IM IIIIIIrl rrll IIIII fill Iflll Ilrrf IIIII IIrF IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIJ IIII rfllfl IIIII IIII rill USFC2006-3121-04 {2FEAE438-7DB9-4BF8-BOB3-F9AAB279DDC4} {70879} {32-060606:133038} {052506} REPLY BRIEF (P) 06-3121 _niteb _tates _ourt ___or _l_e _'eberal of Appeals (_ircuit THOR WEATHERBY, III,__/(__ Petitioner, Vt DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Respondent. PETITION FOR REVIEW OF THE MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD IN SF0842050195-I-2. REPLY BRIEF OF PETITIONER FOL_ W. Craig James MAUK & BURGOYNE 515 South Post 6th Street Office Box 1743 Boise, Idaho (208) 345-2654 Counsel May 2 5 2006 for THE 83701-1743 Petitioner LEX (202) Dated: GROUP 955-0001 • I)c (800) • 1750 K Street, 815-3791 • Fax: N.W. • Suite (202) 955-0022 475 • Washington, • May 25, 2006 D.C. 20006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa._Ag_e. TABLE OF AUTHORITIES I. INTRODUCTION II. REPLY .................................................................................... .......................................................................................... ARGUMENT 1 .................................................................................... Pre-FERS Petitioner's B. The Bifurcation of Petitioner's Initial Electronic Mechanic Position Was Error ............................................................................... Defective Under "Fire fighter" Mechanic CSRS ........................ Definition Position (2) 5 .................................................................... 8 10 "directly connected with the control and extinguishment of fires" ..................................................................................... 11 "sufficiently 14 Petitioner's Secondary CONCLUSION 2 To is Regardless of Whether Petitioner's Initial Electronic Mechanic Position is Bifurcated, it Qualifies as Firefighter Service Under FERS ................................................................................................... (1) E. Qualifies The Application of the FERS Petitioner's Initial Electronic Constitutionally D. Service 2 A. C. III. ii rigorous..." Post-July Service .......................................................... 21, 1997 Specialist Positions Qualify .............................................................................. ............................................................................................. CERTIFICATE OF FILING AND SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE for 15 16 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Pa ets CASES: Bishop v. Ward, 42 U.S. Conner 341, v. Office of Personnel 104 F.3d Dandridge U.S. Cir. Orleans 427 6, 8 25 L. Ed. 2d 491 (1970) ............................... 10 Cir. 1991) ................................................................ 2, 3, 4 389 (1940) ........................................................................................ U.S. of the Interior, 638 (2005) 297 (1976) v. Office .................................................................................. ........................................................................................ of Personnel 1014 v. Department 262 F.3d 1292 CONSTITUTIONAL CONST. 7 4 v. Dukes, 25 F.3d U.S. .................................................................. Management, Obremski v. Office of Personnel 699 F.2d 1263 (D.C. Cir. Watson 9 Co. v. Helvering, v. Department Perske 1997) 90 S. Ct. 1153, 898 (Fed. 98 M.S.P.R. New ................................... Management, of Personnel F.2d 308 U.S. Henry (Fed. 471, v. Office 930 Haggar 1344 48 L. Ed. 2d 684 (1974) v. Williams, 397 Felzien 96 S. Ct. 2074, amend. (Fed. Management, 1983) ...................................................................... 9 1 Management, Cir. 1994) .................................................................. 1, 12 ................................................................ 7, 12 of the Navy, (Fed. Cir. 2001) PROVISION: V .............................................................................................. 8 STATUTES: 5 U.S.C. § 8331(21) 5 U.S.C. § 8401, 5 U.S.C. § 8401(14) 5 U.S.C. § 8402 5 U.S.C. § 8402(b) .................................................................................................. etseq .............................................................................................. .......................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... 2 5 11, 14 6 8 REGULATIONS: 5 C.F.R. § 842.802 .................................................................................................. 5 C.F.R. § 842.803(b)(ii) 5 C.F.R. § 842.809(b) ........................................................................................... .......................................................................................... 14 9 7, 14 OTHER: 1948 U.S. S. Rep. No. Code Cong. 99-166 & Ad. News 2276 ................................................................ ........................................................................................ iii 6 6, 11, 14 I. INTRODUCTION The parties standards of review. application novo. 1983). work the Board evidence. issues presents case are questions also the decision below which of law issues Fire this the define Service. F.2d regarding With respect may and decide 1268 the to de (D.C. nature these if unsupported 25 F.3d the firefighter 1263, fact Management, and interpretation the Court 699 of Petition Petitioner's which will not be sustained of Personnel by involving Management, presents Alaska v. Office issues terms of Personnel presented of factual by substantial 1014, 1017 (Fed. 1994). Here, applies the parties to Petitioner's 1987. Mr. Weatherby cannot be bifurcated parties diverge (WG-2604) that case These with Perske on the and regulatory v. Office This Petitioner's Cir. This eligibility. Obremsla" issues, agree of statutory retirement Cir. hereto the coverage given service as to what on whether for that different Petitioner's enhanced overwhelmingly the rigorous statutory as of the date maintains into qualifies record diverge FERS his service retirement eligibility effective criteria. under duties his FERS. connected Petitioner with at that Moreover, Mechanic qualification or FERS) on January he held in the Electronic establishes and hazardous became (CSRS in the position retirement service definition for 1, time the position maintains firefighter fire suppression. II. A. Petitioner's The CSRS "fire fighter work definition connected maintenance and §8331(21). FERS definition. Here, that this service work done in [Felzien 1991)] to satisfy Felzien Petitioner's and The fall an deployed equipment arduous were had issued fitness case an electronics and funded and clause job duties. to fight fires. in fire to be level. ("AJ") even to the work Management, is error. worked This efforts in clothing Felzien and gear court the and found Federal (Fed. similar were that Both JA, p. work to in the spring fire season. Felzien required this Cir. specifically summer terrain. the that "the 898 equipment during precarious U.S.C. Petitioner's by the maintained the than conceding very on electronic was 5 stringent F.2d a or of firefighter." performing equipment .... " found 930 from Felzien fires rejected though definition installed The is less that to perform of equipment of the CSRS suppression firefighter and definition, technician, Both are primarily definition is similar provides extinguishment Judge of Personnel Petitioner's primary Petitioner that the CSRS at fires the second was and CSRS service position apparatus the CSRS v. Office To distinguish control the Administrative met Under firefighter of whose firefighting by the [Petitioner] Circuit designed the concedes Qualifies primary the duties of Petitioner ARGUMENT Service for with use claim 15. Pre-FERS is an employee, directly REPLY position and to maintain met the hazardous physical demand and this Court should do likewise The decision primary fres. below Of significance AJ also Petitioner's work for CSRS here with respect is based primary firefighter on the erroneous to the AJ was his finding address conclusion that Petitioner's found duties that that the position the use of electronic the hazardous and equipment physically or after the fire season. demanding Felzien Imposing a requirement line to qualify or regulatory for CSRS regard, required 1997. enough engaging of of the JA, p. 14. It is true that Petitioner to be near the fire line. must be performed or FERS is supported coverage JA, p. 13. and that much that the job duties in an effort for fire fighter the AJ utilized Thirty-five required ("PD") necessary, 930 F.2d solely nowhere at 899. on the fire in the statutory scheme. Likewise, number was only of nature did not work on the fire line, but he did work inside the fire line when whereas number description at fires." were not on the front line of a fire fight was done before coverage to Petitioner. duties were not done in the field or were not done at a sufficient did "not specifically The requirements To conclude coverage Petitioner's fire incidents are listed that Petitioner fires to qualify to count for firefighter Hearing fires as if there was an arbitrary is error and unsupported Exhibit on this record did not assume coverage by law. In this B to count fires. from of 1986 to July of enough contradicts June JA, p. 76-77. risk by not working the ruling in Felzien: on The House exposed Report to some maintenance the two the clauses they statute [defining an employee risk - that at 902. argued that clause rejected Mechanic p. 15. states position This that services..." Environment evidence Board "did position JA, pp. sections clarifying 98 M.S.P.R. the reading of the disqualifies assume enough firefighter extinguished fires - purposes. not has the under This line created "for fire PD, duties, section suppression, with the it is apparent SE- incorrectly and the equipment use" directly was summarily PD for the Electronic extinguishment the Physical together No. here. the introduction Considering job that and agency of reasoning applied the control Docket the "maintenance that he "used" concluded In the 53 & 64. the actual (2005)(Table), but inexplicably true. of this MSPB prove of fires. address was of the Interior, to qualify he must here not not a front-line primary 638 Henry in Henry, is simply the and v. Department suppression" the not jobs, that not collapse in the original). definition, by the Board Finally, he was controlled for Kevin and CSRS] the emphasizes firefighting he did one of the statute's in order in the "control because not Report any be under does Senate under must even that accordingly, is, because aft'd, of the CSRS but of most solely in Henry 0831-04-0139-I-1, employees qualify The firefighter (Emphasis Similarly, one. entail; personally that to clause, demands disregards 930 F.2d use into hazards imply hazard and physical who does of fires." of the PD, and it clearly related support and Working Demands uncontradicted that JA, Petitioner's testimonial pre-FERS service qualifies the Board under the CSRS definition in this regard B. The Bifurcation of Position Was Error Petitioner served July 21, 1985 through service 1987 and FERS on January magically excluded. changed firefighting Petitioner However, position December 31, position. This is in harmony et seq. currently qualify should First, the statues for FERS primary bifurcation to the service prior FERS from of this to January became into the FERS that the definitions definitions to apply with the FERS Respondent's coverage position 1, effective system from of "fire fighter" an employee holding an matter. continue when applicable until statutory the same position. 5 his he changed structure. argument position under 5 U.S.C. CSRS "firefighter" he continued on to a different that Petitioner he did qualify even though to the new FERS definitions in time he was a qualified in time was unqualified in exactly the Second, At one moment same duties to conclude are silent as to whether held positions. absurdity. moment 1986 criteria 1, 1987 so as to exclude that of Mechanic Mechanic The AJ approved were mandated is another contends The holding Electronic This was done because employees on January Initial in his first Electronic CSRS thereafter. 1, 1987; federal unless existing criteria Petitioner's 19, 1988. applying coverage. be reversed. continuously November into two parts; CSRS must therefore of firefighter to perform §8401, apply to does not creates an and the next exactly the Notwithstanding interpretation of employees reflects the exclusions FERS in new this idea applicability positions, by expecting Paragraph with (15) than present under This review requests to be treated authorize the usage will and p. 40, young more position actually No. 99-166, old an employee that expects an position where and restrictive The committee of this definition or prospectively: a as a firefighter rational employees S. Rep. require is law. every new to mean that the most agency and only an employee directly participate in activities. added.) to did Office of Moreover, establish apply FERS, to new largely service basis." Petitioner The U.S. benefits that were service at the for new people Cong. stroke dramatically "to 1344, enter News CSRS, of positions. this 2276. but it was Congress employees. 1345 for firefighters & Ad. has been than government F.3d retirement young Code definition" a review 104 of enhanced did; his federal notion CSRS Management, to encourage 1948 restrictive after to supplant the purpose has been a "more employees Personnel officers retirement duties definition FERS v. 'fire fighter' .... firefighting enacted a review to make §8402, covers OPM individuals will it 1, 1987. vigorous OPM that as of January firefighting in that position meant is defines rigorous that (Emphasis set out in 5 U.S.C. (Fed. had Conner Cir. 1997). and law enforcement vital work This on a career- is precisely what a career. of midnight alerted on January by the operation 1, 1987 of a new Petitioner's law to his existing position is irrational. A reading of a statute that "would lead to absurd results is to be avoided when [it] can be given a reasonable application consistent with [its] words and with the legislative purpose." Haggar U.S. 389, of significance §842.809(b). Firefighters the language date suggests FERS definition 1988. Thus, for fire fighter positions; service not under As approach F.3d receive credit that the date an became is to be effective only CSRS argued, must for CSRS subject Petitioner on January to new to position l, 1987, positions that service qualified performed This subject to the on November but the new or new as 5 C.F.R. [FERS]". did not become Mechanic positions Court firefighter approach. FERS provision: definition employees firefighter 19, in old retirement definition. the 2001). transitional becomes is flexible. filled the former by the Board, under employee applied to already Cir. is the CFR he left his Electronic to determining position-oriented issue which FERS (Fed. on this on until initially 1292 approved 308 394 (1940). Also "before Co. v. Helvering, has approved eligibility. Petitioner's The artificial therefore the Watson interpretation bifurcation be reversed. Board's position-oriented v. Department is in created of Navy, accord with by the Agency, 262 this and C. The Application of Petitioner's Initial Constitutionally Assuming employee The definition of firefighter have years five are included short. under takes away vested relevance qualified definition under CSRS, qualifying service those do not are not excluded, that of the January above, employees. Id. applying creates and those to such a new two an To is existing an application more classifications that stands respect protection changing as argued by Petitioner cited 1344 1, 1987 by arbitrarily rights authority at 1345. and equal to enhanced created Cir. in this for the Conner under service point 1997). case, cross-over to the property retirement on this (Fed. to the issues mentioned right FERS 1, 1987 property 104 F.3d With position the on January classification Management, process Definition Position restrictive - those do not. Those even if only that that do one day §8402(b). only time apply of summarily FERS, Respondent's tenuous to effect of CSRS 5 U.S.C. The meant an existing is unconstitutional. "Firefighter" Mechanic Defective Congress holding the FERS Electronic point idea does not the Fifth RB, FERS address pp. CSRS was definitions initial v. Office 10-11. Conner between was brief. Conner Petitioner's has not working to The of Personnel and FERS. meant also only at the Conner, apply to constitutional as new due Amendment. deprivation under in his is Conner at best. that statutory CSRS claim, when Petitioner he is found looses to not a vested qualify for the same right under FERS out of employment relationships 341, 96 S. Ct. 2074, Government certainly action would 1, 1987. in a variety among although the most 'fundamental' important of personal New Orleans interests Bishop "A person's not be likely to affect." Property of ways. 48 L. Ed. 2d 684 (1974). employment, ranks as of January v. Ward, interest as the 42 U.S. in continued law concerns v. Dukes, may arise now stands, that Government 427 U.S. 297, 322-323 (1976). Thus, primary under as of January service FERS.I which this loss. sought a transfer law. Those retirement he arbitrarily This constitutes contest Equally If Petitioner to a position important, who benefit has no reasonable have i The net effect without years qualified of or administrative qualifies involved get basis. to statutory ever meeting service positions. 5 C.F.R. to have protection their of "firefighter" or classification has some 'reasonable the classification 'is not is to completely requirement prior to being eligible firefighter he could equal interpretation the threshold afforded at the time, in 1987. retain because of CSRS as a "firefighter" or hearing violates "If the classification simply days of this taking, under FERS, service 498 who do not lose it. This distinction of the Respondent's firefighter amassed any notice had been given notice the Constitution Mr. Weatherby's years of qualifying supervisory five had lost if he no longer the classification or rational it does not offend Petitioner a taking which and those basis', foreclose 1, 1987, to transfer to complete to approved §842.803(b)(ii). 3 made with mathematical Dandridge v. Williams, (1970). Here, completely 397 it is not arbitrary restrictive or because in practice 471,485, 90 S. Ct. U.S. just with eligibility existing nicety a matter no rational requirements, definition applicable does not the just the attack application already holding eligible positions eligible position should be deemed position. As noted above, approach purposes - encouraging of FERS D. Regardless Position FERS Petitioner 19, an a existing inequity'" 25 L. Ed. 2d 491 The supporting to 1988. Mechanic However, qualifies as those goal of enacting of these new but not others. FERS classification change to position that is a more held by an regardless for enhanced restrictive until to some those that employees working employee is not only but eligibility in a CSRS moves in conformity promotes one out of with the of the key in firefighting. Petitioner's it Qualifies the CSRS position All eligibility, a career more requirements eligible to firefighter of Whether is Bifurcated, maintains Electronic Petitioner duties 1161, inequity. this interpretation position-oriented initial basis 1153, in some employee. Petitioner that of some it results Initial Electronic Mechanic as Firefighter Service Under defnition held of which fire fighter that: 10 from applies July definition, retirement. 21, to his full service 1985 CSRS FERS through November or FERS, defines in his applies. "firefighter" (i) are primarily to perform work directly connected with the control and extinguishment of fires; and are sufficiently rigorous that employment of opportunities should be limited to young and physically vigorous individuals... (ii) 5 U.S.C. §8401(14). (1) "directly To duties 166 qualify under are connected emphasized position will (emphasis fire the does the duties in the BLM PD not place done idea that the and that the control the and extinguishment employee must and extinguishment FERS definition directly show should in be of fires" that of fires. participate Petitioner's support Alaska Service, job major duties of installing field Fire addresses these Electronic and related his primary S. Rep. used No. "where firefighting in difficult Demands section loading, unloading equipment had to be done created duties, skills maintaining terrain of from the 99that activities" to 100 11 and created Petitioner's as part of its fire responsibilities, here is field pounds. (Id.). work. were or anticipated requirement or mountaintops was pp. 63-66. equipment a fire the position position The context out up helicopters this electronic sets weighing JA, required in or around PD Mechanic services..." in any context. and Physical unloading criteria, the control actually suppression This primary with added). employer, service. this with It is undisputed "for connected but The routinely fire. The of "frequently" This loading and Furthermore, the Working context where these approximately time, weather was terrain Petitioner did were section of the PD sheds performed. of the time; performed in stable p. 66. duties 50 percent work Conditions outside however, "under to extremely not go to work Work during conditions cold, windy every day of the time because the equipment on high terrain so it could be used in a fire situation. install Electronic equipment, It is hard the designed how duties these by the above In addition, this cited Court actual duties performed. (Fed. Cir. 2001); Perske (Fed. Cir. 1994). The between Petitioner's 90 to 95 percent 1995, time he had assigned been position, specifically to imagine contemplated Mechanic v. Office primary of Petitioner's assigned to actual fires. that duties time for fire primary building JA, - he worked had to be installed purpose was or existence of to provide suppression and in the field. "fire fighting duties v. Department of Personnel uncontradicted pleasant activities" as Report. has held Watson mild, of the on mountaintops..." The do not constitute Senate from the PD above, used indoors 50 percent he maintained under and varying in an office much as to the performed the other weather outdoors Petitioner's was light record and here fire was to 29 fire incidents JA, p. 48. determined 262 Management, 25 F.3d establishes the direct activities. on fire-related and estimated It is true that 12 also of the Navy, suppression spent are the fire F.3d 1292 1014, 1017 connection For assignments; over season by 4,000 example, as of hours of is limited to the summer months; however, Petitioner spent considerable time each spring and winter servicing and repairing the permanent electronic backbone system in the field. This field work was done on high places - mountaintops - via helicopters. This work was also done in the summer when Petitioner was assigned to a fire. Again, this work was "directly connected with" fire fighting activity. JA, pp. 104, 111-112. As mentioned above, the AJ erred by interpreting the FERS criteria of "connected with the control and extinguishment of fires" as requiring work on or inside the fire line. This lead the Board to simply count fire events. JA, pp. 17-18. Not only was the counting of fires erroneous, but it was based on an interpretation of Petitioner's fire incident history unsupported anywhere in the record. This fire history, JA, p. 76, lists 35 fire incidents from June of 1986 to July of 1997. The "OP" in this listing reflects fourteen to sixteen hour shifts in the field. JA, p. 104. In short, the AJ and the Respondent seek to convince this Court that in order for Petitioner to fulfill the first prong of the FERS test of primary duties, the equipment maintained and installed must have been maintained and installed exclusively on a fire of the phrase "directly connected have would so. and To the line. with have contrary, This the control limited this is far too an interpretation and extinguishment this test criteria narrow to direct embraces 13 fire line a broader of fires". activity reach, Congress if it intended that could to do is, "firefighting activities" S. Rep. "fire fighting 99-166, activities" extinguishment and rigorous Petitioner's therefore primary directly duties connected to were the necessary control and of fires. (2) "sufficiently Under p. 40. rigorous..." FERS, an employee to qualify must also show that these duties were sufficiently for an enhanced fire fighter retirement. This the Petitioner can easily do. "Rigorous" regulations, qualified same 5 C.F.R. meaning in either However, as a rigorous under both CSRS statute, physically oriented vigorous". by the young objective The point rigorous career duties position. and FERS. Thus, that retirement program. is that qualifying firefighter service This §842-809(b), under opportunities as this would et seq., or CSRS the term "rigorous" Rigorousness not mean vigorous §8401(14), 5 C.F.R. of the enhanced for the Alaska has been does and vigorous, such that young, opportunity. working This 5 U.S.C. under if the duties are such that employment performed work §842.802. duty suffices satisfied and is not defined the either are "limited duties could has the statute to young only requires employees would the performance be attracted what happened Fire Service since July of 1984 - 22 years to date. to Petitioner. The fact that he has been 14 be fly in the face of the career is exactly his career. is fit enough of to this He has been to work This as an Electronic Mechanic submits that young duties and vigorous The ample most fire maintenance repair work the or temporary E. his specialist following nor the Petitioner issue Respondent never are error such the hazard done in the of a nearby - every brief fire. year. by All These were nature Ely was Petitioner's 92-93. same that only The spring with of this was work duties and its perhaps during environment not of the to the record of Gregory pp. Petitioner rigorous rigorous cites faced JA, him. in this position. as to the initial be reviewed. was sufficiently a career evidence against the and the fall same done on a of an emergency, 21, 1997 Specialist Positions Qualify for Service to his arguments positions Petitioner's been the testimony Post-July Secondary defers not be held nature. Petitioner's Petitioner to danger basis seek with respect and and recurring have However, should regular incidental point. and without position Petitioner's work but should would position. with hazards of 1997 is replete on this succinct summer in this here Mechanic support July applicants record Electronic the his until held after primary has July service addressed transferred for the reasons in his initial from 1997 qualify as an Electronic the primary argued 21, brief merits service; above. 15 of this their with respect for secondary Mechanic. issue to whether on respective coverage Neither the premise positions the AJ that on this III. Based Petitioner this matter DATED: upon the respectfully be remanded May foregoing, requests that for further CONCLUSION and such the final other matters decision as may of the Board proceedings. 23, 2006. Respectfully 515 South Post Office 6 th Street Box Boise, Idaho (208) 345-2654 Attorneys 16 submitted, 1743 83701-1743 for Petitioner arise herein, be reversed and CERTIFICATE I hereby the foregoing certify Brief addressed Roger David AND SERVICE that on this 25th day of May, 2006, Reply Transportation, OF FILING of Petitioner were two (2) bound served, via copies LIPS of Ground to the following: Hipp M. Cohen Deborah A. Bynum DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1100 L Street, N.W. Room 12072 Washington, DC (202) 305-0277 20530 Counsel for Respondent I further (11) Clerk, copies instructions that on this 25th day of May, 2006, of the Reply United The certify Brief of Petitioner States Court of Appeals necessary filing and given me by counsel were hand-filed for the Federal service the original were and eleven at the Office of the Circuit. performed in accordance with the in this case. _y , .,,_jf2 /.7 Justin M_" THE LEN GROU0<_--.--------'_'-"1750 K Street, N.W. Suite 475 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 955-0001 ..... CERTIFICATE 1. Appellate This Procedure o 2. brief The complies OF COMPLIANCE with the type-volume limitation of Federal Rule of 32(a)(7)(B). brief contains 3,554 exempted by Federal Rule This complies brief Appellate Procedure 32(a)(5) Appellate Procedure 32(a)(6). ® This brief Microsoft with and the words, excluding of Appellate the typeface type style the Procedure parts of the 32(a)(7)(B)(iii). requirements requirements of Federal Rule of of Federal Rule of has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface Word 2002 in 14 font size, Times New Roman. W. Craig Attorney Date: Ja'-_s J for _ppellant May brief 23, 2006 using