Ursinus College Water Vapor Increase and its Effect on Atmospheric Temperature

Ursinus College
Water Vapor Increase and its Effect on Atmospheric Temperature
Introduction (continued):
As the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increases, cloud cover planet-wide can also
increase. Changes in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere can have two different effects on
the temperature of the atmosphere. For example, water vapor is a greenhouse gas, capable of trapping
excess heat in the atmosphere. Water vapor can form aerosol droplets around particulates and smoke,
increasing atmospheric albedo (reflectivity) and directing some sunlight into space. Also, when water
evaporates it has a cooling effect.
The essential piece of information you are looking for is the rate of temperature change that
this factor causes. When you finish conducting your experiment, go to Data Table 1 and write in the
rate of change for the particular factor you are testing. Then go to Data Table 2 and choose the
nature of the factor’s effect. A direct relationship means that an increase in one variable produces
an increase in another variable. An inverse relationship means that an increase in one variable
produces a decrease in another variable.
Notes for a Successful Experiment:
Please note that the water in the spray bottle should be kept as close to room temperature as
possible. When spraying water into the flask, take care not to spray water onto the probe, since it will
lower the temperature reading. Also when spraying, attempt to spray a fine mist rather than squirt
water into the flask. Before beginning the experiment, both probes should be within 0.3 degrees of
each other.
Set-Up Procedure:
1. Plug the power adaptor into the Vernier LabPro and use the USB cable to connect the LabPro
to the computer. Plug the temperature probes into Channels 1 and 2 of the Vernier LabPro.
2. Prepare the computer for data collection by opening LoggerPro from the desktop.
3. Select the “Experiment” drop-down menu, and select the “Data Collection” button on this
menu. Under “Sampling Rate,” fill in “2” for samples per second. Set the “collection length”
to 270 seconds. Click Done.
4. Set the work light on your lab bench. Place the ruler on the table underneath the work light.
Line up the beginning of the ruler with the face of the light.
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5. Prepare the Erlenmeyer Flasks to simulate the atmosphere by filling each with 50 mL of black
gravel. The black gravel simulates the surface of the earth, and the air within the glass
represents the atmosphere.
6. Place the two flasks next to each other on the wooden stand, 20cm away from the face of the
lamp. The flask stand will touch the lamp stand. Make sure the light will be shining on the
flasks directly. Direct the white labels away from the light source. Place 1-hole black
stoppers in both of the flasks. Insert the temperature probes in the open hole of the black
Experiment Procedure:
7. Spray three squirts of water into the flask with the probe connected to Channel 1.
Immediately replace the black stopper and temperature probe. When ready, simultaneously
turn on the light and click “Collect.” Data will be collected for 270 seconds and stop
8. At 90 seconds, turn off the light.
9. When data stops collecting, click “AutoScale Graph” at the top of the page (the button with
the A). Go to the “Experiment” tab and click on “Store Latest Run.” Highlight using a click
and drag with your mouse pad from 0 to 90 seconds and click on the “Linear Fit Button” (the
button with the R=) to find the slope. Highlight from 90 to 270 seconds and find the slope.
Continue to the “Data Analysis” section of the lab and fill in the slopes on Table I provided.
On Table 2, circle the type of relationship this factor represents.
10. Go to the “Data” menu and click on “Clear all data.”
Discussion Questions:
1. From 0 to 90 seconds, which flask heated up faster? Why do you think this happened? How
does this reflect how water vapor in the atmosphere controls temperature?
2. From 90 to 270 seconds, which flask cooled down faster? Why do you think that is? How
does this reflect how water vapor in the atmosphere controls temperature?
Critical Thinking:
1. Specific heat is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one milliliter of a
substance by 1°C. From this experiment, what can you infer about the specific heat of water
as compared to the specific heat of air?
Ursinus College
Cloud Cover Changes and its Effect on Atmospheric Temperature
Introduction (continued):
As the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increases, cloud cover planet-wide can also
increase. As a result of increasing cloud cover, the albedo (reflectivity) of the earth can also change
and increase or decrease the amount of sunlight being reflected away from the planet. For these
experiments, you can test the effects of increased cloud cover on temperature.
The essential piece of information you are looking for is the rate of temperature change that
this factor causes. When you finish conducting your experiment, go to Data Table 1 and write in the
rate of change for the particular factor you are testing. Then go to Data Table 2 and choose the
nature of the factor’s effect. A direct relationship means that an increase in one variable produces
an increase in another variable. An inverse relationship means that an increase in one variable
produces a decrease in another variable.
Clouds can have two effects on climate change. They can act as a reflective surface to keep
heat out, but can also act as a source of insulation to keep heat in. Before running the experiment,
think about which of these effects is being demonstrated. Keep in mind that our layer of clouds is
relatively thick.
1. Plug the power adaptor into the Vernier LabPro and use the USB cable to connect the LabPro
to the computer. Plug the temperature probes into Channels 1 and 2 of the Vernier LabPro.
2. Prepare the computer for data collection by opening LoggerPro from the desktop.
3. Select the “Experiment” drop-down menu, and select the “Data Collection” button on this
menu. Under “Sampling Rate,” fill in “1” for samples per second. Set the “collection
length” to 90 seconds. Click Done.
4. Place 250 Watt lamp on level surface.
5. Fill two (2) Erlenmeyer flasks with 50 ml of black gravel.
6. Cover one of the flasks with a coating of artificial window frosting. Note-Your teacher may
have already done this for you.
7. Close both flasks by using a rubber stopper with a hole for the temperature probe.
8. Place the flasks up against the front inside corners of the pre-made stand. (See Figure Below)
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9. Place the stand 5 inches away from the lamp. (Be sure the lamp is shining directly into the
side of the bottle and any labels are turned away from the lamp.)
10. Insert temperature probes into the glass bottles through the holes in the rubber stoppers.
Insert temperature probe 1 into the clear flask and temperature probe 2 into the cloud
covered flask.
11. Be sure that both of the initial temperatures are within 0.5° C of each other.
12. Simultaneously click “Collect” and turn on the lamp.
13. Turn off lamp immediately when finished and remove the flasks to allow them to cool.
14. Adjust graph as necessary by choosing the “Autoscale Graph” button (the button with the A
on it button in the toolbar at the top of the desktop) .
15. Click on “Experiment” tab and click “Store Latest Run” (the line will get lighter).
16. Click on the “Linear Fit” button (the one at the top with the R= on it) to determine the
slopes. Record the slope on Data Table 1 and the nature of this relationship on Data
Table 2.
17. Go to the “Data” menu and click on “Clear all data.”
18. If time permits and your teachers request it, re-set up the experiment to run a second time.
Be sure that both of the initial temperatures inside of the bottles are within .5° C of each
Discussion Questions:
1. Did this experiment demonstrate the ability of clouds to reflect heat and keep it out or did it
demonstrate the ability of clouds to act as insulation and keep heat in? Was this consistent
with what you expected?
2. How might increased temperatures caused by climate change magnify the effects of clouds?
Critical Thinking:
1. If the clouds in this experiment were black instead of white, what differences (if any) do you
think would be observed?
Ursinus College
Solar Output Change and its Effect on Atmospheric Temperature
Introduction (continued):
Periodically, the energy output from the sun changes. As a result, atmospheric or oceanic
temperatures can change slightly and increase or decrease. In this experiment, you will change the
wattage of the light source striking the sampling bottles to simulate changes in solar output.
The essential piece of information you are looking for is the rate of temperature change that
this factor causes. When you finish conducting your experiment, go to Data Table 1 and write in the
rate of change for the particular factor you are testing. Then go to Data Table 2 and choose the
nature of the factor’s effect. A direct relationship means that an increase in one variable produces
an increase in another variable. An inverse relationship means that an increase in one variable
produces a decrease in another variable.
Set-Up Procedure:
1. Plug the power adaptor into the Vernier LabPro and use the USB cable to connect the LabPro
to the computer. Plug the temperature probes into Channels 1 of the Vernier LabPro.
2. Prepare the computer for data collection by opening LoggerPro from the desktop.
3. Set up graph to run for 90 Sec at 2 sample/ sec. Do this by selecting “Experiment” on the
toolbar at the top of the page and then choose “Data Collection.” Set the length of the
experiment to 90 seconds and the number of samples to “2” per second. Then click “Done.”
4. Use a ruler to measure 7 inches between the Husky-brand halogen worklight and the
Erlenmeyer flask. Use a wooden platform to keep the flask and light at level heights so the
light shines horizontally through the flask.
5. Take two Erlenmeyer flasks and fill both with 50 mL each full of black gravel, and cover the
tops with 1-hole stoppers.
6. Use the temperature probe to measure the room temperature and record it somewhere for
later use.
7. When a flask is exposed to the light it should have the white label facing away from the
lamp. Place one of the flasks in front of the light and insert a temperature probe through the
hole in the stopper.
8. This lamp has two settings. If you push the on button once, you get 250 watts. If you push it
twice you get 500 watts.
Experiment Procedure:
9. In the first test. You will press the on button once while at the same time clicking on
“Collect” on your laptop.
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10. At the same time that the light is turned on, press the “Collect” button. This will collect
information in 90 seconds and stop afterwards, and the light should be turned off at the end of
the run. Each run will end automatically.
11. Go to the “Experiment” menu and click on “Store Latest Run” to save your line.
12. Replace the first flask with the second one in front of the light. As with the first, make sure
the white label is not facing the light. When the Temperature Probe drops to 0.5° C of the
initial room temperature, place the probe through the stopper into the flask.
13. Wait until the light cools. The first run was at 250 watts the second will be at 500 watts.
14. Click the “Collect” button at the same time that you double click the lamp button to set it to
500 watts, and collect data for 90 seconds. Make sure to turn off the light when the
experiment is over.
15. Go to the “Experiment” menu and click on “Store Latest Run” after the run is complete.
16. Click on the “Linear fit button” (the one with the R= on it to determine the slope. Record the
slopes on Data Table 1 and record the nature of the relationship on Date Table 2.
17. Go to the “Data” menu and click on “Clear All Data”.
Discussion Questions:
1. What connection did you see between the amount of light energy and temperature change?
2. Does solar output vary? Has it changed in the past?
3. If the output of the sun increased, is there anything that could be done about it.?
Critical Thinking:
1. What other factors play a role in solar radiation and climate change?
2. What do you think would happen if you used water in your experiment instead of gravel?
3. How are surface albedo and solar radiation related.
Ursinus College
Surface Albedo (Reflectivity) Effects on Atmospheric Temperature
Introduction (continued):
The albedo of the surface of the earth relates to how much sunlight is absorbed and reflected
by the earth. A high albedo means that a lot of light is reflected from the earth and conversely, a low
albedo means that the earth is absorbing a lot of light. Generally speaking, darker colors have a low
albedo and light colors have a high albedo. In this experiment, you will test the effects of two land
types on atmospheric temperature. You will use black and tan gravel to simulate two land covers
of different albedo.
The essential piece of information you are looking for is the rate of temperature change that
this factor causes. When you finish conducting your experiment, go to Data Table 1 and write in the
rate of change for the particular factor you are testing. Then go to Data Table 2 and choose the
nature of the factor’s effect. A direct relationship means that an increase in one variable produces
an increase in another variable. An inverse relationship means that an increase in one variable
produces a decrease in another variable.
1. Plug the power adaptor into the Vernier LabPro and use the USB cable to connect the LabPro
to the computer. Plug the temperature probes into Channels 1 of the Vernier LabPro.two
Temperature Probes into Channels 1 and 2 of the Vernier computer interface.
2. Prepare the computer for data collection by opening LoggerPro from the desktop.
3. Set up the graph to run for 90 Sec at 1 sample/ sec. Do this by selecting “Experiment” on the
toolbar at the top of the page and then choose “Data Collection.” Set the length of the
experiment to 90 seconds and the number of samples to “1” per second. Then click “Done.”
4. Using a ruler, measure a distance of three inches between the light source (Husky-brand
halogen worklight) and the two Erlenmeyer flasks. Do not use a wooden stand for this lab.
5. Fill one flask with the 125-mL black gravel and fill the other flask with 125-mL of tan gravel.
6. Place both flasks on the table top at the appropriate distance from the light source. The flasks
should be placed directly side by side with the white labels away from the light source.
7. Place a 1-hole stopper in each flask, and insert the temperature probes in the open holes in the
8. Set up and move the worklight so that it is pointed down towards the two flasks at
approximately 45˚.
9. Simultaneously turn the work light on and click the “collect” button. Data will be collected
for 90 seconds and stop automatically. Turn the work light off immediately after data has
been collected.
10. Select “Store Latest Run” from the “Experiment” menu.
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11. Click on the linear fit button (the one at the top with the R= on it) to determine the slope.
Record the slopes on Data Table 1 and the nature of the relationship on Data Table 2.
12. Select “Clear All Data” from the “data” menu.
Discussion Questions:
1. Give an example, how a change in albedo could impact atmospheric temperature. Is this
consistent with the results from your experiments?
2. Based on what you already about global warming, do your results make sense? Why or why
3. Based on your results today, do you think that albedo could affect ocean temperatures?
Critical Thinking:
1. Recent studies have shown a decrease in polar ice coverage. How does the experiment you
just conducted apply to today’s conditions? If ice coverage was increasing, what would you
expect Earth’s atmospheric conditions to be?
Ursinus College
Effect of Increased Atmospheric CO2 Levels on Atmospheric Temperature
Introduction (continued):
To test how changes in atmospheric CO2 levels can change atmospheric temperature, you
will use a laptop computer and LabPro interface along with a temperature probe to monitor changes
in temperature during two 90-second experiments. During the first experiment, you will gather
baseline data to determine how quickly a glass jar heats up at classroom CO2 levels. Then, you will
conduct the same experiment using Alka-Seltzer tablets to produce excess CO2 and again determine
how quickly the glass jar heats up.
The essential piece of information you are looking for is the rate of temperature change that
this factor causes. When you finish conducting your experiment, go to Data Table 1 and write in the
rate of change for the particular factor you are testing. Then go to Data Table 2 and choose the
nature of the factor’s effect. A direct relationship means that an increase in one variable produces
an increase in another variable. An inverse relationship means that an increase in one variable
produces a decrease in another variable.
Set-Up Procedure:
1. Plug the power adapter into the Vernier LabPro and use the USB cable to connect the LabPro
to the computer. Plug the temperature probe into Channel one of the LabPro.
2. Prepare the computer for data collection by clicking on the LoggerPro icon on the desktop.
3. Set the collection time for 90 seconds. Do this by selecting “Experiment” on the toolbar at
the top of the page and then choose “Data Collection.” Set the length of time for the
experiment at 90 seconds and the number of samples to “1” per second. Then click “Done.”
4. Add 50 mL of black gravel to both flasks. Then put room temperature water into both the
flasks until the water reaches the 75ml mark on the flasks.
5. Take the stopper with two holes and place a tube connector in one and the temperature probe
in the other. Then take the other stopper (with only one hole) and secure a tube connector in
its hole. Place the each stopper on your prepared Erlenmeyer flasks, making sure they are
firm and secure. Move the second flask aside (with the one-holed stopper) and away from the
Experiment Procedure:
1. Put the flask with the temperature probe in front of the work light (which is currently off!!)
at a distance of 15 centimeters away (from actually bulb). Direct the lamp horizontally
towards the flask (to shine on the front of the flask and not the top).
2. Simultaneously turn the work light on and click the collect button on Logger. Data will be
collected for 90 seconds and stop automatically. Turn the work light off immediately after
data has been collected (but leave the flask where it is).
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3. Select “Store Last Run” from the Experiment menu.
4. Lab pro will automatically run a new graph on top of your saved results for the second part of
this experiment.
5. Let the flask cool until the temperature probe drops down to its original temperature.
6. For the second part of the experiment, leave the first flask in the same position.
7. To prepare the second flask, securely attach the other end of you tubing to the tube connector
in the stopper. Place the second flask on the wooden platform so that the tubing is straighter
and “downhill”. This will more easily allow the gas to flow in your first flask.
8. Once your temperature probe has returned to its original temperature (it should still be in the
first flask!), remove the stopper on the second flask, place one Alka-Seltzer tablet in the
flask, and quickly replace the stopper back on it. Turn on the work lamp. Wait 10 seconds
and then hit the collect button. Let the experiment run for 90 sec.
9. Go to “Experiment” and click on “Store latest run.”
10. Then determine the slopes by clicking on the “Linear fit” button (the one at the top with the
R= on it).
11. Record the slopes on Data Table 1 and the nature of the relationship on Data Table 2.
12. Go to the “Data” menu and click on “Clear all data.”
Discussion Questions:
1. What happened when the alka-seltzer was added to the second flask?
2. Do your results agree with the accepted theory of the effect of carbon dioxide on the
3. What do you predict will happen with the world’s carbon dioxide level in the future and
what effect do you predict that will have on the world’s climate?
Critical Thinking:
1. Even though the changes seen in the experiment may be limited to half a degree, how do you
think that change in temperature on a global scale would be felt? What are the consequences
of letting carbon dioxide accumulate in the atmosphere? What are the positives that can come
from a warmer planet?