Space Biology 1 Space Biology Research on Cells, Animals, and Plants in Space Gilles Clément International Space University Strasbourg, France Space Biology Lecture Outline 2 • What is Life? Evolution of Life. Life on Mars • The effects of gravity on cell shape and function. Gravitational Biology • The effects of spaceflight on development of animals. Development Biology • The effects of spaceflight on plants. Plant Biology • Biotechnology in microgravity • The biological research facilities on board the International Space Station Water droplets on a plant on board the ISS (NASA) Space Biology The Evolution of Cell 3 • Living cells arose on Earth by the spontaneous aggregation of molecules about 3 ½ billion years ago – These early (prokaryotic) cells (e.g. bacteria) are small, with relatively simple internal structures containing DNA, proteins and small molecules – They replicate quickly by simply dividing in two (a single cell can divide every 20 min. and thereby give rise to 5 billion cells in < 11 hours). Their ability to divide quickly (growth rate) enables these cells to adapt rapidly to changes in their environment ⤶⤷ – Bacteria can utilize virtually any type of organic molecule as food (including sugars, amino acids, fats, hydrocarbons,...) and get their energy (ATP) from chemical processes in absence or presence of Oxygen Space Biology Speaking about Contamination • The Apollo-12 Lunar Module landed on the Moon 156 meters away from Surveyor-3, which landed there 2 ½ years earlier • The astronauts recovered a camera of the Surveyor spacecraft for analysis back on Earth • Specimen of a bacteria (Streptococcus mitis oralis) were still alive on the camera 4 Space Biology The Worldʼs Oldest Living Thing • Spores of the Bacillus bacteria were found during the summer of 2000 in salt crystals buried 600 meters below ground at a cavern in New Mexico, US • When they were extracted from the crystals in a laboratory and placed in a nutrient solution, the micro-organisms revived and began to grow • These bacteria have survived in a state of suspended animation for 250 million years • Until then, the worldʼs oldest living survivors were thought to be 25-40 million year old bacteria spores discovered in a bee preserved in amber 5 Space Biology The Evolution of Cell • About 1 ½ billion years ago appeared larger and more complex cells such as those found in higher animals and plants – These eukaryotic cells (or protozoa) have a nucleus which contains the cellʼs DNA, and a cytoplasm where most of the cellʼs metabolic reactions occur – They get their ATP from aerobic oxidation of food molecules (respiration) or from sunlight (photosynthesis) 6 Space Biology Evolution of Organisms 7 (deduced from their genes sequences) rat toad shrimp maize mushroom (multi-celled) yeast (one-celled) Histoplasma capsulatum (causes lung infection) Penicillium notatum (produces the drug penicillin) vertebrates invertebrates plants fungi protozoa (multi-celled) Giardia intestinalis (causes diarrhea) protista Trypanosoma brucei (causes sleeping sickness) Plasmodium gametocyte (causes malaria) extremophiles Sulfolobus E. coli (causes food poisoning) Strepococcus pyrogenes (causes strep throat) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (causes tuberculosis) archaebacteria eubacteria Space Biology Life on Mars • This 4 ½ billion-year-old rock is a portion of a meteorite (ALH84001) that was dislodged from Mars and that fell to Earth in Antarctica about 16 million years ago • It is believed to contain fossil evidence that primitive life may have existed on Mars more than 3 1/2 billion years ago Possible microscopic fossils of bacteria-like organisms High-resolution scanning electron microscope images of AHL84001 8 Space Biology Gravitational Biology • How cells, as single unicellular organisms, or as the basic unit of multi-cellular organisms, are sensitive to gravity? • Studies of the effects of gravity on: – Cell Morphology • Shape • Structure (skeleton) • Polarization (up-down orientation) – Cell Function • Secretion • Transportation of substances in and out the cell • Immune response – Cell-Cell Interaction • Communication • Differentiation 9 Space Biology Results of Space Experiments • Bacteria – Increase in growth rate (proliferation) – Increased resistance to antibiotics Colonies of bacteria (Bacillus subtillus) cultured on board Skylab Bacteria grown under the same ambient conditions as Skylab, but on Earth 10 Space Biology Results of Space Experiments • Human Cells 11 White Blood Cell – Space anemia – Resistance to bacteria or virus is altered Red Blood Cells Platelet Blood draw kit Space Biology Human Cells in Space 12 • Reduction in the number of red blood cells (space anemia) – Red blood cells carry the oxygen to the muscles – The reduction in plasma volume (due to fluid loss) causes an over-abondance of oxygen-carrying capability – Muscles lose mass and require less oxygen – This over-abondance of oxygen is detected by the kidneys – The kidneys reduce the production of an hormone (erythropoietin, EPO) which, in turn, decreases red blood cell formation Plasma (55%) White blood cells Red blood cells Space Biology Human Cells in Space (contʼd) 13 • Resistance to bacteria or virus is altered (immune reaction) – Lymphocytes produce antibodies which counteract the invading body – Activation of lymphocytes in-vivo is depressed after spaceflight – Lymphocytes can be purified from blood and activated by exposure to various substances in culture (in vitro) viruses microbes – Lymphocytes activation in-vitro is reduced by 90% in-flight (probably due to changes in membrane structure) – However,T-lymphocytes activation in-vitro in space is accompanied by an increase in secretion of interferon (a molecule which interferes with virus growth) – Use of space for synthesis of biomolecules (biotechnology) Space Biology Development Biology • After fertilization of the amphibian eggs, two rotations occur : – The whole egg detaches from its jelly capsule and rotates on itself so that the heavier vegetative pole moves downwards – An hour or so later, just the egg cortex rotates by 30° relative to the cytoplasm. This rotation establishes the dorso-anterior axis and depends on a transient array of parallel microtubules at the vegetal cortex • Very roughly, the animal pole corresponds to the head, and the vegetal pole corresponds to the dorsal side 14 Space Biology Amphibian Development When the cortex does not rotate normally, the embryo fails to develop Cortex rotation: The cytoplasm rotates with respect to the overlying cortex by about 30 degrees. The gray crescent is only visible in certain amphibian eggs 15 Space Biology Embryonic Development 16 The early stages are closely similar among species (drawn to scale) The later stages are more divergent (not drawn to scale) Fish Salamender Chick Human Space Biology Development in Space 17 • Invertebrates – Aquatic species less susceptible to microgravity than terrestrial species • Fertilization and larval development normal in sea urchin eggs • Formation of skeletal hard parts (shells, spicules) which involve calcium carbonate is altered during development in microgravity – Insects: • Development abnormalities in drosophilas bred in space • Stick insect: reduced hatching rate of eggs, but embryonic development before hatching showed no major morphological anomalies Note: Fish is a vertebrate Space Biology Invertebrates in Space Spiders use both the wind and gravity to determine the required thickness of web material First web built in space 18 Space Biology Development in Space (contʼd) 19 • Vertebrates – No vertebrates have been raised from conception to sexual maturity in space – No birds or reptiles have bred in orbit – Fertilized chicken and quail eggs have flown: few young chick embryos have survived; normal development of eggs launched at later developmental stages. – Frog eggs fertilized inflight: • Differences in early embryogenesis • But tadpoles at feeding Ground stage are not different from controls Flight Therefore, rotation of egg is not only gravity-driven. It presumably depends on a transient array of microtubules. The major embryonic axis forms independently of gravity Space Biology Development in Space (contʼd) • Vertebrates (contʼd) – Tadpoles born in space have difficulties to inflate their lungs in microgravity – Tadpoles born in space exhibit larger visual-oriented responses during 9 days postflight – Fish (Medaka) larvae raised in space swim normally when tested on Earth (Ijiri,1997) 20 Space Biology Development in Space (contʼd) 21 • Vertebrates (contʼd) – The Dorsal Light Response (DLR) of fish is a simple model of visual-vestibular control of posture – On Earth, the DLR is amplified in fish with no otoliths – In microgravity, the DLR is dominant in most animals Arrow show the direction of coming light Normal carp on Earth Carp with otoliths of the vestibular system removed on Earth Space Biology Development in Space (contʼd) • Mammals – Flown pregnant rats gave birth to normal neonates after flight – During postflight delivery, flight dams have twice as many abdominal contractions as the ground controls – Flown neonate rats show persistent slower weight-bearing behaviors (walking, surface righting) postflight. Therefore, gravity is required for critical developmental periods The Neurolab mission was 16-day long Walking/righting of neonates rats in 0-G 22 Space Biology Behavioral Studies in Space • Little neurobehavioral research has been done in microgravity with vertebrates, juvenile or adult • On Earth, jellyfish normally float upright, and pulse their • • • mantles upward. In 0-g they were either quiet or pulsed in large loops On board Skylab, killifish first swam in somersaults' loops and spirals. 18 days later, they had ceased to swim erratically, and relied on light as a indication of up and down In 0-g during parabolic flight, pigeons flap their wings and rotate in place without any forward motion. They do not seem to have any ability to control their flying behavior Quail chicks were hatched on Mir. If held in a cosmonaut's hand, they would not be bothered by 0-g and peck food. When turned loose, they rapidly rotated and made somersaults, loops, and spirals 23 Space Biology Space Research in Plant Biology • Mechanism of gravity perception (gravitropism) • Development of closed ecological life support systems • Plants respond to environmental stimuli such as light (phototropism), water (hydrotropism), and magnetic or electric fields. These responses are masked on Earth by the overriding response of plants to gravity • Role of the absence of 24 hour cycles in light and temperature on circadian rhythms in plants. The generation of the circadian rhythms is likely to involve the membrane transport systems, and these systems are affected by microgravity 24 Space Biology Gravity Perception in Plants Plants have gravity-sensing organs in their roots, which involve the sedimentation of particles (statoliths) Zea maize root cap On Earth, in a root placed vertically, the statoliths (black particles) are sedimented at the bottom end of the cell When the root is placed horizontally for 3 hours, the statoliths are now sedimented onto the lateral walls of the cell 25 Space Biology Gravity Perception in Plants 26 Removal of the root abolishes the capacity to detect gravity Zea maize • Is it the movement of the statoliths through the cytoplasm, or the pressure they exert on other (lower) cellular components, that is involved in graviception? • What is the threshold for gravity perception? Space Biology Plant Development in 0-g 1-G 0-G apical stem leaf 27 0-G Effects Changes in orientation of stem and leaves axillary bud stem adventilious roots More adventilious roots secondary root Faster growth of secondary roots primary root Changes in orientation of secondary roots Reduction of the primary root growth root cap From Perbal (2001) Loss of apical dominance Space Biology Roots grow randomly in 0-g, but can be reoriented uniformly on exposure to 1-g for as little as 3 hours 28 0-g g 1g On-board centrifuge Adapted from G. Perbal (1992) 0-g 1-g for 3 hrs Space Biology Plant Biology in Space — Results • On-board centrifuge experiments have demonstrated that the minimum force that is sensed by plant organs is in the range of 1/1000th of g • The root is able to perceive its orientation with respect to a linear acceleration vector and to generate a signal of curvature in less than 30 seconds • The reproductive phase is completed in microgravity when the culture conditions (gas and liquid exchanges) are adequate • Whether or not a seedling growing from the beginning in microgravity can flower and produce normal seeds remains a matter of debate 29 Space Biology Plant Reproduction • LDEF: Long-Duration Exposure Facility – 12 million tomato seeds in space for 6 years – Post-flight measurement of germination Germination % Flight 73.8 Ground Control 70.3 – Conclusion: Seeds remain viable in space • Cell Division and Chromosomal Damage in embryos of cultured Hemerocallis (daylily) Cells in division (%) Cells in metaphase (%) Chromosome damage (%) Double nuclei (%) Ground 2.6 31.3 0 0 Flight 0.4 11.3 1.7 3.1 – Conclusion: The space environment (microgravity and/or radiation) results in reduced cell division and increased chromosomal damage 30 Space Biology Plant Reproduction Seed pod (silique) formed in space Pre-flight 31 Pistil of flower grown in space Flowers formed in space were normal in appearance Ovules from siliques formed in space Post-flight (11 days) Pollen germinated and pollen tubes grew towards style • Recent experiments showed that reproduction proceeded normally through the stage of an immature seed • Past failures were probably due to less than adequate horticultural conditions Space Biology Bioprocessing 32 • Biotechnology is an applied biological science that involves the research, manipulation, and manufactoring of biological molecules, tissues, and living organisms • Biotechnology has a critical role in health, agriculture, and environmental protection Flowering on board the ISS (NASA) • Space biotechnology is focused on protein crystal growth, cell and tissue culture, and the fundamental mechanisms of cell growth and secretion • Microgravity offers a unique environment that re-orders the forces exerted on cells. The response of cells to this re-ordering provides novel insights into fundamental cellular mechanisms. Cells unloaded from gravity may perform to our advantage in tissue formation • The response of cells to microgravity, combined with advances in molecular biology and genetics, offers the opportunity to explore new strategies in applied science and contribute to public health Space Biology Biotechnology in Microgravity 33 • Research Areas – Protein crystal growth – Cell and tissue culture Lysozyme x150 – Manufacture of biological materials • Research Themes – Molecular structure of proteins and viruses – Structure-based drug design – In-vitro drug testing – New technologies for bioprocessing (in particular isolation and purification) Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus (STMV) crystals grown in 0 g Courtesy of ESA Space Biology ESA Biolab onboard ISS 34 Space Biology ISS Centrifuge Accommodation Module 35 Space Biology Biology Research onboard ISS • Cell Culture Unit* • Aquatic Habitat* • Advanced • • • Animal Habitat* Plant Research Unit* Insect Habitat** Egg Incubator** Research in cell and tissue biology Capability to maintain and monitor animal and plant cell and tissue culture for up to 30 days Egg to egg generation studies for examination of life stages. Can accommodate small fresh water organisms for up to 90 days Housing for up to 6 rats or 12 pregnant mice for studies of mammals development Studies of growth and development for plant specimens up to 30 cm (root+shoot) Multigenerational and radiation biology Incubation and development of small reptilian and avian eggs prior to hatching * can be used on the 2.5-m diameter centrifuge (0.01-2.0 g) ** equipped with internal 0.01-1.5 g centrifuges 36 Space Biology Research Opportunities • International Life Science Research Announcement (ILSRA) coordinated between the ISS partners • This ILSRA is released annually and includes several research opportunities – Life Sciences themes using the ISS – Research in biology using sounding rockets – Research in biology using biosatellites – Utilization of the bed rest facilities to prepare for human physiology projects on the ISS – Utilization of the centrifuge facilities to prepare for artificial gravity projects – Utilization of the specific environment and living conditions of polar stations 37 Space Biology Reading Material 38 • Clément G (2005) Fundamentals of Space Medicine. Dordrecht: Springer • Clément G, K Slenzka (2006) Fundamentals of Space Biology. El Segundo: Microcosm Press, New York: Springer • Dutemple L (2000) The Complete Idiotʼs Guide to Life Sciences. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books • Oser H, Battrick B (eds) (1989) Life Sciences Research in Space. Noordwijk: ESA Publication Divisions, ESA SP-1105 • Future Biotechnology Research on the International Space Station (2000). Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, Space Studies Board. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. Available online at URL: • /technologies/available_hardware.html