[Date] [Name of Letter Recipient] [Title, Place of Employment]

[Name of Letter Recipient]
[Title, Place of Employment]
[Address 1]
[Address 2]
[City, State (not abbreviated) Zip Code]
Dear [Mr./Ms./Dr./Councilmember, etc.] [Last Name of Letter Recipient],
Thank you for your continued commitment to the citizens of [City/County name]. I am writing
today to bring your attention to an important public safety technology that can save lives and
homes. I hope you will support an effort to protect new one- and two-family homes in our
community with automatic fire sprinklers.
There is an 80 percent reduction in the risk of occupants dying in a fire when fire sprinklers are
present. Additionally, there is a 70 percent reduction in direct property damage per fire.
We have long known the benefits of sprinklers in places like office buildings and schools. The
locations where we are awake and alert are often protected by sprinklers. The places we sleep
should have that same protection.
By adding automatic fire sprinklers to new one- and two-family homes, we will save lives and
residences in our community. We can no longer afford to live without this protection.
[Full Name]
[Title (if relevant)]
[Organizational Affiliation (if relevant)]