Jonathan Edwards at Home and Abroad Historical Memories, Cultural Movements, Global Horizons Edited by David W. Kling and Douglas A. Sweeney In this major contribution to the study of one of America’s best-known and most-imposing religious figures, fifteen scholars offer a sustained analysis of Jonathan Edwards’s historical lega cy throughout the world. The first collection of essays to focus primarily on Edwards’s lasting influence, Jonathan Edwards at Home and Abroad is also the only volume to date to focus on the enduring effects of his writings worldwide. This collection moves the discussion beyond the borders of the United States and considers Edwards’s impact on the larger world. Although Edwards’s corpus and personality have received considerable scholarly attention in the United States, the contributors recognize that attention to the continuing significance of his life and ministry in this country and elsewhere lags behind. These scholars examine the reach of Edwards’s writings, his roles as a clerical and intellectual exemplar, his influence outside the world of religion, and the appropriation and reappropriation of his remarkably resilient cultural authority. They trace the convergence of these developments into discern i ble intellectual and ecclesiastical movements. In surveying Edwards’s domestic influence, the contributors illustrate how his life and American lega cy continue to generate innovative scholarship that has moved beyond intellectual history. They bring into clear view Edwards’s influence on discussions of sex, p r o p erty rights, the salvation of children, and the status of African Americans in nineteenthcentury America. In taking the measure of Edwards’s global impact, the contributors look into Edwards’s influence on theological developments in England and Scotland, on the bu rgeoning miss i o n a ry movement in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and on people throughout the world who have encountered his writings, now translated into Germ a n , French, Dutch, Swedish, Welsh, Gaelic, Arabic, Choctaw, Chinese, and Korean. Their conclusion is that Edwards’s legacy is momentous, abroad as well as at home. Method of payment:* Check or money order: (payable to USC Press in United States dollars) Discover Credit Card: Account number: Mastercard Visa Exp. Date Month/Year Signature: Name (please print): Phone: DAVID W. KLING holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. An associate professor of religious studies at the University of Miami in Florida, Kling lives in Miami. DOUGLAS A. SWEENEY holds a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University. He is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Church History and the History of Christian Thought at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. Sweeney lives in Lindenhurst, Illinois. JONATHAN EDWARDS AT HOME AND ABROAD SEND ME _____COPY/COPIES (CL, #3-519-9 AT $59.95 EACH) $ _____ SOUTH CAROLINA RESIDENTS ADD 5% SALES TAX $ _____ SHIPPING AND HANDLING $ _____ (ADD $5.00 FOR FIRST BOOK, $1.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL BOOK) Shipping Address: TOTAL $ _____ CODE 3519 *ORDER FORM FOR UNITED STATES ORDERS ONLY. FOR INFORMATION ON ORDERING OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE SALES REPRESENTATIVE ON THE BACK . U n ive rsity of South Carolina Pre s s 718 Devine Stre e t , Columbia, South Carolina 29208 800-768-2500 • 803-777-5243 • fax 800-868-0740 • e d u / u s c p re s s