Educational Administration, Leadership and Research Annual Program Assessment Report Academic Year 2008-2009

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Educational Administration, Leadership and Research
Annual Program Assessment Report
Academic Year 2008-2009
October 7, 2009
1. Continuous Assessment Results
Note: The Department of Educational Administration Leadership, and Research (EALR) offers the
following programs: Certification Only (Directory of Pupil Personnel, Supervisor of Instruction;
Superintendent; Vocational Supervisor of Instruction; Vocational School Principal; School Principal);
Rank I (Supervisor of Instruction; School Principal; Director of Pupil Personnel; Vocational
Supervisor of Instruction; Vocational School Principal); MAE (Instructional Leadership, School
Principal); and the Ed. S.
a. Admission Data
Between August 1, 2008 and July 31, 2009 two-hundred fifty candidates satisfied admission criteria
and were admitted to the following education leadership programs: Certification Only (135); Rank I
(74); MAE (33); and Ed. S. (2).
b. Course Based Assessment Data
The program of study is based on the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standards for
School Leaders (ISLLC) professional standards for school leaders. Through discussion faculty are in
agreement that progress is being made toward alignment of critical performances to these standards
for each of the core courses and will continue to be included in the Electronic Portfolio for 20092010.
c. Clinical Experiences Data
The faculty cooperatively reviewed and agreed on the courses where required clinical experiences
addressing each of the leadership standards (ISLLC) should continue to occur. For example, in one
experience (EDAD 684) students must lead appropriate faculty in their school through the process of
aligning curriculum in an identified content area to state standards. In another example, students in
EDAD 682 must gather demographic data on their school and school community through interviews,
discussions, Internet searches, community agencies, etc. The data is analyzed with input from
community representatives and a school-community public relations plan is developed, which
includes the implementation and evaluation processes. In another example, students in EDAD 690
must log 20 hours of observations of: principals o the elementary school level (5 hours), middle
school level (5 hours), and high school level (5 hours), and a district superintendent (5 Hours). As a
final example, student must conduct a school culture assessment, analyze the data, and make
recommendations for improvement. Included in this assignment are diversity interviews for adults
and students linked with appropriate ISLLC standards.
All candidates successfully completed the clinical experiences described above in 2008-2009.
Candidates not working up to expectations were mentored by course instructors and required to
resubmit work until expectations were met.
d. Culminating Assessment Data
Across the programs in the Department of Educational Administration, Leadership and Research,
programs/students are assessed on ISLLC standards, state administrative standards, and on
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department developed objectives. Some assessments are conducted through class assignments and
class exams, and other assessments are completed on a capstone comprehensive exam. Students also
compile an electronic portfolio of responses to critical performance questions, which addresses each
state administrative standard. These responses to the critical performance questions are collected at
specific points (assignments within courses).
e. Exit and Follow Up Data
Specific faculty developed objectives address each program within the department. Two objectives
address content and one addresses program satisfaction. The department has had difficulty compiling
the satisfaction survey, and a new process will be developed for the 2009-1010 academic year.
Director of Pupil Personnel
Sixteen people enrolled in EDAD 583, Accounting for Pupil Personnel, which must be completed
before taking the certification examination. Students took exams on state statutes, regulations, and
criteria for decision-making and were asked to complete a program satisfaction survey. All sixteen
took the exams, and 93% successfully completed the exams (one did not pass). This online class
sends a survey electronically, and few returned the satisfaction survey. However, the ones returned
expressed satisfaction with the preparation.
Supervisor of Instruction
The number of completers not known.
Director of Special Education
This program has been moved to Special Instructional Programs.
Vocational Supervisor of Instruction
The number of completers not known.
Vocational School Principal
The number of completers not known.
Approximately 20 completed the required portfolio and real-life activities. All these completer were
asked to complete a program satisfaction survey. All students completed the portfolio and activities
with excellent or satisfactory ratings. The satisfaction surveys returned indicate that students feel
prepared for the superintendent position.
Principal Program Completers
Exit Requirements
Test Takers
Total Number Pass
KYPT (2008-2009)
Data currently not available
SLLA (2008-2009)
Professional Portfolio
WKU requirement (2008-2009)
Pass Rate
In addition to the Kentucky Principal’s Test, students who complete the principal certification
program construct a professional portfolio and are asked to complete a program satisfaction survey.
In the fall, winter, and spring semesters, students successfully completed this project. Few
satisfaction surveys were returned, and a new plan to compile these surveys will be initiated.
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Instructional Leadership, School Principal, MAE
In the MAE, program, four objectives are assessed. The areas addressed are: role of the principal,
curriculum, community involvement, and diversity. The role of the principal and issues related to
diversity are assessed at the end of the program on a comprehensive exam. Ninety-seven percent of
the students successfully completed these sections. One student needed remediation for the question
regarding the role of the principal. The program encourages students to interact with the community
outside the school, so students complete a community involvement project in one class. All students
successfully completed this project. For curriculum, students must complete two classes on
curriculum with a B average or better, which is based primarily on a compiled portfolio. All
curriculum students successfully met this objective. Therefore, MAE program objectives were met
across the program.
2. Summary of Results
Assessment results indicate that the percentage of leadership program candidates who are successful
and are satisfied with their programs exceeds the 80% success/satisfaction criterion set for the
programs. Faculty is satisfied that the leadership standards (ISLLC) are being addressed across all
programs and continue to adjust course requirements to provide students with authentic experiences.
3. Summary of Dissemination Efforts
The Educational Administration, Leadership and Research Department Interim Head shares the
results of the Kentucky Principal Test (KYPT) and School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA)
with faculty via email and faculty meetings as they become available and encourages open
discussions. Also, the results of these examinations and related discussions are taken into
consideration when the department’s annual Action Plan (Planning Report) is developed, in which the
objectives are specified and the strategies to be used achieve them are decided upon.
The EALR Department Faculty Meeting dates and agenda items for 2008-2009 are as follows:
Department Meeting August 19, 2008
Each faculty shared summer highlights
Announced Dr. Fiene’s web orientation starting
Voiced concern for C Term summer classes for students pursuing Superintendency and Level II
Encouraged all to go to Tegrity
Low Fall enrollment
Enrollment booklet discussed
Done away with our Master’s Program going to Teach Leader Program. Change Principalship to
an 18 hour program. 10 yrs to complete certification, 6 years for degree programs.
Dates for PLC Cohort
Dr. Fiene asked that everyone work with Sharon on assessment.
New search for new foundation position.
Sheet shown on different grants available and ready for someone to apply.
Need representatives to different organizations. Need to be sure to spread them around not
everyone doing the same thing.
SLLA will be the same this year
Bud will be comps coordinator
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Sharon will chair Tenure Committee
ED.D. Program P-12 will be our department to chair committees others will go to other faculty
across campus.
Student workers at this time Tawni and Melody Johnson
Dr. Ecton will head up redesign
Post Syllabi then a copy to Carolyn
Remind students to fix their TOPNET so the university can get in touch with them.
News for Newsletter see Dr. Keaster
Program Design; talk about goals, future together, working more efficiently. Program the district
wants. Role in program and how you do it.
MIS for 2007-2008 then for 2008-2009 academic year we go Digital Measures.
Post office hours, work on goals.
New student from Korea. Vivian has been asked to volunteer in our department to help her know
the faculty and her language.
Portfolio. If you teach class you are in the portfolio. Critical Performance.; State set date for
taking students in old program. Hire total of 3 student workers instead of graduate assistants to
help type up redesign. State mandate.
NCATE coming up. Resubmit folios our old program with a few changes. Have to do new folios
for the redesign.
Tawni going through every file to see who still has classes left on each program.
Rachel Simmons is coming Sept 15th at Greenwood High School Gym. Hensley Lectures.
Dr. Ecton will serve on the Curriculum Alternate Admission Committee
Gifted Studies has invited us to the Symposium at Shaker Town for gifted students.
Dr. Ecton will be our international person
Dr. Schlinker NCATE and comps coordinator
Dr. Spall resident assessment
Dr. Keaster coordinator of joint Doc Program with U of L
Dr. Ecton will head up redesign
Dr. Wagner Alternate Rout Certification
Dr. Spall and Dr. Wang work with Dr. Miller
Dr. Schlinker and Dr. Ecton work with Dr. Hooper
Department Meeting September 2, 2008
Those present Drs. Spall, Fiene, Ecton, Keaster, Schlinker, Wagner, Wang, Hooper, Miller, and
Dr. Fiene asked how the first week of classes went.
Dr. Fiene needs to know if anyone wants to serve on the Vision or Mission Committee for CEBS.
Lindsey Sullivan, Molly Swietek and Sean Rubino came by from Sponsored Programs. They
shared information about different grants that are out there available to apply for.
Dr. Fiene shared a pamphlet from Robert Lyons from Murray State University. Dr. Fiene thought
it was a good idea for our department to create one to answer questions about the changes for our
programs and how it affects future programs and students.
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Staff Plan: Dr. Fiene outlined growing concerns about phasing out our old program. We are in
need of two Research Methods positions. We will have one faculty member to retire in 08-09
academic year (Dr. Ecton). Dr. Fiene is going to try to get scholarly practitioner adjuncts then pay
as co-redesign stipend at the minimum of $3,000 per course and two research positions.
Reminder: evaluations need to be scheduled, also need critical performance evaluations.
We had a student complaint: Dr. Fiene stated that she would stand behind the faculty member
because the evidence is clear that faculty member dealt with the situation appropriately.
Dr. Fiene printed off what students can get as loans. One was given to each faculty member so
they could share with their students. As long as they are working on a degree or certification they
can get loans.
Program Assessment on MAE were put on-line and sent to Dr. Poe. Principal Certification we
have satisfactory assessments. Dr. Spall suggested that we maybe change the time of the
assessment. DPP all assessments are in. Dr. Fiene asked about Supervisor but no one fit the
description in Dr. Mayo’s class this summer so no data was collected. Dr. Ecton and Dr. Spall
talked about how to get the Superintendent’s in. Dr. Fiene would like to get all of our people that
get hired in GRREC Districts.
Dr. Ecton stated that we need to have a serious discussion about the “C” Term. Most student start
out strong on in class performance, but their performance declines by the end of the term.
Students complain because the classes are still going on when they go back to school. Dr. Fiene
suggested using “B” and “D” Term dates as the general system. Dr. Schlinker suggested doing a
FAQ sheet for talking points about the summer schedule. It was proposed to have a six week
window or five week window to take nine hours.
If you travel to a meeting you need to check about renting a car versus driving your personal car.
The University did a study showing that it was cheaper to rent than to drive your personal cars if
it is a one-day trip of 150 miles or more. Dr. Ecton asked if we could collect less mileage in order
to drive our own vehicle.
Dr. Wagner stated he still had the Pilot Program’s Critical Performance Portfolios in his office.
He needs some readers, students are asking for them back. Dr. Wagner feels everyone needs more
feedback. It was decided to grade on a holistic scale. Dr. Ecton thought that Drs. Hooper, Miller,
and Keaster should look over a few. Dr. Miller suggested having a rubric for each course. The
documents need to be looked over between now and September 8th the date of the next working
retreat. Dr. Wagner will draft a sample letter to each student.
Dr. Fiene will be out of the office Thursday and Friday for a trip to Washington, D.C. for the SLP
grant that just ended with GRREC.
Dr. Wagner stated that most do contribute to WKU; it can now be earmarked to our Department
of EALR Discretionary funds. We can then use the funds as we need. The capitol Campaign is
going to get bigger and bigger due to budget short falls. Dr. Keaster suggested maybe in the next
newsletter to put a spot in a contributions to the department.
Dr. Keaster stated that we now have a lectern, computer and proxima in TPH 421, but need either
a remote mouse or keyboard, or both.
Dr. Fiene stated that she had Dr. Schlinker’s tenure Portfolio in her office. Need to come to her
office to review, and then get with Dr. Spall for a meeting.
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Department Meeting September 16, 2008
Those present: Drs. Ecton, Spall, Wang, Schlinker, Hooper, Carter, Miller, and Wagner. Drs.
Fiene and Keaster were absent.
Dr. Schlinker is working on reports for NCATE. He will be working closely with Dr. Tony
Norman in the Dean’s Office; he also has been very helpful in getting data for our department.
One report was due September 15, 2008.
Dr. Spall handed out an Assessment Report for the MAE Principal, which was a draft copy. Dr.
Spall asked for help in answering some of the questions:
o Concerning the Master’s Comps
o Take EDAD 683 and 684 for summary of Assessment Data Collected where student
completed the portfolios.
o For community involvement, take EDAD 682
o Diversity question-covered in School law. In the new program it will be in all courses.
Dr. Spall asked if a better way to get the program Assessment data back for Principal
certification. Dr. Schlinker suggested that in every course professors should ask students if this is
the last course in their program. If it is, they should be asked to complete the Program
Assessment Form. Dr. Miller asked if the SLLA Exam has any data.
Drs. Spall and Miller are serving on the Scholarship Committee. They are actively seeking
scholars. People reviewed are people that are nominated by you or by someone based on your
research or publications. Dr. Miller stated it would be good to have one from our department.
Dr. Ecton talked about the 406 classroom, he suggested typing up a list to pass around, and then
let each one make some comments as to how they think the room should be changed around to
make a better classroom. Dr. Ecton reminded everyone about the retreat next week. Dr. Ecton
also will be sending out a Gap Analysis matrix so be sure to do your homework. Also, review
course structural overview draft.
A copy of the spring schedule was passed around for everyone to review. They were asked to let
Carolyn know of any changes that needed to be made.
Department Meeting September 30, 2008
Those present: Drs. Ecton, Spall, Wang, Schlinker, Hooper, carter, Miller, Fiene, Keaster and
Wagner. Also present: Dr. Retta Poe and Ms. Ellen Gott.
Dr. Poe and Ms. Gott were visiting to go over some procedures concerning rank I students
Financial Aid and Certification concerns. Starting in the Fall 2008, according to the Office of
Student Financial Assistance, students are loan eligible if they are enrolled in a degree program
(e.g., MA, MAE, MS, EDs) or if they enroll in a non-degree program that will give them a new
certification, thereby qualifying them for a new job. Enrollment in a Planned Sixth-Year program
that only leads to rank change/pay status change does not qualify the student to be loan eligible.
Students who do not plan to apply for a federal student loan may continue to enroll as before in
Planned Sixth-Year programs solely for purposes of rank change/pay status change. Students who
wish to be loan-eligible will be advised that they must be enrolled in both a certification-only
program (their primary program) and the Planned Sixth-Year program (their secondary program).
Ms. Gott handed out a sheet making suggestions for writing programs in our department. Also, a
new Graduate Program Confirmation Form was presented as a possibility to help students to
decide what program they would like to pursue.
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Dr. Fiene suggested each one of the professors talk to their classes about their certifications that
they are pursuing. Dr. Ecton wanted to know if it would be better if the department as a whole
would give a unified message to students concerning their certification program.
Nominations for Outstanding Leadership Student: Dr. Wagner suggested Kellie Brooks or Daryl
Woods. Daryl Brooks (Daryl Woods?) was suggested to be the Outstanding Leadership Student
since he is close to completing his principalship.
Dr. Fiene stated that Dr. Retta Poe is still asking us to do a survey on advising. For example: My
advisor is hard to get in touch with. What are your advisor’s weaknesses? Ask students about the
whole process for a survey. Think about being a graduate student at the University and what is a
barrier to getting in our University, or working through programs/ certifications?
At the GRREC Retreat the week they were working on their mission statement and strategic plan,
which they don’t want it called that. Think about teacher Leader and our program redesign. Not a
lot of new Professional Development in the future. David Keller did analysis talking to districts
and GRREC. Position for Associate Director for 18 to 24 months, but not guaranteeing that
person would get the position. Rethinking how WKU works with GRREC. GRREC is mostly
funded by grants; staff went from 6 to 36. How can we incorporate what is out there to how we
work with districts? Dr. Fiene recommended short podcasts posted on the web on what grants are
out there for GRREC, and what they have accomplished to date.
Efficiency report still due, how can we be 15% more efficient. Look at Principalship, classes go
larger, and get practitioner to help with larger class sizes. Dr. Spall suggested we find a way to
see how many students we have enrolled to be efficient.
Dr. Fiene will be taking a more focused approach to our Action Plan this time looking at our
redesign, and co-delivery as well as our involvement with the teacher Leader Programs. Raised
questions to DELO, Dean Evans, and Dr. Burch for faculty overload is $3,000 during spring and
fall when they get $4,500 for the summer term. Why would faculty want to teach in spring and
fall as overload? For the Doc Program or other issues when needed?
Dr. Wagner asked if Doctoral Program was in our department. Dr. Fiene stated no one knows. Dr.
Burch says university wide, Dr. Evans says CEBS. Revenue captured in Doctoral Program goes
to Doctoral Program.
Dr. Fiene wants to meet with Foundation Faculty, may have different things going on in Research
methods Course EDFN 500. Dr. Fiene will meet October 7th, 10:00 AM in TPH 421 with Drs.
Spall, Wang, Miller and Keaster and the adjunct for EDFN 601 for spring, Dr. Sidle.
Dr. Wang will host 22 members teaching Mandarin. Dr. Wang also applied for another Fulbright
Dr. Spall looked at Survey maybe a little shorter. Dr. Fiene thanked Dr. Spall for her work on the
assessments. We are not getting info in a particular program in a timely manner; we need to think
about what else that we need to do.
Dr. Fiene suggested that everyone get their info to Dr. Keaster for the newsletter. Dr. Keaster
handed out a sample of the Alumni Survey. If you have any suggestions, let Dr. Keaster know.
Dr. Miller asked could there be another question about student achievement?
Dr. Ecton stated that he will be meeting with Dr. Norman tomorrow. Just a reminder, the next
retreat is October 13, 2008. Dr. Ecton also suggested the department needs to discuss more about
room 406. Dr. Ecton and others want the KSBA E-Newsletter for classes.
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Department Meeting November 11, 2008
Those present: Drs. Ecton, Spall, Wang, Schlinker, Hooper, Miller, Fiene, Keaster and Wagner.
Dr. Fiene purposed three courses that we have not offered for several years to delete from our
courses EDAD 581 Organizational/Administration of Occupational Education, EDAD 698
Practicum/Education Administration/Supervision, and EDFN 270 Honor Social & Philosophical
Issues/Education. Motion made to delete the course by Dr. Ecton, seconded by Drs. Wagner and
Dr. Fiene attended CCSLP Meeting November 7, 2008 at Bellarmine University in Louisville,
KY. They are working on a MOA that would be generic state-wide to work with the districts in
the new programs that are co-designed/co-delivered. Most other schools, Northern Kentucky
University, Morehead University, Eastern Kentucky University, Bellarmine; are trying to build in
some of the Ed. Administration classes into the teacher leadership programs, like we are. There
are continued discussions on how to handle out of state schools that are Masters only, etc.
concerning the reciprocal licensure. Dr. Fiene came up with an idea, everybody in the state is
going to have their critical performance built into their program, so the student will have
performed their critical performance, and they will be assessed on their critical performances in
addition to their SLLA and KYPT. Now they require an out of state person to take both exams, or
have those scores. No discussion as to students having the critical performance, so Dr. Fiene
asked Jamie Rice of the EPSB why you would not craft some way for an assessment of the
critical performances for those individuals from out of state so all candidates are assessed the
same way. Someone asked who would read them, then Dr. Fiene said there would have to be a
fee for doing so, otherwise they would have penalized in-state institutions, but also in-state
graduates are held to a higher standard than these coming from out of state. Dr. Fiene ran the idea
by Dr. Evans; he said he liked the idea too. Dr. Ecton stated that this makes sense.
Ms. Rice wanted to know if anyone was interested in applying for a standard setting to take
SLLA to set the standard, April 21st, 22nd, and May 12th & 13th. Because you put your name in
does not mean that you will get to take the test. Dr. Wagner asked, are only practicing
administrators that have not taken the test before are eligible to take the test. Dr. Fiene said no
conditions described for practitioner applicants. Dr. Fiene stated there is no condition that anyone
in higher education has or have not taken before. ETS is giving the test to set standards. If you
need copies of applications see Carolyn. This gives us a chance to look at the test.
Dr. Fiene asked everyone about how they thought students should send in the dissertation, by
hard copy, or electronically, and then we copy. With Budget constraints we may want to have
students mail or hand deliver a hard copy then email one as an attachment. Dr, Miller proposed
students to send a hard copy, and then have students email a copy. Dr. Keaster stated that it is like
that in the Doctoral Handbook. Dr. Wagner suggested the students could go to MMTH Lab to
print their copy. Dr. Fiene said it didn’t matter to her, but wanted the department to be consistent.
Dr. Fiene also stated it would help cut copying costs if faculty would create course packs instead
of doing so much copying in the department. Dr. Ecton stated that the Bookstore needs to cut
their cost some on the packets to make it more affordable for students. It is less expensive to send
out to have printing completed than to print of our copier in the office. Dr. Keaster to Dr. Fiene
that she could have his travel money for spring.
Dr. Fiene is working to get us connected to different populations. Drs. Spall and Wang
coordinated a visit with the folks that were visiting from northeast China. They also went to
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Lexington to meet with people that teach mandarin to P-12 students, also will hold a session here
in January.
Have a report for Dr. Evans, wants to know is the trend in your department in the direction that
you want it to move? Yes, it is because these are the actions that we have taken so far; significant
efforts to increase our effort in production of international students and phasing out the
Cooperative Doctoral Program, increasing the ED. D. Program, made significant modification
redesign in administration as well in Teacher Leader across the state. Dr. Wagner asked are the
Winter Term classes counted in our totals to which the answer is no, only spring and fall classes
NCATE: Dr. Schlinker stated everyone is working hard. He also thanked everyone for their hard
work on getting everything in to him. Dr. Schlinker sent out course descriptions to everyone so
we could be consistent throughout all folios. The folios have to be to Dr. Norman by November
Dr. Keaster, we are ready to invite applicants for the foundation search. We have three candidates
coming in.
The question came up about a student working on two programs at one time. As per Graduate
Studies, this cannot be accomplished, only one at a time. Dr. Keaster asked if we could have Dr.
Bowker come to visit our next department meeting. Dr. Ecton also suggested that we need to
consider what the special project should be on the Ed. Specialist Program as a department.
Dr. Miller thanked everyone for all their help; he has felt welcome since coming here.
Department meeting November 25, 2008
Those present: Drs. Ecton, Spall, Wang, Schlinker, Hooper, Miller, Fiene, Keaster, Carter, and
Wagner. Ms. Ellen Gott was also present.
Dr. Schlinker still working on folios, big thing is EDAD 583, 630, 659, 686, 697, 698, and 798
need descriptions of each of these courses. Don’t change things on folios, but let Bud know if
something needs to be changed.
Dr. Ecton invited everyone to his house for the department Christmas party. Let Carolyn know
what you can bring to eat.
We are working on the summer schedule. There will be two classes a piece unless you say that
you don’t want two.
Dr. Fiene represented Ed. Admin at the last Continuum Meeting.
Dr. Ecton asked if other Ed Admin Departments from other universities will stand firm with the
plan that is out there now. Northern University and Union College Teacher Leader Program went
forward, and then failed. Only Asbury College Teacher Leader has been approved.
Dr. Fiene picked up several CDs on literacy and Improving Adolescent Literacy in Kentucky.
Also, heard what Linda France and Asbury is doing.
Dr. Fiene got several surveys back, the greatest preference is May and June classes. Dr. Ecton
wants to make EDAD 696 web.
Dr. Keaster turned into Dr. Fiene Alumni Surveys.
Dr. Hooper will do the SLLA review
Dr. Schlinker, the Field Work Form and Disposition will be entered by Dr. Tony Newman and
Mr. Tony Kirchner.
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Dr. Keaster stated the candidates for the Foundation Position will be in next week for interviews.
Dr. Carolyn Pearson will be in on Monday, Dr. Ben Kelcey on Wednesday, and Dr. John Hansen
on Friday. Dr. Keaster will ask Doc Students to meet with the candidates, faculty at 10:00 AM.
Dr. Fiene stated the stats person will facilitate work with students.
Ms. Gott gave some different ways to apply for certification through the state.
Dr. Ecton stated that the department needs ot decide on what projects need to be for ED. S.
Department Meeting February 3, 2009
Those present: Drs. Ecton, Spall, Wang, Schlinker, Hooper, Miller, Fiene, Keaster, Carter, and
First order of business was to approve or not reapplication for Graduate Faculty Status for Drs.
Spall and Wang. Motion made by Dr. Hooper, seconded by Dr. Wagner to approve. Motions
Need to elect a member and alternate to CEBS faculty Awards Committee for one year term. Dr.
Spall with Dr. Keaster as her alternate.
Dr. Fiene asked the department how they felt about requiring GRE for Rank I, the catalog states
qualifying GAP, but our department requires the GRE scores specifically. Dr. Ecton made motion
to do away with GRE requirement for Rank I admission, seconded by Dr. Miller. Motion passed.
Dr. Fiene wants to keep everyone up on PD’s and GRREC initiatives. Dr. Fiene has a handout by
Ken O’Conner’s grading system philosophy. Dr. Schlinker would like to see if districts in the
GRREC Region are really doing this. Dr. Fiene suggested maybe faculty meet with practitioners
when possible, such as Supervisor of Instruction monthly meetings to see what is going on in
districts. Dr. Keaster asked if we need to model in our classes. Dr. Fiene stated yes, if you feel
comfortable with this. Dr. Miller had some philosophical points her is concerned about. Dr.
Schlinker thinks that the department should have a discussion about this before we initiate this.
But, at the very least we should have discussions and teachable moments about what is being
proposed and proliferated.
Dr. Fiene stated there are some initiatives that must be completed. There are only a few more
months that Dr. Fiene will be Department Head; and work need to be completed. Dr. Spall stated
curriculum work is never done. We need to decide what is redesign, and what is development.
The search committee for department head is: Dr. Sherry Powers, Chair, Drs. Steve Miller,
William Schlinker, Keaster, Houchens, and Ms. Marsha Ingram.
Dr. Fiene also suggested if you are a dept. representative and can’t make a meeting, find someone
to cover for you.
Dr. Keaster asked if the Redesign Program and Teacher Leader are the same courses as our
current MAE? There is 18 hours in the new Principal Program and level I Teacher leader. Dr.
Fiene stated we have to figure out the courses for Teacher Leader electives for our department
and if we are happy with those. Therefore, Tuesday we will meet to figure out the 12 hours,
admission, Level II courses, field experience, then get all this to the Advisory committee.
Dr. Fiene asked all to think about several questions:
o What adjective would you use to describe our culture?
o Exciting, collaborative, inclusive or would they be less positive words?
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o What are you professionally good at?
o What are your professional goals?
o What are you not interested in doing?
o How do your answers help EALR?
o How do your answerers help CEBS?
o How do your answers help WKU?
o How do your answers help students, K-12 Kids?
o What were you hired to do?
o What have you done at WKU?
o What have you done at WKU that you are proud of?
o What next?
o What about your performance last year?
o When do you feel I have not worked hard for you, WKU and our kids?
Dr. Fiene stated: I believe in each of you and think the world of each of you, but we have got to
do more.
Dr. Wagner: do we know the rules for redesign? Dr. Ecton stated yes, they were passed out
Dr. Ecton said we have had it prescribed for us now. If you are teaching this time Critical
Performances need to be put up. Teacher Leader courses need to be completed yesterday. Dr.
Ecton had several handouts with info on redesign. Dr. Ecton stated numbers 1-5 on the list need
to be completed by May; MOA’s probably next year, critical performances loaded at the
beginning of each semester.
Dr. Fiene suggested meeting next week at 10:00 AM for a working session.
Dr. Keaster and Dr. Fiene gave Ben Kelsey until February 14th to accept position. Dr. Keaster
checked with Carolyn McPherson, she is still interested. March 2nd was set to review applications
for research staff position.
Dr. Ecton suggested that the faculty should be concerned about students that had problems with
the ice storm.
Department Meeting March 3, 2009
Those present: Drs. Spall, Wang, Schlinker, Hooper, Miller, Fiene, Keaster, Carter, and Wagner..
Dr. Fiene asked if the department was interested in any awards. Such as for Masters, Ed.
Specialist, or Doctoral Students.
Dr. Gary Houchens was nominated for Outstanding Student, Darren Smith, and Winnie Cohorn
Outstanding Research. Outstanding Students, Jana Kirchner, Cathy Abell. Motion was made by
Dr. Fiene, seconded by Dr. Keaster, motion carried.
The scholarship winners will be announced at CEBS’s Awards Dinner.
After considerable discussion, the awards were changed to Dr. Gary Houhcens as Outstanding
Doctoral Student. Outstanding Dissertations Elizabeth Romero-Fuerte, Darren Smith, and Winnie
Cohorn. For Dean’s Citation, Jana Kirchner, Cathy Abell, and Tricia Jordan.
Dr. Spall suggested that we need to set criteria for the new ED.D program. Drs. Keaster and Spall
volunteered to chair the committee.
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The following students were nominated for the Dean’s citation: Daryl Woods, Jaxon Grover,
Kasey Bratcher, Melissa Sandusky, Kellie Brooks, Julie Dunn, Sara Lamb, Alissa Todd, Chad
Muhenkamp, Stacey Harper, Lorie Reeves, Dr. Keaster made the motion to accept, seconded by
Dr. Schlinker, motion carried.
Follow up on redesign: subject and topic needs to be sent to Carolyn electronically. They need to
be into Carolyn within two weeks. Then do course proposal.
Kentucky Pupil Transportation called and wanted someone to help with their conference for bus
drivers. Dr. Schlinker stated they were faxing the agenda to the department. Ms. Sharon Woodard
will be getting the continuing Ed. Requirements to Dr. Schlinker soon. Dr. Fiene asked for
volunteers to help. Dr. Spall stated she could help at the conference March 23, 24, and 25th.
Dr. Carter stated student teachers are dropping out, started out with 265, down to 240 something.
Dr. Keaster asked where we stand with Dr. Burch concerning compensation for faculty in the new
ED.D. Program. Current faculty Handbook states chair three thesis and full course load for
specialist projects.
Dr. Spall stated she sent everyone an email about scholarships for this summer. Ms. Cooper will
be collecting the applications, then Drs. Wang, Spall, and Keaster will look over the applications.
4. Key Discussions and Decisions Made
a. Assessment Data Changes
Faculty will continue to encourage candidates to complete program satisfaction surveys.
b. Program Curriculum Changes
No changes in program curriculum are warranted.
c. Decisions Regarding Student Progress based on Assessment Data
Because the failure rates in the various programs are low, faculty continue to agree that it appears
to be a student problem rather than a program problem. Faculty will address failures through
mentoring, encouraging the use of the MAE comprehensive Study Guide and various individual
remediation strategies.