JOIN US FOR OUR MATH NIGHT- FEB. 12 We invite you to join us for St. Cornelius Parent Math Night: Understanding your child’s math. In order to engage parents in the learning, we encourage adult only participation on Feb. 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the library. A math tool kit will be given to each family in attendance to help support your child’s learning at home. Thank you to our Catholic Parent Council for donating the funds to host this evening! THE VALUE OF A SMILE LE CARNAVAL A ST. CORNELIUS It costs nothing, but creates much, it enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None are so rich that they can get along without it And none are so poor but richer for its benefits. It creates happiness in the home Fosters good will in business And it is the countersign of friends. It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, Sunshine to the sad and nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, bagged, borrowed or stolen For it is something that is no earthly good to anybody Until it is given away. Greet each other with a smile! FEBRUARY 2014: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Book Fair & News from the Library Go Cougars Go! Sports at St. Cornelius Catholic School Council News Safe Schools Focus for February Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Vive le Carnaval a St. Cornelius! On February 10-14th, our school community will be participating in a funfilled Carnaval week. Each day we will be having Spirit days which include: Monday February 10 - Jersey Day Tuesday February 11- Toque & Scarf Day Wednesday February 12- Pyjama Day Thursday February 13 - Wacky Hair Day Friday February 14 - Red & White Day All classes will be participating in a mural contest, we will be playing BRAVO each day and all winners will be announced on Fri Feb 14th. Bonhomme Carnaval will be visiting classes throughout the week. Outdoor activities will take place weather permitting. The Dufflebag Theatre will be visiting our school. The Grades 1-8 classes will be watching Les Trois Mousquataires/The Three Musketeers in French on Friday February 7th as a Kickoff to our Carnaval week. We are looking forward to the show. A special thank you to the Parent Council for supporting this wonderful event. Together in Faith and Excellence 1 REMINDER OF FAMILY DAY HOLIDAY Just a reminder that the Provincial Family Day holiday is on Monday, February 17, 2014. The school will be closed on this date. Enjoy your day! INCREASE THE PEACE ASSEMBLY We are thrilled to be able to offer an amazing learning experience to Gr. 1-8 students on Wednesday, February 5th, 2014. Canada’s successful basketball trickster Q-Mack and talented beatboxer J-Box will be presenting an electrifying assembly on Bullying and confidence building. Show topics include three times of bullying (physical, verbal and cyber-bullying) as well as a spotlight on insults, rumours, exclusions, threats and name calling. Students will be encouraged to chase their dreams, to never give up and to increase the peace by standing up for one another. for a Silver Birch Award, part of the National Forest of Reading awards. Look for their book responses on the bulletin board outside the library. Nominated books are also being introduced to primary students during their regular visits and for intermediate students the nominated books are on display in the library. Come on in and check them out! LOOK WHAT OUR STUDENTS ARE DOING! Here’s just some of the wonderful sports that St. Cornelius’ students are involved with at this time: Intramural Basketball (and try-outs) for Junior Boys and Girls. Runs from January 20 - February 14. Students in grades four, five, and six are invited to participate during the lunch hour. Boys: Mondays and Fridays Girls: Wednesdays and Thursdays "Mini" Tournament for Junior Team members will take place on Friday, February 14 at St. Andrew School in Orangeville boys AM / girls PM. Intramural "beachball volleyball" and soccer for Primary Students. Runs from February 18 -March 6. Students in grades one, two and three are invited to participate during lunch hours. Specific days TBA. NEWS FROM THE LIBRARY The Book Fair is on! Please stop by Thursday, February 6 to view and purchase some great books and activity sets. There's something for everyone and proceeds will help bring new materials into our school library. The St. Cornelius Book club is going strong! Participating junior students are busy reading some great Canadian authored books right now. Many of these titles have been nominated REPORT CARDS Reports for Term 1 will go home on Tuesday, February 4, 2014. Report card interviews will take place the evening of Thursday, February 6TH. Please note: There are no day interviews on Friday, February 7. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher to set up an interview for Thursday night or a phone interview. Together in Faith and Excellence 2 NEWS FROM OUR SCHOOL COUNCIL Upcoming Parent PresentationWednesday, Feb. 26th Michael Reist will be at our school discussing ‘Effective Discipline’. Michael has extensive experience with children and is a local person within the community. He has written a few books on parenting and the school system and is a ‘must attend’ for all parents. The flyer is attached to the newsletter. A sign up sheet will be distributed with your children in the next week. Chocolate Fundraiser An assembly will be at the school for chocolate sales as our next fundraiser on Tuesday, February 11th. Each family will be requested to sell a box of chocolates – more information to follow. These products are peanut and tree nut free. If you do not want to participate in this fundraiser please contact Melanie Johannink at Chocolates are always a great fundraiser at the school and is just in time for Valentine’s Day and to fulfill our chocolate needs before Lent. Pancake Supper Reminder Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held on Tuesday, March 4 and an invitational flyer will be send out mid February for everyone to register and join in on the fun. Pancake Supper is being held from 5-7 p.m. Upcoming Fundraiser – Adults Only night! This event is not to miss! School Council is preparing a special event on Friday, May 30. Please mark this date on your calendar! All proceeds will go towards supplies for the school to enhance our children's education. Business Directory Did you know the School Council has a list of businesses that we send information to on a regular basis? If you have a local business please let us know and we will add you to the list. Please email Melanie Johannink at to have your business added to the list! Volunteers If you are interested in helping the school out in any way, please don't hesitate to join a Council meeting to find out what School Council does for your children to make their school a better place. Our next meeting is on Monday, February 24th. All are welcome! ARTISTS IN THE SCHOOL The award winning CBC acclaimed performers Braithwaite and Whitely will be visiting our school on Tuesday, February 18th during Black History Month. This performance will be for grades 3-8. Sugar and Gold: the story of the Underground Railroad in Canada is a lively interactive performance that includes songs, slides and storytelling to explain the exciting history of the Underground Railroad in Canada and the story of the first Black settlers who settled in Canada. A special thank you to our Parent Council for supporting the Artists in the Schools Initiative. 5th ANNUAL TEACHERS’ VS. STUDENT SHARELIFE HOCKEY GAME Sharpen your skates! It’s happening again this year! Due to the amazing success we had last year, we will be having our Fifth Annual Teacher-Student Share Life ice hockey game on Thursday, March 6th from 2:00-3:00 p.m. at the Caledon East Arena. Students will be walking over to the arena from St. Cornelius School. The cost for this event is $2 per student and $2 for any parents who would like to attend. Participation is strongly encouraged as this is a whole school community-building event for the Share Life charity. We will require some parent volunteers to play on the teachers’ team with a valid criminal reference check on file in the office. If you are able to play that day, kindly let the office know and we’ll add you to our list of players. Also, please note, the student team will be comprised of various students in the school, not only those who are on our school team. This promises to be another fun event for our school and a great Share Life fundraiser. Together in Faith and Excellence 3 SAFE ENTRY PROTOCOL Thank you for your support in following our safe schools protocol where our school doors are locked, all visitors report to the office and only students and staff are in the school yard. Please note that daily at 9:00 a.m. there is a staff member on duty on the field to escort those students who walk using the path at the back of the school yard. However, during inclement weather, when students are not playing in the yard from 9:00-9:15 a.m., students may be escorted by parents/guardians to the front door of the school. Thank you for your cooperation in following these important safety procedures. 5. 6. 7. LOST AND FOUND Our school’s Lost and Found Box is a good place to start looking for missing items. Periodically, we remind students to check the box for any items they may have lost. Please remind your child(ren) to check the Lost and Found Boxes if anything is lost. 8. 9. LITERACY TIPS FOR PARENTS As a follow up to Family Literacy Day on January 27th here are 10 Tips to help your child with writing. 1. Read from a variety of sources. Reading and writing are linked – success in one supports success in the other. Read stories, newspapers, advertisements, instructions, etc. to your child every day and then discuss what you have read. 2. Encourage your child to write. Children love to make their own birthday cards, write thank you notes, make place cards for the table, or send an email to a friend. Save old cards from birthdays and holidays to recycle for homemade cards. Whenever possible, let your child see you writing – grocery lists, instructions on the family whiteboard, emails, etc. – and get them to help. 3. Writing can be done anywhere. Have lots of magnetic letters or words on the fridge. Get a box of chalk and write your names on the driveway or sidewalk. Get a white board – it can be used again and again. 4. Play writing games. Make a game of letter finding. Show them how to form a letter and then go letter hunting in your house or in a 10. book – count the number of "Ds" on a page. Find a picture they like and have them write words or a sentence about it. Help children build their vocabulary. Try rhyming games starting with one word such as "mat". Say and write down all the words that rhyme, like "cat", "hat", "fat" and "splat". You'll be surprised how fast their word list grows. Explore the meaning of words. Create a word book at home and have your child add words as they're learned. Have them note the words they use the most and talk about why. Write to each other. Write notes to your child and leave them in interesting places, like the lunch box. Ask them to write a reply or come up with something new. If they have their own email, email each other. Have kids email jokes to family and friends. Don't limit what you write with or what you write on. The sky's the limit – pudding, sticks or fingers in mud, earth, snow and sand, sparklers, steamed up windows and mirrors, and bubble soap markers for some sudsy learning. Writing comes in all shapes and sizes. Point out different ways writing is used – letters, signs, advertisements, instructions – and explain why they are different. Also point out different ways letters are created – printed, cursive and fancy variations. Let them be inspired to create their own letter art. Start writing at an early age. Children often learn to write before they can read. Encourage this by showing them how to print their name or the names of friends and other family members. Buy them notebooks with lines so they can learn to make their letters correctly or a practice book with letters they can trace. Source: Ministry of Education- Tips and Tools for Parents Together in Faith and Excellence 4 SAFE SCHOOLS FOCUS FOR FEBRUARY – Telling an Adult about Bullying is Not Tattling This month’s focus is the difference between tattling and telling. In dealing with bullying situations, students are encouraged to use the strategy, ‘telling an adult’. Although this sounds simple and logical, there are many difficulties and roadblocks associated with this strategy. Younger children struggle to understand the difference between telling and tattling, while older children struggle with their desire to deal with situations independently. The goal of telling an adult is to keep children safe. Students will learn to identify the difference between telling and tattling (reporting and ratting), explore reasons students don’t report bullying and understand how to effectively and safely report to an adult. Tattling/ratting is defined as telling in order to get someone into trouble, or telling when there is no one being hurt and no rule being broken that could result in a dangerous situation. Telling is defined as reporting unsafe behaviours to an adult in order to get help for someone – to get someone out of trouble. VIRTUE CORNER Our Virtue for the Month of February is Respect. God wants us to treat all people with respect they deserve. A respectful person: • uses a positive tone of voice and body language • avoids swearing, name-calling, put downs, and inappropriate gestures • says “Excuse me”, “Please”, “Pardon Me” • avoids gossip Tips for parents: - use incidences where one child is telling you about sibling behaviour to help children identify whether they are tattling or telling - practice with your child how to ‘tell an adult’ about bullying (what happened, how they feel, what help they desire) - develop awareness of the ‘reasons’ children state for not reporting bullying to adults Monday February 17, 2014 (Family Day) Caledon Fairgrounds, Caledon Village Open 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Admission/Parking: Free Together in Faith and Excellence 5 IMPORTANT DATES: PLEASE PLACE DATES ON FAMILY CALENDAR February 3 - 11 Book Fair February 4 - Report Cards go home with students February 5 - Increase the Peace Assembly 9:30 am Grades 1 - 8 February 6 - 4:00 - 9:00 pm Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews February 6 - DARE program for Grade 6 students February 6 - OPP Kids program for Grade 7 students February 6 - Pizza Day February 7 - Grade 3 and 4 students skating at Caledon East Arena 10:15 - 11:15 am February 10 - Just Catering for Kids February 10 - Jersey Day February 11 - Toque and Scarf Day February 12 - SAIDAT - Safe Schools Assembly February 12 - Parent Math Night February 12 - Pajama Day February 13 - DARE program for Grade 6 students February 13 - OPP Kids program for Grade 7 students February 13 - Grade 5 and 6 classes skating at Caledon east Arena 10:15 - 11:15 am February 13 - Sub Day February 13 - Wacky Hair Day February 14 - Valentine's Day February 14 - Red and White Day February 17 - Family Day - School is closed February 18 - Black History Presentation for Grades 4 - 8 students 10:00 a.m. February 19 - Rosary Apostolate February 20 - DARE program for Grade 6 students February 20 - OPP Kids program for Grade 7 students February 20 - All Day - St. Cornelius Cougars Hockey Tournament at Caledon East Arena February 20 - Pizza Day February 20 - Grade 1 and 2 students skating at Caledon East Arena 10:15 - 11:15 am February 22 - Mrs. Bell's Grade 8 Enrolment Mass at St. John the Evangelist church February 24 - Just Catering for Kids February 24- Catholic School Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. in the library. All are welcome! February 27 - Sub Day February 27 - DARE program for Grade 6 students February 27 - OPP Kids program for Grade 7 students March 3 - DARE Graduation for Grade 6 students in gymnasium (time to follow) March 5 - Ash Wednesday - Lenten Mass at 1:40 pm in gymnasium- ALL ARE WELCOME! March 6 - Pizza Day March 6 - OPP Kids program for Grade 7 students March 6- Teachers vs. Students ShareLife Hockey Game at Caledon East Arena 2-3 p.m. March 7 – Ministry of Education Designated Day - no school for students March 10-14 - Mid-Winter Break - no school for students March 17 - Just Catering for Kids March 17 - St. Patrick's Day March 19-21 - Grade 8 students to Camp Muskoka March 20 - Sub Day March 20 - OPP Kids program for Grade 7 students March 24 - Just Catering for Kids March 26 - Rosary Apostolate March 27 - Pizza Day March 27 - OPP Kids program for Grade 7 students March 28 - Grade 1s at Peel Safety Village March 31 - Mrs. McGee's class to Silvercreek March 31 - Grade 8 students on retreat to Mount Alverno Together in Faith and Excellence 6 Together in Faith and Excellence 7