Research on Allocation of Port Cargo Handling Machinery Based on Production Efficiency of Handling System and Energy Consumption Xue-shu Liu 1, Bin Yang 2 1 Logistics Research Center, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China; 2 Logistics Research Center, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China; ( Abstract - At present, there are less economic researches on port cargo handling machinery configuration than researches about optimal scheduling port cargo handling machinery. Studies that take economic factors into account to establish the quantity allocation model of port cargo machinery mostly pursue the lowest cost or maximum operating efficiency and fail to consider the energy consumption of port cargo handling machinery. This study establishes the allocation model based on production efficiency and energy consumption of port cargo machinery following port cargo handling machinery allocation principles after analyzing the economic factors of port cargo machinery configuration. And this study helps improve the efficiency of general cargo port and reduce its energy consumption. Keywords - Port cargo handling machinery, quantity allocation model, production efficiency, energy consumption I. INTRODUCTION Handling machinery constitutes the main productive activities that generate income for port industries but also requires huge initial capital investment. Therefore, it is significant to allocate the quantity of port handling machinery. Currently, there are many researches relating to configuration of port cargo handling machinery. For example, Dong Ming Wang proposed a new evaluation index, developed an integer programming model and solved the model using the dynamic programming principle.[1-4] However, careful analysis has discovered that, most of the researches on port handling machinery configuration problems departed from the perspective of optimal scheduling. The handling machinery configuration studies are mostly based on lowest cost or operational efficiency as the objective function for the consideration of energy consumption from the point of view of reducing the logistics cost of the equipment. These studies did not effectively control energy consumption and take energy saving and emission reduction in the port as a port management objective.[5][6] Based on the above, this paper analyzes the basic factors influencing port cargo handling machinery configuration in accordance with the principles of handling machinery configuration, economically analyzed the scheme of configuration of port cargo handling machinery established a configuration model for cargo handling machinery based on production efficiency and energy consumption which will not only effectively control the handling costs but also improve production efficiency of the cargo terminal, while reducing the energy consumption of the port handling machinery as well as achieving the objective of saving energy and reducing emission. II. METHODOLOGY A. Configuration principle Configuration of port cargo handling machinery directly affects the process and efficiency of the cargo terminal’s handling, thereby affecting the productivity of the entire port. To ensure the efficient and economic operation of the port cargo handling system, the handling machinery configuration should be according to the following principles:[7-9] 1) Applicability and advanced principle: The nominal operating capacity and quantity of machinery are determined by various factors including the type of cargo. The basic principle of cargo handling machinery configuration must therefore be suitable to meet the demand for cargo handling. In addition, mechanical devices - handling machinery- have a certain degree of operating capacity during their economic life. This must therefore be fully considered in relation to obsolesce due to future technological development and progress in port handling machinery in order to maintain a high technology in their economic life cycle. 2) Economic and systematic principle: economy is an import index of measuring port handling system. The economic benefit of port handling systems is directly reflected by the cost of acquisition of handling machinery, fuel costs and maintenance costs. The objective of port handling machinery configuration is to minimize the cost of handling machinery during its life cycle while meeting the operating demand under reasonable technological advancement. Therefore a rational economic analysis of port handling machinery is of great significance for the effective control of their cost and improvement in production efficiency of the entire port. B. Factors of Economic influence: There are many economic factors that influence the configuration of port cargo handling machinery categorized into four major aspects: mechanical factor, handling method factor, cargo factors and port factor.[10-12] 1) Mechanical factors: The technical performance, handling volume etc. of the handling machinery itself is an important factor which influences the configuration of port cargo handling machinery. 2) Handling method factor: a reasonable port handling method scheme not only can make full use of handling machinery, but also avoid excessive waste of handling machinery. 3) Cargo factor: cargo is the object of port handling operation and therefore the one factor that affects the configuration of port handling machinery the most. 4) Port factor: The port factor is an important factor that influences the configuration of port handling machinery as it is the port that provides the basic infrastructure which determines the range and conditions within which the machinery and equipment will operate. C The Model Establishment According to the above, the article establishes a configuration model of port cargo handling machinery based on the production efficiency and energy consumption with a full consideration of the energy consumption of handling machinery. The notation and model are as follows:[5][6][8][13][14] Notation: m planning horizon {1,…,m} n planning horizon {1,…,n} z set of integers pi output per machine hour of handling machinery type i c gi annual fixed costs of per handling machinery type i c bi annual variable costs per handling machinery type i x i allocation quantity of handling machinery type i y i annual operation hours of handling machinery type i equipment efficiency ratio of handling machinery type i k li equipment utilization ratio of handling machinery type i p j output per machine hour of handling machinery k wi type j Model: s.t. y i x i k wi 24 365 k li 0 for all i m (4) ' y i x i k wi 24 365 k li 0 for all i m (5) m n p x i p q for all i m ,all j n (6) i 1 i j 1 j j (7) xi , yi 0, for all xi z, i m The model maximizes the production efficiency of the port cargo handling system and production efficiency of the port cargo handling system (the ratio between total output and total investment of the port cargo handling system) and minimizes the variable costs of total investment in port cargo handling system. Constraint (3) specifies the rang of operating hours of handling machinery of type i. Constraints (4) and (5) specify the range of the utilization ratio of handling machinery of type i, ensure that cargo handling tasks are completed on time and avoid high intensity of work and a waste of money because of a large number of idle handling machinery. Constraint (6) ensures that the loading and unloading speed of handling machinery of type i can fully cooperate with the relevant fixed machinery. III. RESULTS A Data Analysis This paper uses the data of A Port to examine the validity of the model. This article takes forklift system as a separate handling system after examining the actual situation of A Port There are 43 forklifts used for cargo handling in the port cargo handling system of A Port whose different types are as shown in table I. TABLE I QUANTITY CONFIGURATION OF FORKLIFTS IN A PORT Type Rated capacity Age Quantity PD30 3t 5 4 PD50 PD60 PD70 TCMFD30T3 TCMFD50T9 HYSTERH7.00XL q j allocation quantity of fixed machinery type j m p y i 1 i x i i MAX m m c gi x i c bi x i y i i 1 i 1 m MIN cbi x yi i i 1 m y x k 24 365 0 for all i m (3) i i wi i 1 5t 6t 7t 3t 5t 7t 15 6 15 1 1 15 25 3 3 2 3 3 (1) (2) Relevant data analysis combined with the model and the actual situation of port cargo handling system is as below.[15] 1) Equipment efficiency ratio and utilization ratio We can calculate the forklifts’ efficiency ratio and utilization ratio as shown in table II in A Port general cargo handling system by the formula of equipment efficiency ratio and utilization ratio. TABLE II RATIO OF PERFECTNESS AND UTILIZATION OF FORKLIFT Type Perfectness ratio Utilization ratio PD30 98.08% 9.30% PD50 82.08% 31.17% PD60 85.67% 24.22% PD70 86.79% 38.87% TCMFD30T3 97.65% 39.60% TCMFD50T9 94.37% 31.03% HYSTERH7.00XL 89.12% 38.79% 2) Output per machine hour Output per machine hour represents the shipment of handling through forklifts per hour and also means the production efficiency of forklifts. The values are as shown in table III. TCMFD30T3 0.24 5.58 8.18 14.00 TCMFD50T9 3.16 6.38 7.58 17.12 HYSTERH7.00XL 4.7 8.57 9.44 22.71 B Model Calculation A result as shown in fig 1 can be calculated with Lingo after taking the objective function, constraints and relevant values into the model established in Section II. TABLE III OUTPUT PER MACHINE HOUR OF FORKLIFT IN A PORT Type Inducement Work hour Average Output per machine per machine per machine hour PD30 7588.35 723 10.5 PD50 38909.51 2730 14.25 PD60 32807.43 2111 15.54 PD70 65768.08 3387 19.42 TCMFD30T3 53202.94 3444 15.45 TCMFD50T9 43874.99 2675 16.40 HYSTERH7.00XL 7949.99 3477 21.55 Fig.1. Result of the model with lingo 3) Fixed costs Fixed costs of handling machinery consist of four parts: depreciation, major repair cost, benefit and cost-sharing whose values are as below in table IV. IV. DISCUSSION We have drawn the following conclusions by comparing the original configuration plan of general cargo handling machinery configuration in A Port with TABLE IV ANNUAL AVERAGE FIXED COSTS PER FORKLIFT the new model. Type Depreciation Major Benefit Cost-sharing 1) In the original configuration of forklift handling repair fund systems at A Port, with an annual throughput of up to CPCD30 6401.67 1000.00 1005.32 26765.18 1,761,500,000 tons and the total annual costs of up to CPDC5 5208.14 411.64 3339.29 32351.51 RMB 4,109,730 year-on-year and annual variable costs of CPCD60 11446.00 856.00 5822.04 25867.79 up to RMB 2,190,821.The production efficiency value of CPCD7 4928.75 756.50 3540.34 35654.17 TCMFD30T3 22916.00 1200.00 3000.37 27654.17 handling system is 0.429. TCMFD50T9 41225.00 491.00 2536.09 26606.64 In the new configuration of forklift handling HYSTERH7.00XL 17441.50 1347.50 2797.19 30675.33 systems, the annual throughput is up to 3,787,000,000 tons and the total annual costs is up to RMB 6,320,329 4) Variable costs year-on-year with annual variable costs of up to RMB Variable costs per forklift are made up of fuel costs, 3,578,196. The production efficiency value of handling maintenance costs and running costs of material. The system is 0.599. results are as follows in table 5. 2) The production efficiency value of new configuration is higher than that of the old one which TABLE V means that the new configuration is better than the VARIABLE COSTS PER FORKLIFT original one. 3) To complete the same cargo throughput in the Running costs Maintena Fuel Variable Type same year, the new configuration achieved RMB 823,224 of material nce costs costs costs less than the original one in terms of cost. PD30 2.44 4.46 8.47 15.37 Variable cost per forklift is made up of fuel cost, maintenance cost and running costs of material. Fuel costs PD50 2.98 7.64 7.97 18.59 account for the largest proportion and running costs of PD60 3.43 8.35 9.92 21.70 materials account for the smallest proportion. Both are 13.9 PD70 3.72 8.82 26.52 relatively stable whilst maintenance costs suffered great 8 random fluctuations, and less controllable. Therefore, if we assume that annual total fuel costs account for 50% of annual total variable cost, of the new configuration this results in RMB 411,612 less than that of the original one. And if we assume the price per litre of petrol is RMB 8, the new configuration could save 51,451.5 litres of fuel than the original one. By calculation, the model of port general cargo handling machinery quantity configuration considering production efficiency and energy consumption not only help improve the production efficiency of handling systems but also reduce energy consumption and pollutant emission of handling machinery which fully shows the usability and necessity of this study. V. CONCLUSION The study can help improve the production efficiency of general cargo port and reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions of port general cargo handling machinery. The model described in this paper applies not only to forklifts as an example of general cargo handling machinery configuration issue but also applies to issues of other port general cargo handling machinery allocation. This model can also be applied to configure rationally cargo handling machinery in future by forecasting cargo throughput and appropriately changing the values of the other conditions. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (71171129), Shanghai Science Commission Project (No.10190502500 , 11510501900) and Shanghai Education Commission Project (No.J50604, 11YZ137, 11CXY47). REFERENCES [1] Zheng Youxin, Ma Yunxin, “Measures and suggestions of saving energy and reducing emission in port”, in containerization, press 8, 2009. 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