#1015 Gary A. Ransdell Hall
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 745-4497 rebecca.stobaugh@wku.edu
301 Champions Boulevard
Bowling Green, KY 42104
(270) 393-8346
Ph.D., University of Louisville, 2003
Concentration: K-12 Education Leadership
Dissertation: School reform, principal leadership, and student achievement
Rank I, Western Kentucky University, 2001
Concentration: Administration, Principalship, Level 1 and 2 programs
Instructional Supervisor Certificate, 2005
Superintendent Certificate, 2006
M.A., University of Kentucky, 1998
Concentration: Curriculum and Instruction
Constitutional course work, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
B.A., Georgetown College, 1996
Concentration: Secondary Education with Social Studies Emphasis
Assistant Professor, 2011 to present
Visiting Assistant Professor, 2008-2011
Western Kentucky University
Courses Taught
EDU 250: Introduction to Teacher Education
ELED 465: Senior Projects in Elementary Education
SEC 351: Teaching Strategies for Secondary Schools
EDU 489: Student Teaching Seminar (elementary, secondary and P-12 sections)
TCHL 560: Student Assessment I—Test Validity
TCHL 564: Student Assessment II—Standardized Testing
TCHL 568: Student Assessment III—Classroom Tests and Instruments
Principal , 2004 to 2007
Ohio County Middle School
Ohio County Middle School’s state assessment scores (CATS) increased from a 75 biennium accountability index in
2004 to 88 index in 2007
Initiated professional development: Established school disciplinary rules, aligned curriculum through curriculum mapping, and established monthly content area work sessions to improve instructional strategies and revise assessments
Formed a Curriculum Leadership Team to plan professional learning community meetings and address various curriculum issues; Facilitated a yearly curriculum leadership retreat for school planning
Instituted a two day New Teacher Induction program with follow-up sessions throughout the year
Improved parent relations through Internet accessible grading system, monthly e-mail newsletter, and voicemail system
Social Studies Teacher , 1998 to 2004
Drakes Creek Middle School
Drakes Creek Middle School’s state assessment results (CATS) in social studies improved from 83% to 96% to 100% in 3 years
Social studies scores on CATS ranked 7 th
in the state in 2004
CATS scores: Of my 110 students, 50 were distinguished and 47 were proficient on the social studies section of the state assessment in 2004
Social Studies Teacher , 2006 to 2007
Barren County High School
President, Kentucky ASCD, 2010 to present
Organized two Common Core Symposiums including scheduling keynote speakers, break-out sessions, reserving facilities, and promoting the event, Bowling Green (February, 2011) & Richmond, KY (March, 2011)
Collaborated with Kentucky Association of School Administrators (KASA) to host featured speaker, Dr. Eleanor
Rodriquez, for the 2010 KASA Conference
Served on the Board of Directors as Secretary, 2008-2009
WKU Region Tier III Schools Assistance Team Member, Center for Learning Excellence and School Support, 2010 to present
Support and monitor two middle schools in Tier III consequences due to state assessment results
Conducted 5 trainings on cognitive complex assessments, technology, and higher-level thinking questioning
Faculty Advisor, WKU’s Chapter of ASCD, 2008 to present
Chartered organization on campus, 2008
Planned 16 professional development events since its establishment to enhance teacher candidates’ abilities and collaborate with public school educators
Presented with WKU ASCD students at the national ASCD conference, San Antonio, TX (2010) and San Francisco,
CA (2011)
Collaboratively designed 19 presentations with WKU ASCD student members at 6 different conferences, 2008 to present
Coordinated with Greek organizations and local schools to collect 50 backpacks and school supplies to benefit underprivileged students
Manuscript Reviewer, Middle School Journal , Association for Middle Level Education, 2005 to present
Book Reviewer, Connecting Teaching and Learning, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011
Conference Planning Committee, Kentucky Association of School Administrators, 2005-2007
Member, Kentucky Department of Education Assessment Appeals Panel, 2005
Member and national conference participant, National Middle School Association, 2005 to 2007
Vice President, Kentucky Council for Social Studies, 2003-2004
Member, Core Content Advisory Committee, Kentucky Department of Education, 2002-2004
Selected and wrote assessment items for the Kentucky Core Content Test
Member and national conference participant, National Council for Social Studies, 2000-2004
Refereed Journal Articles
Tassell, J.L., Stobaugh, R.R., & Sheffield, L.J. (2011). Developing middle grades students’ MP3 (Mathematical promise, passion, and perseverance). Parenting for High Potential , 1(2), p. 6-9.
Maxwell, M. G., Stobaugh, R. R., & Tassell, J. L (2011). Analyzing HEAT of lesson plans in pre-service and advanced teacher education. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, 7(1), p. 16-29.
Stobaugh, R. R., Day, M. M., Tassell, J. L., & Blankenship, H. (2011) Boosting cognitive complexity in social studies
assessments . Social Studies and the Young Learner, 23, p. 4-8 .
Stobaugh, R. R. & Tassell, J. L. (2011). Analyzing the degree of technology use occurring in pre-service teacher education.
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 23, p. 143-157. doi:10.1007/s11092-011-9118-2
Stobaugh, R., Tassell, J. T., & Norman, T. (2010). Improving the preparation of pre-service teachers through the Teacher Work
Sample: Exploring assessment and analysis . Action in Teacher Education, 31, p. 39-53.
Stobaugh, R. (2008). Boosting the cognitive complexity in social studies assessments, Southern Social Studies Journal , 34, p. 5-
Stobaugh, R. & Fulkerson, A. (2005). Variety is the spice of life. Southern Social Studies Journal, 30, p. 86-89.
Stobaugh, R. (2004). Economic choices. Southern Social Studies Journal, 30, p. 30-35.
Book Chapters
Tassell, J. L., Stobaugh, R. R., Duvall-Fleming, B., & Harper, C. R. (2010). In Mark Saul (Ed.). Articulation (pp. 25). Reston,
VA: Peak in the Middle. www.nctm.org
Rebecca R. Stobaugh 2
Stobaugh, R. R., McDonald, M. L., & Tassell, J. L. (2010). Student teacher use of technology to facilitate teaching and learning.
In C. Maddux (Ed.), Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2010 (pp. 43-52) . Chesapeake, VA:
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE).
Referred Conference Proceedings
Gandy, S. K. & Stobaugh, R.R. (2011). Avatars, Blabberize, and cell phones: ABC'S of the digital age. Valencia, Spain:
International Technology, Education and Development Conference (Publication #004194).
McDonald, M., Tassell, J., & Stobaugh, R.R. (2011). Student teacher use of technology: A state and national comparison.
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011 (pp. 1-8).
Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Maxwell, M., Constant, M., Stobaugh, R. & Tassell, J. (2011). Developing a HEAT framework for assessing and improving instruction. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011 (pp.
3564-3571). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
P-12 Educational Resources
Stobaugh, R. (2004). World History Curriculum Map. Kentucky Department of Education . http://www.education.ky.gov/KDE/Instructional+Resources/Curriculum+Documents+and+Resources/Teaching+Tools/Curri culum+Maps/Drakes+Creek+MS+7th+Grade+SS+CM.htm
Stobaugh, R. (2000). Character education standards aligned to Core Content, K-12. Warren County Schools.
Papers Under Review
Stobaugh, R., Gandy, S. K., Tassell, J., Montgomery, J., Murley, L., & Jukes, P. Transforming teacher education through alignment, empowerment, and rigorous expectations: Revising the Teacher Work Sample. Assessment and Evaluation in
Higher Education.
McDonald, M., Tassell, J., & Stobaugh, R.R. (2011). Math and science teacher candidates’ use of technology to facilitate teaching and learning during student teaching.
Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations.
Stobaugh, R.R., & Gandy, K. Avatars, Blabberize, and cell phones: ABCs of 21st century skills to teach social studies. Social
Working Research Papers
Houchens, G., Hurt, J., Stobaugh, R. R., & Keedy, J. Instructional rounds: Superintendent impact on school effectiveness.
Stobaugh, R. Engaging learners: The decision making strategy.
Houchens, G., Hurt, J., Stobaugh, R. R., & Keedy, J. Double loop learning: Principal reflections to impact teacher effectiveness.
Stobaugh, R. R., Day, M. M., Sabat, K., & Tassell, J. L. Boosting the cognitive complexity in science assessments.
Tassell, J.L., Stobaugh, R.R., & Day, M. The impact of the UTEACH replications initiative on math and science education and beyond: A case study.
Stobaugh, R.R. & Croney, N. Increasing the cognitive complexity of English assessments.
Maxwell, M.G., Stobaugh, R.R., & Tassell, J. L. Analyzing HEAT of lesson plans in pre-service/advanced teacher education.
Paschetto, K. & Stobaugh, R.R. Increasing the critical thinking in Language Arts classrooms.
Presentation of Papers
Stobaugh, R. R. & Tassell, J.L. (2011, November). Boosting the Cognitive Complexity of Instructional Tasks and
Assessments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, New Orleans,
Stobaugh, R. R., Tassell, J.L., & Day, M. (2011, March). Boosting the cognitive complexity of assessments (selected as a ticketed session). Paper presented at the 2011 ASCD annual conference, San Francisco, CA.
Gandy, S. K. & Stobaugh, R.R. (2011, March). Avatars, Blabberize, and cell phones: ABC'S of the digital age.
Paper presented at the meeting of International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain.
McDonald, M. L., Tassell, J. L., & Stobaugh, R. R. (2011, March). Student teacher use of technology: A state and national comparison . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Information Technology and Teacher
Education International Conference, Nashville, TN.
Maxwell, M. G., Stobaugh, R. R., Tassell, J. L., & Constant, M. (2011, March). Developing a HEAT framework for assessing and improving instruction . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Nashville, TN.
Maxwell, M. G., Stobaugh, R. R., & Tassell, J. L. (2010, June). Analyzing HEAT of lesson plans and Teacher Work Samples in pre-service/advanced teacher education . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for
Technology in Education, Denver, CO.
Rebecca R. Stobaugh 3
McDonald, M. L., Tassell, J. L., & Stobaugh, R. R. (2010, March). Student teacher use of technology to facilitate teaching and learning . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
International Conference, San Diego, CA.
Stobaugh, R., Nash, T., & Atkins, S. (2009, December). Boosting the cognitive complexity of assessments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Conference on Civic Education, Nashville, TN.
Stobaugh, R.R., Tassell, J.L., Murley, L., & Ju kes, P. (2012, February). A Collaborative Approach for Improving a
Culminating Teacher Education Assessment: Revising the Teacher Work Sample.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago, IL.
Stobaugh, R.R., & Gandy, K. (2012, February). Avatars, Blabberize, and cell phones: ABC’s of the Digital Age . Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago, IL.
Stobaugh, R. R. (2011, June). Boosting the cognitive complexity of instructional tasks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of High Schools That Work, Nashville, TN (invited and featured presenter).
Day, M., Stobaugh, R. R., & Tassell, J. L. (2010, December). Boosting the cognitive complexity of science assessments.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Science Teachers Association Area Conference on Science
Education, Nashville, TN.
Tassell, J. & Stobaugh, R. (2010, February). Improving preservice teacher preparation through the Teacher Work Sample:
Exploring assessment and analysis of student learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Atlanta, GA.
Tassell, J. & Stobaugh, R. (2009, October). Improving preservice teacher preparation through the Teacher Work Sample:
Exploring assessment and analysis of student learning.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Evaluation
Institute, Lexington, KY.
Ashby, H.(WKU student) & Stobaugh, R. R. (2011, March). Innovative programs to reach preservice teachers.
Presentation at the 2011 ASCD annual conference, San Francisco, CA.
R. Stobaugh, Bowen, K., Rigdon, L., & Clark, M. (WKU students) (2010, March). Building collaborative partnerships with the community to enhance teacher effectiveness. Presentation at the 2010 ASCD annual conference, San Antonio, TX.
Stobaugh, R.R. (2011, October). Animoto.
TeachMeet, Bowling Green, KY.
Gandy, K. & Stobaugh, R. R. (2011, September). Avatars, Blabberize and cell phones: The ABCs of teaching social studies. Presentation at the annual conference of Kentucky Council for Social Studies, Bowling Green, KY.
Houchens, G. & Stobaugh R.R. (2011, July). Helping principals help teachers: Improving instructional leadership through coaching and self-reflection.
Presentation at the annual conference of KASA Annual Summer Institute, Louisville,
Stobaugh, R.R., Tassell, J.L., Stobaugh, P., & Tassell, D (2010, October). PhotoPeach.
TeachMeet, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. & Croney, N. (WKU student) (2009, September). Active poetry.
Presentation at the annual conference of
Kentucky Reading Association, Louisville, KY.
Stobaugh, R., Croney, N., & Francescon, P. (WKU students) (2009, June). Boosting the cognitive complexity of assessments.
Presentation at the annual conference of Kentucky Association of School Administrators, Annual
Summer Institute, Louisville, KY.
Stobaugh, R. (2009, May). Increasing the cognitive complexity of social studies assessments. Presentation at the Kentucky
Geographic Alliance Pre-Service Teacher Mini-Conference, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. (2003, September). Lesson plan exchange.
Presentation at the annual conference of the Kentucky Council for
Social Studies, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. (2003, September). Correcting instruction.
Presentation at the annual conference of the Kentucky Council for
Social Studies, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. (2003, September). Increasing student motivation.
Presentation at the annual conference of the Kentucky
Council for Social Studies, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. (2002, September). Civil War student documentary. Presentation at the annual conference of the Kentucky
Council for Social Studies, Louisville, KY.
Stobaugh, R. (2012, January). Increasing the Cognitive Complexity of Instructional Tasks and Assessments . Presentation at the WKU FACET training, Bowling Green, KY.
Rebecca R. Stobaugh 4
Stobaugh, R., Vincent, M., & Michael, J . (WKU students) (2011, November). Effective lesson plans . Presentation at the annual meeting of the Future Educators of America Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R., Rich, G., & McMahan, S (2011, November). WKU education program. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Future Educators of America Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. R., Tassell, J.L., & Day, M. M. (2011, October). Increasing the cognitive complexity of science and mathematics assessments . Presentation at the Noyce Scholar-SKyTeach Fall 2011 Seminar Series, Bowling Green,
Stobaugh, R. R. (2011, May). Introduction to the Teacher Work Sample . Presentation at the WKU New Teacher
Orientation, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. R., & Jukes, P., (2011, January). Analyzing the Teacher Work Sample . Presentation at the P-12 Practioner
Training, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. R. (2010, December). Introduction to the Teacher Work Sample . Presentation at the WKU New Teacher
Orientation, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R., & Gamble, E. (WKU student) (2010, November). Effective lesson plans . Presentation at the Future Educators of America Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R., Riggs, B, & Ashby, J. (WKU students) (2010, November). WKU education program.
Presentation at the
Future Educators of America Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. R., Jukes, P., & Murley, L. (2010, August). Examination of Teacher Work Sample . Presentation at the
P-12 Practioner Training, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R., & Graves, L. (WKU student) (2009, November). Effective lesson plans . Presentation at the Future Educators of America Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. & Cook, A. (WKU student) (2009, November). WKU education program. Presentation at the Future
Educators of America Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R., Pippin, J., Mathis, L, & Hendrick, B. (WKU students) (2008, November). Effective lesson plans .
Presentation at the Future Educators of America Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R., Wilshire, F., & Crafton, J. (WKU students) (2008, November). WKU education program. Presentation at the
Future Educators of America Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. (2004, May). Effective teaching strategies.
Warren County district-wide professional development, Bowling
Green, KY.
Stobaugh, R. (2003, May). District social studies content session. Warren County district-wide professional development,
Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Kentucky Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award , 2004
Kentucky Council for Social Studies
Charles Roy Martin Scholarship, 2001 & 2002
James Madison Foundation Fellow : 1997 National Social Studies Teacher awardee
Fully funded by U.S. Congress for pursuit of master’s degree
Included summer term 1998, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Directed Student Learning
Undergraduate Research Supervisor
Chair, Honors thesis committees for two students, 2009 to present
Chair, Kelly Austin thesis, Quality Instruction Create Higher Student Learning, 2009
Chair, Leslie Whitaker thesis, English Standards-Based Unit of Study, 2009 to present
Chair, Kari Paschetto thesis, Technology Infused English Instruction, 2009 to present
Designer, Honors augmentations for two students, 2008 to present
Graduate Advisor
Advise 16 Master of Arts graduate students, 2009 to present
Doctoral Advisory Committee Member
Lynn Hines, 2011 to present
Department Assignments
Program Coordinator
MAE Secondary and Middle Grades program, 2011 to present
Lead revisions to the program and address questions about the program
Rebecca R. Stobaugh 5
Teacher Work Sample Revision Committee, 2009 to present
Communicated regularly with the committee members on each meeting’s objectives and provided information on the progress of task assignments
Established regular committee meetings with a total of 24 meetings
Assisted subgroups as they developed new TWS sections
Developed the initial design for the Learning Goals and Assessment Plan section
Created instructional tools for the newly developed TWS sections, 2010
Planned a question and answer session with the faculty and other disciplines to encourage a rigorous examination of the document and build consensus for approving the final product, 2010
Introduced student teachers to EDU 489 expectations and the redesigned TWS at the Student Teacher Orientation,
December 2010 & May 2011
Created a fictional example of student work based on the new TWS framework and distributed it to the faculty to use as an instructional tool in their classes, 2011
Planned 3 meetings to introduce the revised TWS and collect feedback from P-12 practitioners, 2010-2011
Researcher, TWS Assessment Plan, facilitated two research studies analyzing TWS indicators and professors’ expectations for proficient responses, 2009
Presenter, STE Faculty Meeting, explained TWS Assessment Plan research findings and newly developed instructional tools to improve student success, 2009
Organized a reliability study with WKU faculty and practitioners, December 2010
Chairperson, Action Research Course Development Committee, created and defended Action Research course proposal for redesigned master’s program, 2008-2009
Chairperson, Middle Grades and Secondary Education faculty in creating program revisions for Secondary MAE, Secondary
Rank II, Middle School MAE, and Middle School Rank II programs, 2010
Developer, Secondary and Middle Grades Curriculum Contracts for MAE program, 2011
Committee Member
Committee Member, Redesigned Masters of Arts in Education program
Committee Member, Proficiency Evaluation Team, 2011
Developer, TCHL 558 proficiency evaluation, 2011
Committee Member, Critical Performance for TCHL 530, 2010-2011
Committee Member, Critical Performance Revision Committee, TCHL 550/554/558, 2010-2011
Committee Member, Critical Performances Committee for TCHL 550/554/558, 2009
Committee Member, Selection Committee, Secondary math professor position, 2011
Proposal Writer, Module for Grant for Fulbright Program, Preparing Teachers that Produce Learning , 2010
Co-Author, Assessment Report for MAE program, 2010
Co-Author, Secondary Assessment Report, 2009
Committee Member, MAT Conceptual Team, 2009
Committee Member, Master’s Redesign Team, 2008
Representative for School of Teacher Education
School of Teacher Education Representative, Clinical Practices training, 2011 to present
Steering Committee Member, NCATE, collect and organize data for upcoming NCATE accreditation, 2008-2010
Department Representative, College of Education Vision Statement Development Committee, 2009
Department Representative, College Mission Statement Development Committee, 2008
Student Recruiter, represented department at 4 job fairs, 2008 to present
WKU Career Fair, October 3, 2011
WKU Career Fair, 2010
WKU Career Fair, 2009
K-12 Public School Service
Instructional Rounds Member, Franklin-Simpson Middle School, February 2011
Faculty Co-Sponsor, Odyssey of the Mind, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 school years
Initiated a collaborative project with McNeil Elementary, 10 elementary school students and their parents, and 5 WKU pre-service teachers to create a team of students to compete in a regional creative thinking competition
Teacher Educator, Kentucky Educational Professional Standards Board, 2007 to present
Supervised 15 interns in Logan, Simpson, and Warren counties
Reviewed each intern’s three lessons plans throughout the year and gave feedback prior to the lesson
Rebecca R. Stobaugh 6
Observed each intern’s three lessons throughout the year and led a post-observation conference with the intern discussing their successes and potential areas for improvement
Participated in four meetings per intern throughout the year to discuss their professional growth
Provided resources to interns based on their individual needs
Accreditation Team Member, SACS / AdvancED Quality Assurance Team to Radcliff Middle School, 2008-2009
K-12 Consulting
Breckinridge County Middle School, Kentucky (2010-2012)
Conducted trainings: o Boosting the cognitive complexity of instructional assessments training (2011, March) o Integrating technology into higher level thinking tasks (2011, May)
Evaluated school quarterly measures of performance to meet targeted goals and provided suggestions to modify plan to meet intended targets
Radcliff Middle School, Kentucky (2011-2012)
Conducted trainings: o Understanding the foundations of Bloom’s revised cognitive taxonomy (2011, July) o Developing higher-order thinking questions (2011, July) o Critical thinking implementation check (2011, November)
James T. Alton Middle School, Kentucky (2011-2012)
Conducted training: Boosting the cognitive complexity of instructional assessments training (2011, May)
Bowling Green Junior High School, Kentucky (2010-2012)
Evaluated school quarterly measures of performance to meet targeted goals and provided suggestions to modify plan to meet intended targets
Toyota Math and Technology Leadership Academy (2010 to present)
Conducted training: o Boosting the cognitive complexity of instructional assessments training (2011, April)
Provided assistance in developing courses for program
Program Organizer
Basics on Interactive White Boards, 2011
Planned a professional development with Terri Stice from GRECC demonstrating how to use the boards to WKU preservice teachers and professors
Applying the Common Core Standards for Literacy in the Content Areas: Strategies You Can Use Right Now , 2011
Planned a professional development session for middle and secondary teacher candidates to learn how to implement the literacy standards in their classes
Real Teachers Responses to Classroom Management Challenges Panel Presentation, 2008, 2009, 2010, & 2011
Invited public school educators to share their experiences on how to proactively address classroom management issues
Effectively Integrating Technology into Daily Instruction, 2008 & 2011
Planned a professional development session demonstrating innovative uses of technology to preservice teachers
WKU Alumni Panel Presentation, 2010 & 2011
Invited WKU alumni from the School of Teacher Education to address WKU preservice teachers questions concerning successfully completing their first year of teaching
Patrice McCrary Lecture , 2010
Organized featured presentation with a national teacher of the year to speak with WKU preservice teachers and
Kentucky ASCD members
Collaboratively worked with Kentucky ASCD to host a reception in her honor and provide an informal opportunity for educators to ask questions about new developments in education
Math and Science Expo Night, 2009
Collaboratively worked with WKU professors, Cumberland Trace Elementary School, and community members to plan an event with experiential science and math activities for students and informational sessions for parents
Over 400 elementary students and parents attended the event
Meeting the Diverse Needs of Students, 2009
Organized 14 sessions with public school educators and WKU professors presenting on topics such as multicultural literacy, ESL student needs, and elementary/secondary strategies to support diverse learners
Over 80 participants attended the various sessions
Bully Prevention Strategies , 2009
Sponsored national speaker and author who identified strategies to prevent bullying in public schools
Regional Best Practices Symposium for Middle School Teachers , 2009
Collaborated with WKU Teacher Services, SEC 453 students, and Kentucky ASCD to organize an event honoring regional middle school teachers and provided time for them to share their effective instructional practices
Regional Best Practices Symposium for High School Teachers , 2009
Rebecca R. Stobaugh 7
Collaborated with WKU Teacher Services to organize an event honoring regional high school teachers and provided time for them to share their effective instructional practices
Regional Best Practices Symposium for Elementary Education Teachers , 2008
Collaborated with WKU Teacher Services to organize an event honoring regional elementary school teachers and provided time for them to share their effective instructional practices
Conference Attendance
International Society for Technology in Education, Denver, CO, 2012
ASCD 2012 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PN, 2012
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago, IL, 2012
AdvancED/UK College of Education 2011 Innovation Summit, Lexington, 2011
Assessment Summit: Ahead of the Curve, Atlanta, GA, 2011
National Association of Gifted Children, New Orleans, LA, 2011
TeachMeet, Bowling Green, KY, 2011
Kentucky Council for Social Studies, Bowling Green, KY, 2011
High Schools That Work, Nashville, TN, 2011
WKU School of Teacher Education Summer Conference, 2011
International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2011
ASCD 2011 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2011
National Science Teachers Association Area Conference on Science Education, Nashville, TN, 2011
TeachMeet, Bowling Green, KY, 2010
International Society for Technology in Education, Denver, CO, 2010
ASCD 2010 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2010
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Atlanta, GA, 2010
International Conference on Civic Education, Nashville, TN, 2009
National Evaluation Institute, Lexington, KY , 2009
Kentucky Reading Association, Louisville, KY, 2009
Kentucky Association of School Administrator’s Summer Institute, Louisville, KY, 2009
Continuing Education Program
Enhancing the Spirit, August 2010
Engaging the Spirit, August 2009
Engaging the Spirit, August 2008
Professional Development
Interactive White Board Training, November 11, 2011
Rafe Esquith: Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire, November 8, 2011
Applying the Common Core Standards for Literacy in the Content Areas: Strategies You Can Use Right Now,
November 7, 2011
Creating Authentic Assessment, September 12, 2011
Blackboard Update, August 11, 2011
Tegrity Training, August 2, 2011
Quality Matters Training, Reviewed my online courses for “Quality Matters” status, June 13, 2011
Senate Bill #1 Information Workshop, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, April 21, 2011
Making a Difference: The Kentucky Educational Leadership Doctoral Symposium, March 31, 2011
Microteaching, FACET training, March 23, 2011
Differentiation Instructional Training, Dr. Carol Tomlinson, February 24, 2011
How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them, Erin Gruwell,
November 30, 2010
New Common Core Standards: Changes You Must Make to Secure Funding, November 30, 2010
Instructional Rounds, Dr. Gary Houchens, November 16, 2010
Adobe Shop Pro, October, 29, 2010
Ruby Payne: A Framework for Understanding Poverty, October 27, 2010
What is It About Me You Can’t Teach, July 21, 2010
Preparing Thinkers for a Changing World, March 18, 2010
Importance of Differentiation, Dr. Carol Tomlinson, February 2009
Rebecca R. Stobaugh 8
Building Capacity for Implementing and Sustaining Professional Learning Community, January 20-21, February 24-25,
March 24-25, 2009
Critical Thinking Training, August 21-22, 2008
CEBS Technology Training, August 20, 2008
Sponsored Research (2011 to present). Reliability Research on TWS . R. Stobaugh, J. Montgomery, L. Murley, & P. Jukes
$20,000 to assess reliability of Teacher Work Sample.
Evaluation Consultant (2011 to present). Toyota Math and Technology Leadership Academy.
Grant by WKU Teaching Resource Faculty Committee (2011). R. Stobaugh awarded professional development grant for $1,400 to attend national assessment conference, implement WKU professional development session for FACET, and write an article to be profiled in FACET’s publications.
Principal Investigator, TNE Learning Network Clinical Experience Cross-Site Visit (2011). Academy for Educational
Development grant awarded $6,000 for clinical visits at Indiana State University, Arizona State University, and Montclair
State Universities to evaluate field experiences. The group attended the national conference meeting at Washington, D.C. to compile information and make recommendations on best practices in regards to clinical experiences. Team members were discussants for the Arizona State University’s Induction session.
Grant by WKU Science Alliance (2009). R. Stobaugh and V. Metzgar awarded $1000 to implement a Science and Math Expo with at a local elementary school to increase interest among elementary and middle school students.
Sponsored Research (2009), Qualitative Research on TWS.
R. Stobaugh and J. L. Tassell awarded $3210 to design a new template for TWS Assessment Plan section.
Sponsored Research (2009), Qualitative Research on TWS . R. Stobaugh and J. L. Tassell awarded $3210 to research reliability of faculty scoring of the TWS.
Richpond Baptist Church, 2002 to present
Member, Personnel Committee, 2009 to present
Sunday School Substitute Teacher, 2002 to present
Organize community service projects, 2007 to present
Responsible for registration and teacher, Vacation Bible School, 2007 to 2009
Teacher, Girls in Action , 2007-2010
Planned and implemented weekly activities with local elementary school students to learn about international people groups
Organized five service projects per year positively impacting local, state, and international groups
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