Xavier University Faculty Learning Community Member Application

Xavier University
Faculty Learning Community
Member Application
Topic: Mentoring Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research
Faculty Facilitators: Cindy Dulaney (Psychology) and Barbara Hopkins (Chemistry)
The FLC on Research Mentoring invites 8-12 faculty members to participate in a year-long discussion
beginning January 2011 regarding effective research mentoring with students. Mentoring students in
research is a valuable educational tool. It provides an opportunity for faculty members to pass on
knowledge and skills in their discipline in a unique learning environment. However, the demands of
mentoring students can often be a challenge. The Research Mentoring Learning Community will provide
an opportunity for faculty members to enhance their ability to mentor undergraduate and/or graduate
students in research. Given our academic demands, some faculty may be interested in incorporating
more research mentoring into their classes or fostering more one-on-one or small team research
experiences, but wonder how to best engage in this effectively.
Mentoring can be a one-on-one, faculty-student endeavor, a faculty member-several student endeavor,
or a tiered endeavor (faculty, graduate student, advanced undergraduate, beginner undergraduate).
What are effective ways to structure the research mentoring process? How can we get undergraduate
or graduate students involved in research? If already involved, how can we mentor more effectively?
When program appropriate, how can we get undergraduates involved with graduate student research
and promote a culture of student research at Xavier? The goal of this FLC will be to answer such
questions through various means such as scholarly reading, discussion, and active participation in
mentoring student research during the year.
Due date for receipt of application: Monday, December 13, 2010.
Participants will be selected from full-time faculty involved in mentoring undergraduate or graduate
student research, interested in exploration of this topic and able to make the commitment to engaging
in a year-long community. Criteria for selection include: commitment to reflective teaching, openness to
new ideas, level of interest in the program, commitment to full participation in the community, and
potential for contributions to the group. We are seeking both participants who have no experience and
those who may have some experience with mentoring undergraduate and/or graduate student
research. Each participant will receive between $250 and $500 in professional development money,
with the precise amount to be determined by the FLC members as they together establish the FLC’s
$10,000 budget. This budget may also be used to fund off-campus visits, retreats, visiting speakers,
food, and other relevant expenses.
Feel free to contact the FLC facilitators about this particular FLC:
Cindy Dulaney (Psychology)
Barbara Hopkins (Chemistry) hopkins@xavier.edu
For general questions about FLCs, please see the CTE website or contact:
David Mengel, faculty director of the CTE, mengel@xavier.edu, 745-3870
Please complete this electronic application and send it as an attachment with an e-mail by Monday,
December 13th to cte@xavier.edu.
Name _________________________________________
Phone ________________________
Department ____________________________________
Email _________________________
Please type brief responses to the following questions:
1. What do you believe you can gain from participating in this community?
2. What do you think you can contribute to the group?
3. How would participation in this FLC likely affect a course or courses you are teaching, or student
research (undergraduate or graduate) that you currently direct and evaluate? (This is a preliminary
response and can be changed.)
4. What are the questions or issues you are most interested in learning about, that may help guide
your individual project?
5. Do you have any experience with mentoring undergraduate or graduate student research? If so,
please describe it.
The community will meet every three weeks for two hours. Please indicate the times you are not
available to meet during the fall semester on the following grid:
Applicant’s Agreement
If I am selected as a participant in the Faculty Learning Community on Research Mentoring, I agree to
participate fully in the community’s activities including the investigation, readings, projects, reports, and
documents associated with this faculty learning community. I will also share the things I learn with
faculty outside the Faculty Learning Community.
(Please indicate your agreement to this statement by typing your name below and sending the
completed application by e-mail as an attachment from your Xavier account.)
___________________________________________________ ________________________
Applicant’s Name (please type)
Please complete this electronic application and send it as an attachment with an e-mail by Monday,
December 13th to cte@xavier.edu
One completed copy of the application should also be sent to the applicant’s Department Chair, who
can indicate his or her endorsement by typing his or her name below the following statement and
sending that attached document by e-mail cte@xavier.edu
Department Chair’s endorsement
I endorse the above applicant’s participation in the Faculty Learning Community on Research Mentoring
and will support the implementation of the curricular and pedagogical work completed. (Please indicate
your agreement to this statement by typing your name below and sending the completed application by
e-mail as an attachment from your Xavier account.)
___________________________________________________ ________________________
Department Chair’s Name (please type)