Chinese Language Immersion House What is the CLIH?

Chinese Language Immersion House
Application for Residence and Chinese Cultural Ambassador Position
What is the CLIH?
The Chinese Language Immersion House (CLIH), founded in 2015, is a WKU housing option geared towards students
interested in an immersive living-learning language environment. By living in the house, residents will develop
communication skills in both academic and daily life settings through organized activities, informal daily contacts, and
CLIH events.
These same residents have the opportunity to develop leadership skills as Chinese Cultural Ambassadors (CCA) to
current and prospective WKU students in one of three areas: Recruitment, Campus Involvement, and Community
What are the CCA roles at the CLIH?
Recruitment Ambassador: Residents choosing to serve in this capacity work closely with faculty, staff, and the CLIH
Community Advisor to welcome prospective WKU students interested in Chinese language and culture. Residents
serving as Recruitment Ambassadors may correspond with prospective students, give campus and CLIH tours, and
speak with prospective students about their experiences in formal and informal settings.
Campus Involvement Ambassador: Resident choosing to serve in this capacity work closely with faculty, staff, and
student organizations on programs, workshops, and events related to Chinese culture. Additionally, these
residents, in conjunction with the CLIH Community Advisor, will host academic and social programs held in the
Community Development Ambassador: Residents choosing to serve in this capacity work closely with the CLIH
Community Advisor and the CLIH Advisor to develop a sense of community among current students both in and
out of the CLIH. Residents serving as Community Development Ambassadors may facilitate mentoring
relationships with current students, contribute to the CLIH’s social media presence, and/or foster opportunities for
Chinese language learners to interact across cohorts.
What are the requirements for the CLIH?
Have achieved an Intermediate Mid Language level (ACTFL) prior to moving into the House. (Students who plan to
achieve this level through summer language study are encouraged to apply).
24 hours of WKU credit completed prior to move-in; exceptions will be made on a case by case basis for native
speakers with a completed bachelors degree.
Uphold your language pledge within the CLIH; Chinese is the language of the CLIH and the expectation is Chinese
will be spoken unless there are extenuating circumstances or specific exceptions. Exceptions for non-Chinese
speakers and other specific situations will be decided on by the CLIH community at the CCA training workshop.
Attend and participate in the CCA training workshop on August 27th; will be held on-campus, location TBD
Attend a house-wide, bi-weekly meeting; day and time to be determined by residents at the CCA training
Attend functional area meetings as scheduled.
Be present at the CLIH and, as an ambassador, within the Chinese speaking community. The language benefits of
living in the CLIH come from consistent, daily interactions utilizing the language. By selecting to live in the CLIH
and serve as a CCA you agree: the CLIH will be your primary residence, you will maintain frequent communication
with the CA and the CLIH Advisor, you will attend CLIH programming unless there is a pre-approved exception, and
you are aware there may be needed availability on some weekends.
Still have questions?
If you would like to learn more about the living in the CLIH and serving as a CCA, contact Jennifer Markin, CLIH Advisor,
at, or Kate Hart, current CLIH Community Advisor, at
Applications for residence are due by February 24, 2016
Return to the Chinese Flagship Offices, HCIC 2039, or
via e-mail to
Chinese Language Immersion House
Application for Residence and Chinese Cultural Ambassador Position
Full Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Name: _________________________________
WKU ID: ____________________
Current Address: __________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address: ________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
(Email account which is checked over the summer)
Phone: _______________________
High School: ______________________________
(Cell phone if available)
May we text you? Yes or No
Hometown Newspaper: ______________________________
Academic Information:
Major(s): ___________________________________________________________________________
Minor(s): ___________________________________________________________________________
Anticipated Grad Term: ____________ Credit Hours as of Spring 2016: __________________
Indicate highest language level course: CHNF _________
Native Speaker: Yes or No
CHIN __________ Other: ______
Intended Summer Programs: __________________________
Desired CCA Role(s), circle all that apply:
Campus Involvement
Community Development
Residents will be selected, in part, through an individual interview process. Please, indicate
below your availability in one-hour blocks on the following dates.
Monday, Feb 29th
Tuesday, March 1st Wednesday, March 2nd
Thursday, March 3rd
Friday, March 4th
WKU References
Please provide contact information for WKU Faculty/Staff Members who can serve as a
Name: ____________________________________
Department/Unit: _______________________
WKU Email Address: _________________________
Campus Phone (if available):________________
Name: ____________________________________
Department/Unit: _______________________
WKU Email Address: _________________________
Campus Phone (if available):________________