Dear Meredith: to the movie captions:

Dear Meredith:
here I am sending a plan that tells you how the movies to chapter 8 shall be link
to the movie captions:
as an example, Brad has written ONE caption that describes the contents of two
movies. The filenames of the movies are “Figure” and “Figure”, and so on. Let me suggest the links be unambiguously assigned to the
caption of the related movies, as I try to depict in the table below.
You have already the two movies to chapter 20, and the related two captions
(here, Julian wrote one caption per movie, as different from Brad, because his
movies are not related to one another, but the ones from Brad are grouped into 2
resp. 3 movies per caption).
Thanks, and ciao, Beate
link to Figure
link to Figure
Figures S1C & S1E are videos that show successive image slices (en
face view/XY plane) through the volume of the two inaugural cellular
tomograms of (mouse) islet β-cells reconstructed in toto in 3D
presented in Fig. 1. The movies directly correspond to image panels 1C &
1E, respectively). Scale bar: 1000nm.
link to Figure
link to Figure
Figures S1D & S1F are movies of the corresponding 3D models (rotated
around the Y axis) that progressively reveal the organization of key
subcellular compartments within the glucose-stimulated mouse islet βcells presented in Fig. 1D & 1F. 3D surface data were generated by
segmenting the tomographic image data across every digital image slice
through Z. Color-coding: Golgi (main ribbon/cis-medial cisternae: grey; transmost cisternae: red); mitochondria (green); mature insulin granules (dark
blue); immature insulin granules (light blue); nucleus (yellow); plasma
membrane (purple/pink).
link to Figure
link to Figure
Two movies - the first corresponding to the en face views of the islet βcell tomogram shown in Fig. 1C and the second from a subsequent
dual-axis tomogram, respectively - present the image volumes viewed
side-on (i.e. XZ plane). Comparison of the alignment of compartment
boundaries from one serial section tomogram to the next (which collectively
encompass the cellular reconstructions) visibly demonstrate the significant
degree of improvement in tomogram accuracy/quality for equivalent 3D
reconstructions of islet β-cells using an improved data collection/reconstruction strategy. Scale bars: 1000nm.
link toFigure
link toFigure
Figures S6A & S6B. Movies that highlight the number, size and
distribution of branched versus unbranched mitochondria for each of
the two glucose-stimulated β-cell tomograms presented in Fig. 1 are
shown as the 3D model data are rotated around the Y axis. In the
second half of each movie, only the subset of mitochondria that are branched
is shown to more readily visualize the relative numbers of branched versus
unbranched mitochondria as well as the extent of branching. Color-coding:
unbranched mitochondria (green); branched mitochondria (main lengths: light
blue; branches: pink; branch points: red); plasma membrane (purple);
nucleus (yellow).
link toFigure
link toFigure
link toFigure
Figures S7A, S7B & S7D. Figs. S7A & S7B show successive image
slices (en face view/XY plane) from the inaugural high-resolution
tomographic reconstruction of the Golgi region generated from the
insulin-secreting HIT-T15 cell presented in Fig. 1A & 1B/Fig. 7A & 7B to
reveal the relative number, orientation and cytoplasmic distribution of
microtubules (bright green) relative to the entry site or 'cis-face' of the
Golgi (light blue) where newly synthesize protein cargo such as
(pro)insulin typically arrives via membrane carriers derived from the
membranes of the ER. Fig. S7D is a movie generated from successive
image slices (en face view/XY plane) of a more recent β-cell tomogram that
demonstrates proof-of-concept for mapping the microtubule cytoskeleton at
the nanometer scale in 3D for entire islet β-cells.