“Achieving, Believing & Caring”

25 Mountainberry Rd, Brampton, ON L6R IJ3
Phone: (905) 789-1741 Fax: (905) 789-1958
“Achieving, Believing & Caring”
Principal: K. Dolan
Vice Principal: S. Chambers
Secretary: P. Tomei
(905) 789-1741
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
(905) 890-1221
Trustee: S. Xaviour
Superintendent: L. Storey
St. Marguerite D’Youville Parish
(905) 792-7497
Pastor: Fr. R. Mignella
Associates: Fr. B. Alphonsu/Fr. R. Tolentino
June 2015
This school year has been another wonderful year at Father
Clair Tipping! Our school community has provided a faith filled,
challenging and rich learning environment for our students thanks to
the incredible efforts and talents of our staff, parish and parent
We hope that the 2014-15 school year has been a successful
and rewarding one for your child. It has certainly been a very exciting
one where our students have been engaged in many learning
opportunities that stretched their thinking, fostered their creativity and
promoted their leadership! We are also proud of the work they have
done to help those less fortunate, to become active stewards of the
environment and to celebrate our diverse school community and
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of our students, staff
and parents for your wonderful contributions this school year. Some of
our highlighted events were: our Halloween and Valentine’s Dance-AThon Fundraisers, Boys’ Night In for Grade 5 and 6 boys, Pasta Night to
bring our community together on May 14th and our Grade 8 Camp
Muskoka Trip last Fall. I also want to thank our school community for
supporting our many social justice initiatives such as our Food Drives,
Clothing Drive and as always our Helping Hands initiative to support
those in need in our local community. Also, a big thank you to our
parents who volunteered their time as part of our Catholic School
Council. Your help, suggestions and support are always appreciated.
Lastly, I would like to wish all of our students, staff and parents
a wonderful and safe summer vacation with your family. Get plenty of
well-deserved rest and relaxation and we will see you back at school in
Bless our hands
as they reach out to so many.
Bless our hearts,
that we might show compassion.
Bless our spirits,
That we might be an extension of your spirit.
Bless our relationships,
strengthen our partnership and
deepen our friendships,
so that we may be truly united
in our moral purpose.
Lord help us to celebrate the best in
ourselves and the best in one another.
Keep each of us in your care during
the coming summer
and throughout our lives.
Inside this Edition
Thank You to our School Community
Spotlight on School Activities for May/June
Important Busing Information
Letter from S. Xaviour - Trustee
Reminders for September 2015
K. Dolan
Pg 2
Pg 3
Pg 4
Pg 5
Pg 6
There will be no school on the following date:
Monday, June 8, 2015 – PA DAY for Assessment & Evaluation of Student Progress
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Thank You FCT School Community!
Goodbyes & Best Wishes
The 2014-2015 school year is quickly coming to a close
and summer will be here before we know it. There is no
doubt that this has been another busy and successful
school year! We would like to take this opportunity to
thank the many individuals who make Father Clair
Tipping a safe, inclusive and caring school community:
As we come to the close of another chapter of our
journey, it is appropriate to acknowledge
those staff members that will be
leaving us at the end of the
school year. Their dedication
and inexhaustible contributions
have helped to make Father Clair Tipping a very special
school for learning, making friends and to have fun. We
will, however, miss them tremendously. We wish the
following staff good luck as they face the challenges of
new locations and/or roles:
• To our students for sharing their wonderful talents, their
leadership and involvement in so many school and extracurricular activities such as student council, faith
ambassadors, anti-bullying team, green goblins, dance …
and much more. This helped to create a positive school
spirit with a focus on service to others, citizenship and
• To our dedicated and hard-working teaching staff who
go beyond the call of duty in order to create many
positive learning experiences both inside and outside the
classroom. Their commitment to enriching our student’s
faith and academic life is evident in so many school
• To Mrs. Chambers, our Vice-Principal for her ongoing
support and care of our students, staff and parents.
 To our wonderful secretary, Mrs. Tomei who works hard
to keep our school running smoothly with her welcoming
and caring manner!
•To our custodial staff, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Polcz and Mrs.
Moreno for their hard work in keeping our school clean
and safe for us.
•To our Lunch Time Student Monitors, Mrs. Eskedjian,
Mrs. Loi and Mrs. Molla, for their support and care of our
• To Father Robert Mignella, Father Tolentino, Father
Alphonsus and Eliza at St. Marguerite D’Youville Parish
for their spiritual guidance and support this year.
• To Shawn Xaviour our Trustee, and Les Storey our
Superintendent, for their continued support and
commitment to fostering a positive Catholic School
Community for Father Clair Tipping.
• To our Catholic School Council members for their
continued support in helping make our school a great
place for your children to learn and grow.
• To our wonderful parents and volunteers who help out
in the school each day to enrich the lives of our students
and community in so many ways. Thank you!
We extend our best wishes to our Grade 8 graduates and
wish them every success in the future. We thank them for
their many contributions to our school community and
hope that they will continue to grow in the image of
Christ. Wish them the very best in secondary school!
Have a safe, enjoyable and blessed summer!
Thank you to Mrs. Bonfini who joined our staff this year
in one of our FDK classes as a DECE working with Mrs.
Giancola. Mrs. Bonfini’s welcoming nature made
Kindergarten a fun and exciting place to learn.
Unfortunately due to a decrease in student population we
have to say goodbye to Mrs. Bonfini. We wish her the
very best!
Thank you to Ms. Nowak who joined our FDK team in
January! She has been a great addition to our school! Her
enthusiasm and hard work will be missed by her students
and our staff! We wish Ms. Nowak all the very best with
future teachings and we will miss you at Father Clair
Tipping! God Bless.
Student Medication
All medications for students will be sent home with
students in an envelope on Friday, June 26th.
If your child is going to be absent on this day,
please ensure you let the office know and
his/her medication will be sent home on their
last day. Please ensure that over the summer
you check the expiry dates and update any
necessary forms. As well, please ensure that any
medications that are to be stored at the school are sent
back with your child Tuesday, September 8th. If your
child’s medical condition changes over the summer,
please inform the office in September.
In June, we are celebrating the virtue of fairness. Fairness,
the belief that everyone deserves an opportunity to
succeed, is not always about making things exactly equal.
Some people need a bit more time, space, and support to
have an equal chance to succeed.
Jesus spent a major part of his time on earth showing us
about the preferential option for the poor and weak. He
spent an extraordinary amount of time showing how to
follow God's rules, the rules of the kingdom. The sick, the
Achieving, Believing & Caring
lame, the blind, the bad sinners all need a fair chance to
succeed - to overcome their disadvantages and disabilities
in order to succeed. In today's terms, that could be called
good sportsmanship. A good sport makes sure the rules of
the game give everyone an even chance to participate. Not
everyone has to win. Everyone deserves a chance to be in
the game.
A Fair Person…
Listens to all sides before forming opinions
Shows good sportsmanship at all times
Knows that the same rules apply to everyone
Refuses to twist rules to avoid consequences
Works to bring about peaceful solutions to problems
Dress Code
With the warmer weather soon upon us,
we remind students that Father Clair
Tipping Catholic School is committed to
standards of neatness, modesty and good
taste. We ask that students not wear:
tank tops, muscle shirts, halter-tops, very short tops or
very short shorts. Hats and head attire are to be taken off
when inside the school. Furthermore, we remind students
that pants are to be worn around the waist. These requests
are directed more towards our junior and intermediate
students. A little more latitude is given to younger
students. T-shirts with inappropriate or offensive
language or pictures are not allowed at school. Students
who wear unacceptable clothing to school may be asked
to telephone their parents to arrange to have a change of
clothing brought to school for them. We thank parents
and students for cooperating with our school dress code.
Safe Schools Procedures for Lunch
In September we established with parent/guardians where
their child is expected to eat lunch during the school week.
This is part of our Safe School’s procedures. If your child
normally stays at school for lunch, we require parental
permission in the form of a letter allowing your child to
leave the school premises to eat lunch outside of school
property. Letters of permission from parents must be
handed to the classroom teacher in the morning so this
information can also be communicated to office staff.
Students are not allowed to call home to ask permission to
leave school property during lunch time. If a student
forgets their lunch, we contact parents to make
arrangements to have lunch provided or sent to the school.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
water flows in storm sewers and water courses are
unpredictable and may change quickly;
toxic gases may be present;
tragic falls could take place.
Access is restricted and therefore, rescue attempts are
Spotlight on Student Activities & Talents
The month of May and June continue to be
active months for our students as they engage
in many activities to support their faith life,
academic and social skills:
Catholic Education Week was celebrated in May and
provided an opportunity for parents to visit the school and
to observe the wonderful talents of their children and to
highlight their work on the Ontario Curriculum.
Our School Council organized our 5th Annual Pasta
Community Night on May14th. It was a great success! It
included many families from our school community. A
special thank you to the parents and staff who helped
organize and serve the food and students who presented
their special talents during our dinner together.
Our school was certified again as a “Healthy Living
School” and “Green School” by the Ministry of Education!
Our Grade 2 students celebrated the Sacraments of
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion!
Students from Grade 7 attended our Family of Schools
Diversity Conference and presented to other schools in our
Family on issues related to diversity and inclusive
Our School Chess and Dance Teams competed successfully
in Family of Schools Competitions!
Our Grade 7/8 Trip in November to Camp Muskoka
involved many fun and challenging activities!
Our Grade 3 & 6 students participated in the EQAO
assessments for literacy and mathematics.
School Sports teams practiced and prepared for various
tournaments: Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Chess
and Track and Field, etc.
A huge thank you again to our incredible staff and parent
volunteers who supported these events.
Library News
Important Safety Notice
Please remind your children that playing in and around
storm sewers and watercourses, entering storm sewers
through the outfalls, and entering storm sewers through
access covers is dangerous and can lead to a fatality.
Children should be aware that:
Achieving, Believing & Caring
We have had a very busy year in the
library! Our students have been using the
library and reading many books! The last
day for book circulation will be June 6,
2015. The time has come for books to be
returned to their shelves as the end of another school year
approaches. We are asking families to please assist
students in returning their library books beginning June 9
so that the collection can be maintained.
Thank you for your cooperation have a wonderful
summer and keep reading!
Important Busing Information
1. DPCDSB Transportation Eligibility Policy
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
Transportation Eligibility Policy:
Kindergarten – Grade 1
more than 1.0 km
Grades 2 – 4
more than 1.6 km
Grades 5 - 8
more than 2.0 km
2. 2015-16 Bus Routes
Bus routes will be posted during
the first week of September. If
there is any new information that
needs to be shared, we will also
post that alongside the
transportation schedules. The
deadline for any changes to your
busing information is the first week of July. Please
contact the Transportation Department at 905-890-6000.
3. GEOQUERY Website: http://businfo.stopr.ca
This website also allows parents to login and find their
child’s transportation information by following these
 type in the website address: businfo.stopr.ca
 click “student login”
 enter your child’s OEN number (this can be found on
your child’s report card), street/house number, school
and grade
 click “login”
This will automatically display the child’s transportation
information, if they are eligible. This capability for
“student login” will be available for parents starting at the
end of August until the end of June each year. This
feature will be locked down during the summer for route
planning purposes.
4. STOPR Website
The STOPR website is - www.stopr.ca. The items
available in this website, include the following:
 “About Us” – background information on Student
Transportation of Peel Region
 “Policies and Procedures” – STOPR procedures and
Peel and Dufferin-Peel Transportation Policies
 “FAQ” – frequently asked questions in regards to
student transportation
 “School Forms” – the forms that go with the STOPR
 “Operators” – a list of all the school bus operators in
Peel Region and their telephone numbers
 “Links” – Ministry of Transportation links ie: booster
seat legislation
 “Contact Us” – STOPR contact telephone numbers
by area
 “Inclement Weather” – updates on a daily basis for
inclement weather cancellations
 “Which School Do I Attend” – a direct link to our
Geoquery website
 “Am I Eligible for Transportation” – a direct link to
our Geoquery website
 “Your Child’s Busing Information” - a direct link to
the student login on our Geoquery website
 Dufferin-Peel CDSB and Peel DSB logos – click one
of these logos and it takes you directly to the school
board home website page
Thank you to our Catholic School Council!
We would like to thank our School Council for their
continued support of our students here at Father Clair
Tipping. Their fundraising and support for community
building has been amazing. Our Council has supported
many initiatives in our school including, Fund-raising for
Artists in the School Program, the purchase of a SMART
Board, Supporting our School Yearbook, our Pasta Night
Event and Supporting Sacramental Grades and Play Day.
Our 2014-15 School Council members are:
 Co-Chairs – Mrs. Britton & Mr. Rowe
 Treasurer - Mrs. Lake
 Secretary - Mrs. Da Fonte
 Parish Representative - Mrs. Gordon
 Parent Representatives - Mrs. Dosanjh &
Mrs. Miranda
 Staff Representatives – Mrs. Menezes, Mrs.
McKnight, Mrs. Chambers & Mr. Dolan
Are You Moving?
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are planning
on moving to a new location and your children will not be
returning to Father Clair Tipping for the 2015-2016 school
year. This information will help us with our planning for
next year. Thank you.
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Report Cards and Last Day of Classes
The last day of school for students and staff is
Friday, June 26th 2015. Second term report
cards will be sent home on Wednesday,
June 24th. Reports for students who are not
present will be mailed to their home address.
If you wish to discuss the report card, please contact your
child’s teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time to
meet on or before June 25th.
Volunteers at Father Clair Tipping
We at Father Clair Tipping School are very fortunate to
have parents who volunteer their time to make a positive
difference in the lives of our children. Some of the areas
that our parents have helped out in are: driving teams to
tournaments, helping out with the pizza lunches,
fundraising, All-Star Reading, being on the School
Council, just to name but a few. Volunteers enhance the
school community in a variety of ways and our gratitude
goes out to them. We hope to see you back next year! If
you wish to volunteer at the school please contact the
We wish to formally thank all those who continually give
of their time in order to help make the school a better
place. We will officially acknowledge and thank our
volunteers during our end of year assembly on June 26th
@ 1:00 p.m. Please contact Mrs. McKnight if you will be
School Trips
In order to give all parents an equal opportunity to attend
school trips with their child, teachers will be selecting
volunteers by lottery. Those parents who have already
attended a school trip will not be given preference for a
second time. Equal opportunity will be given to fathers
and mothers. Parents of children that have medical
concerns may attend the trip, however they will need to
transport themselves and pay the entrance fee, if they
have already attended one trip during the school year.
Also, a reminder to parents/volunteers that you MUST
assist on any school trips and extra-curricular
activities at the school. Those parents who have a
reference check completed this year will receive
Annual Criminal Offence Declaration from the school
office when it becomes available from the Board office.
This is now a Dufferin-Peel Policy for all schools.
Thank you.
Important Liturgical Events & Graduations
End of Year Mass – June 11 , 10:00 am in School
Gym This is an opportunity to give thanks for all of
God’s blessings that we have received throughout the
school year. We are looking forward to seeing many of
our parents, as we come together and celebrate the
Eucharist. Thank you to the teachers and students who
have prepared our liturgical celebrations this year.
Senior Kindergarten Celebration
Another year is coming to an end, and the Senior
Kindergarten students are anxiously awaiting their
celebration. Letters regarding details of the celebration will
be coming soon. The celebration will take place on
Thursday, June 18th, 2015 at 9:30-10:30 a.m., so please
book the day and watch your Senior Kindergarten student
make their way into Grade One.
Grade 8 Graduation & Mass
The Grade 8 Graduation Mass will take
place on Thursday, June 18th at 7:00
p.m., at St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish.
The Presentation of Diplomas and the Award Ceremony
will take place following the mass. The grade 8
luncheon/dance will be at the Mandarin Chinese
Restaurant on Friday, June 19th at approximately 11:00
a.m. A dance will follow the luncheon back at the school.
Further information will be sent home shortly.
Thank you for Choosing a Dufferin-Peel Catholic
Dear Parents and Guardians:
It seems that, all of a sudden, summer weather is upon us
and so, incredibly, is the end of the 2014-15 school year.
As we reflect back over the year, we can see that it was,
in fact, a very successful year for Dufferin-Peel students
in terms of achievement, success and well-being. With
steadily rising EQAO scores, matching or surpassing the
provincial standard and averages in most assessment
areas, and graduation rates that are among the highest in
the province, this board continues to be defined, in part,
by our high levels of success and achievement. Yet, we
are much more than that. Our commitment to helping
each student fulfil their potential, through the Ontario
Catholic School Graduate Expectations, means that our
students graduate with the tools to become good, solid
contributing members of the communities in which they
will live.
As trustees, we see the contribution of dedicated teaching
and support staff, administrators and senior management
working together with trustees facilitate conditions that
we can to facilitate success. We also see, firsthand, the
important role of our parents/guardians, working in
concert with the school and the parish in fostering
conditions for success and well-being.
So, as we complete the final leg of the journey that is the
2014-15 school year, we thank parents/guardians for
choosing a Dufferin-Peel Catholic education for your
child(ren) and for entrusting them into our care. It is a
responsibility for which we are grateful and one that we
Achieving, Believing & Caring
cherish very much. To our students, thank you for all you
have done to contribute to the life of your school. For
those who are graduating and moving on to postsecondary education or the world of work, may God
continue to go with you and bless you on your journey.
To our returning students and families, we look forward
to seeing you in September.
Blessings and best wishes for a peaceful and restful
Shawn Xaviour
June Calendar Dates
June 1-5
EQAO – Grade 3 and Grade 6
June 2
Virtues Assembly – Acceptance
at 1:15 p.m. in school gym
June 5
Youth Faith Ambassador Retreat at
Holy Family Parish
June 8
P.A. Day – Assessment and Evaluation
No school for students
June 10
Catholic School Council Meeting
@ 7:00 p.m. in library
June 11
End of year Mass with Fr. Robert at
10:00 a.m.
June 12
BECDM Track and Field
June 17
Team Photos with Life Touch
June 18
S.K. Celebration of Learning
From 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Grade 8 Graduation at St. Marguerite
D’Youville Parish at 7:00 p.m.
June 19
Grade 8 Graduation Luncheon at the
Mandarin and Dance at FCT
June 21
Happy Father’s Day to our Dads!
June 24
Report Cards go home with students
Play Day for Grades 1-6
June 25
Play Day (rain date – if needed)
June 26
Last day of school
End of Year Assembly 1:00 p.m.
& Volunteer Appreciation
Reminders for September 2015
First Day of School
The first day of the new school year for
students is Tuesday, September 8th 2015.
School begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at
3:00 pm
Full Day Junior Kindergarten
Students in Junior Kindergarten will have a
staggered entry to school in September. Parents
will receive notification in the mail to arrange an
orientation meeting and confirm their child’s
start date.
Full Day Senior Kindergarten
Students will assemble in the Kindergarten Play
area for the first day of School.
Teachers for Grades 1-8 will be present to
arrange students into their classrooms at the
following entrances:
Primary Students (Grades 1-3) Students will
meet on the south side of the school on the
Primary Play area pavement near the Primary
Junior & Intermediate Students (Grades 5-8)
Students will meet on the West Side entrance in
the pavement area (near the portable at the back
of the school).
(Inclement weather: Primary – Gym, Junior –
Meeting Room, Intermediates - Library)
Achieving, Believing & Caring
Achieving, Believing & Caring