CARDINAL NEWMAN CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 698 Balmoral Drive, Brampton, ON, L6T 1X1 Telephone: (905) 792-2268 Fax: (905) 792-7566 “Where Heart Speaks to Heart” JUNE 2015 Newsletter Prayer for justice Principal K. Charron Vice-Principal M. Castro Office Staff D. Cosentino F. Machado Father, you have given all people one common origin. It is your will that they be gathered together as one family in yourself. Fill the hearts of mankind with the fire of your love and with the desire to ensure justice for all. By sharing the good things you give us, may we secure an equality for all our brothers and sisters throughout the world. May there be an end to division, strife and war. May there be a dawning of a truly human society built on love and peace. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen. Superintendent D. Oude-Reimerink Family of Schools Brampton North East Trustee S. Xaviour Parish St. John Fisher Parish Priest Fr. A Grima Parish Telephone (905) 793-6610 Regional Secondary School St. Thomas Aquinas SCHOOL HOURS 9:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. LUNCH HOUR 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. RECESS 11:15–11:30 a.m. 2:10-2:25 p.m. 4 VIRTUE FOR JUNE: Fairness This month we will celebrate the virtue of fairness. A fair person listens to all sides before forming opinions and shows good sportsmanship at all times. A fair person knows that the same rules apply to everyone and refuses to twist rules to avoid consequences. Someone who is fair works to bring about peaceful solutions to problems, cheers on the successes of others and can balance their own rights and responsibilities with those of others DATES TO REMEMBER May 25th – June 5th E.Q.A.O for grades 3 & 6 PA Day: Assessment and Evaluation ~ no school for students June 8th BNE Family Track and Field Meet @ St. Marcellinus June 11th FDK Celebration of Learning June 16th Year End & Graduation Mass @ Cardinal Newman @ 10:00 a.m. June 17th Play Day June 19th Volunteer Breakfast @ 8:30 a.m. June 23rd Grade 8 Graduation June 24th Talent Show @ 1:30 p.m. June 25th Last Day of School June 26th ST. JOHN FISHER PARISH Weekend Masses: Saturday: 9:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 5:30 p.m. Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. First Friday: 7:00 p.m. YEAR END AND GRADUATION MASS You are cordially invited to attend our school’s Year End and Graduation Mass to take place on Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in our school gym. We hope that you will be able to join us to celebrate our faith, pray as a community, and have an opportunity to wish each other a blessed and restful summer break. CONFIRMATION Congratulations to our Grade 8 students who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday May 28th, 2014. A very special thank you to all of our Grade Eight teachers for their commitment and support in preparing these children for this sacrament. CONFIRMATION – IMPORTANT CHANGES FOR THE 2015‐2016 SCHOOL YEAR Under Code 891 of the Code of Canon Law, Confirmation is to be administrated at the age of discretion unless the Bishops’ Conference has decided on a different age. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops have decreed that, in our rite, the sacrament of Confirmation shall be conferred at an age determined by the diocese. The Archdiocese of Toronto has notified us that the elementary school grade for candidates for confirmation is to be moved from Grade 8 to Grade 7, effective September 8 2015. This means that, in the spring of 2016, Grade 7 and 8 students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. GRADE EIGHT GRADUATION We will be celebrating the learning journey of our Grade 8 students on June 24th. The day will begin with a luncheon and dance for the students, followed by a graduation ceremony at Speranza Banquet Hall. Details will be shared via communication from classroom teachers Mr. Nasato, Ms. Sequeira and Ms. Tuason. A MESSAGE FROM OUR TRUSTEE Thank you for Choosing a Dufferin‐Peel Catholic Education Dear Parents and Guardians: It seems that, all of a sudden, summer weather is upon us and so, incredibly, is the end of the 2014‐15 school year. As we reflect back over the year, we can see that it was, in fact, a very successful year for Dufferin‐Peel students in terms of achievement, success and well‐being. With steadily rising EQAO scores, matching or surpassing the provincial standard and averages in most assessment areas, and graduation rates that are among the highest in the province, this board continues to be defined, in part, by our high levels of success and achievement. Yet, we are much more than that. Our commitment to helping each student fulfil their potential, through the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, means that our students graduate with the tools to become good, solid contributing members of the communities in which they will live. As trustees, we see the contribution of dedicated teaching and support staff, administrators and senior management working together with trustees facilitate conditions that we can to facilitate success. We also see, firsthand, the important role of our parents/guardians, working in concert with the school and the parish in fostering conditions for success and well‐being. So, as we complete the final leg of the journey that is the 2014‐15 school year, we thank parents/guardians for choosing a Dufferin‐Peel Catholic education for your child(ren) and for entrusting them into our care. It is a responsibility for which we are grateful and one that we cherish very much. To our students, thank you for all you have done to contribute to the life of your school. For those who are graduating and moving on to post‐secondary education or the world of work, may God continue to go with you and bless you on your journey. To our returning students and families, we look forward to seeing you in September. Blessings and best wishes for a peaceful and restful summer. ‐ Shawn Xaviour 2015‐2016 SCHOOL CALENDAR Please access the link on our school website, , to view the 2015‐2016 School Calendar for elementary and secondary schools in DPCDSB. Information also attached. SUMMER HOURS Please note that Cardinal Newman School will be closed during the months of July and August. The School office will re‐open beginning Monday, August 31st, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL – TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH Please note that the first day of classes for the 2015/2016 school year is on Tuesday, September 8TH. Please review the following procedures in preparation for the first day of classes for the new school year. Parents of Junior Kindergarten children will be contacted by their child’s teacher regarding their child’s specific start date. They do not begin school on the first day. • Kindergarten children will assemble in the kindergarten play area. The Kindergarten teachers will gather the children into their classrooms. • Grade 1 – 8 students will assemble in the playground. There will be grade‐level posters indicating where students are to assemble in the yard. At this time staff will have finalized class lists and they will gather students by grade level and inform students of their teacher and classroom location. FAREWELL AND BEST WISHES! It is with mixed feelings that we wish farewell to Ms. N. Vlasic as she takes a new path in her teaching vocation. Ms. N. Vlasic will be moving to St. Mark to teach Grade 8. We wish Ms. N. Vlasic the very best in her new school and want to thank her for her many years of devotion and dedication to the community of Cardinal Newman! GIRL’S GROUP This year, Cardinal Newman's very first Girl's Group proved to be an absolute success. 15 Grade 8 girls took part in 13 very unique sessions which combined the arts, music and co‐operative learning to work together and explore themes such as acceptance, positive communication and empowerment. Working, playing and learning through a variety of activities, the girls were exposed to many relevant themes which helped them understand life skills and acceptance. Through the use of an innovation grant and supplementary fundraising, the girls welcomed John Avery and Jarrett Smith former NFL and CFL players who spent the day teaching all the Grade 8 girls strategies for success and football skills through their "Tackling the Pressure" program. As well, the girls had the opportunity to learn basic drumming skills, jewellery making, musical composition and nutritious cooking. Many of these girls began the group as acquaintances and on Tuesday June 2nd, our last session, will part as friends. Their group leaders, Ms. Budd, Ms. Farra and Ms. Sequeira would like to thank the girls for their commitment and for the enthusiasm and positivity they brought to the group every Tuesday. Thank you and have a wonderful summer girls! COOKIE CREW One thing is for certain. Cardinal Newman loves Terra Cotta cookies. The Grade 8 Cookie Crew endeavour was extremely successful in delivering cookie orders to the school community, Kindergarten to Grade 8. From Vanilla hearts to the ever‐in‐ demand Casey's Caramel cookies, these healthy snacks from the Terra Cotta Cookie Company made Thursdays very special. Profits from the cookie sales were used to supplement the Grade 8 Girl's Group, making so many valuable experiences possible. Thank you Cardinal Newman for your enthusiastic response to our Treat Thursday Cookie Days. Thank you to Ms. Sequeira for organizing this initiative! MOVING? We are beginning the process of staffing and organizing classes for the 2015‐2016 school year. If you are planning on moving out of the Cardinal Newman School area, and are not returning to Cardinal Newman School in September, please advise the Office as soon as possible. LIBRARY AND BOOK RETURNS We’ve had another great year of reading and listening to great books! The time has come to return all library books! Please assist your child in locating and returning library books to the school library. Thank you for support! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Cito‐Frendo. STUDENT LOCKERS AND LOCKS All students who have a locker assigned to them should have a combination lock on their locker. This ensures that all personal belongings are securely stored away. In 2015‐2016, we will be offering combination locks at a subsidized cost of less than $5. These combination locks will come with a master key that will be kept in the office in cases where students forget their combinations. FIRE AND LOCKDOWN DRILLS ISIONYARD SUPERVISION As part of DPCDSB’s safety protocol, every school is required to hold three fire drills and one lockdown drill each term in order to familiarize students with procedures to follow in the case of emergency. Our students have demonstrated excellent skill during these practices. A MESSAGE FROM OUR ECO TEAM How can parents help The Cardinal Newman Eco Team? Send in clean, dry milk bags (they will be used to make mats for countries in need) Send in used batteries or old cell phones for recycling Buy reusable containers and pack your child a litterless lunch everyday Encourage your child to boomerang (take home) compostable items from their lunch Thank you for your help and cooperation in making our school Greener! Thank you to Mrs. Abela‐Prins, Mme Strazzeri, Mr. Nasato, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Clarke, our DRAPCE representative on C.S.A.C. for their work with this initiative. JUMP ROPE FOR HEART Cardinal Newman is jumping for joy as we are gearing up to participate in the Heart and Stroke Foundation's Jump Rope for Heart program on Friday, June 5th, 2015!!! Most schools have fundraising goals however, at Cardinal Newman we always set the bar high; so let’s raise as much money as possible! Every donation helps us to reach our fundraising goal and to help protect hearts! Register and fundraise online at Every registration entitles you to your own Jump Rope for Heart Skipping Rope! Your Jump activity book explains how to do this. It’s an easy way to raise money and earn great bonus prizes! Thank you to Mrs. Sztork, Ms. Forgione, Ms. Moniz‐Baptista and Mrs. Rostami for their work with this initiative. PLAYGROUND ACTIVITY LEADERS IN SCHOOLS (PALS) P.A.L.S. (Playground Activity Leaders in Schools) is a playground leadership program for schools and it encourages children to participate in activities during recess. Cardinal Newman C.E.S. is excited to announce the return of P.A.L.S. to our school yard. May of our grade 4 and 5 students have been trained as P.A.L.S. leaders. The leaders are outside at lunch recess in the primary yard where they allow our primary students to participate in a lot of fun, exciting and cooperative games. We thank the P.A.L.S. leaders for their dedication and commitment to the program. The PALS motto is, “There is always room for one more”. We are grateful to Ms. D’Aguanno and Mrs. Weber for organizing and overseeing this wonderful program for our students. SOCCER INTRAMURALS Congratulations to all the grade 2 and 3 students who participated in our “first‐ever” primary soccer intramurals. Our soccer superstars demonstrated remarkable sportsmanship and excellence throughout the soccer season. Every team showed the utmost amount of perseverance and dedication competing through each game whole heartedly; demonstrating the school spirit of “heart speaks to heart”. After invigorating rounds of championship games, the Boys League ‐ Real Madrid took the final game against Chelsea in a 2‐0 victory and the Girls League – Arsenal took a phenomenal 6‐1 victory against Juventus. Thank you to Mrs. Sztork, Ms. Moniz‐Baptista and Mrs. Capel for organizing and supervising the soccer intramurals. JUNIOR BOYS SOCCER TEAM Congratulations to the Junior Boys Soccer team on great sportsmanship, tremendous effort and perseverance during the 6th Annual Peel Cup tournament! The boys were eliminated in the Quarter Finals but made every game an extreme delight to watch as we won 4‐0, 5‐0 and 6‐0. Great work boys! Thank you to Mr. Palmieri for coaching the Junior Boys Soccer Team! DIVERSITY CLUB The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. The Diversity Club continues to foster relationships through dance, music, board game, sign language, art, social and self‐reflection activities. We are amazed at how the students in the Diversity Club continue to show enthusiasm, commitment and willingness to participate in our weekly rendez‐vous. Our motto is "We Are One". With special thanks to Mrs. Patterson, Madame Guglielmi and Mrs. Roussy for their leadership with this wonderful opportunity for our students! MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 – PRO PLUS FOR FACULTY AND STUDENTS ADVANTAGE PROGRAM The Microsoft Office 365 Student/Staff Advantage Program allows students/staff to take advantage of various software applications provided by Microsoft for use on personal devices. One of the applications offered in the program is Microsoft Office. To download Microsoft Office, log into your office 365 account by visiting THE ONLINE REPORTING TOOL The Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School board has developed a new way to help nurture a safe, caring and inclusive school environment. The Online Reporting Tool is intended for students in grades 3 – 8 who become aware of bullying incidents and negative behaviours. The student can simply ‘click’ on the link found on our school’s website to fill out the report. The report will then be directly emailed to the principal and vice‐principal to be dealt with accordingly. It is important to recognize that the Online Reporting Tool is an alternate reporting option. It is best practice to speak directly with a responsible adult at home and/or in the school. WARM WEATHER PRECAUTIONS During the warmer days of spring and early summer, students are advised to wear and bring sunscreen and a hat when outdoors at recess. Drinking extra water will help with hydration. Weather conditions are monitored during the school day for heat alerts and other unsafe conditions. Time and activities outdoors are adjusted according to this information. CATHOLIC SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS Our Catholic School Advisory Council will be holding their meeting in the Library. All parents are invited to attend. Please see date below: June 15, 2015 ~ 6:30 p.m. Social Gathering NEWS FROM YOUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL We are preparing for our Play Day which will be held on June 19, 2015 with a rain date of June 22, 2015. Our theme this year is “PLAY”. We are calling out to all our parents. We need your help! We are looking for volunteers to assist us in making this year’s play day the best! Volunteers are needed from 9:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please ensure you have a volunteer Criminal Background check completed and handed in to the school. Our Catholic School Advisory Council is working hard on our new Parent Resource Library. There will be a variety of books available to our parents. A letter will be sent home with your child regarding access and will detail the books available. DRESS APPROPRIATELY FOR THE WEATHER With warm weather approaching, we would like to remind everyone of the importance of wearing respectful and appropriate clothing at school. Students are expected to dress in a manner suitable for the occasion and appropriate to the school environment. In keeping with the Board’s Mission and Catholic School teachings, each school is committed to standards of neatness, modesty and good taste. Additionally, it is important to remember that over exposure to the sun can cause skin damage. We remind students to take precautions to protect their skin during recess times. The following are some suggestions to help protect your skin: Wear protective clothing to cover the skin Wear a hat to protect both the eyes and the skin Wear sun block; the higher the protection factor number, the greater the protection For younger children, please also consider leaving a change of clothes (or even just socks) in your child’s backpack. This will alleviate calls home requesting dry clothes. Please check the weather forecast to ensure your child is prepared for changes in temperature and/or precipitation. PIZZA AND SUBWAY LUNCHES Pizza Days continue to run on Tuesdays. The cost is $2.00. Our last Sub Day for this school year is June 18th. Order forms will be sent home each month. SEVERE FOOD ALLERGIES As has been mentioned previously, we continue to ask for your co‐cooperation in keeping our school safe for all our students and staff. Several students and staff in our school suffer from severe, life threatening allergy to all nuts, peanuts, nut products, shellfish, etc. This is a medical condition that causes severe reaction to certain allergens that can result in death within minutes. Although this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, we require your continued cooperation in sending foods to school with your child that are free from peanuts, nuts or their by‐products, and nut‐substitute products. We cannot guarantee that any classroom is nut free, but we are attempting to minimize exposure and keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible. We appreciate your help and support in this important issue. We ask you to please refrain from sending birthday and special occasion edible treats into your child’s class. Instead, perhaps you could recognize a special event by sending in a non‐edible treat e.g., pencils, stickers, notebooks. Another alternative is to commemorate your child’s birthday by purchasing a book for donation to our school library. Should you wish to do so, we will be happy to place a sticker with a sentiment similar to: “Donated by Noah Brooks in honour of his 5th birthday on October 18th, 2015”. Thank you in advance for your support and understanding. VOLUNTEERING ON TRIPS & AT SCHOOL Volunteers working in the school and supervising any school trips MUST have a valid Criminal Background Check. The original must be brought to the main office for verification and photocopying by office staff. A copy will be kept on file at the school and the original returned to you. Application forms for Criminal Background Checks can be obtained through the school office. Volunteers must complete the application and take to the police station for processing. YARD SUPERVISION A reminder to the parents and students that yard supervision does not begin until 9:00 a.m. Students who arrive early at school will have to remain outside. Some parents drop off their children as early as 8:45 a.m. This practice puts your children at risk. We respectfully remind you that it is your responsibility to ensure appropriate care for your children prior to 9:00 a.m. BUS INFORMATION Please check the Region of Peel’s Transportation Department’s websites ( and to check for delays and cancellations. All concerns and complaints regarding bus transportation are to be made directly to the S.T.O.P.R. at 905‐890‐0614 LATE ARRIVALS & EARLY DEPARTURES As in the past, we ask that you call the school on the days that your child will be absent or late. This is a safety precaution that can save precious moments should there ever be an emergency situation. We thank you for your continued support in following this procedure. If your child will be late or absent from school, it is very important that you notify the school before 9:00 a.m. by leaving a voice mail message on the attendance line at 905‐792‐2268 and pressing 1, for the attendance voice mail. You should speak clearly and leave the child’s FIRST and LAST NAME, the teacher’s name, and the reason for the absence or lateness. Any student arriving at school late is required to come to the office to request a late slip. This allows us to change our attendance information, and mark your child late, rather than absent. It is very important that students arrive to school on time and ready to work, as late arrivals disrupt instructional activities and classroom routines. We respectfully request that whether students walk or are driven to school, that they are at school before the bell rings at 9:15 a.m. SUMMER LITERACY CAMP 2015 AND SUMMER SCHOOL SUMMER LITERACY CAMP: Summer Literacy Camp is a THREE WEEK program. Begins the second week of July and runs from July 6th‐24th Half‐day program – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday to Friday The registration fee is $300 per child For SK to Grade 6 students Principal recommendation is required for students to be invited to register. If you have any questions about the Summer Literacy Camp Program, please contact Mrs. Battista. ELEMENTARY SUMMER SCHOOL: Elementary Summer School is a THREE WEEK program. Begins Monday June 29 and runs till July17, (excluding July 1 Canada Day Holiday) Half‐day program – 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday to Friday For students who have completed grade 7 or grade 8 who are in need of review Principal recommendation is required to invite students to participate. If you have any questions about the Elementary Summer School program, please contact Ms. Moniz‐Baptista. SHARELIFE Our ShareLife “Toonie‐Two‐Ball” and Hockey Game "Chuck‐A‐Puck for a Buck" and raffle ticket sales were all a huge success! As a school community we raised a total of $686 for ShareLife. We would like to thank the generous donations of all individuals who donated to this worthy cause: Veronica Pandolfi: Sally Beauty Supply, Oakville‐ Blow dryer & 3 straightening irons Louisa Quattrociocchi: Td Canada Trust, Downtown‐ $100.00 Best Buy Gift Certificate Incia Zaffar: Once Upon a Mat ‐ $100.00 Gift Certificate for a one hour Kids Yoga Birthday Party Aliya Vaccari: Attrell Toyota ‐ A pair of Blue Jays Tickets for Sunday June 7th ($150.00 value) Cinnabon: 2 Gift Certificates for a box of Cinnabons Bramalea City Centre: $50.00 Gift Certificate Mega blocks ‐ World of War Craft Game Set Lora Galifi ‐ $15.00 iTunes Gift Certificate Lora Galifi ‐ $40.00 Gift Certificate to Sweet Cheeks $10.00 Panera Bread Gift Certificate $10.00 The Running Room Gift Certificate Royal Park Homes‐ $100.00 donation to ShareLife Paramount Fine foods‐2 Signed Nazem Kadri Water bottles Alana Davidson‐ Family passes to The Mississauga Steelheads hockey games (OHL) Special thanks to Mr. Trias, Ms. Moniz‐Baptista, Mr. Palmieri, Mr. DiRenzo, and Mr. Nasato for their efforts in organizing these events. PLASP CHILD CARE SERVICES PLASP Child Care Services operates Before and After School Programs at this school. The Before School Program operates from 7:30 a.m. until school start. A nutritious breakfast is served daily. The After School Program runs from the end of the school day until 6:00 p.m. Children participate in recreational activities, are served a nutritious snack daily and have time for homework. Fee assistance is available for those who qualify. Visit and register your child online today. SCHOOL WEBSITE & EMAIL COMMUNICATION Please visit our website at for the latest school information. If you are receiving a paper copy of this newsletter, we have not yet received your Canadian Anti‐Spam Legislation (CASL) form giving us permission to send you the electronic newsletter. Please consider the option of having our newsletter emailed to you by completing and returning the attached CANADA’S ANTI‐SPAN LEGISLATION CONSENT FORM. We thank you for your efforts to save our planet by reducing photocopying. DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. Cardinal Newman is now on Twitter! Please follow us @CNEWM_Brampton. ‐ CANADA’S ANTI-SPAM LEGISLATION (CASL) CONSENT FORM June 1, 2015 Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Adult Student Canada’s Anti‐Spam Legislation (CASL) prohibits the sending of commercial electronic messages, including e‐mails and other forms of digital messaging if the electronic message encourages participation in a commercial activity, unless the sender has received the recipient’s consent prior to sending the message. The Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board and Cardinal Newman Catholic Elementary School require your consent to send any electronic messages which promote, advertise or offer for sale goods and services. While partaking in commercial activities is not a core activity of the board or its schools, information about some of the following example activities, included in an e‐mail or in an electronic newsletter, may be construed as commercial in nature, or may fall under an exception: Promoting the sale of school products, services or other activities, e.g., offering the sale of tickets to a school play or other event. Promoting the sale of products or services of third parties, e.g., offering the sale of discounted tickets to a sporting event, inviting parents/guardians to a seminar where the speaker may promote his/her products/services. Providing information about school photos, field trips, sale of yearbooks, team uniforms, fundraising events, lunch programs, pizza days, prom or dance tickets, athletic events or similar events and offers. If you consent to receiving electronic communications, which may contain commercial electronic messages, such as the examples described above, please sign and date this form, and return it to your school. You may withdraw your consent at any time by notifying the school Principal, or by unsubscribing to any further commercial electronic messages you receive from the board/school. Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name: ________________________________________________________________ E‐Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ MUNICIPALFREEDOMOFINFORMATIONANDPROTECTIONOFPRIVACYACT: PersonalinformationonthisformiscollectedunderthelegalauthorityoftheEducationAct,asamended,andwillonlybeusedtoadministerthe Board/School’selectronicnewsletter,e‐mailcommunicationprocess,inordertocomplywithCanada’sAnti‐SpamLegislation,andfornoother purpose.QuestionsmaybedirectedtotheSchoolPrincipalortotheGeneralManager,Communications&CommunityRelations,Dufferin‐Peel CatholicDistrictSchoolBoard,40MathesonBlvd.West,Mississauga,OntarioL5R1C5(905)890–1221/1‐800‐387‐950 INFORMATION FOR DPCDSB PARENTS REGARDING SCHOOL START UP TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURES FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 If your home address will be changing during the summer, please notify the office staff at your child’s school prior to June 30. Address changes received after June 30 will not be reflected in the planned bus routes to commence in September and may result in transportation services not being available for your child during the first weeks of school. Parents will be responsible for their children getting to and from school until appropriate transportation service is arranged. The distance criteria for transportation eligibility is: 1.0 kilometer Kindergarten and Grade 1 1.6 kilometers for Grades 2 – 4 2.0 kilometers for Grades 5 – 8 3.8 kilometers for Grades 9 – 12 If your child is moving to grade 1, grade 5, grade 7 or grade 9 in the 2015-2016 school year, their eligibility status for transportation may be changing. Eligibility information can be accessed at the website noted below. Parents who received letters in April of this year indicating that the transportation eligibility status for their children is being revised due to eligibility reassessment are reminded that this change will occur effective September 1, 2015. All transported kindergarten and grade 1 students are required to be met by a parent/caregiver when disembarking from their bus on their return trip from school. Courtesy transportation, which is assignment of ineligible students to available, empty seats on buses, will not be initiated prior to October 5. No exceptions. Please be aware that during September and early October, STOPR priorities are eligible students requiring transportation service, bus overloads, and route timing adjustments. Requests for additional or adjusted bus stop locations, route adjustments, and challenges to eligibility status will not be addressed until late October. Please be patient. STOPR provides transportation services for approximately 62,000 students to 350 schools on 1,300 buses. This is accomplished with an operations staff of 15. Every effort is made to complete required adjustments as quickly as possible, but there are limitations to the volume of changes which can be appropriately communicated and implemented each week. All transportation operations issues are the responsibility of STOPR and not either Board or individual Trustees. Contacting STOPR Internet: This website provides up to date delay and inclement weather cancellation information in addition to policy, procedures and frequently asked questions This website allows parents to access information specific to “what school do I attend” and “am I eligible for transportation”. This site also provides parents access to specific bus stop location and pick up and drop off times for their children if eligible for transportation Telephone: STOPR: Phone: Toll free: STOPR Administration: Phone: 905 890-6000 1-800 668-1140 905 890-0708 ext. 23220 2015 - 2016 School Year Calendar First day of classes Elementary and Secondary Schools First Day of classes Semester 2 Secondary School Year ends Elementary and Secondary Schools Number of school days for the 2015 – 2016 school year Number of Instructional Days in Elementary Schools Number of Instructional Days in Secondary Schools Number of Professional Activity Days in Elementary Schools Number of Professional Activity Days in Secondary Schools School Holidays for the 2015-2016 School Year Every Saturday and Sunday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Break (inclusive) Family Day Mid-Winter Break Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Thursday, February 4, 2016 Thursday, June 30, 2016 194 188 188 6 6 Monday, September 7, 2015 Monday, October 12, 2015 Monday, December 21, 2015 to Friday, January 1, 2016 Monday, February 15, 2016 Monday, March 14, 2016 to Friday, March 18, 2016 (inclusive) Friday, March 25, 2016 Monday, March 28, 2016 Monday, May 23, 2016 Elementary Schools – Professional Activity Days Thursday, September 3, 2015 Friday, September 18, 2015 Monday, January 18, 2016 Friday, February 5, 2016 Friday, May 13, 2016 Monday, June 13, 2016 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress Reporting to Parents Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress St. Sofia Only – Professional Activity Days Thursday, September 3, 2015 Thursday, January 7, 2016 Friday, February 5, 2016 Friday, April 29, 2016 Friday, May 13, 2016 Monday, June 13, 2016 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Curriculum/Faith Development Reporting to Parents Curriculum/Faith Development Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress Secondary Schools – Professional Activity Days 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Thursday, September 3, 2015 Friday, September 18, 2015 Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Thursday, June 30, 2016 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Principal’s Day: Semester Turnaround *Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities *Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities *Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities *Semester and year end evaluations and school wide promotion meetings; contact parents with summer school recommendations, OSR and report card preparation; inventory management of books, equipment, learning materials; curriculum development for new course outlines; goal setting for the upcoming school year. Secondary Schools – Examination Days Semester 1: January 26, 27, 28, 29, February 1, 2016 Semester 2: June 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 2016 February 2, 2016 – Instructional Day – Examination Review June 27, 2016 – Instructional Day – Examination Review