St. Maria Goretti Catholic Elementary School


St. Maria Goretti Catholic Elementary School

121 Royal Orchard Drive Brampton, Ontario L6X 4K9

TEL (905) 454 - 4458 FAX (905) 454 – 0360



A . Tavares


St. A nne Church


S. Steer


Fr. J. Cherickal



D. D’Souza

N . Eisan

Associate Pastor

Fr. F. M arrone


Our Virtue in April: Love

In our hearts let us create a sanctuary,

A sacred place

Where we can hear the voice

Of the Holy One of God Say to us:

“Be not afraid, you are my beloved,

I have carved your name

On the palm of my hand.”

You are blessed so that you can bless;

You are graced so that you can become grace;

You are enlightened so that you can enlighten;

You are loved so that you can love;

You have been taught so that you can now teach my Word. Amen


Easter is the gift of HOPE,

Our Welcome to Kindergarten

Evening will be held on

Wednesday, May 18 th from

6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. An invitation will be mailed to parents that have children registered for Junior

Kindergarten for September

2016. Please RSVP to the school.

Easter is the gift of PEACE,

Easter is the gift of LOVE,

Let us rejoice in Him,

Who gives them all.

May God bless you during this Easter time and keep you

All year through.

May God give you all the faith it takes to make your dreams come true.

May God’s love and wisdom always help, to guide you on your way.

May God’s light shine all around you, to bless your every day. Amen

Kiss N Ride

When dropping your children off at Kiss N Ride, please make sure that they exit on the passenger side of the car. If you need to assist your child in getting out of the car, please park in a parking space to do so. When using Kiss N Ride, you should not be getting out of your car, thus allowing for the steady flow of traffic to continue. Please remember to treat staff on Kiss N

Ride with respect, they are ensuring the safety of your children.


April 22 nd is when the world celebrates Earth Day and people get involved in helping the environment. Earth Day began when people realized that it was time to start taking better care of the planet. It is a special day when everyone can help to make the planet a cleaner and better place to live. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22 nd of. What will you do for the planet this Earth Day?

in 1970. In 1990 Canada joined the rest of the world to celebrate our special Earth that God has given to us to take care

Creating classes for next year

During the month of May, we will be creating class lists for the 2016-

17 school year. In every class, we strive for a balance of learning styles, learning needs and a cross section of abilities. Please note that combined classes will continue to exist. If you wish to provide input into the process, please submit a written letter to Mrs. Tavares by

May 2, 2016. Please frame your request in terms of educational contexts (learning, emotional, social needs). Please note that letters which cite the names of individual teachers will not be considered.

Holy Communion and Confirmation

The grade 2s will be celebrating their Holy Communion on April 9 at 1:30 pm. The grades 7 and 8 students will be celebrating their Confirmation on May 17 at

7:00 pm. Both celebrations will take place at St.

Anne’s Parish. Please keep these students and their families in your prayers as they prepare to receive

God’s continued grace.

EQAO Provincial Assessment

Each year grade three and grade six students in Ontario are assessed in reading, writing and mathematics for a period of five days. This year the dates for this assessment are:

May 25, 2016 to

June 8, 2016.

Specific dates will be forthcoming. Please make every effort to ensure your child’s regular attendance during this time.

Region of Peel 3 rd Notification

The region of Peel has mailed out letters regarding outstanding immunizations. Peel Public Health maintains and reviews the immunization records of all students to ensure they meet the requirements to attend school. Students with incomplete immunization records will be suspended.

Please look for notification in the mail and respond to the request appropriately.

Catholic Education Week May 1 – 6, 2016

Theme: Catholic Education: Opening Doors of Mercy

“Blessed are the merciful. For they will receive mercy.” – Matthew 5:7

The sub-themes for Catholic Education Week 2016 are as follows:


Mercy that Welcomes


Mercy that Loves


Mercy that Forgives


Mercy that Lives the Gospel


Mercy that Rejoices

Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes. Throughout Catholic Education Week, we ask you to reflect on the significance of Catholic education’s presence and contribution in our Church, and in our society. We invite all members of our community, to participate in the celebrations and activities that will mark the celebration of

Catholic Education Week 2016 in our school.

Important Dates

April 5—Virtues assembly @ 2:10

April 7 – Easter Liturgy @ 1:30

April 9 -- School Council Marketplace at St. Joseph’s Secondary School

April 9 – First Holy Communion @ 1:30

April 11 – PA Day (no school for students)

April 12 – Grade 8 Photos

April 13 -- International Day of Pink

April 21 – Colour Groups @ 1:20

April 22 – Earth Day

April 22 – Gr 7 and 8 Immunization

April 28 -- Virtue Assembly @ 2:00

May 1-6 – Catholic Education Week

May 3 – Aussie X visit

May 4 -- Aussie X Parent Evening

May 9 – Council Meeting @ 6:30

May 12 – Living Rosary

May 13 -- PA Day (no school for students)

May 17 – Confirmation for Grades 7 & 8 @ 7pm

May 18 -- Welcome to FDK evening @ 6pm

May 19 – Virtue Assembly @ 2pm

May 25- June 8 – EQAO (grades 3 and 6)

June 8 – Year End Mass at St. Anne’s Church @ 10:30 (parent volunteers required)

June 13 – PA Day (no school for students)

June 23 -- Colour Groups

June 27 – Grade 8 Graduation luncheon, dance and ceremony

June 28 – Report Cards sent home

June 30 – School Wide Trip (details to follow)/Last Day of School
