues Assembly Tuesday, April 3 6:30 School Council Meeting Friday, April 6 Good Friday (no school) Monday, April 9 Easter Monday (no school) Monday, April 30 7:00 Grade 8 Confirmation Tuesday, May 1 9:00 Virtue Assembly Thursday, May 10 Crowning of Mary 6:30 Welcome to Kindergarten Night May 6—May 11 Catholic Education Week Friday, May 11 P.A. Day (no school for students) Wednesday, May 23 7:00 Mississauga South School Council Chairs Meeting Location TBA Monday, June 4 1:00 Virtues Assembly Tuesday, June 5 6:30 School Council Meeting Monday, June 11 P.A. Day—(no school for students) Tuesday, June 12 1:30 End of Year Mass Friday, June 15 1:00 Movie Buy Out (Junior Division) Friday, June 22 1:00 Movie Buy Out (Intermediate Division) Tuesday, June 26 Report Cards sent home Thursday, June 28 12:00 Graduation Luncheon @ Renaissance by the creek 6:30 Graduation Mass & Ceremony @ St. Martin of Tours Church—Reception to follow in the Church Hall Friday, June 29 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL