Review Report Reviewers

Review Report
School of Education
Professor Do Coyle, Professor in Learning Innovation and Head of School of Education, King’s College,
Mr Tony Weaden, Head of Education, University of Chichester
Mr Sean O’Driscoll, Athrú Consultancy, Dublin
Dr Iain MacLabhrainn, Director of CELT, NUI Galway
Dr Ray Ryan, Head of School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, NUI Galway
As a Review Group, we believe we have had a full engagement with a broad range of people including
university staff, 13 members of the school staff, 10 students from the PDE/DGO and BA programmes, 4 PhD
students and a number of School Principals. All conversations clearly demonstrated commitment and passion
for the School of Education and its work.
Key Strengths
• The School of Education has survived a very difficult period and the leadership of the School has
articulated an appropriate mission and vision;
• The Head of School has recently been appointed and displayed throughout the review process a vision
for, and strong commitment to, a strategic approach to the School’s future;
• The School has the potential opportunity to take on a national leadership role in teacher education.
There are also additional particular opportunities in the areas of Irish language and mathematics
• The School currently has a unique position with regard to the Irish Language education provision;
• The School has displayed ambition in seeking accreditation for a 2 years Master’s programme;
• There is recognition of the need and opportunities for CPD provision for teachers;
• The Review Group acknowledges that the School’s pilot partnership project lays the foundation for
future development and success in initial teacher education;
• The School has significantly increased its number of PhD students;
• The Review Group noted the commitment to the use of technology-enhanced learning.
Key Recommendations
Key themes have emerged which must be addressed as a matter of urgency and are outlined in the
recommendations below
1. Staff in the School must work as a single coherent unit around a shared vision;
2. All activities of the School should be aligned with this common purpose;
3. The national landscape for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and Continuing Professional Development
is in a state of flux. It is essential that the School engages in strategic planning to achieve its goals of
becoming a national leader in these areas;
4. In a competitive environment the position of the DGO cannot be taken for granted and it is our view
that there should be clearer integration of the DGO within the School and its range of programmes;
5. A system of tracking graduates as advocates for the School should be developed and implemented;
6. Career paths and succession planning for staff of the School of Education needs to be given attention
and support.
1. The future of the School is critically dependent on developing strong and mutually beneficial
professional and academic partnerships with Secondary Schools;
2. The School needs to be responsive to the needs of Secondary Schools and the students of the
University by working towards comprehensive partnership agreements;
3. An advisory group of school principals should be established to provide input into the strategic
planning of the activities of the School (with particular emphasis on ITE, CPD and practitioner
4. A programme of student teacher mentoring and monitoring of progression should be further
1. The research activity of the School must be aligned with the core mission of the School;
2. A significant opportunity exists for the development of applied research and a team-based approach
should be adopted;
3. A prioritised set of research themes should be developed for the School focusing on second level
education policy and classroom practice;
4. The research capacity of the School can be significantly enhanced by a combination of mentoring,
linking with other research centres within the university and active participation in national and
international networks;
5. In order to establish an effective research culture a number of specific activities (e.g. regular
seminars, journal clubs) should be implemented as part of the expected operations of a research-led
Other Recommendations
1. The Review Group believes that the School would benefit from engaging with other units and
supports across the University (such as the Research Office, CELT, etc.) to enhance its performance
and culture;
2. As is the case with other Schools in the University, we would recommend that the leadership of the
School be given ongoing coaching, mentoring and support.
3. The University needs to recognise the particular external issues and requirements of accreditation in
terms of resources and supports.
4. There is currently some uncertainty with regards the wider national and regional configuration of ITE
and in particular the relationship between the University and St Angela’s College. Strategic planning
at an institutional level is essential to navigate this changing landscape and the leadership of the
School should be a key player in any such decision-making and negotiation.
Comments on Review Process
The Review Panel wishes to express its appreciation of the support received from Mary Fleming and her
team at the School of Education and from David O’Sullivan and the staff of the Quality Office. We would
also wish to thank the Self-Assessment Team and the staff of the School of Education. We also
acknowledge the inputs (and commitment of time) from the students and the School Principals to the
National University of Ireland, Galway
Review Programme 2012/2013
Action List
School of Education
Action Plan Meeting held on Tuesday, 21st May at 9.30am in QA132 Hynes Boardroom
Representing Education: Dr Mary Fleming, Ms Caroline Casey, Dr Tony Hall, Dr Máire Ní Ríordáin, Dr
Brendan MacMahon
From Review Group: Dr Iain MacLaren, Dr Ray Ryan
From NUI Galway: Dr David O’Sullivan (Director of Quality, Chair), Prof Nollaig Mac Congáil
(Registrar & Deputy President), Dr Edward Herring (Dean of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies),
Maureen Linnane (in attendance).
This Action List has been agreed by Reviewers, the Unit under review and University Management
in response to the Reviewers Report for the above named review. This report and the Reviewers
Report are now made available on the University’s public website.
A detailed Action Plan containing details of Responsibilities, Priorities and Progress is required to be
developed and implementation is subject to review by the University Management Team. Progress
on the detailed Action Plan will be followed up by the Quality Office after 12 months.
Actions for School of Education
1. Develop a Strategic Plan to achieve goals of becoming a national leader in Initial Teacher
Education (ITE) and Continuing Professional Development
2. Integrate An Dioplóma Gairmiúil San Oideachas (DGO) within the School and its range of
3. Develop, implement and maintain a ‘system of tracking graduates’ as advocates for the
4. Broaden ‘participation’ in University Mentoring, Training and or staff development activities
to develop career paths for staff
5. Develop a Staffing Plan in consultation with the College and University
6. Develop strong and mutually beneficial professional and academic partnerships with
secondary schools, responsive to their needs and those of University students by working
towards comprehensive partnership agreements
7. Establish an ‘advisory group’ of school Principles and education professionals to provide
input into the strategic planning and other activities of the School (with particular emphasis
on ITE, CPD and practitioner research)
8. Further develop and implement ‘Guidelines’ for student-teacher mentoring and monitoring
of progression for consistency. Periodically review progress, implementation and
9. Develop a prioritised set of ‘research themes’ focusing on second level education policy and
classroom practice
10. Develop applied research and adopt a team-based approach
11. Enhance research capacity by linking with other research centres within the University and
actively participate in national and international networks.
12. Engage with other ‘supports units’ across the University to enhance the school’s
performance and culture
13. Enhance an effective ‘research culture’ (e.g. regular seminars, journal clubs)
14. Develop ‘Needs Analysis’ and work with the Dean to identify appropriate additional
resources to support requirements of accreditation and to enable programmes to meet
accreditation requirements
Actions for University Management
1. Support development of ‘Staffing Plan’ and resource ‘Needs Analysis’ with the School that
includes succession planning, appropriate additional resources for accreditation etc.
2. Provide leadership support for the School through on-going coaching, mentoring and support
3. Assess the impact for the School of the broader recommendations of the ITE Strategy and the
forthcoming recommendations of the Landscape Strategy and work closely with the leadership
within the School towards responding to these developments
Approved by:
Head of School, Dr Mary Fleming
Registrar and Deputy President, Professor Nollaig Mac Congáil
Dean of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, Dr Edward Herring
Director of Quality, Dr David O’Sullivan
June 2013