February 2015
M. Diab
Administrative Assistant
E. Iannicca
D. Amaral
(905) 890.1221
Wards 2 and 8 (Mississauga)
S. Hobin
Cell: (905) 301.1210
Email: sharon.hobin@dpcdsb.org
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
2300 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W.
Mississauga, ON L5L 3T6
Phone: (905) 820.1444
Fax: (905) 820.6879 www.st-ignatius-loyola.com
Father T. Hanley
Associate Pastor
Father F. Salasiar, CSC
School Council Chair
I. Ross
Enclosures include :
* Math @ Home
* February Calendar
* New Generation Learning
4140 Glen Erin Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 2Z3
Phone: 905.820.2227
Fax: 905.820.6606
Web: http://www.dpcdsb.org/clare
Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty. Let us not forget that real poverty hurts: no self-denial is real without this dimension of penance.
Blessed are you, O Lord our God,
You have made the sun to light the day
And the moon and stars to light the night.
Help us walk in your light.
During this season of Lent, renew us through the gifts of your Holy Spirit.
Help us grow in faith, hope and love.
During this special time,
we remember that Jesus died and rose from the dead, so that we might be free to love.
Help us grow to be the people
You call us to be: letting go of old habits of selfishness, forgiving those who have hurt us, giving quality time to our families, spending time in quiet prayer.
As we begin our Lenten journey, let us pray for the strength and courage to be the people God created us to be.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday begins Lent, a time when we stop and assess how we are doing in our walk with God. Lent helps us to identify spiritual areas in which we can grow and sinful areas that we need to avoid. To repent, means to turn away from sin and turn toward God. We use ashes as an outward expression of our need to begin again. Together, let us make good plans for Lent. We can choose actions to atone for our sins, to make our lives more joyful by sharing with others.
Striving for Excellence
Please join us for our Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. (gym) with Father Francis.
Celebrating Black History Month
“I have a dream that my four children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by colour of their skin but by the content of their character: I have a dream today.”
Martin Luther King
Black History Month is an opportunity to share the historical and present contributions of
African Canadians. Black History Month has been celebrated in Canada since the 1950’s.
Black History Month is an opportunity for
Canadians to recognize the significant contributions of individuals in areas such as education, medicine, art, culture, public service, economic development and human rights .
We will be celebrating Black History Month by recognizing the contributions of Black
Canadians to our society through Library resources, bulletin board display and a Power
Point presentation in the front foyer.
Parish Information – St. Ignatius
Loyola Church
Sacramental Dates
Grade 2 First Communion –
Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
(At the Church)
Grade 8 Confirmation –
Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
(At the Church)
Principal’s Message
My name is Mary Diab and I am honoured and delighted to be the new Principal of St. Clare Catholic Elementary School.
Firstly, on behalf of the St. Clare staff, students and families I would like to extend warm wishes and congratulations to Ms.
Hensman on her retirement. She has made wonderful contributions to the St. Clare School community and I wish her well as she embarks on an exciting new journey.
In the days and weeks ahead, I look forward to getting to know the staff, students, and parents of St. Clare School. I welcome the opportunity to work in partnership with home, school and the
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Team to maintain positive relationships and ensure a safe, caring,
inclusive environment for all students. We have an incredible opportunity to be able to learn and grow together in the spirit of our faith. It is my hope to be able to serve, support, and enhance the dynamic relationships that already exist within the school community.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, please contact me at the school
February Virtue Respect /Telling an Adult About
Bullying is Not Tattling
This month we will celebrate the Virtue of Respect as well as responsibility and truthfulness. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity and thoughtfulness, which are different ways of showing respect.
A respectful person …
Treats himself / herself and everyone else with equal consideration and courtesy
Uses a positive tone of voice and body language
Avoids name-calling and put-downs
Says “Excuse me,” “Please,” “Pardon me”
Avoids gossip
Please note: Report Cards will go home on Tuesday
February 3, 2015.
An Interview Confirmation Form will be sent with the Report Cards.
Parent / Student / Teacher Interviews begin Thursday
February 5, 2015 at 3:10 p.m.
Parents are asked to complete Page 3 of the Ontario Report
Card. The Parent – Student Response Form is an opportunity for parents and students to comment upon student achievement.
This is also an opportunity for parents to express their personal commitment to helping their child set goals. When parents return this form to the school, it will be place in their child’s Ontario
Student Record (O.S.R.).
Annual Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair will be at St. Clare Catholic School beginning Monday February 2, 2015. Students will be visiting the Book Fair throughout the week. Families are welcome to visit the Book Fair in Room 107 during the hours listed below:
Thursday February 5 at 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Thank you to all the parent volunteers for helping out with the
Book Fair.
St. Clare Lenten Drive for St. Clare’s Residence
Our Youth Faith Ambassadors invite you to take part in our
Lenten Drive for personal care items that will be donated to
St. Clare’s Residence, a women’s shelter that is run by the
Toronto Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We have organized this collection in the past, and the generous donations have been greatly appreciated by the residents.
This year, they are requesting the following items:
Unscented cream and lotion
Shampoo and conditioner
Lightly or unscented body wash and soap
Unscented deodorant
Toothpaste and toothbrushes
We are requesting that the donations be sent to the school by
Friday, March 13, 2015 . Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Safe School Initiatives a) Before School Hours Supervision
For your child’s safety, we request that he/she not be on school property until supervision begins at 8:15 a.m. Teacher supervision begins at 8:15 a.m. b) Visitors to the School
By law, ALL visitors to the school must report to the main office using the doorbell for entry as all doors are locked.
Our first priority for all students is their safety. Board and
Provincial guidelines clearly outline the process that all visitors must follow upon their arrival on school property, which begins with reporting to the Main Office.
You will be issued a Visitor
Sticker, which must be worn visibly during your stay and sign in and sign out. c) Attendance and Punctuality
Please arrive at school on time. Supervision begins at
8:15 a.m. Regular attendance and being on time for learning is one of the cornerstones for student success in school. We encourage you to examine the “Lates” and “Absences” on your child’s Term 1 Report Card and use this information for your child’s personal goal setting for Term 2. Thank you!
Striving for Excellence
Safe School Initiatives (continued): d) KISS and RIDE Safety Reminder
Kiss and Ride drop – off begins at 8:15 a.m. with supervisors wearing orange safety vests. The lane along the sidewalk is reserved for DROP-OFF and PICK-UP ONLY.
Proceed to the
YELLOW post. We respectfully ask that you do not leave your vehicle while in this lane to avoid causing a traffic backup.
Children are to exit the car on the passenger side only with their backpacks ready.
A staff member is available to escort your Junior and / or Senior
Kindergarten child to the Kindergarten yard. Parking and getting out of your car is not permitted anywhere upon entry into the school (especially the north corner of the entrance near the
Kindergarten yard). Your assistance and positive response to directions from staff on duty in this area are greatly appreciated. e) Respect for Self, Respect for Others
As a staff, we continue to work together to provide example and consistency in modeling Jesus’ message to our students. We will assist and remind students of the importance of being respectful and working together to create a safe, caring, inclusive community.
Activities and Events… a) Youth Faith Ambassadors….
Thank you to our Youth Faith Ambassadors have been working on a Virtues Power Point presentation. This will be displayed in the foyer following Black History Month. Many thanks to Mrs.
Monk, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Zanchetta for their work with our Youth Faith Ambassadors. b) Student Council Update
St. Clare Catholic Student Council recently organized our
January Virtues Assembly – Self Control. They are also busy preparing for “Movie Night” on Friday February 27, 2015.
Students and their families are invited to join us for an evening of
“togetherness.” We will be showing the movie, “Big Hero 6” beginning at 6:30 p.m. There will be no cost for the movie.
Water and treats will be available for purchase at a cost of
$1.00. The money that is raised will go toward the purchase of the Grade 8 Graduation T-Shirts. Thank you to our Student
Council for their work. Thank you to Mrs. MacSween for her commitment to our students! c) Junior Boys and Girls Basketball
Best wishes are extended to our Junior Boys and Junior Girls
Basketball Teams! The season opens next week.
Many thanks to Ms. DeJulio, Mrs. Farris, Madame Gallant,
Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Zanatta for coaching our teams!
Activities and Events (continued): c) Junior Boys and Girls Basketball
Best wishes are extended to our Junior Boys and Junior Girls
Basketball Teams! The season opens next week.
Many thanks to Ms. DeJulio, Mrs. Farris, Madame Gallant,
Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Zanatta for coaching our teams! d) Eco Angels: Shepherds of a Greener Earth
Our school will be participating in Board – Wide Observance of
National Sweater Day!
French Carnival
French Carnival will take place on Friday February 27 in the morning. Madame Gallant is organizing a variety of activities for students in Grades JK to Grade 8. More information will follow.
Winter Dress Reminder
It is imperative that all students come to school ready to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. Please ensure that your child(ren) come to school with hats, scarves, gloves, winter outerwear and boots. As well, all students should have indoor footwear at school. This is essential in case of an emergency evacuation, as students will not have time to put on their boots if they need to evacuate the school in a hurry.
Catholic School Council Updates:
St. Clare Spirit Wear Sale
Please visit the main office to purchase our St. Clare Spirit
Wear. Items are available for purchase on Thursday February 5 from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Prices are noted below:
Baseball Cap - $7.50
Toque - $5.00
T-Shirt - $5.00
Our Catholic School Council is busy making plans for Shrove
Tuesday / Pancake Tuesday on Tuesday February 17, 2015.
We look forward to the delicious pancakes and fun!
If you are able to volunteer your time in making the pancakes, please contact the office. Please note: you must have a Criminal
Reference Check on file in the office.
Striving for Excellence
Catholic School Council Updates: Continued:
Pizza / Sub Lunch Update
Following a discussion and review of the limited orders, the
Catholic School Council will no longer be providing a Sub Lunch.
Pizza Lunch will now be available every Wednesday for the duration of the school year.
If you are interested in ordering a Pizza Lunch for your child(ren), an order form will be sent home in the next few weeks. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser!
Our next council meeting will be Thursday March 5, 2015 at
7:00 p.m.
All are welcome to attend.
Future Meeting Dates: 7:00 p.m.
• Thursday May 7, 2015
• Thursday June 11, 2015
The French Immersion Online Application (Notice for
Parents / Guardians of Students in SK / Year 2
The System is open for submissions. To apply, go to www.dpcdsb.org
. Applications will be accepted until
February 8, 2015 at 11:59 p.m.
All eligible submissions are accepted and, in the event that the number of applications is greater than the number of spaces available at a French Immersion school, a centralized, computer-generated lottery will be held at a date yet to be determined.
Extended French Information Reminder
Grade 4 parent(s) / guardian(s), who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September,
2015 must submit the application by:
Tuesday February 17, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.
Peel Public Health will be reviewing immunization records of all students at our school from January, 2015.
Peel Public Health must have proof that your child has been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to the Ontario Immunization
If you receive a letter, please ensure that your child has received the required vaccine(s), then give the date(s) your child received the vaccine dose(s) to Peel Health immediately to update your child’s records.
For more information, please call Peel Public Health at
905.799.7700 or visit www.ImmunizePeel.ca Translation services available.
DPCDSB is on Twitter!
For the latest board news and information, follow us
Students in grades 4-8, under the direction of Mr. Harris, will be meeting on Wednesdays and Thursdays at lunch time to learn to play chess.
If you know your family is moving out of our St. Clare boundary, please let us know. This will assist us for our planning purposes to know whether students will be attending our school next year. Please inform the office at your earliest convenience.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday March 3 – Lenten Confessions for Grades 3 to 8 at 9:45 a.m. (gym)
Tuesday March 10 (revised date) – Grade 8
Graduation Photos
Thursday March 5 – Catholic School Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. (library)
Friday March 6 – Mississauga South Family of
Schools Chess Tournament
Wednesday March 11 – Grade 8 Round 2 HPV and
Grade 7 Hep B Clinic
Monday March 16 – Friday March 20: March Break
Monday March 23 – Back to School
Thursday March 26 – JK / SK and Grade 2 Dental
Striving for Excellence
Report Cards
Book Fair
Pizza Lunch
Book Fair
Camp Muskoka
Sub Lunch
Book Fair
P.A. Day –
No classes for students
12 13
Camp Muskoka Camp
20 21 15 16
Family Day
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Day
10:30 a.m.
Ash Wednesday
Service (gym)
Pizza Lunch
22 23
24 25
Sub Lunch
26 27
Carneval a.m.
Movie Night
6:30 p.m.
Striving for Excellence
Striving for Excellence
Striving for Excellence
Striving for Excellence