IIIIII IIIIIIII IIII IIIII III IIIII IIIII IIIII lUl IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIII IIIII IIII IIII USFC2006-1168-08 {D97D4B66-3EF0-4389-B5B8-55F210133203} {70883}{32-060622 181051}{061206} JOINT APPENDIX Volume III, Pages JA0730 - JA1052 06-1168 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS DESA FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT IP, LLC Plaintiff-Appellant V. and COSTCO dUN. WHOLESALE CORPORATION j_, Defendants-Appellees APPEAL MIDDLE FROM THE UNITED DISTRICT STATES OF TENNESSEE JUDGE ALETA JOINT DISTRICT IN CASE A. TRAUGER APPENDIX COURT NO. FOR 3:04-CV-0160 '/_b_o_ _ 2 2006 F THE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CERTIFIED U.S. DOCKET PATENT NO. STIPULATION TRANSCRIPT MASTER RULING ....................................................... .......................................................................... MARKMAN HEARING ....................................... ................................................................................................. TO COMPLAINT CORPORATION ANSWER LLC STATEMENT OF STEVEN STATEMENT OF MARK STATEMENT STATEMENT JA0016 JA0028 JA0032 JA0059 JA0066 JA0081 JA0082 JA0092 BY ........................................................................ B. CARLSON JA0099 .................................................. JA0106 J. PATTERSON .................................................. JA0135 OF WILLIAM C. RAPER ..................................................... JA0151 OF THOMAS J. PAULUS ..................................................... JA0164 OF FILING JOINT .................................................. TO COMPLAINT TECHNOLOGIES JA0001 BY WHOLESALE AMENDED WITH ................................................................ ................................................................................................ ANSWER NOTICE ...................................................................... CHART FOLLOWING COSTCO ................................................................... OF JUDGMENT CLAIM COMPLAINT EML 5,598,066 OF JUDGE'S SCHEMATIC ORDER SHEET OF THE APPENDIX JOINT APPENDIX ............................................................................. JA0190 EVANS JA0730 STATEMENT OF SCOTT STATEMENT OF J. MICHAEL ............................................................... THESZ ...................................................... JA0736 STATEMENT MARKMAN OF PROFESSOR HEARING LLOYD TRANSCRIPT MASSENGILL .......................... ....................................................... JA0748 JA0781 U.S. PATENT NO. 3,177,399 ........................................................................ JA0951 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,225,808 ........................................................................ JA0955 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,233,545 .............. :......................................................... JA0963 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,604,524 ........................................................................ JA0974 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,800,278 ........................................................................ JA0985 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,823,051 ........................................................................ JA0998 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,843,283 ........................................................................ JA1027 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,943,712 ........................................................................ JA1034 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,982,176 ........................................................................ JA1042 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,015,994 ........................................................................ JA1053 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,231,373 ........................................................................ JAI064 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,293,097 ........................................................................ JA1075 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,349,330 ........................................................................ JA1093 JAPANESE CLAIM PATENT NO. 6-90995 .............................................................. JA1102 KEY ................................................................................................... JA 1110 TEXT KEY ..................................................................................................... JA 1112 SPICE SIMULATION EXCERPTS FROM SIGNAL STEVEN PLOT RESULTS B. CARLSON - "SIGNALS" DEPOSITION .............. ....................... JA1118 JA1119 DEPOSITION OF STEVEN B. CARLSON .................................................. JA1154 DERENIAK et al., Infrared Detectors and Systems, pp. 86-7 ....................... SPICE SIMULATION SIGNAL PLOT RESULTS - "TRIGGER" SPICE SIMULATION SIGNAL PLOT RESULTS - "NO TRIGGER" .............. JA 1179 ....... JA1180 EVANS' TEST CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM, PART EVANS' TEST SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM, PART 2 ................... CIRCUIT EXCERPTS FROM MODERN EXCERPTS FROM MERRIAM-WEBSTER CURRICULUM VIDEO VITAE OF WILLIAM OF LLOYD C. RAPER CASE MANAGEMENT COMPARISON DICTIONARY PLAN SCHEMATIC 1................... OF ELECTRONICS ONLINE MASSENGILL, PhD ........................ DIAGRAMS JA1182 ...... JA 1200 ............................. AND ORDER ............................................. CIRCUIT JAI 181 ......... JA1183 DICTIONARY DEMONSTRATION JA1175 JA 1215 JA1242 JA 1243 ............................... JA1255 TEXT KEY ..................................................................................................... JA1270 PRODUCT FOR PIRs ........................................................... JA1277 HEATH ZENITH INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR THE REFLEX SL-5315-A PULSE COUNT MOTION SENSOR LIGHT CONTROL ........ JA1334 LITERATURE NIPPON CERAMIC INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR PIR PASSIVE INFRARED ENERGY CONTROL SWITCH ............................................... JA1342 JENSEN JA1343 AND McCAVIT EXCERPT RELEVANT OF RAPER CLAIMS DECLARATION DEPOSITION ................................................ .......................................................... OF U.S. PATENT Ill NO. 5,598,066 ............................ JA1359 JA1367 EXCERPT OF LANDIS ON MECHANICS OF PATENT CLAIM DRAFTING ................................................................ JA 1374 COLOR-CODED CHART DEPICTING THE TRIAL COURT'S FINDINGS FOR CORRESPONDING STRUCTURE OF "[FIRST] AND "CONTROL CIRCUIT U.S. PATENT Nilssen SENSOR MEANS" MEANS" ........................................................ JA1383 ........................................................................ JA1385 NO. 6,225,748 v. Magnetek, Inc., 1999 WL 982966 (N.D. Ill. 1999) ........................ JA1394 Applied Medical Reources Corporation v. United States Surgical Corporation,__ F.3d __, 2006 WL 132504 (May 15, 2006) ................................................................................................ JA 1403 EXCERPTS JA 1421 OF U.S. PATENT NO. 5,598,066 IV ............................................. UNITED STATES MIDDLE DISTRICT NASHVILLE DESA DISTRICT COURT OF TENNESSEE DIVISION _,LLC, Cwd Plamhff, Action No. 3-04-0160 Judge Aleta A. Trauger Maglstrate Judge Joe B Brown V, t EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC and COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION, Defendants STATEMENT OF SCOTT EVANS PURSUANT JA 0730 TO LOCAL RULE 12(C)(6)(C) I. Personal and Professional Background 1 have a Bachelors of Science m Electrical and Electronic from California State Polytechnic University in 1978 Engineering, which I earned I am currently employed at Agilent Technologies in Fort Collins, Colorado (formerly part of Hewlett Packard) as an Integrated Circuit design engineer deslgrang full custom CMOS chips. In this capacity, I have worked with a 100-person team deslgrtmg Hewlett Packard workstation rmcroprocessors. I have also designed many other circuits including Verilog digital control systems, software (kshell Perl C ) for Spice generation, clrcuit testing and data processing, Application Specific Integrated Cixcmts (ASICs) with hundreds of milhons transistors used in mtemet routers and hagh-speed microcomputer boards, differential drivers and recelvers operating at over 1 GHz In addatlon to my work at Agdent, I presently act as an independent consultant. I have worked for Intclectron, de'velopmg a low cost Passive Irtffared Motion Detector and a battery powered Passive Infrared Motion Detector design for them. Some of the novel improvements to Intelectron's Passive Infrared Motion Detector resulted in a patent for motion detector with improved signal discrimination. I have also worked with EML m developing a Passwe Infi-ared Motion Detector with an adjustable two level lighting system. This resulted m a patent being issued for mohon-detector circuitry with adjustable background lighting level I also worked with ElVIL on the design of multiple Passwe Infrared Motlon Detectors including the design that Desa accuses of mfi'ingang a Desa patent. H. TERMINOLOGY A. "Passive Infrared Motion Detector;" "PIR Motion Detector." When I use the terms "Passive Infrared Motion Detector" or "PIR motaon dctcctor," I mean a motion detector which incorporates a "PIR sensor" (somettmes also referred to simply as a "PIR") together with circuitry which selects among the signals received from the PIR to which correspond to motion of a person or other object sought to be detected, and disregard those signals recewed from the PIP, which do not have the proper electrical frequency or amphtude characteristics. This is the type ofclrcmts that I have helped design for [ntelectron and EML. B. "PIR Sensor;" "PIR." When I use the term "PIR sensor," or the term "PIR" without any further qu',difier, I mean a passive infrared sensor which consists ofa pyroelectnc element. Thas electrical element as sensitive to changes m temperature and produces an electrical cunent m response to changes in temperature Current from the element is converted into a voltage and amplified, therefore a rapid change m temperature will produce a charactenstlc brief pulse of negatave-going then positive-going (or positave-going than negatwe-going) electrical voltage The oscilloscope trace shown in the screen capture at the bottom of page 6 of Mr. Raper's testimony (which begins at a particular background level of voltage, goes negatave for a few m_lliseconds, then positive for a few more mflliscconds, and then returns to the background level) is characteristic of the signal produced when a PIP, is exposed to a change in infrared radiation It should be noted that JA 0731 typxcally a low cost PIR sensor is packaged with the small amount of circuitry the current into a usable voltage (one resistor and one field effect transistor). needed to convert HI. Does Not A Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art to Which Require Lighting Expertise. the Patent Pertains I have been asked to comment upon statements m the written testimony of Desa witnesses, including Mr. Carlson, that a person of ordinary skill in the art to which U.S. Patent No 5,598,066 (the "'066 patent") pertains requires experience m the "lighting" field. In my opinion, a person of ordinary skill m the art to which the patent pertains does not require experience m the "hghting" field. For one thing, the patent &sclosure is devoted to concepts familiar to any electrical engineer. For example, the patent is not concerned with topics typically reserved for lighting engineers, such as specifying how much light is required at various points in the field of interest. Also, the patent claims only concern with the amount of light is whether a "first level of xllummahon" and a "second level of illumination substantially greater than said first level of illumination" are provaded depending upon whether or not a "predetermined condttlon" is detected by a "sensor means .". Any electrical di£fcrence between two levels ofillumination. Moreover, in my experience, electrical engineer engineers and is capable make significant of understanding contributions the in this field. For example, I am named as an inventor on six issued patents and one pending applicahon Two of those patents are on security lights, at least one of which is currently owned by Desa. Copies of these patents and patent applications are attached as Defendants' Exhibits 63 and 64, respectively, l I am an electrical engineer, not a lighting engineer. By the same token, in his deposition, Mr. Raper testified that he is an electrical enganeer, not a hghtmg engineer, and that his 10 years of industry experaence belbrejoinmg Desa was as an electrical engineer in a field not related to lighting. See Raper deposition, pages 28"20-29:12, which are attached as Defendants' Extubit 65 Mr Raper also testified that it is always Desa's customers who specify how much light Desa's lamps should deliver to various points in the field of interest. See, Id., pages 35:24-36:12. Also, hke me, despite the fact that he is not a hghting enganeer, M.r Raper is named as inventor on several Desa patents. See, Id., pages 73:20-74.25 Also see copies of patent and patent applications on winch Raper is a named inventor, attached as Defendants' Exh_its 66 and 67, respectively IV. Evans Built and Tested the Circuitry Disclosed in the '066 Patent. In preparation for my testmaony herein, I built and operated the circuit disclosed '066 patent. m the To do this, I studied the patent and the circmt diagrams (Fig. 2A and Fig 2B) i All exhibits are attached to the Declarataon of Roger L Cook In Support Written Markman Testimony ("Cook Decl ), filed herewith JA 0732 Of Defendants' I then used my knowledge of electronics and, more specifically my years of expenence in deslgmng low cost Passive Infrared Motion Detectors, to come up with a "first pass" set of values to be used in the design. My intent was to find values that would implement the design features in the patent It was not my intent did not do a worst-case analysis values work it would always and implement the design What low power quad and ensure I did was bmld features For the eight operational LM324 to find a set of production-worthy of the circuit values. that for all comer a typical circuit cases That is, I of component with typical values that work in the '066 patent amplifiers amplifier that are dmclosed This allowed in the patent, I decided me to use only two packages to use an to get all eight operational amplifiers Since the patent shows a 5-volt power supply to the op amps, the patent must be referring to a low voltage capable op amp In addition, since the first gain stage gets Its positive common Input from the source of the PIR (Q2), the op amp for the first stage must have a mode range that includes voltages near ground All these features are available m the LM324. Since wanted cost is always a concern to use all of the op amps all eight op amps. The LM324 two decades. I also notmed same of mverters number CD4069 hex inverter Since circuitry, has been that comes the circuit it seems hkely that the inventors two quad packages consumer shows PIP, based allows designs the use of rex lnverters m an inexpensive any CMOS to be able to isolate to build PIR's, and using used in many that the '066 patent IC, although I wanted I decided in consumer in one package package hex inverter AC voltage First, for the past This (sax) Is the mverters that can run at 5 volts the 110V main ua two sections of CMOS one to use I picked the is appropriate from the low voltage I built the power supply section that would have the high voltage 110V circuit elements along with the 5V supply Then, I built a board with the mare functmns, including the op amps and the mverters This allowed for a much safer test environment PIR's with all the high voltage P1P,.'s typically work at the focal point of a fresnel (Q1 and Q2) I was able to pick up the Heath/Zenith Depot. Tins model looks like the drawing Heath/Zenith model, I saw that the model patent However, alignment fresnel block lens for the PIR's to ensure a small the power pc board, in Figure no longer I was able to use the fresnel I then built I built copper colnponents supply drilling I would printed board clrcmt lens, from human touch lens. The '066 patent shows two 2 SL-5630 model at a local Home 1 of the patent When I opened the uses the circuitry disclosed m the '066 its plastic have board mounting, two PIR's (PCB) on a PCB by photo out the holes isolated for the components and the plastic mounted to mount etching at the focal point of the the two PIR's. a single sided and then soldering photosensitive the electrical components. I initially get the response hand. Then 2 1 understand built the main board I expected I designed that Desa on a solderless and so I could a PCB and built owns Heath use values it using breadboard so I could of resistors and capacitors a single Zenith JA 0733 sided photosensitive vary clrcmt values that I had on copper pc board to using photo-etching components clear techniques. from I drilled the solderless out holes breadboard for the components. to the PCB and soldered I transferred them I built a clear acrylic box for the power supply board. I mounted acrylic sheet along with the power supply, PIR unit mad a 100-watt w_red all the components With Defendants' In testing bright relatively the circuit falling distant of the circuit noted that using I would than within move produce count nodes of interest are marked as my circuit allows would I could comparator hght the lamp indicative move would to dusk or at a relatively output will cause for a single change pulses close into the field produce very wide pulse of view radiation of false the first of those comparator pulses to light the lamp. (very large at but to me that, in infrared the likelihood in which to a an output, from the window the circuitry dim the lamp This indicated of a change did its job by reducing time interval, minimum values which token, Successive a predetermined a predetermined (correspondmg light a lamp into the field of view in relatively would slgnal circuitry pulse. would an output, the window which an output spurious which By the same an output the PIR, the pulse greater the test circuit that in a low hght environment would had produced due to a single width to build an output from the P/R, did not produce upon portion when level of illumination. the PIRs triggering Then, produce to the PIR, the circuit a location all the intermediate as intended. m order I observed would level of illumination. although I prepared the circmt, relatwely I 68 and 69, respectively. the circuit proximity ] was able to probe that they worked diagrams Exhibits nighttime), together, and observed The circuit the main board on a Halogen lamp holder. together the components in the circuit the in place signal) had a I also to satisfy the pulse counter clrcmtry and hght up the lamp. I beheve that this is not unexpected or undesired from the users point ofwew. A user would like the lamp to respond qmckly without having to wmt for a second Date: April Roger L. Cook pulse if the first pulse Scott Evans 12, 2005 (CA Bar No. 55208) (admitted Angus M. MacDonald (CA Bar No. 212526) TOWNSEND and TOWNSEND and CREW Two Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: (415) 576-0200 Fax. (415) 576-0300 Attorneys is very long. pro hac vice) (admitted LLP 8th Floor for Defendants EML Technologies Costco Wholesale LLC and Corporation JA 0734 pro hac vice) PROOF I, Susan Baker-Lehne, am a citizen OF SERVICE of the United States and an employee County of San Francisco, State of California. I am over the age of eighteen within action. My business address is Two Embarcadero Center, 8 th Floor, 94111. EVANS I am "readily correspondence Postal Service California, served, more 5fo). familiar" for mailing. Express: processmg deposited course the date of deposit correspondence San Francisco, By Facsimile: California, On the same By E-mall: I caused hsted below. Robb S Harvey Waller Lansden Dortch Nashville City Center 511 Union Street, Suite Nashville, TN 37219 FAX: 615-244-6804 E-mail: machine such documents rharvey@wallerlaw.com PLLC number AND date is Fed. Rule prachce Civ. Proe. of collection that practice it would thereon was also transmitted (415) 576-0300 to be sent by electronic and be fully prepaid to the following persons mail to the e-mail Middleton Reuthnger, PSC 2500 Brown and Williamson 401 South Fourth Avenue Tower jhlggins@middreut.com rtheuerkauf@rniddreut.com AND FEDEX L. Carnal Department of ECE, Box 5004 Tennessee Technological University Cookeville, TN 38505-0001 E-mail: clcee@charter.net BY E-MAIL foregoing AND U.S. MAlL I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califorma that the is true and correct. Executed on April 8, 2005, at San Francisco, Cahfornia. Susan JA 0735 Baker-Lehne at addresses Lomsvllle, KY 40202-3410 FAX: 502-561-0442 FEDEX at by facsimile James R. Hlggms, Jr. Robert J. Theuerkauf BY E-MAIL Dr. Charles of the party meter of business E-mail: BY E-MAIL in affidavit. Under course date the document 2100 that on motion w_th the firm's Express. with the U.S. at San Francisco, date or postage on that same day with postage in the ordinary & Davis, I am aware cancellahon and processing be deposited fully prepaid for malhng familiar" for Federal Express transmission from facsimile the below fax numbers. (X) if postal of collection it would thereon of business. invalid I am "readily with Federal practice that practice day with postage is presumed than one day after with the firm's Under on that same in the ordinary service By Federal () and not a party to the San Francisco, CA On April 8, 2005, I served the following document(s): STATEMENT OF SCOTT PURSUANT TO LOCAL RULE 12(C)(6)(C) on the parties in this action By Mail: (x) in the City and UNITED STATES MIDDLE DISTRICT NASHVILLE DESA DISTRICT COURT OF TENNESSEE DIVISION IP, LLC, Plaintiff, V. Civil Action No. 3-04-0160 Judge A. Trauger Aleta Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brow;p, L2 "_g_ _':_,i"_""- _, EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC and COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION, A_ I _ 2_05 Defendants. 31-..2_- STATEMENT OF J. MICHAEL THESZ PURSUANT JA 0736 TO LOCAL RULE 12(C)(6)(C) TABLE I. II. Personal Topics A. and Professional OF CONTENTS Backgrotmd ............................................................................... Addressed ................................................................................................... Exammahon Under 35 U S.C. §112, Paragraph 6 .............................................. B. The Claims C. A Patent in U S. Patent Applicant No. 5,598,066 May Disclaim .......................................................... A Particular Claim Interpretation Prosecuhon in the PTO, Particularly When Distinguishing Prior Art .................................................................................................. D. 3 In Distinguishing Disclaimed Counting Its Claims Any Interpretation from the Nippon of Its Claims Ceramic 6 During the 8 Prior Art, Heath That Does Not Require ................................................................................................ JA 0737 Over 4 4 Pulse 9 I. Personal and Professional My name is J. Michael Background Thesz. I am self-employed as a patent law consultant My office address is 600 Water Street, SW, Washmgton, D.C, 20024. I have been engaged as a patent consultant by the law firm of Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP on behalfofEML Technologies, LLC on issues and Trademark '066 patent). the relevant office ("PTO") before apphcatlons, concerning PTO practice from U.S. Patent vitae is attached at the PTO in 1968 Exammer to work as a Patent Commissioner revolved I served as a Patent Examiner. recognihon of Science m 1982. as a Senior 1982 and procedures During recognition to and the of patent degree witness in Electrical degree to 1996. from inventorsh_p petitions, as well as preparing such as Information Disclosure Statements over a I continued of the Assistant 1,000 patent apphcations, mechanical Commissioner for m the decision-making official for I became Examiner. or strictly of the Assistant I participated I was the deciding applications inventions. on the staff to chemical m the Office As such, patent as a Senior for a position as opposed Advisor issues. I examined this time, I examined inventions Legal of as an officer in the United States programs A true and correct and data processing until I was selected electrical at the PTO from PTO policy a Bachelor (the I am registered as an expert in 1965 and Juris Doctor in 1974, and, in 1977, I earned Examiner 5,598,066 of Columbia I also serve patent and my review on the prosecution arts. States hereto. character for Patents all of which inventions. Dame Number and experience, in 1973. From 1965 to 1968, I served as a project engineer for missile testing electro-mechanical, Primary has focused I received of Notre the Umted law for over 35 years in the electrical and procedures. the University of my curriculum ] started in patent before to the bars of the District My law practice for inventions Georgetown University Army, including work Patents and procedure the patent-in-suit, I am admitted of Virginia. primarily Engineering electrical, regarding who has specialized the PTO. Commonwealth copy prachce I base the following on my personal knowledge documents in this case as listed below. I am an attorney practice concerning law process on filing date and correction on of and reviewing decisions on a variety of other matters, I was also responsible for PTO commumcations with the Patent Bar and members of the pubhc, presented lectures, on a variety of patent law topics, in the United States and Japan, and lectured at the PTO Patent Academy. I also drafted and Jmplemented and to define practice, provides rule changes the duty to disclose In January Procedure patent including reformation 1991, I was appointed (MPEP). The MPEP, the PTO a user-fee to the PTO that is material the Editor comprising to make of the Manual over 1,400 pages, funded agency to patentability. of Patent Examining is the reference work on PTO procedure, and patent law for the patent professionals m the PTO The MPEP also guidance for patent attorneys and agents in how to proceed in dealing with the PTO. The MPEP is looked to by the Federal courts I left the PTO in 1996 and entered the law firms firms, those of Morgan, my practice Lew_s consJsted & Bockms primarily and others private as the official practice LLP and Hogan of prosecuting From 1996 to 2002, & Hartson and supervising JA 0738 statement LLP ofPTO pohcy. I worked with At both of these the prosecution of patent applications consultant. in the electrical I am a member practice before Trademark Since of the bars the United Office. arts. States I am a member Topics Addressed A. Examination I have been with 35 U.S.C. Heath prior Chairman, Under have art and winch lnc., 16 F.3d 6. I base wanted the Patent (Fed. Property application Law Office to interpret limited Thus, Circuit have been on several have found stand decided reasonable would to be allowable. up in court have to the corresponding the PTO actions was required As a result, court, more described narrowly such Circuit limitations sixth paragraph, structure as reading Company, plus function than elements in the specification elements in claims and equivalents limitation thereof. Thus, in a claim and equivalents plus function of such in claims art structure and that the PTO was required means limitations are construed, that are not limited 35 from the claims in a to whether the prior art described in the specification. in the specification to be the same as the mterpretatmn also on to mterpret on any pnor plus function §112, sixth paragraph, the would based in In re Donaldson was improper, means described of 35 U.S.C. means for a avoided Heath to any challenge that the PTO was required that this PTO practice §112, the interpretation for Society factors. to the PTO which of the Federal which interpreting decided a 35 U.S.C. and 6. which performed the function specified in the claim without regard structure was the same or equivalent to the corresponding structure The Federal to Association, and Trademark or not it would claims would decision Cir. 1994) had been '_ and the U S. Patent U.S C. § 112, sixth paragraph, means plus function limitations in a manner different way those limitations had been interpreted for many years. _ The PTO in examining patent law and am admitted C_rcuit Paragraph my opinion to present Examiner of the en banc 1189 Intellectual §112, on whether have wanted to obtain a patent which would invalidity of the patent over prior art. As a result and Virginia for the Federal and of the Patent 35 U.S.C. as a patent position to have sought examination under 35 U.S C. §112, paragraph have been entirely reasonable for Heath to draft claims in accordance §112, paragraph would self-employed of Columbia of Appeals of the American asked to comment patent applicant in Heath's 6. In my opinion, it would I have been of the District Court which I have served as a Committee of which I am a past President II. 2002, thereof. limitations had been in the PTO to the corresponding means plus function as in in court and in structure claims have a i The sixth paragraph of 35 U.S.C. §112 states: An element in a claim for a combination may be expressed as a means or step for performing a specified function without the recital of structure, material, or acts in support thereof, and such claim shall be construed to cover the corresponding structure, material, or acts described in the specification and eqmvalents thereof. JA 0739 better chance litigation as vahd that patents patent of being obvious to a person broad relevant single enough mvention Heath patent prior to literally unfamiliar would coverage. art also included Instruction Manual". &scussion of that prior during sustained are often patent in surprised litigation to learn if 1) the the prior art, or 2) the &fferenees that the clauned not have had any reasonable prosecution invention expectation file history at the time of the application. hghtmg of being with patents as invalid read upon As the patent art in existence level security chance between would have been skill in the art at the time that it was made. system, '066 Patent as prior art considered Reflex SL-5315 -- A Pulse Count prior Persons a better and the prior art are so minor of ordinary In this case, vahd and have by the PTO can be challenged are broad the claimed in the PTO, over the prior art. issued claims allowed the instruction manual of being shows, The prior art included for which Is hsted by the patent examiner. See Heath Zenith Motion Sensor Light Control", Defendants' the Nippon Ceramic "PIR Passive See Nippon Ceramic Instruction art in the Declaration Infrared Manual, of Jensen Energy very Heath's own on the face of the "Instructions for the Exhibit 56. 2 The Control Defendants' and McCavit, able to obtain there was Switch Extubit Defendants' 57; the Exhibit 58, and the Aronson Declaration dated September 9, 2004, previously filed in this action and attached as Defendants' Exhibit 59 to the Cook Deck Also, Professor Paulus has testified that all of the mdwidual 2A and B] were circuit conventional textbooks. 60. purchased of the circuit that could of Paulus since retail by competitors "reverse products circuits See transcript Further, so-called elements can be qmte valuable by simply As a result products of these valid factors, at page and their circuitry the patent in my opimon, competitors holder's it would Figures or electronic 0018, Defendants' consideration revealed §112, paragraph since they prevent ['066 patent, engineering deposition of the type under 35 U.S.C. duplicating of the patent in electrical 31, 2005 in the open market, engineenng," in the marketplace be found March electromc diagram 6, patent from gaining Exhibit here can be easdy by close inspection claims or for such an unfair advantage circuitry. have been eminently reasonable for a person in Heath's position to have sought patent claims in accordance with 35 U.S.C. §112, paragraph 6 While such clmms are not given a broad range of coverage, a person in Heath's position ought not to have expected valid broad coverage m view of the closeness of the prior On the other competitor circmtry, terms hand, from which such claims gaining is readily are less likely an unfair accessible advantage to be held invahd by duplicating to competitors in litigation the patent and can prevent holder's art. a electrical in the marketplace. In paragraph 30 of his Statement, Mr. Patterson states "the practice o fusing 'means' in patent claims has been somewhat different m electronics as compared to mechanical technologies." no exception I do not agree. The statutory provision for electronic inventions. Further, based 2 All extubits are attached to the "Declaration Written Markman Testimony" ("Cook Decl.") (35 U.S.C. § 112, sixth paragraph) makes on my years of experience, 1 do not of Roger L. Cook In Support submitted herewith. JA 0740 of Defendants' believe that Patent electronic inventions B. in a way The Claims The claim Defendants' A claim Examiners elements Markman limitation attorneys different from in U.S. Patent m dispute briefs, using or patent raises the word treat those other limitations inventions, in claims nor should they "means" which, directed to No. 5,598,066 here all include a presumption "means" the word that 35 U.S.C. combined as set out in § 112, sixth paragraph, with a function invokes 35 U.S.C. applies. § 112, sixth paragraph, unless modified by sufficmnt definite structure to achieve entirely the stated function 3. The recitation of some structure in the means plus function element does not preclude the apphcabthty of 35 U.S.C. For example, tending dictate to avoid which wluch performs sixth paragraph. I have have use of the structural to keep the door closed" of 35 U S.C § 112, sixth not required structure § 112, sixth paragraph. found the ambit of 35 U.S.C. has a reasonably the specified 6 set forth below that a claim language in the limitation § 112, sixth paragraph well understood function, a table element "spring" did not take the limitation out of the ambit paragraph. 4 However, recitahon of precise using meamng can be sufficient comparing the word claim "means" 5, but rather to one of ordinary to avoid language the ambit from cases combined "spring means of the construction physical structure a term naming is a skill in the art, and of 35 U.S.C. in whmh wath a function § 112, the courts 1) recites 3 Cole v Kzmberly-Clark Corp., 102 F.3d 524 (Fed. Cir. 1996) (Element "perforation means extending from the leg band means to the waist band means through the outer impermeable layer means for tearing" _s not means-plus-function element under 35 U.S C. § 112, sixth paragraph, because the perforations constitute the structure supporting the tearing function, and the claim also recites its location (extending from the leg band to the waist band) and extent ( extending through the outer impermeable layer) ) 4 Umdynamtcs Corp v. AutomatzcProductslnternatzonalLtd, 157 F.3d 1311, 1319 (Fed. Cir 1998) (The Court noted that the spec_ficatmn said that "The spnng 46 is an example of spring means.); cf TurboCare Dtviszon of Demag Delaval Turbomachmery Corp. v. General Electrtc Co., 264 F.3d 1111 (Fed. Cir. 2001) ("Compressed spring means" is not means-plus-function phrase, but a particular kind of spring.) 5 CCSFttness, Inc. v. Brunswick would understand "reciprocating structures. ) Corp., 288 F.3d 1359 (Fed. Cir. 2002)(one of ordinary skill member" to have ordinary meaning and to connote beam-hke 6 Greenberg v. Ethmon Endo-Surgery, lnc, 91 F.3d 1580 (Fed. Cir. 1996)("detent mechanism" is not subject to the ambit of 35 U.S.C. § 112, mxth paragraph); PersonahzedMedm Communicattons LLC v US. Int "l Trade Comm "n, 161 F.3d 696 (Fed. Cir. 1998) ("digital detector" is sufficiently definite structure to avoid the ambit of 35 U.S.C. § 112, sixth paragraph); Apex, lnc v Rantan Computer, Inc., 325 F.3d 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2003) ("Circuit" itself may not connote structure, but it does connote at least some structure when used with appropriate modifier like "interface circuit for receiving...signals . .") JA 0741 sufficientstructureto performthe statedfunction,thusprecludingthe apphcablhtyof 35U S.C. §112,sixth paragraph,or 2) recitesinsufficientstructureto performtbe statedfunctionso that35 U S.C §112,sixth paragraph,applies In eachof the claim elements,I havefollowed thesame conventionasthe MasterClaim Chart,AppendixA to the Statementof Massengilt,identifying "means" (including "for") in BOLD; "structure"(including location and response) by UNDERLINE, Held: and the function Sufficient Structure" In a clmm for training "perforation means band to the waist means the outer by 1TALICS Held: pants, In a clmm extending from the leg band impermeable means the training acczdent by the user'' bnef for [for] Untdynamlcs Intert, atzonal Lid, machine, tending Corp to keep the door v Automatic 157 F 3d 1311 (Fed 1001 (Fed Ctr In a claim for a motorized riding fimshing a concrete surface, Corp , trowel In a claim for for a slot-draw attenuator a web of thermoplastic "gearbox means for rotating sa_d blade means, said gearbox means comprising a pair of "corona means rotatable charging sald frame prolectlng means downwardly and defining Allen Engineering Corp 1336 (Fed Clr 2002) froln a blaxlal plane" v Bartell lnd , hlc , 299 F 3d attenuator cooperating and pomtioned the filaments with said for electrostatically so that are reduced in the filaments spread the filaments before on sam collection fimshing for a motorized a concrete riding trowel for In a claim surface, surface progralnmed control "flexible gearbox means drive shaft means means m response thereby revolvmg for actuating to said motor sam rotor means, flexible drive shaft means comprising individual shaft sections axmll,/linked by friction disk means Allen Engineering Corp 1336 (Fed C_r 2002) for a digital said said together for facdltatlng bending" v Bartell [nd, bin, 299 F 3d to perform used to filaments, repelhngforces to more umformly they are deposited to form a web" Nonwovens Stmpsonmlle, Ine v Superior LLC, 303 F 3d 1332 (Fed Clr 2002) In a claim 1998) 1996) produce shafts Products Clr m case of an Cole v Km_berly-Clark 102 F 3d 524, 41 USPQ2d closed" Structure for a vending "s p____g r means through layer me,ms removing Insufficient computer system the method of the boot procedure BBA Nonwovens, ofgmmng of a digital computer, "means for bootmg sam chgztal computer, said means of booting including a first set of commands, said first set of commands resident on said storage device of said digital computer for bootmg sam digital computer, and a second set of commands dewce external resident on a storage to said d_gital computer for booting sam chgttal computer" Altms, Inc v S vmanuec Corp, 318 F 3d 1363 (Fed Clr 2003) In paragraph 26 of his Statement, Mr Patterson states that 35 U.S C. § 112, sixth paragraph, does not apply ifa means plus function term "connotes structure". This Js not a correct statement of the law, and IS not helpfill in the analysis JA 0742 of the apphcablhty of 35 U S C § 112, sixth paragraph to a means plus function element In fact, 35 U.S C. § 112, sixth paragraph, means plus functton limitations always connote sla'ucture, z e., the corresponding structure disclosed in the specification. One of ordinary skill m the art could clearly recognize that structure was being claimed, but that no specific structure was being recited. In preparing this Statement, I have revxewed the prosecution history ofU S Patent Number 5,598,066 (the '066 patent), the Statements of Mark J. Patterson, William C. Raper and Steven B. Carlson, and the Markman briefs of the parties. I agree, in general, with Mr. Patterson's description of the patent application process in paragraphs 5-25 of his statement. However, I will be prepared to expand on his description, if called upon to do so. Co Corp, A Patent Applicant May Disclaim A Particular Claim Interpretation During Prosecution in the PrO, Particularly When Distinguishing Over the Prior Art. The Federal Circmt had this to say in Ballard Medical 60 USPQ2d 1493 (Fed. Cir 2001), Products v. Allegiance An inventor may use the specification and prosecution history to define what his invention m and what it is not--partlculaxly when dlstinguistung the inventaon over prior art. "[J]ust as prosecutaon history estoppel may act to estop an eqmvalence argument under the doctrine of equivalents, positions taken before the PTO may bar an mconslstent position on claim construction under § 112, ¶ 6." Cybor Corp v. FAS Techs , Inc., 138 F.3d 1454, 1457, 46 USPQ2d 1169, l175(Fed Cir. 1998)(quotmgAlpex Computer Corp v. Nmtendo Co, 102 F 3d 1214, 1221, 40 USPQ2d 1667, 1673(Fed Cir. 1996)) Statements detailing the shortcomings of the relevant prior art have often proved useful in construing means-plusfunction claims. For example, in Stgntech USA, Ltd. v Vutek, Inc , 174 F 3d 1352, 50 USPQ2d 1372 (Fed Cir. 1999), the patentee, which had used means-plus-function claun format, noted that the structure used by certmn pnor art was "incapable" ofacluevmg the desired results of the invention. That was held to be an "explicit disavowal of prior art structure," which was properly used in construing the means-plus-function claims. See 174 F.3d at 1357, 50 USPQ2d at 1375. When a patentee advises the examaner (and the public after patent issuance) that a particular structure is not wittun his invention, the patentee is not permitted to assert m a subsequent infi-mgement action that the same structure is equivalent to the structure described in the patent's specification for purposes of section 112 paragraph 6 Similarly, the Federal Circmt has said, That exphc_t arguments made dunng prosecution prior art can lead to narrow claim interpretations JA 0743 to overcome makes sense, Healthcare because '[t]he public has a fight to rely on such definitive statements made during prosecution.' Spectrum Int 7, Inc. v. Stenlite Corp., 164 F.3d 1372, 1378-79 (Fed. Cir. 1998) (quofmg Digital Biometrtcs v Identix, Inc., 149 F.3d 1335, 1347 (Fed. Cir. 1998)) In Distinguishing Do Disclaimed Counting. Its Claims from the Nippon Any Interpretation Ceramic Prior Art, Heath of Its Claims That Does Not Require Pulse In my opinion, in distinguishing its claims from the Nippon Ceramic pnor art during prosecution of the '066 patent application, tfeath Co. (at the time, the owner of the applieanon) disclmmed any interpretation that does not require pulse counting, in a declarataon filed in the PTO on Apnl 29, 1996, and signed by Heath employees Jensen and McCavlt, McCavit had this to say" In the foregoing, the key statement _s "[F]urther testing demonstrated that the energy control sw_teh in accordance with the instruction manual did not have apulse counting feature to reduce false operatton of the sw_tch as generally disclosed and claimed in the instant application or other features as recited m the claims as amended m a Preliminary Amendment being filed herewith." (Emphas_s added). Declarations such the one stgned by Jensen and McCavit are normally drafted by the patent attomey, and that appears to be what happened here The Jensen and McCavit declaration is over the law firm's name and address and contains a word processing document number wl'nch is consistent with other papers prepared by the patent attorney Thus, I believe that the wording of the declaration was chosen w_th care JA 0744 Heath's patent attorney filed a preliminary amendment concurrently with the. Jensen and McCavit declarahon. At that tame, claims 1-3, 5, 9-17 were pending. In the preliminary amendment, Heath's patent attorney reformed the patent examiner about Heath's discovery of the Nippon Ceramic prior art, directed the exarmner's attenhon to the Jensen and McCavit declaration, and made a number of characterizations and representations regarding the manual override claims (amended claims 1, 3, 5, new claimsl5, 16, 17 and non-amended claims 9, 13 and 14). However, as to the non-manual override claims (amended claims 2, 10, 1 l and 12), the patent attorney merely stud, "In addition, clamas 2, 10, 11 and 12 are directed to features clearly not disclosed or suggested m the instruction manual " The only specific feature that Heath pointed out to distinguish its non-manual-override claims was McCavit's statement that the Nippon Cerarmc umt lacked "[the] pulse counting feature to reduce false operahon of the switch as generally disclosed and clamaed in the instant application." The language "pulse counlang feature to reduce false operation of the switch" is actually underlined by hand m the file history copy of McCavit's declaration. Most likely, this underhning was done by the Patent Examiner, indicating to all persons who inspect the file tustory (including competitors '_astung to know what they can and cannot do to avoid infringing the patent) that the Patent Exanmner considered this statement particularly notable -- as it plainly would be if the claims are construed under § 112, sixth paragraph. I have considered whether or not Mr. McCavit's statement is reasonably construed to mean that all pending claims were hmited to pulse counting, as would be true if the clmms were construed m accordance with § t 12, sixth paragraph, rather than construed to mean only that a single claim [apphcation claim 16; '066 patent claim 12] was limited to pulse counting, as would only be true if the claims were not construed m accordance with §112, sixth paragraph. In my view, and as a matter of grammar, the former is an eminently reasonable interpretation oflVlr. McCavWs statement. Under conventional rules of grammar, where a word such as "generally" is intended to qualify two succeeding words joined by the conjunction "and," the qualifier is placed immediately in front of the conjunctive phrase. In that event, and the words joined by the conjunction are given a parallel constmchon. See Shertzer, Elements of Grammar, pp. 45-46, Defendants' Exhibit 61 Thus, m the phrase "generally disclosed and claimed," "disclosed" and "clmmed" are gaven parallel constructions. Thus, "generally" is understood to quahfy both "dlsclosed" and "claimed. ''7 So understood, McCavlt is understood to be saying, "pulse counting" is "generally disclosed and [generally] clazmed in the instant apphcation." I interpret "generally" to mean "in a reasonably reclusive manner". Since pulse counting was expressly set forth m only one of the pending claims, tins statement would be untrue unless, as EML contends, the claims are construed in accordance with §112, sixth paragraph._l:has interpretation is also supported by McCavit's statement in the same paragraph where the manual override ftmctlon, which was included m some but not all of the pending clamas, is amply referred to as "disclosed and clmmed in the instant application," rather than as "generally disclosed and claimed" 7 Compare, for example, "generally disclosed and also claimed," normally be understood to only quahfy "disclosed " JA 0745 m which "generally" would Here, I would ("sensor means..." cotmtlng circuitry. part Although, of the "sensor whichever party Date: April Roger L. Cook note that all claims and "control means..." is correct, circuit contain means...") as advised, the parties or part of the "control pulse counting would (admtttedpro Tel: Fax: (415) (415) Center, CA hac vice) (admtttedpro LLP 8th Floor 94111 576-0200 576-0300 Wholesale in view still be included. Attorneys for Defendants EML Technologies LLC and Costco claim Corporation JA 0746 hac race) elements encompass as to whether means...," J. Michael (CA Bar No. 55208) Embarcadero San Francisco, disagree circuit plus function could potentially 12, 2005 Angus M. MacDonald (CA Bar No. 212526) TOWNSEND and TOWNSEND and CREW Two two means which Thesz "pulse the pulse counting" of the disclaimer is PROOF 1, Susan Baker-Lehne, am a citizen OF SERVICE of the United States and an employee County of San Francisco, State of California. I am over the age of eighteen within action. My business address is Two Embarcadero Center, 8 th Floor, 94111. On April 12, 2005, I served MICHAEL THESZ PURSUANT By Mail: I am "readily correspondence Postal served, more familiar" for mailing. Service Califorma, the following TO LOCAL on that same in the ordinary service is presumed fully prepaid cancellation for mailing and processing be deposited I am aware if postal than one day after the date of deposit of collection it would thereon of business. invahd practice that practice day with postage course and document(s): STATENIENT OF 3. RULE 12(C)(6)(C) on the parhes in this actmn with the firm's Under in the City and not a party to the San Francisco, CA with the U.S. at San Francisco, that on motion date or postage in affidavit. of the party meter date is Fed. Rule Civ. Proc. 5(b). (x) By Federal Express: 2005, with postage course of business. () By Facsimile: The document thereon On the same By E-mad listed below I caused Robb S. Harvey Waller Lansden Dortch Nashville City Center 511 Union Street, Suite Nashville, TN 37219 FAX- 615-244-6804 E-mail: such machine documents & Davis, number was (415) 576-0300 2100 FEDEX persons mail to the e-mall AND Tower corn FEDEX L. Carnal I declare foregoing AND under U.S. MAIL penalty is true and correct. ofpeoury Executed under on April the laws of the State of California 12, 2005, at San Francisco, Susan JA 0747 that the California. Baker-Lehne at addresses Department of ECE, Box 5004 Tennessee Technological University Cookevllle, TN 38505-0001 E-marl: clcee@charter.net BY E-MAIL 13, by facsimile to the following j higgins@middreut.com rtheuerkauf@middreut BY E-MAIL Dr. Charles on April in the ordinary James R. Higgins, Jr. Robert J Theuerkauf Middleton Reutlmger, PSC 2500 Brown and Williamson 401 South Fourth Avenue Louisville, KY 40202-3410 FAX: 502-561-0442 PLLC E-mail: AND Express California, also transmitted to be sent by electronic rharvey@wallerlaw.com BY E-MAIL with Federal at San Francisco, date the document transmission from facmmile the below fax numbers (x) will be deposited fully prepaid UNITED STATES MIDDLE DISTRICT DISTRICT NASHVILLE DESA COURT OF TENNESSEE DIVISION _,LLC, Plaintiff, Cwil Achon No. 3-04-0160 Judge Aleta A. Trauger MagJstrate Judge JoeB, Vo Brown RECE EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC and COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION, lAPP,1 4 2005 Defendants. STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR UNDER LOCAL LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER LLOYD RULE JA 0748 STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR CAqF NO 3-04-016,0 P20 L R 12(C )6(C) MASSENGILI, 12(C)(6)(C) ..... TABLE I. Personal II. Topics Addressed A. Topics Addressed B. Basis for Opinions Charts and Graphics A. Appendix A: Master B. Appendix B: Comparison C. Appendix C. Claim D. Appendix D: Text Key ............................................................................ HI. BackGround IV. A. W. and basis .................................................................................. 1 .............................................................................. 1 for opinions ........................................................................................ 2 ............................................................................................ Claim 2 Chart .......................................................................... Diagrams 2 ............................................................................. 3 Key .................................................................................. 3 3 Tutorial 1. Photosensor 2. PIN Sensor 3. Operahonal 3 ................................................................................ 3 .................................................................................... 3 .......................................................................................... Amphfier ("Op The '066 patent C. Claims 6, 9, 10 and 11 Of the'066 D. SPICE Simulation 1. Preparing 2. The SPICE Simulation Circmtry, and Control Amp") 4 .......................................................... 4 ............ of the '066 Patent the SPICE 5 Patent .............................................. 5 Circuit .................................................... Simulation 6 ............................................................. 6 of the PINs, Their Selection Logic ............................................................. In the Means Plus Function Claim Elements in '066 Patent 10 and 11, The Recited Structure Is Insufficient to Perform Function ....................................................................................................... 6 Claims 6, 9, the Stated 7 Claim Elements A and I ("Sensor Means" and "First Sensor Means") Recite Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation under § 112 ¶ 6 ................................................................................ 8 Claim Element J ("Second Sensor Structure To Avoid Interpretation 9 OF PROFESSOR 3-04-0160 1 ............................................ B. B. STATEMENT Background .......................... Techmcal A. CASENO and Profesmonal OF CONTENTS LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER Means") Recites Insufficient under §112 ¶ 6 ............................................... -i- L R 12(C )6(C_ JA 0749 TABLE Claim Avoid C_ D° E) Fo G. H. Sub-Element Interpretation cont'd C(1) Recites Insufficient Structnre To under § 112 ¶ 6 ............................................................... 10 Claim Sub-Element C(2) (" Switching Means") Recites Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation under §I 12 ¶ 6 ..................................... 11 Claim Means Avoid 12 Sub-Element C(3) ("Means for Causing Switching to Be Actuated") Recites Insufficient Structure To Interpretation under §112 ¶ 6 ........................ ...................... Claim Sub-Element C(4) ("Means Causing Threshold to Have Third Value") Recites Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation under §112 ¶ 6 ......................................................................... 12 Claim Element E ("Means for Producing Ramp Waveform") Recites Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation under §11276 ................................................................................. 13 Claim Element G ("Means for Causing Threshold to Have First and Second Values") Recites Insufficmnt Structure To Avoid Interpretahon under §112 ¶ 6 ......................................................................... 13 Clmm Element H ("Light Sensing Structure To Avoid Interpretahon 14 Means") Recites Insufficient under §112 ¶ 6 ............................................. Claim Element K(I) ("Means for Causing Lamp to Emit Light at First and Second Levels") Recites Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation under § 112 ¶ 6 ....................................................... 15 Claim Element K(2) ("Means Responswe to Detectxon of First Predetermined Condihon") Recites Insufficient Structure To Avoid lnterpretahon under § 112 ¶ 6 ....................................................... 15 Structure Whmh Defines the Means Plus Function Claim Elements of Claims 6, 9, 10and 11 ................................................................................................... 16 A. 16 K, VI. OF CONTENTS_ Structure Defining Claim Element A "Sensor Means". ........................................ 1. Predetermined Conditions Involving the Photocell 2 Predetermined Conditions Involwng the PIRs Element A Refers . 4. The "Sensor Claim 17 ................................. 17 to the PIRs and Their Associated "Selecnon Circmtry," But Not to the Photocell and Its Associated "Selection Circuitry.". .................................................................................... 17 The "Carlson" 19 a) STATEMEN'I OF PROFESSOR CASE NO 3-04-0160 Means" ................................ LLOYD Structure The Photocell MASSENGILL UNDER Does Not Define Does Not Define LR 12(C )6(C) JA 0750 Element Element A ............................. A ............................. 19 - U - TABLE b) (2) C. D E° Structure Defining Structure Switching Defining Means Structure Threshold Defining to Have .................................... 9 PIP, Selection Circuitry Must Be Included ......................................................................... 20 Photocell 21 Selection Circuitry .................................................. The Structure Defining Claim Element C(1) ("Control Means") .......................................................................................... B° Sub-Element C(2) ("Switching Circmt 21 Means") .......................................... Sub-Element C(3) ("Means for Causing to Be Actuated") ................................................................... 22 22 Sub-Element C(4) ("Means Causing Tturd Value") ................................................................. 23 Structure Defimng Claim Element E ("Means for Producing Ramp Wave form") ..................................................................................... 23 Structure Threshold Defining to Have Claim Element G ("Means for Causing First and Second Values") ...................................................... 24 H. Structure Defining Claim Element H ("Light 24 I. Structure Defining Claim Element I ("First J. Structure Defining Claim Element J ("Second K. Structure Means") Defining Claim Element K(1) ("Control Circuit ............................................................................................................ G. Sensing Sensor Means") Means") Sensor ................................. ..................................... Means") Structure Defining Claim Sub-Element K(2)("Means Responsive to Detection of First Predetermined Condition") g. ........................... OF PROFESSOR NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER L R |2(C JA )6(C) 0751 25 25 25 .................................. Alternatively, If The Sensor Means Claim Elements A and I Were Construed To Not Include The Pulse Counting Selection Circuitry, Pulse Countmg Would Be Part Of The Control Circuit Means Claim Elements C(I) and K(1) ..................................................... M° CASE cont'd The {}112 ¶6 Definition Of Element A Must Include Selection Circuitry .................... (1) STATEMENT OF CONTENTS, 26 26 - ili - I. PERSONAL AND I am a professor University in Nashville, Vanderbilt Institute for modeling, analysis, and achvities. I am a Fellow PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND of Electrical Engmeenng and Computer Engineering at Vanderbilt Tennessee. I am also the founding Director of Engineering for the Space and Defense Electromcs (ISDE), where I &rect all electromc design for various govemmentand corporate-funded engineering of the Institute of Electrical and Electromcs Engineers. I hold Ph.D., M.S., and B S degrees in Electrical Engineenng from North Carolina State University and have worked at Vanderbllt University since 1987. I have taught undergraduate and graduate courses in microelectronic circuit analysis, analog circuit design, digital logic, digital circuit design, computer-aided design, and basic electrical engineering theory. I have performed research in microelectromc circuit analysis and design for mihtary and space systems, including the U S Navy, U S. Air Force, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, DARPA, and NASA, I have worked on commercial electronics design with BAE system, Compaq Computer, Boeing Aerospace, Hughes Aerospace, Harris Semiconductor, Lockheed Martin Aerospace, and Texas Instruments; and I have over 100 technical publications in electromc theory, A copy of my curriculum analysis, vitae and design. is provided, I hold a DOD as Defendants' I have been asked to study the Wlesemann patent (U.S. '"066" patent) m order to contribute to what has been explamed or claim construction. If. TOPICS A. provided ADDRESSED Topics AND BASIS FOR Secret Exhibit security clearance. 43} Patent Number 5,598,066 - the to me as Markman proceedings OPINIONS. Addressed. My presentation is divided by other witnesses. into three sections First, I supplement the technical tutorials Second, I address whether or not the structural language in each of the twelve claim elements which contain the word "means" followed by a statement of function ("means plus fimction" format) recite sufficient structure to perform the function stated in the claim element. As advised, this is the test for determining whether or not those "means plus funchon" claim elements must be interpreted in accordance with 35 U S.C. §112 ¶6. In my opinion, none of the twelve claim elements recite sufficient structure to perform the recited function.. My opinion here is largely consistent wath Desa's expert witness Steven Carlson, who only found one claim element that recited sufficient structure to pcrform the recited function. Third, as advised, claim elements construed m accordance with §112 ¶6 are interpreted to mean the corresponding structure set forth m the written descriphon (including drawings) of the patent, and equivalents thereof. Accordingly, as to the claim elements which 1 have concluded must be interpreted m accordance with §112 ¶6, I have determined and identified All exhthits are attached to the Declaration Testimony ("Cook Decl ") filed herewith. STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR CASE NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER of Roger L. Cook In Support L R 12(C )6(C) JA 0752 Of Written Markman which portions elements. of the written description correspond to, and therefore define, those claim In this respect, as advised, and as is evident from my reading of the corresponding written statements of Desa witnesses Carlson, Raper and Paulus, there is a sharp dispute between the parties as to whether the term "sensor means for detecting a predetermined condition external to set apparatus" (or "first sensor means for detecting a first predetermined condition external to said apparatus"), as relates to the use of passive infrared sensors ("PIRs") in the detection of motion, should be interpreted to mean just the PIRs (Desa's interpretation) or to mean the PIRs in combination with what I refer to as the "selection" circuitry (the detector 43, turn on inhibit 46, amplified and filter 47, window comparator 48 and pulse count 51) which determines which signals output by the PIRs are the result of a "predetermined condition" I.e. a preselected change in infrared radiation incident upon the PIRs. For reasons I shall explain in greater detail herein, I am of the opinion that Defendants' "sensor means..." and "first sensor means.." interpretations are correct; however, even ffDesa were correct that the selection circuitry is not part of the "sensor means," but instead is part of the "control circuit means," the net result would be the same, i.e that the "selection" circuit elements are necessarily included in each of the asserted claims 6, 9, 10 and 11, since "control circuit means" claim elements are present m each of clatms 6, 9, 10 and 11. Finally, I will comment on points of disagreement between my analysis and that of Desa's witnesses. In particular, I will explain why I believe I have correctly identified the circuit elements which support the various means plus function claim elements and subelements and, to the extent we differ, why I believe the clrcmt elements selected by Mr. Carlson (on behalfofDesa) are incorrect. B. Basis for Opinions. In the following analysis, my opinions, including whether or not the claim elements recite sufficient structure to avoid §112 ¶ 6, and as to what constitutes the supporting structure for each of the claim elements, are based upon 1) my understanding of the '066 patent including its textual written description, claims and drawings, particularly including the schematic circuit diagram of Figures 2A and 2B; 2) portions of the deposition testimony and exhibits in this case; 3) the wntten statements of the witnesses m this case, Messrs. Raper, Carlson, Panlus, Patterson, Evans, and Thesz; 4) my review of the Markman briefs in this case, and some of the supporting exhibits; 5) my examination and operation of Mr. Evans test circuit built in accordance with the disclosure of the '066 patent; 6) my simulation of the '066 patent circuit prepared in accordance experience particularly III. CHARTS A. with the disclosure of the '066 patent; and 7) my skill, training including my 23 years of experience as an electrical engineer. AND GRAPHICS. Appendix A: Master Claim and Chart. For ease of reference, Appendix A is a Master Claim Chart (marked as Defendants' Exhibit 44) which assigns each claim element and sub-element in dispute a reference letter (A, B, C, etc.) and a reference name (Sensor Means, etc), identifies the structural and functional language in each "means plus function" claim element and sub-element, and states my opinion as to whether or not the structural language recites sufficient structure to perform the stated functmn, in order to overcome the presumption that 35 U S C. §I 12 ¶6 applies. STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR CASENO 3-04-0)60 LLOYD MASSENGII I I INDFR I.R 17((" _6,(("1 JA 0753 -2- B. Appendix B: Comparison Diagrams. For ease of reference, and to highlight the area of dispute, as to each claim element and sub-element which I believe is governed by 35 U S.C. §112 ¶6, Appendix B (marked as Defendants' Exhibit 45) is a set of schematic circuit diagrams (copies of Figures 2A ,and 2B of the '066 Patent) marked to show which portions of the '066 circuit diagram, Mr. Carlson (for Desa) and I (for EML) contend correspond to each claim element and sub-element. C. Appendix C: Claim Key. For ease of reference, Appen&x C (marked as Defendants' the '066 Patent claims, with each claim element and sub-element 11 marked and labeled with the appropriate reference letter from D. Appendix D: Text Exhibit 46) is a photocopy of of disputed claims 6, 9, 10 and the Master Claim Chart. Key. For ease of reference, Appendix D (marked as Defendants' Exhibit 47) is a photocopy of the '066 Patent text, with the text ] believe corresponds to each claim element and subelement marked and labeled with the appropriate reference letter from the Master Claim Chart. I have marked the text ] have selected in red To highlight the points where Mr. Carlson and I differ, the text Mr. Carlson has selected for each claim element and sub-element is marked in blue. IV. BACKGROUND. A. Technical This supplements Tutorial. the technical tutorial informahon provided by Dr. Paulus and Mr. Carlson. 1. Photosensor A photosensor consists of a material (such as cadmium sulfide -- CdS) which changes its electrical resmtance when exposed to photons (light). Within its range of sensitivity, a photosensor will have a relatively high resistance in complete darkness. That resistance will decline continuously in response to increasing levels of illumination, and have a relatively low resistance when exposed to bright illumination. In Figure STATEMENT CASE 2 of the '066 patent OF PROFESSOR LLOYD drawings, the symbol for the photosensor is as follows: -3- MASSENGILI NO 3-0d-0160 JA 0754 2. PlRSensor A passive infrared ("PIR") sensor consists of an insulator material which has a particular polarity, which polarity rapidly switches back and forth by 180 ° when exposed to changes in infrared radiation. This rapid change in polarity produces a characteristic brief pulse of negative-going then positive-going (or positive-going than negative-going) electrical voltage (or current) The oscilloscope trace shown in the screen capture at the bottom of page 6 of Mr. Raper's testimony (which begins at a particular background level of voltage, goes negative for a few milliseconds, then positive for a few more milliseconds, and then returns to the background level) is characteristic of the signal produced when a P]R is exposed to a change in infrared radiation. 3. Operational Amplifier ("Op Amp") An operational amplifier can be used either as an amphfier or a digitizer. As an amplifier, one can produce a large output signal in response to a small input signal. Nonetheless, because its output signal cannot exceed the voltage to which it is connected, an op amp can also be used as a digitizer. In other words, if its input signal is below a certain level, it will produce an output signal of zero volts whereas, if its input signal is above that level it will produce an output signal equal to the voltage to which it is connected. Where, as in some of the circuits of the patent, an op amp is eonnected to a constant voltage of 5 volts (sometimes referred to as the "rail voltage"), the output of the op amp will be either 0 volts or 5 volts, thereby providing a "digital" output signal which can be used to represent "yes" or "no" in a logic circuit. STATEMENTOF PROFESSORLLOYDMASSENGILLUNDERL R 12(C)6(C) CASENO 3-04-0160 JA 0755 -4- B. The '066 patent The '066 patent describes a security lighting system that xs sensitive to prescribed motion (e.g. a person) but insensitive to non-prescribed motion (e g background interference, trees, small animals, etc) and actuates a security light in response. The patent describes various operational features such as a dim illumination (or "accent") baseline mode and a bright illumination activated mode, the use of passive infrared (PIR) sensors for motion sensing, a user-selectable dim versus offbackground mode, a user-controlled manual override feature to force bright illumination, a timing feature to maintain bright dlummation for a period of time following activation, and an automatic photosensor-based ovemde funehon to disable illumination during the day. C. Claims The claims below, these claims 6, 9, 10 and 11 Of the'066 under considerahon are claims of various combinations consist Patent. 6, 9, 10 and 11. As set forth of 15 different claim in the table elements: Claim 11, with nine claim elements, contains the largest number of common elements. The elements winch make up claims 9 and 10 are subsets of the elements 11. Accordingly, claim 11 is a convenient starting point for analysis A- K(2). claim of claim Claim 6 consists of four elements, none of which are identical to any of the elements of claims 9, 10 and 11. On the other hand, claim 6 element I is nearly identical to claim element A in claims 9, 10 and 11; and claim clement K(1) is quite similar to clalm element C(1) of claims 9, l0 and 11, since elements A and I include the common phrase "sensor means for detecting a ... predetermined condition external to said apparatus", and elements C(1) and K(I) include the common phrase "control circuit means ... for causing saJd lamp to emit [bright light] in response to detection of said predetermmed condition." As advised, these two pairs of nearly identical claim elements, A/I mad C(1)/K(1), underlined in the table below, have generated the greatest debate m the Markman bnefing and testimony. Part of the debate is whether or not these two pairs of claim elements must be construed in accordance with 35 U.S.C §112 ¶6 I have expressed element by element opimons on this issue m Section V herein. The means plus function claim elements are Mentified with bold typeface in the table below The other part of the debate is, if the means plus function claim elements must be construed in accordance with §112 ¶6, what is the corresponding structure in the patent which defines those claim elements. I have expressed element by element opinions on this subject m Section VI herein. All of my opinions are summarized Comparison Diagrams, Appendix B. STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR CASE NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL in the Master UNDER L R 12(C )6(C) JA 0756 Claim Chart, Appendix A, and the -5- CLAIM ELEMENTS CLAIM NO. A B (2(1) C(2) C(3) C(4) D E F G H 11 X X X X X X X X X X X 10 x x x x x x x x x 9 x x x x x 6 D. SPICE Simulation 1. Preparing of the '066 Patent the SPICE I_ J _ K(2) x x x x Circuit. Simulation. I have carefully studied the '066 patent drawing from my knowledge of basic electrical circuit design and clrcmt operation. I have also implemented portions of the '066 circuit structure of'066 Fig 2 using the industry-standard circuit simulahon soRware PSPICE v8.0 from Cadence Design Systems Inc. This software is a preeminent analysis tool used by circuit designers worldwide to verify expected circuit operation and to simulate the impact of design modifications. I use (or direct the use of) this tool on a frequent basis in my Vanderbilt classes, in my research activities with government sponsors, as well as in my engineering oversight duties at the Vanderbilt Institute for Space and Defense Electronics. SPICE provides a highlyaccurate representation of the operation of a circuit. I have also examined the test board constructed by Scott Evans, including his circuit schematics, and the Statement of Scott Evans Under Local Rule 12(C)(6)(C) ("Evans Statement"). . The SPICE Simulation Control Logic. of the PIRs, Their Selection Circuitry, and Defendants' Exhibit 48 shows signal plot results of my SPICE circuit simulation of the '066 Fig 2 clrcmt from the PIR input devices through the voltage threshold at Node 61. The simulations were performed using representative P/R input signals of Q 1 and Q2 as described by Mr. Raper's oscilloscope trace of what he described as a "Heimann model LHI-778" PIR. of some The first signal plot shows the PIR signals at Q1 and Q2 representative of the detection change m external IR ra&ahon, such as a person walking before the apparatus. The second signal plot shows the output of the Detector (block 43 in the '066 Fig 2 circuit). Note that the detector signal is qmte small as it has not yet been significantly amplified. The larger signal is the output of the Amplify and Filter (block 47 in the '066 Fig 2 circuit). Here the signal has been amplified and further filtered as part of the circuit's "selection" process for "predetermined" mohon. Also note that both of these signals are analog (continuously variable) STATEMENT CASE OF PROFESSOR NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER LR 12(C )6(C) JA 0757 -6- The third signal plot shows the output of the window comparator (block 48 m the '066 Fig 2 circuit). Note that, as described in the '066 patent description, the window comparator output manifests as negative-going pulses in response to the analog signal emanating from the Amphfy-Fllter block. The third sigfial plot also shows the output of the pulse count block (block 51 in the '066 Fig 2 circmt, labeled "Node A" in Figure 1, mfra) As described m the '066 patent description, the pulse count clrcuitry responds to multiple pulses m such a way as to reduce the probabdity of false triggering by motion that is not prescribed. The output of the pulse count block (Node A) is a diglhzed signal which is HIGH when no prescribed motion is detected and LOW when prescribed motion is detected. In the simulation plots, we see a HIGH-to-LOW transition (signifying that the circmt has "selected" prescribed motion) at about 3.8 second in response to the second window comparator pulse The fourth signal plot shows the output of the timer block (block 52 m the '066 Fig 2 circuit). This is a digital (HIGH or LOW) signal representing when the lamp should be in the BRIGHT mode following prescribed mohon detection. Note that the signal remains HIGH even after the mohon has ceased. As described by the '066 patent, the length of time this signal will remain high (and thus, the lamp will be m BRIGHT mode) is user selectable via the multiposition switch shown in block 52. The fourth signal plot also shows the s_gnal voltage at Node 61 m the '066 Fig 2 circuit. This signal is described in the '066 patent as the "voltage threshold" which, in combination with the ramp generator and the phase angle blocks, appropriately gates the current to the lamp so that a "DIM mode" and a "BRIGHT mode" are established. Vo IN THE MEANS PLUS FUNCTION CLAIM CLAIMS 6, 9, 10 AND 11, THE RECITED PERFORM THE STATED FUNCTION. ELEMENTS STRUCTURE IN '066 PATENT IS INSUFFICIENT TO I have been asked to address the "means plus function" claim elements. As advised those are the claim elements which include the word "means" followed by a statement of function, usually introduced by the word "for." Thus, the means plus function claim elements in the asserted claims 6, 9, 10 and 11 are the claim elements identified by reference letters A, C(1), C(2), C(3), C(4), E, G, H, 1, J, K(1), K(2) in the Master Claim Chart, Appendix A. As advised, a patent applicant who submits a clmm element in "means plus function" format is presumed to have invoked examination of that claim element under §112 ¶6; this presumption can only be overcome ffthe recited structure is sufficient to perform the entire stated function; and the party seeking to overcome the presumption (in this case, Desa) has the burden of proof. In my opinion, applying the foregoing rules to the means plus function claim elements in claims 6, 9, 10 and 11, all of those claim elements fad to recite sufficient structure to perform the entire stated function. The reason for my opmion is set forth in the following discussion. STATEMENTOFPROFESSORLLOYDMASSENGILL UNDERL R 12(C)6(C) CASENO 3-04-o160 JA 0758 -7- A. Claim Claim Recite Element Elements A and I ("Sensor Means" and "First Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation A is as follows: sensor means said apparatus; and Claim Sensor Means") under §112 ¶ 6. Element for detecting 2 a predetermined condition external to I is first sensor means for detecting afirstpredetermmed condttion external to said apparatus, said first predetermined condttion being motion relative to said first sensor means of a person or an object separate from said apparatus See APPENDIX A, Master Claim Chart. In his deposition, Mr. Carlson conceded that, as to Claim Element I, the word "sensor" [or "sensor means"] did not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function of the claim clement (in italics). Defendants' Exhibit 49, deposition page 42, line 6-page 47, line 3. See also Defendants' Exhibit 50 at page 14. According to Mr. Carlson, not just any sensor would be sufficient to perform the stated fnnctlon: "There are many types of sensors: L_ght, heat, temperature, pressure, rotation, position, voltage, current, magnetic field, too many to enumerate." Id., Exhibit 49 at page 42, lines 6-14. Not all of these would serve. Id. at deposition page 42, line 21, page 43, line 1. Instead, "[y]ou would need a sensor that had an output that could be correlated to motion in some way." Id. I agree with the foregoing statements by Mr. Carlson. There are any number of structures which might meet the structural language recited by this claim element; however, few of those structures would perform the entire stated fimction of this claim element. Accordingly, I agree with Mr. Carlson that the term "first sensor means" does not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function of Claim Element I. My opinion in this respect is further supported by the statement of Michael Thesz, which I understand is being filed contemporaneously with this statement. On page __ of his statement, Mr. Thesz provides a table of examples of patent claim elements which have been held to have sufficient structure and insufficient structure. I note that, as a general rule, the structural language in the clmm elements which were held to have sufficient structure allowed 2 In the quoted means plus function claim elements, the words "means" and "for" are in boldface type; the words which relate to structure [including location and response] are underlined; and the functional statements are italicized. This coding of the means plus function language has been provided by counsel and, as advised, corresponds to the coding of relevant parts of these claim elements employed in the PowerPomt attached to the Statement on Steven B. Carlson under Local Rule 12(c)(6)(c) ("Statement"). As advised, a copy of the Carlson Statement was marked as Defendants' Exhibit 11 to the Carlson depomtion and, during the deposition, for ease of reference, page numbers were apphed to previously unnumbered pages of Mr. Carlson's PowerPoint presentation which had been attached to the end of Mr. Carlson's Statement As advised, Defendants' Exhibit 50 is a copy of the marked-up version of Mr. Carlson's statement. STATEMENTOFPROFESSORLLOYDMASSENGILLUNDERLR 12(C)6(C) CASENO 3-04_160 JA 0759 -8- me to envision a specific pants, the claim element structure For example, in Mr Thesz's example of a claim for training "perforation means extending from the leg band means to the waistband means through the outer impermeable layer means for removing the tramingpants in case of an acctdent by the user," which was held structure for the which were held For example, in to have sufficient structure, allows me to'envision a specific perforation training pants. By comparison, the structural language m the claim elements to have msufficient structure dld not allow me to envision a specific structure. Mr Thesz's example of a claim for a vending machme, the claim element "spnnz means [for] tending to keep the door closed," which was held to have insufficient structure, does not allow me to envision a specific spring structure. When I compare those exemplary claim elements to claim element A of the '066 Patent, I find that the phrase "sensor meaa_s" is not analogous to the sufficient structure claim elements in the left-hand column of Mr. Thesz's table in that it does not permit me to envision a specific structure. Instead, I find Claim Element A, "Sensor Means" directly analogous to the claim element "spring means tending to keep the door closed" which was held to have insufficient structure. As advised, in his deposition, Mr. Carlson stated that his defimtlons m claim 6 for both the "first and second sensor [means]" would apply in the ["sensor means" claim elements of claims] 9, 10 and 11, thereby mdicating that the "sensor means" element A of claims 9, 10 and 11 lack sufficient structure for the same reason as element I of claim 6. I am also of the opinion that the term "sensor me,ms" does not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function of Claim Element A, regardless of whether detecting the "predetermined condition" requires use of a PIP, or a photocell. If detecting the "predetermined condition" requires use of a PIR, then "sensor means" does not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function of Claim Element A, for the identical reasons given above for Claim Element I. If detecting the "predetermined condition" reqmres use of a photocell, then "sensor means" does not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function of Claim Element for the identical reasons gwen below for Claim Element J, "Second Sensor Means." B° Claim Claim Element J ("Second Sensor Means") To Avoid Interpretation under §112 ¶ 6. Element Recites Insufficient A Structure J is as follows: Second sensor means for detecting a secondpredetermmed condition, said second predetermined condttlon being a predetermined level of light external to said apparatus See APPENDIX A, Master Clmm Chart. In his deposition, Mr. Carlson conceded that, as to Claim Element J, for the same reasons as Claim Element I, the phrase "second Sensor means" did not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function of claim element J (in italics). Defendants' Exhibit deposition page 50, line 6 -page 52, line 7. See also, defendants' Exhibit 50 at page 15. 49, I agree w_th Mr. Carlson, for the same reasons. There are any number of structures which might meet the structural language recited in th_s claim element; however, few of those structures would perform the entire stated function of this claim element. In addition, the STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR CASE NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER L R 12(C )6(C) JA 0760 -9- structurallanguageof Claim ElementJ doesnot allow me to envisiona specificstructure. Similarly, Claim ElementJ is far moreanalogousto Mr. Thesz'sexamplesof claim elements which havebeenheld to havelnsufficmntstructure,thanto his examplesof claim elements which havebeenheld to havesufficientstructure. Claim Sub-Element C(1) Recites Interpretation under §112 ¶ 6. Co Claim Element C(1) Insufficient Structure To Avoid is as follows" control circmt means coupled to said lamp and responsive to said sensor means for causing satd lamp to emtt hght at said first level of illumination m the absence of satd predetermined condition, and for causing said lamp to emzt light at said second level of illumination in response to detection of said predetermined condition, whereto said control circuit means is powered by an AC voltages, and See APPENDIX A, Master Claim Chart. In his deposition, Mr. Carlson conceded that Claim Element K(I) recited insufficmnt structure to perform the stated function. Defendants' Exhibit 49, deposition page 47, line 4 page 50, line 5. I agree with Mr. Carlson for the same reasons gwen by Mr. Carlson. While Mr. Carlson &d not specifically comment "sufficient structure" analysis, for reasons given below, between Claim Element K(1) and claim element C(1). Claim Element K(1) on element C(1), 3 for purposes there are no material differences is as follows" control circuit means coupled to said lamp and first and second sensor means for causing said at said first level of illuminatton in response to predetermined condition in the absence of satd predetermined condition, and for causing said at satd second level of dluminatwn m response said first predetermined conditton, One difference expressly refers which of the responsive to said lamp to emtt light said second first lamp to emit hght to detection of between Claim Elements K(1) and C(1) is that Claim Element to the second predetermined condit10n (mghttime) 4, expressly 3 Mr. Carlson did not construe Power Point. See Defendants' comments on element K(1) to "sufficient structure" analysm, C(1), calls for or comment on element C(1) in his Statement, mchiding in his Exhibit 50. Presumably he intended his construction and apply to element C(1) As explained herein, for purposes of elements C(1) and K(I) are equivalent. 4 In the Markman briefing Defendants construed the second predetermined condition to mean daylight, based on the dictionary definition of "light." As advised, to minimize disputes, Defendants withdraw that contention and agree with Desa's interpretation of"second predetermined condition" as "mghttime." As a result, as advmed, Defendants withdraw their contention that claim element C(1) is fatally indefinite. As advised, to avoid confusion and Continued STATEMENT CASE on the next page OF PROFESSOR NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENOILL UNDER L R 12(C )6(C) JA 0761 -10- the first (dim) level of illumination given offby the lamp to be in "response to [detechon of the] second predetermmed condition [nighttime]" by the photocell, whereas Claim Element K(1), which does not refer to the second predetermmed condition, assumes that the photocell has detected nighttime. As a result, m this respect, for purposes ofth_s analysis, Claim Elements K(1) and C(1) are eqmvalent. The other &fference between elements K(1) and C(1) is that C(1) calls for the control circuit to be powered by an AC voltage. Here again, this difference does not affect the outcome of the "sufficient structure" analysis since it is the control circuit which lacks sufficient structure, not its power source. Accordingly, for the same reasons that I agree with Mr. Carlson that Claim Element K(I) does not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function, I am of the opinion that Claim Element C(1) does not recite suffiment structure to perform the stated function. There are any number of structures which might meet the structural language recited by this claim element; however, few of those structures would perform the entire stated function of this claim element. In ad&tion, the structural language of Claim Element C(I) is quite general, and does not allow me to envision a specific structure. Similarly, Claim Element C(1) is far more analogous to Mr. Thesz's examples of claim elements which have been held to have insufficient structure, than to his examples of claim elements which have been held to have sufficient structure. Claim Sub-Element Structure To Avoid Do Claim Element C(2) (" Switching Means") Recites Interpretation under §112 ¶ 6. C(2) is as follows: wherein said control selecttvely permitting voltage to said lamp See APPENDIX Insufficient A, Master Claim circuit means includes switching means for and preventing the application of said A C Chart. In his deposition, Mr. Carlson conceded that Claim Element C(2) did not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function of claun element C(2). Defendants' Exhibit 49, deposition page 56, line 20 - page 59, line 3. See also, defendants' Exhibxt 50 at page 23 According to Mr. Carlson, there are a vast array of switches. Id. Not just any switch would be sufficient to perform the stated function of the claim element. Id. Accordingly, Mr Carlson is of the opinion that the structural language of this claim element does not recite sufficmnt structure to perform the stated function. Id I agree with Mr Carlson, for the same reasons. There are any number of structures which might meet the structural language recited by this claim element; however, few of those structures would perform the entire stated function of this claim element. In addition, the structural language of Claim Element C(2) is quite general, and does not allow me to enwsmn a Continued from the prevmus page minimize dispute, to the extent by Defendants, the interpretation STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR CASE NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD this Statement is inconsJstent herein shall supercede. MASSENGJLL UNDER L R ! 2(C )6(C) dA 0762 with any prior clmm interpretation -11- specificstructure.Similarly, Claim ElementC(2) is farmore analogousto examples examples of claim of claim elements elements which which Claim Sub-Element Actuated") Recites §112¶6. Eo Claim Element have have been been held to have held to have Mr insufficient structure, sufficient structure. Thesz's than to his C(3) ("Means for Causing Switching Means Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation to Be under C(3) is as follows: [wherein said control circuit includes] means for causing said switching means to be actuated for a selectedportion of each half wave cycle of said AC voltage, said portion of said half waves being greater for said second level of illumination than for said first level of illumination See APPENDIX A, Master Claim Chart. In his deposition, Mr. Carlson conceded that Claim Element C(3) did not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function. Defendants' Exhibit 49, deposition page 59, line 3 - page 60, line 24 See also, Defendants' Exhibit 50 at page 24. According to Mr. Carlson, there are an "infinite number of [control circuits] " Id. Not all of these control circuits would perform the stated function. Id. "Control circuit means" encompasses an lnfimte number of structures, but by itself does not recite sufficient to perform the stated function. Id. I agree with Mr. Carlson, for the reasons he has given. There are any number of structures which might meet the structural language recited by this claim element; however, few of those structures would perform the entire stated function of this claim element. In addition, the structural language of Claim Element C(3) is quite general, and does not allow to envision a specific structure. Similarly, Claim Element C(3) is far more analogous to examples of claim elements which have been held to have insufficient structure, than to examples of claim elements which have been held to have sufficient structure. Claim Sub-Element C(4) ("Means Causing Threshold to Have Value") Recites Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation ¶6. Fo Claim Element [stud light thtrd light See APPENDIX Third under me §112 C(4) is as follows: control cJrcmt sensing means value different sensing means A, Master Claim means including] means responsive to said for causing sam threshold voltage to have a from said first and second values when satd ts detecting daylight Chart. In his deposition, Mr. Carlson conceded that, Claim Element C(4) did not recite sufficmnt structure to perform the stated fimction. Defendants' Exhibit 49, deposition page line 10 - page 76, hne 14. See also, defendants' Exhibit 50 at page 28. 74, According to Mr. Carlson, there are a "variety of different structures" described by the structural language, however, not all of those structures perform the stated funchon. Id. Mr. Carlson is of the opimon that this clmm element recites insufficient structure to perform the stated function. Id. STATEMENT CASE OF PROFESSOR NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER JA L R 12(C 0763 )6(C) -12- I agreewith Mr. Carlson,for the reasonshehasgiven. Thereareanynumberof structureswhich might meetthestructurallanguagerecitedin this claim element;however,few of thosestructureswould performthe entirestatedfunchonof this claim element.In addition, the structurallanguageof Claim ElementC(4) quitegeneral,anddoesnot allow me to envision a specificstructure.Similarly, Claim ElementC(4) is far moreanalogousto examplesof claim elementswhich havebeenheldto haveinsufficient structure,thanto examplesof claim elementswhich havebeenheld to havesufficientstructure. Go Claim Claim Element E ("Means for Producing Ramp Waveform") Recites Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation under §112 ¶ 6. Element E is as follows: means for producing ramp waveform having for each half wave of said AC voltage a ramppulse which is mitmted m response to detection of the zero crossing point for the half wave See APPENDIX A, Master In his deposition, Claim Chart. Mr. Carlson conceded that Claim structure to perform the stated function. Defendants' Exhibit page 61, line 5. See also, defendants' Exhibit 50 at page 25. structural I agree with Mr. Carlson. There language recited by this claim Element E did not recite 49, deposition page are any number of structures which might element; however, few of those structures sufficient 60, line 25 - meet the would perform the entire stated function of this claim element. In addition, the structural language of Claim Element E is quite general, and does not allow me to envision a specific structure. Similarly, Claim Element E is far more analogous to examples of claim elements which have been held to have insufficient structure, than to examples of claim elements which have been held to have sufficmnt structure. H° Claim Element G ("Means for Causing Values") Recites Insufficient Structure Threshold To Avoid to Have First Interpretation and Second under §112 ¶6. Claim Element G is as follows: [claim 10] means responsive to said sensor means for causing said first threshold voltage to have a first value in the absence of said predetermined condition, and a second value in response to detection of said predetermined condition; [claim 11] means response (sic) to said sensor means for causing said threshold to have a first value in the absence of said 5 In claim 10 phrase corresponding to claim 11 's "said threshold" is "saidfirst threshold voltage." These phrases mean the Identical thing. In claim 11, the omitted word "voltage" is implicit, since "sam threshold" refers back to "threshold voltage" in the pnor clause F. Similarly, in clmm 10, the added word "first" is surplusage, since there is only one threshold voltage mentioned in claim 10, at clause F Accordingly, claim elements G [10] and G [11] Continued STATEMENT CASE on the next page OF PROFESSOR NO 3-044)160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER L R 12(C _6(C_ ,JA 0764 -13- predetermined condition, and a second value detection of satd predetermmed eondit:on See APPENDIX A, Master Claim in response to Chart. In his deposition, Mr. Carlson conceded that Claim Element G does not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function. Defendants' Exhthit 49, deposition page 66, line 11 page 68, line 1 See also, Defendants' Exhibit 50 at page 26. I agree with Mr. Carlson There are any number of structures which might meet the structural language recited by this claim element; however, few of those structures would perform the entire stated function of this claim element. In addition, the structural language of Claim Element G is qmte general, and does not allow me to envision a specific structure. Sirmlarly, Claim Element G is far more analogous to examples of claim elements which have been held to have insufficient structure, than to examples of claim elements which have been held to have sufficient structure. Claim Element H ("Light Sensing Means") To Avoid Interpretation under §112 ¶ 6. Io Claim Element Insufficient Structure H is as follows: hght sensmg for detecting See APPENDIX Recites A, Master means responsive to light external to said apparatus the presence and absence of daylight Claim Chart. In his deposition, Mr. Carlson stated that, unlike the other means plus function claim elements, Claim Element H dlcl recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function of claim element H. Defendants' Exhibit 49, deposition page 72, line 2 - page 74, line 9. See also, Defendants' Exhibit 50 at page 27. I do not agree with him here. The phrase "light sensing" suggests photon detection. There are three basic types of photon detectors: 1) photoconductors, 2) photoemltters, and 3) photovoltmc conductors. See Defendants' Exhibit 51, Dereniak et al., Infrared Detectors and Systems, pp. 86-87. Photon detection involves the concept of converting a photon of light into electrical energy lid.], and electrical energy is what is required for operation of the circuit of the patent. For purposes of this analysis, I will assume that all three of these photon detectors would be equally useful in the patented circuit. This seems to be what Mr. Carlson was suggesting when he said the structural language of this claim element is sufficient to perform the stated function. The reason that I disagree with Mr. Carlson's conclusion as to sufficient structure is that, by themselves, none of these photon detectors.is sufficmnt to perform the "entire" stated function which, as I understand Mr. Thesz's statement, is what is specifically required to avoid § 112 ¶ 6 The structural language of the patent refers to "hght," whereas the functional Continued have from the prewous idenhcal page meanings STATEMENTOF PROFESSORLLOYDMASSENG1LL UNDERL R 12(C)6(C) CASENO 3-04-0160 JA 0765 -14- languagerequires"detectingthepresenceandabsenceofdayhght." It seemsfair to assume thattheterms"light" and"daylight" wereintendedto meandifferentthings,sincethey appear in the sameclaim element. Accordingly, I interpret "dayhght" to mean not just "light," but a predetermined quantity of light falling on a unit area of the photon detector at any given moment. By itself, w_thout additional selection circmtry the photon detector has no means for assessing whether this predetermined condmon is met or not. For this reason, in my opinion, the structural language of claim element H is not sufficient to perform the entire function, and thus ought not avoid apphcation of§112 ¶6. J, Claim Element K(I) ("Means for Causing Lamp to Emit Light at First Second Levels") Recites Insufficient Structure To Avoid Interpretation under {}112 ¶ 6. Claim Element K(1) is as follows control circuit means coupled to said lamp and first and second sensor means for causing said at satd first level of illummanon m response to predetermined condition in the absence of said predetermined condttton, and for causing said at said second level of illummation in response said first predetermined conditton See APPENDIX A, Master and Claim responsive to said lamp to emit light said second first lamp to emit light to detecnon of Chart In his deposition, Mr. Carlson conceded that Claim Element K(1) recited insufficient structure to perform the stated functmn. Defendants' Exhibit 49, deposition page 47, line 4 page 50, line 5. I agree with Mr. Carlson. There are any number of structures which might meet the structural language recited by this claim element; however, few of those structures would perform the entire stated function of this claim element. In addition, the structural language of Claim Element K(1) is qmte general, and does not allow me to envision a specific structure. Similarly, Claim Element K(1) is far more analogous to examples of claim elements which have been held to have insufficient structure, than to examples of claim elements which have been held to have sufficient structure. Claim Element Predetermined Interpretation K. Claim Element K(2) K(2) ("Means Responsive to Detection of First Condition") Recites Insufficient Structure To Avoid under {}112 ¶ 6. is as follows" wherein stud control c]rcmt means includes means responsive to detection of said first predetermined condition for minating measurement of a predetermined time interval, and responsive to expiration of said time interval for causmg satd lamp to thereafter emit light at satd first level of dlumination m response STATEMENTOFPROFESSORLLOYDMASSENGILLUNDERL.R 12(C"D6(C'D CASE/_o 3-04-o_6o JA 0766 -15- to said second predetermmed condition in the absence recurrence of sald first predetermined condalon See APPENDIX A, Master Claim of a Chart. Mr. Carlson did not construe or cornfiaent upon claim _lement K(2). 6 Assuming that this was an oversight, I will state my opinion that this claim element recites insufficient structure to perform its stated function and, therefore, does not avoid interpretation under § 112 ¶6. My opinion is based on the fact that there are avast array of different control circuits which could "respon[d]" to detection of said "first predetermined condition" (i e. respond to detection of"motion of a person or other object"), some of which would perform the stated function but most of which would not. Such a control circuit need not be used to turn on a lamp from dim to bright for a specified period of time. Instead, it could be used to sound an alarm; open a gate; unlock or lock a door; turn on any electrical appliance such as a coffee pot, radio or heater; activate a surveillance camera; etc In addition, the structural language of Claim Element K(2) is general, and does not allow me to envision a specific structure. Claim Element K(2) is far more analogous to examples of claim elements which have been held to have insufficient structure, than to examples of claim elements which have been held to have sufficient structure. Accordingly, in my opinion, the claim element K(2) does not recite sufficient structure to perform the stated function To my knowledge, no Desa witness has expressed an opinion to the contrary. gI° STRUCTURE ELEMENTS The Comparison D. A. Claim WHICH DEFINES THE MEANS OF CLAIMS 6, 9, 10 AND 11. following analysis Circmt Diagrams, Structure Element incorporates by reference Appendix B; Claim Key, Defining Claim FUNCTION CLAIM the Master Claim Chart, Appendix A; Appendix C; and Text Key, Appendix A "Sensor Means" A is as follows: sensor means for detecting said apparatus, external Element PLUS The written description to said apparatus. ''7 a predetermined of the patent identifies condition two types external to of"predetermined condition[s] 6 As with elements A and C(I), Mr. Carlson did not construe or comment upon element K(2). Unhke elements A and C(1), there is not other analogous claim element which Mr. Carlson did construe or comment upon. 7 Here, "said apparatus" assembly of all elements refers to the preamble hsted in the claim. ("An apparatus STATEMENTOFPROFESSOR.LLOYD MASSENG1LLUNDERL R 12(C)6(C) CASENO 3-04-0160 JA 0767 comprising"), whmh refers to the -16- 1. Predetermined Conditions Involving the Photocell. One "predetermined condltion" is the preselected level of light incident upon a photocell (shown in block 56 of'066 Patent Figure 2B) above which the lamp wiU be "off" (which can be described as "daytime"), and below which the lamp will be "on" (which can be described as "nighttime"). It is important to recognize that the circuit could be de,signed to switch the lamp "off' as soon as any light falls upon the photocell. However, tlaJs is not how the circult of the patent works. Instead, the circuit does not switch the lamp "off' until the light falling upon the photoeell reaches some preselected level e.g. the level at which the circuit designers have decided correspondence to the arrival of "daytime" i c the end of"mghttime" This level could be selected to be any level of light between full darkness and full dayhght, depending upon what the eircmt designer may wish to accomphsh. In the patent, the "selechon curcultry" which selects the preselected level of photocell output current in response to which the clrcmt will swltch the lamp from "on" to "off" a voltage divider consisting of two resistors on either side of the photocell in photocell block 56 of'066 Patent Figure 2B. 2. Predetermined Conditions Involving the PIRs. The other "predetermined condthon" is the preselccted level cfehange in infi'arcd radiation incident upon a pan" of PIRs (shown as QI and Q 2 in '066 Patent Figure 2A) which v,'dl cause the lamp to switch from "on dim" to "on bright." As with the photocell, It is important to recognize that the c_rcuit could be designed to switch that lamp from "on dim" to "on bright" as soon as the PIRs detect any change in infrared radiation. However, as with the photocell, this ts not how the circuit of the patent works Instead, the clrcmt does not switch the lamp from "on d_m" to "on bright" untd the change in infrared radiation detected by the PIRs meets certain preselected conditions e.g. the condmons _,hich the circuit designers have decided correspond to _vhatever _t is they wish to detect In the patent, the "selection circuitry" selects the particular preseleeted PIP,. output m response to which the circuit will switch the lamp from "on dim" to "on bright." Tlus "selection circuitry" consists of the "detector" circuit 43, "turn on inhibit" circuit 46, "amplify and filter" circuit 47, "window comparator" circuit 48 and "pulse count" circmt 51 , The "Sensor Means" Claim Element A Refers to the PIRs and Their Associated "Selection Circuitry," But Not to the Photocell and Its Associated "Selection Circuitry." Once it is understood what is meant by "predetermined condition," we can see that the written descnpUon of the patent describes two structures which potentially support the "Sensor Means" claim element A of claims 9, l0 and 11: 1) the photocell and its associated selection circuitry; and 2) the PIRs and their associated selection circuitry. Nonetheless, m claim 11, claim element A "Sensor Means" with or without its selection circuitry, for several reasons For one the photocell, this would duplicate that portion of claim clement H wtuch provides that the "light sensing means [must be] responsivc apparatus." STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR CASE NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER LR Jg 12(C )6(C) 0768 cannot be the photocell, thing, if element A included "Light Sensing Means" to light external to said -17- Moreover, In all claims where it appears (claims 9, 10 and 11), if claim element A "Sensor Means" were construed to encompass the predetermined condition of the photocell (nighttime), with or without its selection circuitry, this would be inconsistent with claim element C(1) which provides that the lamp "emit[s] light at said first level of illumination in the absence of said predetermined condition and .. emlt [s] hght at said second level of illumination in response to detection of said predetermined condition ." If tins clause were construed to apply to the photocell, the "first level of the illumination" would be "lamp off," however, tins would not satisfy the claim since, when the lamp is off, it does not "emit hght" as required by claim element C(1) which appears in each of the claims 9, 10 and 11. element As a result, A "Sensor the photocell when construed in accordance with §112 ¶ 6, it is my conclusion Means" refers to the P[Rs and their associated selection circuitry, and its associated selection that claim but not to circuitry The structure which, in my opinion, defines claim element A "Sensor Means" in accordance with §112 ¶ 6 is marked in red on circuit diagram A of Appendix B. The structure which, as understood, Mr Carlson contends defines this claim element A is marked in blue, also on circuit diagram A. 8 As shown m Diagram A, the "Massenglll" structure encompasses the portion of the '066 Fig 2 circmt which monitors external infrared radiation, detects changes in infrared energy, and selects those changes that m IR are representative of motion, as manifested by a HIGH or LOW output condition at Node A See Figure 1 below Specifically, the output of the selection circuitry associated with the PIRs Q1 and Q2 (labeled Node A) is a signal that is either a HIGH or a LOW voltage -- LOW representing the detechon of the predetermined condition and HIGH representing the absence of the predetermined condition. 8 As to most claim elements, Mr Carlson has identified the structure which he contends defines the claim element in accordance with § 112 ¶ 6 (if applied) in the PowerPolnt attached to his written testimony. See Defendants' Exhibit 50. As mentioned earlier, Mr. Carlson's PowerPolnt does not provide any definition for clmm element A "Sensor Means," although it does provide a definition for claim element I, "First Sensor Means " When this was brought to Mr. Carlson's attention during his deposition, Mr Carlson said this was an oversight and that he meant to construe claim element A "Sensor Means" ofclalms 9, 10 and 1 l to mean the same thing as "either" the first sensor of claim 6 (which he construes to cover just the PIRs, without their selection circuitry), "or" the second Sensor of claim 6 (whmh he construes to cover just the photocell, without its selection circuitry), "or both." See Defendants' Exhibit 49 [Carlson deposition, page 32, hne 19 to page 33, line 9, page 34, lines 13-24 ] Circuit diagram A is marked according to this testimony of Mr. Carlson. STATEMENT CASE NO OF PROFESSOR 3-04-0160 LLOYD IvlASSENOILL UNDER L R 12(C )6(C) JA 0769 -18- . , ,,,,_%'WJ'lle,__P.b.,'ltff..._Cn,_ ........... : Node _._._ A / To Control Circuit C(1)-(4). HIGH or LOW'deos_gn" lhal a condd_onof mol_on of a person or other ob]ed ........ :............. , ,.............................. exits l (LOW=yes, HlGH=nol) Daylight d_sable Figure the PIRs circuitry l "Massengill" Circuit Structure of Claim Element A By comparison, also as shown in Diagram A, the "Carlson" structure encompasses QI and Q2, and the photocell shown m block 56 without any associated selection for either the PIRs or the photocell 4. The a) "Carlson" Structure The Photocell Does Does Not Define Not Define Element Element only A. A. i disagree with Mr. Carlson's contention that the structure defining element A includes the photocell for several the reasons. For example, as indicated above, inclusion of the photocell in element A would be inconsistent with claim element C(I) which requires that the lamp "emit light" in response to the presence and absence of the "predetermined condmon" whereas, In the absence of the predetermined condition associated with the photocell (nighttime), the lamp remains off In addition, also as indicated above, if element A were to Include the photocell, this would duplicate that portion of claim element H "Light Sensing Means" which provides that the "light sensing means [must be] responsive to light external to said apparatus " Even though element H appears only in claim 11, and not m claims 10 and 9, claim element A, which is quite lengthy, is identical in all three claims, which makes it appear that the same meaning is intended for element A in all three claims. b) The §112 _6 Definition Of Element A Must Include Selection Circuitry. I also disagree with Mr Carlson's contention that claim element A could include the PIRs or photocell without mcludlng the selection circuitry associated wlth those components, since neither of these components, by themselves, detect a "predetermined condition " either STATEMENT -19- OF PROFESSOR CASE NO 3-04-0160 LLOYDMASSENGILL UNDER L R 12(C)6(C) JA 0770 Mr. Carlson defines the term "predetermined condition" to have the same meaning in claam 9, 10 and l 1 as "first predetermined conchtion" and "second predetermined condition" m claim 6. Defendants' ExbSblt 49 [Carlson deposition, page 32, line 19 - page 33, line 9]. Claim 6 expressly defmes "first predetermined condation" to mean "motion relative to said first sensor means of a person or object separate fi:om said apparatus," and "second predetenmned condition" to mean "a predetermined level of light external to said apparatus." However, as explained m greater detad below, PIRs detect changes in infrared radiation, not "motion," and photocells detect light, not "predetermined level[s] of hght. (1) PIR Selection Circuitry Must Be Included. That PIPs detect changes in infrared radiation, not motion, cannot be seriously dasputed. As indicated in my tutorial section above,, a PIR sensor consists of an insulator material having a polarity which rapidly switches back and forth by 180 ° wheo exposed to changes in infrared ' radiation, producing a characteristic brief pulse of negative-going then positive-going (or the reverse) electrical voltage or current, as shown in Mr. Raper's oscilloscope trace at the bottom of page 6 of his testimony. T_s pulse may or may not be caused by the motion of a person or object. Moreover, in the patented circuit, not all pulses produced by a PIR trigger the lamp Instead, the selection circuitry only tuggers the lamp for those PIlL signals which have been preselected by the circuit designer to represent whatever it is that the eircmt designer intends the circuit to detect Using my SPICE simulation, I have generated a pair of signal plots which illustrate operation of the PIPs in the circuit of the '066 patent The first signal plot, marked as Defendants' Exhibit 52 ["Trigger"] illustrates simulated use of the PIRs to turn on the lamp. Here, the top signals (labeled "PIR 1" and "PIR 2") show representative PIP, voltages of Q1 and Q2 responswe to external stimuh, as described by Mr. Raper's oscilloscope trace of the "Helmann model LHI-778" P1R. In this simulation, the PIR signals amve within 2 seconds of each other. The bottom signal plot shows SPICE simulation results of analysis of the '066 patent Fig. 2 circmt in response to those two PIP, signals. The bottom plot in Defendants' Exl-nbtt 52 shows signals at the output of the window comparator ('066 Fig 2 block 48) and at the output of the pulse count ('066 Fig. 2 block 51) measured at Node A m Fig. 1 above Note that the HIGH to LOW transition in the pulse counter output (Node A) in response the arrival of the second pulse signifies that predetermined mot.ton has been detected Tins LOW stgnal at Node A then propagates into the logic and lamp control circuitry to cause the appropnate actmn on the lamp (BRIGHT mode if it is NIGHT). The other signal plot, marked as Defendants' Extubit 53 ["No Trigger"], illustrates simulated use of the PIRs to detect a change ofinfi'ared radiation that does not turn on the lamp. Here, the top signals (labeled "PIR 1" and "PIR 2") show representative PIP, voltages of Q 1 and Q2 responsive to external stimuh, as described by Mr Raper's oscilloscope trace of the "Helmann model LHI-778" PIR. In this simulation, the PIP, signals arrive wathin 4 seconds of each other The bottom signal plot shows SPICE simulation results of analysis of the 066 Patent Fig. 2 circuit in response to these two PIR signals. Note that the individual PIP, signals in this simulation are IDENTICAL to the previous simulation, however they arrive fiLrther apart in time. In the bottom signal plot of defendants Exhibit 53, we see that the window comparator responds to the PIP, signals as indicated by the negative pulses at the output of the comparator ('066 Fig 2 block 48), however, this particular sequence of PER.signals is outside the bounds of STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR CASE NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENG1LL UNDER L R 12(C _(C) JA 0771 - 20 - what the circuit was designed to interpret as the "first predetermined condition," i.e. "motion of a person or object." Because these P/R signals do not amve within the preselected time interval, the circuit does not regard them as representing the prescribed "motion "As a result, the pulse counter output (Node A) does not change (is not triggered), and the lamp control circuitry will not respond. These two simulahon expenments show that there are PIR signals in detechon that are "selected" by the '066 Fig. 2 circuitry m blocks 43, 46, 47, representative of prescribed motion (the "Trigger" signal plots of Exhibit 52) signals in response to IR detection that are NOT "selected" as representative motion (the "No Trigger" signal plots of Exhibit 53). .. response to IR 48, and 51 as and other PIR of prescribed Because of the clear delineation in fimction between PIRs (which detect changes m infrared radiation) and PIRs with appropriate selection circmtry (which detect motion) I would be surprised to see industry usage referring to PIRs as "motion detectors." Material collected from various web sttes bears this out Defendants' Exhibit 54 is a collection of product literature for PIRs, which illustrate the PIRs as electrical circuit components and refer to PIRs only as infrared radiation detectors but not motion detectors On the other hand, Defendants' Exhibit 55 is a collection of product literature for PIR-based mohon detectors, whmh are not circuit components, but completed circuits contained in housings, containing not just PIRs but associated electrical circmtry --a number of which are also said to employ pulse counting. (2) Photocell Selection Circuitry. If element A were construed to include a photocell expressed in section VI. A. 4. a) above -- element A must photocelrs associated selection circuitry. As discussed m presence of the term "predetermined condmon" in Element particular levels of hght by a photocell, reqmres additional Photocells only detect light, whereas selection circmtry is light. B. Claim The Structure Element Defining Claim Element -- which it should not be for reasons also be defined to mchide the greater detail elsewhere herein, the A, as applied to the detection of circuitry, not just a photocell. needed to detect a particular level of C(1) ("Control Circuit Means") C(1) is as follows: control circmt means coupled to said lamp and responsive to said sensor means for causing said lamp to emit hght at satd first level of dlumination in the absence of said predetermined condttion, and for causing said lamp to emtt light at said second level of dlumination in response to detection of said predetermined condition, wherein said control circuit means is powered by an AC voltages (sic), and The structure which, in my opinion, defines CImm Element C(1) "Control Circuit Means Responding to First sensor Means and" Js marked in read at diagram C(1) of the Comparative Diagrams, Appendix B. The structure which 1 have selected is the portion of the '066 Fig. 2 circuit that is connected to the mohon selechon circuitry and to the lamp, this circuitry performing the function of the logical determination of desired lamp output state (i.e. Dim or Bright) along with the circuitry that implements the lamp state by appropriately gating current to the lamp, required to perform the function "causing said lamp to emit light at said first level in the STATEMENTOF PROFESSORLLOYDMASSENGILLUNDERL.R 12(C)6(C) CASENO 3-o4-o16o JA 0772 -21 as - absence response of said predetermined condition ... and at said second to detection of said predetermined condition..." level of illumination in As previously noted, Mr. Carlson does not address element C(1); however, I believe this was (as with Element A) unintentional and for purposes of this Statement, will assume that he intended to define Element C([) the same as K(1), except with the addition of the power supply. Diagram C(1) is marked with a broken blue hne indicating the structure which I believe Mr. Carlson intended to define Element C(1). As shown by the blue markings in Diagram C(1), the assumed Carlson definition of Element C(1) fails to include the logic circuitry which I believe is necessary to determine "off," "dim," or "bright" operation. The structure I have selected includes that logic circmtry, i e. the circuit components necessary to establish threshold voltages needed to perform the function of "causing said lamp to emit hght at said first level of illumination ... and for causing sa_d lamp to emit hght at said second level of illumination." C. Structure Claim Element Defining marked C(2) ("Switching Means"). C(2) is as follows: wherein said control selecttvely permztting voltage to said lamp See APPENDIX Sub-Element A, Master Claim circuit means includes swatching and preventmg the applicatton means for of satd A C Chart. The structure which, in my oplmon, in read at diagram C(2) of Appendix defines Sub-Element C(2) "Switching B, Comparative Diagrams. Means" is The structure which I have selected is the portion of the '066 Fig 2 circuit which controls the "on/off' current switching to the lamp. This includes the tnac device Q3 and the associated driver pnp transistor and resistors that level-shift the output voltage of the phase angle comparator so that it can properly trigger the triac. Mr. Carlson construes this element as only the trlac device. The trlac alone is'insufficient to perform the fimctlon of"selectively permitting and preventing the application of said AC voltage" because the output voltage drive IC2d is insufficient to trigger the triac. The level-shift circuitry included an the structure I have selected is necessary to perform the claim function. Structure Defining Sub-Element Means to Be Actuated") Do Claim Element C(3) ("Means for Causing Switching C(3) is as follows: [wherein said control circuit includes] means for causing said swatching means to be actuated for a selected portion of each half wave cycle of said A C voltage, saidportion of said half waves being greater for said second level of illuminatton than for satd first level of illumination See APPENDIX Means" STATEMENT CASE A, Master Claim Chart. The structure which, an nay opinion, defines Claim Sub-Element is marked in red at diagram C(3) of Appendix B, Comparative OF PROFESSOR NO 34)4-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER LR 12(C )6(C) JA 0773 C(3) "Switching Diagrams. - 22 - Thereis no differencebetweenMassengillandCarlsonconstruction,so we agreeon this structuraldefinition Structure Defining Third Value"). E° Claim Element [said light third hght See APPENDIX Threshold Diagrams. Sub-Element C(4) ("Means Causing Threshold to Have C(4) is as follows" control circmt sensing means value dtfferent sensing means A, Master Claim means including] means responsive to said for causing sam threshold voltage to have a from said first and second values when said is detecting daylight Chart. The structure which, in my opinion, to Have Third Value "is marked defines Claim Sub-Element C(4) "Means Causing in red at diagram C(4) of Appendix B, Comparative The structure Mr. Carlson has selected includes the photocell, voltage divider circuitry, and logic circuitry responsive to daylight. The Carlson construed circuitry generates a digital (yes/no) output and is not capable of generating three threshold voltage values. The structure I have selected includes the Carlson portion (without the photocell and voltage divider, which is captured in Element H below) plus the circuitry necessary to generate the threshold voltages described in the claim element. D14, D15, R34, and R58 are used in a voltage divider arrangement to created three distinct voltage levels (thresholds) at Node 61 and thus are necessary elements to perform the function of the claim element "causing said threshold voltage to have a third value different from said first and second values.." Structure Defining Waveform"). F° Claim Element Claim Element E ("Means for Producing Ramp E is as follows: means for producmg ramp waveform havmgfor each half wave of said A C voltage a ramp pulse which ts inmated m response to detectzon of the zero crossing pomt for the half wave See APPENDIX Ramp A, Master The structure which, Waveform" is marked Claim Chart. in my opinion, defines Clmm Element E "Means in red at diagram E of Appendix B, Comparative for Producing Diagrams. The structure Mr. Carlson has selected includes the ramp-generating elements and the zero-crossing-detect circuit elements. The structure I have selected tncludes only the rampgenerating circuit elements since the zero-crossing detect function is claimed in the clause "a zero crossing detect circuit for detecting zero crossing points of said AC voltage" immediately preceding element E; therefore, inclusion of the zero-crossing detect circuitry in element E would be redundant. STATEMENT CASE OF PROFESSOR NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER L R 12((? )6(C) JA 0774 - 23 - Structure Defining Claim Element Have First and Second Values"). G. Claim Element G ("Means for Causing Threshold to G is as follows: [claim 10] means responsive to said sensor means for causing said first threshold voltage to have a first value in the absence of said predetermined condition, and a second value in response to detection of said predetermined conditions; [claim 11] means response (sic) to said sensor means for causing said threshold" to have a first value m the absence of said predetermined condition, and a second value in response to detection of said predetermined condttions See APPENDIX A, Master Claim Chart. The structure which, in my opinion, defines Claim Element G "Means for Causing Threshold to Have First and Second Values" is marked in red at diagram G of Appendix B, Comparative Diagrams The structure Mr. Carlson has selected The structure I have selected encompasses the HIGH/LOW decision of the motion selection voltage (threshold) at Node 61. This structure said threshold voltage to have a first value.., '066 Fig 2 circmt at Node 61. H. Structure Claim Element Defining Element H ("Light Sensing Means"). H is as follows: light sensing for detecting See APPENDIX Claim encompasses the window comparator circuit. circuitry necessary to respond to the circuitry (Node A) and generate a corresponding is necessary to perform the function "causing and a second value...," which only occurs in the A, Master means responsive to light external to stud apparatus the presence and absence of daylight Claim Chart. The structure which, in my opinion, is marked in red at diagram H of Appendix defines Claim B, Comparahve Element H "Light Diagrams. Sensing Means The structure Mr. Carlson has selected includes only the photocell light-sensitive device. The structure I have selected includes the photocell as well as the resistors necessary form a voltage-divider circuit that can be tuned (by the designer) to output an appropriate " to 9 In claim 10 phrase corresponding to claim 1l's "said threshold" is "saidfirst threshold voltage." These phrases mean the identical thing. In claim 11, the omitted word "voltage" is implicit, since "said threshold" refers back to "threshold voltage" in the prior clause F. Similarly, m claim 10, the added word "first" is surplusage, since there is only one threshold voltage mentioned in claim 10, at clause F. Accordingly, claim elements G [claim 10] and G [claim 11] have identical meanings. STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR CASENO 3-o4-ol60 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDFR 1 !q' , 9tr" "_tc'_ JA 0775 - 24 - HIGH or LOW voltagerepresentativeof daylightversusnighttime,respectively.Thevoltagedivider structureis necessaryto performthe function"presenceandabsenceof daylight." I. Structure Claim Defining Element I, which Claim Element I ("First appears only in claim Sensor Means"). 6, is as follows: first sensor means for detectmg afirstpredetermmed condttton external to sazd apparatus, sald first predetermined conditton being motton relative to said first sensor means of a person or an object separate from sam apparatus See APPENDIX marked A, Master Claim Chart. The structure which, in my opinion, defines Claim Element I "First in read at diagram I of Appendix B, Comparative Diagrams. Sensor Means" is The structure Mr. Carlson has selected includes only the PIP, sensor devices, which will respond to infrared radiation but have no ability to selectively distinguish motion. The structure I have selected mcludes the portions of the '066 Fig 2 circuit which monitors external infrared radiation, detects changes in infrared energy, and selects those changes in IR that are representative of motion, as manifested by a HIGH or LOW output condition at Node A. This structure is necessary to perform the function "predetermined condihon being motion ... of a person or object" J. Structure Claim Element Defining J, which Claim Element also appears J ("Second only in claim Sensor Means"). 6, _s as follows: Second sensor means for detectmg a second predetermined condttion, satd second predetermmed condttion being a predetermined level of light external to said apparatus See APPENDIX marked A, Master Claim Chart. The structure which, in my oplmon, defines Claim Element in red at diagram J of Appendix B, Comparative Diagrams. J "Second Sensor Means" is The structure Mr. Carlson has selected includes only the photocell light-sensitive device. The structure I have selected includes the photocell as well as the resistors necessary to form a voltage-divider circuit that can be tuned (by the designer) to output an appropriate HIGH or LOW voltage representative of daylight versus nighttime, respectively. The voltagedivider structure is necessary to perform the function "predetermined level of light." K. Structure Claim Element Defining K(1), which Claim Element appears K(1) ("Control only in claim Circuit Means"). 6, is as follows: .control circmt means coupled to said lamp and responsive to said first and second sensor means for causing said lamp to emit light at satd first level of illumination in response to said second predetermmed condition m the absence of said first predetermined condition, and for causing said lamp to emit hght at said second level of dlummatton m response to detection of said first predetermined condttion, STATEMENT CASENO OF PROFESSOR 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDF'R I.R 17(C' _¢C_ JA 0776 - 25 - diagram The structure which, in my opinion, K(1) of Appendix B, Comparative defines claim Diagrams. element K(1) is marked in red at The structure wtuch Mr. Carlson has selected fails to include the logic circuitry which I beheve is necessary to determine "off," "dim" or "bright" operation. The structure which I have selected includes that logic circuitry, mcludes circuit components necessary to establish threshold voltages needed to perform the function of"causing said lamp to emit light at said first level ofHlummatton., and for causing said lamp to emit hght at said second level of tllummatlon." Structure Detection L. Claim Element Defining Claim Sub-Element K(2)("Means of First Predetermined Condition"). K(2) Responsive to is as follows: wherein said control circuit means includes means responsive to detection of said first predetermined condition for initiating measurement of a predetermined time interval, and responstve to expiration of said tzme interval for causing said lamp to thereafter emit light at said first level of dluminatton in response to satd second predetermined condition in the absence of a recurrence of said first predetermined condition diagram The structure which, in my opimon, K(2) of Appendix B, Comparative regard Mr Carlson has selected to which structure defines Alternatively, M) Construed defines claim Diagrams. the same structure. Accordingly claim element K(2). If The Sensor To Not Counting Would C(1) and K(1). element Include Be Part Means Claim The Pulse Circuit is marked Mr. Carlson Elements Counting Of The Control K(2) in red at and I agree with A and I Were Selection Means Circuitry, Claim Pulse Elements In its Markman briefs, Desa has contended that the pulse counting circuitry of the '066 patent is part of the "control circuit," rather than part of the detection circuitry defined by claim elements A and I of the asserted claims 6, 9, 10 and 11 because pulse counting is expressly called out as a part of the control means in non-asserted claim 12. Moreover, Desa contends that, because pulse counting is expressly called out as part of the control circuit means in claim 12, the legal doctrine of"claim differentiation" precludes it from being included as part of the control circuit means elements of claims 6, 9, 10 and 11. I have been asked to consider and comment upon these two contentions by Desa. As to Desa's first contention, it seems odd to me the patent claims would call out pulse counting as part of the control circuit, in view of the way that the schematic diagram in Figure 2 of the patent is presented. Circuit designers often arrange schematic diagrams in a logical way that mimics the high-level functional topology of a design (especially when "teaching" presenting a design to others). When I read the claims of this patent, and then study the schematic dmgram, I see parallelism between the functional structure of the claims and the graphic layout of the schematic. funchons STATEMENT CASENO The claims describe (broadly speaking of detecting one or two predetermined OF PROFESSOR 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER from a circuit design perspective) conditions (e.g. motion and/or l-R 12(C JA )6(C) 0777 or the design daylight), - 26 - performingsomelogictochooseamodeforthelamp(eg.off, dim,bright)basedona combination of detected events,andthenimplementing thatmodewith appropriate lamp controlcircuitry. Thesethreefunctionaldivisionsseemtobepurposefully capturedm the schematic diagram. In theschematic, thedetection/selectaon circuitryis setoutin thetoprowofcircuat blocks,thelogiccircmtryis setoutin themiddlerowofcircuitblocks(perhaps includingthe timer(block52)above),andallof thelampmodulation andoverridecontrolcircuitryis setout in thebottomrowof circuitblocks.I thinktinswouldbeapparent toanyelectricalengineer. Thepulsecountingctrcmtis locatedmtheupperrowalongwith therestof the detection/selection circuitry(includingthephotocellcircuitryofblock56),winchsuggests that thiswasexactlythefuncttonal arrangement mtended by thedesigners, andthatinclusionof pulsecountingin thecontrolclrcmtmeansclmmelementofclaim12is ananomaly,andthatit belongsin thesensormeanselementinstead.As advised, the'066patentfile historyshowsthat neitherclaim12noranyotherclmmelementexpressly limitedtopulsecountingwerewas includedamongtheoriginalclaimswhenthepatentapplication wasfiled. Claim12wasonly addedby newattorneysin anewlawfirmafterthefiling wascomplete.Perhaps tinswasthe sourceof whatotherwise seemstometobea fairlyobviouserrormclaim12 As to Desa's second contention -- that pulse counting cannot be part of the control circmt means of claims 6, 9, 10 and 11 by operation of§112 ¶ 6 because pulse counting is expressly called out as a hmitatlon of the control circuit means in claim 12 -- I wish to point out that the mere existence of claim 3 among the '066 patent cIaims _s entirely mconszstent with this contention. Claam 3 is as follows. "An apparatus according to claim 1, whereto said sensor means mcludes a passive znfrared detector." IfDesa's contentaon is correct as to claim 12, then the "first sensor means" claim element of claim 1 -- which is defined as "means for detecting .. motion relative to said first sensor means of a person or an object.." -- would not include a PIR. Tlus would be logacally impossible since a passive infrared detector is the only sensor which the patent discloses as part of the means for detecting motion Moreover, ffclaim dffferentiataon were a compelling argument for excluding pulse counting from the control circuit means elements of claims 6, 9, 10 and 11, the existence of claim 3 among the '066 patent claims would provide an even more a compelhng argument against Mr. Carlson's contention that the sensor means claun elements do not include the selection circuitry assoclated w_th the sensors. Unltke claim 12, if the first sensor means of claim 1 did not include the PIR selection circuitry, claim 3 would be wholly redundant of claim 1. Further, as adwsed, the '066 patent file history shows that claam 3 was among the clamas filed with the original '066 patent applicatmn The logical inconsistency between the existence of claim 3 m the patent, and inclusmn of pulse counting as part of the control circmt means m claim 12, underscores the likelthood that the latter was an error. In ad&tlon, with regard to Desa's "claim differentiataon" argument, I also note that the language of the primary control circuit means claam elements, C(I) and K(1), are broadly limited to the function of causing the lamp to emit bright light when the [first] predetermined condition is detected, and to emit dim light when the [first] predetermined condition is absent All of the subsequent control circuit claim elements, C(2)-C(4) and K(2), are subordinate to primary elements C(2) and K(2); and those subordinate claim elements are all qualified by the phrase "wherein stud control cn-cuit means zncludes." By the same token, the stated fimctions of the subordinate control circuit clatm elements are subordinate to the main functaon of causing the lamp to emit bright hght when the [first] predetermined condinon is detected, and to emit dlm light when the [first] predetermined condition is absent As a result, it cannot be stud that the express provision of the subordinate clmm elements C(2)-C(4) and K(2) in the claims STATEMENT OFPROFESSOR LLOYDMASSENG1LL UNDERL,R.!2(C)6(C_ CASENO3-o_-0160 JA 0778 - 27 - necessarily excludes any one or more of those subordinate elements in the primary claim elements C(t) and K(1). In fact, as a matter of grammar, the recitation ofspemfic things included in a general category usually only makes it clear that the general category encompasses at least those specific things and possibly others -- not that other mentions of the general category necessarily exclude those specific things In any event, I note that Mr. Thesz is of the oplmon that, by filing the McCavit declaration in the Patent Office to distinguish its claims from the Nippon Ceramic prior art, any interpretation of the patent claims that does not require pulse counting has been &sclmmed This would be a further reason to conclude that, if pulse counting is not included as a limitation of the sensor means claim elements A and I, it would be included as a limitation o f the primary control circuit means claim elements C(1) and K(1) Date. April 12, 2005 Lloyd W Massenglll Roger L Cook (CA Bar No 55208) (admzttedpro hac vine) Angus M. MacDonald (CA Bar No 212526) (admzttedpro hac vice) TOWNSEND and TOWNSEND and CREW LLP Two Embarcadero Center, 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel (415) 576-0200 Fax: (415) 576-0300 Attorneys for Defendants EML Technologies LLC and Costco Wholesale Corporation 60463529 v3 STATEMENT CASE OF PROFESSOR NO 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGHI UN DER L R 12(C )6(C) JA 0779 -28 - PROOF OF SERVICE I, Susan Baker-Lehne, am a citizen of the Umted States and an employee in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. I am over the age of eighteen and not a party to the within action. My business address is Two Embarcadero Center, 8 tn Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111. On April 12, 2005, I served the following document(s): STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER LOCAL RULE 12(C)(6)(C) on the parties in this action 0 By Mail: I am correspondence Postal Service California, in served, service more than one Proc 5(lo). (x) By Federal Express" The document will be deposited with Federal Express on April 2005, with postage thereon fully prepaid at San Francisco, California, in the ordinary course of business. () By FacsJmile" On the same transmission from facsimde at the below fax numbers. (X) By E-mail: I caused such documents to be sent by electromc addresses listed below on April 12, 2005 "readily familiar" with the firm's practice of collection and processing for mailing. Under that practice it would be deposited with the U.S. on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at San Francisco, the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party is presumed mvahd if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is day after the date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. Fed. Rule Cir. Robb S. Harvey Waller Lansden Dortch Nashville City Center 511 Union Street, Suite Nashville, TN 37219 FAX: 615-244-6804 E-mall. & Davis, AND Middleton Reutlinger, PSC 2500 Brown and Williamson Tower 401 South Fourth Avenue Lomsville, KY 40202-3410 FAX: 502-561-0442 E-mail: jhlggins@middreut.com rtheuerkauf@middreut.com corn FEDEX BY E-MAlL Dr Charles mail to the e-marl James R. Hlggins, Jr. Robert J. Theuerkauf PLLC 2100 rharvey@wallerlaw BY E-MAIL date the document was also transmitted by facsimile machine number_(415) 576-0300 to the following persons AND FEDEX U Carnal Department of ECE, Box 5004 Tennessee Technological University Cookeville, TN 38505-0001 E-mail: clcee@charter.net BY E-MAIL foregoing AND U.S. MAIL I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the is true and correct Executed on April 12, 2005, at San Francisco, California. Susan STATEMENT CASE NO OF PROFESSOR 3-04-0160 LLOYD MASSENGILL UNDER LR Baker-Lehne 12(C )6(C) _J_t 0780 13, 00001 OOOO2 I UNITED FOR STATES DISTRICT THE MIDDLE NASHVILLE 2 COURT DISTRICT DIVISION APPEAKANCP.S I OF TENNESSEE FOR 3 4 DESA IP, LLC, THE PLAINTIFF ROBFRT MIddlct oa Reudmget 2500 Bro_ n & Wdhamson Loulsxflle K_ 40202 ) ) 5 Plmmlff, JAMES R IilGG]NS I TtIEULRKAUF ) JR Tower ) 6 vs ) CASENO 304-0160 ) F2dL g TECHNOLOGIES, COSTCO FOR ) VOLUME LLC and 7 WHOLESALE THE I DEFI2ffDANTS IRIS SOCKEL ) CORPORATION, ) ) 9 Dcfmtdams ROGER L COOK MITRAKOS Townsend and Tovmsend Two Embascadcro Center E_ghtb Floor San Francisco ) CA mad Crew 94111 10 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 17 18 BE]:ORE 19 DATE 20 TIME. THE HONORABLEAEETA OCTOBES 25 A TRAUGER 2005 9_OAM 21 22 23 REPORTED BY 24 BEVERLY COURT OFFICIAL E- "BECKy" REPORTER COLE, RPR CCR A-837 U S COURTHOUSE NASHVILLE, TN 37203 25 (615)726_,893tkman Hearing 10/25/05 Page Markman I INDEX 2 WITNESSES 4 5 6 10/25105 Page 2 Page 4 OOO04 OOOO3 I 3 Heanng MARK PATIERSON 7 Direct Testimony 8 Direct Exarml_auon 9 Cr_-Exatmnaoon by Mark Patterson byMr Htggms by Ms Mitrakos 9O III WIIX£AM 12 Direct RAPER Testamo_y 13 Direct 14 C:cas-Exmnmatton Er.ammznon by Wdham R alz_r THOMAS 17 Dareet T,_maony 18 Direct Exammauonby 19 Crms-F.aammaUon Costco 3 04 CV-I60 6 _om 161 J PAULUS Good Good COURT W¢ ha'_c 4 MR. g TIIECOURT Good MR HARVEY II THE cOLrRT MR THEUERKAUF Yom HonOr 15 you? Do'ag morning, 16 Tc,chology Good Rolxrt THECOURT RohreL "HIECOURT Cook 2O7 19 Honor Cook morning Thcuerkauf Theuerkauf Loms_dle V_ce Good mommg, Whotsslttmgv.Rh President ROHILER of Dexdopmcnt and Goodmormng. And for thedefcrtse weha_eRoger fvem Saa Fratosco 20 20 NllL 21 21 "IT"IECOURT 22 22 MS 23 23 THECOURT 24 24 MR 25 25 THECOURT COOK Good morning MITRAKOS RILEY Your Gvodmommg Good Yes Your Okay Hono_ AndJrtsMitrakos morning St_.eRfley fromBo_en Rdey'_ Honor We're Markman JA 0781 Your Ro_Har_eyfmm for DESA MR 3 and tg civil C2_¢ - thts Goodmommg 10 18 Page Technologies Wallet 17 10/25/05 Honor EML theplaanttffJa_esHIggtr_,Jr HIGGINS 169 Heanng We'rehnrcon-Yore _s plalniaff Wchavefor 2O6 Markman - DESA for the Htggtm Paulm, morning mornmg, Lomsvllle 7 14 Higgms Cook by Mr THE 13 byMr Mr 3 12 by blr by Thomas COUNSEL 134 159 15 16 THECOURT 2 9 126 |0 II I here on the hngmnlng Hearing 10/25/05 O90O5 OOOO6 I ofaMalkmanheannf_ 2 will tell you _ 3 you 4 intend offand Weha_esctomthesmeture I want you to be prepared say I don't need to do regularly I to hear hcze today any o f that, "_hmh and I for me Io cut the next couple 2 We MR 4 THE COURT 5 (Laughter) 8 clerk He*saprofel_c, 9 has been ozalTennes.seeTechmCookevln©and ;LsststJng the corot, I0 the ¢.oal's I1 Are mo_l grateful there any paM to have thal prchmma_y and before wc g¢1 12 stancd_ 13 14 MR your 15 16 RILEY mt_ducmg Ycs, my two THE COURT repr_,cnr._xe MR COOK 18 THE COURT MR RILEY max_duce yore party and they mthede_a_Lsofthtsmatlcr, 22 rcaso_ 23 from w*th your during I'm ava_abl¢ think thai I can MiWabosare arc I would these al my office fine add any assL_ce and I'm lgJr_ COURT sVstmt, 4 able to succe_fully $ om _ use having I have MIL of thts 12 hghts became t3 tha_ _ thfficuh we won'l excased MR RILEY 15 THE COURT MR I'll also make with dunng the the tbe Courl's the coral presence f_ce IO pull you Thank you, w_sh_ rotgut back Your Anything m be of Otherwtsc, Honor ctsc7 Yes.YourHonor video eqmpment Wcwantto ts scl up according it to be set up 23 Pore1 May IO I approach the 25 Wc cou_ Smc HIGGINS thsp]ayed 24 10/25/05 Ifwegettoa coumcls' HIGGINS gmc that the we wt[I Ix: presenting necd and with DLuang a power on the screen to make sure Dr Carnal the plaintiff's Point And opening. you scc the Power o_ er there thai thal'S okay with before we the proceed Markman Page5 see the screen, are - I do#l compute? were not thah t t when an - a shde so much Okay HIGGINS 16 ts ores Io the coua'rs 17 eqmprramlSet Ig s_ Tbon left. Hearing some tbe otho" bye 10/25/05 Page 6 dunng the resin'rainy 21 andMt 22 tha v tdeo won't S¢oaEvans axe from 3 Wdham thc defendant. Other So the vldeo Okay Thal would ts not on now and R wdl you ate dorng Markman Ileanng his demo 13 wdl _d¢o 16 17 the plamhff thanthal. be what l would nol be on a I_ ¢ demonstration 12 that 10/25/05 Page 7 way you can componcnls and thc court and Rapcrlsdolng actually sc¢ cverythmg thai he be doing. THE lablc COURT or do you MR havc Arc you going another HIGGINS to do tt on ctmmcl labte7 We're going to do it on cotmsc] table. I_ THE COURT 19 MR HIGGINg 20 _ idcngTapber 21 ts being And will be wdcomg presented THE COURT 23 M]L HIGGINS 24 the demonstration 25 cerlam All right dunng That's fine that ttmc Is when the actual demot_trabon I requ_t Ix'nm_on the thai on the table 22 things, Okay Okay And to rcqm_t thc vldengraphar dunng to focus on if I may Markman JA 0782 In OUl certain thai w¢ mvtt¢ CamaldowntocounscltablewhflcMr 15 s sugg¢_tton Dr That thc pm on, it wdl rcqutrc IO sprcnd II thing wall be presemed fz_ them elecuontcalty t4 demo_Swalmr, Rap_ 9 II is our wdl Ilonzontaltabtes_f_cc hc'_ gmng I0 the Honm" Sore© whaP 8 othcr word_, then connect Yous mad thai _ dunng surface HIGGINS exhthlt have table MR be rL_xmng THECOURT for when of Mr homonta] 7 Tt_vldeoeqmpm¢_tLs technolngy some record'7 the plan, thing, Rap_ that's al_d¢ Ingtsucal demonstraltons 5 thai Mr COURT hghl you wdl see thai wc the technolngy 20 _a'ntaent demot_tratton THE to dtm of an unusual 4 to be m thc That's other InglstJCal 6 Thalwon*tbealnobtcra. ttpmtbecourtroom up to record courl one not be able HIGGINS f you wall be one shd¢. 1 will ask the MR 3 Now, fine s_c would 2 v.e could to see anylhmg be t_mg I othervas© know systems so thai to make There to see wnh MR 2.5 excepl you both have you have THI_COURT hka all ca_ our system wbet¢ 15 24 maybe HIGGINS 14 23 reason - we'll pr_'.¢alauon, And arc both 22 wdncss_ II 19 you Io adjttst tt for m_y wamess I0 you 14 Io be excused m Urns proceeding go th_ 8 on the S{TC¢'A. maybe 9 13 v, cql feel MR but I don't but I c_m s¢¢ thai p¢_ reedy I guess 7 we need Wall, thai for some compmer 6 Honor, ttmc IO tlrc_ O0008 THE 3 whc6e assistance, "IVIE COURT (X_O7 2 12 21 Heanng Your with I9 Icctem7 m_ olved proccndmgs if ne_ Hono_ to conrad from Verygood local Fo*th_ I_e Markman I that I feel 20 mmn_ely andlamnol_ pcrmlsston, the cota_occn THECOURT I I p_ttlon 18 how CookandMs Your lawy_ to be excused 10 17 make Okay Mr 21 from San but rll _k 16 YomHonor Franc_co, lawyers 25 1 &_'t Wedon'thaveone, 20 24 AM lapprcclate here Youdon*lhaveapany_rab_e_' 17 19 YomHonof cocotms¢l I'lJ be bere less 9 Ix'rmlsslon? _lstance maaers No obJccUon, One HARVEY reques! 8 hemlng, for by the parues, HIGGINS MR 7 $;_3¢ law DOeSlhaplamt]ffobJcct excused7 3 6 box with my Okay Rdey I have with us alsoto exSlslthe coral Dr 7 Charles Carnal, who's sltung m tbepay Mr of 5 days 6 THECOURT to having Heanng 10/25/05 Page 8 OOOO9 1 THECOURT 00010 2 M_HIGGINS 3 v.hen Mr 4 d_e.s Cook li_at's with 5 cec_n compa_ent5 have coucse, oftbelr COURT 8 MR. H[GGINS 9 THECOURT 12 THECOURT want 15 L_ No, we. on of Okay v.ell. Your Hooor Good bmdc_s'_ Mr THE COURT 18 MR HIGGINS pcobably be best 22 them. fo¢ Mr 24 been submt_.d 25 expert Cvok COURT arc with the m them and ! think what _t _d they are m ',he front of and wlth the 10/25/05 Page both through th© briefs, the _t's w_e.ss thstoncs pa_es of the patcnL_ intend to bc them our pte_entat_on_ docmnents w¢11 m the binder be by tab number on the record. COURT Okay, ve_ helpful Thank you there's one Okay MR aspect H1GGINg and Dr name Your cxh_bl_ Carnal's Hc_0r, that I v, ould attention Sir, am I_c to call I pronotmcmg cortecl]y'_ DR CARNAL 18 hiP. H]GGINS !9 _ the coon 20 has been 2f cafiedlom|Apgendt× 22 to d_rmg ha_ been THE Pa_donme _ v, _11, with - COURT Mr these Andthat D_ Camel iv, o black bmdc_ _s whalwchaver!fcrrnd Markman Cook, a httle bet so tt s picking 9 I beheve _nts _s the joint document Tnank_,ou _d I of 2 Imefing this Carnal pre_cn_nd, pre_¢mted And m_e And, to the JOint 17 25 include _nclude tbe lilt thai to dl tTetent 24 12 - or is it just to THE 23 Heanng appendix can you rndtrcct -- the mike Markman on the that pathmn, I't_eanng 10_5_05 Page I0 Page 12 00012 yea_ I Exct_em¢ 3 THE COURT Pea tt a little you cl_cr to v, here me spaakmg. S MR. Honor andMr THE COURT MR H]GGINS LMck one, 10 That'sUS I! referred ! 2 Can Tbe first to m; the '066 m mattev_ binder, 0fthc the patvat m suet Bates the c_¢ are HIGGINS m the patent so tha_ everyone o fllce, the MR COOK And that's Tbcy 21 MR. HIGGINS 22 sm_ller 23 o f _,hat'$ of the tv, o black called 24 a second patent. 25 th* They no¢ included m tbe aremclndedmthe should Yes And bmde_ a ¢outmuatlo_ 6 to the 7 bench 8 273 _xamplc, so when the bc, yes so the _ec:ond ;s the pros¢cmlon apphca_on A_dthat_,econdpatent and htstor/ that t_sultnd _not antsm.,cm c_se THE M_rkrnan Heanng 10/25/05 Page Mr you MR H]GGINS TttE COURT m _ bzndcrs JA )783 And 1i a pagc that is thA or" making you wtl_ ha_ • at the Ms Mitlak_ _ paint v, dl have J-A ha_ _ J A 273 And have what numb_ gl_cn will that appear me _ ]11 have to ask _s_st,x_cc to _k you of coims¢l _ 15 a big tht!k !6 the binders bucket I'm going m.t _cnd here, and 17 MS M1TRAKOS 18 THE COURT 19 hLR. HIGGINS 20 MS for your THE _3 rcfernng 24 within to the COURT it well be !as_er YourHonov, thal'_ m to find it m that ts tab 74 74? Tab-- MITP.AKOS conv_lence, to refer to of to thai because 74 start WeB, tab numbers and the V,ltness statements at tab 77 I woald and apprcclat• the'n, or" course, yore th_ pages it And th• s¢c oe,d black binder, Markman 11 bmdct on it here and appel_lx beg thtck a wlu'._s Cook should COURT as m the binders t_ 25 number to J-A 273, Carnal to Joint the I ha_ • marked J-A 273, _2 m Bates if ] point and Dr _4 21 from ] tan mte_ogatmg !ore% 13 wjJJ be working COrTeCt9 20 2'/3, appenthx a particular For 5 12 mimbet THECOURT bmdet_. wall have 9 btndet_7 MR 3 "._¢ _ dl be re femng the Markman I I dmang that _ed 15 18 and l0 pattmt the paints t$ prese2_ed !6 Yore OIlentrmcsttwlllbe ] 4 _oml _d_x the sam! black ore h_stoty pat_t$,.598,066 refcmng that better, Fm *ore_ t$ th= prt_ecutt So that wh_l¢ from you he_ H_ggms? 8 9 So mosdy 2 4 HIGGINS 7 19 it mclndcs exhibits idem=fy your of the past HIGGINS 17 and to yot_ m the briefing comse MR 13 10 16 mctex 2 6 re f•mng ha_ c bncf'_ It doesn't II does So as we go 9 15 000|1 4 rcfemng are jolw. _far[cman I 7 Do they COOK _hlb_ts al_ the a_e _ese9 m explain tbe _pens danng and other Andthese_re_ematmal_thathav¢ s tam'acres statement_ 6 14 _¢m. _ 5 12 Okay T_re_s YourHor_r You h_s-th_cwe'_prcparndby _.fi_. COOK 23 _ey r_w_-wed the 13 up here, Ar.d t_ll m_ whO's We have THE AllnghL binders bmde_ Y¢_ s_mp]y II openings? HIGGINS de fe_L_.n_. YomHonor COURT stalt'rncnL_ MR 4 8 Cook.do Ve_ygoo& me three Wh_¢ 17 2_ wedon'l. your the_¢ MR. 20 And fine Okay wl_ m_ ask, Joint t_ d_or_on Very 16 9 3 _elr m focus _o that That's COOK to proceed th_¢ !_¢esemmg v_eograpb_ THE 2 the v, tmc_ _ythmS'_ MR 14 arc _e AllnghL I! t3 _k no objeccma THE youha_c A_]_,esumethal has _.tm_es be n_y 7 I0 1 "]'h_a_yo_ v-,it_o_ L_t 6 fine. the thlrmer tlearmg one, tbe 10/25/05 00014 t C¢O13 I ¢ot_o,u_tton paL¢_ -2 MR HIOGIHS 3 THE COURT Yes 2 anywhere MS MITRAKOS 7 THE COURT 5 8 MR HIGGINS 76 '7 7 COURT [ I joint appendix '_ 12 HIGOINS MR 13 to dunng Was THE COURT 15 MR COOK THE COURT 17 MS MITRAKOS you Appendt_ 19 MR 20 number zs U S patcrfl 21 THE tho_e HIGOINS Yeah number COURT ¢onhnuatlon And palent 23 MS 24 THE COURT 25 MR HIGGINS And that yoo said thai docuracnts MITKAKOS follow on patcm contmUallon -- are tab 76"_ Thal'S correct Okay Your Honor good morning Hearing 10/25/05 Page ts the 1794 2 [hepatem, 14 1994, grantcdioElyWhLtacy 3 coRon 4 and March |ames your mom,ng, Wecsc Honor morning Mr And as you have been ]6 Rohrer ts the VICe prc$ldant 17 He well be at counsel Weese ts the prcstdant and THE COURT 21 MR HIGGINS 22 Hotmt_ Thtsts 23 the plaintiff And pr_entatlon Mr and DoUR [echnoJogy the prcsentattons representallve [ proceed _ May 25 already. wtth us dunng corporate 20 24 reformed ofdave]opmcnt table and Yes Well the M m'km,m may I ask the court of[he nexl _'e we why here, Your pTo¢ctthng pttsentatton to thin lights the slide '_ _'v'h4t you IHnrkman patent That's of OESA, for the ate wLmcSsmg Ilearmg 10/25/05 I v, ewdlbctaiklngalmuhpa_agraph6ofSectlon [he date of 2 for [he Page 14 a}lentton 6 stalutc if I am that Patenls the owner has mfnnged do I persuade my Patcm _ed to be expressed. patcrtt of that Patcm. [hat and I [he court that the accused de_ tee when all [he entirety of the patent Is Beginning light. 16 patent 17 Yo_ Statute And USC of[he statute in vanotu_ 17 and tl_ of the '066 patctlt 1535 I paragraph P,|arkman 2. 5 and paragraph is the st3tute Hearing 6 that paragraph 19 p_lcularly 20 su_ect pointing 23 than 10/25/05 Page 15 Page 16 time to or thffcrent aspects |h_t the cont4m [he best IO a_ the preferred patent document, embodiment 2 Is the pofllon shall conc}ude which the rcqulrcmen| dcsenpllon out and deahng wl[h the apphcanl iLs_lf, it ts often of the palenl with one dtstmctly the claims or more clatmmg tegard_ ,a'e the portion out and thstmctly c]aammg cha ras the as his invent{on pat_t¢ul_r]y thai which is different ,u_ why m'e we hcre_ in_ngetacnl We are here is a Iwo step Mnrkman JA 0784 invention tO from -- the ¢lazms the pno_ go paten1 of[he Thebestmodals in the pointing maucr This 22 25 that [he COtL,1-- [he lenas tO as d speClI_C The speczficatlon 24 of And 18 21 You this includes -- the wnlten First, It is t¢_rred of claims Paragraph I also contain of the statutenow, but _ e 4. paragraph {ult¢llon. Paragraph ter¢_Tcd amc_td Co_grcss law Paten1 expressed 1 know [he coati has had lots of expressions I ] 2/6 or reCaP3 plus of[he 14 Sc¢[Ion112 2,. paragraph 9 not*co of the patent 13 to the or the court's wd] h¢ rc letted modeconlemplatcdby[hemvemor Scc[Ionll21sdwldcdmtoslxparagraphs paragrilph tzmc as the sp¢¢lficatton of the patent dlrcel descnpl_On 12 that re fcr_ to claims 22 will sc¢ them on the screen 8 16 In t&36, ] and for a Wntlen that ts whal cmbodlmenl the clatm$ tO mt¢rpret And 15 a rcqulremCnl to mcluda [he clalms arc _ are bore today 19 The porhon Beg_sm_ag to paragraph portion Pl¢&sc does nol in fnuge m 1836 -- and you may now return Honor with l I patent the p21cnl? 14 not the only m fnnger. tf I represent the accused 12 how do I prcscnl a de lense [hat my product [hat's calls I0 on that documenf_ Con_ e_ely, But 7 patent, and I go IO ll2, _12/6 5 ts the way Now, I I 25 HIGGENg Thts 10 v, hat's shown 24 MR thai we are daabng 9 m fnng¢_ 23 ts Mr CEOofOESA 4 8 court, how 21 Good 3 7 bchev© someone 20 Good COURT gm [hl{LS the enttr¢ 6 I_ Wouldyou tS the chteffin_mctal COOl6 I here, Your Honor IS Hyden[ha{ 13 OOO15 13 TomHyden[ha] WEF.SE 19 5,747.937 Markman $ next to Mr 18 as the company 18 C 22 Seated 15 appcn[hx It's Jolnl Carnal arc here In the courtroom Hydcntha] THE 14 Your Honor Mr Hydentha]_ MR 13 Thank ts Mr Mr 12 As _1,_? the)omt cbenl who [ I by the parl,cs Ifs,n 16 Dr hkc to introduce o[her {0 (phoneh¢) as part of the Iesmtherecord_refen'ed the briefings }4 ,I already Before I begin, [ would oFDESA 9 THE mommg Goodmommg, ln the courtroom stand 8 omcer It's In the record _ c-ell,your 9 Honor I0 Good today 6 That's lab 76 That's HIGGINS 4 rcpresenlatlvc_of my or ts 5 [halJ_t m the blnd£rs? 6 COURT MR 3 counsel -- ts that a part of the )OLin 4 upben[hx or _ that m the record _Ir_dy THE today became inquiry Ilearmg 10/25/05 Pa¢©]_ Pagel_ OOO19 O0O2O L _ _ent olSce fi]cs pal_ _1(_ _ whe_ ths ]_[ef_ n_ hcs p;_cl_bLc _cc_d:n_ dc_n_mcs to U_o_c, if the _llC;_Dcn sub_ec[ u_,[t _" IL looks zcco_dm_ I_ ¢1_._ 4 _'_ci _Jb_ $ "_¢ rcCc(cnccs c_tcd _:[Jon _ - LSwh¢_c _hc 6 p_=aL ORi¢¢ de_mm_i wh¢_'_ to pul thc pno_ aft t_ 7 paine o_fl¢¢ o0ns_da_ in _smn S the _aL-'nL ! And tb_s is _hc prior _'I tb_t L5bcf_c 9 offi_ I0 m d_e I_._n prior m _ the the Ip_J_t 066 pe._ _ The ne'.v p_ec_ o( (ouml _d pr¢_u_f_d _s the N_p_ w_ co of d_ Ce+amJc 14 z_ 5tzn[ Cx_rnln¢'tS _0 m,1_¢ $_¢ Lh_ the pz_'nL 01_cc dc._ 16 ]7 18 And _ m_c_o_ _c d_c,dmmcys who _cp_cnLo3 Th_ next p_t 19 _I_¢a¢10(the LSd_¢ _s_r_:t patcnl I.t _ _n 20 ol5¢e h_ n_qu_fcd d_ _opl_c _t ;2 [ d_r_ n_ Impo_( _.3 _pph¢_t _4 Pn[e 19 p¢cse_¢d L_ of _ )785 p_cc_- _'-] c_fwh_ T_c the p_c_l _o do to summ._,_c Lt'e t_ ,m&"_t._d how t_¢ __nm _"y _d how (he _Jcn_ Office _.cc_'_tcd LPc ;L_mmary Marl_nau JA the to ob._m lh_ p_Le_L H_nu_ 10/25f05 page20 00O21 0O022 I photocell, a pa_swe m fr_ed to a scctu3_, hght 2 cxtcma] 3 qu,_,rtz I_oge'n 4 _ghu3c_ 5 to opcr_e lamp a195 7 motion time at mght dctcctrD8 9 [o ope_te percent for dctcclmg and a clTcm[ In the absence 6 predetermined 8 f,e_m at about of detection interval PIc_¢ note Andtlc_d]soutapholoccn Well, invt_uon what to deicer;on of 6 _ p_.r_ Wtlham 19 to wbal he could wdl set: a dcm_nsw, 20 of the patent Raper, I0 Thuds for th_ p_cm7 a back_ read 17 t-mbodunenl part 21 r¢_ons]ve It's what the statute, 25 Secoon 112, par_ I. rcf_ to as the b_l Markman Ileanng for 25 10/25/05 Page for causing sald switching means fo_ producing a ramp I0 2 producing 3 means _ to b¢ _uated, a ramp wavefofr_ means WeatcmClatm Control c=rcuelmeans, swltchmg to f*ard sensor I includes a means 2 cotmtmg s_ld pulses 3 for causing studthrt_hold Eo have a firstvalue m 5 pqls¢ counting 6 tmpropcr means for 10/25/05 Page22 aLsohay© h_t StTamg me=m 7 and $ Coq>onmon 9 thee 9 we think i1'$ so tmporta_t are an of the as*erred claims m the I0 case. ClaSh 6.9, 10and II am theon]yclatms 10 You".] thatare I I II being asaert_d against gm deftndants' d_v_ce. And by the way, the defmdants - EML. I2 as a 13 d= fendant,ts accused of m fnngea'mmt because they make 14 prod_t 15 th= product mto the Umted Cosmo tsbemg 17 they =ellthe product Amlcl briefs 17 vs AWH the Phdhps Corporal)on filed d_rmg th_s cozc property organtzal]on J_l filed a bncfm l"hosearetheactsofmfnngcm_nlset 19 fmlh m 35 U S C Scctmn 271 19 the appropriate way to deal with Mad(man [ would is now _yathcs_zcd m the Phtlllps hkc Io pOml oul al paSe 1311 20 _cfi h,t_d coh._nn 21 cla_mlng Me3nsplttsftmctton=sthcsamca.sll2/6 no[ic_ thalnov,here m C[atrn 6,9. I0 and I I ts the Icnn 22 the cite - 0to quotahon purse corralrecRed 23 apphes only (o purely Now, having shown you Cl=0m.s6. 9, I0 ;rod II, you 22 23 Youmayhavc Pulse cotmt tsrecltedonly m Cla_m 12 And 24 provide it's 25 25 reciteda_ part of the controlclrcmt meat=, where it Marknmn lleanng 10/25/05 Page 23 the st_ctmc Phdhp; thscuss_s _s mea_ ftmct;o.al Th¢1"¢ a_¢ many other mcans pl_ hmltahons pOlnLS dcCSSlOtl m the ftmct]on An_ plu_ ftmctmn that per forms Markman JA )786 an We th=nk tha= by and la_8© the law ofcla=m 18 theUmtedStates havehadalotofbneFtngaboutpubecotmt. 36 about every and claim construcuon 18 constractton 21 case, b¢causc [o the court's t_sk al hand here. to assts! Lh¢ fedora] ctrcmt m how to go through 16 hearings And lhey, hkc-v,x_ import itinto 6. 9, 10 o_ I I axe nottc¢ first that it's an _n banc decision I $ and determine became We The second thing, plc_sc no(e Ihat thcre'wcre 14 attempt Stat_ accttsedof m fnngermmt Honor' at tc.m pes to incorporate [o go through case, Phdhps 13 mtellccmaJ the and they scH the Ivoduct toCostco. and they import sm [home, You_ r¢ctted m anothcr clazm And now I'm going to sard hgh[ sc'nfan8 meara Now. e pulse and a me._ns for m c*.n.s into the Cla*ms, because thcy'rc g r_pormv¢ 24 mcam. He=ring that all of the dcfcndants' 5 vaJue m response todetcct=o, of sa_d pru_te*mtned We for generating Back to our cardinal 4 bchcv¢ and a Second 6 condmon 20 are sbn II now, Your Honor Markmao rncms fo_ responswc 4 the absence oi"studpredetezmltxcd con&tm_, 16 We 0O024 I causing stud swttciung 12 to be wave form. me'_ts sen.sormeans, predetermined conthtton - 21 00O23 7 Io be actuated. Sen.sormeans, now we ate m cla*m - excu3¢ mc 24 exeusem¢ mode 10 [osaid scraor meam And 23 an Clam Is the prefc_:d "066 patent. _rc SltllIn Chum sa_d swl[chm 8 meam we ate m C3a=m 19 mcalXS, means And then oflh¢ We 18 predetermined conthtton, contzollcdctrCuilretard _vatch]r_ ar..corthn 8 of the mvcnbon Now 22 d_m_on Sensor means, prcdctermmed Controlled clrcu=lmeans, a switching means, m_d 16 m c-3nsfor cauamg wgmc_scs, he budt the dcwcc 9 14 9 bcc.a_e of DF_A*s we're in Clmm 20 actu&ted, mea_ _'_Icd 24 Now. 15 from tl_c smnmary responstv e [o 13 conthoon, controlled clrcullmeans of the LSimpoTtant tb on from one 'x ho says thai Contzol clrcmt means, means 12 th_s c&sc. me thole The thaw rags o f the palcnt _Jc dot, or thcd. _ S¢conds_rmcar_ I [ delccOon ofsa*d firstpredetermined cond_tlon thefts the detmled desmpuorL 23 Wea:emC1a_m6now 9 hghl for detectJng mOLiOn. mvcnoon of _ 18 For example, firslsensor mcaJ_s firstpredetermined 7 conthuon Thc_¢*sasmnma_oft_¢mvcntlon yo_ the claim lenns thal are before 5 you tobe Interpreted The;earelhesc'r_0tal a field of mvemlol__ 17 22 4 thlspoint, l'm htghhghtmg m the vt_zy _uact m fi'a_cd sc_so_ Tt=e s_ 21 3 IO go through these very qulckly because what I ha_ e done at the photocell 12 you wdl hear so much about du_ng 16 of fun a[ night, for a in _'csponsc thai the pat_Xl II 15 50 percent out the mven_on Thor3 wc gel l_maJ]yIo the clallm; And I'm going 8 second prt:dctermmcd condition, prede[erm]rted levelof with a p_wc Tl',crc's I canymg 2 the dayhf_ht bcguts 14 cattsf_ of motion of full bnghmc_ and to bc offwhde 10 13 which motion cla_rmng that do not the recited ftmcuon [ S¢¢ [hat tl_ Hearing court 10/25/05 Page 24 OOO26 I m _ lew OOO25 I h.xsacopyofPhdhpabeforelL hhasalrcadystuthud 2 tt. 2 Usually 3 THE 3 4 F.W. HtGGINS 5 points COURT white I have stu&ed Phdhps So Icl mcmsl get you to the I dunk that we want to rnakc special ¢'mphasts With respeCl 8 ¢ouTi permits 9 claim to our cardmal sm theme, ;un accused m fnnger begin to thn meamng 4 The 5 a_propnate, thai zr¢ not actuaOy prt_ent, the Supreme to include elements 8 into a Court nol menUoned m the clmm apptopnale dcfinlltom v, hen 14 14 thcttonary dcfmllton 15 fotmd 16 documents Thai will 15 dus heanng. 16 be a rceumng Your theme from Is thai you kcgtn 18 and th¢_ you mtc_p'tet 19 ¢murcpamm. 20 Thaes ts a principal vath the words lesson 17 of the claim be a useful grade m unde_tanthng 22 claim terms 23 pointed That's why what ]9 called among the clam_ 20 rcudmg the me;ruing we pointed out that the pulse cotmtmg can also mere= are m Clam112 Again, a theme from Phllhps. c_ms Markraan must be read Hearing 10/25105 Page 23 Now, crabodtment 2 describes only be corammd 4 And focm sm, 25 below $o long as the any definmon of tbe patcmt on v, bat Ph;lhps says about sin, actually iL_cif and that LSthe flora the specl ropealed]y v, amud Phd]lpS danger of ficatton into the c]mm ngamst confimng the m the patent particular m the '066 the empha_Lzcd the on thcllona_ terms case, patcah phra._ there's but only one the emphamzud The court Markmaa as betng hmzted _ I a palc'm to that embodunenL thai will be prt_entcd the Phflhps that if the clmms of the patent .Ac bebe-, • that the defendants' 5 mte=prtlatzora 6 Agmn. reJeCted the content=on a single embod=menL 3 must emphastz_d the 3 word 4 ptolx_ed says, phrase - in particular, Hearing Page26 10/25/05 6 the v. ords "meara" applies at pngc 1327, the there ts the Supreme 10 stud v. ith respecl to patenm that the court Court 9 has 14 through phdlrps, 15 yom Hono¢ 16 prmopa] 17 tbe '066 the patent, hawng which we beh¢'.¢ wtll largely dues for the rest of dus beanng, gone control 19 "066patent. ernbodunent Ore. m-awer With reopea toboth tc_.sof to _rate _ mt='ptct 23 a claim for a combmatmn quesm_rLs ts no 24 stop for per formmg 25 of StTuctme, marcia! ts paragraph 6 ptus An dement a sp¢ofied ftmct*on vathout }learmg c_e, pr¢_tmlptton say "_ As we stud ,._hat EML _ that actually ftmetzonal 15 rises that I 12]6 a moment ago, hmflaDons and Costco '_.e say ts the presumpoc_ term connotes 14 Either 15 the ayt,cspe.clallym cl_cU'O_I_ structme comcnd 16 ztsalf goes tS nebutted for one the t_rm tL_eif connot_ist]_ctute on to elabora[e Reracmbo', Phdhps pro'ely fumct_onal What We say ra quote* from or a 23 things are quotes 24 (phonetic) 25 The Page Why') do we 22 the r¢_ta] 10/25/05 to had the _ the L_ not rebutted. What 2l or acts m Support ther ¢o1" Markn_n Phflhps to purely 20 [c'm_ m th_ ca._ thts ts may be expr t_sed as a means *s a rehnttabl¢ the clmm 19 me.ms that is a presttri3plton hmffatton [3 I8 the clatrn,s o f the to the I 12J6 tssm:, etther terms b¢caose of two te_sons tooneofskdl cases, and/or m the clmm sufllctent stntctme or acts says ] ] 2/6 claffo5 to t7 perform tlm 6mcuon examples or 112/6. thn terms are imerchangeable, 22 what the statute says. Thts what we say the t.¢._ms are. does 112/6 apglytoalimcam patenL and ts It n¢_-_sat7 18 fzorn th= prefer_d funetton tl_ongh does So m this 12 gone that th_r_ that a clmm apph_ I I _esumpUon of patcms thd lus duty and did not LSSUC So having What II only 10 had - prt_tm',¢s 12 =m trc, ahd patenL t3 do recognize the danger of importing 8 the _loner We _s vet-/important clalm in them here HonoL 9 pro1 that 1 ha_ e emphasmed "means" operating into the clasma here, Youx the v, ord "wtthom" in its task to corat_umg 5 8 down bebewe courl arc dumg jo.¢t that. 7 hint ta_oxLs fi'orn tbe sp¢caficallon One paint We 2 7 21 wc wd] m this rely by a teathng to the embodiments 24 undersumd also not contradict the c_thnal have may OOO28 I wc have exprer=sly 20 the and technical the cLam doe_ 25 00027 II Io preclude to betle_ comtymng h mRaUor_ claims _ here That's ts thal you are - the and it the catthnal We 22 12 and now we call 21 of parucudar out to you Claim and not m any other claim. 23 And IS at page 1313 At pag© 1314, thfference; lechnology m or _certmncd m the comcxt o f the the clatm 21 24 us thronghoul Honc¢ The second theme thai _ c have 17 of Pktlhpe. v. here IO thct_ona_es dlCttortarl_ at any Ume m order 13 er know use of dictionaries not intend of course, 13 stop v. ¢ should r._ we do cauUon, m3derlylng order IO hmzt _uch claim, grade ! 3] 8 1322, 12 ]2 the techmcal COtWl IS free IOCOnSull l I tr eatzse_ m single use ofthcttonane_, The 10 v,e (_x'cta]ty are a part Is the best term court dOeS permit At page 9 sa_d cohn'nn, t fonc¢ of v, hmh they itself, of a disputed out at page 7 a to tmport wor¢_ 10 long ago, at pngc 1312 on the right-hand II once sp¢czficatton the spect ficauon, 6 pomtud 6 to the com_ 7 of the cases from from This the Apex [he fedt:_tl lc'rra "clrCUll" JA 0787 ate to thc V,'_al we mean means by that arc ts a quot© These _s Computer Rantan two ]no Clr_UIL ttsel f Connot_ Markman 27 not apply Bccattse It cottr#OlC5stntctui¢ mean by that9 cctlam e_se that l l 2/6 does stn_ctur¢ Hearing tO one 10/25/05 Page28 O0029 OOO30 I O f orthna.P]shdl inthe an to per form the funcuon 1 2 idcnldled by each hmnauon 2 3 3 somcthmg The term "clrcmt" with an appropriate moth tier 4 such as Interface,programming+ 5 are mscned 4 art logm -- now the brackets 6 we say ifratertheeorcult connotes structure,If 6 7 pro_q'amm mg circuit 7 8 conb-ols structure, then if logic circuit we say ceThalnly control 9 connotes structure And that'sthe Apsx 10 The Lmc_" Technology II circuit the courl What circuit? will nn, thcymc,mthesa, II recaps, swRch, switching 13 It can bc -- you can use both 14 term connotes struclurc 14 can use both re_ons 15 term iscoup)ed 17 stnlclu,_tl mcarung will bc convcycd tO pcrsons I$ skillm the art That's the Linear Technology of Oi'thnd_ We 21 The 22 thai those skilled m the arl would understand the term llght$cnsmg an an_or mdepcndcnlly or you - that we say that the sufficient structure for that t$ recited hear Ic,sumony 19 that the claims also pout to you Cwo dLStnCI court C_CS rc_ons on to elaborate OUt the function YOU wdl m the Ltghtscnsor, with each other 18 wKncsscs that when firstts the CeIINct case where LIS3yS the court finds there isu't second reason -- and this =s really t tscl f goes 17 case from ]9 the federalclrcult 20 claim 6 C_lng Our means 13 persons of skdl m the iechmeal ,trtindicate thatthat Thus, when the structurcconnolmg retards? [o people skdlcd methmg [2 16 wlth a dcscnptlon ofthc clrcun's operation suffictcnl orcuzl you to that or sensor means 12 In a tCC_lllCal the Uorv_Jy, thci_ thai IS cvzdence that [he 15 Sensor _ Of course Yes tscontrol dcmonswate l0 Our You bo[you Swflch7 circuit Sensor tlmay look to lcChnlcaldlclzonant* bocnttse tf a tcnn IS or mean about -- Is there a d_lTercnc¢ v, hcn the Icrm 9 that our Ji_Jt qucP_ to persons shdled in the ¢lectronlca Yes of control 8 wlmcs$cs case case mstructs Control[cd instead Well, mg terms connote structure s[n_ctural 5 Ltghlsensor? by us - controlor control --in other words, colmOlCS Structure, So 'Ahal do we me,m fu_heft Is. do the follov, from our technical they read the claims thcmsc[_ es connote m their stnJct_c enllreW, under this -- 20 these C_eS. $O that it'S they don't read them as means 21 £unctlonclaims 22 And the C,LSe tS Sage Products We both cite Sage 23 "clrcmt means" as a stmclural llmltatlonrather than a 23 PrOductS m OU¢ bnels The quote IS Important 24 m_ts 24 claim rccltC_ a function b_t then gocs on 1o claboratc plus funcuon 25 Wc 25 su_ctcnt alsoha_ c cztcdIO you the M agne-Tek case Mnrkmnn Hearing 10/25/05 Page Markman tO pet ['on_ ¢nttraly [he recited 2 zSnol m means pluS ftmCtton 3 So our wlmcsscs 4 statements Dr 6 either connotes 7 SU_ClCnl 8 sccumy hgh0sg 13 this palcm 14 r_ponse w_ apphcd 10/25/05 Page 30 And there's spocllledtlme timer then to you thai the claim 6 8 9 I0 whal II patent a unique they v, cTc kno_ n when level of hght, 14 were known dmk They t_cd the m our patent The photocell, 23 acccnl mode instead 24 lth© the prior art thd items of the control because there'sa unique control wc we arc not here arc here are other THECOURT Hlggms cta_m is the umque what you're MR HIGGINS 19 all of the shdcs Car=you [o make sure I*m clearly 20 I will hand Yes, ma'am that at the conclusion control to you to Dr We have cop_cs of of the presentation C:m_al and to counsel, Okay Okay pnntouts of the shdcs COURT 24 arc In the patent 25 commercial Thankyou that -- these embodiment, features Go,_hcad Othcrfeaturcsthat arc m the m the preferred Markman )788 of the circuit HIGGINS JA Mr 16 tmde=tanthng MR Page3Z but feat_c ovemde [ want THE 10/25/05 art m the preferred F-xcuseme, 23 Ilearmg vahdl(y IS wh*tt the technology features 22 Markman never In any prior to talk about There $ a manual of all thc way to bnghk circuit t UrT,S the clrC_ll [n their were to talk about first I[ [ L_llS [he lamps on [o an sensor, the control The is detected zs There 21 of all hkc mOSt do motion bc fore embodiment 18 in the _ ay that this '066 if no further 15 go back to thai last s]lde i l? ABofthosetechnologtcswcreknov.nbut {0 keep the lamps .it bnght In the *066 patent Now 12 tO _JI li'1LP.,tS t 0 n. mOLlOn "_as put together The motion Wc say R'S the marna_¢ 13 together dewce 1"hal rc_t3xts the timer circuit reoccurs times out only These to produce a timer that keeps the lamps on ['or a had put them as motion IS detected of_ce The llmcr the conffo] 4 so long h turns the tamps on Ln for sensor, they 2t 25 the product they are known, 20 _lent 22 3 their from was new to the palcn[ 7 combination tccboolo$1cs lamps on In N_pOR,_ ctrcmt gwmg questions OF it goes on [o e]3bor_le tO a predclcrmmcd Molton 19 nobody answcnng to you IOdayq of known Pholceell, 17 - when they're wdl exptmn stz_Clure (o demonstrate 12 ]8 the claim Ilearmg I lamps from accent to bright when motion 2 what tSthe '066 patent technology thatwe're and control 15 Carnal the claim sB1Jc[ure o_-acts Well, 9 going will fUnCltOn, format and when they're 5 COUrt or from 16 Where a OOO32 I t_elf II or acts within matcnH 29 ooo31 ]0 structure, plus embodiment Hearing as well, 10/25/05 Page 32 00¢D3 OOO34 the manual ovem_e fem-_e, the p*_lsecount f_ture, zero ¢a-n_mg dtt t¢[ t_e. mad _l [Ttrmzt c_J; the 5 t= pll_r_ pztem mchtde &ffereaZl o f ti-ez.e fca_'_ Manual t;_ o_¢='nd:. for example, 5, 7, 8. 12 ax[ 13 ts m Clam_ that include 9 cl_xt 'I'F_ COrJRT 10 arid I I S m thzs cz_c four¢lun_bemszttettecih_a'eareallmde_ 14 MR_ H[GGINS 1-_ "1_2 COURT" 12 you re._ly hzve r,otl o f four &fftaz_t &ffctt"_t 20 M_. 21 "Vz-IECOURT I_GGZ_"_S 1_; dcvtcc 20 morton That _ corrct't or cc*Jld market? cl_zly some thm_ 2_ msomcclams_pdn_zmeJudcdmcthe_. 21 7. of ptt_ntth'ht7 3 4 ]Q£L_/0S Page _ THE COU'RT sea.rate mv_tton. lidcsmb_ a=d the and _c t_n¢_ z_ cros_n8 dct_t. Andat ff_t _omc _'nm you only nccd one *_or to perform A nd d_ _m be 24 e_t_" the photc_:LI _" the PII_, _s v_e _re _.;Im _ xL 25 _ etch pateat _ e_ct_c me_ Each cha_ _e; M_rkmmn Hearing 10/25R$ Page34 _tTczen_ort 2 "UdB COU_T' Goco. "_Idmwillt_commmn_ b.,_'or e 9 M_ tO _m¢ rm ready _tym$ sorncwhat d_c {_-_fm,m.b • .*_mm_ dctmpuo_ of L of $¢o_o_ 9 Cxpla_ And In m_ny st_a_om.. 16 b_l n_ {7 A_dyou'll_emthed_f_m_r_oa 18 u'_al _e _ 19 all o f the fe.m_es 20 _{1 be _t_nbed _cktd¢ 22 Anal 23 cl_n o_Jy _¢ t_crc_rc, bt_ th_ "Una_ _h_ l{ fcalme Lt_t dt c pn¢_ to _'_ dc4_ n't h_ve. that clmm _s stiU patemtabIe, t_e c_._ t;w ¢:a_t th_ do¢_m= Hctnng 10t2_d0S cttctuc, the cen_'ot ¢_cmc, wfl{ k_e JA 0789 mg_ne_ a _cod _e the:_ £idu_ pn_tclpk_, W,_,_a_ _ undertl_dm8 so of them fll PhlJlL_ C_.S_ We belpn wnth _e words t_¢ c]a_'_ to be mtcr_w_'d. 3ad we derive as _d_e¢_d of dx cLmr_ We commie to one_ skilled m thc a_ Wc the cleJr_ In corAcx * orethe CqLlm pat cY_L We _4_:,re_tate tl_ &ffer_c Markman Page35 t c_mok_'_ the photocell, about, _y UESA we propose _m 25 •f _ ,It 24 ¢or_r_e th* other cl:ur_ Markm_n Nov.. t_cse are our gtu_n_ 23 chum thaL 20 22 znd ffttt a_d dlou]d bc mtr-xl_r ctt:d the factthat¢_h ttlkcd t_er _e'x_or, _e { 7 that yG_t _nd Dr C_al o f our palem does cordon sa'g an m_c_ucn motion _lLl SL_IC_¢ Now) o_r _d_[ymg tl_tt wcJ_t ! 6 they wall be demor_tratcd R._p_wdld_ hts ,u_m_ a dmra :rod the W efevered Okay HIGGh'4S of the fcamms t| whywe _nvcntlon THE COURT I_ _e o_e, the bceaus*: Itw_'11a]xoexp_mn 15 1_ ezra be mt..'rp't_d 2_ _ffc_atly d_ _1 of ti'e f_'_ dutlMr embo&trg_t BUt tt _. nevctthfless, 21 _d'"_'_g contemn8 _,s_snott,_eqr_x And _,t b¢_vge_ 12 14 14 lrlV¢_tzoa OUL 15 statement l I _et_ f_rth a _pzratc for carzTmJ_ the I Mary. PaJ1erlon Io _3_Jc you to the dt f_ I0 cmbo_enL 112"7 Andth¢ wdl, p.M_mt_laone_ 8 m Ms w _ux_ 112 aL_o rcq_u_e_ tl_ to $ct forth Ll'.¢bert r_¢ M__HICGINS ttmewehavebadtoaddr_sthtsp_ ? brought you wt_m rap/rag? [l-|_mgoback(oS_.uot3 12 p_L--_ m p_ I3 ap#tr_t 6 e"_h ¢{_um L_Z whtch t* what l _u_ht A _ LPctr_¢'_Uoa. 5 from ¢lam_ to c'_ 9ut yo_'re {ayes I-HGGI3_S t_ml_L ¢om;l_g POtJust a & ffer_'_ way ofdesmbm8 8 I_1csame mvcn_oa, 25 w_ll p_nt out that that_ in the paiem d_.cn_es a lt_:;m'tx:;wpvL_eco_t, And tt dcst_s t_o36 1 clam I In I0 be 5re thml_ s _emem 33 znd Ihcy rts¢ or fail m tcrma ,*why tern ,:e_em_arj to th= _k the_e cLl?n t_ 6 II Hunng :hffe_ yc_ tod_y to cor,_wtm tPe cf_JWJ of the paL"_tt m a m_er S w_e 7 _e mclm]rd o0m the _Uo_ 23 sore©thin S _zt tho prior _'t r_ver d_- or uaG'mscmcmt on then ow_. ._+_d _ _aw-ycr_ do _ th_ And thee m,ght be _ve thm_ F_U_:_'n s_n._ 22 t_-_'b_ Ijt_ [sttamod_? MarY.re.In 00035 1 fo-Lh a $c_z.qt¢ mvt2men, m3vclty,_tdzty to the prior an. 19 the se:_ov; coon_na_ed both for the _ot_¢e.][ And dc<_ dzat d_ m'oc &ffcrcnt ¢fl_=r_ berau_ _ c.omp_l there hap;xn_[ Bm Mr I_; nma_ovcm(k - Lheoats ax t._ue 23 don't q,me tmderIt.zr_ the d;ffe_'mce b_tv. cca L_ 74 mdclzadeza Ear, hinverd;onm_tmee_ 17 _c _rc fated e_bo_m_nt vartatao_ of the pattmL 22 mode LI of tial that you m_kct c_tmm of an Ls_ed _tte;'.t _tremv_n_on the p_ot _'t I_ thu _e A.,zd from my mathnS, tt _ecrrd as law _; Io _vays I_w _; thin _'y A_d _o tha_ what _,_'_ I._ th_ yes. ma'm'_ toth¢ pit_t m (hffcrrnt 13 £_=_ch for the on_ thing that rn_es 17 or zp0Lt'ara& thax beca_z c you ht.v¢ got i_dcpctxdem daura 19 huc zre sort o£ f_ _c Inv_i_on t ! _nd rmn obvtou._l_ Ycu Pa_ent mven_on_d_o 10 thccon_uo_ofFat_-b_Y clatmz? 16 0zough Cam though you hrtc a pazcat for a p,_l_ttr It ,,_r._ t_ 9 se_ forthzs_ Cotdd you - one ¢oa¢cpt that I'm 13 all zgree Ihcy are tade_cat tndth_'.wllb¢ o1_¢e tad t_v m get paiene; for their chmts, ore 7 be 1_[¢ to d_nt3e 11 hz,lz_8 a re.al M,xi umo Setta_ mY _-'x_-*armmd ts that tze t2 etth_tt by our w_t_e_;, Mark P-_Icr_t_9 6 of L_ skill s=_ o['a permn who p_:nce_ Andtheyzrethc 'fire zrc t_mg _sttted 10 $ ptt_t so pul;a comic, no mara_l 8 o_¢rndetztClm,z_6,9.10_d[I m de_} 4 a_tomey_ wht._theydr.©mtoan I Pt_e cotm_ tt s only m C_,m 12. Zc*O ¢rc_zng detect tt m Clmr_ The cI_z_ Wh,_:t_s, 2 Yo_Hc_r 0 f th_ _ctwctm _© pr_ f_cd Hearing 10J_$/05 Pnge36 0_t37 I embodm.emmdtheclasms.._t._thauwhzt 2 )ml focttsed ¢m. each cI_m J We 6_ _1 4 [nntut30_ _-peoa_l/Icchnu:al ! l_:v, 9 _c_cs 2 :ta_hhc_ BOon to c_o:'_ and smport 3 Tnzrs c_bo_mcrd 4 into the to _ t3_J u thc protocol I! tm.p/y I) pzt:r t by ones _kdl_l I :_ b_c_t t$ be C_'a#L 19 Unit 2C* tt2/6 ccr64et ttc_J m _ ?.5 _ 12 t| dctecbn_ c_. lfy_, _ 17 m_ me_J_ _ sb_c_u'e m :c_ _L_d_et.=pply 20 Tcch c_c, And o¢" fo_6_u_u_,_a_ _emor m e,_z_ f0t de_e_tms, rnc_z the _tvc tO And then _ 25 10/2_'0_ etmtcttal or a_a to p_'f_xa 'rmt_ Now, [ nnut remind the ecru't, rm wdl. tlmt _f.e fhncuce _ imc ff I d_n% _._t thzt tt pe_m'mt $opleaseammd_zdyJtde, to ray "_i_n: _ thoS_oPmductsc._e. the ifyou_dl, flmclmn" Markmaa Page37 1 ore" client wz_ to bc mccsTnctcd ot_ t_c claum _o on m clabomtc _ C_k 24 eni_ apphed c_rccJI me:ms as Of f,_d Ltr_e IO_xpt_l_on ttt _= O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O.mct:ora tt'_ we v_t It be t_cu_xs _u(t'[eac_ Mr Hearln_ me3Ils I_lve _t 2l to t p*_,o_ t t _6 thcu the chc'n u_mt ernploycd- far c,_smg 21 ftmc_on. the 11.7.'6 _Jd not apply tf)_a, flftcdor m _la_m 6 19 co _'01d 112/6_-_#_cr_t_ In the Masnt ihe c_u_ pan of the c_c Ict'_ look It it m tefn_ fLm_on_ the zecon_ m Thc _c_c_ f_ winch a 'D_o f_tr.e'z_mt_m 15 m[c_al = t;_ c.k_cs of Linear M_rkmao to do to _u Hearth8 _ hrr_t some 10,25/05 Peze 38 PaCe 40 of thc dz._putc 2 m thss ce_. the 112_6 Hems_ I tza'n#l $ Chm_6 I J tlli_lalmg, _ the Icrm iL_cJrCormote Hcctor, may bc cnot_h I=mtaa_ la Cel_Cl _: c,ed_ of chc _ure _s the fi_ thts is L_e an6 "v_c-_f u:mc_b_,_sy_, corot oo.q_b_cd t nvc_f 0OC_9 I m the t 8_6 13 coarxo_led ¢_rcult means for czmta_, axcloolu_g r_c "w_y ", your 21 pan:l/t'a._c 24 r_cu_n tl I_ p_,dhgu, 23 _lled m co_cxl bc fort: the CmaL dca R_,wc 17 "rcr-he_inJD', Apex, v*_ A _ctz_ It'$tr_R._ttl_ 9 pc_cn_a*hmst_parucularty m the zn lezXt_L _xl we recognize _ s_c_'ure? 22 ten'as th21 _rc m thut p_t, my ihey rJ_eM be comu_.d "]_e _ t6 _¢ I 0 once we te_entt _y _: The ncm-me;_t 14 wbat _sa func_0n7 H e_c's anc{h_ _cfinltmn_ Ihtl our b_ve ttsed _md will _se for &e rc_ of th_ ot actt'_ for which a p_t on m "thlall _t specify 7 M_ufy &ctmp,mc_. bcrc u. t_'_l_ a fiJ_CUOn n_tl:n_ pact ot'ot_ l_ck-mt=.t_or_ 6 Ltt_d.O_ forw_tchthct_m_¢tlsL_ where ap_opnzle. hr_.rm$ II Bythewzy, _ I ufficl_t the Sase Products a_x_ &c_ona_c_ 9 Ot_ |ecOnd point D d04:_ _ m_tmn m_ctcth Wc _c ]0 Oe C:u'cLm_ gn from thc p_cfe_rcd tim u bc_g 6 c_=at I L_c cotn'_h._ L_a Jep_fzte of how ore"wlmc_ 3 w.tll be Thcy my that the tint level of dhmunzUon mc_L_ # 4 presett_n_Ou_ toyou, 4 reJat]vely _ m hsM campe_ed to • served lntbetc_m-mOaun6. cm_o_ ccrcmt wt_t I _ve l_c've - t_s _ _'n 6 p,_enl d_lr. 7 _ I have tt_e_mcd _d_ ,1..,_f g & ffc'_:_t _ G_ act_ 9 con_otcs sm_c_r c Welt _ '7 m Otc _L_ the c/a_rnthengo an to ttr_p _ trot I._ t] C_nwolc]mmt, fcacttomofstr_au_ _d 9 dc _li0.q WaS_(r_.m. 12 pz_uctd,_r c_.m_, wc hzvc t_=c 14 _t's_vct_th_t_'.te_" I $ detectton. thai _ i_p'_t I_d the acre of _e clam but we_ _t _r otg_t. O_ re._ly okay w_ th_ cc_th_ort, they f_ty Wc_ayno d'= ('.':.t Ftc&+.c_ n tlc c_m mc_'_ level Ira6 the '_lded _'eb'sot_'tttobec_tc_"ted" 4 d=fir_6 term _ to d_c rtr_ _[ow. the rtr_ prcd_cr_mcd 13 no? Be_=_c coc_lcdtoal_zp [t_ttmt_Ua 16 It_m _ere e,vlCC- tn G'tC z_ Well. we'ce Ckt_ web of I_t_m|tlcm ItV._l com_red 11 tl'S moron o f a pc_on tif.t._. So m _ I_ey _y 8 _J_vcly I 0 l0 cln_r_Jes_ttct_cof zc_? The funcbo_ _ c.msm_ _= it _t 6 dut eve_v term in tins pttem s_l_ct u.'c to on= skilled wt,.u we p_ lave] n_ cc_l_ltoz Phrase Whydowcszy u -..If i_cl_" hl#tt - of - now th_'g_ 17 alft 19 And ot_ c_'_d_o_ _ th21112J6 docs not tplPly t0 20 c_.._1 clam ptmuc. ZI Well what _ wc fig]ran| abom C_a_m 6_ gores to do here _ set forthEM].'S _mposed 23 t _ - we _ _a w© _'cp_mg 2[ boci Wh.u rm And 25 oee o f _ut Lkm._p that I u.'ant to d_ to yo_ _m6 M_trkm:_ Wc_cA_y_ there's = _ot of 24 25 t]l co_m_'ucZuo_. He=nng 10/'2@0_ Pa_e39 JA 0790 Th=t_ _h_t _ Acd _'y. th_ rc_0n e_d e,o I_l -/_drc p,_ay v_th t/-:u. _vc _/._c ,:re ok3y Marka_n Hmrmg wt_h _tzt _ lOt2SlOS OO042 0004l I that 2 Claim 3 thai 6. is defined 5 Well. conthuon, I the exact 2 j.mlmed 6 _ the can rettt.m $ call that m our hnefs and level of hghl to firsl pred¢lermmed firsl predetermined We think conthtlon so v. • wonder second ts defined _ hy they predetermined conthtlon one _ld that self-defined The to said Ks predetermine exlernal 14 otherhghtthatmakesvtstonpossthle 15 are ambivalent Id apparatt_, ab_ul I tell you 18 We also 20 the defimtlon really -- _ 22 okay It's a caution, you see. nol sus¢cplthle stnaclua-e thmk that or 2 ft's in the 3 Tennessee 4 ts evidence $ 6 question '_.hal of tntcrpreldtlon cited m eases Technological they really the passl'. have 9 examine 10 II tbeseQI 12 They 13 the 14 1_ importing 16 claim 17 the 20 lmporhng hul we*re i$ thai there 21 il is t$ no 10/25/05 Page that we say that's e to said separate from from ts there h o'.', ones 21 PIR IO enable 22 You wtfi hea r a lot about 23 beanng say selection that a complete because 23 Elcctromcs first said 24 _all 25 arts 2 3 _ that the first sensor Q I and Q2 They What sensors says 6 pass_emfraredPIRsensors Qt and 4 hne24 parL 13 QI andQ2 Ihe cottrl to do 14 the block, the such and preferred m the the motion selecllon teaching ot'the part rnttsl ' The entire Ilearlng understand 18 thmgagamatcolumn6 ] 9 n says 20 motion 42 a PIR sensor In column 17 4 sensors QI and Q2 this patent 23 sensors are 24 sources e'_tetnal 25 technic.ally 3, bnen each _ensor 24 The through sensors respons_;e and disagree with I don Q2 Page 44 Column sensors andQ2 itsays detect motion people skdled fiat that _s m this 5aystbesame [n the abslract is for detecting 39 _t descrthes are each to infrared to the Idmp g, sensors hne3 mcolumn6 QI Column hne Column6 that _s andQ2 sensorsQI infrared v, orks to I[ you a PIR hncs34and35 that p:_sl_c 22 hghl t tthnk how - the PIR produced anyone by will that 51arkman JA 0791 Page Theword ,mdQ2detectmot_on In this 43 are referred abslt_acl that tells Cohunn andQ2 read thatsensorsQI 21 Page and 4, hne the sensors _ho P[Rs '_.hat Q2 point people because understand Column6 arl 10125105 10/25/05 tv, o conventional sensorsQl oh, bythe_ay 17 of to hov. 25 QI And, dlSpule patent eleclromcs Ilearmg In the hne30 Column lelhng Io the m the QI andQ2 sensorsQI to be detecled for the understanding _larkman Q2 16 be added circuitry sensors some mlO the 24 m the an 15 an would sought of [co much embothmenl a th fferencc skdled context that that of is a sensor is tmportam Ateolurnn3 hne 34, D_ctlonary people by thai _ The 3 lines skdled 12 block, for claim 119.2/6 claim of Electromcs in the patent infrared In column I I part of the Modem by Into the a non Dictionary _ e mean nine times 3 h's-+ we say const_ctton embothmenl by the book bnghl in the claim motion do a p,t_Sl_e people beforehand are sin Of chain is to be to emit words we say that5 Modem 5 8 ffyou first scoot the lamp preferred reference 7 "con_enllonal" don't conlend sought put this in ted becal_e c_ffdlndt Is defined recognt2ed first deterTnmed of those from The or object cause means sensor 10 :$ the circuitry it to detect We say that 22 to define the defendants 51arkman at and a Is somethmg detectors _kmg a P[R works prowdes ha_-e say ts that first ralatt_ has been None Pffs[ sensor 9 say how 25 the court need _lfi elements 00044 I a PIR deicers the bookstore that 41 to you ca.se centers 24 Itself _ What which - .rod we 4 we say i e motion We say In this 19 They detected commltlmg 12/6 posIIton 18 20 that you motion of a person their meara9 pan of the around 15 n's thc motion 19 thosearethepasst;emfrateddetectors why that the 18 briefs that 14 t_ ould with sensor of things Well left m We V_nat we or object conthtton By stick or st_ctu_ is x', bat they andQ2, And from else predetermined be foreh_d say '.,,• rated What 13 x_ hen delecled say about say tt includes block, that ¢ mfrated they a non-I their This of a person light Ilearlng Umverslty, of meaning So '.'. hat do g no structure issues being Io he of the type we should hecat_¢ avadahle Or, tf I 12/6 applies, 7 ha;e of hand In the claim 17 mark means. books(o,re, _s merely means they of firs1 Andwesayno condition conthtton 16 OOO43 I1 s been sensor Because de finllton clrcult construcltou to us Makes it's rlol a red no. it's nol a green 51arkman I the term is defined _ their say there's slight tCs too vague it determined so wc circuit 25 aboul ts in our sel of de findloll$ 21 24 le_ el of daylight "_ Youknow. hke been And thai Control so they -- control prlmalv predetermined 12 of light Andwereally--we we don t like don't for whal_ level a specl fled To,horn whom into first predetermined g 10 this what 17 vtslonpossthle 19 are 9 nol m the claims And means So the 7 here sel f no structure I [ appa]'altL_ fifth term 13 23 terms mcarm 6 in accept control 12 is there the conlrol for the I 1 should _.by all of the structure sensor A predetermined first I0 Wefi 4 well. 8 definition v. ords 3 tfI the Itself by apparatus [o said 7 Clmm 9 m the claim they jUSl put down 4 external g ifyou'filookal thesecondpredelCr'mmedconthtton llearll|g 10125105 0OO45 I h goes 2 each on to say tha| the Set.ors coupled 3 detects to a dctcclor _my $._zficant porbon change QI and Q2 43 of the cncml m the cutpul 00046 I ate you will see the domonstralzon do. and zt will show 7 m output, zs doleCted 8 by the way, And 9 pomon d_ that the r.er,sors. II porboo 43 Tbey 13 the 14 ct_cuth say _cnsof 15 Yore the control 17 there*$ no sense 18 But you'll phras¢_ m_y arc each - I point 8 t_ _ Note. Rlsays 9 to a dotcclor I0 43 ts slln And the PIR those them th¢_ _ety qmck Rapor.orce 24 sensor has completed 25 which :1 has sensed rnear_ c,rcml blocks 17 by the symbol S talked about tbe Pig th_ wall be explained serzor somcthzng sktged people procct*s mg the ¢_cnt 10/25/05 czrcul_ It's all of those that they say that's not tcchn,cally through 24 object Page We'U Mt Carnal, 23 does detect monon the or .n formal.on Hearing claim ,nlc_ctatlons circuit cannot d_tect mouon m the c:rcull thagrarn We 25 Mark'nan _n clrcmlP/ 22 sure, and you, Dr arts, skdled of the PIR ts based upon the opmzon of thai a PIR 2 i dcrnonstratton by m tbesc we say say are part oftbe 19 sensor m the has pmducedanoutp_t. to people up with completing W_al'S s¢lccuon 18 hlocks om And means Mass¢_gdl 20 Mr us technologzcally IO be detected tmuI nol_cc on the dra_, mg, the output of 16 wlthoul select*on because that I'm bubbhng I have just teghmcally, output ,f you'll ,s mthcated Tbelr mlc:rpretat]on 15 Dr ztc._ egaln place beTe _ where 23 all o£those So v*e _ 14 h_re is .lUSt v. hcr¢ to go over 22 through 13 for first s¢_so_ cncmL s¢¢ cvc_ And note, between v* hen the PIR scusor has an output that's -- :t's done ]2 t5 pan of that ,I'S parl of the 20 appropriate Ou_ Raper wlII satlsPy the COUTt, I'm that the PIR by ,Iself can and relat lye to said sensor of a person of do so_c person scn_,ng, and we_l do some object sensing Markman 45 Ilearmg 10/25/05 Page 0C_48 00047 I Now, al thts point, 2 Inttle forgwene_s 3 to be se_ed 4 baseball 5 trgcctm8 6 because I just the conlcxt 8 therefore 9 concCl and should detected 13 pro fcrred embodnnem 14 there 15 of firsl 17 malysts 18 by fc<_mg t9 be_tuse I have _uc dotu: on thts oe_ wall be om 21 have Mr all prodoced 23 gomgtode_cdb¢ 24 it contains 25 Mr Paztcr_o_ cou, lt, from the done for ag o f tbe clam_ one Yore patent 8 to hEs rule the on Claim the e_t_re fmyouandDr _ semor szmplc control Honor The 6 patent firsl attorney, Is and be'$ Markman Hearing And w_th a the objects of the theauthorofthetexthook has been of Terms;see, hc wtn, m turn. describe some a IrL_U'.J¢tor al will describe commcnt_ for you the way on Mr Ralx*ds demot_s_rat ion and for you the logic of how cox3uo} Stev¢'_ Caalson, 16 Speed 17 destgn, 18 .nclu_ng 19 prov,do Design, protocol 22 Carlson Page 47 [nc. comm_ some have Raper's fro" tie you ve:y domor_tratlon, an a]U_na_w¢ and a_so clar_l _t]o_ llTJ6apph_.Mr that much, Okay Your Hooof lthmkwe'lltakejusta sbeforcwedotherextupenmgstatement Markman JA 0792 products aspects, corot. Ifthe¢ot_tdoctdosthat wdl prescrd THECOURT of hts own High the t_thnlcai o_ Mr dcfinzttom we a_ Thank shortrecct, who's pres_dcnl 30 plus y carJ; In hghtmg and he will d_cnbe A_d 21 25 gore 8 10/25/05 Pau]us, 13 24 HeS TJ Elect_om_. that - make 23 Camalapa_cntandwhat t'n_n_ c_rctm to produce 12 20 They 12 statement _ Dr Applied 15 pamcul_ and a b,_c PIR 14 c_'cmts a_e bmh mtcrprct_on ts htghhght wdru-_ses, a local and, photoceD the outpul of those two bare scnso_ pa_enL ; I University to be 12 mto the clam, rule 12 statements He's accc4_n Rap_ pot_e here that "_ e have orgy sought be :c_ceted. I think tt's exemplar/fo_ 22 8 I0 into the claim clam have a b_e 7 ve_ ts ts that EML and Costco'_ should He wdl - and says m¢3ns to o f thLS p31ertt, hut go,n 8 to do a dr:mons warren ofthe 6 he wdl many mtcrwclat,on a lun,ta_on, n*¢ar_ what Thc_ 5 and he's a[so going crnbothmelll Icclmolog_ w,th 9 EML'S an_ we suggest sensor 4 underlying conststent Ptulhps the term and ,mpo_ng Now, 20 _hal a cot'nrncrcial 3 be's pnma_ly slugger thts bearm 8 of firs[ scn$o_ ts d_l 12 i6 into tha_ _'1 mVoetm8 fore, 2 demonstrate be accepted. posztmn prcrnmul I to 8_ve you the dcmonsWattolk brought Lou_vdlc ts wholly ou¢ mtt:l_¢tatton Om that I have help mysclfwxthout mlelVreLahon - for a the corm _ a rmntat_c couldo't of patter to ask the object a httl¢ btl of home $o o_¢ IO I have fo_ mouon bat 7 It so tt to the evenl as long as the c_ cnl or in fom_t_on BuJ the mare dxffe_ence 7 _fs gone out the coupled thai block ztself says I'm gomJg to skip over 21 component, ] I the an call that the source componcn_ NOW. v* hal I have these scusor an output analogous 6 Is that they say there ,$ no motion ctrcmt. that sectmn occur 5 Rap_ thai change It ty'&qalat es to mollon Honor. undcrhnedh_'e The patch! 16 19 and how QI and Q2, of the that Mr you how thai output, lha_¢Just 10 12 Wovldc 4 occurrlng Now. 6 will continuously 3 o¢ m formal,on of cttbeT 4 SelLSOr 5 Ye_, the Pig t$ an analog 2 wll} which We'll Hearing 10/25/05 Page48 46 00O49 } OOO50 ]5-mlnulefec_ takea 2 O3_ak 3 MR 4 bcglm, ) HIGGINS I ha_ • one hott_kcepmg 5 THE COURT 6 MR 7 allde$, and 8 a copy tfl the court to you azld to Dr I0 MR them HIGGINS COURT MR HIGGINS mote than 15 THE glxeone ',*ould Okay, be fine already handed a copy of CODRT MR THE COURT 19 a paml copies I f you ha_ e aaoth_ HIGGIHS _ tfyou wix_et Irma] maRt't, you need Io move'_ MR. HIGGINS 24 THE COURT 25 IvlR.COOK Thank I mo_¢ to Ccok_ you ymt Mr Cook7 Thank you, Yam Markman Honor Tnts Hearing 10/25/05 Page Bm m 1996 2 m - the original 3 Michigan, a fitt patent IX wrote tv, o feral a new 4 the 5 tt. he _ as tepl_nd palem attorney hghmlg anamey was the patent ur.enuc, and filed tt for after he m a & ffereat filed And that atlomey 8 thee v, as lmot art on 9 10 Ceramtc At thai acqmred. urne THECOURT M_. the Nvpa patent a.qorney and th_ It was abo_t about 19 p_edece_ot And 21 tt was two 22 mode, art. kamnd they had 2n actual hafate gus they were th_ he abandoned 9 Ltghtmg And thzs ts what it, he also the new uaderstaod back that al Heath, was lughly relcv_t tt had an a¢cem the anginal 23 conunuauou apphcaacra, 24 a de¢l_ of two mthwdua_ which pnc_ mode apphcaaon, thc the ts at tab 75, and then from Heath, a Mr filed I I how the in_ entlon McCavlL Markman Heanng 10/25/05 Page 51 JA 0793 of the patent 282.986. Io a July 29, 1994 thai v, as the original was filed In thts elmded ca_c. Two and Level it Sectulty m the fiont part of the patcat, tt talks about tht having two le_ els of thai is an aeeenl mode along tix pathway of yore is a system hghtmg TIXr e's a first 14 can 15 then Ix kept tm a bright msttal Ig m_ entlon. fexal at mghl mode It doesn't 17 when Now. aboul 21 But-- patent 22 THE COURT 23 MR COOK 24 nouce -- thole 25 tt was palemable -- that is what It says apphcatton office They filed was eventually had located Eveat ually. it was _t was 3 expIamed why 4 patentable m _ew The Now. 6 you 7 again, why of the exammos thts was done m 1996 ofth¢ patent, you wall see this you can do '._ hen file. a primary 14 that v._ patent filed When ¢ontmuat_n. 17 thsclosure 18 back m 1994. 19 have been hack stmply Page 52 _f 1996 from the -- contmuahon apphcatton, there you have apphcatton abandon using Tncy are patent a variety a parent apphcatton And tt they the same get made rn the Ixcame that was the fihng clmn_s except of the on parenl it as a same sar_ filing date hy InvenUora that interim a contmt_t, has new refile apphcat_on not antt¢lpated fihng to the 1994 It's essenbally can palcnl the benefit so they're to the same apphcauon agmn. m 1994 they 16 nov. Felnuar/13. is tab 75 of things 23 if- which 13 50 is the '066 patent, filed you file a patent 12 22 And apphcallon, ot a thvtslonal So this was that rtsuhed apphcatlon entailed invention patent wl'ml Page otpfamed Andthey this was then II 21 they ra the actual ctmtmual_on Now. and 10/25/05 clam_ look al the face So this felt that at Hcath theft new _ hat'_ llearmg product ii was - th_ t_o allou, ed Tixrewasa declarauon, thts a_td the proscculed llw_allowed. a single that they home thai thai Is the and w as an alloy, ance 2 that t$ detected anyffang talks thai patent years m the mollOn mtmtlon thsclosur¢ 20 25 face System And 24 Jet, sen the patent the a reference apphcallon it _as I0 20 art, aad Imghl filed number that - cventuaJly 15 of DF_A fev¢l hghnng, was When cm_ see on to -* there's that palent apphcaUon IO 1994 you of serial Now. 8 9 w_ that7 s_ur_ple of the produ_ so because was abandoned $ N_ppon _themsln_uonmanualfo_ fearned 18 20 he That pnct 5 IO Wh_*s n Ceramic When andM_ pradtet tt was Heafl_ COOK 17 25 m fact syst era, Sohewas- 14 16 that hghang of DE.SA 13 15 du;co_ ered a i',vo I_, ¢1 hghtm8 m the poss4y_on II 12 had then the two level contmoatmn 5 firm from 6 Chicago 7 4 OOO52 I had come n, but shortly by an am:,mey that It points patenl back Markman from Kalmn&zoo, applmatton document 7 dates 49 I I 3 19 Whydon'lyoumove Thank Okay, may of Mr Certmrdy was filed, 16 you. I can see the presentatton THECOURT 23 tree, we'll Wedo One really 13 wt_ race Thank HIGGINS "_here 21 extra Th_wouldbe appheauon 12 thank you We have Io mycled_ 18 0005 to bnr_ one 17 22 offi¢_ thspute 2 6 Point to the de fendan_ THE 20 of the Power security I have 13 16 copt_ CarnalO That 12 ]4 Cook matter I ha_e can ask THE COURT beforeMr Okay HIGGIN$ 9 II YourHonot 1 date date as the on original for purposes and a further the same you're on apphcatt as the of prior It*s h dat_ art It prosecuuon original permitted to ha_ c new Marlonan Ilearing cLamas, 10/25/05 and I I_UCflC_ITGI_tlzl chdnolhzvcapul_cotmdo8 2 reduce Msc opcz_Jon 3 and cbn_cd 4 rc_ccd m the d_ $ 6 m thc uutznt $o w_t mvc_tt0n 7 cLums w_ S by _uo app]lcauon thc7 wc_c say_ - th_ this a_zl ovcmdc AM at_d chined, pall= 11 cl_oscd _d m _¢ in_t_l c._[u_d I_ow. D_A lm out pu_c c_u_La_ 14 IZ bet notspc_Ec_lydznu_J 15 wtuch _c _c a_crt¢d "l_s Mr _az_ur_r. (I g_crally 19 h_vc rnc_ _ I_ No, _u'_ _ _ccr'_'.t.b_w_l _d clz[atcd _ /cr_cn is _vhy _uc dcd.u-_co 8 _ C_3UR'I _ Ok_ 9 [_. CO0_ _xancnm 12 !:umcds;_ 13 au_l c, _k_l_u_ £n_'_ t_ w_ s Ii wzs m Ckc _e h_ry hr, c a h_t whoa th_ _d w-ant to b_ _th_ oC m_u_ aM _._ 5 In n_ ,cxt _£Lhc 10/ZSlOS Pale Sd Page 56 whe_ you wwc cL_mm 8 _e_ tt'e lmlz:nl ol_c_ wiW _ _s somc_h_8 _s noted by d_ ot noto t_¢ L;/_ wbx_ t_ I0 ev_y, thou,_,/_ _ II thin,p; th_ z_c z_Iso p_n_3cd, 12 thu_S that wzs _:lc_ 13 d_ =re _ _ So _x'_ly I_e hxsk_'y re_s_.zMc Io bc_,.cv¢ t/_ t/_ w_ th_ w_ th:s is whxX _c_¢_ a_d McCav_ _ Hca_ a _y w_rl_g 20 Ccr_czc F_O_ z_- cxxmuz_r _owcd _l_uson Ov_ dz© p_or tbc cl_, c_ a_. thc c:_c_o _ro _e clams ¢c_ss pc'r_cd to covcr thc su_ctu_c 20 specs tic.on 21 I/_e_cadnn_s But _ 22 _U bcm_ :_s=_c_ _by 2_ =_o,t_¢mm_rysccbc_ ,,ray to d3_m to ZC_L_Iy claim the si_c,flc 23 co_sl_¢d. 24 _'s the thml aboul whclher womb mc_ spcczEc plus flc-,cL_c_ wl_n zl_ct ttl _ tb_ we_ w_ or ms_l d_clo;cd Iste_ly _ thc ._r_c_'c pl_ how _osc z_If. z_._ S _ _c or oc_ m _ho zn_, eqmv_cnce d_ms G_;t's &sclo._cl in t,_c p_e'_l _p[icad_n y_u todd pl_J_ • 18 Cu_cil_, _nd thin d'_ w_uld bc c_cz_.d s_d 19 _ut_c So wtLh _cl decided convc_cnt 17 do t*. You could only do II If_Ou _ 18 impol_dy, pc_plc Io the 2ung. 16 _Jalmms, and _¢y wezc vc_ pul 0"n to _t _o_xc_ m thepme_ _lhoul t5 $o _ CoalF_=s n:f_ In a z'uncnon_d f_luc_ 15 h_ck md look st _e 23 _ Hc_rlng no1 I1_111tled by Ihe _ So ml:._lly d_c_i_ 22 Of = PC_W._nOr 6 lo h _c_ 9 cl_wo _ 14 _d 21 Cot _dC_rr_n_ z pc_,o_s, u_c'n k_t _ .Izu_ would :c_l m 14 work_n 8 on it or by s_'r _oM m _e pt.Mlc when they come l_ they 7 Lho In'_¢_lut of dlc ox c_1 ncv_ Invc_tc_ "; H_ 11 ll's bec=_.e wb:ch u G_CmOL_ pits _on, $ I_r I_lz_'_ld_ll _,._tCs 1t I1, _s _ay_ng. In the _Xl t_ +¢r_cr _e_r'_ 3 znd you cln ',mll_ue a m Cb_n 10a_d thcy rnc_ 0005_ I wh_'_ m_ zthc-_-_$_c_)_ Th_ Markausu wE.:t _yc_aL_r3 6,9, dm_ cc_L_oo, 2 £_cbon_,lly, 3 _:_lc:_3o_e - k's c_lid0y _ s i.,c_ i'¢.7._ clmn_l plus £Lmcuon clmm_ Tlsc _c:tc_. 23 _ scna-zlly thcsoa_cm_,nspl_iXtncts0ncl_ms, ch_dosed s_l_cmzn_ o_ [ca_ m _amu Pn_e THE_'RT m fcz_ apphc.;lloo. wzs code to thc ccammcr t7 21 coun_ _oin_l pomtcd 24 OOO55 1 _ whzl they suy hem ts that _zwus gmcruily 13 2S Cc_ntc zr,d d'e p_dsc counu_ d_xdosccl 20 wt_ LI_ new ove_ the N_pon 9 16 _s was Lhsl thc - d_ar 10 12 cl_clo_ o_ od_cr fc_u:c_ - now the mvcntlon d_nn_ush_ _ _ui_.to _vxlch _ g_.cl_lly of _ o£ zn: _ be m the _o_uct the _ra_ or the It_i_dClo+Cmc Mzrlm_n He=r_a8 I0/7._A)5 Pn_e Marlunau 55 JA 0794 Heal-lag 10/251_ O0O58 0OO57 I In adthtlon, 2 there's the the York 3 m_erpret2tton 4 word case, at page bn¢ f, thai 6 that you're It's mttmded 7 c farmed 8 _vtsedly socking - m order would Well, II narrowex_nmallon 12 clc_e 13 prior _, prior 14 that had 15 should 16 and off 17 to accent w_ detector mode hght instead up to full _ cry close prior attorney would tt's not just because there addition 21 but _lso 22 out m the marketplace, 23 it and copy it very reathly 24 uncong_aon wtth when you And produce 10 a Ceramic n prior In_ entlon producl. I There claim w_s gcod tl narro_ mtght of this sorl, that ts not an accusatKon Markman Ilearmg file 2 flied m '96b which 3 Is the '066 So tn this palent, 17 al tab 41 m your 1_ apphcation This o['coursc, whether _ as this the _ ay seen m Ibe briefs It's done kaew t_o of a claim tbe _ay or nol that tt s DESA the dllTer_nce apphca_lon 24 the Same binder bet_ has argued ecn c[atmm_ at issue "_6, the thvlslonal This Ifyou based upon tab -- [ li]c hi_tory States patent patent _t was basctJ on the _anle You can 5 747 Here _t is is Umt_d the '066 fook this is tbe dl_ _slonal is the patent th=rtk it w_ 25 kmd fonct_onchtrnsandregt_[o-reh=ms 23 Page Heath meansplus see it relates 937 Agatn p_ent back to the -- it h,,_ the it's a ICxt It relalcd U S apphcat_on _ Markman 57 fonctmn claims, "means" they simply m there $ motlonsensor 2 that of using claimed means plus function Then a ¢onbrol for c,u_mg 11 the ¢onacctlng means 12 lt'_ not COntrol ¢lreutt means That's Again T4 mc'mls plus thnctton 15 e_amlnauon. ¢)alm _ 1_6 sa_d They coverage Now you _¢t orthnary I$ Sensmgmotloa 19 settsor ts co_ ered by that cfausc 20 Control Hearmg 10/25/05 Page 58 th_se things 22 would Th¢_¢ claims to the things and d,ra_ rags of dt¢ patent 25 Patent attorneys do things pull out the ,_ctu_[ chart since Th]ststheor*glnal Of motlor_ sensor for Anymolma dt$¢1os¢_ Hearing left 16 mc.ms 17 means hght I_ means, me,ms 19 aetuateable 20 mtans hand m tbe text some 24 or hght tbere's Page 60 JA 0795 Costco btadcr at be best to easy to formal Sensor means, sel¢ct_ for ,_utomaltcally stnlctt_[ language _en_lng Nov, means control There's ovemdc m_.ans for m the f_ont v, h,_t was going mcan_ causing 14 of them no_lc,, have j_t o', cnrde s¢:lectl',¢ly you'll otbers c_rcult actuatcahle ac_uateab[¢ deactuatm_ of those that are m means, ely in This elements actuatgtg selectively ,rod so forlh some T_eseare m the patents 14 ol'them sensm_ means Nov,, elements hke the swttcfong ha_ c means say me.ms on ber_. i Why Markman 59 _sn't very _un¢llon It'*el 23 P,_ge m your tt _ould hs_s all the claim for automatically to be [inut_ 10/_5/05 column plus 22 25 claim Andyoucanseethat 15 2L second way_ this and 19 clalmelements ]4 112/6 In more read seeking an alternate so Ihcy Th_s isn t EM[ thts is -- and ptob._bly Claln_s It's an ahcraat e _ ay to do II Markman 9 Whal the palest atcnol In ahcmate tab 44 nanox', Others a_scrted _ga_n_t IhtS is a chart th,ll appea_s 13 v, ould not be construed 24 $ tt very that will _coop ts not being this ts not 4 be co_ cred by the clarke things Now because has asseaed plus fonctlon _,ly control circuit that does -- the specific DESA make on xahthty products '937 patent patent Some attack can _ct the means Thal'$$b_¢tt_althnguagc circuit, a5 ;hey any 12 control This ts simply mt'anmg the claims ln_ngmg This the make as broad II t 6 way to do It 17 potentlllly 10 connccttng th_s ts the control CffCUlL a Signal Io the eXmlllner get 4 7 there It's straply 3 6 no Therels etrcutt for electrically They they can stuvt*e 5 system Nome,ms a housing language plus _t _s a hghtm$ Meansforconncclmgthclamp 9 some look me.u_ fotsensmgmotlon A lamp 10 3 circuit [ patenL fostead 6 comprtstr_gamotlon$¢nsor 7 word Thepatcntappheallonwa_ tf you look at the claims, 4 wh_t they thd m this one 23 Well 16 is not 10/25/05 ) You've this isj_l ,xtl] pro_ect O0060 I continuattonofthe'$23 21 doae hke 0_59 5 that, ','*ell the circuitry claims So there's this a question ak_ays 22 of EM L there*s want shtppmg the duphcal¢ AOd they 14 21 of tht$ sorl mtght smlply plus _nct_on of the clrCUltt) 13 g that r¢ _ cry specific Now from and having means v, as tfos just a happenstance, _0 people the product to ha_c 12 t9 fo duplicate v, hy you look at send It apart Thts is something products ly be prior axl. can break tenons I_ dark to pre_ eat to a m,mufactuter duphcahOn 11 th;_t jusl p. ent on _ a product people by the way, want o;¢r They 9 a[;alnst _ bngfo '._ _ 20 might exammntlon Thalargument here tt's _cry hclpfol 8 I 1 _6 of a thte_ stage a patent why o_ m,ide the product [tdoesa'tt_e h'squltcdl/Tercnt But In order 7 Nippoa or Heath's *sn'l being 6 manufacturer thcremtghtbcvery detector re.on you 3 did so a n_'Tow hght -- their pnot a mouon 19 25 why thesa_qlc¢lrcu_try _ho under want In this ¢3_c dark to full hnght So there you reasons w¢]l as D ESA_s a morton claims EAIL'sproduztdoesntcopytheclrcultry 2 5 examtrtatlon an examination Foroncthmg, say. was 18 function would are good _rl. as there _ clam [ 4 to the that the person ph_ Why ¢ cfalm with the Io sign31 a 11 _6 to trigger there file claims g's a_sum_J thai bc_ 10 you mltmded -- put in the means and thts is -- I 0 of o_ r rc$ponst_ _ hen "m _,1s _ m It, that's 5 examiner 9 Why COLLrL_ ha_ e held, v, as the palcnt Ilearmg 10/25/05 00061 OOO62 ] aNofncy putbng some structural 2 Wull, Orbed') 3 Because metals some of them, for autornattcally ? ovemde means, 8 tbeclmrm 9 only bcmg tefcrred I_e number act_alfftg to once They that long II to a claim never 4 -- the clanrm also include 5 circuit, actuate on at. and they tdcntffy and say stud and then element 2, r_d hght scmmg ovt_'nde acmatcable 17 So wtth 18 htde ulemt fi_ I later m the m from 19 lyamm - zt v, as a clatm 20 later on 21 m the c_m tier 14 I_e saul selectively wherever thai _ of this number 24 full The clmm they me that bcmg [ mean. 13¢ umcadable cz_zer IOsay saul re fcm_ to THE COURT 2 MR. 3 You 4 a contmuatl_3 Okay, stmply COOK copy cttctut &ffctt_cc between tLsmg zt dc rtgucw, means as DESA patent "ongmaP patent, they n.mmt Page filed +t, jUSl tt Whenyousaymtheongmal lerws th¢_e are m the tht_e Yes, you look apphcatto_$, I9 1996 apphcatton_ zre the ones that are at the otaglnal clattm you elemcaLs wdl of the - see* thai there's a m there COURT MR 25 1o claim I 1.7J6. they named R_ght, but the*c arc not - the*¢ tell me what means 24 10/25/05 tf tbey wanted and avoid COOK THE 23 mear_ COOK These wnth the o_gma] are the claims pattmt apphcatton that were hack Markman Hearing the Phdhps c_sc hasn't 61 conuntmtton, 8 o_sthatwentwJththeongmalpamnt_ 9 _ those ortgmal 10 wholeslntctm'e II be wro_ I would 15 made I each ttmc _ you file 3 a.nd the rule 4 _ptcssed wrc_ th_ 5 fo* dm for the thv_lon, but there ofthL% thaeshow a_e the understood he',vrmett. 7 That*ihow DESA Just I_e before 18 sp¢clfic_t]on, 19 clam_ apphed to reply we go In the drst of trying has d_:usscd been to a co_le on wzth place, to _ they TI_ slanac says 21 text and dra,.vmgs 22 claims 23 clmms into of thffercnt of points tmmboned ulemem not apply the in the Sage before we get The 9 Sage, I0 meat_ In I994 10/25/05 Page that, into means plm #us plus ftmcttc_, 14 first 16 mgge_ to the 17 Both I$ funcUon that t_ tha ride Hearing dram I 12/6 -- du$ It says thai dmstep ts m Lmcar rr=ny other cas=s ¢lemenl applies you hay© that tnggcr_ to revoke thai 112/6 and m - wben m a claim, that you intended 10/25/05 Page63 m there a I 12/6 and thai I 12/6 if me_,_ hand, of those tf you don't have but you use funcuonal tbe opposttc pt¢_tmaptton presumpbu_ ts m thai I 12/6 apph¢_ 20 rays, by showm 21 stn]ctttrc 22 ph_ 23 m there, 24 pr_umptlon By 8 that the ula_m you've apply functional presmr, cd that nt by showing includes to per foem fi*tc imttre reented - means nf there's thai vail per form that fUnChOn, as Sage su fficlcm function, language then sm2ctm-c the t$ ov_come the same token, vf the word Markman JA 0796 that thai I 12/6 doesn't "tmmns', but you can tebul the fmmUon, the word language, m'c rebuttable. I f you t._c the woed 19 25 Markman dectst on, and Thcre*sre_Ilya ts that On the o0_'r sm the yes, case, ts - the Sa$_ case p=e*umplzon "means" fimctton then. ca_e to Sage.. in your I$ flmeuon to tmpon changed the Phllhps afle_ the Phtlhps ctrcmt and it*_ m many, apph¢*, before 13 ©lement by reference to _ you me suppo_d not mc_-.s 12 that they car_nal $od'talndcdocsn'lapplytomemxsplus I f it were _es dm rest of tt. the elmm that does a numbex and mterptetedbytftccom_ that Still cxtsta therc'stwothmgs 8 the ca_e, rule thai existed It was a federal I 1 p_esm'nptlon 112/6has 17 The 6-well, Thamanhackm up, the guy who Phdhps 2 anything after apphcatzon me The one* iL Now, 14 apphca_on clmms _ who wh_e I thot_ht _re the ongu_ m ap_hcatltm 7 25 the 22 are nol tot the -- when you say "original", or thvtsum However, 13 whal these tha original 6 24 m the 2l that's a mouth Ilearing th_s Again, So you see these 20 and quartz OOO64 I 16 MR ]9 OOO63 12 elements, I 8 always -- whenever if you thd that. control IVlarkman 5 $pecnfically 20 hm':ch ofclmm circuit7 detector arc clrCUttS THECOURT clatmed 17 it was a way to do tt so you do not hay© would It's much weren't they did in the '937 15 or ¢lse'_vhere 2. control knew They So when they had a name, ] 3 something that ertttr© long - what t f they had to repeat ul] 23 25 12 16 elemera It's a convcmcnt 22 to repeal Identt of the word "meara", detect zero creasing argued for any ttme there was any kind o f cnrcmtry I I eot_paralor, iddmtt fief mea_ o_Zy one exception, lamp u.smg Here's the o_gn_J 10 Two of these, the zero cross m_d detect ClrCmt and the smdcontlolctrcmlmear_,m means, and rtol passive mfrared plaanly plus fun£tton 9 It_ about between lamp So they 8 at by the shoaband 14 Situisensormear_,numb_ 16 6 halogen 7 Wberetheydogobackandrc(trtoall- later m the -- to a clmm compafator, talking the thfference language label m (toni said rc_ccuvety ha_ e Io go back knov. s v. hat you're they also k_ew 3 mea_s plus funct.on that appearJ; - that clause appears once m phrase Now, $, fc* example, 12 same claim Or otbet claJrra, they put a shmlhand 15 number m Theync_erhavetot'eferhacktod. i0 13 I and evcrybedy 2 they thdffl I put any Sho*lh_d There's 6 m some and not m theamwcttothaltsprettyobvlous m the on¢_ that were 4 the clmm_, 5 language "means" Hearing tsn't in 10/25/05 Page64 62 OO365 I the cl_um so fl_ _ clarm Ispreened 2 by 112/6, you can sallha_e l_comtnled 3 you _onsu_¢ OOO66 I d_smcl no[ [o be governed und_ l 12/6 If thalthe langoagc of the claLraispurely 4 t'unctlonal court decision a - the And thews the language thatMr 6 moughlofPhllhp_ ? Ic_kmg aL_¢ In the Phdhp_ 3 me gel the ac_u_J ]ang_g¢ here, 4 clrcln_ means energy 6 TcasoP-s 7 to apply --Ym sor_', bam¢, we're 9 9 s_s not rne_u_ plus function ]_.guag¢_ so w e'reoo[ going u_c II i[mLo -- d_,y _n'outed cer_n things to th¢ barnes, 12 _ would hevc io be p_rely 15 fLmc0ona] to lake a clause hhe thal,baltic,_d mlo a I12/6 thing, ¢I_r_ And B_ smcc itIsn't, then it_ 18 means langu_e, and _c_¢ cl2_rns,those - the c_s_ t9 apply to the othe_ s_dc of (he pres_np_ion 20 apphcabl¢ here 21 And 112/6 there _as s four IS overcome in th_s case _0 say And We thai ctrcm[ the r¢o.son we're iLsel fspcc_fics clrcu_L ][ was Thee _hc_c arc nol going means W¢'_e Io apply for rcco_d0ng gomg going _L cnccgy ctrc_utry t_ In a r¢laled 16 s_d 17 imma_mal a Iocal_on for _he in a housing in the paient a_cncc There's co-pending tha( this to say Lh_t is hecaus¢ -- specified was a complete ]4 18 tha! of any means co_cspon&ng no showing apphcaiIon, c_rcmt of clrcu_[_, the pa[cn[ for recording sm_ply _e no¢ had no co_equ_mcc And finally 19 h:s[o_' 20 i[ Io bc cov¢=¢d he stud con[amcd 21 e_ am_n¢_ energy was So this _o it, v, asn [ imporlant thal the no cs'lde1_c¢ prosccullon tha_ the file app[_canL_ intended by _ 1256 case is _ along '_th Magnc-Tck, c_e, hot those who CelINeL The then that'sthe bulk of the decagons th_ Mt H_gg_ns _srdymg 23 Apex -- there use that'son the other slde of the p_esumptlon I? Thai's on - we're on one slde of the s[r¢_ _hc=e th_e'$ 22 Yo_ r Honor s._ld, we]l the presLonp_lon going 13 turn 11 nora I12/6 16 _by I I th© claim 12 14 the dlSO_Ct corn1 based - let is no; 112/6 10 I0 - Itwould ha_ ¢ to he purely funcilonalm ocdcr to 13 for recording 112/6 thai the _ord case the_ _e pht_e baffle means _ ©n, _ thai thc_'¢ _,c_c - H iggms re._dyou 8 and the corn1 looked al thaland s_d thaiisstruc_ml, they _d, to appl_, upon And 5 fact thai decided 2 upon- He rehes upon the Apex was n_¢ a m _r_s c_se. _p4fon w_ c_e, 22 apphed anoth_ 23 Magne-Tck 24 from thsO_ct simply courl appll_l d¢c_slo_s C¢IINc; -- case v,_s opposile [ooo_ _ Nor_acrn D_stnct of C_h fom_a 24 case 25 Lme_, the same thing CellNe_. CellNct w_s a Marknmn O0067 ! stud _.t 2_ he w_s not going 2 mstcadhea_phcdSage 3 feder_cm:_tro_¢ 4 a foc.g_o_ fo_ a piece 5 L_'ft surf|c1 enL 6 cm:mt Hearing to apply 10/25/05 the CelIN_ Page _ - m a I_cr case, 0O068 I that we 2 and II'sthe -- _¢_¢ appear 11's a sampling 3 He&dn'lstmplysaysmccth_rcwas m Mr of cas_ ? So he re fo.sad m the cRum, _o not apply BUl on the [eR Thc_z_s By the gam¢ t ok ¢'a, Nedson thlT_L)udg¢ took 9 (hat's m Magm-Tcch, paint expcrl 66 slat¢.'mcnt, subjecl hand s_d¢ here, Th_¢ we've are shown racaas all v, hercth¢ ! 12/6 to a 5 prcsm,npt_on _s that I 12/6 apphes 6 mclude_ word mcaz_" 7 slaLcrncoL the heca_s¢ followed the claim by cfomen_ a fonc_lonal _ s. MoLorota. a a look at the sa_mc claim same palent, same BUt on thL_ Sty, the COU_ fOUnd tha| thcr_ Was clement plam1_ if, sarac 9 m.Sufllcl_'at 10 On-- _g'Iore m c_ c_y CaSe held¢* | I 13 Page 10/2S/05 P/,p¢ clama I0 12 Brcy_ [ha[ $ $ -- Judge Hearing on the 4--th¢_caxeallmca_sc_scs of $o.dctm¢ the Markman 65 r_onal_ Sage_sbcltc_law A ed And ¢arhcr he thdn't holding, sense, becaas¢ it can't 14 ra_onale [_ for a c_:mt, 16 follow Magne-Tck he stud go along _ the with somehow jo_[ holding, it just dc_-_'t thai idea. heca_s¢ the the make a focat to_ 17 was 18 thc_e'samynadofctrcuJLs a _chmcal 19 docsa't he sa_d [ - ¢ngm¢_ MR 13 ¢v¢_t 14 I 1736 apphed L_ Lh_t 0rat'S safllc_enL What he sa_L THE COURT 12 I'm a techmcZJ dining guy, 1 the sca'vlc¢, and I know cas_ But 16 _al_s 17 vc_ 19 21 tonal 22 aclually 23 ,sa'! ctrcml - whal Now, 24 whcth_- 25 cnlzr¢ suf_ficlcnl these on 0_ts side, s[roc0_¢ ca,sos a_¢ on the and the way &ffcrcnt flora claoses in_ufflclvat in arnoan[ o f s_n_clm¢ thai iI's I_d oul _s very, the sensor In the c]am_ $_zuc[Lrre means |hal and con_ol we're talking So clrcm_ about. Lqn't sufficlcnl kind or no! there Anti wc ate prmctpally mc_s claim ha]king about. Your Honor, lCsa,ev/gencncte_m - JUSt s_ymg there's function, _'ba_ - That's youslmplyc_.n't--tl say an,/,,hmg, So _ And in thee, I g means 20 And COOK any C¢11N¢1 you m_al[io¢_ I| the thai Loc'r¢_¢, or a ctrcoat - the you declsto_ Ls sumcl¢.n[ :s illustralCd thcrCs by Markman fo show sensor 21 _]¢mcnl 22 this clement and the conool cwcml claim how Thosearcth¢_hatma_ethcdlffcrcncem you case use -- the S_gc sox_¢tar¢ the a ac1_lly a couple 20 23 n_e to p_'fol"m 24 the _5 o f ¢_np[e_ Hearing 10/25/05 Page So those focusing arc the ones on for the mos( Here, Ig'rfora1_on thal we're means Cxtenthng Markman 67 JA 0797 going to he pa_ fr°m Heanng the leg 10/25/05 Page68 00369 OOO70 I 111.5 ts a claim 2 And 3 pants 4 film, for teaming It w_ Then - the diaper II had a plasltc a s_el 5 pants for a cbid. had a cloth coating per forauon 7 waistband 9 mea._ theperfora0o_ II know Io the ouler IX:flotations 14 ll_l 15 the plasllC ch:ld 17 It do¢_*l I$ c_cular _y it Lr.. They're or _x_l, and that Is su ffic_c_t! 23 r craov mg the Irammg 7 structm-e, 9 logcther, band f,o te_ diapeT are off off or andyoueanseethalstn_tm'e ex_tly Now the leg Maf,._ngdl He'$ V_ade_b:lL AndDr $ the ¢lmm clcm¢_ bncfm [he ftn'lc Uon of the case of an ace:deaL wll} allow iI to tear away, tle=nng open the door that su-¢tched on 10125/05 Page and thc_ 14 that I]cx_ the door opens when it would thai function, pull 8 piece of metal and pulls _1back together You don'l know what kind of a _pnng ts being used Io keep the door shuL tsn't t'nough SO dcsertpllon you don'l know ._ hal str.Jct_¢ cal]ad OUl Io perform thai sln_cture, to _s they apply 112/6 21 YoucanenvlslOnlt, fc¢ pet focrall'_ This ts a class:c funcl:onal Tnzs. the tr_anmg claim that I 12/6 has 22 governed. 23 '_ here th_e's 24 word there m thc means was szmply 25 wefe_*[ trying s_uclure, pants, es a classic exarnp]e they wall dec:de to _rtgg_ happenstance, Markman of thai the - the a I 12J6 examination 69 1 claims - the prof..,or Uoyd [,hat they because the Ilearlng 10/25/05 ofele_mcal at t_m: In his - m yore 7 i_ow thai m tl_ ilm3der - at 3 tha[=nthls wd] be ¢efe_'ed you here and ¢kcca_ 5 m'e things IO = Iol - at ta_ them 4g, 49, And l*ll show them 12 senso* 13 exlcraal 14 ca_, g]vm _ (o each claim 9 sony, to the appmatu_, v, e have g3vcn Wc I_,ve _lven 16 A ad th_n we've 17 t_ m - as = code, 18 thn clement, m IlnS c_e a _med one :l a reference name, oul LI_ ='ntrr_ _s a key, II Page 70 m this 1o whal "slm._l" mea_" cI,a_.L_ Ix:re, and we're laying 16 clan'a und_lmed 20 bolded the mea_ all the not m this 24 pei'form sln_tural lang..m_¢ We I_v¢ 19 and then we b*w¢ I_1 m 20 laflguase up the Sage c,.'k_es_ the enure the for la_ua_e, fimeuona_ So that se_ 23 I'tm¢0or_ DESA's M_ cxpe_ CaHson opmad Senso_ _cs str_ctu_e Sensor and sensor means both on that basis, he s_d performs ftmcUort, thai I 12/6 should not bc tcst TheteSltswhetheror - =s suffic:c_[ nol whether to p_form the s[ru_ the ]angua_ _ cortnote_ s0xtcture hnc o f ci_pulc IYagomgtodisc_ssth_s betwec_ the mg_ealerdet_l 18 because lt*s v e_y nnpot'lanl We've lla]l_ C_rlson, on th_s subject, connoted Thxs ts a sharp 17 p_ues about beCaLtSe there's the stated func0on we took Mr He used the wror_ n:clled I _ stmply Ilu.s _o- claims m concl_mn $otucrm'¢ 13 nOl the l;tructure 14 t'ntuc Ma._engdl's thai st'r tso)" and s on.sot me.arks are both _ I'm And 12 applied. lel1_r A it a shor t_md SpeIlcd II*_ Dr Io perform who opmad cormoles 10 connole condition of the key phrases also _hcn Carlson, 8 ftmctlon, vt:ry I_efly fo_ _ struclure 7 [hat the sen.sot _ 50 and Tab 45, thiststhe m,_l_ claJm ch,_[. Onthe ] I left. we've And 6 Mr finally ca3e llTJ6apph_ssmce 4 msu fficlenl case. 8 51 irethesm'ttm_esofh_op,mons [0 en_nee_lng and these where th_s clause _tppcars in the claims, 2 9, l0 and I I, and then M_._en_n]lh_apphedtheSagend©to 6 25 iI pulls :1 back I grt-w up, we had a II mlgh[ be a leafspnn 20 to the EMLhas_tamedlhese_tc_ofDr 4 2Z $o you woald 18 pexform Tharsdiekmdofstmclm¢ 3 2l what kind OOO72 2 19 m_ghl be h'k© a -- where 17 becatts_ you don*t, b_c au.se the© I I$ a_¢ _hat have a spring thai rOlales on the axis so 16 Io keep the door -- to at[_mp[ I £1n_ tta'e t_ ', cry de fimte. 9 necessarily 13 tt back Iogalhc_ 15 mangular I_II you t-,reran 8 from -- per thmUons You can'l envision 10 screen doo_. and we had the cod spnng the per foratlorls bul tt does andsodia_tsstnmlure to keep the door closed, they warned to kccp a door closed. spnng'_ 'You might 12 you ¢_m s:mply Markman 00O7 for 19 being ways, ffyou $ thai when you open th_ door on the hinge, to the leg Ix:rtor_or_ per fomt, c,_ 22 _ me'a_ and xt has the _ aJs[hand these on thts s=de, you can see the word I I the door out here see the struclure, 21 -- ov_ 6 of a spring they have m mind. You and talc© the cl_ld's whether m la_¢ 19 wbal 25 you can See the ofpl_l=c from p_l yoo can 20 24 layo 1o the case of L,I accident. has an accident, outer Bul me:ms is b_IL got a piece atoning if I_ 5 klnd ofa the le 8 band and pea'aerie bnefm how th_ You've 13 There's 3 spnng means pr et ending here r,aJd from Youcaneav_lonthcpeffofatJon ¢_aady 16 exlendmg you can see -- here 10 12 a 4 the kind of- th© i_aamng $o 2 of plat:c. means 8 remo_ng I that's ncccssa_ pa:r of di_4_ on the ou_lde, And so the l:tntciura/lang_e 6 diaper t$ - h_ 21 didn't mqmry enough as Io whether stnu_tm-e ftmcu ot'l of the ttahctzed Tlum m the aexl coluran Thc_ und_ we've Markman or Ilearlng where ga_e there ts no qu_on changad They didn'l this o_ w_L They begin Io ovcrntlc with Sas_ Sage They simply apphed 23 a rule m thai c.&sc But the case was dcvo[©d to other 24 issues, the 10/25/05 overrule h_n't 22 They wc_entl even concerned m ii to secuotl f.hown ShoLdd be no que_zon, the law, Phdhps 25 Page 71 not to this issue. "DIE COURT WCTe all the_C Amtco.s m _ Markman JA 0798 Hearing 10/25/05 Page 72 OOO74 00073 I because 2 they weTe thai they oughl scrod it to the _¢1 4 Is a_t 5 The 6 &dn't d_$em I'm glad 9 ctrcmt l0 has COOK And 13 deference court dectslon pleased cv_ thai? _ they qucsuon m the (_ patent in frmgcment case n's a questlon of law, 40 percem, apparently COOK Ig the • mous 19 And panels 20 think ii bad been 21 Texas 22 thai ended probably Law up vnth the mc_t - the original up wlth some &ffcaem a;vroaches permctous, because _, that w_ unfortunate said tl IO the extent of law And they two things, GnezsthatTexasD,gnalsmd. wefi, th_ Markman hnc of 6 are not -- unk:ss 7 he defined the lerm 8 thctlonary and ha didn't use thai 9 thcuonary definmon 12 c_es, 13 definitions nuschlef 16 we v,¢ten't 17 dcfinztlons IS think 2 shatdd w ay Io do th and _ bc a speclf'm 3 Some 4 DtDta] 5 you Hearing 10/25/05 Page THE 20 te_ few should 21 something, sazd..,,ell, know, de that, you start the chmr_, $ 1_ 9 you would con fusing, _t"the th+s one and that we :t led hn¢ of to a lot of In the p_or should app)y $alected bt3¢fings malupl¢ a deflnlt_on that v*e by the specification CODRT Wcte not _ the Amlcm a helle MR 23 t_ymg 24 were 25 Wanted de novo _ Suxdy a_gumg mote COOK to get nd than that the about roguing Butprmclpallythey_ere was the for that - there as to _ hat to hear v,_¢ Some of the expressed they sc_ oral they wanted issues thai to i_a_ use of thCllonanes, Markman _r not thc_c - out of Tex_ w_th a dlcuona_, they overoAed and then, _ at the spcclficat_o_ techmcal phrase, ycu Icok If there's I_e at -- tf ZeTO c_mag I dclm_ttlon and 2 are pteny mu_h 3 clazm 4 the vectted _nd they the Ilearmg Page74 10/25/05 demct. and Hill and look Then I f tt's a gcner_ that. 13 then you term I_e THE COURT 14 MR Sage hne 16 to pofotm up dra_ rags at the 8 and a furthe* on the board_ next tab. be addxessmg _thx B There's and a sen¢_ l'll put one of th¢_e tab 49, and we have them during But tha*e are - we have them blown up the trial km_ of things definmon of what¢ taken m the patent M r Cadson's I ! particular Chain element 12 And you 13 PIRs hoe. 14 and whal 15 thol this 16 upples !7 of words, he sa_s that thts appears tememhot And dravangs Mr so we've Htggmssa_&v.ell,#sjust drawn what Mr Carlson says m blue Okay COOK Thare'_: been 2005) thai was 18 lescalledB¢ck._mMarme Butthalhoeoflav. a case deeded - there's afi_ remarry-the upptopna_e ume- But the 21 that Sage tcmams the law So th_s m,_ter s_u'm'nan2¢$ 24 fo_cuon 25 has a_ at July 2g, and zt applted les2005US 20 23 case Flulhps, We'll get Yore- H_tor 22 o¢ somethm8 general Stracture Mr Ma_cngdL ts a place Professor now "._h_e Masscngtlt. we can m red so talk about uppl_ and We a_e not just ttmng a lot rmt_ 17 _5629 s¢_of look al more su ffielent on that poml say that thee and see v, hat it ts hke th¢*e's 7 l0 II Carlson Both of thcm don*I co#2an of these weql M_seng11D_IM) m agreement functton 6 9 go to Hc_wt_2 Mr elements 5 stud you d_'l v*hcr¢_ ¢_ tes uppropnam, look a htghly v, heth_ that grew you start that regime 7 19 a fou_ ot fi_ • dl ffercnt We ha_ e each 19 disclaimed D+gltal, in this case 73 rufo of the declstons 6 15 yew atgtung If the or a thscla_m_, Tex_ apply And nobody that Iexlcograpby, or +fhc lexicography just IS supported used f and n _ as dlffc_ cm than trader that w_ 15 attome:_ DJgllal de fimDom 00076 I upvmpc_te 12 from But Texas all dicuonary fomsel -- then you could And apply the patent But aside dictionaries youcan_¢ 00075 10 -- and change said, 22 re_mha it nght - for a hn¢ COOK you can with I declst ct3 m a case called and _ubscquc_t And thts Pfolhps o, cr_ded Sowhaltheydedurmg-- come the - rll say Dtgl_l 23 Right. have _lR well, can start ycah 5 14 them You IS starting, I 1 - you could and the Thayrcvlew)twtthout And rc',e_e COURT the problem 10 m zl_ in cla_m inteTp_etanffA MR THE 3 4 has huppcned t_w THE COLrRT 17 25 2 Sothcye,;._-ntlaJlysecondgue_s_e_'ydtsmct 15 24 I dictionaries- dcctd© and then that s an excellent What tssue fedcralcucmltrc_ltdeno_o 16 w-_n't fo_ that rc2son 12 14 c(mstructlon for the m fnngement No, )t Markman, a Markma_ II v. oald that, but -- you asked since cffcult _ ¢_¢ argmng? certainly up with MR 8 eoml._ alI the Amlcus come 7 the federal to do all the cham 3 wSal hoping clann the cform eta_m al_, that thcyc a copy m_ortant App, ofth_s thing Sage 18 L_ts at the Iorec_gmz_ mt_T,retatl or ts o f the and tl exphap.s tsn*t s_ffictem Markman th_s w_¢ans ph_ whale structure Hearing Mr Carlson m h_ 10/25/05 Page we and oranges can actually see what So we hay© prepared 19 way 20 argmng 21 cha_t thor's m tab 48, not apples ehaxmm Thon thts we think by elemtmt at A_x 22 yaur bmder, v.e'v¢ 23 now for each 24 the pater, 25 o_t*ht_matclmm Io show lot example, 10 gone clatm scr_ot JA 0799 ts a _ oT ts tha next tab thrvugh elements, m_ans handy 50, the patcn_ 6 m And _ c'_ e shown Clmm are _ hare L_'s In look There Markman 75 apph_ v, hal the two parht_ C, whtch actually of thc*e ctrcmt Ilearlng 10/25105 Page 76 OOO77 OOO78 I So here's the dlawmg 2 means for claim element A, sensor llappca_,nCl_n_s9,10andll I differentiation, Andh_c'swhcTe 2 counlm8 and DESA _s expressly 3 thal el¢_c'nlappears in the claJm itself So thlstab,you 3 corttrol ¢l_rcutt mearks 4 can '_cf_to 11to see 'Ahcze elemt-nl A aclua]]yf_Lsmlo 4 cn'cml 5 the chains 5 wsctled claim 6 because ,I has 6 And then finally, we ha_ e masked 7 pntcn! drawings in Appendix 8 Mr D up the tr_Xl of the And hcrc we've shown means 8 9 I0 10 circuit II thal tha textthalapphc_; to the scnsoz Citroen1'sensor II atlon_-y 12 mc_'ts,tssimply th_ small sccuon here. and Profes_r 12 read manual Carlson m blue, says they clatrn heheved This was the view, _e task of I$ II'S a mistake by sm'_ply w/rag Io thls_ simple as p_slble 17 ere'ateone documenl 18 An_ 16 M_scngHI 17 that tl ts a rmst2ke explmn, m_d CO.leo _e c.or_tceed th_l 18 For one t_ung, 19 I tsn'l _sScrlnd, 20 language m the - to 20 Se]_ov me2n$ - t_1 21 contro} clrcml inem_, 22 ore/ride in ii 21 thasc chain clcmcms In om _ew, i_ open and shul th_ 112/6 apphe_ 23 Soweo_tlyhaveoncdcfinmon 24 We Theyare _Cn'l u.slngorchna._ meaning 25 Now, 112/6defimaoRs 23 d_.fmJt_ons U'_re'shahn an ,ssucof clalm Markman llearlng 10/25/05 Page this w_6n'l the paten1 appllca_on_ hear chain the This the He claim you gel 25 mcludesapasstvemfr_cddeleClOf 3 znd 4. Claim type of claim, iI has s_r_or a lamp, ml_ans, $1ructure, II has rn_nu2] to Clam 3. and it says, down apparalus why we arc con_ raced look at Clam f,arn¢ And - Profe_so_ undersumd and second acctndmg conl_ol in Chicago, the same 24 to Chain I whcrcm a an sa_d set.or means Tha_saPIR Markman That's Ilearing 10/25/05 Page OOO80 QI,Q2 2 3 bol I_ But then you 77 0O079 I _ prepared nol S_mplyam_stske tf you Weha_cn'igone 22 does was parl ofth© m this you wdl 19 112/6apphestothcsecla_melemems through and apphed ordinary mcm_mg asserted hML tt m_d made a mls[ake cotmtmg that once the relao,, e ts_m_ at, e sol out. wh_¢ o f course, EML He pul pulse wrote mEsrcad w_noloneoftheongm:Jcl_ms who counting who ongm_d]y IL In ou? 13 16 dccldmg lsn I an m i1, which attorney 14 here and up to here. Io nmkc control This ]2 is n_l hemg -- the a11orney th21 pulse 13 M _._scnglll says. no, in rc_ the larg_ box, goes aJlthe So th_s- ag_on, we'sc Uymg claim since pulse 12 under the it says. coUnllng o_ erode 14 ",laydown 15 e]cmcnl_ pulse Of course, Bul there, 9 "_artottsclaim elements appeal In the [cxL theTeyou r..un see Mr claim includes [hal, well, ore. m Clatm 7 use where Carlson and I_'ofes_or Mas_cn8111 have said It_lthese And has a_gucd called I NOW, DF..SA say'_thaithe scztso_roc_ns tsOle PIR II ts _c PIR 4 EML says ehal the scn._or mr_ns 5 'D_ red box here thai Prof_or 6 th_ clrcmoy 7 mclud_ This Cl_m 9 aPIR ltdocs_'trayasensorm_t_aPIR. And it says d_ the d_ffe_e.ace7 II _ m the sen_of 12 Thafs v, ha_ the ongma._ 13 _1 apphea_on 14 Now, was 16 tsaPIR? No I7 o_'lgma] cl2ffns. It says thai it con_ls_ _m _ et a _ 20 _nclndesaqu,_'1_h_osenlarn 21 mclud_ 4 says use 23 allofr*ey _ 24 and not slmply 25 clfcml. atlorney ofa wh_chv, th_ 12.rnp p statentenl 8 out m_o c_ 9 for Pi'_.s look _ And you whal 14 hlt_e top hat 15 Each advisedly zaalsomthe 16 h plugs I, whcrcm 18 What It doefn'l say the lamp 19 doesn'l 20 ra_o_ that the PIR was of - pal_l part of the ser6-or _ngs and _ol parl of the control 23 mfr_ Ilearmg 107"25/05 Page 79 has done, ts gone of product have tob58 a PIR. you thts _ochm_ Icnn_nals _r© al t_ Youwlnseethal the PIP. is this He_gs f_r _ beard. - if you'll a PIR, th_s coming mot_o_ elccmc_J OUl the bottom elrctut II's snnply c.banges beard a compcnent In mfrated radiation. II It dctcctschangesmmfrared -- iI g_v_ off signal, and back to zero whc_evcr tt flops there ts a change of ra_o_ _ tha_ slgr_l c_rCml?ythatwes¢¢h_c Is procesaed QI by add_uonaJ endQ2ar©PIRs. Markman JA 0800 EML examp]_ Is a PIR thai mgnal fogh and low 25 Markman Then 22 24 you I'II _how ts it dele_U; detect They The concle_ anything. whal Yeah, into a circmt i! does this means dclector_ It'S a r.o_! 17 to Claun The ongmal done. with II_¢e of these experl well. win find that m -- and thee whc_¢ th_ _ pLR, or tha_ st llsaysll_.3sa.','s _n'! worth wc have and motion uniformly C],_mn 4 1hat. and found 13 m_lnde_, hc_nng skill m the fo_ saying of th.al sort So what 21 the lerrrt_ a b_s_ 12 _ pun 6 can'l to have 58and59-j_Itab58 de'pc_deml according halog_ have II this from m and say, just puII tha_ out of thin a_- Thay 5 10 this courts that come 4 Ihe_ jt_'l a FIR. v*ho wre_e cautlon_ of _na_ that there,s how he mmrprcled I_15 ss,/_'_ved stud They palent ehafi cha'nenl LookmCImm4, 19 22 It suggests claim Ihe taw by Ik's3ons 3 lh_s to a pe_on 7 the sensor me'arts includes he J_l uml_g th_ fontal - &d he rcolb/mean ha'rip _ - I$ 18 aroend this cham_ Whaf_ the plY. has drawn 3 was p_'purcd - tinsw_s m the S _gmal 10 mclnd_ Masscngtll Now, 2 tesumony Ilearmg Theyan: 10/25/05 Page80 78 OOO82 00081 1 2 th¢6¢ httle a change 3 top hats ofmfrarod Then sagnal that mnphfit_ 5 holds it 6 clix_t 9 It won't blocks, Then allow there's dns and the signal there's next block 4 dayhmc wmdow nght here, iI arbor goes Mgh or low l0 II h wxll _ther 12 de ferghng 13 you 14 -. this ts whan on whathet havc 15 tfs a no, t f this 17 pn_dnced Ig tam op 19 21 tt and mouon "l_ts tS then what's m m frmed io - then vers_ a h_gh Youcansecthethfft'reace ofthemouondetecuon, docsn*t mema mogon mc41on out here, And this ctrcmL out m a way it's been that ts easy had they an mvtmtton had If IS andoff here 16 threshold 18 for a small 19 off procegs fonge_ fo* an Hearing 10/25/05 Page you if there's fltckermg _ ohagc Is _ here you I, 2 turn This It'stv, portion is ol_.cl 25 hght vohag¢, fhckers on and off. can se_ _t fllck_ and off 1_. el. then of th_s on/off ffthc it will cycle on Ix: on only II "._dl be off. off, on/off dmang this hghL vohag¢ one So If it's off. bnght_ threshoM lamp and on .s at one But *f the thrt_bold 24 a low This can s¢¢ it or anyc_c _ oltag¢ off, 22 out, it's been dn But m the 17 TbestgmJthat cd that means they than _ ohag¢, on. on. creates is a th fferent on/offcycie that is produced it v, fll stay on, on, a bnghler on off light in response on a lot that's a That's the bright to detection Markman gl of moUon Heanng m 10/25/o5 Page 82 00084 1 this !_tcat 2 If it's off. off, 3 the 4 moUtm low 5 accent 7 control the moran etrcmt_" 9 commt'_t II mdepondent 12 dnpendnat could Before Your on all the time when ha sho_ m_ 18 d_olc.e hgbung format, pomts just gomg to Mr Htggms meauonnd why do you these could ha_ ¢ ha'¢n they wt*m'L to the palenl beta aRomey Clam I and as m Claim _bo deew the m:xt I but add one The v, lth _t clazms. - bot ©ach oftbes¢ 20 clatmtsanegaavenght 21 practice 22 dOn'l tmderstar_ 23 they foeget 24 don't _hafs dns, pul om m clalmnd. Tkts Ande, cnal'ter but a patcat else - v, hat you may have have Markman my product 4 negative a patent, pr_ent somebody 7 myS¢l f wtth0ul g use to pr_ em 9 damages SO that's II you want 12 thffercnt using m fnngmg also d_dn'l of 17 that's the ]8 Oh, 20 Htggms 2I than patent and owner the ts m fnngmg get damages on thxs, then tL I may somel_dy somebody on Ifs a else to tL_e it elSe'S but my clam from dnmg I can It, mj Ltt_ tlO_ or right the negatwe you I can not be able ha_ ¢ muMple to -- a th ffenmt c[atrns, scopo ts because of clarms_ areclmmnd fcamr_ You - 22 a dam to be able wdlixmvahd you ha'.¢ flora So that's why 16 a lo_ of p_pte ill 6 so_mg the somebody nght It's to gay 19 tl g_ and say and get an mjmaetton will co_ cr the featu*cs, do_. mto cotl_ 15 have a _t have 3 patent offlcc theyhav¢unde*stoodll, if you the to come 14 could - most ts somcthmg nght 13 iL It It's a matl_ ts - But whal 2 I0 fore hdn_n'tg_eyouthenghtto to pracuc¢ Somebody clam_ mentioned have thfferent m dn this m a - m alhndependem of th_'m get of more Honor an apparatus 17 I'm just I 5 So igs lad at the top and I close, ¢lmrrgs, and clam have 16 19 keep that's al the bottom. 11 was up been then m a nutshell detection On a couple When 13 on off. that you the ca'cat All nght. !0 off. hghtmg $o that's 8 off. tsn'l detect¢O_ 6 out with 25 or mtereslmg faSler O0O83 15 What 21 Markman This this 14 on, _ Ice to tmdevstmxl is 1o81c to ha_ e thr_bold here, It will turn on this lamp Sotluststhaprocess once the da)um¢ ts sort thoughl down 13 23 24 14 they 20 nghther_ 23 why This the th=s lamp And 12 bark It rams lO finally for here ii offdunng thaL the th ca tlus _ o_tlth'r t voltage, then on tha lamp except dunng going (tom aria lamp tathauon z¢:ro voltage, And 9 _e I_¢omes out htT¢ m mfrared or 3. tha r_ultanl layer you rathatton that on the is the ne,I 7 shut do anythmg v, hether this is the mot.ca spot I I hghtmg _oRage - I f a prodnr_ lad or z_ro useM to tan vo}tagc, 22 25 and L_ detected change a fow vohage the change magsageO 16 20 be a hlghat This decides up here thai _ll It won't 6 $ At becausc it's alI m one ts the photocell 5 the fmallyendsoppuls¢comtL no, clrcmh Sis mto of filtenng, engmeer 2 detecUon 3 thta_ this to ¢scapo } el¢cmcal off a gives dov, n an amphficatmn ¢omparato¢,andthcntt this pomt, when detector it somewhat m_ttl tt kxrtd of calms 7 a signal rathatlon th¢_¢ ad,tmona] 4 $ And It's given worry know aboul about, prior prior a_t that the patent that roayb¢ or_ art that you didn't of th¢_¢ ¢lamx$ know Soyoustfllhavethr¢¢lcft about and fl So-but idea. and one oth_ that sad what really that DESA we raly TIXy said 23 reqturt_nent 24 to cover thmg needs This t$ probably to Ix emphasized reh_ on Sage In - Mr for something other on R that the And - that Sage tt says the stluetute recites that the claim or the material the 112/6 has to bo cons_ or acts patent_ a patent that coves Hearmg 2:5 It 10/25/05 And DESA says _e want to look Markman Page83 JA 0801 at acts Hearing we ate 10/25/05 Page 84 0_X_5 0_086 I Iookm8 a| azts, no[ al suazcture, 2 ACts co_cspond 3 dmng something wc emphasize on acts Io pmcc_s cla,rns,a method cor_isttngoftbe fullowmg I well, thcre*ssufficlcm stuffm thee [o get out from 2 under ) 12/6,and the stuff l,_l Issuffictem in the c]_m for 3 _s th)s ftmcl)ona]I_ng_c s_'pone, step 4 PAo, 51t'p_c¢ Wedon'lhaveanyofthos©clanmhcze 4 5 thts lrgum_nI 5 going _o calJJlfuncuonal language, And wh_ suggests is thai whal DESA And I'm going _o say -- I'm going Io -- I'm nol 6 *A_nLs Io do wlth ILS_ ery narrOW expression of ftmcl10n -- 6 acts 7 and th,sISsomethJng thalhas only come 7 8 tlfor th© firsl ume th_ Ibelr expel,on up - today I heard of_h_ the YerarSago, thc_e was a - some 9 clmms I0 ! I we ate _ymg I I clams, dstectmg, for example, wlth 12 this one, Ifs rm4 dclcclmg ptcdclcn'nmed condmon 13 ¢xteanal 14 to the apparatus, And they it's just were _ough S0 they stud, well, ffyou apply I 12/6 to prcccss _cn It - those acts are {he funclt 13 and showed II So thofs an _ssuc tb_ has - ovc_ the ycnrs has 14 been r¢_olved, no{ find any case but this IS not a _oc¢_,s 15 w_sjustasmglevcrbmthroughomthts Th_stswhn[ I5 16 they are sa>_g th_sIsthe wrong 16 define the structure thai _ssupposedly Is the function, 17 somconcoutofa 17 one 1o tmc, - I shoulchYl be - maybe but Ibey _ saying, okay, this 18 and 01istsall-- these are the acts 19 18 Tberc ISdt any Case authomy 20 sort of ana]ys_s _o s_cmral thalapphcs thal clmn_ Io apparatus clams method 23 whal 24 ftmctJoctal langtt_e _ supporl the £1zucRn-c 25 do_, fl_ me,qns tha_ the - That's wlml he'slaying to do He's _v/tng to s_y, 10/25/05 lo Su_clcnl sl_ct_c. hasn'Ip_ovulcd fl a few mmm_s over my tm_e.and Page THECOURT 23 Well it's noon. 24 break. 25 all Okay so I suppose Thankyou we ought We'll take _n hour for lunch, Allnght to take ouz lunch and we'll $¢¢ you back 00 85 Markman llearmg 10:25/05 Page86 O0088 00O87 I (Break) 2 3 Heanng the s_q.lclm'¢, So - I think Pm 22 you u_e the Markman "acts" going totake 21 Fve reached an cr_ of doing something, thaiwould ix:an _g_mucn[, but thai And you wdl 112/6 II'S ahvays 20 clmm, a case that USe _C wo_d authOnll_ 19 If thwc isa c_c, DESA 21 "l'hat would be an argurncnl lhatffthiswas a method 22 0rmJ s_tcrncni 12 m the proce_,s dctecung then clalms all m ICmts of funcuon _'e Wnllen 9 ftmctwn *- whal Ibey say tbe fmlcuon is,,t'snol the long at's Just thoughl _ $ process claretswere covered by I 12/6 becau.seMl pmcc_s I 0 - Ifs not thcs_ I_g words a_'r the "for', zlrncar_ for, no l*m going Io call xl I patem THECOUrRT Okay Areyourc_dyfo_th_firsl 2 w tU'_ss? 4 3 Mr Y_YomHcmoz MILHIGGINS $ the fnsl v¢lu-a_, 6 queshOnS? may I ask a couple THE COURT 8 MR. HIGGINS 9 Markrmm 12 12(C)6(C) 13 accordmg Agreed by the coral, of_ tbe prepazed 12(C)6(C), t6 m.'ty ruth adthmma] My 28 of the local _1ts stated _ Rule 15 stal_n_t, wltne_¢s _ct proceduzal pamc ul_'. the cotrl 19 hothM_" 20 ¢lazms AndMr 21 address thor question, Cook _ for.h ii is will be m Rule PaRerson. 23 contalned tahis wn_cn 24 off_ 25 m gc_ holh_ You may wlme:is explain Hcalor, wbyareth_e omncxt Thai m through the dcclar_on 10 wtmt_ses We have atgtmacnts 12 Statcrae.nL to mqmr¢ from a wm.a:ss Marknmn H1GGINS COURT the opmlo_ 16 o* fo_xttm_; 17 19 to we bare 20 wltnc$$ I 10/25/05 Page 87 any thsclmrner, came Rule oppornmtty 12 to dtsct.L_ thc*rs ts thscmscd m the Yes - at least HIGGINS as we[I, neves Yts, Ym_ once or twice or tho_ had andourststhscmsedm Honor And the oppommtty my qm:suon n:latcs to put thai into a statcmenL 2! And 22 ktstor/'ofthc Mr Panctson 23 complctt* 24 Io ask htm some 25 Ic*urnony, file ts famlhar the rr.ath ng ofhts sfl w*th the prce, ecuuon And_ttsmyrcqueslthatwhcnhc qtumttons slatontm| about that I be permitted thai ptosccutlota ehsclmrm_ may_ bÁarknmn JA 0802 Mr Ifsthscusscdalo[mthebnefmg. MR fommdcpend_t Pa.q¢=son had Well. THE who pfacuces Heanng COURT MR Hevt_thel_s, by -- 15 as htstoty of the ds for.dams* n_vt_ and THE the h't c frog of Mr prosecutmn 14 zsprc[x_J_to a statement, file record bncf- 18 in his dzrccl msm"nony Rule argtm_cm, of w_mess, oa clarms McCavtL has read is m v,hal's ofthe rccaII t.hal he was foettslng office dunng concerning mt_tanon put m the patt:nt tbe wtmcss thn_ moramg m - pomo_ thsclammr 9 13 f,cts forth pr_cnted contmncd 8 I l those i f Ibe court w_ll p¢_msL tbe cc*.n'l tbe oppormn.ty explanat_ t_ the qucsaon me ahout not contmncd Yore whxch who culled to furth_ qucitson. asked and pal¢_, the an¢_-y quc_mts 18 hts 4 of the orficL cnlcsed _o tho !:_ccdur_ on page 14 22 opening prosccutmn 12 And 17 O11 page thal's been day the a_gum_t 7 JenstmandMr thai the d=r¢cl I_Umony prcscra_ 5 Yes Pmc¢_e. II Cook's 4 called of procedural cvcr_ 6 an aflldavlt, 7 lO sI_¢d Bcfofev.eculJ law Sc¢.ondJy, Hearing 10/25/05 Page88 OOO9O 00089 I THE COURT 2 an oilily 3 Dtd 4 Imcfing'_ to pal the cxpol do you !hal m an expcll witness stalcracms v,_ncss come MR HIGGINS THE 9 No, COURT because MR l0 that a legal | t StalcracnL 12 And 13 htslovj 14 slatcments 2 that, I _ould all the 3 stand. they came aRcr 5 the W©ll, then HIGGINS Yes, argumcat the would stgm ficam dctads We!I, tr_ y_,youm_yaakhtraafcwqu_honsab(mttt probably would ask him =fyou HIGGINS 20 Order 21 cra_omagc 22 free to mtcrmpl 23 any 24 mLcrcsl ptoccc&ng, the court:rod wlmc85 the rcathng al any time Io the 25 DT Carnal, COURT I feel Yes. THECOURT THE W1TNrESS 11 MR HIGGINS that in formed Okay THE Rinse 16 (WITNESS and one him CLEKK CLERK THEWITNESS THI_ COURT THE WITNESS arc of perfectly f_¢ Thank Hearing Yo_ 10/25/05 Page h $ your nght hond, ple_e ) yow name for the record. Goodafteraoon, Honor 23 prefer. 24 right Good afternoon If a _ould sa_e I can skip o_ er the bmgrapMcal to the tcstrmony 25 you. Iv,_ thc le_/cm MarkPattmson 22 thai ) ou SWORN State 21 fccl of Youarcgomg to do II from WAS aswcll, toplcasc the please 19 12 sUacmcnt _ imted Pattersons and -- l jr!st v, anHo quc_uor_ Thank 15 THE you Myapolog]_,YoufHonof THE COURT Honor, to going Patterson IO 18 are or is thai -- "touarcav.tmess Mr my mls_akc, not Mr mtcxcslcd to the You I undcrst0od the podium 20 I'darkman THE ume if you m formation and get _ COURT Thot world be fine Markman 89 Ilearlng 10/25105 Page 90 Page 92 OOO92 (X_91 ! THEW1TNESS nghts of exclusr,¢ 3 tssund tl_otch from Patna! 5 A patent grants 6 rcfcrred 7 from 8 into ofllce, using, the Umted Stat_ If anyone offmng patent m_ ent_on m the Umted thepat=ntholder 13 US Secuon Assmmng und_ which Section 271 of the Patcm SccUon of a bargam 102, betweeat the mv¢:ntor 17 and th_ gov_t. 18 In exchange for t_ exclustmmy 19 patcta gram, the inventor 20 spe_ficat_c_ poll!on must 21 dcscr_ptzon of the mvcnuon ofht$ provtd¢ m what's c¢ her apphcanot_ and m_! 22 mains mad us_r,g the mvenuon 23 concise tcm_ called a a written d_'b¢ m such ful L cl_ and wtthout that m, on!Ion p_tam.s _ to make aml use the exp¢_mm_tatlo__ Markman And Hearing 10,'25/05 after Page JA 0803 I 12's first paragraph of the mventt o f a patent mu_t out the ts on also invention if thf Thafs 14 as the preferred which allowance, becomc_ the best the pnnted mode ts often referred to emhothment A patent ts dwtded 16 claims .A hlch define 17 by patent, I8 statute 19 oxabhng 20 the patent, again The cfalrns 22 and hounds 23 by and. B m[o two the $cop¢ baste the _ecificataon are a part, which thsclo*ure forth and best mode Sectton of the patent Iega/de_cnptaon A, the rights of whtch sets cttang parts of the property gr mat ed the ¢lalrr_ the _. ntlen by d¢_c_pl_on m the te.a_h mg part of I 12, first pax'agrapk ate analogous to the of the real property meets conveyed a deed. I f a person real property com¢$ inside the meets w_thout the permission Markman 91 a patent to as a first paragraph patent 25 tl_ 112. 13 24 Section of carr_ng In the apphcatton, 21 the rnam_m of =s v. dl enable a person of ordmm3t skflhn tho an to whtch mv_on rights o f the referred dasclosme" description mode and L_C Lilt the inventor mventorhohot¢_thatsuehabestmodeextsts 15 und¢* Sect!on and why _cnabhng is if the how to make ts oRen the best I l Secuon Act. world ts why a patent Act bargain vail grant The writ!era 12 and nonobvlousm_s 103, a pal!mr ts a Ixoduct of rncets the reqmrements are no_ city tmd_ !01. l0 of the Patent the relevant dooament 9 dlscl_ terr_suchpea'sc_an that an mvcnuon 14 of paumtal_hty, 15 ulfltty Stat¢_ v, )thou! penmsslon pat=,mlaw g to a 112 thc Inv_rttor's the gov_t 7 stud to reqm_ by the patJmtt¢]_JV¢ That 6 t=achmg others wor(_, teaches mventton, 5 to sell or =reporting any of those _ls I! 4 PTO is m St'coon In other 3 inventor offi_ and sorn¢l=m_ ttcrPa dtat are cov_ed ix*forms u_dcr _ the rtght to exclude !0 12 mfn_cr m_honty alsolmo_n tho patent ov,T.cr. sdhng, 2 States Govcttxm_t, adrmmstzatwe to _ the patcnt_, I reqmrement Apalenttsagxam the Um_d _dTr_emark ma_ng, 9 Allnght the ddcgatcd 4 US 25 from 14 corot THE WITNESS read 17 of the Rule to m'tswcr THE statements 13 So -- Althoughtt'smthoAgrco:l for the Markman PatterSont Thcsz. 1 you. Yore Mark m the wl_css &dal"t Thank finalhottsckccpmgmaac_ COURT Andwtth Palterson I trmt? the o_¢ tfs an L._suc rm 17 24 THE ma'am ill call Mark 12 prosccutton conlamed Tnm_kyou, plmm_ff,_ 9 to take the stand. m a witness and J Michac_ IilGGINS - be testifying, 8 o f the _ _e Masscngdl COURT MR an oppormnay, bm wc &d not ant]clpalc 16 18 had be contained statement of Dr THE you 7 it's m the bne frog? disclaimer 15 16 MR Slalcmen[? 6 8 chda_'t yoo. 2 bcfon: I thd not ha_ c bn¢ frog 7 19 mean you 4 5 6 What oftl_ a/_d botmd$ owner, Iteanng of real 10/25/05 (XX)93 000S'4 I _t._c law labels such a pc,T,o n a Ucspcsscr I I03 compared 2 2 Slnul_ly, Tfa person makes, uses or sellsa [o the pnor an Tbe goal of _al_ng a patent c]a_rn _ todc_nc an 3 pcodoct wh,ch is msldc tbe cl_am tcnns without the 3 mvcnl_on as broadly as pc_sthle v,htle sull thslmgalshmg 4 ]x_m_slon 4 i[ov_ of the pascal owner, palen[ law labeL_such a the pno_ _'I 5 person an infllr,gcr 5 6 6 tavenoan that ,sproperly described m the sp¢ctfica[lon V/ben lafnngcxncnt ,$behc_ ed to exxst,pat_l 7 auccncy_ of'_n wdl say th_ a palcnt clalm reeds on an by clmmmg an operative 7 and by mcluthng ¢lcn,c-nlso_ hrattat,ons,n the chain thal 8 ;_,ccused producL 9 This ,saccornphsbed 8 d_stlngu_sh [he invent,on from the p_o_ ar[ Wzthrcfc_cr,ccloU S P_U_,_tNO 5,59g,066, wh,ch 9 A palcnl dral_r will often w_¢nt clalr_sm 10 _ oi_cn rcfcrred to _s [ha '066 patent, l wtlJpoint out I 0 vat/rag $cop¢ to S_l forththe invcnlxon m ._.-vcrul I ! a_d d_,cn'be the dllTcrcntsc-c_Joc_s of the paCnt docuracn[_ I I th{rcrcnt ways to &s0ngu_sh 12 P_ts are wrlncn to leach the mvcnuon 13 persons b_vmg 14 mvcn[_on _, 15 _rtha._7 skill,n the azl to which the as sl_tcd in Seeuon The parson o f ordma_ the mv_Ibon from the pnor to t.hos¢ 13 Pa[enl clan'isare usually presented m ,:,hatare 14 sonlcom_ I 12 sk,!lm du: _rl,oP,cn referred to as cl_-mcn_ of llmltatlo_ 15 example, a claml may For r_clt¢a cc-t1_ n s[ntct_falclcm_t and 16 shorlcned topersons sk_led m the an, Lsa hypo_etlcul 16 conscqucnt]y thlselcmcnl IEmllsthe cI_n_s to cove_ ouly 17 !x_'_on,s_nd_ 17 those dcvt¢cs hawng t8 lo a reasonable pex_on m [orllaw Pa_'nts arc nc4 v.n[1_ to teach the gcnex_ pubhc 19 c¢ dmse wilh edvcnced or ¢xccp_on_ 20 _s thosew_th_ deg_c_or 2[ a jedge or a juW 23 skdl m the arl _;uch judg_o_jm_cs 19 br_ily 25 _ 21 thr_'_,a lamp, _md thor,control clrcml means 22 10/'25/05 Howe,'or, Clalm 23 _xampl¢ m a way Hearing fo_ elcmen,.s m the ofa fm1_ two, s¢condscr_or 6 con_,ns mean.s, th_Icr hmllatlon An hmtL_ti0a rn Claim 6 _sthe further 24 language descn'bmg _snovel tm,dc_ Stetson 102 and nonobvlous _mdc_ $ccuon Markman Thee m-c On¢,_rslse'_ormeans, skdl m the _J1 the fuacu on of a use ful mvc_uon 6 o f the 'O66 patent, spaalcxng,has four elcmen_, 20 A ¢laml m ;m L_ued pascal dcfin_ the structgr¢ 24 and somctlnu_ that swacturc AS a furtherexample, Cl_m although may or_cn be charged w,th sumdmg 22 shoes ofa pcuson of ordmaty Ig the lamp "which can ernlla firs_lev©l 25 of ,]]ttmm;mon" Page 93 Markman 0OO95 lleartng 10/25/05 Page 94 0C_96 I Ifrequcsled, Iatn pr_ 2 poml om to the coral all_ dtmng I msubs the tutorialto 2 clcrmmts and Im_,t_o_.s of h_nUul to one of orthnmy The thfferenc_ skdl between 3 clement In an accused product 4 element m the prodoct 5 d_-'v:c_ must cont_,_n.-'v cr/e]elr,ent and [ffn_l_on ¢iI_ 5 same 6 htc_lly c_ an equ_vulenl ofone _.sc_led claim 6 substantxully 7 7 3 Clam_ 4 6, 9, I0, I I and 12 of [be '066 pal_nl. In ord_ fo_ a _ to be m fnnged, _ Tbe_c _'_ two [ypcs ofmf_.ge_r_nl 8 mfnnge_'nt and m frmgcn_nl und_ accused L_ic'cal the docm n¢ o f I0 L_Ul m frmgcrmml _ve_7 elcn_t 12 d_ freed as rec_d In_t occm_ when 17 h[erully 14 to a person are avoided by m_cmg 15 dcefaed 16 a l_a'acubr so'u_n_ !9 de fmcd by the v.ords of_ 20 Undm g_ docmnc 2t _cused 22 accused produc! mclud_ 23 the cL_mcd ehan_nt as l_Ic.'_ ly clash. of eR_avulcnc¢, howev_, dcwc© wd_ new-nhcI¢_s mfnnge 24 An ¢Icmcnl m an _¢o._cd _oducl 25 clmm lunli._t,on i_0_ thfl'ca_nc_betw_ Markn_n tscqu_vulc'nltoa the two Hearing I0/25/05 mvca_on 19 would Page may to the To f'md mfrmgcmerd ha mfnnged Also tmd_ U S PTO i_ceth_re, reqmrr_ {o sol forth all my _'n_On 24 Because of the 25 patent s_nsle sentence the terminology JA 0804 the plates nv¢[ ,s screw pa_ntlaw patented clam m a paten[ ate not m fnnged only one chain of a patc-m clat m ts In a single rule se_ltenc© [o th¢_© unl'arm'llar and syntax Markman 95 "a _ t_ol a sepm'atc clauns 23 claims, c]a_med of a p_ent, need _, be so msubstanoul that one otbe_ Fo_ such Urt0grUS sets forth while language the art th_ Thtts, tt Is po_ole be m fringed Cqmvalenee, a nvel law-¢xcttseme of a patent h mlt,xt,on a pa_r of mctul AlthoUgh that patent 22 a s1_uci_reth_ _s eqmvalent Io sW._mral elc_nCr_L clagn the by a screw" may have skllhn the to obt_dn mc_t prevulenL togetha thc th ITercnccs of orthnary way co_dd xnclod¢ product UnderUS 18 21 Ls the jamed and an when substanoully as the clatm to be an eqmvalen[ every pe_rn_ to demonstrate by a nvet. a screw, 17 20 the th_ ul_um tf the plaits togctber 13 change_ result clmm limitation ,nsubstantlal the same and rcsul! An accused Io pr_.,ml a s_ruaoon v,h_'e the of cqmvulc'n¢c Isa way a patent 12 jomcd In oth_ words, an accused d_'wce tna7 no_ 18 w.co_o_a_ the same pmr o f racial I1 Itmlta_on as previously d_ doco_m_ docome 15 hlcr_ wo_ds o f 'd_ p_mt 16 msuha_n_ I0 d_v,ce m _e ass_Icd ch,_.nn _ 14 juthc_11y _ m the _cus_ _'e m _;ubstanttully There me otbe_ ways 9 example, I I hlc_lly o_nt_as 13 fu_cuo_ 8 b_[ ftmcOon, 9 _a_,alcnce. accused m thc art a claim used Ilearing w_th in a palent 10/25/05 Page 96 O0O98 1 other OOO97 I cban 2 may Meat U $ patents lnalude both mdcpcndenl 3 dependent claims An mdqx'ndc_ 2 and claxm isone tnwhlch ts 4 complete - thatis,conta_ra allhmltattons on itsov*n -- Tim mdcpcmlent clmrm of the '066 patent arc 7 ClaJms I.6, 7, 9, I0, II, 12 aod 13 8 A depc_dtmt 9 _t II 12 clatrntso_¢ which refersto an The dclx'odcm clmms of the '066 patent arc Clarms 2 throtv,b $. wluch are dependent from Cla_m I,aod Claim 8 _l'ach tsdClxndent from Cl_m 13 When a dependcm 7 such tcfcrralitmcca'poratt_ the elements or hmttattov.sof 15 thcmdcpcndcmclatm 16 elcmtmts set forthm the body of the dependent claim Thcnttadds 18 the str_tm_ elements of Clmm 19 tsreoted m Clmm 21 foe frmlta_onsor I phts that strtmturcwMch 2 afterthe v,ord "mctudes" mtctprttaUontsthcconeeptofanoIx'_cndedclmrrt 22 patent cl_m 23 such claim tssaJd to b¢ o[k'n-cndcd 25 tsmtrodttced wnh Ifa a word such as "comprising", This means thatthe claim can bc co/x_trxted to _compa.ts product a nut and set All forth m the ended 7 accttsed product 8 Claim can bc m fringed clmm TO mfnngc must contain I plus the suucturc Con_ cvs¢ly, infringed II is missing 12 c..cry clmm 13 claim ts hkcwts¢ 14 will bc missing 15 mdependenl the recited claim, claim or hmTtatlon focn as a mattc_ the nomnfrmged not mfnnged in claim ts not alement dc_lcc, from the recited in foc depcodem sbxtcture accused dependent a_¢ presented all the stru¢lu_c a recited from a w asher a dcpendent if an mdcpcrrdent bocause system by an accused a bolt and in the '066 patent form 10 for a fastening a nut and of the claims in open clam a boll thal combines 6 17 A ktv aspect of U S patent practice m claim 24 comprising 4 t6 Thus, Claun 2 o f the *066 patem contains all o f 20 to those a patent because of law independent the accused product clalm refors to anothe_ claim, by 14 17 3 9 clan'_ I0 m addtuon For example, 5 5 v.lthout referenceto any ofocz clalm 6 elements first appear tortured_ Markrnan Hearing Page 10/25/05 strucgurc as was missing from the clam1 THE Mr COURT Can you pa_c one minute, paltcrson? 18 THE 19 THECOURT 20 THEW1TNE_g WITNESS 21 spectfica_onofthcU 22 wrltlcn 23 invention 24 known, 25 products thalinclude stractures,ftmc_ons or foc s_e Asnoledabo_¢,thc that ts an enabling which The Goahca6 Okay S patemtsreqmzedtoset d_Cllptton for Yes Okay m tmn, car_mg sets cut forth forth disclosure foc best a of the mode, tf the indention specification mttSl describe at lc_l Markman 97 one Heanng 10/25/05 Page 98 Page I00 00100 OOO99 1 ernbothmlmt 2 3 |n _mnc described- 5 pattmts the best cml:odm3tmt 6 than one _nbodml_t o¢ bc Inmted 3 fi_t acbam fomlh all of the features claims 6 found avoid of a disclosed 8 d_'s I0 This ts because wall contain I I define oflcnm'nt* fealurts which the mmtmmn a preferred go beyond alr_ture cmbodummt what ts necessary of an mvcnuon wluch to m_ enbon 13 14 I_tentablc Mm'_, o_ ta" the Pnc* makc_ tnm.-s, be a din:el if r, cl most co:r_pondence found mode, and d_l's 48, _, 4, hne 56 d_o_ clrcutl_ _hlch fore. cok_rrm 4, hn_ 5, of the lamp And that's column _11foc foat_ which false dctcctlom, full bnghmcss 5 Imc 58 through is m col_mm 5 line 6 _otds 10 95 p_nt Not lamp d_"C I c_cml_, In coh_mn 3, line 62 d_rcugh oflhc avO_L_ the fom_l c_-cmi_ zero CT_Smg to Im'_t the dlmnmal_n I 1 colman the _mg which c_rr_nt _ hen I_ 9 and fis c, clrcml_ 12 12 m col_nn 7 pulse COLm_.g 8 cmbo_mt_ 9 the d_.lce cffcmb_ on rush 5, hncs 31 through 5 c_r_es Rme., the patent _lnl_n of a mcdmn acu_ reed to the Imght 4 colmnn to may p,_tlcular of the m_cr_otx of the two, slow 2 tmposttton Is thetetsnoreqmmmentthat mode In fact, most 7 setting mo_ Howe_er, 4 $¢t forth I sp_tfic_on, of foe tnvenBon _d to m 6, hnc 42 of Pre f_rred cmbodsm_l 1 / ust arL all the between tram, the_x 13 r_lted rmay not foe ainu:tree m l_ph 14 thstl_msh of the 22 may be neccss_ the inventlO_ Io pm_bly m the '066 patent ov_ _ prior iSarL 15 weferred 16 patcm 17 embodmumt ami set forth the stricture Rtcall that 18 broadapatent 19 ts aecomphsbed 20 rmmmally 21 r_lmag m the sPectficatton _ted the patenl forth drafr¢c go_ sol forth subject clam_ matter In lack 17 p_ent ml allow independent patentable 16 ts to obtain _otcctlon_.sthcpnorartwtll by dralkng of the m the claim. I 8 pn:f_rted "this 19 which 20 w_thoul it would &allmg _nbo&ment COm_l_-ntly pt_:tlcc, patent 21 do not mclode ex_ alemcnts For example, 23 dcr_abcs 24 f_ m the '066 patent, an cmbodamcm mcludmg, one, oz Ix_t under clams mode standard could all of Lh_c conl_y cv¢_ _d m good fom_ m cv_y U g p_nt of the clmm cl_mmg sboeJ d be pr_ented _hlch fcatm-_ of a hghtlng a manual 4, hr_ FOr example, m the '066 patent, c_n cl_ns do the specification dt-v tie having ovcmdc switch, 23 conlmn many the nmnual 24 embodlm_nt and 25 25 foals fotmd m column to include or hmltattons 22 22 be gen_,lly practice 13 - w_le o_ _nde - for _ample, olhc_s f_e of the p_ forr_l Claims I foro_ do not, such as Clalm_ 5, 7, 12 and 6, 9, 10 and ] I 26 through 37 o f foe /_larkman Ilearing 10/25/05 Page Markman 99 JA 0805 Heanng 10/25/05 0010] I Ccrtmn 2 feat_ ¢launs do conlam -- thai ,s Clatm 3 such as Clauns 4 And 5 feature whde 6 and 13 7 do no_ get cla:med 9 if all of the fealur_ mventJon ofa II clam_ _ called featme 13 an s,.¢h 14 claim 15 _c a p)ctm¢ feazes a_ sc_k clann of_e p_tcnt such ,i co.lares or best what ts mJmm_lly I'm entitled a palcal 19 to make reg]st_.d zt patentable f_ (hca the m&v_ual 21 have a t¢chmca] backgro_d 22 pass a I_em Pratt)co ofpncUce 25 fur_eT bcth_c ram! qu_Jfy 13 n_nobvlou_, 17 car_mg of palenl W_nkmB mvenu_n pe_ams, and 21 d_cnpuon would 22 skdl is a person )03. aboul of the hxs or her t_ tmderstood SecUon ¢ompa:ed 101. and to the p_or I work arL w_th wn.en dc'.cnptlon mode [fc_e of the ts knowr_ for of _thaary I stove who cormr_nly skill in the to make sine be undc_toed but a_ an to which the thai the wnttcn by a person of or&na_" m the ao_ 23 24 palatably 25 ark making Page a search under w_th the inventor, 20 10/25/05 useful the b_l and v, hat novel ,I o_ by the nthngs Hearing in the ic_ms If the invention a detailed ts, Im_dure how has c_nducted IS pat_tablc, m¢lndmg I I._ndls examining conducted 102. mv¢_uon always by the PTO or have under See|ton to cr¢_c MPEP I p_¢pare it set of clam_, thstmgtash e._:h claim the claim sure thai cl_am tcm_ 101 drawn in_ ent,_n are defined Markman to from the prior _" w_u_d Heanng 10/25/05 Page 102 00104 I othe]_ tse be unde_stond by a person of ced]_a_' skdl m the 2a_ 3 It ts m_t r_rowly not to clann by mct_,n_ 5 _ feat_ns to palentably 6 pn_" arl. 7 De;_ 8 case. 9 dctmled beyond thstmgmsh too wha_ _ ramm_ly the mvcnu_ over Idealty one only o f _c.h or ffmre ch_rr_ dcscnp_on knowledgeable 3 appllCallon Fo; before I ptupare e al l¢_tst ¢_n¢ of the p_lem clam_ thai element _" hm_tat_on The add_lmn 14 theclmmnovelmpat_l_ 15 f,_neutm_ called in many of _ elem_t Tha_nc'*v the p_nl cas_ _n mven_o_ c_bmal_on of ¢lemen_ 18 evm ea_:h of the separate is novel Into a single p_or art, the pmt_ul_ 20 thee elen_nts taught m the pak'm 21 p_or ar_ Once 23 sp¢cx ficauon 24 PTO the apphcatlon d_wm_ upphcat_on. technology 15 d_4 group of _ _ not fotmd _ 12 of the t_lmology that technology elam3 may 18 of ts the to the _t _ _gned to a p_te_l Markman examm_ tlearing m a_ 10/25/05 Page 103 having by and would [3¢ Icchmcal Io a pa_lcular 8 group, a high level knowlcdse the palen_ relating exammm the examiners of thmd _.nty patents _ have with m the t.e, sued m 20 of pam,_dabthty, 21 relatln8 22 comphance 23 the PaIen! ACL examines the upphcahffa m two A, comphancewlththestatutoP_requtr_T,_'_Ls thai would utthty to novehy, with all of the requh-cmen As part of this will search PTO 13¢ Sccttor_ examination materials I 0l, 102 and and nonobv_ou_ne_, and, LSofS¢cuoa pr oces.% the fo_ relev_t Markraan JA 0806 be examined for example., exarmn¢s upphcat_ons PTO examiner bas_are_ 25 would and area. 19 24 There a person and w_th the many The by educaho_ educa.on mvcat_ons, can acqmrc 17 are ¢xamlnnd u'aJnmg, mventlons [o a parbcular 16 in the ha.n ng skd] In ¢Icctromcs By a_gnmg _. m the tt _ submliled l_cct_mc That mvenbons relevant field o f the mveni]on 14 c_nbma_on Ls completed, and elamlS, m the described phannaceuucal in other words, II featurets because rtlcvant by those 13 mvenuo_ e]en'za-_ts 19 be fom_d in the examined renders of novelty 17 though m the ¢lawa cxp¢_crw.¢, 9 lO would _ n_l m the with Phannaceul_ca) 8 olo_ chCatlCa] exaramers 7 (hosc having pa_ucular Theex_nmcr_suplx_edtob¢ of the I_hr, example, 5 chemical _m_ 22 exarnmmggroup 2 4 the of the mvenuor_ one 13 16 I 6 expme_c. w_nen I I mcthde the mvenU_ on the cln:_ I may draft IO 25 row-at]on, the _ stna:tured or m papal the xnventov _9 00103 12 inventor }6 _d to learn is new to determine If the 15 the to the PTO - Secuon I conduct under Secuon 14 inventors the invcn*Jon behev¢$ Then a patent ru_ way how ImP- an o_ I_ to o_ for - thai the PTO ts gove_ed Markman 4 the mvenuon novel xnvcntor_ edrmmsteTed by the manual 8 18 r,atts factory Ifsudesof37CFR, graded the inventor 12 be fc_¢ the PTO to to Tel_CScnt b._ exammauon 7 for short and pr_ccute t w_th the patcnl general wofk_, if m_ enuor_ be fore the PTO, 24 before mvemors fm an m_vldua] 20 23 to i_lctlc¢ to rcpfesrnt gram In order invention I I OWn Search n_essm7 ] prepare FirSt, I meet with 6 I0 even _o as the MPEP cor_ls_t'n thIIowxng 9 a every mnde. the 5 hand, embothmenl berate in a mann_ AS an atzorncy 18 4 10, It On the other embothmenl, beyond the mvcatlon coum 1,6,9, clann, referred In my pracuce, 3 apphcabon the pr¢ fen'ed ¢rabo&mcnl in a single o f the prefem:d 2 prior arL 16 PrO, aboul d_cl_ed are included do hoe, the pulse _s Clams al all m a patent. 10 clalras feature feat wcs 8 12 s_h such 00102 I r_faet_mes de,eel 12 and }3 m includes OtheT clalms, do nol recite other _. 6, 7.8.9, 12 reclt_ Soracllrnes 17 10 - whde I through C]atra the zero ero_mg pno_ Hearing 103, B, 112 Of examln_ art Any 10/25/05 Page 104 00105 OO1O6 I defielencles found by the 2 of the spaoficauon 3 are noted 4 _ 5ca'l! to the appheatlt 5 It ts common o111¢© action that the PTO patent 7 examiner m a first office 8 percm_ 9 mvent=oa, =;omct= rues the PTO I0 analymtlg the mventt v,'lll object procedtmm 13 include 14 apphcatlort plx_cett_ 17 between the apphcant 18 mquxted m the grpheatton 19 mvcnuoi_ 20 and the ongmall7 22 r_quaremam_s 23 allowance 24 or oF the a negooat=on to agree and cleam that the fo* _" as amended o f Ih¢ tssu¢ A pazenl namber as f¢¢, the patent ts assigned, grant is 01¢ pateat Hearing 10/25/05 Page of I 12, parag_h 2 spac_fic or part_ular tl c_ 5 expressed 6 ¢l¢_'nts 9 mfrmgemmt |0 rhea ts tdenttfied pofformmg 13 thedasclcseds_cla_ 14 dann 15 mqun3t function governed duxmg law the field and and rules to which 15 the 16 Slrl_Ctmc | 12, sixth ftmctlon and the which rath_ skill 24 S_cuon 112, of the tmn rights U S Palenl ACl by reciting tts parncular of _Cltlng a screw could "meanS" recite wh_¢h means for connoles in the art, the paragraph _r, the ra=ses a rebuttable 6 o f Se_ctmn _f _, Ierm bdoreo_ the _s a fLmetlon However, ordma_ of the than the clalm that paragr'aph 23 to ert_urc and ii1 the invent=on ts msl¢.ad be a stnlclui¢, tt_ paragraph clmeat An example The _-s patenL_ grant¢_t 1o clatm of_q presumption to be rigorous not carelessly an applicant the clann ate I 12 apph_; stracz_ to one presumpllon 6 does of ts rebutted and not apply ¢¢rm rrt order dev_ must m the Claim, or more 5 mfnngement, 6 cquwalen¢¢ clemeats the sffuca_¢ ¢o _a/I outsede the Hearing to 6, adtht_onal or eqtu_ 112, wdl paragraph th© id_nucal I1_ same 10/25/05 alenc¢ to that slna:ture 6 does bc consmaed as apply, to cov_ the statute the stngttne and cqu_ that the patent ale_ce thereo f Page ;my or all stw.h eqtuvalcnc¢ ts all eqmval_! _s an mquny to th_ Sffttclltr© that ts answered Markman disclosed by thos= Hearing m of 10/25/05 Page 107 an mqmp/of nOl mfnngmlK'nt although there tmd_r under the docent 9 eqmvalenc¢ under 112, paragraph I0 ;esult may be t_;¢d ¢omlx_SOn ¢lo=_onlc 13 pracllc¢ t4 somewhat 15 technology and of using thff_¢nt Generany 17 only one 18 stnaett_es 19 b_t there 20 ¢lecffonl¢ way may spe.aklng, be many ConSequently, "means 23 has been 24 electronics 25 This attorney, ntn-nl_r ways dtrvlee moire common plus over way, working such with m patenls, cla_rns has us ually many =s a wheel to tmplement the been to mechanical there's to deac_q_¢ mechanical ¢_ hinge, a function using an or circuit In my exTenene¢, _ gad or means and function, gs compared ftmetmn the the tL_ of the word _lau.se years In a patm_t m clarets claim directed to m_¢ntlorLg is Ix=cause a patenl attorney Markman JA 0807 the m paten! a task, of t_etv, ¢_m th_s ts because o_ a hm]ted doctrine inventions term Sectton m both sLtuat]op.s in ¢lectromcs component, 22 6 _s a pale'at to acc_mpltsh the ofeqtuvalenc¢ mochanleal "means" thereof", under hteral LS a thfference In my expentmce both partams tnfrmgement And 21 aeixtally 6 ts mlt;a]ly palent "¢quwalenc¢ paragraph, eqtuvalen¢¢ 16 strugtlll-¢ sooh 8 ]2 the ose of the woed 7 I I as eqmvalenee paragraph I 12, form mordm'tomfrmgea perform the Despite wth for as well u_mg m the art to which 2 I 12, paragraph to determine speclficalaon 112, I oeth na_" skall 4 plus funcuon Lerm ¢ovc_ functmn m the spacitlcaaon What the patrol apply ftmebon "fherc ts no reqtumncat ths¢los¢ that In comblnahon to one roles by Seetl0n a_us_ rl_ted If Section descn'bed form Thercfo_e, set fo_lh m the point 21 In 3 m Section m me'arts m the pa_.m 18 I;ays a _s _ The 20 sm, gtux¢ clcmmats 6 apphcs th© clatm_ ftmcllon 19 m the Markman cLann. 17 25 pltts spa_al of thai 12 24 include paragraph clama, II 23 can TI_ n_e..al_ plus 16 and d_av, tags is conducted in palent are granted 105 o f slru_lta'cs are not expressed I f 112, m a patenl merely a _ arlety m me._ that not ha_ e to ccamole str_t_a¢, connote 8 22 6 does A palcaat claim 7 is OO108 1 amblt 4 parmltS 25 ts are Sm:tion 14 22 the text process ts intended of _xcluslon 21 _ nolle© of proces_ 12 20 document as amended trained knowledge thai trtt¢ m_ enttova faslenlng, eontalrts examlnataon I1 19 patent pert_pa The would OO1O7 fa_ ;hventlon [$ apphcat_on will tssue Marl_naan 3 9 17 formal apphcallon by pt_or_ techntcal aat m¢¢Ls aJI the the PTO ha_mg upo¢l v. hat Is can be granted. is sat=stied 8 13 k_ an e_ hccom_ the exarnmer a patent payment compleX. apphc_tlon to deseno6 for a patti, AI_" 25 and PTO applied to file one the document patent The PTO admmlstcr_l 10 and of the paten! 7 correctly nOL patent p_ecutton 6 or to other pans sense The 5 fo_ tt dccs pubhshed, apphcant of the ongmal an Su£harespons©nmy In a pc-agtteal wlueh Whoa 21 action the apphc_t o¢= Of a palenl part¢ pr0¢¢_ 3 of the clam office to the claims 16 _ Sometimes and Io the 4 of more of the appheatmn description permit rnorerc$po1Lscstotheofllccact]on The sent arlom©y OIL_ and sometlm_ 12 15 t_sued, 2 L_sucd by the exarnmer action m the lunch&nears I of any clzara v.dI reJeCt one to porUorts ¢d deficlmac_es PTO m the suffimency ol the appheanfs 6 I I other o_ m the patentabthty m a v, ntte_ ¢latms exa, mmer LSalways lteaiang 10/25/05 Pag¢lO$ 106 OO1O9 l 00]10 conccr'r_-d _,lth obmmn_ 2 corse II_ for an in; _s 3 FOe example broz_t ! mVCZ_IZOrL a pamnl attorney 4 e]ec_onsc cotnpon_It that swltche$ 5 off would _ l_ely p_sstb]e claim haw elannmg e]e¢_c an 3 elcct_cal cmTcnt on and 5 tcrm_ ptc_cnted t_', SCR or mac, 6 as mca_ Dcpenthng. 8 control circuit, a patent I0 d_si_med zround II field to a_comphsh ula_m uss_ a single term be lx_ naxtow and too c_t ly by _ing other devlccs rusk _ p_for_cd I I In thzs _text. the _ s',viLch m_p.s 14 used m the clazm _._ a con_ c:ment shortha_l 15 bto_l cla_ of different 16 slTuctx_._, elcct_zlc that _vzlch cm't_t 17 the clazm oz even nec_a_dy 18 wttho_ In mo_¢ fecal 20 awzt_ 21 mtcrptctau_ ACC_Iy. 24 clZml$ 25 w_ i'_ve become l_glgy rcst_cZzve practice, a gl_Utow ml_t el_lO_ we h_ • THE you, Mr 24 Pattc_on_ Do you Maylupproachth¢ YeS having PATTERSON, r_t _ was cxamtned duly sworn, and tcStll_cd _ follows Markman Ilearing Pagel09 001ll clrc'_ t Lq qucstzons? Ycs, ma'_ COURT MARK 25 10/25/05 Thank HIGGINS 23 of the et_zms th_ Hearing m an elcct/ontc lectern? 22 in patcm tmmtcndod Markman COURT MR 2] with thc;e structu_l of_Ingiurc. THE 20 or the use of the petcc!_Jon m thezr rmnd thai a ] 9 Wahl to ask him a few fo]]ow-up claim ulcm_ts do not 17p_ca]ly use about word components c]_um in conncctzon has nol changed ]7 suggestive to suggest p._t teula,-ly designs, m my experience, 16 phrase such as sensor means the mcaz_ plus or devices, engineers when t_Ikmg means in a paten! 15 tcrt_ redor.cd the use of the wo_d "mf.z_" to _ozd ]4 18 upplymg m ou_ c_t 23 sul_z._al]y to a 112. to means plus funcuou ¢lcctncul "mc_s" 13 devices used m their _ years, patent at m_g'/s thal some courts w_c 22 be mtcx_dmg [o n_xtow to mvoge funclzoo prmtszot_ofSeclJon 19 would reference d_vtc._, ts used. terms such as czrcuit, Lq assoctatcd wtth a st._tcd functton Although 12 th© word tcm',s context m switch and I_ct_or axe tmderstood 10 whet, the Ictm by 12 tlg mansz._or 13 axe struct_al 9 One or more e[cctxo_t c components m the elcc_oczzc tl_ same ¢Iccttonlc tcrn_ of course, on the ovcr_l 7 whtch the Ictm 61" phr_¢ _ because with I have I carocd that persons of skdl 8 9 SLeh aS lZ'_SzSt¢_ would 10/25/05 Page I10 COl 12 l DIRECT 2 BYMR 3 Q EXAMINATION I mcnUoncd H[GGINS Mr Pattcrsou,at pa_¢5ofyou_stazcmc_t, t f requested, 5 and [trmta_zons elcxn_'zts 6 And you c,zn point thts ts tc_ly 7 _¢ Coza*t or Dr 8 thts ttrac poml 9 pamcul_" of Clmm 6. 9, a qu_suon Carnal would _ p_cf_ o_t the eler_mts you 4 bol other clams ;0 and II to wheth_ 5 anything of nm that Mr Pallc_0_ and Ilmllatzox_ of the 6 A THE 7 st_cmcnts, al 8 brought COURT An_'t you gorng _o have I0 experts II MR. 13 LIg claun 14 not ag 15 theyarc. 16 yes, 17 Rre nt tssu_ H]GGINS 20 we just w'_ntcd pomzmg THE whae$ BYMR 25 Q about for mt_wclahon, wall be d_'usscd later oa ]3 the clam to offer COURT And whal I mcan ICnlLs o f iLq gctgrul But. 1 _ pulse counting that 16 or Dg terms C.'s'n_ a_l wants ] don't H]GG[NS V_ the cha_ think wel;. we need it pretty Pattcqrson.azp_ge9 cucmt Hearing I0/25/05 Pagelll wlu_e Clam use ofth_ 21 aspect. Clams And aI t dcnucul m ot ulemcr,ts to Claim rcc_t_on I_nguagem I _ and tfyou I does not make the assurnptton 0x_J would 12 gcdund,znt because m that 12 would be tthmt.cal tn scope bc dlogzcal a_c not _kullmg 24 ptcscnung rcdtm0ant 25 tha'eforc, you would I cu_cmt, that would render the Claun Claims I_ of the a claim under the docmn¢ And again, gencr_ly claims for pu_x_cs cl_ums or to be dlogtc_l m '2_at c_e Markman JA 0808 that m c_-cmt means or any pa_l o f Clatm 23 ¢_a_ms - attorneys ofyot_statcment.ycm Markman 20 22 thaL Yore- Honor suggcs_ If you look tt _ alm(_l 12 mclud_ 19 includes the pulse cotmung Innztaucms, make by thai _s th_s So if you _¢ _a]y'_ng 18 that the cc_troI that I think tha_ doctnne was you don't do any0:nng thai wo..Id llmtt,_ons that Clam 17 of claim th ffcrcnua_on furth_ 8 thffcrenuallon be t]]og_ca] 14 and - cxcclX HIGGINS M_ And, generally, ofwh_t terms mthcalc practitioner? the docwme of ulmm up 12 pulse count pulse count Ithmkth¢_moneoftheupcnm 12 Clasm 12. and In its cr_rcW, boz m tcnn W do dtscuss ou! o f h'g_.e clazm m thspute MR 24 wt]l be talkmg m (huputr.. Rm.h_ clc_- terms i f the Comlwants 19 23 v.e Thafsmoreofanmfnngcmo_tmqm Bta 21 Well, toxins that are _t tssu_ of the clann our wxtncss_ 18 a p_lcnt 9 the prcscntataon o f clams, do thai7 12 to you _ m CLlrm and ptosccuung 12 includes do not include Ycs, ltdoes _ a_ng in (kaltmg 3 patents, does the fact t/_z Ct_m ou_ the pamculax clam',s? l0 the tcTm "pulse count" 2 AS a pm_on wzth experience 4 smm th_ 22 engineers. 7 each of v. hJc.h tz a type of cleclxomc £wztch This _ an dcct_cul working 4 in the ©tcccromc arts u_0cts_ancL_ that the use of re;my the phrase switch t nc.z_ rather 6 than mote spect tic terms, Such _ _I$ It In adthttou, from my exlx_cnce 2 crtglnccr and then eq a p_tt:nl attorney of And, tend to not include the Hearing 10/25/05 Page 112 I i 00114 00113 I pulse counting hrmtatlon, forexm'nple, m Clarro I 2 Q Mr Patt_scq3,alpage 13 ofyom'stalelrmnL m 3 paragraph 26, you us_ t_g term _co_.notessuitetu_e=,wccdd 4 you, please,explain what does the term "connote structus¢" 5 mean 6 to you as a patenl pr'acUtJoneThavlng kno'.vledg¢ o f 117J6'_ 7 A Wcll, again, I think thatcom_ from hoth knowledge l lOand I1 2 a[ issue with 3 Dr 4 A 5 hcrc 6 ln_ cnuon, 7 draHing 8 of I _2/6 and how thatterm has been used m the czs4_ v,l_ch 8 9 have apphed 112/6 9 And connotes m thaicontcvclmeans I0 Itftt_ge_tsthatts elthe_the sm_tu:e - _phcttly recgcd Andv.ouldyoucareloexpla_n'_,halyouthlnkts r¢_pcc[ Well, th_¢arc One and let me lalk about ofm_cn_on I0 for applying means thts, theme 12 clalrr_ 13 stru_ts_'¢. 13 14 14 you extracl 15 power means for thlvmg the wheels of an autc_oln'lc,the 15 and pu[ them 16 pOV,eT meaLS mcluthng a spark plug. Now, 16 17 the claims ]8 the clal rrcs ts thai 19 two i_e[s 17 sugg¢_l _ly thatwould to a person of orchn,_T skillin the art |g [batthalpow_ means includes an internalcombustion 19 engine20 of some And rcqlmcmcnt _nlty k,nd clmms m a gepatate example, palcnt l think oflllmnmallon 22 suggests thatthere be other stJ1t_t_src wRh 22 Thcorclt you could 23 Q 24 Couat 1_e]f _ked 25 md_t que_ttor_ as to wby ther_ v,eTe four cl,_ms atissue m the case, throe b_ng Markn_n Hearing rea_t_ 2 using 3 both Page 10/25/05 4 unde_tand Two, 5 6 thffertm km_ of language al leaut oca combma_oea want of e|eme_t$ a jt_ge to tn_lu_ m those v. ould mvRc 4 from to cat_e 6 the $ 8 for all of those Three. and combmattor_ I think Mr of ¢Icra_ts Cook alll.m_d to the. scope, you 12 otammatton 13 tom,tiered woeJd process And. also. 1 $ broad clash 17 ClRImS _ the odds at le_t to be patemable 14 16 rmrtase some mvahdated, 10 clam_ would be still rc_oo a have narro_ er a vahth[y chaJle_ge. an m mdependcat clatm, you mtght have an 18 independent d_om that mclud_ featm_ A. B and D. 19 t_pemk'nl claim that feax3m_ A. B and C. and a 20 thnd mdepetxlcn[ 21 the conmxm claim thetr_ mclud_ ti_t hamg nxlude_ featm_ featm_ dual level _lunnna_o'n, bin you would ba_e other 23 cot_m_atmra 25 a sl/ategl to mcte_¢ c use of the cla_ra_ the p_x¢_uon Marknmn yo_ have Hearing crc_s examination points Ijttstv, ahoul In_ itmg MR theme, in _ach of causes I think you can all Ihe patvat w_1¢ one mo_¢ th_n to the 10/25/05 MP. MR At clmms. c[atm m the would meet onc_ Several tleanng 10/'25/05 Page respect JA 0809 You_ Hono¢, o¢ further I qu_sl_ [o that topic First wc_l have No, I ha_ c a couple of more anlcdt0makesm¢COURT We'll mterrup_ us lo ask questions HIGGINS 13 Q 14 pomtmg 15 YO_ Honor, 16 now II states 17 tab 75, hot _tualiy 18 if 1 may p_ss Don't wony We vail no[ ha shy Thankyou Vc[ywell HIGGINS Donng the opening statcrncnl oul of a pazhcu]ar THE documc'nt, we nccd to pass in the exhthlt MR B_ 23 Q 24 the - cersmn 23 mean aaythrag up to you book was some m an affichvlL the joint thai joint lab 75 ts nol xncluded, appendix appcnthx and *s _t's here, that up to youS' COURT so you can 22 there underhnmg HIGGINS Wcii, I'm f_unthar with the go ahead All nghL HIGG1NS A_ a pracucmg terms may patent attorney, be cmderhncd to you as a patent Markman Pagell5 bmc, the Coral Areyoudonev_lthdlrcct_ BY MR thts from HIGGINS THE 21 sysg'm avadable with COURT 12 20 bc tho HIGGINS qucsbop.s Ca_ 19 v.*tth that. So tfs really by the attorney ar_other B. C and D. B. m thin car_ would 22 24 theme ClrCUll that law THE ]1 the art if for some you wo,ald wOUld w_[,_l SO even of thee o_ er tho lloot four. m hUgatmn wexe that dunng Dr 9 * I0 th_ you would "-w_t W - by including cl_'ns of thffcrcnl l| thfth_ 5 thffere_t chor_ NIR 3 7 to look of the Why would 2 that otju_ 7 c,_rmncr _o undertake a _ cry broad scorch of the prior art 9 look at all of Markman o f thenx you wc_d requtremcnt theme 0O116 I CilCnL so thai m hopes ma[ e_ entvally 24 make and that ,_ ouJd be IL That 113 Onetsthatyouw_ttooRcriexprc_theclatm the examiner apphcatton 25 6,9, 00115 I patent cal]y wig a comraon of the lamp a{ the common throughout 23 all _h¢ patent a common the-re is a conLro] So looking nlIes application thai ffyou In the '066 patcnl first bc a common thai do no[ ha_e see that that extcads the m_st _s no_, the pa_en¢ office those 21 the opening staterooms of hoth cou_el, of are complex throughout factlh_ strucrm-em the form of a spark plug _ reclted Dmlng of m_ emlon there thai runs 21 IL of umty of pa[¢nt claim hhal -- there but llenetally if there For 20 Even tho,_,h the engine _tselfisnot reclted,the and [o lv, opnnc]plesatwork office the other is a mat[_ II For example, you might have a clalm thatsays _o the Corn1 s_'ateg_ And Umty I thmk, Is the patent 12 included m the claam ILmltat_on,tbal th_ suggt_ts 11 or by looking at ftmc_ons or pans o f st_'_tcturc thalare Io _hal question Carnal_ does the fact that in that dcclaral_on attorney') Heanng 10/25/05 Pagell6 114 OOH7 O01[s I wh_c, 2 mzr u_3m'_em ¢¢_nm_g 3 W]_._ _ U_ su_cd 4 I _ fins Is Scc_c_ $ _g_ p¢oc¢¢_, wMr.h = Gu: Bthl_ by m c_c_c, _cs _uUon h_ 3 m stmc why _e'/t_: (t d_ _ cbm fy Lh_ by mu_ a _c_m_ stztc_md 4 _ to why Othc_v_ o_cc c.d]c_ 7 _ _v_ that ducct_,, _hat _e r:_porm_, withom at0/ such • _ fllow_ rchcd on the ht:to_/or Okay As•de ftom_c_derhnmg. tkat when they did the c_mt_uat_on _amma¢ 9 ptedecr_or, - thai _II tm_*nc_¢-_ts md so foak T_COURT ths f'_l remz_ 8 tpl2teatxoa, 9 are _[0we_ _: ¢xm_mer e. they ty_cally _uom, 6 7 su_ If ag cl_m_ oflendree_ 1302. that tf _cT¢ :s _)_u_ m the r_n for _tar_9_ 2 _ccdcn. coaa¢:ted ,v*_ DF.._ or Heath, the submdxed that decbra tmn _f those e*vo l0 md_vlduals II u_m_4_ _ 12 m_c_,m_ dc_Lr_v_v d_ums w _'_ _J_ed, o f _e*_ m a _r_lr._trm _he m_r e II mhm _cl _y the And 1Z set'on how do yc_ mte_t'et _vll¢_'e tl_ _dedining what tilw a_pc_% stud m the gad what w_ the I_ pmpou: m'_t? 14 A_ 1_ c_m dUL_11_LV=bcm _md_u | r._'t c_cm _h_X ofa_ I_C¢ when: arty t¢ w_h h_s cvc_ bcm It w_a _bmt IS I_a_g m_nt_m red appar t-r,dy. _ th© d_t_dan_ *t sxt_mltted _Jon 8 wuh the w_ 16 contmmn$ appht_JOn _nd this prier m ofNtppon 17 und_I_mnB m,_ by _omc uJ_c_vn pc_c_ m a Fa_c_ t L7 been ermned AJad_0 _= d=f_t_ IS 19 TKE COURT W_f_ _ doc_c_t called? t;'m had m _e first ap_tczdm'_ 19 the &ffe'rmc_ n_hn_m bcr=*_:ms the DESA d'a_wa_ to point o_tt pmcluct o_ the Hc_ 20 product and the Nippon p_oduct 21 AIk_e 21 22 _CO_T Sm_'nmt o f R_so_ F_r 22 FirSt. [ have fll_t_lt[y 23 _a__mr_ or Cdm:c.d 24 d_¢nr._ 2_ Markman 00119 1 And 2 l_ q_e 4 art. and abo.R d_ff_¢ embodm_at _ between, tn an _nvcn_na ¢mtxxbmt_t _ Pege _ Claim OO12O I dodt fro" _1# e, a I'a_ _-.q fk:J h_t'_a ,_J ¢s opp_cd L'.'¢ Fg;¢ about frg_ between a d_ or product th_ src Hearing 10/25,_5 Pagellg have : 297 m "/$ 2 MR H1GGLNS 4 THE CO Lr_'_ Maylll_dmyc_ytzptoLhe of prier ! w_dd hk_ to f_d :t m bae. 5 Can _m_on= cJs_ hdp me? Ls_t m _heb_nde_? to • LhCprior _I. tKa¢."_¢ oomm_ts _lMII3Of_ w,th s_d t ptcce ot pace Markman Ard i f !,oa Ioo_ _ t'_P::_ In _":e _ 9 rcc.d'. _ they are f_na_ sUbmlttfd pc-o#: m md_ to _ptmn that m_y exit 117 m use thai m a way to d_stmgmsh 6 commtretal 10/2_/05 m thos_ _cla,'a_c_ it's ap then Io fi_ attorney m fom_llc_ 7 oP.c_ they uw.hde o f mforala_m '_ a o_,'aercacJ Hcm_]g [ have seve_l THB _ _ ceg_dn3 6 _ COOK 7 _ _]GG[HS S THB COL_T 9 M_I_ I I 279, 2E6 _ 13 oumb_, 14 hn_-jb¢74mst=_uJof75 Oh. I _polo_. IA 287, did _ Y=_ _)q We'[IzLr, oberefcn_'_ 2S7 _ he rm'_ e'r ex_ms his o0rnmmL_ Yom" Honor TH_ COL,_.T _ COOY_ Yr, a_ I se= -- Fm Iockm8 m _= I$ J,'_ 16 I _tt_ 17 b__ I ¢.Jal [hld d1¢ refuen_ H]GG_$ 18 I1_1 flo._ to Ot:joml 19 TH_ 20 •pp_s_x your _3p¢_hx V41TI_SS. TI'I_COLrgT 22 MR. KIGGIN$ _ R_k T$ at appendix 18 290, _ IA 2S7 not _he_.Lu_on, G_es (ho z_raR_J by _he 19 I_w'j_'? b¢_mnm 8 on ,_n_t I, Ira•aramaic prd warn,w/_¢_im_t _A2g'7 tubm_tt_d 21 I_vy_" where he pn_'_J /A • 22 [Itt_geltafh_ to the patem o_,m TItBCOUP, TTI_COLr_T _-m'n_a Okay 23 Icm_:= m=,_s for gcn_a_ oa 24 Aprd 2._, 1c;96 25 Yr.z_ 2S6 21 23 16 to U'_ In h_'_ Hon_r, if ] may d_regt yo_ 24 in.Crz,"cd,'adhld on is dc_:tcd T "i'm_:smT_ ycum:sayta_ Markman Hearil_g 25 no( _t _aLL_B [he ]a,_p _LI [ IOt25tO_ Page Inzddl_on.C[o_m and oo_n_og JA08q0 h'_ puL_s al IC_Sl _vo Of more p_]s4:_ Maria•an I19 t_ pulsc_ ¢_:h _me _$1ve He•flag 10/25/05 Page 120 OO123 00121 I have been counted 2 tbo ir_ttuctlon 3 Claims 2 6 m_.nual manual THE_,qTNESS 8 THE COURT THE WITNESS 9 that you I I clatrr_ 12 13 one of the 14 15 16 feature, I I and m the I $ be re lets to ', anous claims which 20 ins(rucllon manual 21 ir_tnlctlon manttal 22 23 ate thal's S the Claim clearly are recited chain WITNESS 25 THE COURT or ttt 286 in the t6oftheongmal Clatms HI ha_e to look hack ThLs ts -- Dr Carnal _,larkman tlearmg 6, 9, 10 and ha_e you P ige 10/25/05 I I of the issued patent THE when 5 onpoge7 6 number I look Do you THE THE THE Imedtawn 14 COURT I'm refemn S to and thts - '* ould be Idonthaveth_JA Okay And da you sec the Claim 16 COURT THE WITNESS MR HIGGINS there s a C _tth a or¢lalms for the And If you Yeah _,hat does Geaerally that that atldl0throughl2 17 please 20 ha_e 21 through 22 _',bo halp I beha'.e COURT No, softy to Claims I'm looking Your on JA 278, amendclalms 15 through H[GGINS TllL COURT t7 I through 3 5 correeL Whal does anything MR 17 Thats does _hal in suLt we do so _ hat knows that mean about HIGGINS The 25 Claims 2 t2 Claim 2 Claim Those Excuse s discussion claims me, [ knob aboul for cerlam Ilearmg olher x_ay 10/25/05 around Claim Page 122 2 became 10becameCkam9 3 THE COURT 4 MR t, IIGGINS 5 THEWITNESS to conclude Okay All nght_ Okay whal nfthe only in here first thin S thai I '*ould out is thai there and 13 chime this to be pointed II Claims i Anybody suggest 10, mean `/ We don't not ha'.e 24 Claim corr¢cl PleaSeddet¢Clalms4and6through8 MR Clam16 us _ _th that _ Claim that's [tsays - In the palent guess 74, canceled amendment add I v.as attorney LO Claim 12 which clears Your relying on the whtch became 16 includes That saying, speoficallv lL up Sol Honor ts that the declaration _. er,. 12, v,h_ch the became pulse counting to other cl liras hnlltalLOn The arguments 12 and those 13 hmltatlon 14 meanl means the 15 clam_ I'm going JAIgg contmuatlotl - this to refer the court and Thtststhelnde't _ ere not directed Cldlnl_ do nol contain Claim 2 And al all ts a htslo_ of whal claim THECOURT HIGGINS So 16 became Thatls 24 THE WITNESS Okay 25 MR HIGGINS And 12on Lhat page _ correct you _,larkman v, lll also ste Ilearlng Claim 6 10/25/05 Page which IL was allowed THE 17 273 _ hleh 18 paragraph the pulse 20 _. ith the 21 feaLure 22 disclosed COURT toward counting [ guess the instruction and claimed Don't 24 lri of some 25 mSLant those sort apphaallon words end JA 0811 at _A sn further testtag a pulse counting o f the s'._ Ilch as generally instant ha_ e som¢. thscfosed _ The declaration Markman 123 back says $'Aitch in accordance did not ha_e as generally l_ as not rejected which In addmon control operation In the 6 I m In.king deciaraL_On manual false Claim example th,l[ the energy to reduce 23 became as one _s the actual 5 L9 demonstrated appheatlnn _ hat MR m _ HIGGINS THE I i my copy are right Anybody apphcatlon It did become 16 e_et)'oneto_additlonalpage hacam¢ MR Honor 16 10 Yeah 74 lthlnkClata116mayha,.ebeen COURT ongmal prehmmary 9 "_ On Honor it 19 20 16 m the 7 arguments lhavegot it'_ under JA [s _hal TIqE 15 6 - WITNESS 18 23 Honor amendment, ts canceled 17 22 that WITHESS through THE 15 21 Your Let'ssee al the _ cry" bottom 12 16 74, you $ threcled Ii 13 have THECOURT there, COURT THEWITNESS O0124 I became So about lab 75 Markman that 9 I0 WITNESS at the prchmmary theprchmlnar/_-raendmenl 7 8 THE $ 2 3 Under Ill 2 on-- 4 7 23 what_ bilking ours 19 in the 0_123 I hccame Your I$ by the described AndClalm became page or suggested stitch CARNAL 14 not thscl_ed on the prevlotts or the COURT DR 12 2, 10, are _e THE 13 Claims I think 5 II regarding CARNAL Ihavegotit 10 16 othai" fealures THE argument Yes 9 canceled is all of the the pulse in adthllon not thscfosed 24 to make manttal look THECOURT apphcatlon regarding IO features if you bets compa_ng 257 _ 4 6 manual I'm tr:ng than makm On Io say 19 poml rather Lnstructioa So -- and not ahead. manual 12 ate dtrected suggested 17 YourHonor, Tha and he go_ clearly to the ycs, it _ DR 3 manual inst/_ctlon be's only chants, Then LO features round 2 In addttton, Yes thai to the instruction I in either the Nippon Go will see here cotmtmg itself be refcmns is that 7 10 device In the irk_ttUCllOn tsn't he - v, hea Instruction is not d*scfosed 12 are thrected or suggesled Well featm'¢ nor the I0, 11 and 4 dlsclo$ed 5 Such dpphcatlon arerl't and the_, _ or_ clam_ed itself does Hearing of m the ant limit 10125105 Page 124 00125 I b_c pulse cotmlmg to one 2 THE 3 co¢_ WITNF_S v.hlch goes 5 clam_, _ 6 hctc'wtth 7 on to say amended 9 or by other I think dtstmgucshad fbat uxcs fca[utc_ THE COURT THE V,qTNESS 12 took that gcncr'Z 13 the claims, 14 the - _hlch 15 spcctt'_callythept_ecotm0ng a_ Then is -- became whal wtth Claim thsclam-,_ 24 =rgtcncm 25 poise COURT filed 5 MR HIGGINS to Clmm to tbe otbeT clatm$ on that $cquem_ to all of{he comat#.g claims fc_tzrc whtch 3 THE speak right COURT mlO th=t MS m:ke MS 6 Q 7 never been Mr ottploycd 8 A Thaf$ by the PTO 9 Q I f you don't v,h_ch ts a copy H ^ Okay mind would that one 19A 13 thesel_oceedmgs_sC]aLm6 14 A 23 [he 24 BY 25 Q Page 23 funcuon 24 Q 25 "m_" m that clann Is 0_I agree appea_ first scoot means, yes m mcass d_cs wdh that ttc, tiprarc plus functmn SCCltOn I t 2, paragraph Is_tstatedmamcaraplu_ format, yes, It ts stated that way DO you agree with me thai thc claim _¢s the wo_d m it? Markman the bench be refemn$ to first binder, the cla=m Hearing u_es the word ]|236appbes Yes Turning to the _ccond elemem, 6 _cads Second semor f_ means 10/25105 "mean_" Page m d, |s that eor_ccl7 the second delecnng el_m_t a second conchuon 8 A Yes. 9 Q It go_ on, con'¢cO I0 A Ye_ II Q Agmn, 12 th_e's a presumlmon became that clazm that Sechon uses tbe word *mcar_" I 12, paragraph 6 apphcs [3 Is that coercer? correcO If you mean don't th.at way, only Q SLxrt$ 0ffco_OoI It_ up on Okay 4 A 17 And 6,1 m tab ), Tbefi_t 6 rcad_, can s_l thcm $ And scc _at? A because the fom_ Yeah. 22 And I6 18 A 21 Ye_ 2 Q Letrr_seelflcan 17 do _ format OO128 ] A Y¢_ fo¢_onthat You WITNESS I will probably 7 prcdctc_amed tsthatcca'eCt? in Clmm COURT 3 0-,_e'saprcsumpu_thai exammctO wo_d all out7 Markman thalyOuha_c if yoo now MITRAKO$ Q elc'm¢:_t that =ppca_ Q THE MS be be]pfu] want to 15 Q 19 iI*you 14 A _6 sure mind7 125 thai you al tssue area the 10/25/05 open THE 22 a SOl a set of Patterson me IO gea them If you dodt Yes, I do I_ 20 You want Q 21 it's clc_ o f the clmrm Smc, Mr the boxc* of the '066 patem7 You tmderstand Goodaflcmoon. tl may to p_ck you up #case, COURT Q from I _k as a patem you. THE 15 mind, of have bnng up to the wlmc_'_ don't sort the w_me_ the deputy the bmdc_ coacct. 10 12 Q concct th_ I bavc removc thai included can wc mtcnded May 18 when so we can be sm¢ P_n.mnl bmdcP3 Honor, binders but thd nc_ M[TRAKOS Okay 13 Yore a flcrnoon 4 Okay? 5 BY of cxhtblt ] fyou Hearing Mlwakm, Q 12 Good has tab I IL 2 II EXAMINATION MITRAKOS Q 00127 I BYMS A m my Pa_stbe Tttankyou 17 cxphcttfy Markman YourHonor 16 scrnt only m the one claim Okay CROgS 10 20 to apply Ve_welI, Cr_s.cxammat_on? 14 t©clmtca] o f c_ cnts, not be proper made v. hmh dzdyouha'0¢ (Moveshcadfromsldetosldc) with that fcamr¢ =ncy of thai par_cul_r arg,JmCnt to thing fcatmc tbe telo v._ 16, did the nghl _¢ f_c'nce it "_ould did is Caxnai, A|I right THECOURT g fcatt_c counting CARNAL 9 It spcctficany D) v, ;tnt_ 7 feat_e 12, the c [_.rn thai included n m the pulse And t_ed 22 judgment, 23 THE. the altccncy and upphed to a chain tbal mchz]cd that - 21 DR 4 Okay m this case spc'clfically I 8 rcfcvcr¢.c feglm¢ 3 _ $[aung counung Okay qut_tlon_ m the arncndmcm the dccl_raqon So ] thnak that the auorney argue recited THECOUP.T 2 any ere m the claims Stalcmcnt and dssungutshcd 20 _ by the pulse _ hlch II 19 ha_ e to Io the r¢_l of the sentence m the prehmlr, l0 17 you g thai #s clthcr 16 I think Or _hcr In Other words $ I Well, thai v. dh rcfcrcnce 4 00126 cl_zm Hearing 10/25/05 mmmg to the element. elrcml lg A Y_., ttdoes ]9 Q And because, 20 the woxl thnd I _pologiz¢ elcmem once ngam. JA 0812 tbat cham clcmcnl "means', tho'c'sa legal prtstm_aon 21 l 12, p,_rngtaph 6 upph¢& 22 A ConccL 23 Q Turning 24 see, con_'ol 25 Bccat._e the word ,._c_ that .S¢cuon arn I correci? _o the I_1 elemer=t of Claim _lrCUl[ m_v_ 6 -- or That eler_-m m¢3_s? inclod¢s. "means _ ts mcludl_ Markman Page127 of Clmm foe thai _ 6, again It g0_ we On in thal clemcm, Hearing 10/25/05 Page)2B 126 00129 [ 00130 thcrc'salegalpr_tm_lonthaESectwn 2 applle_ 3 A Y_ 4 Q Now, 5 lawsmt, 8 Q 9 also 12 9, t0 and I I a_c also COURT I apologh_e at _ee I'm having f_ ] beheve cxa_dy so sure nght beheve LhaJ. a bard time m dos hc_ng To bc hon_l Q I _mk A [ doP.k [ have 15 tha_ says 6, 9, I0, aboul 18 22 BYMS 23 Q ] m nol of my memory on one report copy of my !_tten| Notl2,9,1Oamll] Tb_e'sno Okay loan*_find_epa_-agraphm you &d mentmn that thwmg yore MITKAKOS agrecwtth 24 v. heTe the word 25 _ A 2 gcncral]y ]ftt s followed 3 Q 4 ha_e 5 A "_cs, l do 6 Q You sLalc the use of the term "mear_" 7 rebuttable 8 term connot 9 the presumphon 10 apply it ts, y¢_, Now me _t m Cla_ms "m==tr_* appears, 35 U S C SecOon there's I t2, paragraph 9, 10andll a legal prcsurapUon 6 apphes_ Markm=n He_r_ng 10/25/05 Page by a fm_cOonal language v, htch thai*s tn_e atpa_agraph26 ofyourstatcmento*doyou that handy? w_umpuon _ Now, 12 wheth_ 13 A 14 t_[ 15 th fferent 16 slatement thai s_ct_rc to one l donk legal statement that legal is tha[ [he claim 19 peyform 20 A the function 21 the term 22 think thal they 23 is suggest 24 Q 25 claim *denolc rect[¢ su fficlent the c_-ses Structure h has to conno_ s_'ucture 2 skall m the art ne_e_aty 3 Q And 4 re_ng the way m the clmm v use the _ some generally term "r eclte", c_ tir_e the all mean some tc_n the _amc They g _ the stated would agree has [o do more than _ thmj_, and w_th me that under simply connote Markman 1 And 1 that thecase law stnsctm¢, Hearing the concct_ 10/25/05 Page 130 connote s_ctwc _c_ent s_citn'e to perform dos? 2 A fm:c Uon. the clatms can r¢c_¢ cxphcl| lthmklha_ereadc_s, ye_ Toax_appar_tts 3 such as th_s_ i can'[ necessarily say an apparatus such as ts by 4 flus I'm awa_e of cases thal refer to dungs other than [he acts They I,_gua_e l0 of str_tul'¢_ II Q 12 of [he language proce_ 15 acl, Or o0_ s_ctme sttffic_t_ 7 suggesl smu:[ure aze used refers m prcca_s pattmt the spe¢lficahon a_d thai does ftmcuon Io when nc4 epp_y patents. wouJd m apparatus me_ and pl_ _md tn a ha_e to set claims forth the as we have ldon't--lcan'lag_'_wlththaL lthmktf 18 there's language m the clann, 19 ¢laxm. sn't_tu_ red,aLton 20 takta3 t 08ecJl¢_ m the context 21 m total wotdd sugge_[ 22 =_, sff_ctvx¢sufficienttoper forra the St_cd ftmcuon, 23 then ff_al*s - 24 Q whether any of thee c.ascscome m mind as you s_thcrc I0 A Tnc names of the casc_? No II Q Yc_ 12 A No. I don't donk that they do 13 Q Mr H1ggmsaskcdyouacouplcofqucs_onsabout 14 claim d_ffercntlaho_ Arc you aware of the ]me of fcdcTa] 15 c_rcultcases thathold that thejuductallycrc_cd doc_nne ] 6 of cla_rad_ffcr_attauon cannot o'_Clyde the mand,_¢ 16 h_7 A Do 9 tod_y_ the exist ence p_.thaltheactsp_ruofl you just used ctaxms s_gxl g Q f_nc_lonal v*hlch compote to perform can be 6 mtcrprcted by a pcrson o f ordtratv/skal]In the art to _ hlch can rCCllf other subsm_ttn_ Ign'tllw_e.Mr ftmcnon o_ otha Theydon*thaxetor_-ate,dlof S_ 9 25 I_se s_ct_rr= you 129 to one o f orthnary to per fon_ 7 com_teth_so,zctt_ 17 cases "connc_ 5 specifics_xucmral language in the cla_rn,which 6 A 14 use to O0132 00131 I A 13 use the t_L mes[ Sorrt= cases not cases thal'_ _sn't a u'ue thai the language 18 does of the regal thfferen[ but I think generally of the Well, 112/6 if a In the am I co_ecto that - you know, language, sktll a er t¢_t to delermme I 12/6 apphes, tt's a _ e_" general [ thmk Howe_ of orchnary and Section thai Is not the raises I 12,'6 apph¢_ is rcbortcd Sccuon 17 Q but I behe',¢ Doyou 1 11 but I I 1 and 12 MFIRAKOS report, you. are a._ed, co_ eTed this m your WITNESS MS your II arc that THE 19 best a note here THECOURT d_tc _l_ c_ms to _c you have 10;rod corre_f_ now which th;t_$ correct, 16 C1_-.%9, m Urns lawsm_ 14 20 tssue Fm sorry 13 17 _ t_ffec['7 IOA 11 Clmrt,_ THE you. p_ragr_ph6 Am ] cortecf_ 6 7 ll2 Are that pz._es you aware the Claim rect_ fm_cuonal m the claim, of the _p4_lfiCat)on, to a pe_on the t_t of a_y language of o_thna_ _dor ca_¢z acu; to _ Markalan m the all of whtch If skdhn the apparat_ Heanng U S C Section 112, paragraph 6'_ Ig A Y_ 19 Q I have no fu_ 20 THE COURT 21 MR HIGGINS 22 THECOURT 23 the law 0_at apply 17 24 the test of c]aJm such 10/25/05 25 as Page Mr Patterson MR Thank_ou HIGGINS qucsuons Okay JA 0813 Any rcthrcclO Nothing Allnghl fmlhcr, Yore Hono_ Youmaystepdown, Ncxt w_mcss? YourHonor. mayMr Paltcv3onbc excused ,) Markman 131 of 35 Hearing 10/25/05 Page 132 0013) l TH_COURT Yes. dOy0a0t [V_ C00kw_E 2 /¢£¢_0S 3 ha¢? Th.tnky_m. OO134 I Mr Cook - _okcc!0Mr I$ I1¢ cxc_co _ COOK ,_ $ THE WI'O4ESS WI_ (WrrN_SS 4 "['1[_ CLE_*_ would l¢ Ith= m¢m do wxth MS MITRAKOS 8 TI_ COURT those. _ MIL II '_I'L.'n_suewll HIGGINS Your H_-,or, II C0t¢Ic. only dur[og the demotion. bc dora2 v_z_o - wdll rFl_ "(HE_ 8 I"HE W_TNESS 9 I_4_ COUR'P _d-'o I _ vldeogr_ohcr is now g_wni "i'H_ COUR'r 14 15 16 _._, Wdlmm Irll ] Inmk Oal the AI thu _ THI: COURT MR FL!CK3[iq$ Wdhlm Rap_IieL_Sl_ may Ija$1 require ix_.e_u_-4117 when 19 hh' 20 h= II r¢2_y tO pC_Occn _o_¢_0mor_ [r3flO_.$, C_1 h¢ jtst 22 [,shin or wh_'cvct Ine tout[ wff,hcs so thzl Ins can do th¢ THE COUP, T 25 MR HIGG_3 Tee _ _o_, your Honu Markmna _O12L5 I t ¢¢imo'o_y :_ Faamm_'s Olril_ md _'_ with "aar_ AI3Ct _lmg flo_l lO_S/OS Hearing Page my j _lOr I ¢O_lUlllt ) Pai¢[o_ For aa _.dd_oonzI Iwo y_'s ofs¢,.ca_ '_th emphas_ en_ m earning ng sen t ol year_ _| T'F,d [ worked lee2miclan In GI_ mdmmM ink wl_teh was Jolmaoa Wax tedmolo_' wa_ a h:afan$ 4¢vdep_ for mdasmal uze m mk jct I hell:_ Markman _ In the _rea_ and F.a _men field tot Po_r.lo_, [ocorpotau:d, Stau_ l_tcloa _0136 I of 01"31_, LLC. o f A_cht_¢lu.ral aid 133 d_Em T'fU Board dine _1 as cl¢¢Irollcs Z_ [:nn_n_ laa ]Produ¢ll and mlcro!lloc_o_ I an _ re_pst_e.d 19 24 an afl_ha[o Uaw c'mr_ m 1991 23 d_v_zon of $ C 14 Sp_:llh_ _rom T¢'aa_te 22 J¢l _anlmg 23 c_nor_zr_llc_n? DESA e._l eaSmeeaag In ad_uon. _ _ ta e_ w_th the Teaeeea_z 21 Good aRcmoon, Ymw Hoam bachelor 12 20 thai m the cot _'I .m_d the_ cmr.c dow_ here _0 cw, zme] P_per My_elsWlllmmRa_r ofdJgqQl cll¢_o_rl 17 YourFl_,beinm C_vm Go<x[ afternoon my u_d_trad_ I$ "r¢¢hnoin_peal RRx:O Ald, = Wdh_ra I r¢¢¢tv_ 14 dcl_.¢ plamDffcalLs My _,m¢ Olr.¢n, Kearny, 13 t5 I$ ) your rmmc for the record. l"amk yo¢ TKE_ I Z _owh_ I'm¢ _s product _g_lccs" I I scllor Raper |7 21 _'ul tO mcas bc dom$ R. o( r_z_y [o vld¢o Thafs HJGG[H$ this u the _ _c 7 9 not oa, ¢on¢¢_ l0 SWORN WAS 6 Youc_nt_.vedcm_crr. .lust le_vl _nd r_s¢ you_ ,igb¢ $ pl_s_ 6 the* binders? ? Pk_© s_d 3 No, wedon%You_Hoaor 4 TH_ 2 h_L PlRCl_on ploece: FD.ari_g m_Jude producl3 m both hgh_n8 the 10t25/0s Pnge 134 and On 11 _ _Jl eh¢[n c_l 4 eagt m_r D_lng th_ _.n¢ [ vr_ - [ Sta_l_d wnun8 6 sofiw_¢¢ ¢0 IC_l my m,d0_, 7 d_gn_ on a sctf _ d_l _d $ microprocessor programrmn 8 IX_LS usm s C and. C+-- 7 _o_wsc ! pt_p_'n_m n8 hn_,_ 9 Aho 10 brains 13 S _e prior to my po_on Tcch.n01_c_, 12 Jet p_n_ _ DF..SA, I also worked et Incorpormd 9 thr _x y=ar_ a_ _a Tethnologlcs 14 d_v¢l_cd both m.qwam aod h_r_e I$ In_CCS md _L_ _pptlcadcm m_d Potion, I for _ _ IS Pnxt_ re./-mzed _Jtahon _ad O'_, 19 Tob_co, G¢_d _ o'.k I1 p=do_lm _mt m thss_e ]2 wbllltlle_i I_ Sm_ com_ to DESA S[x_d_ d_" myseU" Io the U S the 066 !:_. of the P;mmlNo US $.S92 066 so - m the Inlinw_Ilg]sbls_lo_ 2_a_'_J _ O_1Cskilled in [h_ ¢inc[l_tc_ arl off.on ]¢znl_l J_rOalrc,idm_ I_¢ 'C.6_ pai_mL "[_ fl 'czk,'Zcn_h O_-_=s of D_A Fodu_ a r_:x_ _h {mpa_ I6 _ S C Johasoa 19 _ 20 W_ 21 $,592,066, ca_ ume Ph_'u9 Momx, Ft_lbps L_g_un& m _s c_ I co_ I &d aol F,_'uc_p,,_te m the ob_g 13 _r{_c_ _Hn 8 oon_p_c_ with conip_uc_ C_zmp_on E]cemc. imd _Xl_en¢ sbUed m the _rt re,bye Pateat hum_ 16 17 _ f my e_ucauon of[ooor_ 10 B t ¢chnok_/ Winle g _ Pnot _oh_stebrcm_l, Ircpo rledto D¢_qu 6 Caracl_ who lus prov_dr.d _ decl_rl_on Produc_ ov_ five ca_:l DESAL D,z_l-Bnle Lm_ (0r _0se [l_d_cLI oFDESA is a Du._J-_n¢ which 0xnlon 20 fo ;*low _*vel ol" _¢r.¢_1 hghl hut Iulomalic_Jly Zl bnIhl_" _[dusk swdch to a level whea [oe de,nee del¢¢l_ moi10n or a p¢_G9 or 22 obJ¢C_ SuCh_ a c.lt 23 24 for _oduc G w_uch _n: c_mUy on the m,l_ el Or _'¢ _out 24 AS pa_ of my duu_ DESA I am fcmt3t_r _,th _ ,_ el_:_¢_l for _g_n_ the dc_J_n and m_ufacr_Je ¢i" _5 Ou.d _rn_ mo_ou scxsm_ h_ Page 135 Markman JA081_ Hearlag IOF_S/OS Page 136 00138 0O137 I The purpose of tcsUmony 2 Court wdl conducl 3 Is to amv¢ a M_rkman at a propor I motion I underst_J_d that the being the purpose inlcrpreLatlorl of tbe clatm$ of the 4 '066 palenL 5 In prcpanng for the Markman hc_ng 6 ] noted [hal the case rnanagemenl 7 lutona] porhon m this c_c, plan and order calls for a to cxplmn tbe '066 patent m'ld its rclcwmt art ] behcv¢ 11 Icchnologyistobufdslmplcdc_lCCStodemonstrat¢,A 12 nature ofalcc_eal stgnal sensor components signal may be coupled Io a lamp 6 by the use ofa orcull 7 oulput 13 gcncraled by a motion 14 actlValed _,ben $ep_mg mollon, I $ generated by a photocell 16 sensing v,u3qng 17 daylight, ho_ 18 the motion at rcsl m dayhght levels of hght including to tbetr outputs and be_ 20 pholc¢¢ll 21 ;lacontroletremtloglctoproduceaDual 22 23 and the signal from In prcponng 23 sc-'r_ors menlloned Signal 14 demonstrahOn I_ invlle [6 setting of a signal from the sensor ¢_n be m_cd potlton ]amp, 0ashhght bulb in the '066 palent, need to depend upon llearmg 10/25/I)5 the -- ts the _ tdco Page MR HIGGINS Video 4 THE COURT So maybe 5 video 6 this part oftbe bcmg 7 And 8 then ifsbe's 9 can taken for beth tfyou all will called MR furnish 12 and Carnal, 13 ftxmlsh upon an audio as we could and a copy the video depend autho upon portLon to Ms thts Does Vcrywell a co W oftbe of the demonst_ gom_ to be explaining Dr we,_e now at the begm Inlend C,u_al down Okay _s also Th,tnk Okay COURT Yes And words and are _mshed the time when you the take Ihc "_our Honor lpresumelhewlmcss_s ,_ he docs THE v,e thai the _tdcographcr _tlon H[GG[NS [able _.h_,n Goabead This -_ [ rcqueSl MR 1o sel the of counsal lake but a second THECOURT v, ork wtth Yeah confers golngtotrylotakedo_n_halsbecanbear the courl 16 the mtcrophone 19 hold the 20 h's v, orth a try thln_S _ _ourHonor I'm a hltl¢ For purposes concerned abeut of [11¢ record It could Ilearmg I0/25/05 Page 138 The court other mtght of Maybe you MR 7 wtmcss per sc be l0 counsel from Court going 22 MR HIGGIN5 23 THE COURT 24 MR H]GGINS the to be No, It hal hts hands 16 htt]eblttycomponenlsthalhchasher¢ do goofC Honor 22 vldeo 23 Markman Hearing Dr C_'nal 24 and 2_ as 10/25t05 Page camera THE You_ and HIGG[NS ]9 presented table as he's sho_ I$ do_n and Dr may COURT t_ Ice HIGG[NS THE COURT JA 0815 it Carnal Page 140 that a_ he Is them [s th,lt thc video mg ii to the f_rst to [he acceptable Court i just get _ Why does i There may nol bc able be time when the field to p_ck up all of the Thal'swhy Let s try to not have That's the _ hole We thts thing Ihmg on our intent Ihc is to do _1 I_lce My intent Markmal_ 139 the to suggestions _ hy can't I cl's Ir_ to get MR begin _c the that he show Wcll could Okay during nol on ofcotws¢ lo the _ IdeO operator thing MR - before component of the _deo 21 end ofcotmsel then It th: bench each Is correct subject ¢ to be IX_o processes at alp ask you Io come and 17 thai of course, Andlhc_ldcolsgomgto That starled "I H E COURT used W_ v, fl H[GG[NS m_ suggestion and the _ hole could Okay we get 9 x_ould 15 that Ask questions, on the experiment 6 20 Is the screen only 13 ts may THECOURT 14 else you I I demonstrating things up to him and process but tbetzseof reporter because be somebody Ibe]texcyouwfllbeablctoseecxerythmgthatls Bethrc Io the Cout% to Dr IO be th ffieult _tth there microphone from entire she Lclmejustask(TbeCourt reporter) ts going to be busy 3 12 15 I suppose needed of for you _ Wewdlalso video _ell 2 be trained Cole, proceedmg, that I 4 the to counsel 14 s_t aortaes ha_ e an audio to transcribe from THECOURT are going does the video HIGGINS I I coursc, 25 Honor Marknlan record get the autho 10 21 _.ldco Couri hearing should We 137 well _ 3 17 "*ldeographer 20 up his resuh e lo the sensors M_tkm_m - th_s end HIGGINS 19 picking oulput 00140 I be we'll Ig MR 2_ or PR 0O139 2 IS 24 ,Lnd the bare a sensor e a de_tred Oka_ h _on't THECOURT 23 slmpfe PR detector Markman thJI up photocell my de_. _ce IO the Your al the [7 22 of the I ha_ e bulll up Ibe Co_trt and 21 Bnlcrcsuh m this c_e 24 d¢_ tccs using a bcstc HIGGINS a lamp that _s a mollon for the tutorial Mart, man proceedings COURT MR of such Io achle_ rcsponsl_ of tbe HIGGINS THE and the oulput how the demonstration ]3 the absence can bc coupled with MR ph,_,e 12 and then finally, is and to the [amp lulorial where signal Ihc motion to demonstrate and tbe ¢l_clnC_l the output of the photocell scr_or 19 responsive C the I I place stgnal $er,_or at rest, no mollon and and coupled during of_th ¢onlrol I intend I0 tbe B, the eh.'ctrlcal as an output Sensor an c}cclncal 5 9 patent and the talc; ant d_yhght ho_ 4 9 In the aleclromcs photocell sho_ gcncrated g A_ one sk10ed and My de'_lccs 3 g technology 10 Ibe bes! v, ay lo teach aboul the '065 _ensors 2 of _ htch is that you Ilearmg no_ do it 10125105 00141 ] trace 00142 I 2 MR H1GGINS 3 Honor rlIjust 4 THECOURT That's what I meant to say, Yore hand the mmrophone Okay to F,|g Raper 3 oscdlc_cup¢ YouallnughtwantlOCOnm MR COOK 7 MR HIGGINS Sure l would add, Your Honor, 8 dcmonstrauon has been the subject of a depc_uon, 9 the defendants ha_ c scan flus d_moo.swauotx t0 THE COURT II Okay 17 c_ thefirst which dower 120VAC 20 ts whahi'S Okay stgnats 13 ts cormcct normally showyouabatteWpowc_lstgnal 22 cormccted 23 actually 24 now, so thaws flyer 25 bat_ So chats K, the hnc n:ferrcd the z_-ro re fcreace, up 2 so rm volts s¢l ax a 2 roll I hate a Wplc_ two o_: and Mr THE COURT Raper will Well 5 THE WITNESS 6 THE "7 (Laust, m 8 MR COURT of comic, THE COURT MR HIGGINS 24 THE CLERK 25 MR HIGGINS thc-m 10/25105 Page Murpby's make sure thLs th=ng Is we'llwec,_do_at Well Are we ready? Yt_, Your Be seated, Yo_ Honor plez_c we had a wrong Honor, Markman I he's m court and 3 things qucsuon _ ts do you COURT No, jml MR. HIGGIN$ Th,mk 13 "_IE WITNESS some Hearing 10/25/05 Page142 you, Yore THE COURT 17 THE W]TN]_$ Andv, sa-nall that w fr tm'l f_l On the dL'v=c¢ Okay W]'¢I I w_ml to dr,_o_stntc harsoathtsboaxdts firs1 mmplyth¢ Cook's a_d the devlccs that are needed to bias to as =ts normal w=ve 24 w=thou[ ;my mouon my h_d mode of uperatton over, of my b_d you ,_ _1 see _t And around I L It win tfyou it let tl sit Setl_¢ down state.. Markman Heanng 13 hghtttse¢_ 14 It slowly what 10/25/05 Page 143 up _d a photocell and o f operation you wtl| set: ts the photocells And what dm_G-_s, so dcteeung l wam to do ts and tt wOl U'ansltson to m_ OUtlml based on the amo_l AndlcanvmythaLaswell, with item ] have thai level t$ simply 16 bulb that we conn¢clnd to two battenes 17 th_ ¢ztheg one 18 oper=tethebuJb bright Now, by $clectmg YouseebrlghL AndlcansLmuJat_ ha[tc_ 21 =rid what I want to do Is use thLs to implean_t 22 components 24 It's also dayhghl, 25 pumng the cap on ctrcmt, what I've destgr_cd Is rust a vet7 to make a dud bnghl very light few go [ want to again parts on it, all of these system stL% the light LSoff The hghl to Okay 20 NOW, as tt pr_enLly Okay7 a fl_hllght 0¢ both m Lh¢ nex t dcrlmns_'atmn, $=mpl¢ control of byapproachmg my hand and change the third s=mulate but dar_e_s by will come on tO bright Markman JA 0816 of slat= NOW, 23 to a an object, a variety neXl ts hook v,h_ch ts -- again, to pul li m a noem_d mode So that provides 19 tlm have use with. what I warn to do a photo¢¢n We also And we could thing it up to simulate 15 19 PIR d_vt ce_ which you saw a pmtm-c o f r.arhe* m Mt up the morton Now, 12 was v¢ly -- okay dayhghLsotfsatorgstate I I a thffcrem Hcmor thing can see whai iI does 8 so v, © got aII thai ftxext 16 Wh_11 the -- a devzcc 9 pink up Since the signal ._"tttrt _ 15 thai re'ads the raged, 21 what we rcf= 6 I 0 cover THE F¢_entatto_t, demonstrme wamt to _ just pink up from v,e ]et't off? Lsthe PIRbo=d. Now, 5 law ts the to do thai same 4 law the begummg where you see the same 7 we HIGGINS [ had to c.harlge And 2 ) 12 25 normal You_HoncLmaylsuggeSlthat 141 there has to b¢ sore©thing II picks Oh Yeah, 23 expL_n. Murpby's 9 have the demo start fr0m 23 The Your Honor recess {Break) 4 wrong. 22 from the dc'posll_on Thevtd¢o-excuseme 'ITIECOURT 22 and a half voh Ilearmg If the at the ;rod we can*t get t_=s working, r ecer,s, and we'll 21 ts scale hane_s" signal nghl 3 ready to do his ck'me_tritton, 20 HIGGINS -- (Court 00144 I button pmhad, t8 COURT MR 20 take a 15-tumult 00143 14 THE 19 ce,er and The market" here what was wes_nicd was nol vtdeoed, 16 Isthzscxactly (inauebble) 18 ready whoa you come hack7 lfyoullnotJc¢,whcnl jumped okay he,z_ng ) ! was _kmg HIGGINS 15 to ts switch Markman tO whm_ MR 14 deposmon om of the wall, Ma_seng]llup? Cen_n]y. thfllculty I - Just a momcrd. presented at the dcposmm 17 we tak© a shoil What I want to do now 21 THECOURT here 12 maybe he could play the video looks hke here m the wave conung SO ! have MaylbnngMr I I deposit=op., and if it were, ts o_ the outlet SO thn_ ts an AC 7 8 what w_ to the actual po_ _ line to show you a 16 slgzzal of what the etccmcal 19 YomH_or, sign3], small signal so that when wrong I 0 dcrnor, smauon _s exactly I have do_¢ to start off with 15 the _clIklscup¢ 18 a vo'y COOK 9 reporlcr tnthcalcs used m ouz field to look al cl_;mcal And what MR and so I ha_ e set up here for you ts an _cilloscupc 13 commonly 6 flus Okay THEW1TNESS 14 to show 5 connected something 6 small 4 let's see, I have got tt too faSL 11 s¢¢rr_ 5 ovo" 12 thing NO,V, the $¢TLSOroutput _ a very 2 what I have done ag;un ts adjust the sc;dc of the Hearing 10/25/05 Page 144 00145 I mlually, thcnltstabthzt;s, 2 doa_kr_og, thehghigccslothm rfyouc_._sccltt'romthctc, 3 d:m Oka_ 4 When back _o &m 6 THE COURT THE WITKESS g angle. So by _slng There II stages an outpal of hghi, 12 Might be haixl to tell from ¢l_¢ml, _n omp_ and control the thnd Grcal Now, THE WITNF_S 17 THE COURT I8 MILH1GGIN$ 19 rcody topickback 20 na_ce ofcongol THECOURT 22 MR &ffercni 23 of the screen cap_z_ 24 I beheve thin - Raper_snow stalcmc_ okay Thedcmothatyoujustsaw, thai are m hLs repel ull v, cvc d¢ items Atthccmdofhlsstalemcnl 25 w¢ have the ¢ommc_aal ¢mbodunent o f the device Markman Heanng thai he _ dl 10/25/05 i_ doric componcnes by designing in such a way ]3 arranging e]ceU'omc 14 capacllors and 15 othcl_se manlpul_t 16 a nc_ conffol 17 acu_lty and 18 achieve the desired 22 the available 23 '._ hl]c al the 24 the lamp 25 motion Io through output such and v, hlch _ the hke flora the 1",]3¢ circuitry, resl$1ors, in scrts¢, the desired is produced final lcsulL m_, ol_ _ outpul In the scale or acllvdy is inlo a result controlled of such componcal IO r_ult dc_ ice thscusscd A have day, above, the lamp is reduced reduced hghl level, r elurn d¢61red bulb the lamp change the in a sccunt) the lamp v, hen ]c_ el, C, illummallon of _ cnl such In dim, Markman be turned dimly 1o a p, odetermmed dim Io bright is dclecled, the I]ashhghl to, B, IIl_hmmal© hghl from e a desired such e or lr_nslalc signal, are, way ¢lrCUll Io clrcmt components, coupled the as other elcclTomc of electrical amphficrs In the slmplc off dunn8 and as to achtc_ nature and cont_olhng components a conlrol o f a conffol of sensor 21 aerially arra_ging in a certain of sensors _c_ ¢lopmcnt the clrcmts rcsug the outpul 20 of my v*orkday creating as illumination Hearing 10/25/05 Page 146 Page 148 00148 I when l;'¢ 2 ¢ mob;on v,_ ;'_s parsed, hlhl g_ and, rclll_ E, rci_ the lamp to off I Io he 2 conslstctd 3 ¢olunm 4 accl_rnphshed In i level liedeleimmtlt 5 dayhght 4 A*'_Do_ddcszl"c_r¢sDll_F, hgh_ bc act_'alcd 6 Results 7 comioclcd 8 sca_ photocell I0 b_ _x_k, II 13 thai 14 Inc_z_d the lamp dlmng _ by haslng or coupled LScleric-ted, the powez lamp b_ Igow_ D is aC¢OmplLghed by m_ 17 pe_od 18 detecung 19 dlsconnectcd flora the lain!3, f,o thal now 20 d_ _o O_l it _lows 21 _hshed 22 the lalltp 23 moaon, _ayh_l F, or add_uonal _Lton not bc a¢'h_'gled dmaly, result Markman senso_ it Is being is deified set forthabo_e nbj¢Cli;_ of the 8 through 22, by m_ simple The follo_ _e 066 palctlt and thal those de,.:ce, _ tef_m_ 9 THE COURT I0 -- isWl the timer 11 coanecimg 12 ¢¢rlaln 13 v, ithout 14 ser6or 15 counter '7 slaled in obp_l:tlV_ although, admlll ed,ly, I,.ol clctectlng THE 1o the further sens o_"m fed men the conlxol if I may, 22 triangular COURT THE WITNESS MR dayh_L 25 CamaI? gale _ output isn't Ifs not. and switch The only right v, hlch HIGGINS Youi that particular JA 0817 or-the mouon cl_cml output via does of the the photocell the _ trmet here, m this connected cl_uJt, to this ts a comparator Honor, portion Markman 147 Ihal if a that the pulse This The raw W¢11, whafs ,s the by of 01¢ motion lamp, an it is this ¢omponcm, looking the No, counte_ such d_t_ctlon mohon, from aceomphshed selene ager WITNESS THF S_msor motion eiap_ges 18 21 me on hoot: the - what (o the moaon pel]od explains 10 Show is disconnected scr_or and the lamp Page IO pa_c a ura_ time that he sho_ 10/25/05 diagram A_th_clrcull no_ has ¢ the pulse 23 by ¢lrcml 1? 20 again mg clcct_cat 8 thagram 24 Heanng the thesirilplcd_iceasdeslgncd4bovc 19 or disconnect F is accomphshod s_ is fl_d by E c_l be Lmcoupled that ther_fl_ _lth 2, lines 16 without md mull Ix'tw c_n the moaon whoa the phOt_Cl] t:_ _me o f th© moaon the photocell Io U._ it off'6hen I_ of the motion the o_tp..a by having ReSult 24 having s¢lg¢or b'ueh thai i f a certain eflcr dclect_o_ _.ch -- by conx_¢ctlng a tml¢l" to the mouo¢_ phot_cll the oueput to a lamp to the lamp 16 fmlhe_ to on, bul ortly Io thrcL and the elapses 7 is predelermml_l which motion R_ull 6 the }amp I_iolo_ll L_Off, buI, two, wh¢_'_ tl_ of hghl C m aem.omphsl_ see, sot by having Nolg $ _s ©fllciemly the day th_.l, _m_, wh_112_ L'Imp "_ll _e mouc_ whc_ 15 _ della.is a I_¢1 A.S a refuel, o f a PI_ moiaon A and B ase accompILsho_ t/_ 12 to_otb,2xc_ by _ to a pho_ll daylight, 9 25 cl¢cffonlc a cl¢_ired Page145 00147 5 Much invokes 12 19 at page 8 the PageS, Ihalwercdcmonstrat_toyou c_glneer I I _derst_thng Are you donc? Okay WITNESg coupling The Ibchcx¢thaIMr HIGGI]qS a¢comph_th componenls Honor, Okay and 6 9 m tinct cucuth'y 21 5 10 a photocell Is thai right? _pw_thhls _1 electrical This sc_ oral more pages of your your 4 inlercoimO:l 15 stalcmc'a_ 16 TtlI- 8 Thanhyoo_ this go¢_ through 3 7 VezygoocL 14 THECOURT yore the hgh! as _, ¢l] 2 we ha_e implemented being da_ hght THECOURT 13 Okay we go, okay the ¢onbol 9 a mouon sea_so_ providing I 0 V_o'q d_ btafl'sng_ow I wa_ ¢ my hand ov¢_ it, iI v, lll go Io bnghl 5 and thin 7 00146 t de111o_lral¢ ] may l also suggest of the clrcml Ileanng to Dr 10/25/05 OO15O 00149 I l_obxbly some l'olh_'.u_ ,_7 Am tO the _.S= CO_ Don'tthe-/do _ DR. CAY,.NAL. THBCOtjp.T" _I_ I v,tcng canoeing NOl (o_s Okay _'t_c_ sol f'or p,_t t'_vo or three sco_n_ "i_ sm'rc l'tmc_on? V/t T'I_fP.SS $ to sc_ d_c h_¢ Doy_w_rllo_k_y go b_ck d_n a_ Notp_l_uL_rly 7 THe. COURT I DP.. CA_AL T_:C_U I Sur._ would _o du_ aS,_n. 12 Y0u mI_t not _ _=4cS 22 the dlm_nanon or _rr.e_'u r_ll_kcth_ 23 sc_udP/cvcn_, _r{E _VI_ Wc l_ve vn_tr_ clme=_ 24 In h_ d_u_._ Irauvn,h= s 25 DR C.AR_.&L. v_n_on Pot I thinkI¢s_ Mar_.m_o He.flag _ 10_d0S Page co_l thu_, _rvo _conds, The_ back _ aS_un l_I rne go back _ _p to C, o_ V*qulcz_ the rcduccdhghil_d of thc bmp ch,ln$c fl_rn dan _o br_i_ht when a I r- modon, u_i5 _c_on cJrc_uy (s d:icctcd. ts dc_cr_b,n_ _'or G_ p.l_t, the m(wc oi" dxc nE_t, or LSthxs JUSt m _arkman l "I_ 3 _h _h ,s n v_' 'J_I'N_SS _ T'_s tu de_'n _S _cme_,_/1_n _s clrcu_ of CLam 6 or _J'e TH_WIT_ H_Hng O_y 2 o/'the _mp_e d_,ce ] have ._ thcM_kYrO_ hr.4rmF. 4 acoDmpt_hcs thc rnam _'Ictlon_ $ _md thc obJc¢_vc3 I0/2_,0S Page 150 7 | "ITF_EV,_'I'F_S 9 s_.a_ I0 m h_. II _.e_t c_tn s_il _ck Thz_sue. up those things. BmthemoI._n If thcr_s _t_ really _ookmg _o; z du_gc Th_ _m_t | c_rcml _¢ a chnn_c m h=:u, so iI _ I0 _ _ cx_mplc A person dulled t_mg v. c]14mown 14 " S_C_._E_I m dm clcc_ronlcs _u_ompul Pale 152 that Is Dining m t_c _nal I v,l_l $cI up and dcmons_te 16 _al modal accompbsl_ For _:¢np[_, Go_. Pa_¢ 151 _cr_uJ 21 ¢_* lock o_I d"¢ dual bn_ht _,_e. model The comn_rcml fli'nmll th_ _4 modcL rmxlcl ahso has morc the dJOdC mid rcs_or FmTJ1y, [_c co_ml of A t_'_ ha3 much mo.e L_Jul_ and include= a n_..u_/ovemde _5 i_ul_ o_ bmlL the commc_c,al switch wblch _oph_snc_cd oJ_:U_l m Lv_cSLmpth model Marl_nau JA 08q8 basic m_d a rnorc sop}u.._catcd 20 2_ This d_c _'nc thc _impl© d=v_cc I h=v¢ _t 22 ['or ,r*a thS,_d c¢_ E'ol c_OJ_l thg_ _.I componcn_ Lhcopc_anonof'modcl$_ISdu2Jbnghtdcvlcc 19 _t o0u]d ,n a mulb_l,Lc o£ way'J i_ 18 Goo_. pn_ducc con_n_| _rcu:t 1"7 _tuou,_h F _ set _or th abovc O_y _my pu1._: c_rcu_. o_"ana/oS ¢omrol thc components 12 mcludm S the ,rnp]Cl_t TH_COU_T o_'dual "0n_hl _*chno[o87 m dw conuo! I I *rnp_¢'m_nt the _ 13 _a_r,8 w*]] d_11/_l_D'_Je =LI N0_thalth¢c_z_ol_tr_.ut 9 ¢o_tmuo,,L1 and m1.1Jo_o,A_¢0 tho mpuL thc_o thm_s. 16 r".._c_.._.._---._d._-_d.I_'_ Th_,sacoa_olc,n:nd l_nll _ ot thc '0_6 pmcm wlthoux 6 counun 8 component 25 _o that we c*_.n ,I Eocs _ot52 2 24 - wh_'n bc p3._ c_ k_ *twiH ca,._= the h._hl Io rcm_n 149 00_51 the I,_hl clzp_¢d. at boe,_'_ Now, the _or, That _uss_ _ THE COU'RT 21 22 c_.m plc,m the car_t_=_ 2-3 m_ul_ thc umc _ 20 $o .sl_vcs the I_t ac _ara hc C_Ch It g0 _Xlt.hL $0 l_c h,_ a it mod_ *t So b_hl. 19 al_ _h_ hzvc z Umcr tsn I thax flghi? DI_ CAP_A/. 18 see _ t_vu }_ppcncd &dr;t m It, the msum_ l_Is h:md _oI beyond 17 _'_Shl _or m_othcr three pc_odo_'l,_mea._@.emc_on_l:_S_:d i/,t 11 16 h._._d o**-crthc _or, _n'_ WT'I'NF.SS Ifl- I nccd _o Sa blck :x _:cp "what would I0 IS DP..C.AP_NAL. y_ one= thc motion h_s h_J',d ov'_ the scr_or, I._ t_rncr m thcrc, 21 _ Vc_y mm_nal_ 6 SCrl_Cd. P pa._cd 19 0r c._.,Your Ho_" 0fl_m olanythm_ DR- CAY.NAL. ¢o/_,zt 2SO thel_r_ C" has _ p_ H_r, ng _oun_ 10/25/05 00153 00154 I component 2 num_t In a co#to] The control _rcuz_ 4 produc[ Is b_st_lly g 2A _d I the potential 2B 7 sphlm_-o[o facdl_tepnntmg MR I 0 _hcr¢ diagram Mr Honor, Rapor may demonsLrate 3 hghl Is Mgh enough, at figures 4 don't think Ifs -- been patent the commercial device THE COURT 13 THEWI_ESS 14 a more sophlsl]c_t_ 15 con_olctrcmt 16 Inttl_ily Okay Okay vcrslon, ifyou I $ mltlally _dl, he_eha_e of this b_ic Thlststhecommerclalmadcl Iw-n It off I ha', ¢ a pl¢cc 17 sensor so it wdl think 19 Yo_Honor When'._.¢ of _PO o_ er the l_ht tt_sdark in the morn comes on, it comes on Io a full brlght Ancr the ctrcut_ 20 s¢[tle the light 21 go if you'll 22 up 23 you _ ould (Paine) 24 mo_on 25 1¢_¢I wdl go back indulge Okay and the motion me a mmule up wdl tc_le The presence fact thai Claim or absence enough lO THECOURT I I I Ill 12 mlerpret the 13 m formed 14 of the '066 15 function that there terms The electronics 20 to me Sensor meaPs As le_elhghtmgthal or detecting 2.1 DESA and pre_tously 24 Jncorporaled 28 mterchangeahly Page go [ don't But device up no*_ patent al ho_¢ I I have o,.er v, hether to he interpr eled _ been certain means terms ph_ ten'ns t interpret a person art, the lerm sensing 10/25105 at the lime m the '066 or slntcl_tral 21 and any or -- It wouldjttst Thankyou is a dispute are J the terms to me 19 to a bnghl normally Picking follox_ m g is how identified off tt go olT m tx_o stages Okay _sed patent azrth]ent and go m thts room to do tt though WITNESS terms m the room ff the dayhghz the commercial 22 6, v.hen read o f cel_am is for detecting structure g and connotes eXIKI the adthllOl_al 6 detract 7 when g colleagu_ 9 mezaxs" I0 from I am aware "sensor that there skdled I used are many connote5 sensors eleclncal at Imaging these m the means in my job _ 153 structure directed to engineer at Technologies ierms "sense" /glarkman I read or hear Control 12 structure 13 ck'_ln_l 14 desired t5 circuit the they meara to me, that and _ at Potion deleCZ" ]learmg 10/25!05 5 control 6 of desired To me and my 7 presence "sensor" clremt and 8 circuit "sensor Page 154 skilled the couphng of components [0 m the 16 _x:zmple 17 mtertormecllon Resistors, THE capaclto_ IS accomplished COUP.T el celcra. by some Is that hard form "¢.rang, of hand ._ WITNESS Hard wiring _act that Claim 17 x_rang from stales THE TH E WITNF.SS 24 the components 25 memo_ COURT flsp flops, In a digital et cetera Page 156 e con_ eys an adth_cmal componcnL_ the desired so they means" of the word ' means" connOtalton _e terrzt "con[roi are the same are _S_nsI_ e rcsull does not that occurs to me lomemd circuit" and they arid con_rnl both connote 22 sLructure Okay .u'e physical the to the h_mp and responsl_ of my job ,_ an elecmcal the st_ctucal 20 my colleagues Your 21 circuit 23 the or prohthlt certain 6 in IL_ entirety in_ ob es couphng A nd the addition 18 detract Honor 22 number to me 16 to sensors to achle'.e An not hlmd I apologize, in a chip and arranging 19 _henlrcadorhearthetcm_"contrOlClrCmt' THE code of infinlle condluons to accomphsh A slgnl ficam porhon I S engineer wlnng? 20 to accomphsh c_rCml means is coupled 13 structure a are physical amplifiers, posslb]c or absence of certain l_e 14 the components ofien embedded 12 Io _he firs_ and _econd Sez}$o_ me_s or result circuit bln_,'_ Ill a results by u_tng sensors Io sense or detect components l I control ' connotes to accomphsh _lth or progr_ 9 actions structure means or other controller circuits to me As a porson being not in conjunction sequence I am aware that there are an m finite number that occurs both connote Struclure tnterconrteclton term does by hard wl_ng m a preareanged 3 microprocessor further v, ord "means" art, the tez'm "control In an analog 18 and I accomphshed 2 ¢_ecuted that 4 connotation in olaf exponence electronics motion the term "sensor" ate the same slates The to me of the the structural conthtlons m Its entirety 4 conveys 21 it s hght 18 fleering g the I_rst selx_or means 19 mOhon think Wdl off 00156 I II be sensing sensors 00155 2 No we II let iI set _e hght ?,larkman WITNESS s[alu5 see ouLszde _ hen II geL_ dusk _ plc_s COURT [7 Io a dlm le'_ el Andthlslsthelo_ typlcally _I SelIl_ it sen3e THE It cannot enough of labe TFtE 16 So _hen it wdl g that ts the basically If the if iI s hght that piece 6 g _e arc al the point hut ff I pull 5 "/ off Cou_ wIsh_? 12 know gnghl thafs of the '066 Your I don't or not Fig_2Aand2Bsel em_xhment HIGGINS Nov. 2 dual m the '066 patent one elec_ca[ g forth the prc_rred 9 of the commercial set forth "This Is really II to r_luce of false tuggers J 6 ctrcut_ also And Markman control Example the Latches mterconnectmn I[earmg 23 ctrcmt S_ itching gale> 24 electronics _s 25 10125105 Page art means the lerm As a person 'Sv.ltChlng JA 0819 m the connOleS stnlctttre to me Markman 155 skdled mear_" Hearing 10/25/05 I_L57 I I'm _ dma¢ _c a_u_ ddIT_cI_ lun_ _Yt_Z I O1" 2 _,g_h_tode,_bv_to_mpon_D_mi_mlc_zcumL M¢._s z_por_v© The a_dlL_l $ ffo_ t_ 0 f LI_ word "I'_,ID s_u_ conr_Ul2cm that o_n M_ _0r cat_m_ i_d _lchmg $ tl_old Io amcwhq_ I mc_ Aga+n, U_ The i_cmre coukl I_ i _ 17 a r_lp M_ fgx-_x_uctng 20 umt_,on_on of "lc_c_ Thls I0 $ v3dely 0f +i ctm_ul hem& an u_ICtCooi_: tlo_ o( c_mpomcvAs 1t pro_tc_ two & ffc+cm l_vd= ofvoll_= the sen_r w_w.k rc+po_ d_ects to _x_ labor Ixml _+_<'_&n 8 on tl'a Frecm¢+ or ab_mc= of a 13 e_ndmon of civic to b_ aclmv'_ w_e _or_. r.ompo_c_tl a rl_tJt t_ z scr_o¢ su'_tc_ur_ cm _l_r L_kl _mg me_s 15 the I_d mol_l wor_ a s_lch o£ e]ect_c_l ts ¢_sin_l t0 ¢.Icc_.._ 14 16 compemu:_tswhn_h _ _ c0mp_i In the _C 9 dPAI_ c,+J_.ut_, to _ to me _ome o_ el_oolc volt_e 12 wh+th_ 13 in_c_te 4 com_<m_i do_ not d_'_'l 7 9 Pot _=tn$ ttcz3o_ _ Far 3 _md "c_ir_" 4 IO $_ "l_u_ _n b_ a Whlc._ pg_duc_ a "[qt_ Sxrt_r_r (o be tmumr except _'n_mg" pmtqde In for_=Uio_ 16 U',al aEows on<_ skdlcd m t_ art Io latow thtt t_ a 17 p_locd] dczcc_ IlghL 0t oth_" d_-n_ _ I8 C_CC_.Ul a_U_S _n_ 19 In_ s_sm& _ mc_s _pOmlV© for e.a_nns sa_d d_c+hold 20 hay+ a ch_cl value= I[c_e, IL_ ;_ _om_on_t the _ord _0 s_ud vdUle to md "rcapomr¢©" 21 ramp wiv_tom_ 22 Hole, t_ 23 desired ch_d l_l_lu.l_ n_d_ __ wavcl_ Io m_- Pm Iw_r_ connc_cs o f num_ro_ t_ munro& 24 "llus CoYotes Z_ thcab_ve M_rle_an dcc.mcJJ 2 m_ox_c_b_ or dcczn_d 3 tho b_+t I_+o_r 9 mc_dm _-_ m k_ defim_m'_ <:Ot.m'P tmv.,+ _u_ was calmn_f 13 D I_ECT 14 1+¥ _ I$ Q Pi|e TI_s i; Imp=Lit to MarCo 157 bang _ _c nmpands Heal_g 1_125_)5 Pile |_ Q Dzd _¢ ctzCult or you_ _lmpIc _-vlc¢ _lLt_c P_e 160 I Io A h 6zd m¢_ +bore wt,_m _h= mmsor Q O-.d I_ _cd A NO, tZ_bd rim+ Q O,_. t2m g=uve A yc_lt_ a thud 10vd o£vo_e leveL+ d_cd v/It._^ IZ t cucmt co_pcnm0_ 8 d_ _+al_cd I0 tt 10r_ro5 ;emcmre to me ItmfmtaameP/ofdcr.,_c.tlcom_3er_. _ "_n_x m,:=t o1"y'm- - I_ m'=ml P+n=t m" dayfiSh_ I principled 8 bdeB, c4vcu_y, .rid Im:duc_ flora dmsl t_ d_mctm_ 6 VOIQ&©m r_o_o 0Otto 00159 I "£h¢ m_m _ 4 daq_ml Hem'bng a PCS_I t_r_hold d_ce_ m DE_A's m._i+'_'td _=r,-t=, PIP-+ or x,o=" m ¢_'_+ pl._ (umcu0n team Okay M P,.AP EP_ h_a duly _'_ md l_u_cd 12 Q as _low+. 13 =_ctm_ F_G_+_IATION Do_ d_ PI_ orl_-r dwcc rJmmz+u7or _r_cm Im c _'+y m+l o_ cumin7 m _m_r HIGGt_I$ Mr P.zp_+lh_com_kcd_ouac_Joaabout 16 _=co_tavd_ Is thcread+ffcrc_.cebm_¢t,_ 17 I_lSi c_+mt aJ_ Itm_ 20 A A u_ 21 _o _y 2_ of_h_ _mor m thu cxa.'_pk 25 pulses beau+ =t w_Jd d_ IS A Na, _,'+ +:mt=;m_ P+'+_ce-t-V_- 16 Q /u= a pe_on 17 _l_t. _everJl pm'uon_ IOyou? 19 you m t_¢ co_tr_l wo_.ld z,/p_ LECdr_ea: 8o_1 dolled m _e decm_.I _d ome_ you r eCem=ciI_ ti'e phr_e hSh=_l In your oC1_1 he=nflg_ y _c sorac+3ung th_ m mcd offm the example sho*_ 21 hc,_ M=tkxnan A t ll_J: I I lu:d 12, _£ #w.il" t<'-_.'nl:r_, y"du I,_l ll_ 21 turd/ _v_c© v+m_d look Cotm,+luple aJIo_ _h+ h_l Q to tram o.- tte3nng I0/25105 Pa|e Markmaa 159 JA 0820 HeaHOg IO_S_ {30161 ! 0_15.* _s_'_ly [ n:adCh_ 2 _:4 _,,_otud _ 2, Q 4 p_ 6 a_d _t O_t To_tplnh m CI=m I =ecur_ 0_:It_b 6 TI-_fs allI,]I¢ qucanerd I have.,Yotu"Honor I "rH_COD'P.T 6 Okay Cm_-¢xamm_on7 CROS$.E3_TION "7gYM_ Yes tt _s 3 Q Ard COO_ Good a_es-_con,Mr 9 A Creed atlcrno_ I0 Q Now yuu rnenuone.41nyour sL_i_mt I! l_th_ty_u]_J_bclbm_,s_jo_.dDESA _ nuJnb_ of lanlt_t_,hr Tha s corrrcL _Voulda t yo_ tSrcc with m_ thzt a pc_on who LSan c=l:_e_r _s fully abl= lo _d_r_t,u'_d 8 _cc_o[0g'j OfLP¢ pe,tCnl'_ 9 A Y=. =r, I th_k so 10 Q _,ow, m yo_ d_omtr*tzor_, That's c_r_t. 12 c_ the e_d ot'l]_e cO_l 13 _ And m =tr.hof tho.se jQbs,_,ouworked ;__ 13 p_tc_t w_lt'7 14 A L_o, tCs UCL _J C* F_gcu_ 2 _t'_¢ t_"A Ta_ _ cm'rec_ 16Q And tI_ w_s your ,r_n_ns;y_ 17 e_ect_ Ig ,*, _nee_ t7 demor_'at Isn'_ th_nght o Tm:_e tsalrtmmg _o_. |w=salab 19 ter_nlcnn wluI= l'm_hlng coII¢_c,bUl thema.q_ _ 20 bo_uobs 21 C4 ! w_ at Y_, I _f. 24 Q "D,_nwh_ That L_Correct. 1') Q ._nd so [ _d_e_ y_u wouJd =lpee w,t_ Pr_ fe_so_ 24 A y_u joined DI_A, ye_ _t-rep,_ _ndu_e 25 et'over_-cus_ _© de_t_n ofmoron _,_m Markn_n st_lcmgnt LEa you," dL'rno=_mzuo n dc7]¢¢ &dn'L He_r/n_ I_/_/05 Yes Page 16| Mark.mau thcL_ngsth_wO_ddcl_rnma_e Cf f'_sc p_mv(_ I Q in m_Jon dc/_;t_onV Wc d_d e_._pu_ z_y _l_uun ct[o.utfy I=dud.m_ m _t _d_e 7 Q Now, you mea_oned _n_ '_ _l yoe_ wor_ w_c, c_cmt_loe_ln_frx ]1 ple_e explain _.hal I - They 13 0 O_ t4 _ 6 Q 7 want to deice1 in a_vancc, and _cn In th= sc_¢ Ife_. into L_c _=rc_ul. You _ o_ nmmn_ whcth=r t_ Q $othcspc_f_cimonnpr_'_nmcd- le._.v_ of thee to me by 13 A T_e spec_fi_u _ _ det ¢_'rn_ed. yes 14 Q _ow I_ 531_ lst(yo_Ltnde'_t.t_bng_Ithal_lCel_:u¢c_ I_ Q Wou.M you aull [o Lab 60 m y_r t_ 2] zrc c'me_a _ thmj[p aad not od_ In a con'u_¢:aJ le_ T_ 2O gV MR the _.'=_old. 2.2 d_vt c=. _¢ pa_en_ _¢ Page 164 |t'_ o_ b_k:bn_ Lbe d_.qce7 t,_k about your cc_mm_x'd _ev__. the _m_s7 |n0_.c_¢ofthl_"_tc_l_c_n_ats 2f} s_mp_y rr=e_n_ rn advice t:m'naa be.ml_ or ce.-s, a_l (h_n ?eu en_¢'e_ Gen_:_-.ny. a _p¢_tl_catmn wouid be _pv_ _9 f_zzk¢lm_. you desl_:a 0_c ._c_dt G_m/__ _nnS_ l0 (hc_r sp¢_f[c.aa_ tl on wha_ yOU w'a_t to dctc_, 6_t[ somebody ha_ d_c_dcd whe_ _ to d©tec_ _a[ part_cu_ In_u_-e_won_d_-cnu:_za_gtt_ 17 dtsqp_ abec_t to c=JI tho_¢ th_ D_dlhe_'youco_l_' arc dcst_t_ 16 _rae.'_ b¢_ A 162 c._nbe m the s_'_e o f n_a_eting _h= m respor_e to _¢ _ 12 dctc_mm_ _4 c_r_m Page cn=m_e,that =¢ d=_q;ned _nto tt or t]_Ju to meet, _vQuld it be f_r m Ih_ d_'mo _leetoe if _'_ h:af met _l'e c_tcna _ I0 e_ I0,25_05 _pccll_ca_n q,.u:s_on tha_ th_s couJd pck up a I¢zCi f - aa_ I Ihtnk I_ Hearing 3 peede_-m'_n_d _oa_.oa_'7 pul_ co_n$_ 6 A In th_c 2 t¢$ de=g_ed 4 A 15 d_on the cmbodunc=t. OO164 Ae4sp_:lgc_,ly Z G'¢ po_f.e _tc_a - thzt would Jt d._s n01c_n_Jncvcz_hln_n .25 cotrtrn_al s I_8h_, _ =rid _o[63 Q wh._t yo_ ed? 22 reduce the _e=(_emcy '_ produce _al_e poslUves In rno_on 23 A J A pax¢_c _ad _ n_nbCT o¢'.t_,_t,ona/ 2L ¢out.un all the _e=eme_that would pm4_ce And y_._worked _ Im ¢I_Lnf._ e_smc=t t_ _¢ ove_ h_re t,_blc, that w_sn*t t3gttrc 2 o_"file 13 A 20 Car_J*_ =n electr_c=d _¢_ 22 Jo_7 [ Q the first 16 _'_J_ cSz._d _J;¢Ults u= _ over _rd ibovc _ve_ • gntdu_ae 11¢ the *00:u_ L,_t yot_ bruit 2nd _towed i2 A 14 cle=_¢_ e_int'_'? c= lsnt that nghl_ 6 Q I $ d=_non=b'_o=, _ _o th3t _zme, you had no ex_lcn¢c u_ lJghung, 5 A 7 el_caJ 8 Q ]sn'¢ _h_ n_t7 pr_ 4 backsround thew_me:_ $ hsh_._. 2 A are dcsl_c_J 14earm_ 10f25/0S Page COOK Wl_ch b_nde_' 23 Q Itstab60 25 BY _ dcv_.,c, yc_ Th_.©_r¢_,oor "I_'_CO[_RT JA 0821 _:eebmdes_ It'_ Voturne 2 COOK Markman 16-3 _md=_, pl_u_? IDid you sa_ 60"_ Tab 60. 22 A 24 thsn/p. Lsu'_ that _rr_:t? Markraa_ Q COURT He_rJng 10_5/05 00165 OO166 1 Q Valume 2 Okay A 3 27 I Q "t'}{E COURT 4 Q Doyouhovethat, 5 A Y¢_, 6 Q Do you 7 tdemt fled there, 8 SlmSOr light 9 A II recogmze it? 3 the documcnl Mr Raper? 4 prior art. 5 A II appuars 6 Q Now, 7 motion 8 that thffers this -- the the Reflex SL product 5315A, that's Iadse count Ithlnkllmaybebeforcmytmm and I notice 12 sugg_t 13 A 10 you that 14 all the mformaoon tt _ II'spc_thfe On see where 17 foreign 18 you See that? Do_;thal ptedece_* of foe patenl, pnof docm'ncmts 19 A Yes Q And you 2l Pubbeat_or_ 22 }l_aflvZeniflu And, 23 SL-5315 coLmI morton 24 1989 25 A s_ the art? *066 patent' other !tmbllCaUom? the second ttern there the second serao_ hghl control, need Io study Igatheryouhavcn't patent andllh_q Do you ha_ • any idea how this stud_edllprev]ously 12 A I ha_ e no1 seen this document 13 Q In this docurnenl, asEML002087 16 A Okay 17 Q Would 18 the three Is it's pa_c sheet, you 15 o f II appears Raper o read thai to yourscl_ thai paragraph. paragn_hs? Okay Is that an accmale 21 c_mlmfl de_cr_puon of how pulse works? MR 23 comment? Doyouseethat._ 24 doctmmm Ye*, I do 25 Page page. Ca.nyoutumtothat'Mr Q 22 10/25/05 on the back of the trtstmc0on A then HIGGINS You_ The wlmer_ before, THE Honor, may I rise has stud that he hasn'l and I flunk COURT it's a htt]e Well, 165 thars for a seen th6 - a ptolgr Markman 00167 quesVon. Itearmg 10/25/05 Page 166 00168 I does fo_ describe 2 MR 3 gets 4 forthct 5 counting 6 flus vamess how - counting to come became I Q m tim iment, ,s prqk_ed -- COURT _a he talk abom 3 wtfom pu_ 4 pulse m-.d I'm nol sure 5 moving 6 W¢11, weql take it a qtm_t_tm at 8 aurae 9 hfi_.HIGGIN$ Thankyou, YomHonor Very well II THE COURT Your THE WITNESS pres4ml objcctlon ts ovemfled 13 Yes I flunk n'; a flur And 18 v, atchmg 19 m front a PIR, the f,*g hne pa_tve m frzred of tbe t_mtcr_e s4wam', the heat g_ en off" by an object ofthesensor leos Isthat m the teat, dete*t$ motion A I0 Q I! flung 12 object that w_ 13 A Fal*e positive A Y_ 22 Q And 23 maythmg 24 seen 2s mobm_. 25 A down _h]ch m the second chong_ Isn't tbe _ - second paragragh m the flutecOon someone A i'm 19 Q AIIngM else desires, .And that's clrcmt' aot sure it says. 22 THECOURT zor_ can be 23 167 Thank M.R correct? hord to a I'aise posture may be con&tion that's hotll coffee1? your Anyredm_ct7 No, Yore AlJrtghL Next HIGGINS Honor Thanlcyott Youmay w_tness'_ Plmnt]lT we_] questtor_ furthorquesttons Okay Yore" Honor, the of the $o _ lhaveno you. where not tho motion con_dcr need Markman JA 0822 a of pulse that's really I undo_tand Well. IvLR HIGGINS Page with nmtt on of the Io detect, the ptedetem_med THECOURT 10/25/05 sctx_ u; aclually be a situation was designed Whol I would the part_cttlas step dowi_ would ts somcflung 21 Paalus motion ii se_ the signal? the s_gnal -- tl was 20 25 Hearing because 18 24 ts detected 0 f this doctmmnt Aad a I'al*c pc_uve into 0rot cofroct? a rel]¢x tt says motion of the purpose that'; giving thai was cattsmg Q moves at the bOltom that tbe_e _s actually m the context 17 Y es, _._ w e flumon$1r_led Marknmn obJecl Ye*. 16 20 does? 21 a flur statement to verify by aP1R down ob)ect n = the object demnlYaOnwhot of lime. moving ;5 what then _ m fy that what 9 BYMR Q can g 15 rays p_lod Is that 14 define COOK a short cotmtmg and number oftzm_ the cotmtmg, lt_-_.m._n en L 17 then the - 7 14 16 And 2 that by cotmtmg v, hot I expect out are now tl ts reetted THE works i'm fine v*3th that as long fult ogpotnmlty quest*ons _ pulse HIGGINS the rally 7 12 of the m the palenl _ 19 t_ and Hearmg 01¢ face document. control 20 (ca the Reflex says tnso_ctions to on to be the same from what's 15 DO trader Other Ltghtmg, [he I'W_l _ Regent flu you Do you see the Markman I0 referred you ts that flus ts to _ mthe53151thaspul*ecOUnlmg I would Q that I showed It appears I I that nght? to the 53187 and then 20 pulse that's 14 the - or 14, actually, tt lists certain patent I0 Ic;m'tsaywtthoulgomgforough the face 16 emhodtmeat then Is that correcl? sens_n 8 hghtmg 9 A the cc¢'Amt_'etal thalyOt_tc_te.dhere_tratedwas5318 15 Q mouon control? It's a 5315, docurnenl for the 53 ] 5A Got ] do Honestly.no IflQ And flus 2 msm_ctions ca]l* Dr a momertt tlearlng Thomas J Io sea up the 10/25/05 Page 168 O0169 I computer and the sc_e¢_ again became 00170 I that p_r[of hls tmonal 2 wdl mvo]_ e recreah_1 of the figmes m hls Rule 12 2 3 statement 3 J Paulus 4 been 5 as an cxperi 4 THECOURT 5 LeIMs Bngg_-/one_ 6 M_ 7 (Break) g THECOURT 9 Okay l_ow HIGGINS Wellt_keashorl[_ _ sc¢_ asyou _e Yes. Yo_ ready Honm Readytol_oceed Htggms? MR II HIGGINS Yes Ptamttffca]k Dr Thom_ J Paulus. 12 THECOURT Okay, 13 THE Will 14 CLERK Dr Pault_'_ you tmse hamL 15 (WITNESS 16 THE WAS CLERK SWORN State THEWI_ 19 TH£_ 20 THE WITNESS 21 THE COURT 22 THE WITNESS the _ be glad to skip 24 pornon of my - 25 tame ThonmSJ for the [ecotd, Paulus _ Good Good "l our H ot',o¢ aflermxm and ple_ae you, pro fcy61onal I woeld background COURT No, I think I world hke Hearmg Page WITNESS the Um_erslty of $oence laY.star of science the UmversJly dog_ee the University of in of Tennessee in m Vot_ are going elecmcal 20 1968 I r¢cel_ degree of Tennis, I rtct'Jved 19 to have I recewed ed my m el¢cI_cal to slow of_cJ_ce from doSree the Umversfly my Ph D in electrical of Tennessee I ha_ c over and development 42 from years engmeenng of experience m from m the doslgrt trtstrttmcn[allon ser_ ice as techmcul 169 m of Tennessee in 1974 of electronic m_magement, tmdorgladuate engmeenng see m 1962 my maslef engmeemtg tha Um_e_ty 2S group 10/25/05 my phi) THE 17 23 to hear ed COURT bachelor 24 bachelor from of science from THE 16 22 I have mentioned down 21 I f it world [he aha_¢ engmeenng my masters I rece_ 18 afr emcon, Markman project resource Marl_nan and and Hearing experl 10/25/05 Page 170 Page 172 00172 00171 I wlmess 2 m patent I have 3 c_es 4 m one and tmrJerstty retained as ma _ fete] m four leaching I patent 2 be_accepted_expertt¢smnor cases wes© settled 7 _ before 8 As aa m_mctot 9 Defartm_t I0 1965 before I had retained the up_onunlty m; to tha ¢_mart oftbe through I I _ for v. h]ch I was m the Eloctrtfal 1972. I taught le.. el eloe_'ont a vanmy t_ courses, ofb_c mcladmg from as wall As a part Ume 14 Engmetxt_ 15 19g0 16 m the I have ta_ht I am the _ of ov_ and preflmtalloix_ Addm 19 Apph_l 20 E 21 Th_ 22 KIIoX_ql otmlly, Elr_.u'omcs and Mcml] text 1 have by as clrcmtry utdtznd relalmg THE COURT professor 10 Deparlment 11 teaching I have Ertgmee_lEEE. taught Engmeenng 15 manufagtunng CIx_lts Ohio, 19 1972 _dwlthDr Marknma Glea Headag Yoar Honor Just jus¢ and on an adpanct PEC see. Knoxville. clecU_mc cottrse_ don[ of Paulus PEC the dos_n, of small E_g3neerlng ofTennef, umiergriduate the pr_t a mmute a second Computel UrtlVLqslty a_d Adthuortaliy, ts a small, development volume, high high-It, oh and perfomaame eleciron]c 21 and Dole. 10/25/05 Page 171 conducts senunars, to elec_ca/and [ thd s3Ol paruclpate prosecution affihattotl 24 other No and cucu;ts and I'm not ttlated with rather I understand tO nor ha_e the plamttff thai1 my parUc]pauon on O_ 5,598,066, the '066 patent any or the defendants m fills ease that the court /_larkmao JA 0823 coth_ clecm3nm In th¢ pr ep_tl of O S Patent Furthat, 23 25 a noted PEC rela_ed systems 20 short 0 f Eleetncul I Somenrmtold I _m c_tly Company, focusod I g _ orkshops of Tennef_ee. numaerous at the bosmess 22 of the lusulute WITNESS gradtmte 13 a mmute'_ thank you _t m [he Electrtcul I'm also cmreruly 17 text hoo_ Columbus, It's79. 79, if you _ oMd 14 -youJUtl it 6 Pauht% I _n I _top 16 lmt_xLmerlLatlOrt 1¢ oonally, Electmmc cotwsts paper, and T J Paulm, at the Unwer_ty att._t _ 25 tha Company, tl_ trade, from to et_ctronle_ coauatored Addt 24 of Tennessee le_ el electr_tcs 50 teelmtt:al I F Pierre Publr2amg ts shlf upper find CARNAL 9 Elecmcal at the Untverszty to 1985, sermna_ 18 ltx_tor Departmenl Can Whalnumhar_zt? DR 12 13 I can't THE Knoxville, cot_ 23 68 Enganeemlg of Tennessot, ¢xperL COURT $ 7 Dr Um_lty iP._t/_melfiallon THE 4 mc o4her tba_ expe_ nuclear 3 can'lfindhzsstatemtnt b c2de The _ been matters, Myte_ttmotayhat 5 17 1968 ts Thomas Pauh_ ofelecuonlcs engineering 15 ) your B ¢ st:ate.d, 23 12 II name T J in ]962 ]3 ple.ue 18 6 electrical with My _ ed my undergraduate 1 received ]0 14 6etd m elecmcal 12 yam" nght please? [7 I reeel_ dogrres 9 lO ma'am known in connection in the Tet messee Mr Y_ I'm professionally retained 6 7 Okay THEWITNESS will conduct Heanog a Matkman 10/25/05 0o174 0O173 I hC_rlng,the pttr_¢ of which L_ tO amv¢ as a force at a pro_ 2 mg'rprctatlonof the clash terms ofth© '066 palmL 3 vollagc I ha_ e r_ lowed the "066 palcnt,and I tmdcrstand 4 the clc¢_ca_ ci_cutuy &sclo_cd in the '066 palcm_ 5 the M adcman pagc 7 trartsfcrnng energy 8 foz cua_'Cnl L_ _|" The pascal alLgSOa dcscnbcs _anous ¢Iccmcal 9 clrculls, slgnals and components ]0 tutocm] tsto dcsmb¢ My 9 objccuvc m th_s Vollagc 10 and iodefine the rclcvanl terms and most II 22 the '066 palcnL 12 m ot_ dally 13 baltcncs 14 convcrlS 13 Thls wdl b¢ done m stages as we paxcud snnplc dcmmtslrauon 15 m thsputc 16 through a of the Icchnology and the patcnl clalrr_ Wc 17 clccmcal s=gnals m c_, dally hves such as radio. 17 I g felt-, tslon and radar However, 18 th© n_t conm',on elcc_cal 19 slgnalsan: voltage and cttrrcnL 20 Using the ¢ady dcfimuona frmn the tcxl 10 of the DC AC A wide variety including AA, ts a hulc a DC _ oltage *s shown HIGGINS 19 dcmoPatTahng figurc_ 20 w_th Poml hzs Power Your from Honor, pr¢_cn[aRons, HaytandKemmcrly, pag¢ 14 Marknmn OO175 ] Okay THEWS 4 ava/hble f_ wall Another avadabl¢ ? going ix_gl_ 9 turn8 neg_e, n_e_av c valu_ II again. "rhcn_lrepca_ 12 ORcn A graph of an AC a sign follow a maxlmmn zero, po6mve, wave value., then rear.brag a maxm_wn passing d_ough wishes Okay HIGGINS Thankyo_ Thconcsonthcscrccna_c a httle bit more clea_" because th_-y a_c in col_l" 17 mBodueud IS various es they for AC volhlg© IS a small (vl), m voltage is shown In figure 'I'hc "066 pascal These oth¢_ 2 _caches waveforms ar_ cacotmk-rud curnmt otr=.crvud than 22 hd you- part of your body 'this w_ 24 DC, AC or sc_¢ FJccmcal ts a _ly voRag¢. a ba_¢ AC wtrc 23 a van ely wall bc m dm study - _s a However, m youi" hand, the cffCCl of cu_mt lust I_e o f d_ 3 fromabout 4 hc_ 5 mc]udc less ffyou have you know cvcr that something flov. mg through a voltage, a currt_t can bc In addmon Markman io b_ng Ilearing a voltage 10/25/05 Page 175 cfoctnca] s_gnals frcquc_cyCOnlCnl Iiearmg 10/25/05 Page 174 a160 F.Jcctrlcal 8 vanou_ clccutc_ generally o_ DC. or clcc_onlc II r_cwmg cl_mc:d 12 cxax_p]cs cncou_|crcd 13 compaclto_, ActP_c 15 =lec_ca] 16 Kcrm_crly. sw_tchc_ and Gtmcr_11y to sorac page 19 compaxalo_s, devices p_'tsslve Other 21 and acL, vc d_ccs 22 patcnl dc_c_ include d_ o f dehv_ng zc¢ Hay1 and SOmcl_m_ pholoc¢]ls, these 24 the relationship beP.v eta 25 cu_cnt them and the hn¢ &odes devices and the voltage amph flora. transtslces between Exampl_ can include oper ai_onai scnso_ ts a bit bharcd However. "066 patent including Markman JA 0824 capable external m frarud 23 through 19, z_tslo_, larnl_ cn¢OUnlCr cd In the cl_tzom¢ 20 page include 19 Exampl_ vanotts dcwccs o f only Kcmng'rb', m the '066 paint m_c also can or actwe capable Hayl and There These c_ther pass=v¢ powc¢, systcrr_ thcl"c ts a voltage clrcmL C.cacrally htananscan sound hum devices dcvlcc_ power Ig _ devices Tbos. Often Mc_st often in an clcct_cal be clas_lflCd P_.s_v© hcrlz. the 60 hcrlz ctremls AC by nanea_¢anheari_¢qmmctcs 10,0(X)he_z. power a filter to reduce 7 sot_cc, can Ix: cboractc_cd Tl_hm, 20hmlzloov_r the cl_mcal 17 other waveform. s_gnats their 14 clam_ Efoct_ca_ o¢ a curt'era, 2 10 the cycle OtheT wavcforms of other wavef¢¢ms I 9 z.c_o ThtswoRIdbcvoltag¢asafum:tmnofl_m¢ 16 25 going the symbol pa_mthes4= caughl probably 6 gcaerally possmg duough 14 ¢_lly Hz, voltage is 220 volts.60 hertz, c. zv.achmg thc_ 13 15 ThcACvoltagcmost ts the 120 _o14 60 cycle _r hcrl_ _ oltagcs 10 21 MR Markman outlets fltrnth_AC AC 8 poIl¢_n, 20 THECOURT 24 173 for ourstovcs These 19 Page "l'hangyc_ ACsoltagc 3 conu'non m the USA 6 10t25/05 w_th h_s the com'l 0O176 THECOURT 2 5 Hearing coincide coincide to v_t'w 23 25 Voltagecanbcvlcv.cd which which 22 polats. A g_aph hc will bc spelled 25 value h_s Po_ c? Point Publ,slungC_, two _hal voltage MR Kc_m_ly, pOle_qnal _lw_ common and 1 23 the elcc_cal are facto._" h_.s a fixed in figm¢ 22 Vol[age.. TI.,C 9 volt_ chcmJcal 21 Slal_nenl_ and the court can scl¢cl which 24 h fc mlo ¢_cc_cl_y arcmt anab:zs by H Wt, spelled H -a-y-l,and McGraw-Hall for of battme_ D cells, _gmealng JgS6 Hay1 and AC 21 K-c-m-m-e-r-l-y, 4th Edmon, a The symbol m dady and ¢lcrncnLs voltage charge, clrcml quanttly are DC Each of these chemical to vlcw lulona} of clcc_cal m an elect_cal hves, way will tLse an C_CIIIc_sCOp¢ Ctm-cnlcanb¢_lc'wedasth¢_chlclc forms Generally, 16 ¢ncotmtcT a wldc varietyof this mouon DC voRagc 15 Elcc_cal signals We gs a common common I ] condlucats m o_der Io bctlctuudce_tand the tcachlngs of 14 dunng The Kcramcdy, hcatlng r_latcdto the '066 palcnl and 7 the rclcVanl technology' 8 tlm_ Currc_l A common of_ ollage _s V Ls an on oscilloscope al vanottS I have be.caasked to glvc tutorialmformauon 6 dunng In an e]¢cb lc,?J cffcull The symbol passwe m the '066 mats I_ easdy acrc_ understood them Ilearing and by the 10/25/05 Page 176 ¢0177 00178 Z 2 Nex[ devjc¢_ 3 _ e'I] take a Ixlef encoanl_ccl ResL_r 4 d_ectly 5 ma/c_al 6 re_stanc¢ m the The 7 This g_ven-myg)ology 9 cbvldcd compaclto_ 13 anothe¢ 14 pvoputlzonaJzt), Is known The _'mbol can energy b• used to tsolale AC cmzenl can '066 palest, !7 dascus_d 18 figure capa_tm's latcr m figure 22 simply 'me symbol m our O_e home _r¢ page DC voltage thi'ough ] 28 A from a compacito_ as filters, a concep_ for capacllor ts shown opens dashwashers or cl_es PU_Uon the hghl 25 :s sbow_ m figt_e _ Ihe hght ts off Tra/LqL¢O_ 2 sccracondu_ormatenals 3 :m amphfier in The symbol Tranl_tors i,s the mcchamcal signal amphfie_ Tra_Ls_ sw_tch m o_¢ state O!_a'a_onal Page and ttans_tors ts called Wans_0¢s aae o_nfig_¢d The amphficaiaon, 16 only on the p_s_ve 17 outpmsoftbeop•rauonalamphfic_ IS op•ranonal sagnals 21 c* curte_ 22 of the final amphficr c_ sys[ems _s _hown dlg:Jtal c_'ncras 19 avadab]e earher. oRen ha_ • base Modern toprov_desuppresst_moftmwantedso_mds reduces 25 frequency m'.d the treble One 2 figure 3 rcspunse 4 r_spo_se 6 to pcrfonn $ form At the heart host a who]• of curr•nL of a cntcrtairanent ofotber Ioday arc systems, devices are use de_ :cos ate PUlh ttsmg a _ as_e_y of passl_ c de', ice_ that determines the fonctlon de_=c• Io transistors, arrangcmen[ Figure _d _nd g th• '066 parch1 teaches elcchacal dc_lces of a filter R 1 and th• p_odu_ cltcmts CI Ilearmg amph the R2 C'2 ¢on_ol logic 10/25/05 fic_ LSshown control Translslors • anous In thts h_gh o_ low 12 low Page 178 Page 180 In frequency the high frequency can e3_o I:¢ arranged functions chlp I_ outpul 15 17 input the They re often input 9 20 o_ly m• opcrallonal consols 22 Rather Thcbas¢contro[ 23 zero rcf_cd input, 24 signals 25 l0 than JA 0825 are :o gs on_ or zero the OUlpu( is one inputs o_ g,_tc, th• is end gal•, the arc on• outpu[ is on• If The tho outpul _s -- v, hen the outpul ts zero and the output Is zero iftho symbol for lm m_ •riot Is shown A ¢omparlitor amphfy that acts much the depending A compaxatOT input on the and signal is a SpcctaJ m figure form of an hkc s foglc gate the output _s either relahonsh_p _IS way•forms Markman Page179 as _s ore amphficr or on• and outputs _nputs In a two mpul _f bohh Comparators 21 op¢_cs the end gale excuse if the input Is one Irans_slo¢ ,rod ar_ oPtc'/_ rcfcrrcd In an m m_ertor, _s one I$ 10/25/05 - _n a two cllh_ 19 h_gh o_ low _s on• 16 fora_ applrcal_on In a fog_c clr•mt In a [wo input ? Hearing as m om p_oduc L_ a_ aJlabl• and of other elec[romc lI sagnais _.larkman and of reduces c;rcmts h0me In addt _o_ ¢lccmcal cc_trol is special hot hy el•ctncal electronic active a_tlve the use 14 _ehle powered, ltlsth•an'angeraentandconne•bonof h_gh as ",.eli as vollag¢ and or DC Computc_, for our cRher fu the mpuLs an d by frequency 24 frequemacs, IS lfr ase depender m figuye As holed a _amp qmtc of useful Ices Sta_e. other c,c_'_O.ed 23 low and Thesymbo] be chal'a_enzed Sound a•t=_¢ de, swltch¢_ Many sermconductc_ confipuraUon d•vzc_ amphfi_ 17 9 pachage m'nphficr or gain. chaz_"tsucs m the o_h•r convenlcnt m a small rang• 8 s'w_lch $_ _t•h Is shown 7 Io _.s JoSJc gat_ act as _m open an oper_onal 15 ]/kf: a and It•an homes, Acta_ c d¢_lCCS and Logic s_ slcn_ 5 _cy fi¢_" One at much as m o_ ts heated v.lde A eyplcal _5 _1swjIch s c/os•d amph s_gnal be: _lrcs Markman of functmnagas and sound m fgure thai 16 _150 t capable '_ _re can for I muh}-posaho_ I77 from al their out!_L _s a swdch. [3 Ftlt_ resistor 24 $¢1cc_ control of othe_ •l¢clnca] s_ mbol or zc4aO' light of the 10/25/05 r•'mot• 1n the '066 patcnL trdnslstors Heanng m om radio shown ]2 20 provide 23 m a sm_ll gax) aL¢o _,¢ I f cr,mfigured 19 12 22 sw_tch "IV channel Inelthcrcas•._hepmposeofslamplsto _'ans_$1ors for a slmplc are they con_ example 14 flashlights 2[ c_ as a switch then" input Eo a la_er I! ]1 20 other to the Alampzsafamtha,rOo_cctlotts powered, A switch axe made Tbey 6 IO s'w_tch Lamp be AC hghts. cLrcmt FosJl#c_ or.c elccir#caJ Th• Wpc of $_,ttch mulll 6 I0 25 AS a_ amplify, 9 i_ fi$_r• other ltcots 5 5 8 g 1_ 00179 7 c_mpon•nL_ 14 ¢]cc_qcal ts on. m the blarkman 4 7 is slmdar to a _ _cty thai conti'ols and an efoct_cal posmon 24 of the m_t _ a wail switch openers, In _ae I connected switch Anolhcr gs the In th• da_._ b• fore 9 [nthe m'e _ed s_ltch doo¢ 23 6 3 4 Simple garage s_ltch Sv, rich '066 pale_ fu thLs s_ _ch de.. _ce Kemmedy flow ifanAC_oltagc_slg_phedacr_ll'_¢ompucttor elements 4 law and is e; shc_n Hayt and 16 21 This _s R, the zs an elccmcal 15 20 s_ltch t3 How•v•% 19 3 _s m the tseqttaHoV, for resistor M R[tl-pOSIIlon t_ughl 0wough as Holmes Corapacltor ofslonng 12 Ilowmg /t'sg_cnbyV_R by I 1 2 malen_ Compacltor 1 ! capable dec_om¢ rr_ar_y materials to the current rclatlonshzp 8 10 aclcss 1be con_tam of the at ,, anous '066 _t_t vohage inoporllonal and look of 03• _wo input arc shown tlearmg m figure 10/25/05 001gl 00182 I In this c:_m'aple, the plus input 2 and th© mln_s input zs ;m AC wa_ e form. L¢a DC way© form. V2_ Whc.n VI 3 _ alue less than V2. thr output of th_ comffatato_. 4 zero WhcnVOt.sg:eag_anV2. 5 7 signal below 8 signal allows to a _efercnee 9 compara_ s_gnaJ The output from ts a pulse waveform d_mdon 12 howlongthe Pa._ VI e m fran_ tsg_eatrr _r. PIR 14 humaasandoth_objects 15 ]7 matcw_dcottplcdtoaspc_mh_.lstst_ t 8 electric 19 9 of each pulse wdJ matgaaal _ budl I_e 20 eh_g_ V2 22 _ extcx,al 24 elc¢_c 13 to produce 15 illuznanatlng 16 Timer Thepnof with A photocell the dtmnmauon The PIP, sensor d_lected 2 P.ap_s 3 tm_ fo_ i_nung aze f_nllllaz oYc_s on an a_phance fcal_cs on They are a convenient for a fixed p_nod of" Next I wdl dsscuss the demonsWatson The demo_swauon 22 ¢lccb_ontc eomponenl_ 23 rcsu]z by Mr o_ Icscl of hgh_. A _rapl_ 10/25/05 gape_ can be azTangcd to pToducc a use ful P.algg can be dcsenbcd _how_ in figLwe 12 25 to the dcmor_t_'at_ on ce_cm! was m L_ Page by Mr P.ap_z shows thai su'nplc electrical The ctrcmts used by Mr 24 using the block &a_p_n 181 Markman hand and the morton The photoceU detected bo0_ the mot_ocn o( Mr I znpul of an ot_c_t 2 the change m 0so level of $ The _e cz.-C_Ulmctud_s 6 compazatorandlog_cctrcmts a ruler amph fi_, Thela.mpchangcdstale ? one I_v¢l of _]lurn]n_t]on to a sec4_d level of i]hwnznatJon. and The _ powez fon_ of batlm_ Hearing 10/25/05 Page 182 I0 T'ms change m tqlummazlon 12 w'_'_tors 13 was figs! accomphshcd returned le_ el to a lower The block 17 coupled t_ hghl fl'ccn the second m- level of dlm'n_on of -- _ - m thss dgure 12, the _'nsor_ m a dashed block tabcled School, I 8 csrc_ut zs COUpled together a _e and the conWol m a dash block mazked dsag_am of d_'monstratton shown external 14 condition 15 of a person 16 -apparatus" 20 12c_nbernadc_gcncza_asshownmfigmel3 22 three pOSll_On _ mdgatmg Hcrethe itch IS replaced by a g_ that the s_,wtch functton block switch. can be a_h]cvcci m a of ways Also, 0_e barnes Markman Hearing 10/25/05 183 _hown prcd_tm'rnt_d external 25 Page labeled 23 said to those refer we used to figure to said o f Claim ru_t sensor m figure 14 a r_-cond c_ to 14 In a fz_ firsl sc_o_ 6 can mear_ be rep_e_'nted Iocalcd "Second sepsor being condition firsl saJd apphcat_on motion, predcterrnmed con&tlon comprising from by m the means condlhon, said a prcd_terrnlned foe sccond level of hght (o sa_d apparat_" labeled element second of claJm 6 can be _ented sens_ hght, Markman JA 0826 1 Raper, first predetrcmmed t¢latJv¢ from the patenl, The second a block Mr a _trst pTedctermmed separate The first clement 22 on matena_ smulat "An apparatus motion or objecl dctc-ctmg Based Please for dct¢cung being 21 24 e_c r_'placcd by a mo_e gcnc-r_ clt agrams Io saJd apparatus, Again indicate of the circuits 6 of the '066 pa_enL 6 states, 13 m _m¢ can d,scusslorL Claim the block can ¢o all parts demonstrallonby Claim the following ser, so_ meap.s Ig mpu_ voltage the demonswat]on. 12 control that the input voltage 6 of the '066 pa:cnL ] wall use block d_mbe 19 _ettsof, The b_ck 24 vanr_" to study 17 19 cwcmL 20 7 II 15 few seconds 16 dlscu_sedandth¢ I0 using _ switches "Vbe t_ 14 h_,Ig_ Clatm 9 I I ustng a thn:e pos_uon swztch and then automalcd thts genc'_ wlII bc provided 6 have begin mdrcaUng or AC Ftmher, the powc-r 8 9 photocell st_nal, DC 5 from 8 a bnghtez level, d_pc:odmg on the stale of the PIR voltage be etther 3 4 2.5 E]ccLronlc 00184 I 23 to a compazato_ on 0_c level of h_hl the photocell 21 value OO]83 21 If the 19 to the Ilearmg depending 18 method 20 Markman en as of R sub PC R. then the va]u_ of "_rPC will can be coupled a logic s]_.al stovc_ and microwave e_c_gy _s a rc_tstoT v.hosc _ ] ? modern a compacltc_ this voltag_ _lgnal R sub PC is _ ts m_ch lazge_ than R, thc_ dlc The simple ctzcull 14 of a pnoT electric cffcut L PhotocelL 25 chaag_ co_lc_ of RPC A 12 approach ZCTO a voltage signal A tran_stor 23 va]_ I [ value of RPC .s mLu:h I_s Thrc_]cun'c'nlflowslntoa_large 21 _asto_ lft_e R value 10 valueofVPCtsne_lycqualtothemputvohageV c_ c-t$3, gz_ en off by A _raaJI c_rtcml flow_ _c_ the m fraed _or Lh¢ volLase $ dzv_ded by R plus P.PC. P_c_l_ e mfrarrd they co_.st expression the detectors In straplest form. R sub the two _tstoz_, to thelT _es_tance 7 the pzoduct of [he voltage., V, tnne_ th_ z_lo Theyar©mcommonuscmmo_on 16 The voltage ts dJvldcd between _ ardlng m amphtudethan 13 SC'_O_ can defect the heat o_ infrared is .Thow9 in _gLLgC _I a]ld a rcststor R, and a photocell 5 and R S,,zb PC ifappor_oned In thts case. each puls_ I0 has the same height, one_ bul Ihe width II 4 V2. we ha_c 6 mat_cmatlcar a compasc_on ofa 8 a photocell of a ba_lcw, 3 PC VO. is W'nc"nlt'$a_'.¢V2.v.eha..eaonc$1atc: A comparato_ circuit _ln 2 consists the output ls one So _c ha_ c a signal - AC 6 ZCTO I elcclnc ha_ a located Ilearmg by m the sensor 10/25/05 Page 184 O0186 OO185 I shownmfigurc 2 Back ¢_11 1 14 Io _ _L A lamp 3 c_ 4 cmlt a second 5 than sa_d Iivst Ic_ cl o f dh_ranation, 6 capable 7 lllummatton 8 9 of switching rapidly The for causing 13 dlurnmahon 14 condluoft 15 condJuo_" 16 _rst ¢_lt can 3 delcctlon greater 4 le_ cl of shown _ m 5g_e coupled firsl and second to crml m the absence portton 17 be rep_cn_'d 18 to and acccT_ 19 mo0on 20 si_ 21 connected of the fou_ by a block and mpm labdled s_pl_ds thai Is coupled to _nd 7 mpul the 5rsl mohon g scnso_ 9 to the s_ _tch, "._hlch the sece_d LScoupled f,c_ light I I the control of t2 • The 22 blocks 23 In thL_ msCmc¢, are pa_ of the control 24 I_ cl of 15mm_atton lflxo 25 predcterrmned of hght tbe lamp le-.dl czrcmt w_l motion lamp Um¢ mtcr_ a] and 19 sa_d ttme 20 at the 21 predetermined 14 22 salci 5rst 5rm or lay. 23 Is and switch is detected and a _s no¢ detected Hearing Page 10/25/05 conthtton The fiRh labolcd 2_ signals f_om the of a ¢ to expiration lo thereaftcr m response emit of hghl Io second of a recurrence of be rupr_ented by conthuon" elemenls a block me_u_cmcnt r_sportsl_ lamp means of fi_t m the absence predetermined 24 sa_d control for _mtiallng first ]_ eL of 15ummallon is deteCled _s nol del¢c|ed c Io detection ml¢_. al for causing e al the ,fmotton "Whereto _csponsl_ Tamp" are part of 14 le_ ¢1 of hghl to the patent means to the ,._,11 ope_t Ic'¢¢1 of dlurnmallon a p_cdeicrmmed and second thai is congled timer of Claim 6 can that Is coupled respo_L_ c clrc_ll to and accepts and provld_ Markman 185 mpul an output Ileanng 10/25/05 Page |86 Page 188 O01g8 } 2 The Urncr, _ 3 pan of _ conb_ cm:_t ¢_'u_I and s_ltch shown m fi_c 5 scold m" _gb 6 l_cl, of _l_r,_P_ 7 _ i f_b_a_ 8 An examm_ of _ m 5g_'c 14 and _c block 9 shown level 14 12 c_et bl_'k &a_mm they arc One 12 the clrcmLs from {tree of a sign The wa_ ¢fonn The Pnct- to cxan_mng mterpolate cLlm_ 19 _h_ce fo_'a_ofelecmc_slg_Ls 20 g_cra]ly 21 .._foch as _c - wh_h m the form _ o_h_ I w_ll m_oduc_ _ a 17 of a s_go _.ave. w_ _ and a pulse w_ e_o_m, OL_p_t of a ¢ornp_a_or arc taught _y_te_'n. a _p in the '066 v, ave f0xTn, aJ',d a wave fmT_s _e shown Markman e lfo'o_g_ to go m a re'0eats the m _q_c I_earing 15 10/25/05 Page time me_l_c tln_ Slgoal shown 20 crossing 21 hnear 22 r_¢lbackloT_cro 23 s_v.tooth time _nd untt] thet_ 1_C JA 0827 must be a way to at the in_reasmg nex_ 7_to a ramp wave form ts a ramp posluve wavcform in _ ottag¢ c_osstng brae, Also zero m a wbon It is Thenllrcpeatsthcp¢ocessproducmga hke wavcfolm Ramp wa_ eform can of tbe DC _ohag¢ be eo.slly re_,stor Markman 187 that z_ro m c&_ure oftlme thas is using going continues the through Ifamot'¢ m 5gore the r al'np sta_ manner um_¢n_ iJme the ZeTO C_OSS signals of doing shown m an shov, s a pulse passes ts a coms¢ Is needed, between method wa_ efonn se[¢cuon 15B It'$hkecounting_lrtUt_ _ 25 The signal acuor_ Such con_ m 5gt_c t_m¢ the AC the The wa_ c i_ one shown zc_o cto_s 19 24 The© each One 18 The Eal'_,_" 1 discussed DCvoltage.ACvol_e wav_onps a Zero c_ng as we cxamln_ wl]l be _ncmm t czed. slgnala posm_ ttw_ and '._3_. to synchrontT_ cost _s generated 13 c_1cmLs can also '_ _;ed. complcxl_y conven3ent zero 16 _lccmc_ zero, w a_ e a p._.ses • afoe, through lfi accural¢ th_.¢ follows a maximum negahvc passes ¢l¢cu_cal¢lrcu_ltstoha_cacontmonllmmgslgnal Ig Add_non_ palc_[, 13 shows _su_ tupl _ a_nd e._'x_l_4S _ garnc slgo c thrccl.o_, 9 "066 pal_k 17 fe'.v moR 22 8 fi inaclrcult m _¢ _ the rcacl_ng a maxlmurn c threct_on, I] More complex post tivc [o go in • negal_ reaches 14 15 _ 18 of Claim dm/p_m_ of the Slacken m fi_a_ w¢ wall obse'rve increased 15A [hal the szgn wave 7 cycfo m_:m_al 13 the 6_ns_.t_on. 16 zero Ita_ts m figure Recall of going _ a}uc, 6 posltl_ set by _be _ no( _t_clcd Cla._n 6 can be m_pl_n.,cnted 14 _ _me e_her 3 patlcrn m the first+ or low _ the e_d of_c moron 10 dez'_o_on 11 _s_Uagy of tSm_a,_m wa_ e form _s sho_ 2 stothed bloc ks _¢ 4 25 m 5gur¢ the conthlton 00187 23 shown predetermined an outpul slgoal accepts s_ itch blocks predc[_rmmed shce_cn m figure Markman c,rct_l and 18 m turn, ,_t fig clrctut In this instance Rcttan _y a block in turn LSconnected resgonsc of high an output 17 that ts coupled c_cmt upera_¢ pro_ ,d_ sensor tnclu_s f'wst scr.sor v._ch, rcspot_e both bo rcprcscnlcd 16 and Wovlde_ tO the swl:ch, to the lamp and The and the from hght mean_ 6 can of the fosmh circuit signals to fo conthUon" tfos gorhon response 14 both manner labeled predcteTxnmed re_yo_sc¢ Born first prcdelcrmmcd 6 second of ClaJm stud lamp KI rc_rtse ,dso 13 elcr,3cnt for caoxmg 6 can 15 Th_ "And I¢_ dl of iIItarllrtatton of Claim first predetermined to stud second of said in a slml[as !0 to said scrJsor hg.hl at sa_d first tcvcl of said 14 to the patenL a{ Said se_-o_d element bcmg of the: c]a_m car. tamp, c,rcmt to said saJd lamp lamp said labeled "Conl_l m r_ t_l said Back 2 left of illurmr_tlon" by a block patent. - "A I,tmp and can which of the th_xd dlement and re_gorts,vc 12 can substzntlaily from to saJd second be r t-prc_emed lamp o f Ig_dm_on I_ eI of 15ummatlon Thl_ po_on 10 II a fir_t level wfoch generated and by careful compac_tor Ilearmg Such 10/25/05 a OOloo OOl89 I clrCU_l ts taU_ll 2 In addition 3 voltage 4 c_c_ssmgslg_ls exct_e Well $ a compa_or 9 ccenpa_or !0 to mt_polale the ume form m figure 16C as - apply bel-.w-en 3 ¢_o_mg of the AC 4 is shown m figure 5 much zero 15C as refeTence -- 12 _lcss volt._¢ 13 output wtn than the "066 palcnt thal occurs reference 19 is za-o 20 reference forth taught of an AC signal, that por,aon in 'I_ Is gteatcT wave fo_ than _alucofthegnted bel the ra.mp V waveform wave form ts less than V o_ ttmc thai the gate assigned 22 avaJlabl© can b¢ ccm_'olled 23 voltage Consld_isecondvalu_ofref_'encevoltagcV 24 te fe_'cnce 2. wbach 2.5 shown m fignre by the value zs grca_ wave ts than V :c fez•nee I aod _s 15D Page rcfc_'r, ce thode thode That- 4 (bode 5 &reckon 6 hot oldy voltage across The )3 A complet• fignrc Adthtlonal shown the largest and there win 16 slmplesl 17 voltag• _s apphed 18 clo_ed ot on switch devices ts a SeTnlCOnduct0T a diode can the _ olu_g¢ 20 diethod•ls 21 and tL__.vt tch eqmvalenl purposethod• 24 vottag_, The 3, ramp exceeds and circuits sign wave Diodes two [cads operate hke a switch. m the is I_e &ode Whcnpropcrlyused. a othe_ &rcctzor,, are shown R•f_ence fo When The &ode ¢lrcu]l A or wtres the thode Is apphed thode much oftbe never hkeanopenoroffsw_lch 23 I$C V referc'n¢• be no galcd With only In on• threct_on, R•fc_ence wave to set tn figme value the ramp vOl_,_• aetlve &od_ Whon sign t 5 is shown 15 terms, ii may bc d_irabI¢ than voltage, gated 2 r_sul L_In a ¢_Ul be g¢! Io a value In diL_ ]n._Um¢c, V zmo wave _mhol m fignrc 16 _s a spectal ltactsasafixcd like: a bsttcry value of a fixed vo]tagn dsper_ Markman 189 symbol for rel-cl_¢e I apparatu_" The In figure 2 by a block lab•led 3 2O II _ass _ goe_ 12 through r•s_ts_3_ 17 ch_ce _r goes on the Ilearlng "D_e tes_'to_ fow. a_dVhzgh 18 window 19 szgnal_;[praler 20 dmsnan A window establ_h 7 dhm_matlon, sa_d lamp 8 szJd first lc_•l 9 the gate whc_ stgnal is a and _ol_._ges, produces _n ompul 10/25/05 Pagel90 wben_,a- fo_ the "_andow CIam_ 9 of the '066 22 9 will be d_c:_bed 23 fig_xe c._mpa_ patenL m tem_ tbe mpu_ _ show'o m fq_me The elements of the block &aBram shown foe detecting a prcdete_mmed condst_ Markman com!:e_m8 external Hearing nfsa_d Thts by to and acct'pts o[ low to sa_d 25 condition JA 0828 lamp. flora of of Claim shown 9 can m fig_c to said ]amp 20 and f.atd lamp to of d]mnmahon in th© ¢ond]t_on •lc'ment labeled of Clmm Response mp_e signals signal 9 can Ctrcmt from the that ts cottpled cl_ult circuit Icv•l and th• shown the I_p of dlummatlon has nOl been sw_tch m fig_e wdt since be that is scn_or block to the switch blocks are part 20 operate al a first a p_edetermmed sens_ tlearing 10/25/05 dc_ecte& Marksnan Pagel91 of the lamp response In th_s instance, 24 10/25/05 an output of the con_l a scr_o_ level mt:_tns for cabin8 of ditrd a block elemet_t coupled pred•tennlncd portion &al controls 23 9 s*._te_. "An apparatus m•ar_ absence 22 20 _ ¢ffcu_t 15 The of rapidly to sa_d second labeled al sa_d first level 21 in a block e to satd f,cr_or 20 a first level level of sw_tchxng of die second ernll light 19 and p_vld_ 19 m fists• than the first level incapable 14 cottplcd can erml trait a second g_eatcr 13 responsiv 18 of Clam3 by A _(3ntyol 17 Teprcsen_ed A¢_mt 9 can be represc'nled f.er_sors shown _ be tcprcsenled 16 s V the thanVh_gh_le_thanVIow 21 _our the whlsh can o f dhnn_nat_on Th_s pc_t]on 12 18 WlumVl_w_slowetthanVtugh. co_pa_ I1 passe_ two thodes tgummatlon. IO th© _ ols_ge co_ two rc for•nee "A lamp to zero a gnled ofClazm within and which substanttally the AC a cornparator, patent. dlurnmat_on fora_ac_sshownmfigme by On th• f tllurnmal_on elcm•nt scnso_ 6 unl_s conducting 50 fi_t the gem:rain8 as whon eo_np_xatc_ ct¢cmt fom_l 17 str_ 4 conducuon. once two tc_rmznals Thesymbol Wthdow 16 _ and win s_p to z_o, z_-r_ I$ starts the Tbe e_cw_nnoecondu_ _s Ix•sere spectal LSshown amaccancoeductm wlU teas• its other s_gnal 14 diode, if a g,'tte signal m._c _ a good 9 sq_nw.ave. 13 The cqmvalem Unh'kearegniar l0 25 way•form cxcxcds near each re_ult_ng h_gh_ larger 10/25/05 A trtac ts a t33¢cJal type o f semiconductor A_'O. a tnac 8 selectedi and w_th the bs_:_y 3 24 l0 re f_rcnce of time OO192 I _fi• 7 which Hearing 00191 2 sign voile• has value ramp voltage Tbe conditions 9 2_ Markman gated sore• 111• re f_'cnc¢ 22 of the reference way•form 8 th• the p_aod 15 E. Ustn 8 V rc fetch•• Lh•referenc•vo[[agee'.¢rt 12 15D, a shorl 7 19 ! The amomu shor_r 14 a signal of the AC whJl© the r'.u_p voltage 1 ,._avadable_ at aJl _n_. 21 wave 2 for only Und_ II the ramp ltlssuchagatedstgnwavefo_n_ In th_s v* a_ •form, 18 of I and referel_e L_the gaming input the ramp I and zero whenevcT V reference shownmfxgntelSD 17 • input of be one whoncv_ V rcfcnmce Use of tbe ramp 16 I to the negatl_ and the ramp ..rave form to the posttav© exceeds in figure re fcrencc 6 V reference Comparator As shown 2 Sucharefc_c_ccvohag©lsshownaspan I I voltage: 15 I a re fczcnce v, a_,Cform, me - as VREFI 7 14 IO Lbe ramp is needed 2, of the wave 6 m the '066 palcnL Page 192 0O194 O0193 I From _ patenk 2 h£ht 3 stud ptcdclcrmmed aJ saad second 4 elcmcnl 5 above 6 scco_ 8 the pre - smc¢ 9 conthuo_ foe lamp the pr_mc¢ pogaon I to emit to wall opo_ blocks as the presence of the second of pccdClCnnmed _ powered rraya_ "Whereto by an AC mcIud_ prcvcn_n8 _oltag¢ _*v]tchmg and means 15 voltage, 16 second 17 tIIm'alnatlorL" 18 _ poOJon level fma] also wh_m porhoa ofoch po_on bc rcpr_cntcd lamp However, sagn w_e we can being 23 The _ow wave 24 15E, and the gTcat¢_ for s_d for s,'ud first Iv. ¢] of of the third dcmcm by the s_a¢ blc_ recog_r_¢ of Claim shov,_a d_bcd two _ ¢v_lov_ In rclaUc_h]p form corresponds high wa_ eform 9 In figm¢ _ first potion 2 can bc tepresenled 3 _ coupled block to the waveform s_ ieh 10 control levd ¢ond_on in figure sho_ n sa_d Fredet_ramed level From means blocks apparatus The a b]ock cm;t_ hg'Bt al the "And for ca_m_ ¢ondmon _d rnst s er_sor lamp to _B_II and fo_ ca_mg Ievel o f satd Feedeterrmned of sa_d lamp of ilhmunalion Th_s pomon of ©lemenl m response 10 c_.n also 17 ilhtmmat_on 18 first sa_d level 19 lllummat]on trp_esen|cd ]8 cot_led 19 20 p-ovaries 22 25 Response input signals lagr.al re,pottle part of the o_ntrol orcult _-cmt, In th,$ instance, s_oTnd se_o_ _tbeI_d Ctrcmt from thai _ co_rpled compnsmg "A lzJnp lamp From can also 24 saJd lamp 2_ m h'_ absence 21 a first a sc¢or_d of switching second bY m figure satd level to said ¢I¢'menT of C}_m Lamp. level of of fi_st rapidly level 10 can n in figure c_rcnll from of at sa_d fl_l "Whereto I thdn'! THE Ilearmg sa_d control Wa, WIT_ESS THECOLIRT 7 &dn'l see %ofrage" 8 palent there 9 TH_ WITNESS 10 THE COURT ts p_wcred I'm sorry. Your you 194 voltage hn¢ there Honce_ read tha_ agam "_ I first hne of the quote Whereas from the - "Whelm by an AC." Page Youwanttorcad m the firsl Would in the 10/25/05 -- ammut¢ scc voltage to for cat_mg conthllon" by an AC voltage THECOURT again means }e_ el of d[uminahon p_cdele_nmcd the patent, ts ppw¢_¢d 13¢ repr e_cntcd 21 rneart_ coupled c to satd sensor to cmtt Lamp ofs_d sho_. Con_ol and _ponsl_ F_3m right emit emit than incapable the patent, ]amp 12 shov*n _ Ith can greater of dblm_nahon labeled said means to " _3 11 external I 0 can be rcprescmcd the scnso[ '_ hlch s.ed by a block mear_ scr_ cond_uon sa_d comrol ¢_rcmt ,sn'l that where you at© _'_thng now_ 13 THE 14 TH E COURT WITNESS _ THE W]THESS THE COURT yes Your H_v¢ Honor you got "vohag¢" I ha_c -- on the _o]tage m there -- m i| rivet line ') I have iI be on the second hnc thal u; a se_.5or Io the m block swarth and that Z8 THE WITNESS 19 THE COURT 20 "D_E WIT/qESS 21 TH E COUP.T 22 THE I'm on th_ second Arc you on page We have -- 2 I. nght thfferent thc_¢'_ -- the lamp The 23 24 an outptq con_ls 21 by a block to and a_ce'_ of Claim snbs_lla]ly The second 17 17 apparatus _ithm the patent, Illumination that of Claim dlagraJ'_ shown to cor_t]o_" 3 of Clmm sensor lc_ e[ of iI]_mmauon 6 16 ¢lemenl 16 6 of the m the absence clcm_al _ 15 4 to the predcterra_ned The or the bIc.ck a ptcdc{_mmed labeled 3 21 _nce "An firsl From 2 that the seP.u_r are pan the patent. _. iI_ dctcfmlnC O0196 } C,rcalt thai ,s coupled of illm_a_nat_on al stud second to detet:Bon Rcsports¢ 6. shown addmonat Markman |0 9 wav¢_z Io pro_ ide pow¢_ patent m tcnr_ 193 deu_t_ the patent, ! 3 of Chum from Page 10/25/05 9 has sign of Claim of Claim 21 5 [he lamp at r,md _st hgh_ s_gnal of IIlmnmat_on hgh! clement stgnals m figm¢ has no_ bee_ From input _.Bd fw_tch In th_ _ 12 15 shown O_e hmp. or_-mt ct,-_mt, shown or low emlt fig_rc 22 to the wavefocm Hearing labeled an ou_ thal co_'ols 11 14 by a block to and accepts Response 8 9 of the third and prowdes 6 7 8 21 g_d m 15D 00195 I $ ofth© _._th figwr¢ 15 corresponds Markman 4 I 0 _ ill be described diagram thagram le_ els of dlummalton 10 or the 0_6 7 20 21 25 Claim 14 2O 2O 22 for the first and second 13 ha]f wa_ c of AC being than lo s_d that c[azm ca{_on of u_mg _a_cd 12 and shows 5 I 1 said clrcmt pcvml_ng 20 the b[_k 14, and the block _ophlstt I0 means stud conuol AC volLag¢ o f ha] f wave of dha-am_on clrcmt Of ,_c_c_v¢ly of stud fo¢ a sclecicd said coau_l and mc;ws the apphcatlon ! 4 said befween m figme 4 6 al the since sho_n 3 m figure of the thl_d bY the sarnc A comparison 2 9 12 _ lamp m r ¢_ponse Tb_ of fllm_mauon On the pa_nl, II 19 said 9 ca,I b¢ rerrcscnu:d or hlgb levd l0 13 contht_on" u_tanc¢, 7 for _mg t_.-vel of lllummallon o f Clazm In th_ "And m high contht_on and the _,vgch sho_-a the lamp m figt_e errors lev©_ of _llurmnauon has bee. hght lance cffcmt are Oh Wc ha_ e a shghtly thffcrcnt 21 23 at the the Hearing format, so I can - 24 THE 25 Ti| E WITNESS COURT Well. we are m Cla3m l0 predet crnuncd d_ted. Markman WITNESS 10125/05 Page Claim Markman 195 JA 0829 I0 Hearmg 10/25/05 Page 196 00197 OO198 I THECOURT 2 al the clash 3 means its¢l£ "And _ powered 4 by." Lc_'sse¢ Lefsjust whel"fm grad control in comma 6 _al'S I ¢_rcml 3 The W_tmn COURT v*hal mine _.aJd comlol Is pow_cd _y_ -- th_ _ 4 level 5 figm¢ by _ but you had e_rh_. 9 THE WITNESS I may t_ve THE COURT II 13 THE COURT 14 THE W1TNP_S 15 mc_s ,s powered 16 clraut means mcledes 17 permlUmg Ig to stJd lamp, a means _tuated 20 AC voltage and whereto swl_hzng and p_ev_[m lot causm8 pomon 21 fee _ 22 level oftIha_tmmotL* means the leY_er Of lower I_.el to thc fifth wa_ ¢fonn Tlus pocu_ m fignre ofsa_d This portton I1 tepter, ented 12 contro] t 5 said s',VllChmg meaz_ to be zero l0 sa_d conuol AC _ oltagn crossing by a block shown output of the form the From 16 generalor 17 rm_p puke 2 I patent, having which of _1cl half v, aves being gnat_ 20 be represented by Z block 21 control shown 22 by the same blocks d_cn'bcd above and 21 Markman Ileanng 10/25/05 m nine w hen sald ramp voltage point cffcmt shown 24 From 25 ramp pulse In figure of Claim 10 c_ ramp geneiator and the 21 can be of 15C "A comparalot to a threshold voltage Page197 which compar_ which ac tuale_ and Markman _Z_ a of wave" of the ramp generator the patcnL can be to detection element labeled m figure m the o f stud AC ,, ohagn for the half signal detector in respon._e of the fourth The output the form Detector for producing a ramp half wave ts mmated portion voltage" I 5B "Means thr each cross I5 E I0 can be Cross of the zero m figure Thts 23 in CirCuit AC of Chain Zero signal shown d_le¢[ of said element labeled the zero creasing I 0 can form shown m figure crossing m figure 19 than fo_ said fu,st 15 or high of illumination shown points of the fourth ctrcmt, The "A zero 18 of the t)urd clement of CImm 24 also be r c'_esented shown foz detecting the patent, of each half cycle of said second level o f dhiram._on 23 9 14 figure for the second to the wave And clrcmt for selectwely 8 the apphca_on fo_ a selected pc_lon voltage, s_d stud conwol corresponds of the with I5D 13 "Whereto two _ erslora of the half cycle of dIummatlon From agmn, Okay by an AC 19 25 quote pl_ pomon 8 rm_poke_ Iql sLari that giraler the In r¢laliomhtp d_icnlxd 7 cone*Ixmds I Okay THE WITNF_S 12 Sme Wavl_i 6 AC vohagn a _ ollagn 8 think 10 HOW¢_ er. we can recognize 2 Gated 9. Im¢ 28.29 THE 7 back let's see THE W1TNE$S 5 look Hearing stud stud 10/25/05 Page 198 OO2OO I _.vi_ng mc:m$ 2 tint _cecds 3 4 m a point This po_on b¢ rc_csmted by a block mpat _gmls 7 m_ that,,hold prov_ The cc_nl_'a_, IO pan Of the omxWol From 12 means thai ts coupled ctrCml _hown fi_t s_d con&oor_* pomon Tht$ last 17 can be reptcscmed dct¢chtm 22 and threshold Funh_, aceelm repot oltagn 24 the prcd_tm_med 23 The use md to detection the conthtton effect serts_ ramp generator the Markman R_i_ scmo_ to the 15 dements Ileanng of Claim Chim The fi_h 19 gtaning with the scnsang me,_ 21 presence This generation el_nenLf I I shows use of of claim thayam shown in 24 bh_k 25 Is idenncid thai the firlt to the first four below relating llfth to Clmm of clmm elernenk _lve portion detected Clatm to stud to figure 22 below I I sta_¢_."A light _ for deleclmg the ofthtyhght" of the fifth element by the addlllon and the sensor I I and I I is (h$cussed shown to the second of Claim of a second m figure senso* IHarkatan JA 0830 The the disc_ion and abse_e be represented Page199 to at vartot_ 10 el_m_nl 20 23 10/25105 the I I are Idemtield I O and fignt e 21 llOplleS to Itam ff *s dlust_ated of a zero thrcy_hold tbe light of the block lOand of Claim Coase_mmtly, 22 to drive involv_ m tml_ of Clanm four el_tm_ I7 mdUple 22. 14 16 This the _e and 11 o f the *066 patenL 13 I0 14 sophnst*catlon wavcforn_ coral*on ts cc,,4_1_ to and of two th:_h_lds Claml include wave form_ of dlmnmauon complex I$ has or has not been AC figtwe block clrcmt vanot_ I 0 to figm-cs funht_ 10 detector, c_ 12 conthtzon n_pom¢ m Claim a of Clazm 21 for Clanm 9 mthcates tmprovcrncm$ I I will be dl_icnbed ofsatd element taught I I to have of the Ixcdetcrmmed block from f.eax_or 6 and S p_aflc 1o to stud value 'T2 com:sponds the _hold signals and destgn 9 n_c Tbeth_holdva]_T[ of tbe predetermined 23 4 of fignre for Claims 7 ge_e_alc 2I r_ponslve of the fouzth to the absc'm_ 21 m figure threshold, andT2 19 _ and 20 6 Thr_hold tch bloc ks are by adding to the thr_hold _dvatu*sTI 3 5 to the _wttch m tbe absence of stud !_edetcrouned 16 condmon, and _ the paLent, "A mea_ 15 prc_tmnn_ 20 and 15 Comparison 8 levels 14 taxi a seoo_d value m n_ponse 18 the block labeled Ihreshold R_ cammg 13 first _ that ts coupled the lar_p 9 I| 10 ca_ the r_rnp generator from _sna] of Claim comI_uato_ from vbltagc* m_ output that co_xa.s labeled In _gtirc 2 of the rough eh:tnenl 5 to and _cc¢las 6 accqm I saacl threshold voltage," 22 I I can senfol hgbl Thi-s e_ - light thscussed Hearing block with 10/25/05 Page 200 00202 1 00201 I rc_lloCImm6 2 anti l_g_c The second scns_ hght 3 Ls coupled to the _spo_e 4 From has an ompm to stud I_t me,_ns includes value This thsrd tl_:_hold 9 m th_ block &agram d_ff_enl zs dctccang _ m _gmc Also, of the ramp 16 In tc-rro_ Claun 3 ts largcT thaa the blgc_t sc_o_ 18 ctrcmt s_s the t_rc_holcl 20 cm_Un_ 21 tead_ 22 Lamp during 23 I_*cl 25 figmc dct_rs of sophzsaca_on. 12 oftl_ light pate/R m terms Clmm The elemeats of the block shown Hearing HIGGINS fourth and element Honor 9 "t oat 10 presentation II 12 that do not b¢long 12 zero 13 th_eshoM I can th¢le continue _t with the new 19 Ze¢o the th_s document for some blocks In figure comparalor and t_gu_e 23 a_ is or I can that deletes those erroneotts four ] thmk_.ouprobablyought i]lustratton, cross the ]amp 23 from generator, THECOURT 18 and the gpec_ficallynolcatledoutts using one Thus, 12 dt fiefs I included ramp 6 below m revtewmg detector, [tght, m figure of Claim ] I_nd thai cross sensor, ts thscussed slmdanty 12 are of Claim so reel u_ _hlch detector ramp THE WITNESS 22 THE COURT 23 THEV_ITNESS one; rouse are deleted gcnerato_ Ramp generator comparato_ and threshold Threshold that has TI, Co_lect T2, T3 _ 12tmeproceedon IoTL_E COURT Do _,ou have a copy P, larkman 2 NO ye_, v,¢ sent tt to you of the Hearing revlst_d Page202 10/25/05 4 $ i_fiL COOK 6 THE COURT 7 MILCOOK extra You have it? Idon'thavelL Doyouha_e_ oa¢? 9 MR HIGGINS I0 THE wedo COURT Could yc_ provtd¢ some HIGGINS yottrH_nm, that he's gwmg herr today, _xlthe shdes 16 revtsed that THECOURT Ig MIL Okay HIGGINS 19 THECOURT 20 MR. HIGGINS 21 MR. COOK 23 THE May Could means 9 ]e_¢l o f _ltmmtanon sensor Amtyouha_eacogyofthls 16 shde 23 who Pm gwmg it to Thankyatz I jt._t hand 1 get a gtude. You_ Honor, to Yeah. bunch detectm" I'm looking of figures and 23's. at figure and 23, they all have all that stuff Markman Hearing 10/25/05 Page JA 0831 Your stud lamp with the circmt to emit m respor_e figure 23, fourth means hght coupled 5taxgor al sam firsl to satd second m the absence of said first " of the four/h by a response inputs are new ahead first _md second element clrcmt from the first of Clmm b_ock ser, sor the sw=tch 18 switch 19 figure an outpu_ thai con_'ols blocks signal the 12 can be that IS cotmected moaon and to second that Ls connected lamp The ave pan of the control respoase to ¢lrcmt orcmt shown Control cut:me mea_s manual overnde and in 23 From the patent. 21 includes selectively 22 se]ecu_ ely overndmg 23 manuaI actuation 24 second lex¢l This _Sald aemable said to cause oflltummahon portton t_rst and Second saacl lamp mear_s for set.or means to emit hgh! at sa_d by " of the fourth Markman 203 one, hght_ 17 25 to stud condmon It provtdes 20 it to hem? Starting ed condanon This block Go *A contlo_ in response predetermined 15 the original Okay o 12 states. foe e.aum ng the corTeCaOn - COURT a _.hole cro_ That's Okay m th_ bundle =nd there's the z_m 8 an a¢c¢'pts as well? where to sa*d lamp 14 mdudaag show Cla=m represented presentat_tm Ve:_' last one_ WITNESS 7 12 whatrmhandmghtm Paulus's 15 THE element. 13 tsacopyofaIlofthesltde_mDr 14 COURT GO to the _ cry last of the packet 6 II MR THE 10 predetermlr, to us as v, elP 12 WITNESS at the back 5 O11_ THE HonOr 3 last 4 mgh_. 25 claims I COOK 24 second 12 to the s some of Clmm eleanents 14 a_e repeated The of Clatm I I shov, three elemertts Page201 10/25/05 23? MR. 22 10 and three mot=on m figure 8 oth_ 24 m the first 7 21 of Clatm diagram 9 OO2O4 figtax MR. 17 blocks 20 23 3 13 first sensor, 6 17 [I 6 to the first 5 blocks clazms shov. s a of the elements of Clarets 25 2 II identical 16 OO2O3 $ 4 to Lh¢ T3, to lure off the Markmaa 1 For example replace and the thr_hold In particular, _eshold, '066 3 15 ts _pphcd C3am_ I I to the e_hrr 12 will be described elements ga_r_ e_ Rayhght CImm 24 zs nevc_ _ alue to T3 the _sc o f a third A comparison 2 14 the AC Sine Wave I I, th_ means no slgn_ Compa_ag ts of a baghc_ I 'a.-aveform. 17 lamp and the second 19 of T3 to to V reference 3, whteh 13 Consequently, _ 15C, _'_eshold than V rc fc'rc_,ce 2 or V rc[crenc_ V re fc'rmc¢ dayhght be rc'pt_¢nt©d 12 value 15 sam first and 22 by the addqlon Re fc-mng I I _ aluc T3 coIT_ponc_ from mearis conthuon m fig_¢ 10 the oh1c_hold block. 14 v_u¢ means sc'm mg for c_us mg s_ud u_c_hold to ha_ e a th_ 7 sccond _atue v, hcn s_d switch 8 stgnal thai clrcmL the pateng "Stud c_l 5 rt_pomlve 6 voltage 14 element of CImm Ilearmg 12 ea_ 10/25/05 Page204 C0205 OO2O6 I be represented 2 c,cmt by a manual shown 3 between 4 m figure the sv. itch One mpul 5 wlach 6 (o emil hght includes to the manua) 9 sa_d setond 10 m ernde II Ix reprcscncd 13 shov._n m figmc !4 From the means whereto erm Ring at sad This poraon 21 be zt'presented 22 conlml accepts 25 connected and fomth cotm_ug _m Input sllp_al to and co_muug m figm© btock froth bfock Q 14 you use the phr_¢ 15 knowledgeable 16 "taught 17 A 18 some said sad an maput Markn_n 10/25/05 Page in the can claim" you As a IgTson explain "_hat yOU mean by patent gives II gw_ in formallon function, and suggc_ted not ha_ c known 23 Q 24 wmu:ss from ii either of parts, hot tcach¢_ a problem that I mlghl - tha; I may prior to rcadm 8 the pa1¢nL Nofunherqucst_o:ts. THE to accomphsh learn arraugcmcul me m formation 22 on how I could YomHonor COURT Okay P_asthc Crc_ Markman 205 Heanng 10/25/05 Page 206 OO208 ! MR COOK 2 YI_. Yore" Honor CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 BY M]L 4 Q 5 than dos an-angemcnt 6 COOK it back up yore 7 Hone4". rm [ need COURT Good--Dr 9A Good t0Q plannmg some the ELMO tccho_cal help rather to hook DO yOU have yore wnucn 2 A Ido 3 Q Wouldyou, 4 stalcm_t down 5 Infrared Sc_ors, aRe_x_ As I undcrstaed palmt, 12 mdus_y 13 A "rhal ts corxceL 14 Q Inch_ug tt. you you bad no mot hove expeacnce - ]p_o_ to this lsthalconecl7 no pnot expmcn_ Cm_'r_ 17 Q Your backg/_Jnd 18 A C_L ts as lm ¢lecmcal 19 Q And that was tho bas_ 20 pak-nt, ac_ as a I,ghaag 2] A CorrecL 22 Q fo yore 23 lefssee, 24 the¢¢, exlgmoc_'? you evalealed th_s 9 p_wc 10 _¢rgy 12 e_crgy, 13 A sta1¢namt, m fmtll THE COURT which to tha17 appca_ Well, of yotL Yow wnRen sta_mcnt Markman Hearing that you - 10/25/05 Page207 g_ven rm passive ors oiTby their gore8 humans myour P_Slvc senses, PIR the heal or infrared and other objects function. _sn'l Ih to deice| m fr aregl energy? Yesh says they A 17 Q 18 Tbey 19 A arc m _ _e in mouon detectors Coerect You haven't ate srmply That's Would THE tdontflled them as a _ m t_s¢ m rnotao_ detector detecto,_, correct7 the statemenc you turn to tab 58 of your binder, COURT That's Volume please? 2 of the binders. are the binders 23 MR. 24 it box behlnd you there ROHRER 25 THE COURT I f I may. Dr Paulus. What #ad you say, Markman JA 0832 blow, a hca_n8 to pUl ,t on the ELb_O infrared can detect changes m mfrarc4 16 where ram'4 set, Isn't that correct? 22 al tab - youhavell mfrared 15 21 wntl_ g? you have PIP., do you see that? |1 says Thafs 20 Q _ t_b 79, can you ttr_ I gues.s, on whtch for a minute 14 Q m the ouuloor turn to puge a_ the bottom, I f you don't 8 II m the hghtmg ple'_e, statement? ldo. 7 Q Okay Paulus II A on using I Q 6A THE $ Q 25 mc a way 25 OO2O7 16 The 21 ts as follows EXAMINATION "taught task or some m the tlearing to the other m a clatm"_ to solve the switch. t¢chotqucs compared sworn. lesuficd of patents, 20 slgnaho counting Pauh_.aipages22and23ofyo_rstateraenl. 12 can and m the 12 HIGGINS Dr pans. to and clrcml pulse Jcahon duly and DIRECT 19 suggested 23 ts connected ofCisJm J PAULUS. was exammed BY MR. shown 12 and Okay firSl been 13 ftalher o f Clam a respca3sc predL.Ces having 12 of lllua_nauon clecnCnl and THOMAS switch arc counted." of the ern Clmm I I zs Ihc contained cfc:ncnl sophzst THE COURT 9 and preve:ntmg level swllch Il time be_ 10 and fourth is further 8 Ch'Cml means f_r each LSdeterred, by the pulse The pulse 24 a pube of the 12 can to the manaal sa_d contzol second pulses ca-era1, shown 23 input for cotmtm 8 sa_d pulses two or more 20 7 of manual o f Clarm 6.9. four cislms ion means sad dlffcrcncc manual h_re 10 clcmcnl con<bh'on means from The m the absence after portion taughl the lamp selected" for generating including uuless ovcmde sa_d lamp o f the fo_lh patcat, 17 lamp voltugc. wall cause 23 first prcdotcrrmned 19 manual by a no voltugc 16 18 The pnnmpal ¢lemenLS of Clatms ts connected I¢_ cl of dlurmnat condauon has been Thz5 portion L$ mclades "Siad predetermined 12 ts mpul switch ot hlgbe_ fo_ d_abhug means switch fourth swttch by the manual the patcnl. means m the conn'ul The manual at the second From 8 23 hfock m the lamp blocks "..hen sclc¢ted 7 sw_tch they a_¢ m 58? Heanng 10/25/05 Page 208 00210 I from _209 I MR_ COOK 2 THE 3 screen _ 4 BY 5 Q 6 st_emcnt, 7 with COURT Maybe Your Honor you c_m see :1 _p on the COOK _ _s a document that I t_ed and I rc feted _ thr_ agr_ 9 A tab 58, easily MR 8 you ll's legs Io those coming tha_ flaos¢ dunng hnlc down my opening top hat devices _ them _ PIRs Would are PIP._ Co_t 10 Q II mfran_d_ectors 12 chang_mmfrarcdenelT, 13 co_.r_ 14 A And up io the They 15 Q 16 energy 17 A do dct_t And, m f_t, aswethsct_,s_lamomcatago, _nfrared they energy dct_.t change_ m mfrared lsn'tflaalc_c_ ThaWs co_ec_ I8 Q 19 m fr_ed Now, this zlso 20 recommead_ 21 are hu]© cucmt d_t_tor 22 dc_-_gne_ 23 overall _ys sen_ flaat the LHI 778 _re _ccomracnd_d py_oele¢_c - the design forallv_a_antsofmo_onconlrol comPOnent% to b_ put m a ¢:r_ml c_rcu_l 24 A "l_rc 25 Q Tha_ _ board a c_mponcnL "fbcy hnle kind o f an y_ I©gs _:t_t come Markman A 4 g_ound. 5 Q 6 thai these 7 go into are the source for _ Accorthng to the diagram ]nground,¢xcuscmc, - thee the clrCU_l boasd, They 9 wired, boy, ever Q can But and the _'a_nlng Butthatsthepomt t C_T_mals axe designed to nghl _ b_: pul into the cffcult you v, ant Io mounl they're the _aJn nghl'_ tt is a source yes at_ d_lgncd 8 A _d Itttle componertt, going to go tx3ard or bc haxd IL into a c_rcmt, Is my 12 A They ]3 Q Now-- _dl be tLsed :n a ctrcult 14 A Letmecorrectthal 15 syslem 16 Q Othe_ ¢}ectncal 17 A There would 18 Q Making 19 A Yes 20 Q And 21 reason I brought 22 tdentlfied 23 detector but 24 _stcm, right 9 25 A Theywlllb¢_¢dma components components up an electrical h¢_¢ s another here m a system? 13¢ al¢ctncal this In a eyslcm c_rcult 9 -- and by the _ay, up was )use 3s an infrared to shov, det¢ClOL th_ use m a motion the only thai the PIR _s not as a motion delector m a larger right9 m a syst_a, the 0u_e are or m some Isn't _l a componcm wh_ Andfla_ aren't they _ 3 those lc't_nlna]s I I point '7 Thca'fmlcuon_odt_ctlnfr;_ed-y gale 10 top here, it says pyrocl_mc the botlom 2 down He_rmg 10/25/05 Page If I could comment, the third headc_ Markman 209 is designed Ileanng 10/25/05 Page 210 OO212 (X)211 I for _ 2 2 Q Ycs_ 3 A I may use 4 some ctrctul 5 dctcc|o_, g Q 7 I conlxol a conlponct_t apphcat_ons, 1 would say It _'t A 8 reading 9 detect o_ 10 alcrmmt. _ but jt_t Q how 13 doesn't callthePI_monondetccton- 14 useful In a mo41ort dxlcctof 15 A 16 maybetr_¢ 18 Q 19 lnf_ talks about m moUon da_a sh¢_ m d_tccung GMBH, _ 25 you md_i3_ right? g_vcn und_s_,nd Thls_ And, agree I wo_dd need THE it and ar_v,_ s a _hole series Yes you_ yo_ v, aat to g_e hm_ time to read que_Uon9 6 MR COOK 7 THE COURT 8 THE WITNESS sheet, Yes flats ts typical mtnlslon I 1 Q th_ the you have a Ge_nan a_m_detector_andnola_motmndete_o_ Would but there Haw many I f I j_l pa4ges'_ go to page n',c, tha! apphcatton, alarms, motion Iyplcal 24 of the appho_uons, dcleCllOtt R_ght 12 A 13 one So tt's used 14 Q 15 mouon 16 A rm 17 Q Well, 18 m a mome_L 19 PerkmElrr_t 20 optoeleetromcs, of the m a motion apphcaUons Understood_ detector they d¢le¢i:on Bul thts it's tts_l apphcahon _ feature do_n'l desoa_oc it a.s a m thal apphcalltm9 not sttr¢ of your qu_suon ruth,s 111 move on to a more conctse documenl here mouon. Pyro¢lcctncdete_tors 24 &s a detfctor c_¢_bol, Bmtht.ya_cu:seful,_sl Andhc_c'sano4h_PIR A COURT 9 lts_ysthey_ee 21 23 COOK TttE yes, mfr_ed cffcmts th¢_¢ things, 20 22 context, Andwhatwcarem_ngtoestabhshhe_e_ The parl_cul_ mdusby, MR 4 S d o_d_ Just--not detector 12 17 detector, a ge_-'ral II mdusuy the same company 3 5 th_s ts a mouon Used m motion PJghL _,qTNES from m 10 d¢ THE so thL_ _ I_C ful _S a molton fmmot_ondctecuon th_ pa_ fashlo_ _s an engineer say lfsuse_ul in a non-nofa_l of pages COURT anoth_ co_y, agam, md_"J appar_tly thlsta[ksaboulPIP_ 21 pease that pyro another Co_orat_on And again, that's piece you PetkmElmer ,.ktectors calhng these 23 it's not ca[hng 24 A I*mnotst_c_hlchpage 25 Q Thtslsagamm58 can s_ from at the b_ttorn, Corn here :1 refers 22 Of hteral_¢ to pyroeleclnc dewces mfrared infrared delectors - to read flae ¢:attre data sheet. Is th_ Here's the ne_t page o f th_s exhibit? Markman Hearing 10/25/05 Page them mouon -Whereatewe lt's at the end Markman 211 JA 0833 9 ofthe Heanng 10/25/05 Page212 O0213 I 00214 [nfratec pttscntattoo_ I Q 2 THE COURT 3 MR HIGGINS 4 three or four 5 pag_ THE It's the Fuji and Co ? Thtsgoeson. from Thtstsmay_e Is thLs page A 4 apphcatlons 5 Q 247 I f I go Q YtS_ II t_ 6 A 7 A Okay 7 sccmlty, 8 to - m a motion 9 cull tt a mouort 10 Q Pardon? II A If I am 12 apphcatloa, 13 dclCClor 14 Q IS A 16 Q And 17 they actually 18 A 19 detcctton sensor? door switch, realtor dctCCllOn home in 8 motion dct¢ctloix well 9 Q In other words, using oats dovice well ceil m a mot]off Oats dung dotcctton II A I f I read 12 Q the moDon Now, Th© PIR? 14 - we showed Yeah 15 patent have you srx'n anypDce ca]l tt a mouon m oats document they couM be used m such a s.vstem Ura_ood delecbon 19 Andbcre'sanoth¢:rone. from oa¢ end, two pages 22 Company, 23 to ned the paragrap_ again THE pyroclccmc the end, Fujt detector, PIPs and Take m the - came a moment out of the COURT What is the qu_tlon? not veery legoale up wlth 21 A IVas_ 22 Q In thts Markman Heanng 10/25/05 Page 24 conuol 25 A that v,_ file fostoty dtscfos_l of the to the here oaey cull it PLR, passage control swuck But h_e And, you unfortunalcly, have other ¢trcmtzy tfos ts a PIP. in a module Wo_dyoua_¢ewlthoaal? Id]dx_'lUnde_tandtheq_llon device shown m oats docmnent, swtteh I think - you have a Andlt'scalledamodulec_-rgy Would you agree oae copy with that7 I ha_ e ts not clear 213 Markman 00215 The swflch m 1996 heTe again, 23 PIRhookedupmclrcml_y HIGGINS tab, lab597 Ceramic the one the attorney energy 20 hooked II'sacouple from And 18 infrared eorrecdy you tum to oae nexl m oats lab ts the Nippon Thtsts 17 Ifimlthattts the morton page thts data sheet would 16 patent office where detectc¢7 read OaedocumCnL ts sagScstnd BY MR intrusion d_teclOrS+ II says thai seems to mc to inoacate apphcaIions fast 24 the PIRs axe of the page, turn over, Automatic 13 21 of pag_ to the bottom _ agmn and not motion I 0 appropriately I might iq_phcatmn 25 , thai I mlght dctettor ] h_emot 20 Q aFphcatton thai here detectors Y_ 6 Itwouldsccmtomeffl'musmgthtsde_zce you agree IO as in fPMed 3 oa¢ end of el. WITNESS Would 2 it fcrted Hearing 10.'25/05 Page OO216 1 Q 2 n_xt ABnght page MmcLtn't¢lther m hctt: ts =gem 3 acUcmld_rgnthathasaPIRmtL 4 the 5 I'llmoveo_ _c pyTo¢lc_U3c The _ I detector Here's 2 PIR _ove_hereal left And thts ts a home pro leer where 6 tim y.tst fm a hobby 7 Ch_uahoa_.andhehadaPIRove_mthalefl 8 hc=_, he demgned 9 the mouon I0 a cuctat of hts pet do8 And. I 1 has gone again, mlo 12 A 13 comTolcn'cmt, oae dostgner Wpe apphca_ou, dM it a Andup thal woeld aM me chase m a cacmt a _ called now. ctrcmt, 3 They 4 a movcment 5 Would 6 a motion 9 engineer, ffl I0 se_or, II _s sensor Thenoae_'sa 12 Q I 13 module concct? andldon'lknowwhaltheoutpmts And have not rcM far cnoegh. 14 ! 5 A The 16 | agree with 17 SystemasaPIR 18 i_ 19 from you done7 17 COURT Whafs 'IME WI'I'NESS IB Q Would you agree 19 LkaI 1 showed 20 cwctut_ 21 A 22 ts the s_'os_ 23 pul m a control 24 from 25 Q you Agam.I followed tlus system Now, ciKmt, qu_uon? Pm nol sine. oaal the - w_s using havenot the o_ a pn_ rendzt. el_c_aomcs, I don't docamem m a mouon It at_¢ars by sornc and thts i_m det¢ctton called Marlunan followed thaL 22 agree with that? 23 A The 24 product, 25 ts the scmo* Page 215 you conecdy, on a c_reul! [ would Io process the output ortha Here detector is shown wdh a board wlOa other c_rcmtry, sa_d PIR movement comzol +t says thai this detector the whole - I assume, and the r_t to process the It'sachip, again, the pIR wouldn't you PIR sensor, of the cl¢ctromcs to be an LED RE-2COB I'm not famthar RE-200B a signal that appears kll uses Thal'Sacomponent wlOa Oats part, ctrcmt_y an o_tput Markman JA 0834 asan oaere is a PIR not characterize Oae P IR to Faoduce w hmh I wo_d 10/25/05 oats c]_mt cnl delCctor? lthmkthePIRL_asvparatesepso_,and seRsor a PIR movement _1- tt detector Howyounamca by electromcs by _ome Q Hearing oaay _-c cldhng title of Oats pap_ 21 the ou_ul dclCClOr calhng PIP, movement or a movcm oa¢ PIR movement 20 undershand and Tome, tmdetstand thai oaePIg yeL here ts something now mounted Q THE agree that m a ctrctut detector, tab 59 movcmCnl Io do something. 15 16 PIR followed 14 Are dete¢lor, Into your moUon ldonlknowthesottrc¢ofth_s the plY. lwouldvtewthePIRasoaeseaso_ a PIR dctCCllOet clretul you a_ce7 would an: showing you Is further infrared 8 la'nducthasalotofvartancesontL oac room oals ts where detection This ts on - th_ up al the top i! says 7 A the PIR to deleCl it around And w_th Oats I would say ts a cm3trol Hearing 10/25105 Page216 214 00218 00217 i clrctaUy 2 Q Now. hcTc's --cOnhnmng on, here's a couple of ] anoth_ scrtcs 2 Lhat _c described 3 A 4 Thal_$ the ncxl Tn O_d_ 4 pi'csc_tlon 5 A 5 things 3 pages, three pagc_, from Global Somccs. do you see that? GIobaJ som'ccs_ 6 THE 7 Q COURT Do 6 you see thatpage? 8 0tat po_n_, Ido 9 signal Thcl_.np_vemslob¢ l0 Q the g left-handslde of the page allthese modules7 I0 II Q [don'Iknowlf fbi's THECOURT I_sjttst_cv/sma]]prml It's ha=d Ior¢_l even on thc page 14 By MR_ 15 Q COOK Okay WcII, Dr paalus, youhav©thcsamplcm 16 fronlof yov- You can see down And 18 th_ tsa cal_og whole LtSays r/Iot1on dclector and alarm 19 manufactm_supphe_ 21 Thts_acalalogofmotlon dc_cctors,would you agTec? A ] thrnk thists a markcang 22 _p¢ 23 it.rnotlon delccllonaJa._rct LlXal dcscn_cs brochure page o f some l_odm'ts thalarc me 24 Q 25 suppliers Andthenhc_c'smor© 2 3 MR COOK THE COURT MR. COOK Then yeah, andthc_twott'chnlcalwltn_sc_ 5 sho_fldbcablctofmLshtomor¢ow 6 Mr C_r[stm 7 is likely $ We'll 9 rcg_ss see you Wc_rc fc_ |0/2_05 witnesses, Page we have om _lorney b_ th/ec'_ wtmc_s know how long -Allnght Verygood back at rune m the morning Wc arc m m rccc_ (TRANSCRIPT Honor MR H]GGINS 15 MR COOK ready to s_,r_ m a new 18 evening CONTINUED IN VOLUME ll ) 1| 12 ]3 14 i5 16 ]7 I$ 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 Markman Heanng 10125/05 Exc_c No. )9 MR COOK THE COURT 22 yo_ p_oof Page219 JA 0835 olher There's bul the purpose of Lhc terms of Yotu me Is d_al a quc$11on _ thai s a statcmcnt Ob_ecllonsustmncd arc_, 20 GI_¢ At or some apphcatlons It's ten a/let morning m hcrc the u:gagc smcc 21 tt s hght lwon'lconunucon. THECOLrRT 17 ofscvcraJ thai _t Fats a PIR v, hcthcr is to show in cornmcr¢_aJ consists andsomckmdofsnoulpu! Wcl] 14 all modules mask¢_mg _h_ch perhaps Ifyoua;¢ v*c'll s_op for the fi_ c ye_lant Wcql A][nght cornc mc an estimate back You t_tr_ al nine well m the finish up iomortow') MR COOK THE COURT Wcslll]ha_¢Mr C_lsonfoTthc plamllff R_ght Markman 217 ! t_nk l d_a_ Okay 13 25 Iwo_fldthlnkthat_¢ to lake. THECOURT llearmg wc have Tkrc_ 4 t,hls co]lcc_lon 24 Th¢ncxtpagchasgot producl of off, or things 12 23 Markman 10 fulfor,IfI read Itsays. mot)on detector and alarm manufacntrer 00219 I 1 doz_'l know Allnght r_o PIRs d¢lcclors rnc as nol an untyplcsl conlrolc_rcu_t_ 16 uhc leftha_d sldc,thore's )7 jizcta seriesof pcoducts hcTc m packages m housmgs_ 20 strikes l ! s1111 • bunch 12 13 fadm 8 n tbc sadc, ]n th_s c a.s¢, I'm prying dclcctor here these ¢k-vlccs- do yo,asc¢ down do_ a_ motion of a packaged 7 Now, 9A This looking Ilearmg 10/25/05 Page 218 00220 I 00221 UNITED FOR THE 2 STATES DISTRICT MIDDLE DISTRICT NASHVILLE COURT l APPEARANCES OF TENNESSEE 2 DMSION 3 FOR 3 4 DF_A IP. LLC, ) THE PLAINTIFF ROBLRT 4 ) 5 Pl_nldT+ ) IAMESR HIGGINS,JR TItEUERKAUF J Mzddlclon Reullmgcr 2500 Bzown & Wdhamson 5 Lomsvdlc, KY Tower 40202 ) 6 ) CASENO vs 6 3 O4-0160 ) 7 ) VOLUME EML g TECHNOLOGLES, COSTCO LLC WHOLESALE 7 FOR II and ) CORPORATION, 9 Eighth Floor San Franctsco, ) Townse_ and Two Embarca_o ) 9 ) Defendants TIlE DEFENDANTS IRIS SOCKEL 8 ROGER MITRAKOS L COOK Tov, ns_d Center and Crew CA 94111 10 10 11 12 TRANSCRIPT 13 OF PROCEEDINGS 14 15 16 17 17 I g BEFORE. 19 DATE. 20 TIME THE HONORABLE 26, OCTOBER ALETA A 18 TRAUGER 19 2005 900AM 2J 22 23 REPORTED BEVERLY COURT BY 24 OFFICIAL A-g37U 25 OO222 I COLE. RPR CCR 'IN 37203 NASHVILLE, (6[5) K "BECKY" REPORTER S COURTIIOUSE 726-4893tkma n Hearing 10/26/05 Page 220 Markman OO223 I INDEX 2 3 THOMASJ PAULUS 4 Conunm_d Cr_s-Exammauon $ Redtr_cl Examznaqon by Mr by Mr Cook Higgms 226 237 COURT COUNSEL 3 THE 4 MS 5 6 THE 2 maReT Ileanng 10/26/05 STL:nJEN 8 Du'ec! Tesumony CARI_ON 9 Dtnct Ex_m._on by Mr I0 Crc_s-ExaTmnauon by Mr 7 by Stcvcn Carlson COURT morning, YOUr Honor Any pfehmmary MITRAKOS Yore mailers? Honor, We noticed thai three oftho _pl_cmc_ts tha_ we would 243 8 THE COURT Higgms 289 9 MS MITRAKOS Cook 292 I0 11 (me housekeeping whlch cxhlblLs 12 J 13 Direct Tesomc_y Dh'ect Exm_m_c_ 15 O_s-Exmm_on 16 ReChreCl _ [8 SCOTT EVANS 19 Dwect Te_omony 20 Dm_ct Exammau_a 21 Crcss-Exanunauon by J M_chael 348 13 MS Mitrdk_ 381 ]4 THECOURT by Higgms 402 15 MR Mr by Ms Tho_ ivhwak_ 403 16 by Scc_! LLOYD DnerJ HIGGINS are they? 75 _nd right now 76, okay or should Arcthey we do th_ at 17 THE COURT 18 MR H]GGINS 19 tcstmlony, by Mr Cook 420 20 Ie,x_o_ by Mr Theu_kauf 21 p_ocedu_,U'_MPEP 22 the court 423 by Lloyd M_engtll 428 25 Markman Hearing 10/26/05 Page 222 he rcfen_d fo_ allowar_e 23 THE COURT 24 MR. HIGGINS 25 tooppo_mg We can do li al the break Great Okay a Okay Y_terdayd_drLngMr Io what m called Palterso_'s a st._emen[ from the rrumual of patcm of examining Wehavecopl_ofth_tolend_'to All nghL We have Any objecUon7 al_ provided a copy counsel Markman JA 0836 I _ISO have YOUr Honor, mag_ pr©hmmmy 406 MASSENGILL TesUro_ 74, MITRAKOS Ewm_ 22 23 al this point nmnhors 74, 75 and 76 I0 need by Ms 17 24 What are the Soweha',¢ 12 the break? M]CHAELTHESZ 14 going hk© [o provide Okay THECOURT I I Ones we're 221 Goc<I morning Good 6 filedhlstorles,_omeofthepagcscopledhodly 7 Page Hearing 10/26/05 Page 223 00224 OO225 Hoo_ccuon } _.IR COOK 2 THE COURT 3 the last Exh_h 867 What Will 4 MS S THE COLrRT 6 MR. HIGGINS 7 THE COURT 8 weql 9 of_ zI Exhtbtt MR. tha MPEP That's Very You Yo_ ltonor g7_ to pass that forward, Is this just agener_ HIGGINS abota 3_ts THE COURT 13 MR. HIGGR,/S 14 'I_E COURT pmduc! hk¢ THE COURT 18 MIL HIGGINS 20 wlme_es yes, you 23 y_terday ma'am related to a parhcula_ Q We will he prohably of one oftbe Okay h'kc to take the stand_ 24 THE W1VNESS 25 THECOURT You arc Yes, Dr Paulus, sUIi under "_om Okay using this defendants' Okay v.ould oath from Goahe.ad Hearing 10/26/05 Page cal m_ertal 2 The pyrcch:ctncul 4 Based that the PIg coupled material 3 smafl otto-ant flows S Dr 7 A Good 8 Q Vest.day 9 product 10 A Y_, II Q I see that I ha_e 12 _ as asking 13 report Paulus_ morning _hen htt'ratm'c we leg _,th you, off yo_ I ¢,_s d_scussmg some recall_ sir you, a -- one of the questmns I see has been add_sed that actually I m )_ IdMn'tapprccmtcthat Would you 15 at Lab 79 of the 16 of vou't 17 A Y¢_, 18 Q Okay 19 sa_d passr, 20 energy turn _o your bmde# Page report at page S you Do 8, and that's has c thai m front slr Tbefirstpartofthat e m frgred given offby 22 phrasing 23 A Yes 24 Q And 25 are as follows can humans Do you then we read set, sots t._c in motion _tect arid other deteCtOl_ recall yesterday, b¢2tt or m stared objefts And thai arc In we discussed that that _ the next two In s_mplest senterges form. - they three consrst Markman to a spcclaJ Iran.slstor zs b_lt hke a cap_ntor _ the m Stared cnc_y Upon thai Suttement, offan gives would elecmcal I engineering 2 A A changes 3 science you ague slgaul with m re.spc4_e me to semenc_ of a }leafing 10/26/05 Page 225 5 Q tbedevteephsstc$ofhowapyxoul_ctnc Well 8 Q Okay g A A A Q I undcpslm_ 12 A I'm sure 13 could 14 SerillcorldL_lor 15 Q 16 and 17 have 15 &* reference I rend Hayt real fn: re feixaxc 17 Q IS b'tames I9 A Page 227 of ts -- be a device phymcs, just like sludymg a U'finsl$1ol" _&ofk$ Okay Are you knowledgcable as to how a tbe docur_mt -- ] den't recall wbe:r¢ concerning 14 PIRsorphotcccIlsoranyoftheothc_toplcsm'enuonnd 16 _cct II could 10 I _ 12 Q whtch how I0 ot coplcd from anoth¢_ lexl? aspect are dtscugsmg That'sachfferentsub)ectffomelecmcal engmcenng, 9 thai you summmzed parhcular you 7 cry, to tt or m thls somelhmg or maleTla] v, hat that material I would agrc¢, you exactly 4 7 A l_d It 9 I m not sure 6 d_ace',_orks Andwbere&d--thdyouwmethtstcxt7 tsn't I'm nOl SUre if lt*s ¢le'_tnca] 6 the changc of m franxl _crgy '7 13 as foffows EXAMINATION 00227 I _lec_ }! sworn CROSS 224 00226 9 bee_ and t¢_ttfied COOK 2& common Honor Markman examined Goodmomm 14 That ,s corcect_ THECOURT 22 "_ hat it ts'_ Okay c_,-¢xammal)on 21 from flats one7 lVh_L HIGGGqS during section for -- tbe role saying Not 17 19 o f rea_on.s J_t 16 5 BY MR 6 and p_¢, ious]} CONTINUED 5 statement ts the ar.a_ the slateraem _s 4 well PAULUS having 3 corrcck want T] 2 Okay 12 15 What'S thai b¢_ '_ 10 II wdl thai be 877 MITRAKOS mark I exhthlt You don't to sdcct I referred 20 thff_em books 21 wouldhaverefLari_tt Kemmedy, for the but I don't refearm8 th_ [_t_ut_dar to probably Spectfically. m any text of deftmt a series ,f I bed _on? o f a dozen co_ed th_ I fedsmelsun'anan_d rend seven_ 23 Q Yo_ 24 A NO 25 Q And thaf$ any pIP.. rlmacmbcl- 22 having I recall 1 from t_urces ao_ an exp_ in pyroe|c_mca_ delectors'_ Asls_there, review em subject Markman Hearing 10/26/05 Page v, ould previously review, ed materials remember the arlaWer how they you no er understond I have not stuthed Q Would you 20 pyro¢lecmc 21 ¢op._tsted ofa 22 r_ponse to the ehangt_ 23 that ma_cnul, detectors, matenat the po)anty which I wouldnot JA 0837 to other to determine to the question, or workeW tbem thsagrec the v,qth me tf I suggesled dell:for that's p3_ton polanze_ thai of that and that m radiation falhng on 13_p tidies m one dlr¢cl_o_ a_d of infrared produces and clecmcal d_sagreewathyott Markman 226 be common for dcvic_ you IS A A I feelcertamthatl don't 19 25 than elccmcal m, at_n_ds Have simply 24 then back a thffer lcannot the rnalena/that slgna]_ Idonthavea Hearing 10/26105 00228 OO229 I bast_ for a_'eemenl 2 O of thsagTeemcnL 3 THE 4 are 5 referred 2 PIP.s, COURT refmang COOK 7 THE COURT th florence the adthtlon II whal we're correct, And pyroclfcmc passive make any th ffetence 13 the pyroele_Inc material, ts coupled to a field t4 UanszstoL co_les the change m the sxgnal 15 oulput And I understand that comp_te 17 generates an elecmcal 18 whalev_ way 19 BYMR COOK 20Q one to proc¢_ po_on matea_al, polat_ly 7 electrical ssgna], a_l 8 morton Does 9 r_;porLSC to any change 10 sensor any ofa pc_on mateml, A l'mnolst_elwouldp_sestthalway you have e mfrared Is a pyroele_c Now, parilcu[ar, 14 Dr would llg_e h¢¢¢7 Ihavea change m heal and signal am uymg to do :s r_ or stm_rnanze Markman Hearing together m the way w hat 10/26/05 Page objccl Thal Paul., Or_ 18 _t has some 19 thal copy I'm going _e're could be in falhng of the patenl on the to be looking and m L_at tab I to _sk you to [tan going enstead at fig_s to 2A and Th_sh_tbemsldcbyslde a deposlllon ksndw_tmg That's' not -- ] dor_'t mean Bu[ tf you wo_d 21 of IS figm'_; 22 the ctrcueL 2A _qd exhtht on el m god look 23 Isn't thai co.ecf_ 24 A Tab 25 joined togetber &b'_cg_'d thai with you. at the -- W hal this consLgls 2B of the patent, 85 appea_ L AS a resuk, Please to d_tms [fs one large thasr_m to be 228 which thvtdod a copy together fo_ ento halvcs of fig_es Markman 00230 an to the you turn to the '066 patent 27 Th_s tab 85 was 20 to produce In respof_¢ m m frarod energy 13 17 to a Isn'lthaltra¢? 16 2Bsedebyslde m IL sent, o_ 0k_l deLects an elecmcaJ AIH said or other | think that _ correct that flxp-flops that Lsn't n_essanly Q to the coupled whenthepyroelecmc PIR, 12 effec! the PIR Now, II A the material, be W_ o f the PIg 22 Q _ thai can 21 25 thai s wact m'e forms signal wanLs So tbe sens_ _ 6 15 tab 8_ because 16 passlv Allnght abouf? WITNESS 23 with that stalernent Okay her© to THE 24 ] agree Q sensors 12 which A 5 of it, ofa forcrt,_they",meanmg malenal 4 PaulmcanexplamthaL of py[oclectnc pyro¢lecmc we ha_ • if that's mfrarcd ofa 3 special t_anststor? Honor ] don'1 know SomaybeDr tathtng Your Yousayxnsimplc_l cor_st You set, sots That's between 9 sofnethmgelse. ask a qut_t_on7 Th© PIR abtnc_aatlon mfrated MR !0 Can 1j_Sl to pyroelcctnc to as passive 6 8 I you%esazdhcr¢ All nghL 2A and Hearing 2B 10/26/05 Page 229 00231 I Q And they are)omed tha_ the 2 patesRsxlgg_lstheyshouldbcjomcdtogether 3 down al tbe bottom, 4 thagram, 5 2B joined 6 nghL Is that 7 A Yes. 8 Q NOw. right bere 9 yo_'ve stde a sz_ II nghau_, 12 object, fig_e and wo_ld A nd then there's block 3 eventually 4 voltage 5 to ttwn on the bright 6 A 2. then jt shows 2A on the Icfl and you - I think you tlus m yo_ repo_ to &t_'Img m thls c.a_ lsthal 2A and 2B on the uodrrstand, thai f.ome _e a mot_ and the PIR sends 9 m mftatod o f a p¢'r_on |0 o_ oth_- Tbel _ corrcCL Q And tben I $ where - t_ been 16 whc_ the cm:tut 18 A Art 19 totbeclatmsofthepa_nt? sel¢clcd rm down will corms we refeanng pn3¢essed to figm'es to figures 21 A In the preferred embothment 22 Q Yes here 23 and 24 cha:acter_c 25 ngta7 And the - to the pomt ov_ the piPs clecmcal QI slgrtal wlu:re al as the morton l*mnot fe femng to d_ point on the 2A And would tdenttfy making 2B7 of the palenO lcfl, these are the pIRs THE offthc that wc have Hearing 10/26105 f_ _s to _ bethe_ Page230 you proc¢_ describe just the mpul 17 wed th_ Are you Yes, of cl_cmt_ COURT whether h_m wha_ bl_cks 20 M_ 21 THE COURT COOK are Is thai the questton? blocks are the ones that l'm_tmply which stgnal make the decision from the P1R w_ll be light The the bright m to thu; docmnent? asklng wthch partecula_ to turn on the b_ght THE from the thai are revolved by te fercnc.e blocks hght Y_s, of cerc_ut_y thai wd_ turn on? that*s nghL You understand thc question, D_ Paulus7 THE WITNESg 24 this embodiment, 25 m the palent, wthch the d¢ctslon I think, your i$ a pre ftmred to tm_ Markman JA 0838 as to whethfr th_ me the -- of jus[ bthcks COOK the blocks to coreect7 fo_aIlthecon_olc_rcult_y ukmg dcc_de a dectston done o_ a low the lamp COURT MR 23 discussed. a high vo[tase crrcmu 3, m h_ opmson7 16 22 of that slgna_ ctther ch-cmuy that selection, 15 19 hght, for us the cncml the control 18 xm'e and Q2 glvc Markman d's - and 2B c¢ n: femag 2A and control 14-I'mnc4askmg of a desttrd proce_,slng to c_cat¢ and does chive 13 tha_ slgnahs decide The II 12 arc the ser_o_ that w_II be u_cd to make 8 Q oul co_x¢¢6' 13 A th_ httlc Q 7 ,_]sors m n_'ponse No, &agram. They 2 ¢O_Te_t_' 14 20Q a hule that _ys by side, md_¢al_d 10 the_'s I A Youscc bnghl Hon_" The -- in embethment desc_bcd _r not ram Hearing 10/26/05 Page Z31 O0233 0O232 I Imght ts made at the output of the on umcr and I shown tram off m figme 2 2 lnhthlt, v*htch Onv_ 3 a slglxal THECOURT 4 at node Waqnow THE WITNESS 6 THE COURT 7 THE W1TNESS 8 THE COURT 9 THE WITNESS me So block 46'_ THE COLrRT 11 THE W1TNESS 52, THE 13 14 deleltntnc 15 ".ollagc 16 the W1TNESS _ I unde_ at node paper 17 18 hff_ lase_ hand on umer [ ha_e and _ I0 mbabH7 ts the block us to the thin _ dl to genc_al¢ leg. aboul please YotLrHonor. THECOURT a mld_ ay down _ maylhnngthe lsee61 yoedon*tr_odtopomt It out to me 21 THE WITheS 22 reference voltage 23 node6$ And 24 25 _ ol_ge foz the sign depen_ng of 61 ts how which The con_ls voltage at node 61 the the dura_on is the - or the ramp v, hlch on how lons long the of the hght Is at ramp succeeds tr_ac m sectzon Markman 73 No_ th¢ _ on, le_mma_sF 2 43 3 Q Detector 4 A Block43, OUtlet 6 m_'bl_ 7 Q that is Ilearmg 10/26/05 A 9 agmn yes, 3 at the 3 is part Do you _ ant him high Dr mhtb;t No, Paulus, that's later Io refer to figure In getting or low and making on m the clrcun up Io the on-timer the decision whether you a_ree w_th me that 12 _ in_ ol. ed in making 13 the 1¢fi7 14 A 15 sensors, 16 Q So the answer 17 A Would 18 Q I would 19 are mvo]vod 20 vollage 21 decide 22 off 7 23 A In thus pre fcr_ed 24 Q Yes, The d¢lector block the the or a low The scmor on the please_ _ htch etrcmt blocks Io produce up at the on or no: the I_ght m thts from 43, LS yes_ the decuslon voltage whether blocks block szgna] question hke you to idenu[y m making circuit to the set.ors to my que.suon repeat be hght, '_ Detector recet'.es and so it's coupled you the following that decision and it will so as to go on and turn on the bnghl hght e_ther ttmer in order _ttl be turned a h_gh to on or ernbothmen(_ thagram _ e axe _alkmg produces a signal abou# at F the Markman I A Thafs The 12 v,_odowcomp_z_ 13 coup]e_ 14 Q And 15 A II go¢$ the re'l block43 prostrated The to the turn-on 46 right he_© where part of_ A contmlblock. where c,atput I'm pomtmg rm pointing goes on to tbe pu_ IO the p_lls_ corral 3 the 4 count, whzch 5 Q And 6 this parhcula_ 7 pulse counL 10 to block 48, the Andtha_outpulofthe,_ndowcomparzt_ tt goe_ produce 9 on to 47 hexe7 ts connected courd I v.ould 2 block "_ Clr_try not use a sxgrml output 8 whether TheoulpultS circmffy, 0 f 47 "_ st-veTal plac_ Q I_.O Ilearmg Page 10/26/05 233 of whtch then dectdod by thavc_ node goes the cl_cult_ you agree wtth that _ ould etther lamp at thks point, to, the output be h_gh or low has selected ctrcuflxy Io a pulse to turn on the me that that I m pointing the ctrcmtry The sensors the control m thks embothmem _ould the Imght A the phrase It ts processed a signal at of the de.rig upon thai wall ham hght7 In this pr¢ fer_ed stgnaJ embodiment, I l p_oce_ang the from 12 the contyol clreml 13 Q And the outpul 14 A Will etther be high 15 Q Iflfslow 16 A In thts embodiment, 17 the concern 18 photocell 19 of the bright 20 Q 21 the--thatth_¢wdln_beabnghthshtturnon 22 iftt's low 23 there v, lll be a bright 24 A yeah, 25 Q Okay ofSl the ser_ors a pulse, wdl the conWol circuit produces internal to thal's correct rather be hlg h °r low_ or Iov. thebnghthghtttwnson7 I also _ ouJd ha_ ¢ to mclude 517 A In56_cxct_emeomSl 18 count 19 On-umer Q ks then part of the conu'ol Q block couplodmtothedetec_r, of block II 21 43 ts tbe firsl of the d_t_:tm 10 20 Figure Page232 "[']'_.-ya_ecouplodmlotheCtlnUo]cwcuttal And that's 8 17 hax e figure OO235 I 16 Now, 25A CO234 5 COOK I 1 would the pointer, HIGGI]4S MR w e d_n't 3_ 9 tunvon 52 This COURT 8 Q al the -comer pointer7 19 20 nght t._nd IL a signal 61, whzch May YOU role starling Okay COOK THE 7 Inhthtt THECOURT hfR 5 And moment 6 52 Upper I0 12 Excuse WmL 4 3 Sole_referto Block COURT 61 blocks 5 3 of the patenl TIlE Tbeoutlmtoftbepulse and d_s_nbothmenl and _ And v, ould you the pulse comet, or low, corrects to the block nght dr'pending agree where upon w_th me then the I'm pmntmg high thai you 24 identl fy thts a.,; stmx'.'_thlng thai w_"ll t_rn on the 25 hght_ have Markman thee d¢c_ded of condmon Bul at thts the sv.atch zs set ts m 56 be fore pomL tftt's high 62, and I would whal have that mem_.s the a turn on that And her©, ts either 23 _dent_fied ,._be_¢r thai the ou_pul 22 have j_t 52, irth_d. on where czrcmt wheth¢_ Hearing that means that subject to further hghl on processmg. blocks or not to hngh_ 10:26/05 Page I think that's Now turned correct a_ an expe_ Markrmm 234 JA 0839 in ctrcmtry, Hearing Dr paul_ 10/26/05 Page 235 00236 OO237 I do - arc any of these cltcml blocks 2 things that you ha_ c pcrsortally 3 A I am 4 &agTam 5 Q 6 1_'1 7 A 8 $¢¢n all the elements 9 Q famthar, They're seen I beheve, not anything tmtqtm I Q m the past? with you Or are they all ©Icmen_ imven't seen That I0 not seen it m thts 3 b'a¢ 4 A I did 5 Q In your 6 morton? m this before arrangemem, w_myquestton_ THE II COURT BY MR. 13 Q Dr 14 figure 2A o_ 2B ts mooc_ 15 A The motion 16 Q And when 17 18 19 Dtd 9 A Correct quesUons I0 Q 11 PIR scraot 12 A refcmngtofigurc2Aand2B, f'w_t straed ts seined mouon al OI whctcon of a pcrson him pass his hand Th© signal shown 17 Q 18 arc you Q Wh¢.c on 19 of figure 2 - QI? 20 fiBu_ ZA and 2B? 20 A 21 A its shov,"n al the wmunal scmot 21 cotdd 22 Q Is figure 22 data 23 ctrcmt of the pt© fcrred 23 Q Whenyouwer¢obser.mgMr 24 A It Is the ctrcm| 24 thd the bare PIR sensor 25 the patcm. 25 A 2A the cncmt of the cmboduntmt S o f each patcm or the of the paumt? of the preferred embedmlent Markman of Hearing 10/26/05 detect "7 that bare over the dct¢ctor when he p_ased his hand when you say the re feme.B to thc [['s the source shc¢l stgnal was S shown terminal be the S terminal which was value from the on figure of the PIP., There was S tetrmnal, ZA as the so y_, outlml its the S terminal on the tco Raper's dcl¢ct motion demonstration. of an ob]ccl7 h did. Markman Ilearmg 10/26/05 Page 237 0O239 I O And what 2 A A small 3 Q And 4 detected object was Lotu_tlle I A hat. detctmzne that the bare pIR _ 3 Q 4 the bat be mo_ ed back and fourth and watched the mgaal change aow,$ Refemng teat below I 0 ctrcmt you figm¢ 12, you make mcludc_ II ctrcmts" 12 _cm 13 A May 14 Q Please. 15 A Ihavctt. 16 skatemcnL to pag© l 0 of yore the statcn',_t, the filtc_ mph That sentence tier. r_fcrs comparmor ts detected7 Would 8 Q Is that clrcml_y respcra¢ 9 your logic I 0 on pagc 10 ofM_- I! of tbe Sctrmr be fore moUon MR. Do you _ta_mc_ have [ show tl on HIGGINS _t, str7 page Yottr 10ofmycowofh_ Helot. do you ha_ ¢ thaL THECOURT 20 BY MP. 21 Q lhavegotlL H|GGINS So ts tt coercer 22 rcfcrred 23 ctrcm[ 24 _ 25 scbema_c Thankyou. to you on includes thai the Sentence p_¢ I 0 of you* stalemc_, the fihct, the Io81c crnatt _ o_ page 0_t the amph refers I0 of Mr Markman the flc_. the coraparator to the figtu_ Raft's 1 jtt_t had - the $_t7 Hearing 10/26/05 Page 238 you repeat which became you 14 Rapct's schcmat¢ Rape¢$ refcr rcpocL toonpag¢ _.sked hem what on represented ts dctectco"_ You the respottsc MR HIGGINS ThaCscorrect. THE COURT - I Lmderstood p&'t ts the r_pon_ THE WITNESS 19 THE COURT so reword 21 but I need 22 BY MR. 23 Q 24 thor© that you just 25 schcmat_ hav¢ lost me this representation 16 20 10of schcmauc Is that sclcctJon I'mson_ }8 -- paf.c o f the m turn re fct_ to the c_rcmt m D_ ctrcult and - you to say thc c_cmL Tt_s Now yore- questtc_ pomor_ yoo I don't arc going somewherc understand else, ii. He may. to HIGGINS "rhatpomonofMr noccssa_ Raper's referred rq, ort, the_cbem_c to. zs that poruon for ;'us dcv_cc Markman JA 0840 ct_utoy I_ bottom trt your that, ple_e? that you THECOURT 13 17 pomon7 19 _ clrcud_' of Rapcr's to the semencc be fore mouon Ralx_s porhtm part ofM_ refers A 12 I rcft_ to h_ also t,cnsor '1 17 whtch 7 the m the and to what of Mr R©ft_'nr, stothalpamcular statement, 6 on "T'he bottom ts that $c]ccuon its value statement, to the nol the top portion I 0 o f you* statement, 7 osc_llo_og¢. 8 Q It re fcr_ speclfical}y 2 that &agram, of thai object'? I watcbed 6 the bare PIP. tha_7 sluggc_ holy did you moron 5 A 18 PIR sensor the _edloscope, changed Page236 00238 9 the S terminal, on Conect_ marked a the detector? A shown mcludcd thd you nottce what &d you observe _m outpul? scmmg bate of a persotl from of motion and Q2 ptoducc morton morton Aed 15 A Qt dtd the 16 is the outline does dcrnonstratlon detecting7 I watched 14 over and Q2 ts seraed, What 13 Q m thai flgm©? RalXt's that the demoPatratton obs¢tvatlon, It dctecl EXAMINATION HIGGINS Paulus, It thd. Any rethrect7 REDIRECT 12 further Mr notice PIR semot? 8 Q corre¢l. I ha_¢no dtd you 7 A but I havc of the components, you obsc_'ed y_tcrday, that cortect_ I ha_¢ When 2 to have of the sensed Ilearing mouon 10/26/05 of Page 239 0O241 00240 I a Ix'r_onm I Q _17 So ff the court 2 thai the -- thai certmn 3 terms 4 c_rcmt 5 VdslCh ctrCUll 6 to using some other claim chart dsaf$ m the rccord'_ 6 elemtm I'_ 7 A on the pal_cular ¢lcrnmk_ 7 A I think I1_ various mventlor_ 8 that I'm quahfie& m block 10 2 A No 3 Q No_, 4 pr_emed 5 _ ) ou h_l $cvcral In Icrn_ of t_l_h ckum 9 d_cnbed which m the block corlsl_tu;_ 13 l v, as able wthch ;o combine 15 I'm no[ sure 16 d_,c'nl_d make 17 Q ] kccp THE 19 clmm clear what BY MR. 22 Q m[o pon,or_ m_ en0on ]lend a smorg_bord constltul_ dsal the im entlc+l Verybnefly, COOK Paulus, YourHonor - F-X-'_,flNATI and 2B, shown 24 shownlnthepaiffl_t 25 A tinning back at tab 85, ON to composite thas ts the ordy of figures carcml 2A thagram I_II'1 thal_Ofr_cl9 Ye_ Markman Heanng 10/26/05 Page MR_ H|GGIN$ CarLson, a_ 3 package, _fyou 4 COURT w_ 6 Do wc Imow 7 MR 8 THE COURT 9 MR HIGG[NS Mr 65, bot ds¢_ Wont And _ ould look Io to dcctdc v, ould be used IO define a quesnon of law, and rm Sodol Dr in be the a claim nOl sttre Paulus Thalzsa (Laughter) 12 BYMR 13 Q There COOK 14 A This ts the only 15 Q Okay Thankyou is no other ctrcult orctat THECOURT structure m the palmll_ diagram m the patent Anythmgds¢7 Dr may step do'.', n Thank You Ig THE WITNE_qS 19 THE COURT 20 MR HIGGINS 21 THE COURT 22 MR COOK 23 THE COURT 24 THE WITNESS 25 THE COURT I m physiCS Sttw e 2 years Thank Paulus you you. you. Is he exeused_ Your May Honor, may he bo excused he bo excused Yes, _ _;' he may You may bc excused _ cry well Nexl wttm_,_9 Ilearmg 10/26105 Page241 4 ts - I Many mcluthng statement _ fo_ sure7 6 used on Broadway, 77, Your Honor 7 thtater 8 con_x_l tmd_ That pomon comes 9 lalcr m 10 AIInghL fWH'NESS 15 THE CLERK Raise WAS nght SWORN Stale yore ban& ) name 17 18 THE CLERK SI_mB 19 THE W]TNESS THE COURT 21 THEWI'I'NESS Ka_e beam re_am_ 23 lawsmt za _ 24 systems and I reccwed Good Good mormng, Your MyrtametsSte_enB m the field wlth the of hghtmg Carlson l have o;er 30 of hghtmg 1 con_'ol box 14 computer nciworkang among Adthuonally, Ethernet 17 ¢ommltl_ ts charged 1$ metropohtan area of over I also 3 and 24 standard 25 Enlertamment control S02 3 standards and of the Our for local and networks fasthon served papers, to hghtmg the chmrman arc to move the pro)ect while adhenng IO all the secrctaxy of IEEE ml_ Assoclanon seP, e as the cxecuuve I also and onnme m 1EEE setting m_ duties the shmr - penchng 40 tcchrucal group wtth Standards was group with s_eral relating study in a ttmcly 802 field compuler As chatrraan 23 hgbong nuerocomputct others 1 ara cunemty residential IEEE Syslcm based the fi_l to p¢oJ¢ct presentations 16 of the control rmhsled_anm_enlor and 21 and ex[ends I am the author forward the first of their Ilghlmg system thmrnet, expcrtence semma_ 22 shove-named ¢on_,ol 13 20 were the first rmeroprocessor m the ¢lectr0ntes 19 Honor _ng. m connection expert their Caflgon Be f.raI_L 20 in 1974 and devclo_l products corgoratcmanagemcm, 15 foz the recocd, please. THEWITNESS wa/I My I 1 patents LerssweazDr your College d_lgn first computerized hghlmg 12 14 of these type 77,B CLERK In the 5 C.ar_oix THE Whitman 3 cotxt_01 systerpa take but a second has slaleng'nt from expert¢_;¢c m the past not bccn HIGGINS THECOURT 13 25 th_ of law accurale thafs t_b h_ calls C_dson'ssmemenL I! 22 stnlcturc, Markman to set up the lechnology Honor Okay 5 what plaintiff to nccd w_ll, Your THE told Tl_ we're going 2 16 of law be defined 00243 1 12 a matler should would 240 OO242 10 thars _ elements that the court elements 17 are fimshcd n_'_oss'_ clrcmt THECOURT question 16 COOK Dr strUclUre I I of claim Any RECROSS 21 umquc lha_e_fil_t_qu_uo_ COURT MR 20 as opposed cha_ appro._h clemc'nLs inchvldu_ V_'ywell 18 fy the up that pal_cular _[ of the sub by _ch md_wdually to idenn If [ go [oa masl_ 14 th _-ams to deode claim of a particular 9 at Ihc clmms By looking clmr_ you pa_cnL I I dmagrazllforra, 12 those thal Whythdyouch_)sclo of these I wanted to slay foc_ed I0 _gr_ms as pai'l ofyouxslalement i's_c cl_w_ 8 23 block were of 802 as the 3af, the Power_over-Ethemct co-chart of the dss_ my tmdcrgrathm_¢ Markman bachelor Hearing of arts degr t_ 10/26/05 Servtces and Technology Markman Page242 JA 0841 As*,octat_on tteanng control 10/26/05 Page 243 OO244 00245 I p_LJttCblS workmg 2 E-S-T-A. 3 gToup and was the cha_ advanced I ctzrrcndy 4 Incorporated, 5 locking contxot _¢n the HSD network I_eSldcm HSD on embedded of the ESTA. 2 of }hgh Speed Ls a hlgh-tcch networking Deign, cons-lung 7 In edthbon. $ Dusmess 9 hghtmg 10 lndusws' II _d Pathway 13 others provides controX rob|ode No_¢l Connecuvlty. I chd nol parUclpate of U S 16 Freebee. 17 c_dcr 18 parU clpatJ on m thzs ca._e the p]amuff Purpose Swand _de m the _son to or have of my testimony cmnl 21 z$ Io amy© wd] cotxh¢! 22 of the '066 patent 23 | have re'viewed 24 the electrical c)n:mby 25 ha_e | understand a Markman at a prup_ asked otber than hearing, tatc'rpfetat2on the *066 patcr¢ dzscfosed to give and I tmderstaod m the '066 tutorial 2 clcctromc 4 clrcmt de:_zgn program bfock Io p m. if yes. cl_gram 12 th_fo'lprml. 13 hbl¢ 14 two the open coataCl as well by Wdl _: a P.apcr to g_v¢ my uplnlon claams of '066 as p_atcnt skJn in the art relevant result of control Ioglc all contrbl the desned ts a solution and ¢onlro) logic to r_;ult Mosl many of c_e¢1_cl_y used ball&ngs a.,_ount 17 occup:ccL 18 peuple _9 that sc_lsor 20 _n_ 2_ arc tumed off.. e_d 22 e]_Ul¢lty and Its op¢_atln 8 COSl ts l¢_s Bmlthn&s to ]lg;lt rooms us4: occupancy through a control _o that when a_ to detCCl when couple the thm_) the bolI&ng the deszred wlnng ume, say the _cs control the output of IO the the room is no_ c<cup_ed, be achlc_ ed by s)mp)y of the ate not en'cm! reupor_slve comequently In its slmplc_t thai alblr a certain which sensors are In o_ are not m a room. 25 by fi._t are conscious |6 would begin ot_en thai desired to a p_oblcm AS an example, 24 clrccuts problems lights lcss result lights to a c]c<k so 6 OO p m, the hghts Markman 9 2, the basts 2 The control are Hearing 5 to mthcate the de'_ce wo_d ftmeuon, hghl whc_ I I appa_endy wehaveasWltchth_-c's that would go botwcen oudme of the lamp a points one |2 10/26/05 Page 245 &_'t shoed to find )t nec_ary Io woA m _ 16 tbo control but ofllce at mghL b_lthn8 So smzply pc'opl¢ tumzng 22 of comacu; 23 wOUld send The _a_g thzs. an occupency to detect whc_ a response I_hL_ v.c4dd upon became the signal door _ _s Swua_ to lurn the bo turned which Ileanng of 10/26/05 ts the desired n:se]t, hghts could address th_s problem the us_ Page 246 24 second 25 offhsh_ when the eccupant the manual deoi" swm_ beca_e mlgfo a person be to add a bc turaed t',rsI door swing, of pcrson catcrmg mthcat_ the leaves a'.d forgets o'_c_]de to the conta¢l so that thc hghts would Markman JA 0842 can block oat ts belp ful bol does no( _ ncx! level o f r.uph_sl)catzon 23 lurn on the hghts ts _s m_ m&cauon of sophtsucauon 22 off only sncr cvcry other door swing, c_ or off the dooc conthUon, the contact. IS the sarac clrctnl and keep tbe hghts o_- of what huppt_ Tt_ 21 cou_tcr be a set upen hghts on wben open doo_ Markman could because the detected ovcn3de switch 19 to turn the hgh_ offor the 20 ser.so_ this and I ¢a','mg Thts app_l_ch 18 problem off. aP.m 6 CO p m Is not accclXable. To addxe_ Is known However, has ju_¢ cr, t crcd th© making or breaking to coRs)stendy achieve A manual 17 Um_ foglc or on off 15 so that when tbe roo_n Is occuplcd, be there many son of control bang control, Is switch 13 om when thc roora ts nol occup_cd. and seem is - and funchon. twn on tbe I_ht Thus, an eY.xcascd leveling nec4:ssa_ device - control Iogtc canno_ ten if someone I 0 for both cntcnng of the sw,tch then Ttus su'a_gfo forward 9 doo_" movcmcnl, 6 sw_tch contacl lfy_, 8 room or has left the room be - m the afl_ the door switch 6 m thc trade _ bang conczpl ts the mac upcn? of thts stmplc logic 3 we s¢¢ a swttch, to do a w ell-known ldo_'t_'_owlfthat'sUuconoth_copres, hgfos firsl 14 14 19 25 determining 7 conUol control NO_Tnally, 20 24 fonc*Jon', tm'n off.the However, 21 m Oread that I use on a dally Iogu: of such AL_o, the I.d¢ 18 are cbawn term. Ls used bblow, In my copy. thee asked m the ol'or thnary 244 desm:d The ccetm:4 9 |7 13 4 the d_r ¢_tgmcc_ng 7 of coctlJol rcs_ 16 print Page work The term "conwol 15 10/26105 been found of I occup_cy foUowm 8 thagrams deign 6 elecuomc I! Hearing the the logic clr¢_Ul block OO247 3 8 Tbe natme In my experience, 23 | dunng to a [k*lson 12 ou_ The 5 patenL mforma_on Markn_n 00246 I rimed of wh)ch m control of the '066 pater terms II that the and the ncIt-rant "066 palcot. 15 Claim term._ _.sked to teach to be demonstrated er, I have the my the ptroos¢ of the Moreo_ mean to been of the clauns 9 among to the '066 patenl as exlncssed constn_ctcd l0 the '066 palenL any affihauon dc-,zc¢ to what ccrtmn or 5.598,086, tha_ams 6 8 IJghtm8, Group, I have clxcults 5 7 hghtlng Ccand or the de fendanls 20 been Networks. Patent No I am nc4 related and and cntctl_nncnt and the prc_ccutitm design m the arehltccltcal managencnl 15 19 product for comp_.nles energy Chc_ts 12 14 HSD ¢o_ung Further. 4 conuol 6 upphcatlor_s :elating [c:chno]ogy 3 f'rrm for mdusu_J I_anag I M_ task group the xooln, lel_l the room, so turn tlearing 10/26/05 Page 247 0024S 00249 1 The cont_'ol object for th_s control _ ould be 2 expccsscd as agmn, we haze 3 thnctlorL Turn hghts the door g'v*qtch on, on first door _k l Control Rwa lights 3 5 comllc¢ _ 5 nflhc v4hJch is actuahng hghl swltch Noic that the dcslr_d results, hghts ss the same occupancy as m d¢ scns_ off, _ hen second m the form of 9 ThLS new Icx el of sophlsbcatlon 1} weJJ For cxaJ'_plc, lfa sccc_d 12 the firsl ]_ LSs[lll has problcnLs as Fc_Jon e_lcrs I_ the _m, _ fiJle ,._dl R_n o/T 15 be a false dcccl the desired conool rcsull ts sllll 17 v, hen rOOm uncccuplccL 18 do¢_ nOl consls Icntly 19 the poss_thly 20 21 employ o f an ¢x¢ the sco0nd aclu_, level o f sophssllcatton c the conb'ol rcsull 22 ofllmcaRcr would because LP¢ first door swlng the urn_ would 13 scasor mollon detected could sophtsoca_ed scrtsor example znd the not be achieved turn the lights go off cc_1_ol eJ_cu_l would _r_sldc [he room be %vhcn the mol_on iI could clo6¢ the clrcwI 15 As long 16 hghts could stay on to tun_ on for a period 24 many ttrnc_ the door swtmg ho_ Markman Hearing 10/16/05 the room of the _ as su]l occupied The control logic be v, c now have a too{ion o f thts approach dcteclor Control ftm¢tlon, ]fye_ 22 ]ogle is the same as for the Note thai the control first occupancy lurnonthehghls'_llch scrtsor dcvuee, el¢_:tnca] c Io th_ swing 25 on and off the hghls contacts of the door to send The a slgna} only d_ffcrencc Markman Page248 OO25O the 21 wasthcncarrlolloncvcnl 23 _ ould bc agmn SCRScd mohon, door s_ mg and a/so the Problem Tnmc expired 24 respor_sl_ conbol logic 0f this approach d_lcctor Th_ssol_cstheproblcmoffalsc the second 20 wo_d urnc no rnan_ _ the moron 18 lights going out while Ti_Jswouldiurnonthc and kccp them on for the spocnficd to turn Is that the Ilearlag 10/26/05 Page 249 Page 251 OO25 I I sc/lso¢ ts rick'tung 2 s¢="/:gYg would 3 _ I',c_ occupanl Tba con_ol 5 of acLacvmg too[ion other than the door s'v, rag. be placed so [hat its field of dclcctlon the room 4 ts ILkcly the contTol event 7 the&florence Tba I Io be 3 IS cnbanccd Again, 10 fo_ the mooon 6 ans_v¢:r Was scnso,_ I f yes, d_n turn on the light 0g_¢ a i_lon evc_l Thtls, a pcrson and an I 0 Thcr_ the mooon st"nso¢ may not be able to t3 dmcnrmnale 14 the olx_ng 15 batwclm mot'.c_ _ only being ts a draw-back swolcbad on and oPf to th_s approach because the moOon o f a pea_on and the r_ot_on o f ! 6 su_czen_y foug ame lY_ tbc _tr_ _nouonl¢_ w_ll exp_c, 17 thc_c ts a barner m the _xxxn _ hlch blocks 18 the !0¢_'Jo_ m motion 19 detect mouoek roomts 21 LS ano_ form Thteg, fo_" a t_m¢ Cerlod. the room so tha_ t,"lc mo[lo_ 15 detcclors foe _. 16 of pcdm_ the cn_gy of thmks the Tl_hghtswouldb_ttancdoff,_h_ch 0 f fulsc docct deice( rdc41on t.t'r,sors to uncrcas¢ by placcnamt of the field of _ zcw of the s_ors [n Ch_ssltuaaon, d_c cons'oHog_c Markman w_l Heanng 10/26/05 Page 250 m the room. l_cls the occupancy of soph_,caZton sensc_ ca_ For example, can ba a prc_sm_ ,...ave scnsc¢ 1o detect op, e_ 20 first turn on the lights The opcamg of drc doc¢ _-dl dark Thts wall tufa on the hghts when the door ercatc bc fore a woosh Is of _r ¢o the person has cntcrcdtheroom 23 m¢lud_ a motlon detector alined to de,eel motion In an area 24 away from In th*s szmaaon, be btu_ the raot_on sensor 2Z the scr_or could the door wh¢:r¢ a person _shkely Thus, the ullzasomc also to bc v. a_ e scr_sor of th_s dc_ _c¢ Markman JA 0843 will remgm and the moron 19 _5 bc -_ e now IS fully Ig 21 can b< addressed after hc have s¢_--n thera Adtha_",al 17 into ser_o¢ dces no[ gr,d m f2_¢ abs<mcc of detection unoccupied Ttas fdsc multiple 13 14 u_bl a pason a person will r_ occupier 12 or she has cntcrc'dthe rcom dora So_nct_ncs on gny know the ddTcrcacc The hghts l I sensor can only so'me moOon of the room 12 24 rco_on funct}on This contYol logic wdl materially reduce false 9 olqcct 22 Conlrul 8 d_n't ofboth Into ottr control 7 dclcc_s,but nolo once again thal the controlled componem $or,sot con{Tol Ix not a complete sea-Jsm d¢lccts rnotmn fccthng 5 switch. bCCatLSCtba the hght5 don'_k_ow Ls employed. Tba moOon mollOl_ dc[ecloP.i 4 of the mooon "l_cy_ebemgixtmedoaandoffnonkallcr 8 _ hal scr_m have thine 2 funclmn 3S rcsuh ts the same, bul the cortststcncy 6 scr_c_gsmor©soph_socatcd I1 proolcm For v. as In the room A slfl} m_'c 17 d_tccts, of b¢ t o the llghls 23 hghLs 9 t_uh on for five minutes unoccupied, 12 to use _ mo0on 19 [ex el o f sophtsacauoa a t_racr "_ h_ch _ ould keep The Although h",¢ sara¢, hghLs off of a false dctccbon A fur_cr 25 the false dctecl 14 onthehghls This would 16 while someone }) clt cult and the hghts lights on after one rmnu_¢, tba control tcstth, room E_ cn worse lO the room the con[rol 13 "Aill ouly rccc_d the second door swing, 14 offwhcn Titre expires 8 perccal of [he lime/g'nod 9 COnI3CL I0 ]eft the room 7 hghts of clccmcal address [lmcr [he desired control Itmcr kcpl the hghts 6 person level ConLTol function leave on ttntd this would 4 II may nol achieve 8 sophLsacalloa 25 Whflc Andwchavethedootsv_mg 7 room unoccupied, 23 [he door s'._ itch door swing, 4 offonscconddcorcounl 6 20 we ba_e 2 on fi_t Heanng 10/26/05 00252 oo253 I wOuld ¢um o_ tbe hgl_[s wben the v,oosh from 2 sc_scd as 01c door w_ opened 3 as the mort on da[cct_ _¢'1_¢d motion d_c do_ and kccp Lbe h_ts ofa was I d_eclJon pc_on 3 in the 4 room. "Ihe control logic o f this d_/1¢¢ 6 ha_etwomotlondatccto_ Control funcuOrL I0 ofthcmouonscnsors lfycs, Note again th= the c¢_tlol ! 20n_'J the Icv©l of soph'_t_cat_o_ ¢onUol 14 device clrcmw] m avoid rn_© L_Cr fncndl-j, 7 Whc-n [h© um_ a molzon 8 ¢vcmt on any thc_mmontbehghL II 13 with as a_ doe¢ v, ocsh Was d_e ¢vcnl LSthe same f_s= dct_cs Note And we =nd make the on befor© ¢mmng also b'_t the ac_on of hghts rcsponswc as conm01]cd by tbe conb-ol ctrcmt, anangement II fllumma[xop. 18 wh_l¢ m_n occupied, hghts 16 off wben nol occupied, on remains Thc Tbe forcSomg diso.t_=on Is rcl_vanl to 22 w_th [he a_o_ ¢ dl$oJ_lo_ 23 _.s a dast 8_1¢r of cl¢_:l_onlc con{To] cltcUll.% ] nol= {hal 23 des_cc 24 the c_=_ol 24 pby's_cs 25 [nkccpmg with my cxpcncmce, 22 for Cl_Jm 6 Is as _onows W© now ha_ c a block d_zram Lt_t shows a mo0on Markman Hearing 10/26/05 Atternal_vc]y, Page of being I beheve tcf_cnct to the da_c_ years mdusmal hghlmg a person dagrcc, who holds or science, m another of praCltcal such products with disc_phne mdm_al a bachelors as myself with a along w=th ab_zl cxpcnenc¢ m Markmau Ilghtm 8 pt_lL_tS 1 which as an cxamplc, 3 _ 3 compm_ dcgr_ 4 and aho_ 5 ¢l_mc=l =rid_vo years of pra_caJ fivey¢=s hghUn_ produc_ _ p¢_'_ons_e u=chn_calcduc_c_ m Ix_Idmg 4 wh=ch con',am bas:c con_'ol 5 of mdusmal 6 ca'creeswo_dd also ix_scss _ _penmc¢ f, dly c_ 7 of _mdctsu_ndmg Ilearmg two 10/26/05 Page 253 10 sotmd, I ! conwo[l¢_ daslgn II 13 electrical cogm¢_nng and ooc to two yc=m_ mdus_naJ 14 experience. Wbea I tim r¢=d Cho _66 p,_nS, _ _ w"=s hght, Mat 13 ptant might be rnomtored 14 Is a device U'_ produce_ 15 p_poruon_ I$ vohose 19 telr, per_m_ I rc_d tbe spcofi_mon _le/pmv_hng 21 and_tonp_t_nL_ 22 23 co_ultmg last In my profcss=onal scrv=ce_,! £r=lu_tly r¢_d thc a_trac_, th,m d_ cl_rns _:I finally0_ 22 au_nahc spec=f_t _a 23 cond_uon. The sp_:lficaaoa Is_anply an _,=nple of the mven_on_ Markn_n 24 of one U_mg the '066 p._mt Hearing 10/26/05 25 Page Page 255 JA 0844 so fo_-th G_ A tbermoco_le _s row,,hly voltage cr_ctut _hot offlf Mtlhons to a sc'am u v¢ volt m urals of tcmpemttec by tbe thcrmocoeptc c_ ThIs would crtcmL in macber_cal by a Lhcrmocee_e a volt_¢ mlghl d_e tempc_ture be _n ex_np]c of_tmll_r Tbe is analogous also _o provlda _ to thc be connected alarm reacbes to o_ an a defined of an analo 8 control ctrcu=ts _rc tJ_ed every Markman 254 and and phenomenon, werc analog may be connected The thcrmocc_te a vodagc 2.S posslbl= emlxx_m¢:m vohag_ physical velocity, _-vlce_ thc &al cah_ated produced 21 lhavefo_mdtl_tntsbes[Eo and to i_s [empefatmc. That voltage 20 r¢=d '_th o f voltage_ For exampl_,tbetempera_m¢ofava_ 18 nw_0c_ 20 between operate of tbe_ to some heat. acc©lera_on, early c]ccUomc natme. n.,¢ter with ndatcd. c_rcmts I mere-, valucs analogous 12 17 wee clrc_t_ _mcl freqwncy Is gc_al_y 17 I then r,_l th= claims wluch s_ forth th¢ sp¢ofic and how _¢y a micro the d_ffercncc Analog c_]cd to the clam_ ul_l_zmg control to cxplam CL_Cmtry _omcume_ 16 clam asked a dastgn be done than analog been and d_jtal 16 sufllc1¢ntfor mc to _mda_sh_nd u"_ n,_'_¢ o f the mv_',t,_ ro_ _ch i[ would Tbe magnlt_da I0 m [he u_¢ of PI_ dat¢_tors,co_wo[ c_cmLs and m_c'_ m wcr¢ to implement c m3_"n_ cu_ents These md_ndv.als had bachelors _ rather analo8 8 Inmy ! have W'_med .l_mor d_'_ga _ngm_'s Ifl today, I have 9 9 c_asol0ng busu_s, pat_ 6 continuous, _kdl m the arts 8 =mdm_pl_tmgtbe_hnologyoftbe'oo6pamnL 24 capable m the arl with and building 252 2 ofth© 19 no[ operabonal clccoom_ with two m englnecnng 2 conta=n basso control c_cm LS,or a person with a hlgh 15 id_ of OO255 etoctncal I das_gnm 8 and hoddmg 12 6 do_ the mw'ntlon a I_'_s o n who holds a bachelors m d_l_mg 2.$ to fotw yt:_; C_._4 7 to th© 21 b_s_c conb'ol C_'CmL_ m_prctahonofd_¢lam_.softhc'O66patcnL logic the claim.s, is nol c*v_r ly lecknlcal cr_lneenng 20 cxptncncc from logic of Claim s_mplc skdl _ a_© sccn c_m crmt a first level a clev_ *066 patent of or&na.,y m cl¢cmca} 21 and consul! _crtb_ I 8 *066 parers[ would 19 20 which IO make om by relaavcly 17 a p_son motion events eo the low [cvd quoted tn lamp cotmtmg The 'C_6 pa{fnt turn to the lamp and responsive Nouce that th© control 14 to h_ts rct_n Ihe wo_ds sen_or quic_y lf)c_, Ih¢ ]amp al th_ high loyal If no morc l0 15 c_n©d 17 the sc_ors havc _'nl'_ Keep _xpncs, clrcuzl coupled 13 rcqmre pulse 15 room, has ch,_gcd. 16 I f yes. lure o_ tbe _amp to a level 9 control 12 of the scnsers used co*_pled hshLs twncd ouLs)de Is thcT= a mollon 6 unu} 01¢ UmCr cXpul_ am(] the Second one =$ shown 8 ultz_socuc d_ccto¢ to detect _ revel 5 d1¢ lamp to a hl_ Tbel_rstoncisshownasaPIR 7 to deject a human body. 9 v, ou]d be "_ ¢ now function IS =1 _k 4 low 5 scaso_ and a hght sensor, a sensor arrangcmenl, 2 ate Con_o] on = long Hearing day m 10/26/05 O0257 00256 I au_omobflc_, omc¢ bmtthngs, t'aetoncs, I and so forth, to 2 do slmpl© coat.Is d Digatal cli'cm t_y does nol use conbntzotzs wltag_ 4 or curr_t_tolt-pr_rmtphy_zcalquan011_ 5 _ oltage and ¢unem Rather, lecels arc defined lv.o corr_pondang The exact valu_ 8 not Imlx_t 9 years l0 I1 A popula_ 12 hemg _ oltag¢ logic One 14 tolerance 15 zero 16 logic of digital m the sl_aal operated 19 OldCrahonal If the garage hghts 23 wtshcs b_! only The logse._d and. Open button with off con_dcr fire problem and the garage Tins could G_-age hght Markman _aystosolve_oblene_ 2 superior 3 combination 4 $ v, hether texan 6 mterp_t_l 7 terms 8 skdled 10 terms Control el_ctromc art% palents _e mea_ connot_ 15 The 16 ulecmcal 17 results 18 md_tt_ parrot varlo_ complex 15 nmmng 16 prects¢ly term ml_eormectl_n the word that, 22 connotation "control and a m_ny does thai occurs tl_ _, ay that control ctremt to _ehlr, of ¢ the d_red da ffenmt sla_ci_r es _ however, redutr¢ the com_e_nl$ The from to me wheal of the sm_ctural plesented have thai control tha s_rl¢ Marlunan clrcmt and 10/26/05 JA 0845 calculatmns to ping/am the can ad_enlm-e the pesltlon of bdhol_ dlU_lOn of of a wodd case the electromc the thlTerent functlorts Analog and thg_tul haedwaxe Switching mear_ ark the electromcs arc As term of the thfferent software axe two programs d_fferent Hearing a person "s_llchmg Page 10/'26/05 skdlcd m the mealts" most 257 certainly to rl_ many hfe, types of electrical I am frequently to control sw_tch_ called AC power upon usttally lnmy to dcstgn for hghtmg appll _hol_ Many 9 mod_ po_¢f 10 and may of tbese 12 M-o-s-f 13 other de_ ices use con_/_Org he b_polar transistors, field e t-s, These _ 15 are all Switches 16 the 17 ebrmenl elTecl insulated sennconductor _hat are tailed The s_ ii_h_ transistors. gate dcctromc oxide Mosfets blpola_ tra_asto_, IGBT, or of d_tces hut they s_ flch types ', cxy th fferc_dt types and dealgncl_ t_wn3 "Switch" S-._ ztch l-efff 1o _ po',_ or, rnetalhc to W_lCall_ of power elo:tron_._ s_tur_ will u_e i e that a s'mtch ks prc_e'nt Again, 19 or change 20 opinion 21 meaning the adthtlon of means the connotation to mean that switches Seasor 23 electronics, 24 me SeP.sor meza_ means the term AS a pergon "s erdor ts a de:tee that do_ n_ I am and switch produces subffa_t the1"efor¢ have skdled me_" Markman Page258 calculate program reahsl/e to create performs 25 m_m,ng Hearing second 24 22 _ tth the term can a dlfferolt folxn ofa Rwnmg 18 p_'ible addition running ts the same 14 of a nlmab_ lo pr oc¢_,smg can perform calculating each I 1 sermconductor ¢lectrom_ the t_ks on a compote_ computer 8 m the _ odd, L_of logic control a word 23 There the thgdal modern insu_lctlon_ and in the a computer moxmg comes lex[ on the screen computer elements 6 p¢oduets per$oo_ slolled the term not detra_l op _'uon m_an$ glth 5 professional ¢ffcml" clrcml same ones possible up of _-asl arnotm computer the _nlenalnment In each 4 over [he idt'nllfied components of¢l_lncal I am of the The 2 ei_lxonlcs buteontrulcrrvantmeartsalso czreulls, "rneam" same forma5 t_o of the Markrr_n to rn¢ and/o_ o_ly on the on on-of, to program v. hde the door based hegmnmg program data 256 or as stru_alral as Io how r_ fer_ to mtereo_necUol_ to me that 21 with wnuen, stmclure de_ce_ Not sheet financial light and sausfied- arc only computal]onal A spread 14 25 are to he t_rms AS a ptrson ! am farmh_" All conuol conrad _ a dispute art mt_'_et mear_ g_rally 20 25 there mg ts my opinion ctrcmt 14 24 that plus funcu_ m [he ©lectrom_ 13 23 12 7 I! 19 arc are made garage not been the ,._orkhorse thal can respond and on ss false There th_s humble Computers 00259 I devaces From false ] I clrctutry h_lng Page and 3 coraloles stricture of the '_ mear_ computcl 22 two icn_ _ eloctr_u_s m formed The follow 9 12 of the I ha_ © been Many dlgllal 21 [i'snotaqu_tmnofonehemg to the other 9 logic O0258 I thai s become be stated 10/26/05 decisions de_ ice a common Heanng makes quammes plcl_lre on and garage logic 8 game equaue, n m _ts and has t_ues per forra tn_e, doo[ logical 7 19 buttc_ garage The and 20 Is on. garage Digital 2¢f_s on ,s one, then 6 on to b¢ button false clued provide would b¢ v.-ntlen _a a loglc_d door on equals stays 18 are switched illt_trat_ 4 17 to have _at decmcally ..van_ the door control The on is zero 13 the one and Tunlonthegarag¢only,fthagaragcdoor is poshad v, ay levds I f garage 3 10 logic L_the wtde Th_ real v* mid example 24 25 A homeowner garage do_ th_ly logic of dag_ta110glc, problem 22 _ed g/I 0 of a _oh Ic-. ¢ls thai rel_ent 18 ftmeuon z_o for over 30 z_ro and on bezng logic on_ advantage 17 21 m _ than i_ o volt_ _ oft l_ ¢ls define As an example 20 famdy at hatween and a vohag¢ grCaler TI_se 13 of the _ ohages e¢ CUITc_atSare defines a voltage as of, on 5 Io on 6 and off 7 hght 2 from of the the same m the arts of connc_es slr_ture to an elec_cal Hearing 10/26/05 Page259 OO26O OO261 I slgnalmzcsponscto$omephystcalstlmubrs 2 rn_y I provnkng Thcreare typ_ ofseasors, hght, beat. tcmpcrarac, pttsswc, 2 a vcty 3 rota[t on.,po_ztton,voltage, cttrr _'iLmagnetic field,too 3 4 m_ty to enumerate 4 5 Each o f the sta'_orsconnote struclur¢ Aixl _ ts 5 not net cssa_ 6 usually the case m clccuontcs, there ate many 7 8 conthtJoR 8 components Agaxn, the _tton ]0 or cha_e l] OpmlOn 12 of mcam tbe connotat ion to me. l am thatscnsc* _ ,_or not _ubu_t thctcf_ from p_cnt, th© scmors 12 _d 13 behavior, art Suggested would be a motlon sensor and a hght level 14 s_ The sptofic tyix of each srmor ts dctcn'nmcd by 17 of opcr_on, 18 power engineer the cost.the area 16 function and so fro*h,o f tbe _oth_Cl to be produced. 17 of the amount M ear_ ofhght re_otx_lvc connote 20 20 pr¢_cnt that responds, 21 cncmt's oparat mg conch Uon 24 the scr_mg ¢[cmcms 25 umktstood tlm may be somewhat they,axe 24 Imm¢ Of COI]ISlOn 25 C_MACD Markman llearlng as 10/26/O5 Page t_peads ths_3vermg 3 career 4 to, data col]_lo_ the e_t_ncc tbe ad_on of _ meamn An example ctro_lry t$ Im_em II properly 12 _m'nm_on 13 moUon AS a person 18 ca_ 19 conuol o f the mouon and tbe Inner cmcmtry to ehangesln the utthz_ computer A¢ c¢_s Career thts says Scr_c. czrcmt_/ the Ethernet Hearing has passed, slolk:d s_n_ctme m the 10/26/05 Page 261 to me 21 cur_em _ot_ly no fttrth_ 12 skdhx[ 13 r_tv¢ to ]3¢ 14 m an electrical TO actuate 23 the swztch 24 into the base ofa 25 voltage a switch connote* opexat e. e g the clrcmtry to the gate uanststo¢, ofa a smmtm'c to supply the encmt_y Mos fee. or IGBT, 18 timid. Markman mpul 24 represents Hearing a hght 10/26/05 25 Page 262 wbun wtthm Tbe analog vollage As a person "meara structure type Th_ the mpul the ompm wbrch may be some the scasor of the sensor to thgt tal _verlor my m be clrcmwy chtp to thSItal, corn crier mc_un_ and translatc_ an exceeds a mtcroo3mputcf ADC, to me that wdl produce flora zl into a _usilal value the that that voltage A srmplc example would Markman JA 0846 at vm_otm leveL_ of means the _ ct_cmt, to the analog 23 a to satd seraor _arator Altcrn_ttve_y. contained vanom of sofne r_pond _t to produce to provide confute* othput 22 9, ]0 and I I on the swllcb rneal_" 17 21 m Claxrra ctrcmtry _ erbs ap_bed from to be acre.meed" t$ elect_omc of mtalog 20 meam to _atd stmsor _ for making to supply responsive wdlrespondtotbeout_ofthes_or cncmL to tm_ m the arts of electromcs, There | 9 not subU_cl froth tbe lamp 16 ty]x_ t_ the swtteh cycle 15 the path of "swlt chmg _ _vld_d to be mea_.s or break in the lmc hail Mtara there _ffe _v2ny to make 9 or the stmple lamthereforeofthe of tht$ is found ctrcmuy ithzrmnalJon due to the acttve stated, that may be a_ed An example points to me link by han_ of rneat_ to control B Wbele II art.* o f elecu'celc$. sttcth _w_tcbrng that the teems 10 and tl ts still dark ou_ede. mear_ tbe add.ton u_eate coupled to the swztch th¢ cormotatton of to the Io.,v level $*.,_h swltchu_ fo* cau_n8 As has been of _ttches 22 6 Where and actttated. 20 Again, 6 _m_ply have an op_ca_Iy of the contact 4 o* change 5 optmon of the lamp detected cormotes from and "rcspomwe" to the outline ser<sor for cm_mg term "_ nol _boa_l I _n thtrcforc of the the tram interval h._; bct'n 17 tmmatcd" c]osm8 7 to re_d once Mear_ the 2 8. reim"n the level 15 actuated 16 to me e; fotmd m Clatm IO SCrL_Or. the dayhght 14 of a 3 do_ that the tcrrns "dctcctzon" thcuo*dmavd 8 I be.am to acttvath of the pr_cncc mgnal Aga_ 6 opmton 9 to Th¢_e LS tome sln¢llffc Markman by serums. c_ dete_ung, 5 or change the cotmomtton 7 skzlled responsive Ed',cm ct has the formal Media Enghsh, as a its suzthce 00263 I dcleClS, 2 Detects In simple to AS a person widely m the world 260 0O262 box changes "mear_ to me the .r._t on t on. i c rcactsto 8 standard nctworkm md_y must blank It IS Cl_gb the t_ _t_:lttre Fc_" example, 23 _otcnc. by dtstgn cngm ¢._ m the hshtm$ 22 of and consmmtton thctr faJhng to delect detccltOta" motion detectors Whdc thcro simply of the devtc¢ 19 23 actual pb) sl_ oftbe scnsm 8 clcmcm uses photocell 19 patcm, the PIR type scmof and the photocell suggesl 22 _'_hcatton m _chlttctu_ engram rand that the rc_t$_ of ¢lt_xoni_, The PIR scttsm has a long i'nstoryof succcr_ ful for Orl are the ptm I_1C¢ a_ tt were m the _ tbe'msclXc* tn order 1o of an IGBT, characlmsucs, Ig 21 phystcs who Tbe same ts U_e f_ und_ For products of the type dcscn'bcd m the '066 but 11 IS phystcs Orris COI_I_¢U tbezt terminal 15 t6 the rcqturcmcnts, t t. the _*fommme, of persons types of clcct_omc device and the m¢ll_d The 14 ]5 the P]R devtce, the devine of the semlo_mductor p:oc_s 10 I ] that to understand The actual 9 _x_pJ¢_ of the the motion that the P1R _s sensing the change thai falls on This IStntc of many mcar_ have the same meamng In the comext o fthc '0_ 13 do_ to detect use them 7 types of sensors thatmay be used to detect a parOcular 9 way They understand m thcrma.t energy 6 thffctcnt useful or objects be an mpul voltase Hearing that may 10/26/05 Page 263 0O264 OO265 1 ra-qgef_omzc_otob.'_)_olLs 2 into 100 values, IftheADC&vtd_sth_srange co_csponthng 3 _J_ input volt_e I of hght to I CO p,_rc_'nl, Lbam Ic_ cl of fi_e vohs v, ou}d bc c_n_ crttd 4 _aluc orS0 5 Thts &g, tal nunub_ 6 dlglt._ to zo'o numb_ may be compared stored on L_ 2 to a 3 mcmo_, 5 opinion 6 light 7 Vt oF_aTn code v.qll I,_.ke some acbc,_ 8 'r_e p_grgn 9 A_n, code Ihc ad_uon l I |'m _-rc to Lhc scn_o_ of rncar, s does not _thtracl 8 f_om or ]0 fore of the oplmon dial Lt_ £crm "means hgh_ I I to fall upon of Ihe ¢lccl_on,cs rcqu_cd _o produc_ the d_sITed 14 response 15 An 16 '_ hc_ example con_zol c_¢ '._1_/d_lcrmm_ 17 prov,dcd IS of such a rcsp0_sc by the lamp snd dayhghz 19 I 0 [he 1c¢¢1 Of LIl_rnlnatlo_ m r_pons¢ to van op.s s_p.qo_ mohoc 20 saad a_ 21 dayhghL 22 the _ 23 tosa_d appar _s m_ns _sponswe for _ Io hghl the fa_s_c¢ 24 _yhght" C,rcm_y may scnso_ 16 presc_cc or absence Daylight 21 me.sine the amount 22 space _ _.n c_s Hearing Ibl go_/dayhght_ngt 2 _o_ g_n>up 3 d]umm_on, 4 arufic_ai lq_hL o_ n_ 5 ¢or_c_v¢ enccgy If fo_c _ 10/26/05 Page 2_ Bcrklcy und_stlnd wd] hghL dc_ }cesm clrcmt th¢llonaz, its T¢_ponse y by the stm hgh_ng ofextt_ BeTklcy oflhc Dayhgh( the archltcc_uxal In many hghhng con_'o_ syslc'n_ d]umsnauon DcF_rtmenl National The control including the desired tc'nn is so common S_tc$ I C]alIRS IP3y _ 2 not rcqm_cd dayhght reduce it off all togefo_ fo_ amo_l dayhght thai It is _cd of Energy National to m a by al the La_ tt'_c c Laboratory I|ear_ng ]0/26/05 Page 265 a pc_on the ¢.onccp_ sk_lcd 4 An elcc_'omc II m_l_ove !2 cn'_,_t. _nd the to th_ basic r_q_arcmcn_ 7 control fo_ 14 for ap_hcau _ m_ o¢_ foal have Th_ _ 16 cho,c¢ 17 m.ay be fo_M ! 8 foe way ]9 prepa_ c_'tmnly 21 mcxpc_ve 22 grc_ _p costing _ flcld. o f foousands speakers _¢nt_ 24 _k_-s 25 ou_d_pa_d_ck, IoM spcakcm may perform 15 of spcak_ of dollars m foc _l_ I7 for fo¢ fox.ample Markman by the expenst_ loud _k_z In_s_ncway, H¢_rmg sensors o f a c used _o r_luc¢ to nuno_ mot_oll m the output c'vcnts of a motion of false d_ccUons dctccto_ o_ reqmnng be fore motion foe conb-ol w_ll itc(uatc a change m its oulpUL pulse counting of the '066 Is s¢l forth In pa_em _ recited m Cl_am I ftLrthor note zccltcd as pa_ _ pu_c counting of foe con t_ol c[rcmt of Claim 12 Is and _s not _ part 18 0 f a.ny SCl_sor to faction Ls pulse _Lscd technique 12 In my experience 20 pulse 21 of the 22 may no_ be n¢cessa_ motion ] have noted thai i6 all of h_-_t_z p_owdr_ ts a wdcly du,,'auon or magnitude 14 the specification to p_cp_¢, And hghtmg of a Iong_ 13 or desired Loud of don_Ts of such a_ cnha_cmCl_l counlmg clrcmt's r_ponse 12 ¢lrctal_ dcs_cd rcqul¢cm'_nL w_nely t]_1 _rc of the Anod_crw_y_os_ythls_th_lpz_ccotmt_nl_m_y 19 they a_¢ both majo_ly The elcctromc_ _ that the not b¢ n_ded m the wut¢ a f_ to _-v ¢_1 roay a di ff_'-nt s_.-n m ff_¢ construct Y_, b_ Pu_e I 0 Io reduce the Incident to li arc done to _m-¢ n:s_h b¢ made for Clfoa_ccm_t$ the basac ftmctlonahly 9 be used to reduce the sensitively [n _y c_m alway_ tls per form,l.c¢ _ pc'tformar.c_ 15 dc.nce_ ¢nhan_cmcnls and ¢nhxno_ i3 exarriplc 6 _¢hlt_Cttxral m !ha an would of dayhght WTIII¢I1 to provide to prowd¢ 3 invention of m o_d_" Io 5 counting Fm_w.cmcn_s l0 23 fots ofda_ m iIs or thrc_y _r¢ a_cd include _odcs Markman $ 20 the dayhghL the output of day _ov[dcd common In fact, the United would and photo level 264 m foc_t ¢nc_gy _ufficlcnt the hghlm 8 _ztt_n Thc_ef_¢, 9 ts used az_ _c 24 of the sun, ._cnsor_ to _hleve the hght _t_t_y 23 of Tcsponse so Rs to allow by me_unng a dcs_cd 20 to i,gfo cx t_,ll the structure 0O267 I (http//wmdo_s 7 dayhght of OO266 6 15 and able'nee u_l)z_ Markman can determine sensors responsive that c_rcultry 19 _I_UCTt._C Lo rn_ _ present 14 )_bl t]_as_stors Io fo_ detectingthe presence and absence of Co0_tr_ photo external AsapeF.onskdledm{hcar_of¢]ccttOnlC_. "hght $¢nsn_g means of such photocells, defimt_on, c IO the prc_cnc_ the dcsLrcd to the apparatus 13 18 rcsporcsl_ indicates bc arranged I'_om of the iL Examples ]7 ou_p_s Lzsht s_smg 25 _s foe.rod m Claim means for dclcctmg _o produce would ofdayhght no{ st_b_acl I am th_cforc s_mply required cx_c_nal does sensing app.tratus of da) hght" The scr.so_ hght, )2 13 s_Jc_m'c to sa)d to contyo[Icd or absence to mc that the trrm "hgfo the clef!tonicS is coupled of means the cormotat)on exlcraa] 9 to me outpul the prc_¢nc¢ Lhc adthtTon 7 _'_d absence will be r_pon.slvc tO change the conno_o_ Again, c_ change and the ._ hose LOdetect 4 Io anoLher m)_oCompulC_'S sensors ¢lreulh'y on _'1 pat_nt 10/26/05 co!rating dcvlc¢ The wlfo palc'nts ,S an cnhar_cracm dcscn'bed f_¢t that pulsc in the '066 patc'nt counung _s recited 23 12 _.nd not m any other clarm expresses 24 epJ_,'_J_,ccm cn | 0 f pulse counbng 2_ chums _hcrc pulse coLin!mS JA 0847 in Cl_zm Intent to omll the as a rcqulrcd c foment of the ts not _ccetc_ Marlonan Page266 m clcct_c_nlc.% to _mpro_ ¢ the performance Hearing 10/26/05 Page 267 00268 00269 I Based on my reathn8 or the opcmn 8 and rcbutlal 2 M_rkman bnel's in this case, ] understand 3 de£_ndants m thzs case contend 4 mt¢rpreted 5 according I have had explained 6 intr_'¢tmg claims that the claims to 35 U S C 2 function should be 112, paragraph to me the _qmtcmenCs under 35 U $ C t prescntatton that the reciting, 3 the structures 4 paten1 drawmg o£ 5 rcclled 6 Thts AS a person of orthna_ skill 8 claims 8 whom 9 AS one of ordm_ 10 '066 p_tcnl pcrt,_ns, skill I do not behove I I claim lerms _e governed 12 temrs m part Lrs¢ the word 13 terms in conlexl ]4 in the an to which the thai the dzspuled communicate [he enurcty stnJclmc ]0 those of tho_e Io me. nol mere a means I have been 16 mterprel 17 must Identl_ 18 point to almct uz¢ In the epcclficalIon )9 or drawings 20 W_dc 21 be apphed 22 '066 patenl. 23 engineers 24 w_c informed _at plus ['traction ot 11 .?/6 clatm the function which _at perform I continue IS being th_ m£rared _c thspmcd signal is interposed analysis when 18 sa£Cly device clatm 21 terms a.s i£ 112./6 we have created a Pow_ Markman Hearing Point Page known example funclton could be break beam, where a is era br ¢,L_ be:u_ detector prevent The employment one of mere choice 23 and they garage door which the garage is the when broken door from or pet era P[R or break beam sensor to person or ordinary are mtcrchangcably ts skdl m the art eqmvalcat All nght MR H[GGINS Your Honor, Markman 268 00270 I Is known Iwo sensors a_ld motion on an aulomahc 22 25 10/26/05 well of Claim by the well sensor, the same between 20 closing on the chdd la'._ ors and alent thai szgnal ts broken by a person or object A common 24 In _al PIR, by the equally Icxl clazm tcrms o£ _¢ bul cqul; recited In the claim wh_lc the sensor means 19 by a child or a pet will '._ tth DF_A'S or the engineers th fi'ctcnt out the runcllons example, 17 I 12/6 should not C_alc 13 p_w¢ 16 detected to apply 25 For and _en of the palent, cbe dls_ted I have parhclp_tcd in analyzing term, one performed could motton o£ a person or object I$ said $1nJcture to beheve to lnlerprct to in the electi'onlcs myself 12 sensing 14 pcKormcd If 112/6 does apply out Lhc lctm$ I1 function 15 tral_cd, 9 structure to cane by I 12/6 because even [hough "means", I have of the '066 prcsenLallOn ts attachecL 7 at/5, I also state that a pe_on, I 12/6 claims the or tcx_ which carats 7 whxch the lawyczs have called czther meos_s pl_s function or two ten, n, and three m the specification references runcuon term by the recited clatm set forth 6 112, stxth para_aph, one, the claim performed wc ate at the point Hearing 10/26/05 Page 00271 I wbere Mr Carlson 2 have color copl_ 3 the bench We '.viii now of all of the slld_ have already 4 we'll glv© a COW to Dt 5 present the Power Points. und wc thal wdll provided thorn Carnal as well Okay Wcll, THECOURT I hand up to to counsal, and 7 THE thcre'ssomeat_ched There _.rc, Your Honor. 8 think you wdl find the color copies 9 THE COURT tO THE WITNESS I I MR COOK 12 provided Color arc dlcglble COURT 14 MR COOK I $ The tc_ m the color The whne 21 MR. HIGGINS 22 through 15 because dunng tvtr 2,3 a_kcd some qucsttons 25 Mr I I through Cook's questions by Mr are except C_r]son's Cook about the s;_n¢ I"orshde_ deposition, aS a sepal',_te shde is std] the same bul THE HIOOINS Youwanltopassthosc Ycah Andldon'lknow, Rogcr, copies appear to be clear COURT There 20 THE II 21 scanned from he was 22 And, of cou_c, 23 Image Io Wall, my black arc sections and whatc tsn't ag of the text thai [ think [ 25 counscl_ Page 270 WIT_qs Un _orlunatcly the actual '066 patent th.tt dccs nol result MR COOK I would Your Honor hke to show and put in m the htgbest qu.dlty m._y I consult with him what my problem Markman JA 0848 this was all _ bltmaps un_ortunaLely 24 dunng his deposmon 10/26/05 Okay 19 c_m read ii. but tt has a shadow that. shdcs. _tnd he Hearing hc was 6 also in Claim ones oul now '_ MR 18 thai cle;_ thai 15 to ma.t.c tl alem" m response Markman 9, I 0 _nd I I icmls II there fore, the answer 16 why -- our color except for color_ They common to be apphed to Clmm THECOURT 15 hke to cop,_ to give (o all o I"_LSexaci]y those not a separate sla(emcnl, 9. 10_nd And, 17 Well. are the color 20 the black _d m the dcposttlon 14 color-cixIcd c,_1 COURT 19 you are proposing added shdcs 6 and also Clatm 13 cop_cs can't Ix: read m a n umbe'r of 17 clear It up now ll'w¢ 24 to C]alm And but temls 12 intcrptclatlon you can read but I would shdcs, I _ the slides m_d_¢II clear th._l he es using the same to black _.nd v.httc? black and while, are acldltional 5 thai l_'e common 9 tht Clmr_s that we have been They whal -- there are certain $ 9, but there w_ of r_SpCCLS h may beJZL_t my cOp_, THE to read 15 subStllulc explain, 10 AS opposed HIGGINS 7 using th© dcfinlIlons Yes tn a number THE 18 much e_ler hul I copies The colol" copies 13 16 msLanccs MR Arc II through shdcs '_ 4 thay - as he wdI 6 WITNESS or addtllonal 3 6 to this rcpOrL COURT THE 2 shdcs Ilearmg is 10/26/05 Page271 269 00272 ! _ RIGGI_$ 2 (Co_®I 3 TI_ 4 _ 5 Icfs [ _ wdH _J_ o_ zTo_mg II thls portal, znd ye_J _I c_n go through these_ 7 TH_ 8 I"_E 3 TH_S 6 _If3_U$C COURT Ol_y R_dy 7 to So? y¢_, wc _= ready to go, Yore }/2_ HI_[_S _ COURT 8 pllolt, And ha','c wl decided I0 tQ let th_: M_. C_OK 13 i_ _mce I nee_ls_m_u_l W'Eat w¢':o S,mm8 ¢odo, y©u¢ F{on_ , 14 go_g_/_velt_ri,_c_ler TH_ 17 FCI" _1¢ p_ls 19 MP_ H]GGTN$ TH]_ COURT 21 wh_t¢ one= in_ col_ _ MR. HIGGI_& _J mm-ll_ CO,._.nr 0_.y 24 MI__ HIGGINS 25 aclx_ll 2/ 2 TICE WIT'P_=3$ 4 T_'I_ COU_T _ 7 TH'E oDLrRT QI and Q2 wh,¢h Ire mounl_l w,thm 10,'26/05 He=ring 14 M_ _5 "n-_ t6 11"_COUET 18, is l_;t_ 11_ Irl It_¢ 1111.11¢ i_tecboII 3 E.om d_e SO, _eo0=d _er_r Page O1" _om Clmim 6, on the n_z p._e 4 :thtmc4 f'_mct:on $_nd 5 _'co_l Clllm, 6 :ond_n0_, being a predetermined ;uppon wcdcwtm_cd s¢_'_o_ m_,l_ I_dcscnpLt_ Okay 7 _lld lp01r_t'_ Ifs¢C_t_g_'_nd',¢ _ the d¢fi_lll_g a cond_llOn szJd tccond dlsclo_i _'¢d¢¢mlined L¢_¢1of It&hl CXl_=l ,o s CP.zcluzehc_¢ ,s _¢ 9 m/to n',,tk¢ tl Cz_t_r to _mth L0 [Llooks Ithc K s m cotum_ 3, ¢omp_.=l_r=8=lgh. 11100_11k¢1_¢_ wsor¢ Amlnt,_tth¢_:? ITIGGtNS Y_= ¥ouu_nsl_ Ol_ty Yo==renshL I$ "fH_ WITNESS L9 _ COI._T ZO "ff'_ _ M_ [ _J_J_¢sl that - ILm yO_ I;_ THE COURT I_ _R I_IGGINS Yea V_well, Yo_ultonor Tnuth Iwlrlt_ltom_c;u_e THE WI_I_ES_ 16 111 pl_o(oc¢l] 56,d¢l¢cls In _he d_scloscd I=Xttlal support the predictor =hs_l_= of 17 d_yh_ilL y=_, ]1L_ Okay y¢_, a/J 0 fthJ= _cxl w_ll bc 21 Ilnt =_1 _¢o_11cm=" COUP.T May Or Iookzt_ll =1 th: co}or sl,d=s = the b¢_ch7 15 Soll_,s0_mthe HIGGI_IS I I _im_ 14 you L7 de I;11_o:1 th:sc_ ptlO_? miami _ t 8, ,rod txoc17 COL_T 13 t]_'= ¢om=x_£mm. TI_ mxtcmal to the I_p, _rk_a Pa|e2?2 cr_lx_.,¢_=t Z_ heusmg Z_ n_hl thctv. No, no, d_sclclcd t_l_d "JTcI.EWl'INF_S "ff'_ support says t_ c-_cmt of fig.J_¢s 2A 23 I}@t plod,_c,:d by lo_c_s $u¢= W'II_S 8 wh_'¢ =1 that ¢o_u_ II to t:¢hum_lI¢I_ 25 and wthch Ire each r eJslx:_{v¢ 1o t_ir'_JCd I II1_ L_ m¢ stop y_ _nv_Jy _ tZ s_.o_d 10/26/05 Heanng "l'_,lt I=¢1 com_ 6 10 pre fcrrld [ lh4r11< - IPm I_ng Q2, the pDI d=_:_s OO275 3 9 24 the Ices, 26 TIlE CO UB.T .¢ I_¢kg_lt._d. _ _ bur., QJ _d t¢<l,_l m¢_m_ _md _J_ include= r_vo conve_Uo=tal p =.t_v¢ m fm_ed, pl_ 23 _cnsoi_ whff_ tl.lV ¢ a _¢ [Tom s_d ippcf=lt_ Tho d,s¢10'J=d sm.t:',_¢ _ d_ow_ 21 the &s:lot._l _llrl_nan 0O2?4 1 _._st n_ I_h ot o_ccl.fupatltc 20 poumlwll_ th_ J_ Th_/i_¢ more I¢IpI_I¢ lb_n the I_LI¢< Ird we'ff lind the ht_ with II1 Lhc dOCtlm¢:=L Tttc claimed t'uncllo_ up/l¢_e., '_ 19 Hc_or IJ._ ¢olo_ d u_ fu=omon m the c_=am we_l 17 condJbOn t_01{ moUon r¢ItOv¢ Io _ald firll _ bare Ibc bJack ,in d We bel,¢'_ ;d¢'_lz fy _ 15 scmor rnr.a.m,_o{"cfct¢clam{{,{fi_L pl_¢_cn_mutcd cotlthuon in. 2/ so d may i_ s Ii1_¢ So wc have unde_ Cl{um 6, ih¢ finn sensor so whal 14 talk= u_c of ol" Lh¢ record, Vcm7 well,yo_ "I]I¢_ wgll apph=_ to r,=d m some _lcs. I _ o[ , p_o'z 20 l t_lt this r.o,_ u,.¢aun o( cthmm_co_s done pa_l_r4ph6 _nd tl - btlx'n=p_, 13 wntl¢11 sup_ll Wceegclng_the Io _llow mc _ m/Io COUR1" ll2, A.Slgldb,:fom, b'malI }.?J6 dO¢3110{ IOply, 12 td_mltfy the _mJcn.trc zrd t;'_ w,Lh we'_ clearIo_¢-ex_,u_e color, but dwy _¢e goml Alln{hl. ! I _'=11 do ,s _dll m _r noL, tl_ o01o¢c_ etch? 12 Okay .lind _s I stld befo_:, th_ v,m.m._u=mcd from _hc 9 th_cuJt to COURT $ pm_,¢'_taUm ,s _ _roposod Honor II come 2 4 ¢or*tmu= to _¢hcv¢ So lzl¢= a 15 ImP.Jte t¢c¢l¢ (gr_.t) I_ 00273 I v..t_ I Ix.co,me e'_ din, L wail con£=r ) COU_T 6 9 V,_7 me=r= I1= ¢_l_ng sad Emp to m'_l Okly 52 cP.n_oL_ the _mlot=_ oft_ M=rE.,T_n Heann_ II_t _he 10/76/1)S ;_ _11 Pale 174 l_hl =I laid lcr._d Icvd ot _l_lzna_on Markm.ln JA 0849 He=ring m i_po==; 10_&0S Page275 l*/3 C_21_ 2 Be well 00277 I e.o-n n-_..*o on I_ the _t 3 _._¢[Q:cdr_,_x'Ual 4 th_ p_e _tl_r.m =_1: c_ca_ _._r_ I:_-t o f the. Tha And r_ly. l ulsle conrail zhe _sclo_A t_'_ c:_ 8,_c drr:'_ cn_cuy 8 65 and br.t_ 9 _hold p_tt c_ 75, more spu:l fic.dly the II I h_ve "D_ 14 on-_net 15 r._t_l m_l _-_l I_ th_ the Lr_ _41 In b]l_ck 52 _ n_l p_l ctn_ul. _okmg 16 SO If| youz p_te_n Of_e THE. WTTNESS I_ T_e tonal THE COURT 19 u !_wt of the c_'_] 20 $o you dJ_ not _nl¢ t_l TH_ volr.t&e at node 61 has a Ic_:J TI, th_ Lna_ _ L_ ramp voltase _ node 68 _car._ I:l_.:ze _ ._hOws the corr_pon_bn$ 21 23 AC mpt_t sqp_aJLt zpphcd to the FO" e.xample, with t'c_'_cnce m flgurc _, whe_ the tht_hold 20 131acis _ No, nol of t_e; c_u'oI "i'I_COURT Okay 2_t _ tl were. _lt'_e 2_ Markman He_rmg [0/'Z6_5 Page the haJf wave volt_e to the lamp. 18, whc_ s r4_ex[ talus tht_b_ld T2 u ,t ca_t m_relq_t $ By compzd_8 aa_y.a T2 the v_ml]e_ acr_ Markmao the tamp, ! S, for Hearing 10/26_U5 Page _tng at _ldTI thtcah_d $ whc_. 9 I sho_nd Okay So n_.u_ I I me_t_ r_vc 12 cotu_n £ot (mt_tm_ s*Jd _mp 16 predetermined 17 sa_d Cra _m_de_m_ 18 Mo_nn| 19 totem, _. ¢_-ttmcr [_nc_ $ tr_av'_.._ vbch 6 29 _r_c _t to show 7 _s m _ m Okay 10 on-I_mcr On..umer r ¢_Im,_ c_,x3d_'_zl and _k e_.l tt cza _e thdud_ I. _ m _cc_nL, a dL_clos cd tnw ¢_mz I_t _ s_d I_ _nf.le ;_tte 14 f_n_ u:c_A _ era cecartmce [Ithl_tt _tion the pcrtw._ _ of 16 sigmlls 18 znd hack to ts th_ _ Markm=o _ _ He_rln 8 10_26_05 Page the _¢ TH8 _ the pr_,_ou_ JA 0850 the ramp COU_T "['hn shd_ I'm havmE a _VJ¢ _oublc w_h in tlun_ _ _1 "DI_ COL_T _S Okr/ T[u_ looks [tke i_ com_ dlrectly 2 to me_ 23 THE_ 24 it on the _ee'_. TH_ ftdcca j_ rmse_y, rmd_8 Io fxde _I_IT COUR'P Oh ot_y Marltman 278 node [_ad pka;e fi-_m _r thephas¢;m_lecmYa'ullcr 2O 2_ the hsiUz_8. I[_ a Iltlte more _J_l_ _¢ con_v_ 19 _et_r tadm$ bore. irr_uS._ _ al the h.b_cd AJ_d aS_'_. ] kave .n_l I'aded m th • zc-m crcr-_ ng 17 _ cxag_y which _hcr. voltag_ aneeth_t_muhasexp_rcd, thr theacce_t I $ c_r_ulnV go _ _nea swacmrc, thsct_sed [2 m the mac dt_ppm& back Io it_ . what we c_l t_a-_ mu:_,_d e to _d *J_t _ the _cahold II 61,w_uchwdlrcmltmtka o f a _uk-umn_cd of _nd p_dac_ 27. from _Swe m f_t:c_Jtr, h_ rrr,At*_ m tl_ pxcfc_red 9 phase znste cztcmlr_ mdt_dc_ finl ffedcte_mzr_d th the r,c_t st_.e, on-um_ and u_l-on rzm;_ tad I_u_ to acccm ofsa:d t_ th_t_r we hzv_ tka d_d_r,d on-ta'eer t_._ _n:ch _fl¢cloncofr_..eralp_dctcn_.r_ont_u: fzded m j't:st fm Ce_lrOl ¢arcm_ mez_ nw._ur_ent m teepees cev_h_ _ 4 c_et zero ¢:o_ page Fm Io expc'zt_u t$ le_ eI of*Utrntr_zon 3 s_ cnr.m_ to de,cc_ 13 tat:a'val znd t_ f_ ra_n_ £c¢ _e an the _he_ _us ts m the overall 10 Cl_mz 6_ the chttmnd TI tkaa whra tkan _ thr_holdT2 the textt_J s_ppc_ 7 c_rct_u'/tkat Ir_f¢ _cl_y t _¢_ull of which the Im'np, t $, wQl _O_v. en the set er.a I h_ve jtm 6 rr.fe_.e ".5 _rm_s 00279 "[I a_d "['2, It will b_ ¢vl_e:Ilt _ I thrcsEol_i 20 th_ [an_p 3 _I_o r,how_ the t_esult_n8vol_e 276 O0278 |4 _ oe. The_ the m,_: _le_ 24 L_ep I$ f0z:z_ffuen[_rcsbold. 2 level T1 volt._© arrc*_ 22 die kanp dunn$ rem_mde.z of thzl haJf v_v_ I tha'zk that block $2 ts F_q o f 25 oCth_ s_b_rcu_l. vot_e_,e 19 u zc_ dttrmg the tirol po_on of h_Jfw_v¢ er,_l the 21 _b-Cm_L 22 the 120 wh IS lareF 18 fer t_.n_hold TI when: thc vott_c block 52 ctrc_t_ THE_ th© d_ed_kl t_.mp, t$ 17 IS at node 61 16 rerned _n wh_ czrcnd for nrnmg _t riot: b apphed _e the comp_'_t0r produee_ _ ouzput whtch t_m_ oa tka u'uc 14 _ fl_*re 28_ the ctmp sqp_ input to wh_h V,'hcn the nmp volUqt_ e_cu:dl 12 Q3 _o t_l aow Caded thal b_ck euL COU_.T a furlb_ v_e l0 Okay Io 6 phase mg_c centre1 poruon 72 includes a comparalo% IC2D, 7 haY:n8 one input to which tt _4_h_ 13 a phase *$t _'ponllvc 4 t_'eSi'_d voltzSc a_ _O_e 61 for acmazi_ 8 a tin.c, Q3 t_t --_d/_a.'qr_ a I _l_J: h2td to n:_= a tD- 12 suppor_ Wckavethem_Q3md tn th© tn_ 6 r _e textu_ a "/2. of the _n:_z Hearfng 10¢26/05 Page279 277 0O280 00281 THE WITNESS What _ e'fe showing here herc'sthcclreulu_'th,tlwe_screaHywomedaboal J_i for ¢on_ emence. ramp waveform actually _ c're md_cahng, tha_ helped s_lect [lille dkmcult $ coding And 10 whLch 12 _e lamed for lhls 3 Io son _upport is d_n, Lt up into 4 lh_ thsclosed Inac 7 vohage 8 _ave exactly bcca_c fo_ sarae L_xtu,d support as the - thl$ Icxl comprises the So phase 14 re_ponslvc 15 portzon, 16 actualmg 17 angle conffol 1o the output 66. and Q3 [ S 72 inclodcs a comparatot. 19 apphed ramp signal 20 inpul t_c to whlch 21 When IC2D across 12 wdl 13 18 14 ares_Rol'wh_chthelamp for 15 thrcsholdT_ ponlon ] 7 ts apphed voR=gc the comparJLor 23 the tnac Q3 so _t 24 apphcdLothelamp the one mpul the threshold _ o]tage exceeds _s at node 61 VAC whlch input tufr_ on s_gn J[ is 18 For example _ith reference to figure Markman 3 when Hearing the _nergy _hcn threshold T[ a_aL _cd I0/26105 Page the screen secLior_ Agala the ¢ltcult_' across By compaang TI v.hen the and T2 to the using it lamp Ih_eshoLd T2 a_ '_lllemlLmorehghLat Now [ ha_ _ jus_ faded Lhls is Ju_ the _ext thaL Lalks thai generalc_ by the tnac control slides 22 want that was ,_ddcd 23 app[ytoClaans 24 Sensor, Io make th_ tanlp that [ ha_e earher of foe shdes but I that thee sections 10aodll Claims means _ olLa_e that'_ i_ o_c h r_phcates sure thJ_ ILeS_ndcrslo_L 9 m the 7ero clrcull the nex[ shde 21 Sensor _ cthage fo_atth_sholdT2 AOd on 19 a_ ¢ of that half is $upphed than the l_np un[ll the the halt'_ for thresholds 18 TJ 9, l0 and I I Cot dc_cclmg 280 Clatmcd _uncuon a predetermined 5|arkmaa condition Hearing 10/26/05 Page 281 00283 I external 2 to _ald apparatus Okay 3 P[Rs The alL,closed And the disclosed 4 figu_ st_ctufe [cxtua[ 2A and 2B Lnclud_ 5 P[R sensors, 7 infrared 8 p_slng h_ht 17 dlsclos_J _x_r_lon foat the lamp of mollon by _c to _c next $hdc Scn_or mea_s condtLion external 16 ¢a5¢ foe d_clo_cd sit,clare _2 QI Okay Coa_'ol and Q2 CLaims Control 21 said _c'nsot means ClrCUll mc_r_s coupled 22 said firsl ]_el ofl[lc_nmatlon 23 predetermined ¢onthtlon 24 h_t le_ ¢1 of Illumination 25 de[ecllon ofsald comparatot the devLce 4 the thffercnt ou(put A_d for ea_mg to $_d again, that And 9 identical 10 ¢ontro] to the thscfosed several the ths_losed 72 of foe ctrcul_ fo_dcleCtmga [4 More 15 72 includes a comp_ator and _ 16 apphed ramp dctccL_ 17 mpt_[ LOwhtch 18 THE 19 lamp a_d r_pons¢_ sa:d _amp to enut hght e ;0 at the other a[ node the spect_cal[y signal _s apphed COURT TIlE 21 THECOURT WITNESS m the absence of said 22 from re_thng 23 THE X_qTNE_S 24 rereadthalforth_folrdt_me 2_ on here predetermined Mafkman Lo condl[ion Ilearlng 10/26/()5 Page 61 JA 0851 Again heard thai thzs is Phase is responsl_c deLect, porllon angle to foe 66 for actlt_Llng foe phase and th_ a L_lac, Q3 in a angle control portion ]C2D having one at node 68 _ld ha_ ing ,I fotahet the threshold Mr C_tlson Thank mpul vollag_ thats you _ery LeLsnotdothal I am pleased A]lnght Mark:nan 282 voilage Io which is _t node 61 idet_tlcal to one and for ca_L_lng said lamp to emil m response crossing nimp 73 20 exceed already crossing tna¢ 9. L0 and [ I support portion threshold the _rom textha[ have 13 56 We angle m the zero _,he_e _c _ ohag¢ again pha_c _s the Q3, foe trtac, that sets faded to shov, I_mmg come4 12 in this that dn_es Lo what porhon Tnls levels jost Of the zero structure hines [ h_ve just as before [ I o_tpaL fols is r_enIla]ly to said apparatus 20 at second 3 orcultry move this no_ a talks aboul sensors z_ J pho(oc¢]l circuit we 7 generates prc:sence Ot absence ofdayhght 19 ha_¢ seen 5 Ls acu_ a_ed in sensors _$ the photocell, tcxtur,_t s_ppo_ And 2 6 e_ctemal _o th_ I.rmp and 9 10 and I I when Sensormean_ 15 predetermined _h¢ housing are eJch rcsponsl_ e to on mhthlt ofum¢ mo_mg 13 an or for Clazn_ [4 of pa_sl_ e _nl-ra_ed I 8 and _ to detection Now is foc circuit the Icn_, 26 10 con Lrol_ the _mount 12 is Q I and Q2 are mour_ted wlfolr_ 26 and _,hlch T_r_l on-umcr I I r_ponse suppo_ produced by sources through again _ o con_ em_ona[ Q L and Q2. _,hlch 6 tube b_hmd lens lg thai more crossing 18 25 C_282 9 be e_ ident using apphes T_ ]e_e] across across the t_m.undet i_ 20 the threshold an output 120 voh Io _ hlch J funheT the Inac the lamp 16 6S and having produccs Rs tnac ts _ oltage S the resulhng vohag_ _3 having at node 3 a]sc* sho_. the 68 r_achrs of the hall" wave dunng II T[ dete_t mlgl¢ control and then thradlfferentthreshold levels TI at node the _oh_e portion lampl8 a_ node 61 pothon the phase the r,trnp vollage 22 25 _oltag© m _ _ specl ileal[y, crossing TI wh_e the lamp Figure a le_d _ oha_gc [0 72 of foc cm:u]t zero the threshold a _ac More portlon of the on, across 61 has the coffcspoodmg the firsl is Itwncd 9 11is the same 3 sho_s dtuang 6 of a jumble ha_¢ aL node foc rzanp 18 for foreshold wLChoL:t andT2 l _ [_np ll's a plcces voltase on _ hen FLg_¢ 5 _s zero foc schematic finally is baslcally l I tcxlual thceshold 2 her e'_ the -- L_al ts used to tTy to break up v, lth jusl 9 I And the I¢_¢[ [['s -- _hc way 7 well is much, YourHono¢ Youarc to not h_ ¢ to Soletsmov¢ Ilearlng 10126105 Page 283 0_B5 I A_I.'._ '_ac.=_o Sw'ttk Cl_9_10x_d I ttru_e6l f_f f.ct_gam_Q3.{nam..'._perdon. 2 73. 3 Mote sp_d I_c_dIy Lh¢pb_¢ a_[¢ 4 77. _:_des $ _ Sl_cd 6 a v_ ¢o:r_'co_y _I _t_ _i- AC ix_w_ c_ a corn;_rat_. _ the th_x_ld w_ch to_i_ Qn m._¢ Q3 _oi_a [0 s_i_ 120"_ mp_ 9 d_©_:. m _Fphcd _ Lhe I¢,ap. 18 II Cn the _¢¢_-_ I l_ve j_ 12 ,.he p._e f3 b¢_ (ompu_o¢ now, dn_g 14 I0 thdt_hn d_ - _8_m, c*_cm¢ d_t we h_e t._ nm_ Phlsc _J_e, IL"Jnp _.avcrorm. 9. I 0 _Id I I Cl_Jd an output, which _ ¢lmmx I 0 and I I Me_z_ for IXOducing a _ I ) each half valve 0f_d CL_¢_ produ¢_ L_ poml fol th©kalfwav¢ 16 I_._. IS If _.e Io_ _ 21 rc_tor o_©r _J tl_ dv.de;ed .¢w_.t=re f_. we've h_¢h_i dm'_ed RA0 co _ to Q"c:_ I _? Z4 p_i_t_'h, Dus rm's_pvol_¢ ¢_J_ed 2 at_6_ts_lowllml]gxtr_J 3 p_e 4 u_d u; sy_.hn_ed $ the_sveatnode67 6 drayed 7 a vo_¢ cy_b:a._l ¢or:cs0o_n_ io the zcxo _S of m nod= 67 Marf_au I 0f _e raeSe _" window Itw|llbenotedl_t<nch 2 to _ re_po:_xve zero ¢_c_n8 9 _-.-_ fn-.t th_.-._e_ He_t_ng 10/26/05 CI_r_ ._-%'e{o*--_e _ ',_ m_ slg_J I S excced_g l'P.¢ dclmcd o_nF_t_or _f a _lctv¢ port.n. Pege Ixc_L the _:&mn betw_:n dte hml_ window _ no_e thin c_oad; Wh_x a pollute r_nse 24 w_adow compm_or 25 respome to Cu_ c¢ _ttve or wx.qdo_ n de_c/ed, po_0n Mark]man H tk= F_-r_e 13 f_-_tc_ t_ _1=_ _ ph_t_dl, =d of day_ C|rcmlm_-.-lmcJizdegm_J_rL-_3o:_t_lO_ _0_k© $o we'll now mo_ 19 trml o_t the ¢_ ulr¢ol,_ 2D _oto¢¢[I o_ a _i_e 22 _or_ w_ we have cr_l to pieces hcs_ so that you ¢_n see tee conn¢c'ong m_o the d©t_t _d 21 thai If day_l_t Cxr._dm s the to th© nc_d shdr_ t_d w©'][ _e dct_f_e_ u_'may, and should be q_ore_ m _ct_ted, _e_-q Cdo._t_y. so the phozc<ell _az[ly an oetpet which unll f_rce de _ (o E¢ - lamp I 23 wbaoff _:d sa that the 24 putr, es m inp=l Cp_e m exceJs H_nn 10/Z6/05 B ._a,._ L_t tu #a,d ,tFf_ja _ tbc r¢&xtt ve only _f_ve Cb_redP_r._To_ e to gSht ¢_r_1 _ d_ IS _¢ dayl*_t _8 ou_u_ posla'.¢ or acl_vc II n=:_-:_ _cJ_l 17 _¢ts r_a m aS"¢ldy d_ u ot _ relieve b_n& a rt_¢ we have _:tttalty ,_'x_ limit cx_.¢ot_u 8 a p_:d_tcrmm_l 21 2_ 43. m_tlOr_ Ti_ at For _lp_,l_ad_mbcd _mc_. h,t v L_ m imtplJl_Jde _k¢ • p_d..'tt_m_r ed podnve m amphtu4.e 9 eJ:d a r.cmcd _ich Ph_tecen.Cldm "/ tcr_[nB m_ a I;A't w.2x_ Lq the 20 22 I 0 zr.d I I of 6Sure 2A and 21], the voIL_e ts _ threshold i_er, 3 _ttunc_ous e f d_ _."_', --tL._L_'_ _rd t'__'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'=r 3 pc:'t_ 47. 19 I_vmS 4 _l_m dc_l G Ot _--A ¢:r_--',--'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'_¢¢-.¢tU_ _..V:t point o f Thc_lgnwavcatnode67ts co._'p.._-.J_. In (he ¢_ 3 "male61 se_es fh_rn the AC ;x_w_r h__ W "L'J_ 16 on tP_e ¢_pact',n¢. Co 16, or r'.mp of the w_v¢ form _ node 6g bes'm_ JUSt x.qer 10 C._¢¢¢ !7 v_¢ _ fm_h OO287 I 14 th:t_ a_ a _w: 284 002S6 du_= frmn _e five voh m_ly 73 d.'odc D 13alt_c¢_dofct._b_Jfwsve Page crm_ng "11_3 durm_ e2¢h h_Jf ,rave cy_e. the _m_ 20 C-16 u de_y I0/_'0_ v._dch Ls L_t _Jo Caifcd out by r_m_ m th= _. 19 Hclring ha_|ng _o_ AC voll_ge I r'J._p p_c I? I=:¢. we c_: - m _m.tl M_rl<man The ermined wa_¢f_n t 4 iiddtt_L [n _c_po_¢ to dch=:_o_ of the _ 2_ _n Q3, to that t 20 voh AC mpul t_S_._J_ applied 12 f_nc_o_ _he a_ node 6 I the th_h_ld to th© hmp. I| II rr_y voh_c the ramp volu_e _ $ vdtaSe, dm corr p;r_or 9 o_ omyJol pomon. hav_n_ one mpul xowh¢_ the nunp sz&_d at node 69 _J_dhavm_ a ftt_hcr 6 input m wl_ch _ _ohr.d ? IC2D. Aed the d_¢_d 7J dcects _ Puge p_¢¢ [ctm,_J cup_n e_ a_._ MarP, rl_n 286 JA 0852 ix, phemo:_l _ 0f d_yU_hl md has _ H_arlug 10/26s0_ PegeZ$7 285 I _put c_#_ m. day_t dc_x mzl _ por_o 002S9 ! cbITe_ F.' o¢ 3 Dsyh_t dcm.t 4 t]_ outFut oftl_ _xl rc_ _ ponma ts rc=pc_[ve $6 fix eITec_vdy mid mm-cm mbiinE pac_ 6 _/tl81_ Sq_uls fm_n d_l_umn Imu_ 7 do nm c_u_ sol_lt t_ L_p, 1L to bc tth_ fo ats_bbn_ 5 outpm er tl= ¢_-um_ t_ 3 A 4 exp_tst_s, 52 dram8 QI _ fal d_n8 Q2, d=yh_t 6 Q 7 ftmcUoa, dm _ the cud o f the p_._c_t_o__ I0 I_ECOURT Okay 12 MR_ HIGGL'_ t3 T:_ 14 lS Rr_dy('c¢ Th_kyc_ MJr Hs_m _ Ycs, mu'cm (0 me. $cv¢_l $0 Q In _c l'coct_n It A [ .m_oa_c=ses 12 the:c'_ _cmre. CAP._ON, 14 _.cvld_ l_ Q 16 e[a_ora/e du;y _m _ fono_ In yc_ 19 Q Mar C_r[son, t $ yo_ m p_34oFy_st_c_c=sk 20 s_. Zl go_ tn'w_, by 1L?J6 bcca_c i"do rml t_ct_ccc _ th= thspu/cd "mc_a_ o, thc cmttcl_ _ce add]tm_J When a ctum 23 ¢_r_mm_,_ $_r._=e At Oth_" _ 2_ to _ 20 A Ye_, 21 Q Cogld 22 A If the chain S_ 21 st_cturc. 24 c2_m that _ 25 S_ ftmcLo_- Can you explain Markman ,rthee H_rlng tg a I0/2_'0_ A 2 pm y_. I c_L $ A Y_. 6 Q DM It detect _noa 9 Q 4 7_ dc_ccl _o_ea tt d_L g z_l _,_h _'cus _d e f a p_on_ the sensor tt dc_cc[ t _on - _c_c me - w_.l_ you please er#am how ° On to elabor=le o f an to provide w.ote really - ts rcal&y w13ttcn I"_h_ than simply mcx_ (am), _md hntcndcd ofthc 3 Q _c:.._m m _u con_d Now Hearing ref_ngyou tothet_mon 5 A Okay 6 Q -* m the p_cnt 7 A R_gh_ $ Q [s It yct_ _ony the. thc turn on ta]_ block 46, _ Fan of the ma_'el Is it or _ it act pen of the _cmcr_ 12 A IH_ not p_*rt o f th| _m_r 13 Q I l_ve yes. Can a _ ma_n wJ_out s=_'c_.oa YeS 19 Q New. vrmlc _u 20 az_ _plzmm_yourshc_ 21 _'ulzr _tdc 22 qu_Uon d_ _ to whct_r _eczc dmug _o_ _ow.,ng yo_ I] THE 20 (Coucas:lconfer ) 21 askr.d y_a a o_ no_ L_ - I tht_ COL_.T [ have thl_ 22 CRO_ BY M'_ 23 Q G_cdm_"ams 24 A C.0(xlmom_ing O_L Ma_cman t_t _ N_e Hearing Yoar Hon_r nm/l tL Okay Q 10C_6_5 Page 290 RX2_MINATI Yotl _d Mr Carl_on [ met sorac re,_ths MarRmau JA 0853 ON COOK 24 oft_ccoa_ I bcEc_'e that :s tho q_t_o_ _xc_cmc. sItdc_ when wc a=:e zalkmg _ut l have _p, L_ _dgc _1C_[_$ I'm gomg to fix th_ so be cam _c 23 a_in - wh¢thc_ or _.ot the runl-_n uthtblt poc_cn v,'us pare 25 A 291 no Furd_-_ quc_txo ccr. MR 16 approach? 17 c=_c_cry'_ 18 A xs p_/sc count crrcma_ 15 PI_ d_cz t _rc_O Yc_,lt I$ A Page _elP I1 Q 16 Q 289 p¢_mcz_offi_re IO A w_ut Page to m_v* cr thai yc=, ,t _ 11 A 14 c_u a b_¢c PIP, detect a_aon IOtl6_S c_c_ l0 cb_cc_' t2 _m'_ _c_a_ the sc_o_ to convey plus funtato__ thzt*v block 46. 9 p_ruon, Yes Is_htmmovca_)wocxlmbatbackmd the c[atm Iben tt appcam _o me thtl We, m _a::L blr/e a 00291 I aa.swcxcd DM L%t bz_c p_ _o yo_ :_ rcu_hm& Markama 2 noC' goes oa a3 me.. _om= mak:nal it *,_ PageT.88 0_,_0 4 Q zs hMu mq3o_u_l _c not mc_ or, ex¢_ _s to whcthe¢ or not I 12/_ appltc_ _ tcxTns m pa_ of yore" ride 12 st_=ra e_. y_u mc the term "cc_aot e ¢a_cras c" tcmn? that recites a fLmcuon bat thc_ sll/_¢a mt matcu_l opralon 19 rrad the _tlrc clabora_on _gium thc_c oCdm=e tcrms m con ¢¢xt clcm_c_t$ tttsduccdys_ed_othat d_um _ cvc_ tho_ 2.?. mc the word 24 you f¢:t_ca slixtct_al _l._clP 17 o: z_.s cr _h_cRc.¢. M]L HIC, GI_I$ lc_m8 In o_,¢r c._.c_A tf_ml SlOVeN te_oflod a Yc8 claim term you wdl _d t_o WhcayoureadG'cclamatcn_sthat 13 first Ix_ _e It suggests St_lcmlcs. _1o you f_d Ok_ _zmmcd _c_n I me.xa _n all c._. L"OURT I_wn8 _ I$ By or wha_ cOUld do two ex_"es_m_ m the Claim tcrm_ 9 A aieyctLgomsto_kh_mathwmorcclue_Uom, 16 t_se really is no _ ffer_cm and Okay 8 tccltcd _ II Them 5 suuctlm: 81_mt 9 bec_vcen 2 y_u mea_ by t_'9 2 ib_ dnnm. _o at your dcpcsiho_ Hearing 10f26/05 OO293 I Lh¢t_d fC9._2 I md I _ed ],_0usmee que_ch_ Z lhcr_.¢lzzmterms. 3 q_uo_ _._ut yo_" m_e_ af t&_ A_drml_gtogoov_s_eof_h_ _th y_t l_c d I c.tn ge_ the t_tmolo_ The l_m smser, C_m 6 b_ud. _ 6, f h.wc _ ts the Fast shde in _ 3 Q Any scn_, _ 4 A O_y 6A NO ? Q _ _ Y_, 9 Q Behind _ i0 oae _e collecuon of sh_es II t_le page- I'm going to pmcmd follt_a'tgo_agto _d ae4 - we h_ve t_ fzdeu1_d t'_? zr_ many dJITC_cnt zype_ o f _.ms, 8 whch _ould. [:_._tnd the utlc p'_c to tether fadeoul, In your _cw, I0 A now, llwl]lh:tvet_ It o f t;_-m, wl_ Fttt_mp. Q ^ nd j_I fZ _ 16 t_ fluxion _zcd y_u bJvc h_c_ And bene_ the _, m Ibe me4_ plus fimcuon c_'_, 15 s_d _t _ogt_ 17 II I _g or "f_I Y_. I_Q $o the _ peme_ _ the rec_l 20 o£_he cl_m eJem_. 21 Se_'_r, s t_ 2_ _ btbztc0rrect? 23 A Ye_ Z4 Q Fdlr_ 23 "s_-_', _ z_me the h,_hf_ed _e sm4c_ fur_ p_am, la_,_c N_t,,_nyourvle_v, betas moron rr.L_bv¢ Io ot't pcno'n or object sep_ _m So wouM _ agrc_ wlth me t_t the ,.vord "get.r" sector" does r_t rtgrlc mfl_ct_t t_ _u_c_g _on swJLmre to which _ th_ 21 A "t_ig won_ "so.of'. _f ft _,.m_s campfct_ly c'._ Qf _ 24 B_ wL_ t.._ of tbc c_m, m cr_,gexk _ y_, x1_c in g'_t _o'dd_ _I Ic]Lt _,_ wh_ _und_ bc ablc to p_'_rm Hearlng 10/26/05 Page _rlo_au 292 Healing I0_26/0S Poge 293 Page 295 OO295 I Q "..k_ Lt. -_ you _7. t:¢l a f c¢:'J.cxt, t_ I eJzborazou ".t._l d 2 _l_i,_ -.el convey t.'_e _ e :.Lzrn, I'_l by L'¢.£, it _o¢_n t _¢Z._ _J_tl" c.¢a_t 7 _w_u 8 _ 9 :on z.I te pn f,um _r_l_y f_ iI, d do_ I0Q ]_r'_. _e _4 | _dc_'_ mc d_t wdre 6 Q tbJ'.¢tmo _ 7 rC¢ltCd f_nrJ_on? _c_: Ig A ta r o eel the ¢_tcxt y'_a fir d -- _ tt¢ roe,ted t_ gt_d.n_ bezng modoa d_.'t F.u m _n_ f_, y¢'_" - whzt yo_ _h_o 4o arc ¢_ym_ ta 9 c_ to Q aZI_z schmanc of the dam7 of tha ctz_m, y_ i2 Q Wt_lnthed_m 0 ,_1 n_L ! _l pcd'oan ccrtmn unc._s per form _e t9 THE COU_T 20 THE _S 21 tc[l_ yeu BY bt_ 23 Q 2* yoa 25 A mtzn:ly _c A 17 _3r.tuaunft_'/ I_) t_ rc_lcd sl_J_c r¢¢iz_ oto ftmct,_n7 "rt_cl_mx3vcx'/t_c_r re¢lt::d ct.-¢t:on c_ie:xl_ll s¢l_ot nWh_l_lZ_yl '.bo_l_e lt_rn_acn=_ccr _u Ir'L-_d Frov,d._ z'_--por t t_f ycur "_zt zs co_e_t The ¢_::tt wb:n ty_¢ sc_c_g you w_udd n¢¢_ 21 A ('_.*dy_=-l'-nnol _eltmd_,2/.3"31your 23 Q ?,s I _d_1..-nd 24 11 _ ccr_CXl of the ru:hcd COOK l_owtbe _ - bu_ not _1] sa_e_7 thai m conlcxL word "t]_t s¢_'z_of" re_leZ sut_clcm t6 F.Jzo,; do you ftnd aW o_:x for your opinion D ;¢r_c_ otlg¢ thin m th© to see Ou_de 1_1 _e 3_cn 1"oat type o f mQt_n z_vhcre Oumdc V¢11'_ c_nect COURT fo_ son¢ II A A d_u-..d - ]c_kt_s [[_lZd_hem_textm61pxes2Aa_d2B l_k 14 TI_ c_JoOn tim predcle_illzned n:la,Jvc to s;dd _lrst .¢er_or means Do yo_ F.nd the _nl_t I_ supper 16 stud ,I ofsp¢lsOtlord_y._lscparatel_omsaJdappara_us _f ;¢r_c_ ¢lh I f the _u_d pre_terrnlned £ot dctectm 8 ;z I_t tn ¢_ud appu'aius, _rd_llon 4 d_ 22 a to s;ud app_zzt_ 20 rgated _c_on7 F1_t m the 00294 17 Ig_e Ford_ccung co_dlUon t_ m_ 19 pe_fon_ _n:_y do_t_cwo_ n_ly Markman II zc_or 2Z C_d b _(_ would sll _o_ n:c¢_L 0¢ _.Clt_d l_on 16 sud htw 17 you e_? A of hog. Is _h_t :orrcc_ R_l'Ows, andFmsolaglOr_IL 14 s_ud _rsl prod¢Icnmncd c0_d_on _I _I, you have ua_Irne_ _ _ perfon'_ _e Y_t I :* l'a_t p_cdaanuncd 14 a:pf_adve b_ _l'fic_t g tecllcd t'utgbOl_ aAd ;on_ which wo_d _mm on a PDF 12 Ul ea_J_ sb_e t_ m fmn_ of u_ 1$ szys C1au_4 eJcment7 up _ t_ 7 tl nno_ $ A of _l_t '4din All sc_or_7 4 w_k. $ t_gdon 2 A coatextth_Jyou'rel_'nr,8 for wkeredo trot co_cxO Wall Hearing I_ctt 25 ,Jz'._zu'i:,Ol.'¢xf_/lnl_llUCfi.z:_cn m thu bJ_gthlge, [ tlnd [t In Lhe MarI_aau IL y_ Jx - ,._: _'oxd "11r_ gL"u_ 10/26/05 Pag¢ 294 Markman JA 0854 _q_ pr_v_d_ _._mCl_l ]_lt Lt¢cr_rc Hearing I0/26_05 0¢t_96 I rc_tcd functx'm h'_ you find I_ g A 11w z_,c ic"a_d'_g 3 Q A_I of 117 4 A - .n _c cflu_ $ Q N_k'a8 6 A All o f ,I/ak_ 7 z!_c_gcally 2 thal d_tctzm_ tcxt - 3 Q mnCllOlh _,ca _ _.cnm a who_¢ m ¢_nt_L, .cd ra:c_mm TI_cTe wl [ I about the 112. some _c dinah& the ¢pcnmB s _l_'r_a( I'_ m 5up_ L1_¢¢Of. thai ggh ¢_1m the cou_c or s[cp f_" _mff_lng [ r_nb_ t9 d_nbcs 20A cha opc_m S s_a'_cn 21 doting _uncuon T_L_ma_[ 22 Q An acl_ 2} A yc_ 24 Q And d_s acts Do f/ t_ ph_,se_y_ a¢_ 1_at _uppo_ The x_cttcd frrg scr_ or nacam for _S Markmaa plus 7 A Ycal_ 8 Q 1 chute _dr pancrson 9 Yes, yes A g_l you _q_.C_? Heanng suggc_l.s chat cagu" _ - _gSe_'tedthat dcm*t _rnd U_ posstb0tr / mtcma] combt_t_on mgtae Io think _bout ii. _n'1 I_ A T?_ 14 Q Alln_c 10_26/05 LSCmTC_ y_ LcCs_oon'o_:cond_cr_x l_ thcn_¢s_ade.. $cconds¢_or I d I_a:de_m'mncd ccnchtlonl 17 b_ng a _rc_clcrmmcd l! apparatus As [ ta_dcrstand mcam Page yot_ chart hctc. second _c_¢tc'_lo 22 D_a:lc[crmmc_ *e_el 0 f IIghl cxlc:m_ 23 _ 24 rtot _ 25 A _'lcu to s_d you havc a sc'cond cot chUon, s_d ed cor_ p_¢rmlned t._q _m8 a to)sgl_l a_a.raolg" on of h'lls cLum CRT0_L IS _1 That U _ncc__ 296 Markman C_Z prc_clca_ra ned concht_on e:clcmal 21 Lqthe tcclg'd Thnts _o_dc_cc;mga_cond said second Ic'_cl of hsht 20 isr, d_-Ilnrcl the _ h-ase _for dc_ct_ng Dctcct]ng_s_nac( nOlSl:ngRa'e One poss_bdt_7 19 _he. _y'_ .¢ bl_'_ 12 COl'Tee_' a ¢;x:¢1fic,d mz_c_z/c_ Thalwo_Idbc_cpo_lbl_ 6 Q I I m the CL1tm You have Si_L_ b¢ CO_S_110 ,c_pondm 8 _m_ctgrc 16 you rcmcmt:¢.¢ that from son o('[z_c 5 A I0 Q p=ra_raph 6 s'tacat8 and how the claim ifll'_ as a m_ 17 A bcu_ motu_a _ T_re_a_.4 12 _p'c_t_ t $ co'._ b_ ¢L-J_rau_. 10 Q $omc.vhcrc 4 Ihc_c hzs Io bc an ,nlcrna_ _rabccstton m I_t_._'9 $ m_u_Ks[hcelxrallvcwO_lthc_e. 9 adduced OO297 I the fact thac th_rc will nc:cd to bc zomc SZlUCtU._ to _o f_' that .. He_rmg 10/26/05 Page 297 Psrgc 299 002_9 lmer_r 4 A tmg the r _..led Y_ Q L_chac _y _m_t_: m Chic _L 7 A A_nn, 10 Q Bul z_Isn'l m th_ ¢laJm ckmcm 12 Q 13 6 would Eu-ea'am as :m act wha:h Okay z'or de_-¢nng I_ ri_ that _ (o _ l_y _,_]17 clam element lamp az_dr_po_tvc "_IUCCXTCCL T_ to stud f_l 17 scnsor rncar_ _ d_¢structural _ml_c 19 A _s T_next_]id_eo_n_olc_rcu_t_b_n Th_s L_a _movhal 16 _lr.d w'o_d _up_ - as [ and s_d of _lua clam "_v.'hy_htsl_hlcd_n 20 _due 21 Q And _c _dcrlymg 22 _cotcd f_nccmn? A 24 Q _on,on_ _olk:_n_ _rc tEc Tllai is r._TC_L r]_re._t_a( _or Lhcrcco_ F_ca_csmg _ud lanlp _ Cq'rut hghl at sa_ _ir_ Icvc] c_fi[ltml_na_,_ Marksman Pagc198 JA 0855 Hcan_g m 10/Z6_)5 | file ;_smce 2 n_l_sil 0i'ilmt lo szzl il=oed J liu.l_t .liid Ilill 4 fllgmiaiixin A _lxl cendIIk_ hltl il ilg d r,lr._ lo dclixaon OO301 I r._talncoadidons I1_1 za lid Ipcl Youwlllnc_dctrcdgnol'thc_ 2 _chlzons Ibr of Q AU nsh. o C._mdCu:i 4 pe_on. czm_cd_ 6 lui_eal Row. m yc'.a _v. ¢oa_ol CU-C_l _ do_ couplcd the h_hhK;'l¢d _o _ud I_np md cm,chuooIh¢ rce.z_ fm:c_n _ LOp_ £¢nn cnun:bj _e rtug'd Y_ 8 Q An n#a. 9 uzlicrlul_ I0 cm_ Io l=ll Did l _pxras 7 p_d=lzn_m_l m_ $ pna_c_l_[ 6 Iirit Now,_omeo£Chcwot_art - m Ih= r¢c_l_[ £ul_tion duil I biw¢ liiil rlid_ ¢¢nzcdLhov_xLc_J=und==]mcd_lomeatcroL II =xampl_,'lamp" Pot _n'tand_e_ard'_n_-_e" 8 A If _k_ ph_._._ aJon¢ _ 1.zk_z aul or comoal, 9 aoL. it; ¢¢a_cl. ,t do_ And u3com=al _.r_Zln _lcorrtCl d do_ l0 Q 12 w_l 13 _¢c:_ I,I A Th© w_ 14 A Yc_. I$ _ ai.aelis _ L_them my ac;..O a=y p=:t¢_r I£ _lun'_n_on. mczning frora _¢ f;== thai sore© o£ w_=¢ _d_ch.cd Eniii tll_l LO_ at I_d _bc _.zztx_ Ilrsl Iclcl ol" I7 rt:p:n_e tor, aad scc_n_ p_edelermlned co_uon IS ¢xasutS to e_at Izght al scgo_d - _ud _ad It_ suu.¢_| t_d_min Q (hr_acn and (or I? opauoa'_ level of 18 A { ts to the _i_t _ e of ¢_a,h,_m L;ul is _mll to L_ rcq_ed 24 ¢on_ol dzc_dt YOU w111_ sor_ci_ng Y_ 2. will I¢Id tiilll&s _ m _ls to Cau_ smcd_ will _ Markmaa 8 to 10/'26/05 tiearmg o_1_ r.d by _h= f_chcd t_- - _ cF ns_ .u'ucp_ro ta tha n_lrd d_=n _t= wh ch w_a_d supp¢_ A _..ua. tl'c t.mg..._ u_ s..q_:_lr.d i'l_r w_l _¢rc cxyl....g m do h_.. LE=rc _u I.U uctur_= 24 Q 2_ suru¢cU_? chu_ dt_l_r_ by _C .zz_e.cz_:aL_ mo_c smgluse Is bc=_ shnacuax_ha clcraCnl iLlcl Cdoe.an't ¢0nt_a Markan=n Page3O0 a( _p mot e c=.voa b= anu..z0_ofpe=sPale 23 "l_s ycut "._x:'.¢a_rc;:dy t _c_ c=rh_" pe_oz_ r.o '2_ we =re ce_z_t;'/buil_hng 7.2 b_gt u_. Could ;x¢ all zhc z_anp thai point tht_ _'¢ _,Lg_ s:ppozl P_d b_ IM f=ct _at 20 claa_ 23 you D s_:_rt 15 Io _ _ I_ 20 prc_ek-rmme.d ¢a:_a _¢_x _o I_ d_ thEgs I$ 19 22 A _ m ¢hs¢_.¢ or"Cazz pmdcum_mod condaucn, 21 Q tOassm'ncc_! CZUOL Ateyou I] II_ wi]¢_ IIx¢ Lmd=tlined 3rLd sor_¢ arc n04_ 12 dm_r_ thr, GlO=C He=rinR 10/26/05 Page30l O¢3O3 IA 2 ird_ 3 Q "l'ha_ _e only p(zil_l ot lcllzll llzzlcll'e in ibis 4 ¢llizn7 A 6 4 A Y_ Q THE _)ij'R 7 0f Ihc Flrllhzt Ii zi ul_xlin_l _t is d zlx, rilmg 9 "i" But yoa lue llTz_llliz© _ u I_t clib_i"lll_ which smJ.!lc._ lofric Ttt_WITN'ESS "l_lliillc_l'rc_l. fO_¢_dl_LO 8" "10iddyo*.l.-Ll_t ilaberliz_ sm=_, slilich_ Y_. II is I_lxi oClhc t_d_ /_1 n&ht 6 A But tt za not underlined. 7 Q And zlz_the p_z -¢_epomoaof_c_z_'_" I m d_ word "gor'.jtut prior Io w5_'_ _c _._m8 9 boB=s, _ _krase, _¢s _o Imc_ Ion_. _1 _icuJu ] 1 detecttoo ofs._d 13 Q COOK AI]n_tZL lilculhi wc bii thisls a v_llxi 0 f d_ I IPiz h_l hilhltihdng 13 A Y_S. 14 Q b zll OI'LF_ sa_cl.ral llf 17 "i'l_ COI_T 19 "rHE_ I doa_ thadi ;o, nol m dli L_'I I>¢&m _th 17 mduc_', l8 ITl'l'e _ lioL _lQ Ia die bizet =zd while v=re.a 21 r_erl, wlltO ln_l:cd N_. ICSnOL All ri_ ii_ uxl_ll=Em_l piton Io yrw C=n ).ou -- I ]l ll_ I_exl Q =_d b_n _ rt_or_,o: r,on_lU011" to L_1_2t fl_-uol_ la_ga_ -- w_ll, FIm_© _conttol ¢o_ut to d¢_zmon of_ud cotillon, y_u _ Yes 21 D0¢= thzt stz1_'t_r¢ m yo_ vzcw r_fle Q m_:'_ C_t _haz p I_lsc? 20 A Z2 _,z,,_tm'c _o p_orm li iI t_ nSh: LEcre r_=_ive 19 pi_l_l_'lziL_lr_ 23 no"# 24 A fix_t p_d_te'ntlln_l I$ withdraw thaL _n 16 li, Vlr Clr[s_i? llill',=r u_cludc_ rn_ns 12 s_¢l_al? Movu_l_eioll_l_hd_ 14 I._slldcclpuo_on-tl_ArldBZ_ToACccl_l.Cliim6 I$ .z[d_bJ_l? flmcll_-,*_ 1o read d, "_en _ol c_rccul r_e_s ! 2 BY 1_ U_I plxt O!'lh= .1 _1_I¢_1 llm_izoi% clcn thoul_ tl'_ not ,_iuzlly _t_Cl¢_d cnu=c_y _e _edlCd fuactioa ul_l 23 foUows _1_ Thii Is _l_¢l_. Al_l tile - som_ o f d_e liadl=luicd Marlmila plxuo_ Heart.It ZS concr_ly _ov, n - 10.,'Z6/0 $ Page 302 Markmu_ JA 0856 Beanng 10/26,0_ PriCe 303 O0305 1 CLuln ¢x[_cl_ty u tt? 2 A NOlCXprt_dy 3 Q AJInB_t • phrase., "mear_ _-lx_ns:ve p'_de_rmme_ ¢oet_u 6 t_ut term Ix:f_. ap_Jn 9 o( L_ I I no_ _vl0e _ m_tutal fua_m bec_e e_ c_:t o f ccmteXL b_ il 4ee_ to com_letdy on _ _ _JI paf_: ¢_t_Jy. I _ tb= _'e t_ed, _s based upon th_ thm_ hke me_uze_tent, _pm_r_. _d _lso n_O I_ Q Pag* o¢ thc c_m? _t tt SLU_4.__0ne t_ mdz_t ft_t u_ wc k_.vc _c_ rec_¢ _ut'_ _enl p_l_ we _o Mve _omc the _Ltb_zat_d I t the rt._ted of_ o f ¢oz_t _, doer U'_ttL_J_l_ The please l0 ¢_ulext _7 to d_oe _n', _tt m the t_r_tl:_cl_ A 12 Itl,nthccbboratzo_ Solnyou_wewtl't._._--v.cud_t_: 3h¢_texLsl_del_semar, Cl_rnsg, 20 ctmm ¢lfm_rt_ _d.s 21 prr.deten_u_cor_bnoncx_:m_Jtos_zda_ 22 u_]t_hned 23 rcc_d 24 A It u ttu: _ted 25 Q _ pccuon _st3: 10_dll Th: me_m_ for de_e_t_n$ a T_c LSp_cdctcrmtrcd o3n_uc_z_ Is _ _c fttnctt¢4a ol'thJ_ CLtsm clemcat7 n _]y _¢uon ladtx_e 304 _ f t_ chtu_ elm_L - doe_ the r_ted M_rknun ft_ctlon Hearln8 10/2_205 P_e3_ 09307 2 A "i've c_,tcxt I Ya l_ck_g f_', Igat _ I_ __ U_tn_r._el't_¢_duc_tof_ 4 the c_uJ,u ctaum by Lh¢ tun_ | m to C_rr_ .' uad.crst_'_d_tlt}wrca_¢wo_'r, 6 fcr d_m& I ta_l e'_e for de_.un?; m other n_ it] Ah_ claJm? A "13_'yarc zeclt ed, m other ¢Llum_, y_ 12 Q Okay 13 A ¥¢s, otlm; ¢]a_ln clcm_ts, 14 Q Okay 15 ahcr_Kc Oth_cl_um element7 Ltm Sc0rr_L A_yothcrcomcxtthat_uppo_.syout op_uton? I_ A Wtdun the cl_med 17 Q AllnEJu. N_tt_u_sor_e¢CL_g, I_ y_s _'e G_.t t_ Wo_d One h_L Iscze.. Az_d the_c ot}x_ sensors aze re.ted _0 c_m_, 9. t 0 md I I. 1 so_mth_ly_tcm U_.S_r_ thd _'e bew4 <f_',_u;_ 9 Q It mc_. *ookmg _ Af_[havctc.td ftulcUon, no stz_ctt.rd 10u_dtl pOzl_Onof thu clam 1_ deraen¢ LI left,or me;_n_? 21 Q And LI_ _hc r_¢d 22 s_.d_tu,nuned co_d_do_ IUnCaon Is for dcteCl_r 8 a extcra_ _0 sud app_Jaz_'t 23 A Yc_ 24 Q .t_ wc h_vc sa_d berole, t_.m8 it out of the Z5 oontcxt thai yot_ rcbJ upon, do¢l the trJ'_ _: Page 3Q6 Markman JA 0857 He<'_nag m_ t0,'26/05 P_e3_ 0gJ01 I p_s_t:_lch_ ] A 11"IL_tl_q.laf¢Of_'x(_rO $ Q Aed _e contexl thtl yce'm Iool_nB for m _upp0n 6 o fyom" _l_e 7 A 9Q for m fom_l_en N¢ct _ 10 _ol 3 Q $ A opmmn Is what'? gl_ed dc_'_, I_n _ c._l_' ¢llrn ©lc_c s_mt¢_ Cta]rps 9. I 0 _t_l l I m thu_ d_m ¢lcm_nt _ coo_ 12 ©_u_t rncam-_xq,_cmc. whet ec¢_ex_ do you rtly _ The underlined text, "_elec_ve_y r8 the _;_1 c_ 7 Q A_ 9 EI2_2*_U_ Stmovct 10 Q It I_r_._'urc, the_h7 A_nl _tdo_Xl 12 A Y:_. t6 Q And _.o_d yeJ _ w_'l _,_ :t_; IJ_ rc_[ed u _ .,_ AllnShL 16 A _f'y pm'ml_tn_ _ 6 mc._.,-_te_t_ _m,dy _ _/_mll ___ =_ f_:u fa_m_th¢_or Q _c_ How M:lrlm_ln 00310 I besi_ _,_ He._nng 10/26/05 P_ge 4 ipoa 5 sm_ed fo_a=_ _ be pa_Ucuh,.-ly w¢11 ap_hcxUo_9 6 A 'T_al cs_rce_, 2_ _t=j_twe 24 Q 25 pernal and pr_.enl _e ixed_ 7 Q X_yOu_; 8 A A_n, beyond chin? al _ul Ix_nl tt depe_c_ on wh_ 9 _p]_:uuonn'_dly _ t_ _ th= yca_ _he 'i_eml_:beacbN'e_lp/peoC 4 ==mp_mcs_ _'_w_ we're _i_ 6 _lov_ Me.x_s 7 zcy._ _d fc_ _ scl_t_l 8 _Jd AC vult_c. I:15xat cl_Jm ¢lc_x_t, I_ A Wc a_o bx'._ mcaru ,eo_cacu m_ stud nv:¢bx_8 I_; to be _u_ed _or a seJ_ 16 _ycle _d 17 Q l! W_ po_oa or _h mcam bgf wave th:u Llus puuc_u The tilde rs dtrcclcd aHl_ Z0 sw_chml_ e_e,_zs Io bc aco_Ic_ =hde w= me.ms Corcae_n8 s_ud Aod ch_ r_t 7.3 p_ _as4 swt_mg 24 A Q 309 wo_dd u =1 the ¢lmm e]em_t LSthe sm_ctm-sl l_guage say Ifs +m_u'xs _x" cat_utg" AUnghL Wodd_ou,x_thaxd_crc_t_l in the _l_n 14 fo[k_ws F_r c.a_sm 5 ==d _vt Lciun8 m_ Cot • =elected a_ of c_ch half wzv_ ¢?d¢ of t wou)d f_ a selects1 pomon of ot the Ipa_&uage before _z,_ ts j_t 17 A Y_s I$ Q A_ 19 ¢_1_l 21 e_c.!_hal f wave c-dale OCstud AC voltage. 22 Q Page _dc_c_ I_r_on that 1 5arc j_t of c_ch hab'_ve fcs_ ts am to be _nmtc_ _lg o f _a_d AC I _ vol_6e7 dm:_cd Io? 19 A 10/26/05 C,_be_. I _ fonca¢_ 15 AC vd_._e. th.u the me:_ A 12 Q 13 o f _ms clam clrxa_--_| _ _w_tchmg m c_e'us? Hearing lamJ_'u_¢ m th_ ch_ Io Io_ _mon II I I to a I_p _o:c_m_nB_ds,,_t_ngme.untobo N:_'t _de 9, 10 _ voltase "q W_dxd_v II C1:_ of hght_n& Out tcl_uvely ofAC the, Mr th_ the sh'oclutxl lO s m_p[y the wo_d "_+? CSphase _ m_ zpphe_on With _r_l d,mfi_un G_u would be Irpm_ _pprop_ _Le for Cl_t xpplca['_ Q of the art _d numb_ Y_th- 10 _ 12 The - _vOUJd you _pee with me th:u the smu:u_ral la,_,_e that7 oft _:u _ 9 sugge_l Out i_u_s= :_ rc_'y, vc_y Ase that* e_her _L_ctan8 3 $ ye._ ue _n tbe or0Jnary _E Markmau ,_%15athcr+ ba_cd _our v_¢w d'.at a mac wo_d zs z pe_on ce_l 003It I A _M_om :t 0 f_tmctur_ An_ fi'_mmy who h_ _4:_;gned qmte t I_g¢ 388 m_u-7 A_d _c pow_fd mconleXt _2 2 Q 3 Q I:_Vcr f_ly lt_:d_sam a pet_3 I'_ _ to bm _, Cr :tnambcr for AC pow_" e_ol t[u= p_z_ zI cn of th_ ct=m ¢lm_.,._ *Jruc_ze. Wha¢lxx,_'r_lysu_tedra_cmre I! _0 experience, @_J _,_ I_ state t_t In th_ c._e_ I'm m fe_nn_ m = mac, a 19 A 2,t lx-r'efn _nd Io ned Lunp = to7 u-cll..knawn Y_ _p_ly n :_.cc_e 17 19 L."r_ 20 A ;uSge_ 15 y0u ref¢-ang 17 fir, I _ of _h.s cb, m clrn_ni _tu,dly h dac_ nel ".,_._: _e 14 Q A peru_mn_ AC vcl_¢ L_t:J_xt r¢cl_'_ _c_J C_eCl_ 13 p¢_crl_]y D ofta_ t_ _ Cer_m m_m_ -- wdg. wmJJd you aE_cc w_fo me the. I I the _ m,,cnf_J la.._g© thc_'t._xGyc.%lxl_o_ldcSwSmss Aad m eor*'_t, 6 _'_e'_u t_the_m_ea3mmypf_noL_:msn,_ 8 Io_lnng a_.c.Jcr,/ |l'tl_ln 2 to mtxp.s m coetcxt. I g,_c:_ d_X SUppC_ _ A Even t_kc_ out o f C_XlrXL based un my c_ 25 Q Wh_ cxix_ fo'_ I_ fot_ cia_. Agr_t ts m LF_ rCClU:d _XrCUO_7 c_ce_ _1 plussc _LS st_c_us_ or (o me. _ught _h_ be? _L_rkm_a JA 0858 OUl of _ 22 stt_co_'c_ 310 _ 21 I_f_slona_ Page we have L_ I_uBuaB_ cxpr_ss_ 24 lOr2_dOS - Caking cv_G_mg t_t the_-c any _tur_J 23 Hearing _y 20 That _ cor:c.cl. Marl_n_u _s thee in t_ se-_¢ He_nng 10/26/05 Page 311 00313 I Q 00312 I A h _&hl be a nm_p anti compa_or 2 tos¢lc_vdyOmlrelaph,_c_gl¢. 3 c_z=ol[cr 5 Q fcactzon | unlc p_sc to 3 Q L_tmc $ Q L_[ me r_,Lal_ IL 6 A Y¢=h Twoexmcq_]ea How, t_ae's no word m here thai a_tu_ty _th_ 6 m_."_t_ _ _ No [Irmghtb_lm_o wgh a t_mcr that gcm'n¢_ 4 _xformthcsam¢ r/F_ o¢ cuclut exprer_dy ot m a g_zcn¢ fashLo_ zs there? ? _. No. Q 8 Q So Ozc_'s _o sl_ctcr_ word - exprc_ 9 ,vord In b_¢ 1hat wou}d COnvey t_ T_lon_ _c underhr cd phrase I_'_ : Lm'i_,. s_c_ua] _z_ _ Lemaa_ stmc Lx_ethat yc_ say _S Is "_ for a _cgzcd IO af z.ml AC _o1_1[c ". t,d_n_ tl_ II Thai t$ COZTCCJ_ [L l_g_zag¢ m tnOU_o f _tc._ And I f, ah_ Z_at the sZz_gtus¢ thaDs _uggcsteA L2 ha_c u_¢d t_t by th_ acta _at appear m thc z_catcd 13 _a_a_ 12 Q [3 to you zs _ted 14 fancbcn? L4 _ar01y IS A Yea L_ A 16 Q $o wo_cl you a@-ee_th I_ ._ [1_ s_i._iz_r© ts m th_ dmcnptm.% dO_ not rCC:t¢ Sufficaora sXzacrgre (O Iv Q O fti_c claim? $o you ;a'_ tz_nlg 22 I'gnctlcn - I'm j_L _ takm$ thc cntuc cimmcd a3qn_ m make sun: I'¢a Ck:zr 23 Q All ngbc 24 A From o_z_o[ cu_cu_ me._s to _ad AC volt_e 25 ofcomext e. thai andl hav_ used that g'm_ up to aow 20 pcffcrm ¢aZircly the rcc_zed ftmcdon_ 21 A 10/26/05 rcrocmrc7 2o s_ O f tim p_ase yoa gsr_t 21 Q vchalsa_t_u© 2_ m _ _mdatmcd 25 Q Hearlag rz _ [o me. _ Sp_afic_JiTwtalL_s_r_c_r¢ dz_n clcmao 24 nm o_t or - Markanaa P_ge lae.lud_a_ the aoz that _a m the phrase th_ Markman 312 Heanog 10/Z6/05 Page313 OO315 C_14 ) pm_rng Y_, 3 Q A_jdc _r_zn c_c a_, _._h, _s _h_ "l_crc cs no spec__c la.n_._= s_ p_m_ n _ [o A[ln_'_. Ne_ 8 C[_ur_10andll I 0 h_r.mg for _ ]2 c_Y_r I_ =l_mc_cm_ No,_¢c_mcdfu.n_ond_n_latc ts me,ms for pro_uc_g a _ h_,lf ",_v e of _"a_dAC vaI_e I_ I_ci_ In r_ponse M_ Cads_, G_ c_mc "I_¢r¢'s no cxpt_ rm_o_/, $ A T'n_ _ avc_rm 9 (2 okay tO A II Is m'qgmt a x_mp p_._ LI O m d_ecnon of d_ zrr_ L3 A cJazm d_a'ucnt _ol]owl_._ tbc wh_h is 'mcaz_ °, s the _d skq_em or"wheg $_cp,_e _s _hcre_ is no expI_cR s_._ cure. And i_ impl_-_l 12 [hc_:cdatJc_o['_hc g _o_nl _r th: _vc_ 14 C_ _dof_, Its [tsunply "; woaRi produce a ramp wave fomh t_pwav_rm, Hcrc_ch:cl,_med_ca_m the ¢_um d_r_mt _N_ ¢say whal _ac a_cam s IsnlLhatCO_L If you - mcan_ foe pt oducanlga ramp wxve foera, 6 Q 6 s_u_.ctc ? Q [( _n JmL a m¢.a_ _ny 4 A $ _. a ramp waverorm 2 _'l_p¢oducc_ghaJrampwa_c_l_m 2 A II £ammon ofthzs clam dcmcn¢' Whe_ ek_lz_ml oul o f conteXL m the way 19 t1_ ¢lJ_Lm¢ _'Z_ the re.tad ,l_s c_m sufl'_.am_ stme.eum Z¢ Faxfon_ 17 Q 17 iI'_xe hlk¢ h_as_ L| sci_r_ii_atyou thai _ou a.ad [ [ ',vould d_sx_i'ee became to me. R doll re_ t_ L_ Ealz_r mc thai if we take the - r.Jaan cl_n_a_t ald.'J_ 1_ Lh¢ _tc t_'o, would you a_c© with mc _ doca not rca_ me.attl to portion o f each hal f wzv¢ cTde IO SOl_¢_{cl;[ to 7ou_ A al the clam lot c.lusm8 sazd [wlt_bl_l| _m the ac_s Lha_a,_: re_l[rd _ ftmcban7 Butoolj_ltl_:_ A$[_aJdbCforc, hah" I _ wav_. ramp p,._sc, zero o'o_ Jang pomq, G'_cac _c mo_¢ Lhan _ncUoa, 15 u 1:_or7 16 A "r_ _s corrc_ 17 Q A_ _sth_ 19 ha_¢ _d 16 Q my s_rucr_e m th_ c1_ b'_ phr_e 17 Lbeu_ elemem prow ou$1y which you on pomq Io Lb_l 'l_ey _ _-o _o d_ _cy d_at r_uR nor_ The/_,_ _m d_ mew_ not d_ n_=ms _df i_ A _ezcrocr_mm_polntoftheh_fw=vcd_snot 19 r_h f_um_¢m_ _ "rn_Ic_mcsfrom_cACw_vcform 20 n_¢ll" 2L O 21 rcc_zt f_c.u0_7 22 A R.,_mp wavcf0_ 23 vo_. a r_p _sc. _ a _a'_lm'c, _ uos_n_ _lf wave of _a_dAC haJf wa_c, zll of 2:4 _osc n'c s_z_ 25 Q Okay Naw,_arnpwavcfom_lLsxmczns M_r_m_n H_rtng 10/26/05 d_n¢ G_e z_ 23 s_m_l_ _hc zc_o c_c_smg 24 A 2_ again, _ Pag© Bul_eze_ocr_mRpoml 22 [_s _hc _ _Ln_ _phr_cd,.,_'_a_ dCL_L c_rctat _mL ca_smjg JA 0859 _ 1Cs p_nl of _ wavc, an_ Lt t_ unphcal thaz you w_ll need c_rcm _'_ to dclea Markmo_ 314 _o_ oF the w_vc? Hearing 10_9S P_l_e 3LS 00316 00317 I the :z_fo cn3_$zng polnl 2 Q And detccuce 3 A Y¢5 4 Q - of the meam. 5 A Yes 6 Q I_ 7 A of the _ the fmacuon 2 Q And where 3 structure cc_ect? tn the mca_ that de_ects7 N:xlshdetswmdow 9 10andll 10 ask you ts th_ II _ 12 have follows "For ca_ng a tim value 13 conchtlon 14 r.aJd predetermined said claim fw_t thr_hold m the absence and a second of this value fmlct_on vohagc to A Y_ 17 Q And es the - m youx view. 18 laasuage 19 _mea_ 20 $mor to the reczted respor_ 12 to dctechon of 21 A Yes 22 Q I)o¢s 23 as you ha_ e j_l 24 to pefforra 25 clcma_ ¢nt_ely J_l ftmcbc_ The: p¢_ifz'mlnnd Bui the phrase 15 I'wstthresholdvoltage are things claim the Tneclatrnclam_forcausmgthe voItage I[isana_L That _s an act, ts _! not? Andagam. thegmtcturelslmphc_t 21 Q BuHfs 22 A It*s not threctly sum:tute 23 Q AIInghL claim 24 tht_ - again, 25 _xpress¢_ this aCL Is that nght? not expected7 exp_¢d. Andthesame for thes¢¢ond'*alue, It*s - the stnzctur¢ Page316 ts _ugge_Ind Markman 00318 in voltage conthtlons h I.s suggested by that aCL 10/26/05 per formed ts - the claim dc'csn'l h'ssuggcstndby Hearing Of Ittsathmgaslsthe A clement, to 10 the detcgtlO_ -- firs! thr_hold 20 ofth_ Markman there 19 Q of LhJs claim it, reczte sumclcnt the recited value. Q 18 m the elaboration _pe.ars I mca_ 14 ftmcte_ w [uch voltage p_cdetcr_mned that arc being ][t_a_h',actwc first threshold 1_8u_ge identified no A foncuon? the su_'tural Well. 17 m¢'_$', ofsa_d V_U¢ In vt:spozl_ are the acts 16 the ph_e first threshold co.oct? i_no_anact_ 13 scco_l to sa_d sw_or cona,tlon. And th_ the funcaon, ts the st_ctm-al the reclled e to sasd _ Q - m the abeen¢c the second what r_po_tseve there? threshold a first value II A of thn_ claxm elcmenl? 16 that pes forr_ condlllor_ 10 conthtlon" Is that the tcc_tcd 7 9 clement of sa_d p:ed_ermmed m response We thseu_ have language, "mear_ Is the structure 8 said _cdclctmencd I'rngomglo ftmcllon ts the st_ci_al th_ phrase what 6 compara_,Chaws Thlststbeundcrlmedpo_n the reclled does 4 means", 5 A not Lbe swactwe AllnghL 15 Yes - Yes S Q I A .save bul not Ilearing 10/26105 Page 317 _)319 I A It ts sugg_tnd 2 Q All nghL 3 agree bul not expected So wtththal w_th me that m - oul o f contCXl, 4 and I have $ d_ 6 m:ltcd 7 A 8 _ffi_¢_ reed that ph_c pv.-vlo_ly, not recite su ffifacnt function Aga_ su'_tmc of the clarm si_cunr. 9 SUeCtmeS Q F¢_ the way II A Th_ ts c_¢cx 12 Q The next clam 13 Th_ 14 tcspcms_, i5 the ffe_ce function7 that you 3 A Y_. it does dcmcm 4 Q And wou]dyou, e_alrely the 5 exphclt _n yore 6 A _1do¢_ II $ugge_t_ Yes dram element _.s you have nuraerc_ B clear elm.'hi r_ as foilov, e to hght external what _; the m-A_lmed t 8 _ _m IAght spparatm;', 13 suffic;cnt s_tmc 14 ftmcUon, conect7 15 A 16 w_thm co_tcxt, 17 Q 18 dcteClCh'_ml_y, 19 follows _ 20 hghl sensing m th_s 21 have a third 22 vaJues ._a_mg mea_ fo_ dclccung 19 A Thal ts corre_L 20 Q And 21 lx_t 22 d_m 23 to IigS_ _t¢_ thai _ d_mcnt, is the pbea_ to s_d 24 A Thai ts CO.eeL 25 Q Now, tends. of dayhght" the structme m this dram fur, cumin of th_s dam_ which m the ahao_ doer 12 II ¢l_mcnl "for detecung Am - tha_ you beheve exphctlly present hgh! _mg avp_r_s, that s e_ra_ Markman the I correct7 me_ r¢_port_l_ e c_-re_t? l_gua_e seining c_t,_a Ilearing 10/26/05 Page 318 chain 25 voltage t_cd wbe'_ to hght m yota" view, out of contexl, the phr_c external to sa_d do¢_ nol r¢ote cntzrcly aga_ the recited the answer i$ no, tha answ c:ris yc_ Ncxttswhatyouha_clabelcddayilght ClaJrnll mcans means vld_ f_ Tht_chamelementtsas including causing dtfferent stud hght seeing that - ! gatheL el_nent to have is the phrase a third value means s_d responsevc threshold to sa_d voha_e to from sa_d first and second means the recited _ dclectmg funcuon dayhght of this "for cau.s mg sa_d th_hold deffcrent Markman JA 0860 bc fo_c, :t _ vc_' U'_at phrase" carhcr, responsive to perform C_cu_l Now, read of thts es I gather, Allnsht 24 ci_-m_ meam Taken 23 Andthlses Bt_take_OUlOfCOntexlmthes_se and ] _vc "hght of dayhSh_ the tecttnd I7 elemenl, s claim AIInght, IO that you explam? right7 the su'aci_c II Oaun to f.a_d sppara_ts and _ I gatbe_ t_ pholoCefi, Jl_ the recited Wbe_takenmthecontextofthxsftmctlon 7 and aIl the oth_ described ent_dy pTeasc, view, nc4 rex:ire 9 Q that - to per form th_s clana clCmml_ In contcxl, structure 2 m the way to perf_ tad_en oul of context' 10 t 6 I sufficient unde_tandmg.wouldyou from saJd flrsl and Ileartng 10/26/05 Page 319 OO321 00320 I second values when 2 dayhf)at" Am s_d |igh[sen_ng I sa_d £rrst _nd rneartsisd¢leclmg I c_r_eclo 3 A Y_ 4 Q And I galher thatthe smm'ural p_llon $ c[aun ¢lemem tsthe phrase "m_ns Cn_'u![_ irtclud]n 8 me.m_ r_po_slv e Io hgh[ yes Andlhngc_ngloaSky0uadlffcrenlquesthon ]0 think I sc-Iop th_ _mry II Assume A Yes Q And respoo_vc including,and s_ns Hc_e'sthcclalmclemcrtt yr_ Iapologtz¢ 12 r¢_ponswe 13 threshold ]4 first 15 detecllng t6 stud firsland second vaioes when ]g elemen_ }7 A 18 shd_ 19 Q 20 "clrcmt s_d hghl senslng mezas A.ss_th_'stbe¢laJme]emrm, 18 pl_ 19 A 20 the - 2l Q _L 2] 22 A Okay 22 23 Q And _at Lt_ --m th_ conlex[ or m thatclaTm 24 ¢}¢racat, 25 sa_d Okay ttts Sowe_remsurmngthatltlsdlfrerentthan the subset _ of the rex1 that L_ht-re'_ O_r rcc_ zrd funcUoa tlaesho|d _ oLUtge to have _s _be cla_e a thsrd vaSue Markman for cav_mg dlff_cnl Heanng from 10,'26105 Page to starl ov_ [hal the claim ¢[_Taent lth again Mr to sa_d [Lght sensing voltage '. alucs dayhgh_ th_s _ Thal'sngh_ for causing said hghl se_mg sa_d from sa_d m c:_'_ ts that thai is the c[,_m _ s_bs_J of whal _ on the [l'5¢-._r_'thmgafl_'thaphrase mcar_ With '7.hen Let's assume agaJn, mcluchng" tha_ _nderslandm thai clam mean_ to ha_ c a t_trd _ a]ue dJ ff_ent and Second $o IS as fo]lo'._ S M_ citroen! 23 _c*hage to have 24 s_cond ; alaes 25 dayhghl', 8 the rccm'd _ the phrase a third _ aluc d_ffe_ent ,,_}3 cn _d ]_ht funcllon "for causing from 5cn.sl_ of sa_d threshold stud fi_t means and _; deleclmg correc_ Marlonan Yes 1 are structural And the sm_:tural the f_ll_ Me_x_ poruon of _tat t'cspon_ve claim to said hght clement _s setting 4 _? 5 A Yes 6 Q Would 7 A Y¢_ g Q 9 elcraenl _ Ileanng 10/26/05 Page 321 Page 323 OO323 A 2 Q 3 I'm going 320 00322 I of thai claim col_cc[ metes of that Ihavego_edownthewrongw_ckv, c]emenl As_m'nc means for causing _7 isdei_t_gday}_! "means", scnstng f_mct]on Caxlson 15 stud threshold voltage to have a thrrd• alue dlffe_en_from 14 Me.ans responsr,e to sa3d hght se_smg _ the -- the rcma_nd_ 8 ]] _ _th v, hen sa_d hgh_ ls that the rec=ted th_ v.ord 7 A 10 clcrncal ts_; follov,s It Allngh[ is s_mply Q _ alucs dayhght 9 th_$ claim I m_operly 03aI the clam !2 begins afterthe clrcml mem'_ 13 the means c}a_m _]cmenl'_ 5 8 ser_smg mcm_ 9 Q 3 responsl_ c lo sa_d hght 6 sensing means? 7 A is dclcctmg 4 o f lh_s second 2 you Now, element 10 does sup_ Do¢_ 11 '_¢][e 12 fintcUo_? agree valh that_ tha_ structural the recited potion thai stractm_l porhon of 01¢ claim SUf{'tClelll SII_CtUr¢ to perform Taken of the claim - w_ Ih4:h-aw In the comexl entirely 13 A 14 say of Lhe _ hale I_ Q Out 16 A l v_ould 17 Q Okay 18 the _ are the ac_ that appem" I_ the recllcd _9 th_'_ c,_r_ec_ 20 A yc_ 21 Q As v,¢n 22 acts or the recs_d 23 c_m 24 A 25 voltag_andhavmgthlrd_aluesthat elemen[ patcnL I would _,¢s of context, as we've u.sed that term_ than say _ Andthecontexttha*you'rc;cly_ngupon_s uaderJmed, _.s th_ngs that rmght function ha sW_gcsted fun_t_ on b_t are not exphclt by those tr* tha "_ Thallscorrect Bu_wealsoUtlkabout threshold ared]ffc_t Markman Ileanng 3 Q 4 uhal make 5 A O_r _mgs 6 Q Whal's 7 and what 8 A 9 dctect=ng m the[e, actual And they _ are the thm_ the r¢cttcd JA 0861 that are that a_e caoscd _ha_ c._usc _ ar_ an exampleofthe ts the thmg Well larter'_ that caused fo_ example, dayhght, then by the a_ts functlon_ V.rhat tS the act, the act_ the sa_d tight that wtll cause scrmn_ mca_s the threshold Io 13¢dtffercnt Q AsIundc_ztandlt 13 n:spoo_lve 14 s¢_ang I_ element, 16 A No 17 Q Sowlthlhat 18 v.lth to hghl means _n'l hghIs_lngmeans sensing means th_ _o_ct_re tsthe II s not -- the hght i_elfoftht$ claim con-ect'7 thattscon'¢ct me that Yes undersla_&ng m - ) 9 slrt_rur_ ]a_g_e ol'I_s 20 sufficlenl structure tc* perform 21 fu.nc_l on'_ 22 A 23 _ecl[e 24 Q Y¢s, oulofcontext, suft3c_ert_ Bless_lly, _ould otR o f con_'_t, as you claim yes you then agree ose thai ienn _len'_'nt entirely does the t_c_ recite {he rcc:_¢d In cont_xl, *[ does slJuclt_c we are at the end of this (Laughter) Markman Page322 thmgs m thai phrase II 25 There 10/26/05 dcy_-nbed I 0 voltage the rcctted ¢lemcnt_ 2 Hearing 10/26/05 00324 00325 I MR 2 adaffelrat 3 COOK tOplCWlthMr THE 4 A]irlght exa.mlnatlon Carlson COURT wdl rmaboutton_vemto How be, Mr mtw.h tongrt MR COOK Probably another 6 THE COURT 7 MR COOK 8 THE COURT 10 MR COOK II THE COURT - anoth¢_ 12 MR HIGGINS Excuse Why don'l why Mr Cook, 14 15 but let me make sine afternoon, Good afternoon 9 I'm going 16 MR HIGGINS 17 MR COOK I $ I behev© 19 ntmut_, 20 21 Mr St_¢ No, ofspeclficclrcu_ts 11 to tree Honor 13 Yot_ Hoam THE COURT it again. 15 jUSllctusknow "._dl go Io_8¢t You Wahl to have than lunch, (Laugbr_') 23 THE COURT 24 MR I can scc nght tbrouf, h you I dll_'l COOK thltL_ The please I wa_ thai Ileal'lug 10/26/05 Cook? ratho" v. mdow COURT COOK than BYMR Q T_s 21 A Is this DF_A's Icchnology, in yota" bmd_ l_e you comparatot so I'm now ratber to look at Is chagram7 In hts rc'p_rl_ I'm goms a different 20 a couple on the screen MR 19 aboul wcd¢cldedthalwcwdlbeabl¢ to ask - I'll starl the way COOl( ts zn tab 49 '_ figure 2A 22 THE COURT 23 MR Massc'ngllrs and 2B_ _s it 2A COOl( No, and 2B or sore©thing ¢ls¢ "_ tbrs_stab49wh_ch_sDr comparison THE COURT So_¢syot_experfsskelcS_ Page324 Markman 00326 Hearing 10/26/05 Page325 00327 I MR. COOK 2 THE COURT 3 THE 4 BY MR. That's And WITNESS I thafs 2 49 Forly-nmc And what 6 window compatator 7 _cur_e b' charac term:d I wznu:_cl you to do ts just &agsam JtL_l tO make yc_r check sure your by thls pamcutax the charn ¢leraenf? IO A COURT MR COOl( No, Th_e Okay Youaresaymstha_youpulabluehne arotmd tbe hax became 12 Q 13 A - _nung 14 Q I hay© taken 15 identdled and tben w_lspo6ed 16 pul a bluc hag on 17 overall 18 A Okay 19 Q I would 20 blue hne 21 A 22 0ae anode and the _ 23 togcth_ Ican'treaTlysee 24 including it, hat Jl's a httlc 25 a,re On yot_, thuds 6 THE COURT 7 MR COOK 8 T}IE COURT II yr_, str 12 dial catcuzt clcracnt that you it m figm'_ 2A and 2B and tt so v,¢ can see 11 m the conteXl cErctuz dlagr_ here As Ion8 jest t_e you to Salts fy yourself on thts chart ts exactly _s you are m¢ludmg that tha the unnanmi &od_ node o- conn¢cl llloo_hkeyoua_e hard for me to _ Markman ileanng tfyou 10/26/05 Page326 Mr -- no, rm THI_. WITNESS to on -one, G for ca_mg rmsorry m Ihresho_d l'mona-says one. going. Okay Look at Ihe nghl hatlom and you Yousc_:tbeleltcTsmtheetrcl¢_ 17 THE WITNESS 18 TIlE CQURT Thank THEWITNI_;S 20 BY 21 Q 22 selcctlon 23 Clam3 e]ernenl 24 _ntl_e CU'CUIL Thafs 25 drawing. you, Your Honor Okay Okay Thc_'e_cgo MR_ COOK I jU_l want of the io ask you sorae w_ndow And ] want why questions compatalo_ block aboul used your fo_ thts parucu)at to pul 1l m the context I have Markman JA 0862 Iow_ Carlson_ Keep THE COURT wdlsceG "Mcaas on the _rong THE COURT 19 - of the rectlfi_ cornet7 14 16 you see tbe code Are you on the _ght 13 15 of tha ll'sG, and you go down Okay THEW1TNESS sertsog It's not the dusg_-sdown ate codes, Do lO tohavc"l_altbelop, no blue Ime beT¢ m my _ 0tts is? G 9 Ih© lOWer nghtohand II What page of Exhlbt t 49 nghlhandcoraer Number that we - put a blue hne arotmd thai you say ts s_ THE top page 3 4 Q S ctrctul co¢_eCl COOK 5 9 things THE 25 Markman are m Carlson to dtagTams 17 24 Mr firsI o11¢ that I would go to your 8 questzon don'l you, hrr¢ 16 15 Cook7 22 We a_k you qtt_Uoz_ And IO be tcfemng than pulling 14 Mf Io now the EI,MO 12 going lwdlbeusmgtlusfot--and th_ my ex,_nmat3on Q l0 IthJnkldo. ] dOa'l ,.van I to t_c Okay Good 15 rmnutes7 LelraejUSlChaCk Wdll be back at I 00 COOK 8 A Goabead,_d]n,ght COOK MR ? Q doyouwaaltousthschlcthatporaonof-MR THECOURT 6 B'r ahaad- 13 (Break) 5 don*l you go me, Your youwetevctyl_al_patt_l So we'll 4 15 minutes you go ahr.ad7 I'm saying for lunch 3 _c'c_ da you thlnk your I'll wail No, THECOURT 2 break Cook7 5 9 I W¢canConllnUe? of the this par_lcula_ Itearmg 10/26/05 Page 327 00328 0_329 I We've oltllm_d 2 elcmr:m m blue, _ 3 A Y_ 4 Q PTofessot 5 ted _ hal you% c $¢Ict't_d [hal's the window Masscngdl's I'm not going tO _k for thkc s:JaJm J O Yes 2 A Yes 3 Q Yes, 4 the threshold compardt or selecuon you about of cttcmlr/Is in that, just about the THE COURT 8 BY _LR COOK 9 Q The c_tson 10 pm_on So what's t_: _u_stlon_ _s, the -- you scc the claim of the clam_ element a fn'st value 12 Rnd a se_:ond valt_ that talks about m r es_rt._: condmon 14 have thee the - ha_,ng fret condltlOn to det ecOc_ of sa_d ca_slng the 0ors_/d _nd second valu_ _ olt_ t0 do you that, Mr 15 Cal Ls_n7 16 A Yes 17 Q Ar_l does the _ indow compar_x ha_ e tl_ -÷ came b'_e_hold • olUlg_ to have first and secmxh 19 A No, the window 20Q T_ thr_bold compar_or _olive a]u_¢ does not ,s d_wa al node 6L _s iI nol? 22 A Yes, tits 23 m2p v,_ 24 Q It_ r_orted, Now, th_s,._thcv*rongblt I bch_,c ,s what happened All nghl 2_A And Yes, lseethe61 8 And so yot_ Q _ a]ues arc my pen. corrcc¢ Thafs lO and I I 10/26105 comparator ts not the l0 A NO thal'scorrect I I error And m tlus pa_i_cula_ clrcmt 12 Q be- 14 and absence ]5 correCl_ 16 A That ts cot_ecL 17 Q And v, hat are those 18 clalm_ 19 A The prcdetermmcd 20 ourpu; Of the pbotoceJL 2} wiU_ln- 22 coming 23 node claim of predetermined element paste _s supposed conditions Isn't predetermined conchttorts wh)cb to that condlllOt_ IB this m thts claim are the Should bc included aClt_ly it'sd_fficuhlose¢,bulyoucanseeahne down from between the photocell then the other through ou_ 57 mto coupled and feeding rain an unnamed tv*o reslslors ts the output Page328 of the on timer IC3A Markman 00330 this clalm'_ was a cut and iI'scfcatlngfl'*ose_a/ucsmrcspor_etothcpresence And _ -- the _ mduw that satasfied That 13 25 Hearlng yes window 9 comparalOr 24 m CI2_s Markman I|eanng 10/26/05 Page 329 Page 331 00331 I Q I Q I Q2 through the detector 2 comparator and the pMsc on up through the pulse co_ml of 3 A dayhght inthe cncmt of those blocks, 4 And flm_scm'e alldowr_slx_tm, if you will, from tbc 2 blocks of effc_m/he:re thaibcgm 3 QI and Q2 4 51 and commmng They me dowmtrc_ with the --starlinglu 5 cortc_ 6 right I think v,e would ha_ e IO be fairlycareful about 7 dcfunng what we mean All right 9 A Thcyarewhe_ethcyateo_thecucmt Sine thai u:ps_cam a_d dov, mstre.am 11 ¢Ju_ drawing, 12 Q 13 drtecuon 14 and tmt_l to the - U_UI tl _uses 9 l'mnol makes a lot o f scm<e m l*m simply of prupaga_n Upslream rcfcmng of the signal f_n the bmp to the the PIRs through to go on v. otdd b¢ Q I and Q2, ar, d dowmctream proceeding would thal poml for_ ard from you agree that 16 A Block 17 Q And Wtth ]_lme7 I thoughl 20 c_3fmed me.. Can v.ejustsay 21 BY 22 Q THECOURT 23 and thenyou Q Would 25 nght, appea_ you wflh on the drawmg'_ the QI andQ2'_ There -_c go agree to the nghl, that th_ mlubLt block control And to the stgnahhat to the stgnal dtscttsslng ctrcmtrY ts the turn tilts ts all to the emerges from the output that emerges from the the da_ hght detect the and or'the on-{trner the on-ttmet t_ block 52 _ ts jttsl IO the }e fto f pulse 52 ts the block l_t on it _c,cct_ es the output count oulput, the top to the nghL of the pulse count, receal.cs the output A ofthewmdowcomparatot 21 s'Attch, 22 Q Swttch 53 ts m the tc*tlmony 23 A Pardon me, elernent _s to the 24 Q thai g_ from 25 then 10/26/05 the wmd0v* -- for example 20 claim Hearing reset from [9 of the slgn_ Mark.man and 18 correct_ COOK tonght RsghL '_ 19 ftomlcfl And A Which Can we use Ic_ right,up am/dov* n,bccattse you Proceeding Q 13 correct A leR or nght 12 Q 18 I knewv.haUtmeam tt's from 15 thai .. amplifier tl not? I f you're 14 _lldmg, does h r_sponds on-hmcr the and Q2 cotmtcr A and down And iI rc_-ponds "._otdd 17 und_s ttwn-on of Q! Q [ [ restt, fra_tikIy By "dowr_U'e_" MR- I0 and and and countc¢ detect to the right 8 ptdsc l0 16 [_ _. etyllurlg 7 by "downsueam" 8 Q 15 The located 5 on-Umer 6 A 24 threshold _,lth ts v,hcrc I pomled 7 A - the m the absence of S._ud predetermined 13 predet_ 21 second 6 node- 7 18 t_ Thcnode61,_hlchts_hetc - first and 5 ocommg, 6 blue II that'scor_cct Page330 As thts switch ts drawn, _3 It delz'ndsontheposmonofthe I thrnk ycah, I f you pul thts tt would d_-nd it actually It is Swllch mto on the oulpul Markman JA ,863 -- ycah the operating of the pulse llearlng mode counter, 10/26/05 OO332 I correct7 00333 I 2 A In opovatmg mode, [[would, yes 3 Q Now. 4 A You would hke me 5 Q 6 A 7 Q Yeah, tfyou ha_ e the patem handy_ 8 A I dohavcthepatonL wouldyoulook zt C[alm l,pt_E ) g_ c me a hne nttmbc_" on thaf I AIInght I sh_l THE COURT 4 THE WITNESS Thls would be m the patrol 5 THE COURT Yes 6 thai 7 MR COOK 8 THE WITNESS I0 to look m the patent_ Maylputthtsbmdcx_ide? THE Ifs ;nobablyeas_er focme 9 BY MP. 10 Q II controlmearts, _ COURT Arc wc going to be refernng ba_k II to tab 497 12 MR. 13 THEWITNESS 14 BY Can you 3 9 than raanzpohang MR. 15 Q A 2 Q COOK We Allnght 12 contzol Okay 13 means 14 $c_Lgor means COOK We're going tobe n:fmmg to &agtam 15 hghl A and tab the last paragraph Well It acWally 17 the absf;lce ltappoarsa133 ovcrnde Itbegtns, including sclcctr_cly overriding by manual means stud first actuatmn to cause me'A_ _ccon_ Okay Now, 20 the manual 21 58. 22 correct7 22 the _ how does the manual overnde 23 A 23 lower _ m _ b[c_k right*hand down cornet here at the block of the clrcug And m Clalm I th_¢ts h'_ manual overnde. actaose thai talksaboul Hearing 10/26/05 The overnthng of-- the first and second 24 25 Page to ernn sa_d lamp _ m_._ m pfe_t_mlned h_ I_en the $c]@CllVC OVL_th scrtsor In other woi'd$, A[ wh_tt pOint does how d_ figof th21 occu_ m o_erode the stgnal flora m_7 where do_ 11o_-ral_ 332 it cut into the Clrgtltl'/ Oil thC ClgCUl[? Markman 00334 tlearmg 10/26/05 Page 333 00335 RIsht, I A nghl Ctasmbyfc_cmgtbe-cxcttscm¢, I procc_s_ 2 the - the fl_'_hold voltag© to be - al node 61 to be 2 A 3 3 [he nghl th_ven to a low level so that th© hght 4 lev_ of dlmnmaa_, 5 And at the same 6 photocell mpol to e_c'nth_]y 7 II doesn't matlcl" whcthe1" 8 mdark. 9 Q I0 the .scns_rs? 11 A 12 wholcthmg 13 ovemde 14 b_u:k and f_rce 15 4 ume thai achtm be Ignored the [tholo caus_ the 5 at that poml sa_f IS set'rag v.he*e does it intersect signal co."nmg 9 the swRch Ildo_ttat thcoutput ctrcml blOCk the There's outpul from 17 not rcaJ]y 18 Q 19 block WK_block7 20 A Comes 21 block 22 Q Block 23 A Yes, ye_ 24 Q And d_tt _, 25 raVeL of the -- that r_trre describe thl_ II oftbemam._al no named b,3ck zrotmd a coemeclr s'me how to describe Lees b;tck through node that comes [t v.lth who-re reference and forces tm coming tt comes down from 52, m tbe f_ nghl-h.and af#m. MR COOK Yore" Honor, may I object to thts ovemde, ts a clmm term that's not m hearing Can you tell me _ YOU have The Ye_,Yota'Hottor _'cpond bn 15 that the m_ual 18 pm'p_c of n0t )_l Ti_¢clatm on the clam11L_cl f but on a_e structum_. heard same DESA talk abom - by the _amc token, opor_t_ ovcmde MR wtth_aw CIRtm upon 12 qmtc I, and the Clann the signal a way from _c couat THECOURT 20 ahead 21 BYMR 22 Q 23 ,fs opo-ratmg a]? of the _l_Cllon t_ 25 all the Page 334 Okay AIInghL signal way m_mual on a signal proee_mg up U'_ough ovcmde 1864 Thankyou OPO_ thai ha.s ah_..ady blocks 43, 46, 47, Markman JA I*[I Go COOK So v_bea the 24 10/26/05 thai cxpl_latton. With I_GGINS my ob_¢cbon nghl, Ilearmg COURT 14 m thc lctl or to thc Markman 'DIE other clarr_ 17 side? creamy to WcaretalkmgabeulmanuaJ mter_-etatlon$ 19 the ptdsc circta_, -. rm to a p_-Ucula_ out of the turn on-tu_no" and control tlus7 13 tbe of all the Q2, ye* fm this Mafl_n t2 how to z_ro it aL_o corm_ mlo z=o Iogm and to my under_tandlng 7 d_putc frown coming out of -- MP_ HIGGINS l0 rm following chain the of QI Im¢orqu_t_ons? 6 which hght the signal It _s to the right 8 And And then resel ts on at z_ second o_ bright then 16 overnde 21 the llrsl and second $_-'nsor m_¢ls, Do you see the phrase thaibegins -- Markman said rnanu_ lamp |eleClC_. 20 thagram. Yes 24 Q 25 ovcmde m the aJ_ sam for thsabhng Q o_ crnde sa_d manual 131_eterfi3 tnallon A I 8 con&tlon Stud manual and second of fllummaUon, including ofsatd actuable 19 19 sa]d llsays is the dmgramhci'e, abo_ e Y_. al sa_d second level 16 ofall.m I Yca_ for selccl_v¢ly 17 thaz e0dffmt I -ftrst appoars andrllrcadthtsbrtcfly means 16 49, wlach Ffl put on _e screen, the tintoae m the - m Claim o f Cla_m Yes COOK zre going to refer io tab 49 Galso7 37, on someffang, IraSsed through f_om -- sh'tr_ng with 48. poise and 51, Heanng the 10/26/05 QI Page 335 OO337 00336 I counte_, 2 A correct? It's o_ratm8 on a s,gn_ 3 _11Lh©comrollo_cblocks 4 i_sc that's p_._ed to thcn_t of Ql 1 nmnberofd_ffetempomtsmthcclrc_uL through 2 chosc_ up 3 s¢clzon, 4 T_ere are 5 been placed 6 Q to the r.ountblock 5 THE 6 Up to Or past the pulse coum_' COURT THEWITNF_S cotmt Notp,_t 7 pulse - in one case tl's 8 and m the other ca_e, 9 blOCk 10 Q II th_s red block J2 A [Cs co_ 13 Q Andlt'snotoperatmg&recdy 14 A No 15 O So wc_d 16 C']a_m I _ upto lt'smthe In the pulse cOtmt block, o_ ctrcml the slg_l thai come_ &agr_r_ on thts chagTam, wlthm thai the se_or memos1 19 contorted 20 s181_l pc_cessmg 21 A l otm_plelety 22 Q The - 23 o_ ¢J_de 24 on QI, Q2"_ 25 A The w_'_ttal in th_ large on QI wlth -- ,xlth 17 zs corP_slwlth the pc6]lJ_n Ig rod block, v, htch tzp to node wRh of Clalm 1 taking,_.hJch for delecong thsz_"e¢ ks oIx'ratn _ rne that m that scas¢, the rnem_ and that's d_sp_te ts a_ motion. Is all the include_ A'_ thaL the fact on the output that ofthe o_ c_mde coulcl the manual ted block bc chosc_ Markman and not to operate tleanng al a 10/26/05 Page a n_3er of places fi_at _"='_ua) o_ en,?de into the ctrcutt don'l disagree It Is opera_ng 113the pro fcrce_ Io pe_ form v, ith that, but on signals 10 Q It's not gomgback II No ha_ e I'm of the red b]ock_* m the red block, It is doing and co_Jd the fimcUon on the output embodlmeflt, does yes, thai, yes operaung on QI and Q_ tlLsno[ No_, as [ understand 13 predetermined condition, 14 motion 15 Q2, 16 A LctmercadCImm6, 17 means for dclecIing 18 to stud apparatus, 19 motion relalr_ ¢ to said 20 objcct separate 21 Q And 22 that motion ts predetermined 23 A Can y_ 24 Q Predetermined 25 someone of a person pIRs tt, the dc flnllton you undo_md or objccl of first tilts to _fer that's sensed by the orpartoftt Ftrs[scr, D'ed¢lo'32Rne_ ct_tht,ort Io the - by Ql, conec(_ a fi_t sa_d first predetcrmmcd from fu'_t sclLsor satd (_ltng means wtthout bcmg of a person regard mOhon m Rap_ Io whefi_'r or _t corr¢ct'_ predc_c'_nmcd v. ould Mr c_xttoy_ conthnon apparatus that's moUon define sor motion be the type to deslg_ '7 of motion a mollon Markman that a -- 6_le¢lton Itearmg 10/26/05 Page OO339 I sectary hght I_c f_r them to de_t:t _ ould 2 w_'d 3 a pn:_¢lected c_tena 4 A _ no mention 5 _)g't:t_o_ Tt_r_ specify c:_ _xhat_t. for the $_|t'ct w_ thai we for example, v*anl IO that would "_ c:2 te't_ _ And a_ a resuh, _egatd$ fl_c mo_o_ to prede_'muned the mte_pretamm -- thai first 9 ts without regard 10 par_culax type of morton, II A Noneofthosewordsarcmtheclazm 12 stands alone [3 Q D_;p_te 14 m the clarm? 15 A The _ thai of m correc you ha_ e pre_terrnmed to _my pre_elecuon MR COURT con&tlon Ha_e 5 yot_'_') f that the b)u_ yo_ prcdetemananon of a f_ Thecla_m t_ fact tha_ the word pr_'rrmned THE COLrRT 17 THE 18 THECOURT WITNESS conthtt_ "p_edetermmed" _ ks THE WITNESS Do yoa have Segsmg Now, t 7 A The 18 wofkmg 19 ea_es I_ofa 20 R_ght but an obJeCt ,s - 21 Prctlymuch C4 please? Markman Heanng 10/26/05 Page 338 does from mcans change thro_ the C_yhght t_ threshold for -on detect to said hght _ aluc to ha_ ¢ a first and second ts detecting _ a|ucs when dayhght that you mctuded m hcrc a third _u_ m the hght falhng detect on the photocell _qd reset cmrcmu3, Io ha_ e a thtrd _ alue HIGGINS Excuseme Whalexhtbltare_¢ on, please _ THE COURT 23 MR COOK 24 MR ItlGGINS C4 Sel49 ItsthagramC4 ldon'tha_cExhthtt49mo_ book Markman JA 0865 t_')eCled rc_por_l_c said the dayhghl the threshold MR means the pholocell to have 22 25 ofyou_ wm_t to sat,sly h_vc to the cla3m e]emenl fled it _ for causing sensing o_ object _fyou accorthngtotheclatm,_tsaysthat tnchtdcs _ a/uc _ fl'erent hght Ofperum It'snc4al]mottc_ Now, means a -thts wouldyoutm'ntothcthagrara, that m front 12 third Okay ¢ausc COOK Now, the ClrCml means 16 everything t_m_ ob3ect,really 24 Q Q stud Now, I ] '7 10 14 thaf_ coffect I I or object'_ 21 people are objccts th_soxpmanobjcct MR. That's Of a pc_on 19 pcsstm or object 20 at Clmm 13 thal'_ )lne _ _ hal you You ha_ c identl 8 ctrcmt 15 mou on found thai corresponds 9 A found Ithd. Thaakyou Yes COOK 4 Q 7 thks page tt ts 16 23 BY TtlEWITNESS 6 as thc clrcUlUy 7 Q $ gqv_ THE 2 BY of any sort Ha_ c )ou I circuit or _ggc_Uon 6 Cimm6 25 it really 336 00338 22 in fact *t what $ A A angle _.htch I certainly 12 Q mQ2, that unders_n&ng thai F_,tL _ leading correcf_ the red block, yes you a_ee cor_tem out o f m the phase fo_ example thai Ifs operating 9 hcouldbe all the v, ay down 7 saying it's m the turn on Utter mh_blt So n's ov_'mdmg Io operale Ilearmg 10/26/05 Page339 337 00340 0034 l I DR 2 under CARNAL Thete*s It's I offmspaccccrl_nly" B THECOURV _bal theycommuc on into thcothcr 2 ctrcmtly and {he phase angle sect|onof the mail 3 4 _m A and B tab There'slettets they are dora8 S ldon'lknow 3 Q in theT¢ but - MP_HIGGINS Veryw¢ll BYMR. 7 Q Woulthl't 8 vafo_ to ex_17 9 A When )otl say "th_ I0 Q Tht$ clalm clcmcm7 II A - ate you speaking of ClaJm 12 Q Thk* claim thet's on C4 13 A Yes. 14 Q Okay 15 dayhght 16 It to the left-hand 17 A Two 18 Q h has two Ime_ Y_; Okay THE COURT 5 MR HIGGINS lhevettnow 6 Allnghl 4 COOK lha_enofurtherqu_uons Any rednect7 Yes, YourHonor Wewlllneed 6 to teestablssh our technology you agree that th_ datm claim', rcqmrc* you mean three 7 THECOURT 8 MR 9 - BY MR e_exoent yes t I from 12 asked Mr detect and rt_et only s3de coming out of Isn'[ thai coff_l? values? 19 A 20 mtercormectaom lfyouarcsaymgthat 2l mtcrcotmectlon$ 22 Q 23 the blue box m oedcr [o geHo 24 A |doWIqt, 25 tht*e'_ no tmphcanon moving ithastwo ottt of t t. YOS. fl h_ And so wmdd_*t you need I_ o to continue to the left of the t_rd value7 lax Markman cuts these Ilearmg wtres 10/26/05 Page Your quesuons m contexl dtmng d0¢$ context 17 $hde 18 taiktn8 about 19 A It's context 20 Q So the context ts not jt_l 21 a parhcula_ sh_e; n's 22 A that's correct to you mean Y_, m terms jt._t the words to explanmng of the entire In your a.*Lswer that are off thts Claim 6 as ',_c'r¢ here7 m tern_ ofthe you, arc structure, _ entire Clatrn 6 m the pfoasc that's on m thc contcxt of thc cntff c clalm7 m twmy Are there other pomons reform Cook or oul ofcont_Xl OU[ of context means 16 Mr his o'oss-¢xamlnatlon to you _, tLh respect versus Or context to the shde the screen, items he in context having my quest|on a person matertal Case of, for example, Clalm skdled 6 m the art, that there ot" a£1s which elaborate and reform Hearing 10/26/05 Markman 340 _342 Honor attenuon ts up on v.hal 25 you, yore which 15 24 that lmc._. that ttus blue he w_ And 23 Q letmde_tandyourquestaon &rccong presentahon yo*J severed 14 has IWO values Carlson, your 13 where Andtheboxthal_.OUldcntlfiedherelnth¢ Goah_. Thank HIGGINS I 0 Q I I? Okay HIGGINS Page 341 OO343 I yo*a as a person skdled 2 alrttctmal 3 A yes 4 rather not do at this pomL 5 suggest 6 elecmmt_ guy. 7 supposed to read 8 any stru_ime 9 as opposed m the I I fi_ctm¢ and ctrcmt further elaborate 5 person skilled m the arl? 6 A Y¢_ 7 Q Ar_ther¢otherporttonsofthcCImmgorlOot 8 I I, buca_c 9 commtmlCal¢ Then:tsmuehmthecla_mthatp*ovtdc$ I0 thai allow the conleXl II term ts a funcummi 12 A yes 13 Q Does 14 the claim, 15 opmlo_ 16 term? to yotL ] mere3, frankly, tes al_urd Srmdarly. asked you to - 14 que*hon, h _ould as an are no tdca that th_'t of what _mply you're m th_ pamculat )ou to exclude meara'asyouwaer_pondmgtoh_q_tton 17 the tetra that's on the shd¢ o f control and hghtmg 21 Q Does 22 words "control the axluslon 23 elaborate 24 you7 25 A to you c.scmt _ Cook "com_ol cvrcml Andrnyfirst the ,t_luston to you Mr of h_s the words queaoon e stnm[ur¢ domg_ po_aon 16 to you ts. dot_ not nol slnde where m tbu oul of conteXl IS Yes that to me to think that wc the*e and ._ay. I have he _ked A thm_ a pc|son at the beginning of rr_tead thai tht_ clmm this term appears [o you you material ¢labora,ton does clmm, not apply m the remainder A Y_ 18 Q And 19 A It doe| 20 Su_tant]al 21 clatm 22 bul we have 23 suggesting the structure of the 24 to perform |ha functtons m the clash. exclusltm you and of the ftmhet struetu/c to Yes 25 Ileanng 10/26/05 Page342 do_ it do amount tl suggests qtatc ffyou a read the ent3tc I'mjusluylnstolookalourhtllcsntppetbure Again, , of mxt that Js explaining as an ¢]ectromcs control guy, Markman JA )866 c]atm that? o f soxtctm'¢ a _ ea]th of part of yore to thns part,cula_ 17 that bucaus¢ or acts or not the t¢ffn'_ form m tbu how that whether term or a su_ctura[ that further control to you as a stnmtm-¢ al a conchl*lOn the[ ts the entn¢ m lerms controlled meamng m all o f them, adthllonaJ to mr|re that 112/6 of the means term cormot_ Markman ts part or mform otcmt o f the = mfmm here sktUed _ts7 meara on the screen bumg that th_ subclemenL |hal's Q 20 to contcxl does the fact 4 13 clectrmucs wnth re;poet clmm, 3 12 19 Similarly, 2 of the enttrc you will see many -- ff$ crazy way I $ ¢olmot I Q to ftmcttonal? htxe II's Jt_t buthat teem ts lfyoureadallofClatm6.whlchlv.ould structure I0 art thai the circuits as I read Ilearmg and _a_' dus, I 18/26/05 Page 343 00345 00344 ! ha_ e cacmts kind of flashmg m my 2 paructdu phrase, and I _pocl I thodes head as [ lead a and the output 3 response 4 Q 5 tell you _here 6 A 7 stud p_edclennmed 8 _,ou recallthatlineof requestmg? 8 _alu¢ 9 A Ido 9 conthtlon lO Q 3 people m th_ room 4 Q Now, would have the same reactlon v,lth respect to the altde thatts now on the 5 screea,tthlch tstltewmdo_ 6 comparat_ m Clmms compar ator or titled_ mdo_ I0 and I I,Mt Cook 7 to tmc of Ins experP_ alldes,that_ asked you to refer tab 49 alG aod do Ido the this h tills Q furthe_ 12 window comparator_ 12 A 13 MR_COOK I_ nc4- 14 Q The text _ 15 A In the THE MR 16 Q COURT Would you rephrase the qu_tloa9 HIGGINS As flusclatm ftmctton ts on the screen m yore 17 allde II,v*hat are the rnfar_ thaiare rt_nst_ e IO th_ 18 f,_'ttor rtle_$ w1"ach cav:_¢1_r_tOlreshold _ ol_e Io h,_vc a _IR In the of _alue shde occur_ one case of the of and 1he s•cond stud pr•determined c_¢ last ponton of this shde, what does it 1ell you _ rmsony When textual 16 Q Yes 17 A Okay 18 B, the _c4tagc you say the suppo last portton Inthectrcmloffigmes2Am_d al node 61 scmcs as a thre_held frrstvalue m the absence of a predetermined condition and 19 purpose descnhod 20 a St:_ So _ here m more for a detmq later 20 Q 21 predetermined cootht_on7 21 caused by these mt'z_s that you ha_ e on thls altds_ 22 ths: _ anous 22 A 23 which ts the output of the comparator 24 thv_dors m the window the upper and the 24 at node through the 25 whether 25 Well, m thisshd¢, we ha_ e the -- excUSe me -- I ¢onaparator seumg lower thresholds The mpul signalsapphed Markman Hearing 10/26105 Pa[te 2 Mr Cookol£o_kcdyousomequesuotts I ofthep_tent, ahout v.oo]dyougetthaLplease'_ 3 p,a_ cularly,the rnmmal 4 A Juslamomenkple_ 5 O Okay 6 m the c¢cmt tint's 7 either Or QI 8 A NO, nothing 9 Q When I0 manual Now. Sert$or o_¢mde or Q2 stops 2A after the mouon t2 A YtS, 13 Q I have ovem_ detector h_ quesaons Any recros_ 15 MR COOK 16 THECOURT Mr THE MR c_c WITNESS HIGGINS 22 MR- HIGGINS - we hohevc THE v we wdl except Okay for those COURT HIGGINS 9 THE COURT I[ ;n fil_t the MS behe_ • tt wdl 345 MITRAKOS Page 347 it _ NoobJecuon You _z_l LOpol 1 188 (WITNESS 16 TIlE CLERK 18 THE 9.qTNESS 19 THE CLERK Be seated 20 THE COURT T-h_e-*-z9 21 THE WITNESS CLERK WAS g8 Okay, your right SWORN State yes hant_ ) your name for the record please alton, Your J Michael Yes sir Thesz Yes, ma'ara Good Honor THECOURT statement COOK Goodatlentoon V_al Letmesee ts his statement Let numbc_ 83, YourHonor Markman JA 0867 Caz_ Icanhandttuptoyounow be number 15 MR 346 to subm,t the exarmrtatlon'_ Okay, 25 PaRe intend tesumony vetygo_d Raise me find your 10/26/05 Okay, THECOURT 24 Hearing you s_ THE 23 Marknlan Page M_chael we Thes2_s lhaveset'n:t 14 w]mess_ to put On ItS calls Honor, 13 22 poroom ready 10/26/05 this exammaaon Yoa_ Ha_e Ot do It du_ag fol to our Defeme tleanog as part of Mr MR. hel_ e_ tthmce ]e_el _t up to you no_9 of [he d_ fendants' prestmt ta_-_xammaaon COURT yo_ that completes the threshold that axe used to select Defendant handle MITRAKOS exhibit THE II 9 Yore" Honor, Okay 25 mouon that am and eventuolly ends up o_ at its accent Yes _tll 8 l 0 that - COURT case during proces_ng _oumaystepdown Tbsx& COOK 7 17 THE v, here the Carlson 21 24 does Norectx_s Allngh_ for the pMmoff 23 rnooorL 12 COURT 19 detecting ts on, off, F,lltrakos MS 6 I bs.qd that stop motion? detected M$ an addmoxal tt does no further 20 does _s aaua*ed, THE 18 4 doteeong 14 Thankyo_ 1 simply interruptthe St# I l occkt_ 17 lhaveClalm and 2B. from MR 3 ThesT. Q I and Q2 from the wanua_ override 2 1 wbsalthern._nualoverndetsas:tuated. m flgm_ ts where ate the thresholds the lamp o¢cm 00347 I first v*dn_s_ Claim And Okay those 61 Markman of CImm portmn 61 at node 344 00346 I Q thevoltag• thresholds 23 need to get a hlllewaler _- w e ha_ ¢ the two resl_u_• A Wdl, do I'm n_ AHrlgh[ 19 value m response to a detectionof stud m condition m this m the absence in the to the detecuon oth_ 11 I$ BY _alue condlnon In the sv._tchos support ) ou that tt v.]ll occtn 10 14 textual du_shold m response m the absence and of the predetermined &sclosed Isthe me-.xnathalIs re_ponsi_, ¢ to the f.ensormean_ Itadme. a first _alue r.ondmon [o the d•[ecuon Does I I thal causes the threshold voltage Io ha_ e a firs[value the Objecuon, has 2 the sa_d predetermined m¢61 of the electlomc_ Hearing 10/26/05 O0348 I THE COURT 2 'IVIEWITNESS 3 00349 I 1973 83, okay MynametsJ 4 ad_ is 600 W_ Street 5 20024 I have been 6 the law rm engag_ 7 EM L Tcchnolog*e_ 8 be fo:c 9 _c Stm_ 111 refcT to as PTO, Io Patent No II I b_e 12 expc_c_ce 13 _ forov_35years PTO 17 and the Corrm_o_v,c_lth pate_ electrical al_llr._(r,_ 21 pr_t]¢e spacml_ed ha_ has elecU, lca] 25 1965 f_ as tn expert a bad_le: cr, gmcenn and ajuns OO35O ] as m fo_'ma|tc_l 3 the p_em th_ 8 from wlmess de_'cc p_ten| and l_tm_d 8 m de free tbe dmy 9 the PTO _ Ilm II Maraud 12 _g 13 pr_tlce 14 profef_l_xals of - tbe duly 17 Fro w_ m 10/26/05 presented m the Umted Stat_ Page patrm to d_clo_e P.mded atso =_d agen_ m how 17 apphcatlon.% work guidance to Woceed 21 1996 22 p, ocess the official ts I_oked _ement to by federal ofPTO 1 left the PTO in 1996 p_Ctlce. From 1996 22 Morsar_ Lew_ and Ba_k_ At both 24 prtma_ly 25 appllca_ef, of these of W_ecutmg m'gl CZll_d fim_ Hogan my W_:uce and Super_tsm the prlvath fxrmsof, 20021 have cceststed of 10/26/05 Page 350 been Io _ prepa_n 8 of other ma_crs, such Hearing sel f-e_nployed Courts I'm a member Law Assooatt 9 chawman, 10 which and am achndted of Appeal 10/26/05 Page349 _s a patta_t to prSCllce Intellectual ] ha',e served Secoon 13 l have 14 wo',t Id have 15 p_mon Office 16 paragraph asked been r¢.a._hl sought Secuon 20 fm:t_ of undm" to comm_l on '7.heth_ c for a palcnt examination or nol it applteant und_ in Hcath's S_t*on t 12, 6 In my opinion, 19 Soctety, 112,paxagraph6 be_ to have Prop_y pre'x_enL The first tOpiC 1'[I eddr ¢_s ts examination 35USC *.he as a cornmli_ee and of the Patent and Tradem_k I am a p_l before ci_Cml and Office. of the Ame_can on, for which of for th_ federal foe Heath 112, THE *t would ha_ c haen to chaff clan'ps m accordance paragraph6 COU_T entirely with lhasemyop_mononse_¢ral Have you got a clean cup ove_ _e? 23 TH E WITNESS 24 THE COURT 25 TItE WITNESS Y¢_, th,wk you. Okay Heath Mariunan JA 0868 1982 da_cs and well of the bars of the D_tnCl and VIrganta Stat_ 8 22 of from cortsuhant I'm a memb_ 21 and HartsoT_ Ilearing petlllOlk_ _ l S _ble mu:l others ofilce issues of inventorshtp the U S Pat_m and Trad_xnark s m the electrical Markman m the ai PTO and Wocedme rc_tc',vulgd_clSlor_ on a va_¢_ 7 12 as in ventlork_ lpanlclpaledmthedec_owmakln8 6 11 patent xn_ enuons m_hanlca] ofl_ctalon filing Since law 1,000 the deciding eorreclIOn I until I w_s clectncaJ for pale'his Umted 8 the prosecution examiner legal adv_of Columbxa with for thelaw a Semor 5 pohcy to 2oo2,1worked a_l cotn'ts or s_ctly on }'TO policy I was and m 1977 the _lstanl ovvr mvotved comml_lm3er A._;sach, 17 Tha MPEP _ and data proee_rng In 1982 trine, I examined all of which I served the a_ls_31 on PTO to my examiner m 1974, palent 4 fm palem m deaJmg Ih_ IO ehcmtcal 20 _ for pale_L_ Dtmng G-_ MPEP for examiner on the staff 3 L_w fog the paL_tl pmv*des comm_loner to work and to engmet_ was attached _; a patent examiner a semor lectures the ethtot" of the the MPEP, a pnma_ 2 m faxm_on CV Markman and a pro)eel recognition with agency m the for electrtcai, cha_cler 348 ride changes, a tr_e_ f_ officer _ of'my PTO m 1968 for a poslUon 16 25 _ academy *_ the reference arid pal_l 21 23 Umvcrslty commm_ca_ons Procedure, pas_, 15 oo351 t appointed Examining selected 24 m the PTO The MPEP axz_mcys m m _lab_l_y | 9911 p_c_dxl_ D_me copy Uon _ ] co_txnued 14 23 ly of Nou'e of the pubhc, toplc_ tbe PTO E ma_J of Paxenl m as _ work apphcatmns _al, recogm 18 opp_cd PTO including at the p_lent I became earned 19 Hearing for PTO law o'*_r 1.400 i6 20 of $ takanent$ w make In Jlmuary _ 12 of Columbta from Gco_e_wn i altodralted and unplememed 18 II m the degree at tbe PTO p_l mcludm8 19 [_me r=sponslble 7 15 and m this law concemm8 the Umve_'_ bar and membc_ On a cm3_'x-/of IO m patent mvemJ_ of science doctm I was also 6 inventions on tbe pr_ccuuon Markman $ Japan elecoomechanl a_l procedmes 24 4 9 I0 of the D_trtcl focused p_rmLnly I reccwed 2 U S patem. knowledge i served prog_Jns I star_ed I examined o f the rcle_ am docuracnts Army, A U'ue and conect 8 in smt. to I P68, staIemenL 7 which , I also sc_,c 23 6 of Vtrg]ma_ pracace _ testing 5 lamreg2s_edtolra_lxcebefore_e My hw Slat_ miss*It a_d proced_e Office, the '066 on my pc_onal I am adrm t_ed to the 20 I1) call Umted 13 16 22 8 the palm who has 15 19 pr,_uc¢ 1965 4 of below ['m an aRo_ley 18 on behalf and Trademark which the following hsted by mad Crew From 3 D C I_r,v consultant conccrmng regardm and my rcvtcw _ 14 as a palcm Paint 5,598,066, eSk Washmg_cl and T_ on Issues United Myoffiee Southv, of Townsend 2 MxehadThm I'mself-cmploycdasapa_cnllawco_uhaml would ha_ e warned Hearing to 10/26/05 Page 351 00352 O0353 1 present clam_ to th¢ PTO v,h=ch would 2 art and _ hlch the patent examiner ha_ c avoided v_culd ha'* c folmd the prior I ",',as tmprop¢¢ 2 SecOon 3 in a claim as hmlled 4 described m the to be 3 allowable 4 He.eda would 5 _'h_ch would also ha_ ¢ w_mtcd stand up m co_ 6 m_ ahd_ty of the patent 7 m In Rc Donelson 9 mte_'prct Section |0 [l_ltallor_, Company, 112, paragraph [4 [6 flora of styuctu_, I g sW.dlcat_m _o_ctme, 19 The PTO 20 had been interpreting a_ swdctu_ m the dana wtthoul ftmcuon v. ithoul 14 dcscn'bcd m a 17 _,larkman 2 pat_! 3 dunng speczficd 21 Iwo the differences art 22 prior axl ,trc so minor 23 b_en obvtous 24 time expect_on As Ih¢ pa_3! 6 of being proscct_on relev_nl lmor flit patent enough In thts ha'* c a bc[ter _s _ ahd o_ cr pnor patcnls are ol)en _)" Ihc PTO hl_gat]on If to hterally c._ one read bctv, ten surprised p,_tcnt clalna_ th© prior claimed art oL ln_ enllon in_ entlon of ordm,try chance ar_ be c_,_lenged the upon the cla_mcd that the to a person that II w_ skill and Ih¢ _ ould In the ha_c art at the made case, I coropctitoi_ hxsIory shov. s there art m exls[ence at _c time of the The p_or ;m mcluc_d H_th's own 7 sccun {y [_ghung syslcrn. Oh© msmc_on 8 _s hsCd o_ the face of Ihe '066 patent 9 cc_ld_dby_cp_J_:n_xamu_ rc fc_c:K¢ ts Defendants' 11 13 which manual _ Exhlbu Hcalh would as Dct'endants' 16 Septemb_ 17 Exh_bt158, 9. 2004 AL_o Profr_or 18 tndlv_d_J ! 9 paint, Ceramic io.stntctlon Exhibit and the Aronson v.h_ch _; al Exhlba PIR, manual of Jcnsen dcc_at)tm, dated coavcnuo_ 21 engineering c_rcmt_ that co_d c_ ¢tecumalc Th© r©lev_t a_ Dcfrndaa_s' Fm'dl_, type _ d_agram of the be t'ou_d m c}ccmc_ Paulus's de:oosluon smcc _rctal] ¢lcctromc prod_ts arc of the here can e_tsfly bc purch_cd Markmal_ Heann valuable since 5 an unfair advantage R g_mmg paragraph As a resuh not have had any lleanng ba_ c been 9 He_lh's posr_on 10 with 10/26/05 Section coverage, 10/26/05 expecled vahd the at1_ prior On be held P=ge353 the factors, f_ 18 holdc'_ gammg 19 competitors stat_ 22 has been 23 mechamcal "The The p_agraph, _lenl s_mply It for a p¢_on c_r_ in m _ccctd,_cc 6 p_sttlon co_ crag© ought tn wc_ such claims and wluch 30 range of nol to ha_ © of the c Ic_t'ness a_c less hkely of to can pre_ Cnl a compe_lor by duphcalmg the patem xs re.adl[y access_olc o[ h_ st,_leracnt practlct:ofusmg somewhat d_ffereol technologtes statutory makes meal.s Mr to " I do palent _ claims corapar i'd to not agree pro_ tSTOn, S¢cuon no exception Patlcrsoa tcrmsln in ¢leclromcs Markman JA 0869 by m the markciplac¢ In p,ra'agraph 21 can fTom marketplace arc not gl_ cn a broad c_rcmtt_, v_hd producls m my op_mon, an un fair ad_ an_g¢ electrical for such reasonable In Hcath's othe_ hand, revealed clrcu=try paragraph b_oaA clrcultly compchtors m the m_ ,did m htlgallon 17 25 Page354 a per,son 14 claims prevent holder cl_arn_ thcar re_ c'_¢ engineering, 1o ha_ c sougl_! such 13 they tmmmcnlly 112, While and 6 patent of Ihcse would 24 by the palcm g 20 Exh=b_t 60 corm6er_lon 4 be qmt¢ 16 t cxtbooks_ pe_cs of Mr 112, 15 that's figurc_ 2A and B of _h¢ '066 patent, were 20 3 Section 12 59 of the ctfcult or So-called I I PaoJos has te_t_ficd that aJl of th¢ c:rctnt clcn_mts opt'n markel trlspeCtlon 7 57 and the 14 dzscttssion of that prior all in II1¢ dccl._rat_on 15 a_d McCav:h for wtuch prior art the Nsppon in the 2 by cite 6 duphca0ng 56 c,nergy ¢ontarol switch _s pro_lded single level H_spoorar/ The pno_ ml also Included 12 passp, ¢ m fl_red 25 ly and and ha_ c a bert_ Markman 5 apphcai_on 24 broad PrO with _ssued Page352 coverage. 4 was vcly 23 nar_o_ to the OO355 I reason_lc 22 tmfamlha_ arc _ a]ld broad and in court more claims in the m ht_gatlon m_ ahd 00354 |0 _t_taln_rd 20 able to obL_n was In thc Sl_Clficallon plus function allo'_ ed 19 10/26/05 PTO, of such ¢lenlenls and descnl_d on any Hearing pltc_ function s_uctur¢ mcar_ Persons 25 m the mterprcta0on thai a_¢ nol hmltcd apphcauon that d_:s PTO pracuc¢ hmltatlons tfthe m the PTO _ha! patrnls to the corresponding thereof _ 12, sixth tn cour_ actions to I_rn _c pnor eqm_alencc m c taln'_ of bcmg 115 of being in the SpC¢lflCatlorL clrcutl decldcd been I$ _ reading to whc'_cr chance and hmt_ttor_ st/_ctute ther©of Tht_, 15 to co_ ex IP¢ the function was the same o_ ¢qtavalenl The federal equivalence claims m a patcnl 24 sbxcturc 25 concspondlng to mterprel ftmchon oCSectfon _ a r csulL means 13 phts plus ftmctlon a_e construed 12 or acts described 23 stngtu_ As claims may be eXl_CSsed ;_ a specdlcat]on had ts required mca_ Io the corresponding to be Ih¢ same I I than elements years be construed p_fonned regard hm]latlon_ 6 6hc mlerpretarlon 112 states, an such hmttatlom which 8 9 that the PTO paragraph means rcqmred 10 thereof m cxarmmng Tht_ 7 to or aCLS m s_Oport material and eqwvaJ_:_c t_ rcquzred the way tho_¢ a sp¢¢1 lied rn21ena] and 6uch c[am..s sl_Jl 17 cotresix3ndmg 22 of Sccuon o¢ sle'p for per forming dmeo£ 21 prim the PTO in a claJm for a con)bm._on mear_ 5 of [he fcdcraJ for man) The stxth paragraph 15 the recital on 6. rf,cans plus ftmctmn m a m.cqncr dl ffcrt:nt 13 eIcmc'nt based 6 paragraph, dccLqon 11 hmtta_tonshadbecnmter_¢tcd 12 a I:r_tcnt o_er prior arL AS a r csuh the ca _c 8 cncmt m ob_n to any cttzDcogc and 112, I 12, s_xth for elcctrontc Hearmg inventions IO/Z6/C_ Page 355 00356 00357 ) Fm&_, hasad ot_ my years of experience. I do nol behevc 2 I.:131palflllexaminer's or _t attorneys _ I parch thee 2 I have 3 hinttart on._and claims thrected to elecb-onlcm'.enlsons 3 4 m a way thffere:nl from other mventJons, nor should _ey 4 claim $ 5 Tbe chnns 6 mthspute 7 om o f tbe 'f_6 patent m defendants* Markman $ Secuon 9 A chain Inmtabon boo fs,tinges a p_esumptton tmie_ mo_fiad 12 _tm:ly the seated functmn "mcaa_" combines 9 I 12, sixthparasraph, 16 17 "stung" m the hml_mn 18 door closed.&d spnng 14 _s m bo)d, 15 the funcnon 21 16 22 pa_ but ralh_ a term naming &_'¢ 18 staled funcuon, the out_ a structure,v.htch has a 22 training b_efm to one oforthnary skill had the 24 112/6 25 25 Markman Ileanng 10/26/05 Page 2 a Ioc_tton leg band means 3 ur_permeablc layer means 5 per fo_att or__ was Th_'refofe, 7 th,s ©]emcm 8 of- s'a_c tree cxtcn&ng to the v. at_t band layer 4 6 for th_ _, tt_o_h but tbeough found to re&care t t v, a_ fotmd suffic,e_t for removing me,ms thz/there to c_ the the omc_ the cxtenl Uamm 8 bnef and permeable of U"te was Su3.q:tm-e out cu',t,r e.3y the m case m II there 12 perform 13 _ 14 to k et'p tbe door 15 v. as i_u band, ff_c_cnt the st_ed in the first block of an accident 19 encompass 22 23 _ 24 25 mean.s means lot" tending the door so_c cths_ structure but was fc_md tha_ &e show,1 st_ctt_e of some&rag &al co_dd stud goat box means 4 projecUng 5 b,ax,a] ebe could the cc_trl beM the_ ftmcuon Markman Heanng means band mean_ for removing by the u_eL f_ the the clmm pr_u.mptlvely w_.$ a m the term "pcrfora_On" llearing box means th_ rotating comprising dov_wa_dly 10/26/05 another sa_d blade means, a pair of rotatable from sa,d Page franc mca3_ sha_ a_d _finmg a m that clement The funcbon blade me_s The court fo,.md language shaO_ a_l defining downwardly for a mo_oraed 13 rm_hmg a o_,c_tc s_face, 14 el_ment 15 g_z was gexthle box means 16 revolvmg 17 comprising _ud which from sad n_am thai one ndmg frame m_ans on the Dowel the cl_m_ term was shaft means, m&vidt_J The ftmcuon actualmg _vc m response rotc_ in Ihc a pa_r of plane m the next box below L, kcwL_¢, f,_ad suuctme "gear box" composing projecting a bmxmJ v, as rotating sul_c_m means to _d stud fca actuating motor fl¢_thle shaft sections foz - clam mear_, drive sam thereby shaft ax m]ly linked rr_ans tOgC0_r for facfl,tatmgbending that was in the clatm sa_d gear box me_xs, th_by was fm _evo]v,ng s_d rotor A.qdthcsmmturethalw_recttedmthalclement was found to be su_c,em w_ flexible drive shaft 23 mcatts which opcratt* in r cspon,s e to sa_d motor means, stud was to cany out thai and thee means IO the wrest layer in a claim 22 alao be par_ of &c mcar_ &e on the leN planc 21 me.a_ be the spnng that waS, peffowt,on me_'tq 12 left side, 20 fotmd [o the left $)de of my chart 3 19 m that "means" and, to per form first block found sWdcture 18 by _ctton &sk sI:¢c_ ficat_on m tbe - o- let's wc_d the courls case of an acct&mt Relummg II to s'_de of my mc_ something o_ could So m Ihal cz_e tr_u]t_clcnt to keep jt_ an example the spnng Tbere fore, _-mg the nf_lt m the impermeable _s gear Io dermtte found w_ c_ be spnng _oe_ mthcate the court 20 specification 2t would thai a fpnng Also, m the Claim e]o_:nt _ shown _ lend_ not to be sumclc_tly m&catc_ tl v.'a_ fotn_d thai on the Is undeflmad in th£ clatm leg band icrm *'r_.ar_", 8 clement m _ closed. Tbe f_ncUon I 8 st_ctu_e fm_ct_ ]6 Tbe wold "spnng" 17 a c_,_e where shown c_mm ¢lcmcnL 9 rotatable On the _ _e the language example 7 paragraph term, &c a ca_e where strict the 2 6 ftmctlon 9 by.urn" I0 from The court 00359 I the omer sixth _ Markman from the two, m my tcporl m &e claim 356 00358 also e}cmenls, _.s shown through 23 I a_ $,Jfl]clcnt 21 sumcsent to avosd the _'_bllof Scclzon i 12, sixth or Sulled Is m iIzJics c_tcndmg rneanmg 112, - the "n_a._*' tbe swdcture w_ 24 m tbe _n _td wluch per forms the specified funcuon nan be 23 ren_onably well unde_tood work stde of my chart, _ not tcqmrcd to avozd the acr, blt of Sectzon I 12, slx& to the paragraph, Section that a with a stntcmre to pc'H'orm the USC found pr_lu&ng ] 12, slx_h sU'_cture So, for ex _n'nple, 17 I 12. sixth p_raSraph. thus chain ha_c combined Su fficlcnl put up and ,l'S abo 19 d_ctateof Sectmn recltauon of ps_ctse physlcal s_ r_lC_ funcuon, of the clasm 20 19 the com_ton 20 However. In each see ,f thts wd) no4 take tbe Immatlon oul o f tbe amblt of "means" so that 35 13 me'ms tending to keep the the word of Section chart that we've of the smut Lu'aI language t_lng elth_ 12 ll2.slxth poragraph Fo_ example, me the courts doc_ apply II Stm_tm'e m the meaJ_ plus comp,4rmg m wh,ch tn_ufl_clent funct,_n, 10 func0oo cleancntdoes not preclud© the apphcabfltty of 15 Sectmn one, a table c_ses the stated 7 apphcabthty by sulficlenldefiniteswacture to a_hleve The recttatlonof some function, 6 perform that se_ forth below from el_l 8 rec, t_ using the word revokes Sccuon II 14 _set 112, six& p_a'a_aph, apphes lo wsth the ftmctmn 13 "DieclaJm ck'rmmts here allmc]udctbe',_ord"mca_',',_hlch langttage 10/26/05 Page 358 24 flexible d_e 25 sections axlaJly shaft means comp_sm8 [Inked [ogctber Markman JA 0870 mthv,duaJ by fncl_on thsk Ilearmg shaft means for 10/26/0g Page359 357 OO36O I facdltalmg 2 09361 bcndzng Returning 3 the claJra I o f commands Io the nghl element thd nol [¢¢ttc 4 acht eve entirely 5 tbe laagttage 6 attenuator- and p_moncd 7 filaments so that rcpelhng $ filaments to more 9 ate dcpcsdcd 10 the stated mmns collccuon cotzrl found there 12 um formly to mort J3 _xc depos_ _ed on _tatd co/lectmn 14 thee not sufffctcnt _5 to carry out that function 17 vdth 19 tbe_, to perform the _ 21 proccdui'e o f a digital of _mlng 22 for booting 23 mcluthng 24 commands resident on such 25 computer for booting s_d sa_d &gllal as Io g]_ • hldc bc fore they compum_, said a first set of commands, Nc.xt 5 i)t _a=cut_n 6 ov_ 7 I v.lll for booting tbe prim clrcmt Producls vs Ag_rr_ "An mvemo¢ t_const$1t-nt ix_mon 21 23 fomsa, 19 specific of orthnary sktll thai structure p]t_ and ts ftmcuon structure On was p_eparmg _1 prosecution 22 Mark an the Markrnan art could b_ng claimed b_ng l re_ icwed Wdham C Raper prc_css Page but that no recllc_ application 10/26/05 clearly o f the '066 pate_3t, the J Patterson, tnacfs ofthe 360 thai IS, the In the specification my staeement, h]sto_ mcansplus structure m the was of the palent the s_alcracnts of and Slephcn B Carlson partl_ Patterson s dcscnpt t_ya m paragraphs 5 to 25 of Hearing 10/26/05 IMarkman to expand on his I apphcam may dt_3ng whcn HcaJ_care thstmgulshmg on clati_cons_tcl]on 6 within Page 361 issuance und_ stale_aengs SccIKy_ 16 o f the made c c_.'nlc 18 lls clam_ 19 the apphcauon, an 23 .,'¢_mre the desired resultsof the 24 25 Markman Heanng 10126/05 Page362 the right to rely apphcaUon, pulse by defimtwc any interpretation pulr_ prior art dunng I| eath Company, dt._clalmed of cotmtmg tgs elatrr_ from pr_cct_uon of the '066 al the t_ne any inte'/pretatlo_ the own_ thai _ of not counting Ih a declaration and slg_ed on such prior sc'nse from the Ntppon d_sclarm_l m thstmgm_hmg Ceramic to overcome mak_ p_scculiOr_ Heath filed m the PTO on A0n129, employees leben MarkmanHear_ng JA 0871 m the I 12 has sa_d that mterp_'tahons no( reqmr_ In my opinion 22 p_ot desc_bed pr_6ecutlon its c[alm_ thai doe_ plus ftmcuon c]mm by cctt_, has du_ng ptaor art, Heath pat_nl used to thai the same of Section crtcmt du_ag claim lh thsunguzshmg 17 21 View made the pubhc Tcch, v_ the federal art can lead Io narrow because action to the $_uc_e 13 15 is nol ts nol permitted _or proposes arguments 14 and the pubhc Strttc[_e m frmgemenl exphctt the Nippon Limited the pal_ntee 12 of of tbe m cor_trmng 6 Simdarly, bar an rood the examiner that a part]cgl_ speclficanon paragraph & s_vo',_ claims ad_ Is_ t_ eqo_a_ent pato_t's an exphoi was properly function a patentee 20 USA to be _h_ch his m_ _Uon, I] clam_ thai the stractatc after p_ent 10 o__ act to may ll_ shorlcomings plus When 5 9 and v,hat it th_ mx _oon the 0alcott,, which had tlscd me_s no:ed the me_ strucet_e and WK_t his mv_tlon takca before the PTO 24 wa_ "incapable" ofachlevmg 3 Co,'potal_on hlstoP/c_toppcl may m Signtech p_lor arl slru_tuxe, 7 _.ger t m a subsequenl the specification dtstmgmshmg That w as held 2 4 l_t_ art Im_ c often proved ttseful in co_sm_mg plus flmeuc_ Fo_ example, 22 l_, tccog_tzc disclosed 25 set dus to say m Vahd may u_ St_t_'m:nts deladmg roeans One 18 Structure connotes and a second 17 I IZ, par'a_ra_h 6 20 tf of the Slxthpa_agraph, compulct, t_Im_ ale_e argtm_=nt under the doct_ae 15 eq_val_w.c, posmom i 9 _Icwmt co_cspond]ng 112 alw,tys _ tth Mr Wtumpeetatlon had Jusl _ _utlon 18 16 Section hmltatlorts m general 12 pnc_ m't_ 16 la fact ftmctton I agree pazttculafly II tsnot. p_l_l_/whco 14 estop _ of the law to a means 24 that a patent clmm tO proscctt_on ht_tO_ |o define 13 of _he apphcabfllly 23 art. federal (phoneuc), stalemcnt paragraph not apply stla_c|urc" m tbe _alysls set of Ilearlng Pauctson does "connotes so broad sramcturc Is not a correct l 16, sixth l_ 20 _ _s means to do so dtscuss m the Pro, The scct=o_ icrm. _ cte .:.as Mr para_aph, of s_ud thgltal I am p_epared upon _t pafucttl_ _. Mrebcal 9 Hov.ever ff callcd thsdmm ] 2 stxth function '_ a_ OO363 I Kts statermmts 4 This 17 0O362 3 116, stalcmcm, device storage Markmau 2 dcsc_ptt_ of tbe paxhctdar that Section 14 of the booth sa_d firsl indication Io the Commands bul the language 8 states no, beJpfu] ftmct_ons structwc, 26 ofh_s J] external computer th.tl the 5Waet m'e recited out lhosc In paragraph plus d_lce satd digital _3 elcmcnl pTogrammcd means Io car_ Io represent I0 a _ eb,"thal langvagc Tbe cottr_ found 9 a mear_ to mo_ c on a slo_age fo_ boolmg 7 they language, syslcm claim diwtal 6 tbe cooperaung conuol computer, found not to be sufficlenl computer 20 5 f_r clrctro_taucally _ as fotmd for a &g.rd iI_suffic_cn_ m that clement corona and pasmoncd 4 a w cb to form recited 3 bcfo[¢ the filaments surface strtJctm¢ the fil_nc_ts In a c_m to form sp_ad pomon sau$ atlcmmtce ! 8 charging stnffm:e m the fi]_._cnts tml foemly The tmdc_ymg fil_mcms r_tdcnt computer cloy, n. In the tbe thgltal to chargmg that the ftm¢l_oo are reduced 2 _ tth saad are induced s_ "rcpcihng 16 one fo¢ operating forces II _ struclute the second for ¢lecU'oJtaP_caIly um f_-mly forces examples _berc suffictcnt fum:tlork v. as c_mna on stud T]_ side of charl 1996 and McCavth McCavl_ I 0_26d05 Page 363 00364 I had thls OO365 to day 2 s,.vltch Thzs KcnMcCavxt. and dLrco_ ¢ted 3 suT:_tantxa]ly 4 "1 5 about Although 6 the opera,ion 7 mode. g and determined wtth the Nip_on the msmacuon of the cncr_ i te_[cd wdh 9 o_" poss_ion mariner thai II rrtanuaJ for the l_t F trth_ 4 not d=scnbe 5 are normally 6 _ swflch demonswated dxsc[osedandcl=amedmthemstanlapphcatm_. _d3tlon. 17 no_ have dxd nOl have furlh_ le_tmg s'wltch mst._mt ¢pplca_on 20 claJm._ _ 21 heTcwlth counting tesung accordance 25 counnng dul In 14 dcclm'atlon 15 pcn&ng 18 d_scovc-ry 19 c_amlnt_s 20 and made a number 2t regarding 22 Claims 23 Clazms as recRcd m the ame_'_mc-nl bemg ts further CO_tTOI Swllch manttal filed m d3d nol have olx-r_on oflhe a pulse P._tch He=ring Page Clmms 2 feaum_ cteady 3 mSb_l¢[]Otl manu_ 2. 10, not dr_clce;cd only II and 12m¢&Tecled or suggested rearm¢ that Heath =ts nom'na_ ual ovemde 6 that Nippon 7 cotmung featm¢ 8 d_closed 9 pat c'm about Heath's art, dxrectcd anti McCavxt o f charactcr,z_ons ovcmd¢ the declaration. and rc_csc'ntallons clazms, Clmms which 15, 16. were amended 17, and hOt, amended 13 and 14 to the non-manual amended Claxm.s ovemde 2, I 0, I I and 364 clmms, which ! 2, the patent Markman Io n_uc¢ "puL_ II file - 12 filehlstoey¢opyofMcCa_tfsd¢cla_._Jon 13 thzs tmd_lmm_ 14 to all persons 15 competltt_r_ wL_hmg to know 16 avoid I7 cor_ldcrcd I8 plainly was done Ous $11t_cr_[ 21 ts _asonably 22 Imutcd attorney Ilearmg 23 were 24 _ 25 cl_am appllc_'t. radio= cotm_ng 6 McCavd's as 7 by hand by m the 10/26/05 Page365 ordy be true K the In accordafic¢ with SeCl]On 112. examiner a_ to me_ _e; would and cannot do to notable, as st und_ McCav thai all pef_mg be Sectmn Clam_ to mean only Markman Hearing as "g_rmlly" wo_ds joined placed 13 Shlrt2cr d_sclosecl 17 both dtsc]osed and c[;umed. JA 0872 McCaval is gc'ncrally in the _n.stant I mwrpret 22 reclusive man.qcr 23 forth m only one 24 would I_ tmm_ 25 consmted _'e g_ven I_ellel to be saying and gerrcraIly apphcallon gencraIly Io mean $1nc¢ in a _'©asonably poise cotmung was _xprcssly of the p_dmg claims, this statement unless, m accordance 6I and _s tmd¢_[ood dJsclosed of as Ex;'ubll &sclosed Thu.;.gcncrallytstm_toqvahfy So tmdcrstood, 45 xo 46 arc attach_ and cl_amed ts phrase. by the conjuncUon cor_tr_ctton; cla_med Page366 of Gramma_ a word succeeding the qualxfier Pages claimed, 21 10/26/05 the words joined 16 20 12, was *and', 15 clams wh¢_¢ of the conjuncove m _he p]u-,ts © generally It's st_emerd thai a sxngl© of Mr of _'_nm_ cor_,_uctton Elemrnts "pulse counung" v, ¢_e m front a para0el Thus, woxds by the conjuncl_on |n thai event, are siren the form_ inle_'tat]on Is mitt, deal to quah fy two _rnn_d_atcly 19 Uxtc if the clamTiS [ 6, '066 p31c'n! Clam 9 18 In accorda/ice wlth S(_:tlo__ 12, sixth than conswaed convmoona] [0 14 cx_ consm_-.d or no[ Mr m_Jcaung Lr_Cludmg wha_ they c_ Under such 12 of 8_mu'nar. reasonable statements 8 II M_tbk¢ly porUctdar[y whether cot_ued cores tllJed as woxdd and as a malter pu/s¢ to reduce thzt the parrot In my view, _s and an tmmmcnlly mut_]med the file htstmy. be zf the clams to purse counung, nol cOnSl_ed $ apphcazmn: feartm: tmak_med the patent, ] co.idled were 4 of the swzlch by Ihe palcnt v. ho Lnsp¢ct wouJd Io pulse 2 clam_ McCaves "l_e m the _t_! ts a£tu_ly - L_tctually mfrm_n_ opera.on coxzntmg of th© t_vztch" were .mlt lacked fa/se false rm t,mry I hmsled om io claxzr_ =rid clmmcd The lan_ag¢ operauon to m the pointed Ceramic 10 20 Heath's 3 s=xth paragn_ 5 &Slmgmsh g_/y were and McCavtl SmxdgtolTwcre prior [o _;¢ Jensen the manual 9, a prchmmary examln_ Ccramxc that the w_th ca_e [he Jcr_cn amendment, of the N]Rcxm atlcrRion ] believe I Io3. the patent Ilowevcr, 25 10/26/05 informed I, 3, 5, and new 24 filed [he law Wocessmg with other papc/s was chos_ wtth _s over the word Thus, AlthalttmeC]a_m.s in the and clanned declarauon p_t_'n I attorney In the prehmma_ and McCavll and thai here zs ¢onslste_lt concttrrc'ntly a_tomcy false 16 attorney, In a OO367 I stud. maddtuon, s't_ements Hea_h's amendmenl herew=th by Jcnsc-n attorney o f the dcclaratmn 13 0O366 The wo_dmg 17 Markman 4 II function fi]cd and contaxr_ whzch pr c'Far ©d by the palenl op_auon statemenL_ false number I0 to reduce the rncrgy to reduce happened and ad_css _hcauon filed _qd McCavll manuaJ t'e3tmes wdh the xnsi_.JCtlOn firm's name one by the paten[ (o be what 9 dc<ument (hd drafted _ m the instant in the c Ialm._; as amended being such TI_ Je_sc'n 12 clasrned amcndmcn[ the msmJcoon dtscloscd the key demoos_a_cd featm¢ m _h¢ same _d _s recked Decla_atlon 8 In the mswacoon ovcmd¢ m the p_clmnmy In the roregoms, 24 feature or odu_ amended 23 SWllCh In cd that [he energy wdh as 8c'r,e_ly 19 22 demonslrat m _:cordance a pulse 1B of the swxtch a manual prehmmary 7 tha_ th© energy" 14 control mode control substantxally conuol 16 in a nonfat =s described 13 15 m a nont_l switch mcxJ¢ _tm8 switch 3 art. p_or type energy mode _caturcs Ceramic conuol _1 fx._nctmncd m the non|esl dtsclc_ed 2 fo_ o_cr rrxanuaJ _ rnanu;d does a &miner I generally m the test mode the tnsBucuon contzol the cnerBy I0 [2 dial xt functlorcs m accoldanc¢ Is talking tcslccltheencrgyconv:ol _ EML contends, the clam_s w_th Se¢llcyn I 12, stxth Markman Hearing sc| arc paragraph 10/26/05 Page 367 O0368 I Th_ m_npr_aP_ 2 s_e';nenl f_,ct_, whlr.h 4 pen(hng clams, 5 claimed m the im_t 6 d_closed w_ included Is sm_ply 8 plus 9 c_cml I0 counung _e m s_, reF_'ed rn_ua/o_ erode bm nol all, Io _ apphcatlon I wou]d fur_Do11 of _he &_losed r_her than 2 g_erall_ tha, all clam_ clemen_p which contain sen._ot could me_ns poten_l_ v_ o means and control encomp_s _he pulse c_cmw/ _ 12 v, bether 13 ofth© con_-o! pulse 14 wluch _'ver p_ty 15 inch_hxt _wsed, Lhe pan, co_ang _s _ c_a:m! as to of the semor means _ es d_a_nx tn wew eonect, means oFtbe ot part dL_ctalmcr, ]_ulse ¢o_n_g v, ould sit11 be THE COURT _x_k 17 MS MITRAKO$ yo_ Weha_eafew fo]low+up qu_bons 19 J 20 4 prehmmav/amendmem, 5 slate'meat, 2] And 22 and DIRECT 23 BY MS 24 Q 2.5 te_t_nony "]4 8 A I have 9 Q Do y0u I0 prchmlnaV/mendment II Jensen, ]2 A Well, I_ gamed that art omey 14 declaraUon prehmma_'y The and 21 know]edge 22 made 23 Section 24 ¢el_Ta. forMr Palterson's furth_+ Marlanan Hearmg I0_6/05 Page Confl_cls ofal],that are the cxammersarc ]edge such _ a that these 1001 The tnie and behef are sta_ernen_ thai v, iIIful _Jglm_¢n_ by Jer_en false examm_ Io be role are trmde stalemenls wlth and I$ of the United would _l made tha_ all s_al_menls beheved so c¢ both States Code, ha_ e ¢or_ldeted Markman th_ the [_c by fine or _mI_nSOranem of TLtle by and McCa_ that all smlernenL_ an: and con[amed made declared 368 OO370 ot _ontradlc_ I_ot e_ ]de-oee, amendment axe pumshabl¢ 25 fu_t arg_rnen_ thai - they 20 co_e¢l? Patle_onthalthe declatal_on d_y Thes_,youwerepr_cm cm_ find m tab v, hLch ts submitted of our knov, EXAMINATION yes_lay, I wouldsay on m forma|_on as follows m yOU; it dec]aratlon'_ made Icsufled you somehow The mdacaled about ma'am v, nlh Mt a_tomcy 17 talked am_nthnent yes, agree hereto ._wom, you Io and the 1 a copy, McCa_ the seemed which Doyo_ha_¢ltwlthyou 16 Pallerson it declaration prcilmma_ 7 19 MITRAKO$ Mr the Mr McCa_ m Conflict 18 first been was exanuned _,_rc THESZ, MICHAEL h_g right hns lesilmony that _h¢ Jensen, ]5 16 th,_'s Dunng 3 mthcate aad _ Yes, Q 6 note claim m¢_s, Allhough 18 w1_ OO369 I A by McCavlt's a_d cla_med Here II sup.vom'd m the s-_rne paragraph 3 7 zs a_o under el the de_[aratlon tleanng 10/26/05 Page 369 Page 371 OO371 I of Je_se_ 2 m the 3 and McCaVll prcl munar_ as evidence lunendmenl | got _h¢ mlpr _lon 4 that somehow $ wh,_ 6 trut: 7 Q Why do you 8 A Wall, because 9 cxm'mne_ 10 attoracy 11 by ff_e pa_enl th_ the _rgtancnls the decl,_al;on would was Mr saying, and thai thai rely on [1"1l v, cx¢ tru_ venus thai w_lh _hc declaration. ]3 _ould h_e Ira:pat 14 McCavll 15 office 16 Q Is fl',crc anything 17 which you 18 coml_g 19 _md II? 20 A 21 am_mdment, 22 Clam116 23 palate 24 pulsc_ a_l 25 pu_¢_ ha_ e been e_ a new to s_gn aad _ o_ld the that patenl r_.nles m fraxed I I, the racap.s for generaang rad_a_on Is dctecled not actuaang _he lamp pamat a_orr, pulses each aad counting tmu] a_ least w.o Ileanng MITRAKOS which .* on the apphcatlon, patent, you arc you a_e - on the 9 TItE COURT MS MITRAKOS 16 m fr_'ed pulse 17 nol _at 10 8 the Okay line, page SA 287, number tad_allon _ coumed and talul 3u_h suchm_teducesfalsea_tlvaaons_psot _s not thscloscd device t_me 22 II1¢ 23 to fcai_ues or more 24 ms_ctlonn_mual 25 _o me, an that besides it_t m _thet sa_cL each lime passn_ cotmlmg al lea_l lwo mear_ 19 20 s_hnga_the anome)' puIs_ d_t_ted zng th_ lamp _ ontha_- the patcrlt tt_¢an_ for gcneralmg 21 the pulst_ or mote reduces Claim e and p_lses faJs_ a_t_vaUon -- Suchafe_re the instracllon manual 2 12 _¢ aot the f In addlboa, Clams cle_ly I0 nol thsclosed ] 1 and or susgest_d dtre_tcd in the Themad&I_onparlofnlca,_betcad or m _ut_on Markman )873 page Wou_yougoox_thal Yes, second ey sa_d JA Its JA 28? THEWETNES_ 16 r_l[es 370 Honor, th_n_ 15 Page Whal's THECOUKT again have p_cbmmar/arr_ndnm_t You_ tO top of JA 287, 10/26/05 No _s pat1 of lab 74 14 cotmted? Markman WITNESS MS 13 9 Not not on the TH_ and lntendefl Wh_e_teyou_ It's page 7 12 axacndmeat 6 you't_ Exct_emc 6 he to the parcel ot to be a pan o[ Cla_m v, as page COURT 8 O_fl_claslpa_eofthcp_hmlaary which TH_ | rae,_n, I| that for Icnscn Ihe agphcan_s _rITNESS 4 somehow subtmued THE _pphcaaon? whnch think m tbe pr chmma_'7 bel_--, ¢ tr_catcs _o be a feature declaration bare THECOURT 3 precluded by the atloraey I v, ould 1 2 not be _rgumen_ Ih¢ paten[ agree would _s evidence jt_t _u_'t saying allomey w v,ot b¢ tra_ the dcclaxaaoa 12 Yes pa_cnt made attorney P atl_"_ on w_ by the bchewe the a_guxn_n_ _ ¢ts'l_ to the pulse tleanng countLng 10/26/05 00372 OO373 I feature,tha¢ ate Other eleanentstn the clmrns thatwere I THE COURT 2 not disclosed or su_c_tr_ 2 MS MITRAKOS 3 3had The language of the dcclarauon by Icnscn and 4 McCavlt. the cnucaJ 5 t_ng 6 agcordancc 7 cotmDng 8 g_-,cral 9 or other I0 prchmmaw part, wasagmn di:_o_sl_led I 1 with that the ta'g_gy manual fcalu_ to reduce epc_lzon ly disclosed and featmc* false clmmed as recited mncndincm interpret 4 THE COURT m 5 MS MITRAKOS 6 THE COURT 7 TI-I E WITNF_S did not have m the a pulse of the switch inseam m di¢ ulam*a being further swttch cont¢oI the instruction I would 12 same Inadchtttm. apphcauon as amended 8 argument m the l0 ha_.e 14 and M cC.av, rul;cd on 15 atWmcy 16 BY 17 Q 18 they 19 argurmmt? 20 A 21 And thai Is set 22 Q MS the statcnxml over mdic any &ffenng declaration stateroom by by 12 exammer Jcrd, cn 13 rely on declarations Y_, ¢xarmncrs forth examiners or evidence that over anc*ney ale warned thai that ts the case m the MPEP Y_s And the ftrst such evld_cc where use the a£h3tlsslon "i_e argumen_ credence 15 m ttma cII_ 18 examinee3 19 of cwdeacc t$ that oaths as twtdenc¢ know 20 Q 21 the concepts cannot So -- and take the plz¢¢ thts soctmn by die that mere Thankyou_ arguments dOn'l Doyourec2dlMr ofclatm nse O Based on your 25 plm years working 24 Title: Cons,dmmon 24 A 35 25 And- 25 Q - 35, Hearing 10/26/05 Page thseussmg '_ thank you for correcting Mark, at- mc -- winking man Ilearing at 10/26/05 Page 373 OO375 I PTO, do you bcht', 3 A e it ts appropriate Well, 4 corm:dy tint to aFply ofall,] recallthat Mr satd thai clmm different,_on 5 th¢lm;guage Pa[it_'son c_,nOl ofthestamteofSectton But even t f clatm diffctcmtatlon 7 apply m thts case, hc saul that pulse cotmtmg somehow 8 be m Clmm I, L:_,I he used for an example, 9 specifically called out m Clatm However. 11 Sccuon 12 _ if CImm I 12, Puagraph I 3 the specailcat 14 sc_ and So the scope 15 _ o_e_ondmg 16 [o thai ckment wtth 18 to the pt_c 19 it doesn't c.otmtmg mcled¢ So Clmm 23 The_'$ 24 Q 25 re ferrmg no problem 'Drank yo_ to Clarm than Claim cqmvalcnce "r_efore, therco j_t let diffelent could be pulse you Thept3nc]plcwouldapp]y apply 7 cqmvalcno_ thereof Clmm I Were yOU 6"_ Thaz_you appllt_, Ilearmg 10/26/05 Page 374 S¢ctlonll2, would have Clatm 12 would pulse cotmtmg and and Just be hm]tM to the 14 stztletute Wcha;cnofurdi_questwns COURT L_ mc i_k you. so if 112J6 h"ml you read into 15 THE W1TNESS 16 THE COURT counting the beginning to fred the the claim Y_, - thafs nghL - to perform app¢2ds the funOJon" m the detailed And desmpnon at o f the patent? 19 THE WITNESS 20 THE COORT 21 THE WI'INESS 22 THE COURT 23 preferred onbodarnent 24 d_cu_ed m the detmled Y_¢. And that's correeL thai ts the sp¢ctficatson_ YeS, diat's And and ev_ even though descnpUon, di:SGIpqon nghL though die diagram the thagram that doesn't is the Is mean tSJU_t a prcferr_ Markman JA 0874 1o Claim para_aph swim|me you re fer to the spet:tfiCalton 25 that the detz]led Markman they to 12 than - to the corresponding thereof THE 13 18 refereed countmg I "2 the pulse diffta'entlauoA mennoned Therefore, t_uvak_x¢ Q to your commcn_ 6 6 hmdat_ons actually Is closer tO Clmm But II counting Patterson 5 A 12 '_e Mr language 4 Q - rcfernng scope Now. 6, [ think m f |pearled wlth clmm 3 pulse 5¢op, e 12 _jusI Claim l. whmh 10 aler_¢ a_l No, I think Clatm 8 12 are The clmms arc of &ffereat tbeteof, coLmtJr_ sm_:tm© and specifically I. fm cx=nple, and eqmvulenc¢ 22 be pulse they refer to me. t$ of th ff_rent the cqms tt was cou_n claims then otbet and 1| s©_r_ no1 thereof clam_s st_ctare regard 17 20 cqtuva/enc¢ 12, could became to tbe cofreslxmdmg Claim did I A 2 9 I m the c4her of the 6 12 6, Itrmtatttms, Izmshxttons refer ov_nde 112, paragraph 6 I0 tbe concept.* here? differenuallcm 2 ofclmm 21 level Yes, I do 372 00374 - the to ti_ Pauctson y_tcrday differenUatton A Markman arc and they know 23 argurnents of m theMPEP and declarations ex;'.mmer, 22 trot one place ts m Sectmn 2145, an Other sCCtlOrts of MPEP But the point taken c_¢ a t'ejcctl or= Wh*ch sccuan o f the MPEP7 rclmnul says, is not m whach in making o f course] in the record 17 argumt_ts it is an ad_tSSlOn, Several ofepphcant's sceuon cvIdlL"I_@ I$ 23 A place, wchave Okay to say attorney may 14 16 IS there a law that IelL_ i:_Uml that's what Is thai 88 '_ not replace on ewtdence u_s the paten! MITRAKO$ should It go=; II to be the But even ufthatweren't trim,the examiner would 13 dots that? Your Honor, 9 nec_ary filed hta'cwlth the two state*heroes DO we have Ilearmg 10/26/05 Page 375 00376 OO377 I _/xghracnt, 2 tt is, m fagL the spcoficauon_ WITNESS Tbe THE 3 ts tha ¢rillr¢ 4 v, bea I gefer to s'pe_ ficat_on, 5 imtlre thsclosttt_ ths¢l_m¢ 6 except THE jUst THE 9 t, ocaethtng 10 THE 12 not ,nperang 13 r,al¢, not r_ng 14 into 16 rule I 12, p_agraph 19 cor_espondw4g 21 Tbe 23 hmJtalloas, 4 another 5 patent '.'-as d_afied 6 to]ust this one 7 preferred $ cambodlments 9 skdl the preforred fact the e,_dmal embodiment the so-called apply _ath cardinal regard says be mterpreted that's to Section that a mearLg plus as the ¢ontmned m the Solt that really language role deals hmaat_otts ft ts a cardlmd preferred specifically mcotporale rul_ aboul 9 _ should stluclure is msl m the the ¢as&nal spe_tflcaaonandeqmvalen_ctha_eof 22 24 6, which does example embothment ifm from yeah, - does Imutatlon actually 3 the other wfth other types than Sect ion of I 12, paragraph 6 25 THE COURT And so ft's sull Markmau not real IleaHng Page 10,'26/05 trying 2 to be a pr efc'ntd cmbothmcnt 3 claims 4 THE to r t*tnct patcaLs 7 they WITNESS be used embodiment thal this spc¢lfic embndt ldontknov, thereby that could is just had m mind, nol to restrict embo,_ment cmbndtment, mere one tfther¢_as appheam so _s In I_ so they impl'.ang called there aLso be known bul the themsel,.e$ by It the may ha other one of ordinary m the ar_ THE COURT plato language of'it, 12 that -- If you 13 says a pre fened look I mean, it fooks at brief description -- 14 T}IE WITNESS 15 THE COURT 16 descnhad 17 accompanying 18 also t f you jtzst like they embodunent m detad I_k at the are u3qng oftha to say dra_ rags, it yes -- of the present beremafler &awmgs and invention with reference then figtu-e ]s to the I, 2 A, B, 3 Then -- 19 THE WITNESS 20 THE COURT 21 hereinafter, 22 description of course, 23 THE 24 THECOURT about Yes -- detaded v, ould W1TNESS this era]re In detml include the detaded Yes So lfyou subject you don't knov, certainly anything could Markman 376 I think g _ 9 manufactta'e, 10 prefcrrnd II a ntmther c_e It works called 13 _ ft the n'r. ctlllon !5 that you only, sho_ ha_ e to look to find functions 20 ffs Onea cmbothmcms, ts the pre fcrrnd e* reason they t_ thsclosed I think you know, ed and cmbod]mem to corazdet one, with can In these It the at tho_ stntcttn¢ and they _n mtenl to the encompass to 03, to fact the thal your cXagl strdctt_e tv.o figmes. you ges to So:tton r_tnd The only bit to not be beld But wh_m 19 they pit fened. tt a httlc 18 - I think or it's the cbeapest or fm _ kat_ 2 to all the description, read that to Iteanng I 12, par agraph hmRatloRs, what m the chaclosme th©y are 6. you - you that performs ha_ e the m the claim only sl)a_ture 21 pate'hi ts m figures 22 hrmtmtotLs would 23 _es of figm¢ 24 thereof disclosed 2A and have 2A 2B m this particular SO, ob_lously, to be read and tbe clasm on the corrcsponchng 2B but tben an eqmvalcnce 10/26/05 Page 377 THE WITNESS 4 THE. COURT 5 THEWITNESS 6 often 7 contains 8 make 9 d_cnbed -- I mean, COURT But ft also Markman ts descn'ocd Iteanng m tl_s 10,,'26/05 Yes narrative description That'snghL And the case, too, both a v, Tatten d_.mptton tt cleareT so that you can follow COURT ft's yore THE v_bethcr the pulse 12 I guess, ,._hather 13 detection 14 thee the of WITNESS COURT 17 THEWITNESS 18 THE COURT 21 pulse cotmt doesn't is became does THE "v_ITNLSS 23 THE COURT MS MITRAKOS that we've JA 0875 It; part cited cffCUlt of the _ hlchaver of -- "/es -- of this patent? Yes Tharsnght, And the reason '_ork ot prevent 12 when n[ eqm'. That YomHon_ that Claim not mclnde 22 of law circuit cla*m THE interpretation count that or clrcmL mechanism, THE of thfferenttatlon postl_on Or box to bemg or the control 16 19 also drawings what's tt ]s a pari of each 15 20 structtm: pulse mechanism tt'_, a part And coont that the patent and the docWam that tt talks about the alence9 s cotTect Okay yotaHonor, m om bnefwbet¢ Markman Page378 count Y_ I t's m the It's often 11 25 of the pulse porlton 24 THE the inclusion 3 10 14 16 apply of dt ffcrcm of them the best In tlus case, 12 it was I detmled dcscnpuon ts_hathewasdomg v.lB dcsc_be will say that the detailed t.hal v, ouldn't rcallytheothcrv.ayaround, 6 25 that mlght is "_ Pre fened OO379 I be the apphcanl 17 embodiment WITNESS 11 25 cleat 0037S 5 THE l0 about the - as a whole imply fun¢laon 20 from WITNF_S I$ whafs a preferred So c.a.se elements 17 I mean, '...hal 2 claims thoa Whal things doesn't whal to me patem clatrpa m the speclfieauon m tlus COURT THE to the The preferred dJr_mbed the structure 15 o f the the thagram? dcsc_paon 11 thal's Wall, WITNESS that's dc_qcd maial you get for the COURT 7 cmbodn_enI, S up I speclficahon d_re'salsoabody the federal Hearing 10/26/05 Page 379 O0380 00351 I cnctut has said the jud_clallycreated docmn_ of claun I plebe 2 thfferentmhon jtxs[ cannot tn.u_p the apphcatton of I 1216 2 MR 3 THE 3 TIIE COURT 4 MS 5 THECOURT 6 MR. HIGGIHS 7 MS MITRAKOS 8 MR HIGGINS COURT Any qtu_tiora9 MITRAKOS 9 No Cz'o_s? 5 Leave thatup. plea.se You want ttup_ for the fedcralclrCullon October HAGGINg TIIE COURT Q Good allranocm. Mr Thesz. I[ 12 A Good aflemocft, Mr Hlggms 12 BYMR 13 Q When you say that the cardm_ role thai 14 talking does apply 112/6cl=ms, 15 famdlar 16 lntm'aclAccesso,ocs, 17 federal ctrctut on October 18 A I don't recalhl 19 Q Okay 10 lnc ha_e Q court vs 15 to I }736. "Second, 16 ofa 3, 2005? the name oftt agmn7 Do I You don't ha_e tt yet Ix-cause and we'll pul thts m om clo_mg COURT I wc_ld it tm_on.ow, Honor 25 hke Markman to have a tomght, Itearmg Page [t'sm_,L_'tlt,Mr 2 o'g sul_mtlcd Thc_.,thatwbenyou your rtdc 12 slatcmenl 3 toDr Ma_engdl, 4 A Y¢_, 5 Q So how d_d you know 6 rule 12 statmaenl what Dr 7 was? g A Are thai youhad that sotmd fromtlus ft_ctlons rather than independent of any hka an appheatlon of the bere '_ Mr ]tlgglra, thcre'snothmgtobe Heha.sn'treadth_scase. Thas_sa poml MR HAGGINS Y_;,verywell HAGGINS I sultemenl not spoken 2 him be fore he 3 Heanng 10/26/05 Page 381 Mazseng_l_ mforrned by cotmsel you aware atat whenDr that you wine al sevmal Wepa_ng tedmlcal whal 5 opinion hts pontoon MassengJql points your w_._ m thai stateraenl. A Yes, Now, 13 Q 14 Masser_ll 15 your oplmon 16 D_ =f yuu before MS of thak yes had ne_ cr commtmlcated you filed yore on the stalt'me_l rule wtth 12 stale_ent, Dr how thd of the law get ¢orm'ntmlcated [o M1TR.,_OS ObjectJon, yc_rHonc_ Speculation 19 THE COURT 20 MS MITRAKOS 21 aqt,:st_onthafs 22 fofDr THECOURT Excuse me? Calls foespoculaaOtL That's Massen_ll Sust_ne_ Where arc you gomg thts? 24 MR. that Dr HAGGINg M_._'ngtll MR 7 mo.e rches The point on Dr Markman here, - exettsc Yore Hone¢, me, Mr Hearing Is 8 BY MR 9 Q 10/26/05 HAGGINS and page wcr_ provided Vcr/well, 4 of your reasonable YoutHonor statement, you for Heath to draft 35 U S C laIked 13 todo with re_p¢ct 14 A NO 15 Q You 16 tbereal3er the holthng 17 thereallm the PTO 18 _h In a manner 19 I.nltatlon_ had 20 A Y_ 21 Q SO after 1994, 22 thff_ently, 23 A o_glnal Tbey appateatly w_th anybody I*ll topara_aph c_te tbe been ca_e, _eqmred what _md state case w_ to mt:rpret thffercttt for many the patent o/0ce You intended that thai 35 U S C 6 from the way mteq3reled 6 tl'_. aot,&dyou7 1994, of the Donelson have claJms m p_-agraph about 112/6or Donetson was say it would Scctloa 112, al Heath yca_. apphed those con¢cO I 12/6 corrcCl? Dt ffer¢_ltly Okay than It had been previously, yes Doyourccallthefihngdaleofthe palCnl for the "955 patent? Markman JA 0876 to 12 statement HAGGINS At never 25 Page382 So? theU pcopl© 12 24 Q _s bul be neA'er talked h_s nile on I0 been entirely M_tmglll7 17 COURT by I I _ecordance wxth 15"naware 12 SuMfmfffll fired or subm]tled THE mformatlon 6 filcdh_ In his rule vlee-ver$_ 4 when on you? 12 wsth dt:.t_n'l flied coffecL 12 statmnenl I I he reh¢_ 23 rcsp_t the clatrns meaning rule m a ] 12 s,tuaUon MR BY wtth 'by importing Markman cortCCl7 tha_ I v._ 9 Q 18 legal TheY_z, the said OO383 I Q ndc 23 errs for their 380 OO382 I0 gamed that Mr c]rcmt into the specific THECOURT 22 to be doing embodm_enl'" Carthnal 25 10/26/05 a courl device Now, 24 THE for the federal the clama working 20 I'm going 10oftheshpoplmon, wofkrng 21 HAGGINg c,lan¢ out, Yore Atpage of appeals 17 rcathng 18 What's HIGGINS 13 the 3, 2005 we'lljusl run a copy HIGGINS 14 19 MR 24 MR been , Incozporated Maybe bccau.se-- areyou tt? 22 23 jusl v,e've whtchw_ajusttxmzedby THE COURT 21 Kmerlmses Enterpmes. It'sc_cnt_nber04-1410tssuedbythe BY MR. case oflVW ItIsJVW 8 Court of Appeals 9 112-to HAGGINS 7 thesl]poplmon II 20 25 MR I0 with the tbe cltatlonand wc'll 6 Incorporated vs Interac[Accessories. Inc All wc have is Yes r_ I'IIglve zltoy(re. Give me 4 pull it. Okay CROSS-EXAMINATION aboul HIGGINS Ilearmg 10/26/05 Page 383 OO384 00385 I A I think I ha_,c • 2 Q lf[j_tteByoulfs 3 A Th_ so_ds 4 Q Why don_ you confirm 5 A It*s July 6 Q Okay 7 the cl_n_ 8 wmdd 9 say m yore 1 v, as av, a:¢ of Donelson nght 29, b_ []l be glad bee_ tn the apFhcahon bas_ repoth _ cerrect A I'rosony DeCtSlonbywhom_ By Heath, _o _¢ 12 A A_ you potnted 13 filed July 29, t4 creat_q_ttca_plash, ]5 01at FTOhad 16 c_ae 1994 clatms Donelson should h,_a'le Donelson, I behe_ e, m abuel filed _t| 23 7 A 3 _,_ 9 Q I0 goldclmcs ¢hdn'l go into fl A No, / sam the palent 12 Q I'm sorry 13 12 statement you say [4 could rccogmze 15 that no spezlfic 16 of the legal tmphcahons 17 corwey 13 paragraph 19 A apphcat_o_ 20 behc_ the_ _ did no_ 21 _ apphcanon _ a_ which actvzIly bucausettch_gdth¢,._ay or $o guldehn_ me_s c_c lheheve as to how plus fonctton April ..__ m July of _994, J_ua_.y or, c you o f 1994 examme_ tssue But when deosmn, v. c carr_ out wl_ ]9 was I buh_ Q man_ rot 40._c_s 18 21 A 6 t.:'w_ t_ m a ccrtmn lthmk om m February 22 o_ out, tbu onglr_ The hecnope_tmg And 5 t_t _ Q 20 please? fo_ the '066 patent a d_._l_ 10 Tn© Fro, Q 4 tsfftlt, II !7 3 to look at it 1994 pre_cnted bare ha_c it7 Sod'senm¢lyr_onabl¢ and _e claJms the affe_ o_ f.o of 1994 - the original '066 _t_at of 1997 So tl seer_ _o m(: thee 24 v, hfle tht_ patent 25 I h.v.enov*ayofkno_mgwhe_ w_ wa_ pc_dmg at _e_t thr_c _.c_.r_ that Donelso_ Hearing 3, And 10/26/05 Page the final gu_dchnes ¢ they Well, clearly changed effect of 1994 b_tcally, pubhca_)on _mtd _ssued 1997 "_ 8 _fyour Of _chnaxy that _cture _Lq.'ct ur ¢ w_ dccJsJ_ m 1997 At page that one so it of the thai the examiner I mtsunde_ztc_I was bcmg of rule m the at1 bang cla_med recited 11216 rote skdl but i_ Lh_l panl that you AI the top, sir mt or,tied Io Tt'.¢ bndgmg at the top _ think that's a comment ¢ one of or thrk_V I don'l know he could m April when effect_ you say M_scngdl Well, 23 mto effect the law upon I he_xd to Dr to Dr go Into immcthataly I thought _.ent v, c_c pubhshed dtd they the court m effect 22 25 but he should bccn skill by me ¢_ what In the arl co:rid if thai was ncce_av/to Massengdl I would imagine I do be conveyed that hc wotdd know _ hal do 24 _ as m cffcct _cpr_cu_ngattome Markman m nol specifically 2 1994- TIlE m here COURT hc says that Is tt y_r he conveyed 384 posttton thai somc_ tnformatlon to Dr Marlonan Hearing hae 10/26/05 Page 385 Page 387 OO337 00386 I Massertgl[l? 2 Because I mtssnd MR_ HIGGINS 3 to "t_:r.om© more 4 e_c_r_j_tal]om_ clear yore wl_-n THECOLIRT 6 BY MR 7 Q 8 the declaraaon 9 well l0 A Ye_, s'_ 11 Q 1s tt yore 12 tbuse 13 A it I Honor, v, eha_e Okay hhmk Dr it s going Masscngdl's Allnght [_gc welds 9 ot'yo_ hc_e, m_e 12 statement, and you have opmton that m formanon 3 Q 4 thai need you got tt m _s _h¢ ex re'rimer set fonb exhlbt t as under hned m the -- think that hts intent to anybody else I f the exammer cerlam 6 MPEP fo_ tbaL 7 A Yes 8 Q 9 And, lO E_hthl_ believes clmms, isn't Hor_t, THECOORT 12 THEWITNESS Q unclear 17 the MPEP section says 18 way on the nght-bund 19 A What 20 Q 130o-14 21 exeTctSe 22 the file h_stoq* 23 When 24 cxamm_ 25 the reasons 17 Q _d I hehevr th_ tt's most Do you knov, 18 A No 19 Q Is tt yore _0 mtcndedtomd_cal© 21 _ 22 A 23 the exa_amer 24 making 25 allow _ho oplmon &d that thai Lhe tbut that tmd_hnmg the ts reasor_ _h_ the the ¢lgums'_ I Ilunk that underhmng as he read dectsmn the paterit underhmng_ to the publ_: allowed h_ I_ely thai. w_s through on ,,_heth¢_ most hk¢ly the doctm_ents to alloy, done by be fore the clalros hem m and to to i_oe iarkman Ilearmg 10/26/05 Page386 Section 1302 ldo 14_ 14 ts cnuded Ycs, Reasor_ _ that'sconect For Aflowanc¢ HIGGIN$ So if the exmmr,¢* as a whole down heheved as to why thai the recmd he was at the - column was alfov* mg certain about three-fourths cbams, of the - page7 "lttsmctmth_mtuponthcexamtner hts ot her resportm'blhty xs as complete an apphcaUon is expected is finally as reasonably acted upon to deto_nme why the apphcatlon to to the pubh¢ to see thai Ix_ss_l¢ and alloy* nd, the at the sara¢ 0me ts being lVlarkman JA 0877 1302 to -- it's now Do,_oubaveacopyofthat Yes, 16 ex_trnme_ go:tton I hehev¢, yeah 13 Ye_, 16 tn the 37 II BYMR - declarauon_ wh> the examiner procodute MPEP /_PEP A htrm_lf the-re are reasons a spetaal I'm tefernng 14 Q that than there_ [3 15 other tO the pubhc And isn't that _¢ Yo_ to convey that there's Y_. 14 was probably to be commtm_cated S allowed HIGGINS At I don't 2 allowed Ileanng arc whether ex idem 10/26/05 00388 1 fromthcreconl" Doyouseethat, 2 A Yes 3 Q Are you f.uggestm8 4 pomor_ 5 place No, foat'$ when prc_ecutmn I1 tl_re's no need 12 Q And 13 &d you prepare 14 A m th_ Q 16 _ 17 "apphc_uon', Q Why thd you not consider II A WeII, the ]2 threfted 13 fealm_ tha_ you have, 19 Q O_ manual 20 A Well, 21 thlTcrent 22 wo_d be included 23 Q Well, 24 a dtscl_me_ for the interpretation 25 pulse is m ew-ry [f you can HIGGINS see? rm sony Can you see it7 I think MR. HIGGEsIS I can - I can see May I bnng il clc_ to him, HonOr? Markman Hearing 10/26/0'3 Page Q Okay 4 thepub¢_tmg. because Thafs I'm sorry, ] thdn't 6 Q WeB, yottr 7 _'s a dLsclalm_ 8 deciara_on, and paruculady 9 und_mcd, cor;_'_ Io A the e_'mner m_t follow optmon 3 you know, 4 cotmtmg that -- are THE COURT 14 THE ',&fITNESS THE COURT Slatrm_n! 17 made of rr_sor_ the reaso_ That's THE WITNE.SS THE COURT Ix_mc_ not needed 20 THE W1TNF_S 21 THE COURT 22 BY 23 Q 24 as part of tFas dcclaralion 25 argument tha_ the because _ of the point Exactly, And - tmderhmng'_ colTect for the allowance 19 of the Yore rcgaxdless E.x_ctly, Yore decliner what claims the Well, 9 b_mg wu Honor thscusscd on'_ Markman Heanng 10/26/05 they for yo_. pulse Q coun_nll 14 12 of the tssucd 15 A If you Page 390 20 clasm 21 manual the thscu._lon Page 391 me to the dunng 16 was of Clmm was the one tl_ claim that 16, which, l thai had the specific if I'm not n'_laken feaim¢, as well thai Clatm 16 bccam© Claim p 'a_m7 I think I rem_r_ber my question thai dis¢'usslon, toyou. Mr cotmimg, your opinion _3d yes Th_tstJ_at why _ot both Is only to be of them, mcorpoiat whyno_ if and that pulse cotmung cd into cve_'y ptdsccounung a_d ovemde? 22 A 23 manual overndc I don'l think 24 that that's 25 Q an ts_uc WclL I w_ asked was inclMed Io cord:d_ m thts par_cular I'm llomg v, hethe_ in these clmrra I don't knOW matter to return now to the Or Other Markman JA 0878 3ll9 SO the _knd to refer back that Claim Do you rcr.'_ember Wen, Page are of lecord, amendmem are I have d_cussion al that I_e 13 10/26/05 fih:d at the sa_ne time prehmma-.y what thai by the anomey'_ | 't_m_nb_ 12 so that Hearing m_d the claims in the creates lenns DO I unde_md do you remember argued in a but iI I suppose of claun w= am_mknalt, testimony co_ errd ts that th_s d_clarauon declarauon determine or other t'pociflc_lly, claim? 19 tS the tCn_ that iS _t_quircd of tmdcrlmmg7 or _s part of the altomey _ portion oplmon to hsl them Patte_on'= 18 poise Honor v. ere bong coffec[_ I think, was features 17 this declaraoon Isdiscussing both manua_ ovcmde clear'_ MR. HIGGINS that occurred Q 16 Q on Okay NOW, do you know either, that were 8 Mr I I behev_ It'syo_ 18 file histow 7 IOA Thal*s w_ 6 Thcd_claxmer_sbecauscof Not because m emdc in other feature, your _s I can now m the declaralton corr_CL 13 answer 5 nghl ts saJd m the the poruort that was used underlined that quesuon. o f what counong thffercnl thai the w ith the mstrucuon pulse ovcmde, - if I may dcrnon._waled etther manual thing, as saying testm_ in accordance &d not have I llunk was no4 Io other Markman toyo_corrccf_ _ thai pulse _ Wcll,_sc_rccl I I the language 16 swttch 2 as a prehmm_y And th_'s 5 A 15 the furthe_ control counl 00391 I A 3 it - 388 0O39O 1 colz¢_t7 Yes read that sentence feat_r_ of it w_th the word importam? I think, m the cl_ I would m_nual slo_ words made, feature, 18 and portlovs and then I see - A being p_d$¢ cOUnhng recited those thai w_ 17 THE WI_S 2 to the point © so tmderlmnd, On to Say _o_ it do_ cmrect7 "13tE COLrRT 12 Yes, il go_ iI? energy 21 Your I0 _app]icatlon" doesdt 16 MiL 25 _dlowcd, the word fcaixacs', 9 A ° HIGGtNS A fl_ 14 but the hlf, hhf_ung THE COURT 24 YourHonor 8 other Is being see i[ now Yes a]lowecL the MR HIGGINS paraphrase 19 a;_llca0on THE COURT 7 Q no 20 23 flora on the cxMblt of iI are I belie_ MR 5 6 BY fo_ _dlowance po_on 4 15 Po_Jor_ 22 it's clear I can ce_a_nly my thts exhibit7 h_hhghw.d, [g A was being the application for rease_ the Yes, you. in thCl What declarauoo apphcaoon why NOt pc:_on,_iy, 15 tn that the - when record takes Sine THE WITNESS 3 Thank for allov, anced7 rm _gcstm& why tl_ o f certain declara_on of re_ons nol whal it clear And I0 and Jonson statengm ts that the s_ls $ thd make 9 that the tmderhmng of the McCa_lt 7 opinion THE COURT 2 of actual 6 A 00389 I str? Iteanng 10/26/05 00392 I Featut_p_lofthtsd_clatatlorL 2 y_ thaithe dec Larams beheved not only thaim;mual 3 override w_.s thffere_tm the appbed for clanns and pulse 4 counting was &ffermt for clmms 5 the Nippon 6 A in the apphed 8 encompass Q tssued after 3 the attoraey, 4 A Yes 5 Q Now. 6 the pending 7 A I bcb_e 8 Q Doyou 9 Claam I 1 became compared _tcq_e7 II the mp pa_graph And you mcntton The lasl senteno_ 13 a.s to the nonmanual 14 I I and adduDon, ¢1¢_f_ 17 language II On page o f that I 0 of pa_ paragraph o, ernde the patent clazms cktrrns aRorney 2, 10, nol d_c]_ed And says r_porl 20 A Yes 21 Q Now. II zgso¢ in thts 12 Q 13 quote-- cIalras stud - m the 2 I O. l I and 12 are directed in _ I don't up appbeauor_ frc_ the that 24 accepted. 25 a..mmdmcnt pros_uUon was accepted 16 repo/19 and specific by the argtmleal that the - afl_ THE you WITNESS patent Hearing to the patent exammex Where see what you _tth are you "_ I'm on page quoting Page 10 I 0 ofh_s HIGGINS sentence Page 10ofhlsreport. thcvcl3_ of the lop paragfaplt THE exal_llncr COURT "When and public MR after a patentee edv_$es the HIGGINS patent igs_e ? "That's nol at the top of my page 10 YourHonor Tllb Anybody COURT Ifs at the top of my page 10 else got page I0_ 25 _ssued 10/26/05 Page TIlE _ ITNESS I'm sorry Markman 392 THE COURT I have Hearing Page393 10/26/05 IL 10ofyour I see .._here pl_me'_ THE COURT Let's MR. HIGG1NS Hcmor patenl be means, I'll find 2 BY MR HIGGINS but can 3 Q Do you 4 A Yes 5 Q Now. 6 aopenthx, 7 You whal I would rather do - apphcanl may ha_ e that. str'_ iI if wc can go back to page 277 of the Joint go back I think THECOLrRT lstlunderC d_sclaun that's agxee the beglrmmg wzth of the prehmma_ aracndment tha1_ 8 A Y_ 9 Q And I0 amendment, II A 12 Q 13 w_th 14 A t5 Eegm 16 Q Imsorry lmlsspokc 17 called Remarks In youx l$ patent pracotlonex, the Remarks 19 where the atlomey is pointing 20 why 21 A 22 the amendment 23 the claim 24 Q 25 second whereltsaysa a panic page 287 ts the I_l pomon of the prehmmary ul.xr clazm are v. c ag_eed_ mtexptelaaon'_ THE 12 W1TNESS No. THECOURT you are looking 14 b_. _ actually 16 pauml, 17 from al the d¢cl_alzon contained and I would m the I_c 12. ycah 20 _u._ o_ erade 22 ftrst paragraph blR Is page and THE COURT MR II forint I v.am prosecuuon okay to go "zour hlsto_ to refer to the Okay Thai Yes And at page 284 of the joint appenthx, that begins And Remarks'l of the pa_culat yes. thafs--v.all the_c LSa-- the page doesn't Honor _x]th Remarks but there _s a s¢ctzon utled Yes there'sasectzon experience as a patent Remarks page lthmkyouazeatthetop s_mtrac¢, clazms hov.e_ Whexe this _ H1GG1NS er. _ ts al the top of page on thclopofpagc HIGGINS JA 287. D exaxamer and of an grnendmenl ts to do that THECOURT of my pase under or the reporf_ Whcrt aplxmthx 19 ofthc nt Thal'spagc HIGGINS the 3omt 18 25 I I at patent the Doyouha_epag© language, I1 24 Clmm that ate v. _s ulumalgly read thai 8 23 12 became the ones R'pOa7 7 Yom 21 is raying COURT know 00395 I 6 15 are the prehmmar/ the dccl_ralzon, THECOURT 5 13 claims those mattcx MR last 22 if that I knov. 3 I0 10 beeameCla_mg, Claim hJsto17 9 know Markman 9 Clmm I O. and com_'_ argument wash'tit I don'l Claim to features ins_cllon 24 4 6 m correct altothat I think THE 15 23 2 that's So the altomey 21 O0394 I Claim 2 became case _ m 20 exaxrantr that Claim _ssued know "I _. 19 A >ou recall "However amended mexely of sugg_led ) ou pick that of the patent 23 do A 17 22 exRro -- by _ -- m the I 0 18 19 conect by the rn_nu_l" IS llandl2 tTymg to 14 12. ]6 10 and argttmenl by the to It'snol let's look at some Specific I0 15 andspeetficallyClauns2 that stal(-melR _ e_/un_ wen, 12 Well. 2 r_ferenc_bul also other fcatu_es_ Thalsecmstobcwhati_sayzng 7 referringtospecificclaims so zfs,I suppose 9 OO393 1 Q Doesn'tthalm&cat¢Io al tab section things oul to the exarnln¢_ to tha: 12 the end ceet_ln c[mr0.s y es. that's are allowable v. hcre correct "t the artoraey or whoever ts fihng 12 I arn m the joint aplxmchx or the paper should as makm be alloy, cd and thc 8 ht_ argots apphcatlon as to why tssue 74 And at page 287 of the joint it says. "In adthtlon appenthx, al the Okay Do you Markman have page llearmg hne. Chum 16 recztes means JA 297"_ 10/'26/05 Markman Page394 JA 0879 Heanng 10/26/05 Page 395 00396 | for gcncvaUng puZs_ e'_h 2 ts d_ected and counun OO397 time p._l_, e m fr_ed taxation 8 _he puJ_.es and not actualmg 3 lampun_lallca_;twootmorepuls_haveocour_-_ 4 meam;reduces ¢lth_ 6 dev_cett_clf" 7 A Y¢_ Do $ Q And Claim 9 tanc _ 10 Claxm 16 aJIowable._ II A Yes. 12 Q Clmm 13 14 manual nor m tha you see 0_17 t6 ts the claim the attorney ts argtartg tha_ _ pending that pels© at the cc_.mtmg the patent omc¢ allowed by the attorney makes patent office accepted .rust 5 sayno 6 Q And you say that because7 7 A Because 8 by .Iensen 9 have consldl_ed as evidence whether hexe. 12. C_TeCI? 13 A poruon A Yes 14 Q And the nonporUon, 15 Q Th© _omey 15 goes 16 "In ad_'a_, 16 A Yes, Et do_ 17 feat_cs 17 Q And tho_e othe_ 18 i_lrtetlon 18 Claims 19 A mak_ futth_" 2. 10, I I and 12 arc &rcctcd C_m_ clearly not d_elosed manual, arsument a..ld says , or suggested to m tha _ correct? Yes 20Q Th© attc_ey 21 12 are patentable 22 A Y¢_ 23 Q The 24 nol'P 25 A ts argmng over patent thai Clam_ tha Nippon office 2, | 0, I I and rcfcrcnce, ar.cepted coffccl7 thai argmnc_t. I think v.e are - I a_ answered Markman &d it that questl_ Hearing 10/26/05 Page p_honS 2, before him a decL_rauon have been They could Q And th_e 21 Io. I[ end I I of the _ued 23 A 24 questton 25 the patent (eatures d_sn'l would po_Jort. it? be expressed m they? be. y_ olher features as expressed '066 palenL conccdy, Claims 2, 6.9. 10and Isn't that COtTeC_ lflund¢_tandlha all ycu'rc eonlamed in Claln_ and lssucd_ Igu_s|wotddhavetoagre© _kmg me _s tfthc claims the feat urea thai are conlamed 396 Markman 00398 h_ghhghled the mmhl_ldJghted features," 12wereaIlowed 22 in c_ nol. sn" 10. II and 12. wouldn*t 19 A *- he would to con_ldsr is ._ haJ we have "or other 20 to of it? of d, y_. on Io say. have he would the claims And thai d_ctarahon correct, -- it had in the form of I would that he had to allow Q as Clann had which 12 and _ucd that argument. the ex_mllncr and McCavtt II allo_,ed wl_th_ Solo_kmclfth¢ 4 I 0 d¢cadmg ;6 was ulumate_y the claims and tt had evlderlce 3 adeclarat*onbyJer6enandMcCavtL Suchafeaturets m tha tr_truct_cm II - 2 argum_t$ Such falseacuvauonse_t 5 nol ch_]_r_cd I the Hearing of m 10/26105 Page 397 0_399 I thoseclmrns, andthea_verwouldbcyc_,ofcotr_ 2 Q 3 w_re bern8 d_,cussed 4 Isn't thai co_u_t'_ 3 A 6 $m¢ And tho_ w ould be _ong m the Jcnsen Idon'lknowyc_rbas_ of are ob_ zou_ly 8 Q Well, why _e for saylns recited _ca_'_" m the J_-a and McCa_lt A Pm not tgnormg m3y words II Q You chose And y_u 14 you called 15 A Yes_ 16 Q Now, 17 3 A No. I don'l thatk I m_taled 5 to puts© counung." l'mnc_ fcatm_ nc_ Io hlghhghl cbo_ nol to make dcch_at_on? 9 Q Now. them7 |1 THE 12 MILHIGGINS part of the declaration, _ c_e¢l? _n two pax_ Say. "1 have ¢onsl_ whether 18 t_ rca._vably co_ 19 ttmltcd," 20 hralted by tha mca_ 21 A Y_, 22 Q Isn't ii coff¢cl 23 apphed 24 claim? 25 A further wh_e or not McCavlt*_ to me_m that all pcndu_ plus ftmet_on _ znIcrpr etalt on. corr¢cl? language? ©lemem that's by clemcnl rather pht_ functton than to an chute Hearing only pendm8 10/26/05 Page398 WITNESS Well. sa_d m the declarauon, oftha Tha_'swhalthere_t I beheve ll's beCaL_e of and I _¢d to explain my words of the declatat_o_ HIGGINS 19 Q You're 20 A Ho. I'm nol an expel no_ an expert m granm-._, 21 Q Pno_ to your mvolvemenl E_ements ere you? m th_s c_e. have you of of Gramma_O 23 A I d_n'; recall 24 Q And _sn'l l! correcE thai Io interpret the phrase 25 _ you wish the corn1 to interpret Markman JA 0880 as a matter ts all about, yom g_tmmahcaJ 22 read _he book Shlrtzer _ conect Markman THE 18 BYMR. were thay're I see tha_ svatenc¢ that mem_ would thaf_ clmrn even though thai Ih_; ts becau_ Grammar 14 17 underslandm8 cl_'_ and v.hath_ c_ms I think A matter of _ hat? o f that paragraph 16 what w_ you COURT 13 15 ct Cetera, do you see that. you beheve IO of grarcanar7 contmtung of pulse counlmg. to the whole cl_ns" cla_m._ were lumled 8 one clcraenl of thai e_um may have pulse ¢oLmtm 8 _n IL m Iha_ dcdarat_o_ _ "pen&rig I mean thai all pending 7 fmr to say with regard "c_ oth¢_ that par_ of yore the word _pendsng I say, "Al_ pending 6 include the hrmtabon of the co_'cl _t, _mportam Y_, dcclaranon. that The the wor_ 10 Q So Is this - you JUSZmisstated 2 claxras" here? th_ m the clanr,_ you ignc*_ng 9 13 and McCav_t you are making. 7 clm_ Tha_ featurc_ 4 The clam_s -- when whal ¢h_nca_n 12 A I Q the o_¢_ d. you have to act tutlly Hearing 10/26/05 Page 399 OO4OO I tmport OO401 tbe word gmeEally mto the sentmce where 1 tl doesn't 2 actudv: appc=', 3 A No, 4 Q Well.but 5 don*l mean I don't think you have ts'n'lthat v.hat A I think that's phrase that's tn that declaramm, tt to explain Q I0 how actually 14 A you make stud should !6 Q m'en'! chd be'_ A No. ]9 Q So m order 20 that _t. 22 A mttfWet 24 declaral_on say. into what "So 4 thls_ you are McCa_ the exact McCavlt it actually yt* use the word "generally" it as you wL_h it to be to import that second "gencTally" into ytm'_ I_asexplmnmghowl v,_rds that ii wash t necc_my tbete to tmderstand v.hat are m the McCa_t for me to tnsert it be was saying Markman Hearing MR Your h_6 to dectdc IIIGGINS what I have no pomt the grammar further is fo_ questtom Honor 7 TIIECOLrp.T $ MS Okay MITRAKOS Anyredlrect_ Short REDIRECT rethrect Your Honor EXAMINATION MITRAKOS 11 Q Mr 12 v.as Th_z. attbettmctbeprehmmaryamendmcnt 13 overncle 14 A Yes, 15 Q Did 16 Jensen or M f McCa_ 17 other 18 ore-rode 19 A No, thay 20 Q Now. 21 Fhggms's 22 _. htch lead to the '066 patent 23 A Yes 24 Q Do you 25 history filecL Clmms 2, c]aln_ 10, 11 and !2 were thenonmanual Is [hat corre:ct_ thal's my understanding etthar Heath. than pulse through Its attorrmys, it specifically cormtmg point to thstmguish or Mr out any fcatmes the nonmanual cla_ms_ _d not l behevc you tc*tt fled m re_pome questions that the original recall based _ hat haplmned was patent filed on yo_ to Mr apphcat_on m 1994, revtew to that original correct _ of the palc'nt Markman Page400 10/26/05 file apphcaUon Ilearlng '7 10/26/05 Page 401 OO403 OO402 I A It went 2 and 3 commtzatton th_ tl_ tt was _on m the patem ulm'natcly apphcauc, 4 Q When 5 A Fcthruaty w_ abandoned n. v. htch I pa_, omce, 2 andso m fa_ or of a then restdted that continuation 3 LEer_ m a palem apphcatton 4 filed? and so forth, forth, 6 Q 7 w_ So am I conect that the '066 patent 6 8 A Yes. 9 Q And when was m the A I behove 12 Q So tben !3 _ ears 14 A 15 _L 16 after 17 Q after - _.l'am Donelson apphcatlon tt was ted Fehruary cmcred apphcatlon the contmuauon the federal clrctnt THE meaning o'. or. JA 77. zs m the patent WITNESS thai parucular I think version THE 10 of the COURT ofl_c¢ for what that probably clmm that rn_m_ that w as canceled. Canceled_ acru_lv 12 filed two THE Not actu2d]y apphcatlon resulted _, as filed m the '066 two yems by the patent WITNESS 'a.tth apphcm_t_ No, msli_cttorcq THECOURT appheauon, t3 _ which but canceled It of 1994 w_ _pphc_mt 9 issue c._e the '066 patmt Donelson The going wx_n by the 13. 19967 8 l! been 13. 1996 on Februmy I 0 tla deo_on have means7 7 filed thai wc th¢largeCwtththeslashthtoughtt a stand2dd 5 THE 14 subsequent 15 else. 16 or tbe 17 hned 18 appheam want version one anymor_ Rtght, He may clerks be m accordance Sotakeltoutoftbe It m there WITNE.SS but the PTO it would ust_dly Okay ! don't of I'tce_ and t_y Io keep that's still pending he may ha_ e replaced _ ha_c a It w Ith f.omcthlng the trto*t recent the only orte that's _ erslon nc_ Dorur tson. yt_ lha_¢no ftmherqtmstzons 18 THE COURT 19 t_LR HIGG[NS 20 21 I thmkyouha_emadeyour I the one that IO BYMS pulse and now that -- v.hat youdon'tha_cto And _ou to be sawng, and to mleri_ct don't 23 Aren't 9 not you have No, of the conclusion, again actually of cotws¢ mtnVreted, 21 25 haw be interpreted, |8 3 to rephrase your But ha didn't I'_ twice, yottt "generally" I'm explaining 15 I reed - THECOURT 6 the phrase disclosed" the word sa_L and ts tmder_tood Is'generally inserting 13 rmsorry,] understan&ng ! was mter!mmng McCav_t ! I counting' 12 you did7 the normal And wber¢ tmderstoo_ Bmtoexplamll 5 7 9 to to argue 6 8 Q 2 THECOURT Your Anything Honor els¢'_ Nothing Okay fmlber. We'lltak¢ "_our a 15-minute (Or,=th) 23 THE COURT 24 MI Th_z. 25 m _ _ one more question iflaskj_t-youcanstaywhcrevouare of th_s amel_l THECOURT 20 ft.u'xher qucst]o_ 21 d_d_'t have 22 I ha.e apphcatton Markman for But so the examiner can see ex_c0y what the ts afle_ 19 Honor re_:e$_. 22 through on any MP_ Thai vel_. de£mtuvc HIGGINS 23 on ts I'm nol £amthar 24 that estahhshe$ 25 with Mr Okay that? with that as the Thef, z that Anybodywamtoaskhtm may nol be thsputed, statements The only any parllcular pa_lacular that ts often what about thing bul we that I w ould comment MPEP meaning occurs protoco_ I con¢_ but 1 don't and the attomay Hearing 10:26/05 Page Markman 402 JA 0881 Heanng 10/26/05 Page 403 00404 OO405 I _nOW _1 tl IS b'_ p311_lt Ol_r_ praCUc¢ 2 way Okay 3 THE COURT 4 TH E WITNESS ThaCs b_-'a_se d_ MPEP 5 manual ofpat_t e_T_Inlng ixocedm_, 6 clericaln_n_l The actual m._kmgs 7 ¢lamls are mado tsthe THE COURT 9 THE WITNESS I0 THE COURT At tbe d_'_imn - 13 THE y_, COURT 3 MR. COOK 4 THE COURT THE CLERK CLERK thars nghL Okay, thankyou COOK Yo_ Honor, Mr _omey THE W1TNESS thazwc'U be mfr_ang 19 glv_th_n[oMr 20 II THE COURT MR COOK 12 HtggJm 'ITIECOURT _._ tT We E_an._ 25 Mr THE De fendant it's next wLmt_ Evara'wmlcntesnmonytsattab82 "_ COURT ,s *# Heanng 10/26/05 Page THE COURT 2 that. Okay THE 4 THECOURT aren'tthay? 6 WITNF_S S| _ Sco. I knew Evans S lind electrtm_ When COURT HIGGINS MS MITRAKOS eaglet 1o read, 25 binder and ety Mr my copy, Tbesz's 1 formal old Underwood all be the same, Content I is stm the same YourHonor, and those wc_lth_ that do _t_ cople_ the other l0 on was In a th fferen[ would compute_ MR 24 an discussing 1f we JUSt bed the silly OUt ]4-point we were to the -- it? imnted on= mmm¢ I make that the COpy thai v,e were dtsco_ the paglrtatlon 23 walt may to page the break presented It'sthese Evam lcanclanfy for witnesses 14-point because e_ple$ We ended It'S up in yot_ brad.s Markman be something Okay I pe_on fm_ 2 Hearing 10/26/05 Page 405 Good Mr Evara attcmo_ a 12_u:h¢lot_ of_lmc¢ tmgmeermg, which 1 earned My name ts I have D_gltal COOK Perl C for Sp*c¢ Generation, 6 pt_mg I! MS MITRAKOS 12 THE COURT 8 mtemet 13 MR COOK 14 THE COURT 15 MS 16 THECOURT ahead been All txght Hc ha_ not been MITRAKOS $wo*n? He has Ilehaabeenswom. ohay Go THEW1TNESS 19 scsence 20 f_om Cah fo_ta m etecmca] Okay clecffomc State I am CmTenOy 22 Fort Collins, 23 an mk-'_ 24 Cmm Colorado, circuit Ibeveahachelorof engineering, Polytechntc employed at A_lenl formerly ds_gn which [Jm_ erstty I carried Techao_ogl_ d_tgning in Packard u f_II custom chips In tMs _ty, Markman worked with Hearing and high station including such tt*tmg and integrated speed as kshcl] data cirCmlS known o f wamist rmcrocompute_ and tecetvers o_uatmg a I OD 10/26/05 406 to my work at AgdcnL mdcpcmt_m comuILam I have ]nterlectron 14 d_te_tor and 15 detector dcs=gncd tot them. Some dov©lupmg a low eo*l a battery powered of the novel 17 pssslve infrared mooon I8 detector with moUon I have ors Used m boards, at over one Infra_ed mooon 21 hghOngsys[¢m 22 mouon det_tor 23 hghong level d_ector mfrared Signal act for infrmed moated motion motaon I0 elex:Uon's t_mlted In palettt thsctl_ w_th EVIL with an adjustable for tnano_3 m De_clopm8 two a p,x_tve I_eI Th]srestfltedmapatcntbemgmsuedfor ctrcmO 7 w=th a_table motmtm backgrccmd on the d_tgn detectors Markman JA 0882 imsslv¢ tmpr ovt-menL_ dstecto[ I also wc_'ked with EML passive I pt_cntly w0_ked passlv¢ Improved atao worked 20 25 Page In addmon 13 24 [ comidor _vers clrcmt of mllhom as an 19 m 1978 part of Hewlctt ta-,gmeer c_-cmt_, software Specific 12 16 Sta_ovtff 18 other Systems, with htmdreds reuters II be had work I0 GH_. Y_ I thought Control al_hcatton _om YomHonm'.thd_eswearh_m? Packard many $ 9 dlffcrenU_fl MR aJ$o d_tg_ed Ve¢flog 7 as a ASICa California Hewlctt 4 in el_tneal State- 21 team dg_lgrling mtcrowoc_o_ 3 The_ear©mo_mgtatget_, Goahaad. WITNESS I have like TabS1 81 I0 25 tt would Now,'_betarcwelookmg 3 17 for the record. OO4O7 1 9 name I f you could 404 00406 7 h,_& ) Yore" Honor, typewriters, 2_ Tha_,_Idha ca_Is Markman 5 t_ bemg 22 MR-COOK dmang THE t9 Okay Scott than Scott wl[h throng IS have we bend them up to YoLLr Y_.th_nkyoo_ right yot_ and I was re femng pre_ented a 20 23 24 mcmloned WeaLsoha_¢- to In clowns May Tabgt Be seated_ comment7 14 statement Next Honc_ 2t _ HIggms your SWORN State THE CLERK foT A[Inght. 17 c,_eth_tbe,_a.ntedto_f_rtomclosm& 18 two cas_ WAS I0 thscovcn:d MR Rinse THE 15 wlm_ss? 16 1t'$81 81 7 admm]stmal THECOURT 82_ I'mwrong. (WITNF_S the Upphc_nts 14 Tab 82 6 9 By the _ammen; At the th_'cuc_ of tbe attorney WITNESS COOK THE S pleasr_ II f_ tbe applmant? 12 MR that'snot the l_e thaton the by the claks m the p_tcnl office 8 I 2 to do i1 th_ mclu_ng of muhtpI¢ the dsslg_ Hearing that 10/26/05 Page 407 00408 OO4O9 | DESA _¢cuscs oflnfnnglng 2 3,V_n 3 dolccto¢, or PIR moUon detects. e$ a PIR _lth 6 the s_gnals rccelved from 7 of a pe_on objecl or oth_ 9 have _ _.ds morton I mcar_ a mouon senso_, somettrnes _ a PIP., [ogethcr S dJ._sd patent I use the corm5 passzx ¢ mfrafed 4 v_hlch lnco/po_t 5 smlply a DESA c_ult_ dc_ecto¢ also referred to v.htch selects the P1R that concspond sought r_._ved the pro_u¢_ elcctncal the PIR T_ to motion _]_lch do n_ 14 '_ thoul _y the term fmlh_ qual_6er. cfec_cal [empc/atm¢ and ploduces 18 to chang¢_ In tcmperaRI/¢ Curtal 20 vohag© 23 going electncal 25 then p_tl_ The c_edk_cope's captwc ¢¢'_enl a rapd v. d] I_'OdoCe a eharaclenstlc going, 24 an ¢fec_cal Thc_fOxe, 22 nega[ive neSauve cclnc e fement from the elemcml ts convened and amp]ified_ 21 Icmpcratu_ | mean a pass[_ e infrared wrc¢] efemcnt IS sensllt_,¢ Io changes 17 19 al the bouom e going 4 t_ characl¢'nstt¢ sensor $ _o conver_ or- the signal whiten 13 that a person 14 5,598,066 15 _¢qutres I_ in the Ii_hllng reqwred Ileanng 10/26/05 PaRe of one '066 pat enl, pemans field of orthnary does th_ patent skdhn the no_ requ_r c ¢×p_nertce _ngmeers, points the patents _ do', oled engineer, wtth such at '. anous THE thsclosur_ to any efedncul pa{ertt t_ nol conccr_d AlSo, Carlson art Io _ hlch patent to as the perlatnS 113the Mr licld_ famthar 25 _nd indedmg skill In the a person the p,t[cnt For on(: thing, 24 le_umony _ecded An e:_ampfe on _{a_¢ln_{s in the hshllng fo my opinion, art to which 23 cr, st PIR resistor wlmesses, of or thnary 17 for hghttng t_ of clrcmt_ voha_e Io commenl v, h_ch is referred the trace Shown in the Screen _ _bJe ofDESA cxpc-aenee 22 _ og.'_e _ a low an_tmt 13"an.slstor of one lesltmony 21 then ,:, hen a PIR rathauon a _mall brim _ked 12 ¢onc¢'p_ outed level _ls¢or _ have 20 e going currenl fo_ a few to the backgr that lyplcallv v.lth is one effect le_ el of _ olthge, and posttlvc produced m Ifl_ared be noted the change m bne f pulse o r and thc'n relurns _s packaged field background for a f¢_. mlthS_conds ]1 should 7 19 of page 6 or M r Rapr_s at a parh¢_l_ lo change into a topics typically field The patent r_¢r.,ed how much light _s of lntercs[ one2, concerned COURT to for example, as specifying in the 408 with the arnotml - chams_ l_|arkman OO41O ttearmg 10/26/05 Page 409 Page 41 | 0O411 I THE 2 the 3_un! 3 _d 4 than s_d 5 upon 6 a _¢nsor 9 Moreover, I0 s_g_Jl'_c_ m my cxpcncr_ce. conc_buuc_ For example, 12 _ssued [3 p_en_; patents 14 o_¢dbyDESA 15 _phca_ [ _m r_rned _l_d one pe_&ng arc on sec_ly lights ons _ 17 on.ricer ! 8 [¢sofied 19 ertgmeer, 20 be fore jonah 21 not rda_cd 22 2_ _J_d 29. which Mr 3 4 DESApa_enls _s dotect_l by anached 5 oF _cu_ln_ o f illu_n_t_on marc By the th_ same be L_an ¢lcci_ and that See m figure app[ical_on 12 T_ o of those es ca] engineer, are _tt_ched Raper also ICStsfied who specify ho_ 24 c_stor_'s 25 del_ cr to _ _'mtts F_xhthlts 63 points and 64 not a hghung o f mdosl,_, Rapeds ck_osmon hshl M_rkmin DF_;A's Ileanng p_ss sel of values 18 find all c()mta pasts 21 65 tamps should Once 10/2_05 Page mvenlor Whal 22 values 23 '066 patent 24 thsclo_ed 25 powe_ JA 0883 in_enlor apphcatlons on sc,_al on which are aIta_hed thsclc_ed as Defendants' of dect_omc.s of experience and more m designing deteclols Io come to find values tn the patent low tap with cos{ a fn_t _ al_ of a circull of componenl bmld _ alues a lyptcal and imp]emcnl For the elSht in [he palcnt. that would lmpl_'nt ]1 wits not my mtenl worthy analy3t,s I thd was thai work doptc¢cd Io be tt_¢d in the d_gn _tutes c_se To do 2B mol_on intcrd w_ cases and pal¢'nt and the CI_CUll dza_Tams my knov, ledge my years I buth in the '066 That they v, ould clrcwI with the design I decided Io _e to i_, I dad not and ensma_ operauonal thai for always features amphfim work typical m the thai _:e an LM 324 low q,,kad amphfic_ Markman 410 _ _n for my leshmony, a se[ of preducl_on do a worst DE_A'S t_eld of _ntcrcst 15 20 Exhthlt tl Is always used passl_ • sn fr_-ed the d_lgn and palen{ and figure 14 19 as Dcfcedan_' 2A I then 17 ts n.tmed through74 the pzlenl specifically m a fi_ld experience enginec_ that much m the Raper I s_dwd My 36 facl tha{ he _s nc_ a a_d 67 13 [ 6 Mr o1" palcnt the circuit 11 Raper Is a n._-ned 66 as an sn_ entor on stx of _ hleh Mr In pt_'p.a_tt thts lnhLsdeposmon, Mr Ea_b_t_ l0 _.as as an decretal to hghung 7 through Seepage73 Raper 9 olx'raled not a hghtm 8 h_s ion years 8 DE._A Mr tidal. as Dc fendanls' token, engineer, Copies 6 8 engineers a{ Ieas{ one en_neer, hght_ng 35 like me, de, pile the dc_ Coplcsofthe.seF_lentsandp_n_ I_n an elcclncal ll's on pa_ngs Also grealcr povulcd ¢lecl_C_] m _$ I ag_n 2 a_ k_ ca_c two Icy©is with of tJluxnmation con&tion mgmc_ between concern sub_ant_Jly or nol a _med dc_c,_J the thffe_ence only _ bethel" a first ]c_d I_, d of dhamnab_ whed_a Ar_ Patclnt c]31ms I¢_ el of dlummatlon _ 8 II _ITHESS of hght a second 7 23 mdhseconds, 16 m m respomc or posll_ Markm_n 16 more I f l ha_ c hefped des,gn "PIP. sensor" or {ctm _PIR" 15 sen_o¢ wl_ch C0RSLS_ ofa begins St the ¢lrcug_ and EM L ] _ This 3 10 When ]6 negatl;e 6 F_'equcncy or amphmdo ls thc lypc of clrcut_ 12 tot IntedecU'on 13 goes exposed 10 eh_a_msl_cs IZ which 2 among to b¢ detecled and from I Ilearmg 10/26/05 00412 Th_ OO413 allo',_ cd me to use only two eight opora_or_d volt pow cl supply refining amph tiers to a low voltage 70P $ input since that includes vult._cs All of {ho_ 10 Sm_c tl Id'ety the 12 I_ckagc. 13 c_,hl C_l must I a five gets have ho a c.on_cm mvcnto_ v, anted and _mg t_ o quad 15 dcslgr, s fo_ tho p._t has hocn Is Q2, the 6 mode 7 was range g _ p[P_, it scorned use all of the OP amps packages allows one m one to _c ull ttsed m many that the '066 p_cm Sixzs m an mcxponsl_ I p_c_cd CMOS 21 mare 23 braid IY_ c_rcult AC vohage 24 supply _ct]on 7.5 ctrcml elcmcn_, shows based low voltage along _v¢ with cr_culU-/. any I dcc_dcd to I_gh the vohagc. five _oh | 10 volt _ttpply ltearmg 10/26/05 Page $c_tSltlVe copper PC board oul hol¢_ _ the co_poncnts to the PCB a_l 12 from soldered Supply tho power them etching 1 the sold_fic_s sl_cad board fro_ the powc_ = fo_ on a elca_ PIR mat ac_yha sheet and t O0-watl all the compommts togetho_ alo_ 8 halogen Wtth the componc_ all _e 15 obs_cd interracial _ Tho 17 the tc_ cxrcmt clrc_t 19 light cnvtronmem cx_tut 21 a _ctahvely "_outd I pr¢l_ed d_m level I wouJd I o_erved and PIRs to cr_me 16 poln( of Ihe Frcsn¢_ mountlrtg uses I would I at a local plasllc response 25 and capa_tors I of model, I sa_ thsclosed m the lens, alignment its block P_PS motmtcd for the at the f_al lens board pnnted _rcmt to motto! on a PCB copper PCB bmfi by photo boo_, the m_n board so I could ! expected t]_ which ! bruit the etching d_llmg a sl_e out the the ¢leculeal board _;ided holes for co_ls on a cullul_r _ az7 clrc:_ and board, the tv, o PIPs and then _;oldm_lg I m_t_ally 24 a clrculuy ha_ e two to as a PCB spread m figure able to mc the Fresnel and the bud! a small 23 values so I could to gee tho use values of reslsto_ I had on ha_d Ex_3_t 68 and 69 or mgh_me wluab world hgbl the a lamp rclauve c]c_e 24 produce an oetp*.,t wl_ab p_ox_mlty 25 rcL_]vcly inzo v, ould rehalvely 3 window 4 did =',ol produce comparato_ Th_s Hearmg mthca=d 10/26/05 7 rad_a_o_ falhng 8 &d i_s job by reducing 9 doc 12 tfl which 13 a _¢(Jetermmed 14 light to alm_t 15 lamp of vzew The cucml ch._tng¢ tho lamp In Page 413 would 18 _ttsfy Ilearl_g 10/26/05 fi_! 24 I¢_1 show 25 _ well Page 414 At this tl',2t th_ such c=rcmW/and valu¢:s allows h_t up the slgt_l to lamp o_ Lmdcst_cd Thcclscrv*ouldl_ethelantp having to wa_t for a second p u_,c long like to demonstyat¢ I b_ll a.?ul invite Markm=n JA 0884 of the the it vc_3' large ts not unexpected I would the trait thai _ IrtU_n/_J gTca{_r tha_ tho _rcult_ my ctrcml wlthOUl ts very corpora!or lime the czrcm1J 7 to hghl pulse, co!mitt time, u_F_¢nn 8 had a wtdth will cause that t=tn8 quickly of fatsc m infrared clrcmUy from the v_ndow pulses cause very wul¢ pulse count a _'fe_[Cl3111tted fromtheuscr'spomlofv_ew If!ha the PIPS had the poise pulses mlmmt_m I behove but [he circuit the lamp of a change hkchhood within - will the pulse 23 to a output ] al.¢o noted hght of The pulse tho first of those for a stable the PIR an output, would mthcaove the _unous o f the file!tit 17 22 signal tzpon t]_e PIR, Succcs_fl_ porllorl prodt_¢ which into the field from to mc thai although an output II mo_e distant would p_odu_cd Io a single I could an outpol 6 20 Ic'vcl of dl_tlon. Markman token, at a Iocauon 2 t to respond the field to the PIP. By tho same 2 view 19 at of dlm_ma_lon. rr_vc I 16 to b_uld !ha! to a low 8 to _t an output 23 b_ghl able to probe m order aS De fcndants co_e_pondm prodwcc I was m the ctrctut as mterulc_t cha_aw.s the circuit, 20 Then of mic_c_ arc marked In tcsUng 22 tOgethcT, nodes they worked 16 18 ! w_ 15 I0 lamp w_th componcrt_ 14 However, 5 m place box board supply, I wired 13 and Q2 model the He_dvZenlth Markman ho_d_ | moun_."d mare _lth no longer pla.suc I then hk¢ the drawing 412 a ft_le ussn 8 photo the components I btnll a clear ac_/hc I I huldc_ Q! SL5630 oo415 u'ar_ fcncd l0 _olated of a Frcsncl two P]E°,s labeled 1 oponed 14 22 P_rst, I bruit the pov, cr photo the powc_ '066 patent tho components v.ould 6 9 12 21 _e 5 8 thai the modcJ the 110 voh and bud1 ;I t_m8 I _bfllcd 7 II sc_smve Although al a _ocaJ point shows looks Whon photo m (v.o sccuo_ thai model 20 3 PCB tcch_quc_ 4 Iha patcnl ts _x_nate_ designed 3 I0 supply | [hen sided Thts power ]C. test componcnt_ Depo 9 19 I_:x mvcrt_ 00414 2 Home including foramuchsafer able to plch up the Hca0vZenlth t_ referred m_ crto_ work The '066 potent 18 of CMOS to be able m _olat© from the use frmctlor_ Iouch. e package Markman I ls_ mare all the h=gh vulta_e typzcully 17 thai c_m nm five volts I waJ_tcd 22 PIR wdh Thlsallowcd thcf,_ncnurohorofmverlO_sthal the CD 4069 h¢_ m_ crttn Since consumer tw o dccad*_ I also nouced 17 ofs_mver_fs 19 from human 13 LM 324 18 _ 4 In tho LM 324 m conym_er a board with PIPs OP _1_ 16 cnvlromncnl near _ound. _ always bmh 3 its a corrax_on arc avadabl¢ I_ 20P_psandmvc_lors OP amp of the PIR. which m_t fc_r_r_ 14 20 capable amp for tho first stage 9 the patent the first gain stage from the so!tree to gel all the pat ent shows to the OP amid. In a_hoon, posmvc Since i_ckages of at you to come Hearing down 10/26/05 Page 415 00416 0O417 I MR 2 court 3 dtrnottstrauo¢l HIGGINS thai w¢ tnR_d to video THE 5 _,OLHJGG_$ sectmax may drLS portion [ rt'mmd the 1 Ftesnal COURT Okay And_.e'vecle_sedoffflxalsam¢ of the plalntt ITs Co--el table for the 7 demomtra_im. g THE COURT 9 MR COOK I0 WrlRen S_Tca_nl II bucome Okay For tburveord, referred tab 72 and YourHonot to Exhlb:ts 65 and the 69. those ha_ e 73 THE COURT 13 MS MITRAKOS 14 MR COOK What pnge js thai c_'_ LaslpageYtmlLatdretopofpnge6, thlrd 16 TH_COORT A ad 17 MR-COOK Tab 72 18 THE COURT J9 THE WITNESS open fotyot_ and become _ ha_9 73 There 4 thai kind 5 MT I would like thai I btulL Fffxt 23 the ctrctatry that we v, ould 24 ts the pov.et Supply we ha_e COURT THE WITNESS g in frared rathatt 9 encourage the 10 a person the PIR same thai make 17 top aol halogen I_e bulb people tmjde serLsors the actuahmtt We ba*t to touch, v, hzch this c_e and Frc_nel blarkman lens The Heanng Page wlr¢_ can now look are turn Io poml sitting of high $othlststhepbutosetlsor 23 s_ttch you s also a switch of _lcw board hvtt do_ to rathatton as ts rest of that za¢ the exact _s in figure 2A and underneath, there's the p_nted it cffemt 2B a -- boards componcms find on the that httl¢ mmule_ there Is a cad It's the thing _ttmg kind Andtht-retsa to go into the accent mode, that alfov, s you and 20 416 mlnut¢_ Markman OO418 meas ¢o a/I tho_e under al[o_ to five ler_ fo:vscs in m frai-¢d out that 22 that lem on the unit and cell minute of just dropped l also need There Fresnel components, connectrons l had the field - for v, hat sulphide 2_ 10/26/05 clrcml 21 24 a pan In specific the lexul if you copper I have 20 you of.the low all the We cap m this plastic Frwnel the PIPS for the one gttl¢ does through _ ou can see those that has that _ ere to _ee a change the test one 16 focated The on onto pIRs components, 15 sertsors What ts _alkmg Then 13 ofpl_0c ex#x_a_on THE the sheet like the top ha_ 7 12 thm m tt 6 19 Okay to show a quartz crrcmt_y like a seal I They brown, axe tv, o PIP. of look Cook's 18 you lsthtson? 22 have wdl Would Right We tho_ Okay 21 25 hcrc 3 14 15 pa.'_g_upb. lefl one Ions elements II 12 20 left5 ts this 2 small o f the as v, elf t 4 6 Yore" Honor, thin to se|cct of timing mode otto idong Ileanog afl_ 10/26/05 Page 417 Page 4_9 CO4_9 | a m_on 2 on detection of a pe_sov, how long you keep the hght I Iong_ for 3 2 Ther_salsoatestmcx_hcve asvdtch 4 going to keep 5 upctd up this test, I ha_ e shorted 6 resttt m- to the rrtorc hke 7 m abota $ tt m the one minute We're cormcclion. to mmme so II v, tl] time out We could bored, watt 9 a htti¢ 10 sulpMd_,_.ndthectrcta[ts the full one so I have just rmnut¢, now put and we might And 4 the 5 s_mulat¢ ha a cap o_ er the Cad -nowhasgonetoathm Tths ts the at.cem 13 e',enmg 14 tm'aoffthcacctmtmod¢ 15 mcely And 16 radratlo¢l 17 change 18 lo show 19 now wo_ld 21 can 22 tfytm 23 off, 24 enough. daybght And you 7 Iogghng _s_ch 8 to sbuv¢ you 9 this This 25 hlfl¢ you mode You halthtssv, chaage can also for one hack mtattte, a - the rmmua] Mr fi_ e or ten seconds 17 over 18 A That 19 Q Allnght 20 Lens, F-r-e-s-nq: 21 A 22 correct, on poe, t.r switch Apparently on here and I didn't or 20 portion, toggle So _ toggle Markman mmules v, htch th toggle toggle it asa bit Hearing or tram off _hal by | wanled an'_ questtot_ a_tual regarding clrcmt EVANS, and duly sworn, tes0fied as follows EXAMINATION Just a couple E_ gns. dunng the Cad Y_, ofquesno_ for Mr the demopstlahon sulphide. was the Was pho¢o that the you E_ans put a plastic photo seraor cap _ sensor AndthenyournemlonedtheFr_snel l Isn'l that rtght_ _md I'm not posm_ but that's how I have e I'm pronotug'n_ betm pronom_mg that it for :23 years |v, it _ little I occurs tt long Ithdthesamep¢oblemmmydepost0on bit too a_xtous, it ten s_onds COOK Q fi_ e nlmutes ovemde MR 16 _t t$ m that timer mode show BY 15 on for upptoxtmately nd of tfos cotmectt examined had vail so If. I w_s to bas;ca21y of the which dayhght out of this ovemde Thal's for one DIRECT 14 And tt should toggle again. SCOTT that detected now mode fl gels out in the and see i f anybody 13 m mfraled c_._ see that ii has right ts a one was day, for dayhght ha_ mg firs[ been 12 ltchdoes into a o; erode the next of timing can also 10 be on m the the accent tf I ha_ e enough take the mmn and that would That'sv, wgff¢ to get stay on also w_.rtted has gone _ |l'we 20 ffyou out he*e, and mode tt goes untd $o tr_tead 11 12 and dusk t_me ouL tt waits 6 am seton_ There, on untd 3 In order out the one a tim Second, stay 10/26/05 24 Q 25 plastic _ It was curved like thls Itwasshoraofcu_wed _|_rkman Page418 JA 0885 He._rmg J0/26/0S 00420 1 A 2 lfs a sheet that allow 3 Q piastre7 5 A 6 _,fymg you descrthe I gu¢_ 9 Q pique race are the Tb_'s 13 Q And 14 magmfyabuok 15 A Tkat*s 16 Q No 17 _t has _a tho_ excepl area so ,t can fymg glasses, buy m the _kugstore Im_ COURT THE W1TNES$ 3 THE COURT 4 THE WITNESS ,t's a 6 THE COURT 7 TIlE WITNESS a_tually the p_e,:.e o f for a cottple of m tt. and _,ou can me tt to read, ls thalnght7 qu_teom COURT You t_ay there was built based NO, thts w_ butlt on the THE COURT 22 TIlE W1TIqESS THE COURT 24 THE WITNESS .. ilh_raaon, Where w_ The component 9 there Yeah, that's sitting on THECOURT II BY MR- bigger btgger board7 b_ard, that's 12 Q 13 you took 14 It thcln't 15 capaolon_ 16 You Okay Just briefly, 18 nght_ the have actmd values 22 not on the actual schcmattc 23 Q ts m thctc 24 thai you 25 tab 72 and 73_' That'sconCCl hnlc over Crc_s? you wMch was 2, and and the to build thc ctrctut Is thai lalsohadtoreadahtlleb]t there was thlr_ fi_cmmuleand20mmulcttmcr Tbun did then &dn*! -- figm'e for rt:slstors Io know those mcnboned, appear ] thfftk hka a one Otherwls¢,tt's saying _alues 420 one. five of 20 m the schemaltc _hthl168 &ageams 69 that arc now and Markman G0422 ftmny OUt what [hose should be, selected thcm, figure counts/? Page what d,ageam so -- 10126/05 single AIInghL to summarize, schcmauc mmutc, Hearing every that ta there ts actu.aIly COOK 21 ]can- Markman there? yes Okay into the d_cnptlon yes, It do_n on that On the A the pulse pull cotmtmg SO It was 19 lllt_tr_ton 23 Was h's m there, 20 - 21 Where? 17 and then used tho_c values on des,g_? W1TNESS 8 I0 O0tTeCL fm'th_ THE pat¢_ THE 2 5coff_t flat pointing of.u_methmg, Rapcr's 19 25 the really canter THE 20 t_0421 I m it correct? A Mr etchings m the c_ed the _tmc t'ial magm thai you can 12 18 has seen up m a proper thtcct]on These I I dollar_, with the etchings it woxks o f thof*c Imcd 8 gel some I0 ,f any'oody gla_es, 7 bunch pl_tlc to tt act hkc a lens Would 4 of curced Ileanng 10/26/05 Page 421 OO423 I A I'm glad 2 Q Yes, 3 you are ketpmg okay Thank I a device y_ you. THE COURT 4 that strmghL Okay Cross7 CROSS-EXAMINATION 5 BY MR Go_af_-moon. 7 A Good 8 Q lust Mr acotzpl¢ofquesttom Io bdabox the point I0 and, I tlunlc Mr II dewcc 12 just 13 that cttCml 14 A That ts corre_ 15 Q And tt Is m_c 16 m accordancew,th 17 t_c "r 18 A 19 clam_ 20 Q Not 21 A Yes 22 O Okay 23 A I a._Stml¢ that 24 claims, 25 Q also, Evans afternoon 9 thai you jufl a rephcatma I mad bcc_ur.e Cook for you_ I think just figmes ldon't the judg© clarified dcmonswatad of the prc fatted thageam A No, I thd nOL 3 Q And the same 4 not read Clatm ctanfiui it tt, but the embodzmenL that is, any de, patch'J_ the schematics, We could 7 Q You agt_ 8 those 9 clatm._ 10 A lees Isn't tbul not the the clmms7 the $chcmaac does implcmenl the though. for cx_raplc, Markman reed C}alm Hearing 6 and braid 10/26/05 clot ms 67 b¢ ffxte for Clmm a device go through wtth 12 Q 13 you w_me_ me, Youthd 9 In accordance with thai Now, thd you Mt - I bchcve Y_,I 15 Q He made you ner,,om? 16 A Only Q Mu_hy's 18 A 422 you d_tratott 14 A 17 m at.oaf thrace w_¢ here. but &d yesterday? b¢cau.sc of dgraomtrauot_, too nerve wTccklng nghL Yes (Laughter) 20 Q 21 hartd 22 go to a brtght_ 23 A Y_, 24 Q And vely Solgut_ in frlml Raper wave youalsow_m_edMr o f the PIR Igv¢l sensor" o f Ms dcvtcc hts artd the hght 15 that e.orr_ct 9 similarly, you war,,ed device, Markmaa JA 0886 those tkat ts the Andhemadcmcnet_ous, law, thd tr:ad wtth plctuY¢ Rapes thd. lbtuhtht:- to grid ] I, yo_ 1 bruit thedcw'tcc _r_Ib_wn_nt 25 of the PIR sensor ofyo_ Page all the clarwa 6, 9, and butld a device Tlus t$ a_e. I I preferred ts 23, aad 2B m the paleot ? th¢clalrraofth¢ to rmplemem waat to us thts afteraoo_ thai you chd not build you didn't, Claim would 9 and braid 6 A t9 Bul with 5 clmm? THEUERKAUF 6 Q m accordance 2 your hand and the hghl Hearing m from went to a 10/26/05 Page 423 00424 OO423 2A Yes, 3 Q 4 d_monstratcd 5 front 6 A 7 hzs hand 8 Q 9 Actually, 10 the covet Okay AndsothedeveethatMr yestceday of _ sen.sots D ¢trx.tcd I wa_ my deterred the motion oF thai dcxace the change of his hand Isn t that of m fr'_eci pages 13 Q And 14 refctr_cetoaP[_ 15 woTds 16 co_ec¢_ 17 A Aed IS Q Ymsony you Okay AndjuSl 4 maybe a hril¢ bit ioo qmek corr_t_ rathaoon 5 bceatLg¢ "molaon b_¢fly to your aren't numbr_ed, thscms page 20 thstmctlon 21 _d 22 A yt_ 23 Q Okay 24 you, 25 A do_ dctcclm" v.tach back to yot_ 6 star cmc'_t You 8 exact I I among the s]gnals 12 stalcment 13 A I th_nk you're 14 Q Okay 15 of the patent 16 In_ - tt's abuul 17 A Ycah IS Q And 19 for me LSt_SCd IS that P[Rs bctv, een v, hen ustng the And words you make "mellon a detector _ _ser.so¢'7 Doyouha_eacopyofthepat_tth_©w_th str? I do nol Markman ilearing 10/26/05 tt - mouon as wc just to the discussed, when using patent gomg detector ts used, together with rec¢_ ed from you are the v. ords and is it tnJc here sensor concctly you but if _ ou w oulcha t mind between "sensor" a PI_ -- arc thsc_lng and whorl UndcrlloFyomstalcmrnt, you detector" thuds m -- and I brought are making 9 _aytng of wrms m h¢_ J_Lgt for a s¢coed a thst mcuon I0 t_s _mder the one statement And hc_¢ a conp}e or "sci'.soT" WS lab l_ but It's the -- tl'S not Andyoumakeathstmcuonwhenthe 19 Tcrrmnologyg, thts mearcs csrcml_ the "motion Lh_t yOU're to you v, hleh pIR that selects am I reading yo_ th¢'re_ paraphrgsmg Ves3, good please, mc fauly and to Claim hne con'ectly Andlf_ouwouldgotocolumn7 69 If you v, dl go to 55 can you tell mc _ hat -- can you read thai hne plcas¢_ 20 A 21 peedeteTmmed A first sensor 22 Q So the v, ord used thcTe ts "sensor", 23 A Thee sn there 24 Q 25 abu_ And h_ 55 again, for dcteclzng external Ls "sercsor" Okay lane means conthtlon same the a first to stud apparatus cortcct_ yes ts true m Clatm used zs "sensor" term Page424 Markman 9 ts it not Hearing 10/26/05 Page 0O42"/ OO426 [ A "Sc-r_or 2 Q AndffyouwouldgotoClalm 3 about line 4A mtans" is m thff¢, rnc_ns As_downallmc-al:*_lSI Q Okay A Number 7 Q So the 8 scRsor 9 A I I, _ ou ,ae please ¢lzm'_ talking of the patenl abouL sensor means9 m those a_e USLng the term claams that you have MR 4 THE COURT 5 MR THECOURT Okay Anyn_dlr_t? 13 MR COOK Notl_trcct [4 THECOLFRT AIlnght Thankvou "loumay slop dowrL 16 THE WITNF.SS 17 THE COLIRT 18 MR. COOK Thank Ncxl blay THECOURT yot_ Mr Ev_.r_ be excused, AnypToblcm_tththat Yore COURT COOK 22 MR HIGGINS 23 THECOURT 24 MR NO objoctlon, Okay HIGGINS Thttmrkaufh¢ Your excused from Markman Yore Honor "Coomaybucxcused HonOr may tlearmg may be excused next THECOURT _s-- l thmld 12 MS MITRAKOS 13 THECOURT 14 THE 15 (WITNF_qS 82, 82 CLERK WAS CLERK 18 TIlE WITNESS 19 THE CLERK your ll _s State hand ) yo_ name for the record, #e_se MS Lloyd W Massengdl Be seated MITRAKOS your Honor, 21 tnatt er. be fore Mr Mi_smagill starLs, 22 using during testimony, some boards his far a_ ay I{ m_gh¢ be d+fficuR, so w¢ have for the balance 25 an oghl TttECOURT and we're as a housekeeping gomg but IO be for those so _ ¢ ha_ e . Io see a half by 11 Can I pass Okay, dlbugood Shallwe Hearing 10/26/05 thatv, Markman JA 0887 right SWORN t;t_ttrtg 426 H+s_tatement nm'nbez Yore-Honor 24 Page _s Lloyd Okay Rinse THE wh,ll 23 10/26/05 _s well w3mess LfoydM;L_Sengdl tt, but l Oon'l know ask that I also the courtroom you Defendants' M_sengtl] 2O Mr H+ggu_? me Andaslong_swear¢cxcmmg MR 17 That's All nghL Tbusz _ THE 16 wtmess? Who? KAUF COOK Mr 8 I1 q_l+ons Mr THEUEP, 7 I0 f_ 12 20 THECOURT 3 9 to No of the day'_ 2 6 wlmcsses, Is that cortecl? ] see SealSOr mea_s Q I 10 for me S¢_¢ 6 IO pointed yes I 1 or 12"_ 5 Mr Q m T_mology Y_; 25 3 7 making pag© but the second A 21 I b¢l there's Raperbmhand to rcfc_ _ on/usl 12 15 J believe A _ as mo_ms. I I section II ] Q 2 I dKL al around_ Page427 425 OO428 00429 I mark these 2 Exh_a $omewhcre? 3 They're MS 4 report 82A perhaps, already already m bert I Hlgglra7 in htTe_ okay MITRAKOS TheyarepartofMassengdl's Thescarej_[eolorone$ 5 we have ? version Whlchtswhattab? the black and white, I don't 8 MS Okay Again and tht_.e are a colored $¢e them .- 10 WhJchmalchthebo._dsthat THE COURT I don't see thera _s part of tab MR schemata: COOK clrcutl 14 The_ea*etab49, thagrarns TttE COURT MR. COOK ts a blac.k and wtal¢ vet.ston yot_ copy, THECOURT 19 MS match Forty-nine Okay m color m v, ell 21 THE COURT 22 MR COOK 23 hcadmgontbetup purpc_¢* Thee be putting are clearer copies wl_ch up Okay Tab49doc*n'lha_etheblue COURT of a clean Why don't record7 we make 49A for IO that, Mr tlearmg 10/26/05 Page elecmcal ] have 3 ctrcml including 5 Threat 6 and deszgn Reduction 7 w_th compam¢* 8 Acrofpa_e. 9 Ma_n Aget_y. _uch $omf Your Horior Ready for we are Go ahead_ Good into the suhatance persona] afternoon. of e_ectncal engmeenng You_ of my opinions, and proft_tona] I'm a professor Hon_t I would hke background englnemng at Vanderhih mid University m Nashville, Terme_ee l'm also the [he Vlmdetbl]t 15 or ISDE. 16 dl_tgn I? engineering fotmthrlg Imtlmt_ where threclor of lmgmeenng for Spa_ [ d.ect for vanoc_ and Defense all electronic government for Electromcs, modchng analysts and corporate and flmded aetivmes I'm aIso a fellow 19 and Electronics 20 lind B $ degreea 21 Carohna Stale 22 Un]v_dy o f the Engmet_ Imtdute with in electrical Omver$1ty the of Elecmcal IEEE I hold engmemng a_ad have from workc_ Pk D, M S North m Vanderbdt $1n¢_ 1987 [ have taught 24 In nllgroelfcnonlc 2_ digital mldergradoat c and graduates Ctl'_mt analysis, ]Ogle, dlgtt.3J circuit des]glt, col_ es ¢tzCUlt d_S]gn, anldog compute Markman Aca_;pace secret 2 Is d'tc mca_ and space the DARPA _ BAE aided design. Hearing 10/26/05 Page 429 Hams and Texas anaty_ls Compaq 5 design Boemg and design. 9 l0 hold a DOD Section Is ptov]d_l as Defendants* 14 retried 16 US 17 patent, I have been Patent No _ked Io study 5_598 066 m order to conmbule I 8 me as Marknmn proceedings 19 me - allow 20 foe my opinions FIrsl. me to oudme 22 drv_dedmtoth_csecttoea 23 techatca] language Wlesermarm to whal has or datm the topics patent, 15 to as the'066 been explzaned co_W.mtt _ on to So now tmon2as _ My let Thzrd, p_enl provided 2i ts d_cnp_lon, Accoxthngly, conclud_l m_l 23 Whiten Markman Hearing wluch conlmn 10/26/05 Page 430 COmLSl with who _Pm_ by eoum¢l, DESA's Fotmd only one claim claim wtth S¢ctron including elements 112, paragraph 6tructu_c the d_awmgs of the as to the claml ¢Icrnems be mL--q3reted and identified descnpl_on 6 are set forth m thereof concspond 24 those claim elcnu:nts 25 In thts respect, _ edvtsed, which [ have m accordance which porllo_s with H 2/6, I that the to and there fore defined markman JA 0888 recite to per form the the concspoadmg and eqmvalcnce by oth_ m each of the 12 clmmed elcmcm$ sufficzem 35 the recited funclZOn here _s largnly as advised 22 have determined wlmtsses where none of the 12 c]arm e]_L_ tn accordance FirsLlmzppleramttbe [ addxess "_bethex or nol the sm_ctmol m accordance 6 Stcvcn Carlson, cd to m_n 18 the wn_ten 19 or nol U'_ose, **mear_ plus function to perform that r¢¢lled 17 mt¢_n-t and the bases presentation Staled m the ¢[mm ftmchon 16 construed 20 the topics Secoed, thees _hJchl'ilrcfer that recite sul_ct Cnl be mtclpreted 112, paragraph My opzmon 13 ¢lcmenl E.xhthll 43 15 whether s b_clure 12 exlx'r t wdness, of my CV the funcl_on In my opinion, sufl'iclent I I cleman¢c A copy of ffmc0on, by a sLatement format, As I have been edvL_cd by counsel, th_s _s the test 8 U SC Lockheed m I also to IX_form 7 claim c_cments" must Insmmamts pubhcanons followed plus thnctmn 6 fo_ dctclTnxmn8 Ccfapmer. Semw.ondu¢lor, =meanS" 4 clement. the Dcfnx_e elecnomcs Systcw_, the word 3 su_cturc systems, Force, and NASA on commercial I O0 techmcat theory secunly I the U S Air Aerospace, I ha_ c over 13 25 9 to give m mlcroelectronlc the nuhta_ Navy, woAcd Hughes I I electromc 24 W1TNESS I go theory :eseafch foe the U g [ ha_ e also IO engmemng per forrocd an._ys_ 4 21 fine. Okay OO431 and ha_c 2 14 THE 8 Bcthzc Yes, 428 OO43O 12 COURT 23 this Any objecnon Markman ! THE Ig Thalshouldbetheooly&ff_rence THE 25 Sothtslsjust49 MITRAKOS the board 24 ts actually Yotu- Honor Ig 20 MR. COOK 6 14 that's right. Pror_sor _gdi7 13 So 49 No, All 5 12 cornpamonwtth offlu_ 16 17 COURT I I computer 12 15 HIGGINS THE I0 82 13 MR 3 7 M[TRAKOS weql be puttrng up 11 2 4 THECOURT 6 9 or are they _md as cvldcat Heanng from my 10/26/05 Page 431 0O432 I rcedmg of the _ng 2 wttne_ea.Mt written Cat_*,. Mr 3 sharp dtsput_ betv. ten the 4 sensor mcam for detecung 5 extenmI to said Raper. Dr parae* first I_cd_tmmned 7 ap'paraIu_ as re/ares _e 9 mg-aa I0 jt_l mean the PIP.s, the PIPs wh;ch aurnl_. 46. }4 _torblock,48 mc_dcm 19 20 later, 21 fwsl upon re_sm_ $_ t$ part signals mgar_ thal m greater tntopretat$on$ clrctulay ffDESA ts m:_ part of sensor of a COrltrOl ct_emt means, incorrect 15 constitutes 16 _lemems 17 detail and the Number would Heanng 10/26/05 Page one 19 dra_ pa_tculady 20 d)ag_:o_ of figure rags, Number and '.tlmess¢_ 25 Nfr for each of'the claim including 2A of tbe descriptions, _J '066 clmms the schomatt¢ patent a._ orcufl 2B po_ort$ of the depositloI_ I_tlmorly t_ this case three Number 24 recite the follo_,mg v, ntteil t_o exhthlls s'ffuctme Myopm_om My undev_tanthng its textual 23 be on Including 22 but instead the supporting ,tre based ]8 21 and for my opmmra the _nllen m tht_ ease, Patterson, Mr Mr sta_e*noltS Raper Ev_ns Mr a_d Mr Dr Pault_, Thtaz. Markman 432 of the Carlson, Ilealang 10/26/05 Page 433 Page 435 OO435 I Ntmabet four, th_ ca_ 4 Mr E_ans'stest 5 thsclt_t_re 3 and _ Nttmhor 6 $ '066 pale_ 9 And _ my exan_n,_on and opera,on as an electrical maceordanot nutnb_ with seven, mcluthng oullme the my 23 yeats chart_ and claim For ;6 c/ann _s marked 17 ,_ hsch -. 18 MRfollowing 20 thai COOI_ along That's and 21 dement 22 L_ A, B. C. mid a _feax'nce Th_ plus _bel_t - ftmctton s_ctm_ tab 48, -- whteh txtal,_ the Yot_ such strutture _ of my written 8 Ex_u_ml 45 as to each e ts governed Stalement, THE MR II THE COURT 12 MR COOK 13 THE thai I 14 &agrams, ts a mast et 15 these Exhthlt 16 etrcmt 17 ¢omend each 44, ff you _g claim marked _ COOK COURT WITNESS ftmct_ortM 23 patent means 24 d_sputed m_ 25 approptaate Hearing m each and states !0/26/05 Page 434 Cla,ms 6 reference as De fendanl$' cncmt pateat B 2B of the '066 which for DESA, claim por0ons and el_rnent Apbenthx of the '066 !, fo_ EML. and subelcrnent C of my wmten Exhthlt 46 -- 50 Okay -- ,s a photocopy each 9 and claim c_crncnt and IO and I I marked lcucr from Markrnan JA 0889 Appendtx 2A to show Tab THE with vl marked De feadants's THE clmms sube]cmcnl 112/6, right to each key 21 language that correspond MR and 35 U S C -- ts a set of schematm _.fr Car[sor_ 22 and letter, marked C ts tbe claim statemenL element apphcs hrghhght 49 of figmes 20 t 12/6 To 49 That's arc diagram claim by WITNESS & agram U S C re_tes m order Is that 45 or _ COOK copies language funcuon dlag_rm_ whtch COURT retard _or and sub¢lemem Marknmn of thsput¢ stated that 35 be my comp_son I behex 7 19 assigns the area the the prcsumpuon B would 10 Honor a re f_rence and ftmcttortal el;ran element to o_ etcome of experience thts m dtsput¢ chart ,dtm_fie_ 3 or not the smmtura_ to perform 9 e_a_c of staItmaent structure and as Dc rendant_'s marking THE WITNESS and gTaphtcs chart A Of my wntlen and so ffioent 6 which of the as to v_hcthct 2 4 my opmtora _ tbe m_tt* cha*L the thsclo*ur¢ my skill, trammg ;t'ftmmc e Apl_adLx 25 of _tthth¢ of the '066 pakmt 15 language ] optmon engineer to sttpport Fwst 24 m 5 my stmula_on pa_culaHy So lea me wtll tt_ six, finally I! 23 briefs exh_lts m accordance expe_¢nce are Markman of the supportxag clrewtbtult 10 14 of the o f tbe '066 palent, ctrcmL 12 my review fre, And mmalx* 7 19 _'e elements 00434 13 of DESA and a_ to what Z5 the same 2 on behalf to avoid the net lcsu]t Markman elemenL_ or not the clatm mc_'_ means the ctrcml stnmture . e and to I beheve w bethcr are correct correct the _ anous sufficient by In and subelements Incluthng set.or v,e*c _. htch support 112/6 11 I ha_ ¢ correcOy 14 output 9, I 0 and 13 radtatton d*f_aats' 9, "._ltne_ses I behove elements Carlson thehasts 6 the _.mdow con&uon m infrared that I wdl explain Hov, cvcx, c-,cn sclectton 47 by Mr 6 o f thsagtc_'ncnt thai ofDESA why v, e th ffe_ _, hy S¢coad on points clatm clmrra, cla_ ms - clam of the cl,_m_, elerneslts func_on means 12 bhrckSI w[uch change of the opm_m 24 block and aze asserted mhth_t the PIRS I_ 23 and fillet, plt_ I 1 selected 2 of the '066 the turn-on of a I:¢edttermmed For 22 43, aedthepulsccount, 17 or that ts Ibe 5elccled the circuit to carcwt I will comment my analysts the extent 13 I8 I _ tll explain be interpreted m figure de;exmmt* particular, elemen_ oftbe m each bel_een I0 which present 7 to as the, t m_nbez control 6 set.ors, ¢lrcmt m each to stud with v. hal I re let cncuttr/, are the r_uhs are Finally, means detector, "l_is ctrcmt_t elements _dentdied mdudcs the PIRs 4 9 sdtctma 16 1 l, state 8 patcat 15 10 and of to 12 fi_ 3 term included mtetptetauon, ! ! quote, ts, the selectton 5 mfraed should That 2 necessarily for cxlemal ts Dl_qA's m combmatton the amph means ofpzss;v¢ $ or PIP.x. m the ck't =cleon o f raot]ot) the ts a cor_htzon semor conthtLon _o the tbere as to whetber of first OO433 l of D ESA Paulus, a ptedelermmed apparatus 6 &tcctmg statements the of the '066 subelcment and labeled master Hearing clmm of with the chart 10/26/05 00436 O0437 I And D Isthe mxt key 2 statcmc'm Appcnthx which ism_kcd 3 MR COOK 4 THE COURT 5 THE WrrNESS as De fc_n_' 2 photo sensor 3 4 scrtsor 5 part_cula_ - Isa photocopy of foe *066 and l_Icd v,lth the corts_ts charactcrtstlc l0 posluve Carlsc_ has sclcctc'dforeach claim clement aad II elecmcol 12 sobcl_nd tsrn_kcd |2 !3 backgrotmd i I the textMr Now, Carlson and I thffcr, inbfoc The firstparlof my 14 SIalCTaCnlisa short _c_uc_ N_'nb_ [8 coosistsof a match _Isuch _ _ 23 Th_ begins at a p_cul_ for a few 16 few 17 ts charactcnsl]c 18 exposed ca&mum sulphide, or CES, exposed to moc_n_ 25 resistancewhen Tr_istanccm complete darknc_s Icvcls of :thmmt._ m'tdhave a iclallvelylow He.ring 10/26/05 Page 21 as a &g_t_z_ 3, the 24 bccattse 25 it's connccled, going m rcsp<mse capt m'¢ ICSUmony, level of voltage, then posluve rcum',s for a to the background produced level _ hc'n a PIR is rathatmn_ operational amphllcr o_ Op amp And _thn" as an amphl]cr _" can be used one can to a small its output wntlen m m fr_red As an amph flcr, signal then ncgaOve m the screen bacl_o_md then amphfic_ 23 and and then n_lliscconds, s_gnat an Op prodoce a largo lnpu_ s,gool cannol amp 436 exceed can bo also ou_pul NevcrtheIc._, the voltago _cd Markman O0435 to which as a thgmzcr Heanng 10/26/05 Page oo439 I In ot_ 2 certain 3 volts, words, II will pco_c "._hercas i f Its In_ v_lll prod_e 5 it's connected 6 Whcze 7 op amp 8 _mc_ an ouq_z ts below Rn output szgnal volt_e _ above cquol a of zero that level, to the _ oltago ii to wl_ch 9 op amp wall be e_thcr l0 Iru_.'uJm_ II to represenl a. quote. of tho ctrcu_ts to a c.of_s[anl o f the p_ent, vo_c The zero _ ors s_na] ye_ or no in a logic clrCUlL lCl mc move the ou_pul or five _ oils, out_ '066 pa_enl dcsc.nbes a security systc'_n the4 ts scnsmv¢ to preach'bed 16 person, bul mse_Sl_.e [o n_tof_c_bod 17 b_kgmtmd 18 actt_ arcs a secunly mtcrfcrence The patenl 20 st_r.h as a thin 21 bright 22 a_tlvated can bo _cd dcso3bcs dlunnnatllm active hg_tmg thai motion, _s a sur.h amrnals, The 25 tt_cr sele_d of lime 3 an aulornal]c pbo4osensor based 4 ilhm_nal_on dunng var',otts opm'alzona} or accenl baseline _ and a bright a u_cr selccuble manual scrtso_ drm vcrstts overnde fcaRe'e Markman Ileartng the to mmnt2m bnghl followtng ovcrnd_ a_0_ at*on, and function Io disable day on Clmra_ 6, 9, 10 and I I of the 9 written 10 _0_nbmahons sta_m_k II Claim large_lnumb_ofcornmoncla_mclcmcms 13 m_k© upClaxrns II 15 fo_ analys_s Accofdmgly, 9, 10and 19 bnghl 10/26/05 Page438 CI,ttm 6 c_r_s_ts othe_ to clatm hand, wbach ofthcclementsofCl_m clcmcn_, clalmelcracolKI tsqtuteslmtlar Claims It 9, This 101a_l e_crncnt r_n© ts because s ev-sor means 6. element A m Clanns o f whzch of ClaJros elements 1, is nc_-Iy 9, 10 and I [. and toclmmelcmentCI A and I mcl_dc f_" deleting i* predet_lncd of the common conth[Ion to sa_d apparatus Markman JA 0890 K2. the The¢lements Claxm 22 cxtcmol A duough contam.s to any of the elements 21 25 elonents, 11 On the phrase I0 of various etoracnts. subsets of foul o_ tdcnllcal 6. 9. mmy II _saeonv_'_en[stRr_lngpoml idcnuca_ 24 c_.slsl 10_rc 20 23 a 9 and appears claim I I, w_th nine claim 18 and a these cbJms 12 _4 are C)a_n m thctablcwhtch of 15 d_ ffcrent Clann mode. muter cortslde_au_ forth are Idcnufied for mot_n to force The cl_ 17 dlu_ma_on off ba_kgrotmd feature _ background 16 fe_ttr_ mode. Next _s m response use of passl_ e m fmrcd sensing, a pe_od and ii mode 24 f_ 8 and II,assc_ ea the '066 moUon, o f t_ecs oc sraoll hghl tilurnre_t_on 23 i liming lllmmnatton 7 of the th_eby w_ch on W backgrotmd 15 19 ill_l_tion, 2 6 "066 patent. of frye volts, to as the r_'l voltago, &g_mJ an patent 14 I 5 is connected Now, stgnol s_ga_ as m some re feared 12 zf ,ts mfra level. 4 13 operational by radiation a going Rtpor's of the slgoal to a change 20 going 6 of Mr rmlIIscconds, Number 22 response to exposed to bright dhn'nm_orL Marknmn n_re 19 a a_d forth m infrared produces trace shown Boos ncgahve r_tsmr.c.cwdl dechne co_un_u.sb/in 24 The OSClHO_COpe which A photo sensor or PIR, h_s or cuncnt 15 is hght 22 wln h,2_e a rchlweb/high vol_e ba_k of ncgaOve or lx_ltwc 14 Within ItS range of sc_stlvi_, a photo Sexlsoz 21 gomB. tulonRl This supplc-_cnts 19 v.Fnch cb.angos _s elccmcal r_istance when 20 photom, m pol_nly of page one, the photo scnso_ whtch to changes bnc f poise at the bottom Paulus and Mr fo_" the m frarnd, ma[enal sw,tchcs cx!_sed 13 16 Carts(_ 17 raptdly when background 15 the tcchn)calmtorLd provldcd by Dr the symhol A pa_lve of an msu]alor Its rap_d chango 9 I0 --lo foghhghl the points where Mr patcoi, m my Wn [len sultemenl polamy 180 dego_c_ 8 The shown Thts poiamy 7 clRlm c_rt the ext I have selectedin red ts _ "I_*vo, the PIR sensor 6 I bchcwc corresponds to each 8 appropnalc rcf¢_ncc _cttcrf_om the _cr I have marked In 1_8m¢ 2 of the '066 I Exhthlt 47 51 ¢la'acntand subclcmcnl rna_cd 9 wn_'n TabSl 6 pa_cnt tcx!wlth t_ ICXl_ 7 cl_m D of my Heanng 10/26/05 Page439 437 OO440 I And 2 control 3 light 4 coo_tao_x elemen_ ctrcmt CI me_x_ m re, point 5 I have 6 tdeaucal and KI for _mg clmm advised hav¢gmeratedtbegrtm_t $ briefing and testimony 9 lI p_nl of the dJ:bate paws of¢lmm 35USC 12 Section [ wdl two in accordance by ¢le_nent AndlqIBotcthat 14 elements m the ¢lmm 15 wrt_en arc tmd_lmnd uptnlot_ on tths thc_eFatrsof element 16 Tbe other 17 ftm_on 18 ! 12/6, what 19 v.foch part o f the debate datm eltmems thosec_m I will expre_ subject mUSt be comtrued is the ¢orr_pondmg d*fine_ 20 22 plus 23 type m the table ftmc0on element claim clmm m accordance stnmtmc by And clemtmts All of my olnmona the m,ast_" p]u* with m the patenl elernems_ m this statement 24 is i f tbe mcam ¢lemem upmlom rll note that the means arc tdranfied on this tup_ chart and on tens are summarized m the compar_on Markman from 5 orctut tn Page 10/26/05 I ha_ c also orcml THE Isthat--48 WVrNESS yo_. tssornethmgclse_ Honor, v* e ha_ e a board 8 standard 9 from 12 operation 13 rood* licatlco_ with Ios¢ With gove_tment 17 o _,et_lghl 18 Defense SPICE 20 the oparatlon read g THE WTFNESS 9 MR COOK I0 MS MITRAKOS I1 (I.a,_#ter) 12 THE 13 resulta oftbe 14 device* 15 PIR IS LHI 778 19 20 2! 22 plc_ _ me Wc *066 Tins fig_e board 2 ctrcmt the _oltage from thr_d _ e*¢ parfonned of QI 3 been as the Mr ttlghman signal plc_ shows reF_t*entatt_ the PIP. e of the d_tect_on IR rathat_on, such a* a person signals of some model _ alkmg at Q I change m ftonl m of Andfflm_ypomt'_ 24 detam'bnd 25 A are these The seclmd cro_ rll 8 the amph 9 clrcmh Ttnsonc tv.o sl_as _gnal What Labeled plot sho_ Markman lha_e)um PER Q I and s ouput PIR Q2 10/26/05 filter, rule shows 066 figure JA 0891 plot figure 2 10,'26/05 2 oremt Note a_ ts -- iI h_ lahel Page 441 that not yet detector &agrarn larg_ labeled signal 47 43 If up on the ELMO, ts the output of of the '066 figttrc 2 amphfy and stgnM has beth clrcmt fillet mol_on ,unphfind selection Also note flurd No[c 18 V, lndO_ 19 m respome 20 arnphflet signal comparator, that _ de*cnbed comparatot shows 48, t in this and and output filter of block o f the '066 patenl figmc 2 ctrcmt descnpUon, the as negative _martatt slgnuls _anablc outlmt rnanlfest_ signal for ofthes© og flora going put_es the block fy and of the amplify So that signal the fm_ber process that both oftbe m the '066 to the analog So the amph The plot block and filter filler is appearing st gnul shown here Sorry m the clrcmt here is the here block al the 47 batteries on my Lase_ pointer Markman Page442 12C(6)c s s_gnal of the '066 that is, they axe cont muoualy 17 output local a -- sho_ Hearing small, block as part ofthe The 24 ed by thagram window 47 cor_woct E_ ar_ under ts the signal The fy and 16 25 the o f tbe Itear,ng board amphfie_ conunue analog, 23 of ref_encc He*c the output and rewesentatlOn _tmulattons L_ qmtc and that's second 22 for Space ay:d [ have ask for the '066 ctremt 21 the uppamm 23 IR_tltule accurate 48 m tbe The detector 15 Rape/s 43, slsmficantty _c ¢ acn_lt_¢s cttCUll Sch_nanc_, oremt signal 14 PIR extttnal block the detector ptndetermmnd by tool on a frequent the tt_t his of my SPICE 13 and Q2 as dc_mbed examined of Scott the PIR Iv, rag rePre_entatt_ by as "_ell as in my engineering E_hthit figercd 61 ttsnd Clr'Cotg m my tt_earch a highly In¢luthng 12 input 8 O, of the cltcmt show s slmuLauon at node of design Defendants' 2 lO f_ll asleep trace of v. hat he d_cnbed The f_-t rout Q2 I ha_ c the board, c the impact the statement re*ults 7 Could cxpectnd ¢lassc_ pro_3de_ E_an_ Il _gm_ ! 7 c*ctIIoscopa tab52 okay Excuse s_tmulat_om mImt 52, WITNESS through Tbe Tixafs52, _n alysLStool at the Vm_derbtlt I ha_ e also 23 Version Electromc_ 19 Scott and industry go "*_v sponsors dLttl_ the PSPICE the use of this m my x_ amic_tlt could COOK so fo_axe wot]dwide or threct 16 22 mg Systerm m_d to stmalat basis 6 Okay THE COURT stmulauon dt_tgncrs 15 5 MR '066 2 using Thls ._3 Fo,v are tsa preeminent I could 7 oftbe pomon_ figure Design ctrcmt 5 16 circuit 1] 4thaL 6 0f'066 Cadence 4 THE COURT design implemented soxtcBwe OO443 1 detector, TH_COURT d_a_ ctrcmt Markman 1 crrcmL 3 the '066 patent, dectncal of baste 440 OO442 2 SPICE operation 7 25 on orcmt studtcd my knowtndge 24 d_agrar_ Heanng carefully I have 4 21 v, tth boldface gt_ e background 3 14 table ofm_, statement let me of the '066 patent IO w_th paragr_h6 eIemem And lasd_, 2 stmalattom 6 CA mtheMarkman of no4 th_c L_tmmtlusstater_'nt 72 I _md the p_r be c_tt_e.d 13 21 bngh[ pa_rs of nearly debam mo_ 112 expre_ two is v*hethe* ¢lem_ts 00441 I phrase ptndetertmned that ts A and 7 andKI I0 of said thai these elements, the common r_ad Lamp to emil to detccoon been metnde have Heanng j_t g_en 10/26/05 Page 443 00444 I out OO445 2 THE COURT 3 THE WITNESS 4 THECOURT Anyhody have Tnpl¢ beuenes, double 1 (LaughIer) 2 THE A "I A Wemlghthavesomc Dowchi_¢ 4 $ some_ 6 HR HIGGINS 7 THE COURT 8 whosejttst Oh, got battcne$ 9 MR lO THECOURT II We may in your too? DR CARNAL 13 chambers, Your ( Laughter 15 MR took beheve Your [here i[ 8 Honor 20 MS 21 THE COURT [hem m my calculator in You have no Ldea how many progyam m my COURT MITRAKOS He has Now, out then YOU 2t THE t'.ISMITRAKOS [ apOloglzc WITNESS Yott¢ Honor I _as warned he may 23 partOUl and p]ol also shows 51 o f'066 So node A motion, llearmg 10/26/05 Page e from here 2 c:rcull. this st_l ts [he outpul 51. as shown here by my pomler description, the pulses in such a of _lsc Lrlggenng by Is nol preset[hod which Is high when prcscnbed In the stmulallon 25 n_all_ cmanalmg the oulpul of Ibe responds IO mu[hp[e and low when transl[ion bere manl_sts figure in the '066 palcm circuitry signal, 24 forgot output The output o£ the pulse count block, thgltlzed 22 detected 24 complratnr block As described 20 any9 the outpul Of as I mthca_e block signal node A 19 moIion [hal asupply why don'l you have the_¢ ¢wo pulses, In the '066 patent 18 way _ In reduce [he prohab[hty Let's not t;d.e [hem 23 filter block, 17 pulse coital node A motion :s In low Iransttlon Markman molion is detected that circuit has selected so we see a high [o ]ow =s a no prcscnb_d plots we see a h:gh stemming 444 00446 prescribed In [his ploh Hearing 10/26/05 Page 00447 I right at [his pomt 2 I Section AI abouI 3 8 second m response 3 window compm_tor [o [he Second pulse. [he fourth 4 output of the Itmcr block, block signal plol shots 3 patenl 4 ii_ufl_ClCnl [he that In thL m¢_ 52 m the '066 figure 2 This Is a [hgllal 7 when [he lamp should high or low sign,, be in the bnghl 8 prescribed motion dclccuon 9 [hal the slgn;d remains Note IO motionh_ce._ed lcng[h [he signal 12 wdl be m hoghl 13 mu]lt position Z4 The fourth vo0age mode 16 showing signal [he by tbe 'O66 patent, m block node fgurc 6t bnght L_ the node thc I0 and [hus the lamp 12 The slgno] vohag¢ threshold, 21 gcnc_lor 22 cuwcm Is dcscnbed angle blocks to [he lamp so [hal a thin wdh the ramp mode and a bright mode (he _re 25 material concludes my introductory and background In[hcnext$CCtlOnofmy$1Jlcment Markman whlchi$ Ilearmg plus by comlsel, those "means" introduced are Col[o_ ed by the word 10/26/05 funct mn claim Icltcr A, el, been advised Is presumed elements t 0 and I I. arc the claim claim C2, C3. thai a patenl In have mtoked in the elements C4, E, G apphcatlon or H chart who subm_L_ a cla=m elemcn( 18 This 19 rec:[ed st_cmre Page 446 prcsumpt=on [hnctlon, 2I m this case. DESA. and the p,lrty In my opinion ftmcuon can ts su f_clent 20 22 23 estabhshcd. This means IS m means plu_ I'uncl=On exammallOn under thai - 17 of [hal cla=m element under I 12/6 os [he gates plus 6.9 by reference I hive 16 formal on the appropriately usual]y K I .rod K2 m the masler 15 appheant here and dim here. _d which m combination and the phase of function, Claims =dent=fled 14 So thaPs m the '066 patent the As advised whLch me]ode the word the meal_ Thus 13 I.J. 18 sehern=uc at [hL_ point 19 to address asked In the Oh6 structttre been claim elements t I asserted via [he l*m indicating elements 9 "for" 52 2 czrcmL ['[] [hSC_L_S my opinion ¢[alm [h¢ SlalCd J'urtcllon 7 the cIa=m =IcmcnL_ p]ol =lso shows the signal 61 of'066 [hrcshold Followm$ even afl_ will remain high shown 17 [h=l_$ node 61. v. htch high is user sel_t_hle switch, al node mode 6 function _unctlon [0 pcrl'ontt 8 by a statement As dcsc_lbed ofume rcprcscmmg statement pl_ 6, 9, I 0 and l 1 the reclled C]atrns I have 5 6 5 In my wntien 2 5 cffCUJL 24 the window $1gna]$ oPthc That's al th_s node. [hal _ dcscnbed The third 16 I _ould lose my That's wc see here 15 of the pulse count, block [o gel in this C;L_e of these signals pulses in response to the analog signal 14 labeled Markman 20 going 12 22 are an engineer ]5 Note l0 block 48 pulses, eomp;L'ator 9 de$cnpoon Youhavcsomc [hem out THE I l going 7 the window ) 19 25 comp_'ator, 6 negative 13 pulse coum CARNAL ffl back that bo[h that is. {hey 0so a_a]og [bird signal plol shows [he oulpul I I the amphfled [ have 16 hitt cries you ._e gore8 18 coJcuhtor [ can't Hc's an engmccL HIGGINS DR somebody The No[e v_nab]e, 5 window ba.encs Honor 14 17 we have [hfferenl He'sanengmeer pocket 12 have in hls p(x:ke[ HIGGINS WITNESS 3 m'¢ continuously claim be o', ercome only to per [hnn seeking to overcome has the burden applying these 23 p[_ 24 of those claim 25 [o perform the entire Staled I*uncUon JA 0892 tales to the mea_LS 6.9. fad to recite suf_clenl Markman the prcsumptton of proof elements in Claims elements If the the entire slated tlearmg 10 and I I _]1 structure 10/26/05 page447 445 _-14S 00449 1 Tkc rc_wn 2 for my opu_e.u folloxvxu S du_u._mn 3 SO _ tint 0pumm $ u_ffic_cll 6 oql2n_ed Is _pl:t_ed suuctx_ 8 MR. COOK 9 TI_CO'J'_T 2 rclaI_l to c.hu_n clcmenQ, A CU,Ad wc _2vc _x_ x'_ "I'i_ I n_l_c gx_'sczeftt ¢_t,ctx_e by c_um clcrne_L to a_otd tnlv_r 7 m the COIX_T c_r_ c_ ch_ 3 AccorcL_iito 5 :_c macy types _ 6 prc_rc, 7 field, too many to cntm*_:_at c, not aJl al" thcsc _c EL-MO _ _ppencEx 9 I0 _b45 TI_ t 2 $_or WI'C_ES$ m_ _3 _terr_ _ Cl=m _s_l de_ec_m_ app_tu_, _ere_nt = pte_t and d_rn I I 49, p_e_ 12 palle 14 115 1_ tecnm_ny 42 I ai_e _4 Ca_o_ I_ I_'cdc_c_ncd t6 /L_ cond_u_ pte_-.cmu.._ t? first s_-x_c cxlcmal c_d_ n_u_ to sa_d _p_awq_ being echelon e f a p_son _ _o s_d I_ C_m 17 cat_ And [ vm_Jd ao_n th_ m _ n_._¢_ cthun chas_ u_d 21 bcI_-_c b_._ 22 h_B._hl cu_ctexe, b_ld _pe t_ the I_ggcr 24 Thc_ e_c'he_, _d the xt_Ji¢_ lugh_t_t I_l_U_c te _x_ d_p_l_c_, 23 ck'm_ that I_ u.,xd_lmt_ g Mr and the _0_ or "_¢_r Marian that _ to 10/_6/0_ us sor_c way Statc_cnts _hthlt la_gu.zSc rc_tcd _0 by Mr tha£ rmShl mccl by th_s cJzum clc_CnL _Ct_'CS wott/_ i_cr_'_ d_ lagn_w_tbMr me:ms pc_crrn do_ _he s_=cd fw_c_on My o_mton _2 the SLaU_ _, slalerner_ C_lson_thctc'm_ not rccxtc su_clc'ng of c_m m th_ r_poct of Mr Th_ 1_ furth_ On page Mr T_CSZ provl_d __-ocAb'e to e]e_n_J ! st_pp_tcd by 7 af hts W_llt_ _.L_btc of CxampJc_ of _c'_t Z4 ¢]a:rn ¢lc'me_ _ which have bcc-_ hclcl to h_.vc StLrt'iC_ c_t m e._u_" did _xot He_nE [11¢ forc_otng _¢cot_fJy 21 me._i I_zrl_n I, Ih_ v,o_d "scmor" funct,on to mo_cn _s¢cd f_mcu c_ of thtS cLttm tic'remit. t9 fir_ sc_ 20 C would scr_e. In r)e fendan_' _OWCVCC, t*_ o £ thc_c lS [9 CtUT_mLutalF,_ c_n be fc_md at _3e fe.Mants' Exh_lt ,'3, _nd 47, _d w_ I $ thc su'ttcxta_ celt _vc di_rc Tl_c_ axe _ly nt Lq_" o _'s_tc_ca'_ stud _m objccL sc_c w_3Ld([ o f so'risers, hght. heat. tC_T_pCr_t _C, th_ _.o_]d be ¢or_Lalcd Th_ c_'_ltt c_ elc_r_xt scoot He _d He wc_t on _ _ay y_u wc_dd need _ see_0_ thzt hzd _. _ as _c_l ov_ exmmed to p_ fon'n thc sla_cd thncu_e. rol,zU ot_ IX_ILIOP,_olt_c_ m mJ_ul l0 I1 Car_S¢l_ nGtjt_tany uade_- I 1_6 $ l'mscr:y vtr bc s_ ft'_-nt _b 48 T_b4B, _c _U_,tcd fuftc UOn 4 That's thc =ppc_th x A, right? _u_s to per_or_ ul the _'_um el e_llemg m L_lt_ _5 SU_C_C =rid _utTicl_t _tnJct_c_ Page448 Markmau 10/26/05 Hcaring Page 449 P_e 451 o0o_O ln=u=u:L ( rind cLum element _. sen=or me4ms, 2 L_nSx_= us the cl_un =le_w_ 3 su_c_ex_l s_.tcca_ dlo_'d wluch dtec"ctlyuu]oSous were held _ have mc _o c_v_on to kc_p the _ _ specl_c F_ 6 tr_n_ it_umct ci_ lt_c_ 4 s uuct'_e. $ to the cl=m e)e'mcnt _prm 8 tn e._'s tendta 8 cfosc_ which _vz_ he*d to*I_ve _uple, m Mr Thesz'_ cxxmpl¢ pa_u. _= c_mm :l=ncnl. 7 ¢_',,ch_g fi_om _ /_ 1 havc b_cn zdvtscd, m his 4cposmc_ o f a chum Culs0_ scaxc_ that hLS _cflmdons pc_fQramm Ic_ b_qd mc_ts to _h_ wa_stb_d m Clmrn 6 _t _r bodi the "_ ti_s_ an_l sccond sensor inc..t, cswould =_p_y m the s_'t_or rnc_s rn=._ra c)a_m dements o f Cta4ms 9, ] 0 _nd _I, th=cby 9 _'_mu_S pa.'_s m _c I O hdd It to F._vc su fl_c_t _pcc_= 12 p_'x'o¢_ _t indJc.t_ wl_lch w:_ aJk_vs mc to _vxston held _ h._.ve ins'._q_c=¢_ S that thc _ mcens, clcn_¢nt A, of Cl_r_ P, 10 a 11 e_e_¢nt [ of el:urn 6 _r the c_m_n_ pan_ _,e s_r_c_x_aJ _U._e '.vhr ch w_ F_ o:mxpl_ a v_r,c_ng 17 tcndm| _g 19 spec=fic 20 _.cht m thc _l._m _Uuct_u¢ &d s_c_u_c 2_s_s e:_._ple Lhe clmr_ e._-'_ c_¢d. _s t _nrq_ w_ch n_ _low or"= chu m t'rom me_r_ for 16 _athia_ wa_ hc_l Io h_'c me m cn_c_'x c[_t ¢le.m_t f c_p:u_ th_sc ¢xc_pta_/c_m A Qf the '0fi6 p_c_t. m _c Icfldi_d cl_ clam col_c,n of _r 2_ i_ _'ta! It does cot pe_m_I m_ _ _q_on .__ 25 s_mc_r ¢. thc g_ l_ _m_ 21 ci_m elem_ _2 _del_ Hea,'_ng c.o_._ If _ct_u_ tu dct_ung thc _L_Ca_c.l _Ufllm_t S_ m p_" form tl_ s_ted f_ct_o_ L _c pr_de_Im-m_d _dlt_ c_j_lce_ T'n_ _s _al:dc _c 25 _,L_rkman _C of a PB_ og _, pho_.ll, t erm_l to I f_d G'_x Xhc ph_e _3 req_ 17 a su_ S 5_cc_: x_hc_ c_m tn Mr _.. to kc_p t_' _r [_ 21 _crac_ by thc _ allo_, me to er, vlt ion _ sp¢_ t_c s_ctuse 15 16 _c._t su_c_rc B7 mmpxr_on, 13 e_eme_ 14 oC _ 10_6/05 P|_t 450 _cme_t A Intbeldmticalrczsm'_ Markmaa JA 0893 t_l w_ll_venow Hearlne t_ 10/Z6_$ ] O0452 I ¢l._Lmeb:me_t J ¢_onds_m.rmc._s 2 So _e_me nov mow G04S3 I ©]¢z_tczl_wb_z [_ my opJo]0n cm ¢_m cfomtnl 2 hive _ 3 ¢lztm sttb¢_¢ot 4 lvo_ m_rp:clauon _ $ J _ _ C_m claret 112t& ? _d _nd Wedetermmed Second _sz: prr._tc_nm=d m_ms $ concbuon. being a pre_med con&Lea In I_ _t_tma, I0 cbeu dreamt J. f_ foe s._¢ C_m dental g c_ld_on L th© in tim abs_cc end for CZmm| 13 ] "l'ms _'_trnear/¢._ be found at dcfcmc II ngrab_ 4_, _ 16 I a_¢ II web M_ m _hzs e_m r_d HOwever. fow of those s_ scatecl fu_c_on 20 es_e 22 m _'f,_r_ I$ of_s 2.1 _In._ ek_eeL I$ 19 I_/Mr In zddt ct m.,z, cxam_e ofcla_ _._ IO]_'WC_U[_C_¢_I clcmc_t_ antlogo_ 5_lzclur¢ L_ to I0/26/0_ Hearing level of dhamnalma m _lm, ue Mr C_lsm WnxLeMr _ysls. _.htbtt 49, p_e for t_c sane rc_o_ _c_ C_lsonchdao_s¢_;ifi_ally t_crc a_c oo r_t_] c_ ffct_cr_ Page C._nmal ¢.¢u_t KI tsts follov_. Ch,tmdo_nl mcae= coupled z_ _cond to stud Lump zad _c_pemtv¢ s_.sor Io sud foe _e.c_n g stud hmp m_ 452 Markman to *_d s_coad m _¢ zbsc_ce of t'_d {'t_l ] pi'e_e_mn and f_ reed _dltnon 4 Ilgl_ al sa_ d s¢¢_d dg'l_.U Un _fS_d 6 f_t 7 thlg dram clcmmu 8 pr c_rmmc_ I_.cLcrrnm_l Ig'twccn IJ_ fu_ _ l_'.ld _tt cl_-_mts 3 10 K I an4 el mf_'s to _ ts n_< of dlum_ualmn t_ I_r_1_e corghu_. _m CI whu:h expressly mafoz=oa, I Oplnm_ Lhat C,_ caz_amn 8 sa_d lamp to emil Nt=_l of i]hallli_aia0n Onc _f_cucc f_t md LOem_t Insht at Hearm ts amdmoa, 12 elca_t'm wh_'w..u _u'a t_ We_:mm_:d 14 _mJ m_',ma_, Thcrc are _ 10/'L6/05 8 Page 4f_* offby AS a re=all, $ Hc_v c'vcL few of d'_c sm_r._n by _ phomccg, It c_zz.-_ 16 dm_uu KI andCI no1 m fe_ to th_ s_o_d 12 13 e_Cmctlts whech _ave _l ha_ ctmm 15 _rt cqur_=u. th_lCI 19 vol .t_ Fk.m alan. 20 _gom¢ offoc 21 ooat'_ gou_z 23 e.alls for t_lcaa:_l¢ob_powo_lby cz_ut _ wk_h C_L_n_RIc[axm slngtm_ _AC thtsdfffcam¢_docsru_ affctt gllmcRlf¢ =_IFsz_ la_ks m f_cu_ G_e _o l_form fo: the sam_ rc_0ns 20 no_ dcm_iKl _C sla/_t foat I at_'t_ 21 w_ dOeSnOlrC_ml_c_h-_t Rmcd_'_ Marlunaa the c_rc e_z/lowmz 10/I6/U5 CI t_ tk2n to hls _an'_l_ hel_ Io bavc _I(P_C_t _ c.t,_ m stl_t Page 454 v_t_e 23 lhe slatedfan.on Noljt_t C_rlson of of c_m Io pc1_ clcmcnlCL to MJ C._Lson, _ cc_cccled drm cla_ S_C_'C _IClCnl thc_e _'c _ vkq 5wtlch world _rlanaa JA 0894 fo_ the _hc_lnon to s_ud lamp_ C2 _hd not recite Accmd_g _s:u4 switching mt_uI 1_CV_lmg In tns _cposztzon, Mr iwllchc3. C2, _wlcl'J]3_ to _vozd C_ ss== foDow= pzlx_J Ring _d ¢l_mml 25 of clam S_CR.fC. undc_ 112"6 Clmm el=n=. said AC ts _U more _m=c_ocs to x_tz/_ct c_t[ _ru_Ru¢ _tt_ 22 24 I tm of G_C Heanng fa_crar¢ NOW my O_n m_, 19 _:foclzvely sme_ ,t *¢ the s_c_ would p_orm _doc_ 18 ¢on_cd curcuatmeans n'_]ud_ mm-..c. Ac_atmgly, to hzve ,_U_CIC_L 16 mt_prc_mon 17 IB C] c_q_J.leSc_cr_ thcl#mloce[I 0 f _'aS an_ rn:t clc:u4:nL of t_ls cbam cl_c_t. Lik_v L_C.CtZlm _lt_c_t 14 fo_ lma'l:_S_ _a_ mJ@t the mgh'tlme l) tmmbc'r of sCuc_es _uffiO¢ltl second _v_ z_sara_that :101t¢11c recited by tim c_a_ 6 stnJ_l functmn ume_ CXlax'mly c_Jls K I, w_ach do_ e.ond_coa, dct'_e_'t[ CI _ = t/_ su*ucnavl r_tu_c ]0 ! I Fr_clcram_ 24 Mr _th C.,v_ sa*ac_ 24 Io h_ cx_.ro_J_ of ¢D.lm 2 pmdc_ermmcci coa_uoa 2_ =t De fcrahn_ OO455 I s:ad _t 2_ c_o bc found I a_cc ._ h_:ld wfdch have _ OO454 _ to p_ f_rm the 2Z 13¢twcenclmrn clmmcr4 g_ltladda.n ¢kaw.nl CI Markmaa 9 concr.dcd t/_tc ¢ Iz_m 20 conm'wRt _l ¢l_famzC I for purpos_ offoe suf/_k'at ] Lskcwt.w, clmm _xn¢_l J ts _r rno_ 24 M_ "_fs by m AC vollg= K I r_ctt_d _clcn/s_mc_ "J_ ZI t _11_ SZM COZl_mlCm;U_l 17 4"/;Lad--throughp28¢ $0 woukl perf_xm the ¢[aun element I_ dc_¢mon of wtl_em Rmctm_ |_ted 16 mcct the wh:ch rm_t co_._d r,¢_r.ov of seed pre_.==n_uncd _z lus d_o_,tlon_ Mx C_[son 14 clcm_l OuLv.ca for d_ _u'ae teas ore. ntm_bcr o_tn_ttm:s sm_:_ra_ langu_ 19 cxhfott $0 to $2, and nunfo_ $0, pa&e I 17 There _uc _ Con=m[ :zrct_L m fe_por_ ODn_ll0n lZ mctr_ = _ 14 Io _o;d z_d lamp to cr_t b@t a_ sa.,d l0 second I_.'c] o f g_um]n_o.q I I sxld pt-.._t e_tl_ 13 tn ',_i_. =t_ctturc 7 mczm for r_usln 8 s_d ILmp t_ c'm_thg_t at szad f]r_ conceded thai _s to re, on u _._m nxt_cncn_ eIcmcr_ C l ts =s follows. B level o(,Ik_nmmon ,'_ra Carlson _Tx_;tu.r_ IIZ_6 6 m=oz= ¢ot_pt=d to s=d Izr_p _nd _pon_v¢ S l_vd ofh_IM ex=mal to _d, _t,_ 9 C ] t¢_ 4 mlcrprcUmoa m_=r foll_ 6 rot ¢_ccung a pro - a _ond held to l_vc s_umt And a_w my apumo_ on cl_znn - my opzmon that mrray o f bc Stlfficl_wt tO Hc_ring 10_._05 Page 455 _0_57 I #av_s 2 f_ m _Tea_¢_ fo_ s_d s=d tint I_1 Ln h_l depost_oa 4 _lemtnts _ta:_ts 9 the_e are an mfmtte Net dl of these coatro{ Carlson tt_tlned aa _r_mte Th_ t_araony pag_ that oano'131 ¢lnztut mea_ ra_'abn of_ln_au_ _,u,_e bul by :ts¢]f to p_" forca _ am _ agree _th There Mr I$ However Ixtmpl_ Carl¢o_ ate a_y nt_n_x'_ Lhe_;w.mruraJ ]_gua_e 19 $ _ be fotmd aL De fe_ae 59 through 60; a_d number 16 _ve_ Page _[atm to perf_'m sttled far_aort 15 2t C_bon, ¢ltcgt_l not rcclt_ salt]el©hi 13 17 th_ sm_clxre wOUld rg'rferm th= stated ftmcaoe_ Mr ! I do_ It Ll_a _ctto_ I 0 t"w_frqn_ t2 Mr Car _son ¢orlceded A¢cccthn 8 to Mr "7 'tthmber ofconUol 8 Icv¢l of dlumma_c_ C3 chd _ot rectth sulTuaeat $ the _tLed 6 s=c._d o f ,llarmrmaon. which m_et thence _¢mt_t. e_'_e_t_ 456 m_ ;e_=tcd by th_ claim =lcmcc/_ or"Lh_ c_m ot clam 49, _o_ _te re-_on_ he has o f strecpa_ f_'_oft.h_scs_'uc.Lur_wotdd_rfonn fimcucn _.xhlho S0_ page 24 w_eh Markmaa have _ Heann8 h©Id _ h._e 10/26/0S Page 457 Page 4S9 oo4s3 w_h _ave bee_ hdd W h_ve i'_ffi_c:enI s_r2v_ TRECOURT you ,_ br_k _¢ _ _ Mr M_.scn_t nut _ We _¢ r_y bc w_l J f¢o¢¢_1 _if_Iv." y_u d_ Lb_s£] t_n_gh_ =bout hd_,W _ ,t _ tl_u_h_ 3 I think It s 5 00 _'_'_nm 8 and _m¢ _ W_'ll d_ =s _ng f_h _p _omor_w. to _ _ _d T'-tECOURT MR blIGGINS. Th'ECGL_T (TR.t_SC_ his much 1onS_, 0J.n_'_ed _y t_¢ ¢ourL $o ho Wev'_" _._o to _ who g_ f[_t _ up to/ou. W¢IL 1Lhmk thop_na_sho_d I _ Lh¢ 6 _in_non ,n the older 2 want 01e closing V=q, wel] _3kay yo_Hoacr ¢/e_mrc¢_r.s CO IqTli',/Lr_.D nq vo LL_dE III ) the _hre_L, you _uth? I0 _._,. IZ THE COU_,T 14 _.L_, C_GK. 19 _COURT 21 _.W. C_OK m_q_i=S. COOK W_I, we _ AnOth_ oa g._ h_ f ho_, ! th_nk something 16, I bchew., m_yb_, _o_i Sow¢'ll2us_gon._ _d _._n h_c into Y_ _you. Markn_a He_Hng I0_6/05 Page 458 Markmaa JA 0895 Heanng 10/26_5 O045O I CO46] I U't_TT=D STA'_=3 DISTKSCT COURT FOR TH_ _,[DDLB D[$11UCT OF TE_qSSSEE /_PP_ARANCES 2 3 FOK TH_ PL,_ RCOE_T 4 ) O_A 4 E=, LLC. ) S ) M_naff, IAMT_ J _'_U_ P_ H]GGIN$, UF JR. MaddJc=oQgcudJ_cr ?.5COBrour_ _ Wdl_m,_cn Tow_ L(xt_I¢. KY 40202 5 ) 6 fi ) v¢ ) CASEN0 304-0160 7 ) VOL_ m EM L TE_OLOG[E.S, LLC =rid ) a CO$7CO ',VHOLE3ALB COP,.POKA'ilON, 7 FOK TH_ DE_F.NDANTS B/S SOCK.EL S ) ) ROGE_L MITP.A_O_ COOK Toward _nd Town_cnd _d Cre_ Two FJnba;cad=o CcaLcr E_tt_ Root $¢n Frucu¢o, CA 9411E 9 l0 10 II 12 13 'r_ANS _ OF PROC_D, fG$ 14 t5 t6 17 I $ 8_=OKE. THE. HONOE.A.BLE t 9 DA'J_ OCTIOB_K Z0 _ 9 COA_ ALETA A TR/_ UG ER 27, 2_05 ZI 22 23 REPO_FED BY B _/ERLY E "BECKY" O FFICL_L COURT R_POP_TF.K AJ37 US COURTHOUSE ?.4 25 NASh'_/[U_E. TN COLE. q_PR CCR ]7203 (615) 726"_,_.9,.3,*km=t= He=du E 10/27/05 Page 460 M_rlonaa [_DEX I 2 PaEe4_l 5 C_= _u_m:bon by Mr lhsJcxm 6 Cx_a_clC._'c_ma_on 7 Rc<fuca _mm,_on by Mr Cook $ _.Ex_byMr F_R_'C_ d_dt - t=ll m8 w_ch 50? by Mr HI_4 "_s_l $_6 Cook I 0 r_Jked IZ E,_.r_n_n P,APB_ by Dr tab _t v._ _ - which w'_ the onK:ml _ ctmm cor_t_r._ons which am dJff¢=_! ¢l_gn ¢0_1_= up Lty=odl_J_J rib 5, =rid uor_ in s_mc _d SO we've - I0 md_¢._¢ bow :t I I dJfiefS, ?.wen DF._A co=z_scl ¢opt¢= of d_. C_fl cktcr<l,m_ = on= ofd_= tab, ! filed ,,_ch L_¢ openmB bnct, ;race that um¢ 9 =(t_nl from _hc 0n_l_lI 577 10 WHJJAM w= whch 572 H_pr_ Ex_aa_byMr one=_ 547 Ilon0_ Y¢I, Your proposed dram ¢_lr_cuo_, 465 Arcwcrcody_p_¢¢¢_? mat¢i_ COOK. 4 E.xFcr t $ ¢ztcmc_t P,r._l by Lroyd _.s=cn_pl] Okay TH_COURT AU_ H¢]uum,_y 3 LLOYD MASSENGILL I[ 10/Z7/05 004_3 00462 I 9 He_rhag We weufd ILk_ 12 to b,t_ tt u0 to d_ ¢0=rt Cs wdl 541 13 13 7HE COURT 14 14 b_. COOK. Okay Th¢_='= o_e du=b'o m h¢_ 15 16 ! 6 ch=nBm5 _1_de_n_ o_ fi_t pred_te_mnecl co_ht=oa u_d I? It I! :Lt teJ'_'_¢= _ on th_1rJual. 19 _o 20 _ .t:¢J_ In C]_'n _, wlt_ d m ":Jy .h=t d_c_e terns, "._u=d Zl 22 23 Z4 25 11_E_COURT M=rkn_u Hearing I0t2.7/05 Pag® 462 Okay, ve_goo<L _L_rkz_u JA 0896 HI2n_ l_t'esce Now, 10/27R15 PaBe4_3 OO464 I you l_ve 00465 I _ me _vo Copies of the s_m_ething o_ no_ 2 _,_ 3 TH_COURT COOK. 4 _p_e_'_ Hc_'s Yc_, I d,d. Okay "vl]_ COOK. 6 TH_ COL/P.T ? _ COOK. 8 THECOU_T 9 _.s_ _pll Dom_ _ ex_r_ You _ 5 ,_ trlsUmCl_l &rye th_ (o - 6 you have oac mor¢_ 10 _COOK II TH1BCOIFP.'T M_._li II Good C._xlrnomlng my own bauen_ Ti-_ coLrP.T t6 (t.m_t,0 17 ta "I_E yourHonor 14 _15 m.ornm_. THECOUR'T 20 MS V_ onpasel6 M_T]R),.KOS YeS Yo_" T_kmgaboutC4 2_ "i_ECOURT /_crncaskyou-no, O_y Mark, man 00465 1 _e __ucctra] 2 _owev._, Izeguagc _tt©d few c_"chose sm_tta'_ 3 _ _'lled fua4_en ctf _ts wo_ld 10,'2"7/05 Page 0C_67 I _p3d. elemr_a- 10 perform _he enar_ 3 wE*oh have _n _p Ib_ ¢l,_m_ ¢lcrne_t E. mc._ to pml"orm LheStaled f0r _¢ re.asons I_: _._ c_ wtac_ _,_l Hearing pe_'c_Tn Ll.,ecnUr© staled f_c_oa [ la _lcSnnn. i_e _r, tc_nl _ _ quzt©_ _t 10127/05 ofthn Page 465 clum bnpt,_e o f c_ra _ed doer i_t aJIow me to a sp_cl ftc s_:_n_ "; _]_ hdd tohave 8 _'_ ofricl©at 9 _ of clam c[em_ s_ _ ] whtch have _ held to bay© to claim cle_ held io I_ve su_t w_ch have s_ Dul$c which of the _ Intmdeposmo_M_ e'_yn_'_ I E&d _ot n_t¢ 20 the s:a.e_ f_uon value, _:Ltes to "Tins te_umony _uld a s_nd Car]soncoc_natcJa_m 13 _edct suff_c_mt sm_.t ure to per f_'m 19 z_lpv_ for thc t_r _avc al DCfc'_danL_'_11 60 _'c_ f,h61 _h5 whtch 17 _omt v_/u¢ m r_I_P-_ errmn_ Mr mlS_ 25 bythtsdzmeLemcr_ _d r_m :¢'r 50 pagc 2_ Carlson there a:e any nL_rnlx_ _ f meel the _',_tc p._t _1 ],_qgu,_ e rc_t_ ffowevr IHar_man 10t2._/05 _nd _ se_c_t 23 t_lelen_lne_ 25 client fc_, otG_c_:s_uc_res Hearlag first v_lue 2/ 24 In h_ Itre_ts m_ 21 to de_on oC s_ld _l_uo_ A_hnCl_m11 2O said ser_ot _ umbe': 49, p_ge$ _¢_ se_ _ m znlualcdm r_'_e cro'_mg 19 t _e_ _d ramp waveforrn having for c_.h haJfwaveof_JC_ I_ 21 to kay© _ I t .7./6 _ 16 AC _ 0flag© a _ 17 to ct_=u_n I I t_'_h_ld for wave form. re_tcs las_ ff'tc_e_ t s_:u_e avoid _:uezTge_nc_ 1) pcodua_g 24 $_c.t_ ] IJ_an'.o cJ_m _ c'mr¢_ which have My o_mo_ 12 _$ 22 of been hekl to _ave su fl'ictent s_'_ztm'e 11 13 _i_J¢ 50, 2 .-]c'mc'_. cL'um elerncnt C4 LSf_r mo_ .taa]oso_ 8 to e_arnplcs of da_m elemc_ 9 l_u_clcnt numb_ is of the op_ruoa Ihat tbLSclaim ir_._ _clc'_ Markn_n claim element a_pce_qcsu_ce, u_ L_ Camon 464 _vi_n 7 76, _d th_c a.r_ a v_cty Thc_c _c any numbs- of _z_ca_ 4 fl_mmt e _'_ C_lson, I aS_e wLth VIr Carl_on 25 _vc_ go Hearing m _h_ dtcm b_ Cotmd a/de lense - 23 f_¢tlon. 24 HOnOr, F 25 Mr 22 eJ_m_nt rc_tcs 16F Tn_._S 23 _ Exh_l_t ";9, pa&cs 74 through A cr.ol&ng to Mt 21 Tt'IE COURT f_¢tloP. 2O fu_¢_on Wh_lpagc_Jdyou 21 gay q 22 cbam to pe_orm 19 Hce,uev er no¢ all of the.re smac_u_es p_ Corm LE_S_l.ucd Okay ['m_orr'J $11_c_e 13 chffm.ent slwctun:_ descn3x-d by [h© s_uc Usral la_'_ge. F of my wn_cn s_crncaL 19 CaHson co_cededthaz _ufltclent pa_c 2B 17 Veur Honor, [ br.Jl_© we ]_ _ Tlus _mony 15 D_enctan_' I_ W]"i'M_ when s_ad hsl_ sc,_sln$ me,_s I_ (.4 _ld not _te 13 the S_ed I Ve_, gcxxL - at s_oa off_l_ v_e_ Inhtsdepotmon 12 _dfinal 15 incJucbn_ rnea-_ 10 dele_tmg dayhghL Okay.Dr [4 b',_t m'_dc¢Se¢c3on cohave a _ur_ v_Jue cbfief cat horn sa_d 9 t't_l and _c*ad yes. _e _e _WITNF_ tmmprc_lon to s_d ]tE_t sc"_ lng m r.tn_ for c.se.sl n g _ud Lhre.sh_d vol_e forDr on the sL_md? 12 mar_lng I_ _hat cJmm _uhcleme_ CL,_mC4Jsasfo]lows. Saxi con _ot ¢lrc ml mc._s, 7 t'_p_J_tv¢ Arewere_dy My opmto_ $_J_lCpZ-C m :tvo_ 5 112, paragraph6 ycah Ok=y regbt THE W I']3q'E_S 3 C_ m ¢lf._ C,_J_m| LPa_hold _o h;lvt: third v a_ r._ rc_tt_ folkso_erherch_w¢ Tha,'xk you. to come b_k "Fn_s_l 2 for _t_mg m d_ _o_ M_xt_re_'!_eto sa_. _',ne_l"old to have _ of s_d I_e_ten_lne_ v_Iuc m teg_r_e con_t_u _ deleCtt_ cf _d ce_tm_ _mon, G d_ r_le My C_[_on su_e_t conceded _ruc_'e c]_ to peri'o_ _e P_e Page466 JA 0897 467 004_1 I st_J 00469 ] Ninths" 49. p3_ f_on 2 This _ttmooy J Ninth" 4 c_ 4% plg_i _ be f_md du_u_ _, I zg_:c gd_ b@ Cz._on 5 s w.gt_z_ Exhlb_ 2 tad munich" ._0, pazc 26 t._'c arc zsrj numb¢_ o f 4 Fiowcv_r, fcwofihoscs_ctugcs _¢ colu¢ s:a'cd l_.._tlon suggc_Is ¢_mttc_, 6 Dcfc_d=n_ Of L_:SdaJm clcma_. photon dctc_ou. ty_ofphot_mdeA_to_ 5 pk_ wo_]d 72 0UOU?J174, _nd nttmb_" _0. l_lgc27 I do _oI z_'== wlth klm h¢'.'_ Th_ pht_c 3 s_mR" wl_ch mLght mcct thc sU'_ctu_J Lmgu,zSo tccttcd 6 byth_scllummL 7 pcKotm ;t O¢_dm_s' 9 three, photo "_c coml_ctvr_ SI, which c_mm _ce_pt_ ct a/, th fi'ffi_v.dDctecto_ B 0a_ugh thr_: b_Jc Ot_c, pholo¢ovduc_'_.two, _ _tl_btt 7 Dcremak +hght Thcru z_ _d ._g Prom Sy_tegu, _ _6 17 Photon det_tl_m invo_ thc concept of th_phomnofhgMmtod¢c_al_eqw And w l0 CnnV_tmg J2 cctc_| oi_ th= l) 14 P_ pmp_¢a _1 three o f th_ 1S m thc p_c_tccl 16 T_s L7 s=gg_tmg LI Clam ele_i_t H _ _ thlle_'_ L_I_I _m 8 Itelr[ug lOrlWO$ Pog¢ 2 ]an_e the 0wct_l of the p_¢_ 3 t'a_rKm_ 22 p_fcrm t_ detec_ng _ur to _smc So I m_pr_.t _hsht 9 b_t I med_'rnmcd tt au'_yglvc_ the p_n _:ecmt has no w_zns 13 p'_dctcrm 14 m_l _moa _n a _at mOmC_L l_ tin.cage _ H _ n01SUfllCl_L thus, ought 'T:_ to chc photcgctl_ 20 TdEW_S 2Z C_t._.T Io |glg_g ^ad so w_ _ "rH_ COWRT COOK hzndwmtcn A_d tt'g the or_ yo. bav_ gwm me go _¢_fot_ I_ MR COOK a_=g;mon 16 TE_ COURT L_ mtsun_n$ m 19 _oto¢cll L_ _L_L_ Okay Yes Nw'nbcr I_ I/',at'sthc_J_t L_ghtsc-_smgmcz_a,yt_ Aad you sccm to bc sly_ wktl t_ = _t A_dthal_ac_ml_ePtom 2) MR 22 "i_EWI_ say_ COOK S thst thc t'm And ho'l s=ym 8 t enough. I thau_c 20 ontll_¢n_;md_o&dM/ [_¥d Of b_L d=m brtc_ cb._ng:_ o.. a/rout, v, luch Is K ges:st or_ Co.ning a v_tagp TH_COURT me aS=m to Y¢.S. 14 t_tlficd _o you =cd 469 _c sccros at y_0ut _cd Io onc of your ! 7 sU'ucturc acc_s,_ T = a photoccU u_¢_ 19 _dmcn 21 ChVl_ 9 THECOURT 17 of I I_J& tl Page to the !_o¢oCC]l Pm Ioolun8 MR. COOK not avoid 10/27/0S cqutvalcncc tlgrcof ltt_he.d 13 wh_ m my _inlon, the _'h'u_A_r4l of churn _C_C_ 16 t_c c_dr_ _'¢uo_ Ihzt _ 10 tl t; mL'l or ace F_O_h'_s rc_l Io Hearing TI_ - wotdd :mu t_ 12 for zs+-'_mg re f_ to the le_lStOl_ p_ge _, ifs ym_ any igm_st_c THB COURT ! com_uc_on By t L_glf w_thOut additional sc_cctma ctrctul_y, It 12 of h_ht _d_ dc_c¢_f _c_dly rc_tur:d I.ffi_b,u:q_ o f tho p_t MR. COOK to r+x=n r_( jusl h_, quzu_ aw._t o f the _ogon _ _¢c_ to ¢ rig ptff_? th tTuent _ rags s wee th_ 7 tO _ wh;t t_ _wIi_ent as I tmt_'_,_d ymfvc got. b_ock +6 o.r tim 56 cv¢_ut lab¢]¢d 3 phc_cc¢ll _ and Ih_ _c Icgm light _.ad to m_ dct¢ctoi3 ftmcuon, which, s_'ncm, fiugu©n t_ that by pholon _ted of thL_ with Mr _bon'; 4 to bc ;idd[ng now rc_l$1ags al lc_t d_-]i_ght wen: n_g_eA 8 mu_ The sw_cunl 2 Izt _J:.m. the _e W_cnce of the= t_n w_ the l_cd =s to _u fi"c]em suuccue th¢:n'l_Av_+ _ 00,171 I cb.m_ cc_._tmct ion bcfom of d_zghL [I _ 6 reqt_ to pt_onn that I dg._pcc 21 th_ language Markman "_e ;_.ucau-A t ct'c_'a to I=ght. _ I_:_ language 4 _grcc - Pm gwO' Mz _uhcct IS _lT/clcnt 468 0O470 I hshz _1_'¢_ I1= g_d tho stP_c_ Tho _¢_ 2._ Mr T_¢_es Marian to bc wl_ 19 ,a_Jng _¢ cqt._lly mcfld C_rC_L whm ¢lanent ?,5 [ wgl "._d sccn_ 1g clam 2O concfmwn of th_ ,mdy_s. photon dct_w you aJI b_mlly _.n:c d HtgsIml Iwdlshowy_sd_ec._rt YoutHo_a_ tlt_hu ucverbcm 23 my p_o_. 24 N_ 2:_ THE COrJ_T COOK NO. It t_'1. Well, yo_ ]_trkmaa 2¢ I_g - _ He, flog Wopc_cd 1_Z7/05 2_ yottr Page 470 THECOURT Oily I:_Sl_l_, "ma| dunk It w_ Wdl, Markmaa JA 0898 tlrnaynot_veb¢cn p_h_ps thc'g p_tuon Hearing ._l 10_2W95 P agc 471 0C473 00472 I ¢q ea_le r m"r_. 2 I MI__COOK 3 defined Hefe';bo_v),fr Mas_ca_p]lhas it m red. 4 _'i_L_ COURT I'm trym_ to g_ oppo._cd to lUSt dlS_ to thagmge 6 _ it'_ om+nptr_g cvcr into _c 7 DR_ _AL _U_. COOK S THE COURT P.,Sht, _ TI4E COURT 7 Ira orym 8 _o fred _11t w-a.¢ nec_ai MI_ COOK THE COURT t0 tha_B _c an: Ioolc_g a_ Bu[ _c oth¢_ d_a B we are [ookm 5 10 your II at_dle 11 t2 ¢ons_l.c_tort7 doy_h:tvothedc_c_gm_'pmbosedcl_m _m ¢:(tra. L_that Ihc or e they handed Tabf. t_l t7 wearetatkinggbOulW_edh.l.sbocnmsdcH coc. [ock at the gs_ ClaLrn, ratmber 15 1 | COrlS_+_C_On that w_ to mean &at the _J_:t m'c n_a.+7 20 ftm_on ts the phoiocdl 21 VCnLtC__fr¢ from 16 d_LS the one the l_$v.t_: photoocl] Iq DR. CARNAL _nd *:_mc othu D_ Markman 10/27/05 Page W'mu's m_k_ 3 d_us'_eml is _ :l.=mS: 6_m L_'s mear_ 6 Massensdl |n h[os t:_e T_4FCOURT 8 I_ O<ay WiTNeSS 9 KI, r_3 CI_m I J r_,e._ In_mm _ _tlal o[ th_ w_ Hearing 10/27/05 _ few of the: 8 t_ L_=wlse.. Con:to] _s'm_l [_-mp =m_ rem?ormt vc to _d 12 fi_t 5_ 1_m_'e a fc_rn r_t _Jk_vr_©w c1_'m_ sW._c GI_ wh_h _a_ [O beta bo_ to have to =xampk= My opm:on thai clarm ¢lcmmt and I 3 to dete_tt vn of first predetermined =t 14 w_a ffime_t IS to 5_d _'¢ rind ofgl_m ¢I_s c_a..dm omamd _- =au_ing _Jd l,_ntp io e'mlt m the a by,m',ca of =ud f_t K2 me.ms _po_3 con&Iron se,JcoJ_e to :tvc_d mte_Pe_tlon C_a_n ¢]eeaent K2 t_ _s follo_,_ I _ cm_h'o] ccrc_tt mean5 _tmm 17 l_=_-rmm_d meJudcs 17 of s_Jd firs113iedeter_lned _der Wh_em m_z,_ _nthBo_ se reclte_ 1) _J_ _a_d _espo_Bve t_ detec_on [or mJBa_ng I _ h.T_t _ s_d se=ond lev©I o_ill_m_ma_on m r_sbor_scto LK mcaL_mO'ncnt O[ _ p'tedeXef_CLmed Um¢ m _'_J 19 _t¢c_oa 19 to exp_azloa of szld th'V¢ mt eJv_d for C4t_ mg sa_d Itrap to In _ firsl _r =_mn_'d de_llc3n r_l_d Mr C._h_ c_nch_¢n _r_=_ LmSU _tcteat _CmW= cl_m 20 d_¢r ¢_qer calla hBht _t _d tO i_ _fOn'n _'C _t 21 _¢ 22 absence Z2 S_m.d i_Jm¢_m. 23 Th_ t=s=m_y c._c._c._c._c._c:cmm bo fotmd al D ©fe_' 23 _t 24 num_b_" 45, ptS=s 47 thmash 50 2_ I ae_e¢ w_ Mr 475 cl_m c[,_u'ncl fm_mt I( I i_ Cu-rn0re amJogo_ of_l_m I 0 l_ut'flclemt I _; predetm'am..d 21 c[omm't KI Page _um_ I t wl_ch b_v_ been hcld to have sun_c:=mt s_-_¢cur= I $ s_d C_I levd of dlmmu=tt_on m re_e Z0 4,"3 Lh¢ sm+ct_l'aJ _n 8xt,_._'cfecrtcd However, ttqmu=g_._'tdck_ 9 e_mpl= ser..3_d 14 s.e_ a d _ev.=or _e_m_ [O_ c_t=m 8 s._d lamp to e'ralLIs_ ofs_ Page 7 cr_v=10n • ;Ix=ffic s_tll:_e s=m_mtm:to a_d K I _ a_ follows to _ I_ck wbon F_'_ nn the m_ure ma_ed furct_on afth_ 6 ¢lcm_IKl HTJ6 =Im_t c_led thal _ust the 4 elememL c:.= _Imm dcr_=_t to emit hght at fi_ re=_es ll_lKfi¢1_t Lt mLm'!_clavont_ tus md¢_n_'nt Hz£ o* and th_ chart Hts we P_t in w_th fits original pap_ 3 ,void Go,mesA My 01_r lon _ for cA_sln g _ g_v= _ he dadn t ague _ frick-at 2 by th_s :_m_ ¢'¢ment Cded ]us report 2ed _sv¢ bt_ dep_auon_ 7 i2 of what these w_ W© chdn I _ with out pOSltlOp. We Markmaa th= opm_mg bn e_. b_l _fs _I ta - _md went out :rod _ch_t_cd who would t!pee 472. on thu been vmctun -- you kmow, th_ h=_ be_ gzv¢ u.I perrm_Jon who would $ p_t _on mm_ s=nce _nor to 01¢ _=methat _ s_rt_e Mr 10 t=vcl|, Hor_r so both sides oe47_ 1 suructar_ which mlghl m_ $o y=t. tI's a _- 4 =_a_ based on c)lenl tnleap_t_tlo_ 22 opmmn 2_ _s 00474 I fi)m_ mor_ 2 a experts Z4 ph_t_ll M_"_gdl Hearing 8 i_ne f, _e _d the che_t, as both 51des put in 2I reed to t_nd someone ZJ [ th*ak the red oudme _t the re_Lczordlv:d_" nefwork 2_ lr, Clu_rlg whal this _ Wc TeteJncd Pro fc_,so_ Meal Z0 emd find :,omcc_¢ OC- thafs te_tstors to 1cayo_ ¢[omg¢ tiled oar tsx.mn hy Mr Amn.,on wanled a hea_qg, I_ o_t,dc F_+ that p_calu aadsothafsj_twh_l'maSkln_hm_ 24 PII expl_n when _ T_C_ wtlen Your 17 yau md L[o.sdaim be£cre _e_ char_ed tL FT©s now sa3nag 23 t_nv_ pm not gou_ 12 cheat exim'Is aRaghed to tF¢_ brl¢_ I mtcrpn_ t9 t_at _JI al th_ bomL MR. COOK 13 dodaraiamn o_ yCatL Soifyoa[ookat te bec_us= I now tmdc_tlmd. 14 their cLL_m intcrptetauo_ D'IffCOURT 22 posmo_ 12 At h_e he,arming t4 t;'as raomng7 15 thch" pos3ttoo the pholoceil 9 Do you have these that hay© DR_ CA_A-- rm a_kmg the dere_dm_l bo:at_c V _ 8 t3 - _, m_txa_y [ th(3ugbt _'c pamca wcr_ m agrcerncat 9 Cczhon and Mag_,_ gill _ yea.% thc red and blue. Tba_'5 _c Let me_'lfIha,._ rm]ust [ see the confumen _t Eooks to mc ts i f they cha_g=d pttLte wumt block, t gu_s yOLU Honoc phot_ll 3 4 as _e "J'F[_ COUgT And wh_t he $ Ot_Imed nt red ts 5 reterrJU_ to _ 2 C_hm_ _e_e ue _y Markn1:_a n_b_ Hearln_ of 10/27/05 Page 474 to s_Jd second Mr of _ccur_¢'a¢c lust kv¢l of J[hunmatma predetccmmed o_ s_ud _u_l pec_ :n ¢.ondYoo_ m _c ,_m'mned =¢nchaer C_r]son thd not ¢O_L, xg O_ o_raraer*t on claim 24 ¢lc'ment IC?. Assurmng _5 5_e my op_mon th_ th_ wa_ an ov_s_hL that this c]_Jm ¢lem_t P*l=rkmart JA 0899 _qd rcsp_nstv¢ I _1 r_tlCS HeJarin_ 10/27/05 0_75 O9477 I m_C_:zcm st_u:_¢ to perform t_ s_l I'ur_uon and 2 L:_=e_docsnolevozd=lerFi'e_,_onu._c= 3 o_o: 11_6 :: b:..qd o_ _e f=r._ L:_ th_ 4 _ffeTe:t conmol a_:m= d_cuon c f _d E _pond So th_s co_zcl_d_ my opLmo. My zr_q_acm :re = v:st =rmy of p:z'_ whtch coukL quote, r c_Tcnd to fi_._ ixed_rm_cd Io dclecLIon ol'nm[mn co.non clzm 6 Th:u is, The neXl _uon the ;_c.zu_ o f z pa_on m O_he=object. 7 8 which wou_d z_. $ hz,ve - I _21c4 9 S_h 4 Conu_ ¢zzctu[ o_:x[ pOl i_ u._r.d [o tL_Z OO II _¢:ad, f_" a spcai]cd II could bc used (o s_d Bffcze we g_ Sl.lZ_l find Lhem_t_ c_aJm chart it to rae. that wo_ld be hclp£ul to me And d_ utcx chin'1 LS10ar..b_ _o wh_* m s,_tt _ apphmc= _¢h c_m 12 U_ M_. COOK 15 hnth_, _t 15 _. _m e_u I_ m _" m_'e _logous wbt_ have I_ Appcn&x A to F_ro_o_ th_ be In your mA a cove" SI_eL UR. CAR_._L. 13 TH_ i_ufllc_e_t [t rn_ _t_]p d'z concez,_l behnd the t_ by first = - 17 to _ple_ hdd to _ o0 th,lL J [ dofft kzo_, a_d cooed c_l[y _r_ 14 M _;z m_pD*_ wnzt _n st_e_enz_ Claim cl_ funcuo_ cl_rn II II m d_rm, oFc'n = sa_c, 13 19 the mcz_s pl_ [0 [4 eJ_t¢l. la my opmmn aa 9 whxt [ _lzv_ do_e with it. but z{'_nybody h_ za exb'z c_y period of or_¢. 12 u,do<k or lock * door, _¢rn on _ay ekcmcaJ wF_:h s c_'ct_s 6, 9, 10znd "["r_ COURT to S¢cI_o_ I 12, of my ilatma_, ;[_t_r_ wb_c_qd_fln_ clcmcn_s of Ci=m _chtcd Io ow'_,_me Scctzon 6 of roy 'unt_a 7 s_re of wb_r.h wo_d perform L_¢SL_L_I CUnc_n but rno_[ of IO a limp Ccom dim co bn_t _ctu_ 19 yore" _ly I_s tab 48, YO_ Honor COU'RT Fin's'/_SJ_t, I d_n cw_-_t to _k¢ cop.y 20 M.R. H[C_]_$ 22 _Ot. COOK 3.3 znd cowr=h_= Her_'s zr_exb'_ copy Lock _hmd The= _ th_o supm'flucm t_bs o£zD Cc_xof these 24 erJzthx_ 25 M_rkman H_rl_ 10_7/05 Page THF.COURT _r6 H_rlng 10/Z7/05 Page 477 0047_ I t_ Now, do_ tt m:y md_dc - the ma_tcr cT_m cba_ thngs it Iook_ hkc u'_l uc r_t m dtrpu_ ccnc*.t _ Fox m._._nce, I_, l &_'¢ d_£m© m th_ cZaJm ck,_t wh_h hmp wu la 4 [0 ]v_ CCOK 12 _U,_I_COURT 14 "r_'_s zre in d_p_¢ or b_ _e;18_ed 6 f_is =_J_ So if| not t.p to d._te on t_ AIIrt_L mceiv_r_tes l_ c_ra_eaemtc_ Le.qczd, AII_RhL T_yo_ the _ WcYe Thin dz_n d_ the _31 oplmon rr.i_dm| thes[n2_re ci_nmg 20 been d._scusscd_d Cla_n r.L.-rtr_Aha_ _ezdy "1_: w_ttcn cs n:produc=_ _ _"_ top of bo_'d A, 24 ap_ level _'hgh_ de_._t_ c_thtto_ tdc_ ¢XI¢_ on a pho_cdl Markmag shown However soon u ;ny h f,EI _ht; 8 not how the On the pllCtOceg r _,_h_ _ome l_,v_ dcc_d:d concsponds 1o Lb=_mwl] tba_ _s LhC_d "_ 0f o_m_mmc level cce..ddbc _lccted to be a_y _"_d of furl darkn_L_ _nd full dayh_t, IS t_n weal tho cm_m de;t_z©nt 16 may w_h In the p_en_, the se.Je_uon em:mlr/w_r_ d_.athn_ so_compl_ 17 sel_J5 the i_e_ele_ed lever ofphoto_JI I _ respert_e to WhICh1_e czrcmt wl[J switch I.be larop _ 20 dlvtd_ _rp_ c m"r_ t In on Of two r_zslon On I_o_k 56 oft_e m pholo_.l[ flgm© 2B fic_ 22 THECOURT 23 le_lc_ el thee, _d 2_ col_s_og ct_¢_ sz_" of the pbozocetl LDSt_d O_eprede=nv.medc.on&uenl_thepru;el_-_cd u_c_ the the errcu_ _u_d 12 da_mc, 21 '066 ps_t, o f the p_cnt ofpred_L_zam_[ w]uch t_ ,ctrcmt does rml z._ztr_ the r;mp off" 19 to Off"_ a vo[t_c 21 _ lur.'_ *_e am lookm8 ath_'re. 23 two _xa th_ I1 d_z_'s 14 h_ht ber.;ve_ Lhec_,,u_kry m_l_etex_ [9 c[aua clemml^,ser_orm:a_. znd bdcw level, th_ is the lev¢_ ;I which the c_rc_t tO pr_c_ _Tk_ My Io rec_Snt2e 9 uad] _he [_J_t _[_g Okzy the Izmp will be 7 eJro_tt of me pme_t wet k._ 0_ly Okay whtch as dzytazc_ to t'_vlt_z the I=mp oiTz; on L_e p_meelL 13 t $ thllce_ fig=r e 2B, _v¢ be d_bcd l( is tmper_nt J 8 TI'IB COURT _ 1_ that _mv e_t:_ne_u *C66 pat_ 2 o_T,whch rmL 22 Sothts3slab48. Markm_n 00473 13 Thznkyc_. ASnghL Stop Hr_v,['m rm I®km S u ,% and thai doesftt zeem m c4_rre_p_dw_th wh_ he j_t sz_& So what zm l m block $6 of 14earing I0/27/0 S Psge475 Markman JA 0900 He._qug 10_27/05 Page 479 0GI81 O0480 L MR COOK 2 THE COURT 3 MR COOK 4 THE COURT MR COOK 5 6 "predetermined 7 In v, ords, He's dlscusslngthe So we have the only golten 2 pan o f A ' _eah aS defining Once whole claim THE COURT 10 MR I[ THECOURT 12 [ql be pahcm element that are defined uses that 6 particular 7 circuit phrase So we arc gemng AIInght 10 there rathaUon 16 modem the '066 on patent The other predeLermmed a pa;r of P[Rs figure 2A shnv, n as QI V,hLch ",_dl cause the and lamp Q2 nl to 17 swltch from on dlm to on bnght 18 AS wtth the photocell, 19 the circuit 20 thrn to on bright 21 infrared 22 could It _s Important be designed a_ soon Io swlleh _ _slth cffcml of the patent works 24 s_ltch 25 mfvared the lamp from _muon detected One to patenl 15 the me,ms claim 16 one the photocell and 17 And two sensor the from On 19 means, m 20 circuitry Instcad the clrculldoes not 23 sensing 24 must by the PiPs meet m Ilearmg 10/27/05 Page and ¢lrCUl[48 and x_hat as meant elemcnl A of Claims support 9, selection selection in Ct,_lm clement 1 [ clann I0 and I I circuitry and their associated w_th ofthe potenually its associated one thing ffelemcnt duphcate elrcullry A sensor or v_thout which bc rcspons_ a selecllon the of claim pro,. Mes e to hght Moreover A mcloded that portion that the external in J[I the claims hght _hcre photocell element IO said H hght sensing means appatattts It appears, f_larknlan 480 OO482 by predetermined description which be lbe photocell means, 25 certain the amphfy for se_ cr'al reasons Poe the change PIRs cannot this _ould untd of the detector comparalOr tv, o structures Nevertheless the to on bright 46 carl see that the ;_-nttcn describes the ¢o which 5 I It _s understood _e 22 to on bngM clrcmt selects on thin orcutt the x_lndo_ 14 change fi thas ts not how Markn_an [learmg 10127105 Page 481 Page 483 O0483 I Clmms 9 10 and I1 ffclatm 2 construed to encompass 3 photocell, 4 ClrCUlL_¢ this d CI 6 ofdlumtnallon 7 condmons g iflummaoon 9 condlllon that with m the absence light tn response ]fth_ photocell, 12 off 13 the 14 ¢lementCI 15 II lamp clause of said to detection Is off. _ouid tl does not emit _hcn infrared element 4 reprcsentatt_ at sald It; cl 5 output level 6 hght it's my concluSmn means ctrcultry bo_ not to the photocell 20 selection c_rcuttry 21 defines refers c_lm aS marked htch, IO the PIRs the eleracnt As shown claim clement and their _-ssoclatcd of which A, sensor rae_ms m red on A IS marked m dlagra_n ctrcml 10,rod selection A _ ah 14 pholoCell shown I5 clrcullry for either [ behex photocell does 20 structure 21 se_ eral reasons in blur 24 clmm element A 25 response the Markman Massengdl Ilearmg defines th_ structure 10127105 PIRs or the Carlson element Ci to the presence JA 0901 _s a condmon, rcqmrcs the Q2 Carlson and associated the selection does not first as that the A contention the {hal the photocell mthcated A would for mclt_on be inconsistent that the absence Markman Page482 'I've A Includes and A photocell as I box e already _hleh and any _ ith Mr C:ulson's in element QI structure not define For example photocell contends PiRs element mode low of the predetermined )6 without reasons defining ot Io¢, clrculffy labeled predetermined the A for t_o f thsagrcc of the Carlson tn block element selection sho_, n on board A only the in thai m IR arc _ohage of the c th.lt the x_hich changes by a high ,rod Q2 the absence encompasses 22 the struclure the detection 23 Mr eh.mgcs ofthe QI By comparison, also [9 in my opinion the output structttre 2 clrcmt A the Pigs, 13 18 those as manifested at node And hlgb representing 17 define A, sensor in accordance diagram representing 16 _sth its associated sffxlcturc as understood element 9 detects that _s either a high or low 12 by claim figure rathatlon selects c of motion w_th I I condition as reqmrcd and Specifically since v, hen of the '066 infrared condition be lamp the etmm that and 10 IO the would energy g signal predetermined the portion external 7 _soc_ated of construed in accordance 19 ¢imrn 3 v.hlchapFeLrsmcachofthcCialms Ig 24 momlol_ the claim ro apply not sausfy 11 _6 I I _6 2 a selection of said cor_lrued 17 ofv, I encomp_ses xsere prcdetel_uncd in sa_d second _ere this AS a resuLt 23 _lth the first lex=l of filummalton Howe_er 22 or without b¢ inconsistent and emit5 means the predetermined conthtLon of thc is nLgh[llm¢ would A selLsor 9 11 16 clement prm _des thas the Imnp emits hght which ] 0 2a designers I[ is they wish consas_ mhthtt conditions 21 on dim circuit in response from Cl_CUll_ 47 count the the phott_e 23 the circuitry output lamp 13 any detect the the turn on pulse J_np thai as the P[Rs selection PIR selection circuit 18 to reeogmzc radlauon However, filter I I the Weregcttmgthere 14 condition is the preseIected levelof oh,rage In infrared 15 This ctrcm143 12 WITNESS 'Ahlch to _ halever the preselected ',_ dl switch 8 9 Go ahead THE 13 conditions corresponds In the patent - those Okay COOK decided the words thafs 8 aSdefined by the red block 9 have 4 detect All nght This conthtlons is the Thai 3 coodmon then I preselected v, ords lamp of the Ilearmg with emu hght m predetemuned 10127/05 00484 C04gS co_[ion_ wha_ conthoon r c'mazr_ in the _bsc_ce assoczased w,_ p_ the phc_occIL Q'T_ I_'d mghRlmc, I the Ixrop 2 off pho_cell, if e]_l_nl A v. c-re to tncl_ th_s would dophcatc clement H. thai pomon th_ of clam musl be rcopor_lve eR'm_l H appea_ 6 s_ond to though 10 not m Clam_ I I lengthy, clot zs tdc'nocal m all thn_ 12 _ 13 all thrr_ sccocld reason thaH 15 smictu_e 16 el cl_-nt do_ A must include scleclton 18 et_t 19 w_ ..haz Mr not wedetermmed moBon, cannot 13 tutorial _scusslon, 14 material hawng 15 forth of clrcm w/ rathalton, neganvc A couJd mclodc cztheT the P[Rs o_ the phazocdl I8 voltage the_sd'. the sdecuon Ix_ausc _ d_¢c[ Mr Carlson's Carlson comcnuon d_t clrcmw s" _sooal_ n_th_ w_ of thc_.e coroponcr_ 19 trace may or may oh)eel a p_edc_rrmned co_cb _o_ 21 de fmc_ _ "pr_d_rmmed 22 tr'nn 23 conthooo" to have the same n-.e_nmg m Claams 9. ! 0 and I I 24 _s first p_'dr._crrm ned conth hon and sccor_ 24 c_-ctuiJy 25 have wedetc_m_ned m CLann 6 Markman produced H_rmg 10/27/05 Page I h_e 2 3 Using my SPICE 4 of _g_l plots. 5 THECOURT 6 that? THE 8 wngram, 9 braid _, I have gcncualr.da pmr not m my switches back and m mfra:ed brief pulse of clccmcaJ Rapcr'$ t_c]llos¢ol_ statemenL This motion pulse of a person or ctrcmt not all pulSes lamp the Inslead, the setccuon th_ th c¢.c PIP. Ssg_;_s by the czrcmt destgner which Io r¢ln_cml Hearing 10/27/05 Page 485 SPlCEgzzrudatlo_s Stop SPICE. stmulatlon You_ Here. f eprr.se_tat_ve Wha_s _ Honor. 5 exttmal and look at p_mc_ 12 THECOURT 13 DR. CARNAL Okay o f it c_led 16 THE 17 THE COURT 18 scr_scofhur_x, Thee ohay 9 shownmthelop_agramlab¢lulPIR-I the s_gnals II app_ox_mal¢ly 12 The atand_ for Srmulauc_ yo_ _mecrs, t_-y have a good W1TNESS 21 stgnaJplotboaxd_ggef? 22 have 23 oFerat]_ gene_aled The first signal plots m the ctrcmt plot marked that'$ could have a board - a the b_rd Markman v. hlch 14 which m the _ 15 output of the 16 retie A of the hen: ase tbe output ofth¢ as Defendants' thal Exhl"bl[ w¢'_e Iookm8 Hearing at 10/27/05 Page 486 arnvc apart figtwe dcxaces Exhi'_ t 52 of the window 2 diagram count, Theyarc amemg m t_me. m Defendants' is bleclc which ts block comparator, 48, 51, and at the me_mcd at '066 c_rOUL go_; low the nega_ve Scans puls_ of th© window Cmnl_,raio¢, at tlus pumt ts the output And 22 moUon 23 Note 24 output 25 slgnllles II ts _ th_ has been detecled that the htgh and Node pumt and we see aod this of the low A in _por, thai predelmnmed that the Wecktennlned the lamp transmon wJl[ So to bnght tn t_ se to the amval motion Markman JA 0902 PIR counter 21 '066 palenL to osclll_copc andPIR2 PIR al the output pulse and Q2 respunslvc Raft's PIR s_gnals of the seconds So the purse, puls_ Mr LHI 778 the bolt om plot thai signals 20 sllusWate two PIR- I aod pig-2, Andtha_e$1gnalsare al the output shows 17 UsmgmySPICEstmulaOon,| a pair o f signal of the PIPs 52 Trigger" - a_d And ill s.nulaoon, 13 18 P[Rs to turn on the of Q] by model I 0 and 19 stgnaHhat THE He,mann node voha_s Than_youvcwmuch. 20 described here and szmu]ath to N ulmng. Th_dc ofthe _ labeled voRag_ wlthmtwoseco_dsofeaobother one Theyhav©a W1TbrESS sz_muh. P1R 8 allows _'_dcyo_ SPICE the top signals, In _ 14 I_wlthlnte_Su_racclmng_s va,-ta_ _s a comput_ use o f the 7 tl_ of a ctrcul[ such as _n zl c_ the computcr slmulated 4 show 6 trace WIThm_SS a c_rcmt a modal -- illuswaIes lamp 3 I'm _.or_ 7 25 preseleCled rathat]on, 0o487 2 cztCml to dctecL 24 mgger only tnggc"z's the lamp been m hgbl. ¢o chang_ Markman I wh,_cvcr it_ thaithe cffCtald_ignei" zntcnded for the 15 6 ofhts by the m the palented by a PIP, detecl og the reverse m Mr of page 484 00486 10 solng shown not be caused Moreover, 23 rapidly a characteristic al the boRom changes As mthcatc_ exposed po_tlve _ detecl con._*sls of an In_sulated wblch when and level a predetermined m tn fr_cd a PIR sc'_so_ or current, 20 by pIRs &sputed a pul_nty producing means and ofhght be seriously going sensc_ and photocells changes by I80dngr_ 17 Mr levels detsct 12 frrst sa_d apparatus apparatus not motion, That PIR_ 16 z_:ludu_ 25 condmon _4_muon rachat_on, pr_etermlncd to mean _s l wdl explain, Howev_, 10 C_lson's condition 8 I ILx hthat 49. png_ to said from scpar_e predctem3med clam with compo_mts 22 beheve fi_t relallve to satd it m defin_ motion or object m fr_'ed _ qmt¢ for ¢lcrne_1A not dcfinc A zs thaz the I 12/6 I c_cc 20 _ LS mtend_l 6 exprrssly IOmean 9 clazms TI_ 17 A. v.hlch I I aad clazms, wblch mak_ thai the sam© meaning 14 21 10 and 9. cbnn only m C_m In De fendanL_' 7 of hght external g said apparatus Evm condition 5 of a person to hghl cx_mal be fomgl 33 Claim 4 hght sc'r_lng mr.a_s, v. hich prc_ tdcs thai the sensing n_.s 9 This can 32 through 3 In edchoon, 7 hght of _e pulse count_ of the second pulse has beam detected tlearing 10/27/05 Page 487 OO489 004S$ I Thzs lOW signal and lamp 2 the ]ogsc 3 gppropna_e 4 is nt ghtllme 5 6 looked at ts _ 9 ts al tab 57 10 tab use of _ t3 _ t4 labeled 15 voltages 16 descnbed 17 Model _ our Hor_of. 56 m yot_ four 20 s/xac_ PIR This I axal PIR-2 of QI and by Mr again Rapc_s 23 bo_c_cL 24 aparl arc bei_ _n 4 PiPs 5 mohoo, 6 stmulatcd 11 shov, mprescmanvc e to ext craal trace signals fulLher 14 ctrcult_ as 15 Io PII_ PlR apart amv¢ 17 go mlo they're thee sdectcd 21 47 simulation 22 Ls the to the PIR signals Ilearmg 10/27/05 Page p¢_crthed is to that ig within the mc4mn ou_puk Node A. does and contlol the lamp hne at the mp hcte by a sobd u slays h_gh, iv, o s_mulat_oa signals and the cxpcnmems m rc:_por_e lamp wdl s=gnal 2 ¢_rcmtr/m plots the_e _c _,t nol of Exhth_t other PIR the no thai thai are 43, 46, motion that 52 s)gn.ds m response to I_ as teprcsen[atl,.¢ tugger s_gnals Markman 488 sbow blocks of I_csen_oed are no_ selected mouon, clearly to LR del¢¢tion as rc'ptcs_ntalr,,e tagger 25 signals mode pIR And fmlhet designed do not arrive count_ by the '066 figure delecl_tm was condl(Iotx tt no[ _ggn_ed. show_n bnght 24 And not respond 4g, and5] 23 v,e scc s_gnals pulse not go low, are 20 the tht's Thcse 19 m the s=gnals rcspoodS that does of PIR clremt the prcsct_bed _fll 16 lg within m Um¢ PIPs of the clear delmcaaon _foch detect I wotdd as, q_ote, - bears 9 sclccuon motion and ftmctmn m mfrared c)rctat_y 2 rarhallon which to scc mdttsu7 detecl magc from re fernng web slte_ bear thLs Exhthtt whtob cxanponeats l'a_a_on 54 tS a ¢oll¢caon tllusWal¢ but not moOon the other hanlL conccboa 15 deR'¢_ '_l_.h a_e no[ ¢_mt 16 otcmls o_Rmru_ m bot_mgs 17 asso¢_aled Ig sa_d to employ 19 ofpcodact hte_tm_ electrical bill p_lsc 22 THE of plots of _xhfoll Ilearmg 10/2";'/05 Pa_e 489 Exlab_l comFone_ls a number Honor, WITNESS ¢lerr_/ll 24 shou/d A w_¢ 25 efore e'nt A must Photocells co_a'uod not be (or rcasom also It Is also to mettle ! bare be de freed Markman 9 regarding 10 c_rctat lfl the CImm el_m_nl CI e tO first sensor 15 thagram PIPs b_ _6 wcrc also 17 of L_ 18 selexuon a photOcelL thai which CI T_ logical 21 thin 22 Lamp state of the Page 491 control wtth 23 reqmred hght Io perform to mcMde the photocell s 25 !'n'edctcrmmed at slud t]_t the c=rcmt _s me_s tn red on sc_eezed _s the _oa Io the motlt3,n the funchon lamp the cttcmt_y gaung function and of the oatpta that caL_ing thai _s to the lamp stud the as lamp to Cm=l o£saM at sa_d second /Harkman stale, tmplemenls ctatem level m {h_ a_er_e conthtmn and In my tamp by approp_ately 24 control thal ts connected of des_r_ along thscussed thagram_ perforratng determmaaon tt JA 0903 CI, of which, i$ m_ked _ h_ch I have andtoth¢ thea 490 Myoptmon element been el, comparative cl_mtr_ ot bright, ah_ady rt'_ar_, crtctutry cxplmn¢._ Page clmm efomem 2 cttcult prc_vlot_ly 10/'27/05 of hghL pleasc_ The structure figure This 20 C1 chum s_ture 066 19 tf on board has de fme:s 5g and selection level mcaas respOnSl', tube by a photocell whereaa a partlcul_ defimng optmon, my opmton Hearmg l;aucture of the A zs apphed Io a photoeen couldha`,eboardCI 14 are tight, to detect 13 ot'whtch of hght not just only detect _ needed Now. the presence m elcmem level c_rcmt_y tool=on no_3us_ th_e parl_cular 55 ts a coummg Yout ofa adthtlortal ¢1rc_I_ descry/¢_L condmon" reproduced but complcled c,_n_mtung ¢l[_Ul_ 12 Exh_m_54aml_SarcSSa_d591ath¢ 23 detectmn I I only as m fr_ed for PIR based ctr_mlrJ, COOK Inoth_'v,x_ds, as electrical detectors D¢ fondant' 14 ofproducl the P[Rs and rc fc_s to P[Rs detecthv_ On rcqtares S fo_ PIRs ! 1 clrctat the 5 7 _,.s c_tt ht_ 4 6 various selection As I ha', ¢ _rv_dy 3 ttaTn"prcdelermlaed and d_cctors collected Def_ 13 changes be surpt_ed Malenal bm_t PIg [hat ts, And 2 spaced mter_ al,the CLrCOfldo_s nO[ regard them a result, PtR pulses sequence the of the figt_e or object tbe reprcscmmg As c going first prede(t'_nsned Became _ negattx of wha[ of a person nol change. of the Hc_maan p]oI o f thts dtagIa.ra comparmo¢ as the at the oulpu[ 48 of the '066 this parucuthr bounds 13 sumuh PIP. signals, to the pre'. io_ slgngl the 12 in _me v, tth appropriate 7 21 However I associated 3 59 5 c p_flses _s bthek 00491 Because 20 in tlln_ 8 mouon rachanon the lop s=gnaLs SO, agmn, mthv=dual amvc the v. mdow 2 12 4 apart 7 intea'pte[ OO49O I 53 10 by these w ¢ ju.st Here the pIR idoltlcal they illas_ates Markman $ shown next b_ard PIR. In foe bottom d_t 3 that's if=l that tbe by the negatP, which board m mfrared oso'lfoscopc of e_ch otha fur0x_ glmulalJon And board Q2 rcspottst_ NOt© tha! the 22 inthcat_d 2 comparator I0 pr_sclectcd 0me not tm_a on the lamp seconds 21 ptol th_s board bmdet a change In tht¢ slmulahon, 19 mode Okay Io dctecl LHt 778 Ig the 6 outside WITRF_S PIRs _¢s the stgnal I into 9 THE 12 to cause that ts, bright have THE COURT I1 ptopagales please MR_ COOK $ lamp, If I mtghl A then cl_m_ey of the no _gg_, 7 25 control action Now, showing a[ Node level Hearing of 10/27/05 OO492 OO493 I _hunmauon m n_portse to de_llon I eatabl*sh ofsa_d prcdclammed 2 conthtlOn 3 AS prcwously noted. Mr 4 elmgnl CI However. 5 umntmllOna] 6 _sume And fo_ purp_ Diag,'am CI tsmarked 9 the _ucttm_ _ hlch I beh_ I0 define,elcmenl CI II MR 4 Second s_pply c M_ Carlson mlmded to May v,¢ mtem_pl forjo.st a moment7 been correct_lby DE.SA and 14 MR. IIIC_INS 15 THE COURT 16 MR COOK That's correct,Yoca Honor SO thisThlsdoesre1_enlMr TIIE COURT THE Okay WITNE.SS AS shov,'nby the blue diagram - 20 blue markings of thagr'.,mCI, the _ungd 21 o f elemml 22 bebev© tsnec_sm), 23 opcrdt_o__ 24 Carlson _fimoon CI failsto mcludo the Iog,ccm:moy to d_tercmne o_ &m o_ bright Tha strocrm'eI ha_e selected mcludos 25 ctrcum_, th_ is.the cm:tOl cornponen_ Marl_nan wluch I thatIoglc _ Hearing I0/27/05 Page del'm_ subelement C2 swztchmg 2 ned o_ d_a_'_n C2 o f the com1_r_ve 3 The stngttwe wi'ach 4 of the 'C66 fig_ swl_hmg 5 cum_! 6 c_ is marked 9 th_ itpro_ Mr II _ device d_ve 17 the _ device p_p t;_s_rs mgg_ C._lso_n He thd thscu_ Q3 and the to thc In the new presented cot_rt wtth 12 fully 13 tl would be b_l 14 Carlson sa_d In his U_tm_ony 15 selected as opposed explained MR You_Hono¢ 19 the© to Mr Carlson THE 21 THEWITNESS board 23 defining Well. C2. please? Claim vep_eSenled My 8 as only tha _ on bo_d that, element on l'Ilshow GO ahead C2 h_ Iflcouldhav¢ r©sardmg C2. swltchzng the su-u_turc means already board (72. the suuct_uc been chscus._d of which and 15 m my Heanng rcgar_hng sb_ctm¢, d_finc oplmoc 10/27/0S Claim causing thresho}d to have third valoe. h_ _dy C3, the $_,gtu_ of the comparaovc no th ffat_c e between so we dlv*derc_rcm0y and logic ctrcmi_y no output _md Isnol capubl¢ of genaatm 8 three The Sm, g [we ! have s¢ICClCd mclud_ the Carlson 15 por0on without the photocell and voltage d_vlderwhlch the claml ft_ncuon. 16 captuxed clsewbexe m ¢lemenl H, plus the c;rCml_y optmon 18 th¢cla_n¢]e_3cnl b_(_1d_._u,_scdalxhs o f whlch m my optmon thagrams Maasmglll tlearing and D14, Dl$,R34andR58_'¢usedmth© 494 JA 0904 to creal¢ three thsUnCl voh_c 61 _d thus arc necessa W ek'men[s to perform the functlon of the cI_m 22 caosmg 23 thffcrcnlfrom s_d 24 Page awangement 21 25 10.'_7/05 _s 17 necessary to generate the threshold voltages descn_oed m for agree on the soxtctural Marknmn C4 o f the comparative d]asT_ns CarLson has selecled melody; the 13 thre_,holdvoltage va}ue_ 14 My on m my opinion defines chum m the _memre C3, rn_ns 493 The Ca_I_,o_ con.su'uedclrcu_t, W gcncrales a thg,tal 12 y_ m tugger the ma_ C3? Page subelcm¢=nt causing threshold to have dord value The struc0.(reMr II the subeh_n_nt C3, s_ttchmg me_.s, tsm,uk _d m cor_tn;ct_on, to double-check Than_you 20 leveb, o_"d_:ubolds, at Node 2_ here I0 responsive Io dayhght volt._e because the outpul voltage Claml ciceroniC3 Th_e's m bl_e I wall adv_¢ My opinion subeTement that what M; IO v. hal he Okey 7 tsm._rkcd m red on d_agram SO ipc_m ling and p_'ventmg _S mstd_clenl 23 red on d_agaam C3 r_pect and then COURT 20 24 C_rlson is thet e a th ffamc¢7 [11 ha_¢ 19 voltase dwld_ det'mc_ datm rely o, is represmlcd 19 causing gw_Ichmg n'g_u_ to bo actuatr_ 22 wtth Mr I bcbe_e l'mgom_--wtthyou_lgrmtsslon, 20 22 shales thai were to samply IO wh_ HIGGINS 9 photoc_ll vol_ge thts element tf I co_dd, please,have bo._ re_ cla_ ros to cotu_©l. ht_ lest=nony for the court TI-tE COURT 18 cople_ thal during 6 sulglcrnc_ C4, means the tna_ consox_d the sh'uctm¢ denning subelmgm 21 his thces¢ parttculaz them II 2 m_l r_s_zc_ tl_dlevel _I_cU_I Is necessary to perform NOw. has correcled his dep_llJon 3 C4, means The mat: alone _str_uBl'_cJent t_ perform of IC2D 18 Rga_dmg by nOl ;ntcrp_¢0n_ donn8 Carlson 5 board C4, the structure of_hlch The levelahlflc_rc_t_y mcludod 16 1 have Statcng'nts 9 Mr to the lamp. 13 apphc_tuon of sa_d AC 15 8 Iwanl 4 elemcnl C4 has ubcady been thscusscd and tsrLVrOthged 12 the ftmcoon of se1_cuwly 14 con¢cl. YourHonm OO495 l d_flmt]on m ts the po_ton 8 shallthe ou_ul _ oltage of tbe phase a_gle _o_ I0 Excu_eme. Markman th:ag_'_ns selected al said 2 cm:mt whzch conu'_b the o_ off "Flits includes 7 _ I have means of hghl Whallme:mltoSaytsthaI_.henl 492 00494 I optm_ HIGGINS $_ld It w_ 25 the ftmct*_ first level satd lamp IO em;I 7 24 to to perform al sasd ofl[Imm_tlon _.fR 17 17 pt_t 0oo. For c_uslng tomahcacor_ccl]on 16 C_Ison's and needed to emat hght 6 I0 COOK voltages stud l_rnp level $ as K I 13 that they ha_ e. In that.conI_rmcd this 19 dlummahon A. with a blue hr_ mthcaung 12 I beheve thato_ e_ighl has now Ig 3 of thisstatement, ] will thathe intended todefine elemenl CI the same 7 excepl wlth the adthuon of the powa 8 of caL_mg C_alson does not adch_ I beheve thlsv,_.s. _ m Elemml ttu'eshold 2 And Node of my clcmemt sald thr_ho]d voltag© IO have a dord _a]ue t'trs I and second valu_ 61 ts the node atthe thtleft-hand stdo _ed d,agram as l'm pomhng [o yo_ beR. Markman Hearing I0/'L7/05 Page 495 OO49"/ O0496 I My op]mon r©garthng the sm_cmre 2 ¢[¢_nenl E, rnezns forproducmg I defining clalm raxnp wavefonn 3 E has already been thscctssedand isteprodueed 10'sphrasecorr_spoadlngtoCla_m 2 first threshold Clalm elcmen[ 4 In Claim 5 5 smct sa_d threshold 6 dement E, means 7 red on thagram oplnton defines clalm for preduc]ng ramp wavefocm ts marked 6 prior clause m 7 E of the comp_'-aU v e dlagTarr_ 8 The sma:ture Mr Cadson 9 ramp generating elements and [he z_o I I the omtUed Stmllarly, 12 13 element G 14 delect clrcmt for delecung zero er_ssmg 14 second _a]uts, 15 comparatwe ely pcecedmg added one F pumts of said AC Chain element E. The stru_tt_e 16 detect of which means LSmarked Mr has selected cIrCUtL The encompasst:_ the ClrCUlI_ 19 elcm¢nl G. means for cat_ing threshold io have firs[ and low of the mouon 20 20 whtch 21 corr_pondmg 22 md]catmg Cla_m element G LSfound In both Clalms 10 and Il and LSmerged 23 And 24 c,o_bmcd mto the clmm elemeat on the top of board G footnote 9 of my v.nRen staleraentexpl_os 25 sta_emenh and I won't te, ad that In CPUm I0 the phrase correspoodmg Markman - zn Cla:m Heanng 10/27/05 Page My 3 dement 4 been 5 H, hgh! drscussod The slnlct_e element H, hght 7 H of _ _vt 8 only 14 15 c_cult vea_'u5 17 $o thafs shown her_, 18 CaHson and tM rtststor oponon appumsonlymClarm6 22 repraducad 23 24 element 25 of the _ m red on thagram threshold 25 second value, which sh3tc_tr dretdet The sffuet_e 6 of the '066 figure 9 mo0on _ the ncd_A form II a to of to And m red tdemlfied Clmm by me defining dement been ctazm I, which &se_ssed and labeled 13 counl ts mea_s, Is maAad by a high node A, 497 Page 499 Io m fr_red the porUorel external m infrared energy, output and e of conthtson to "._h_ch I grn re femng, as the ouipul _ oPage al ;s of the pulse Io perform 16 handoul version 17 by hand by Profee, sorMassengdlonthlsth'awmg 18 mtght of 1. node A ;sn't want to mark you_ cop'/of 19 THE COURT 20 MR COOK 21 THE COURT THE My You opinion v.anl Node Inthe marked. Thai was apphed Soyoo iI accoalmgly _o -- A Is nght al thts point Okay W1TNF_S funcuo_ -- Justammut_.Professor This sm_lure predetermined rcgar thng ts necessa_/to con&tlon the s_'ucture Markman JA 0905 includes or low Page d_slmgmsh mo_ttors LSnecessaey COOK m red on thagyam 498 10/27/05 includes ely MR o. object Page changes 2 cltcull ctrgmt_" a person 10/27/05 s¢lecled and a figure respond 15 25 a _'tmct;on In IR thai are repres_mtatP, This smactme 24 Hearing wtfl to selccu_ detecis thagram claim I '066 has selected whtch output the definas the Hearing winch 2 carcm[ manifested perform thag_ams Markman I haze 23 m my opinion and generates 61, as I'm a first value m the Carlson devices, chang_ on thts 22 of v, luch to have occurs no abday ra_haoon, So tha 12 14 1 sensor moOon 5 10 zdtmtt fiad by Mr already 4 Mr sensor bul have those representative the smtcmre _ rad*auon sel¢cLg e is necessa_ the photocell has stricture voltage 3 infrared ice mcludts the PIR 8 necc_ar,/to here, clrcmtry, to perform x oltage only The siructwe only Io Io respond selecUon at node LSnecessary sasd 7 cz_q be tunad by the destgner reg_dmg on board I, lust d_ stnlcmre causing includes selected prtsenceandahaenceofdayhght 1, firsl s4mso¢ The clmm respuc0_ely th_ade_ functton 21 that mghtllrn¢ The vohage ¢leratnt has high o¢ low poformth¢ 20 Carlson the reststo_ an appropoale My li has already defin_ Is marked I ha* e scltcted _ 16 19 m my opinion light senslttve as well dilyhgh[ ¢tcmem board H &agr_ th_ath.'t output on rt_¢sSaly Markman of the claim Claim mc_s, e Mr The swacture 12 voltage 13 sensmg the photocell photocell raeans of v, htch The sing'rut 10 11 sensing the s_'uctufe aod is reproducad 6 9 regar thng thr t_hold encomp_ses h_e 24 2 and stnglure I ha_e A, as I'm m&caimg _olhage This OO499 I opinion dec_smn 496 00498 I al rggle 61 2 compgtator _s at node 23 thls clmm first G of the Carlson the hxgh, _.¢cond'.alu_ defines to have thagran_ The struclure selected 22 clatm t dcnt]cal m red on chagram 19 21 first Is I I, have threshold I8 op_nlon regarding the structured_fimng m the voltage m my opinion for causing clalm element E would b¢ redundant. My word Accorthngly, I 0, and G, clmm the '._ndow 18 ts tmphc_t _ ohagc threshold 17 17 c_remw/m identical I 1 meaning mclodes only the Therefore. mclvston of the zrro c_cssmg only l 0 at clause G, Claim 13 d_ect flmc[lon ISclaimed in the clalgsea zero crossing 16 the to threshold I 0, the there's m Clmm element 12 r'_mp g enc_almg clrcull¢leme_L$ since [he z_o crossing 15 vohag¢ immedmt mean _ ord "x olmge" re fe_s back in Chain smcc 9 mentioned ctoss;ng delect I0 The sma:(:me I has e srlecmd sa]dthreshold_ssatd phr'.gses F 8 surphlsage has selected includes the I0 carcu]telements lI These 3 thmg atthe top of 4 boa/dE The sUag:turcof _h_ch m my II _oltage being defimng Ilearmg mohon of c_atm 10/27/05 OO5OO OO301 I elcmcnlJ, sccondscnsormeaJ_ 2 appears only In Clalm 3 reproduced 4 Clalmelemcnt.l, 6, h_ already $ ¢]¢mcnl J, second Mr 8 only the photocell Car[_on nccc_a_ to foml II can be tuned by the designer thvldcr of dayhght predetermined MR 16 mmule Lct me catch up to you 17 THE 18 dcfinlng ctalm element 19 el_menl K1 *- 20 MR COOK 21 THE WITNESS 22 only In Claim 23 r¢produced clrcutl COOK professor WITNESS My opinion KI of causing 9 dlumlnalzon l0 second wantJ_l control clrcutt means Clalm Claim 6, has already Okay elemen[ KI been discussed which appears and Is ptedelcrmmcd in my opmlon m red on thaBram defines c]alm llearmg ]_mp to emil rcg_dmg K2, me.u_s been thscussed I? of whlch 18 red on dtagram the str_cgme o£ at said defining c lo detecllon Clatm clement clatm o_first claim sel¢c[cd claim K2 has already on board defines Carlson cOncludes claim My pulse first Icvet Okay h_ Mr This to the fonchon go emit hghl K2 s[ructurc K2 is marked m dtagrams the same and I agree elcmcnl The elemenl K2 or the comparative del_n_ relevant al said lamp and It reproduce M r Carlson sffUclure to perform said responsl', m my opinion 21 thai nccc_sa_ condlllon 16 Accordingly, m¢]ud_ light fads it nccessaz_ o£dlummallon WITNESS 20 needed £or causing THE 2_ Page voltages 15 24 10/27105 components COOK 22 K l of [he compar_n_ • clrcutt MR 23 of' whlch K I _s marked includes 14 a r_gar thng struclure operallon se]ccled My opinion 13 has selected [ behove I ha'.e and gube]crncn| Carlson which dim or bnghl said 12 to Mr which threshold level II on board KI structure with regards Io whteh K2 my opimons on coP_ff_cllon oC the element5 final opinion counting ts In relation ']'his oplmon 500 to I]1¢ tsgue Is. if the sensor Markman of mcans Hearing claim 10f27/05 Page 501 OO503 seLectlon clrcuitry, 4 m_ax_ 5 weald bnc£ DESA 6 pulse count mg Ctrcutt_ 7 control defined 9 9. by claim elements Moreover, is expressly 14 precludes 13 circuit means two conthllO_ 19 [hat the patent 20 Of the colllrol 21 dtagram clatrn$ would in figure Ctrcuzt m a Iogeal 24 topology 2._ prescnllng oflhe call In Vl_' 2 of the dcsngners _.ay 6, 9, to consldct often design 12 counting the of the I0 and II it seems odd to me count schcraallc the high level ¢_pcc_afty when mg _ part Hearing the schemalic The or 10/27/05 claims Page 502 o_ the Clrcuttdeslgnp¢_p¢ctlV¢ 7 one or two 8 dayhghl, 9 lamp I0 deterged Lhat IS off. [amp control 12 These three ]3 puxposefully captured lhc lop row ofczrcuil That's 17 bere. 40 thal _s mouon based setC¢llOn THE WITNESS including llmcr block 0906 -- 52 Thclo_c blocks 52 above ctrcuit_/is this my pointer here and ovcmdc I'm ou[[imng row of circu_l conffol row of ClrCtUl dlagr'aras, _,larkman JA In the is sel OUl m 42 through - 43 through pcrhal_ beilom io be Forty-three 21 25 wlth diagram block_ Is set oul In the muldlc modulatlon seem CltCUil/y number. circuitry 24 of that mode dtVlSlOns 20 with on combmaoon m the schemalic read the COOK So Ibe logic for the blocks MR I'm oullmmg or a mode clrcuitry lhls row of cffeUlt .. 1 cannot 23 Io choosc implementing functmnal the dcleCllort 16 conthtlons ]ogle the of from a funCllOnOfdclccung dlm or bright l I appropnatc speaking layoul thcdestBn some e'. cnL_ and then between _md the gr_phlc broadly predclcrmmed performlng I see paral]ehsm claims descnbe, 6 22 diagrams a dCSl[J1 to others Markman 4 of this palent and then diagram, struclute 19 thncuonal teaching functlonal I read the claims (he sebematlc IS _s pz'c_enlcd axvange 3 ]3 upon by DE_A out pulse sludled 14 schcmallc, control Of [he way th;ll the sch cffkailc patent that mlm_c_ 6, ou[ mcap$ and comment tirol contention, CIrcuit pulse circuit 2 5 dlffcrcnuauon as pan -* contentions AS to D ESA'$ Cla_r_ control of claim of Claims elements called thai because included Claims, is exprc_ty o£ the docmne being thai the CirCultx 7 m nonasscned D F._A contends tt from 23 ¢ou_tmg c,'fl led out as pa_ l ha_ e been _ked these cnrcull patent ts part of the Ot' the deiccizon means I 3 m Cla_m 12, the legal contended A and I Of the _sert_d pulse as a pa_ of the control 16 of the conlrol h_ of the '066 CIrcUIt rathcT th_TI _ I 0 and I 1 because 11 be _ tt should be, claim element C 1 and K I In its Markman 8 as ] Echcve When I constnJed to not include the pulse 3 then the pulse counting 22 8 19 "['hc stnlclure 2 counting 18 ¢slabhsh hlgh Thal'sJ Justamomcnt ] e]crncnt$ A and i w_¢ t7 7 versus mghltlme M_sengdl off The circuit Iognc circuit., [hal whtch the logic ¢lrcult_ 6 [ OO$02 12 to determine 3 level of hghl Markman l 0 4 as the to outpul an appropnage 15 elcm_l Io include mclud_ The structure The structure 3 on diagram vo]L%ge dlvldc_3 clrCUll Is nec_$_ 14 perform the [lsnctton 25 I thagran_ 2 Is c]a(m in _ as well a voltage voltage rcprescntatlve The device the pholc_ell r_LSlOr$ ] 3 rcgpcc[ively del_n_ has selected hghl scnsmve includes I0 24 _d thaBrams The stnlctur¢ 9 have sclcclcd In my opmlon s_usor meax_, is marked 6 J of the comparauvc 12 or low beta discussed on board J The gLnlClUr_ of which 7 whlchalso mlddle block ,rod all ofthe c_rcuttry thal lanip ts tel out in thc as l*m outhmng l[earmg here I0/Z7/05 Page 503 OO_O$ 1 L thm.k thul w_ _ _RF:_X _ t_,p d_ctncd 1 3 _ _ _ _nth r_ _u a f _¢ d_c_m 1 whe_a 3 m_ s_ _j_s fozs vr_ c_y 0x fuam_ z_lmlc_l th_ the first _0.so_ a beJam._s m _ 10 _[_s_d _:_ cou_d s_sor 8 ir_lud= mr..,_s 9 ! have b_ 11 file h_o_ 12 e_.m_z _owu that ninths" Cl_ ex_ly 13 am_ that the '_6 the ¢_mal p_'_t 12 nor my o_h_ c_m hmtL_ m p_L_ c_,una_8 w_e c]ai_ w?m_ the _'an w_ 14 filc_ As m D_A*s 20 cannot b_ _1 s_ co_on cf _c c_rol _ cl_'m_ mc_ 22 ezra.sly c_]l_d _u_ _s _ Im'_cn 23 mmms nn C_am 24 eI_t_ 12. [ with ofCI_tm _ly to po_ _ amo_ mc_'._ _s[_t _th _t L I ¢Ls=l_ of the means as _ Moreover _fchaned hng ar_tmer_ f_" excluding 14 c.o__1 ¢_t6mt m_ eLem_ts ofCIttm 17 Mr Carh©n II cloncnl_ s cuntc_uun Urd_ke Chart Fur_ef. 10,'27/05 Page redeadant _be o_inal *_ 3 _d the I A_ a t¢_uh, 3 K2 m the cl_m.¢ nec¢_'=nty ¢t_tnt mea_¢ m Clam 4 _hg the l_t 6 ¢h_,_m 12 tmde_cores m _rl_ w_ to ac_on of the suber&v.z4¢ d those subot&nate wnth re_'d _r$_m_L EoDESA'S d_m I also no_ that the 1_4V: trebroadJyllmtted, 9 t_ ca_t bfl_at of 6 to ftmctlonofcgusmgthelamp hgl_ whoa th= fast Imutttrtrmn:d I0 ts_kt_ct_lmd m erml&m :om_ol _r _t _'_tt_C2 tht_ e]rmm_ L'I fa=t. _ 9 lt::t.st those ¢.J_m C4 a_d K2, _ _1 lae da_ras filed He_rl_ 10/27/_5 Pnee 505 has a _po_hmM spear tic tlttags 12 fo _y _'_ atI c¢cmt mc_tt_ ofth= evem, pa_at office Prior Art 21 s_bon_hna_ cot _o[ c_tc_l¢lum ¢_cat_ 22 t_ _,_em_n ftmgu_a 23 hght whc'a the f_t 24 to ea_! _ abeent of cta_ng the lamp would be =t forthcr I & pulse c_0_mung Is not included _rc_tcrmm_ &m hght when the _ zonthttoa u_ dclccted _'ed_tom_cd 23 7.5 Markm=n He, ring 10_3/0_ THE COUgT that the _tttls¢ co_t _.4 dt _ecnon ¢o='_Juo_ ts Page ql_ of the from the Nippcn of the claim ele,ntmts thsdauntth to cooclttde I. tt _ou/d that tf of the set.or _¢_r_/ude_l_ = cLrcmt m eav, s el=am or gctect_n L_ ra= _k Is put oftha yoe, it = yo_ opm_oa conlr¢:l ¢=rct_t, r_t the ¢lr_ut? 31_EWLT_F_g_ No Your?Rlnor MarRnmn JA 0907 is or'the as a lnmltauon of the prmlar/contrOl cxch_: ¢lh-'a:ota C_ mdKl 22 aad Aaad re.on o_Jv _1 not that decthranon puke cottnl_t_g has _ _ 21 _r¢ suborcb_ m ¢:n,t bnglg Tht_z any mtcyp_elahon 17 2O hmttauon othcn, ac t:t_tan3y the M¢C_wt _,tt Cttm_ of ust_d_ ¢:acompas_ aad pc_stbly to d_ua_msh t9 mcza_datm¢_¢mca_ I_y the_.,nt lok_ lh¢SAag_Jfoacttcnof"the _u:gery f no_ th= Mr o_t teqtur_ the r_;it._loil gtmt_al cat ¢1:¢ _ th= by follooang 16 that doel clmm elcm_ nn the pramaV d =Ira ele'mt'nLs C I _n _ f,x-ner a_ _tlegoty sp¢¢= ft= tlun_, 11 these I _ C _'armc _ciKl stDordmate C4 =d a_ly ore or mote or =t matler o f gramnllr mcJta_d ment_or_ i3 optalon s_borda_I© Io [/,quaJi5cd by [hephr_¢, wbcZcta $_d co_ol 2.0 _ "l_c Io_cal exehtde Hemen_ 10 o_ l't Hoa_" my _ent [fSCI _ c_admon CI and KI Y_ 16 e_rorthere _d the e.la=m ¢ltm_'n t (22 throush 8 "v.ake_ it c]¢gr thai the g_ral hght wben the 5rsl All o_=_e su_ e_em 17 L a_v_ 5 lrgl K I 7 spcr _.q¢ things A_d. o f Cl_,n then CTaim J *t c4rmot be _,a_d that the _x p_.s the h'k chbood t_ me_ OO5O7 bctwcc'_tbe ¢_usi_:_ ofCl_m 3 ¢¢_ol 84 pn_..r] _t soctalext _n:may, blarkraau pmvtstoa 13 el_nca_ LL, wotdd m_m.s da_m pa_enl a_tca_on 504 fr,'a_ the lO and c_t_y ofCl_ as I have bee_ • pained c]ai_ 12, i f _',e fiv,_ sm_ 2 12 6, 9 that the _rnsor of the 8 ltltKl _re of C_ the s_uoa 2 _=tmq and *n_l_ton or" p _.s¢cou_nng _ p_ 5 the patent fde ;_L_0ry slmwt that CI:Um 3 was among L5 ¢._ He.lnug wholly 23 I_ snn_ a pasalv c wh_h 3 amorxg lhc _66 do not include 22 _oaktbe _s _o_uoo _ot l_dse e_3_tmg I thd not mcl_u_e the P_R sele_on 24 wo_d daf_tlal_on compd 20 clalm_ t_ I wh_h for de_e_tmg m©uon 13 of Clam conm_l _L_Ull umg_ssth _ the only _n.so_ 19 wtth ut_e s_mors _'_t tbe r_e the 'O66 _l_t Markmau OO_O_ I mcc_trnc7 _£ _ ofa !:¢rson or an o_ec_ "Tats '_oukt be [o_t_dly Zl of Claim morton roltn*.¢ LOstud 10 in frare_ deteccor p_se o_g 6, 9. clatm clcm_t for detc¢._ m_s 1 _ exnst_¢_ 19 8 to a _swe a P[_ L2 included =l_]t_r_ m_.as gs m_ 7 t]e_[ s_k_ot md _ ae¢ofdm m e_tr_ t_lt_ _?DES._comenl_a_co_c_toChtml2, 6 _$ dclined 8 12 _ m _r_ly An app_c"_a_ $e_ot _d d_eclor 4 _,_ 3 u; as fOllows C_mm 2 CL_n He=tin Ircmyclpinlotl 8 10fZ7/05 Page 507 00.*_ I d_ d_¢ pub¢ ¢ounl n pitt or wh_ 2 Lh_ d:_ctlon TH_COL'RI _ 0_Y q_o_s before c_ 4 _rJlow.up _ 6 COOK Ls I I_¢r_q Th._kyo_ 0_'/ Any Z A No_ ==, I I:.ave B;t ] 3 Q A¢ a pc, xon _u_yml_ Okly Croa? CROSS-EXA.M;_ATi0N BY,fit HIGG/N$ I cm:_l a_l _wmg 9 Q Good _ormng, Dr Mt._san_111? 9 Q ¥o,I _'_¢ I0 A Good momu_, Mr 10 coa_ancd m th= _cm II Pmf_ Q 12 Pro_¢¢ _ llowarayou? Doyouprc_Dr MC_m@IoT Mmsc_/p0? opm_om I_m 16 ¢o=onnu_ the p,_=l |1 A "i_n_ 12 Q ,'_r_ _ou - w_ _[c hL_oty C.OrrCCL you mtormed _ ¢v _lc_:= w_ _Fccl to d¢ p_t=nt mc.¢_ L1¢ tU I11,:h_m,'y a_d Lh¢prior ] whoa 1 _k yeu qu_ _or_ _ 25 _1_1c [ IH=rkJ_ln Hl_nllg _Jvld_nc_, _ th_ Pnge 50S 10_05 m_r_,c I_ a_l 91at you ¢_n u nd_"_._d ,'Hark.m_n 00_I0 2 _td_mc_ 16 1¢_2Jtcm_ tar.an 24 Q u par_ otyow e_ldC_ce _md ¢_mmlc 19 patCnl docum¢_! i_¢h'ar_l "1"1_1 cer_ cm_ cJa_m_,corrc¢_ _nd _hal _ _ho com_c_s 18 m_l¢ 20A thc pascal. aJt.oa._cd (o L_cJ_lCl ¢¢r_n 14 ¢o_ethm 8 c,_l_d mm_rc [$ you h-'v_ mo_ Rccndy d_cmsed. 25 al ;m ¢¢_¢_ m a _ No, YOL7 Honc_ TH_COUR'P 7 i I hi_¢ idc_cd S©I=¢_on ccrcwb-y Hear_n_ 10/Z7_05 Page G0511 A 3 ( bci._vc [ sc_ I_:I_ CO_1 _ 7 th= pncr =tO 9 A I I BY _ My cl_'J_ b Lka _'o_ _t d=_ ffJG_LN5 12 Q As [ un_tand I) your _Ltmony _, Lhc _ua_cny _ ba._d _a_ y_u hay= j_1 on _._o pm_a_7 d_rocn_ 12 Q m 13 Now -- so m _h¢ _.x_ o/'a Pro, _ LI)_m" 0_m_ that L_ P[_ ¢_Wl d_:l moho_ wldloul scle¢_on 14 _=tu_'y? IS Th_ _ _ _h_I tho s_n_ I _ un_l_l m tbe_e m_ 17 l_'_rm_ _ I$ zn _Um._nd_cha_ 19 A I bd_'v¢ _ur¢ _lled wh:u ] s_d s_=d _n_nm, y_ 21 And _a:on_y, _al Q 2_ 24 25 _rta/_ Dol 29 cnurc 22. b_ _¢i¢n/to la_ dram _am cna_c _as be c=p=ble IS A IdodlbehevIdt=f;wh_ 17 Q And tb_ :s will wb_d_ wa_ ,_]z_z_d sm_.a_i y_a {o air.ion r_on m_ 21 so d'Ju _h© c:¢_1 _il a _p_'_ _ 22 _)¢ 23 Q You u_cd 0_ c trmi "_nv _ion _pe.cl/_¢ s_uc_m'_ I_ st_cat [r_d y_u ¢sll Lh_ _ i_.m_ _el_ed W _ l_=t'_nn d_= _n_.T_ lolm_m_Rtd¢ IlZ.ld. ot h_vc_conca7 was sul_au _ _ m_t a 24 _odolhavothalcorr_c_ M=rku_n H_rm_ 10/27/05 Pnl_ $I0 Now, _ dm_ _:l_uon m any lar_ 25 A sclcct or d_._r tmm,_c _a_ - ot moaon to emma L_ lamp IO _o o_ _dc_c_mlmc_ ot any ¢I_m_ m _ co,trained p_w_t? "1_ word "p_deJ_m_a_d." M_rkman JA 0908 '_ He_nn 8 10.,7.%05 PageSl[ 509 005t2 I Q Well. 2 *designer what [ j_[ scl¢cllon asked cn[cna wa_ whether the ICrm Oh 4 Q That's not in a_y clalm S A I don'l recall v.ord 6 palcnt no. sir 7 Q Is there 8 cntcna 9 A And In _c _lng abottl _ being designer m the selection you N_w. a[I of your SP[CE tra_ they were all conducted 12 clrcutt 2A I_ that and 2B demonstra_lo_ Tha{'s I behev¢ that's contained 13 pa[¢n_ 14 A That's 15 Q D=d you do any 16 clrctltt ' [7 A Na I$ Q Dtd you build any 19 patent Io _ imdcrsta/td 20 A D=d I bultd 22 A Such as what 23 device 24 Q Now. you_lUl_sedd_edC_lcclhatblr 25 ._ it _as m the '066 corr¢c[_ slmulatmns on any other 8 A I don't No_ to _:tlcr a physical Mt demonstrated de, Evan_ in the th_ Icachmgs Q Mr you recall built 2A thc 2B device ha_ ¢ teatlficd 13 A Yes sir Q And that se]ec[lon 15 enabled thai dcvlc¢ ht$ hand con'ect clrculO3_ In your the mo_lon clrCUltq/allowed Q Now A Yea sir, [ did 23 Q That device, 24 conlaln 25 A Page diagram clrcUllry as opinion Ofa pcrgon as hc or h*s ale',iCe, _ The selection 22 10/27/05 that to the ¢lrcul[ selection o_ cr Ih¢ motLort pOrhOn 2[ Hearing according to detect form Markman e×actly _t_ouldbeco_'e¢l_f i_dld 20 corr¢c_ did you aF,o u[ cortcct'_ ice _ courlr,_am for one" him saying [hat 1I did conlam dlszrlmlnat¢ E_ansbulll "one wl_.taw 19 [ did nol butld a term h¢_nng i[_ did _ NO the d_dyou- Evans I g A of the hc used 14 17 d¢_ ice _mg budl patent htm say that 1 [6 _alvcd sir. I dtd not was in the '066 my tmdcrstandtllg 9 12 co,oct SPICE hear [ I in figure the actual {hal Ihat device diagram corrcct'_ I0 :rod your concerning understand Io _h¢ clrcul_ 6 Q pa[¢nt signal I did 5 A 7 (hos_ _or_ Q figt_c 4 ts it '_ "selection any dlsct_slon at all No( the I I [hat type of morton of infrared dldyouwlmcssMr any hl_ circuit o_er perhaps [o some othcr radlalton Fromhls Raper'_dcmoreatvatlon_ howe_ selection cr cn_d¢ it m_ght ctrcuflt_, lestlmony did b¢, did nol tt i_s mytmdcrstandmg_t Markman 512 did Hearing 10/27/05 Page OO515 OOSI4 I not I arl _hen Q AnddldyoustudyMr 3 A Y_ 4 Q So from $ know - you 6 ht[]¢ device, 7 A Raper's Rule 12 statement h_s testimony saw and the clrcull, _¢ from hts conlro] statement ¢lrcutt you ofhts con'egt _ "_¢r¢ v_,_r was no selection cl_cul[ry m that wa_ A Actually II Q And 12 A 13 in _acl 14 arva_gcd IS Q His Mt what I_$ pholo_ell Ilt_m T_al's ¢orr=ct i$ Q Tint's _c 19 industry 20 A No, 6 a r_l$[an¢¢ 7 off_c Photocells ttsual[y network that changes sb¢ll'as And jtts/a then one coal pul _hcm $o you of_hat A Absolutcly [t'_,asapholoccll 13 Q And ork 14 oul,tphotoc¢l],doyourememberlhat 1_ scc you [6 A Yea 17 Q "_es that v, as an offqhc Ihey come purchased by peoplc m ; oRag¢ de;ices hght_ thal ha_c and they come In a voltage v, Ill be from dl;idcr _1low to to a high or o_" hght have In the ha'.c Ihe pholocel] Q _© photocell _¢ arc b,_lcally [he threshold Icvel t mcludc put m his Wllh incident 12 he called v, here Raper do _ol include Photoc¢l[s iI thcr¢_ dJ_Jdcr _lv, way divider lhat be_ co_ec[I A A 5 a parhcular that'S a pholoc¢ll 17 dcmonstratton 4 iI doesn a_ Mr I0 demonstration Now to phot_¢ll such choose wa_notabarcphotoc¢ll m _ _ o]lag_ refer 9 Higglml would 3 8 _ 10 _cy 2 off-_-shelftl©ms _ I did Is_wh_,aczrcuztdlagram Q _cr¢ 2 Q 3 according 10 9 Yes "_ 3 A 2 OO513 I A your rcad 066 o_n the '066 patent, patch11he correct abstract _ simply calls _ Thal'sa[[abl copy [ Ihcre _ Thc,_b_tract_ 18 THE COURT 20 MR H[GG[NS Arc you t_[kmg about the _ str his circuit 21 Q Andlhatwas 2_ A Yes, 23 porhon 24 I11¢ selection 2_ Q sir Or thts had an cx_ema[ reststot 21 -you_yflla['ssclec[iortclrcmtryl As I ha_ ¢ dcfincd [ defined the voRag¢ 11 for _¢ dl_tdcr pholo¢¢ll _ part of clrcm_ry So is it your lc$[imony that Markman p_op[c skilled Hcar[nR in this 10127/05 PaRe 514 patent includ¢_ THECOURT 23 THE B_ 25 Q MR ma'am WITNESS RL_ht Y_S faccofth¢ Oh, okay it says a photocell IllGGINS No_ _s_lyouropmlonthalpeoplcskdlcdmthe 51arkman JA 0909 The a_ abstract 22 24 No Ilearlng 10/27/05 PageSl5 513 00516 I mtow_x_h d_ _ 2 a pholo_dl 3 A 4 _ _1_ 5 Q At _honn 0_17 p_sms would not _d=sumd wh_ A pmson sk:d]_ Lq i,he _ = photocell wo_[d 4 of d_e p_nt, s pb0:cc=l156 _c_ psmc_ty _¢ I&_ And _en he t_0k h_s h_d and he p_E it m _qd c_t. 5 dc_-r m_d ra_T s_ I_ne I S, 6 slg_J c_ge._ It prcs_oc o_ _ncc $ Q wot_ tmdcsstm_ _ I I would _ 12 A A pcJson fJ_[l:d m _¢ ts a Itf.td ]_ssuv¢ _y, a phot_cll II t_-_c_ttnd COURT 16 "i_l_ W] _.SS i 7 tbC ¢_Cf'S A TL"_0uld _d, thai hxIIc _c_ll _¢ on his or a_cnce N_ 16 Q Your H_nor, on of Now o f hSht ss 5e w_ = contmuoml_ w:s oh:mS'mSwt_h _c love1 of tJBh_ _h_t p_u_cu_ 17 photc_U (0 d_'t_c p& by d_e u_unt bsc.k _qd Cor_h, so _=* I $ dsyllgh( In _t r_y_=,_7 of what h_ w_ _ _o, It v,_ bern8 mod_b_l 13 ou_ut voi_=se _ d_t ce. a.nd at cord d be *_.sed Wtth_d _d cbcb_*tt(? t)c_d, dc_cczm_ _c p_mcc 12 moved h_s ha_ th_ a td T'r_ li_m thc b_c phQ(_U. 10 _tlSh_ Ce_unly 15 IS _t weald So wasn't _ 9 ?1_ _oto_cll the pre_mc= or atu c_c,= of day]_[? 13 pS_¢_Z[ 14 m _ j_t xw_ th=e _. of _ it yo_" _3unl_t_ L_t pcoptc s_llcd m th= arl L0 of the _56 I_c_t tnd LSm you saw th© s=S_J _ge, 4 Q s _yn_ 9 m_lmC, 3 A a_;ol_t ely m:sns 6 Lzdtscx_.T,_thcopo_onm_lax.tpmof=[_lotocJ=ll 7 ssy_ t sun"lzlc 2 &_tn't you7 "_u xn dx_ ccmt_ct_ vol_.ge i_ _L_l_ve dcmors_l_oa. _hcF=_xt c_ [ don'L k:_ow stco_unm 4 &c_s on _s_y detcc_ dlc p(_m z or _m cncc or"day]tsht _nd dayiA,_c 19 "_ COROT ZO "F_ W'_'_ESS ha'c rmght m_J_ Zl 22 tl, c dm_:rs Ok_ FO_ c_sm_c, _c p_o:U, th_ to0m 1_t_t m It m1_1[ no_, _S BY MR. _GGD_$ 24 Q 25 _m t4_w,t_t Mr t.be photocet_ M=rkmsn O_cc _c pho_cdl 22 A COr_L 24 d_l_ht Rs:g_:_s demon_tt,'_t_,helutdahtt]o _tlt_ a IiuIe f._tp, tl_t _e put o_ Y_ _0 Q hss dct¢c_:d, tt p_t_:c_ m on _=_ 23 t9 A HearlZlg _nd n_.et pcruon _'_ o£ _ 25 A to 10/2"//05 Page cmc_,t. _rr__ M_rlunan 516 H_r_ng L0/_7/05 PageS1/ 00J19 I Q Cea_ct_ SotTsal d_dayllgi_t _dd_-/llghtdedect 2 _ZX[reset ]_t%ma. _7, L_I tS Shown _1 fi_u_ 3 cu..'_dtnd_tofth_sc_or, 4 _htt w}_t LI_: _ot A the_l_to_:ll_:_sar Irmu_,'r/ a day_l_ bdt A_d you ,u_ s_ym_ Iba_ tho_¢ r=_stor_ tnd 3 ¢apa=tto_ _ 4 l_t_Eed [w'_sloekmgaLrayd_s_xe_ Phot_¢ll 2 Q S=yS7 6 m_ten_you==dMr 7 Q I //¢1c two [_lStOl_ a_d a e.ap_lt o¢ 2A. ts of the A TI'cl_t HIgh.s7 _6 _:t_Ls somctbl_ = to _ o1_ th_q wh=t Mr No you zre - I_:e I s:ud. I'm no_ _yms 6 z18_11 _L1JIvc you _e _a_tly o0rr_L md t_n m _a 10 Q - coupled to _ d_[If_t 9 Q Andts_'t t_=t d_w_7 10 t=VC (0 be bl_ed dctc_ a_d r_r_[ pot Uon Ll_t n'_t II 12 Q o-s=r_luve IO whltcv_" 13 A _'=¢=ot_¢0fs¢=._or=m&_eml The p_cll I; Okay Q thc_ n du: s_. 17 A u_lt_a'sthew_yrt, "nxs_-yet [flcoeidret_nyouto_._ rc_'_t 2t II s concct, t._[ 22 s_mr,Jc _ 23 sn _eu.d_dnt _o f,c_sc7 [fSt_mo Forex_tnp]e, dlepho(oceIldo_nol 16 ne_..dt_ be bl_ed e=_ufied 17 Q So y_j w_uld =_lr.e wxfft mc I1_, tl'_ b_r c PIP, C_t Ar:t y_J _._ F.n __-= P._p_s_:_on to tl-e p[_? It. _ Mr Ral_s the b=e PtX did d:t_t Itrde mo_n 21 ofa _c_ Q 22 vl_ Fts F.=d m_r 5_ P_t, r_d did J_J C_:_,¢7 t_ Not toa_&,_: v_th ye_ at_e_ _pe_ they a_l=_kcd d_ags'_ 20 w_ 24 A are_ _y dcv=c_ m sene_'_l. _n¢l th= piP. tl = 15 _m¢onda=t_d_vt¢c _am_cO _ "llut s _ltcxL 14 of _¢wa¢onducmt y_. aot o f the mr. I_ Q _rr =t7 A._ddu:d_I_¢md_t_c_r_po_on$7 L6 ts of ti_ c_r_at _t 18 tl _n t_e were to be- IZ A tl_cs_r_r A m ord= Li $7 of the ct_'_O 14 A (o be - Cor_.L SO ti_ pi_t_:lhs _ rise ;_"_ence or a_smce o f 9 A 13 Q R=_' t;_e o¢¢Iu'._7 bx_ on -- o= _. Mr Htt,_ns.b_ quate, btm P_ M:zrlcm= du:_c v,_'m boe:d there n Hea tin 8 24 d_r_zt3, u_ rz'.ed=ht=_. "_¢r0 I 0,q7/05 P=ge Markm_a 51g JA 0910 He=tin 8 10,'ZT,'flS Prise 519 0052O _521 I A A_ly, Mt R_8_'m_thePlR 2 tl_hl:als_mblr 3 eteJl_ng _nBr_p_to _band.=_dlt tha tt w_ 4 mou_ofcmirlc. I /m] JtU:_ ;aid* tbe eh:mgt$ 2 tl_tt _ll_is_u respondn_ (o.,_hu:h was cau_J by the BullCllr_mlhcb_| _cl t_t 3 p_r_on or object rclauv¢ 4 _* T'he _xzmple 5 Q 6 Q So :s ttimpott_t 7 between _S ezlet_/a_d to _,_a that there's n_pons_vc mnt]on_ 9 I_ttfym 8 tn fins Cm_" i'm ;_t il e daITe'rm'a to yc_ _ a person to _: as Sm_se as poss_¢ weth [ respl_d I_l 19 BY MR 20 Q W¢I|. bttt, Yo_" HIGGINS of a _u_e 2_ A 24 cen_nl¥ Th=nky_. Ho_r, t_ag_ T_E h_dmto t_'t _ a r_ul( 2 p_X'e=L "Fe=r_ of t_e mct_n urda_tly WITNE_ _mkm_ _ Hcanng 10/27/05 3 nr._e_rc [o t[_ _lpmmd. 6 BY _ 7 Q COURT be - thc_: _votdd _bll be a _gn=t't_re 9 e,r¢_ ¢m_l_ i 0 w_r_ II 13 Mr Rzp_- u_.,ed 14 bzs_b'aJl_ I_ A e_ac that _I R =f_'mn 8 TrlE 25 "D'IE COURT 7 hg_ ;o._ kc_ _ whm '_z_ the ¢_'¢u_tde_ec_ a sJg_. f_.an_ ¢han gcm Q I_ Q and l =_tee _th Page 521 the sprat or"whJt you _e str _owhe_b,tr *- i_ w_ Rapcrwa_vcdli_ebat P[R was d_t_ttng - cxct_c _c, - v.hat w_ a was _ hght so_rcc_ pm,_t.c_ = ¢h_1t¢ m by a s_are_ corl¢ct_ It we_ rc_0ondm8 to t cheng_ m mfitrcd It f.ht An4_';wl'atthep.'_eml_ysat_oltu_n3 It's-y_,slr hsays, hne eachrespo._velo Okly Now mMJ" Kzl;_s [6 agt_: that la'_cIxm: PEq. was _t:rc Y_.dlcc_cu_t_smom(onn_ to _-,e t=m_p dmt0_tt=an, slnc=wc and it dct_:lCd the mouon 17 of both = p¢_un tnd _m obj¢_l, it &d _o wtthout .m_. f_r .u_os I S s¢lc_aoa csmualry, d_dn t it _ 19 A 20 - _11. I n:_llo maJ_ s_ 21 _ou md I qpt_ t_._ t_ ,_as .p_z a b._-e pIR7 22 A I wall ae_ 2] f k'_ow 1hat hm'$ yotc o_h_r _aa the bu=m&, do 20 mfrared 2i w_[b )_u. NO S_ _zzs- 10/27/05 d_lp_c o f I"dicn/_ going on, bat i ]olow wh=l -- m frued I_t A ;luiLgc_ 18 cbm&cs m thaz vol_a_¢. 24 A Hearing 14 m fra. ed [tght produced by somce_ _lemal 17 G'c c_t_u_ o f Lh_ = s_u-_ors,,rod Lt rs Iook_ Q Okay 12 2_, eo_¢¢t? pIR_ 16 d'cc_q_ofr_ch_c_or morton ts m_=mg tl_ 10 sot,tee, ye=, _n" chm_;c m d_c ouq0ut of c_th_ aud LEe Loud.die Wall W]TNEX_ Tlhlnkyou. 9 A 43. or th= ¢_.._ut, _ppe_ed beeaus= xs be n; _7 g =atere.al u) Lhe_rdo_, T_s_.sorsQla.'_dQ2 w_t over I.hal _ gul a _= n=dly n:a_ 2_ II I n_, m ba_kgrotmd m _ated 3 _._ylng s_or 1._ "II',IE COURT" of tl_ mn_n. or his hand. thc bile po_on. &'.cczs any sq_fic_mt eh_e eneqgy 6 _dtn:a_ _o a det_lor wtOt that, _me 22 Okay g _caI.Lma3.a_hncs34d_muSh]6 If thereo- mfr_ 2 p:*tt _-e _l_g the m frayed what the pa_enCsa_? L)_ ha_d Y_,Yo_rHonot move3 tow_'_ the P[_-, there would be _om¢ chaise It wo_d 00_23 I th_'] H[GG_,S And e.n't d_ bnngmg the Bcca_c _ofnfi_.acoon_ ]8 4 Q _ catr_ Markman bodyt,"_c_,_ Pl_ k _ PI_ THEWITNESS Page520 So a's kind _n"a iv._-,_cp m_zCeOf=_rm Woulda_'t tbe act o f bonging COI/RT c_rl,_t_Iy is minion 2L IS 3 _¢$UJI Of mO UO_ Of a _'v_O9 Markman VilB stj_n =rta=. 17 m be_kffmtmd 20 m heat, a? PI_ _ d_a=an_, l to m_ared e_e_gy when Lbe_e n m_uc_ _ _ L_ambltOfLhc 15 V_wel[ hea_ -- ¢ha=8c_ -- that is r_ mymg m ob_et, _ enea'l_,, not tnc_de_t Mot ton ¢,an e_._ e c."tanJ_es m mfrafed 19 revolved T_c_ c,lt30_lf _ d7 i_ only _cn=uv_ _,'_d the c_Se_ 13 tr0m I£1GG[NS LEafs sayl_l these'aso: it, would 9 Q f 6 tf the ha_ B'-q whoa a PIR seea_ Z$ Q _retty thffcr_t _ _ htshazd_er t deteel 10 14 th_ MR. HICrG[thS 16 may tt wouldn m mfrared 12 Heal SOU_ t_ n_. I$ thu yoa Just ga_ c u zrue NO. tt woLdd not became a P_ A of Lbe t t_ I I c=rt_n]y 11'_ CO_q_T 14 rrr_uon mouon, 8 eh_ges f3k=y 13 ,vlthout to that set,sot. _ Rape'rbeld A_d a'Mr ? A _e _orc_ 't.e _e 12 (_ 21 _=8 6 Io changc_ In medent m f[a.'r.d 'kre _ 10 A = dJffe_enc_ m me ld_'tl m fi'al_ed meTgy ts produced hy the mouon etm_g¢ _e_e w_ac_pac_'o_ HearJu_ to my other c"a_e 22 Q And Jm't t_at a de_ct_on 2], A Ifs d_te¢_ng hal =s well m m frat cd CnerSy by that P12.7 a ehlmge m infi'_ed _e-j_', )_, 24 str Lh¢ 10/2"//05 energy due to the l'.an d and Lheb=ebttl as it w_tdd _pmad 25 Q Markmaz_ II *- I o_ecrved d respond Io the ch=mges m Page And t_ fnhared en_3ty el _r_ly MackJrta_a 522 JA 0911 coael=e_ Htarln8 to 10/27/0_ Page523 005"24 0052_ 2 A 11wu 3 Q $o srl _;m rr.t_ you 1o co[unto 6 of _e patcnJ7 4 AI m,umn 5 u some 0 f tu..n n'ovir_l It5 h,_ _ QI tad Q2 deu:_a m_Jon, the way _ He specffic_,_om _beanSd_ed. de_c_bes 'l'e_'_ w_ AJ_d ffutt_ whtt you ase _femng ^ad 6 ;ec¢,m_ then theu:*'._d h_lfkmdor that ¢_-e, czl _a 10 I_e _u: bmprc_pc.d7 W_hlbebllf, 16 slm_e hlmnd=? .*rod so _h_t 17 n Wt_'_ I| _andswmf.o_,-y tl_t Wealt bct(r.cnt a_dc7 Wflhtb¢o177 He _uem the vm_'_ _y_ w_e t_m8 you ju_l qt;otcd. Uh-I.,ub. I¢ Q Just hke the fu_ the same, v._re_1 The Items c_une _ 20 I_¢ mmmg 21 Q 0f th= evil iS He s¢_unly Cve_t Ih_ Mr Yeelmtme. The w'ty those t_o devr.es 73 _e, in Hc _0_ 24 Q 24 wtth _ 2_ the eVenL_ were He =am_, wt_e_t Whdc tts ta =cer4 - Markmaa Hearing 1_27105 Page 2 A 2 DR Q C._n_t 1! A |1_ |2 And Here w=t no seler.hon ¢_z_y Q 13 doing [h_. wu _'c7 la _r _ 1¢; A I h,v_ no_ s_udJ_ 17 b=_eve hz sa_ IB Q dewc=? the_c w_ 0f whir you _ 20 A Ao_Jly. 21 _ 22 J'_ ¢z_c f_y no nd_:tton 5ov._Hm_u_or_u_. 19 _ 23Q lus cma_t Mr 7 A Y_, | Andyeuh.'tdMr _d Mr H_lelmeb_dcup will you'_ s_ng PlX? _t_e, A Well 25 _a_c a H_l_m, l _dd I betie_c anqp_fym881ass Markmaa IlcarMg 10,'27/05 Pogc526 10/17_S Page52_ o f tome |o_ g_7 My_mu_ wa_ Som_ to _c_" m "IT_ COURT 14 "_ 15 TI'_ COU_T 16 THEWITNE_S 17 BY _ '_GGII_k_ Okay "n_'re_somevt't7 In Mr _:v_u_ ct_cu_ Ev_x_ or Ra_ "_V'_'_N_ S AJ_d the _kctmn Let's Loek=I_czsetofccastm [ m sorry, Yore H_m Okay Mr I_tpce_a_cust c_-'t_3, to ]usl He ¢onlrot _ how 1,_u _ clrCml tlufs ddMm8 coupling and the outpul of the photocdl to the Urn.p7 Wcll.lt Ioo-ks to me I_te th= P_ mMr R2_m_s_rcmL seaso¢ m d-dvth8 A_dthccomFaa.of _tlm_Jogvoltag¢ofHalPU_,lOSOmctlun_ _ And I_".cl, _o the cutout Markman JA 0912 8 fist_e- sdcc_on c_c_uy 25 _1Ic_k= I_(c LI'Sa _:fcrcn_: b_a | Henna H_'e'_ama_'nl_SSl_.s 13 24 Thl I_mp _a-_c On to Vo_ nccd a _ng TH_'_i'TN]:_S. 22 A - tf I o=uM bmh wu =muhtcd, _dhet I0 _thn 2t c¢_ lucH ez it tad tall y_. they? d¢_nemuatlon TH_COC_T 23 acomparttot hts cnnt'e de_t_, cu_utt_y 20 He ourpm of He PI_. _ ttol C.a'r=_ 24 that Mr Rep_r [ d_d 19 tt _t opted Yc_'rc of He enlue Hc device thai one cancer7 9 18 Q P.q_er took the I ;_ve a_reed u a b_o about the dcm or_-_u_ tl_ P[R, c_ tl_ but ] ¢_rcma V _s be.runs, 12 n_lment_y m_ot'._hn _x devr._ &gotL 6 _u II ISQ w_ked. _3_slsjmttc_mdl You I_ew Q th_stme. Io all of the ¢_cmw/, boat'd_, wt_cn mshmme CARNAL rmson_ 4 nQt _ A ptt_t. little _ O_s27 I belzeYe it h._ 5e]ecuon l_='s they W_w_u Marknun 3 A 7 bm]l acr-ordmB S24 I &m7 bmh on of the bghts? 2J lf$ the prod.,_:m'_ncd moron E,_cusc _ on Hm7 THECOURT- _u Wall. w ;'n: t._km& _3_u_ d_ zc_cn t Irvcl hew.. E'v_ the '068 patent, 22 Mr 25 dO_n daunted bulb came _ They were He _me? Q 20 Q _le devt¢o 17 A 19 22 A the phc¢ccetl 8 to _JI of the ct_mu'/ta 19 vthat do '.re do LbOUhL 21 d_t_zed by the PJR& ¢_rrccl? whe_ the hUIc fl_Mfsht 1_ a ImJe b_l of And t]'tcdezec_.u_ o f He event s mouen betas ctrcu_, of _if_t. I.I A 18 we_ we h_ve detected our c-_mt, aow wl_'uhe _J_d the PI bo:trd Iogethe_ w_J_ h_s _hth_'t Jr_ | $ _¢orc_ wh_ I_,p_scr_de_tton, be:vd _n_'ol II I_e absence lus (ram u Ck:_,n'bm& And so th= part you _Je r_ IS And-mMr 9 put He photocell 12 to _ 14 wcII, howwdl to u He eve_u' 8 Q _l 12 been dooc. I _ it ssy_ uze of what kind of mot_n how the lawp retl.*<luts on_ QI and_2_ 5 Q ¢ovenl It poult_¢o.l_z_ 4 A 9 the thsmmm_uon s_'ne if he_'z, the way t_'; Ixokcn down, m the fL.= half tO to- -Ifa_ 3 moia_? m=_ 8 vm=m m_,_dy R[_C QI md Q2 dmccl mo_n? tha_ u:nmu ^¢maJly, I A 2 Q ?o_. sb 6 of tho p_.l=nt al ha© 2 tad 3, It f,ayl dltl _omt th: u_;on 6 th_ p_:m 7 A I n_l HcaH_g _s- 10/27;05 Page K_7 00529 I SO It'S thscnmmatmg 0_52S I Q Would thatreference leveljustbe thc biasing of 2 B _, MR 2 thc P[R '_ 3 A No 4 3 Q sir h'sthe -tts_ccomporator THE COURT And v.hat is itcompanng 5 compatriot is compRnng _hal '_Companng 4 ) The 6 6 something, isthat_hat you sald 7 somewhere 9 MR I0 THE COURT II THE WITNESS 12 THE COURT 13 THE WITNESS I -welllook 10 Can you m.tke _Iout _ I'lltry,_ o_ Honor Okay Itlooks hke the output o f the 14 PIR sensor goes mlo an op amp that'sbeing _ed 15 amph 16 as an Then IIlooks hke 11goes intosome Raper so thalttlooks hke 20 thing and IfItSocs below lhatrcfcrence itdoes ,_otber 22 So I would co_tdcr 23 The ctrcu;115dcctdmg 24 $1gn;llthat'sch_gmg 25 lhalrucbmemary and it'$deciding well inone case 1 _ant todo one thing m other c_se I _t Markman todo _othcr Hearing 10/27/05 Page to do that's ho_ this tts stgnal, lamp correct clreutt op,_rates COUR P to try to come up l_lth MR 13 THECOURT 14 (Break) copy I think And _-e'll I'm going a better HIGGINS lake copy Very COURT _ell Were MR HIGGINS plamttffs of this perhaps Your We'lltakea THE our mormng Io aak the an Honor 15 mmulerecess we able Io find a betler i Regrettably, Your[{onor web',ere nol 19 rilE COURT 20 MR HIGGINS area of examination thfferent THE 23 thdn't 24 anything 25 thai know All right Sol'mgomgtomo_etoa COURT if yota th fferenl Let mc looked or anylhlng _ c app_ently ask Mr at it o_ef don't the Massengdl, break else you want ha_ c a better copy Markman Hearing I or saw to say about 10/27/05 Page 529 Page 531 0O531 I THEWITNESS c_not read 3 thts THE 4 B', 5 Q 6 Mr 7 correct "_ 8 A 9 so [ don't 10 Q MR 12 do 13 Q YourHonor lapolog_ze I [just COURT Dr 3 Okay M_sengdl ii _s coffcct report That's to sludy correct think I could But did you That thal read try thai w_s not one February same cnher before now of the tasks ha'* e had 5 represemcd 6 A ldo 7 Q The 9 on Higgtns ) to no.$tr Would 14 bonkupthcrc'_ 15 A you re fer to tab 79 of the _.lmess ThtslsDr Paulus binder report 16 Q Andspectfically 17 ofthal rcporL rm A All right 19 Q Do 20 portion II amphfler comparator 12 correct 13 A Thats 14 Q Okay you topagc 10 THE with 21 A Yes 22 Q Directing 23 says 24 power you recall Dr PauluS tcstlfymg about Ido your respoct altentlon _o Mr to the demonstraltOn q'he PIR sensor to the tcxt Rapor's Dr dcmonstral_on ClrCUtt was in the det_tcd _,larkman both Paul_ the input folm the motion Ileanng of of Mr 10/27105 Page wLth the includes JA 0913 the filler clreUllS That's contained report is _hal Dr ctrcult mcluthng the fihc_ed and logic cffcults be says, COURT amphfier v, hafs Raper's yes Arc Paulus Isn t thai sir you MR question HIGGINS Your asking h_m if be agrees TIlE 20 B'_ MR 21 Q 22 chzraclenzatlon 23 bdr 24 A 25 thagram That was gom_ to be my next Honor COURT Okay HIGGINS Do Raper's The you agree that wnk oFthe h_tle clrcu_l diagram Dr resportse thagram or figure ] ha_ e not studted Paulos*s circull as contalncd on _ 12 is a functional ho_ Markman 531) abo_e block that or if thai s _ hat he says '_ 19 th_s ° logic response what in the dlagrara circuit) Mr the 18 of his reporl batteries IOrefer from has called 16 Now response circuit and I0 17 18 _tth going responsc thai figure 15 All right ctrcult it says response the comparator is m there l v. _s asked by The photocell m the le_ el of hght respol_e of th_s year Mr that The _t you see where thJgram it then the change 4 thal you since And Raper_shar_dandthemouonofanohjcct 2 detected h*s t_o sn_[I HIGGINS Rapor's I I A 25 changed fled ,rod sent to thc 528 00530 2 THE 22 selecllOn - its looking atdos _alog It v.ants the if the PIR believe 12 21 21 That's _hal ttappears to me here don'l some'.,,here 18 19 ffthc PIR slgnal goes above thaireference,ttdoes one amph ,it this point 17 IIIO some simply I I on_lna[ 16 sortof 17 comparator arrangement _beTe It'scompanng 18 reference thatwa_ chosen by Mr w_ 15 fy to amph fy the analog slgnal what H_ggins 9 recess YourHonor that signal Rapcr'sstmpledewce _ You 8 perha1._s'_ HIGGINS A 7 Mr Is LhCrea better copy of Ibis'_ Is tbere an $ ongmal AndmMr thscnmmaiton 5 that signal the output to from HIGGINS iI might relate Hearing block threctly to 1{}/27/05 OO532 I Mr Rapcr's 2 things 3 Q OO$33 ¢ircmL Very 4 photocell 6 hide -- I mean, If you could 8 nearby, 9 you within any kind Il some t2 PIR_ aboul means soil THE yes, Your had WITNESS the 4 THE WITNESS 17 THECOURT That's 7 produced of water and g Q of water an element would without underneath thai v, ould tnggcr respond 9 iI of Even though Vcs, Okay there's the PIR one ofthe me Do you Essentl_ly Okay would ask me that again A II could 23 itself Itwouldbescnsmgaheatstgrmturethafs 24 changing 25 Q in that situation the change through in beat of the water changes m infrared I9 A Actually, hght And 21 -- changing 22 tS a result 23 Itwouldcbenge--Jlwouldscnseelthcronc Markman II Hearing 10/27/05 Page 25 O I'msoro/ 3 mfrared energy 3 4 Q 4 includes And in fact,atpage 5 of your Rule 12 statement, hne 5 6 lhts isin Scctlon B - 6 26, aald which 7 A Section, excuse me 9 7 8 Q B 8 A 9A B patem7 paragraph Yes, sir li BYMR The phrase appaars, 12 Q closed paten, base hght acUvatcd ]6 PIR, 17 A Correct 18 Q lmean 21 A 22 Q 23 3, _ 24 A Co[umn 25 Q Yes mode scr_mg, parch, or that scxtsors, and you agree w0h plRsarc that a[ page 5 coffee{? Rlght And that's 533 and 2B PIR, sensors Q] housing to infrared not say 22 behind IcIIs light produced motlon see motion m that or Q2 detect a change -- what the PIR Isdoing 14 in mfrared energy change emitted m the Is detecting by a person the or object tO that sensor, con'ccl _ 16 A It tSseining 17 Q And 18 sensors over that change, at column Q I and Q2 Right yes, sir g, hne _xe detecting 19 A 20 the fit_l 21 just read ts describing 3, l[ says motion, specifications which detection of the motion, are responding Mr from the aclual that the corr¢ct'_ Anda$IexplalncdeJzllcr, pail o['the And HlggUlS you ha_e of the motion, and that's where Io mfrared hght you read produced external then over in column 6, ,:,here 51arkman JA 0914 Page correct '_ Il does thesensors QI by sources 534 _ infrared, the output 25 Page 10/27/05 that w_ 13 output, 24 10/27/05 the HIGGtNS 3 of the patent" _ Hearing hght Hearing wtthm to the lanlp, paragraph that the sensors Markman mounted or the next the dtscnmmalton m column which produces of figures passive I don't 22 tt is described Is what hne are each responsive 23 that thscussmg the mfrarcd the circuit arc each _ the way wc have been infrared that's detected d, begmnmgat COURT When 15 external mfrarcd, correct '_ patcntsays statcmcnL vatous and a bright thafswhalthc for mOltOn of your describes mode, the use of p_st_© SenSors for motion 20 the patem such _s a dlm dlmnmaoon, 24. external THE 10 rearmed, which That'swhalltsays 9 15 dl_rnmanon I 9 wed Q2, which by sources of the body moving column tv, o conventional 5 or al leastatpage 5 on the copy that I w_s provided - _mboy? now lfs approximately and hghl the in frar_d szgnature not creale 0self I don'[ reca0 2 Q [tISone dnng thaiwilt caRSe a cbenge m the '066 that produces heat ofthe does mfraed 0self But the body OO535 1 A Could It? IHarkman I change In infraredenergy, correct? an there produce of the mfrared of the mutton The motion a word wouldn't it's the body 532 00534 We are dtscessmg hght, signature [CS the body infrared IS by mollonl would it's the changing 24 hght and Motaonofapcrsonor to the sensor 20 Is the air, infrared light ple_e and of water infrared I missed Ig 22 also sense I think relative be sensing responding to in Fr_ed to produce to the lamp Actually, Letmeaskttthtsway _ 14 _ccnt. by sources the same objccl concct I d oparallonal tl 28, Oneofthewaystoproducemfracdhghtby 13 a somce external 15 you ways are essemm[ly 12 Q _ _ agree that Q 21 12 Q d, hne produced to the apparatus lI A to that, It would correct, external 17 the heat II A hgh[ HIggms '_ 16 Q from the body Mr Yore" Honor 19 Q at column Somcllmesthehncsdon'tqutteaddup Goahcad 20 I0 says to infrared And excuse I0 energy the no mohon hne, 6 A idea. HIGGINS nsmg What 27or28 14 A 16 What A d Q have a pool The PIR about Honor COURT 2 A be responswe would you could up that pool up the water, THE BYMR be -- _s the patent I'm stth a the motion as tt were, you jt_t 15 Ig again a PIR set up and of heating that heated a question the PIPs the heat and have of motion, 13 14 Let me ask its view, had some 10 I would 2 two 3 extcm_d to the sensor, conect ? COURT con eroded about 7 those well THE 5 not correlated ] have you Hearing v, cre just 10127105 Page 535 00.=36 0,0537 I re_=AmS, *.h2t - t_ [ e_pt 3med. t_afs _te _eco_ 2 this w'_'e .fs _-,d oI u.ToJig a shorfo_Jld 3 then it_ desm_omg 4 w¢II _ do_ _c 6 tim the ¢=_f_=_ I Q | thafs wrixJ_ 9A I foal whftl the pt'u34o,_ei[ dele_led that, or_ 2 thcbuL_ respond. doe5 it e,r_ o ft. j¢_ kind of a sho*'c_amd Q L__t rcreto_ QI a.qd f..orrcc_ 4 Q And whcnIv/x 7 Q ¢enwr/ _down_Im_34=nd35 15 I;_$iw tt says. yes. 16 A Th_'s wh_ 17 Q Now, mM_ 18 to fort, AS biased, Q - e_.k 2.2 detected for dctccLmg mo13_, K,tpc_'=_oto_mon, tha_ Mr y_, 13 A |4 _ 15 _'11 fos_ut_ovc_thc;PIK.ti'¢ fo¢ct_cmtofM_ h'_t you P_pcr'_ W_¢h he c.utnot _d 16 Q v*'_ no p_ls¢ =8_ce with m_ _ouldn_ co_llng you, t_t t=l that _rc_t3 Ihc_dycSlerd_yMr Raper tcsni_m t_t.bUEl t _orYartcu_ o't thai c',flCtU_ "vlr Ht_ bec_ c I _md=ed it, and [ c_rt _ rr.xl tL Yo_ k_ fozt p_ds_ c=otmt was a p_¢ut ady lf.I ¢_n _ Rupees der_ns_rauon had t8 A Tt_ 19 Q An_ yo_ sir was e=p]_e_ to me, y¢_, devol¢_ a gu_.wtl_J op_ruon to the p,.dl ¢ cou_ _ po_ou o fyour bcm 5 p=_ of. foc rc_mred you - detected reot_on of h_s _ rnotmn _fthe Itttfo [_utcvdle u_f LI_ tvhen _ stugBer b_ed=ll 22 A put I_gcthcr, 23 I spent m_t the ¢onlrol Ct_u_ 24 CW;UIEth_r'='_ 25 cc,_ tz,.u;tms wb_ whcde httle _ 2¢, t_c PE_ board, the photo_il 2._ "=oud w_ corr ccf_ it _ays we've a_ecd Z0A 2.] _ a f the pa_'nL il _ay_ that a iI1E'_Jed _n_0¢ ,_nd=r ne_t ptuo_e - you w_tdci 2 thcrc AI_,Ln the _t Raper waved TFIE COURT I| "rb2f_ w_ the I_p tY_ 12 comcP 21 Okay 9 i4 Q Ctn'_l=led night cor_W/ to bright, ¢_r_©ct_ I d_rr,o_l_aUo_ .t._dow_=t_olu_m 13 .4. tod_m, _A 5 btdb w_t C4_e_ lo c.tmctm t_ds uxed Aod Jr= - ituu d_=_ OZ d.c_cct =noee_ vv_ t_n| _o¢_ '3to IlI_t go brtVtt, does It go _"n, And so I _¢_e_c h_df o[" put to_u.tter w_ _3oa_d _d, :rod co_ed to chc tlashltght _larkmaa He=ring b_lb, t0/27/05 Pal=e Iwou]c[nt Charactcnz:elltl_t wry, o f my ume studying a3 con_ncd _ E¢l_ Mr Hif._lr_ tde dar_ tn ttx_c ed mi_c==ltcd 536 Markman a_d _t_dym_ _ar_ o_ =r d_: the c_m Hunng tl_ a_l _m',_ c__* |0,'27/05 Page 537 00S29 [ m fo_" ctmmL_ "l_atts what|riper moat of my mice 1 thtt. Mt 2 3 Q But yo= kne_v t]_t pulse 4 abe=ace _f pu._ $ the c_ f,_ol _t c_cmi 6 pre_te_ zt p_ co_t. w_ of the scr._r _'1 irn.0o_tnt 'o J=d_c Tr=u_r, fo_ 7 A NOi Sir, _ w._._ t p_c_ttcd =tQ SO- 9 A I _u |0 io_¢hereor I! _sue 12 Q 13 to '.ha _ur_ oo_ to_d tl_ them. foe precen_ _ _ or _, the _3t_I L_U= U'_ WOUI(i be 3 h_2rm_ to me thtt v_y the ptg_c ¢OtLr4¢:rW_ 9 ¢oul,u_ impommt _t; iI hclpftd Well tha_ an ¢=g¢_1 _ Supl:_cd w_to is of zs$_l.,t_¢ t8 r ¢c¢_,_i-/a.'= _dvocatc qtu_t=0n _3 the cotul for =_ EaF_ lure ,d=OUlfo=t t_ you keep - 16 Q _o yca Under.rid 13 to _: 14 _dj_l- yo_ to t:*¢_t p¢_oo $o forint-Mr _ld not p._'_'_ Mr irhe edvoc.t_ 21 =_4 _e 22 Q ,'_d 23 _.d_ _ur_t _ 24 _ hc]p the courl tmders_td .t. fc_c_t=_pa_/ op_toas so _ your ncnulvo¢_c _ Nc4 _o_Luly, itl=e fo¢fin_ 16 THE 17 TH£COI._T _O Can fm_ _tcre po=uo_, you d_n'¢ ¢o-t_dc_ J_ k_owm$ that thai im_r_,_ t WITNESS MarlU_au c=r_ Hearing I0/27/0_ MR. Page _33 to ask it'. _ ('_t. M_ _t =per thml_ is the ¢_e, t just reel Y_=t¢£tdly_u¢lp.tuns,._hti t$ we th2z c_JI Mr P.apef oo I_ul that th_ ts !3er fealty _p-o_qtle. Mark/_n JA 0915 Y_k¢cp_m_b=_.k on fo=s. I need to kao.,v what L_ the HIGGINS I w_ g0m$ to _t forw_d'0¢_lase aad hl_ ]a.vyct may w_t _._'_pl_ exp¢_ _2 2_ tebut_l. how to z_'wcr wh_t r_ be£¢lre we $o r,t,_er 24 turn your ¢_ Yore _Ionor Yo_ttr¢£me. _| 23 _¢_xe? I - I d_rCt Y..,_ wanted lo _ow 18 to tl_s wtfo him, and you _y I'm=medcq_=_r foat I hay© ex_rt_l m._-t oath T,.voldd hk= D_ C_,n_ Ragcr m_ybe¢ottldyou¢.ome 19 5trth_ ¢l=:Sa_ns ot'D_ 20 of rca4m_ you_su_ _2 fi'om when you le_ £ted i_ fore, _d cor=ten_or_ and [3 ES _.'s I'm n_ ft#e I tmderstand Lttustrat_on with two _ -- I bchcve what hc _l_d ¢_ [he _atne seI_:uon rmt p_'t of'_t© 15 .t, 17 I have _ e=p¢_ who s IO ¢3'1te_ a _ the _az_1[. wt.ll_ II to tau_'_ t.u_l Mr _xp_s going Io - '0¢_t_e 7 r¢=d Va" Eap_$ puY._c_tm_ And b¢_ s _o aw'_re, you d.d._*t co_ttd=r that purse _ _ In ilrl[et'Rlpt yoU for"jt_g fn:e wheeltl_g _a forte of MarJca&-t 6 _.'*_st_nlt m e_ _.qd my cx]3¢rt tells mc d_t. m Pa=t' I:¢ c=n mth== _¢. 14 c_t_uo_ FmgoinSIo-tnthetnl_'e¢l_f ml_ersLtl_llnS, I'm going 4 a m_nule, uld lipvcrt _ ]_ar_o_" t you7 I w_aw_¢th_ HtS.._ns T_COL_T Hearing 10/27/0_ Page 539 00540 00541 I THE 2 can _k 3 Mr Dr COURT Lcl'sget IZnow. _d M_cngdl R_cr everybody MR $ DR- CARNAL 6 hke Io mc RAPER THE 8 MR. HIGGINS Your 9 THE COURT COURT THE COURT _© freewheeling hc_e Honca? I d_n'tre,fly think thal's Goah_ad.Mr box. _ad - I_ _dn't know R_x'T WCllputyouuph_cm I w_ I'm no4 gou_ law without _ tthota MR to get arf_l No. youwdlnoL bcmg for You may me THECOUKT which RAPER THE _ ]I w_ _awn c.c_'non]y COU_T used thee Ilearing 10/27/05 Page ¢ngmcer_ m here, 3 to blow lt up Bet_y, W or T? You'vegc4 IL PAPER, p_vlo_sly duly and leSt_ficd sworn. _ follows CAR_NAL. 17 All right. Now, good_ Thal'Sexa_tlywhat w_th tfmy th_s point 21 A Thafs Q Now double nghl I want eycg]_s_ here iodo are wo_kzn 8 ts recewmg the output from Isn'tthalnght? correCL Thal's I'm beg_rmlng 23 THE 24 (Laughter) 25 THE COURT the molton to sound COURT Don'l mpuL hkc a lawyer worry 1'11c_t yoo 540 aboul offlf Markman Wealsohavealo_of 5 BY DR Okay ['lHefram thai WITNESS tell a lot of la'.vy_ We 3 BY DR. 4 Q f_nthaL it yc*a get -- wc Ilearing 10/27/05 Page 541 Yes Q And l'm going 7 they wall be -- well, 8 tek_copmg 8 gt._ the Ihl_ thai girtk_; n_ abo_ tl t$. ,_ it I_ ts bastcal]y a I_nd parl pa_ 9 f]Re_7 Io II THE COURT 12 DR CARNAL. 13 THECOURT 14 Q Y_ 15 A Whal ]6 _lve_3'htgh 17 th_PIRtsanope_s¢_3_3¢ from, 19 b_.k_end a wk_l? Bandpass Bandpass h¢'l_ _.aymg frcqucn_t_ flirt:x7 13 a_c summing IlCa_dcte_t ou_cts ]o..v a_ddoesdetecl and jttSl gcner_ ne_ know, as a mou0n _t _ as _ne o f the ftmcuo_ Ser_;os, ;I*S typzc_ to make tha_ that 15 out THE COURT do what he just THE SO you are fatymg, yes. that does Yeah. Markman tlearing 10/27/05 Page 542 And thlTercnl baslca_b' the two 14 A Thal"_ correct. Q And 16 stmanmg 17 connected 18 re f¢_'nce node, 19 me about the c_cult 20 L_thai o_e 21 deszgned, 22 thzS netwOA then _ this one so of the whercyoueansce 25 from both and the_ I guess -- the one strUClUrc, called nght piP.s, here, nght'_ take oul the th= otht'r Ilnng cc_aected, of these Umc t,¢_on the two parl -. if I'll just bnns_ng the would thin8 *s be the thai stokes Iwo clr cmL% you know in yo_x the s_gnal ctrcm! that you in, and you have got Igrc I0 _ound. THECOURT 24 from -- b_slcally of them you're m d_s two capac_{c_, signals if you I_e, sara¢ the s,_nc f_rrn these of the other, through at the I'm seeing of the jtw/box, Dr Mess_gtll, canyousee7 Ifyouwa_ttoslto',_hcrc, why don't btove szlm yo_ Markman JA 0916 use thts htde Io bccanse in here lts¢ll', 15 23 sa_d it thd7 _S them both the patent Delectm Andpartofth_tsdoncbccausc say, clccmt_J Bu[ from 12 out very have her_ I can'l get filter7 Is that tl _]u_s to - I should I may I 1 and it's m a shghtly _x_*am. So, y_ tt useful Bzslcally I$'_ Fther CARNAL 5 A "l'ht_p_a_ofthectrcmtcynghth¢_,l Which B_md pass filter? 6 9 of the c_cmw/nghHhere 22 film_l COURT THE CARNAL` Okay 20 THE (Lau_h_) 7 Q 18 notre I 2 too DP.. CARNAL. 4 .mke_mcla_ 25 _._e OO543 I havegotenoughlawyc_zmh_e_ 24 been That's 22 On the cafn_ter_ 00_42 23 Q th©bw_PIR tha_ar_ nced MITRAKOS examined 20 m a schc'mau¢ t_ draw | don'l EXAMINATION 19 prop_[y, Dldyoud_wthls¢Ireml _L_rkman 21 CARNAL having w_ lg S_r_ thmg_ theEI_O You WILLIAM BYDR Maylappmachto_v©av_ual th_r_m'_ MR. Io MS 16 the Edd to the _v_In_7 24 pa_ka_¢, 6 DR 15 zrre_a:d_ HIGGIN$ 23 2 9 10 13 a hcensc? THECOURT 25 THECOURT 14 DR. CARNAL zt, you made hem 12 going do lhLs. I hale these Nolyo_dlagram, Ii 14 by the'_ay 22 themlncl_s 8 help Should I sl_-p dovm. you_ 13 the wla_a_ pta¢ u_ng CARNAL. 7 12 ncce_ary |5 RAPER DR 6 We II 21 Yes MR FIIstand _J_ WITNF_$ 20 Bul you configm_d 5 Okay THE 19 Y_ COURT 4 Honor. ffl may. I wou/d too I0 I 8 EI_O RAPER THE 3 tl? Sh_llst_dh_e? the EL.MO 7 17 MR 2 saysal II_spomL 4 ]6 1 abou_ Ih¢$c rn_tcrs depcndJng on v.hat Hearing 10/27/05 Page $43 00544 OO545 I DR MASSENGILL 2 THE COURT Thank you. I Q from 3 to see v.hat hds doing 3 the other 4 BY 4 "k DR. "._tmg 7 the ]ncedzoomoulahtflebltbecausel*mnot thal small circuit 8 A to be able CARNAL Okay 6 fat you - 2 5 Q It's _mportanl So flus ts bes_cally thai you have in your the topology nt_nber 10 Q _ Tl_ae _t Is_ THECOURT 12 THE _e Q So.hat }4 $cn_ with a capac_zot 15 _ltot to ground _ 16 A Yes_ 17 Q lit the feedback 18 nelv, cck m the _es. Jl IS WITNE.SS 13 youhavegotareststot Io groun& feedback path, 19 A Paulus's _ports lttsftltert'd 21 Q 22 the paleal, 23 thfferenl 24 lillel_,iswhattbe) ane 25 A KlghL forms, That's m a msents of be_ e got that tow path nght _ Wesaythala}somDt Tbenm at least tesastot paflu you thepatenhltgctsloudcr--m part of It, baalcally but they bes]mlly _ are these ate two both band p_s Tbeoneonmvnght- correct Marknmn Hearing 10/27/05 Page nghh is the the one Su/ttmlng from ha_ • that the nov* 9 A Okay 10 Q AIInght Tab full thagram 80 Wdl CARNAL "_ou see the "Faat's 12 sensor 13 thai too 14 A 15 Q 16 _._ 17 ctrctll_ I8 ft_ thc_e one -- I dse'_, basically what the green -- ha_ e to zoom l ha_ e outhned m green there Yes And 0_1 the only reul thff_ence, $1D/T _l $UDLg _ Itha.shttlelowpa_ lhavenl _ Iht OthO" from flhettheremffOntof Okay So. I mean. thal -- here all I did m tryang we - you ate - know, flungs is thtt depenthslg 19 '_ ord eqtu_ connotations, alent 21 lechnlca[ polnl 22 theyar¢ bandpass 23 A 24 required 25 th_ ts the right _. ord they two of_ - I don t know alld [ don t want of_ew the judge these on the $el¢'¢tton are funcuonally 20 to advise b_lcally d may have to get into perform some that. a/ues tf the legal but t_om a the same fullctloll_ filwrs9 Theydoperforms_mda_ for the ftmcuons. motion arc casg5 _hgre you Theym-enot 1o operate sensor wotdd wafl110 Markman In other words, up the pick tleanng enllre 10/27/05 Page 545 Page 547 00547 I fluid of the scraor 2 somewhere 3 th© $¢a'tsol and make as to the 4 data o_" anything dcmma'_d, 8 rma'kamg 9 see from dccmons ma_,b¢ the spoct/um entlre 1 of hal for pmix_es to thls o f th_ Andalotofthalts aaltc_Ufiedtheothe_'dayloMr Cook 10 t:x ample device I[ culhnglhtsad_lcethat 12 ¢_ample, asa So some 14 th_ filter, 15 s car_or to Itrmt thal's d_a=n tx-'d m the patent embudlmem as wc ha_ e been tsmorem_k_kable actual In_ enu(m of the cncmtE, ts put m there ]t mote ts the 17 THE COURT Ig DR CARNAL 19 THECOURT in here as a addit to tbe -- fat example, )ca tt_ the appl/catloll motlo'a v, ¢ are tr-fl ng to Okay May Yes I be excused, Thankyou your Honor9 youmaystep down 22 23 rebUtlul, 24 any THE kVITNESS THE COURT but I wanted Thank You to clear yo_ may shH cull him up that point on before v.e v.ent fur, her MR -- thank HIGGINS Very well Marknmn You; Honor Hearing { think 10/27/05 PageS46 to do 5 welcome, 6 flo_. Now you MR HIGGINS Your Dr fÜr leilmg Thank yott You are Honor ff)ou your You flow are yew kind to suggest thai I had a LLO'_ 9 ha', tag I 0 was D MASSF.NGILL. pte_ Iously been examancd CONTINUED duly and testdted sworn. as follows CROSS-EXAMINATION 12 BYMR 13 Q Dr Ma._sengdl. [4 ligttre 2A and 21_ of the patent 15 where the QI 16 _uphn¢offigm'e2A OF LLOYD MASSENGILL HIGGINS and 1 v, ouldhketoretumyouto Q2 are Do 17 A Y_ 18 Q Now, 19 scrt_rs,_havraglet{o'sD, 20 S and G stand 21 A Yes, sir 22 Q And v_ hat are those 23 A Dts drying 24 flus 25 Q case. fig_tre to the the poruon left-hand sade of the you ha_ e thm_ 2A depicts QI SandG and Q2. whlch are the PIR DoyouknowwhatD, for_ _t also Now, and paructdarly show5 the 9 S _s source, and G Is gale means grotmd. source _s the output Markman JA 0917 M_gdl r/_ lntert_ (Laughter) I I for claims 16 _ue_ 21 would 7 as the flung THECOLrRT 8 - the pie feted Ixa the an excellent 4 dt'vt ce9 RighL It was 2 funcatm SO the dev¢¢ 13 you Bul samdar THEW1TNESS 7 mtelhgent 3 THE COURT _-¢¢¢ 6 2.5 yam ts not including 544 0O546 20 DR ; l put the adthll Okay I ba_edonc 20 5 Q 8 What this H1GGINS 7 - the screen l don'l MR B_I R In the book_ II Okay 6 of on and sotsoO 5 Idca'tha',¢theothetthagramtorefcrto 9 I guess the palent, of the And PIR, Hearing m eorwct 'l 10/27/05 OO549 l A 2Q In I_ _Sem_t, _, O]_zy NOW. | w_l fo t_ 3 Ihe p_a=l( g c01m'nn ] g_Iz _re 4 AI c_m_n $ ooupl_ 6 _cc= sg, th2f_ eonec_ I Q you m L_I po_ _mg of _oou_ 3 A J, Ira© 34. sco._0mQI and Q2 =re s_Epd_._s m m_'a_d_=_y rm-rmson7 $ Q $_re. W_eltsrjsh=rc Conl_t 9 Q a_d gle ou_ 10 t_0m QI, It A tl Iho_n a_ $ 0e _gurc 2A OT._qUm]E Q0n_ _o _heTe L_ 14 _o_ _ r_po_vc i_ _ II Y_I_ |_, t_ e_mo_ QI z_ 19 I_¢ curtal - ii h_ b_hl pr0_ de_:l_d m=ysv_ fica_ dv, n_ ,a _ _ght 10 Q - d_o =,_l_lC.ml I[ m fra_l m _, I] by source A colTc_? And t_ pomo_ 43 of No_ of_a 22 A It e_ 2_ Q An_ th_ dete_ts sl_f_l o(the ?4 of_e_e_nr ,=dJ_ a ZA, c_n¢ct? 17 A "rn=l_ c=rn_:t 11 Q And ts tl - _re you _n8 to - _1 you atp_e m tbo cm_mt a_ S, wh,ch - is a 20 d=t=ctmn of_smt_c.m= sc_or L_¢outpull_ wmdd bc co=rim8 _mt of the $ pomon 19 v, ttb rr= Lb_ ch_ Cor_eel. = oh==_ dcJ_te_:L out 0fth= d_'_ c_t 16 tb='s show_ on fq_= co_ 21 Q cb.mS¢ m _= o=tpul,s th_ tha_ _rnsor hu _ c=mm[ _g I$ Q zrc coupled m a _e_or cne_ NO.SL_ [h¢il_ll_m{¢h,t_g_m 14 _=n|e s wh,_ dN rcspoodmg Io. 20 A 2_ ^ whtch _,cc= 12 cor_? outpu_ of I_e _en_or, ,I h_s Io m_a_ i0 ib_ dcv _ I_ A 9 A corn_ _ 11 d ¢le_/ed -- b_clnn_ t_) I0 hne 2_, ii h_ I_ ¢x_uJ a th_ 8 t_= output of ctthcr =m'=or - T_'s 12 Q md_©l_l=mGr, d_nS= m I_= ouwul ot _dl_r 7 4_, of tho _:_u( 8 A co_ lwz_]ookm|_twhal?OUjUs| 4 n=4d. Co_ddyo=repltrL_e,p_r_15c? I0 a dclccmr i)m_on. 43. of the c_cm_, w]_c_ _ And =o wl_m _e output ofLhe sewr_ ch=mges, t_=I 2 ts r.b_= titans© mth= o=tpuL =_d _ ,$ 21 _e d_tecuoa o f mot:on? _mL ch=nse m Ihe nu_)_l cxlrn_l? _n_CL Markman H_rmg 10t27/05 Pnzc 22 A Th=t_ no_ wh=l Iht_ =ay_ ?.3 Q Arc you uymg L_ 24 0_pul Of e P.ht'z_ wouJ_l nol _c = change m m fra_cd 2_ _:r_ ty=_ by tbc _'_mo dctc_ Sd8 z _l_c,_nt Markmnn ch_nl_e m the Hcanng 10/27/05 Png¢ 549 oo_o J A ]-tbJtwa_a¢_poun_qec_ott 2 M]e.e. • dc_bl, nc_'_ [lh_,[ m it Co_d I h¢=_ ,I a_ Q 3 plec=_9 4 Q S ] gu_ we h,v.e - 4 you n_l Th'_ COUR1 _ TP/_at_ 6 Q c_gly It'_ b=d m _k A m Pb.Ds. )m,a _. IJ glo_e por_n_ Y_, sb. I n_l C_Hsonconc_ Do of your £_[? [hose. wbcn - Nc',m_mm_. IfS a ¢L't_u::_ C_¢'¢ cf J= .¢r_, 14 cJ'c'r _.:t3_z_ 8 A Fo#_em_tl:_t. 9 ofM_ C=lson's I0 Q BUl =l t_mcy_ _t a _%x3o _ _ ft,.cod c_ _ _ ..h _:a._ _: a r:-_l _ lhavc .lw_ptov_dcdar.opy _'p_o_. s_ern_,_oul_In_r 12 dc_,,_oa, subm_your Ru_ I;2 r_Id_¢'_mulyofMt C_Oa'l had you? a_ =-_r_c_ o_ _:3 14 (_re_y I$ I$ ,A of yore" Le_umosy. yoa pm Your Fonor, II 12 A How, al _'ver'.J pomo_ 3 Ihep_cmyo_g_teme_ld_lMr I_xJ=lolofm2_e_aJIogo_hrou_mdn_d. [ daa I _Jl whell_ l SOt thr_u_ that whole t,_nl_ C_'t :=. 2.1 c .-'rc_ 21 Q 8ot_c_r_t_v_r_pm_ld_Io_uby_r 24 Q {_ - lm l =L_O=;nz_, _, Coo_ I1_ It I_e I]tae 2_ _c'. -1, ccr_cf_ l_d[arkmaa Hearing [0/27/05 Pale _Marka_o 550 JA 0918 Hear_ag I0_7/05 Page 551 00_$2 I Dr I_r.l_'t_ l A Nc_ii_dn_dl_l izis tluntill 0 Ol_dztx_lm_rmr.mr_' _ 4 dcp_lllon O3553 I iiy dqx_atmo? I da-rl rlzill 2 Mr 1 if I icld _ _ 3 dcposmon hti 4 A mlilily Do yau rrm=_bcr _ t_mSs _ _e _ COnceded _ to Mr Carlson'sr_pome al_ul 1 dclill _uon Cock_ 6 Q d'nrlls oul o f conl_i7 teclll "conll_xt" lhat wofdb_nguseclil And #ould thaib: b_cattsc you didn't r_d T M_ Cl_lsmlsdcilositlcmlnl_cnurciY Do you r_lmilxT m= ilkmll 9 /our_clll_cn+_rcr# ofDi I 0 I!p_ ng the reipor_ I ;kJmm_l I l read tl cxmfidly or study it 12 A 7ou die quc_lon, P=ldus'; _o_:ilQn_._d I did _l IllltCeyourwmd foriI. Mr 1.1 Hlil_r_ I._ Q Yo_Hl_0r 16 I'# M_. tll Q Hc tik_ HIOGIi, lS 19 t_llmony _d w_ I w'u 21 Q Anti lbt'_ wil C_bixIgiv¢ Isn'l li c_irc_t o_lntn_l bY 1_ i Iol of _culslon dlsmctioni b_tw_a Naw, _ 3 ¢+W_4 c e f/xcfocmmB 4 opmlcm m _ni_xt 5 Fh¢ undalmed 6 d_._u_n th_ _nwe do yc_ Okay _" t_¢ word llt A rcclL"d Rmct_on, Q im,_u_e is mc_piblc the _l L_a_I w_ TW_ COURT o_ _L t_ I pJ_S 17 M_c_g_l ifs _._ued Wi_a T_C document My m4_O_ TI_ ye_ imporl_ll wh_ Io _ow wi_ be wzt locking Eai I_ml_c a{t ct"t_e word "for" you ne_'¢a" coil_ld_lst 22 o_'thc ¢]_m tt_If A 2J Mr CoOk _t Tow_cod to _ctcrmm_ _J or _c_ I _m'_ t_t_k thl pointed bl Tolm_l, and Crew _ _ell, Dr at du_ and Cr_, whc_= Ihc_ m the Pcm,_c_ i h U:_dly _e 5 Q And when y_u _re _a/mnmg I_ A Conecc 9 Q - cr_d i_ l0 to _rmum II A out. 13u_ nobced _t no* muctr.r_ cnwton _Irk_an H_rin8 I(YZW05 ,tTee=tic _tr_ure. my =i;_mml do_ JA 0919 ==ys. dm trod=dined term m _ =or pcr_ut _¢t= to ¢_w_ I cam_7 Com_ 17 Q And where you arc looking you _dn at the _ I sct_h ix the r_zu_d¢_ clatrn chxrt, any oth=" port_n of of the clam fol smcttw:, to you wh.tt the rmg_l b=. I.s tt_t ¢_._e:¢1_ rm r o[ s_e I undc_st_d wh_ yo= mere by =ct= h_ alegtlme_.ams. co_ned wdhm the clam lo per fore1 the f_lctmn Markman 554 555 term only, oo_c¢1 - 16 A 23 samc_ent Page Page Ihcse Icrms in thlt you _ay thai ti'c r¢otcd y_m - cx'c_e m= - mxbl= pou wh_ dl be:=me alum d_q 24 s_lcture ti_ere are lira It_¢L a _p¢¢tfic tlructt_? 23 rm p.uetb=t _M: 553 And so wh_m you ny m y=ur opmma tb=t a mm == 22 A w_s Page 8 aRex the "for" ye_. _r. t,_'s 21 s_'ac_e pomos 10/Z7/D$ weal I t£sed _ my lcs_ no_ _ve_hm 2O raat _'_d, OF_:U that wouJd d abort= of the clam9 berlitz, Hearing Wl_"t_L,1Jldln8 dt_ Lh¢ I I;thr_2¢d w=s _¢ £m_<tlon. u_d d_li 19 that ¢l_Jm _ _s _l concci _at my oth_ Cook to_cip me wk_ me 4 II w_ I_ yo= w=c look_n_ at the mz_icr cl_Jm clur_ _ 21 24 _ 11 attcr Lb¢ wind "for' prcpa_xd by Tow_c_ m_m sir [rchcdO_Mr So it W_ 12 Q W_L_a 11¢_¢d_f_r¢_K 20 2.1 $_coJ_ tltl'i_ ] 7 su_cturc, th _t*s the und=imcd of 11 BY M]L HIGGINS 19 Q _ done by Townscz_d, To_n_end 14 _ti 16 "r_l clxlm _lar t, II -o k"vcrd Rm_ t_n_ ObjccL_orkYou_Honor A 3 r_i you# I] 15 and A_d t_e urtde_limr_$ of the lerm "for/t_tctxtre', 2 thai )o_r opm_n _ays t/'c tbc doc_zro_l. 12 m_ il_l 00_55 t chum _Jmra_ts which have tmdmlmmg all_ B stmcroJ© bc_ B ng _ COOK. wclc tmd_lmcd, Markillan yo_'t¢ r_fcttm 5 word is_¢ Sl_U: Rue, and u'_._y_ thtL w_ cllum _ "for" WM bolde<._ xnd 01hci [l:l_ns wcil: PageS52 Whcnyouwe_¢- _ Aod l_s t; the pomon where cc_lun claim lcr'nl 22 co_=ct? 9A ll 10/I7/05 ch_l 7 s_uc RL¢ -- _C undedincd l0 Q CC+V_L 25 of the r_.__'_c_m lhc ,void "CC¢" _ the £mcaon p_ fo_m_, Hearing sur+h _ on lee fom_l iI _ - Fou_f_ 24 c._r_c,'? I_ when you t_waz claim 14 Q 21 TowngmdmdCmw li_ Ilxal all o f Ihe pliCr_ w hcic y_ u ofthe op_oRs, Cook. co_C' thaL Markma_l 2 Q yoar W=lllraiaon ol'yo_ 23 ih= w_ 2_ Q b_ politic. * _xc,as_ i'n_ Pro fc_so r M _ enlll_l, in htl Cook abo_t oul or conmxi _d I _ dim rely 'vlr 17 liah cl_ yo_ 23 you :_m_mb_ 24 A m_y 13 A 20 Yri, I lcllll Now, I CS_cn for it wlamMr r_s 20.1, 22 Ca_lso_ _nd Mt y_ui word Tlilnk yo= w¢,_a_cnt IOQ 15 wcm tcicnilfil:d and _ may Ixppmach7 THE COURT [ prcsin_ 12 Io - ficqu c_dy to the mlst_ _ 15 _d b_Cccrcyou yolir Rule 12 siil_'ncnt _ 9 A II Was Ibit your l_sw c'r lh_n7 I _on'l ha_e ti m ftcs_l o f me+ bul I ls_me 13 sm_otijUSlr_dtt 8 itibmll_ htvc you It vcr# quickly, l_ll _aJI whm wc II_I mc and we took yew 6 dc!a¢ll_m_ I! Q upen dann8 Iv+_lookJng for e_cmcm w_uch w_a .vlthm the cbarn et¢_=mL Helnng 10/27/05 0¢t55S 0O357 ] Q AJ_dozdy the clam etc"e_at th_ ycmtwere ey..c,_tm_ 2 +mp._ofdememC[ orK] ofZocA 3 A Corro:t A_d _ 5 A WcP. of caun_, yot_ c;m_ re_d mW of these .+ 3 m the rcr_er was d'e t_l 7 of the cJzm al alrl P to be In the _<JcubJ 9 "DI_ WITN_S I0 _ rtot - the who[© taJ+St._e of IUI_ 13 c2azm clemmnL ar+d apldy+np _ I _ s_m_ml I .w_ Iook_ test _ a e._ h tt_ $1_c_u2e recited thc/e _-t't'on'n - is tl [w_ttorcrama&amtonurkesmel_lb+ve In Iookmp _l amy p._c_t Z3 IPe slrt_e clatm ¢lemc_l m d¢:.-_mm_ thai ts underbned tn that clam 3 5o I _ppme the corot 5 MR. HIC._INS T_t TH_ COURT 16 Q Okay 10 tbe su_ral He_rfng IW27/05 Page wa_ ldon'thavcmydcpc_loost.Mr f_41n_ m8 in jult HIGG[_S _ aer.ond, that o_ 37 HIM3m rll be bel:py to d.tow iim 3_u s_r Quesu_n 2_ *'_C¢"{a _l_mammg Andm_partofyouropm_on, the won_ wbe_ you thai appear a_er the word of nol tbe _e Margmatt I Q Okay 2 A Yes, aar P Q Ve_weP perlorms [0P.7/05 Hear_g Page 557 Vmywell _t I_ followu_ _ o_ pag_ "for" a_ pm a f Rule i i Z/5 ._s expba_d to Als_po_onofyouropuuon. _'1 ¢ f_ It's the prefened erabo_ntenl and 2A+ 2B? MR_ RIGGINS /_ in _ I beh_,e exlabt| TH_ COURT Yeah, 9 _. RIGGII_ R_L II _or a ponton o f flgun_ A ;rod _. tber_ 20 THE COURT book. Ye_, set Node A t_ r_l c_JLed o_t m tbe p,_Jent :it_l. 33 BY M_. Q In the o_pnal, Ye_. g._g¢ m 25 A Yes. str descmor Zl A 1_ thesd_don _rcuJW to be w_d_ng as pat of [_thatco_eet7 [ u-sad _t _JI part of my dr.=c_ptloa He_rmg Q A.'_I parl of th:u was b_ed 2 _.sur_a_om, 2_ Marl_l_n Th_t'sanomc2-_latumthallu_ An_ you reed thalnode A _s a Rer_ons_attonof 0ow [0 23 oB page No, tttsnot o£ thai m m_ 22 OpU_Ofl HICGI2_3 iI _s t¢ 17 to _derto fythata0oe. I h._ e tbe t]_ttr_ 24 I;Swe io [4 Q 19 you wew That's on a th fi'_ m _ 13 A 16 A P_c23 TI{E W[TS2S$ Now, tho - yo_ ae :©fem_ Q 13 I1_ 1 ffdt_ ifs on 25, Is thtt wbet PJGGINS It's a pomorL 12 nc_= A. c_m_[7 you I ofM_._l] P I_$ Q 19 bet And the cou_t t_ as well? 1O BY M]t_ HIGG_qS bergtvlrtgthtt_m.s'x¢17 of tbe re, on U'lat _ ong_d, $owean:bethlo0k{ng_the.s.3J_c(hmg? THE COURT 5 lk_te_. 18 y_u s_ad. t_ M_ no, s_r, [ don't _ememb_ don't evrr co_de_ object_op. d, but lql tato your wc_d I"H_ COURT- 22 ^ 6 beginning bt_a_ae [ don_t r_n_ber ZI _rds DoyOun=neml_rmeaskmpyoutl_uquesl_O_ 24 w_s Ibe obj¢c0co_ Do_rcm_r, I-_ g=t m I figure, figure _ th_ lt._lg_cd 20 4 the woNs la_g_qF: memthrJw_y 17 "for" ¢_ dapos_d0n7 5_6 13 ii. 16 s_w tbe word _ _Jtl AI pa_e 71,1me 23 Q Ovew.deth And yot_ arm_er Q yo. fe#owl_ 7ZB 9 71. I dld not consld_ I,t t_'_a_ I d.d r_l constant 22 BY MP.. HIGG_ 12 A af_ tho wonb .Acm_y, demenl+ w:ll need to p.de on _ V_gu_'_ II t_ woad "rod' _ tbe dagn 19 Q r_-_uon? THE COURT P Q ot tbe _ I appl_rd OO55p slued 4 7 a/l_ yo_ wcru c_awanm& IS A whetber o¢nel Mr Cook _t t]ud point r_._e.d a_ ob_ e_t cr_ wS_¢. 6 d_ 21 Do I have Markraan 2 Arid ev_3_w_ ^ | 23 carr¢O oo558 I d_c enme the _ dram elcmex¢, you 24 0ex'f<_'m_ the er_uIcstated ftr.cbcw the L7 d_nn8 Pl rtever ¢o+urdered dm waxds L_o_atpecr _0e*+ tbe weed ',los" 22 m thtt ex_mm:d wu as a_JJet._ed. and that's th= tat 14 19 ¢P.u a_d the ¢¢.rt h¢5 tt cluty Z0 to consider uad_'gm ed ;hid to [or_:der that's r_md 16 d'¢:_ Q fun:_on 13 p_ 17 BY MR+ IJJGG1H$ I! 9 that _ 12 "for', you thd .at _td:r tbe fimcllam *o pcsform t_e ¢_are _don i_m wh_l he d_d m h_s I applied the tt_t LS the taw tO me. _d _u'_¢ltUc Ltlat',Jcited _ II _mg=t THEWS Sunc Well. he_ I_km8 - re_ srdthss or" WITNESS 8 10Q ! 1 the cfaLm fop abxml_trc +) 14 rl:CJte- tl_ _ 7 weS eXPlained VC+, Your Hono¢ - smxch_ Yo_Honor the document TH_ COURT 6 COURT Obpeuon, before, reporL Ovemdcd 'I_e Iz_stmSc tar the smL.'ture had dement of the cla_ _ 4 what the Cf_*umenl - hds _kmg I t_¢d 'I'H_ COIJRT 12 M_.CO¢3K 2 obtectson 4 Q 6 t_ I conecf;* 10:27/05 Page 558 A SP[CE 'f+¢l, ttr Markmao JA 0920 upon yo.r con_? Hearln_ ]4_Z'IIO+N Page 55Y C056,.3 I Q TEe SPICE slmtdauor_ that y_ 00_6l I A _1 w='c only o f the No._r. I dad ooc 2 ezrgtut, C_xa'c 2A and 2D, of the 066 p_u:nz, ¢.o¢n::C* 2 Q 3 A TEar'S corral 3 yqun:_m_u=t._blemM_ 4 Q Du:lyoudoanySPICE=tmuhm_ 5 _[_om_'anon of Mr Now_ at s_m_l ¢ recdI Rapers [ do mc_I 6 Q 6 you7 7 A Nosn'IdJdno'. a Q' D_d you do any SPICE gtmufotzons of zny other al _dp I0 A R¢lzbvcm actually s¢¢_ _¢ 9 sho_dd o- i1 w=_ a &alk 10 $_=ncnt, ltbthema]l a_i your Rule 12 _cm=_L (able m Mr T_¢s.z'$ |t_leraent_ bul I was s¢_t a ckafl o( his l -cad LL i rny study ofth_,_¢nt? doyou thaL A_ L_¢ _m¢ yo_ subrmctr_ T bad you 9 d_c_ RMe t 2 st=t _mmt _stat_nc-ca t_;t? A m t_ cttc'mt G'talhad . w_ provtdcd to I_acc= m vo_ II tlu:tm_¢,Mr IZ Q II Q Htf_m That _u a badqu_non, t 3 W_h re_pe_ to y_ 14 any o_¢r _PlCE wasn'zlt9 _gageme_t stm_ops for t_ [ I_corma&_b¢_¢)_uact_dlysubn_tmi 12 yo_Rc4¢ I'm _md 12z 'mz=m=_l. youno_er =FOEe_q_h M_ ca=e, &d you do 14 A at zl]_ 15 A No szr 15 Q So you never cUd a SPICE slmuJatlon No.r_.lm=tMr _0¢ct_flr;l_n_ontlu_ 15 _ofmyde_x_lm thai would, ] for 17 e_m_l_C.n-npfomcntaczrcmltazmord.anccwtthctazm6 Is 13 thai _? 19 A All of my SPICE _amuhUons 19 slal_mt wezc o f figux¢ 2A and AadYo_l'H_ th_weuld_- 2O 2B ZI Q And _ 22 A of znY pzmculzr ctexn of d'¢ '066 Pttc_r_ You sunula/¢ a ¢lret_t 22 h'l | w=s slmt_atmg th=t p_1 of V And tt IS one. two. thr_ - Li's m 5A, 23 ezxemt 21 Q And you pev_ atzemixed to ntzk" a :re:rut wzth 2S resp,ecz Io clam t; 9 IO or t I of the _ M=rkJnan 25 pateal dzd y_ FI_zrinl[ IQ/2"//05 Page "II-_COI/_T _hkcllsan_al_ll M_rl_r_n S60 Heart_ 10/27/05 paee 561 O3563 00562 I MR. HIC.'CrllqS 2 "rile COURT P_,g¢I I h Ub2tthe paraf, r_h 3 my Qpu'go_. m th_s _ ;:,_'_tIs m mp_rt 4 Mzcbtel I"_'7 _ 6 BYMR ? Q $ _ ofa th_ su_s s_¢_at "rnaf= on p*ge I I of the t_bb_l I_GGINS by pomoe. 82 I (_ught_) 2 M__ H]GGI_S 3 to pat_t l=w3e_, 4 TH_ 6 EIGGINS mY" (cpOfl _ COU'RT • bJ_nk ofhtS _teme:nt. Mr a ta_¢ of t:xam_les, yez: sta_e_e_! Q 7 IVB AI p_¢ THE "_z 9 I_kew_se has a 5 your original COURT |0Q Yes. t_ do_ 11 a ]=ghRng Sy._tem t_l your H_o_, _ 13 "p_ca _'_ b_" 13 blank _ wdl7 14 "l_c..ECO URT ¥¢._th. hut tt w_ 15 w-_s -e:M_a8 tl by _c.v_bo_. fil]¢d =n when he [ h_ve wrm_n m o_ _g= 7 l_ Q Th_ I_e _t:d 19 Atse._r_ 20 ta_¢ 23 24 rind n_nwhcn pctmsyou_(um ]a _ 21 any of t_= _ 22 A W3 TNF=q._ of ferreting that w_¢ your op[n_ AI p18_ _ o f yoth" O_lll:d All nRJ_ y_u_ Did you ev_ t'e.M 20 Q 22 Q 24 25 No, n_t_'__ Marlu_a 1-1earm 8 r_otlc_rl but the word sLtl_ f_L. LIlts L¢_n the SPICE sunula_o_ that 10/27/0_ I ne_ (o m_e Rtrtherflitted Thelastsc_¢cnc¢of_¢_ph._¢ say_, hrre Lh= ;_g_i JA 192t b=s bern ampE firA a=d as par= ofthe ¢zrcmtssdecuon proee._ Now, I beh _'e we've ¢_afirmed Mark.man Pmge 562 sure dlat - Fag: IIIGGINS VOTwd] 23 tatrd _b wine Io H0n_, THE COURT 21 BY '_R m Ibc table_ c_es? TI4E_ Do_ being the_e, no 132 Ih=_ is h_lkmg aboul 19 You _d_l _ You d_n_ to pr_bcd in the '066 p=amt, s=r_ 15 Q 18 A m Mr No. sir THE COURT app¢_ [ don't re_alht The_ y_ tht_cc.as_ u s¢_4Uv¢ 17 you I1;v¢ do_c7 Sere= _s correct hcre_lh_s_t 6. l tRm_ 14 A 16 !_mon 16c£17 ?N:e 12 m4c'n=ev¢ to noaprescn_oed morion. your st_t=nco¢ h_ _ iq m - Ihe apc_ung line says, L_ 066 pal=_t d_cnb_ corral? I bel,cv_ - and _ stai_cnl pat_nl- BY MR. HIGGI]NS I1 12 Q A_d jucls_ ta_ng_oa_t_='_66 l0 blink, A It _t-g1_t:lfo ey _'¢ ordy lm Po rtlt[tt Your Hoaor 5 BY MR H1GGrNS Ve_ well _.l _e - on tl_ _e-m_d hne, tl s_y$ on Page -- 9 _ 25 f_m_ that the wc_d Hearta 8 10/27/0S Pages63 005_ I "scJcc_on" does nol _ m [hc p_C_l, cotT_? I patti c_rthe I_lc Imtocy, 2 _ld_m¢l: 3 Q ^ncl _¢n tt _x:_ c_ (o s._ zc_:noo 4 _cdc:_c_ltne_ too(ran. Now, doc_'t L:_:_s 3 for _: ps_nt dJJm ludf I bchcv¢ c:_o_ _e L_ _ds 7 Q A_d Jo wh_, wo_d _u _¢ used, yeS. _r Wotdd you _¢¢ mouoa_ I¢_ c_r_sw.. tt _ 10Q rm _ukb_ a b_)k up h_¢ r.;rn_ brochtua_ lesal _unotauom I 0 r--'n_ n v_dor_ i_ for passive xs wcl_ t2 1_o. b_t I_s ml 14 scr_or_ _ of provided was F.xh_lt by _4 to IthlrLk_ts$Saow Thmu prockct t3 to d_c '0_6 _.tcm m_'a'_d ! bchcv_ II youtorigtmdstatcmc:nL 13 A to Lhc'066 F_cnt? ['m_tt_,k_ttt¢,m*tua_t:d_L And m your _tat¢*JaC_t, you rcf<: Io a num_ 9 _to4t.ct D_ M._scn_, w_ 7 pax of the _tc_L $ Q 9 v_ cvtdcnra u, tth me that De fcnc[an t.¢ ExMbtt 6 the word "evte_mc¢" prcdctcrn.n_i and cxtrautc m those Jmma 4 _ I, D¢l'¢mLk. ts Cxmntt¢ _rtdca¢¢ S P. 6 A not e._'damcd brochu_ra a_ *cP. MP_ COOK are cxtnmlc _th tt'_pcct c_-tcct? O_eca_, tails for k_d I$ cor, clmzou. 16 "]HE COURT Sm:_m¢c[ 17 BY MR. H1GGfi_S I| 20 14- YoJZ Hon_. th_s _ m c_d_scc_lon ofc]_m el_nt Q Th¢_: 20 In the p_¢t',ff NO. sir _ tm:¢h_c_ A 22 23 Q Dc_m_(. 24 tnmm¢ Do_ou _mcmlx*_ cvtd_m¢_ md cxm_l¢ d_us_ cv Jd_e_ _boul nnd I t,_:_ 2¢ Hesrlng lwouldrtotl_ow, ! ltav¢ thai. $ Q - Lhx:t¢ ts a sc_k'nc¢ 4 ktscd L_pon the facl thai thct_ arc _ v_t $ con¢ol 6 l_¢tcrmln_d corder,an, pm s_: object, _t.ued ¢q cmdd tome Lhat a paton 17 Q Okay ;tO A Yc_ 21 C._ttldMr tr? 25 A !l cordlnon, that werccttcd I bc corrccl thlt4 you *tthcr _ ;',Io. 1 &d not. h.nd _t p_t, tlmit _7 tff yore" P.u_ t2 _ta-ntmt mVI. A2-ther, the pholc_:ll, "on dim" to "on Might" Ym_" camd]_r".Srz_ofthat tt ts important to rt:co_ntzc _ s_tch Ik_ lam_ flora _ sooB as the p S!_.Sdotal my 12 cMmg¢ ut In fmrcd ntaJat_tm ¢tt_zLs tJ cotdd bc A 14 _d t_ dctr¢'u on of that t$ woudcm't you7 Q Wh_¢_eyounm_ng, second pmagt _ob. $_.ond Mt Ht_7 Ith0u#lyou l don*t s¢¢ th_L parzlp*_ph, und_/wab_c nummd _ on pM¢ I_; 17? 18:ud IcP. 17 A ,Mr Ralxr_ _]r l_ut Mr _eC,l.S_ that wctt a;cn tloncd. Wou_ 8 FIon(x Da Thu_ ¥o_ 1! "I'HECOURT 19 MR 20 THT_ COUP."t H1GG[NS t;that_22_orm? Go_eud. IwamloJ_veDr Ma_4cu_tll It _ the pazalpaph t._tatstare _J 21 "atth LI_ p_ot0ceJ1. It Is Impotlam? Evara? Hcd_ 24 wnttcn st,tit:mint, he had :,oru_ ofl_,c_ Q Cmddyoudestt_andlmddt_h_cu'_'m_ Could Pa_e_d_S opu_o_ to _c _ 6 A ofmcUon - striX¢ thaL th._'_ whu 19 Q rc0m'Ing m yc_ 3 their, tn Mr o f wh_r.h would sloUtd m the agree that some ¢onffol I $ fi:st pred_tcnmrtc:l [ bcJt_¢ 10t27/05 opwmnand 10 tim the ctrc..ut could be d_¢d zmt t_nk to bc rcspom_vc 16 A Hearing Th_s $ d_da't read any _fth_© t'_ (hat You _o,dd 14 d:mgncd 22A patt_ "A'henyou wa¢ 9 says. as _ you wOtdd zglt¢ Q ofxmd tl_at, std/ It t3 - thts Is m 2 t_bl_ MMr 4 c_ _:my of _ fl'c:cnt to motto, fmcntm_mmostofw_uchwouldnoc [ do _ 12 e kcutm¢_ [havcnotrratdLhe M_rlcman I_ t r. rcxpot_d to d:ttcuon ¢]oted 10 A Q fl_at say'., my oWuon ctrcuJu whxch could rcs]xmd 9 _ d'a: _ At p=8_ I _ of yOL= c_b'm_J _ta:¢'rv_t I O A pcrfo_'.dut u¢ _t Mr H_,g_r_ psge$64 I_ fo_c V - 2 8 psodma 00_7 00566 I _lt lest par4grlph "; of a pert, on _ 10r_7/0S m the Re 25Q Marl_me arc no( mmuoncd the_ t3© hLS:Or_ of the pa:_-nt, at= th¢,fl 23 A t r,_ btochmc_ a_ ZI Q 22A plod_a 19 _tr_t, _,ans¢o_l_ct_ Mark.malt M__ I..aGG_$ 24 THE V/ITN'2B5 Yea 14o, your Honor 25 BY MP.. H1GGIN$ ycs.s_r Hcarttlg 22 10/27/05 Mnrkamou Prig©566 JA 0922 .qeJarlug 10/27/05 Page S67 O0_.6Z _69 I Q [ h_ 2 ho'_ ev_, 2 A as wzth tic plzoicccQ, th_ _ not bow the ¢1¢¢mt 3 ofzhepa_cotwor_ 4 _.zcz_ I goes _t/l it local O,'HO _ay zl_-'r w h.tt I h ave i t_[ r ca, d. A_d_hcnyo_szy_eclzcm[ofdz¢ you an: _cfemn_ to _8m_ 2A _d 2B ot'd'= '066 T_zl was Ihe _mt 7 Q [mt_d 8 °m ¢bm" Io "_ 5 Q Y¢_ 6 A 'l_t do<_ no[ swlCh the I_¢np _m brl_" th_'_ shove _ _ou tc_d, reth_ _ that _hat I - ¢._. t_ 7 _Z_cn 8 _md_c_7 un:_} abe chaoS© m mfr_©d ¢ot_u_ wh_ hav_ dccM--d ¢c_c_d the ¢.u'¢tul to whs_cr Tamw'_-_ut u _s _ howl',w_dd¢l'me 9 radmucn dctccJcd by _¢ piP. re.octccrt_n prescLccted 9 pzedct crmm¢_ |0 COndLrLo_ ForexampIc._c_tzo_ 10 Q H W_J¢_cz'4"_pz_co_&_o_&"_dthet,_o_fpr_crm_eJ IZ coadR]o_ t3 _ TO _ _uc_ clan_ &re you rc fcr_ng_ 11 d_z_¢_ 1_ haw _ wbxch the¢lrcmt c_rrc_po,_ ¢o whz1_v_r _ _ _ey Hew, do¢_ tic word "prc_dcclcd cc_dmon" appear A_ d_n't Claim In the c.l_ 14 Q S_x? I _¢hcve th© pateat usca d_cword "prcdctcrr_ncd" 15 A Andthcqumbon 16Q And a_o" P.omm_ - ¢xcv_¢ me. A;_bl¢ numeral 3, the I _ peed_t_rm_n e.d :onchlmn l? _nlmce _ bqp_. onc_ _t _ uodc_tood 6, *_clf, J_l Yes, sir t9 [ [ does s_y, pr_d_',_Tm_"d _ wha¢ you have just dc_cn'bc.d up A 20 relauve _h_ch the cttcmt have deeded cc_es'pO_d to whzt_e_ *t _sthey 2[ 22 Q 23 ?, T':zat'_ correcL 2} defined 24 Q And Io that _ w_l you mc_l a_d _at z_ how _ by Ix¢_zv_m_med _,und_ Mzr_u 24 ofyoux opmtoo |leanng ]0/27/05 Page ] T_¢ szzteme_ 4 Q - z_ 6 _h.zt _l says - a_t_w[b 7 of _bemv_uca 8 _ll_s_-_c to z_-_r_zzc_ _ _r¢ fcrrcd cmbc_ncnl ttwall be _ _f t_e &sd that vznanons o._1 zp_r_zm, mc[_ o f pz_s, he w_hm _¢ scope oC_ tl_ present l _ laven_o_. 12 |3 Did _'_t p_'_e you b.lve gz_ [4 A fo_ z_ F_ o f y_m opm ons d_zt zs p_rt cf ym_ t_s_zmcny m th_ c._c7 I_h_e_recfly_d_L My_P_l_swzs [_ on _ :h'o.zk Rfz[_m t6 And you di_n t £_c_s _J _1 on vane.s Q 19 o_'vc_ o f figx_c 2 oFlmcm _Zl y_z have rcnd_r_l to _c cour_ 20 co_:p 2J A _o#t_ncw_[lwo_ds_y_Jt 22 minor rno_fic._ 23 aL_ - [ _khc 2_ buttbc_t_c M_[I wh_vo_ _m_ng Heanng thc 10/2.7/05 Page 569 Page 571 l[somebody;m_k'numl_dthec'._toft_c'_ p_Aerd wlth dtgltal comp_nmL_ l_st_ of_alog _qmpon_ ti'tal the czrcmt _ct_d ts S_111- LS •. T_¢ c_rg_l _f 6g_c 6 Q Ym 8 Q You 9 _3_t._lly a_ oppof_d I0 d_ff_'e_ll to a pergon 27 h.q txxn <bscIo_cd. m da._l for F_xpos_ 9 or mocbf_lzo_ Ne_,v Df The w r_d a_d _sk you _o coblenz i _c'.d _ also Y_ .v'od d It be your opmlort z_cu_ pm ferted C_t:_:L_C_ [ m j_lr_ 7c_. Markmaa 2 bcm8 mc_n its¢]_ ¢o_rc_t _ 568 _'/ L_rncmz_¢s_z_{gzvey_u_effght(l_cs 5 pa(¢zz; _Ts yo_ ofa p_'s on or obJeCt app,ltao_ ql the clam, A G057[ I Q A frcr_ _ con_uon _ Axld t_e _ec_nd predetermined _ethtzc_ 25 Q OO$7O 2 c_h_p.n 7 Imps 3 thigh t_ s_d first s_c_ sc!mraze 22 w Lth t0 dczc¢[, ¢crtcct_ 25 _n&_o_, _t 17 q_tmn7 what u mca_t by [_ Q 21 d_Ign_'_ _sthc dc freed in thectmm, _ 19 pr_dcl_ncd 20 t_cr¢ as d_ p_'z_cJec_cd¢cn_oz'_ the fir_ zs - _ I ur,dc'_u_dlt, I g prcdctcrmzzcd conthtxra, and wh_l yoa _e s_yzu8 about ¢o_d_m define ILselU I$ A [4 m d_: '366 _c_d to you're 4 _skm8 _ I z_zI_,z_L, yes. stf L_¢ _rc_t _"am I ¢on_:l I _ that [ tleLteve prede[t*'mm_ 3 th_ _tamaeat $ patcz_. ¢or_ct2 6 _. respect to that i_:t_ "V_ on - _r 11 A The _rcua 12 Q Weuld thai the czrc_al o f fif_'m'e 2 _f doae w_th ar_og sk_ied comp_nea'gs woaldb¢chffr_e_ the operauon Y¢_,s_" _ f the c_r_mt ,,.ath digital 13 compon_llts 14 vl O,W.R _le s_'_e bY _ _-:.on instead o f gn_log components 15 A [do_tl_oww_yc_meanby t6 Q Wall, 17 wh_c_ w_ 1_ apphed t9 A III tek¢ your word fo¢lL 20 Q Ti_a.r_ y,ot_ Aad skz[led "oe h"mstole in _ - aRT vlewedthestrae" a Ixrson codd take the carrel - d's new b_m I i yea_ f_- ong_aally wouJd be m the art _ or"figu_: a_o when L the palent _ in 1994, co_t? farce th_ eatlyg0_,co_tmmng:o Forex_-,'al_e,a _ v-_n_ z clr_mt, f_z cxzmpl¢, d_.c_bedxt tr_ _tym8 _s_ L._ 324 op_p,_d _co_'r_onZSlbe Markmazz Hz_rmg 22 w c_dn'l _s_l my 23 same 10/_05 Page A you agree l would w_i_ that _ alW¢c w_h _k_l_ thaL 24 Q So a _r_on 2_ codd Lake the em:tt_l of fig2m 2A and b_atd a c_rcu_t _, ra _c _ec_mc Markmaa 570 JA 0923 g"_ a:_y Hearing 10/27/05 0O572 performed the same analog componcn_ts, A That Q 0O573 way using MR Your Allnght then Honor Yes first wtLh regard heal ver_L_ motlon II mfrared 12 m front o£_e 13 that cause 14 A Yes, tl would 15 Q And would 16 II was In mo[lon 17 A Thal would 18 Q Do¢_ _¢ 19 changes 20 A 21 mfrared en_rg'l, versus ff you chang_ Io the an heal had a statlone_ PIR and then the PIR to gwe that healed or changes object it up wzthout and rapidly, regard bo wzthoul In m fr4red h responds reg,_d just sat lt would to whether or not radiation to mo_lon to mot;on whlch or to other types to mollon that causes causes as well cbongc TM of mthatlon Q Wghoulregardtov, 23 Now. 24 stal_ent donng 25 Do you Mr have your hetherornottCs--v, Hzgglos's -- coup]e patent lthdraw examtaatlon, of $_temenis he refc_ed in column in &oat you to a g of the p_tenL of you '_ {'vlarkman Hearing I0/2W05 Page which 2 and which are mounted w_thm are each rc_porL_w¢ Does 5 proce_mg housing 22 behind tO m frared hghl produced the patent then go on to d_cnbe of the -- the szgnal emanating 7 A Itdo_ Itd_cnb4_¢propaBatlonofthe 8 signal through the _ano_ ctrcult blocks I see that 8 Q Now, lamp the is only turned version yon mentioned of somethlilg that that w_s thdl was A Ida Q What p0rhort Of the 13 A It w_ back in cohtmn 14 said 15 the 16 that the second 17 mainly about 18 bright or off And sensing 19 Q 20 Io _ 21 A 22 operation 23 figures 24 place 25 include and first how what this hght wtll 24. convenllonal palenl you referring to t I beheve whal respond, p_slVe going ii says, I have and ts talkmg to accenl or refemng ]l descnbes where the c_rcult of mutton thai you were 3 where I describe part appears first pan PIR sensol,_, -- hne two in the spccificallons - th_s Is lane 24 -o I believe o- nghl a shorthand and thscnmlnallon Il was back m column of the were 3 -- wen, in whzch was the if the '_ part of the the and said '_ s31d elsewhere patent detecung half $ertlen¢¢ on at nlghl Doyoaremembersaylngtha[ was thai the 6, at mode Doyouseethal 12 I Q from fur_er the PIP, thllowmg And 11 A I'm not sure [ undc_tand concluding with 12 Q The pnxessmg the what? the qu_tlon of the signal through the v_ou._ 13 blocks wtth the end r_ug 14 A Well, _ bemg _hat far as thscnmmahng that IS the security 16 because at node A there's '7 the predetermined c'vent, _t tennlrtates a htgh or low 17 repregenL_ _c -° It has b¢c-'n detected, at nodo A ouzput that the event h_ been 18 detect ed or not dotecled Whtch processing puritans of the signal h:,_h or low at noda of the patent from text describe A_' 22 A It begtns about line 24 and then contmae_ Line 24 ofcol_mn 24 A 25 26 of column 4 the the PIR all the way up to the 23 -- 3• 0 f cohm_n 3, and it continues Markman up about llearmg through line 10/27/05 [ncludtng the the circuit of the right of figttres infrared, the -- jtlst shah 3 A Right 4 Q - stctton? 5 A Rtght 6 Q Including 7 A Correct 8 Q Now, 9 l0 Q Q the bright 2A _d 2B PIR sensors llearmg Q I 10127/05 Page 573 of the manual 2 ovcmde-. by 9 PIPs 21 113thai parag_dph, II Ic'ns 26 6 s_T,sols _ 20 around 26 of colunm Markman 3 source_; e._ctetnal Io the I_rnp 19 Q to full 0O575 I and Q2, 15 motion, hne seasmg 572 0O574 4 Q around andQ2detectmollon l0 ¢ayller m '_ P[R r_;pond beginning the motion 7 A 9 ISSue of a signal '_ be down scnsorsQI EXAMINATION M_sengdl, I0 Where turning colLgequenlly Anyreth_"ct_ COOK Dr Ida Q questions, REDIRECT 22 A of says. COOK 7 BY MR instead is ix_sslble I ha_ e no further 9 Q componen[s correct '_ THECOURT 8 thglu_] Page in front the photocell In the ofyou master seetton claim chart -- do you 10 A Ida II Q -- were 12 rials, the language 13 A Ido 14 Q Was that language 15 recewe 16 your repor_ I 17 A It w_ -- well, 18 patent, which 1 had to bogm 19 these elements, 20 recall the -- I don't 21 Q Did 22 your 23 A Oh, certainly 24 Q And dtd you 25 reporll the -- you JA 0924 thai that language you see m the chum text pOrhon of there? provided to bogm ofcout_e I recetved recall rccctv¢ to you working -- when I1 at some d_d you wzth and prepann$ thelanguagetsm w*th hal the point the breaking out of but I don'l the date It in advance of yottr prepanng report? rely on that language Markman 574 have -- m prepanng |learlng your 10/27/05 Page 575 00576 I A 0057.7 I&+L 2 Q I Q AI_I dJd _C_I T¢_ 0n _al IP_JPL_Je m ro_-l_nZ the 3 conclraSl_n tP_a'SmOo:ted m tbc fifth colm-m_ or _¢ 4 cc_un_ 0( _e m3_ cL_ r L A_dQsapers_n_'I1edmlbe:m,m'nl_ 2 _- Imc.za._hav©aPb.D $ _wm_d_rmct_y chin? 5 A A _solule_y 6 Q Aed _c 9 Q ! h_vc no f_LfJ_'T qU_UO_, LIlac _ut _:l_,ons _ _p_ho A 6 mdcsc-/ ±c Q L0 T_ CO L'RT II ,MR I_IGG_S Y_r Any _*c_s ° Briefing, BY M]_ F_GG_$ t4 Q 15 you woe 16 n_t_rcl_m_ Dr M_D, Yore Ln r_por_cto _Jluz_ _oa _ t_c b_cu_ No Pu:_r COOK qu_uoP_ I_ b_o one ft_h_ _o z_k the g_,at m'ae, Yo_ I oc_leaed 11 _loeo_ R_DI_F_CT qu_ lon Hono_ EXAMINATION NflL COOK 14 [cok OV_ on pa_c 2 al clcmem C 1, do ?cu scc the.7 Cooksq_toB, u f th_ ct_'_u_ Youco_ Ve 7 _ MP_ 10 t_ [hzv_or_cdm Idtmk.*syou_cs_r_.c;_c_t_t',_o 9 Ho_r 12 BY 13 blc_:mcal{_m_g t_t m t_c you_clfapc_onslu_ed 15 A [do 16 Q IDo yau _e Lh_ - tha#. thee is underlined langt_c t'7 fol_o_ng the word "for=? "_¢ wcrd "for"_Bp_rl B_¢C :n IS A Y_, 19 Q D_d yo_, 2O c_m d_eat 11 t_ s_" yo_n¢l f, eve_ z;t_npt of _ny ¢_m to br_k _e fore you r_:e_ved _y _c m_qer 21 ¢_wn _ln_ 2._ A Br_ko_ Z3 the pz[cr4. No [ ao(lccd Ik_ww_n[w_sfir._sm_'_nn_ th_ the clzu_ w_ _'r_g_ clmm elera_L m _nd A Y_ 2[ Q Ckdyouco_dcr_hatlzngcmgcmee_tngyo_r 22 concision _3 sufflocat 00.771 t Q 2 A ]_c 9 O I0 A th¢_ you ar_ rcf_n_ Thtl_tmdedmed Markman yeu I_vc m mm_ when _ou _ 4 V_ H_q_yd_osa_oa_ow_Jayc_c Y_ I _ probaMy )Lu_ bc_g aol vcr/c_r_ftd atKt bc_aB ptcc_c m my _cr [uld_l meal (c_l h_c 14 just n_ _hmkmg _x_l which TRE WITNb._$ ThE COURT 6 Tile 9,'ITNE_S 7 10/2.7/0_ the _td _ texl. _d "_H]E COLrR T Psge $77 t8 m _y clara de.eat oth_ tb_nj_ 19 A T_c_,x hs BusJclmc_voulo)u_kaJ _t _d w_kircad an_rlmcd t_l _ tha_ in formmB "rH_WTrNT'_S 14 d_cnmm_oo 18 p_oa'bcd CI_ aOL TbaCsthconlyopc. 22 M,_'a_flL 23 _e_:_t_on COL'RT [ have oee qu_uoa, D+d/oucommder myo_pgen_ Z¢ wo_d _ m t_ dlsct_cn _M_lmnOfQm& Yes If yot_ w'ax_ to c_d] _ thaL of_l Aad th_'s _ T_ ff_ COU_T 10 "I'H_ WTTNF_S ofthzL Okay Did I :x,sw_ you_ ques_on 24 and s_lcc_on 1O/ZW05 THECOLrRT YcudJd You&d Doyouh_v¢ 23 aay qu_L_oe.f_ DR CARNAL THECOURT Youl_spo_edlohts Hearing goes through a pr oc¢_._of [ cor_ _.._r to b_ d'*cevent, the 19 :_2 - mcolumn3or_c M_rkmao itdoes _'cscLcOlon¢ltc_]PJta_th¢ wilt _c_c your op_m¢_ yo_tHonor 2, ap fxopna_el_ Dr _str ,q_l_xn_ a._ardyc<a_[_e zbo_ pr c_tcraaln_l Ihe e'_tm_ And thatlsp"_1o['the pr_c_. 17 d_rnJn_$, G_ word"for" Io)_trzclf _el] m= _f It contains _he word *select _ _d : f you c_nslde_d 13 cont_n_bewo_l'scEcc(" qucsLmn no RLghL _eb 12 [ T'eamk ye+ TH_ m Rxghl 9 sc_sors Ql end QZ, ifyQu II cle_aly [ _v_ probably when [ answered _,_b=c 21 _s An4. I 0unk you amwc_d 16 o_t_uts of QI and Q2 and _m _y "prespied" 8 o01t_.n 3 m the m_ddlr_ the parzgr.ph tha_ bcp.m 10 p_r_r_ph m my bc_ze I ¢onsld_cd, _T Q c_lly lleanng "['hen I._[t.f o1_ I b_ I E'_e yOU lllO W_"e :e;kt'd L_ b'_s¢l_O10nc,rCul_ _ by ++_ 3 d_d _hc word _5¢1ec1"appe.at m the p_L _ about wh_c_ "or not Y_U strnpty co r..sid,_'wd qt_on thal _'oa dzeb_'lthink 2 St FIt_IL ++pan aftbe _( th_ mlem_L D_ I + camlflered +ill of the _lmed 20 Q _0n7 lo _ pOwe_ _ 576 I qu_uon Yes,[_L I I a._x_ ex _o'_ 12 Psgc the tc_t(cd 10 _nB la_ua_c CO._79 5 HIggwt¢ ? A 10_7/05 Y= s_nxre 4 O that as Iowhethc_ o¢not th_ cta_'n el¢¢_Cnl r_clk'_ stRcauc _$ AC voltz_c He_nn_ Ina_c _:r 1 _0 14 A blarkm_n Do you +ce the _deflm_d 19 fOllOWSth30 o_ Psge NO ma'zm. Okay Canlgetane_nmalcab_u_ Marlunan 578 JA 0925 Hearing 1_27/05 PageS79 O058O 00581 I rebuttal proof and how 2 MR H]GGINS long st will take? YomHonor, I that contmm atfiltstrmc, arc_c 2 3 going to take a t_cak for lunch? 4 THE COURT 5 MP_HIGGINS and Yes, yes, )cs, wc arc THECOURT 6 think thc*c _ ill be r cbutt,fl i_co f, bm may I ba_ c the hmch 6 MR. 7 hour 7 THECOURT 8 MR. COOK 9 MR THEUERKAUF l0 THECOORT It MS 12 THE COURT MR HIGGINS Good COURT 9 MR HIGGINS THE YcL you may Thank COURT Imvc cfosmgs, 14 Okay Okay, And then zftt v, tl) bncf vcty good Well All nghL We come back at I 30 We and we'll go fiom thc_¢ Vc_good. 15 (Brczk) 16 THECOURT 17 yott proof, tt wzll be mcrclfolly 12 v, dl take an hour for hmch 13 wdl Ibchc_cfl_t--Idont to cons_dcT that? THE 13 Wc'rcmrcccss Sorryfo_thadclay of file thsk, 15 to roam 16 for courtscl 17 p_omptly Arewercady 14 fe* closings7 18 MP.. HIGGINS 19 cafls no rd_ff_ TIIE COURT 21 MR I address 24 25 ofttm Yore Hoaor, the ptamuff 18 ws_e_ 20 22 Yes, Okay YourHottor. of hovaekce'pmg THE COURT MR HIGGINS bcforelbcg.n, may matters? Okay First, wtfil d_mlraa_ thai occurred, respect we l_|arkmaa to file vtdeo (to ha_¢ file d_k Hearing 10H7/05 Page Okay Thatwlnbethcncxt HIGGINS I think it's 89 Okay, 89 I don't have phys=cal MS It's89 89, gr¢.at. And only wtth respect one copy, and Io file phys)cal so I request of the vtdco for file Court, to file court TItE I ;how Bnggs-Joneswdlknow p_sesszon and m mdct 89 t; what MITRAKOS we have Do_thatsoundngh_ the I_t pcrm_lon copy, to return make topees the ongmals for flhng COURT Is filat all nghl wlfil you, Mr 20 MP_ COOK 21 TttECOURT 22 gomg to substitute 23 copy of the vtdeo, Yes. tt t; Okay, 8 copy - which 24 MR HI(GINS 25 THE COURT filat'sfine you Soyouarc a_e going v, xll bc marked to give t_ a Exhtblt 90? _ Y_.ma'am Okay Markman Hearing 10/27/05 mantptllale it to your Page 581 OO583 MR the bmdct arc I assume COOK going all the come to be cop.mdored cx_blts m mtzodu_ed I any the corn1 or Dr ttme 3 THE COURT they v, ¢_re coming 7 Yes, I presumed into evidence, MR COOK MK. HIGGINS by sttpulatmn _ma I correct THE thatc_ Y_, filaF$ correct 5 There 9 cfosmg. MR arc on dunng 7 acc_-pt _I smo 8 po_esston I I mtnr_lc MR HIGGINS 10 Okay Foe ¢xzz'nple. the ¢xmm)c, TltE 14 Ice's make 15 mctudmg I have SUTC MS Bnggs-lor_$ the filings that have MR- HIGGINS c,_anlhal_.e matt_ as a rnait et of cvtdonce, 18 of Mr Raper's 19 d_le*ed my set. so has a complete _ And 17 cleposluon, THE 21 MR-HIGGINS THE added, one that, oka_ final housekeeping wc have the phymcaJ of course, COURT You mean example ts fully Excmc 22me 23 THE COURT 24 MR HICK]INS Okay We wdl be suhfalttmg I mox e for its ada33t_lon Markman aBd re_lpl Hearing gugh that as an that al 10,'2"//05 that'sthe pnma_ 582 Andtfyouwon]d and allow ¢o_et m; to retain I m_an, COURT What we What doyouall physical com't, to Dr we'll mare had a patent I5 b¢¢.atme he had an tmorroous 16 things *t 17 used to ths$ kind MR Pa¢.$tretie 20 vtdco, 21 record _a] thaL do aboutthescthmgs_ m h_e a couple of I loanedmycourtroomtooneoftheofiletjudges that went 19 do you think about _ually of filing. and tbe mote THE COURT 23 DR CARNAL 24 THE devices It w_ ._o, I mere% you do you e_ photo_ph, easdy 22 What And usually huge _ll ate do7 MOSt of the ttme you use a [[]GGINS t_Xhlhlt such I mean, device. on big trucks COURT and I wanted flied or m fills rage a fac$.smtlc ts put into the Okay Yore Honot_ We arc dtscummg what yOU to he_" it, MS Markmau JA 0926 to the at any .me, week*ago 25 these Page evidence e tt. Of co_r_e 14 18 h_ d_lc¢'_ lmeandomomtraaon Cook? 13 set, on file "adeo 20 to mampulat of s',_cb a thing avatlablc 12 Mr COURT intend the atoragc HI(GINS to opposing II dtstmctzon. 13 I don't about of tt so that It's avmlable 9 Carnal, COLrRT can 6 re:asonwemnd¢filemotlontodothevtdco cc,"tam pot'lJtm:s o f fil4ml to w ht ch we w't fl ctmm_mt TItE COURT 4 I'm )us1 wondenng Yes 8 l0 Camat mto evldm_? _hsblt as will be what'_ 580 OO582 16 that thai be 19 Cook'_ HIGGINS a couple suggest 3 evidence which 8 v,c wo_d I mo_ ¢ for its m_ndttCtlOn 5 exhfillt, II 25 the video, as evld_'u:¢ 4 IO be any rebuttal 12 introduced He_ring to do about Bnggs-/ones 10/27/05 Page 583 00584 I MR 2 phyrucals COOK Orate oNc'_ into _ l_nce, 3 _afdcccpmg, then tetm'n some'body be theTn to ¢Om_d they have 00585 ] _ o de',lcea put them Io _gue m the THE COURT 7 MR COOK You Okay But us_l]y 8 the r_cor& cotmsel 9 something for pm'p_c_ can a_ce 3 THE COURT a box THE COURT II DR We ha_ c an e×hlblt room We can put them m exhthtt pho_grapha or of that Why 5 MR HIGGINS 6 THE COURT MR to counsel 9 dellberal)on I think _oom m we do that_ Verywell Yeah retrain them NiP. don't Is that atl nght_ COOK 8 I0 10 CLFRK or something 7 thcn_ once they arc m on l_Odw:mg THF 4 ]11_e'snotlme 6 '_ 2 for can stand up and wave 4 foth:raJ ctrcult m the 15 mmmes 5 ca_'_dcmons_thcm "zOli_ Honor, Wbunthkstso_et, for safcko:pmg, thafs a good H1GGINS then but dtmng tde_ And the final howekcepmg Okay CAP_AL "_om Honor, 11 rnattet rna_ I make ] 2 Rule ts the ctrcu)t that was on 12 statcmem, we page IO of Mr _ ill pro_ ide an enlarged P.aper's copy for the 12 stz_8_tton9 13 T_IE COURT 14 DR 15 togethc'r on boa_s 3 S_c CAJ_NA L You know, some of those 16 and things could get ]c_t and _L 17 a iccord ofv,_ those 18 19 c_rcutt thag_m 20 ctrcu]l 21 w_e be Ic_e really to wh_ 2_ a _ag_ le was on the 23 at this point. 24 c_dm_ l thlnk TII_'S Lha_ has its own problem5 a grca_ sugg_tton matters, I thmk $o do you _mk that _¢ B_ glVCn w¢ probably _ e can kec'p thee Markman can't do dc_ )ces zhc_e llearmg I0_27/05 Page COOK ]6 wlthhtsbexwlththeexhthltmlt THE 18 _ookmg 19 the propose 20 ne-.etdothal MR HIGGINS cou_¢l, thai has been dfl:g_.c 6 May _pr may g be doing 9 .aby a_¢ we hereo 10 clanns _ hen ,_ • pm up a shde the Powe_ Pomt de_lcez COURT 23 _on't Okay, that's my decision ts -_ I know your fine If you-- I am at the end of Ioday eycbrov, s are going so if up People I'mdomglt, purpo*e ts for me to J_! for proposes need of making have thts claim these consmictton, I them 24 MR 25 THECOURT Dr m _a the court SIalT om Pow_ HIGGINS Verywcll Okay A]lnght Plamtt_s Itearmg 10/27/05 Page 585 wc'_¢ cffcmt 3 dusk The 4 lamps from 5 mght of tbe II 13 _ I wdl ts the a unaq_ ii many, w hal t_ the Icchnology _¢ 16 mid con_'ul secu_ly to consl:me many we T_: mot;o_ ;oImm_._lo_,mthlscasemoBon 21 lois _ to produce mm I;unps on m thth¢c2_ m om p_c_ar t uro.q _¢ lamps exampl_ on m respo_¢ Thecomlhasbea.rd Io _hal And m addmon, the pre fer_ed 24 patent 25 um¢ mc]udc ctrcml turin at the when morton clremt, ts dclected r¢_lar_ at reoccurs Io keep the the I_'aps al Tbemneronlymnesoutffnofurthe_mot)on_s delected Other featur_ were menBoned of the comm_cla[ 12 fealur¢,thepulsecotmt 13 test'tmony the _rmbo_men{. a t)mcr a n_otton product as well Io keep ser_os- m the 15 t_ggers 16 featm'e device the pulse propose contrul Ibe manual ov_mde Tbe¢ourlh_he_rdmach Zero I8 wa_ ¢ form 19 knov,_ by people 20 control the a_tl_tty count of pulse m the pre feared 17 as the clatr_ _s of the '066 crossing count THE ts to a_o)d mnbothment detect Tins to actuat c the lamp 22 a term you 23 prcfeffed skdled and poeduces because a ramp a ramp v,a_ cform in the art as a _cful of an clo:tron:c COURT false in the commercial way is to clremt. Let me make s_e I'm understanthng - are you using 24 word was u_lng You are usmg mbod_ment are and commerctaJ o whatcvt_ Comme*ctat embodtmem_ the second - on for a specified 25 Markrnan embothm_t, is thai _s described fl_e lamps aboul Tbe 21 23 to bright so long as mouon I4 product mghmme s_or 20 22 accent And the txmer, the contlol I ] cl_ctUl t It _cboofog_es are knov, n, photocells stmulat_ o f I_un'._ on only to acccnl the contlol [ar_s m_onsetoapredctermtT'_dle_:lofhght _ sensor 7 timer 9 the of [he '066 o f the '066 patent of L_o_ hghtmg Pho_oceIls 19 motion ts the c0nt_ul turla the lamps 6 8 bright lhss clewing h_e ts tbe co_ _ page We ha_ ¢ a]] seen And of the '066 patent 'O66 _em And tha_ of comse ! 2 patent. featme The photocell opening Point. dunng of coupe, A key 2 ]0 18 E_ansmayha_eesc_aped We']lre_ell all of the urnc we began pr_mlauon And, court. and appreciate and of I_ temcra_ s_l_-ncnL the tc_am ot ed io thu; hc_amg ¢ of all the wlmess_ you :t please _ • _ cry much _ 7 17 Okay lmtoldM_ Io announce So ffth¢ 22 1 3 Can_, 15 t_ o days 0O587 2 14 within Markman I citing? 5 COURT MR Cam;fl 584 (;0586 4 TItE 15 21 tl THECOL_T 14 17 Ar_thenffanyofuswamstoth)anythmgwnka recreafo for Dr l_.ave In the _, cnt of thal t o do _ ouM bo to l_r_lucc whlch t5 accur_¢ la4_" wc wc_d 2.5 was pol m)gh! We _'t componenL_ A s_mplt_ thing the clrcmt conncct]or_ COtWL for cotmsc] Hearing 10/27/05 Page MR HIGGINS Markman 586 JA )927 Hearing 10/27/05 Page587 O0585 Bat _ 2 Win. _]NS ) i"_'/i_t_c_ 4 ducu_ 3 Tb¢'J _¢ not mI_c_c_ole :_d I _U Iz d:|msmS m dill_ 1 8o - Se_aaa to pmvt_ as well _ a _mi_m tl_ bcsl mode _t_'_ptlon Btu inI_p._ o f tim prc,qmv.d_bod_cnl enabling th:4_ porlmn of_c ofth_ patroL T_ o0mmc_ud 9 4a1_or_l_d a:_u'no_ u L_ _¢¢ond pm I 0 r_r© phys_ly U wb_ Mr 0 f h_ dano_,-zoon, l_r_e rnouea s_t _o, 11 to'1_ on It z_'x_w_th d'¢ h_fogen bu,_ 12 the cornmeal rc_tl d_e ¢ondil_m_ of p;_amblh1_, .bhty and noao6vlogsr,._s, I l 19 of the f_T_ b_e 9 pn_'xd_ m_ormauon I 0 _bl¢ w*fo the w_ch may mcl_ '_ond lJ .s _ _e 14 e.aro_ig )$ of cb_p_:'b';cdm_tmau; i_,. ? 21 t_*_._nzd_ Y_ OfS_t]Oa Honor, t*_ m_ olve_ ¢n 1 l_,p3ra_pJz [ _nd p_x_z_h ofa p_tem, mid dml'_ the _erm _ 74 I;_e _r_le_ d_s_'_pt,e,_, Ihe d_wm_¢, 2 Hearing "Fac ¢_am'_ o r _ pat _ z n_pmv© t/t,_ 20 ibota 21 TiUo3$ of h'_ p_¢ f_ _ 4 _n'_ofpzlc_f_ 5 of_e _a_ cmbodamcaL% thin h'IC_I]_$ f_ a laodacl 25 you are hmUm i _e d_l_d u__ I_.lmie.aJ "l'r_ COLTRT tcrrn ofizl s'p_ ficalmn? II wnJ_md_.,cnpt_aoftho 13 _ '_ x_ I d_sc_patm d_t_ss_oa $_n_n t _4 of _ Well. coald >ca ;_t gh_p_.ir_ aaswa my m the:palate* dcsenptxon If to bern 8 a Hearing 10/27/05 PaeeSS9 d'cb¢_t mode. P_cfcn-©d_bo<hm_t 6 _h_ m r._cltt_ d_on abom w_fo I.Se pkr_¢ COURT" "g'a¢sg, c_*Qcaao_ mvcn_c¢, Okay, mcJta_a tl m¢Icd¢_ _Uca II d_¢ wdh O_e Or more chdm_. o£th_ [nwndon. tim _lmg d_cl_'Rrl MP._ 81C_li_ esw'¢_lyro-._r_glm _=_p_on How, i1'1 (he cbur_ 1"a¢ _m:rgot_on t 4 _nbod_mcm L_elbd_CL _ of z Fa/¢_t the4 defJm_t the 13 p_cf_,z_d m_bo<lm_-at u_ d_op_-nl, of _1 tll_ mw_t ma is pal |i ts _brely oftho v._t¢o IS t.v_ _ 19 And tI_'s thit prefom:d dt_puon p_JIthla for • !:_t ofclmms o f _c WefrJ'_d bcc_, R1CGnqS 22 I.q or _o _c Oka_ _ ts d_aca_m_ The qx_a fic_.JOn Hesrln_ IOF27/05 Page _90 COURT expI_n#d, w_fo jt._ o_ n_© _1frora fo© prior of Sr._Jon 1 I2, d_ _dy c'_'_ dmlncdy fo_ mvrntmn _ fi_omfo© prior 1 &_n_t me_ Marknmn JA 0928 Io hzvea paragon th= F_:_t 24 & ITcre_l _P,_cmrd compon_J _s - El h:_ aclu_ly _ Matl_mao foc llnsu._c 2_ points o_ and _cu} what _as p_._'_t, emb_t_'_a. _ Mr 21 clcm_mt m _hc d,_ma d_! d_tmgu_¢s I"F_ COURT eft_e oon¢ of which L_- coRt_ Z0 pztc_ law_¢r_ er_ to _fme Arglmthtsca_e_t ZI ks a_ _¢IL _s abel of the mventton, _d 1:_ nt_zzo e.x_lude. An_h_ fo=altmtfon':_lerot;_:_'c_a - Is fo_oncoltmm2._:_leddescnpi_on? _. 2 of the sp_:lfi_¢on 9 mven_On, dm b_t mode for _xrc_m _ OUL_ I& t9 msomc dc_._ pllon Thea i f you look _J S_cuon 2 o f -- pu'_"_h 5 $¢¢_on I 12, II be_ A disclo_t_c thal ts rtqmnn 8 an ax_blmg _l_t_ 17 ¢12,_11- ,_I¢_ Z_ p_lml or *.Se t0 it also mdudcs d_ c._ms. MR. HICGINS Z_ ts l¢_thon_hlto Marlunan 4 I _v© rc_d _ lot of _ 10 20 t12 _ o_"foc _ou _gaxd somc 3 ¢._cs referred to as the d._'_l_l as cxpr_cd IwL.zlyouto_omt_om_mlhis_twba41sd'_ pII¢¢¢ OOUP.T _8 what am the Io th= mark c_lar._ _ I_ mode rmb_t *,_ _©3_vo. qu_aon? gpc_flca_mn_z_hraml 9 mvamo_ Th_'s 24 ItL_aota_yo_uldo_ul_nlythak f'_almas 6 sp_'_ _ca_l 14 b_ d_c right _ b'ran_mapaI_nthold_ "I_ 2. Sc¢ot_ 12 n_t. _md Page I ofS*¢u©n _e dcacnpuo_. 2-I 10/Z7/05 _et fop_ O0_PI _590 I 6cscn_trn 8 an so Is [xme.. fi_e b_sL rnod_ in a pal_l mclades _e ab._ncx Marlunan 3 m _ In _e - et foot fo= p_af_¢d _ad',_d_ t_tt'_ 23 ;_ifica_oa s_ll©d - _t _*_= m_ the pre rc-m:d ca'nbo_m_m 19 _[_NS dcscnpuoa otu the mv_tt_ott I$ _tailcd 20 novd_ wnttm of paragraph mu_l a_ bl a._ oftha 16 cxpr_.*xcd if d_ ¢onth_on m_a_t 17 _ci_ 19 ¢_c£z:z'xt_ar.b_ to t_¢ r.ame_ 0¢ t_gm to make md t_¢ the in_ _'a_acn, lhcn th¢ w11tx_m 12 of or_ ¢_mm but not _c45s_mly 16 n _-1_ _J d_,-r_ _d wc bad If _c tavcn_¢n z_l so forth* d_I _s of foc _l_t embodxmrat I_ is called fo_ n*ay r_'_mbcr bar $_un 9 ? p,z4_P.L p_em Yoa _tsct11_ 0n!l about t_¢ Inv¢_o_ 8 *a of foe mwa_*_on for can ./m 6 th= rove.ha on cut. Tac v*-attea _pdoa _© ci_s_g t reqm_:s I IL pangaq_h app_icam to $_ you oft Flear[ng I0/2W05 Pale $91 00593 00592 I track I 2 3 MR Honor HIGGINS Ha_e No. I sausficd you THE 5 MR. HIGGINS And clams claims different 7 fcalur_ $ 9 Io For COURT "/cs. ddTcrcnt example o_ cmdc _ hen I'm talkmg mcludc patent m Claims 13 only prise count feature, cmbudlmcnl claimed 14 $ 9 12 and The _ a property zero the pro fcrrcd cross_ng as a property I $ those claims Nevertheless. nghl ,Ahlch manual m Cla:m bul ifs 12 is d_scnbcd as pazl of description, m Clatms 9 arc claims do not Include dcscnptton or dctaded Andmthec_cofCthlms6 20 nghl detect embodiment claimed that's pRrl of the m the detailed 17 l0 and I I pulse count o_cmde those claims and II's par1 of the proper ty nghl 22 patent _c pall of the patent that is granted by the omcc 23 The o_vner 24 ¢_:cludc 25 oxe defined of the 066 people from patcnl makmg. by .my one h_ Rslng the right Or s¢llmg to dC_lCCS Ihal claim 51arkman Hearing 10/27/05 Page it's a ve_ imporiant poml thev.mmllendcscnptlonoffo¢ 3 which patent 5 of the '066 b_ began 12 the cntffc 13 the claims 14 ¢nhrc Bul the de_ ice defined by _l_h do Raper wc use when _c I mean bufu palcnt do 6 is and demonstrated ¢onstrucllon wc _e but _ e arc here of the in the font Clann Carnal the clanns patent the pre fcr_cd that _ as discussed nc_,erlhclcss thai Mr to Dr So _hat II description patent to the cou_1 and here to const_c as _nformed _ Wc to mlerprcl nol or mfcrpret by the contcxl of Ihc patcnl And 16 palen_ 17 dunng lhc o_cc _ ahthtv properly of the 066 Issued the paten_ patent whether the _$ nol an _ss_e this pail of the proceethng "_our IIonor 19 shdcs that 20 bc thscussmg 21 of the argumenL 22 happy 23 counsel [ ha_ c color I am gong Io - thai I v. as mttndmg bul Ifll to pass them and D_ eopLcs of all o f the 1 ha_c discussed _o deh_cr _ould please up to you no_ and _dl them at the close the coup. I also have I'll be copies for Carnal 24 THE COURT 25 MR foff, h propony rights dttnng And 9 ¢¢rlaln namely one, I I zcmo crossmg m dtffcrcnl And 14 pro_eeubo{1 15 thfferenl manttal ha',c delecl and no manual 13 *S nol requLrcd Well HIGGINS patent Ihat mlghl May [ just bc helpful hand it Io counsel Ilearmg _ 10/27/05 Page 593 scope, _ Mr 6 Patterson to this shde, thts o_emdc cerIaln poise and count and ccrtam as v. hy stralcgy and allowance that v, as _cd of the 066 patent Now. _JI of the 17 arc enabled 18 12 _s the only 19 discussion 20 thai _ hen 21 about 22 description by the you m thesc v, nucn claim of pulse because fcat_ demcnptlon tha_ includes counl in the ,.'.nticn clreu]l m the 13 Ic_ els in _esponse set foflh [4 dcscnplLon so you understand explained as pail of the wrltten _ hat it Is o',emdc othcrsdo 25 feaLW_ if yOu _dl Nc_e_elcss is fully thscusscd IMarkman do not mcludc manual thcmanualo_emd¢ claims had 20 motion 21 the lamps description The opcrallon dcscraptlon turns the lamps is the level 10/27/05 Page And 24 and K only dl ffcrcnl pholoccll of hght thcPiR Page 595 JA 0929 _cll activity iI detects a dusk Or nlghmmc it'd.out, abouL P[RS In the patent fore accent then the IlmCr potion times ofthc _ to t_,o dl fferent when namely as v,c l_bcn So long Ihc control _¢ha_c dclect C_TCUl[[lUgS the control ,_ there contmucs ouI If Iherc s no furlher _hileallofth_sc Ill the P[Rs to bright clrcutt to bc mohon, mollon th_spa_t_cularcla_m Markman 594 of Thecon_rolclrCUltOpcr,lIes sensor e_ e._" time No_ and on to accent as recited rcstari_ go back the opc_atton an the x_ntten thai lots ofdLscusslon 23 th[ can in thc wntlen to sensing the lamps 19 25 m thc _nttcn Ilearmg _nlIen The mollon 22 of the specifieaUon 24 predetermmcd 18 and don't The operalLon of the motLon sensor is fully in the The first scn_c 17 _o turn Claim is a it's also count the photocell 16 $1mulatedhercLnlhecouri claLms there explained And pulse ¢xplamcd ,:,$ die control Cla, m 12 of the cla]rng is fully 12 dLffercnl count photocell, features coun_ E_ en though pulse o f those these explained ]l's bccn some features l I tamer _s fully cxammc SKmda_lv The ha_ c 15 therefore o',cmdc claims clmn_ 16 manual [0 o_ emdc the claiming and coum t contam 9 dcscnpt:on no pulse speclilcatton true o f poise that don cla]m_, and certain cla_lr,_ have also of cthln_ 7 lalk about g the oFfoe ts enabled Thal's tree 5 conlam are seating portion claim 3 to his te:gt]mony ha',c only 2 the 4 of the so If l can reltum claims I dcscnptton thai ¢latm It S jUSl that the clatms 8 23 than or detailed Markman 066palcntorany to any parllcul_r 7 discussed 1o appreciate ts pall of the SPOCLfiCatlon 4 b¢ dLrcclcd 12 a lot different II turns that _as 00595 [ thank 2 thts 10 a de'_ice 592 00594 6 fl _as m his demonstration dcmonsffatcd It's obvlo_tsly embodiment 18 and Raper ol" course tcchnofugy Rapc_ 6 15 but It s 10_ndllherc do not include 21 I Claim l0 The onl_ 4 $ defined 5.7. by Mr oul that Mr 6 the manual I through the underlying 3 5 aboul dlffcrcnl 13 prefcrTcd 19 yes m the '066 ts contained 12 16 your 7 body I I 15 at all the coun_ 4 6 dtdn't No_, 2 demonstrated Hearmg 10/'27/05 00596 Z ¢otttalm OO597 less than all o f the fcazmes 2 cmbo_mcnl, 3 v.orkmg 4 ofln_ it. nevertheless, dcvlce;, as Mr is a complete Patterson w_ enlbothmenl Icso lying, the Imle 6 Lsacomplcte'_orklngd_.tc¢ 7 anybody 8 ,sn'l much wahl glzzno thai Mr Now, to make something of a m_zkel for Mr THECOURT Raper Ithc thai7 There 6 mistake MR 13 I_f, D,dl I perhaps object, 16 of a person I'_ Now. _ hy thai thin8 anybody wahl Io do thal_ 9 20 wahl 21 bo sold dctecl IO make Io youngSlCXS 23 you teach people 24 mcd 25 dzlTcrcnl to leach of a mzrkcl of Ra_o how to make people _ And clrcmt on Octob_ 24 which, so thai you gel two th ffcxc'nt _csul_s 25 case Ilearmg be 10127/05 Page by the Supreme nol tl_ thud 5th m Oclobor 3rd, I can'l and apphcd the c_thna] Markman remembov sin Io a I 12J6 Hearing 10/27/05 Page 597 OO599 I0, _ _dte ] Paracutarly at p_ge 2 shde. a court ¢r_ by tmpOllZ_g 3 (L-'vzc¢ into the specific 4 cl_r_ 5 cmbodmcr¢ 6 meaning for thclx The co_ g_ tt on the I paragraph, ofa 2 be a wntu_ the 3 pt oc¢_._ o f making of any wodcmg 4 and eXaCl t¢-_m_ as to enable $ person 6 ii is mOSl nearly _ 9 a sp¢ctf]ca_o_ |0 mvc_non II which 12 the slx_ficauon makes 13 the clm_s cmbothn_ts 14 smct]y fr(xn only m a I_CnCS desc_bes or cvcn than nathng ts the czse, wnncn descnpuon, specific only of couxse, th© '_6 8 cafiTtr_ 10 conclude II znd thslm¢lly 12 applicant mtcr_ m the spcclficahon for to bc 13 chtnng Dg [ _kcd Mas_glll's him if the language 17 jtlstbefofeth¢claa'r_w_rmpoflamtohlm 18 bid thai claim o_ _ poruon 19 from the palclzt-holdcrs 20 mtcnd 21 desm'bed 22 claims 23 coex ICr_lve to have the claims I b3_e we've already talked Markman finally, combination ex_er_es and And shall 13_rt icul_rly mat_ pointing which I 12, p_agraph mear_ so the p_nczpal I ] 2. tbo first 6, about whmh or per f_"nu ng a specified thal ha_ e b¢_ _ m incorporate the ar_wo 23 IzJkcd about 25 We've Page 598 JA 0930 p_u.mptlon oul the Of SI3_tclur¢ rtl_f£n'_l O_ acts 112/5 2Z out oplnlorl, 24 paragraph iI by mveuat or fo_ applyto_llmc2azs examples terms,_[ from the lne feted 21 cmbothmcnllOmte_relthecl_softhc'066palen[ for the to be strictly 10/27/O5 which the same, tboreof zs it necc_ary Ilearing and _¢ talks abo_l a e]atm and a thf recital 20 I 12. clarets, the _ubject 15 to whal w_ S¢clJon - any of with says, the sp¢ofica_on Sectt o_ pre_n3ladloyoulsdO_ about key word rcgaz'ds as his Inv_ll_ 19 '(366 polar now _ claiming tborc ts much thscusszon, And the con_pla_ed paragraph 14 m supp_l io make w_th one or more And I8 thafs and ful}, clea% concise invitation The _cond 17 and the manner it m such - conne¢[cd thai they thd nol and thd not imcnd oft_ up on the screen a slgnal patCnl _cnds Ix: resb3ctnd m the sp¢ct flea.on Now, of _ and using I _ fU_CIIOU Wll_[ 7 He_t_lno, m th_ _ and the cmbothm_t of cohmm mvcotloa m the art to v,h_ch it per_n,s OUl his -- pazcn[ - uzdey.s oftbo forth tbo bc_t mode 9 crnbothr_'nt thai tbo patentee d_cnptlon skilled s_ IIw_II ta[kmgaboultheWnltcndescrlplm_ of the coe_te_swe You may remember whal 7 shall e_ t_ when crnbo_mcm a tangle with clear ofcmbothments exampl_ a _t_y desc_:s cro_s -¢xan*ar tatzoll. 24 v.o_kmg on to say m ,Vv'W, we do no_ import 8 15 ratbol md_z IzfllzL_llOll_ m[o U_ chains m _e caging the ftmctlons claims 7 25 l;m does not apply to Io SlOp 596 0059S We The case that we talk about, 112/6, the federal 23 h could ',hal the _mal shouJd ne_ cr know wh_ 22 case m the c]affn m ord¢_ Io Itmll such c]arm, wc of two clrcml Markman sin of patent const_coon If once we boom IO mclnd¢ elements outpm the the ongma] The eardrum sm has bet'n descnbod 21 IO Webehevethz_JldOeS 20 menllonc_ and could betwee_ Thewnncnd_;cnpUon And that _s quolm8 19 Co,,h'1 as saying m cleclTomcs a conbol how to mamj that ha_e lalked aboul the carthnal 18 _ ho ii could v.orkm 8 mndxl Markman 16 the thffcrence Thal_stheftmctlon_dpurpo_ofthecla_ms 17 112/6c_cs Io the co,Jit for people gl231_ _. ho axe interested be a complete is nol a_ does not dehmJI the nghl t5 for th© cmd_ Shack _]cctromc thai a bul Thts_swhal 14 ts the motion R_p¢_ broil and dcmonslxaznd And II wo_ld has to say abo_ 13 exclude condmon think go on the kzl porhOn to l¢_zm how Phl]hps 16 Tbor¢ vt as discussion I can actually m K a_arnazoo, Masscn8111 thought by the patcm office we keep taIkln 8 abo_ 12 part of the sp¢clficallon a or objccl that Mr 11 couM of the decision And II paxaphrase, would dctcCl a leaf, but a leaf ts _J1 and the ftrSl prCdclcrmmcd 19 22 improperly a qucsoon And the -- it _ould 15 I B device and Dr 8 issue here. Idon'lthmklsaldthal HIGGI_S thd ask why would 14 m Chicago, 10 thewnttcndcsc_ptzonandthecla_ms I! bul you zs not at issue In had been made, and th_s and that soil of thing, 7 the vahthty probably device say thaC_ 12 of the palcnl We bozrd d_sc u.sslons about the Iawycr 5 and the lawyer m_e thccourlsaldv.bywould Rapcr's about we are here [o consume the aa_t the vahdi[y 3 thls thing the trolly 4 In addmon, 9 So we arc talking 2 elaine, of a emlo_ 5 I0 ] of the pr e ferred 6 of Sectton bcca_ II_ In to both qU_llO_ what I 12 the stazute _ no says We do r ly._gmze claim Icrr_ actually Markman Hearing ThL_ ts thal there L_a use the word 10/27/05 Page 599 00600 I "means" A ptt_ump_lon ts rebutlab]e Z the courl has bemd sufficient 3 skdlsd 4 And be behc.e evulence from In the art that the pt_um_lon Remember, 5 chums oul) Phllhps v.ho 2 arc itself saul fonctlon, means p]us function hmltanons There tssue m Phlfops Now, 4 forexample 5 meaning 6 the b4DE, 7 7 No_, we Imo_ 8 prtsumptlon ts r_t thai the defendants rebutted contend and, therefore, I 0 ts thai the ptt_amllMion I I rshUlled because the _latm 12 either of t_ o rcosort$ ]3 Ettbet the term 14 mentioned several 15 the Modem 17 Structure terms "co_es of Elect/onlcs Massengtll Phdhps No_., both parttes 22 taxi _ ¢ apply 23 Lxnguagc is '_ here a claim Itself ¢lmms thfforentl_. 2 here is -- as m_hcated _ hat's going 3 defoodants' _d_m on bath c¢ as to what The _ arJous 6 Dermack, 7 exmr_lc, tho_ and to a _cry 9 tmdcrslcod Modern maicnal entffelv Hearing the Page 10t27/05 saad product are they that's You brochmcL external is defined the 10 true all knob is dclined in m the MDE. a sensor m People People v. hat a control ctremt is skilled m TIle sarnc thing is for switch You kno_, m the the clmms fact 12 icons 13 understanthng of people 14 Now, w e put other 15 out opening 16 to those page_ Now, the t9 the Linear 20 and we also ts added not detracl skilled from m the art defimttons brief, to tht_c the structu/al In pages and we 7 and _. ould refer 8 of the cottrt back of ore hnef what structure, that means does Markman Ig ",_c say wtth term itself Technology cite Th_c rcspCCl to thts wc Cite the Apex ca_c, wc connote case cite CcllNet we cite Data Systems, MagneTck cese_ 22 "control etrcult" 23 "reverter means', 24 IXtsorts 25 structure, sktlled all say thai cerlam or "clrctut" terms or _¢lrcult hk¢ mcaiks" or all of those tcrots are m the arl to connote even with the word understood by struclurc No whether matter to be "means" l_larkman 2 cq not of tic llearmg the court Page 10/27/05 601 I 12/6 apphes deczdes mcara ts defined you sull ha'. c a lot of cor_st/xlctton 3 tmderstaod that 4 ar e some levels The_ because 5 fo_ ¢1 o f dlumtrtanon, 066 patent They're be if not thsrcga_dcd to do o f agreement We The first the 7 that's sclfd¢fined 8 okay, the parties 9 Now, rend the ¢lmm terms Phtlhps for the_ tetT_S m terms secood I_. el of tllummat_on, condmon the That ts one of the things m the ¢latms And al_ of those are relegated to the cotul of what tl_ 6 second predetermined case has enur¢ of the enttre agree v. c suggest that when that tl focus the court does ds on a clatm at a trmc And the context context I 1 reason is becaose of of the words m Sage Prnducls, 12 says that where the clarm rect I_ 13 on to elaborat© m the c_a_m a funetton where tt but then gces the c_ttr© pat_tt Now, _e also behove that the defendants' proposed lmprop_ly words 14 cOn_tr_alon m mmay ways imports into Nov, v, e think that the master claim chart m_ ttes the 15 mtscthe f because 15 what 600 the textbook to the should read the clatm 13 14 Sensor of F_ectromes post.on ts that most a senso¢ low p,L.r$uas_ on point And I I You 12 in tbe art Dict_or,ary clrcutt 10 cortswact_on I0 ts that sensor, but then goes the defendants' m the shde, that v, c say at, is ex h'm.stc to the '066 patenL 5 8 9 OO603 I No_, well m the ari know 21 OO6O2 I first thing ccrtamtermsmthepatentha_east/uctural The k_ stnmture, - to pet form Pdarkman 4 skilled 17 to you Sage Products qutt¢ function - Phtlhps sufficient the claim of the fmlct_on r¢c11¢_ a ftm¢llOn, stractu/c 25 ot acts _ lthm m of tmderstaodmg functional _e cttmg Sage Products 24 on to elaborate and v. e on to elaborate only says the Contrul 8 I I stn_¢ture _ for as an exptesston 20 says only -- 112 ts on b pro-ely 21 Is that _ as rccogmzed or acts to pcxfotm Remember, to I 12"6 m the patent thai are defined ancltor the claim _ts¢lfgocs 18 sufllclcaat strllctttrc 19 according itself cormotcs structure, Dleuona_ 16 even by Dr term plus all of the be comtzued out ¢ontcnuon is not In means thai the 9 terms thai u_¢ means must Nov. the claim formal 3 is rshurted agpl_, to purely frmeuor'2J 6 ,*as a 112'6 people OO6O1 I recited thai It has everylhmg all jumbled and not m clam',s 16 the context of a cl_Jm 16 UnUl today, the de fct',_bnts wen: s;t_ng that fi_t 17 17 prcdet ermmed _oodmon meant morton of a person You remember 18 paultts 18 sought were saying Wall 20 21 we k_o_ THE Mr that they COURT you wtthdarw have beat that thts Mr Raper Dr dram down on that, Htgglm 22 (Laaght_r) 23 MR HIGGINS "Dettmmrrcd beforehand" 20 the claim sufflclcnl 21 the claim w_ 23 is not In D_ a fratl Pulse cotmt do_ _ appear elaborated shl¢ by the [¢mamder to perform m forming Mass(mglll andclatm the entire of rCClled ftmctto_, them s approach, l],aod where you pul kind of ©lcrnents from ¢ovsb-a¢ Claim tbem that way, 9 and tsolatod tn any asserted 25 clatm l_,|arkmao being salad of dl ffe_ent clzam 24 Clmml0 24 m the p;Ltent stractme morning 22 25 Carlson. that they read tbe clzarix_ aod wine to be detcctod 19 to determine 19 that Mr or object Hearing 10/2"//05 Page from the remmodcr of the claim, Marknmn 602 JA 0931 we think that t_ not the Hearing 10/27/05 Page 603 006O4 t right way to OO6O5 apply 2 whatc d material, 4 the claim 7 and goes we'_ • heard contentton 6 qttotc itself ProdocLs became on to elaborate a case -- excuse says Dr stffficle_t talked $ a proccs$ claim Now, what been 12 t ea_Fang aboul only t¢fers ¢lec_ontc_ funcuonally, 15 electrical 16 sense here whaTe zt was and thafs engineers becaase, know You 18 mohon 19 Now, 20 moron can s_e¢ moron wzth radar the ¢lec_'onlc are IoCs of ways can 21 with a pig You can sense an of these way_ of doing be acc_nphshed Tha same thing Yc.acanpowcltt 23 voltage the funcuon by a w_de wtthhatterms 24 po_e'ttt_.lthstcpp_down_ohage 25 0riven Youcanpov, devtce with variety a brake driven AOd. co_tDJed cases _ut 7 sulk abom 8 CcllN_ w_ mv_tor w_th the desired functtons m MS stateroom result And In his ways to achlevc by cleemcal and engmet_ componenu: So nolwdhstanthng control the result who to accomphsh develop these the OI c_sc that the defendants c_e Ig_e th_s on_ 15 to elaborate In the art what 16 sh'ucturai an m formed per;on and what THE skilled COURT Now, 19 casc_, don't 20 I don't case you think there being g_cn YO_ for elect;onlcs be some Case law on thaC_ would YOu I sure wlsh therewere 2d we have 24 yes. those are ths_qclcourt cases, but m CelINct, the 25 termthalwascortsl_edwasctl'cmtmea_ yoa Honor know, sor_ gzven is troy HIC_INS law, al]owed ffthat rcalb, were the case thatthere was kind ofa spacml cxccpoon MR to be ts not 18 recall I gubmtt 22 dewce Page talk about C_Ison funct:onally c=:cmts 21 10/27/05 Mr begins should of clrcmts Youcan But the case CcllNct 604 and we have law that we have, glv _'n you Magm Tech, /nMa_l-Tech, Markman v,e have meal_ t f a term ts structmal. of that posttlon ocale I f ,t's startle, 6 _ tbe testunony Ileanng C:rcmt ;cs sU'_:Ru mea_ calls out that semots t_t_zrnptmnzs 3 thrce And 4 the way And the only that. skilled II SO wl'at predetermmedconchuon 13 bere 14 sel f_ermed 15 object hacause 17 relative THE the meamng 19 M_ ngam, al to an elecmcal 12 5 that - you m tha art. me 7 eng0neer _s the f'nst 10/27/05 Page 605 m said sensor COURT where ts motion m the Claim Jtse[ f. mot]o_ s_ we are of a _ or s_Jd apparatus 1 thndc you arc m agrecme_l on the f.¢r_df Apparently L%y_U know. has Io I_ve 22 wheth_ 23 for IIto detccl moOoR Ag._ n, I will par¢cularly l0 motion we are now sugg_l the art read the palem the senso_ $ch_tton to you because aod see that tl calls Markman mcarts clrcmtly thai people and m order detect out there. a swtmmmg read the Claim abom thc PIR sense language 6, Claim exactS, motlo_n. a questllm would moOon 3 descnhas But [ pool it. yes. or body tt would of the clam_ 6jusl says that 11detects Itdocs:n'lsaythaltthastocaclodeallother So thc fact 13 beatcd 14 there. I_e 15 gensc the beat 16 also dewct In the '066 sk;lled m 10/27/05 devtce 20 pool 21 person beatm8 Page 606 Cl_um up to the hlghar or an object, MR 23 portion 24 word_comlm_ng" 25 d_cu_mg that 6, you level tfyou out vail, pool, bot it wall wmt the wouldn't want o f dlummatton not the pomL Thai =s written thts upon It's to detect ts cone¢l and open the a But the ended, YoumayremcmberMr And thai meaRs MarPanan JA 0932 read, _md ttmt's nelthra HIGGINS of the clmm It may But you wo,21do't even 'I'hafs and yOU act accordingly COURT up7 pool $c_x_or hght detector off the swtmmtng and of th_s - to go a swimming a morton patent, commg motion THE 19 that If you had at ttp tmd you had 22 ota that the Heanng m column a heal slg_aturc up, But if you 9 18 descnpt_on HIGGINS ']'be h_g _sue of wate:r heated 17 of thai 20 that today w'asdaopped. 21 - you asked 12 - fl's from there's tlm_,andot QI and Q2 detccl I I events I'm not sure exactly thai the t_m the patent thai a PIR does yes, 6 wtll not I 12/6, becau._e w e ha_ e 1emamm8 we say ttmex 8 reverter nmethffer_nt pan_ctdatly 0xal _ha o f those arescnsocs 2 again.st that _'voc_ tfs smtcture fotmd I QI andQ2 R is and Magm-Te_h 9 2.5 a thfferem the corn1 that the w ord "acts" cert_nly a ctrcmt Ileanng ]ldo_n'lmattcru.he'Lher 4 for _n _ 5 w_ you know, 3 s_ucmrdl 24 many OO607 the term thai 2 18 of com_ol, Sg'OSOf $1[UatlOr h he c_dlcd I[ baglg, bang 17 Youc._nhaveacurrem of a voltage agree ]4 beam 00606 10 II - Youcanpowerltw_thAC Markman I control to er=t_lthsteplwdupvoltage instead functmn he wd] can _mplement rely on. m an clecmcal of sensing poweang h_s -- I donk c._ eYtglneers 13 You can set_qe motion zs Wae about 22 are done o f yea_. rim[ion 17 9 10 who has are &'a Red thai there sine. And al] of the th fferenl 12 t mean, heard 70CCUp_._cy ts an foi" a nmnber c/a2ms the that he always law school that ¢tectromc tesuJt, You claims, Pattea_on pater_ts that at Vande_bdt 14 Products 8 about rm that the ele¢_ ways to inocess Andyouhaveheai'dMt He says tbe the OI case. we are talking practicing Carnal, with me al iss_ IO elcOJ_nl_¢_se It me, that acts m the Sage they pro_ tried us wTth a case 13 Products desired by the defendants thai we 9 Sage SWdCRUe 0_ acts Now, 5 Sage h has the Patterson that _1 can detect Hearing more 10/27/05 Page 607 (33609 0060g I than the e_ em thalIscontamed 2 And 3 Mi m the clarets tornak¢ a v+orkmg model ! 3 marketable model 5 worklng 9 commg 10 embodiment in Ma_kntan 6 on first predelermmed 13 conthtlon bemg conthtlon,stud firstpredelermlned mot)on of a person or object Telalt_e to the And, you Imow, v,here I reall) feelI'm ha_mg 16 faJlme toconmaunlcate tsthe chfference bet_ een a 17 com3rnerclalembothment 9 firsl l0 figure andaclalm Tbeclalmltself you the 2A and Now, 12 there's 13 in fra_ed 14 abstracl PIP. I? caJled, can Those piP.s, Ig 19 emb<ulrmenL 19 thee 20 20 persc_and:_o_af<_l accordrng io thatclalm, for exaruple,the hrtlegizmo m 21 a Ix'rson. 22 tbe box here, Ifyou put thalup by the s_.immlng 22 The scasmg 23 probably would flutterallthe tlme because ilv,ould he 23 _hen 24 di_te_tmg lotsofexems 24 Now, 25 25 tl's coupled pool it Bul one of the e-.ent_v+ould cetlamly be motlon Markman llearlng 10,'27/05 Page PIRs are mo'aoa ts tcacthng o_e, 4 a control crtcmt of ,_ bach all of these 5 toclu_ng pulse corral, 6 fullhe_ 7 beforehand sc-_soi_, that number _ takmg elements that c.on_uon, to deice[ corOt,on bemg tt t ur_.$ cut !2 em_ 13 drtect_r 14 the way, radar de[eclo_ 15 detectors detect there ts 3 your are a pan, 4 by and 5 mgn_ 6 The c]_m g pred_crmmed 9 a fi_l rnot_oa thai m thss orcull 1hat the scasor _s a PIR m this but ,t could be a radar Youknov*,rad_dete_c_sdet_lmouon | d_3_ - yc_t know. the porllon of QI and o f that the gource, as it's of the device of a sertsor sr:_ II _s nol all of st_e thai i; only has an outpul it IS dor_ itself says a artd not a legf The outpUl to a det¢ClOr poruon, _R_¢s _a:ulno_ a parson by the PIR the pate_l in the thai the outpUl or thalllon_yscnsesa ts done passive as stated that's of the PIR - sc_smg that ICs connected - 43 no[ of the clreuth Hearing of [bu World Ig these 19 imme_z2gly Series, 20 Is. 97 n_'le_ _m _ 21 an he_-, days, whim _md thai h,w¢ had pllch¢lr -- 1 ca_l _ th_ £ the mlagme Itts slx'_Lbult_no_r_tlyv.haHtsmeasm3ng 24 In_,SI_II_ 25 the _ a _bulCa] IT_h_f m_gna_ pmgs IOFL7/0S Page 609 around it gc_, m0_¢ time thal the techmcully od_ncl_ is _unng not what I0 thai the sensor II revolvmg 12 convertmg IS happening Is counlmg m frared rathaoon/rat, m_ way 17 talk abeut 18 you g ant to detect Tha(s 20 And 21 ov_-techmcal Is m*c for a PIR dete_ts LW/leir tel d_Tll be t31/e['n the de R-e,dants are m their all of this gcop 24 gc[ the pred©lermmed 10/27/05 Well, that's Mr motion, what poopl¢ 23 25 you to be mcluded JA 0933 m tncld_'rt [ -you heard talk about Mr Raper th thai if m the art m,_etst:md the co_n defimt_on a **_ skilled use a PIP. skd[cd _skmg People if-- Carlson to be so of sensor they IeChnlcul Ierm m the sensor beforehand not in the claim Markman Page610 ts it Is Y_s. cha_g_; you know, th you heard 22 of this goop _ that's_ ffs and IS v, heel thai to sp_ed. Tbe same 19 thal'$ Is happenmg tLrneS the mcldrnt, 16 fast the pitch I_t Whal hme IS sensed thai to speed- how m_.rty irt a particular And the dewcc .six.cal. thai tt really any and atotmd magnetic a stat_oneq+obTect,and ,I converts yore- m thatlsdone wheels and arotmd It's tn_ iltsmeast_nng tteartng on ot_c o f your And it goes ts detectmg the speedometer yotlknOw, I_ out and a tetras Marl<man sen.sot actually, mtheartunde_smndthalarcaPlRdetecugmot,on b_[I to the plate, What IS _ or the odometer, a magnetic gun Strmtarly, 14 Io watch that -- c_ 78 that a radar radix fan o_ not, b_ ho_ car fasler undcrstand 13 done by a rada_ gtm 23 the radar [hto_ It pops on the sc_ren r_ul.'_tsamei_or _ know a c_ance If you axe a b_scpa]l _ up - Wdl, _¢ people lt'smeasunngspet-d Andby spr.ed. IChOr. i f yon 17 22 molion IO make or Ihal II only But speed_ 7 by the sevaof s_t NOW, 16 2 motion Qt'lly tequm_ I1 n_nber iv, o, that WcIJ, th_ c J_ m d+L_'sn'l l'CqUlre _aL 9 de fenders con_ cntlonal Markman tt Into _hat thay callthe predetermmed refinmg 10 oulput _bmcemen_ the PIR I the patent 3 g by the for deieclmg OO611 And so m comcxt, that mierpretahon so I'll mo;e ber¢, there's the confirmed 608 OO610 I of the set.or 2 my laser the PIR. iI ts the outpui 21 Ilono_. and _s all of this the S there, or that IS the other me_'ts for detecting 18 read the clall_ _ ou don I ha_ • to ha_ e a cotnmerclal h raa_ be true thalthe --I dc_ +ce made I_eczsel) poml arc M,issenglll or beth And w_th the the conlenlIon conthuon sensors, Dr 16 mqm_' first s_tsor Your ir,qm I_ and rnixmg 2B Ill Q2 I suggesl proceedmgs stall ga_e predetermined 15 a _c thai the sensor II ItjUslsa)sthalltdctecLsa 14 device 15 Now, 8 thalde_ ice v_otk Bul the clazm itselfdoes not requi_ethalthe II d_ic¢onlydetcctmotlon 12 commercial thatis here. the m frlngerm:nl thai is al issue 7 the clmm domg the pool heal as v+ell as motion from the pool and v+ould make we're 5 In thalSl0Jatlon,el¢cOacalenglnecls would 8 figure OUt a way [o block out the mfrared en_gv IO satisfy _hal 4 not _ ant a devlc¢+you may no_ v,'Z_ltosellone thaiv+ould be 6 respor_iv¢ top¢.'llnm mg 7 you may Nov., 3 is that we at_ mlxLng Ralx+ thscus,tedthe thfferencc betv,een markelmg 4 objc_tl_¢$ and techmcal objectl__ And thal'S enough 2 want all They Want so thai they mo(toa And It's contra_ Hearmg 10/27/05 Page 611 00612 006[3 ] tO _¢ 03¢3teXl of_ patCnL 2 ki10w Gl_lla PIP, _[¢cts people InOllOtl skilled m the art YOU _¢ I v, hafs a Pi[R lo _[_t 3 mot10_ 4 It would The be a httle btl hkc going 5 play 6 Chicago 7 is a_ o_fn ffig ,fJ;ell e in Chicago 8 into a wedge 9 fi_st um¢ -- ] don't And l0 wt'_¢ 12 £tan0_ang full And me av.ay 15 hke after I saw 16 had - who 17 w'_ the best ] saw danctng that's - t._l 21 being 25 infrared all of the dancers ts very low get at the end of'he wedge (mdlcales) And ttjt_t and I say. be back to me and r,atd, that _.as choreog_phy of a_um_tll You thai ] $ubtml that the PIR dett_ts motion lteatL_themsemoetoverar_o..et oh. no. tt*s only deterring but people skilled return going enm 8 MR HIGGINS THE COURT 21 MR HIGGINS 22 THE COURT MR HIGGIN$ 23 thaPs 10/27/05 video that you saw, 25 Page of we said bul we will reach evenm& stay 19 m the ml know this 18 20 and the two hour say thaL ta stay to stay this evening. this _ you one if you both make ts prepared 24 that in context m the midge back at my ruder, so let me just We're the rolt* up to two horns, know. I hope everyone The corn1 is _tpartxl Very well, You* Honor. to so not¢_ But not tmuI 9 00, I hope As we as wall Okay I would _fyou THECOURT vnll s_gg_l to you thai the -- Id_dn'tseeavldeo 612 Markman 00614 Isawa Heanng 10/27/05 Page 613 OO615 I h_ c dcmor6traUon. 2 MR. ffyoell I porttonoutofQI HIGGINS perma me Exct_e me. a bye dcmoratraaon. foe a seconcL 4 5 (V,_ 6 {A second 7 co_asel ) 8 _n8 wdeo THECOURT 9 really 10 Ume don't = played by c_¢1 ru:on_g ts #ayed th_s again, 12 (Video 13 MR HIGGINS Now, _ d_ f,_rl_¢d the e_'mt tt_ltt'_. 16 R_p_s And HIGGINS hlfle I have I_'.o 20 statement and dmmg 1 yore Honor Dr paulus -- _Ct_SI: me, gave h_s the d_'vlc¢ diagram of Mx Rapes devtce Patth_'s has tesomony thing that I wo_ld point the respouse 3 demonstrating 4 cmcutL oul ts the selectton 7 _ really the ttraer, 23 feeding and _te switch, - the omp_ so 0tat the s_ of the t.enson Markman ts _mla_ Ilearlng are to the S 10/27/05 Page 614 portion of the control that the semo_ that's ctrcultt_ happoamg yes, tm_t fm the court that Dr Mas_mgfll And. take thts otaput tt's W._ thai there I0 t_pon._s II you'renolgomgtodetectaswtrrm_mspoo! 12 done 13 t_e Lamp of the semot in the reslmme SO v*hal we thee 16 evt_ 17 _tnmtmal 18 Contro_ crmull, 19 meara re_]3om_ve 20 of the clmm 21 electrical though clrctut they _ve ser_ot, m fotr_ swttch, ptoduo_ the outpm be _omg lo o f the tenm q';_ex_" arc hght the structure _ to aml we say m_l m II_m. art Sensing a_ Sage mc2r_, Products tlmt ts d_mg even _ys. the rt_t that fimctlon So we lcok and al c,_es 23 Cei]Net 24 that may be enough, 25 "c.ont_ol ctrcmt', hke Magm-To:h and we espe¢_ly Linear Tedmolosy, If the Itam connotes say espeeudly for terms Markman JA 0934 a leaf or in the electrom_ to b¢cat_e, to &ff_ent W detect should terms, t.kd]ed about ctro._]L Bmthat's_d] the word to a p(rson ts that are ]o1_ of ways whtch say Ihe courl non-mear_ again talking and go through so dkat you a;e nOl going comtrue _ h¢ce tr_=_M of the oont_ol 9 15 ¢tt_mL ar= not part of the control 8 22 24 Theouiputof_hest_sor_arefv--cdmg etrcmt And where 6 14 block @a_rs Andth_t.s_halwasmD_ So that the kr_ of ) when with the block Iog]ctoC]atm6 v.cn, t$ $10p_ recording 19 21 V_ 2 5 by m the mter_t MR. 15 ofM_ ) W¢.ltmsawthtsyest_rday n*r._ t_ _ II 14 looked thai U; m incident Sowesay II1¢ patent Let me jm;[ mtcwupl 17 well ovtx Hearing ! .1_ arguments clcamgs, was the sensor. so tt's sensed. Io change of &mmlshm8 16 ff the it certmrdy circuitry by rtadmg COURT | do_'[ want 15 that Andthcy change* Markman 3 THE poml who man. lts output of Ma_englII by Phflhps mlnut_ 14 l ha_.C of scen turned lays energy, determined i 3 clc_mg It wotdd and all of tirol is aRet 8 scn._or t$ b_t II Dr three, it's no_ selecuon m ad_tton, stated the concept asked In column had 9 _ are w_ know. And l0 by the de fca3dan_ patent "se_ec[* to death The court 7 QI.Q2.have And as the arid ht g_et" and superstar, I thtrik LSIhe ktt_l supphcO aridovo BuL you 6 that ewertt, a_d I Uurmd IO somebody thai ._ asn't da..'_lng, say, 5 tt for the lUSt txme was a Broadway 19 24 play sccn ii. bul thee gel ht_her forward when 20 The word beat ctret.ut_y 12 the same And thai IX'rson 23 wheTe the people they dance blew 22 4 heaghL _4 18 $cl¢¢uon the Broadway happening 1 thtnk we*re 3 to a Broadway ¢Ourl has flat: {_t:_2; un[fl finally 13 saw the fronl line dancer II_'e_;, I I high_ I ever kJaow lethe really 2 I_ Apex. strtm[me, fo_ tem_ hke "semor% Hearing 10/27/05 Page 615 00616 OO617 I _pcclal]y 2 for tcr/'Rs ]1k¢ "s'A iIch" Rcmernbex 3 slruct_e Magm-Tcch Io a pcxson 4 clrcmt means 5 Now. 6 _ holly _ demons conslslcnt 7 and that _tsclf said ski]led IS stl'ucmr¢ m the _zth art m_ c_cz ski[led [ will submtt 'Ahal the contcxl ¢*ax proposed corc_lrucuon means 2 3 4 the to you. 5 cIazm _s terms ts 10 And _ c stlggcst thai FAiL I I zmporhng terms ] 2 delcctcd_ 13 gone. to be detected. 15 ptcfc_cd 16 tlmtocLarmswhcxc_osc- 17 docsn'_ crabodtmcnt, 19 say iI do_n'l s c_'_ot 2i We 22 _ 23 and 2B as parl of e,,cry mc *÷ 9 thatll on 10 count or from appcax tbe_ m the '066 patent S} st_'ns Nov. ] 2, and pm 15 manual t6 That QI the palcnt ts vow o; cmd_ is fo_md ¢ltcu_l m FIg_cs the conlcxt Rcmonber 21 12 ofth© 2A 22 ¢_ntzo_ ¢_reml 23 v, ht_em said 24 generatmgapulse 25 anywhere dcclslo_ Ilearmg r_spo_lloCIzaml6 20 10/27/05 Page appanthx feature stated that pulse _qear_ has that pulse count only wtth JA287 16 was allowed Clmm 12 and became And the a_kht ionaJ means and rc f_rerg¢ JA 273 f argued o_ er the Nippon ctrctm vs "o0R'r count m the Ntppon 273, Here's coatro] Weaxc Corporauon Thal'smthc_ecordat pat_.-m fact uaamblguous b_ldes 7 htmsal that C[mm '066 to be the at 833 clazms attorn¢ a thsungmshmg 19 and not present aljomt counting Technology fl d¢clarallon w_re patent from of tbe m the Phdhps The 1 $ was and Q2 ate separate tL_]f impormn[ _nd_e F 3d 823 the M cCa; Is a pulse 12 be cleat of the ptmthng the nolx,.tthstanthng o f Storage 329 is gl;mg to lntow_ m Clmm re_labO_ mcludes $ott'smCla_ml2 Claxm 12, lhal, a mear_s It should for nol b¢ e/se Markraan 616 llearmg 10,'27/05 Page 617 Page 619 00619 O0_lg I The ¢.xanuner 2 reasons 3 130ZI4 4 because theae's 5 McCavtt _Leclara_ 6 by the examine, 7 clerk, und_hnmg 9 I_ocedme l0 was no_ do_e on and 1 Hthas_eryhmttcdmdust_yexpcn_ce Sectton 13 aqd suggeSle_ 15 manual no1, u may ICrms m the may ha_e ha_ c bctm done been bel _-_ ¢s that for an al)owanc¢, office there's employs done there _s a and argued, rega, dmg m a_¢htmn, to feaiur_ m the - I ha_e The examiner CImm Claims clearly al the and 20 reqmres 16 2, 10, pulse 22 com_ fr_'n 23 s_tggest 24 thart that cotmt nol dlsc]ogcd wo_d "Nippon Cbum_ that DE.SA 4 cetera, _t*s far less than 7 P_.ulus 8 ttself 12, and m._t of¢,halM.r Dr M_,seng_lJ's Cook Rale he has msufi3ct_nt tsgomg 12 statement be &sregardeK experience Markman to argue And Heanng of the master 15 re'matador depasluon cxarmned the says. chart, spoke a clatm material, ftmcuon, he ne_¢_ 22 the 23 shaictur 24 was ttahctzed anoth_- I_ dJd nol _ wtth thing rccztts &d tn the frmt looked al the tmdedmcd Thesz, t t'rn_ as recRmg capable but he rehed Ma_sengfll's and should not be revlewe(L 1 Ioo_ed of recdmg the C_LSCO f Pc_onahzed Markman stud w_.s suffic_enl at the term term, he stud, e was Mr that 1M Masscngdl the _, ay he looked Well, r, ever SowethmkthatDr ts not parsuastve Now. I JA 0935 whcr_ of the claim _ufflcltmt r_ed the suls:lernents claim youknow becau.s¢ 618 of Mr the remainder Products on to recite Hc also never ouhtm 21 Page chazL ct of the clam tl 10/27/05 Sage All he &d w_s salad 25 he never or acts to I_'rform that w_th patents rend th_ complete but goes 20 Why Is to h_m all gtvcn He thd not cIatm tha_ 19 claim were Rcm_nb_. a functton ! 8 statcmcnl that the m_tcr And 16 clear patent Hen_.erreadthccompictcdepo_ttonofDr 14 17 Hchasne_¢rread of the '(_6 of the exh_L% He m-vet Carlson 13 or an mt erprctatzon to be part of ¢'v_ any htstory those 6 12 _ tr_IroctLon 2, 10_ 11 and proffered to the cou_i thal tt should Well, prepare I I alnmtur¢ II II of the _366 patcnL to the cot_ umm_btg_o_s Now, allov,¢d 6, 9, 10and I s_mu 19 3 9 it Andthalappea_alsoalpageJA2g7 they became the ptmecutton 5 by a a spataal to do that, 2 l0 to the argumems atlomey 12 are d_ected 14 it - m th_s cl_e In adchtzon the: patent 21 MPEP that underhmng tf an examm_ a reason that the patent 12 18 the cot_ of the McCa_ or iI may who knows I ) Wc ga_e of IthmkthaltltSabzgst_elchloarguethat need to slaIe 16 m this case ,_ued no statcmcnl for allowance 8 25 Cisco featmcs" as pan of the Marlunan 17 12 14 Ctmm say ts nccessagJ ls f_d to thc con_ol which mt_t the case sen_or palent requlres clmm m CImm the from that only appaars 13 b¢ forehand thaltc_nd_csn'lcxlsl, ct rcm_'_, R crn_mbe_ patc'nt, pulse of h_c A dmclzam¢_ Io you of the on hob Io a coupled a]so sa t that there Interpreted citing each not ofzh¢ the cOnleXl the dcfcndants' I] Q2 arc mstrucuons 8 to b_ an clement Now, right o[:,oalmg premised Wedclcrmmed the and thsclatmo" now It s _ mslead Io take So v,e say that 17 ouff_ 24 _ say thai the sc'_ors _ excuse Q_ 43 of the ctrcmL 7 that Selccuon 20 _¢ c_th_r sought _t's no_ altcmptmg slaI¢ DF_A into the clazr_s Or there 18 _ mtcrprcta_ons v. hlch Is no_ sought 14 25 Io you and Co_tco's paflton courl 6 ts as $ w¢tl 9 thai the sensors detected stud of the patent of tho_¢ ts m the a_t CedNet to a pcrsc_ trallon, I says Lhat s cnouph _ stmctu_ pr_e_lcd to ham, to s¢¢ If that the entire Metha fLmcuon thai vs Hearing 10/27/05 O0620 _0_21 I lntemanonaITta_cConm_ss]oa 2 slays 3 net dg_r the fact thai tts funcaon, 4 ptcetsc 5 the no/the phys_cat an dclraC_ 6 Now, 7 the '066 8 mg 16} a detector faCl that structure from thai detent does nOl call but the same structur_ Icrms,$uch_clamp,_contam_ II tmportanl ts not simply 12 ts defined m zcrras of v, hal 13 name 14 meaning 15 Endo-St_gcry, m the a_ F 3d So om proffer tt does m page dctlnmons, cl_ums as atkkc_scd 19 ¢OnSIractheclazmsmconR'xt 20 _at¢ 21 tbe c_ms 22 Thal'S whal Mr don't 24 clazm 25 used mcdmmsm cagb import clmm the same ]7 m the arL skdled 18 We and we etcmem stud hmzmtmns from Wc use thctmaanes a lot m ot_ brief, a preferred where claim itself "o01'ltrol Cl_CPJt" IllC_IL_ structure Co_bol d_n 8 as control c_rcuJtmeans 20 to emil light, but there's especmIly lcchntcal m the tbe MDE. acls? 23 _¢ thetttman_ Hearing 10,"27/05 Page csrct_t to people Does the claim itself go on to daborat c sln_ctu_c _ The 22 to scr_or embothmcnt apptolmalc, those - And :Lself recite suf_ctcnl ofonc or connotes 19 and ftmct_on, we stud yeS, s_cit_c means that's causing her© when: And the there's lamp a IVsrcsp(msrve la tls t'csponsc IO dctccUorL there'sacts m there 24 somethmg to people skdled 25 Something thal's going And these acls mca_ m the clect_x)nic arL to emit light, $omcthn_ 620 Markman 00622 has to be Hearing 10/27/05 Page 621 OO623 I thlvmg 2 that light PcopIe 3 thaL 4 extracUng clecb_omcally _of_a_aCL ICL abom a dcvzee undeaxmad "may fully And Mum ) ou pta shodd II _lustr, m_ c of ¢, hal 12 _md on the slaad not apply Wc urge 14 byDESA. 15 the court, 16 the pazcat, thai elecmcal uade_mad It's nol on, bul It wtll be mjust THE COURT 5 thal 0ct¢oaon phrase ot_ wtmesscs the corn1 Now, have to adopt ff tt does, tsan 7 i 12/6 I think m bn¢ f you _or/rauch, THECOURT m coatcxt -- cx cose of the ml_nst¢ yot_ Hon_ Thankyou, Mr of we have to turn on the HIGGINS 22 THECOURT me -- Htggn_ I'mmPammgth_s, "Fnankyou Okay You_Hono_ Ateyougomglouse thts nmc.hu_? 24 MK COOK 25 THECOURT Y_S, a hRle Iho_tt'son. Markman COURT somebedy MP,. ! think could that remo_ grab ROHRER that maybe Ar_$happen? She holds 12 hgMflask ldgb'tseethchghL 13 Isymgtotumonthccamcra. 14 eve_ythmgckesetup7 Goodbye 15 your I hope 16 pe_onally cl_mg eomrol Youknowhowtodothat_ I ha_ e a hUle Im of _xpenence Sbegcesbkcthts THECOURT ll up Usua_]ywescea It'son Okay argumenL Wewere And She you've dc¢_n't you don'l Sbedzdn'twm_ttohea_Mr 18 MR. t9 (Laush_) 20 MR THE lthmkltncedstobemmcd take got want to bear that Htggt_cdh_ tecor_ Cook? 21 M]TRAKOS w_thth_s II Andwcmge cxtr_a¢ous In conlCXl I0 coosmguoas tbe lerms MS - maybe 9 that's jmt done both the clarm to apply uo_ coasldcrmg _,'ldencc Tlumk COOK hc_e 6oo. that m the all of dm smfftogcthct, to that claun cvcn 19 a moment 3 Wcu_getheco_laolla_vplyll2/6 17 _t _nnslc Mr for 8 9 18 clmm Ti_cym_derstand 10 13 a ptoc_s _ 2 4 carno__ We're talkrng 8 abom ml undc_tand coal 6 cagmccrs 7 I slo lied m the dcculamc We*to not talking 5 23 control sirocco 16 means Wc one SO we s_y the tcrm ]5 in_enuc_ Is a g'pa_lc blarkman 20 not3ml m cmbodrmcm in to people Tlmt's what Paulus ¢¢sc with does tbe claim 14 a pr¢ freed v, hal Dr ] 3 stna:t_e, Wcconsa_c beP, vecn Carlson sa_d That's 12 Products the Ethtcoa m the art. means II we toad the remainder of the claim as stt_r..stcd by the Sage tmdcrstood ofthecnurepatraL wltllcsscs cffcmt here has sm_cturaJ meaning Raper sa_d 1583 stalled 6, c_e_/Icrm end "_hat om the control 21 cont_olctrctut_ Ifscouplcdtoalarnp And 23 7 Claim arc s_cstlng for example, l0 Mr as ¢oatamed to on_s the dzffetcnce 6 thd on the stand, 8 skilledm the cltctromcs tltal the term _ v$ Enterprises 9 well Caec'nbczg .few So what we ¢,cllMcfincd bneC%webegmwtththewmdsofthedalms I g the 5 of and that's the br_d embothmcnL shp opinion case thal wc deh_ crcd to court and counsel commonplace ot a dclenl b_ of any working 4 y_stctday, %qlalts a delcnt 1550 3 new m the clmrrtsfog thclgmeanlng And wc rod 2 mdepend_t m say, tt ul a single has a re_onably citing o_ Ix stud of oth_ thal skilled IO the tcmts go_s to rmrgl cottld for the sixt_tme of those l of of the straetm'e Medm 10 17 not connote vc D' tmporhlnl structu_ 91 toTn does m the minds 9 16 m Icrms be the Pcrsoaahzcd aIpage705, zs defined the de finiteness we say that's patent F3d696, blL ]beltt'snot Heanng Page 622 Mr COOK YourHonor, thank yo_ 22 thL_ has been a very 23 appt_tat¢ 24 and ltmg the attCmllOn the re_t of the court Dunng Th_z, so much ofyota_df Evm_m-- Letmesc_ Allnghl fory0_Sl_hence, procccdta& lknow We certainly and Proft:ssor 2 Carnal, employm the course of th_ Markman JA 0936 Mr AllnghL 21 25 10/27/05 MR. COOK Wccco:hnss, the_'s Hearing one 10/27/05 Page 623 OO623 0O624 ] thb_ thai h_n't 2 s_tulc b¢_ but it hasn't 3 and I think th3s, that Or stnlclure I that _ wall in the 2 has no_cd _t before the - ¢o_ e_ a 4 for applying paL_nt, tt co_ el_Sthe 5 112/6 doesn t j_l or acts zn _ p,_ent plus 7 eqm_ alence 8 And so these opinions 9 P'_Olessor M _scngg! I 0 cove_ the _d I1 Th_'s d_ p0stbon beca_ lh_ 14 eClUlv_lcnc¢ 15 tl co_ ers _ a_vays been 12 ofDF_A's 13 that ha_ c been And d_ tha_ we haven't comes _ _ tf zt go_ 20 the clrcmt 2i o_ IK'$ the san_ _s az_ equt_ _ent ifs If It'S cor_,n_ed _ 2S the _qmvalmL phase of the that far, _ ¢ w_]l _ccordmg Eo 112/6 Io the clrCUJl th_gm there v, ould he an opponun_y d_c ules should to fftha1's_halth¢ he consm_d as the claim clement oz and th_n thc_e would be ¢xperl test_mon_ on Hearing 10/27/0S Markman sensor o_ crndcs elemenLs dtsc:Io6ecL co_ er those 4 then mutupl¢ Page I 12/6 language 7 tmdex ll2/6mbecausetftheyha_¢ $ v.tl] be oul m the marketplace, 9 thai might I0 to copy somebody II c_rcmt, for example, 12 _ al_ble 13 16 17 thet the tee.son Ix: simply And toj_t iI's a matler And 12 _ anou_ 13 no_ ju.st one mulupl¢ me_u_ for the language thereby be presumed 17 the law, the York 18 pre_va'npt]on, patem co_ er m_ple embothmca_ts m applying for fos patent intended be's rtol hmtled apphcatzon, to m_ ok¢ to actually to simply one 21 there 22 ha_ ¢ had a Claim elemenl 23 o_ c_thng or instead 24 could had had claJm been have e]menLs instead of a sensor szmply But tho_c multiple claim thxt So ff da_m, he could for mantmlly means a ser_or menl he shows o_ ernde thai sa_d mear_s unde¢ that ernboch call out -- cover o f a mant_d and 112/6 Ingg¢_ He s Im31ted Io whatc_ er enl bothme_Ls the respeci3_¢ those and eqmvalmLg and also 20 co_ embothments, to use the tngg_ to have c_e, or muthpl¢ that the clatms c._nt wtshes 16 of thai pro ferf ed ernbothment it would So tf an apph m the palent, _s eqLuvalence Io the extenl embothments, 15 disclosed as well of choice one or the pie ferred to whal's patenL to thsc fose another _ eqm_alence to absolutely replacing cl_Jm clement, you elemenl -- and if ther© had been ment*oned, the purpc_e Ilearmg 20 naz_ow arl and want 21 can you use I 12/6 22 _ ulzd clam_ _nd 23 using language 2g take your to make v*ithm you 10/27/05 gel narro-_ but presumably a_ otd mggenng _ rthout the word _means" 112/6 by m tt and chancc_ can put m a clam the a motion Marlunan detector Ilearmg chains conunuaaon Page 625 and m 10/27/05 Page JA 0937 112/6, by doing the second application could also m the same get a thff_ent and co_ crage or m the submR scolg thing to take regular apphc_on, And 937 1 mentioned patem no_ ca"fik of chains a It's done It's And mcar_ 17 sensing plus of the recull fm_cuon language how a sep_sor -- a scr_or 21 perfectly 22 dcfcr, dant 23 112/6 24 "sensor" 25 _1 oser mlo Iog_c'al t_cd to argue to come a motion sensor Htggms _s sm:cture, there m and gse of a sensor mea_s foz foz scr_mg I 12/6 thai Mr the _c_ cts¢ Wesumptzou would patent dtsclosure thdn't Instead mSg_ the arguments 20 the cla_rr_ xtjL_T said That doesn'l The on the _dcnt_cal '066 patrnL m _t, you'll motlorg Then ts based -- On the tdent_c_,l patent patent a conlmuau_n 16 th_s to you m the opening of W_escmann argue would pro_ _dc suf'fic_c_t h_s made that would to a_old almut be ff somebody -- the v* hat thai co_ ers Ls apply structure and the word to avoid ktckmg 112/6 Markman 626 control mggc_ ull the tmle 19 then you with not the o_u_zs_y have in a _A3_imuatlon fonctton 12 motion Th_z are m a sure you get vahd chains, can the not precluded apphcat_0n, 15 coverage. type coveeage then I 12/6 clalnts _d btx_adc¢ of the firSL You o_gmal ]4 op amp v, zth ff you you're Artd m combination of that sort, go_ much 13 specl flcatlon, Thosekmdsofcolofful of a I 12/6 ts also kave m vtew 11 it also are embraced you 7 12 And v, lth a I_np something 6 I0 the aswchavementlonedandasMr 19 then 9 way ts _ evy, yew a pacuculm" 112/6 3 8 ph_s that the e_sle_t r_oduce oDl_ changes, of the that cold of conduct coforfoJ aho genera] thai ex_Jnmed co_ccmed c_rcwt, 5 product and zeproduced, thfferenlkmck _pecl And, and they're then the coverage from get 2 4 thal Io employ aspectfic cop_ed that _nd really You deod_ wo_d ar_ ts jt_t op amp, I comblnaUon zI would v, ¢ menuoned mgg_ _t stops sumps sonugme 18 25 structure hmlled mlo for cor_trumg Markman manual I 12/6 that people that mea_ It sto_s been m the opening, there _ or mu]uple tf R had 6 15 2 112/6 l('s Itmtlr.d c of the of course undc_ 624 embodLmeats And. o f ¢omse, zs - dlscfosed 5 14 the swact_r ay -- and thai plays OO627 I multiple 3 7 25 0_626 2 embOdlm_nt ]9 ¢lthe_ the san_¢ as m'g_that_hatp_ucui_cucmtblock 24 h_.Emg about -- accused m fnngmg Io ezther - point been snlo the m fnngmenl the m_nnge _s eq_v_Jc_t So al tl_ It s not nano_]y 6 ]4 re.on d_ 1$ be then _rgumg 23 about -- any_ for clmms I 1 embodiments to reco_ltzc t been la]kmg that's of the rationale, I 0 apphc_nt II's p;ltl Bm I thznk st's Lmpo_ml hasn't -- _e haven some 9 A plus _quJ_ _enc¢ parl of OUr posmon 17 c_s¢, and we _ m/nngement, 22 clcn'_nl h_re 16 zt ts because 19 pt'_ucls -- hk¢ _ hen be says thai the c]_m block, I know 3 to make sure dut you -- that we the su_J:t_re oftbe 6 r_lcnal [t s n,_t been -- nolxx_ ll's tmportanl 4 all recognize 5 sm_tu_c, nlentloned. Heanng 10/27/05 Page 627 OO628 0O629 I SO thts kind of a]tema[¢ 2 something {hat's [n the arsenal era 3 could use any kmd. 4 _s this is 5 s fJ'a[egy ts I aflcrncon, I_tC'n[ attorney he He can get (he kind of coverage they clearLy took 7 t}_.al way, and {hey _n.restuck 3 thai he wants 6 l[ hare I f {hat is io 9 I'll comment lO Greenhatg on -- Mr I 1 them, {hose were nol means Ingger 12 where {he word [3 c,'_es like sensor were adequate I 12/6+ even though 15 16 II _d - to be addressed up fron[ 19 do They read l[ for the proposfllon 22 claims applied And were Bdcqt_te coven There SLnlCttlre lllatcnal arc appa_lUS _e proce_.s claims 25 -- '_e handed up a case to Your Honor +t says the or malct]al -- structur,fl qualifies J.nd acts qu_h fies slcp word clearly interpret the term 21 This Page "steps" and the co.elation to the steps of such bclween {h_s pacagraph slructu_e 24 acts go with steps 25 It goes on. to refer IS corLsISI¢I_t with interprelallO_ 23 last night - yesterday Io Lha rethrs of elcmenLS era process and {he mnn aCLS to refer 10 [he ImplemcntahOn 20 And of such a concept IsobvloLLs[y by SltUCture We 19 generic description of 10/27/0S means. and malenal {his Is on page 628 [he _nd stnlcture In go with means and m_rl_ 5 of {he copy Markman {hat we Hearing 10/27/05 Page 629 00631 handed up to Your 2 no _uthonly Honor, and It's controlling [o {he con{ra/y 3 In Fulu_e c._ses There 4 acL_ to suppor[ any -- there's t h*s been cited and apphed 2 arc no cases {hat have ever apphcd functional language In a m_ns 6 And therc_ 7 Ifyou a good lake the nrcl_d plus forte[ion reason v. hy a wouldn'L f_nc[lon a funcll0n [0 In _sence II Rmctlon. [hat the acts m tha fmlctlon you would It would ha_ e rcdaced 14 have any cffecL 15 languuge nulh_, You supporl {he sl_[ute {he r_cl[ed You would io an 17 0 f course, Congress that if you're going 19 h3ve gol Io hmlt be any hmlL_ thdn'l plus fune_on Congress plus func[ion you so_e t _,-c in the patent 22 the example Is because if you -- and [ u_cd in {he opening was if you invent 23 carl and call st a m _.'_s for Irar_ponauon. 24 _ ould co_r automobd_ and mrplanes, then an ox of Ihat soft Hearing 10/27/05 Page 630 have For example, plug internal and types D hSA. have combustion both. have clement mcd can Io - that in {he claim structure a spark plug of (he ctatm. m {he * {he {hen you infer an cnglnc Lncd, but can't 12 suppOrl {hat notion 13 elcmenl or eLscwharc 14 sh_c[ure find any ease thai v.ould II'S [he shazcturc in the claim m the cham you could find other In the c[alm We haven't 16 You haven'l 17 criticized found heard - for no[ seeking 18 the thCl of {he matter 19 and noled 20 Mr and said any cvcn other [s Mr wel]. other slruClure though Carlson h_re Mr in the clatm M assengdl structure, relying -- nobody ha_ been on {hal, has come is thal other struclure m thai M_cngl]Llgnored Mr 22 claims 23 you lOok 24 claims, M.L_englll dldn'l ignore any slPJctere in the Heanalyzedeve_smglcp.'.uqofthoscela]ms through you And his - wdl see that everything even in those If {he chart {hal he prepared chain h_ efemenLs Markman JA 0938 t bc o f Iransportallon c.m infer other if you wanted ox cart shou[dn {hat {he claim [s an ¢lcmenl [ have {hat Congress of{he Io rely just on the smlctutc hut {hat you 9 spark 25 Markman Carlson sLr_ck - 8 21 {hat claim and {hlngs don't 15 on it want {hat Io use means ii to the text _d And the n_ason for that clement of claiming the Inventor over a o- other Mr {hat the 11 sEmply have a functional Ix able Io use mr_ns 16 la, nguagc, and {h c_'e _ ouldn'l you 7 tO and the 112/6 statute wouldn't would 6 -o by saying 12 ahaurth_y 13 argue IS a - IS a bunch of acts, then the -- by applying Now. 5 Because Is Ihe kind because coverage 4 In an app_-a[cLs claim and 8 [hc-n lake the acts OUl of {hat, which 9 rumply That [o avoid 3 given $ apparatus claim 25 And 18 0O630 21 q_allfies 17 LmplemeniatlOn or aCtS And He2rlng case, under {his case they Mar on to say {hat sm_cturc "means" as {hat ha_e steps This has been discussed Markmall 20 gone 15 than we two kinds under the Tcch Now, have ofslnJclure malcB_ thereof 16 generic descnpt_on of an uppdrat_s clement or slP,JClUre charns, and {he_c 24 18 s_d or acts 22 esL_hshed 23 I {hal and SO forthWithout the retrial m support You could of the decision that - In the means Out of {he fact that {here _¢ a specified this and doing 14 that's over oll [he next page m IL And language of step for do:ng 9 13 and material needs notes, they+re reading it differently claim {here e0nslstlng I0 11 to avoid Is {he Sugc products case HIgglns {hat comes The step Is a -- IS pro<ess 12 pOlnl that ] think 18 Mr 20 plus f_nctlon were c_es some funcllonaH&ng_zage NOW, also, the -- another 21 Those wa_ n't involved And so the rcveTse prcsumptmn 14 words [7 _means" to the referred Media cases, and he quoled from for a combination may be as a means or step for psr forming 8 say a me{hod HL_Ins and PePsonahzed c_¢ tLseiP, function 7 8 {hc_rdisadvantage In thlscase - thai we were going (pbonctlc) And this case sta+tsw_{h the statule 5 expressed Thcygolex_Jnlned with h+s the el Tech M.u 4 [ 12/6, says an element m a clmm {he i 12/6 Thcyused{hcLnggcrlanguagc I should say, in order to 2 to refer [o Hecouldha_econtmmngapphcatlons, But m {hus case, 6 opllon chaining hacn o f the identified that he -- where Hearing 10/27/05 Page 631 00633 OO632 [ he m_'kc_ and _how_ 2 30 .ro_, which ¢lcrncnl _a a9 ofthc ,e_c_J 3 int_'pre_eoe_ dmr_, A I$ and wbxch zs B. _nd 5 2 roo_on wml ouL:tdc a_d wcTc _l_tn_cd 4 consider, Lion o f othc_ p_.r_, othc: p_ la zny cv_l, the bo_Ic_ lu_ 6 lftbe_eweramy_uk "7 inu_o_tapon, 3 b,ur_ on robe fo_dw_th the o cvcn _ M_cn&qll*s 9 heroic _1 is _ Now, _ao_ _/R _ 6 raayb_ t_:sw_'l cx_Uy swpp_rt_l by w_d hc._ u_ _d p_nl th_ I Lhtn_ _sw_Ll II _fyou h_ _ ot y_a/su_g_t_0n. u@ m ft_ntof_P_ 9 _ulda't h_v¢ zn_hmB I0 d_m_e _nporcu_t by tmvmg, as you s_gg=str.d, _ Izr_cmb c_ Bu_ you _u]d hav_ _ st.m¢_' 10 any f:l_3 _ _w L_v II YOu cotdd have a c_.nge o f h¢._ s_l_c_mt | bch_ed opmLoo, whdc i_ :_ - tl's to _j ;u_d avotd I 12/6 S_youl_venld¢l_ed f_:t $ q_,nu[y of w_ none h_s been pomlcd out m sp_'_ fic_ And _h- C_r_n's by th_ 4 mgg_ of the ¢1,_ms Is _ut ezmayr_¢ I cvtdmceofm_eon, n_ny ofhzs objectthatwotdd _d[nf_thcIR. Iodo with m_Qr_ It Th_'_ s_mply m he:L So the _eci_'._mmed c_ndm_n m t_ c L_,mab_ IZ [acend_ffncd,znd w_ - _x_ri_s_y ¢t_ilned. and wc :grccIb_ 13 PIP. _sby tt_i f not • mooon dct_-_to_ 13 its modoa 0tmo_n 0r_d_'rn_ _d con_tlon is_hc mooc_ 14 af a pcx_on _" o[h_ Obj_L I $ how it wod_ I_ t_ po_ ?_ w'_ _ s pzccc o f _'r_ o_nduct_r rn_tcnaJ l_ i_s exposed _o chen_ l_ t_ In m_u_d And _o _hc_ tst se[_boa Thcr_'sno qu_un th_c_s _ sclcalo_ lu_ a PRR only d_ts |7 m infr_ed r_ha_on whc'a you I_ unul you p_ m sc_ecuon c_¢o_ 19 s _'_21 then ts a sqp_ztu_c o f a ch._c 20 r_oa _ c._ge 21 doll I_ _ m mr_ar_ 21 BU_ If you k_v¢ _ chan_e m hca_ su_c]e_t 23 m_g_ Lh_ s:p_l, • I_lp-_op of the p_lz_, [o So the moron _:n 23 MI you thatwhlch ]wll]nolcil_ncRh_Mr ]4eanag I(V_W05 P_of Cl/tson z_llcd Tothal- employ _it _'Inclp4c b_ D_ sorac comments oo _.al,[ _ked wh_t _¢ sun_t_c of thc!_C_[_OlC Page 632 Markamn Healing 10/17/05 Pa_c 633 Pace _5 OO635 1 infrared However 3 e._vob_ m LM pofuon c4"his repor_ where he a PLY. _c _d d_cn'oe 5 tnd tc_tmony Ltm_s_ 6 q_te mph_cagy _v¢_ _nd v_ 8 _ exc_se mt_ wroa| 9 pc_t Lt_ the_ _ ¢_e 4 Sl_ w_ ¢_'_.r_l 8 Kts be_n _ hzs mad_ _ _ about G_e mo_c_ 16 _ ff_r_t mod_ o_ 21 dcle_¢ 22 o f cr_ Ard 16 c.be_g¢ ofh_ _ mg I _ _¢ IX _d on col_ which thenh_ a s_ml _ _ wk_ Lt IIcanng [h_tse_t_nclrl_lWtswh_ls tulerpr_ _e change of infrared, the s_cd by i¢ _ motion ot - o f z person or Mr T_o,_kcd_boul_a_rnc_by_-_-_cm 23 he t_t_ _:_d oul _ An_ _ p_a 9 of _ bw. w_e_e - _nd Yc_ COLdd i_ave a thsd_amer _*_ntl_ m b_c Pa_l _y L_S p_u_ dOesn _ ttTpl_ [0 such _ 2_ d_dz_ne_, of lOr2710s end m ht_ w_tten repo_ 2 _ d_c:'e $ "._nous kands o f ths¢l._mers 3 _ou_n d line 34 m rt'_Rse Iocl_ng_ Markro_n _ mtgrprr.l 21 wntlen rcp0_ _ p_ rczdllsc 2_ ud d_cn_:_c_how _h_ _w of_c 0_cchange of tern pr._a_r c th_ 20 :n hr_ t_Atm_y He wouJd Io_o_ A, R';net mol3on 2_ previous 5ec_on, b_n_it_ All they do IS obj_ s_lh'_ t_c_z_t_g tfbc uaders1._'_ how iIopera.s ofmouon 15 uscd _0 n-_sla/e _]_ng aboul _f Opcr_a On. _cy w_¢ ._om_ b._.k_d skill m Ibcart_botO_ _I ty_:s of razuo_. Lbcp_tcnt L_Jksabo_ d t_en _ _ 14 d¢_mnt_..3_on ]Re_ 19 20 moron d_ector don*t _ct into t¢lLm_ _x_u how to 12 r ©P,_CLS _r._L_d. Nuw _-J wc_ o foz_ prpc m ct_:_u_b¢ 11 p_e_etermm_Uon _ to whzl the stgr_ l_ _ s}_._umd _.r_ _ut _ _u Bu/they r_)_on of a mouon - whatever 10 ts Lhey 1¢11yc_ L_t _ere is how you rnake a 13 b_ It'_ decided wl_|I :[ looked at w_ 9 d_s_n&'_t_hbcr.vcc_ d_ffcn_t QZ 14 v_/_lc_tlul[h_jweet_kmgz_Jtthc I_ mo'_on h_ e_the_ahtgh L_g_vcn off by the arc_Jt m ord_ 7 o f moUoa they we_c _mg _ has :e_:lm_ Io &c de_c_on - b7 _he - QI _d or 3 low s_g_l 5 to - af_ r_o pJa_e_ m the parent ova, I fuji bngh_ mode _ 1."reopen by _ a 8o_ngtlvoo_dltbepv_ce_gm8 6 porto3 oT o_e_t or no_ or wha_'vcr I 0 beheve, m cokm'.n 6 when: L_ _ I I stating _hc Opmton by Pm£cs_or Masscv_ll - DE_A _he'o pmccec_ dow_ L_e c_l_'_n :rod _p ¢o]_'e_ 3 ¢lfcurayu_tJtll-m3J[ydesc_b_how_ :[r.oJ ly Now, also m _he patcn_ _crc radlaoon _d 2 Lhcac_t cold.an _ as de_ec_ng ch_nge_ m 4 mfi_Tcd m_ ztto¢. So _at wa_ c.m_]stent _th I_ _d Thc're's be_n a Ioiof {_tm_ony on _h_L [ bhlnk 25 h_m ifhe ic_y ka_ be O0634 7 todtsungmsh bc_w_ r_L_on 24 Pa_t_, _cn though he m_¢ _ n_c - [h_ che_gc ta _. my Markman 2 of :afr_i 2Z I_$ f_rly¢]tm 24 8:t a sl_mJ, and only t_m 2_ _e m he._L NOt s_mp_y he_[. heat do_a'r [fyo_@pIyas_dyhe,_. 23. _y cb.aag_ _[docsn t d_tc_|rno¢_on Mark_nan P_e6_ JA 0939 t_ch. _t_ whe_ m 01e patens or]Ice, when you rnake zn Hearin_ 10t2"7105 0O637 100UnS I'_ ;i 112/6 Cx_mJrdwioo. [ put L;_ w01_ * m _" at] _¢S¢ ¢_11 $ _'_.n _ why tl_ I:'r_ r_.'l ¢_vr_d by G'¢ d_.r_ Ja ¢I_nenf_ _LI trS not -- li'_ _mc_l_ _ul m my d=nu_, g_ ts 7 el_nQl_ e And the _=znlne_ _ _L_'I_ 9 e_=Jnhm'=e]f b=;k and _k Helmmvll-wh_t lurn |a heva'a_t_kmj_tbo=L 10 He knew wh_ the p._1_1 t_tcfne_ w_ _a_kln_ apuw. II The p.ttent t_orney nuy _lve be_ I Z him.seW z li P,1¢hi: or wi_le t 3 _vc _1 ! I ?.76r.l_n _ ]u_©, L'Qm_ mo_e __ 14 ml=nl was vcl7 cJ_ 1_ _om gw© _=11, [ (_r., PUl the _¢ bml[mSc m Lh¢ M¢C,[vd Acul d_e mgm'_'_t pomon by the altorn=7, t_e facl 17 d_ II _m_ room by not sty(n& he _ feted ¢opu_e ¢o_tm_ be=n$expl_:Jb'? m Ct=m 16, wl.ch b¢_tme Cl=um 12, _1 t_J [h_e - m _&tmn. _er_s d_ s._d, In _dd_oon. mh_r (r:mm_ m C3_ur_6. 9. 20 10=_111 21 11t_ p=n_ohr a,'lpu_t. 2Z szy, 611t he _tetprcted ?,3 pu_ _ you h¢.ud Mr Ft=_ Ltt_ to me.=n d1_ I_ addid_ Qom_d_. Ihcz© ate olh=- feat_¢s eo [. Ibcs¢ o_=r 24 ct,tm_ ¢Imen_ 2.5 _¢¢nm_;m_a li2/6. H_kndto_(_ mu=nmu, Markn_n Hc._nag rm 23 10/27105 P=ge The -- I put a che.rl up dunns the op_=tm_ emd 636 Markmau Hemnng IQI27i05 P=ge _37 0C_l 1 r][ men.an It briefly zg_up. TtlZ_ 2 Def_.d.xnls' _xhlbtt40 I_] d_at that L_ [_mkz['_Ql,zb43, ] if[ ]_, he O3g]d Ot',lyt ¢['A"rO It L_S;Z_dI(=_or roatl_ 2 at !*'4JdcolI_q=IclRu_ImGI_. _4_you _ns_howI(:nz_y 3 n:c_L 4 But alan, i_ _u_t _ho_ $ _1c wozd "m cam._ _ j_l 6 fa._ I]_l he _ed 7 _pn_119 S ofdz_ r_.h_ (_,n u_le s 4 y_u wa_d m"m _ dc ri_.Jcur 5 ¢]t_¢ _ uz_L I_ w_l °mmn_ of wh_b w_ cirri, I_1 _ pl_ 14 And Lt_ feSI of I]_c_ I_ _ h,l_ r_ It And G_ - e11o£ _ t9 excepl3_ 20 mm_,c_ 2] c_'n_ IbzZ Lhe-- =l_m m_ t7 fc_ by 12 _ m _ purboa _ml_=6_s _I fi]_s m get nd of =o Ih_ o_cr just szy m_._u o_e_ - _e_:z sw.em_ o_r _ a_ml knJ£O( | 7 ¢_¢_t onJ-j _ I| _o _zz ride, tz _zt _fl _f the on(s d_l use d_e _ hae. _swhc_ _be Pg: _ ranlp_,,_, saz._ h_z( zcmm s mca_ Q_hexl_lf dor_, £_m_ nxn_oa e_m© ztru£z_nzl zntnx_lm7 ¢_ c_:mr_t m _© 1_=r dete_zon t2 or m _.ze.I (_ cc_WansoP, hc dJdn_. He cglcd _ _ mr_zlS plu_ _'_mn m I0 16 rr,_ms, matml m a p_1¢ul_ z_o _ He couJd h.we c_le_ IhoSe rne:uq Ibr _ I_ sm,'cp.rvJ _ _ _o put _= ,,_hole d_'n in 14 :pcm_c c_c_zz? =nd stxp_gc I_t_zSe 9 Ih_ fe_nzmm_ five, _o II m_ ?ou h_ m dt of the ongn_d ct_m._, _ c _z'a etch, _nd _ed d_ _ • tluow-awa? o_ I_ [u_ c_In_ dow'_ _ve_ 1_moyou put &st_ c_¢mi_']ILi_pounngw_m;Oaknwl 19 _mu_d ; 1_e bat un_ tt _v_L_ly m_o a [ts]c_h_ sL_i1_ pFr_e, zrc whtcb ate re[e_ted to Ixmf m the c._m _- I_1_- m I] lULFp_,_& If)_J_h_ndvol_,it_utdbl_wauta Z20LhQ" cl=ms_ so glzt I_ pzz_nt si_o(ney could use the ?.1 Q_r me.z_, for exzmple, 24 ",_k[ ;r/.r.zul s_o_ u 8 shon,_r_ mc_s. rc(_nn_ p_._e ?,_ I'un_l__z-l,ds_t=n'z:nt oflhc mcam plus fun_on Marlo'nalZ when he bzck to i_e _ floating clzu_. 10/2"//05 Page 638 Markma= JA 0940 Hear'rag 10_27/05 Page 639 OO641 0O64O [ done At 2 order 3 l_mgs 4 that would thk$ polnt to select the patent the frcquencle$ So there $ some 5 photocell tt goes threctly the patent making that they 9 they l0 first pulse happen l I wuhm And that's 12 ts in a panlcular [3 wlth motion) [4 pulse t _ aCrOSs [f they result I$ ume 19 mthedte 20 have 21 that 22 ltme they snterva], Ifyou tuggers c_cn_ '._ the puLses and 7 e_entually g mouon and that al here, 12 thal here they could If'they ate and a 13 one 14 accorthng 15 p_ss]_e 16 sensor be as a too far aparl thai thai a human be an insect tf you being PIR the first flip- flop, 24 pulse there, and the second one comes 25 close have and you pulse } 9 the would Like the first ha_ e got a here, they are pretty counting Markman then cattses Hearing 10/27/05 Page art would 3 ts mote 4 than NO_, d back 6 the apparatus 23 halogen 24 lamp, Is ,_ sensor means h_ other suffix just accorthng the includes in it It's one of But _, ash I sJmply by using where includes, thai ,In he says I whereto say includes a I the final patent alJo_cy claim to Cla)m doesn'l a PIR claims careless next means thai Claim ed into bctng sec in the very it says sensor than thai the patenl whlehwas an apparatus 3 says, said of the original Io show ts aswe'xenoted suggeslmg things object tn the patent Claim detector, lamp or other said a quartz lamp ts a quartz hallucinogen is So includes and is shoxx the mtenl Markman read that the same that set6or mr_ - sf you regarded the attorney ts actually" of here ar_arLgemCnl _hcre 1 have for detecting LI to the apparatus says a seine on ¢,hal the atcangemenl i4 a single httle high hat Into a beard a sensor cOndltton exlemal fordeteclmg Implies 17 thffcrentlatlon a generic 19 dependenlclatmsays 20 a PIR for example 21 sensor meo.n$ 22 m it than jt_st the 23 idenllcal Is that logic three than jtk_l ifyou haxe - if somebody claim and then the Iog_c og that m the c_alm above P[R _s _ ell, in claim 3 Ileartag the 10/27/05 Page 641 the claim would and the logic a Iog1¢ is Thafs + _sumes Markman not thai I[earmg or the And thfferenttatlon 13 mdependent 10/27/05 16 logic 17 is less Page you that one JA 0944 rule funcuon actually Page 643 Is always A statute controlling m a CaSe hke mdependent force dependent That's of the translation have might the present, da;m claim where you where ba_e got an claim got claims I and duplicate thai are Claim separated from 12 are m this In some respect case, the _other claim pcrsuasl;e ease, Claim Nobody ever I and Claim 12 slmpty tried to hne up ha_ e a * a means thai they were dupllcale In facl that you 22 function 23 eharactenzatmn 24 mean 25 function the fact claim that they elemenl element m one case of that element are if_t appbes and to that were the element_ not and plus a speclfe m another the s,u'ne became Markman 642 claim poss=ble anypos;ilbthty [the Claim In this 2 [ plus has its real another, $bow aren't means that of the claim and When one fact ]fs noI a stalulOry why kS the paThcutarly 12 15 The a redundant is ak_ays error not In a dependent 20 more written thfferentlauon duphcales have ha_e mterprelatlon 19 lYs used people claimed 9 IS scope But that's simply 8 clatms ltlmmps,myhml 18 the is - lYS SOl In have otherwise thestalute that's rule in a ifwherelnthesensormeanslsa then 7 14 terminals of the claim - an independent might But statutory I I ifs redtmdant that all the lime do Human 6 10 It struclufe with The argvraent has claimed more component th fferentlanon 18 as gtllde a predetermined hdoesn'tsayaP[R 15 Claim tt says arcangemcnL Sensor plugged underlmed somebody 5 slgnlfcant focusing People 4 possible look and the statement as fairly IO be v, ntlng 2 i$ And Id oi' the of the mvenuon, t_ usually tm'¢ lnvenPon 16 I going know 3 can be said In the Stalemenl 9 and would lust a PiR invention 7 becat_/¢ 25 22 is the I whereto to - w_n't can h,xs deculed things 640 Thtstssomethmgthatapersonofordmaryskdl 2 m the 24 you of OO643 I =ntent 12 trying 21 block It, ts v. hal circuit claims thai actually 20 no bright that enare of a person ',_ as one -- _d rejects there's culled the several infrared then Massengdl inCla_m3 means, 25 00642 10 mouon IO Claim the few and whereas counter or other object ¢.lth That 18 or something shoc.ed :rod the circuit might _hat of the ongmal 17 m as Dr gorexample h,Lg v, alkcd that somebedy high light pulse the tdea thai JL_t the PIR for detecting I L incorkgtstent asscctate get a poise 23 8 And the components clrcmtry, detects a hnght then lea_ es the voltage o f a person 9 and that the + If the pulse too bnef, Massengdl together selection sensors too far aport, as Mr And apart, So all of those 6 would indicates just acitvaled light the inter, tlme It wotdd So coital nfs counting It v_,ts not something done 4 $ there s tv, o pulses that they or If the first pulse and the to create to go Io_ and 3 them beings the v, ay then of mde_ndent that of heal voltage if they are I'ar enough I0 of the two are 2 enough that probably tn front 16 17 says for example here frequencies into the pulse ate - I the In (o human go through a particular Ls wld¢ correspond to human 8 sure that 11doesn't 7 pulse count, that tfs filtered eba/ac|enstie correspond Then over here 6 lays case doesn m the means t plus item in the Hearing 10127/05 00644 OO645 1 _c¢lficauon, If:l wuc a PIR, 2 means plus fu_uon clam 3 cov_ the PIR and ecpavalcncc, 4 cl_m_l to be a PIP,, $ for htcr_d 7 claim Infrmgcmv_L 8 Now, 9 at_w_ 10 wnltCnlCXt 12 1_ 13 other 14 t_t I a_m'a_t be t.on$1_d over Io i'_we, whc_e I!_ tt's Hovor askc-'d wb_l _ andth©&awmgs - spactfir_mn _e desC:_l_ton of the druwlngs 5 then the deladed 6 de_cnbes 7 aII the ex_mples The if$ nol one p=t'cc of lexl _xt and L_ dcawi_, I_re's And (k_e_d_ - people 10 other than II prior sclenufic 14 them Of course, tht'y a_e - 17 thcrc'_ &s_lon 18 c_vc_ng the pnw 19 p_lmns of_]_ 20 they d_cn'b¢ 21 clrcm:andd_fam_:eth¢_rcmL 22. you're 23 pnOT art 24 The _mg ofpn_ art wnncn v,_ m t_ art wnRcn de_cnp_on [fs not going Ifs 8ou_ to be to bc covcnng d_.cnlmon the and the drawings thcnr myth:ran _ where ;h_ wh_c show the _'sd_pomon_l out and u_mg fo_ I 1_'6, not Ihc _u._lo_ - Mr dc_:n;mon }|lg_s also of the mvcwavn, was thai _r_mn 8 th_ phrase, Marlun_n r_f_ of Hisgms' 17 _ent m se_achtng Io find _ it's just pubhcatloJL5 a re_earch patenls that m'e relevanl cases t5 _.lk]ng 20 refc'rred to Is wh_i'e you*re 21 workm 8 devtce upl_t about into to the 25 _e the eardm_ to the J"_ nlghl. the quote 0mrs b_m8 thc fuz_llons of a irnporlmg for ts the pro_lt_on You sin of Enter_sea But th_pm_Jeuhr - in fact cl_am Io dec_de Js of the claz_LS All th_ sla_ fm-tctJon _bs_act5 on Mr thai w_5 _nd referring caseth_tw_brought 24 abss_acls, pubhsh of commenl_ He had a shde dectslon to the always m'( what _c supPoSed Ih_ teat Io dc_cn_ thin you function to go -- recited Into the te._l and Ih_ f_ctlon 644 Markman Ileanng 10/27/05 Page O0647 I In means plus funcl]on _, I you look _ ll_ And 2 wo_ds of the clalm a_l only thalto dccld¢ wha; the functlon 2 3 ofthecla_n_ 3 d_cnptlon 4 You don'l $o cbewh_e and look f0_iL Thafs alI lluac;_¢ _tm..dafo_ It'Snol 5 a_pllcablehen: bccau_ 6 EML $ the clam_ 9 embcdm_em, wl_re Mr 5 to the pre fer_l cmbodnnenl, again, i_s t_n'l (_on$ _t m no clam_ $ even a _ngle to mtct_0ret a mear_ we thoroughly _ascu_ed sornc qu_or_ Mr them here unl_ made a - an eloque'nt _t about Hlggm_ II lea f, and a parson, 12 aclually _lls you to go to the Icxllindu_e _hc textto 12 reason 13 ;ntetprc'111_clz_n 13 nolse)_lnspc're_ol_ofl_tv_;orpools 14 14 m the clmm Th_s the statute a & ffcrentc_accpl from :h_ co_celx thal 15 15 Phllhpa was dealing with m th_squo_a_on. 16 By II_ same tohc_ the quo_ froenMa_r_an 16 th_ th_ why scr_c_ a parson thai argmnen! t5 the motion Is became o f a pe_on 19 and -- that argue thaL Andtheonlycas_theycouldfind 20 that would for an exceptton 21 d;umtng. 21 parucular 22 22 0tat we 19 p_3_.e of the cl_ams. again, thaf_ lalkwg alx_t gene_l claunmg. Ifs nol lalk=n_aboulm_ns plus funcuon The _la[ute.as I t..a_l, tellsyou I_ go l_ok al the 23 specification_md look a_the d_.cnpuon 24 how to interpretthose clam_ 25 concept inotcha to d¢clde 23 If; an cnmely thfferem Markman Hearing 10/27/05 Page646 Mr 24 least 25 & florence idea that t_c_" _s a spacla] argue _ Mr _luaBon have _e Hlggms the CellNet excc_lon admits, there for are no ¢_, in the -- m thts and M _m-Tcch d_Ilngu_shed C_Lso_, Rapar and Paulus, two ou_ of fl_ee between o f them se_r_ I hellO,C, all - sa_d that thor's means Markman JA 1942 the to do thaL elecUomc cas_, we're or object. a PIR plus 18 Ii_ :sth© func_on ned a W]3al_e_u_$clt_tng 17 parlo f the spac_fw.a,on do_ and paoi, of thai, the nol d_:np_aon 18 d_la'mt tl_ rightm exclt_. The ts ma_hcable the - It tak_ ctrcmi_ h_ about and no_ a pool, not a leaf, and the point And so thaf_ f,clect_on thc corot ;rodd_ 17 wnmm and i! the PIR only gm¢_'al plus fum¢_ o_ language wh¢_ the CcllNet l'mnot any further I0 I I lang.._a_c, not mca_ patent p]te; fimctlon It)uSldoesn'trnakeanyse_;e to ad4rcss 9 me.m_ plus I0 fun_ion language al all.dus _ lalkmg abo_ that would at the te_t ofthc looking m order 1 fl_nk 7 going abou_ hrml_g _oul has 6 MagniTe_h_mdLmea_andApexc_sesmomb_ef_ of pat_mt H1_ms'_hdctal_ DESA you from prohthlt 4 c[a3rt_ has dora: nothing of the tort In lhc quotauon that- II_ cardm_l sm 7 co_mumon 20 It at it fo_ any purpose purposes 19 the 00646 tool look like techntcal They ]8 22 Page Tlul_ if you wall. at least _s simply don'_ normally c 0_q_Bon look 10/27/05 and invent=on 8 out Ibc invention I tlunk tt's -- a coupIe 16 23 Hearing 0_e _awmgs of the embodiments, so Ihe abstract for re_earch 15 16 m the5 -- _ a b_ef that desenbc_ d_cnptlon ofc_ln It's a handy 13 s_ the_e and _rL 12 _J The IS m the body, fo_ example, the Weferred 9 _" the Io m_ctpc_t patent, 8 AndsollZI6.youlookmthcp_cnli'pcclficahon, including 4 is _© Th_'$allp,wlofthc mv_[ion in the '066 a _ a spaclficatmn Ihe pal_nt of the 3 m $copa 15 - that dcfea_ Andl'_ouldtaken_uew,thL_ 2 d4_cnptlon be jttst a PrR. _ ould be dlffcTimt And q_tlon no_ the wol.dd - _'gtu_c_fl. Yot_ to th_ clmm wha_ t[ would dlffert'ntlallo_ _ cI_n¢_ And so the fwo clams 6 then and sensor, tlear]ng al no con_ol means 10/27/05 Page647 645 OO649 OO648 ] and conlzol To 2 They 3 legal slgmficmw_ 4 though, that all meant them, arc nol lawyers And I don'z think e_ ex really 6 t_ofart Andltw_ THE COURT $ MR COOK thin t use it in normal A comment 14 the change 15 ofthe 16 mou_, 17 chorused _c ofIR v, I_ we d_opp_ report, wzth ;hmkmg _ that pxcx_temllned 21 thmkmg about 22 mot+on, th_ We just has to _ and that, thai from Phtg]ps 7 functional 8 there's 9 about 10 prevent that nOl outside any structural I 12/6 flora if you read Mr 15 ts a vet-y skilled 16 this being they Htggms made His job and v*asn't to take the claim thai requlrcmc11L and so we e]mzlnaxed clcmenL st_c_" tt o_lv has r_le_ _ce Hearing 10/27/05 He "7._n 22 of IR Page And that's jilt wlfi whaz ;ill pOml _e_y clearly CO_L_ about the m thai And t - his job the re]table He dttin'l 24 claim -+ I*m sor_ 25 build somethmg just - tf the patent language from at the DESA Hisjobwas and app]y zt to the that w_ at the cIazm the clrcml a look _ _. to evaluate m a way look Massengdl H e took Rapedsclrcmt he thd that by - 23 person w a_n't Mr Professor 1 -- Professor to determine ctrcLut the change element experienced smctly from m the claim Mzsscngdl. 21 but on of -- where formal, some Professor 20 that, I 12 I 12/6 direction Imean selection ent funcuon _mpo_ed them clrcmt sugg_ts _here then prc_ em in a non plus language 19 the thai _fi thai _ d] pr_ stnmtuxe the means of predctc'rmzp_tzo_, es format -- it has to be purely any vahd of morton tcTm "cormo{e sa_d purely Ma_se.g_ll we of funcnon Just about 14 why function applymg hc sa_d delvers ph_ of sm_ctwc I$ condmon ,I, _ e rcalzz_d that safeties very ¢lt_nent thagrmn and or the the text and tt Markman 648 Hearing Page 10/27/05 649 00651 I "[_e e]rc_ut tha_'_m 2 a c_p_t[or, 3 _ an op _nlp, has no - zt s _;_,_s a _zst but tt doesn't say w_ Andthosevah_scouldch_nscar_ thfference m the oparatmn So ratha 5 _tzon b_u3_ I to treat mea_ _, ;alu_ they thalcouldr_kea - Mr - be used h_ b.uh Evans exp_enc¢ not a ]L hc _zh as a mohon one de_cczm 9 And IO then he co_ed _he_ 11 that d_phcatcd tbe schamauc t2 vulucs m _- 13 And the11_ simu[alzon k_ st mu]_zo_ down to _sute thai the _Ncctad patent _all office 6 application, 7 filed AS thr ;tHhe re_fl_ paltm[ expaRs t9 Mr 20 address "_ ere z_suc_ _ m_ o_ 21 _nenee ol_ce paitczso_ those O_ m h_s v_ues he was getting m thafs aCrL_Hy shown else think there vv_ any cont_;t are between co_cemcd, Michael I don't Thasz and Tbetssuesthalthaywerehamgaskedto L_ t]_ The_ 23 Office 24 and he _ _ _ 25 Donebon He e_ted pat_lt has parent ralat]_ worked the ma_uul a_ the um_ - m other words, m som_ -- It v.as a major two years before m.stz,n¢_ Mr writing 15 that bccaL_e 16 II1 both 17 c_t_ elazxo_ an examiner o11 patent d_t exammmg the q_tzon how ts the patent Marknun Heanng office going 10/27/0S Page a very in claim 18 The nottota that Mr 19 his w_ttcn 20 hghong hghtlng statement that w&s three Thasz JA 0943 he a year_ w_ filed with argument m you shouldn't do says, legal seemed tnthscnmmalely COX_OL_IIC_ and m fnngement office Carlson said m -- 1 think m testimony, you had the patenL wc re;It fled as an expert to be a saw thai here, had no expener_e Mr Rapar, when he was hired by DESA. 24 or st;< yea_ as an alectncal 2_ sup,ef_slo_t of t124_motion cngmecr, d_tecnon Markman 650 his "means" or m his who beln_ which -- there _as application specific to tmdet_tand Paulus, _weryone mterpretatlot3 m tbe patem 23 pr0_edu_e, of a_ Mr and 22 m the patent It has expart decision, issued the word And tha of apphcallons by comparison, 14 - both and to tL and Paller_on, 2 } Professor _ event the continuation to be thai -- ha uses bo_ of the (phonetJc) that eventually 13 exammanon exactly the sequence the timing and and the continuation given the told you chazacter_ed e to tha DoneIson lot of pubficzty dmmg He those In the file hL_tory evenlS ] I the claims have with he aco_rmely And 5 l0 thagram here that now used the circuit 18 Mr 3 9 and on the sobc'ma_c thagntm Masseng_ll and nc¢ something 22 he _ as mvol_ed 12 15 17 iI to show thai i[ wodced, vaJu_ Professor 14 _ op_Med charm he _ as there S gazd was 8 '0m_der to select the values p]u_ frmctzon 2 4 of the de_ ice h_-an g',,'s_'esmgat thL_ SinCe ha W_ detector 7 fiz_ wo_ 16 5 standard 13 O065O 6 a low er standszd m other _ords applies, mcarts to bc some h_ MarIo'aan 4 -- or Io_er 12 the combination Is whal and that's 0_re sorm: sort pr_l_crrmnat_on The there's 4 pr_umptlon u_lng sought the v, h_e isn't 3 17 always 20 25 tha re,erse I I cas_s PIR dcl_ts - _ e agree sort of -- the_ 24 context wLth the czrcudzy 19 szg_a] oth_ It has thaL [ v, _ 23 the patent thai because M_mgl}l's zs v, hal was It's a ]anguage Professor ]R -- change that And out of_ny on the reaso_ m IR here do this by selecting It 18 Lawye_ no rm_mmg to be detected, a ;_ _gmcers anyv, _here 2 somebody to say that, -- ¢l¢cmcal use the term meam ing_'zlo_ alr_olumly 13 fo_ them lt*slav,_cts 10 12 I thing 6 7 was _zme ",_ord "me, ms" h_s [ think _n dam _ngm_rs 5 or anybody 9 s_e The t_ placed secm'31y Hearing be'd m charge had fwe of fighting 10/27105 Page 651 0O653 00652 I Froducts 2 there, _ he _ Th fre's nothing _n_c_ I or IF th_ palf_l 2 v_ lymr h_n_ irl this claim 3 thaireallyreqmr_tbeexIx:x_eofahghtmgexpcn 4 t._ _ t_km.g _b_t I_mc'ns _ fo_ 5 thai sort, v. hlch Ls what hghtmg 6 Now, 7 lmXee6 the - whal from h_e_ exl_rtS 9 tdonttfied t0 and t_n_ 4 of We, of co_, beh_e and _zed 01al Mr _al 6 HOW would 12 intcrpzetatlon and thal ef,.s_ ua_ly all of the cotul charac_nT_ decision7 13 the ppmlon I1 scans thai the cot_ 15 relevanl Io the ** a p_JlZCU]_ clam 16 th_ Its claim to me thai in this case, should rcf_" to the -- to t_',¢ portion 14 c_rcml thafs been ulen0fied Ls the sw._ture element ts and sta_ thai [he claim ¢tememl applies tbe_ Io, 17 plus equlvalence. 18 And that _ otdd be _e 19 efficzen0y to ch,u_tcn_ 20 Thai would 21 would I f there are odor 24 no_t 25 pomons say almosl of the pa_enl ts stncdy cnorely a d_p_on Markman be w_thoul of Heanng So t]_e text O f the patent play m wntln8 9 thai though a 112/6 10/27/05 Page block and iJ_e we could _4"the ¢_c_t, II tdfnofy the 12 thai _pphcs use a formless of the palest to that potion the master 15 all the claim 16 ga_ e h_s SU_ 17 stJucture In the elements charls 20 I'_ 21 o f the clrctut _s thai jttSl w_nt appcr_x, 24 apphed 25 palent _pmlon. Idenufied whcth_ and idenllfied to them and n w_ sttpponed here, by not wa-s the sen_ i_owded be one way would through he stud it was al_x_t_thx _ of and th_s ts whal to ch,_Jct cr_ wh_l ppmon _s covered And then the thud 23 the and thai a leuer instance second thai have sugg_llng amend to al_o that b2_ been and _$1_ed Ofh_ And then mt_ t_ identifying of the c_rcu_ or not, in each color come I should and hls ch,a_s,the first c_al, _as clam_ charl 19 c_tx't Pm'haps _ w _'d]d be _p_n_',e pouon 14 _lflly pp_moA the -- m addition pe_hap_ 1_) po_on 22 of the spe_ficauon be relying of_ theft those mlghl Hov, e_ ez, the - I would fa_l, the _1 it specific 23 that the ¢.oust wc_ld *nto saym_ You don't have tha_ kind ofd_scuss_on 8 t8 mosl under I 12/6 pass musWr ai the Corn1 of AppeaJs became be ve_ 22 way thai I 0unk the - a doctslon comparator, t 3 Profe_or M_scngdl o f the decul_ gel text 7 11 _6 should M_ser_ll thera thai _ppc_r on the targe chasts 11 I_n'l -- It thdn'l really W.ste_l of a window 5 comp_alor deal wth should - how shouJd the court 8 be applied to the claim elements 2 ctrcm! So tbere 3 In adthtlOZ_, We COUld chartge I_I ¢:ornp_lor We _es, thai figme be's 8one - the third part ofhts d_ough the loller A m this spe_tfication the patent instance that dm_cn'o_s and of the this Markn3an 652 speclficalJon to the po_on Hearing 10/27/05 Page 653 Page 655 OO655 _54 I 2 So that wotdd I 12/6 opinion 3 4 Wtth abom m EML's '.bat. You_ I am _ of thmgt All I think eve_hasbcc_sa.'_ MIL HIGGII, I0 THE COURT IS No funh_ rcbutt_, 4 have a cle_ setof the binders7 5 MITRAKOS MR. 12 th:.cu_wh_ 13 _curatcly 14 we _flected wo_d p_ef_r 15 a_ma_yselected 16 _ _ 17 -Mr or Tuesday 7 dad kind of all--_nd I Mr 0_1 as _l_led enough7 20 be_k Okay by what Okay (Break) 22 THE COURT - the b_ o_ mMr Dr imd red. the tler_ t3 and 14 _ W© do _ raid you we needed to have a clean 24 MS w_]lll_Sk Masscng:II bebev_ Dr Markn_ MS M]TRAKOS MR. We Andwchavemarkedonc.trstoo HIGGINS yore Honor, we also need to pul tothe box of goodies d_re tl_'_ m fionlOf MS. Jones THE COURT 16 MR 17 Tile COURT Box HtGG]NS I _ So g9 '_I be "_deo Tenmmu_'_ak of gcoth_, yes, the actual Thmglthntl_tha['s90 That wlll be, l_ohably. 90, yeah Why d_'_ we rmsk_ 90 the plam_t'f_ 19 ap1_ratus and 91 the defer_e ap_? andw_lbe 20 MR HIGGINS 21 THE C'LEKK Which - we do 11ol have - I 22 THE COURT Are they both In lhal box'_ Are se_of the bmde_ 23 thty both Inthe s,,_ac box7 as c:¢_btts Sbe has gol. [ thrulc, tbe on_ Okay 1.5 demonisation _'stest_n_ny Okay 23 Bnggs-Jonc_ COURT 12 a_ exhth_tn_thct M_II WelltakeaWnmmuleb_eak, 2t 25 D_ f_,ts II _. • _. e_e _x_d. T}fECOURT 19 closing. Cazison's the corm THE I0 _les_ you have a clea_ set _p_by a_d p_csc_ted C_tsm_ 1_ Bcfor_ thec_ We're going to rcqt_;! 8 tl_nk we have allc_om'bahzed them bul I thd Go abead. HIGGI_S MS 6 permt_slon to n'._la sel m Monday 9 II [he vld¢o thaiyou 3 But before you leave, please make sure she's gc< - do you _3 _lk zt well l_beenalc_tgdwcedays 8 vo_. and then she wdl mark 2 a_e going IO ft_n_h _ 89, I gut,s you sald wa_ the ntunber7 H_, THECOURT doyc.J? I supplemented _m appropriate wew and om of energy 5 7 a.tso be part of a - tha_ you have ||¢_Inl_g 10/27105 Page 24 MR HIGGINS 2_ THE COURT Very wen c_e t__Inch7 No. thafsjust the plamuffs That's just the plam_ Markmau 6S4 JA 0944 lleanug ffs 10/27/05 OO656 OO657 I THE 2 T_IE COURT 3 b_, 4 THECOURT 5 gotng 6 CLERK Okay I ba_ e bad 9 h_,¢ l0 Chaxlts had Carnal. And anti 14 paymg ne_er I thank been dun_ expert _sststance for making to the Court him a_ rulable to me and for hfm. ]5 16 beltnng 17 head ! 8 m cot, strums helpf_ to me. as _ as the Matkman In terrra of all the expert amf the =guments 19 _ DSSA, t_;tlraony for nee_M that I ha_e background and asstst_nce cla_m.s the plamttff 20 for mfnngtmaent 21 ufl¢d 22 number 5.598.()66," 23 as ha_e the Paints 24 m thsput¢ here, of fore "A t_ o I¢'¢el 25 seo2_ty v,htch at thts arc Claims Determmang has sued mdel_a'xtent system I'll ref_ to as tbe '066 The I 0 and ,._berber and Costco of tbelr hghtmg bemang 6.9, EML claims patent beanng clmrm Patent patent, that temmn I1 a Pattnt clann Markman has been tleanng 10/'2"1/05 Page a jutT, 8 coa_oxwd 9 tn frmg_nenL Tbe furl days ]2 accomp[a.h 13 the clmr_, puqx_c major 16 and 17 word 18 means The _ bether of thts heanng, held "_ theh major _sputc t_ch 19 Code 20 clement 21 means 22 the r_ttal 23 thereo 24 coreespondmg 88 spec:fica0on of law h_e Secuon I 12/6 m a clmm or step for the m caeh that uses c_atrrts which l:,ro_ _des -- and a cornbmattoa claim -- the Umted m States I'm quoting - *An be expressed ftmctton as a v, _thout or acts m sttpport shall be construed structure claim arc written 38 may a speetfied material of Cotwl ts a c[mm of those for per forming _ as to -- the f/rgt so as to m_oke of smtcture _ :m has been tem_ format for f and such again ts whcther each there the construction the r¢]_,ant -. wbethet ptus function or _bethr_ w_th MaW, man, thai is m d_s_pat¢ _me2axs" m thss as ptop_ly two steps ts a matter" thspur¢ fact-finder, v, thch m accord_¢¢ ts v, bether claim we a jury'_ the claims _e',_ct the first of thee The I5 Okay I'e_d on the acc_cd I ) three cta_ms 1 behcv¢ "tes wd] determine I0 bert, material _md eqm_a]ence to cover or acts h_ described in tbe thereof 3,1arkman Hearing 10,'27/05 Page 657 Page 659 OO659 1 So the first fomg wbetheT 3 Sectton It _ actually 5 wesumpbon 6 that's a quote 7 deCtSlOtm of the 8 me* the Co*a1 | t2/6 weU st:tiled 4 9 COURT 656 OO658 2 COOK case - and Ha_ e you all requested MR 14 II was vcay trial THE J car;nccong ha_ ¢ a jmy 7 of tbe thsputed the facl-finder 5 Dr at T_e¢ m elec_ea) and sco_ 6 beanng the beanng, appomled FllsLthcCourtmust the meaning Second. 4 construcoon Markman and o f in'anem¢ the ixam_ TbeComtls haanng _ ho ts a Wo fessm construe 3 m m_ mind of my cottr_ Um_erslry be has 2 on the claim be fr_her io the _ the a_tstancc / t Tec2mo_og_ca_ 13 tts dects_on Itwdl -- lmo_ a_ ay'_ Allnght ha_ e had a three-day 8 12 went OurswmattoDen_er to oralb/g*_e We I mfrmgedm_olvestv.osteps ycc_rs COOK m this c,xs¢ 7 Okay thai a el_:m the "._ocd "me,ms" 118, tha Apex ft:_k'_d the peesm,aptlon I0 Ar_ I I v_otd "ratans" by ¢omz_st t2 Sect_ontl2dc_nota_ly )3 "t'_ea_" 14 He'n:, 15 "means" 16 rebuRed 17 18 nonethcleas 19 or rtmtemd 20 the tbe 23 spectfv 24 clmm 25 bxlfflclent Pam_ agret "meara" thai does Is used. _to_ use tbe prestm_ption thcuseoftbev, drams al_hes use the w ord a function stngt_¢ tram rat.bet th_ may be but Court t uactmn wber¢ ftmcuon u_ the lerm "mea_s etth_r the clatm _ for but tben go_ the means The th_ 14 structure and. 15 presumptton not the tbe cLatrn Heanng 10/27/05 So Sectmn I 12/6, _ t9 mcam 20 means 658 LSwell thinks rebutted that dectston, feder&t cnemt w_thout that must 23 sp_lfied In the 24 thereof ArMthat'saquotefromtheOlCorp Actor ts hmttatmon thngly, once mt has hoen Markman JA 0945 m order ¢o apply that S_'_tlon to pertmt use of of air the possthl¢ apparatm be paid of the c|alm _cnpbon denotes that the was intended recitation that corn emer.ce '_ ntten to tbe souctwe has stated be t_sed in a clmmed price e that finds on from the the the ¢_atm _eoolt_ the Court documented, that might Ho'_ ever as a And funs tlon not been expressto_ that by a In the c L_rrl_ not find Ix'rsto.sm_ therefore, the clatm$ thspute_ of 1¢t$ within recited does h_s at these ts not elaboraled matmal moving appbe.g to demonstrate dsal are 22 25 Page looked the p)amtlff 112./6 18 h_ the Courl Ja_guage I 12/6 the or _ct.s so evidence that there _tlrely containing matcnal that Secuon the clemen_ s1Iuchlre !_'r forth 21 =, ot_ to elaborate or a_:ts w ithm Markman or where fmds tc'm_ stricture ts on D F_A the Court notJmt ftmcntm clatm sumclcnt of the ]8 17 st_ct_re of the ela_med a ¢la_m does matmal 9 16 rtot LLSe the t_rm "means" r_-ite the burden And whole, 12 c¢d The prt_umpuon lawformancc a com:spondmg And 8 tl the rectted that the as to rehot tbe presttraptmon I 0 suI_fi_enl that ways ms rebutted "means" enttrely contends 6 pr_ondcrance 2003 _on _. hea 3 v,o*d 5 collads_s presmnpOon rectt_ g 3d 1365. both term foncuot'_ to _sc_dbe Con_ er_l), 22 And to per form DF_A 4 6 apphes a re_utlabl¢ a ¢la_m terrrt do_ presumpaon 2t Io the on a rebuttable "_,hcn the word a clatm trigger fo_owmg r_ht_ that ttself 2 7 so tim ptesumpaon Wh_ 325 l think all of the d_'puted m _ revokes Paragraph Thin L_c_lrdJ I clremt apphcs wdl hmltatlon case, That ts not m thslmte that ts a_hes that Soctton from has to daod_ and for me of to the meat ts eqmvaltmc¢ case datermmed Heanng that the 10/2"]/05 O0660 OO661 I sccuonapphc_.theCourlm_tdotwothings 2 :dentl fy the function 3 explicitly recited 4 corre_pondiug 5 ftmcllOn 6 the function g function tmrecited and that pcffoms$ then that I to the fi_t not permit step, identl ficatlon by adopting a function And "l'ne functionmttst that comes m factcome However, with regard to the second to par form 13 ideate fication of the structure 14 Court to the 15 -- the written 16 palenL tesorls 17 And per foml 20 determining 21 descnption so thal 19 d_Cnplton the Coutl I g carefully the must rccllcd what al issue file st_ctufe I$ Spcclficahon 23 or pr_ecutlon history 24 slruct_c ftmctlOn from Micro 9 and finthug are to be read IS corr_pondtng to the So moviug structure, should clearly 13 to the claimed 14 usually paris oFth¢ 15 to the spool ficatton or _._sociale that r t'CltCd m the claim on to the actual clanr_ that arc at tssue Hearing 10/27/05 Page 17 the spco 18 clear court m wew because analysis wews n and also Is which to m comsttumg makes of the COl_haactlo close kinship claims n vcl'_ clear is these clmms thai claims spaclficatlon of v. htch is always n analysts between IS enforced ficatton concise The with aS well of this reference highly and often desert and claims bed exact ate they relevant thsposltlVe, language description and 24 constntctlon 25 And most the I/1.11 m full are a par( mac to the claim ahgns mvenuon Court in; cation to be cottsistcnt they that stays naturally of the dcscnplion requlrcmenl tetras of which The conSlrUCtlOn 22 the claimed to be construed the sp¢cl ficatton 23 the wntlcn by the statutory with the patent's will be m the lakes mstructmn end the from Markman 660 correct the Phdhps Hearing 10/27/05 Page 661 OO663 O0662 I case on the 2 The importmucc plamllffs m this tried vtgoro_ly has 4 appaa_ 5 abstract, 6 the field of the invention, 7 maybe ] think 8 very clear 9 which l0 get begins to the ] I speetfication which 13 paten[, summa_ m column the to which the Court the 2 of the which starl co_rdel 17 mt_l refer 3 ts m the of the 19 specifications 20 the clam_ that palenI patent are and m tzymg intended to fulfill 22 and not. mozco_er, 23 embodiment 24 The thagraxrts which have played m delall makmgrefercncetoFtgurcs 6 make go_ tt we I0 to to find the structure he w_ plamtttTs re femng to the detaded the are before we appropriate to find function to consult the smzclUre of each describe spectfically an Important Markman jttst figures clear d_¢ actual 12 So I'm going 14 really 3, 15 think And to both 17 visual the text and The first term 20 to said apparalus clatm 21 The 22 Masscnglll, 23 The 24 condition this 10/27/05 Page For detecting patties 25 too[Ion heanng reso_l w_ through notch JA 0946 pro_ Id¢% tt became 2B very parcel closely 2A and ts the predetermined -- de fcndanl_' which prowde a first sensor condition exlcrnal 6 witness, Dr to this as "r' in his malCrhtls ate m agreement _s defined constn_ct_on 2B, up the structme to be construed has say that bul [ fie,It:on In my ¢Imm thai make has referred and of the sp¢cl the thagram. a first below embodiment, Thls IS a ICnn In Claln'i de fenda_t relative that process, as what that the is self first defined Io said firSl s elL_O_recaP3 51arkll|an fi62 Andthe this patent A -- 2A and be rel'emng ¢lemcnls was pan throughout my innlal of a pre['erted H'S pail and that 2EI. the description to put it one more means and below lext 19 2A notch that Rgute so I wdl for the Ig as drawings, and3 to find out how in going I 1 track 16 is described 1.2AandB, these claims, to me patent preferred [leaalng However. pretty m construing mthvlthtaI the to the accompanying one -- a m', enllon for the function it -- it's a hide at the get to the clair_ reference 13 d_cnption all of this material structure that the pro fervcd of the present text description 9 7, Is the that with in co.truing 7 to the g tmtd 2 states 5 Cot_rt puts the drawings dcscrtpaon. and in cohtmn when views 21 does g 4 and maybe here in column embodiment the ts not enough detailed patent preferred which [none oFhl$ argrtrn¢:nts locolumn And the Court 18 beginning here -- in parl, the specit_cation in his ai_um¢lll mad column 2 to. oh, maybe Ivsi_mony And =t thd not c::w.apa my notice 15 itself was reremnB c_e of the laventton, bul thai law and the description, claims, tn thts the speclficalion of the the the case that - plamttlT to limit at the begirming and I Tile o f the spcctfication 3 25 The and the 21 the Court disposlllve 16 19 in the link makes Phdhps patent cited as disclosed some hcanng And Ibe slracture The 20 structure Court oFthe needed ate the 10 the on the law Matkman as a bit of a tutorial 12 are a parl, _md the sp¢cl ficatlon function, features the for the Court us through what the background it pretty clear what the Sl_'¢lfiCallOn 8 prclty Markman 16 kind of walks that inquiry structural tfth¢ the relevant that function To determine 25 limit only the step, c_¢ from fromwithmthc :rod all parts and all the 22 [4 6 II 12 Phllhps 7 makes I I claim 12 the plies hLI more case -- 1 know Phillips 5 of oFa means ddl'ercnt The 4 here has been a tutorial particular the hmttahon a htdc I dothat g ideals fy the the here - let me give 2 before Is claim recTled m the claim C_t¢mieals means claim, in the dccs claim P expheldy 10 in the respect 7 the structure sol thzlh With _ Fffst predetelrnlncd In Claim ofa Hearing p¢/_on 6 as or 10/27105 Page 663 C_46t I objc_ sqr_'L_ _ram _d 2 SO tI'Z_S _lmIBS I ptef_t¢l"ml.ned no dsput ¢ ab(_/t wM.t C[r_ d_K"rm_r_4 2 whtch t_ d_ mo/xoa ofa pe'_on cr _ntht=on I'mC0,_t ohJ_O- thcre_aKm'_['/ Yo_allagreeon 3 _a_ 4 scl_¢,%_i _ v.h_Te the palm( $ own Ic:_l:e_althcr_ 6 And _1__'_ee 7 to su_ 9 _'_m I0 that the C=u_ tl'a f,.mctlon of _ _ g prnd_m'mm_ cmath_n m ¢ol_'a_ c_M.*. 4 w'nter _ acm_g _ _r finds m the lcxt ex_=J 7 Io s_d =pp_r_ 3 .qth line 24 aed g_ 3 _aclm_*elopo_'c._ Tt_ ts - to the on4 o/ 4 _&n_lth]me Ox_ finds _J _t THECOURT 5 zt mtm'e s_uem _cn_ 9 MS ;0 Ttt_CObrgT II MR. HIGGIN$ IZ THECOI_RT 16 Iet_n I zPagomE _ _r s Cot Ib_ t:_.zus¢ 17 co_slc_t _ s_m'_ to bc _ 19 to th*l_ 20 I'mgomgtor_" APd t_ pmm=_ _ s_cr mcar_ f_ dct_%mg a l:rr_ele_mlr*_[ 2_, _-lumnd to stuff_I:_aml_, 24 II -Iin_uf_ll, 2_ _r&lmn 20 M_IlcSI_CI_m whI_il _ In CI_ 22 9 I0 _t_l _ _ _ _qmv_lenl m the (i_t tleanng 10¢2.7/05 Page 2 flltlsll=l_ t_e I_e_._tl $ M_il th=t _e has dubbed 6 mcaru _ 7 o f IFe d_wm_ dc_ccung "fh¢ _ a _ccond _ And And ;o _he _nc_oa find5 _ 13 dffe_t coa_ _h_ _nd tha_ w¢ m_ to s_d _olarrm aFp._a_us LSthe 3, _na 21 tl_0ugh ¢o_omn 4, hne $ MS Hon_r? ,v.r;_<os Canvoun:peat_aI. Yoar IYa ¢_ THE COURT 24 O_m 25 add to thai "_d I1's the szme mlmg A and ClaLm I have Cxacdy the sar_ as for "1" mhng, _d [ v, iu _qmvak'a_:" H_lrm= 10/27/05 Page 665 2 _ 3 THF ('_31 ]_T _[GG]_g I don'tth_.8't_'e 4 MS MITK.a_OS 5 "v_ COOK. 6 "rJ_CC_RT Page 667 YO_ Honer Okay _'s _m_c£ Tn=,'sco_. (_kay Tl_scl=mr¢_L_ C._at_ot 8 fi_l =rodsecond sensor _ 9 hl_ at s=_d fi_l _o¢c_uang _ to sa.d lamp to crml Icx e] of ttlm_u_z_on _n the zbs_ce o£ _md the _v_'_ The t¢ anly the photocell thai 1_ mclm_ tu 7 ctr¢_u_ me=ru, ¢ou1_1_ Io :s,ud I.unp and _pon_vc prcdc_mland aL_tara_ th_ _m_re ra_,lm scr_0r Tl_aol I I _r _ for d=_t_g,l_caJly 12 _ second pr=dc:='mm_ on w_l 8 ca_t_on_z._ltha_m_hram= 10 _ of 0O667 I CCn¢¢L l=th_t ¢_'; I_ dr_wm_ J m _ m A fo_ dct_(m$ Markmau mounded 1"_i_us Fin of _e_t landA. that the str_:[m¢ e.on_ _oo _ 664 C_666 Anchn lerm; fln_ dl=cnbnd th_ng [ jgst d=scn'b_L 23 th=F,_agn_u_al_=dmmmmcd Marl_man 1 the (_Don 21 c_{hbon Thalwm And _al_o_aofth_c_Ja_rl_ I _ pr _;1_=mlnnd to lae m z&,'_e_me_tLh_ dze wluchDr ye_ Wehavegotagce_-m_"__ And so {11¢Coral 19 sa_e We do, Yo_u Honor Mr Hig_lr_ the sl_lmlr_ 17 s_pon °I" 21 next_mt¢cor_m*_d, 2._ A 16 most z_d c',c_bndy Ig caIJmgthe_ethm_d*ffe_lthm_ "_e-youa_r_dodt ¢_m I:¢: e_nsln_¢lt m the sam_ wly 1_ mgkL_g to Dr M_=*gtll'_ Wc had ,_ m,L_y dram _ MITRAKOS I} mytraw_o_14 _¢,'*:1b_: _nd Okay $ you_ 13 the $[ru_lm'¢ for _r._mm p[=$hl_ the ttmcl:zoB of _m flml 15 (Counsel m_ves he=d up _d 6 d=&ectm& a re_t I I the top ofcalBzrm 4 IZ HIGGI_5 L_l_r 11 second Fredegwmned _ff 12 sud Itmp and the _he _hoc_e[1 13 m response Io _t¢ctlon and 9"_ conditma to cmtt Itsht =_ ;_d _d _c_'_d _o_¢.x_q ng s;ad h_l - I¢v¢1 of iIl_z'_tn_o_ ot's_ct I_rtl pr edele'_'m_n_ 14 ¢Ondl_O__ t5 At_ 17 ccn_ly "_'_lc.dly _'u$ just m¢:_ &c[n't _mde_tznd in plain lar_t=g¢. it at the begx_umg of tht_ I g p_uc_ndmg, thai the _t,m_ o'_ _s the m _q._ _or ca.u_mg the And [ w¢._X tO rind the texlt,_J rc f_'_c_ 19 20 _l=t t¢¢olt.u== 4, Lines 19 and 20. KI i/ap_¢a._mCla_m6 "I_e a(_.t d_ 21 is wh_ 23 I1_1 wl_at Dr '_Lss _nglll Z4 9, I0 _cl t t, m _u_v_t_¢ Dr 19 I='._p to go on a( zcccr_ I¢v¢1 wh=l thc_= m no mot=on bm for t_tL Z0 i_s tha';= or dusk, snd th=t g,omg up to the h=S]x= ]_e} of x,las_en_pl) _ef_ 21 _ummaaon, (o as laid:is C 1 which occ_l m_d th= _;un¢ _,_uc'01 _elI_ve is 95 pm'c.=_ m _poa._ 22 detect=on of the _o_ma Andtheparaesse_'atoag_e¢ 23 nl Clmn_ 24 for the same claim go Ih_'s the plan la_gunSe of wh_l were Iookm_ And _e C_x.n finds thudthe slzuct'o_e that _efi¢_e_ 25 thai fuecnou or c_rn _ 0u_ _ Marlunaa tfe_rtag 10#17105 P=ge 666 fu_c_on Margmau JA 0947 to of a p.mson or _bj¢cL ts found Headn¢ 10/_7/0_ (XY_8 OO669 I bcF_'mmg at d¢ boltom 2 63, bngmnmg 3 thffcrcnt the words, d_csho)d 4 ¢ndm B wlth 5 with of colmml vol_e 5 m the middle "AI nlghl the photocell to _¢ar co]mnn 6, Im¢ ofhne I the accent setting allot a s¢! ume intfrv_] causes 2 has b¢_ _ node 61 ," _,ld 14, the end ofdut 3 peJo_ph 6 bc_nmng of the pangraph _d th_s ts the 6 level 7 p_paph. 8 9 provide the Sm_tmc 10 Mass_ll'sKI for th_ andCI I ! D_ M_c'n_]] "_e which _d f_ncuon of_e d_ Ag_, AndtheCo_t dl_vc 12 tl_s sl_cm_ 13 thai langu_c clcm_ts mclu_lcd to co.true L¢what Dr 14 c_db K2 And, 15 thts clmm because 1 _hcvc 16 _ the COnl_Ol ctrcmt m c'_-_ mclud_ 17 Rsponswe 18 c_th_]on 19 michel to d_cc_on o f stud f_'t me_st_cmcm m_d r_ve 20 _o_ c,_sm8 21 I_¢1 22 p_edclctromcd _d 24 25 s_ctm'e f_rst _o stud seco_ co_mon m i_m lang_c, d_u wdl bnng th_ ncam a _bout I_vmg the romp go b,_k io Markman Ileating 10/27/05 Page 1 next clam 2 Ma_,c_IL Th_ AC vol_¢ 6 d_ _lows 8 dc fc_m st,_ _ 14 bcgmmng fm_ th_ t/¢ m hnc exceeds And the d_pam L_ 21 -- pan ofth_ Now, once _mn. sho_ ngR_'nent Does scrambling to iI*s the - and it shows th_ red and blue Yes, you THECOURT arc correcL ye_ And, Mr HIBglrtS.dolhaveyom on thal one7 MR 24 THE COURT HIGGINS You do, Your Honor SO l don*t really need zo eonsWJe thai one. d_t th_ Iteating whal which _ r_re Dr M _¢_111 1 I_hcv¢ 2.5 not rmed to coP_t_c tl_ p_tc_ _ th_ _ 4 sa_d AC volla_e "When o_1 cn_ "_thm to bnng I0 m II d¢ "also the atxml d_t h_ve m _ po_ ofth_ mc]_d_ ruction wl_ as clam are m _¢¢mcn4 ] ]3¢]1cvc th_ of Dr 10/27/05 I C3, and I do 10/2"//05 of each _1 Page 669 the tcxt_mJ support Page670 DO_ MR HIGGINS 14 MS MITRAKOS 15 THE COURT 16 _ dcfcnb_ 17 for each hzJ f wave 18 mltlaI_J in f_pol_e ]9 point would angle porho_ be colm'nn 5, hres next to det©cllon 6 _'mh$ d_? YourHonc_ conect Thars _ I$ CL21_ E, wPdeh a ramp wa'*e of raid AC voltnge a ramp of the z_o fore3 h,avmg pulse which is fxo_$1ng wave The func_on 21 ai2_thewo_:l"mcans" 22 _ung 23 wave 24 t]_a_ ts mmaled 25 crossing a vol_e _n_'ySL_ of _nybodythsag_ccwlth m Clmm E ts the underlined tanguage Thc-dttslsthemeans valymg al a constant for ra_e for each an elcClZlCa] link ofhaJfa w avclengLh, at a urr¢ co_¢spondm8 Io the zero sI_ and of the s_8_ wave. Markman JA 0948 tomy Nothsagreemcnt, "_ of -- on the thagr'am as m e_ L_thf p_uclng for the half cycle to the accmthng with tJ'_ scnI_ce,"lnput 13 Io be half wave that C3 includes the p_sc 16,¢_'_thng mt_r_ mc&'ls of the plault_ ff wlUI¢_S¢_ and tho I¢_uroony having clrcml al I¢_.Sl atA:oldmg M,_SC_glII _¢es And ti_ough 20 clmm. Hearing portton 12 _pphedtothcl_mp" _ the just the mac Markman for z selected And control 9 block on the -- on the dcscnpUon to bnn_ vo1¢,_¢," d_cntxs 3 actualed 8 everyone _ found ",Hhcr ¢ m _d £or causing stud switching means 7 ht_ testimony _hom the p_mcs the _ |l i$ ..vgfd£d include 5 The fumuo_ slz_mtmc, and the de fc_¢ 22 hay© dssc_b¢cL of needs mot ¢ than th._ 1"2," that that _s the dsscnp_o_ _'_ 24 C2, m both Yes, 23 2 a swteh ! 3 wtth the scm_ce, the thn_hold Ig 23 COOK 6 tc_tlmony s_¢tmc accomplLsh th_ ¢pcc_fic_t_o¢_ of the suuctm¢ 20 co_mc_ is b_,ca]ly to bn_ flmct _,_ 17 _'_t 19 appl_ca_on of Im¢ 25, m the end of the scnt_c¢, the.hold. f_J_ MITRAKOS MR. I Whcrczn m e,_,s f_ Su_ t fi_c _c th_ And d¢ Cowl volt,_e _ SO th_ the $_tm_ Io _compl_h 12 column 5, bc_n_mg ]6 Hc_e's Markman to ¢_th_r be on o_ off ff d_:nb¢_ fun_o_, sw,_t_ a_d p_c_tmg pl_nu I I about IJ_ t3 ramp COURT MS by Dr m th_ way" toc]_cs to stud b_np the L_p "I'_ Io meam ix_rm m_ 5 _d 9 fu_clmn, IS C2 of - as ds_bcd one _s dcImc_tcd comrol c_rcmt 4 sclcc_cly 7 turn-on OO671 TI_ 3 _d If you are saying 668 O0570 _d th_s funenon We are quickly of C2 And tt's outhned agreement of hzsana]yststst]_ w,th that7 20 25 thai the thagram that the on umcr I 9 22 hcr¢ 12 that suplxms MITP-.AKOS THE funcoon, 21 rec_crc'nc¢ of 6 through ngtced look fc_ a p_clt_¢ 18 Ume of _,_d um¢ mtcwal m the absence ofa I:_detem_d B_,cal_, 16 17 cmlt hght al s_d ,n rcspom_ co_,cm MS I$ mca_s ofa p_cdcl_mmcd to thc_._cr have ,s the slraclu_¢ 14 anybc<ly &sagr_c predcm_mmcd to cxp_tmn hmp of tllu_Jn_ 23 s_Jd f_t the parUcs poJll¢_ are m _rcemcnt _o_ L'ut_tu_ 4, hnes Mass_zglilwzllshowthatatlcast 13 mhthtl actu_dly, I think I don'l need to comm¢ d_ cohmm poszbor_ for thts and thai It's And th_$ is K2, and I suspect 12 Ma_scngtll to accem of time 9 basically Dr ATId the lamp back down agree on _e str_ctmc II a rn_llon I][U3_L_,R_IO_ my analy$,$ of the p_ucs' Acd I0 within thai bnngs 8 tha_ you that is Dr findsthcdm_mlsby are the s_nc next clam Th_ text to mew after a $¢1 period 7 The Cour_ conscu_ UP I0 the hl_tt_ IIg_ 5 ends m Ihe end o f th0J motion go, tn olivet WOrds, _t'S in aCCL'_31 mode, 4 L_(_1_1_ Soltstvvvvvvv_romorfi_chncsdownfrom_e a_ff detected Heating 10/27/05 Page 671 O0673 0O672 l That isthe funclion thatwe 2 sian_-'mrc roy _d 3 cohmm the CCCLq finds the stracrwc for _ Dr 5 Iv,ohncs Cam._amr_gbt 6 docsthat DR CARNAL I w_n't 8 abouithal_ That THECOURT I I - dc DR sounds n3ht Youw_pcd_psz_cdout m thlsroom CARNAL THE COURT 15 DR CARNAL 16 THE COURT Yes, And Yes I mean _and ma'am. 18 The next clam_ to be coraixucd eqmvalence" on all of these ts what Dr m the absence 22 and a second valt_ In response condtton to detectlon ofsald 25 _olmgc to have for cattslag the muu mm'n in the a first _aluc Ic_ et of absence of a Markman Ilearmg 10/27/05 Page _ 2 thzrd _ aluc 3 sa_d hght 4 for cattsmg dlTc_c_t scr_m So th_ 5 - _ ca_cs value from g t_rd So de bcmg hghl and external absence function 14 dayhghl f_netlon The plaml_ff photocell 17 a_d de elements is whal scasmg apparan_ - Dr means responsive for detccung tths _s in Claim the presence is fo_ detecting 16 the to the presetw.e of dayhght. So the 13 to be consmg'd to as H hghl to sasd 46 and bc included maintains l I "['he ;rod absence that it Is simply The defendant maintains of the that tt ts tl_ photocell resistors And persu,_l_ the c Court finds that tt must ftmcllon the defendants' include the argument rcststors 20 for the here for the slructure 21 struciuretsseto=attncohmln4 hnes 22 equl, mote _s well And as - that 19and20_.nd alencc And the 24 M_.sengfl[ 25 c_rctut means lasl clatm refers to 13¢ construed to as C4, wh=ch mcludng Is what =s m Clazm respons_ mear_ lMarkman the _aluc _rm_d that second th= hght ts bas_cany from values I ¢, hen dayhght bnngs of • oltage first and sens_ s_cond to ha_ e a the demcc to have _aluc And ftmcuon 13 21 mth¢lraddle 14 r_ct potion, Court _mds that ts found 15 fromtheneaddleof21 Clam_ 5 tt_ mcthdcd yeah DR there 8 there's the 9 swacture 4. Imc 21 Dr I l, saad c IO said hghl Hearing 10/27/05 to the tl_ one Page do_to- I think 12 tgo through26 the a,ff_er, m that ot and the m the pathos' d_ram poslt_,as on C4 of what ,s smu:ttm: 20 Now_ 21 pm not st_ I'm going 22 _,hat cl_ama flus 23 that's _ eW clc_r to go through I sa_d m what clam_ term at_c_s ot_ - , and rr_c for c_h h_ghhghtcd 15 figunng [ want parag]aph 19 5, hne 6 20 m 21 to make stme 23 24 DR. CARNAL Your 25 THE COURT Ycs _ Honor "_ Yore Markman Honor7 Ilearmg 10/27/05 Page W©ll, ffl'm JA 0949 -- incthdc -- I may you That m tv, o colors, stud -- went tal have _t only w as my questmn so I'm has _ng a hard CARNAL Accotdng 4 to what It s the bcgsrmmg nghl afl¢_ line 55, and mclud_l I have _t hmc Good I ha_e, Okay tt of the It IE'i'mlRa[¢_ DR CARNAL [ thought you s_d THE &ffetem tt jttst COURT Then Good, 1 mlstmderstood. Included In COh._'l_ that'sv, hatl Well, I'msorry two hnes [ had fl marked m two colors,so I appzccmte your correcting thal Markman 674 I I, "means halfway" on and but I thought "P/IECOURT 24 25 of page Yes'_ that state_, reach I go 11 had marked 22 that one form Did CARNAL you, DR 18 because It $ de _ave start m cohann would t_me CARNAL here tha_ out-- 17 of these of page the bottom my ov, n notattoetS TH E COURT 14 16 cqmvaleac¢ read bottom on, e on asked hn_ 13 That'sm that 1 5ol con f_scd The a ramp DR. nusunderstood that goes You I'm dmkmg top of 5 u 11 _d senlence Forgtxemc tha! wa_ at de T1 [E COURT to supp<m It's and COURT 1 touldn't for producing "l'hcdayhghtdet¢ct .t'sjust That includes shows THE 7 wall bc no ago, the cla=m 6 I I 19 about of d.ay at all whc_ thc In column ltstarts k and 16 18 3 CARNAL a _hdc 10 t_ that 17 quesuon a third when DR 2 4 abota of d,W II 12 ts dctaclmg level vohagc and Is the s'l_tlelm_ the mmmltml means threshold s_ad that 8 mcm_ th ffcrmt h_at sald _ ftmctltnl 7 I_,ht sensing 10 II claim refers shows value of ksfound 3g dtough the dluslrauon a second OO675 I $¢nsmg 9 and of a person mo_o_ 46 thai _ould 672 00674 6 hght 23 predctcr_ ir_d c_th llon IS a mcan.s I0 19 vollagc to ha+ c a 0f sa_d predetermined requlrc'menl of the 38 through And The next MasscBglll 18 to _s G, means rcsponsp_c to sald sensor 4, hnes m there 9 15 for causing sa3d fimt _cshold Th_ descrthed 12 Your I wltL add th dat "aad athnce" value ¢qtu_alence 7 8 Just the two hnes9 I 7 ¢qtu, 20 means 6 II'$C[;um ItsthCbORom ]ustonemomeal 14 t9 Massenglll nffcr_ In column _slm arc cB_ ironn_nlal 1o the sensing "['beSIR_ClUt¢ thals upporLg thls fnnctmn 5 I'm sony, Honor 24 object 4 I_sl clz_m on page I I 12 23 3 It'sjusHhc_e E, andlbchcvclt'sjustthctwohncs first m rcacl_o_ foi]o_ mg corrc_0y 9 sul¢ halfthe people or more 21 2 soundnght'_ 7 Yore" Honor t3 m 4, hnc$ 55 and 56 4 I0 I predeterrnmcd must find the Ilearmg 10/27/0S Page675 673 ¢O676 I because 2 00677 m om thscttsston the same markmga about thaz, I know that you had Wehadeoffcsponthngmai'klngs, 3 wantedtomak©smethall had that rlghL I bccn 5 Now, the parties I'm going 7 many thffere'al $ ended up taking 9 appear 10 constixtcUon, II plamuffs because ways In the plamtnlTs v.htch rchattal announced al the end of thas three-day 4 ha_ c hcard many, THECOURT 17 M_engdl's 18 appca_ Thal's correct, Okay 19 6 20 appcan [ha[ Dr "I" chum 9, very and m Clam16, 2t 9, The K - sorry, 10 ai_d Lsml0andll 24 m I[ MR COOK I think COURT And G,smlOandll So those m¢ the chum Markman THE COURT afier thzs ndmg MS Is n a cert_n MITRAKOS yr.$. telephone oedcr say thai the 20 filed 60 days _ then =1'$ dgpoSnl_ve 22 THECOURT Thof.¢ Page we SodaesRstale--I Do_ d_posltwe the mot_or_ case wd] be Fm_. n's export reports, and motions Okay certain AIInghL number MITRAKOS of days That's 676 Buttheyar¢ allu corrcct, Markman 00678 thd have whal my mlmg? MITRAKOS ofra MS o f days d_m_ or me, Itnd I don'[. THECOURT all keyed 25 10/27/05 set any con felence Okay thal in rro_[ MS 23 I have Hearing thscus_¢d during the 21 at_dC4zs that nm'_ber That's n=s,.agem_t E we've or somethmg'7 19 Htsmll, beheve W©haxeagreedtodeadhnes, should have 10andl! comtructtons MITRAKOS 18 C3Lsmg, he Honor 17 is m - term ts m Claim w_l we't appoars I! I so hts A chain m ClaJm al which testify case. I suppose, ] don't 16 24 2_5 MS that go to that phase_ ¢_ for any of Lhal, have Your heanng 15 aprovlsnonyoutakmg60days|onde AndtheCIclmm K2 claim of this Will we THE 14 but phase an ord_ and conclusions wlinesses gay thai Dr I I, his J chrm C2_mClalms9,10andll 23 | experl 8 12 claims, my froth nga 7 13 these many molnons 10 Ho_0_ w_th hut then qmckly appca_ I 0 and Your gave HlsKIclaanoppeazsmClam16 m Oam_ the by re ferenc¢ the next thsposlove 9 daadhn Soj_slfo_easeof M_sscn_]l to go through m C'lam_ 112/6 adopts And 6 that they I 0 of, I behev©, thal was the chart I started 1 jusl warn I so II HIGGINS the Iclt¢_ 16 226 alternate on page claims, _ anous m the ordar p_poscd starts MR. reference, are 5 and be isstang 3 aid of charts I wdl for brief 13 15 added to these these for the claim to make snmply Sothankyou and so many to refer - and 12 14 lo go through, there were upon 2 4 thai corr_.tlon 6 called andl th=s ruhng'_ Your Honor Hearing 10/27/05 Page 00679 I THE COLrRT So this ndmg nmnmg 2 I would sta.q yonr 3 vafi just b¢ ¢mmng 4 re fexenc¢. 5 Anythang clccka a brief coder was today And, that adopls ¢1s¢ that we ¢_m do today7 6 f_" yore ¢xcellcn! 7 totally $ Opprecuae all yore 9 pta3x_e_ W© arem presentanons _ehens_le made and l I 2 yoo all something - fulfilled ILEPORTER'S 3 Thank You mule =I was as I say, so by to me co_epTehensible_ work. today, 1, BEVERLY and ! r¢c4_s "BECKY 4 for the Umted Sta1¢_ D_smct 5 o f Ttranet_See, with olllr.cs 6 its E CERTIFICATE That I reported 7 the p¢oceedu=gs 8 2005, 9 LLC and COSTCO I0 Ti'tat the a¢ctwal¢ v_th the thrm c=tlfy 25, 26 and IP, LLC_ vs. EML hexnng 2"/, TECHNOLOGIES, CORPORATION, was Repoxter Dtsmcl machine couat c_ Oclober W_OLESALE m cora_cuon typowntte_ Corn1 do hereby shorthand Thai a manscn pt o f p_ocee_, ! 1 Ill, 12 at Nashvdle, of DESA Officaal for the Mnddle on the stenotypo held m open m the malter _ COLE, Corn1 Case Vo[my,¢s I through _-dm:ed to No 3 04-016_, by me; foregoing transcnpt n$ a trac and record of the proceethngs Io the b_t of my alalls and abtht=¢s, This the 23rd BEVERLY Markman Heanng 10/27105 Pager78 day o f D¢cembe% E. COLE_ Markman JA 0950 RPR 2035 CCR Hearing 10/27/05 Page679 677 ° Aprli 6, i965 I_ C. I_ILTI-LE¥_L Original .,,, 77,_..9 MORTON LIGHT Filed COII_OL F_b_ IO. ! • 1%0 1 _., | I A C I • 9 _ nz "_-_1, • t FIG_ _----_._i la L_ _ I _1 I o(I __ I A AC SOURCE f_lG. Z \ A O_ z. I /j,z¢ I /,;:b - ¢z4 ROBERT C. MORTON INVENTOR_ ATTORNEI( Defls 14 DIE-00521 Page JA 0951 132 United States Patent I 3,|77,399 Ot ce Pa|enleC] Apr. G, IDG5 z As by 3.177_x9_ MULTI-LI_VEL Rot_rrl for_ia LICHT.CO,'S.'TR _iorlorc, C- Io¢lcwood. Compufcr i'fod_ts, Inc., =_d_r Dot, 1o r_)'o O _ppllcal;_u _o. 3,047,773, Feb. I_, dared 1_60, July 5rr. 3|, Ca_l_ i_o. |)61. bul u (or- rocnls, S 7.9Z_. oow I_v_ed DppIIc_;oo 4 Claims. fc b. 16, (CL 196Z, Sir./_o31.5---201) wbc;c li2m ;n'.cE, p rclalc$ K )_r_nl;clocn! $_]lC]b;fl d;spla)_ of hal;on a I;oo Ibc axe kind used divi_m 17S,72 L._mp_" ._r_tbcr U._ f_n,-cmcnl of lo_ >1 bclwcco The diffelcnl _o aaJ rc_l¢Cl 15 of ;am.p d_ccOy l;mc _1c1_, in _o 25 x_c xo 20 Ihc I_mp dudng [ccdficr c_t 1be bclwcc_ Icalizcd for cur_cnt _nlr--_val. _,ou¢_-c /or of LSc com_lclcly an4 _ Ibc by t_c __ooeoe ._nCc 1he a_an,o'_n_nl of _._ the during k_'_d$ level, tamely a chan£c i_ i_ci a or -]_l/-to_c" I;r_c flow ;_vcct;on in Ihc IZ 00 lamp and prcC;ably con_hicms, b_l_ccn mo_¢ 1_ d_spl)ys be- change ) in ;_ duri_lg Ot_ the all full-loot, Ibc human c_c _Wilch_ng _J_c i_c21c[ s;n_lc ;_ 40 con- condil_On;, _cJod an (onvcnlional • ,hcrc of chan.rc allcnl;Oa _m by th.- than is lamp nccl _t _lf-_xc _cl the g_'.ncrat_on - -" ,A ot at_anGrmCnl Ibc thc;_ level i_ the stri_n_ Io level ia _ IhJ$ 04 - a_d Irm t. 15 and "* ..... tcslSlIvc ad_nl)_<:_ Ib4; Of ,_ttCtJ_c two clon_alcd Ihc at Wo*;dcdmU_ In Ihc rcfclct_c-c • - apl_n(_cd senglc tEar.clots lamp flaxh,ng off. [ulI-Io_. and FIGURES i:_n_ccalcnl a 2 _a_,;n£ and and aotoma|tc Ic_ shoe| :c(c0 In o[ hkc a/_angcmt_l _ali-lonc _ conl_oI 3 Inovidc r I 0 drawmf. of a pa_F , a I_Ulalll]r I_11- iUn_i.a- illumi.lion the in difference ofl from haff-to_c In I]_o_ninallOn. I_rovmclcs 26, 20 Ihlcc d_ffclcuI _s disdng_i:,hcd 10 o_ FIGURE clc.__nls _0 and 22 is l_om I in aml =1 fixed ZZ one Each I_iwely. am:l In 2g 22 is movat_, Co_oI (I_ bcl_ecg 30, 211(I L_,-_r_lallic ¢r_l tb_,.c of as maL_q_ o( 3Z and cl_nl o_ 34[; I $. I(; 20 I_ a funcl_on c,r al_ and 22 allc_l]ng brc_kinl_ _cspcctivr- 34. is strially _cnl ckmcra 2 • L t]r ca_n- SOOICc 38 _ _ U_C Ic _t ....... paten .. I_kc _, .I I_CL_ 7._ ,o IO¢ I t_ ......... I_-_all_-J_ == a _clcm 1el- p_ov_mll. anti 1 cXI',CClco -- -- AI of _s_:_y lamJ_ :O al- _q_OVl_C 70 ar_ ;_ 12_p --- one the lamp 14, led thc lamp i,, "-- E_3ch COILS of " a_c_ 1¢5.r_| . Ir4_allc_. * I1_ --tn3l . Io/ -* ._ bl ;hrOUl_ 34 of I_.::- £ I_,_ _n 2Z._ 20 and In FIGUP_f clcClr_ f]r_l IhlOU_lt beating Ibc COd dlodc flow/ current through one 36. 18 I_ Ib£_/ and DIL-00522 JA 0952 n_ dc_clcd JO _;T ff # # scspccl_cbt-r_cgall_ _13 clc-_.;_nls limC H co. I _O$1_On o| co " b; h corn 15 g a |C the c_ mp . _ _ ¢ 000 m=t31l;c alrangc;nclll Ihc 1hen " _,**_ J alt(_ I" .'--* :_nd lla_ ;_lanl COnlrOI IZ, 3Z 1_oh 0;_<:o. g;vcn • and 30 3] 38 .rt_;_UrLg Z2. clc_lr'c_l n oF'C_t'_n. I*t no*'m._lly illu_A_aliou IZ. '_]_c c_ct=_cal_ . ......... and lamp lamp ¢ffcx:l_v-..ly _. __ .. " _:" " UIg[I :. --_-_.'-I ;tnd lee ;ec;mBc3c¢.l coancclccl 10 ..... and IS _. . . =cl_z_c * - bbm=_..i: G_. Of In 2g and COolac/s of Each ly. 60 palls; at z_'.hcm31;c cha_:c a 5all-lone atrang_,_cnL ...... _c_dc_ccnl the c1_mo££e, dcmcnL_ 24 clcu)cnts Two rxmp afr_n_crr:cn fla_hm_ _ _.'mclxll;c l_-nl_ratolc, mclall;c . pc_od_cally, lamp pcg_o_c corholllnl_ h£hl_pc:,crn, c. _c palcnLs.E%.l~Saa.t3.00_.O_l cent 31) _uch OI two _o6s minals 14 or hal( wave lccG_r . . .. _. l/co io(_l_c_cnl c_p0_41rc ;tn'J a in [all-lOne arranZcn_cnl COuhol of o[ foz c__ampl¢ _" " I 3 I ¢c ',c conlrO_ inlcln_*l_, dls- a_ra_:- ]4;_-1 ic_lcncc% i_cUl_r Iocl fla_hmg lamp I_-mclall;c 50 en __ nall-_arc off arran_cm_:n( i.l_.ns_ly on-off eludes ..... ..... .-__ dr_u_o_ tlmc _2 12 mo;c II_ o_ I_-al. or lamp and co.- lamp 1be cy_ Icrm;to Th_rs aud i_- d_ IlzC diffc_ncc human 16 and _d w_lh condi6ok_, clthcr iUumlnz1_u aml 12 _crir_ i_[-lonc between 14 iolc.-ral. "'I_c I& i_r_)dically by arfzo_cmc_Is Illl_qll._l_llO_ tn lamp _rt off 1be Io Io _nd complclcly 6_ tespc_i'_c an Ic_l. 10¢lwc£r_ as _ inlcrvai. l_vcl, |0, Icr/m_al$ Ih_ i_ con- 14 opcr_l_ diffe_cn! d;ffc_c_L 10 s_l_l_nt_liy IS lamp incaodc_cnl IctmJnal5 tO of wxll_ _rzngcmc_t 10 _ ilh._mlnalioa T'nc I:_cl _wccn adv-ama_;c u_c _x a vlcw oulli_cd arrangement I_lwccn Bow aoolbcr 2t _ _oor¢c tO a_rmn_c _c_cm_c is control di/eclly _cfcrcncc peo_tdcs c_sc sw_cbcd _cp:cc_mc t'mds x- illu- in c0o_rol x_ lO. lamp duxin_ _lumi_aliorm dim nc_Icd i:om cu_lillo_ i_vc_l_on. In c0nlrol icc-1;fl_[ _lCminzllol_ i]lo.-r*_aatiOn. sw_lc_ _ o_i i_llom o,ly. Aoo_bca mcnloflbcmvcnlionislhzllbctr_cofabalE-warcrcCti..... _CI fo_" p4rOY_dl_ Ihc _'COUCCd h31f-tonc .... on pro- :_l_racl(d st_._ly ;nvcmion is L'all)c_in_ _oc_ccnl .;a- of c_ngc _ngcmco| tbc 12 _ I. i¢lcT_l, Corl$c_ucnlly. ap- _um_t_-_ el _cad_l). than ar_l_co=cnl o_ ;n- lurthc_ and ax_an_m:r.! mo_c Icxcl a_--)oum c_cn Ibc c_c_ ;k¢ of I;g_t arf-_ngcmcnl 16 illumbaGo-_ _, _l_r_l_n _n Io {s during of cmrcL_ cu_r,col lad thereof, _ allrachvc p_OV,d_ vadcly porl]on ;an,p 14 Each _ncc in col- illumlO.al_on ckmcn! by l_C na_ Icvcl _tumi_- Off" _d lh_cd co.'_rol coc.-,cc; o[ d_s- Is cflc_cd chance kvel FIGURE a|l_F_al_ng lamp tlom Ih[cc ful_[oe_ displa¥ !i:hl wbcic an IO the _lcr lampconlJol coavcnliooal flashing I_m_ a-.Tangcmcnls dispI)ys cqpe_aticn m IhxouBh I(._¢ a_ i nlcr_l. bc_cca hall-lor_c and -_uilciu: Wov_d_ _o Cbanlg;n£ ¢vcn co_lrollcd Of plm_ cl_-_cnl of chanL'C_ b_lWCcn off of d_flc_cm IL_L_g Off such bi-mcL_ll'w da_hccl bc dur;ng d;ffcc- _tcr_al _ro_;clcs of 30 o[ dcr;n_- {u_l_cr a diffcrcnl haH400c an I lhc acr_p¢ oac =l _J(-_*ac _._ffcrcnl doing uoiqucly _il_or_% ad- _milady. a_-ocording illur'..;_._doz, the ful]-lon_ _cn only not _31_lcd _cl 1be dl_c_l;O'_ I'cduccd Ih£ _d _oc_ _ourcc IbC lamp an_ example, wl_)c o| a_l Of Ibc Io ncctcd ¢or_- c_nn¢cl_g lamp a du_;ng _nlc_tup_n£ tween =cladvcly condd_oe_ to m)_c on _ttr_cl_ c_l_ai_L'_g FIGURE c-Jrrznl connc_g cgccfin_ I_.mp for "_oll-lonc" a li_ the _tlcrval. _mc il_urr_nal;OO and allc¢_adn_ I_; ¢_ ax_a_zcmcnl, pfov_l_ m_c_ n_rnl Ibc Of a;tcrna_n_; mcan$ 1"01- plov_n£ lot d_splays, _ lamps tbc to In _IICI[_- lwtlchtrl_ wh)Ic In _.vilclunK Jo 1he by var]dGg is af- ;l|um;nat;on _u ob_-cls lamp Wdo(lic al_l • allr_ctloo. 0sod use the SO _h_ mille an_ _ cx;c._;vdy c_(c_ing eye bY an s_lchmg coo_id_ ;ocar.dcsccnl Ior_n£ ¢_hanccd ;0. _ovlslon lamp_ lcvc_ old even bc_n£ In,_,_nd,r_'c.",( L_mp cf_cCl_.g by _m_ folck'O;n£ n_lJn/_ the ;nCandcsctnl Ulum;_atJon cm is _ndcs,c:¢n( manner on p, ovkh_ bcc arc _cntiOn. ;Jlum;- February for mtt=aclcd _c_ddy by 3.047._7J. ;nvcm_on Ihlt in a_pIIcat"o_ f_c4 m_c tha_ "]_0_. allcrnalc Io ¢X1_c for I_)l (:h_n_cs Co01rol lamps more co_Uol|_ng lh_ 7.926, HO- dlsp_aying (albcr;ng lamp No. L_¢h! Fe-'_odic and lamp o Palcnl o_cd aulomal)C pcr_od;c i_ ! ___ndc_.Ccnl ;a aIICnIDOn, -aulornalk oow L;oo atUacl app;kallc, c nlilicd tucil_ 1be C_tmas d_IAay, _ulom_;Ic an whc_cin In ol 1960. In cTc loci _hLU_i_m_. upon _cs_dcnlisl l0 Tb;s hom=m illumin_lloo slcad]' icllcd e_cd th_ amd t_c ;n C_ll- _,lc Or;_o_l P_|¢n! know_ bs;£hl OL c_l'd_ i_ = cl_angc Page 133 -) 3.1"_; hcatl._£ ¢c.il _._ ._ _rc_l_l)" _ h_h qucnllyo r_k-d. g_c'_.t_! f.on_on _lcct_c_I _ltc_tin_ o_d tcxmau._l cOtlcn¢ ¢_cO_cl_ lustful _rcc 14g. through it_tgumol I_o_ thsough ,cl_| con3u_llon _hc 14_ I;.ow_ I__¢o_gh the: lamp Ila:c_l. -lllux, it is scco conlio_touffl control also 61 36. b¢ Allot to Io tbc :1 clog:hi there is now CuiTCnt no_ n_nl 20. though then _a.'l r _-_c_¢ flow's L-JI_'¢_I ilow. conl_.c_ Z8 ! I) Thu_. aM set ol tl_ k t_c- clement :10 la_p drop 1 Z, at_ hali*t_asc 1_ is olbcl c_y olbcr 1_ fir_ _t to _o_ ckmfnl clo_g ,_ lhc SeCOnd lh_ _.f_nd set ol conlzcL_ 3_ _nd 2_4. _rbcn s¢l o_ COntaCts closc_, clc_rlc c_rlcnl by_sc_ _c.ating _nd coz'ls valuta_ /_ and thc shorl bl-tT_|_tll_ _i[c bier. :10 ol Ihc to ils bl-ractalli: add o_ clca_c_tt t_c Io tk Altcrr_tlvcly, 20 cooling b_ca[s firsl tI__lm2_l if L_t_ad of of _ the thr_gh second tl_ fiBI L_'np ol IZ o_ly in contacts ilur/ng short while ia which illumination b_-mclalhc clcm_nl t-l-rn_la_;c clo_ In cltm_nl its II_ circuit 13tl_:l ab_plly foregoing off and tOOC I1_ _Z may 20 may CALs.C.the ,t _l_l ol lull ball hall th:tt _nd ,llumin3tlon to_c- _cmaiu I_ he_lcd ol illumin_tig_g tor_ the level cognitions. ilh)mirtating co_liq._ off illumi-m_;in_ cor_hlions 66 kycl of lull Io_c_ tk ag._in laJnp Ih/c< 65 30_ IZ I:rc_ cood_L, The l_c ol on _0 dl_¢'l 66 a coofiguralion cor.la_l l_a Ihr_* 12_, arranT, c_nl _avc gccltfirrs l;*_ps mal:c I_t_ccn f_lI tic,ignited lone f_ncc c__ch i_,i _{ ma<tc .2, with and clcctr_l Ihrodgh IIIc throx_gh to 18h. %Vhen corlta_ A A thai |_tl_ II |olo[ |1 of lot A I_ bc o_c a t,[ _ccl_htr w_lh _n_ ol in fIGURE _ _lzd Ihc _IGURE II and The tot" c_ch outer 3. d_rccl Io 00523 _hvs / tl_e. tl tcxm_n_ ¢ot_!_cl I COItC_l_ll(tll_g 3 ; halfol / ¥ f control ol _,c-sll_o_] the / clcc- the l_mp_ number _ot,c'a- Kg. i_ Ihc n_ovc- t;_to_ch cnctgi?_cd. ioclod_s 1 draw/hi nl r.atc_ a select+on f_ll. JA 0953 IJh:_f 62 tO a ro_or to Icu_inals _A l_-n_,_,nal _(Ic ol _ch ilh, m_all:_ I show,_) rCSl_cct / Irom ar_£cmcnl_ O_c (not lamp pcrfoxmlng cOl.l_'tl_d pzovldin£ 3) the Ooclcwtsc tDc such various for FIGURE Igo thni b_l_ccll tI_ on. (FIGURE o| 17_ lcrrni_al so to glow 12b cuHcnt 62 w_lh in_tant illu0nal- t_ 64, as is ooz: LIRE 3 ) to N to a mol_r tutor 68b, fc_d iS ci_uicahy d,_:cllon l-cl_ccl, tx:l_ccn 6_ is co.heeled 6_, ol for I;0 and Io glOtlM I:?_ ( FIG b_-Iliancy hal6ton_ Ekctsic is the "l[_c. given suc_liog control. a clock_ I;ical a or to _q_l 12g wnll o11c¢ lan_ps or instant Ic.rrnlnals directly I :a thlxl h_ a tow any 12c _4,_c to a whos_ hght; a c__tLglj_cuit in namely, at_l of at k_cr source i_Tf-_h_ wh,ch _*_cnt fit_l _nd a pair ts cormccto.I ol the. L_.mi-_ .T_.._ _._L_i- its to 28 Io p¢o'_dc 1o_¢ 60 la_nl_ kvcl. light current l_h, such Ileal a x/n_light _avcl;ng by "thoLe, n_ove_l 2 i]lesl_atcs al_:rnalln_ cslcrgt_d b_:lllancy ._ollowcd succeeding aforcn_ct_tio_.d to dl_sts_tcd dxfl¢lC_t a I_ is t_ru _rL_ly a markedly to thcrc IcXl3_l at At arc thro_gh t_u: A tl_c _lTacicnfly chance, alice- _[Z i___y whdc _lomi_tlon changed an ox _hc _c_ond _oata_t_ to o[ !c'_cL po_llon_ FIGUItE tic ch_ng-_ Io of[, _ i_l_m_nalJo_ 12 is _ulom:_l_lly I_iods suddenly 55 glow fIG- programmed path. fu_l- ale closcdhght di_]play i_vclatlon_ IZa a_c display ale _t b_- _am_ tCr clcmcnls glo_ ('.vll_ b__ da._¢, olhe_ _llu_,fin:_lioa w*ll _or_lit_ of br, lhar_w ol to hall t_g_ an.I I_h _all _t a Jull-lora_ 121 t.'_ flow. l]ow_ _t clo_kwi_ of I1_ th_ ca_rcL_' c_l rent and 3. ] is to bc ol a high around nation fi_1 cntrg/zatloa cycle mox-CtDCn| of FIGUR_ is _ivcn aM I:lJ_reP.1 the laming level _il_ulat:c I_ling and brol_/ng ¢__c_.zn; tone ilL_ sct frown ;_ _._n 12 half the hall I1_ lone bi_mctall,c lamp Itom b_lwt_ca changc_ /3rap cot ca_ toad:t/on I/_ o_hcr to,tent D.c.w. Conscqu=ntly, ! _ :_blupli7 chn_ |runt fllll op,_n_ is Ib¢ a cast f,0 36 3Z and 31 _rc broLcn still p_:_-'_d_g Ib¢ ckc- allows tl_4_ _Con_ tor_c _-_df- co_ ocnl the du¢- a conllol mrEr_£c1o bc col.:.-cllc_l there- FIGURE zllumhaalion to display ula.io_ li_t clement clement natlng lamp later hca_ing .:_ to I1_! I_o_, cyc:c clcmcnls _Jiolhcr to _cl_cty, ol lamps inc_uadcz, so o£,posc bi-_clalllc is op_:, accotding first eight I_vo I1_ -bac_ Ig to bolh bl-mcla|lic 3 _pi_l yet Rcfcr_Lqg zlockazs_ brcalc when Z and by_ col3trolk'd 4_ Ib_ ol with c_frc_ appl, c_=/able clcmcnl 3 gcpr_cnl. arrangcrocnt dl_a_'i_.q) curoI ol o_h_r Z anti _d gn of rcclifier of nllc_naGng na _'.hct parallel current cydc 6._ _cc- ix Co_lcd Io opp_ is 2Z,_., l_opost_on ha ecclificr at h:lf-_.:c is coor_(lcd hall lamp aa:l ac_x.:,_'_g _ allc_r_atln£ I Z_ Ib¢ thnc, a z_o.'_ fi_sl 30. illuwinal/on 1b¢ incsc_ Ib,: shown) UE_ rr_n! cha_gcs t_q_ cach olhct _h_ the _nd is illumlnal¢_l ol "_ Ihc lamp average, ti_c. co0neclcd to an_r*gcm_nt g__oup as__tcd Z0 mzy bl-mcl_lhc seth every -:O k aJ'tangcmcnl Ion_ bn_llizncy -F_G_JRF_ control bt- of c.9olh_ _1 its fi_t _.-_llg Ihor_ set ¢_l;on -[h_ ckm:at I1_ _5 ;wo full bP_li_0cy o_ lull _,J_._ go a_¢zxab:¢: 1Z through 3ccond of Lhc the 11_ c/scott lan-,p firs L I1_ circuit othc_ upon hi-mctalllc and ba_liaDCC _k;tP_cul_tr dcF_ wbcla to Ih_ on the foe ti_ tlmc_ I_G- with Z_ 14 to cnts tbc o[ ;_nd CoDl3cts :_5% is cou_'_clc_l the do_d z _x_y (nol _rl fl_:.h_nl; c levels cnvi_o_m, 36 I ix illu_r2P__led, of dining sBch Icucl valet. _o_d COOLS (Lh_' 1o Cool. the _c:ond sctol ccntacls xvhilc tb_ firs1 l_t ol coal__Gs ale tr/cal _ la half ch_c Iull-lon, coil of Ihc d_:sirc,! _r_r,-=cl _cc_ific_ at rcdifi;r sis _ull one that. "13_is s_coM 15 o_ to c_lccl h_ll-_vc 12 to clcmcol a_d Ihc time ol assoc_al¢_l bc:_iag coil). "]fh_s. 11o_3 L_ o_c OF 2Z the lampabluptl¥ changes i;o_ II_;u._Go_I to 2.'1 c+q c._..'_-:l:o= re._1 _'_/cnl _amp j_vo]xcil ck_¢nl coosl0-q_t _cnt now contaL'__ 3_ cl_clr_ c_m_nl$ mct_]hc the 36 cuergiz_ fun b_lian_c 31I he_l_ Ib_ 30 with zcc_l_c/ flow _a_l- _ 1_, back" ins b_-met_lllc both coil. -:It- o( I/_ _.mo_nt _ho_xa) first tbc I_lhancy :s (not tO anti 50% latnp hcal:'ng this oa it L!_ litxt i co'_hi_ in FIGURE _ gh full If thai tbc got- :_bo_l fil_ ac_o_ :_ppro_tltnalcly I'_x_lly _-_ by _a _5 3fi 1_ brdllancy at Icy'el and fi*Xl _cvmlnal ol L_mp likr b;-lnr_:talllc cactglz_l half oK its normal, sa:mo_l heating cull 30- 20 th_ appaoxlm_tcly tim:_ I_mc _s coil tcl:1_cr Lh¢ closing lamp Zg and Ihc slJut_iin:zt_on d_lc_l _s dc_icablc with dcrncnl ,'llumloa:d Ibc s_t'ficitnl he.tang fil3l Ilals k ¢lmla_!s I_r_I volt.go t_; dor_l_ 30. ol --.0 di*l_nsing conn_:ctlng hall-toot first by-_,as_c$ of ol to have _0mc hgh! o,I _11 ol by u_ing Ihc ;_gr_gcmt_t _rr_n_mc_ls is o/_ lot 38 I_¢ g bl-mcl_Dtc 1t:c I1_ cull _ qclc lo the illu_mir._tio_ I:.clwccqh:*ll-Sonc hi_lall,c the LJfl_$ _c_pc_t :_n aff_nFcmcnt d_rcclly In lan_p holhg _a_rcnl through Ih_oogh th_ |h_ provided I. but and _.hl[clcnt _lh it is dc_.l_blc may bc p_ovidcd URE IS thlcc dcs_b¢._l Such wl_rc This 31g _'ill cod 3tg by an _notmt by-_ flows illu_nl- ¢lklat tk no apl_cciablc coil- visably bcc_ ooly. tirol c_¢1_:nt tt_r.,:_gh second fi/_l coil IO the Ihalc hlln_: dlo_c IZ_ ,_il_ now _o flow of Ib_ ol _ a Ic_c_ Ihc _c- -hr_gh h_ _pl;_ci_t_d c:3r* 1_ lhloog._ too. tk portion firZ_ I_ali_g cu_¢l_ $1nc_ b_l whBc. Ihc cffc_: ElcCllic !_. It ix aol _ while 311 {Iharo_lgh a sborl by ca_. o.xrrcnl 10. a sm_ll co il /_al_d through lamp Ilxat thai hy hczld, s.lncc second Ibis 12. holed ari_ngcmtnl _ill in :_foftn_¢n_:oncJ l_o_ hc_t_n C coil 38 (cx_lIS in thl, =cvcrxc of _ In thc _l_Iy andfith_llybatk;o-._gz;_.._-or, .,_. I Icrm_l k • _o_ tn.c_z_d of iUomi_ tlmc:, cu_cnl fro"_ ol s.ccotld diode _gh fi,_lhtalingco_36, o_y flows the _c d,rc_llon), th_-z ,L_-r_nt _s_sx_ncc_ the I_p I _ _ not Dudng :t suc_ivc the ol 500 latter page 134 i i1 t ",177,.300 G 5 cncf_lzc _il_nl Ilom wl_n tl_ rotor tclmlnil flow IOf thloolh lcrmlnal with 9uls_tlnK IZ6 now 8. xxlih silJon an it in ma¢lc lSa lamp lSh to 12)1. _ iccGficl a c_ t_ _olo_ _o di_cl cooucction lee Uc u_c_. 66) :it bali so l all arc by arrangcmcnls %aBra'lc I1_ I_l_qlcici a wish tyl _: _ppreC_ted thai llghl :_y Ib_ odgil_l 2 an_ of FIGURY_ diMday tibet tO slnglc s_id for cx2mp_, may bc 5clecllvcly to I_O_u_¢ contacts Ke by by il 20 var_,o_ bclng po_6on_ poftlon_ _ 25 halLIouc L_ rccli6cr, _ w_ih to directly in tbc be. co¢t;nuoud_ vldc a xcsult_qt W_t is chlm_d d_play i_: of of |aml_ p_.txllc_lly a mOvleg An a the levc! pro_-_3_ to pro- _ one d It i curr_rA di_liy input circuit mcan_ desired oaes _x_ cuit of of t_-_ kind _daptcd _ phu:dily 35 ooc means, Io sa_d and it 4. circuS| inpol to ;ec :_:; _! ir_mps_ me_ny_ _ to a plu- _ cir- lln_ _d cltc_tt rcotifi_ _ua = a the duling ¢ t ¢_mp.-_- of OUllm! IL_lld OpU2'olc Of a hail-w_tvc, c_rcuiL_; tO comx=d. output clzc_it_ to tccllfi¢4_. _3]d _vT_lch_g s_l- COIXOcClI_O=I a direct said ouc of to connect to- and _?.nger_cnt, plulaliiy Io pro_c a lower b_twc_n circ_iL_ fl_Kio_ of wilh interval, conlloully ouip'.zI oulput £1:cc_t wP.b llano interval, continuity ollipul Tbc s_id _ m_i output rcdificr lower c_c:t_tt dar_n a._cdc_ da_d _ c_._rgLr_tlo_ ar.d during iocludc_ level to comp_l_ly _1 _U-fl in claim motor c_rc_iI _ut _ blr_ _md in- d_rcrcdti'lhx_ driven 3. w_crcln rotor salt switch- ci_mcnL UlqiTED 2.177.4118 45 a I_=tw=x:n circuit mr',a_gemeat chef- eoefg_zc _l¢clJrely |0 ch_ onlpul "s_l clicuiil a dLll_c31I sw_tcl-,ir.g aP_aglng lamp ouIpuI of il_and_n! of sald oulpui Of sa_d no!tuber corm_l_ _aicl _n_ terval ing _ciec_vcl_ O_timl f¢_Cliftc_ diffct-cnt said mc_ns ¢_lC_lll_ clccUic_l tic - a dcslr:d pattern, comprise= r._'_t mcacs; incandc.mc_t co_J_cclcd output and i circuil; _w_tchiug inuol _ lamp input Rel¢/toce_ iaczndexcc_ c_- a "dlt¢_.J[ confil_+:i_o-01 comical eleclrlcal incandescent dmln_ pOt_._fis Elf of and _tll of in_rv*l slnglc a dc_rr, said image lamp_ r._-_Jl_d caerglamlion ir0agc_ com- ouipt_ of*crabl¢ h=df-wavc one: Io full- 50 fi_gers tbc tl_ ftdl-!O_C aOd _'._ I?y kind of proYid_ and dosing _akl input circuit and lug ode Lime interred, !evcls _fe-_-._. conl_clcd one level input circuit different 6mc _.in_lc Jbc lamps o_ a It circuit o[ t_um_ocl c;.Icuh; at "_rangcmcnlo og thc said is kxcls. a plut_ty mc:m_ _nicrv2|. bt_k r_C_od_ bc p_ *JL_rn c_n of the lap¢), corrc.spond_ a half-w_vc t,_mp_ full tlm_c a dlcrcnl lug: 66. _nt • penchcd lee lamp_ teat a[c current. A chinEc p_o_'ided'by allcl_a6ul tl_ (as cl_Jgizcd _t_cb_d halfdone cncrglzr_l numb_r_o| CL-e_gl/_d =n image to IhfougE h_vi_g of a I_gc _d alran£cmrn! cl*¢t_z_l]or* iladdng _,lr_Cl_ input one Ir, r_ns Thus, wil_ It W|_OY_= _lu_'ardlzaIioo Ibarough ol inpul _id duzing Sa_l I_q*_ ci(cu]I_ ot_ mfan$ Of lamp inpu! _ dc_ircd completely tc_ml- it d_pt;y _d 7.z.lro illumln_lion Swltcl_ng e.lltig_.'zatlon 3 di_clo_ mTa_gctccot, libel display and connect vld_ c_rg_r.A rolo¢ a desire4 pcr_odic 3. made Oiscclly Io cxaml4e th_! p0w_ I7ml_ _lc_val llm_ wh_rcT0y incmuic_cal Uctwccn 15 L'_ so*oh (for o._c a paltcln :t sin_l_ 3w_?ChlUg dag_. ll._i An cuiL_; I0 I_¢tlficl_ limps mounlcd to gololr s_f.u'lar p_]slnS: b_ :*ppicc_icd'thil be coczglzcd rcmai_L_ Ihc instead wouM be lol_ 2. no p_*- /*, of during ]r.lct_al. half-lor*c, O[. ¢onncc- Ic*-miru_ 3) h will the_ el:clsi_l of lone. _ctso- i inc2xnJ_$c:nI di_lday it I._c=_c_il_s that lclnilrl_d_ li_r'_ _l:_pd_d lamp level a number m_y aze It _ FIGURE lamp. thai _ cullcnl diflcrcnl 5 Ik is tz_J_zcd ii_rt 66o as u_d itcii_ _nglc that in (no(_own) il _p_'zt_ azls p¢l 1_ Did innct CUn¢.'aI lot" f.J=an'_plc c_plm_lio_, illullratcd rccllflcl sln_lc on ol :_¢ o[ terminal (12_, convcn_n_c For ln]f 3 whole cill_r an allctnatlng R:xhi_lg a po,.._6oo L,amp. FIGURE w_th co_c_ponding L_mp _ v,_ih irv_*x_nl sbow-n llon before illumle, is is midc _ii_b CotL_qt_nllyo hall-lone _ IIo_icl. _l_,erllalln_ 18b cullrcnl. ioto¢ eoc.12fl and co.-t¢-M)ondlng :_1 a the _mlrCc. conL_cI a Icclificr Ih¢ 81o'a_ clc¢likil C.Xat_.'_.¢). dirtct wlw_ elective21 co,uurrcnt 66 m:ics p:_l otxlcr C_alcd lll:¢Nialil_! (_86. must c_ D the Of c:_ch Ciled I0139 Hunter. 2._,_.$03 !/$1 Seama_ 2.896.12.$ 7159 Morloct 3,062.956 DAVID 11/62 ]. GALVIN. by Ihe S3"ATE.5 Fdt_ PATE_'TS .......... 315---211 ........... cI Primary _i ......... Exar_nrJ'. X 315--200-1 315--200.1 - i_C_'_a_ly i / ! / / r / D1L-00524 Page ] 35 JA 0954 o I 315-154 AU 9/30/80 X_ _ -'--_ 256 4,225,80& United Siates Saraceni - 1541 E_- Patent "-- SELFLqIll/E 1,9_ - =_ TI tl - ._ I_q_ - ILLUI_IIqA'I]ON Rtlt,,*,_ ++_-S|75| lnve_nlor Rcmo Sarmni_ 173| Assignee_ Novlta_ Philadelphia. pa_ "" .Santa I¢lonicau 13 S. Calif - Appl |_2] Filed No+- 912,442 Pn,'_r J=a. 151| lal. 02 ......... 1521 US o .............. 197g 37/02; F21P 315/194. 31 $/'360. 3100 _dd of Search .... 315/291, gO2. 307. 315/154, 360. :L_O/2ll. SSI; 361. 362. 159. DIG 4. 116. 307139. 194. in G i_dl_Lafl" I kCbl_ JJtnt 199, Or lag im_ions Io at 31511_ .......... I_ X _15/191 .......... Jl_91 X LaRoche ic'l-"rn--W_. ale.a_ cirt-afilry of an ot_:_rver _tabhshe$ ¢:_ch d J 6:_.¢'gOZ X _l_pler _ _a_ .,u_s]naA,cr r_pocme mot 362/125. 340/527. Ro_ 4/1971 f_,'ssl .......... _mtnrr--Eugcp+c Di/lc*ent ].40/541; 362/I/3 ISBI 3/1970 4571 315/30_;250/221, 3151154, F .41g_'n_ |I05B 16; ]01/I S, s_ ............. Ulgl_ _J 1.1_9_]$3 30, 1980 Cited I_vas 3.500.4S_ Sep. DOCUMENTS 111%9 %1 l+ S'73 111| PATE/ffi" *+69_6-_/t_9 J.4_9 Inc_ 4,225,808 145-] the The arc saele_tivcly p_oximaCy_ Aa non-h_ghhgh! dhmmcJr Io area prodtw.e ix i|luminal_ ovcl'nddcn the h_ghlighled adjusl_blc by highhghl dmakvcl los obs_lvel-_cns- dlummatioo level 52g, 541; 4 D_wi_ 30_,.s, 32_/5 I-'ig.rcs _£ II ° AF II'LI-- Xl ]AR,9_II AFf_AII. "{ - AREA I AREAl] I I II I I I I " AIqI:A I 8 I L- CONTROLLER o l RANSFORIVlE 12 POWER SOURCE D1L-00525 l)efis t5 JA 0955 Page 136 [:J:S.-Patent - s¢i,:30, w80 Sheet I of 2- -4,225,808 ° J / _r_- / / FIG. I I1' I_REA I. IAREA It AREA1[ AREA AREA [ I AREAl][ SENSOR 8 I0' DIMMER If" o -- i 8 = AREA - It comaou_ER 12 POWER SOURCE FIG. 2 DIL-00526 JA 0956 Page 137 U_S. Patent _ s_¢. 30. 1980 ill0} -- 'is Sheet -4,225,808 2 of 2 E- _l I .,_.29 I V÷ I I-_349 48 1 38 J 43 _42 47 o_--, -- FIG. 4 DIL-00527 Page 138 JA 0957 i _4,225,808 2- It should o - also Tha invcnnon rocogn;z_l bccn the asIx:ct_) Kindx that 6ghling o/Ibcsc tc:chnlqdc:s d_lay, c_e_a spotlighting. "h_ck." of ca/sling which known faclof for problcu_ I0 I|ow_vor, d_p_t¢ choice, there _'ll Icchnlqucs Icfl mclrctmn_dzrang the add_cy,.s_l groups of |term mrc Iooalcd oreS-a|| _ I] to It is sdll the liculad/dTc_h_c sltutmm in which grooping_ tardy, to o4r _uch but w;thin Ih_ space found thls to bc many different _ wa¢ a display occupi_ ti_ ce_ {or those il_m_ of goods, ot tO 17¢ dixplay_d area by each which individual hem which know|edge, situ_tio_ th_,c c_cn¢ially has involv_cl highI_ght only or group- potions, ¢lr¢_tlvc_ ingl¥ OOL _ wa_ldul of liu_ |ugldighted pos_'bl_ *ypex be_n be (and o_r co_rc* cmphaxix from Gmc favo_ in pr_tlce_ of to time. llght bet to the illum_mtlo_ m_d throogh as _c_cdy be low of dexlrcd I know. il may I_ havi_g the that W_IL Aga_B. fred ing a_l lc_ds also at lower drann_ I_vc._ to _ 45 this CK_tC_ dd'_ d_ in O_ with frJtd fro_ a rath_ ptod_l api_ar_. Pcrman++_ Otlu_ poss_Tbil_ prodlctablc v_noo_ m: 0_ /_kc_Vis_ mrJ_i_lt_ _- $5 shosl- to a dlffcr_ut, now _s the I_Oblcm pla<r_lTnch_ wt_¢ cn_gy, objccllv_. oo _1 I.; tl_ di_cn_dabovc, k_wl_dgc pie. the OVcr-aU W_alcd _4c_ -dommy hpfl_llng Icvct co_ts,.. _ w_ iffccSlng OIl_lr l_htmg Io_on_n_c s_lisfaclo¢ily bulb'." I_xPI,Ili_+,,. trot of illumir_GO_ matl¢i. cn<:tgy otr dls_y also .or" bc_ s_ca|lc¢l mutii+bofh r_ mcad_r¢_ advcrsdy f_cld inlcflrdalodl b_ of rw, J,ldly ¢_r_h_¢ mm_L FO_ I_vc bc_n Ihi_ _mply which 60 _ c_lhdicdly arc p_ov/dl_ oftl_ ligbt level ,c afca Ino_c_ve own that _ fl_tur_ foe low _¢d_ high low ff Ibc hgJh_ for _ach provided un- had torn. cont¢ols fo+ controllably dclaylng in_, allot 6_ All_cth_ by poqcni]a| kcting Ihck highlighting might portion pa_of the Attcnt_a have go_: unool- ti_inleml hlf_ldi_htod por6on _nolml tl_t,Jli_ Can k _nhanccd of the of I_a_ng c_fc_clivcnc_ disld_ y fle._xbilily [tom Io Ihc is vaxl mar- _t_i Moreover, of clccld_d thc power, Iochnlquc t5 very sincc Only I_CollOlilIClll a sol.rod oIL -00528 JA 0958 i -fhts coq_l_oL _cmalncd lit dts- a_l)_'_Ls:. "rbc tl_ improvements of _ny of the vi_J_it¥. indlvklual which i_vcntlvc the autom_ti.cally.._ hto + a llC_O_._ II_ po_ns in _vcral of |i&l_i_g i_l_vldua_ly m_l smucc. illi+n+ and ia to its low m the by the ilgKl_ng. cfftct w,c*chandi_: of Oa when of a hght which, com_ d_day dramal_l to e_in on lh¢ level I_vc| b_twccn mcan_ hi.dighted • 6¢3habh_ a/.c arc_ Ihc sck_ctivdy mrca in tbc in_me_tallty lndivld0al _uslomct good_ IO my [OWCt_ nu:a_ E_s1._vtmcsS lyp¢ in_l_l a_ual play drawn dcs.ltzalblc the hght its instruo+.,m- ol instrumcntal;t¥ II_ chaur'_tcri_tlc_ _u_ca -_ (;_t_e" of of of wlth _ transition dcvioc dcdr_blc tlcul_ Turning ha_ rdum p_odeO_ com_r_ there by O_c scnslng +rid di_ptay is b_ng by their Icvdx cu_torocr's pt_.ow=e ix DO |ongcl beis_g Th_ t_Ghnklt_ tng_*tOtt_ly _CV'_; a blend hlgh|_.ht- "black'. of th_ _z¢ to with hlghilghfng m to a _ctatlvdy a pho_oscn_vc Tmalag a +tO the goods tl+_ _ttmi_g as po_tioncd hish The are which at a rclatlvcly is _ch_evcd b_ghtnc_ I1_ a_t provided I-_tlur¢ opc_te c_utrol iaZcz_¢y Ifigh to aplmm prcsc_ce_vithln oflhc by tmcrgy rcslx'c! in¢cot_on _rov_cd th_ switch the v_ll prc_Cnl Ioc_lixc_l no cttstomcr they whl_ a dkplay o._tomer+ is _ I_dcr_bly. the _nlc_pla_vc glmry. hm_l, also relalivcly v_Cin}ty _ z* Iochrllquc to Ih¢ dc:_d el these soch which LI_ li+hling tha_ a tcchniqu_ gCSl_C_ b_ axc_. h fufthe_ in the co_om_ with cxalupk, con- of a pass4_by. _4_t of fixtart_, for sensing at |c_q other ambi- pfov_c _xc each opeJatlng Each hghl _ty blgh general lighting level plux very dlvc_'_e _ppleme_ t_l h_dif.htxug cxcate_ too bright an overall cnvt_onmcnl. wl_u intently Io of the area hOWeVer, to Ix: sea'io_ For to produc_ _rnc 40 local- a t_chrdqoc cnctgy such allex_iou w_th or fixture+, SO COol+ _,rs_ngtme_t. I bcllcvc hghting of a p+o.spcctlvc on pt, r- standpoint prcmi_ poltions la_ily con_d_allo_ afca_ turning the a t_hnlq_ _tc:h the itself highfightcd :u-e_) low inch p_ov/dc obJ<x=ts items not of it+ e mannc_ w_th of the oth_ general _coc_upany art_ts pO_l_)il_ _iVa_._._ did ot an improvc(I ha r3e_Uical only in accord_noc ins_lumc_tallty co_idcre_l of provldmg display they been fa_ as s practical wh_ cfr have posr_blhty vit_ from so tl_ h_ghl_hfing _x_lomt2f may bkcwlxc, has bc_n glvco cus¢omcn I_hting. highK_hting disqplay it_ por6ons to prov_lc Ill, bring needs ddl'c_cal cff¢_t )5 foe to obje._cl t_t _md _*rra_gtd highlighting such merchandising obj_c! the sep_atcly owa inte_osclo by energy The 210 light be. cxcc_d- Practical lords of local "pools" suffc+cd v_ry would and _ot (o_ w_th through woutd otho- potxioax. Other i_cd has general tobc tJ_eXgy. This Theu= thi_ I1_ atlract_ lnolh_f ¢_3n_rmed ach_wtd followr_ toch_ique c_onom_) 25 of alumina- bdghl for hrgc to psovid¢ c_c4cut t_ effluent thix general amblcm attempt¢ tO f_ had d_ti_fi'vc_cs_ dlumln_ion on! _ mo_¢ provided _ tl_ have of electrical spoodlagly g_ tmp+ovcd indi,Aduxl sol.clod Objccl _1_ I! _ stY| for such tre.alm_c ltowcvcr0 lktattsc Icvd, h_ghllghfing would really stud ia vogue hghting c_ti_c t an:x. Within have itulo0d boca cP_lain hlgbly been one a hlgh prlm_fily lion within the lightin b tlu_c has anotl_r pmlic_Jiy ,_ffo_dvc|y which my _ am suilab_c highhghfing from II k r_l| r.cpa- ing_ To such ]o Fs ImrKe t&livc which _ lighOng erca. ob_ct bc mvcnfoa oQi_nlg Io ptovld¢ another which I! is _till I have &jcc! acoumpllshc_ in p_ovidc hlghlighls dt_p|ay for of which portions which . p_exem tl_ applications. F_ pmllcu|m|y I1 is _I_I _amhct - to in diffc¢cut technique _IIualk_ xomcthmg ob_c't which of atu:t _ mc._, numerous bacldtght w_rc cff_l.x_m is another object tc_:lmiquc an _mprovcd lechnklm: wldd_ mtarchmadtsing _ a i_ aa to_plgyldc I! to • favmablc hghtlng. lighting I_ particulal. o the latex it*tl_ts_u:_stt_n Aq_&ugly, in Dif- to vary Accordingly, ¢'volv_d fully d"_ $ has loug cn_omcJx. fo_ comrade Bood_ have inclu_fing vtddy bccn _ . d h/q_rtam to prospoctlve both improved of goods, is an hxv¢ wi6ch vlsu_l impad ing. ly_ of lighting in the cffectlv_css lighting fo¢ p_ducm_ v_ ol tim goods _fday fctcnt to a l,:chalquc ['mcludiag Id_Ics and mdhod visual _:sphy cff_s. In mcrchan_L_ing - . lhd _bovc *rc ao( strlcfly limited tO d_lay lighting siluat_Thcy can also _ m otl_r sitoa_ns as mofc a_um , I_: poled porlkm _rl osage of tile Page ] 39 l. 4__ = ! 4,225,gog - -3 [d,spLiy _-_u UOR-aI any - _-_lo_v _ stibj¢ocd_lo givoa-_ _cl_avcly Oah__ level. "l_is _ ut oa_rgy. TI_ ifitcns_ pottmns arc mamtmncd _d,ly _lf. r_v<_ vc- O' substanliM c_-_gy _._v;ng_ _ [u_lhcr z! load p¢_ !@ the fighting wluch greely s_v_ng quantl _greedy and lhl both _ Idoc.t_ as lo _ho_n Ihat tl_ rcaddy can Fol" amoo_ s_on wh_=h ! _ of d_xplay thagram ot[ po[o_ming FIG_ the pul FIG_ d _iml'_u_ R_fca_ng of Ho_vcvclr, _ that flout posifioncd S arc op_(mg hand. when bc grouphags clc_d i_o_-'ctivc mat. the J • ungts havc loC_lhaeL Ibe e_-clli_ which _ Imp. both s_h nh_:oc+" external d_oPo<d be pla_cd g may <.o_figurat_o_ cxampl_ f_ dimmer co.tad k ll£__ I_ p¢cfcl_l_y Four pl_+_cd 8 for potion from tb_ current to _ a signal _om area. of be I wave load is prox4dcd wh_m:h would go_r, ahcrn_mg alca conu-ollc_r the with g bc a source- is also 7. thus lighting wh_h dchvtaroi Io I1_ con poamit- system cir_,try a urn! dly cut_tmt vtcwmg the 9_ ts c_pa- load ! I al c_mtmool I1 cilcuitt_ capable Th_ 10. w,lhm of dcfivctmg controller wltffm of xcnsm the The m_a_ such sc_a_ot scnso, ot 10 as a ptcssmc mob,on ___o,. a pholotk'_ltw= to v_g _K/_/ucsr-_c¢____ab- tl_-wm_rc_ d _aK th_ a maximum 7 _ [c_po_s_c located switch. _..lt_o'--_ _a_.sor. two 7. tbe in standat th_ ttmc as th__cp_'tcc Itm_ upon a x/gnal is capah_ any con- of a dimm_ each _asor • p_:_m cac.h umil" such _,_ns<-dL At thai 8 Ix thc_a wh/ch _c atca the o.utcn! Ihc (olhc¢ wi_h of 5 ax as thai to m _.c_a=s o( controlk_ u_ g +ch statable)_ 8 contains lo_cl 4 _ dimm,_ urn! may fixtur_ Lm un_otmly unit o[ mainl_dn/.ng hghtmg dimI! Frov/dcd _dhaafion dunmcr load fighting vohagc an,t one _ single 11+ The v_wing 12+ household Tl_ • mic,o- an m_hblc sound ( s_aso_ a COnVCn a such 9 m cot_CliOa 5 would b_ag ts idaccd so_urc_ a prcs_h:cted of a cu_on_r th_ convc- a positive [_plo<_tJoaL 8 +t any cacfi wh/ch sy_t_l :_rta d*mm_¢ 8 +_.hown units Io illusmay bc a vkwing tk S II compo- xr_-_,c wh/ch 1. in which s_vc+al fixtmc_ Are_ ra_¢cl load and fixtutc_ ,ll+_IZ_tcd I and swrtchiDg Area O4r rnoxc" dcscrib_L fighting is tllus, in I the a sing$_ to Ib_ or 8. on_ compoc_nt_ as Area a single FIG a power bdow._g_ay of inclm=hng prowdcs m-a_LOUt in Ii. bit to 7. Ihc syslcra d.e:scnb_ 9 COmptLS_ units 6 above as the eJampk, 3 by of the sw,_chhag _-rs_c_ -_ sosisi,,+ switch, oail fully unh and bo*h such arc_ om _n by ling 5O Z). and couploJ vicwmg 8 controls _ tmcacd 55 mat tcchniqt_: either The when courtlier floor with lighting As 3 b_- above K _yst_m dlmm_-I" fic'_nI_lc_d z first i* Cu_- _ a switching the sv+rtlchin I1 to conaocl3o_ standa,d so ha- ol Tbe:_ two gro_aps ofo0mpoa_nts two vzrrath.,n_, in fighting tcchn*qu¢ _nd [_om _ctwvr_l arc $_ _ may thmm_t _o4atab[_ m_ outlet 7 ('_o_ FIG 8. which fixlurC_ cfimm_, dunm._r _t an is then prodoong k=_d_ In go_=_aL cxauraple_ 5how ncnt_ trait tmzt perlo_ IO I:_rmtl of 2 have load capable dday FIG; they _cthcr il_ For diagram of as the mo_c dimmer L_Thc_ on such ficsl a,c- is _cgulalcd d,mmc_ uml 8 Io level Th_ dcL_y tfic low al'ca a blo_L The troll_ vilmally whlcfi advantageous Or m_tc of gO I_tf is wcfcxably ptc_cIccled vl_w|n_ 70_ 10 _his Is lowered I shows show,case mat_ Z. and T_c ,as by the tz_:lf the o_nfio, g_acrad uonal upon 9,nit bc mote ha FIG figbling dlustratccl I. so cons1_a=t_ a conuolle_ Io hgfiting I 9 illuts_ated Ihc +p_isc 40 w_lh hUcrnal ais passages, customer mighl c_usc aa c4f the _ co, redly ,cght_ ; afi_m 4 x_qll _tandmg p(ovid_d of wh_h found le_tvc soh_cqucnlly [Cl_l_ pctK_d Ih_ I_hn*q_tc m_t hghl 5 a_c m passageway mcrca._: motcdanmtr 6 and oporatmn customer dq,<ndmg mam_ftAl _ ts also uncut mat to p_surc oa_omtar There passageway 04[ 6 r_ d_cd. b_ 7 Ca_ original invcnllx_c with non-blghfighlmg m the oanv_at_aal be pt0v_dcd _ the Th_ J5 as *o kvcL 7_ After boL_ dcstrt_CL lighlmg lighting Ih¢ swstcfilng dcvw_ 5 lO a dday _s capable _ 45 mat whih" ts o¢ is ant i_c_u_c the • Z 6 is p_ovid,td o4[ any Ih_ mat 6 my hat_tconncOx_d foc so zfle_ has I1_ A ofgtroup_ag.s a_d a s._g.acuon a cu_omct i tbc Ibis 6 may of _t an int_'_n_: th<_c fi_urcs dtm. mcvitalbly_lat_ I_rovalmg 30 pet;so:hi po_ ci_cuilry vlc_,ing a,ca. mat however which passageway h_gblighlmg )owcr that Ihc al¢:_. i_ovldcd, oompa_llvdy real the _ p_rcv_ously n_-_t loned+ It will bc holed O_al 3 o[_x_rtumty d_pby a _ubS_nl_lly fo_ L I_of_" sw_lching _t_,c. 4 Io scnso,x bolh possl_onmg Ihc ts the in IocM_zed Rlumlnation mat thc_c 5 a_e ai as of FIG_ the tbc I_, only FIG_ I dc- +howc.ascs tnsofat sld_ dtxitcd o_ly fo_c sa_ch asill_ratcd m phantom al 4 to appro_=h Ih_ goods in • proxim- whoa the fixto¢c_ kvd_ On th_ othes prov_lc m the h=fi the fixtu¢c_ conttollo" toln_l IlgOtc:s on m glass is Ih_ spoofs= oppOs,lc _I ; opo'_t_,g 20 o_cmt_y 2 d_l_d shown c_a._a] I-_ttutcs tim d_mly the ttscd in Ihc cloIs as 4 has has: passccL thc cOmrollcr \_c_u_n Ihc fights In thor 2: and a paxx_gcx_,ay enclosed as ¢ convdt_ul l.Jghtlng the of _ of goods not on cuslomor I. IO bc able lUoVglc _fc 1_ As oot is c:_mt+ml ity such /'_ pa_l I. Ih_s shows _ cono_ pto_cfivc m FIG_ |by ciscml circa,, 4 M Sw_lch_ p,_rmi_ing by hgfi(mg coml_ish_d _s capa- m I--1<3 of a customc_ unil and of the on<: z_e _ groupings 15 clcln_nts_ goods th_ mvtJntlo_ conltollod a contlolk_ passageway _f a display Dc._£lzv_, pt=rlOd of a, timing wh_h • grouping thc g_6upings vkwcd c_usc:s raven- • dunw<r _tas_tcd nUmclals 1o FIG I-u*cd bcrwcc_ Ihc wh_h o( dtag_m [¢Jczc.nc¢ I0 d_lmOtc of x sc_hngqu_ clrcmu_ _ the co,nuollo m FIG Z _ i 10 ahas o4f a pot- u¢=fizmg diagram 4 _ a scl_+mm_c as pair of _lu_tratcd A ou_cs _ccompanyhag o( ci¢cuary iavtat:vc 3 is a sch<mati_ _ atca ptc_ dimmor 5 Io f_lL]_lr_('y _dcvlcc (_n ptrspo__ivc) fo< operation hclwcc_a tl_ invent/on II_vgcx_ngat_otshowc_3_Aflcrtl_c_s4omcar IO ll_ di,,ct_- of th_ Ihc the -fixtu¢¢:x o¢ rt_o*c t_ made ma ov¢=t adl v_=w a m_chandff.c What Ihc_c tt_ easy adju_lmcnl t,_ce_sar_ *C --'5"- - ong+nal, live= Icc:lmiq_:. FIG. 2 is a block sid¢_ all _ nOl l-un¢6m_n_ag z_ inlc_ aclm++ m a_x_o_dancc with Ih_ p¢_ ¢contafiao:I-f_ has IO l_rm,¢ placcracnt Upon._c+n_ng _t_ A_ly_ from m hgh! IbC cxpcn*_=% labo_ to ihz_'ty p_tccnl lalkoa +_Tlsc mc_ls wl_rcia FIG- ble and fcla'_ on m_lntolam.cc rtsulUng dlctml% follo'arx -drawha_s fixlate parts savings [m11_¢ ah" coad/llonlng hgblmg rqplaommnl h_)poscs p<_s*l_on such 5 -follows= _ta_ c_ _c<_ablc although cnhanc_dbyl:htfac_lhalthisto_hn_qlt_alsotcduo_thc heal 4 dlumhaa- _ This 6S ol[sct- ll_ convc- COntained in • maximum UnCl] sm=h rant: dammcr OUtput cucrcm unit within stale. is dchvcrnd ag the com[ollc_ This 8 c_blc Ihc dlmm<:t of Join,rang unzl s_gnal rg ptodm+_wJ DIL-005 to tl_- 7 pov_dcs load I1 • _gnal to the otcmtty g IO tLs originaL low as [ollo'w_ _9 Page JA 0959 140 :. ; ".- "7'-, -) - 4,225,808 6fix|uT_ of indlvld_al _-.. - detetminlug that atcustomer 4-ha_ k-fLLhe vioviog _-_ - will clxangc type siJ'le_ ofs,etao¢ ha stat_ u_d. would fcprcsc6t_,g stale. Otbe_ asc also be_equivJd_t _ to Io¢oe_ 4 to the viewing |n tO the tbe load This {cgu|alod by 7 Ip_k_l Upon _ which The _nd comrolles switchi_.g pr0vldcd 10. wlth and i o - . .2 • - _ drctfi! th_t i te_hnlque bighter _]t mum | the [e:spocfvc _.vohagc the to v-,sty both to a given display f_llcer_.-nti_pro_ided area its 30 to 8 being 2 de_igthal¢.d would be to diffegc_! ¢.xample. FIG. A_e=l useful ha unit c.onUolfing II com- fo FIG. 8', 8" amd _n tuna, 7. and to icgulalc such _ 3 coeld B, (_;h of Ihc 40 lighting pa_r th£ rcg_alztcd Ihe low current _atdy dlmm_r the _cgulattd. _md by with that the Io Ik othe_ levd dimmer produced _ low loads |O_ the <gh<:f un_ 8_- In ha cacfi showca_ with the o( fightlng the.blgh levels may of as the II;. 50 The is _ 55 t]_c inlcla_of 32 _ Ihe va_ab/e fighting Other thk w_h ha the oe_'nbi_tlo_ a_c I_hnique_ c-._*_t_olk4 fixtmcs showc_¢ 3. each that vlewmg xhoxat_'_ 3 For for rattle hlghfight_ag _d in cotmct;tion pJod_t:llo_ of olb_r an ¢./1"o_ _ ha pa_t x diff_tcnt n_y may ate thr.n and _o a on tIJ_ 10 the outpet _att work laia_ [_islol72 2|. up.t_ acr_m_ 3Z tala_ 21 Tile _- a_lr_ the tt_c 31 to ope_tc ¢_luag l_anC_ - _ _ _ by the rc_tor to tl_ In this el/ect co_nocted the 19 o[ 13, :/4 of tl_ capacilof cam_: cell d_vicc. ha a RC the 21 no_a-z_L_tinE., varied. t_tl_ f¢om a t_ggc=_ r_o_r at wblc.b hS nOrmal, be ha state, Rather. variabk Ihe pOinl 16 to one e_d oK the gate ial_at 2.4 is coo- cxhx_bigr.d varying the from .s_paratcly oulpm of a shag_ _ scgme.nt advaaLxg_ously with colorful _.lb_ f;p_ctal llgbling cUects. and in pets is p_oportlo*xal By 24. _ thereby a _uclor oflbe 31 22 18 I_1. "lrhis ha_ vaflab_c ic:_,lal_ r¢_'ist_r re_r tbe On bl_ older 15 by 24 It _;istOr " from_the. mack: [¢- will time i_- ga_c change to a c.ol_lu_thag mam_l the cuJr- slattsoidal !_ _eht _al,_i_ to _ kn_ i I may be dmpl)_ _1 cor_e2 spoadingly warled- I. _ config_fio_/llu_r-_L the rJamplc.._vc_a| S may be provldc_ SuCh us_ 23. the 23. _¢ca. possible ;.pulx - f__.___.q_telnal photoelectric il gate 25 Ol" lh_ corneal may_" the ctrcull the _ photo-., bei_" • signal 17 _ did)tie 21 UI.strated. wiper whlch 7 aEId _$Of 17 coln- diode .c_istar_c, dlmmor end 20 by tot b_ _ndiv/dua/ly 16 is tl_ L9 to change m state omatrolled ti_ gate a co_- reslslor optocoopl_- gale lnpe_ Z._is-connccled eesisto_ 22. and a sc, cond to output 3-ma 7 t_ 15- through through Ao_ordlngly. Uta¢ r_n_mg II" the a high _cststancc. high b_t-woe_ laec'_tod thl_ pre_.nc_ b]f th_ COnllro_J levels load |_owcvcr. d_rcd !1", _qh 11" _ leg_httod ha clrcud emitting emitting change of the _tod iO turn _ 4 current is sealed light 14) a low this is essesltladly " A first va.-iable mx_- 11 provide ]14 and TI_ c_ll a re.latrvdy 20 input pasalng the fight m_gohl_ _slate, of a (:n_omcr the 20 to a light- photoeloct_ to 20 when load would _ Ea_rcn! _¢:slslance. OUtlmt 45 co_- viewing 8". 8" whieh It•mtd oumpoocm_ 10". Thus. ur_lK units 41 iS s_t_chroruzod IoIr_f showcase unison 10' a_r,0clatcd dehvc_d rqubl_d. of _ in to v'ah_., tra_asmission of of the OptOcoup_:r in thaough the Prior a s_paratc I1", !! _ for _.c:h 001:1hgm rat_loo or_ by the light load is provldod controllod O[ dimmer in th_ of tl_ 2, th_c cnclosme here.used h,gh sig- eJh]blt wheat low oa_.. _t_ II, and a rclaovcly an iucar_ Ifie _iatio_s passe_ caus_ as the o1" x _tstomc_ 17. manne_ OUtl_! -_lllumln.'_ting be dimmer this the to The voltage late.r oonUrof emitting din(re 18, at its haimt, and 19, _t ilx Ontl)_L both eompooesat_ in an In I_ _lso Of _Jm:h a sy_ltma is egScnlia_3Ls_mil"_r dl_c_l_d, thc coatgoller 7 psovlding _ HO_CVtJ. by _ are the _mor ns_L_Ol/C_liO_ that prcv/oos_ slg_aals a fight cell cxh_qbhs now unit. _roner ptisex ¢_ _c wlth_ _tm one 35 of the 14 o/the,dimmer to wilh of am optoCouplc¢ fiE_L input 5 ill_uatcd 3 _ ha s_rles input I_rov_di_g IntUit(ms showc_e dimmer of _ in a vk=wlng L mh a separate Capable may be prodtm.<d by Icf_'I_ to input ftse to pfo_ shown Io the 7 to of _ preferably dehvc[cd pt¢_.JaCe the 14 !_. Pla_od tl_ to be DC conttolle_r glv_ _t=isto_ be the level may would the provided inlml prcsclcct_l to the by cur{cut tk ci, caa_ • variable the voltage bc _hln a_t willbc th_ o(some are_/, _?This i_s the signals a s_gnal arc solsi_g the now produc_l actor, Itow¢;vcf Such voltage., _c_ting f/ore th_ Io t_gulatc selected cur_r_ts Upon g andxensor cO_atroIler'/with is po_ible inte_L_ty in whh dimm_ tto_ being signal leave of the provided oftma_that a_¢a. For Referrhag - it of FIG. illu_t_atoa fixtm_ ! and _l(;h onmta_hacd voltage,, t_tc:_t gt-O_and pot_llal, In he _.-IJv¢_ted to tk load _-/ff w/It signals de_:rlb_g means. e_ This a viewing uni! ! 13. of varied provided I mdlvidtml enler scclion comt)ommLs fig_ing - an unit xirml_r I I. Dooents- | II,dxmmc-r a 7. I have } _ow 1_me a_ m_w ct,s_om- A socood lighting toehnlqne which by the hgjhling sy_cm 9 is _lusUatr_l tho_: i load _h filling diffedgatlal wall astbcpefiod load ler . nallng p_e'_within {lesc_l)_l c.cu_r_ _ghL discussion . 9 ,F_apa 2 - t(_h_kt_ cont,ahaed varloos 15. Va0_ou_ cigcuil ila the tO the. oetpet The th_l-_=l gystcm _ghtlug ace imp_cs.s_l !1 • of detail tl_ I. design. _ plutalay a s,_tchiag ciscultry 7; ha order load du_ prcscl¢_._od a_eats, unit hgfiling of of oombinatlor_ above g_eatcar Of the handle inv_tlv_ 3 illustrat_ dunmer . provi_'ng limhag tl_ tbc 15 wlttda . of i_ o_ntloll_r ndvanta- providing .The d_bot FIG fJ:_La arras By o_ I of phazallty rooelving this curlcnt a_a_ 7"as customers display • usown each co_uoller the v_ ) is ously pwrl p_ctlcallties variety lllustr'_tes the _ the adapted.to ha a wide forclgo;_g dimmer convc_ level tlme fn_._ fi_x_l:l)_od0mhag tO the by 7 hclng d_ 7 _ns of M,-rle n _cpg_.d to is only indivldoal-'_ponents 7 pro.Aries a signal to the 7. is capable funct_n of low Ihc longer Ioca_d r_tums kavc 4 n_ and e_rolle.r The- 7 "10 _ls high cxpJ_atloo load i ! to ,u, _K.in_d. "l_c ahovc_d_cps entea- at 5 son_xr conl_oll_ ti _ _!1o_ 9 is limiscd such _" ¢oQuoll6r Safc-ly a_c_tlt-13 time period, the cooUo/lar umt to fo* the the of system the O[ a, switch. orde_ a[_a. wlthlo cmecn! comiollef c_ thai In state al_ flu: dscultrj " dlmmc_ • cfiamg¢ soefi • customer a wdl-llt p redctcJrmincd.tunc. the in gcncsal to 7 the! bye OUll_at gco_ly upon chang_ controller fourhd m'.xia t c dcl_nds zn "off" state-, closed fcprcscntlng _gaah capable of needling the the mence, cl_ng¢ ! Iowcvmr. possible. signals the Thh ate._. 5 provided or _ of 65 cannrcol dlrc_c:lio_ "A _or bc fo_ the numbc_ _ rcslSior | may ] least 22 will inc_catsc as the _ of th4: mrow 51 shown. Z6 is iwovlded m pa_alld to IL.uR the he _appficd so.l_ light Iowe-sl _otmt at the outpol 20. IS provtdod when th_ tie 25 with is moved ha the va_mb_. of tortoni whwfi a sxunng_that at cl=cutt is In _e_:. t DIL-00530 ]'age 14 l JA 0960 4,225,808 -7 A xw_ci127 $. to whtch :2Tsgvfichcxl - - A the off swatch has tm_ the 8 _ _ dl_-Iyp¢ a switching mumbo.r, _sis¢or 27- As 8a 27 would of the at3c rcsisto¢ 8a as be Ol_ra_'d dlmm_-typ_ may be 77 would ok:sired The the strm:_u_c An 20. 29 sy*Acm v_wing inductor olmcitof output potentially Wh£n the tc_eJot a*e approaln_alcly tinily plac_-s on ol _dafively short 1000 /a Ih_ mput |4 to the o_ples a h*gh rc:srstance duccd the gate:inputs 23. 24 returning actx._ above I cal_ble again. t manner. level, tO • I=]G part C_alrollc_ 7 ice, _uch bit ol mg afC_L th_ input tl_ Wl_n the I]_Jtcfo_c r_istot ao 34 current quently The cx, rttmt inpta producmg low output the capacitor to Of Ihc optocouplcr 35 lull tbc 35 cutz_n! a low ic_r_taocc 36 is an to the optoconpkr in at the mput _csistancc p_miL_ b_tw_n of _o-_ a cu_r_at thocby area _-oofe- load 47- previ- outpuL to flow l_b,s IhC c_pacgrouf_d rhc • high tbc 38 near at 39 to _he a htgh of base the o_tput the currtmt baxc Thts tt to exh,bit to grom_i a_ of flu" com- the to the that ptevcnthag r_istc_ rcgu- rcntam ground "orriS. cau__-ng Ic3i_Jat_g2_.. be voltage at a day,cling OUtput c_,c_ttlal cs_cnt/_lly at 37 may wdl Icvd RC non- mc_ca_e 37 c_uals thereby the through voltage _ot_par'ator kvd and _csuhi_g al the a_ tbe the non- unchanged to 37 voltage through tra_tslstor 11. and The the at tLme delay tcsisto_r output the ma}, 49 a high 41 thus 41 is (:onsc- providing a be 33 o_ the vatted 00531 the h_gh ,wyr,-invcrt- level w hca as a feedback in tithing a¢cordmg the voltage path for 3"/ timmg is ddaycd d_dc t:ax_ttJng to it_ high compa_atot of the hghi maint•in at its ts provldcd whmh input the 37 dtange_ of the DIL JA 0961 to 37 compaCator at a pOint in .state Off 48 is provided op4_fatioo Thu_ state swltchiag of IhC comparalor of the leveL 65 also diode input p_op_r Ih[ough Ihc to swltcht_ _ "_'_" ing optocouplcr its arid quently output manner r_ 38 the comparato¢ the - _ "?: impcdaa_. ground width point output low signal to tl_: input 14 of the dimmer circuit IS whic_h in-turin causes a low Cnt_r_t tO be dclrvc_c_J to the the c_tt_-" cha_gmg V t- will 37 into the charge to the t_r_ from tlowmg di_:hargcd 4S _ sauzh to Its upon remains comparalot s3vltch the its voltage At (hat miU_._>ll_t_ 35 cltcmt and the w-dl the state the level flowing 35. op_t_c_ 37 voltage the to tl_ cxhib/tod input of k input. par_to_ "l_ the until inverting flora 34. of tmtJ! 3"/ and comparator I_istor iapul ttttns "'on" re'tot po(_t_ v_cw- tl_ough tbc inverting | | lime Ihal b_twcen 13 emitting At a high ,_ then • reference output capa tkc sw_tdh op_n tO flow _th transislo¢ state o[ The The the ._J_dr:_ 33 the to ground, pOlcnliM "Off- mpul through 10 m II_" viewing axea _tc g_ound 50 -on- input Imown -. t diode_42 _em_un off a _c:sull. retains 36 light circuit circuit capa_/tor non-lnvc_thag example. 4 in th_ •n is pCtTaittod S_.'_tching dc:_c_c)cd, ously an 2, the • switch the vu:wlng 15 45 13 tlmmg hl_ by the va_tab_: t_.i_lot_ 46. 47_ is int ro- for rup*_ling input the 36 of diode a rc_stoc exhibit compacator capacitor of the pfov_k_ _om_-_L _gnal cuslomc_ is IWC_>_t the s_mc 4l open out- Sl_lU_ cmimng from As the rcSiSlO_r 44. which. _:otding time constanl, cau_:_ the voltage II a soagof c_cuit s_m, ulatc_ 4 k:avcs to flow the hming 10 wh_h CIO'_. output of the the IIowcvcf. is 40 load FIG. of • I_ p_t_hic_d, , repre:s4r:ntmg "()IV" 35 _:v¢l flora v'a t'ia bit o(• mput an at the rclurn current 35 would cvcatmg in to ils in cllc_l area_ pte._oatmg II the would 13 wt_uld op_ocoupIcr Initially. 21 13 which m may a cu_o¢_r wtml_ oi_u In of the DC c_tcutt signal This pre_noc the coslorae_ would ito_ 33 ._gr_al tn the Of absence area. a sensor scn_ang s'.vttch When • ine:_ncc a v_ablc by xdccting its level to • lUu_ur•tcd a vartab_ v)c wag at the doo_d volt_gc supphcd • timing "/ As yes m ru_,pO_LSC-_rlhc i DC ehang¢:2g _ Showu _ontfolk'_ in a purl fcular to Inac the ci_cml optooouplcr'35 load _hc l_rra•io of the mvcrling as 17 to return is fe-lolgOthe condalon, inl_al _y nm_ t_ming for to lin_uhe_:ur_cu p_ot_ct. vacw/ng t_ming wh/ch to glotmd, the h_g output_ it W_ the the a hght 41 • a high as _ signal exh:blted end This exhibit cllc_cnbc_L IO a usc_ lh_cby cOodi_OO 20 to the th_ of and 4 Icavc_ used th_rex_qth 47- For high ou_ illt_mlt_l_, for low 39 to of Ih_ 41 to the output in sct_cs of the a cut,rent u signal this ba_ re:sat.lot voltage to To fto_a invcrtlng _mrr_t IO t_ 4 tl_r_ the of valuc:g cau_vag I1_ level • switching the 30 usccl 13 pbccd Ibex* circuit time 13 flora _rcoit tO Ih_ - : II_ rcgulalcd the output Supt_cd I_gh bc _l_rough. diode would input • current clrc_it b_ng at Ihe is " Accordingly. as I_cviOUSly ]_ also customer c_pable of b_tg scloCh=d by varying a lewd o_f full intensity, and th_n back In _$pong_ In | output of dimming [torn a low rC:_tan,cc, c pf_'t, thing the causing =" follow to _tenttal, _on-. voltage |he "][_e ltbO_ of returned state, ca_ng Stale_ ]Fl_t_ In the - 15 _ tl_ chrcuh such or_gln_L low Io _S orlgma| to its o*_gmaL _'- c_rcUll 2_ by to the unGI 41 may passing c_n- 32. thereby to tl'u= load output potenLtal bang g_ound oW [rum _z_n_ctcd br_ngmg rc_l_nc_. value_ put 3"/is By the 3"/ to potential through 38 ClWCUll IS, s*_t_,_. 43 max/variable _ is cxlfib/ted high 42 _ _ed com_t_ propo_llonal dimme_- _ 9 the II_ trangtstor level 13. tran conurollod contmur--x 20 exhibit- thclcv_llh to maxJmum the ohm_ near Ihe dmatne_ placement tho_= capac_to¢ ddivcr_l Ot_ent th_ the rs thercfo(e constant outpu! high that scrc_s 21 state_ providing 26 and pal_llcl cuceit tt'iac of lh_ r_s_o4f 31 and maximum cu_ent to bc This t5 output Irrom 38 to a potuat cmlttcf-cOi_ot voltage circuit rcslstor system I000 of is calxtbLc of I L Tim r_tslor ohms 15 19 changes such time the of across llghlang order of a value tbc low the _:nc_, in the the then load a _hort Opcrati,:m knob The chrcuit by _ _e_istanc_ 21 the 15 39. 40 Ihc ground bay.4_ cuncnt rc_/_f Is i_ovidcd swkch_ physical with intcdcrcncc. drmm_ cxhi_ted dimmer orcu,t 15 mum current to thc 10 near co_parato_ of ts switched 37. to a value 311. Ihc bluing input t)Owinv_t_Jng O__tp_t of the-compaTato_ rc_ching ground of the Iz-anf_lOf wa_- clrcmt Value. oust the the as a compafator of a (_or bay_ _by the of method in $cJi¢:_ RF the pho(o<:l_-Ii_ zt low the may tl,.c tam azc pt-ovldcd, 30 :20. In p_otoct s_cnts o0mrol se_rvc_ I_ The thc_b 9 Io th<: e_sting 3.8 is provided, of which at Thhg caus_-_ - the input. _tlally area_ Ihc suppgc_u>n and mg hghfing as and rotating ¢J_ as which manncx bc ph__c_ng F_rmlt6ng a convene-at m the for by of _ used as_d ouL opcs_ted tonalnd_ may advantagc:o_ly d/rumor control ._ntmg be in cx]hib4_ed amp. o*-dmmlJly by rc_l_rOCafng switch bc ilhislrated control which voltage _f.g full b¢ switch 27. ganged with • retest/re m_anbcr, bc usod as the v'alLCbl.c r_o_ 27- In thls sv_tch to may • dimm4_-lyl_ 8 fixture -- _ control varlablc 2 at 57_ such Itgjhtmg con_c_cd, d_ed_- 27 and the in riG- to cabbie _ whc_ conventional tl_ - k-pruvid_l changc_ a change 13 M Jc_tatlce th_ ol Page 142 _ tim _ vaxi_ble of the 9 zesistot45. r_(_r_l and Capaeitmr having ddmy • Fm _tamplc. abo'_ of 4.7 oi va.-_uttiou and is _dng _tablc to c_rcttit IJ _ to the chcult 15. regulate _ rammer ol_ration Tim of the maximum by tb_ age. _ positlvc c_L_it "D_ tacl_ kvd. IL value of the for t_. flora of slya_ tnd to utili_ _ would fixtm¢ cost. It I_ralily of oncrgy tfi_play, xrart_e _ Load II to u_: sttch number 13 my clccttitry. could slntilarly ;nlreder CtLmCnt. th_ fmw6on_.As " pol(mtlal. _ be hlgh_F iI_o be a_ v_ry from a _Ow to a high indication ofth_ prt_mo: s_rve* the fo_tgoing, wall Serve at ;Ely glvco Imown. have foe of the presct_-.c b_ f_ of that objects earlier _ch tcpe_..ted;and i'film tights prc_.tmt p_ezct_ce oth_ For _ L A are_ _ d_pt_y pobllc pzt:_d pc-dud me_ of time. in that I_med swat- provide iltu- t_m_inteJval, tl_ of _0_eOne_in OVCt_O4m_ th_ ludlway tl_ whereby of Icvd oo tl_ - __, lear- aftc_ (hfferenl location illumitmtcd items in tO tt _rcas_ separated mlo a _y a_c_ _tt _m- backgrotmd hght- 55 1_ a Ipe_xon the- to Said lighting f*Om the to a k-rot p_ovlded upon the of the or, e dt_lay dim of s_ing: peJrfo_ from the xaid one gro_q,t_, and the level ligbdng dt_play lighling upon the pr_ The 2 ar(:_s to the. ha a dimly method may of cl:tlm tm lighted _g of m_*y group when is pge_:nt m,_i_h_ncd per_n Fust. dim _ng initially a dlz4play mtcn_: and c+_. is'x_T'g_, t 60 problem_ rely to ._t_ing its odffhaal Of II_ dc- pa:Itue. _0 he • pctxoa and h_glthghted dc_ot_ d_lay the gzoup Id manlier when I whacLa a vcrm_ ._tla6m or dimmed movcrrm_t of _ v_th off v_cwlng may be no _ of d_pL_y corte_p(mdlng in tlu= d_play ati¢_t. 3 "l_Jthodofdaim hghtlug _vOttk_n appgoach ba_l_lotmd dim a_rc to tld_ can b_ awltwa_l go out when the e*er area telmn_ng-'_utolnat_lly in it oflhe tim to intrttdet'_ I_l_ Ihe dcvarlurc d_pL_y k is cus- Unl_ts invr_t_omtds illuminate Hlum;_tmg three•iCy _-J_mg to- with m o_dcr n<_d th_ guard's illumlnellon the: •tttomatlc2tlly grcat_ 45 _uml,le. building, cou_ tim .*,clcctlvdy [r_p tim dt_lay _,_ns_ng the the f_cign at n_ght, ,tO from which those s_ch _pplicallons. pazttcu-" sUmdpoinl, is bcllevcd to down for o_ x_vilchmg poillot_ pubUtc to illumlaate v.tch a* the mdt:s IIoot of s depattz.crvc to al¢.tl i)e_on_l leavlng, an intru_eG is .still ixey.enl, and one of the ts d_mcd _vc_ forth be to _lecttvely narrow particular _Vha! grOUp; iuvctxtlon set .ql¢_t. of _vlng* can _n specific spice, would possibly badcgrotmd _ invemion d_d exca* o[ • I_gc me_ faofe, it thai someone, dlum,. ahr<:_dy the cleaning an Other- unillmnlnetedL ts no oil - qce_tr, appalenL lighting an in it._f th_tc al_o" prising. of the aad areas -follow" turn dlumhaat_on tt slmcc omw a bullld_ng to Yet, _mlly the building, used each cons_tive The great advlmtagc I_rly from the energy wldch warn did a _lowef in Which _ugh o4" stmb, such bc mg lime.- to be • given illumln_tion. I_t ad- oltcn t_ applkattlons_ tmild_8, all other petrols cam to _a_._ many ku_tanC,_ progt_vcly of the v_th o4"a oaxatomer. in some the d_tatlon has to he dangero_" a switch. to switchhag il]ttm_•te a=d to prQvlde che_ wh_h t t_:lms level the tO SelOCtiv_ly As k wdl mir_tion of 35 by al a)'ound impooant pft:_nc¢ leaving would-even i_ d_c_tcd_ e_lmtage_ which at_ obviot_et It is to I_ und_Ot_'-_'_lb_s stai_rwdl_ toma_ tither may to 04[- dcVl_ my find _ zaw.h as a m_Ftistoo/_'-parmumt hallwayx, OCet*l_ ot_pt_ type act il can to tchieve gct h_r with_.___, ,the above d_cm. _nvmtlo_ ;a bm'ldlng o_ _o_ again iu a adal_ocl sales per_xmnel the !1 interest othcl the In addillon, the has" limited wh_h" pfo_:_d invett6on oWmc umsc to at i?c_on being u._ed, pe2eto_ in the at night If • guard be _ low load the _t'gtttt sense a prt_.ncc In fact. "I_ s_tably adafut 25 still tmoocupted guard load I I 30 a 1_8ht - tom in dec ¢_dng _ or to it*From From possible while the mamtamod thai not must tirol time period, lhu._ orderly fashion, at matron, who of the lion SO pfow_d_d. provide sav_g 20 as that malkcted "MC 1458". In be approp_iat el y olp-amt_; ¢:an be rueful timc of in the integrated • variable _vertl 11 which may [fa cu_omc_. wise _die* to a fixed a fade and "follow" Sl_flcdly. crews move _fc until i_revk_y to ttaso_k c_tttially _oms inthvld_t up•rap tt_d to fo_m_ tim con, pat-asuitable integrated circuit for thi_ toad be • cotmlor, given the hevc ,_ario_ pc_ou thehsbts dust fO_ thO_e capibihty to tim to-the_ u'-n_:_l_rk)d fo* to a lower with li t_l_t_'t3Lfigh_to _nda} p_c._ to vuIt - t_ 50 idvantagoot_ C_e_h OflbC S. the _: mtemlty T_c 1_ _pe_c bt_g lklng pfovlded with may he adat)e_d toped(ram ;|natron to provklcd tramformex use in connection I_tl_ would he I dttal o_p, by MOtorola under the send t hi_ mana_r twO 6adng ci_cmits may flu: toutc_ cle, e it is _ parl_t_lady for th_ tot $7. A partict_lady gfO_l_ _CCotml TI_ able th_ .-_cmlce end each In _ hatelest []an voltage power the eotttfo_ef _ regelatio_ luted nOt _el_ GUlly, *ho 10 _-'co_d. ilhtmination _ the dlmmcr 7. 6mlag : } ing the 7 _ AC rcc6ru_tloa tEc area. throng owa thai I'of left th_avca, tin4 m:_cording • _ may proceed in mak_ using the of coauollcr L1 is dcr_ down controUcr 14 loads is eocempllth_ which _ the "3 need I.o ptoccx_d. their accosting the a h_gh-lc_td'of - customer 4 in the vicwlng 7., the outlmt 41 o4[ the In pro- cndt_tg which appro),- pfey_moe or ab-_m_: oft As illustrated ha FIG. eontte_led a a_d mcgohms bct_:em 15 mlnutc:s. function semsed, mlcrof_nds rc_s/an_ capable 30 s4:coods "l'bc _. tscs_tJally cal_lcltancco{6_ 44 • Ihnc mately 10 Thisdclaypcdod c_paialo{36ha_mga a rcslstof ) 4,225,808 dm scn_ng i whefeha of il._ otaglnal of backgfotmd thetcttunmgoftb_ Icvd _ dclz*ycd alter dc_tmc. ix automatically ) t DIL-00532 Page 143 JA 0962 - _,j ;>56 - 11111/80 x_ United -_,233 States webster [54] - _ of 1,91 R. Cia_r Ih/h_ly Fh_ .- CONTROL WebstcJq 167D Bc_ch. llq - _ LIGIn_ING - l.v¢olo_. _5_G Patent el a_l:- AIIrOMATIC 17q Ex J. both- Woedl_ S.a_lblc AIA. 145J Ae_e'g AKene. -rh_ invczilix:_l_f-_-datc._ syslcm Appt [22] Udo,:l |Sli list. 1_21 IJJ [5_l _:_ No. i_<u CL I _ is. _78 ..................... 1lglJ ............ of ._-e_rdt ZSO/214 ...... 150/214 3151153, - of I. _ ZI4 N pn_o_ A_ei;slonl IO/1976 154, 156. b_r_Igc _s fed of J15/154 F_amiaer--Da_d ........ C F_camJn_'--D_ewm D ;in a 11, 1980 Dtxon _ulomall_ ligh_ln_ i>bolo_iivc 151 colllllol dctc_lof • _sle_r 7_O/214 R iniclio_ a _ in a tcqtn_ing _,bsoquaml to of add modulc_ to a a chaJagc one which po_ex supply an signal_ in artificial of the the If range.- A an shift cnor signal _ command Io level iniermcdhtc illumination will fo_ of acccph*blc ialo pulse iolenxlpl ill_mgnation oalilp_l_lol_ _n ed ctffeclive OUlput rcpic_ntallvc dock clock or ariifidil dtffcf_tllal oulsalc load, total unbalanced signal is tc_po_v¢ type pair crro_ the a.d _]he falling clxor sciws|ng naiur_ space. Into ilhiminal/on tegist_ lot the mlor;o¢ a d/_lal dal_lal 2|_ FJOCUh_ElffI_ Owelas to c_oilt both d_ritiag 40/14 AJL btl_:lgc an ing 4 172.334 a o( thca PATEIqT Firai--R;chard employs w.hin the O_ wh/cl* level 94Z._rT/ --qce- or Nov. 37937 leg [21] 4,233,545 on£ or itlumlnitio_ of p_c_cni. a mo[e shift lighlto slpac_ N_Im& R_ }ltJgt#2itl'f 13 Claims. 4 Drawing Figalles -e-__ AIC POWER I, I | I XW,= DII_00569 Doffs_ JA 0963 16 Page 144 ° O.S_ Patent L _o_. l I, 198o sh_l lot 2 4,233,545 __:_. --.- -¢ POWER FIG. 1 i LOGIC lrABLE FIG. 4 v,>v_ 49 59 0 0 I ! ONLY 2"_ . __Iv, <_vz L v,_>v_ v,<v_ °' I I ! _ _ _ONLY I DIL-00570 Page 145 JA 0964 u.S. Pa(ent -- No_. l l, 19so Sheet o , :" V! \ 30 3_J" 3Z_ 4,233,545 2 of 2 . r4}- ;? ____- I- 36I- ss _c_ s_F__ FIG. 2 i FIG. 3 I)1L-00571 JA 0965 Page 146 -) _ 4,233,545 ! 2 utd,zod AI._OMA'i]C LIGJITIN(; CONTROL -- _-- .. BACKGROUND I -j" FIdd _fh¢ of the present system OF naUon lelatc_ the in an ate• of that ¢oml,_l It. ID_,oaptlou Fhtorc_ccn! tural Ttm con.XUmL buildinl_ indud_ which it,.du_lcs the flt_o_at an4 dttcthtg the for service tm_ ate each of |h_ of ts ten _age_ o_s_ly I_hts _tt _ by the lighting lized by architccts aware thai the quemly adjust tl_0C me _ 30 uti- o_ly 06ct_ The not th_ off tim(: h:vel of being infrequently clouds, artlftcial offt_c e/l'oft men gene-,rally will to contlnuomly dlomh_ai;on _djust *espon_ive ob_u_od foe short the to polods Momt modern in 1,000 to 1.600 IlO v(dt pow_. offw_ whlch watts or dcfmc volt dcsiga and sun the layout amounts of the offwT_ imo areas Of n_tual In elc,_lr_P-/d of area bc pos_b_ l_On and the. menl gcn- facing iron. masa_ Ofl-w_ inauoa wc, aldofcour,_ a_c_ _tl aulOm•ll_ mamt_ The pfesenl d_n ma_d_n 4.001.5-/I, c.Icm! tcquhe _ued bc dlscusscd a_c d_s_-d Martin OI modular me ¢tw.l_t:_t_ll_f 6o CO_RrO_ C_rGttl! I|owcvet. d_ig_ in O_at mil/2cd CX_mI_ _rff_._ U!S. wafio_ IOC:hnlqur_ in the of tlba:5_ Pat. as Ihc an ataificwbcn actuator the illumina- of Onto color, illuminat_o_ colorccl gya_u- _.cr,_o_r cnelgy xvilb typ_ to Ibm: energy a pfe_elemi_ light _r_ _' • vest' in 10S. IqO. othe¢ may,be control 65 PaL and In otbe¢ ._o a_ to _tlG- po3odlcalty lights. _n_c_nt the. _- ambkmt vary- The inlct_y tts_ Of the Tim dday clccui- fog a dead bat the i_teJtd ._0_[C,c lath; below of tlmc_ Th_ zo_c or a _pi_l ¢lcct_:'al supplic_ if the a pt't_llelca'min_! Itmll wlfich .soo_cc NO. 3.180,978. in_clud_ t>f a_tificlal of artifmial does a cloud _ot wall-mountr_d dlumlnation in pt ovld_ intently. energy illummmmn a sd_oclod dlscloxc_ a fl_cmali0_s of hght_ng foe of changc_ somce r,h:c_ic_l amb_nt of tfansk_t cllmlnatcs vassage of acccplable sooloc Io llghring system doc- cont¢OI e avera_,g oppos_ to the automa6cally Of illumha_l/o_ in U S. Pal. s}rslon _x by lira zot_ an to an arttfmL_l Io_g-tlm, tJ_ coll to be cxlfibilcd _ to the c_eJgy Icspom_ve o4[ tl_ having time dlsclo_s is d_sig_ed light of ckclfical fmta4 Mg. o_.e_rgy _ flow as woold 3,210.611. wl_:h to clmagc_ such ticm No. ¢itctfit te_pom_e illum;natlon dlurn- _uming ¢t:::_U]llng O[ docla-lcal in the illuml. real _ Ib_ of clc_tri- such rh:al multi-" hrom illumL'hatt_m _ co_trolled by F4ac*ng in _ w, ith the sourc_ o1 illum_m_t/o_ flow llghi of illumhtatlou. tochnlqucs O_l-to_ Io f_om 53, alumina- to'nat AS th_ reduc_cs of into a photo- p_ssage electrical a st/bject ilht_uadou the otrl wa_dly cooling Sm.c_c the lord will ly1:tOn t_tt_l Iccluuqttcs biancb_ clT_ul_ a coffin! llghDng of the _dy • all to o_,tw_d horn no c_posme thereby _ drlv_ the hgb; source appar- di_oction. a clr_t power below the which d'_closcs gr;_dually of different K_amke.. at tl_ elect falls ct:,t_ing and the|col. whk:h of artificial arlll_l _ ovc_r relay, p_ovide._ inlem/ta= o/an I]_L_ sy_cm OUlpo! is _ct_ted. artificial sOmC._ I¢oopl_:al u_ntai_ additkmal an for upon 2,078,6T/. and then illm_inmc ctally ilhmtlna- area ck_ llttlc _o_ t_ftt inv_aliOu tO grids to control fight periOd:oily out- repot 50 tO supplc- tl_c s_pax•ted having Colltrol would moor over icx_mre may windows nation_ only cclatlvdy • _e.as _b_has_t/_ly f_g modexn atca_ may of hal maJ in illuminal*on w_ndtrws while Ics,_ from o_ the _L_c_ t._nl_l_-_t_h iIhtmlnal_ _l_rmi_tgO_ co_tau! In this tlic alt]ftc*a} n.._tural relatively t,_ t o soLsc use _ t/o_ ing as through wlndow_ tkyllghts, etc. If areaL_ roctivlng similar amotm_ o/natural iUum/nal_o_a a*e defined, thou /t n_y illumlnal_ vOIUIgf non-budged which tl_ 14o. natur_ art/- a pho4o- In a single disdo_e_ of light app•ratu_ A.s the de'vlcc ally coloured 45 can whk::h of limit. I_ to the illuminal_ contacts • control d_y _ t_ couplod in US. lighting ol interval to th_ tluough by i_ acocp4able_ _c_llaic. is utilized ¢:nergy Is I]he =_ ut tied to the multivlbtator _ power ¢'x*_J:f_ illummato_x incide.nc_ exmpled begln_ l_mg. ial 40 s_,itch wh*w..h umy Im utthz_l In supply head|ighls of an _utomob;Ic, the lighting so,_ce deto_tor the lure OOItlfO_ the Supply ofd_cdtrocfion electrical motor Tim a toleranc_ by the whde level The illumination • tubc4ypc of dlgmi. m a stmp_ moire" can be ddvem only in U-q. Pat. No. 2.920,247. os_llal_OO cad _5 between dlummal_ modules _mlhur modular p_ovkk: to level of ht_e_ is coupled to asfifieial artificial multi_or of trine by conuo_-from 6Ocycle Ihe_inumlnifion eJ•lly_eoe_vc have twitch Of art_fmial Z77 Ca_dul btfildlng_s one of vt4btratof ¢tc_ systems • the and such not level applied d/scloxes _claSive _ _c_rgy is I_d o/intczcsL w_.h to a single scq,,_t:t_tlaUy live dcslgners slncc they arc _ Imilding wdl inf_-- illuminallon, an area to artlf_| the clicuh Is oU_/izcd the _ produced No_ 3,961.183. which ts:r_ag C_Tall enexgy intcg_tmg with _.as of I_llumingt;on an cxtc.r_lcd PaL photo<l_ector utilizing. Contln_t- floqu_ttly ovc_ _ ently the Fisher, re- Au the_rcln, point, dcswcd in illumination the does pwee o- _ in- lyslem adjestable wl_n level k_cL f0_ cl_l area _: o_cupamts of meJ'cly illuminatoff tl_ L m U_S. taotot 72, switches which a single vafia_ons source _talo_ tr/cal fiawith ot-_ 0¢ twic_ I)cf day in tesponvr, to tht: sun b_ng scored by eominuous layers of cloud_ smog. fog. dcvole level b£1ow wh_ hicldcm 2O Imt of inclclxmdcntly the ficinl FI_ am at_o- _ cm_L'_gy to of J]llumination of co.tro41ing a phoIoc_ll being ck_lncal storm with us_ paper. hvlug dlumlnatioo. falls sp*m,aod dr_ch_cs for photocdl of v_aro: d_vldct as forms, the s4::_c_tivc dclcctolr for lighting poweJ oco_pas_ controls of Debo lira c.dling as wc/I The being when and tmilding O¢.C_panL_ of tin: that t_'-evexl varlcty the th_tow of or false These on-off from va/iable dftctatc it_ modular _vitch. the co0struC6oo beating modules a pow_ arc power Ibc fixture*. asrangext inte._ml_ equaha.c 15 system ohrot_t of p_e.dct_mainc/J hghtaftlfu3xal Airchlt_- _s g_y and • bridge _omCc |he of photosc_Stiv¢ th_'_il_i 10. ar6faCtal from lslc_. 3.4Sg.770. conuol pqp0_mr¢ =atlo_ Ggbtlng fixtxt(ts, generally of space belwe_a the suspended illummado,a by of II1< adjusled. pto,_d{ng bmkli_gt. ceiling hghting ge_'ally genctal|y move th_ kvel and hacand_ent on e,Cluad ccU/ng for conlrolk-d and • suslmmtod ai*-conditloalng trk:d he g,_crd_y smpcnd_ lypc. Th_ total d_paurtmg system , la_ U S. Pat_ ;nl_ptotl usod _ o/Tw._ llnfitafion$ corn•re*c/a/ - olfioe spaoc may dlumi. .Art Ptlof fialmc* ccO_omlc _mloral th_ chtd_ comft_ illum__n2_ malutzmc(I a_¢ g¢o_lly within mod_u and ceifing d_ hghtlag mg fu_tutcs iHl_mi=atloa a _ght_g of concern dlum_6ou of w'Dthom pr_t Derelict maticl_BI)ting of attlftcJad y $opplcmcnt is geJu:r-_lly kvd In intensity Io autom)ricall present " "" INVENTION 3 inv_ntlon ill_t_ the lure•lion for conUo|lmg h o(def THE SYSTEM " to period an illuminawindow c_*_atmg DIL-00572 Page JA 0966 147 4,'233,545 frm bchlr_ the Ar_ out_._dc -- dcscc_ Ihe and coLg_pond_ngly ingon for - n(>rln_fcolmg-¢_ted pho¢osc_o_r _'_J_alnatloa 3 Cnta_._ty ofc_0u_l adlut_t_xh'e-l_U,ght- zhemttC_cL_lw*ndowlopioduccdmilar the [ool_. lh_J¢:by in the intensities _ol c_¢cu_ may fo_ _Jupply_ng _xltm tcrnal f_lls lh_ whm be.low nof_ th_ This- fo_ dcec_rnint_g Zotto m photodlodc with inl_ity pholodtodc Th_ artlf_iad _t¢:m for ._clcvw._-- _rOuM whu:h /.g II_ ol)_atiOn ch_mgc_ f_om 1_hu_x lag f_ PaL Ho of utd_d in t[_po_tat_on 3,_3,104. el_ly powc_c_l lamps. lun_._. in U_S _kc tr/_al h_hlmg and b_¢_Ic a modern in _ *o _nals 11_ lights Irom f_om di_los_ cont_ollol |)_ _ a Ioa_l. budding !h_ h Nat_<_l h_clud_ McCall. _ flow _ a is rotatc'_l lcvd o_ _. i_t_ pr_r samila¢ dgsss_ x_ts ,Set_ No. II_ arl upon I_1o_1 on Dec 361/173, 149. TI_ wh_ shorted oL'_plablc 1"/4, _e 175, I_I. IS2. T. 155. also inch_ch_s ubhzc • _5S ll."m_ until the threshold level hmmt A 45 signal • ling O_L_de and then act_t_g o_d_r having of _luafinaUon a_- "l_hc *npt,L_ asc thrn thc of is the d,Etc-_t_r is coupIdd a distal. s_nsed dluminafion hrrfit and clock a d_v_ _gC dc- a towc. s*gnal ;c_cr. Th_ one of tb4: power a cofr<_ondlng the gean_rating mcceiving a shift for within for din.in•finn into hghting p_ovidecl illu_a_tlom Upon F_ fed mclud<_, a be_tw_cn limit _ _*n upw d<_gns i_ov/d_ shdt the rcg_st_t con,,of reduce kvci',_ tim will dano_ x_lth in This Ihc sy_cm illuminatlom_. of IE_ " ivity _;yst_nm throug_h the pro.scat by the writ which: of am imc_iO_ _tcm control nalttf-al p_c_ent of the ins.aUral _oom _n actor for gcgulati_g so as IO suplph:n_nl the Z lilacs ci_c,sit_/_tilizc_ in _vcnl_m illum/natio_ of a _tudy illuslration hghlhag DRAWINGS adx.antagc:s tl_c drawings autom_l_ prov_lod of _ntcz_ I_c.sc_/t_ appatoal and a_tlf_ial bridge oi[ iUumlnalao_a. I _ a p,c_p,cctivc an .scnsitlvlty rcL_llvd.y fc_twrc:_ and bc of th_ thcrcb</wccn D "-----------------F_CRII'i+'ION OF "rllE obj_cL% having nodre; cooplmg ol- d_r/pt,on FIG. -_-_c_oat_oi tl_ illuml- $1Jm_lgbl_ a schm-a_tlc d/g-r_'n of _a tlhc ft_t In_e_t bridge and cmbodi- menloftl_pg¢_u_tmVrmtiO_L FiG+ 65 3 illus_nt_ power fcrrod F'_G_ unac- corobinahons _nd _ontrol embodiment l_m:_c'_l + to to de_cc an hnlTcdano_ Signal increasing lower FIG. error mutual generally -EF embodtrncht, tl¢ tends IS8, couph'd p_c_cfgL'd coadillol_ and an Of an or_ an of *U_rni- illumination dluminallO_ a_O_ In nat_o _J_. 136. Inpot_ crossc_ and _f_iai to ruodulc_ within _cl detector d_ocIof dunng 55 + the An couplmg ten many AL. enticing and hmiL _gnal .veniSon" T_c m Ih_ follow_-" Off__c_c. 362/I. _ g5. +_arious ¢nctgy COnenergy Of |;ght,ng a dc_ircd phot<_cnsifivc rc_pons*vc crro_ BRI a_c This 153. dluntmataon Of clo:uIcal dlumin•t_.._n n•luraJ _o _s to _olO_itive Other 1o tl_ 2J0/214 _o to •n flow tO a p/ut_hty th_ natural error d_tdng _c-_po_s_vc 315/ISI, the/col sp+_cc_ II_: while of the inhc¢cnt INVENTION the el_-ctncal th_ wh_Jh ;_:lu- a id_otocdL o_h_r_ arl _ of oL.shr.-_ ph_c. ilhLqrat_vc 197. 311. and source modules_ th_ _dcrc_c_ 124.132 • dcvlcc 1976. is I>_tiodg _tiggc_mg TT_ dlur_tio_ contgol apparatus of l_owcr con_ollcrs cac_. interposed Ja z first 75_.977 rcfctc'nyx__localc+d-gcnc_ally olrU S Palca_t 307/116,117, to wl_-_h 23. with natio,a plurality is COoplb._ p_admg This _tchcs OI • C_rcul_ inc_t apphc_t_on ct]_rgy name clock of st!hal I_l_ so a_ tO adluSLthc t_al I_vcl of illumar*at_wwith_th_ intcxior _lpaC_ tO fad w_thm t_ acceptable range o_mld a c_r¢c_ zpaOc (of s_l_- m II_c the mo¢o¢ in StclYs by 40 Pat_ wh_h o/dlummatlon. o4[ m<:rcory _umhrat_oa corded typ_ dcv,cc application a_b.O_l IhC CiI'Cundc_c¢_cc phtc in U S ol'_J_-_t_l In also pl_o_'_l,vc and _pa_c Adm,n_trat_on mochan/cal moto_ which a plushly _-_t_] and an designs rctatc_ cont_olllng a SOut_ illumination _pOn- ,ccl,f-_ of th_ to _cld-m_L_l so_tccs im_clud¢_ of Inv_iloII for fim+ed b_wcem tl_ c'_mt_ol of compulcr coauolled A_o_aau_g • b/diroct/o_d cmu_gy the gmc:s gh_ _cvcl_ intc_o[ In to an cloc- _hool invcnl/oo _amphng s._xmp/_, fals_ aft THE OF su_Ict_r_tin£ _nt_tior of L_ controllmg o_ _tm_s_ S_padcat U*_ilocl osc t_hliLattoo tl_ _oups fo[r _,e_ng tho_: _c_po_iv_ d_s_lo_ • s_gral fo_ controlling Ihc 30 two as {ndcpc,_lcat _uGc_CR) Rd_ence 159. off:co through a! the local 1.249.805 IqT; for by _ot 3.767.924. • com_¢c_ _t*onx Z_ 35 _ach *s obtained Iocml dctcctc_x c_ PaL _ of b_ a Kght- at lea_ _,_h F_ch laaa_p_ _ _'xd_e_d_ngt_ co_ oUcd. a level Of amb_ni dlomin_l_on_ C_a_l_ of for _lar[- d_.clo_c_ w_lh I)f¢:_L'nl from to a _urc_ whoa the pl_¢ot_nst_tor c_d_tion to a non- b<_ng utd_zed foe grOUpS • I(_d -['hc troI Sy_lcrn c_gy Ct_cua! _ p_OV_l_d of th_ ,clay an din.mated symptom _o_r_l the p_o+ SUMMARY _plplymg to will dlun_una- prc_:at thctcto to climi_lc _o¢crn_nt_ov_d thereby 20 off- coopl_ clocked network lyp_c.ally s,cl:_,_te u_,c cdea Coati.onus tc_ls th_ R-C device, o1+ arl,l_cial tlu: and rc.spoosivc T_ 555 level lact- R-C ol the t_,ggcr (:Jrcumst_,_._ winch thi'g deign clock and samlding in l_c son.co wtth pct_l_ally g<:an_rate_l of the/ntcn_t¥ luras •_c pul_ in th_ a co_t_n_O_S illumimtton g_y _.04trv_ co_ol In cOntraLti 15 which the 3.gTg.439. d_lo_ a I>_oto¢o a Schm_lt I_gg_r a_t_ng t_ming A m US_ control not on and m turn energy_ to attll'K:_ml liming false Oflh_ th_ the tl_ tl_ clock ll.)iL_iion 38 l_[ccnt Und_ Ibc:sc t*_gg¢t • fals4: change _ilizc_ b,_dgc. of a lalch_ng • O_[ I_ across by _.Ko*t,ng ',all dunng inpuB volt_gc c_catcd gc_/ly co.rant fccros._cx Io groo, g_L Ol_: iml_al_,_ llmc any_m.c of illuminal_ when lhc If _t _n-tJ[_ tl_ _pl_oxtr_atc|y p¢odoong • upon Ibtci]bold. anise p4_t_od the levd mp_ra_ - -_ cxcc¢:_ prod_c_ d_clos_ i_nt but n_c_cly dctc_Ao( cl¢_t_h:al Of a rc_Ktancc do_ _minal_on In a relay leg powe_ tllura_t_x, a_ a |h_hold 3.629.649. op_r aDo_ in U_S PaL No which is co.plod Ctoz,c'_. I_mLs¢O_ _+ the ek_-_g_:a] aruf_¢_l No_ illnf_fin_t_o_ oonL_olllng ill_m_t_ of one of Supt_ic_ oflbc P_t conq>d_ng II_ wh_h I/S _ I_mlag ace _';_'_FICd llOn. Dcl tl_c :h<: a_rop_ate d_sign 14) In _lumi- having lit_¢:_ the Io exartif_L_l _l_nr_l cxlerna| netw<_rk .• wo_-k -_oltagc _alural lira,t- illum_na(_,_ _c_pon_vc doc_ not COntrOl tl_c so as to _mpldcmc_ S conI_ghts external R*C iIlumln_llOn vaff_)_$ a t_cdetcrmir_rd controls _n/¢rnal dlum_nL_tiOn, but :llumi_On hghun_ dm_tlag _n :16(: t_mlng o4 r,_lural hghhng Th_ clcctlh_al _ _ c_c'd 'to. the ovc_hc_l pow¢:_r |h_cto Blum_nat,on 4 illumtn_li<__ 4 p, ovldcs col*lzol a schematic c_rcorlry of the a truth of dc_rcd o_cn.lry diagram ul_l/+_cl pcc_cnt or s:gm_i Iogh_ lah4c in for from FIG D11+-005+3 JA 0967 thc tl_ logic tirol prc- invention+ outpuls a_ ilh:_t_ al_l of in th_ the vatlo_ bridg(: 2_ Page 148 ) _ 4.233.545 DETAILED DESC.RiffflON OF dcnll rgEFER.gEO EMt_ODIMEhrr A fit_t matic p,rcforcd embodiment control fightin£ of system in having _nnhght cxtctaaal may "n_ ck_uonk: vwh_h shis of automal_a]ly fgom t_ _e .s_l_l_mcs_ wath atlftc_l I_c 'v-_zlablc illumination, hu:::axk:_nt o_ flooJcsCcnt llghl AS _lm_lc_ in RG goats-ally shown the mt_ aaglc sunlight s,_llon pa.w_g ilhtm_tation IS. both o4" she OIt'otlgb h_o 16. etc. A _ arld-lc_al will tot- IS to hddgc The commands o:cmuy an dcdvcd which portmn actuatc_, typically moumc0 17 fo_ theretO. tbe manner A l_:he_nati_ oDhc ing the dla_t-am systcmin is shown genexa/ly scr/_ with form One leg 31 rerdsto¢ and y of an the _egzrd- 7_ The cOup/d by light- a rcy.iSto_r _0_ A circuit a pot_ntt_n_ter ano_h_ d_c45 33 so as to rcslstot 35 is _16 anO"ar_oshc.f 32 leg of detector. fvr_ _m_ node of the secoad th_ leg 3Z of Isldgc t:vc dclcc_o¢ nod_ danc_ t_vc luted ally bridgc 1O and tl_ [oe.lh 1] 30. wh_cas forms the no_ ciscult 30 A by tbe oouldmg rcslstot node 37. dcfmcd DC h_put _cpfc:w.nt port 10. arc ChOSen ._uch is Couplctt and 43 into comparator port ton inc/dclat to • upon within In th_ as V i I_,c the •nd V_ foc_be socond -ode. wi_h the dumgmg hnic,_LmO_ will vary.'u_-: of she ¢boto_;- IO. "]['yp_ca_ly _ • mod_ tl_tcfm_ ch•raClC_zed sln_d_r _ pho(o-_eny._;vc CKSO_. Mamdactming _csp0nsc$ _ such Co. tO th_ of human photo_c_t_e _u__ dcvt<c as 3fd eye itl•y /_ _ctt_toi wl_ch du4_L_y_ 42 poet I_r_J wh_;h the first SO tlh_t_ttk: if any by Avc_. sub_ is gc_¢_• tc_occ_d of tbe inpul b_dg_ voltage change iml_dancc . _ot_g_ 40 at to the o_ttpu