Code: Title: Date: Approval: QA105 Sick Leave 27/1/2015 UMT 1.0 Purpose Sick Leave entitlements, approval, recording and reporting. 2.0 Description Sick Leave forms an integral part of each staff member’s contract of employment with the University. The granting of sick leave to a staff member who is ill is intended to provide an adequate opportunity for that staff member to recover from the illness and its effect so that s/he may make an early return to duty without a likelihood of a relapse into illness. This Policy together with the Sick Leave Circular as issued by the Department of Education & Skills dated 25th July 2014 determines the terms and conditions for all absences due to illness. All limits and definitions are as specified in the circular except where additional items are stated in this policy. 2.1 Notification of Sick Leave Any employee who is absent due to illness must notify their line manager as early as possible but no later than two hours after normal starting time on the first day of the absence. This should be done by telephone call and not text message/e-mail. The employee should, where possible, indicate the likely duration of the absence and their intention to attend their GP or not as the case may be. Failure to notify the line manager, without a valid reason, may disqualify the staff member from payment for the absence. The line manager should notify the HR office immediately by email to of a staff members absence due to illness. This should contain the name and commencement date of the illness. 2.2 Uncertified / Self Certification Sick Leave. Staff may avail of up to 7 days in a rolling two year period with a maximum of 2 days at a time without a doctor’s certificate. If a sick absence extends from Friday to Monday inclusive, then a medical certificate must be provided. 2.3 Certified Sick Leave Staff are required to submit a medical certificate directly to their line manager for all absences greater than 2 days. If they have reached the limit for uncertified sick leave as defined above they are also required to submit a medical certificate. The Line Manager will then forward it to the Human Resources Office for processing. A Social Welfare medical certificate is required from all staff except those on Class D PRSI where an ordinary medical certificate is sufficient. Medical certificates must continue to be submitted by the staff member to the line manager until s/he returns to work. The line manager is responsible for ensuring that the correct medical 1 certificate is received directly from the staff member and then forwarded to the HR office in a timely manner. 2.4 Payment of TRR Payment of TRR is conditional on the person on sick leave completing the Payment of Temporary Rehabilitation Remuneration (TRR) during Sick Leave (attached). 2.5 Occupational Health Physician Referrals Staff may be referred to the University’s Occupational Health Physician (OHP) at any time. 2.6 Return to Duty It is expected that a staff member would be medically fit to resume full duties after a period of sick leave so that a resumption of duty would not induce a relapse into illness. A staff member intending to resume duty prior to the date specified on her/his medical certificate, must provide a medical certificate of fitness from his/her attending doctor before the date of resumption. In the absence of such a certificate the full period as recorded on the medical certificate(s) will be counted as sick leave. Certificates of fitness furnished at a later date will not be accepted as evidence of fitness for duty. Prior to resumption of duties, a staff member who is absent on paid sick leave for 4 or more continuous weeks, or absent for any period of TRR/unpaid sick leave, or absent for a shorter period where the employer has reasonable grounds for concern must submit medical certification of fitness for duties. The return to Duty SL1 form (attached) should be completed by the staff member, signed by the line manager and submitted to the Human Resources office on the first day of return to duty following a sick leave absence. 2.7 Overpayment The University will recoup all overpayments of salary which occur due to the payment of illness benefit. This will normally be done in the next pay period. 3.0 Responsibilities Name Responsibility Director of Human Resources Employee Policy Owner Line Manager Inform their Line Manager that they are unable to attend work due to illness as soon as possible at the commencement of sick leave and of their likely return date. Send a Sick Leave Certificate to their Line Manager not later than the third day of absence due to illness. Maintain regular contact with their Line Manager during periods of sick absence. On return to work to complete form SL1 and present to line manager for signature. Inform Human Resources of the employee’s absence on sick leave, and to forward the sick leave certificate to Human Resources. Maintain regular contact with employees on sick leave regarding their wellbeing. Meet with the staff member on their return to work after all periods of sick leave and record it as having taken place and to return to HR the signed SL1 form. 2 Human Resources Pensions Office University Management Team (UMT) Advise managers and staff on the application of the sick leave scheme including CIP & TRR. Record, monitor and report on sick leave. Obtain medical reports and action the implementation of CIP & TRR in accordance with the scheme. Calculate the rate of Temporary Rehabilitation Remuneration (TRR) in accordance with the DES circular. Decision on the exercise of discretion in relation to the payment of Critical Illness Benefit. 4.0 Role of Employee Assistance Programme To support staff confidentially in resolving personal or work-related concerns, which are having an adverse effect on their physical and emotional wellbeing, their job, their relationships or their health and wellbeing. Full details on the range of services available are available on the HR website: .html 5.0 Attachments • • • • Sick Leave Circular as issued by the Department of Education & Skills dated 25th July 2014 Return to Work following Sick Leave Notifications (SL1) Payment of Temporary Rehabilitation Remuneration during Sick Leave Application for exceptional extended paid sick leave due to Critical illness 3 Return to Work following Sick Leave Notifications (SL1) (to be completed by Staff Member & signed by the Line Manager) I have been absent from work due to illness from _________________(start date) to _______________ (end Date). Name of Staff Member: ____________________________ ID Number __________ Signed: _________________________________ Staff Member Date _______________ Signed: ____________________________ Line Manager Date_____________ School / Unit : ________________________________ This form should be submitted to the HR office on the first day of return to duty following an absence due to illness. 4 Payment of Temporary Rehabilitation Remuneration during Sick Leave REF: HR V1.0 Payment of Temporary Rehabilitation Remuneration (TRR) is granted subject to the following conditions: • • • • A minimum of 5 years pensionable service The OHP must confirm that there is a reasonable prospect of recovery and return to work. The period during which the TRR is paid is not a period of pensionable service. The declaration below must be signed and returned to the HR office. Employee Details Staff ID number ______________ First Name________________ Surname ________________________ Contact Number ______________________ Line Manager ________________________ Temporary Rehabiliation Remuneration (TRR) to commence: / _/ To be completed by Employee: I wish to confirm my understanding that the allocation of illāhealth added years under TRR is without prejudice to any determination of such when my final pension is decided. Signed: Date: / /_ Completed form to be returned to the HR office as soon as possible. The payment of TRR will not commence until the completed form is received. Important Please note if you are eligible to receive social welfare benefits you are entitled to keep them from the date you receive payment of TRR. You must contact the Department of Social Protection and request that they make the payments directly to you with effect from the TRR payment date. 5 Application for exceptional extended paid sick leave due to Critical illness It is recognised that public service bodies, as employers, need to continue to provide support for their employees who may be incapacitated as a result of critical illness or serious physical injury. Therefore when an individual becomes incapacitated as a result of critical illness or serious physical injury, and has supporting medical evidence for an extended period of sick leave, the individual may, on an exceptional basis, be granted paid sick leave extended as follows: • A maximum of 183 days on full pay in the previous rolling one-year period • Followed by a maximum of 182 days on half pay in the previous rolling one-year period • Subject to a maximum of 365 days paid sick leave in the previous rolling four-year period. The granting of exceptional extended paid sick leave is a decision of management having considered the occupational medical advice. To be completed by Employee: I _________________________(name) & _______________ (Staff ID Number) wish to apply for the granting of exceptional extended paid sick leave in accordance with the University Sick Leave scheme. I agree to provide all medical information required to the University Occupational Health Physician. Signed ________________________ Date _______________ 6