Division of Administration and Finance Plant Operations Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Cynthia Ramos Programs Manager 713.743.5566 cmramos@central.uh.edu FAMIS PHASE 2 IMPLEMENTATION Houston, March 19, 2012 – In an effort to communicate project updates and customer impact, an update regarding FAMIS (Facilities Asset Management Information System) will be made available every 2 months. The communication will serve as a method of informing the university community of the current schedule, changes or decisions that have been made, and how the implementation will impact users. As the initial message in this series, it is appropriate to provide an impact analysis of how FAMIS Phase 2 software will affect Plant Operations staff as well as the university community outside Plant Operations.. FAMIS is designed to streamline the process for initiating work requests, processing work orders, and reporting/billing functions. FAMIS will provide a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that will allow customers to input work requests. This method will be similar to the current interface found on the Plant Ops website. The Facilities Service Center will still process serviceable work requests via phone and walk-up. This service will be available to most UH affiliated staff and faculty. The FAMIS software adds the most value for Facilities Management by efficient work order processing, and as a result, customers should experience quicker response times, error reduction and enhanced financial control. Reporting capabilities will be provided to the Department Business Administrators and Certifying Signatures across campus, as approved by each department. The technicality of cost center billing will be designed to mirror what is currently in place; however cycle times should be reduced. For more technical project updates, please refer to http://www.uh.edu/plantops/famis/projectupdates/index.php The current project schedule calls for work orders to begin processing through FAMIS by late Summer 2012, however roll-out to campus will not take place until Fall 2012. For information regarding the FAMIS project implementation, please contact, Adam Horn, Project Manager at 713-743-5919 or cahorn@central.uh.edu About the University of Houston The University of Houston is a comprehensive national research institution serving the globally competitive Houston and Gulf Coast Region by providing world-class faculty, experiential learning and strategic industry partnerships. UH serves more than 38,500 students in the nation’s fourthlargest city, located in the most ethnically and culturally diverse region of the country.