St. Dunstan School December 2014 God,

St. Dunstan School
December 2014
L. O’Neill
J. Kalynowsky
Luz del Rosario
D. Amaral
St. Joseph Church
5440 Durie Road
Mississauga, ON
L5M 2J6
as light comes from this candle,
may the blessing of Jesus Christ come to us,
warming our hearts and
brightening our way.
May Christ our Saviour bring life
into the darkness of this world,
and to us, as we wait for His coming.
Grades FDK -8
8:30-11:25 &
St. Dunstan School
1525 Cuthbert Ave.
Mississauga, ON
L5M 3R6
Christmas Wishes
As we head into the Advent we are reminded that this is a season of hope and
celebration. We strive to prepare our hearts and our lives as we wait in great
anticipation for the coming of Jesus. The birth of Jesus signifies a new beginning that
heralds new hopes and dreams that light up our lives and give it new meaning.
Advent provides us an opportunity to bring students to realize that the world is still
waiting for the teachings of Jesus to wash over the world and influence our lives. It is
a reminder that on each day of Advent, we can reflect on Christ, seeking ways to break
into our lives.
May the promise of Christmas help to show God’s boundless love for you and your
family, and may you be blessed with good health, prosperity and happiness
throughout the New Year as we strive to work with and for you in providing
excellence in Catholic education in our community.
The St. Dunstan community would like to extend a
warm welcome to our new Trustee, Luz del Rosario.
She is a strong advocate for Catholic Education and we
look forward to her support in the coming years. Thank
you to our former Trustee, Peter Ferreira. Peter was
very supportive of our community and we wish him
well in the future.
There have also been some changes to the staffing at
St. Dunstan. Mrs. Inkol retired on November 30th and
we would like to welcome Mrs. Howells who will
teaching SERC and Miss Risavy who will be our new
Teacher-Librarian and Planning Time teacher.
Cold Weather and Illness
In colder weather we often receive requests to allow
students to remain indoors when students have a
cold, flu etc.. Please note that we cannot comply, as
we have neither the facilities or the staff to
supervise these students. Please use discretion in
keeping your child at home to recover if they are ill.
A child who is wheezing or coughing is not in a state
to learn and will infect others. If your child is well
enough to attend school, they should be well enough
to go outside at recess. We also have a number of
students who have had cancer and as a result have a
diminished immune system. It is really important
that if your son or daughter is not feeling well to err
on the side of caution and keep them home. Sending
sick children to school with the instructions to call
home if they don’t feel better is not appropriate.
In anticipation of a cold and snowy winter, we
would also like to remind parents of children in the
primary grades to send extra clothes to be used
when the child is wet from playing in the snow.
Snow pants are strongly encouraged. Students from
Grades 1 - 5 will not be allowed to play on the field if
they do not have snow pants and boots.
With the coming of winter and snow we would
like to remind students that snow stays on the
ground. Throwing snowballs and sliding on ice is
fun but dangerous in a school yard. In order for
our school to be as safe as possible, the school
rule is that snow stays on the ground. This means
no snowballs, kicking snow or any other activity
with snow or ice that could be harmful. Please
review the importance of this with your child.
Advent Mass
Please join us as we celebrate our Advent
mass together on December 4th at 9:30 a.m.
The mass will be celebrated at St. Joseph’s
Church. It is a wonderful opportunity to give
praise and glory to God together as the
community of St. Dunstan School. A special
thank you to Father Marc-Andre and the
parish team at St. Joseph’s for their spiritual
guidance and support.
School Council News
Our next School Council meeting will be held
on Wednesday, December 3rd at 6:30 pm in
the school library. All parents are invited to
attend. Thank you to the Council for
covering the cost of the Movie Day. This is a
result of our community’s fantastic
fundraising efforts. The School Council are
selling Candy Canes in the weeks before
Christmas. All proceeds from this will be
donated to needy families in our community.
Full Day Kindergarten Registration
Full Day Registration
Monday,January 26, 2015*
7:00-9:00 pm
Snow Date
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
7:00-9:00 pm
Full Day Registration
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
January 28, 29 & 30, 2015
9:00-3:00 pm
St. Dunstan School
respect, civility
and academic
excellence in a
safe learning and
FDK—Children must be born in either 2010 or 2011
Proof of age (Birth Certificate)
Original Roman Catholic baptismal certificate for child and/or parent/guardian or
baptismal certificate from an Eastern Church in full communion with the Holy See of
Rome. If the child has not been baptized, and the parent/guardian is baptized
Roman Catholic or is baptized from an Eastern Church in full communion with the
Holy See of Rome, the parent/guardian must bring their own baptismal certificate.
Updated immunization records
Proof of Canadian citizenship (Birth Certificate or Passport) or of Landed Immigrant
Proof of address - Two of the following:
- property tax bill
- real estate document, e.g., Purchase Agreement/*Rental Agreement
- current utility bill
- Government of Canada-issued forms, e.g., passport, Service Canada documents
Note: If the rental agreement is not a formal, corporate-issued document, it must be
**A driver’s license is not an accepted document.
*All documentation must be submitted in English
Kindergarten Entry Planning for Parents of Children with Special Needs
On Thursday, January 8, 2015 the Dufferin-Peel CDSB Special Education and Support
Services Department will host a Kindergarten entry planning information session.
This meeting is for parents and guardian of children with special needs which affect
their learning, such as vision, hearing, and physical, develop-mental or autism, who
are entering Kindergarten in September 2015.
WHAT: Kindergarten Entry Planning for Children
With Special Needs - Parent Information Session
WHEN: Thursday, January 8, 201 5
7:00 pm. - 8:30 pm
WHERE: Catholic Education Centre –Room 305
80 Matheson Blvd. West Mississauga
Inclement Weather
When weather conditions are bad, parents are asked to listen to the local radio stations for announcements
of transportation services being withdrawn and/or possible school closures. Announcements can be heard
The message usually takes the following form:
1. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board buses serving St. Andrew, St. Benedict and St. Peter
Elementary Schools and R.F. Hall Secondary School are cancelled today. This message does not affect us at
St. Dunstan.
2. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board buses and The Peel District School Board buses in the
Town of Caledon and the County of Dufferin are cancelled. This means that all runs listed under #1 above
plus all schools in the Town of Caledon and all school runs that begin in the Town of Caledon. This message
does not affect us at St. Dunstan.
3. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and The Peel District School Board buses are cancelled.
This means that ALL transportation services provided, including buses, vans and taxis have been cancelled
for the entire day. Students dropped off by parents, when transportation is cancelled, must be
picked up by parents or have other arrangements in place for their return trip home. The school cannot give
permission for children to be driven home by someone other than the parent/guardian.
4. The schools and offices of both The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and The Peel District
School Board are closed. This means that ALL Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and Peel District
School Board schools and offices are closed to all students and staff.
The Dufferin-Peel web-site home page will also have this updated information. You may also go to for daily cancellations or delays.
Christmas Activities
A reminder that we are having a Primary Craft
Night on Dec. 17 in the school gym. All students
from JK to Grade 3 are invited to come out and
celebrate with our school community. The school
choir will also be singing your favourite Christmas
Once again our school will be going to the movies
on Dec. 19th at the Coliseum. All students in
Grades 1 - 8 will be going to the theater and the
FDK students will be watching a Christmas movie
at school.
Youth Faith Ambassadors
On Wednesday, December 3rd our Youth Faith
Ambassadors participated in the Mississauga South
Faith Rally. The students listened to a guest
speaker and were involved in a number of activities
throughout the day. Thank you to Mrs. Gibson for
her leadership with these ambassadors.
Dunstan Athletics
The Intermediate Boys and Girls Volleyball teams
have both enjoyed successful seasons. The boy’s team
advanced to the Mississauga South Family
Tournament where they lost in the semi-finals. The
members of the boy’s team are Jacob M., Yanik T.,
Kevin L., David C., Michael G., Dylan C., Ivan M.,
Christopher A., Owen P., and Charles M. Thank you to
Mr. Szpunar and Mrs. Materno for coaching the boy’s
team. The members of the girl’s team are Mylah R.,
Jordan O., Emily T., Marissa S., Sabrina L., Jessica K.,
Erica H., and Isabella N. Thank you to Miss Monardo
and Mrs. Perklin for coaching. Both the teams
represented our school with great enthusiasm and
excellent sportsmanship.. A special thank you to all
the parents who have been supportive
with driving athletes to and from their
The Intermediate Co-ed Hockey Team will be
participating in the St. Martin’s Tournament on
Thursday, December 4th. Good luck to all of our
athletes. Go Dolphins!