ST. CLARE CATHOLIC SCHOOL 4140 Glen Erin Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5L 2Z3 Phone: 905.820.2227 Fax: 905.820.6606 Web: October, 2014. Principal S. Hensman Administrative Assistant E. Iannicca Superintendent D. Amaral (905) 890.1221 Trustee Wards 2 and 8 (Mississauga) S. Hobin Cell: (905) 301.1210 Email: Thanksgiving Prayer Loving God, all that we have comes from Your goodness and the work of those who love us. Bless us and the food we share. Watch over those who care for us. Open our eyes to the needs of the poor during this time of harvest and thanksgiving. Amen. Hail Mary As we begin the month of October, let us remember our Blessed Mother Mary and continue to pray to her. Parish St. Ignatius Loyola Parish 2300 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. Mississauga, ON L5L 3T6 Phone: (905) 820.1444 Fax: (905) 820.6879 Pastor Father T. Hanley Associate Pastor Father F. Salasiar, CSC School Council Chair I. Ross Enclosures include: * International Student Programs * Child In Need of Protection * October Calendar Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with Thee. Blessed are you among women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners now and At the hour of our death. Amen. Principal’s Message We are called by Jesus to live together in community – an understanding that we share an identity based on the image of God. I give thanks to God for your support in helping our children grow in their journey of faith. Thank you to everyone who attended our Open House / BBQ Night. A very special thank you to our Catholic School Council for organizing this successful event! A special thanks to our Trustee, Mrs. Hobin, for joining us! We are truly blessed to have her ongoing support. As well, special thanks to Father Tim and Father Francis for joining us! On behalf of all of the staff at St. Clare Catholic School, Happy Thanksgiving. Sincerely, S. Hensman Striving for Excellence Thanksgiving Mass / Opening Mass Our Thanksgiving / Opening Mass will take place on Wednesday October 8, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. (St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church). We will be walking to the Church weather permitting. All are welcome to join us. Thanksgiving Food Drive Sharing and giving are part of Thanksgiving and our Catholic tradition. We are collecting non-perishable food items. This community effort benefits others and provides our students with a tangible example of Jesus’ message of helping one another. All donations will be shipped to The Salvation Army Food Bank. We will accept donations until Thursday October 9. Thank you for your generosity! October Virtue – Empathy / Bullying is Not Acceptable This month we will focus on the virtue of Empathy / Bullying is Not Acceptable. God has given us the ability to form connections with each other – to live together showing care and good decision making in all that we do each day. Empathy helps us to connect and live together in safe, caring, inclusive communities. An empathic person believes that we all share one Spirit; that we are many parts of one body because we are all created in the image and likeness of God. An Empathic person… Listens attentively Watches people’s body language Notices and responds when someone is upset Can name his / her feelings Can see a situation from another’s point of view Knows that different people may feel differently about the same thing Parish Information – St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church Sacramental Preparation Sacraments are parish, not school events. Initial preparation is done by the schools through the Religion program. Immediate preparation is the responsibility of the parents and the Parish. Registration for all Sacraments will be at St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church. Grade 2 First Reconciliation and First Communion Meeting for Parents and Children – Thursday October 9, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. - Church NOTE: NEW DATE AND TIME: Grade 8 Confirmation Meeting for Parents and Children Wednesday December 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. – Church Older children who have not received one or both of these Sacraments are asked to contact the Parish to join the preparation program. Growing Success – Grades 1 to 12 (Report Card Procedures Reminder) continued: The purpose of this progress report is “to show a student’s development of the learning skills and work habits during the fall of the school year, as well as a student’s general progress in working towards the achievement of the curriculum expectations in all subjects.” NOTE: Interviews may be requested for some students on Thursday November 13, 2014. Two Elementary Provincial Report Cards will be sent home on the following dates: Tuesday February 3, 2015 (Term 1) Wednesday June 24, 2015 (Term 2) Parent / Student / Teacher Interviews for the Elementary Provincial Report Card (Term 1) are scheduled for: Thursday February 5, 2015 EQAO Results: 2014 Sacramental Dates Grade 2 First Reconciliation – Wednesday November 26, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. (Church) Grade 2 First Communion – Sunday April 19, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (Church) Grade 8 Confirmation – Thursday May 7, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. (Church) Catholic Education Week Theme The theme chosen for the upcoming 2015 Catholic Education Week is: Exploring Paths of Joy Walking Together and Sharing our Story Opening the Scriptures Welcoming Others to the Table Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread Proclaiming the Good News “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the road?” (Luke 24:32) The main theme is inspired by the work of Pope Francis and his “Joy of the Gospel”. As we embark upon this new school year filled with promise and hope, we remember that we are all on a life journey of faith where Jesus reveals himself to us. Growing Success – Grades 1 to 12 (Report Card Procedures Reminder) In Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the Elementary Progress Report Card will be sent home on Tuesday November 11, 2014 for students in Grades 1 – 8. Last May, our Grade 3 and 6 students took part in the EQAO Provincial Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. These assessments provide a check on student learning at one point in time. The results of this assessment provide only one piece of the picture of how students are doing in school. The results should be viewed together with the regular assessments and information provided by your child’s teacher. The regular assessment and feedback conducted by your child’s teacher should be the primary method of supporting students in their learning. School, Board and Provincial Achievement Results: 2013 - 2014 Please find our school, Board and Provincial results. Staff and students will continue to focus on reading, writing strategies and mathematical skills. Percent of students, enrolled in the grade (Method 1), who scored at and above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4) Reading Writing Math School 74 % 89 % 81 % Board 73 % 83 % 67 % Province 70 % 78 % 67 % School 72 % 76 % 52 % Board 82 % 82 % 57% Province 79 % 78 % 54 % Grade 3 Grade 6 Striving for Excellence World Teachers’ Day October 5 is World Teachers’ Day. Let us take this opportunity to recognize and celebrate our teachers at St. Clare Catholic School for the caring and generous ways in which they help our students grow in their Catholic faith and expand their knowledge, while developing life skills and their love of learning. You inspire our students to help them attain their dreams! To our outstanding team of teachers at St. Clare Catholic School, thank you! You truly make a difference! Safe School Initiatives a) Before School Hours Supervision For your child’s safety, we request that he/she not be on school property until supervision begins at 8:15 a.m. Parents are reminded to remain outside the fenced area in the FDK yard and the fenced area and pathways in the south, west and north yards. b) Visitors to the School By law, ALL visitors to the school must report to the main office using the doorbell for entry as all doors are locked. Our first priority for all students is their safety. Board and Provincial guidelines clearly outline the process that all visitors must follow upon their arrival on school property, which begins with reporting to the Main Office. You will be issued a Visitor Sticker, which must be worn visibly during your stay and sign in and sign out. c) Attendance and Punctuality All students are expected to attend school regularly and punctually. In the event that your child will be late or absent, please call the school and follow the prompts to leave a message. This can be done 24 hours a day. For students who are absent and for whom a call is not received, we will attempt to contact you. PLEASE CALL: 905-820-2227 Press # 1 All students who arrive after 8:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. must obtain a Late Slip. d) KISS AND RIDE Safety (continued): At the end of the day dismissal, please do not park your car in the Kiss and Ride Lane. Remain in your car. Your child / children will walk to your car. If you wish to park your car, please do so on Glen Erin Drive (where allowed) or on Rolling Valley Drive. Your assistance and positive response to directions from staff on duty in this area are greatly appreciated. Lock Downs and Fire Drills During the months of October and November, we will be rehearsing with students a number of emergency response procedures. All schools are required by Board policy to practice these procedures throughout the year. We have these rehearsals for precautionary purposes only, so that in the event of an actual emergency, students will be prepared to respond in a safe and responsible manner. Personal Electronic Devices On School Property (PED Policy) It is Board Policy that all personal electronic devices (PEDs) must be turned off and not used within school premises or during school sanctioned activities such as field trips, sport events, retreats, etc. To prevent loss or damage of PEDs, we encourage students to leave their PEDs at home. The school is not responsible for loss and / or damages. Save the Date…School Choir The St. Clare Catholic School Choir is scheduled to sing our National Anthem, “O Canada” at the Mississauga Steelheads Hockey Game on Friday December 5, 2014. A family skate will take place from 5:00 – 5:50 p.m. Gates open at 6:30 p.m. with the hockey game beginning at 7:30 p.m. More information will follow. Student Verification Form Please find your child (ren)’s Student Verification Form. Please review the form and make changes as required. Please return this form with your child (ren) as soon as possible. Thank you! Emergency Contact Form (NEW) – One Per Family… d) KISS and RIDE Safety Kiss and Ride drop – off begins at 8:15 a.m. with supervisors wearing orange safety vests. The lane along the sidewalk is reserved for DROP-OFF and PICK-UP ONLY. Proceed to the YELLOW post. We respectfully ask that you do not leave your vehicle while in this lane to avoid causing a traffic backup. Children are to exit the car on the passenger side only with their backpacks ready. A staff member is available to escort your Junior and / or Senior Kindergarten child to the Kindergarten yard in the morning. Parking and getting out of your car is not allowed anywhere upon entry into the school (especially the north corner of the entrance near the Kindergarten yard). Please find one copy of the Emergency Contact form to be completed for all children in your family that attend St. Clare Catholic School. It will provide us with additional information if needed for an emergency. Please return it to the school as soon as possible. Thank you! Picture Re-Take Day A reminder that picture retake day is scheduled for Thursday October 30, 2014 for students who were absent or families who wish to have the photograph retaken. Striving for Excellence Catholic School Council The aim of the Catholic School Council is to promote the vision, values, sacramental life and Catholic practices of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Catholic community it serves and to advise the principal and the Board. Catholic School Elections We will have our first meeting and elections of the St. Clare Catholic School Council on Thursday October 2, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. We look forward to working together this year. Catholic School Council Executive: Chair: Mrs. Ross Vice Chair: Mr. Sacha Secretary: Mrs. Mangan Treasurer: Ms. Cannon Community Rep: Mrs. Cvitkovic Fundraising Reps: Ms. McCaig No Child Without – Medic Alert The No Child Without program is provided by the Canadian MedicAlert Foundation. It provides students from the age of 4 until their 14th birthday with the 24 hour protection of MedicAlert emergency information services at no cost. Some emergency conditions that emergency responders need to know in an emergency: Analphylaxis or allergies to drugs, food or insects; needs EpiPen or Twinject; asthma; ADHD; Autism; Epilepsy; Diabetes; Hemophilia; Visual or Hearing Impairment; Devices or Implants. If you wish to enrol your child, please contact the school and we will provide you with the required information. Child In Need Of Protection Please read the attached page from S. Kendrick, Superintendent – Special Education and Support Services and G. Carley, Chief Social Worker re: protocol for our duty to ensure your child’s safety. Parent Members: Mrs. Bader, Mrs. Banovic, Mrs. Bruzzese, Mrs. Ducharme, Mrs. Flagg and Mrs. Zeglen. Teaching Representative: Mrs. MacSween Fundraising: 2014 - 2015 The following fundraising activities are listed below: 1) Spook-A-Thon – Friday October 31, 2014. Pledge forms and a letter will be sent home next week. 2) Pizza and Sub Days – will continue on Wednesdays (alternating pizza one Wednesday; sub days the next Wednesday). Order forms have been sent home. 3) Christmas Store – December 10, 11, and 12, 2014. NOTE: If you have any gently unused items that could be donated to our Christmas Store, we would greatly appreciate them. Please bring the items into the school by Friday November 28. Thank you in advance for your support in our fundraising! Future Meeting Dates: 7:00 p.m. Municipal Elections – FYI: Please note the following dates for Advance Polling and Election Day which will take place at our school – gym. Saturday October 4: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday October 5: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday October 6: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday October 7: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Wednesday October 8: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Election Day – Monday October 27: 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Upcoming Dates for November… Wednesday November 5 – Sub Lunch Tuesday November 11 – Remembrance Day Service at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday November 11 – Progress Reports Go Home Wednesday November 12 – Pizza Lunch Thursday November 13 – Progress Reports Interview Evening (as required) Friday November 14 – P.A. Day (no classes for students) Wednesday November 19 – Sub Lunch • Thursday November 20, 2014. • Thursday January 15, 2015. • Thursday March 5, 2015. • Thursday May 14, 2015. • Thursday June 11, 2015. SAT – Special Assignment Teacher Dufferin-Peel will continue to have a Special Assignment Teacher visiting each school in the system to assist with Literacy and Numeracy planning. We welcome M. D’Agostino as SAT, working in partnership with our Primary and Junior classroom teachers. Thursday November 20 – Catholic School Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday November 26 – Grade 7 Hep B and Grade 8 HPV Clinic Wednesday November 26 – Pizza Lunch DPCDSB is on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. Striving for Excellence Striving for Excellence