Prayer for Easter

4140 Glen Erin Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 2Z3
Phone: 905.820.2227
April 2016
M. Diab
Administrative Assistant
E. Iannicca
D. Amaral
(905) 890.1221
Wards 2 and 8 (Mississauga)
S. Hobin
Cell: (905) 301.1210
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
2300 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W.
Mississauga, ON L5L 3T6
Phone: (905) 820.1444
Fax: (905) 820.6879
Prayer for Easter
Christ is Risen!
The simplicity and sacrifice of Lent is over.
We can relax and enjoy the glory of Jesus and
the share He has given us in the Resurrection.
The natural world reflects this joy.
Easter time is about new life.
We celebrate new life with the symbols of
eggs, rabbits, chicks, flowers, green grass and
butterflies. We rejoice that new members of our
parish entered the life of our church when they
were baptized and
confirmed at the Easter Vigil.
All of us nourish the life of God when we share
in the Easter sacrament of the Eucharist. And
so we sing over and over,
Father T. Hanley
Associate Pastor
Father C. Egbulefu, CCE
School Council Chair
I. Ross
Enclosures include:
* Kiss and Ride Reminders
* Math @ Home
* April Calendar
St. Clare School is on
Follow us @StClareDP
For the latest board news and
information, follow us
Love / We All Want to Feel Included
This month we will celebrate the Virtue of Love.
God has given us many guidelines and
examples of how to live our lives. He sent His
Son Jesus to make sure that we could see what
life could be like. Jesus made one lesson clear
– the lesson to love. Love is not about us.
It is about forgetting ourselves and looking out
for the good of the other. We would appreciate
your support in discussing this virtue with your
child and encouraging behaviours that would
demonstrate this virtue.
Striving for Excellence
A Loving Person…
Wants the best for others
Is willing to make sacrifices for the
good of others
Learns from the heroic lives of
saints and holy people
Knows that we are all lovable
Prays for others
Parish Information – St.
Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church
Sacramental Dates
Grade 2 First Communion
Sunday May 1, 2016
2:00 p.m. (Church)
Grade 8 Confirmation
Wednesday May 11, 2016
7:00 p.m. (Church)
Words of Gratitude from St. Clare’s
Women’s Residence
On behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de
Paul, Carolyn Young, the director of St.
Clare’s Residence, would like to thank our
school community for the very generous
collection of personal hygiene items, as well
as two bar fridges and a much needed
vacuum cleaner. She expressed that, “We
are all so thankful for the students and
community members who put their care and
concern into action, conveying the message
that our women matter.”
A special word of appreciation also goes to
our Youth Faith Ambassadors for promoting
and managing the collection and packaging of
all the donations. Thanks to everyone for
supporting this activity that has become a
valued Lenten tradition at our school. Thank
you to Mrs. Brown, Mrs. McDonald and Mrs.
Monk for leading our Youth Faith
Ambassadors in this important initiative.
Catholic Education Week: “Opening Doors of Mercy”
May 1-6, 2016
Theme: Catholic Education: Opening Doors of Mercy
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” –
Matthew 5:7
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the
partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic education
between our Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes.
Throughout Catholic Education Week, we ask you to reflect on
the significance of Catholic education’s presence and
contribution in our Church, and in our society. We invite all
members of our community, to participate in the celebrations
and activities that will mark the celebration of Catholic
Education Week 2016 in our schools.
Safe School Initiative Reminders:
Kiss and Ride
With the snow almost melted and the arrival of Spring, thank
you to everyone for your patience and cooperation.
Please find attached a Kiss and Ride Reminders Memo to
ensure the safety of our students. Thank you!
Please arrive at school on time. Supervision begins at
8:15 a.m. and the school day begins at 8:30 a.m. Regular
attendance and being on time for learning is one of the
cornerstones for student success in school. Thank you for your
attention to this request.
Bicycle Parking
With the beginning of nicer weather, students who ride their
bicycles to school are asked to park and lock their bicycles
along the fence at the Kindergarten yard. Thank you.
Activities and Events…
Primary Beach Ball Volleyball
Congratulations to the Jellyfish, the champions of our Primary
Beach ball Volleyball Intramural season! Compliments and
thanks go out to all of the primary students who
participated. Everyone tried their best, had fun, got some
exercise, and best of all: learned how to be a successful
member of a team. Thank you!
Thank you to Ms. DeJulio for organizing the Beach Ball
Volleyball intramurals and to Mrs. Wickham for helping out.
The Mississauga South Chess Tournament was held at
St. Luke on Wednesday, March 30th. Mr. Murphy
accompanied our Junior and Intermediate teams. Thank
you to Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Wickham and Mrs. Pospieszynski
for their time and effort in working with our students to
practice and build their skill level.
Eco Angels: Shepherds of a Greener Earth
April is Earth Month at St. Clare!
This year, we will be making an effort to recognize the
importance of the environment as well as our impact on the
Earth. During Earth Week, (April 18 – 22) we will be focusing
on a particular aspect of environmental awareness each day.
Meatless Monday – Encouraging staff and student lunches to
omit or limit the amount of meat in them in order to reduce our
ecological footprint.
Turn-Off Tuesdays – We will be having an LOL (Lights-Out
Lunch) where natural light will be used to illuminate
classrooms when safe and possible. Reducing our
consumption of electricity will save electricity, money and
Earth’s natural resources.
Waste-less Wednesday – Students and staff will be
encouraged to use reusable containers for lunches instead of
individually portioned and wrapped foods. Reusable containers
can be washed instead of discarded in the trash.
Thirsty Thursday – Bring a reusable water bottle to school!
Instead of using plastic disposable water bottles, everyone is
reminded to bring a reusable bottle and fill it up at the tap.
Footloose Friday Earth Day – Use those feet! Walk, bike, roll
or run to school! It is a fun, social and environmentally
responsible way to get to school.
Teachers will have access to resources that highlight the
importance of responsible use of Earth’s natural resources. As
stewards of the Earth, it is our job to take care of the planet –
even if it is just a little bit at a time.
Thank you for your support with this initiative.
Thank you also to Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Grattan, Mrs. Brady and Ms.
Ste. Marie for their leadership and work with our Eco Angels and
Healthy Schools Team.
Striving for Excellence
EQAO Testing of our Grade 3 and Grade 6 students will take
place from Wednesday, May 25 to Wednesday June 8, 2016.
Parents / guardians are asked to avoid scheduling appointments
and vacations during this time. This will ensure that all students
have the opportunity to complete all aspects of the assessment.
A letter will be sent home to our Grade 3 and Grade 6 parents
with further information to specify the exact dates for testing.
Pan Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP)
The Ontario Minister of Education has mandated the
participation of Ontario schools in the 2016 administration of the
Pan Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP). PCAP is an
educational assessment project sponsored by the Council of
Ministers of Education, Canada. EQAO is coordinating Ontario’s
participation on behalf of the Government of Ontario.
PCAP assesses the knowledge and skills of Grade 8 students
across Canada in reading, science and mathematics. Each
PCAP assessment has one major component and two minor
components. The 2016 PCAP assessment has reading as the
major component, and mathematics and science as the minor
Grade 8 students at St. Clare School will participate in PCAP
on Tuesday, May 17, 2016.
Are You Moving?
We are beginning the process of planning classes and staffing
for September 2016. If you are planning to move between now
and September, we would appreciate that you would inform the
school as soon as possible. Thank you!
Planning Ahead – Student Placement for September
In arriving at the decision of placement of your child for the
upcoming school year, every consideration is given to individual
needs. This decision is made in collaboration with all staff who
have been directly involved in your child’s education this year.
If you feel that there are specific needs which should be
addressed in determining the placement of your child, please
write a letter to advise us. We ask that all submissions be sent
to the office by Friday April 22, 2016. Your request will
be considered at our grade promotion meetings. We remind you
that it is not appropriate to request a specific teacher as
placements are subject to change. However, if there is other
information regarding your child’s learning style or other
considerations of which we need to be aware, please advise us
of these facts in your letter. No letters will be accepted after this
PA DAY – Monday, April 11, 2016
In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the
designated additional Professional Activity Day has been
scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016. Therefore, there will
be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on
this day.
Spring Photo Day Reminder
Life Touch Spring Photo Day will take place Tuesday,
April 26, 2016. More information will follow.
With the long winter and the unpredictable temperatures our
schoolyard conditions are often slippery, wet or muddy. When
conditions on the field are dangerous or too wet, we close the
field at recess. When the weather improves and the field
becomes dry, it will be open and available for student use.
Students are expected to come dressed appropriately for the
weather (water boots, change of pants, etc.)
For health and safety reasons, students must wear indoor
shoes in class, in the hallways and throughout the school.
Students cannot walk through the school with wet boots or
shoes. For their safety and comfort they need to have
indoor shoes. Please note that in the event of an emergency
evacuation, students will not have the opportunity to put
boots on.
Criminal Reference Checks and Annual Declarations
Volunteers are very much appreciated by staff and students at
St. Clare School. Board policy states that volunteers that come
into regular contact with students must have a Criminal
Reference check completed through Peel Police. If you plan to
volunteer for trips, driving students or helping students in the
school, please drop by the office to pick up a form. An annual
Criminal Declaration must be completed on a yearly basis for all
Catholic School Council Update
Our next council meeting will be Thursday May 19, 2016 at
6:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
We thank you for your continued support and generosity in
helping to make our students’ learning experiences the best
that they can be!
Future Meeting Dates: 6:30 p.m.
• Thursday June 16, 2016
Striving for Excellence
Volunteers Needed for Pizza Days
Our Catholic School Council is very pleased to be able to
provide Pizza Days on Wednesdays at our school.
Students enjoy having pizza and parents welcome the
convenience. This is also one of our school fundraisers.
Funds raised through the efforts of our School Council
benefit all students.
At this time we are requesting parent volunteers to help
out with Pizza Days. This requires approximately one
hour of your time from 10:45 – 11:45 a.m. on
Wednesdays. If you are interested in helping out please
call the school. Thank you for your consideration.
A reminder that all volunteers must have a Criminal
Reference Check on file in the office.
Parent Engagement Evening at St. Clare School
Monday, May 2, 2016 from 6:00-8:00 pm
This is a Wellness / Zumba Seminar sponsored by our St.
Clare Catholic School Council. All parents / guardians are
invited to attend. More details to follow.
Elementary Summer School: Grades 7 and 8
The Adult and Continuing Education Department will offer
an Elementary Summer School program for students
achieving below grade expectations in literacy and
numeracy in Grades 7 and 8. Student eligibility for the
summer school program will be determined by the
school principal in consultation with the school team
and parents/guardians and student where
All students will be developing Literacy and Numeracy
skills. (28 hours of Literacy; 28 hours of Numeracy)
The program will be offered from July 4 - July 22, 2016 (8:30
a.m. – 12:30 p.m.). Please speak with your child’s Grade 7
or 8 Classroom Teacher to ensure that your child will be
Summer Literacy Camp 2016: SK – Grade 6
Literacy Camp is a half day literacy intervention program for
students functioning at Levels 1 and 2 in Reading and Writing.
Transportation is NOT provided.
DATE: Monday July 11 – July 29, 2016
DAYS: Monday – Friday
TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Fee for Program: $300.00
Thank you to our Council for sponsoring the following
upcoming events:
May 6, 2016
Canadian Author Visit
Philip Roy
May 10, 2016
Gr. 2-8
June 7, 2016
June 9, 2016
Parent Evening
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Peel Public Health has sent out notices to all students whose
immunization is not up to date. If you have received a letter
please provide the updated information to Peel Health by April
15, 2016.
Student suspension from school will start on April 19, 2016
if Peel Public Health does not receive the required
immunization information.
Dates to Remember
April 6-8 - Gr. 7&8 Ottawa Trip
April 11 – PA Day – No school for students
April 12 – Diversity Presentation @ Iona
April 12 – Immunization – Gr. 7&8
April 18-22 – Earth Week
April 25-29 – Spirit Week
April 26 – Spring Photo Day
April 27 – First Communion Rehearsal 1:00 p.m. @
Striving for Excellence
April 2016
PA Day
No School for
Scientists in the
School Gr. 6
Pizza Day
Grade 7&8
Ottawa Trip
Grade 7&8
Ottawa Trip
Grade 7&8
Ottawa Trip
Conference and
8:30 a.m.
@ St. Joseph
Immunization Clinic
Gr. 7&8
Presentation @ Iona
Gr. 7&8
Pizza Day
Scientists in the
School Gr. 7
Basketball @ St.
Clare 3:30 pm
Youth Education
Pizza Day
Earth Day
Basketball @
Christ the King
School 3:30 pm
Spirit Week
Spring Photos
Pizza Day
Gr. 2 Retreat a.m.
First Holy
Rehearsal @ Church
1:00 pm
Basketball @ St.
Margaret of Scotland
3:30 pm
Basketball @ St.
Clare 3:30 pm
Striving for Excellence