School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 1 of 10 Department of Counseling and Student Affairs M.A.E. School Counseling P‐12 and Rank I Annual Program Report Academic Year 2010‐2011 December 8, 2011 1. Continuous Assessment Results a. Admission Data Table 1 provides the average admission test scores and admission grade point average (GPA) of School Counseling candidates (N=80) approved by the Professional Education Council (PEC) for admission into initial teacher preparation programs during this academic year. Before the Office of Teacher Services submits their names for review and approval by the PEC, candidates must meet minimum requirements established by the state and/or the WKU Professional Education Unit. Table 1. Approved Candidate Test Score Averages Row Labels IIA Individual Intellectual Assessment KGCP School Counseling P‐12 Provisional KGCS Standard School Counseling P‐ 12 SCE Standard Elementary Counseling SCS Standard Secondary Counseling Grand Total b. Course Based Assessment Data Avg N of Avg of N of Avg of N of N of of GPA GPA GAP GAP GRE‐ Avg of GRE‐ GRE‐ UG UG Score Score V GRE‐V Q Q 3 3.30 2 2856 2 420 2 285 26 3.39 24 3160 28 424 27 509 31 9 11 80 3.39 3.34 3.06 3.33 26 9 8 69 3972 3668 3749 3592 27 8 8 73 395 395 385 406 27 8 8 72 474 430 439 473 N of GRE‐ A N of Avg of GRE‐ GRE‐A AW Avg of GRE‐AW 1 5.00 1 610.00 15 5 6 27 522.00 424.00 528.33 508.52 27 4.11 12 3 2 45 4.21 4.17 3.75 4.14 School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 2 of 10 Table 2 provides the percentage of School Counseling candidates (N = 151) scoring at each level of proficiency on critical performances within education courses for this academic year. Proficiency levels are based on a scale of 1 – Standard Not Met, 2 – Standard Partially Met, 3 – At Standard, and 4 – Above Standard. Table 2. CP Proficiency Level Percentages Count of score Row Labels CNS‐550 CNS‐551 CNS‐552 CNS‐555 CNS‐556 CNS‐557 CNS‐558 CNS‐559 CNS‐568 CNS‐590 CNS‐660 CNS‐666 EDAD‐588 EDAD‐597 EDAD‐690 EDU‐544 EXED‐516 EXED‐590 LME‐518 LME‐527 LME‐537 Column Labels 2 7% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3 7% 0% 9% 0% 27% 0% 0% 20% 0% 0% 22% 12% 100% 0% 0% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 0% 4 87% 100% 91% 100% 73% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 78% 88% 0% 100% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% Grand Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 3 of 10 LTCY‐519 SEC‐580 Grand Total 0% 100% 0% 42% 0% 11% 0% 58% 89% 100% 100% 100% Table 3 indicates the level of School Counseling candidates (N = 151) proficiency across critical performances related to the Kentucky Teacher Standards (KTS). Candidates receiving an overall rating of 3 or 4 on a CP are considered to have demonstrated proficiency on the standards associated with the CP. Compared to the unit‐wide results, School Counseling candidates are typically performing above average. Table 3. Percent of Your Program Candidates Scoring Proficient on CPs by KTS *KTS Key: 1 – Content Knowledge, 2 – Designs/Plans Instruction, 3 – Maintains Learning Climate, 4 – Implements/ Manages Instruction, 5 – Assessment/Evaluation, 6 – Technology, 7 – Reflection, 8 – Collaboration, 9 – Professional Development, 10 – Leadership Count of score Row Labels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Grand Total Column Labels 3 16% 14% 1% 9% 14% 40% 40% 2% 19% 16% 11% 4 84% 86% 99% 91% 86% 60% 60% 98% 81% 84% 89% Grand Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Table 4 indicates the number of School Counseling candidates (N = 4) who have scored 2 or lower (below proficiency) on critical performances during this academic year. Table 4. Your Program Candidates Scoring Below Proficient on CPs School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 4 of 10 Count of score Row Labels Grand Total Column Labels Grand 2 Total 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 c. Clinical Experiences Data The School Counseling program uses the following courses and experiences to evaluate candidate dispositions: CNS 550 Professional Orientation to School Counseling and CNS 590 School Counseling Practicum. The School Counseling program has identified the following course and experiences where candidates report the diversity of their field experiences: CNS 590 School Counseling Practicum. CNS 590 School Counseling Practicum has been designated as the experience where candidates must work in settings at or above the average 11% diversity of the schools in the 30+ counties that represent our service area. Table 5 reports how School Counseling candidates performed on dispositions as they entered and progressed through their program (N = 13) and during their school counseling practicum experience (N = 13). Students are considered “proficient” who average at 3 or higher on each disposition category. Table 5. School Counseling Proficiency Rates on Unit‐Wide Dispositions Data for Annual Program Report (1.c. Clinical Experiences Data) The data below reflect % of candidates scoring 3 (at standard) or higher on each Professional Disposition. Number of unique students contributing to percentages reported below = KEY: DLRN = Values Learning DCOLL = Values Collaboration 13 School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 5 of 10 DPI = Values Personal Integrity DDIV = Values Diversity DPROF = Values Professionalism #DIV/0! = No candidate data for this disposition Course Values % DLRNP 100% Only Graduate Courses Selected % DDIVP (Multiple Items) % DPIP 100% % DCOLLP 100% 100% % DPROFP 100% Over this academic year, School Counseling candidates (N = 6) reported demographic information on 6 field placements with an average of 14% ethnically diverse students, 49% students on free/reduced lunch, and 13% student with disabilities (based on National Center for Education Statistics and Kentucky Department of Education). This ethnic diversity percentage continues to be well above the average 11% diversity of the schools in the 30+ counties that represent our service area. Table 6 reveals the percentages of field experiences with various characteristics. Note that candidates could choose all the characteristics that applied for any given experience. School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 6 of 10 Table 6. Percentages of Field Experience by Category Types major Fw Course Row Labels 800071991 800223390 800238709 800700358 800702654 888888888 Grand Total (All) (Multiple Items) Count of id 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Note: The percentages reflect candidates self‐reported interaction with at least one P‐12 student with the characteristic described below. Use these percentages to complete Table 6 "Percentages of Field Experiences by Category Types." Number of unique students contributing to percentages reported below = major Fw Course Values % Candidates working with Students with Physical Impairments % Candidates working with Students with Learning Disabilities % Candidates working with Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities % Candidates working with Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders % Candidates working with Gifted Students % Candidates working with English Language Learners % Candidates working with Students with Visual Impairments % Candidates working with Students with Hearing Impairments 6 (All) (Multiple Items) 50% 83% 33% 83% 83% 33% 33% 0% Only Graduate Courses Selected School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 7 of 10 33% 17% 50% 33% 100% 50% 83% 50% 100% 100% % Candidates working with Students with Speech/Language Delays % Candidates working with Students with Development Delays % Candidates working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder % Candidates working with Students with Other Impairments % Candidates working with African American Students % Candidates working with Native American/American Indian Students % Candidates working with Latino/Hispanic Students % Candidates working with Asian Students % Candidates working with Students with Special Needs (Aggregate) % Candidates working with Diverse Students (Aggregate) Overall, as can be seen in Table 6, in 100% of their field experiences School Counseling candidates reported working with at least one student with special needs and in 100% of their field experiences candidates reported working with at least one student from a diverse ethnic group. d. Culminating Assessment Data The culminating measure in School Counseling is the comprehensive examination. The Counselor Preparation comprehensive Examination includes a 160 item multiple‐choice (136 items are figured in the final results) standardized instrument that corresponds to the 8 CACREP Standards that are common to all counseling programs. Also part of the comprehensive examination is the essay portion. This consists of two essay questions that are specific to the three CACREP Standards for school counseling. All students completing the program for Fall 2010; Spring/Summer 2011 passed the comprehensive examination with a minimum of 70% pass on the combined multiple choice and essay portion of the examination. This is based upon a 100% possible scores on the parts and combined scores of the examination. Comprehensive test results for the School Counseling students are as following: n=41; mean multiple choice score 67.5% with range of 49‐87%; the mean possible correct scores for all students from national results for the past year is 69.5%). The mean essay score on the examination (n=41) is 93.1% with range of 84.0‐98.0%. The mean final score for students taking the examination (n=41) is 80.1% with range of 78.0‐93.0%. School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 8 of 10 e. Exit and Follow Up Data We conduct exit surveys with students when they take the comprehensive examination. These are completed anonymously. This information is useful for departmental and programmatic decisions; it does not meet, however, the criteria necessary to be entered into the assessment system, which is coded by student identification number. The survey data below is from fall 2010, spring and summer 2011 semesters. Question Using skills in work setting Intellectual & Acad. Challenge Practicum Exp. Program Flex. Avail Faculty Value of Curricu Inform from Adv Value of Faculty Teach Exp. Value of Faculty Mentoring Avail of Courses Usefulness of Program Plan Question Using skills in work setting Intellectual & Acad. Challenge Practicum Exp. Program Flex. Avail Faculty Value of Curricu Inform from Adv Value of Faculty Teach Exp. Value of Faculty Mentoring Avail of Courses Usefulness of Program Plan Question Term Fall 10 Fall 10 Fall 10 Fall 10 Fall 10 Fall 10 Fall 10 Fall 10 Fall 10 Fall 10 # Students 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Range 1‐10 3‐10 6‐10 8‐10 3‐10 7‐10 4‐10 8‐10 4‐10 4‐10 3‐10 Mean 1‐10 8.0 9.2 9.2 8.7 9.2 6.6 9.5 8.6 8.2 7.9 Term Spring 11 Spring 11 Spring 11 Spring 11 Spring 11 Spring 11 Spring 11 Spring 11 Spring 11 Spring 11 # Students 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Range 1‐10 4‐10 5‐10 2‐10 4‐10 5‐10 4‐10 7‐10 2‐10 5‐10 1‐10 Mean 1‐10 7.9 7.8 7.6 8.0 8.8 7.9 8.8 8.5 8.0 7.8 Term # Students Range 1‐10 Mean 1‐10 School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 9 of 10 Using skills in work setting Intellectual & Acad. Challenge Practicum Exp. Program Flex. Avail Faculty Value of Curricu Inform from Adv Value of Faculty Teach Exp. Value of Faculty Mentoring Avail of Courses Usefulness of Program Plan Summer 11 Summer 11 Summer 11 Summer 11 Summer 11 Summer 11 Summer 11 Summer 11 Summer 11 Summer 11 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1‐10 4‐10 2‐10 4‐10 5‐10 4‐10 6‐10 6‐10 4‐10 3‐10 8.1 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.9 8.6 9.1 8.7 8.1 7.9 2. Summary of Results Evaluation indicates that students are meeting the 3‐4 level of proficiency on each of the critical performances; field experiences are varied; mean dispositions are well above 4 on the rubric. Efforts continue during 2011‐2012 to have all faculty both full‐time and adjunct respond to the critical performance requirement for all school counseling classes. Diversity in field experiences continues to be an area of consideration. Faculty discussed curricula modifications that will assist in increasing the mean scores on the CPCE. Results of the student surveys were also discussed with particular emphasis on survey areas that can be improved in order to provide the best quality education that meets the needs of the student in both class offerings and direct application to students’ work settings. 3. Summary of Dissemination Efforts Summary of results were given to the faculty for discussion and recommendation. This report was presented to the faculty for discussion at the faculty meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 30, 2011. This report is also being posted on the College of Education & Behavioral Sciences Professional Education Unit website ( 4. Key Discussions and Decisions Made a. Assessment Data Changes School Counseling 2010‐11 Page 10 of 10 One note is the incidence of data entry errors. While there were only a few, this needs to be monitored. On some occasions student identification numbers were not in the system even though they were registered for the class on TopNet. b. Program Curriculum Changes Faculty discussed those areas on the CPCE that are less than the mean for students nationally who use the same examination as part of the exit process. These areas will be emphasized in the courses that correspond to those standards. In addition the faculty made the following recommendations: the department will order copies of Encyclopedia of Counseling: Master Review & Tutorial for National Counselor Examination and State Exams, contact the CPCE for appropriate tutorial websites, examine the balance between content learning and applied learning within the counseling curricula. The CPCE is primarily focused on content learning. The addition of courses to meet CACREP standards provides greater opportunity for emphasis in certain content areas. c. Decisions Regarding Student Progress Based on Assessment Data Students are satisfactorily completing the critical performances relative to standards. The issue for ongoing discussion is the comparison of mean scores on the CPCE of our students to the mean scores of students nationally who utilize this exit examination. Our goal is to increase the mean number of correct answers for our students. This requires a continuing examination of specific areas for curricula revision. The department has revised the school counseling program to meet current accreditation standards established by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). This entailed revising curriculum, adding new courses and requiring two additional school counseling internships.