BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology Lecture 3: Physical Environment: Climate Dafeng Hui Office: Harned Hall 320 Phone: 963-5777 Email: 3.3 Air masses circulate globally The blanket of air surrounds the planet – atmosphere – is not static It is in a constant state of movement, driven by the rising and sinking of air masses and the rotation of the Earth on its axis. Coriolis effect: Deflection in the pattern of air flow. Clockwise movement in N hemisphere, counterclockwise in S. Hemisphere. Three cells and trade wind belts These air movements create global precipitation pattern Major latitudinal displacements of surface air currents: convection currents drive Hadley cells, pulling air at surface into Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone, ITCZ); Ferrel Cells driven by low pressure zone at 20º-30º lat.; Midlatitude westerlies converge into jet stream; polar cells driven by high pressure (cold) flows out of polar region along Earth’s surface towards south. The thermal equator, oscillating latitudinally with seasons, drives low latitude patterns of rainfall by establishing zones of low pressure (high rainfall) and high pressure (low rainfall). The hadley cell (centered on thermal equator) depends on convection currents with updrafts that cause low latitude rainforests, and downdrafts that cause subtropical hot deserts (20º - 30º N, S lat.). 3.4 Global ocean currents movement Surface water movements in the ocean is dominated by the global pattern of the prevailing winds (and solar energy) Ocean currents also affect climate, sometimes very dramatically (source of energy movement too) Each ocean is dominated by great circular water movement, or gyres. Gyres move clockwise in the N. Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the S. Hemisphere (Coriolis effect). Warmer water moves away from equator and cold water moves towards equator. Air moisture and temperature Evaporation: water to vapor Condensation: from water vapor to water Vapor pressure: amount of pressure water vapor exerts independent of pressure of dry air. Saturated vapor pressure: vapor pressure of air at saturation. Absolute humidity; amount of water in a given volume of air. Relative humidity: RH 3.5 Global pattern of precipitation Temporal variation in precipitation (e.g., Intertropical Convergence Zone shift) Shifts of ITCZ produce rainy seasons and dry seasons in the tropics Patterns of temporal variation in climate at the Southeast Asia region: Seasonal changes in T with the rotation of Earth about the sun, and the migration of the ITCZ with the resulting seasonality of rainfall in the tropics and monsoons in southeast Asia. 3.6 Topography influences regional and local patterns of precipitation Rain shadow: 3.7 Irregular variations in climate occur at the regional scale Irregular variations (Little Ice Age: cooling between mid-14 to mid-19th century) (El Nino and La Nina) El Nino: an abnormal warming of surface ocean waters in the eastern tropical Pacific. El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO): An oscillation in the surface pressure between the southeastern tropic Pacific and the AustralianIndonesian regions. Normal conditions, strong trade winds move surface water westward. As the surface currents move westward, the water warms. The warmer water of the western Pacific causes the moist maritime air to rise and cool, bringing abundant rainfall to the region; ENSO: Trade winds slacken, reducing the westward flow of the surface currents. Rainfall follows the warm water eastward, with associated flooding in Peru and drought in Indonesia and Australia. La Nina: injection of cold water becomes more intense than usual, causing the surface of eastern Pacific to cool. Results in droughts in South America and heavy rainfall in Australia. 3.8 Microclimates Microclimates defines the local, small scale conditions in which organisms live. These conditions include: topography (aspect=direction a slope face, surface or underground, beneath vegetation or not), light, temperature, air conditions or wind movement, moisture etc. Vegetation also moderate microclimates. Most organisms exist in a microclimate that is optimal Scale of climate in hundreds of kilometers Scale of microclimate can vary from meters to kilometers to tens of kilometers 3.9 Climate and global vegetation Global pattern of PPT and vegetation Conclusions With a few basic physical principles (solar radiation as energy, air movements, convection currents) one can explain major patterns of temperature, rainfall, seasonality, ocean currents on Earth’s surface. These patterns determine global vegetation distribution No one ecosystem type dominates globe, but instead different types vegetation adapted to different climatic conditions The foregoing principles and forces explain much of the global patterns in vegetation types (depending on temperature, moisture): Wetter vegetation (forests) green, drier (grassland, desert) tan to brown, cold (arctic, alpine) areas white. 30º N Equator 30º S