St. Dunstan School May 2015

St. Dunstan School
May 2015
L. O’Neill
J. Kalynowsky
Luz del Rosario
D. Amaral
St. Joseph Church
5440 Durie Road
Mississauga, ON
L5M 2J6
Prayer For May
Loving God,
In Mary You have given
Your church a sign of the glory to come.
May those who honour the Virgin Mother
look to her as a model of holiness for all
Your people.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
School Hours
Grades FDK-8
8:30-11:25 & 12:25 3:00
St. Dunstan School
1525 Cuthbert Ave.
Mississauga, ON
L5M 3R6
May is the month we dedicate to Mary, the mother of our Saviour, Jesus. We celebrate
Mary, who humbly and gladly accepted God’s will when she said “Yes” to our Lord. As
we honour Mary and all mothers, we are reminded of the many blessing mothers
bestow upon their children each and every day. Let us keep Mary and all mothers in
our thoughts and prayers so that the honour and respect they deserve is not limited
to one day or month in the year.
We begin the month of May with Catholic Education Week, which is recognized
throughout Ontario during the week of May 4-8. During this week, the Catholic
community celebrates the unique and distinctive contribution that Catholic schools
make to our students, our community and our province. Catholic Education Week is a
welcome opportunity to celebrate the mission of our Catholic schools as they strive to
integrate the Gospel values of Jesus Christ in every aspect of the school’s life and
curriculum. This year’s theme is: “Exploring Paths Of Joy.”
Welcome to Kindergarten Evening
All new Kindergarten children registered for September 2015 are invited to attend a workshop with
their parent(s) on Thursday May 7th, at 6:30 p.m. in the school gymnasium. The workshop will focus
on strategies and activities for preparing your child to attend school. Each child will receive a Welcome
to Kindergarten bag with magnetic letters and numbers, books, crayons, scissors, paper, glue, play
dough and more. The materials are excellent for the children and their parents to use in preparation
for Kindergarten. The resources are provided by the “Learning Partnership”, supported by the
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.
Are You Moving?
To help us with our planning for September 2015, it
would be appreciated if you could let us know if you
will be moving out of our school area over the
Dolphin Extra Curricular News
The Intermediate Boys and Girls Basketball teams both
enjoyed competitive seasons. They improved as the
season progressed and always displayed a
positive attitude and great sportsmanship. The
members of the boy’s team are David C., Jacob M.,
Martin G., Keegan F., Malek B., Dylan C., Julian C.,
Charles M., Yanik T., Ivan M., and Owen P. Thank you
to Mr. Szpunar for coaching the team. The members of
the girl’s team are Alyssa B., Hollie N., Aliyah B., Emily
T., Mary S., Mylah R. and Jordan O. Thank you to Miss
Monardo and Miss Risavy for coaching the girls.
Feast Day Liturgy/Year End Mass
Our St. Dunstan Feast Day Mass will be
celebrated on Tuesday, May 19th and our year
end school mass will be celebrated on
Wednesday, June 3rd. All parents are welcome
to attend both these celebrations at St. Joseph
Lost and Found Clothing
We still have a large amount of clothing left over
from the winter in the Lost and Found. If your
child has lost any clothing throughout the year,
we ask that you please ask them to look through
these clothes and claim their clothing. Clothes
left behind will be donated.
Protecting The Skin
Overexposure to the sun can cause skin
damage. We remind students to take
precautions to protect their skin during
recess times. The following are some
suggestions to help protect the skin:
1. Wear protective clothing to cover the
skin. Wear a hat to protect both the
eyes and skin
2. When possible, stay out of direct
3. Wear sun block, the higher the
protection factor number, the greater
the protection.
Lock Downs and Fire Drills
During the months of May and June,
we will continue to practice a number
of emergency response procedures. All
schools are required by Board policy
to practice these procedures
throughout the year. We have these
rehearsals for precautionary purposes
only, so that in the event of an actual
emergency, students will be prepared
to respond in a safe and responsible
St. Dunstan School
respect, civility
Important Items
and academic
excellence in a
safe learning and
School Council News
Thank you to all the families
who participated in our
World’s Finest Chocolate
fundraiser. Our last meeting
date will be on Wednesday,
June 3rd at 6:30 pm.
The grade three and six
students of St. Dunstan
continue to prepare for the
EQAO assessment of reading,
writing, and mathematics.
The students will write the
tests from May 25th to June
5th, 2015.
Hats Off to Kidz
On Thursday May 7th the
school will participate in
the “Hats Off to Kidz”
Walkathon for Sick Kids
Hospital. Our school will
walk around the
community at 12:45 pm in
support of Leukemia
Research for the Sick Kids
Foundation. Students and
staff will be asked to wear
baseball caps as a tribute
to children who live with
leukemia and the effects of
chemotherapy. Students
are invited to bring money
the morning of the event to
donate to Sick Kids.
Dress Code
With the approach of the
warm weather we would
like our students to be neat
and comfortable for
learning. Students are
expected to dress in a
manner and attire suitable
for the occasion and
appropriate to the school
environment. Boys must
wear full length T-shirts
with a sleeve (no muscle
shirts or cut off T-shirts are
allowed for regular classes
or Phys Ed). Girls are not
to wear anything strapless,
spaghetti straps or have
bare midriffs. Shorts are
allowed provided they are
modest. No short-shorts or
cut-off jeans will be allowed.
Catholic Education Week begins on Sunday to
Monday - Anti Bullying Magic Show
highlight the partnership that remains the foundation
9 am - FDK to Gr 4
of Catholic Education between our Catholic schools
10 am - Gr 5 to Gr 8
and local Catholic parishes. Throughout Catholic
First Communion Luncheon - 11:25 am
Education Week, we ask you to reflect on the
Math Activities Monardo/Fifield
significance of Catholic education’s presence and
10:25 – 11:25 am
contribution in our Church and in our society. We
invite all members of our community to participate in Tuesday - Math Activities Kolwich/Gibson/Swanek
the celebrations and activities that will mark the
10:25 – 11:25 am
celebration of Catholic Education Week 2015 in our
schools. This year’s celebration is entitled “Catholic
Education: Exploring The Paths Of Joy.” Throughout Wednesday - Joe Sax Festival
the week there are a number of activities taking place.
Confirmation Luncheon
All members of our community are welcome to attend
Math Activities Nolan/Ward/Perklin
any events. Every class will be offering a math based
10:25 – 11:25 am
Thursday - Hats Off To Kidz Walk - 12:45 pm
Welcome To Kindergarten Night - 6:30 pm
Math Activities Szpunar 10:25 – 11:25 am
Friday - Mother’s Day Tea
Math Activities Defina/Bungay
10:25 – 11:25 am
Information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of
a minor related to the late Fr. James (Jim) Roth, OSFS,
is posted on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board’s main webpage at Additional
information, including where to report abuse or suspected abuse, is also posted on the website of Father
Roth’s religious order, the Oblates of St. Francis de
Sales, at and the Archdiocese of
Toronto at . Please consult
these sources as appropriate.
Criminal Reference Check
In compliance with Ministry directives, a Criminal
Reference Check is mandatory if you wish to
volunteer your services in the school, transport
students and assist on trips. A Criminal Reference
Check is mandatory if you plan to volunteer for both
in school and out of school activities. The Criminal
Reference Check is free for volunteers and it will
assure the safety of all students. If you already have a
Criminal Reference Check on file at the school, please
come in to the office to complete the Annual Offence
Declaration Form. It is our hope that that you can
complete these forms and return them to the school
before September in order to be able to volunteer at the
school for the 2015-2016 school year.