entifying records or information that may respond to

entifying records or information that may respond to
d includes: the information technology and physical
suggestions for overcoming denial of access to the
e and time when the records will be made available.
etermine whether or not the records can be
ation to the member of the public requesting the
y colleges include:
ction 76243)
ncy or intra-agency memoranda that are not retained
course of business, provided that the public interest
weighs the public interest in disclosure.
on …or to claims…until the pending litigation or
otherwise settled. (Government Code Section
e disclosure of which would constitute an
vacy (Government Code Section 6254(c))
her examination data used to administer a licensing
ment, or academic examination [except for
ducation Code Sections 99150 et seq.]. (Government
s or engineering or feasibility estimates and
on of property, or to prospective public supply and
property has been acquired or all of the contract
ode Section 6254(h)).
telephone numbers of local elected officials
ne number of employees of a school District or
n to an agent or family member of the employee, to
when necessary, to an employee organization, or to
enefit plan.) (Government Code Section 6254.3)
ments (i.e. an investment in a private equity fund,
e return fund; limited partnership, limited liability
volving public investment funds, unless already
e information.