Document 14406859

Brandeis University Rape Crisis Center – Volunteer Coordinator
Are you passionate about helping to lead a group of student advocates? Do you enjoy managing people? Do you get
energy from talking with other students? This position requires strong networking and communication skills, as well as a
commitment to addressing sexual assault issues on campus.
The Volunteer Coordinator will conduct outreach to the Brandeis campus community to identify and recruit student
leaders to serve as advocates on the rape crisis center hotline. As part of this role, the Volunteer Coordinator will work
as part of a team to develop and implement training for new advocates, as well as offering ongoing training and regular
communication with advocates to keep them informed about the work of the center and to get them involved in
ongoing campus initiatives.
This position reports to the Sexual Assault Services and Prevention Specialist. We ask that applicants are prepared to
commit to this work/study position for two semesters.
Brandeis Rape Crisis Center
Volunteer Coordinator Application
Instructions: Please complete all sections of this application and upload your resume to SFS by the deadline: Friday,
November 6th by 6pm. Applicants will be notified by email if they are invited for an interview by Wednesday, November
11th. Please note the interview times below and make sure to maintain your availability during the slots you check. Final
decisions will be made and selected advocates will be notified of their status by December 4th.
Expected Graduation:
Address (permanent):
Address (school):
Mandatory Trainings/Team Meetings:
Peer Advocate Training Day from 10am-5pm on a Saturday in January or February, tbd
Team meetings for 1 ½ hours every other week, tbd
Check the box that applies:
□ Yes, I am able to make the time commitment outlined above to participate in all mandatory trainings and meetings.
□ No, I am not able to attend ALL of the mandatory trainings and meetings due to time constraints.
(Note time constraints in the space below. Please be aware that minimal, if any, exceptions will be made. If you are unable to attend all meetings,
you may not be eligible to participate as an advocate this semester.)
Check all the interview time slots for which you are available:
Tuesday, November 17
□ 11:30am-noon
□ Noon-12:30pm
□ 12:30pm-1:00pm
□ 1:00-1:30pm
□ 1:30-2:00pm
Wednesday, November 18
□ 11:30am-noon
□ noon-12:30pm
□ 3:00pm-3:30pm
□ 3:30pm-4:00pm
□ 4:00-4:30pm
□ 4:30-5:00pm
Thursday, November 19
□ 9:00-9:30am
□ 9:30-10:00am
□ 1:00-1:30pm
□ 1:30-2:00pm
□ 3:00-3:30pm
□ 3:30-4:00pm
□ 4:00-4:30pm
□ 4:30-5:00pm
Please answer the following questions as thoroughly and as thoughtfully as you can.
(Add additional space as needed.)
1. Why do you want to be a Volunteer Coordinator in the Rape Crisis Center?
2. What past experience has prepared you for this role?
3. What skills/strengths do you have that equip you for serving in this capacity?
4. What does empowerment mean to you, and how would you see this fitting in to your work in the RCC?
5. What do you anticipate would be most challenging for you in this role, and how would you work to overcome
6. Describe a time you had to work under pressure to help someone. What did you do well, and what do you
wish you did differently?
7. Please list all of your current extra-curricular activities (employment, clubs, hobbies, student groups, etc.) and
the approximate time you spend on them each week.
8. Would you like to be considered for a Peer Advocate position if for any reason you are not selected to be the
Volunteer Coordinator?
Thank you for your interest in serving as a Volunteer Coordinator!