Press Release

Division of Administration and Finance
University Information Technology
Press Release
Diane Trippel
UIT Marketing & Communications
New UIT Security Video for Students
Houston, February 25, 2010 – University Information Technology (UIT) debuted its first video
produced by students for students. A team led by Gowriarthi “Arthi” Gunaseelan in UIT Security
produced the video and was inspired by Ms. Gunaseelan’s recent experience of having been a
victim of a computer virus.
UIT Security has an ongoing initiative for security awareness and knew students would receive
the video’s message about cyber safety. The video covers topics regarding online safety such as
logging out of public computers, using anti-virus software and the use of strong passwords.
Mary Dickerson, interim executive director for UIT Security said, “As a component of our efforts
toward enabling student success, a specific focus of the IT Security team is to reach out to
students. To accomplish that, Beverly Stevenson, Manager for Security Compliance, had the
great idea to intentionally bring a graduate student, Arthi Gunaseelan, on board to help us craft
our security awareness messages. Arthi has been instrumental in defining new and creative
ways for us to reach students where they are with our efforts.“
The team behind the video was a diverse group of student leaders, IT staff and C.T. Bauer
College of Business MBA students.
Arthi is passionate about getting the cyber safety message out to fellow students. She said,
“When I initially planned to do this video, the first thought that came to my mind was to design a
video that captures a student’s attention on the importance of IT security, thanks to my team I
think we achieved that goal.”
The video can be viewed on the UIT YouTube channel
IT Security Video Production Team
Arthi Gunaseelan – Graduate Assistant, IT security department and Vice president of
Communication of the National Women’s MBA Association
SriKanth Kambhampati – Graduate Assistant, IT Security department
Nhan Nguyen – Web Project Manager, Web Technologies
Lili Au – Web Assistant, Web Technologies
Arthi Gunaseelan – Graduate Assistant, IT security department and Vice president of
Communication of the National Women’s MBA Association
Micheal Harding – President, Metropolitan Volunteer Program
Jeffrey Syptak – Senator, Student Government Association
Tal Shahar – Director of Corporate Relations, American Marketing Association
Andrew Keller – President, Bauer MBA Consulting Club
Lina Xia – MBA student