SUPPORTING PATHWAYS AND OPPORTUNITIES IN DEVELOPMENT WORK What is DTALK ? (1) Development Training And Learning@ Kimmage Development StudiesCentre What is DTALK ? (2) Dtalk is an international consortium comprising: Kimmage Development Studies Centre (the Lead org.) INTRAC, UK, MDF, The Netherlands MS – TCDC, Tanzania DTALK’s Raison d’Etre “To promote a culture of learning and knowledge sharing within the Irish International Development Sector.” Why promote a culture of learning and knowledge sharing ? Effective development work that meets quality standards requires a large range of skills at personal, organizational, technical and relationship levels. Individuals and organizations need support to build these capacities. How Does Dtalk Promote a Culture of Learning in the Irish Development Sector? THROUGH HIGH-QUALITY RESOURCE PEOPLE THAT SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING : 1. A wide range (40+) of highly subsidized short-term “scheduled” training courses run twice per year. 2. A range of client-specific “tailor-made” training courses, e.g. Intercultural Issues, Micro-finance. 3. A seminar series devoted to a range of topical issues. 1. Scheduled Training Courses Foundation Courses, addressing basic topics such as Initial preparation for Working in the South. Personal and Management Skills, addressing topics such as organizational and programme management and people skills. Thematic Areas, such as humanitarian issues, HIV, Climate Change and Gender. 1. Scheduled Course Topics (1) Foundation Course Examples - Initial Preparation for Working in the South - Understanding HIV and Community Responses - Financial Management and Project Funding Personal and Management Skills Examples - Organisational Analysis and Capacity Building - Planning: Logical Framework Analysis - Advocacy and Policy Influencing 1. Scheduled Course Topics (2) Thematic Course Examples - Logistics and Security for Humanitarian Programmes - International Humanitarian Law - Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Contexts - Gender Planning in Development 1. Scheduled Course Topics (3) Current Fee Structure 1 day = €30 2 days = €60 3 days = €80 4 days = €90 5 days = €100 2. Tailor-made Training * Can be any of the “scheduled” courses for a specific organization. * Consider new topics on a request basis, e.g. Intercultural Issues and Micro-finance. 3. Seminars Lunch-time, ½-day & 1-day seminars held on various topics for various clients, e.g. - Understanding Development - Partnership and Power – The Challenges of ‘NorthSouth’ Civil Society Partnerships - The successes and challenges of internal & external environmental mainstreaming - Aid Architecture Who are DTALK clients? NGO personnel, missionaries, students, volunteers going overseas, Irish Aid staff, individuals. In 2008, for example, more than 1100 attended Dtalk capacity building events. For More Information see: Thank You!