Document 14410310

c Peter Donovan, Mathematics Department, UNSW, Sydney 2052, Australia, 2005–2014.
• Although completeness of a list of this nature can scarcely be guaranteed, it should assist the serious
student of the matter.
• Anyone trying to set up a bibliography on WW2 (Pacific) is welcome to use this listing.
• This list is a component of a data base which shows where (books, papers, archives, miscellaneous)
one goes to find out what. For example James Hogarth’s booklet deals to some extent with the
redeployment of some BP staff to Pacific intelligence after the end of hostilities in Europe (May 1945).
• With minimal apology my three papers in Cryptologia will be given special prominence here. The
real point (from the intelligence viewpoint) of the Battle for Australia in the first half of 1942 is that
Japanese naval messages were read way ahead of Japanese Army messages. The reading of JN-25B
was crucial. The key factor here was that the use of only multiples of three as code groups (= code
words) was extremely insecure.
• The Donovan-Mack book Code Breaking in the Pacific should appear soon.
001 Henry Adams, 1942: The Year that Doomed the Axis,
David Mackay, NY, 1967.
002 Richard Aldrich, Bletchley Park,
Harper-Collins 2010.
003 Richard Aldrich, Intelligence and the War against Japan,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.
004 David Alvarez, Codebreaking and American Diplomacy, 1930–1945,
Modern War Studies.
005 Christopher Andrew, F H Hinsley and the Cambridge moles: two patterns of intelligence recruitment,
in ‘Diplomacy and Intelligence during the Second World War’, edited by Richard Langhorne, Cambridge
University Press, 1985.
006 Anonymous, Obituary of Richard Jenkins Lyons,
Medical Journal of Australia, 22 March 1952, page 422.
007 Anon IJN Officers, Operational History of Japanese Naval Communications, Dec 1941 to Aug 1945,
Aegean Park Press.
008 Army Security Agency, European Axis Signal Intelligence in World War II (TICOM),
1946, Nimble Books 2010.
009 Alan Axelrod, World War II,
010 Philip Ayres, Australia’s War in American Eyes — Owen Dixon in Washington 1942–43,
‘Quadrant’, April 2003, pages 23 seqq. This is just an edited extract of chapter 8 of the author’s ‘Owen
Dixon’, Melbourne University Press, April 2003.
011 Desmond Ball, Allied Intelligence Cooperation Involving Australia during World War II,
‘Australian Outlook: Journal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs’ 32 (Dec 1978): 299–
012 Desmond Ball, Burma’s Military Secrets,
White Lotus, Bangkok, 1998.
013 Desmond Ball and David Horner, Breaking the Codes,
Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, 1998.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
014 Desmond Ball, Cliff Lord, Meredith Thatcher, Invaluable Service: The Secret History of New
Zealand’s Signals Intelligence in two World Wars,
015 Desmond Ball and Keiko Tamura, Breaking Japanese Diplomatic Codes — Desmond Ball and D
Special Section during the Second World War,
ANU E Press 2013.
016 Geoffrey Ballard, 1944 – and Ultra sets the agenda for the Pacific War,
in Hugh Skillen ‘Reprint of Papers from the 1995 Enigma Symposium’, 1995.
017 Geoffrey Ballard, On Ultra Active Service: The Story of Australia’s Signals Intelligence Operations
During WW2,
Spectrum Publications, 1991.
018 V James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace,
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1982.
019 Mary Barbier, D-Day Deception,
Stackpole 2007.
020 Sarah Baring, The Road to Station X,
Wilton 65, 2000.
021 A J Barker, Midway: The Turning Point,
Purnell, London 1970.
022 Theo Barker, A History of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals (1788–1947),
Canberra 1987.
023 Wayne G Barker, Cryptanalysis of an Enciphered Code Problem – where an ‘Additive’ Method of
Encipherment has been used,
Aegean Press, 1979.
024 Wayne G Barker (ed), History of Codes and Ciphers in the US 1930–1939,
Aegean Park Press, 1989.
025 Mavis Batey, Dilly: the Man Who Broke Enigmas,
Dialogue, London, 2009.
026 Alan Bath, Tracking the Axis Enemy: The Triumph of Anglo-American Naval Intelligence,
University of Kansas Press, 1998.
027 Craig Bauer, Secret History: The Story of Cryptology,
Taylor and Francis 2013.
028 F L Bauer, Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology,
Springer 2002.
029 Bengt Beckman, Codebreakers,
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2002. Translation of ‘Svenska Kryptobedrifter’, Stockholm, 1996.
030 Patrick Beesly, Very Special Admiral: The Life of Admiral J H Godfrey, CB,
Hamish Hamilton, London, 1980.
031 Patrick Beesly, Room 40,
Hamish Hamilton, London, 1982.
032 Patrick Beesly, Very Special Intelligence: The Story of the Admiralty’s Operational Intelligence
Centre 1939–1945,
Hamish Hamilton 1982.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
033 Steven Bellovin, Frank Miller, Inventor of the OTP,
Cryptologia 35 (3) July 2011 203–222.
034 J W Bennett, W A Hobart and J B Spitzer, Intelligence and Cryptanalytic Activities of the
Japanese during World War II,
Aegean Park Press.
035 Ralph Bennett, Intelligence Investigations: How Ultra Changed History (Collected Papers),
Routledge, London.
036 Robert Louis Benson, A History of US Communications Intelligence during World War II: Policy
and Administration,
Center for Cryptologic History, NSA, 1997 (but written 1975-1976).
037 A Best, British Intelligence and the Japanese Challenge in Asia 1914–1941,
Palgrave Macmillan 2002.
038 A Best, Intelligence and the Japanese Threat to British Interests 1914-1941,
Int Nat Sec 17 (Mar 2002) 85seqq.
039 Forrest R Biard, Breaking of Japanese Naval Codes: Pre-Pearl Harbor to Midway,
Cryptologia 30(2) (April 2006) 151–158.
040 Frank Birch, edited by John Jackson, Official History of British Signals Intelligence 1914–1945,
Military Press, Bletchley Series.
041 Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust,
Time-Warner Paperbacks 2002. ISBN 0 7514 3199 5.
042 Clay Blair, Silent Victory, Vol 1,
Lippincott, NY, 1975.
043 Clay Blair, Silent Victory, Vol 2,
Lippincott, NY, 1975.
044 Jack Bleakley, The Eavesdroppers,
AGPS, Canberra, 1991.
045 Bletchley Park Trust, Bletchley Park Web Site,
046 Gilbert Bloch and Ralph Erskine, Enigma: The Dropping of the Double Encipherment,
Cryptologia 10 (3) July 1986.
047 Heinz Bonatz, Die deutsche Marine-Funkaufklaerung 1914–1945,
048 Heinz Bonatz, Seekrieg in Aether. Die Leistungen der Marine-Funkaufklaerung 1939–1945,
Verlag Millet Herford 1981.
049 J V Boone, A Brief History of Cryptology,
Naval Institute Press, 2005.
050 Fred Borch and Daniel Martinez, Kimmel, Short and Pearl Harbor: The Final Report Revealed,
USNIP 2005.
051 Jean Bou, MacArthur’s Secret Bureau,
052 Carl Boyd, Hitler’s Japanese Confidant: General Oshima and Magic Intelligence 1941–1945,
University of Kansas Press 1993.
053 Carl Boyd, USN RI in WW2 and the Sinking of the I-52,
Journal of Military History, 63/2. Apr 1999. 339-354.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
054 Carl Boyd and Akihiko Yoshida, The Japanese Submarine Force and World War II,
Bluejacket Books, 2002.
055 Boyd, Ellsworth, Code breaker Ralph Briggs believes a lost warning could have saved Pearl Harbor
from destruction,
World War II Nov 2000, 15, 4.
056 John Bratzel and Leslie Rout, Abwehr Codes in Latin America,
Cryptologia 7 (2) April 1983, 132–144.
057 Richard Bradford, Learning the Enemy’s Language: U S Navy Officer Language Students in Japan
International Journal of Naval History 1(1).
058 Jennifer Brewster, You Can’t Have a Failure Rate of 75%: Idealism and Realism in the Teaching
of Japanese in Australia 1917-1950,
Pages 4 to 39 of ‘Language and Cultural Contact with Japan’, edited by H Marriot and M Low, Monash
Asia Institute, Melbourne, 1996.
059 Asa Briggs, Secret Days,
Pen and Sword 2011.
060 Irene Brion, Lady GI,
Presidio Press, Novato, California, 1995.
061 Brooks, F and Iverson, K, Automatic Data Processing,
John Wiley, NY, 1969.
062 Anthony Cave Brown, Bodyguard of Lies,
Allen, London, 1976.
063 A Jack Brown, Katakana Man,
Air Power Development Centre, Tuggeranong, 2006.
064 Robert W Brown, Professor T G Room and the Hut 9 Team,
Central Bureau Intelligence Corps Association Newsletter, December 1993.
065 John Bryden, Best-Kept Secret,
Lester, Toronto, 1993.
066 Reuben Boyd, A Basis for Victory: The Allied Geographical Section 1942–1945,
ANU Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, 2005.
067 William Breuer, Deceptions of WW2,
Not seen.
068 R M Brunt, Special Documentation Services at GCCS at BP in WW2,
Int Nat Sec 21 (2006) 129–148.
069 Stephen Budiansky, Battle of Wits: The Complete Story of Codebreaking in World War Two,
Free Press, 2000.
070 Stephen Budiansky, Too Late for Pearl Harbor,
Proceedings of the US Naval Institute, December 1999.
071 Stephen Budiansky, Codebreaking with IBM machines in WW2,
‘Cryptologia’, vol 25, No 4, October 2001, pages 241-255.
072 Stephen Budiansky, Closing the Book on Pearl Harbor,
‘Cryptologia’, April 2000.
073 Stephen Budiansky, The Code War: The Code-Breaking Machines of World War II took DataProcessing Technology to its very limits in the era before Computers,
in ‘American Heritage of Invention and Technology’ 16, no 1 (2000) 36-43.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
074 Colin Burke, Information and Secrecy: Vannevar Burke, Ultra and the Other Memex,
Scarecrow Press, Metuchen and London, 1994.
075 Thomas L Burns, The Quest for Cryptologic Centralization and the Establishment of NSA: 1940–
US Cryptologic History, CCH, NSA, 2005.
076 J R M Butler, Grand Strategy volume III, Part II,
HMSO London 1964.
077 Hector Bywater and H C Ferraby, Strange Intelligence: Memoirs of Naval Secret Service,
Constable, London, 1931.
078 Frank Cain, Signals Intelligence in Australia in the Second World War,
in the journal ‘Intelligence and National Security’ vol 14, no 1, 1999: 40–61.
079 Frank Cain, The Role of Scientific Intelligence in the Pacific War,
in ‘Science and the Pacific War’ edited by Roy MacLeod, Boston 2000.
080 Lynne Cairns, Fremantle’s Secret Fleets,
WA Maritime Museum 1995.
081 Peter Calvocoressi, Top Secret Ultra,
London 1980.
082 Peter Calvoceressi, Guy Wint and John Pritchard, Total War: The Causes and Courses of
WW2, vol I. ‘The Western Hemisphere’,
083 Peter Calvocoressi, Guy Wint and John Pritchard, Total War: The Causes and Courses of
WW2, vol II. ‘The Pacific Conflict’,
084 Martin Campbell-Kelly, ICL: A Business and Technical History,
OUP 1989.
085 Eliot Carlson, Joe Rochefort’s War,
USNIP 2011.
086 Steven Carruthers, Australia under Siege: Japanese Submarine Raiders,
087 Thomas Carmichael, The Ninety Days: Five Battles that Changed the World, October 1942 –
January 1943,
Konecky (recent).
088 Frank Carter, Codebreaking with the Colossus Computer,
Bletchley Park Trust Reports No 1, 1996.
089 Frank Carter, The first Breaking of Enigma,
Bletchley Park Trust Reports No 10, 1999.
090 Frank Carter, The Turing Bombe,
Bletchley Park Trust Reports No 16, 2001.
091 Frank Carter and John Gallehawk, The Enigma Machine and the Bombe,
Bletchley Park Trust Reports No 9, 1999.
092 C W Ceram, Gods, Graves and Scholars,
1949 (in German), 1951.
093 Ivan D Chapman, History of the Sydney University Regiment,
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
094 John W M Chapman, Pearl Harbor: The Anglo-Australian Dimension,
in journal ‘Intelligence and National Security’, 4(3) (1989) pages 451 onwards.
095 John Chapman, Signals Intelligence Co-operation among the Secret Intelligence Services of the Axis
States, 1940–1941,
Japan Forum (1991) 231–256.
096 Chris Christensen, US Navy Cryptologic Mathematicians during World War II,
Cryptologia 35 (2011) 267–276..
097 Winston Churchill, The World Crisis: Vol 3,
Odhams London ???.
098 Winston Churchill, Second World War IV: The Hinge of Fate,
London 1951.
099 Robert Churchhouse, Codes and Cyphers,
Cambridge University Press, 2001.
100 John Clabby, Brigadier John Tiltman: A Giant among Cryptanalysts,
NSA CCH 2007.
101 R W Clark, The Man who broke Purple,
Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London, 1977.
102 William F Clarke, Government Code and Cipher School: its foundation and development with
special reference to its naval side,
Cryptologia 11(4) (Oct 1987).
103 Henry Clausen and Bruce Lee, Pearl Harbor: Final Judgement,
Cown, NY, 1994. Da Capo 2001..
104 Martin Clemens, Alone on Guadalcanal: A Coastwatcher’s Story,
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, 2004.
105 Congress of the United States, Hearings before the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the
Pearl Harbor Attack,
Washington 1945–1946.
106 B Jack Copeland (ed), Colossus,
OUP 2006.
107 David Creed, Operations of Fremantle Submarine Base 1942-1945,
Naval History Society of Australia Monograph 183. 2002.
108 Charles Cruickshank, Deception in WW2,
OUP 1985.
109 John Date, Attack on Taranto 11 November 1940,
Naval Historical Society 2002.
110 Saul David, Military Blunders: The How and Why of Military Failure,
Robinson, London, 1988.
111 Norman Davies, Europe at War 1939–1945: No Simple Victory,
Macmillan, London 2006.
112 Burke Davis, Get Yamamoto,
Random House 1969.
113 Gavan Daws, Prisoners of the Japanese: POW’s of World War II in the Pacific,
Scribe 2008.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
114 Mario de Arcangelis, Electronic Warfare,
Blandford 1985.
115 Cipher Deavours and Louis Kruh, Machine Cryptography and Modern Cryptanalysis,
Artech, 1985.
116 Jim DeBrosse and Colin Burke, The Secret in Building 26,
Random House, NY, 2004.
117 Peter Dennis and Jeffrey Grey, 1943–1944: The Foundations of Victory,
Army History Unit, Canberra, 2004.
118 A G Denniston, The Government Code and Cypher School between the Wars,
Report dated 2 December 1944.
119 Robin Denniston, Churchill’s Secret War: Diplomatic Decrypts, the Foreign Office and Turkey
Chancellor Press, London. 1997 and 2002.
120 Robin Denniston, Thirty Secret Years: A G Denniston’s Work in Signals Intelligence 1914–1944,
121 David Dexter, The New Guinea Offensives,
AWM 1961.
122 Roger Dingman, Deciphering the Rising Sun,
USNI Press 2008.
123 Defence Signals Directorate Web Site, DSD,
124 Luigi Donini, The Cryptographic Services of the Royal (British) and Italian Navies,
Cryptologia 14 (2) (1990) 97–127.
125 Peter Donovan, The Flaw in the JN-25 Series of Ciphers,
Cryptologia 2004.
126 Peter Donovan, The Indicators of Japanese Ciphers 2468, 7890 and JN-25A1,
Cryptologia, 2006.
127 Peter Donovan, The Breaking of the JN-25 Series of Ciphers 1939–1945,
Parabola (UNSW) 40(2) 1–9 (2004).
128 Peter Donovan, Alan Turing, Marshall Hall and the alignment of WW2 Japanese naval intercepts,
Notices of the American Mathematical Society March 2014.
129 Peter Donovan and John Mack, Sydney University, T G Room and Codebreaking in WWII,
In ‘The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette’ of June and August 2002.
130 Robert J Donovan, PT 109: John F Kennedy in World War II,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961.
131 W Douglas (ed), The RCN in Transition 1910-1980,
UBC Press 1988.
132 Edward J Drea, MacArthur’s Ultra,
University of Kansas Press, 1992..
133 Edward J Drea, Japan’s Imperial Army: Its Rise and Fall 1853–1945,
134 Edward J Drea and Joseph E Richard, New Evidence on breaking the Japanese army codes,
in the journal ‘Intelligence and National Security’, 14(1) (1999) pages 62–82..
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
135 Paul S Dull, Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy 1941–1945,
US Naval Institute Press 1978 reprinted 2007.
136 Peter Dunn,[sim]dunn/sigint,
Dunn’s private Website of World War II.
137 George Dyer, The Amphibians Came to Conquer: The Story of Admiral Richard Turner,
US Govt Printing Office, 1972.
138 W J Eckert, Punched Card Methods in Scientific Computation,
Watson Computing Bureau, Columbia University, 1940.
139 John Ellis, Brute Force,
Viking 1999.
140 P. Elphick, Far Eastern File: The Intelligence War in the Far East 1930-1945,
Hodder and Staunton, London, 1997.
141 Ted Enever, Britain’s Best-Kept Secret,
Sutton Publishing, 1994, 1999.
142 John Ephron, An American Cryptanalyst in Australia,
In journal ‘Cryptologia’ 9, no 4 (Oct 1985), pages 337-340.
143 Ralph Erskine, The Holden Agreement on Naval Sigint: The First BRUSA,
in ‘Intelligence and National Security’, vol 14, no 2, 1999, 187–197..
144 Ralph Erskine, What the Sinkov Mission brought to Bletchley Park,
‘Cryptologia’ Apr 2003.
145 Ralph Erskine, What did the Sinkov Mission receive from Bletchley Park,
‘Cryptologia’ Apr 2000.
146 Ralph Erskine, The 1944 Naval BRUSA and its Aftermath,
in ‘Cryptologia’ 30 (1) 1–22. January 2006.
147 Ralph Erskine, The Admiralty and Cipher Machines during WW2,
Journal of Intelligence History 2(2) 2002.
148 Ralph Erskine, Letter to the Editor,
‘Cryptologia’ vol XX, October 1996.
149 Ralph Erskine, Shore HF/DF in the Battle of the Atlantic,
Journal of Intelligence History 4(2) 2004.
150 Ralph Erskine and Peter Freeman, Brigadier John Tiltman: One of Britain’s Finest Cryptologists,
Cryptologia 27(4) (Oct 2003) 289–318.
151 Ralph Erskine and Philip Marks, Seahorse and other Kreigsmarine Cipher Blunders,
in ‘Cryptologia’, July 2004.
152 Ralph Erskine and Michael Smith, The Bletchley Park Codebreakers,
Bantam Press, London, 2011. Second edition of ‘Action this Day’, 2001.
153 Alfred Ewing, Talk on Room 40 in Edinburgh 13 December 1927,
Cryptologia vol 4 no 4 Oct 1980 and vol 5 no 1 Jan 1981.
154 Eric Feldt, The Coastwatchers,
Melb Univ Press, 1946.
155 Mark Felton, Yanagi: the Underwater Trade between Germany and Japan 1942–1945,
Pen and Sword Maritime, 2005.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
156 John Ferris, From Broadway to Bletchley Park: The Diary of Captain Malcolm D Kennedy, 1934–
in ‘Intelligence and National Security’, 4(3) 1989 421–450.
157 John Ferris, The Road to Bletchley Park: British experience with Signals Intelligence 1892–1945,
in ‘Intell and National Security’ 17(1) March 2002. 53–84.
158 John Ferris (ed), The British Army and Signals Intelligence during the First World War,
Alan Sutton Publishing for Army Records Society.
159 John Ferris, Intelligence and Strategy,
Routledge (Taylor and Francis), Abingdon, 2005.
160 John Ferris, Review of Jenner Paper,
H-diplo Article Reviews 2008.
161 P William Filby, Bletchley Park and Berkeley Street,
in ‘Int and Nat Sec’, 3 (1988).
162 Penelope Fitzgerald, The Knox Brothers,
Macmillan, London 1977.
163 Peter Fitzsimmons, Kokoda,
Hodder, 2004.
164 Basil Fogarty, The Ultra Factor,
privately published 1995.
165 Douglas Ford, Britain’s Secret War Against Japan,
Routledge 2006.
166 Douglas Ford, The Elusive Enemy,
USNIP 2011.
167 Douglas Ford, Realistic Caution and Ambivalent Optimism: US Intelligence Assessments and War
Preparations against Japan, 1918–1941,
168 Hugh Foss, Report HF 37,
Extract made by Ralph Erskine included in full below.
169 Richard Frank, Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire,
Random House, 1999.
170 Richard Frank, Guadalcanal,
Penguin 1992.
171 Joan Freeman, A Passion for Physics – the Story of a Woman Physicist,
Adam Hilyer, Bristol 1991.
172 Michelle Freeman, The War Down Under. Australian Universities at War,
in ‘Science and the Pacific War’ edited by Ross MacLeod, Boston 2000.
173 William and Elizabeth Friedman, The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined,
Cambridge Univ Press, NY, 1957.
174 Mitsuo Fuchida, Midway: The Battle that Doomed Japan,
Hutchinson, 1957.
175 Colin Funch, Linguists in Uniform,
Japanese Studies Centre, Monash University, 2003. AUD38.50.
176 Harry Gailey, MacArthur Strikes Back,
Presido, Novato, 2000.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
177 Ross Galbreath, New Zealand Scientists in Action: The Radio Development Laboratory and the
Pacific War,
in ‘Science and the Pacific War’ edited Roy MacLeod, Boston 2000.
178 John Gallehawk, Third Person Singular (Warsaw, 1939),
Cryptologia 30 (3) July-Sept 2006.
179 John Gallehawk, How the Enigma Secret was nearly revealed,
Bletchley Park Trust Reports No 11, 1998.
180 John Gallehawk, Convoys and U-Boats,
Bletchley Park Trust Report No 7, 1997.
181 Bruce Gamble, Fortress Rabaul: The Battle for the South-West Pacific January 1942 – April 1943,
Zenith Press, 2010.
182 Ravi Ganesan and Alan Sherman, Statistical Techniques for Language Recognition: An Introduction and Guide for Cryptanalyst,
Preprint (??) February 1993. gets it off Google.
183 James Gannon, Stealing Secrets, Telling Lies,
Brasseys 2002.
184 Paul Gannon, Colossus: Bletchley Park’s Greatest Secret,
Atlantic, London 2006.
185 Paul Gannon, Inside Room 40: The Codebreakers of WW1,
Ian Allen 2010.
186 P R Gardella, A Certain Grandeur: US Communications Intelligence in the Pacific War 1941–1945,
Thesis, 1992.
187 J Garlinski, Intercept,
Dent, London, 1979.
188 Nicola Geeson, I Remember ... Recollections of Pine Rivers Shire during WW2,
Pine Rivers Shire Council 1995, reprinted 2000.
189 James Gilbert and John Finnegan, US Army Signals Intelligence in World War II,
Center for Military History, US Army, 1993.
190 Martin Gilbert, D-Day,
Wiley 2004.
191 G Hermon Gill, Royal Australian Navy 1939–1942,
Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1957.
192 G Hermon Gill, Royal Australian Navy 1942–1945,
Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968.
193 Lee Gladwin, Did Sigint Seal the Fates of 19,000 PoWs,
in Cryptologia 30 (3) 2006 212-235.
194 James Gleick, Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood,
Doubleday 2011.
195 Carroll V Glimes, The Doolittle Raid,
Orion NY 1988.
196 D G Goldstein and K V Dillon, The Pearl Harbor Papers,
Brassey’s (US) (Macmillan) Washington 1993.
197 I Jack Good, The Population Frequencies of Species and the Estimation of Population Parameters,
Biometrika 40(3) (1953) 237–264.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
198 Ian Gow and Yoichi Hirama (editors), The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1600-2000.
Volume III: The Military Dimension,
Palgrave Macmillan 2003.
199 Thomas J Gray, Some Aspects of the Y Service – India 1943–1945,
Journal of the Royal Signals Institution, 18(2) (1987) 95-102.
200 Joel Greenberg, Gordon Welchman: Bletchley Park’s Architect of Ultra Intelligence,
UK April 2014.
201 Christopher Grey, Decoding Organisation at Bletchley Park,
CUP 2012.
202 Winston Groom, 1942,
Atlantic Monthly Press 2005.
203 Peter Grose, A Very Rude Awakening: The Night Japanese Submarines came to Sydney Harbour,
Allen and Unwin, 2007.
204 Philip D Grove, Battles in Focus: Midway,
Brasseys 2004.
205 J M A Gwyer, Grand Strategy, volume III Part I.,
HMSO London 1964.
206 Group Captain E R Hall, A Saga of Achievement. A Story of the Men and Women who operated
Radio and Radar Systems of the RAAF over 50 Years,
Bonall, Melbourne, 1978.
207 William F Halsey, Admiral Halsey’s Story,
McGraw-Hill, NY, 1947.
208 Tim Hamlett and See King-Tai, War, Myth and History: the Case of the Automedon,
Australian Studies in Journalism. (Univ of Qld.) 9. 126-139.
209 Michael Handel (ed), Strategic and Operational Deception in the Second World War,
210 Robert Hanyok and David Mowry,
NSA Cryptological Museum 2008.
West Wind Clear: Cryptology and the Winds Message
211 M Hashimoto (translated E Colegrave),
Sunk: the Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet
212 Robert D Haslach, Nishi no kaze, hare: Nederlands-Indische inlichtingendienst contra agressor
Van Kampen, c1985.
213 Paul Hasluck, The Government and the People 1942–1945,
Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1970.
214 Max Hastings, All Hell Let Loose,
Harper 2011.
215 Max Hastings, Nemesis: The Battle for Japan 1944–1945,
Harper 2007.
216 Max Hastings, Overlord: D-Day and Normandy,
S + S 1984.
217 Hervie Haufler, Codebreakers Victory: How the Allied Cryptographers Won World War II,
NAL 2003.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
218 Daniel Headrick, The Invisible Weapon,
OUP, NY, 1991.
219 Simon Heffer, Like the Roman: the Life of Enoch Powell,
Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London, 1998.
220 Chris Henry, Battle of the Coral Sea,
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. 2003..
221 John Herivel, Herivelismus and the German Military Enigma,
Baldwin 2008.
222 Marion Hill, Bletchley Park People,
Sutton. 2004.
223 Jean Hillier, No Medals in this Unit,
privately published 1996.
224 Peter Hilton, Interview for TV show ‘Secrets of War’,
in ‘Cryptologia’ 30 (3) 2006 236-250.
225 Stanley E Hilton, Hitler’s Secret War in South America 1939–1945,
Louisiana State University Press, 1981.
226 F H Hinsley and others, History of British Intelligence in the Second World War,
227 F H Hinsley, The Influence of Ultra in the Second World War,
talk 19 October 1993 at Computer Laboratory, Cambridge University.
228 F H Hinsley and Alan Stripp (eds), Codebreakers: the Inside Story of Bletchley Park,
OUP, 1993.
229 J W P Hirschfeld and G E Wall, Obituary of T G Room,
in ‘Historical Records of Australian Science’ vol. 7, no. 1, 1987.
230 Andrew Hodges, Alan Turing: The Enigma,
231 Andrew Hodges, The Military Use of Alan Turing,
part of Booss-Bavnek (ed) ‘Mathematics and War’, Birkhauser 2003.
232 James Hogarth, An Extraordinary Mixture: Bletchley Park in Wartime,
Mansion Field 2008.
233 Wilfred J Holmes, Double-Edged Secrets: US Naval Intelligence Operations in the Pacific in WW2,
Naval Inst Press, Annapolis, 1978.
234 W Jasper Holmes, Underseas Victory II: 1943–1945: The Tide Turns,
1966, reprinted 1979.
235 Thaddeus Holt, The Deceivers: Allied Military Deception in the Second World War,
New York, Scriber, 2004.
236 William H Honan, Visions of Infamy,
St Martins Press, NY, 1999.
237 William B Hopkins, The Pacific War,
Zenith Press 2008.
238 D M Horner, Special Intelligence in the South-West Pacific Area in World War II,
in journal: ‘Australian Outlook: Journal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs’, 32 (Dec
1978), pages 310–327.
Peter Donovan
5pm 3Apr14
239 D M Horner, Australia and Allied Intelligence in the Pacific in the Second World War,
Canberra, Australian National University, 1980.
240 D M Horner, Crisis of Command,
ANU Press, Canberra, 1978.
241 D M Horner, Defence Supremo,
Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 2000.
242 D M Horner, Blamey: The Commander in Chief,
Allen and Unwin, 1998.
243 David Horner, High Command – Australia and Allied Strategy, 1939–1945,
Allen and Unwin, 1982.
244 Grant Howard, Happy in the Service,
NZ Ex-Wrens Assoc, 1985.
245 Kerry Howard and John Gallehawk, Figuring it out at BP 1939-1945,
Military Press, 2005.
246 George F Howe, American Signals Intelligence in Northwer Africa and Western Europe,
National Security Agency 2010.
247 Hugh Cleland Hoy, 40, O B, or How the War was Won,
Hutchinson, London, 1932.
248 W J Hudson and H J W Stokes, Documents on Australian Foreign Policy 1937-49, volume IV,
AGPS 1980.
249 J Hughes-Wilson, Military Intelligence Blunders,
Constable Publishers, London 1999.
250 Shirley Fenton Huie, Ships Belles: The Story of the WRANS 1941–1985,
Watermark, 2000..
251 Dallas Isom, The Battle of Midway – why the Japanese Lost,
Naval War College review, 2000, vol LIII, number 3.
252 John Jackson (ed), The Secret War of Hut 3,
The Bletchley Archive vol 1 (2002).
253 Philip H Jacobsen, Naval Cryptology and the Battle for Midway: Our Finest Hour,
on (Feb 2004)
254 Philip Jacobsen, Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor? No!: The Story of USN Efforts on JN-25B,
in ‘Cryptologia’ July 2003. 193 sqq.
255 Philip Jacobsen, Security Insurance for the Pearl Harbor Strike Force,
in ‘Int Nat Sec’ Dec 2004. 695–718.
256 Phillip H Jacobsen, The Codebreakers,
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