Crafton Hills College Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation, and Outcomes Committee

Crafton Hills College
Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation, and
Outcomes Committee
Date: October 21, 2014
Time: 3:30p.m.
Location: LRC 226
Members and Guests (*In Attendance)
Larry Aycock
*Tina Gimple
Ruth Greyraven
*Colleen Hinds
*Mark Snowhite
*Ralph Rabago
*Bryan Reece
*Kristi Simonson
Jonathan Townsend
Approval of Minutes, October 9, 2014
Minutes were not taken.
SLO Inventory
Rebeccah shared Undocumented
Assessments handout received by
Ben Mudgett. The shaded courses
are being offered and can be
assessed; un-shaded courses are
not being offered this year.
Evaluation Team Campus
Recommendations and Strategies,
 SLO development and cycle
*Rebeccah Warren-Marlatt
Gary Williams
Kathryn Wilson
Daniel Word
*Keith Wurtz
Rebeccah will contact committee
members for update.
Public Safety courses can be
removed from this list.
Rebeccah would like to develop a
calendar to send around campus
and ask when the each
department would like to be
Keith is working on this.
Colleen shared information about
a template that Ralph Rabago
created for Health & Kinesiology.
The committee members
discussed the recommendations
at a prior meeting.
Keith asked Ralph about the
template and he will be
forwarding a copy to Keith.
Process for elimination of
The faculty chairs have a draft.
Mission statement is Board
Approved: Check!
Approved in September.
VPI office (Bryan) will be sending
out an email to faculty for the
yellow and green shaded courses.
Fiscal Contingency Plans
Resource Allocation Decisions,
Communicate with Campus
Mike is working on this.
Institutional Learning Outcomes
Critical Thinking & Information
Literacy will be focused on this
year for improvement.
Keith has gone to 6 or 7 meetings
to present data.
Bryan and Dean Papas will be
working on this with Keith.
Need to designate a plan for cochairs for this committee.
Rebeccah and Bryan have agreed
to serve as Student Equity Cochairs for the committee.
Student Equity Plan, Update
Rebeccah will be speaking with
Keith will be meeting with the
Student Senate on Friday,
Rebeccah will work on this with
This plan along with the others
will be embedded into the EMP.
Ralph would like to see how the
plans interact with each other.
Mission Statement: To advance the educational, career, and personal success of our diverse campus community
through engagement and learning.
Vision: Crafton Hills College will be the college of choice for students who seek deep learning, personal growth, a
supportive community and a beautiful collegiate setting.
Values: Crafton Hills College values academic excellence, inclusiveness, creativity, and the advancement of each