The Empirical Study on Influence Factors of Word-of-mouth Value of Customer Equity Lin Sun1, Ai-wu Cheng2, Huang-juan Wang2 Department of Management, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an, China Department of Management, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an, China (, 1 2 Abstract - The research of the measure of customer equity has been given more emphasis by domestic and foreign scholars, but the study of word-of-mouth value which is regarded as one of the important composition of customer equity is scarce. On the basis of theoretical analysis of word-of-mouth value by domestic and foreign scholars, this paper establishes a concept model of influence factors of word-of-mouth value of customer equity, and verifies the concept model by structural equation model. The results improve that many factors of word-of-mouth infector and receiver have great impact on the value of word-of-mouth. Keywords - Customer equity, influence structural equation model, word-of-mouth value factors, Ⅰ. FOREWORD Nowadays the spread of word-of-mouth is considered as the cheapest and high reliability tool of dissemination of information for its characteristics as fast speed, low price and be accepted easily. The spread of word-ofmouth of customer plays an important role in increasing the value of customer equity by cutting down customer cost and improving competitive ability of enterprises. Therefore, it is one of the important composition of customer equity. To make the best use of the value of customer word-of-mouth, the research of the factors of the value of word-of-mouth in customer life cycle is essential. These factors can help enterprises identify the valuable customer and take effective measures to consolidate, maintain and increase customer equity. However, recent research, especially the empirical research of influence factors of customer word-of-mouth is scarce. Based on this background, this paper establishes a concept model of influence factors of customer word-of-mouth value under traditional spread of word-of-mouth model from word-ofmouth infector and word-of-mouth receiver, and verifies the concept model by structural equation model. Finally, the key influence factors of the value of customer wordof-mouth and their connection are obtained. The results of this paper might have stimulative effect on perfecting and deepening the research of customer equity, and provide some reference for establishing measure model of the value of customer word-of-mouth. _____________________ National Natural Science Foundation of China (70672116) Ⅱ. LITERATURE REVIEW Since the conception of customer equity was proposed by Robert Blattberg and John Deighton in 1996, the relevant research has achieved a series of fruition and the area and composition of the research has been improved step by step. In 2000, Rust et al observed that customer equity was made up of equity value, brand equity and maintain equity[1]. After that, Heinz. k. Stahl (2003)[2]and other scholars suggest that customer lifetime value consists of basis potential, growth potential, network potential and learning potential, of which network potential means the cash flow brought by the new customers who are affected with spread of customer word-of-mouth. At this point, the value of word-of-mouth is viewed as an important composition of the value of customer equity. Julian Villanueva and other researchers (2006)[3] further describe the long-lasting effects from word-of-mouth recommendation to the value of enterprise and customer equity by empirical study using VAR model. Domestic scholars also analyze the value of wordof-mouth of customer equity, such as Tao Wang believes customer lifetime value is the sum of customer purchase value, customer word-of-mouth value, customer information value, customer knowledge value and customer dealing value[4]. Jun-tao Zhang and other scholars (2006) [5] discuss the issue from a different perspective, they put forward that customer equity consists of repurchase value, increase purchase value, premium purchase value, cross purchase value, word-ofmouth value and information value. Under these analyses, we conclude that the relation of customer word-of-mouth value and customer equity is generally accepted, but only a few scholars make a theoretical analysis of the influence factors of customer equity word-of-mouth value, there is still lack of further empirical research. In this situation, a model of the influence factors of customer equity word-of-mouth value is presented in this article, and it is also analyzed and verified. Ⅲ. MODEL AND HYPOTHESIS The process of spread of word-of-mouth includes two subjects, the infector and the receiver, and an object, the information. The three factors are indispensable to spread of word-of-mouth. Any of them affects efficiency. For enterprises, customer word-of-mouth value is the most direct embodiment of the effect of spread of word-ofmouth. Arndt (1967) defines spread of word-of-mouth as “face to face verbal communication between the infector and the receiver” [6]. Anderson considers that the value created by customers in the process of promoting the brand which increase sales volume and proceeds forms customer word-of-mouth value, and the value is relevant to the strength and the scale of influence of the customers themselves [7]. Chuan Huang and Ai-wu Cheng (2008) [8] suggest that customer word-of-mouth value embodies the direct proceeds brought by the influenced people, therefore, the purchase value of influenced people has positive correlation with customer word-of-mouth value. In the research of the influence factors of customer word-of-mouth value, Gilly et al[9] (1998) observes that there are mainly three influence factors of purchase decision of the receiver: characteristic of sources of information, homogeneity of infector and receiver and characteristic of receiver. Bansal and Voyer (2000) [10] further demonstrate Gilly’s viewpoint, they divide the influence factors of purchase decision of the receiver into interpersonal factors and inhuman interpersonal factors. Jian-xin Liu and Xue-yang Chen (2007) [11] conclude that the influence factors of the infector are spread desire, spread ability and spread opportunity; the influence factors of the receiver are characters of the receiver, receive desire, receive ability and so on. Zi-lin Zhang (2009)[12] indicates that the influence factors of the infector include spread motive, spread ability and spread opportunity; the influence factors of the receiver are involved degree and expert knowledge. At the same time, she considers relation strength of infector and receiver, comparability of population statistics and comparability of cognition as important influence factors. Chuan Huang [13] believes that the main influence factors of word-ofmouth value of customer equity include potential customer purchase capacity, potential customer purchase probability and potential customer purchase value, and establishes a measure model of word-of-mouth value of customer equity. Based on the works previously, we don’t discuss the information of word-of-mouth in order to simplify the research in this paper. We sum up the influence factors of the infector in spread desire, spread ability and spread opportunity, the influence factors of the receiver are summed up in receive desire, receive ability, relation strength of infector and receiver and homogeneity. And we consider these seven factors as independent variable. As for the composition of word-of-mouth value of customer equity, we use the measure model of word-ofmouth value established by Chuan Huang for reference, and consider purchase probability and purchase value as dependent variable. Finally, we establish a concept model of influence factors of word-of-mouth value of customer equity. As shown in Figure 1. Word-of-mouth infector Spread desire Spread ability Spread opportunity Purchase probability Customer equity value Word-of-mouth receiver Receive desire Receive ability Relation strength Homogeneity Purchase value Fig. 1. A concept model of influence factors of word-of-mouth value of customer equity. In accordance with the factors above, we put forward the following assumptions considering the research object. 1) As the subject of the information spread, the wordof-mouth infector’s many factors may have a direct impact on word-of-mouth value. The influence factors of the infector are spread desire、spread ability and spread opportunity. We can propose the following hypotheses according to the analyses. H1a: the spread desire of the infector has positive correlation with purchase probability. H1b: the spread desire of the infector has positive correlation with purchase value. H2a: the spread ability of the infector has positive correlation with purchase probability. H2b: the spread ability of the infector has positive correlation with purchase value. H3a:the spread opportunity of the infector has positive correlation with purchase probability. H3b: the spread opportunity of the infector has positive correlation with purchase value. 2) The receiver is a direct embodiment of the results of spread of word-of-mouth. Consumers will keep what they need and screen out what they don’t want after they received a great deal of information. In this process, receive desire 、 receive ability 、 relation strength of infector and receiver and homogeneity of the receiver will have impact on purchase decision. We can propose the following hypotheses according to the analyses. H4a: the receive desire of the receiver has positive correlation with purchase probability. H4b: the receive desire of the receiver has positive correlation with purchase value. H5a: the receive ability of the receiver has positive correlation with purchase probability. H5b: the receive ability of the receiver has positive correlation with purchase value. H6a: the relation strength of infector and receiver has positive correlation with purchase probability. H6b: the relation strength of infector and receiver has positive correlation with purchase value. H7a: the homogeneity of infector and receiver has positive correlation with purchase probability. H7b: the homogeneity of infector and receiver has positive correlation with purchase value. e1 e2 e3 e4 X1 .69 .82 X2 .75 X3 .58 .62 X4 .5 spread desire 1 .46 Ⅳ. RESEARCH METHOD A. Questionnaire Design and Data Analysis The scale of this paper is presented by using mature scale from home and abroad and considering the characteristics of word-of-mouth spread. The research objects are people who use computer frequently, mainly including the social relations of the author and college students. This survey uses the method of random sampling, which is mainly in the form of paper questionnaire and e-questionnaire. We send out altogether 300 questionnaires and got back 251. The valid questionnaires are 221 and the ratio of callback of valid questionnaire is 73.67%, which comply to the requirements of statistical analysis. This paper analyses reliability and validity of the data using SPSS16.0 [14]. The reliability of the data is tested by inner consistency, coefficient α of individual element in this table is more than 0.7, the outcome shows this table has good credibility. The validity of measuring variable includes content validity and construct validity. Content validity is a subjective evaluation indexes. The measurement of each variable is formed from mature research by domestic and foreign scholars, so content validity is good. Construct validity is an ability of measurement through scale, which measures a series of assumptions of variables’ relation caused by theory. The paper verifies validity of the scale by the principal component analysis. First, we do Bartlett's Test of Sphericity, the value of KMO is more than 0.6, then pick up a component only after varimax rotation, accounting for more than 55% of the variance, the probability of significance is 0. 000. This shows that the data of the samples are suited to factor analysis and the design of the whole scale has a good construct validity. B. Verification of the Concept Model The article tests variables’ relation which is under the assumption of the theory model by structural equation model, and analyses the results of the path coefficients of the model using software Amos7.0. When firstly fit the model, according to the standard of CR>1.96 in structural parameters and their statistical coefficients, the results of statistical indicators of the goodness of fit from the structural model show that the data fit well. The road map of structural equation of the influence factors of word-ofmouth value of customer equity is shown in Figure 2. e5 X5 e6 X6 e7 X7 e8 e9 .4 5 .17 purchase probability .82 . .74 .76 .78 X8 X9 e10 X10 e33 X1 9 X2 .7 0 8.8 X2 1 1 X22 e1 9 e2 0 e2 1 e2 2 .20 Y1 .6 1 .12 .6 receive 9.6 desire 6 .0 7 spread ability X2 receive .9 ability 3 .8 3 .07 1.6 X2 4 .25 5 .17 X25 e2 3 e2 4 e25 .10 .5 1 purchase value .59 .72 .64 spread opportunity .73 e11 X11 .2 5 .45 .18 .87 Y2 .7 relation 7.8 strength 5 X2 6 X2 .7 7 X28 4 e2 6 e2 7 e28 .3 8 .72 X29 e29 .84 X30 e30 .72 X31 e31 e3 4 homogen eity Fig. 2. Road map of structural equation of the influence factors of wordof-mouth value of customer equity. The results of analysis of path coefficients are as follows: (1) “spread desire →purchase value”(C.R.=1.275, P=.033), C.R. is less than critical C.R.=1.96, it doesn’t pass significance testing, namely the structural parameter is 0 in the statistical sense. This indicates that spread desire has nothing to do with purchase value; (2) The values of C.R. of other structural parameters are more than 1.96, they all pass significance testing, and the values are all positive. Therefore, there is a positive relationship between the variables. The path coefficients of structural equation model and results of hypothesis testing are given in Table 1. TABLEⅠ PATH COEFFICIENTS OF STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODEL AND RESULTS OF HYPOTHESIS TESTING Hypothesis H1a H1b H2a H2b H3a H3b H4a H4b H5a H5b H6a H6b H7a H7b Standard coefficient 0.499 0.548 0.415 0.487 0.498 0.574 0.161 0.057 0.195 0.092 0.237 0.077 0.223 0.150 C.R. 6.762 8.702 6.212 7.942 7.030 8.974 2.673 1.275 3.348 2.132 3.531 1.988 3.271 2.954 P *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 0.033 0.008 0.002 *** 0.018 0.001 0.003 Conclusion Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Ps: *** means there is significance under the level of 0.001 Ⅴ. CONCLUSION AND INSPIRE According to the analyses above, we can summarize as follows: 1) The word-of-mouth value of customer equity is measured in purchase probability and purchase value, and it is affected by seven factors, such as spread desire, spread ability and spread opportunity of the infector, receive desire, receive ability, relation strength of infector and receiver and homogeneity of the receiver. 2) Among the purchase probability path coefficients, the influence factors are in the following descending order: spread desire、spread opportunity、spread ability 、 relation strength 、 homogeneity、 receive ability and receive desire; among the purchase value path coefficients, the influence factors are in the following descending order: spread opportunity 、 spread desire 、 spread ability、homogeneity、receive ability and receive desire. In conclusion, to make the best use of customer equity, the effective utilization of customer word-ofmouth spread is essential. Companies have to take advantaged measures, increase the spread desire and opportunity of the loyal customers, which can bring more customers, increase the amount of customer purchase and make more profits for enterprises. Acknowledgment This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 70672116. Aiwu Cheng is a corresponding author, and her email is References [1] Roland T. Rust, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Katherine N. Lemon, “Driving customer equity: how customer lifetime value is reshaping corporate strategy (Book style),” New York: The Free Press, 2000. [2] Hein K, “Linking customer lifetime value with shareholder value (Periodical style),” Industrial Marketing Management, no. 32, pp. 267–279, 2003. [3] Julian Villanueva, Shijin Yoo and Dominique M. Hanssens, “The impact of marketing-induced vs. word-of-mouth customer acquisition on customer equity (Periodical style),” Working paper, 2006. 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