Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, ever faithful to your
promises and ever close to your Church: the earth
rejoices in hope of the Savior's coming and looks forward
with longing to His return at the end of time. Prepare our
hearts and remove the sadness that hinders us from
feeling the joy and hope which His presence will bestow,
for He is Lord forever and ever.
Christmas Marketplace this Saturday!
Page 2
Bus Cancellations and Delays
Page 2
Answering the Call to Action- School Outreach
Page 3
With the upcoming hustle and bustle of Christmas
shopping, the house to decorate and presents to wrap,
it is important, as Catholics, to remember that Advent
has already begun. It is a difficult season to
celebrate because of the commercialism of the
secular world in which we live. At this time, we keep in
mind people who are less fortunate. St. Cornelius
School Community will be participating in a Mitten/
Glove, Hat and Scarf Tree Drive along with Project Gift,
Cram-A-Cruiser where students are given opportunities
to love in the light of Christ.
According to the General Norms for the Liturgical Year,
Advent has a twofold nature: It prepares us for
Christmas, when we recall Christ’s first coming among
us, and it is also a time when we look forward to His
second coming at the end of the ages. Advent is the
season of joyful expectation. Our challenge, as
Catholics, is to help our children to look beyond the
materialism of Christmas and focus on the spiritual
As a school community, we will be exploring many
avenues during Advent amidst the frantic energy of
preparing for December 25. For example, we will be
lighting the candles on our Advent wreath, and praying
and reflecting on the readings of Advent during our
morning prayers, just to name a few. How wonderful it
is that as Christians, we do not liturgically celebrate
Christmas until December 25 and after, giving us the
opportunity to focus our attention on the true meaning
of the season!
CHRISTMAS BREAK Please note: there is no school
on Friday, December 20th, 2013 as it is a
Ministry Designated PA Day. Children return
to school for classes on Monday, January 6th,
2014. From the staff at St. Cornelius, we wish
you and your family a joyous and peaceful
Christmas holiday.
Together in Faith and Excellence
A huge thank you to all who participated in our QSP
fundraiser! Through your participation we raised
money that will be used to offer school programming
for the students as well as contributed to building
reading skills! Win-win!
Magazines should start arriving within the next 8-14
weeks or sooner depending on the magazine ordered,
number of issues per year, online versus paper orders
etc. Feel free to contact QSP Customer Service (1-800667-2536) for any inquiries regarding magazine orders.
In addition, thank you also to the families who
contributed to our one time donation program – your
generosity is appreciated.
During the week of November 18th-22nd, St. Cornelius
School participated in a variety of activities to help
increase awareness and prevention of bullying and
support student well-being. Activities included
assemblies, artwork, various lessons engaging students
in bullying awareness, and recess story times. Students
participated in various spirit days: Bring some sunshine
into someone’s life (Beach Wear Day), I will stand by
you (Twin Day), Symbolize our stand against bullying
(Wear Pink Day) and Find comfort in Jesus (Wear
PJs/Comfy Clothes Day). In addition, a graffiti wall was
posted in our front foyer for students to share their
thoughts on the statement, “It hurts me when…”
With winter weather fast approaching, it is possible that
buses may be delayed at times. Please be flexible in
understanding that runs may be delayed due to poor
weather conditions. We suggest that you please check for up- to- the- minute bus delay information.
During the winter months inclement weather may cause
disruption of bus transportation and regular school
operations. A decision to cancel school transportation
and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will
be announced on the various radio and T.V. stations in the
greater Toronto area. Kindly refer to the attached
information sheet at the end of this newsletter for further
details. It is suggested that this page be posted somewhere
in your home for future reference. A further option is to
contact the school as bus cancellation information will be
recorded by 7:00 a.m. on our school’s answering machine.
Just a final reminder that our
Catholic School Council will be
hosting the second annual
Christmas Marketplace this
Saturday December 7th from
11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. There will
free face painting for the
children, Christmas trees for
purchase as well as community
vendors to meet! This year,
Little Elf and Holiday family photo
sessions are available.
The Catholic School Council is still looking for volunteers
to assist the day of as well as prize donations to
contribute to our fundraising. All proceeds go directly
back into school programs for the benefit of our
students. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Please take a moment to complete a Criminal Record
Check so that you can assist with programming and
events throughout the school year – we rely on
volunteers to make events happen and we have a great
year lined up.
The Catholic Parent Council would like to thank you all
for your participation to date and wish everyone and
safe and blessed Christmas season!
Together in Faith and Excellence
Our Christmas Tree of Hope will serve as a
beacon for this month’s initiative:
Donation Drive Runs From
December 9th – 19th
Donations graciously accepted:
New unwrapped toys – all ages
New mittens, hats, scarves, and gloves – all ages and
Non-perishable food items (for our Cram-A-Cruiser
During this busy holiday season, thank you for living
your faith and answering this call to action.
We are very excited to support Caledon OPP with this
important initiative. Please refer to the flyer attached.
Thank you to all students, staff, parents and community
members that participated in our November Initiative of
Project Gift. Our foyer has been overflowing with your
generosity. Fr. Bob has graciously helped deliver
numerous carloads of gift boxes and clothing/bedding
donations to their various depots for distribution.
Thank you to all for making this initiative so successful.
Some of our students were featured in the local
newspaper, The Caledon Enterprise, sharing our antibulling program with the wider community. Your
generous donations have modelled a peaceful message
to many. Here at St. Cornelius – we care. All members
of the St. Cornelius community perpetuates the
message of charity and hope.
Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2014-15
school year, will take place at St. Cornelius School on the
following days:
Monday, January 27, 2014
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.*
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Friday, January 31, 2014
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
* Snow Date:
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
For more information about registration and the FullDay Kindergarten program, call 905-791-1039 or visit
There will be an information session for
parent(s)/guardian(s) of children with special
needs including vision, hearing, autism,
physical/medical and/or developmental delays
who are transitioning to Full Day Kindergarten
in September 2014. The information session
will be held at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board -- Catholic Education
Centre, Room 301 on January 22, 2014, from
7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Snow date Thursday,
February 6, 2014. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are
also reminded to register their child at our
school office. Official registration dates are
January 27th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.,
January 29th, 30th, and 31st, 2014, from 9:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Snow Date for evening
registration is January 28th, 2014, from 7:00
p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their
child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September,
2014 are invited to attend an information meeting at:
Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Holy Family School, 61 Allan Drive Bolton – L7E 1P7
At the present time, the above mentioned school is the
designated centre for our area. Applications will be
accepted at that centre until 3:00 p.m. Wednesday,
February 12, 2014.
Together in Faith and Excellence
Please join us!
With winter approaching, the freezing
temperatures increase the risk of injury
to students playing on the outside play
structure. Snow and ice-covered
equipment increase slip and fall injuries
and the frozen ground cover offers little protection to
anyone who may slip and fall from the play structure.
Effective immediately, our playground structure will be
“off-limits” until the spring when the warmer weather
December 12- Grades 1-3 at 6:30
Please be advised due to fire code
regulations, we are requesting no
more than 3 guests per student at our
Grade 1-3 concert.
** 1:30 p.m. If you are available to
attend the rehearsal during the day, please join us!
December 13- Kindergarten Concert at 2:00 -3:00 p.m.
Please be advised due to fire code regulations, we are
requesting no more than 4 guests per student at our
Kindergarten concert.
Once again, St. Michael's Secondary School will be
hosting their annual Christmas Party, immediately
following the Bolton Santa Parade. Please join us on
Saturday December 7th, 2013 at 12:30, for a fun-filled
afternoon. The children will enjoy Christmas crafts,
cookie decorating, games and many more fun-filled
activities!! All families and friends are
welcome!! Tickets can be purchased at "DELI TO GO"
for $5 (5-301 Queen Street South in Bolton). Tickets
may also be purchased at the school on the day of the
party. The price of the ticket includes lunch, drink,
and dessert for each child. Parents are welcome to
purchase a hot lunch from the cafeteria. Hope to see
you on the seventh!
Now that the snow has arrived, it is of
importance to remind students that
St. Cornelius has a strict rule of
forbidding the throwing of snowballs.
Every student has been made aware
of the importance of this rule in the preventing of injury to
others. A snowball that hits another student and causes
injury can be seen as a weapon. Students have been
informed about the consequences for throwing snowballs
and that ignoring this rule can result in suspension. We have
also had issues with students building snow forts. Many
students have gotten into various arguments and fights over
who owns which snow fort and who is allowed into it.
Students are well aware of the Snow Fort Code of Ethics.
Those failing to follow the simple rules will be given
consequences for their actions.
Students who are ill should be kept home where they
are most comfortable and can get better, sooner. A
child who is too ill to go out for recess is too ill to be at
school. Your co-operation to keep your child home
when he/she is ill is appreciated.
Students are expected to wear shoes in the school
building at all times. Please note that in the event of an
emergency evacuation, students will not
have the opportunity to put on
shoes, boots, clothing articles, etc.
Please ensure that your child has an
extra pair of shoes at school, to keep
their feet dry and warm during snowy weather.
Our winter season is here! At this time we
would like to remind all students to dress
appropriately for the season by wearing
the proper winter attire which should
include hats, gloves/mitts, winter coats
and boots. When students are dressed properly for the
winter conditions, they can go outside and enjoy some fresh
air and activity in comfort. There will be a few times during
the course of the year where a recess may be shortened or
held indoors due to extreme cold temperatures. Our school
board policy states that although consideration should be
given for keeping students indoors during recesses when
the wind chill reaches –20 C, students are to be kept indoors
during recesses when the wind chill reaches –25 C. In the
colder weather, we receive numerous requests to allow
children to remain indoors when students have a cold, the
flu, etc. Please note that we cannot comply, as we neither
have the facilities nor the staff to supervise these students.
Moreover, the health officials indicate that the fresh air is
good for children….not harmful as long as they are dressed
Together in Faith and Excellence
Attention parents! There is only one safe crossing
point for your students when they are left off at
the Kiss ‘n Ride. Teachers are there to escort the
students safely across. Please let your child off close to the
front of the Kiss ‘n Ride so that they are safe crossing with the
teacher on duty. We cannot ensure their safety at unsupervised
As a result of the new sidewalk on the north end of the school
connecting to the Pathways community, we have a teacher on
duty to supervise student safely into the yard. We ask that you
remind your child (children) to be cautious at the end of this
sidewalk where the driveway begins as cars and busses are
entering our parking lot. We ask that your child does not walk
on the school driveway, but rather the grass portion. Students
are asked to walk on to walk on the Your child’s safety is our
Do you have an hour or more a week to spare? Do you have
your criminal reference check complete? Do you like to
read aloud to children? Do you like to see big smiles on kids'
faces when they finally get their hands on a good book
they've been wanting to read for two weeks? Then this
position is for you! Ms. Jonkman is looking for adult
volunteers to help in the library, scanning books, shelving
and organizing the books. If you have even a small amount
of time to spare and would like to help out in the library,
please let Ms. Jonkman know. Full training provided!
Congratulations to the Intermediate Boys Volleyball
Team who competed in and won the Mini Tournament
on Wednesday, November 20th. The team advanced to
the Family of Schools Tournament which was held on
Friday, November 29th. The boys made it to the finals
where despite great effort, determination and team
spirit they lost in the final game. Mrs. Kelly and Mrs.
Kehoe would like to thank the team for displaying great
sportsmanship both on and off the court. They were
great representatives of St. Cornelius! Thank you to all
the parents who came out to support the team and help
with transportation. Team members: Jordan F., Anthony
G., Aiden L., Sal M., Nicolas C., Kieran B., John M.,
Brennan N., Mike M., and Travis M.
MANNERS With regular practice, polite
words and actions will come naturally to
your child. Here are ways to help in use
good manners in any situation:
Point out examples. Your youngster can learn
by watching what others do (“It was polite of
that man to hold the door for us”). If you get
thank-you note in the mail, read it to your child
so he can see what thank-you notes are for and
how they’re written.
Be consistent. A youngster who uses good table
manners at home, for instance, is more likely to
use them in restaurants and in other people’s
homes. If you expect your child to ask before
being excused or to try foods he’s offered when
he is a dinner guest, have him use those
manners at your table.
Give quiet reminders of how to act. Before
your youngster leaves a friend’s house, say,
“Let’s help clean up before we go.” When he
receives a gift of something he already owns,
you might quickly say, “What a great toy!”
December Virtue of the
Month is HOPE
People of Hope:
 Keep a positive
 Can bounce back
from a tough
 Set and stick to
their goals
 See the good in
others even
when they make
 Work to include
 Let others know
that they are
good people
The daily prayer of HOPE for December is:
Let us now pray...for the grace and
courage to be people of Hope. People
who can see, participate in and contribute
to God’s goodness emerging around us.
Together in Faith and Excellence
In December the focus is on
including and accepting others.
The message “we all want to feel
included” underscores the idea
that all of us desire the same thing
and we all have some
responsibility in creating an atmosphere that is inclusive.
Students will learn the meaning of empathy and explore
feelings associated with being excluded. Research shows
that bullying behaviours demonstrate a lack of empathy
toward others. Students will also look at how to help
someone feel included and examine ways of strengthening
their friendship building skills.
Tips for parents:
 talk with your children about ways to build
friendships with others;
 reinforce the message that even if we aren’t good
friends with someone we can still be friendly,
considerate and welcoming;
 use ‘teachable moments’ (e.g., family situations,
media, and movies) to explore empathy with your
children and help them relate to and understand
how others are feeling.
IMPORTANT DATES- December 2013:
Dec.3rd - Grade 4 & 5 students to
 Dec. 5th - Subway Day
 Dec. 7th – Christmas Marketplace 11:00 a.m.3:00 p.m.- Please join us!
 Dec. 9th –Just Catering for Kids
 Dec. 10th – Watershed on Wheels Ms. Leardi
and Mr. Gregoric's classes
 Dec. 11th – Watershed on Wheels Mrs. Bell
and Mrs. Leitch's classes
 Dec. 12th – Pizza Day
 Dec. 12th – Grades 1-3 Christmas Concert
1:30 p.m.-Dress Rehearsal – parents welcome
6:30 p.m.- Evening Performance (3 guests per child)
 Dec. 13th – FDK Christmas Concert 2:00 p.m.
(4 guests per child)
 Dec. 16th - Just Catering for Kids
 Dec. 16th –6:30 p.m. School Council Meeting
Dec. 17th – 9:45 a.m. Cram-a-Cruiser (see
attachment for details)
 Dec. 18th – Advent Mass 9:45 a.m.- All Are
 Dec. 19th - Christmas Sing A Long in gym
 Dec. 19th – Subway Day, last
 Dec. 20th– PA Day - No School for Students
 Dec.19th - January 3rd – Christmas Break
 Jan. 6th - Happy New Year -School
 Jan. 6th – Just Catering for Kids
 Jan. 8th – Confirmation Sponsor Meeting at St.
John Albion Church 7:00 p.m.
 Jan. 9th – Pizza Day
 Jan 9th – Grade 1 and 2 Skating at Caledon East
Arena – 10:15 – 11:15 a.m.
 Jan 10th – Grade 3 & 4 Skating at Caledon East
arena – 10:15 – 11:15 a.m.
 Jan. 13th – Just Catering for Kids
 Jan. 15th – School Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.
 Jan 16th – Grade 5 & 6 Skating at Caledon East
arena – 10:15 – 11:15 a.m.
 Jan. 16th - Subway Day
 Jan 17th – Grade 7 & 8 Skating at Caledon East
arena – 10:15 – 11:15 a.m.
Together in Faith and Excellence